Name: - Roll No.: - Date: - Class: IV Section: - Subject: English

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Name: _______________________________ Roll no.

: ________
Date: __________ Class: IV Section: __________
Subject: English

There are three articles in English language

namely – a , an and the.

The letters – a, e, i, o, u – are called VOWELS

and the rest are called CONSONANTS.

 ‘a’ and ‘an’ are called Indefinite Articles

The use of ‘a’ or ‘an’ completely depends upon the vowel or consonant sounds.
In other words,
if a word begins with a consonant sound - we use ‘a’
if a word begins with a vowel sound - we use ‘an’

a. We saw an ostrich at the farm.
b. He drank the milk from a mug.
c. Joe picked up an umbrella from the stand.
d. Nina picked up a pen to write a letter.

Remember it is the opening sound and not the opening letter

that matters, while using ‘a’ or ‘an’.

 We use ‘a’ before the words unicorn, uniform or European – even if the opening
words are vowels. This is because, when we pronounce these words,
the opening sound is that of a consonant:
Examples: unicorn = yu - nicorn
uniform = yu - niform
European = yu - ropean


 We use ‘an’ before the words hour, honest and honourable, because in these words
the ‘h’ is silent.
So, when we pronounce these words, the opening sound is that of a vowel.
hour – our
honest - onest
honourable - onourable
Therefore, we say, an hour, an honest man or an honourable profession

I. Colour the boxes that have words beginning with a vowel or a vowel sound:

banana ant table ice-cream igloo

umbrella tent university owl school

egg neck arm orange monkey

duster ostrich elephant fairy eye

II. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’:

1. He is __________ honest man.

2. It was raining heavily for __________ hour.

3. The knife is __________ useful device for cutting vegetables.

4. My brother is __________ expert at fixing cars.

5. I own __________ apartment on the first floor.

6. They went on __________ holiday to Shimla.

7. __________ earthquake causes much destruction.

8. There is __________ antique shop near my bungalow.

9. Sri Lanka is _________ island.

10. There is _________ wooden box and _________ iron box inside the store-room.


 We use ‘a’ and ‘an’ when we talk about the noun for the first time.
 ‘A’ and ‘an’ are Indefinite Articles that do not refer to a particular person, place or thing.
For example: a man refers to any man and not a particular man.
an umbrella refers to any umbrella and not a particular umbrella.

 ‘The’ is called the Definite Article

Now read these sentences,

This is a yellow mango. The mango is very sweet.
There is an elephant. The elephant has a huge trunk.
 We use ‘the’ when we talk about something that we already know about
as in the above sentences.

 We use ‘the’ when we refer to a particular person, place or thing.

Example: This is the box that you gave me.
This is the house which Jack built.
We went to see the India Gate.

 ‘The’ is also used when the noun is the name of any one thing of its kind.
Example: The Earth moves around the Sun.
The captain checked the position of the Northern Star to determine the
location of his ship.

 ‘The’ is also used before a noun which represents a whole class of persons,
places or things.
Example: The cow is a useful animal. (refers to all the cows)
The police help to maintain peace and order. (refers to each policeman)

 Articles are not always used before Proper Nouns.

Examples: The India is a big country.
The Ram is a good boy.
However there are a few exceptions,
‘The’ is used with the special names of rivers, mountains,
seas, oceans, famous buildings, nations and holy books.
Examples: the Ganga, the Himalayas, the Arabian Sea,
the Indian Ocean, the Taj Mahal, the Ramayan, the United States of America.


 We use ‘the’ before the superlative degree of a given adjective.

Examples: Somesh is the shortest boy in my class.
This is the best comedy I have ever seen.
In the above examples, we have used ‘the’ before the adjectives (in superlative degree).
‘shortest’ and ‘best’.

III. Use ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ to complete the following sentences:

1. __________apple __________day keeps __________ doctor away.

2. Tom is __________ outstanding student.

3. __________ empty bottle was lying near __________river.

4. We had to wait for __________ hour and __________ half.

5. __________Ganga is __________ holy river of India.

6. __________stars are shining in __________sky.

7. Iron is __________ most useful metal.

8. I save my pocket money in __________ piggy bank.

9. Rhea saw __________lion at the zoo.

10. You should have __________ glass of milk in the morning.

11. Please lend me __________ umbrella.

12. The story came to __________ end.

13. I have __________black cat.

14. Meena had __________apple for breakfast.

15. Tanya went to Agra to see __________ Red Fort.

16. I saw __________ old red car.

17. __________ Bible is __________holy book of the Christians.


18. It was __________stormy night.

19. My uncle is __________ honest farmer.

20. Jupiter is __________largest planet in our solar system.

IV. Complete the given paragraphs using ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’:

A. Once upon a time there was _______ shoemaker.

_______ shoemaker lived in _______small hut.

He made pretty shoes. One day _______ old lady

came to his hut. She wanted _______ new pair

of sandals. _______ shoemaker worked hard for

_______month and made _______ most beautiful pair of sandals.

When _________ lady returned, she was very happy with_________ sandals.

_________sandals were golden in colour and had _________crystal flower on each.

B. Mr Somani was ________ eminent industrialist.

He manufactured ________ wide range of

household appliances in his factory. He also

produced _______variety of cellphones. He owned

_______ big house which had _______ excellent

elevator. But Mr Somani never used ________

elevator. He would prefer to use _______ stairs even if he had to reach_______ topmost

floor of the house. He said using stairs gave him_______ few extra minutes to think

about _______ day’s activities. In _______ evening, it gave him _______ time to

evaluate his work. Besides, he found that climbing up and down is

_______ useful exercise.


V. Insert ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ in the following sentences wherever necessary.

One has been done for you.
1. Little girl carried red basket.

The little girl carried a red basket.

2. We went to Delhi by Rajdhani Express.

3. Boy with green umbrella is my cousin.

4. Once there was old beggar.

5. We saw zebra and elephant at Central Zoo.

6. We will go to museum on Sunday.

7. He ran in marathon.

8. Please, close door.

9. That was exciting game!

10. Hindustan Times is one of most popular newspapers in India.


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