A.R.Johnson, Et Al

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ISSN: 2347-3215 Volume 3 Number 1 (January-2015) pp.


Awareness of Government Maternity Benefit Schemes among women

attending antenatal clinic in a rural hospital in Karnataka, India
A.R.Johnson1, B.Rock2*, N.Catherin2, Sr.Berlin3, R.Rupini3 and A.Kasthuri4

Department of Community Health, St John s Medical College, Bangalore 560034,

Karnataka, India

*Corresponding author


Awareness, Maternal and child health is one of the eight Millennium Development Goals.
Government Maternal and child mortality can be reduced by promoting institutional
maternity benefit deliveries. To achieve this, the Indian government has introduced some
schemes, maternity benefit schemes. The utilisation of schemes depends on the
Antenatal women, awareness among the beneficiaries. We conducted this study to estimate the
Janani awareness about government maternity benefit schemes among women
Suraksha attending antenatal clinic. A cross sectional study was carried out among
Yojana. women attending antenatal clinic in a rural hospital, Karnataka using a
structured interview schedule. The maximum awareness was for maternal
nutrition supplements under Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)
(83.6%). The awareness of the schemes was significantly associated with
education of mother, socio economic status of family, gestational age and
parity index. Source of information was mainly from health personnel (health
workers, health professionals), followed by friends and family. Awareness
regarding the schemes among antenatal mothers range from 0% to 83.6%.


Every day approximately 800 women die South Asia. Maternal mortality is higher in
globally, from preventable causes related to women living in rural areas and among
pregnancy and childbirth. Improving poorer communities (http://www.who.int/
maternal health is one of the eight mediacentre/factsheets/fs348/en/).
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
adopted by the international community in National Family Health survey (NFHS-3)
2000. Under MDG-5, countries are data reveals that India has about 30 million
committed to reducing maternal mortality by pregnancies per year which result in 27
three quarters between 1990 and 2015. Most million deliveries. Only 47% of deliveries
maternal deaths occur in developing are assisted by health personnel, including
countries and almost one third occur in 35% by a doctor and 10% by auxiliary nurse

midwife, nurse, midwife, or lady health This study aims at estimating the level of
visitor. More than one-third of births (37%) awareness about the various government
are assisted by a traditional birth attendant, maternity benefit schemes among pregnant
and 16% are assisted by only friends, mothers and to determine the socio-
relatives, or other persons. demographic factors associated with
awareness of these schemes.
Efforts to address the issue of high maternal
and infant mortality rate by promoting Methodology
institutional deliveries have gained
momentum with the formulation of National A cross sectional study was carried out
Rural Health Mission. Since the among the pregnant women attending
implementation of Janani Suraksha Yojana antenatal clinic in a rural hospital of
(JSY) scheme in 2005, the number of Ramnagara District, Karnataka, India.
institutional deliveries has increased from Institutional Ethics Committee approval
seven lakhs (2005-06) to more than a crore was taken prior to the study. The study was
(2010-11), maternal mortality rate has conducted in July August 2013. Informed
reduced to 3.1/1000 live births and infant written consent was obtained from the
mortality rate has reduced to 37/1000 live study subjects. Seriously ill antenatal
births (Kate, 2010). The number of Janani women were excluded from the study. Non
Suraksha Yojana beneficiaries in the state of Probability convenience sampling was
Karnataka has risen from 0.51 lakh in 05-06, followed. A structured interview schedule
to 2.33 lakh in 06-07 and to 2.83 lakh in 07- was used to collect relevant data from the
08 according to Jayashree Satput research respondents regarding Socio-demographic
(2010). details and Awareness about the 8
Government Maternal benefit schemes.
The success of JSY has prompted the Socio-demographic details included
Government of India to introduce many new Maternal age, Literacy level of women and
maternity benefit schemes like JSSK (Janani their husbands, Occupation, Income,
Shishu Suraksha Karyakram, 2013). Marital status, possession of BPL card,
However, the success of these schemes Gestational age, Obstetric score, Type of
depends on their utilization by antenatal family and No of family members.
mothers and utilization depends on how Awareness about Government Maternal
aware are antenatal mothers of these benefit schemes included Knowledge about
schemes. Previous studies that have looked each of the schemes and their benefits,
at awareness of maternity benefit schemes reliability of the scheme (as perceived by
(Stephen et al., 2010; Parul et al., 2012) the respondent), and source of information.
mainly focussed on the awareness of JSY. The Government Maternal Benefit
Schemes(GMBS) considered in this study
There is a need to study the awareness of all were: Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY),
the Government Maternity Benefit Schemes Prasoothi Araike, Madilu Kit, Thai Bhagya
that have direct benefits during pregnancy, Scheme, Janani Shishu Suraksha
delivery and post natal period like Janani Karyakram (JSSK), Bhagya Lakshmi
Suraksha Yojana, Prasoothi Araike, Madilu Yojana, Anganwadi Nutrition
Kit, Thai Bhagya Scheme, Janani Shishu Supplementation for pregnant women
Suraksha Karyakram, Bhagya lakshmi under ICDS, 108 Ambulance facility
yojana Scheme, Anganwadi Nutrition (Arogya Kavacha). Except 108 ambulance
Supplementation and 108 Ambulance.

facility, all these schemes are specific to rural background (97%), were aged 20-30
maternity benefits during pregnancy and years (67.8%), belonged to Hindu religion
immediately after delivery. (93.8%) had completed high school
education (44.6%) and lived in a joint
Statistics and analysis of the data family (64.4%). 124 of them (70.1%)
possessed a BPL card. According to
The data was coded and entered into Standard of Living Index (SLI), 150 out of
Microsoft Excel and analysed using SPSS the 177 women (84.7%) belonged to lower
version 16 for proportions, frequencies and socio economic class. Most of the women
associations. Frequencies, measures of (63.3%) were in the third trimester of
central tendency and dispersion, chi square pregnancy. 55.9 % were primi gravida
tests were used to analyse data. We mothers.
considered p value as significant when p
value was less than 0.05. The study subject was considered as aware
of the scheme, if she had heard about the
Results and Disucssion scheme and had knowledge about certain
key points of the scheme.
A total of 177 pregnant women were
included in this study. The awareness levels ranged from nil for
JSSK to 83.6% for ICDS. The awareness
Demographic details about all government maternity benefit
schemes is tabulated in Table 2.
As can be seen in Table 1, most of the
women in the study group hailed from a

Table.1 Socio-demographic details of the study population

S No. Variable Category No %

Age (in Years) <19 54 30.5%
20 30 120 67.8%
>30 3 1.7%
2. Education Illiterate 7 4%
(Highest education Primary school 9 5.1%
attained) Middle school 17 9.6%
High school 79 44.6%
Higher 43 24.3%
secondary school
Graduation 22 12.4%
3. Place of residence Rural 173 97.7%
Urban 4 2.3%
4. Type of family Nuclear 43 64.4%
Joint 114 24.3%
Extended 20 11.3%
5. Gestational Age First trimester 20 11.3%
Second trimester 45 36.7%
Third trimester 112 63.3%

Table.2 Awareness regarding government maternity benefits schemes

Sl. No. Name of the Scheme Awareness %

1 Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), 33 18.6%
2 Prasoothi Araike, 11 6.2%
3 Madilu Kit, 91 51.4%

4 Thai Bhagya Scheme, 50 28.2%

5 Janani Shishu Suraksha 0 0%
Karyakram (JSSK),
6 Bhagya lakshmi Yojana 132 74.6%
7 Anganwadi Nutrition 148 83.6%
Supplementation for pregnant
women (ICDS),
8 108 Ambulance (Arogya 104 58.8%

Table.3 Source of information regarding government maternity benefit schemes

Sl. Name of the HW/HP* Family Friends TV Radio News

No. Scheme paper
1 Janani Suraksha 15(8.5%) 0 4(2.3%)24.3) 0 0 0
Yojana (JSY),
2 Prasoothi Araike, 10(5.7%) 0 2(1.1%) 0 0 0
3 Madilu Kit, 34(19.1%) 20(11.2%) 52(29.2%) 0 0 0

4 Thai Bhagya 40(22.4%) 22(12.4%) 34(19.1%) 0 0 0

5 Janani Shishu 1(0.6%) 0 0 0 0 0
6 Bhagya lakshmi 49(27.5%) 7(3.9%) 63(35.4%) 0 0 0
yojana Scheme,
7 Anganwadi 108(60.7%) 10(5.6%) 35(19.7%) 0 0 0
8 108 41(23%) 45(25.3%) 73(41%) 0 0 0
*HW-Health Workers, HP Health Professionals

The awareness levels of all the eight for those women who deliver in a public
schemes were not significantly associated health facility. A study conducted in a rural
with no. of living children, no. of family area of Dehradun by Sharma et al. (2012)
members, Husband s education. Parity and showed that the awareness of JSY among
gravida index were associated with women residing in rural areas was 79%.Age,
awareness level of ICDS (p=0.028, educational status, occupation, socio-
p=0.031respectively) and Madilu kit economic status and place of residence
(p=0.048, p=0.004 respectively). Education showed a significant statistical association
of mother was associated with awareness with the level of awareness. In this present
level of Prasoothi Araike (p = 0.011), study, we found the awareness for JSY is
Madilu kit (p=0.006), Thai Bhagya low at 18.6%.
(p=0.009) and ICDS (p=0.049). Socio
economic status of family was associated A hospital based study by Lokesh et al.
with awareness level of Madilu kit (2013) in Hassan showed that the awareness
(p=0.001), Thai Bhagya (p=0.000) and about 108 ambulance services was 72.7%.
Bhagya lakshmi (p=0.011). Our study showed an awareness of 58.8%
for 108 ambulance services.
Gestational Age was associated with more
schemes Janani Suraksha Yojana This study showed that the awareness
(p=0.023), Madilu Kit (p=0.003), Thai among pregnant women, for different
Bhagya Scheme (p=0.000), Bhagya maternity benefit schemes, range from 0%
lakshmi yojana Scheme (p=0.020), (JSSK) to 83.6% (ICDS). Since our study is
Anganwadi Nutrition Supplementation hospital based, we cannot generalize the
(ICDS) (p=0.005), 108 Ambulance results to the general population. Low
(p=0.012). None of the study population awareness level among antenatal mothers in
was aware of JSSK, so we could not our study can be explained probably by the
perform tests for significance following facts. Firstly, our study was
conducted in a private rural hospital where
Regarding the source of information, the most of government maternity benefit
mostcommon source of information was schemes were not available. Secondly, our
from health personnel, followed by friends study population was antenatal women, so
and family. None of the women reported they might not have yet come across or
that Radio, TV, Newspaper had contributed experienced these maternity benefits that
as a source of information. The results of they will get during the delivery and post
source of information are tabulated in natal period.
Table 3.
A cross sectional study was conducted by
Very few studies have been conducted to Mohapatra et al. (2008) on assessment of
assess the awareness of government the functioning and impact of Janani
maternity benefit schemes. Majority of such Suraksha Yojana in Orissa, revealed that
studies have only focussed on JSY. A Health Worker Female and Accredited
Kaushik et al. (2010) conducted a study Social Health Activists were playing key
regarding the awareness of JSY among roles in generating awareness regarding
antenatal women in a rural area of Varanasi Janani Suraksha Yojana. Our study showed
which showed that, 76% of the women were that the source of information is mainly
aware about the fact that there is a provision from health personnel (Health workers,
for monetary benefit from the Government

Health professionals), followed by friends 2013. Available from
and family. Radio, TV, Newspaper has not http://nrhmmeghalaya.nic.in/jssk.htm
contributed to any source of information. l
Jayashree Satput, 2010. Legal intervention
Based on our study findings, we to strengthen accountability for
recommend that IEC materials on maternal health and reproductive
Government Maternity benefit schemes, be rights. The white ribbon alliance for
displayed in both private and government safe motherhood, 2010 Sep, 32: 93
hospitals. Awareness efforts regarding 9.
these schemes can be directed to women in Kate, M. 2010. Can conditional cash
community groups like Mahila Mandal and transfer scheme for entices women to
Self Help Groups. Government should deliver in health facilities. Lancet, 15
disseminate information through Mass (1): 33 8.
Media like TV, Radio and News Paper. Kaushik, A., Mishra, C.P., Kesharwani, P.,
The ASHA worker has an important role to Richa, Hussain, M.A. 2010.
play in advocacy and information Awareness about JSY among
dissemination. The low rates of awareness reproductive age women in a rural
of maternity benefit schemes in this study area of Varanasi. Indian J. Prev. Soc.
group, point towards the need of supportive Med., 41(3,4): 159 61.
supervision of ASHA activities and making Lokesh, A.J., Thejeshwari, H.L.,
sure that the ASHA educated the mothers Harshwardhan, Siddharam, S.M.
about all these schemes. 2013. A study on awareness of 108
ambulance services at district
Conclusion hospital in Hassan, Karnataka, South
Awareness regarding government maternity India: a tertiary care hospital
benefits scheme among antenatal women attached to Hassan Institute Of
range from 0% (JSSK) to 83.6% (ICDS). Medical Sciences (HIMS). Int. J.
The awareness among antenatal women Biol. Med. Res., 4(1): 2864 2866.
about important Government Maternity Mohapatra, B., Datta, U., Sanjay Gupta,
Benefit Schemes specifically targeted to Tiwari, V.K., Vivek Adhiah. 2008.
reduce maternal and neonatal mortality like An assessment of the functioning
JSY and JSSK were low. To improve the and impact of JSY in Orissa. Publ. J.
utilization of GMBS it is important to Arch., 31(2): 235 9.
improve awareness among antenatal women. National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3)
Mass media and ASHA workers can be used Vol. I, page 36, Available from
to disseminate the information. Displaying http://www.measuredhs.com/pubs/pd
information about Government Maternity f/FRIND3/00FrontMatter00.pdf
Benefit Schemes at government and private Parul, S., Surekha, K., Sanjeev, K.G.,
hospitals and educating women in the Jayanti, S. 2012. Effects of
community groups is recommended to Jananisuraksha Yojana (a maternity
increase the awareness about Government benefit scheme) up-on the utilization
Maternity Benefit Schemes. of ante-natal care services in rural &
urban-slum communities of
References Dehradun. Natl. J. Community Med.,
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