The NAPD multiplayer format is an alternative way to play At any point during the game, there can only be one active Android: Netrunner, with one Corp facing off against a team of Runner. The active Runner is determined two ways: two or more Runners. We recommend three. • A Runner is active during their own turn. This document details the changes to the standard rules that • A Runner is active during the Corp’s turn if that Runner are adopted when playing the NAPD multiplayer format. It has the infamy token. should be used in conjunction with the Android: Netrunner Learn to Play and Rules Reference found at: https://www. The active Runner is the only Runner who may participate in the game, or with whom the Corp may interact. This includes card-game/ but is not limited to: performing actions, triggering abilities, applying constant abilities, and being effected by abilities. Note: The standard game rules apply wherever they are not explicitly altered, replaced, or negated by this document. An inactive Runner (any Runner who is not the active Runner) cannot participate in the game in any way. Additionally, the Corp and the active Runner cannot interact with an inactive Building a Corp Deck Runner or that Runner’s cards, play area, or score area. To build a Corp deck in the NAPD multiplayer format, adhere to the Deckbuilding section of the Rules Reference (p. 10) with the following changes: Winning the Game The Corp wins immediately if there are at least 7 agenda points 1. The Corp deck must use the double-sided NAPD identity, in their score area or if each Runner has been flatlined. Cyber Bureau: Keeping the Peace / Detective’s Bureau: Upholding the Law. The Runners win immediately if there is a total of at least 7 agenda points among all Runner score areas or if the Corp 2. The Corp deck may include agendas from any faction. must draw a card from R&D while R&D is empty.
3. The Corp deck has an unlimited amount of influence.