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Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420

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Laboratory study of the effects of using magnesium slag on the

geotechnical properties of cement stabilized soil
Omid Amini, Mojtaba Ghasemi ⇑
Faculty of Civil and Surveying Engineering, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran

h i g h l i g h t s

 Magnesium slag is useful by-product for the improvement of natural soils.

 Mixtures of soil with Magnesium slag and Cement have good Compressive strength.
 The outcome of soil stabilization with Magnesium slag was the coarse aggregate gradation distribution.
 Mixtures of soil with Magnesium slag reduced the pollution of water resources and the harmful effects on the environment.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, the effects of magnesium slag and cement were investigated on the chemical, mechanical
Received 13 November 2018 and microstructure parameters of soil. An increase was recorded in pH with increasing the content of
Received in revised form 28 June 2019 both magnesium slag and cement, which is indicating an improvement in soil conditions for better imple-
Accepted 3 July 2019
mentation of pozzolanic and hydration reactions. Also, adding both substances led to the granulation of
soil particles. An increase in maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) was
recorded by adding both additives.
The uniaxial compressive strength test was investigated in three curing periods of 7, 28 and 56 days,
Magnesium slag cement
Hydration reactions
which showed an increase in this parameter for the simultaneous and separate addition of both sub-
Soil stabilization stances to the soil. The optimum content of magnesium slag was by 20% in this test and cement had
Compressive strength the maximum content of 6%, which resulted in 14.3 MPa strength. The TCLP test was also performed
Environmental issues to investigate the environmental issues in the sample with the abovementioned optimum percentages.
By studying the microstructure, an improvement in soil structure was observed in the form of filled voids
between the particles as well as density and continuity created between the particles.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The structure of the pavements, which contain cement-

stabilized materials, is very beneficial as its strength is continu-
Soil stabilization is one of the soil improvement methods in ously increasing due to the soil structure improvement over time
geotechnical engineering. Also, cement and lime stabilizations [10]. In the process of soil stabilization with cement, the pozzolanic
are two of the most common methods used by geotechnical engi- reaction during hydration results in the production of cement com-
neers in recent years [1–3]. The use of stabilized soil with cement pounds namely, calcium aluminate hydrate (C-A-H) and calcium
and lime is a practical and, of course, reliable method among other silicate hydrate (C-S-H). These compounds improve the engineer-
methods for improving and increasing the strength parameters of ing properties of soil and the amount of these compounds
soils [4–6]. Cement stabilized soil (known as low-strength con- increases over time. During the hydration process, stabilizing
crete) is consisting of coarse and fine-grained aggregates, bonded agents cause cation exchange and leads to the flocculation of soil
together by the stabilizing agent and produces a hard and stiff particles. More coarse-grained aggregates, low plasticity and high
mass. Asphalt and concrete pavements often have a cement- durability are observed due to soil particle agglomeration. In addi-
stabilized bed. Using these materials in base and sub-base applica- tion to this, the presence of OH– ions increases the pH of the soil,
tions leads to an increase in the bearing capacity of soils [7–9]. which makes it possible to develop and improve the pozzolanic
reactions. In these reactions, the presence of Al and Si in the soil
⇑ Corresponding author. mineral structure (or additive stabilizing agents) are combined
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Ghasemi). with Ca2+ in order to form C-S-H and C-A-H compounds [11].
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
410 O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420

The process of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) production pro- erties. Soil microstructure variations were investigated in order to
duces a considerable amount of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, determine the soil stabilization mechanism by scanning electron
into the atmosphere. This process generates more than 4 billion microscope (SEM). The TCLP test was also performed to investigate
tons of CO2 gas around the world annually [12–14]. Producing only the probable environmental damages in civil engineering projects.
one ton of ordinary Portland cement leads to the production of one This study contributes to reduce the environmental degradation
ton of CO2 [15,16]. While pollution and the phenomenon of global effects of magnesium slag accumulation and also suggests that this
warming have created so many problems for many developed and waste material should be used in soil improvement projects to
developing countries, researches in recent years have shown reduce the foundation deformation and subsidence and increase
efforts to find environmentally friendly materials as alternative the strength of the pavement underlying layers.
construction materials [13]. However, although Portland cement
is the most widely used material for binders in soil stabilization,
2. Experimental plan
slag-based binders have recently attracted too much attention
due to their economic and environmental benefits [17]. Today,
2.1. Materials
many waste materials from industrial processes have been exam-
ined to be replaced by Portland cement or to be used with cement.
The used soil was taken from Haft Baghe Alavi region located in
A reactive and low-cost material is to produce mortar and concrete.
Kerman city of Iran (30.237394, 57.101819). The geotechnical
Slags can be used in the underlying layers in combination with soil
properties of this clayey sand soil have been obtained using some
or alone in order to stabilize the soil, and in most cases protect nat-
tests according to the ASTM standard and the results are presented
ural resources and reduce harmful effects on the environment.
in Table 1. The plastic limit and liquid limit are by 20% and 39%,
Moreover, slags as stabilizing agents, which are currently costing
respectively. The unit weight of the soil is equal to 2.13 gr/cm3
much more than the past century, can reduce the need for cement
and its optimum moisture content is by 12%. XRD analysis was
[18]. For this reason, many studies have been conducted to inves-
used to investigate the existing minerals in it to further describe
tigate the effect of slag increase on the properties of cement and
the soil, and the results are shown in Fig. 1. In order to determine
concrete [18–23]. Magnesium slag is a type of industrial waste that
the soil chemical parameters, XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) test was
has been produced during the recovery process of Pidgeon to pro-
performed to determine the main chemical compounds namely,
duce magnesium [24]. In order to produce one ton of magnesium,
SiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3 as shown in Table 2.
5–6 tons of magnesium slag are produced [25]. It is estimated that
The used stabilizers in this paper are magnesium slag and
4 million tons of magnesium slag are produced worldwide every
cement. Portland cement is of Type II and it has been produced
year and the accumulation rate of this material is more than 10
in Kerman cement factory (30.232994, 56.720181). The cement
million tons in the world [26]. The chemical composition, physical
unit weight is equal to 3.11 gr/cm3. Cement mainly consists of
and mechanical properties of this slag resulting from the process of
CaO, SiO2 and then Al2O3, Fe2O3, as shown in Table 2. Magnesium
the production of magnesium metal that refers to its hydration
slag, another used stabilizer in this paper, is made in magnesium
properties and adhesion [27].
factory in Ferdows city of Iran (33.954294, 58.203146). The grada-
By investigating various physical and chemical analyses and
tion curve for cement and slag was obtained from particle size
also the study of the microstructure of magnesium slag, it can be
laser method. Sieve test was used for soil particles greater than
found out that this material has the same physical, chemical and
0.075 mm and particle size laser method was used for soil particles
mineral properties as cement. The use of magnesium slag in con-
smaller than 0.075 mm. For a better comparison, these curves are
struction mortar decreases mortar leaching and reduces the envi-
plotted in Fig. 2. Cement has a finer grain size compared to magne-
ronmental problems which have been caused by these industrial
sium slag. Magnesium slag mainly consists of Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO,
wastes and also protects natural resources [28]. Use of this mate-
SiO2 and MgO as shown in Table 2. The structure of chemical com-
rial in the process of cement production significantly decreases
pounds of magnesium slag and cement is almost the same. Fig. 3
the temperature of the oven, which is leading to a reduction in
shows the microstructure image of the raw materials including
the energy consumption, and also produces cement which requires
soil, cement, and magnesium slag which have been captured by
less water and less setting time than the ordinary Portland cement
SEM. Appearance anomalies and non-dense structures are visible
in these images.
Xiao et al, 2012 [30] stated that the simultaneous use of magne-
sium slag and furnace slag with clinker in the process of cement
production leads to a much better cement. Magnesium slag was 2.2. Sample preparation
also recognized as the most active substance of this compound,
in such a way that the clinker calcification temperature was In order to study the feasibility of using magnesium slag to
reduced and the cement which has been produced by this clinker improve the soil, engineering properties of soil which are contain-
was of higher strength [31]. Deng et al, 2014 [26] considered mag- ing different percentages of slag and cement were investigated by
nesium slag hydration as a key source for improving the strength of various chemical and mechanical tests including pH test, examina-
Portland cement and slag mixes. However, improvement of soft tion the soil particle size variation, compaction test, and also uni-
soils with different additives such as cement and lime is consid-
ered as an attractive technique to construct a support layer for
Table 1
shallow foundations as the use of piles and other improvement Geotechnical properties of soil.
methods in many sites is usually restricted owing to some con-
properties Standard test method Value
struction restrictions such as sites with increased groundwater
level [32–34]. Soil Classification(USCS) ASTM D2487-11, 2011 [62] SC
In this paper, the effects of various slag and slag-cement per- Specific Gravity(GS) ASTM D854-92, 1994 [63] 2.33
Soil pH ASTM D4972 [35] 8.2
centages have been investigated in order to determine the com- Liquid Limit(%) ASTM D4318, 2010 [64] 39
paction parameters, compressive strength properties, and the Plastic Limit(%) ASTM D4318, 2010 [64] 20
uniaxial compressive strength variations. On the other hand, pH Plasticity Index(%) ASTM D4318, 2010 [64] 19
variations were investigated for different compounds as a con- Maximum Dry Density(gr/cm3) ASTM D698 [36] 2.13
Optimum Moisture Content(%) ASTM D698 [36] 12
troller of pozzolanic reaction parameters and changes in soil prop-
O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420 411

Fig. 1. XRD results for the soil.

Table 2 of optimum water content of each mixture was added to them and
Chemical composition of soil, cement and magnesium slag. they were mixed for 3 min in order to hydrate the specimens to
Compound % by total weight make a reaction between the soil and additives. After this process,
Soil Cement Slag
the samples were cured at a controlled temperature of 20 ± 1 °C
and the natural humidity of 17 ± 1% for 7, 28 and 56 days in a lab-
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 51.02 21.61 29.33
oratory environment. After the curing times, the specimens were
Alumina oxide (Al2O3) 10.92 4.72 1.22
Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) 4.31 3.83 4.08 dried before conducting each test. The effect of additives, the
Calcium oxide (CaO) 13.24 61.14 49.7 changes in the improved soil characteristics, and the effect of cur-
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 1.71 2.67 10.7 ing periods were analyzed using three specimens for each mixture
Sulfur trioxide (SO3) 1.58 2.27 0.81
of cement, slag and cement-slag and different percentages in dif-
Potassium oxide (K2O) 3.09 0.75 1.46
Na2O + TiO2 + other 1.64 1.76 0.59
ferent curing times. Fig. 4 schematically illustrates the testing
Loss on ignition (% by mass) 12.48 1.25 2.11 process.
Total 99.99 100 100

3. Laboratory tests

3.1. pH value

The pH values were measured by pH meter instrument in accor-

dance with (ASTM D4972) [35] standard. For this purpose, the soil
and various mixtures of soil and stabilizers were each kept in the
optimum water content and at a constant temperature during
the curing.
Afterwards, they were completely dried and then passed
through sieve No. 10 (2 mm). Pick 10 g of this soil and mix it with
10 ml of distilled water for one hour at a constant temperature. The
pH meter was calibrated with two buffer solutions (pH7, pH4 at 20
centigrade temperature) to measure the pH. Then a glass electrode
was immersed in the aforementioned specimen and the pH value
was measured. The temperature of specimen was also checked to
ensure the accuracy of pH value.

3.2. Particle size

Fig. 2. GSD Curves for base soil, cement and slag.
The study of changes in soil particle gradation by laser radiation
was an innovative technique that was previously performed by M.
axial compressive strength test. Magnesium slag was used with the Sol Sanchez [11]. The dispersion unit used (analysette 22 NanoTec)
percentages of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% of the dry weight of soil. is capable to detect the particle size in the range of 0.02–1500 mm.
Specimens of pre-determined mixes were mixed for one minute For this purpose, a about 10 g of soil samples with different per-
in dry form according to Table 3. Then distilled water in an amount centages of additives that had been cured for 28 days were poured
412 O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420

water content and the density of stabilized and unstabilized soil.

This test was also conducted to obtain the maximum dry unit
weight and the optimum water content of stabilized and unstabi-
lized soil. Firstly, compaction test was performed to determine the
aforementioned parameters of the natural soil. Secondly, soil was
mixed with certain amounts of stabilizers and compaction tests
were repeated. In the mixing process, soil and stabilizing material
were continuously mixed until the mixture had a uniform color.
Water was added to the mixture to facilitate mixing and com-
paction processes.

3.4. UCS

The sample preparation and test procedure are conducted in

accordance with the (ASTM D2166) [37] standard. In this test, a
sample is located under axial load to failure, and its strength is cal-
culated based on the total stress created in the sample during the
failure. Also, loading rate in this study was set at 1 mm / min. The
utilized uniaxial device has two lower and upper jaws, the lower
jaw is fixed, and the upper jaw is movable and has the task of
transferring force to the cross section of the specimen. This device
has a maximum load capacity of 5 kN and accuracy of 2.5 N. The
device also has a computer-connected display that displays the
amount of compressive force applied on the sample and its dis-
placement. To perform this test, firstly, the cured sample was
placed in a uniaxial apparatus on the lower jaw, so that the vertical
axis is near the loading center. The pressure on the sample is
applied to the extent that the measured load is fixed for reading.
Ultimately, the uniaxial compressive strength of the samples is
The specimen with certain amounts of soil, slag and cement was
mixed in a dry form and water was added based on optimum water
content of the mixture, then the mixture was compacted with a
hammer in three layers (four blows per layer) in a cylindrical mold
of 5 cm in diameter and 10 cm height. The soil mixture was then
extracted from the mold and covered with plastic bags to avoid sig-
nificant variations in the water content during the curing periods.
Then, the specimens were cured in the laboratory condition for 7,
28 and 56 days. Compressive strength tests were then performed
on the specimens after the curing times were passed. The average
of UCS test results of the three specimens was measured and
reported as the final result.

3.5. Microstructure analysis

XRD test was performed to investigate the productions of

hydration reaction and also to investigate the feasibility of a rela-
tionship between UCS results and the intensity of hydration reac-
tion products in specimens which have been stabilized with
additives. SEM analysis was also performed to examine the soil
microstructure and its changes further through soil stabilization
process. In the obtained images by this method, we look for factors
that improve the soil microstructure and consequently improve
the soil mechanical parameters.

3.6. TCLP test

Fig. 3. SEM micrographs for (a) soil, (b) Mg slag, (c) cement. Since stabilized layers are usually in direct contact with surface
and underground water, TCLP is one of the main tests of leaching to
into the water supply and placed inside the dispersion unit to assess the contamination of heavy metals in water resources in sta-
determine the effects of additives on soil gradation changes. bilized layers [38]. In this paper, TCLP test was first performed on a
specimen that is containing magnesium slag made in magnesium
3.3. Standard proctor manufacturing. Then tests were conducted on stabilized soil spec-
imens with the maximum uniaxial strength which was selected as
Proctor compaction test was performed according to (ASTM the optimum mixture. In this test 10 g of specimen was put into a
D698) [36] standard to obtain a relationship between optimum polypropylene container. After that about 200 mg of the standard
O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420 413

Table 3
Different mix proportions.

Soil(%) Cement(%) Slag(%)

A 1 100 0 0
2 90 0 10
3 80 0 20
4 70 0 30
5 60 0 40
B 1 98 2 0
2 88 2 10
3 78 2 20
4 68 2 30
5 58 2 40
C 1 96 4 0
2 86 4 10
3 76 4 20
4 66 4 30
5 56 4 40
D 1 94 6 0
2 84 6 10
3 74 6 20
4 64 6 30 Fig. 5. pH values evolution for the soil, slag and cement.
5 54 6 40

Fig. 6. pH values evolution for the soil samples with different percentage of slag.

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the experimental program.

solution of this test which is containing deionized water and acetic

acid were added to the specimen in the beakers. This specimen was
put into a special machine and vibrated at a temperature of 20 °C at
30 rpm velocity for 18 h. By the end of this time, the specimens
were put in an especial filter which has been made of glass fibers.
Then the acetic acid solution was added to leachate of the speci-
men so that the pH of leachate reached less than two. The resulting
solution was investigated by spectrometer and the concentration
of heavy metals was determined.

4. Result and discussion

Fig. 7. pH values evolution for the soil samples with different percentage of cement.
4.1. pH test

The pH test results showed that the additives increased the pH which have been combined with the additives compared to the
of the soil and improved pozzolanic reactions in the samples which undisturbed soil. Figs. 6 and 7 show the changes in the pH of soil
have been combined with the additives. This was predictable due stabilized with each of the additives, during different curing peri-
to the pH of the additives and soil. Fig. 5 shows the pH of the soil ods, including magnesium slag and cement. In both figures, soil
and the used additives in this paper, and the additives had pH grea- pH was increased on the early days of the curing period, which
ter than 12; this led to an increase in the pH in the soil samples remained constant or slightly reduced after this period. An increase
414 O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420

in pH in the soil combined with additives, besides CaO, could also

be affected by SiO2 and Al2O3, which significantly increased pH and
facilitated the pozzolanic reactions. In high pH conditions, the soil
raw minerals were dissolved and secondary minerals were formed
such as calcium silicate hydrate and calcium aluminate hydrate,
which resulted in more stable soil. Based on Fig. 6, the use of
40% magnesium slag led to an increase in pH, and the main part
of this increase occurred at the beginning of the curing period,
but in general, in the samples with 40% magnesium slag, the pH
values in different curing periods were very similar to the samples
containing 10% magnesium slag. The similar results were also
obtained from Fig. 7, in which an increase in cement content did
not lead to significant changes in pH. This was consistent with
other studies [11,39], which are indicating the point that from a
certain content of additives, the addition of these substances had
a very small effect on changes in some soil parameters including
pH and plasticity index. Generally, the changes in the pH affected
by adding magnesium slag and cement were increasing in the early
periods of curing, and these changes were insignificant after
Fig. 9. GSD Curves for the soil samples with different percentages of cement.
7 days. Nevertheless, the pH value was higher than the initial state,
which showed the effect of these additives on changing soil
properties. slag on the soil particle size in different contents. As the content
of slag increased from 10% to 40%, the soil particle size was
4.2. Laser particle test increased, and the graduation curve moved to the right, which
indicated the further granulation of the soil. This means that a
The particle size distribution (PSD) is an appropriate parameter decrease in the plasticity of soil and an increase in soil permeabil-
of soil physical properties, and changes in this parameter are good ity and bearing capacity have been occurred [41]. This result could
indicator for analyzing the effect of additives and the curing period lead to a more appropriate soil for civil engineering applications.
on soil PSD. The addition of stabilizers to the soil could improve the Fig. 9 also shows the positive effect of Portland cement on increas-
soil hydration, which resulted in cation exchange and soil particle ing soil particle size after 28 days of curing. Despite using a small
clotting. The outcome of soil stabilization was the coarse aggregate content of cement, the effect of different contents of cement was
gradation distribution, and the effect of additives in this parameter higher than that of the magnesium slag.
was shown using the gradation curve. There were many changes in
particle size during the early days of curing, but the changes in the
4.3. Standard proctor test
gradation curve were reduced over the curing period; from the
results it can be concluded that curing for more than 28 days did
Maximum dry density (MDD) and changes in optimum mois-
not have much effect on the PSD. This period seems appropriate
ture content (OMC) are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, which are due
to complete the PSD changes, which was also consistent with pre-
to an increase in magnesium slag in the soil along with different
vious studies [11,40]. Fig. 8 shows the gradation curve of the soil
contents of cement. Adding magnesium slag to the soil increased
with/without additives with 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% magnesium
both MDD and OMC parameters. An increase in the content of slag,
slag using the laser particle device. The particle size of these sam-
due to the effect on the particle size which has been previously
ples was measured after 28 days of curing and the gradation curve
examined in this study, increased the soil porosity as well as the
was depicted. This figure shows the positive effect of magnesium
water required to achieve the OMC for soil composition. As
expected, addition of cement to the soil increased MDD and
OMC, which could be due to the clotting and cementation of soil
particles [42–44]. The figure of changes in OMC showed that both
additives increased the soil’s dependence on water and increased
the soil’s OMC. An increase in MDD depended on the particle size
and specific weight of the additives and soil [45,46]. However,
due to the small size of magnesium slag particles, this material
properly increased the MDD of soil separately or combined with
cement. The increase in this parameter is characteristic of soil
property enhancement [47,48].

4.4. Compressive strength test

Effects of adding different percentages of magnesium slag on

the compressive strength of the untreated soil and treated with
cement for different curing periods of 7, 28 and 56 days are shown
in Fig. 12a–c, respectively. The magnesium slag increased the soil’s
strength during all the curing periods. An increase in the strength
by 20% of this substance was direct and soil strength was reduced
in all the figures as the content increased although it was still
higher than the soil’s initial strength. According to these figures,
Fig. 8. GSD Curves for the soil samples with different percentage of slag. 20% of magnesium slag can be considered as the optimum content
O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420 415

slag led to the production of Ca(OH)2 after mixing with water

and this compound was activated in reaction with SiO2 and pro-
duced CSH gel. The production of Ca(OH)2 continued with poz-
zolanic reactions, resulting in the huge content of CSH gel which
led to strong masses of soil. Therefore, the strength increased grad-
ually. Fig. 13a–d show compressive strength variations of the sam-
ples with different contents of cement affected by adding
magnesium slag in different curing periods. As already expected,
the strength level of the samples was increased in all contents of
the cement. This increase in strength was resulted from the cement
hydration, which is leading to the further formation of calcium sil-
icate hydrate [51] and exerting strong positive effects on the com-
pressive strength of the soil composition [23]. As the content of
cement increased, the CSH gel was formed in high contents and
the compressive strength was increased [10]. It is noted that CSH
Fig. 10. Variation of maximum dry density (MDD) with different slag contents. is a generic denomination for a group of cementitious minerals
[52]. In addition, cement improves the behavior of slag in the soil,
and in the cement stabilized samples that contain high percentages
of magnesium slag, the strength reduction of specimens is
observed. For example, in untreated samples (group A), with
increasing the slurry content from 20% to 40%, the strength of
the sample decreases by 97%, whereas in samples with 6% cement
(group D) with increasing slag percentage from 20% to 40%, the
strength of the sample is reduced by 14%. In 6%-cement com-
pounds, the compressive strength was higher than other contents
of cement in all the slag samples and the highest strength in this
group was obtained for the samples with 20% magnesium slag;
the value of 7 MPa, 13.5 MPa and 14.3 MPa were recorded for the
curing periods of 7, 28 and 56 days, respectively.
Fig. 14 shows changes in the modulus of elasticity (E50) which
have been affected by adding cement and magnesium slag (opti-
mum content) to the soil, as well as the effect of adding cement
to the soil which has been stabilized with magnesium slag. The
Fig. 11. Variation of optimum moisture content (OMC) with different slag contents. D3 sample obtained the highest modulus of elasticity compared
to the other studied compounds. As shown in the figure, the
changes in this parameter were increased steeply on the early days
of this substance to achieve the maximum soil strength. The reason up to 28 days; after this period, the increase continued slightly up
for the reduction in the strength of the samples at high contents of to 56 days. The other samples had the same process of the D3, but
magnesium slag (30% and 40%) can be the destructive component in general, they had smaller values. In 7 days of curing, 20% magne-
of this substance, i.e. MgO. Although MgO with high reactivity sium slag (as the optimum content) achieved the smallest changes
accelerates the strength development process of stabilized clay in the modulus of elasticity compared to other compositions with
soils, low percentages of MgO with high reactivity have been sug- the value of 4.75 MPa. In this curing period, similar to other studied
gested for stabilization of these soft soils [49]. It is also found out periods, the cement performance in improving this parameter was
that although MgO on its own provides a negligible increase to better than magnesium slag. During the 28 days of curing, the low-
the strength of soils, it is superior in immobilizing both inorganic est effect was still related to magnesium slag with 10.5 MPa and
and organic contaminants [50]. The high MgO ratio in the compo- the highest effect was related to optimal D3 composition with
sition of the substance increased the volume and, thus, decreased 17.5 MPa. In the long-term curing period of 56 days, the effect of
the strength of the sample [26]. The magnesium slag was eligible D3 sample was recorded as the best composition in improving this
if MgO was less than 8% [26]. However, according to Table 2, in parameter by 18.5 MPa. According to this figure, it can be con-
the chemical composition of magnesium slag, MgO = 10.93%, cluded that not only cement had better performance than magne-
which can be considered as a main reason for the decrease in sium slag in improving the soil modulus, but also adding it to the
strength. However, the high pH of this substance was the main rea- soil-magnesium slag composition can increase the modulus of
son for increasing the strength of the samples with addition of elasticity in all the curing periods.
magnesium slag, which provided an alkaline medium in the soil
and facilitated the process of pozzolanic reactions. 4.5. Microstructure analysis
Results indicate that all the additives used in this research study
increased the pH of the clayey soil, which enables the development In order to evaluate the minerals in the stabilized soil, which
of pozzolanic reactions in the samples that contain cement and was resulted from reactions after adding stabilizers including
magnesium slag. This increase in pH was higher during the first cement and magnesium slag to the soil, the X-ray diffraction was
days of curing, and then pH values remained constant or decreased measured and the scan was done with 2ɵ of 10 to 80°. X-ray
slightly, which proved the effectiveness of the alternative additives diffraction analysis was performed using the Xpert HighScore soft-
to make the changes in soil properties. It is clear that high pH val- ware, and all the effective minerals were identified in the peaks
ues imply the dissolution of the primary minerals of clayey soils, [53–56]. The studies were performed with a focus on the analysis
accompanied by the formation of secondary minerals like calcium of phase changes over time in a sample with the highest compres-
silicate hydrates (C-S-H) and calcium aluminate hydrates (C-A-H) sive strength. In Fig. 15, after adding cement and magnesium slag,
(pozzolanic reactions). The high CaO content in magnesium the new reflections of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), ettringite
416 O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420

Fig. 12. Compressive strength for curing ages of (a) 7, (b) 28, (c) 56 days.

Fig. 13. Influence of cement content on compressive strength for mixtures containing slag for cement contents of (a) 0%, (b) 2%, (c) 4%, (d) 6%.

(Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)1226H2O), calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and strength test. The ettringite was also achieved as another new
dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4) were observed after 7 days of curing. reflection, the value of which was obtained over time in curing
The XRD pattern showed that the CSH reflection was increased periods of 7, 28 and 56. In previous studies, it has been emphasized
after 7 days of curing, which continued up to 56 days. This was that the ettringite crystals are useful in raising concrete strength
compatible with the obtained results from the compressive [57,58]. As a reactive substance, C2S is accompanied by reduced
O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420 417

which is considered as a long-term curing, the brittleness index

of the specimens will increase and the deformability index will
decrease. However, with the curing time of up to 56 days, the
intensity of peaks of calcium silicate hydrate and Ettrin-
gite increases slightly. The number of identified packets is high,
and the phillipsite has been a part of these peaks, but due to the
large number of the peaks, only the effective peaks in the process
of soil improvement were introduced.
The SEM analysis of soil, slag and cement was previously
observed and investigated in Fig. 3. For a better understanding of
the mechanism of soil stabilization which is resulting from adding
both cement and magnesium slag, the microstructural changes in
the optimum composition (20% slag, 6% cement and 74% soil) were
studied according to the results of the compressive strength test in
different curing periods. The microstructure of the stabilized soil
from the SEM analysis is shown in Fig. 16. The results were
obtained by examining the same images so that the integrity of
the improved soil particles increases with increasing the curing
time. This analysis was performed after the UCS test to investigate
the microstructure changes in the sample with the highest com-
Fig. 14. Development of E50 for all the stabilized soil specimens. pressive strength. The images in different curing periods showed
that the main products of the hydration reaction covered the sur-
face of soil particles in 7 days of curing, filling the gaps between
reflectivity and this decrease is due to an increase in the hydration particles and led to more density of soil. SEM images in different
process, which results in the production of more content of CSH curing periods show that the main product of the reactions (C-S-
[59]. As the result of this analysis, both products of CSH and ettrin- H gels) covered the surface of the soil particles, filled the voids
gite can be recognized as the most effective factors in increasing between the soil particles, and made it more compacted. However,
soil strength and the reflection of both substances was increased the morphology of CSH is different. Possibly it reflects the Ca/Si
over time, which was in accordance with the results of the com- ratio of CSH produced in different stabilized soils [52].
pressive strength test. 7, 28, and 56 days of curing are somehow Bahmani (2016)[60] pointed out that hydration products
considered as short-term curing, and none of them can be consid- caused further clay density and soil stiffness and, the soil strength
ered as long-term curing. Also, in all the curing periods the samples was increased as a result. In long-term curing periods, the interac-
were kept in plastic bags, so that there was not significant variation tions between soil particles and hydration products were continu-
in the moisture content of specimens. Therefore, the hydration ous and the soil structure was improved, resulting in increased
process continued in the sample. The curing periods are considered soil’s bearing capacity as well as removal of gaps between particles.
to be short-term, and at the time of testing the samples were still Such a change in the structure of the stabilized soil was consistent
wet. However, in case of curing the samples for about 360 days, with the results of the compressive strength test. The XRD test was

Fig. 15. X-ray diffraction patterns of stabilized specimens at various curing times.
418 O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420

Fig. 16. SEM images for stabilized soil specimens at various curing times.

Table 4
Results of TCLP test.

Zn(mg/l) Cu(mg/l) As(mg/l) Hg(mg/l) Ni(mg/l) Pb(mg/l) Cr(mg/l) Cd(mg/l)

Regulatory level 25 25 5 0.2 25 5 5 1
Slag 0.39 0.87 4.18 0.17 7.62 5.42 5.49 1.87
D3 Sample 0.32 0.35 0.61 Nd 0.74 1.52 0.84 0.16

taken from a larger part of the sample, as shown in Fig. 15. Consid- particularly the surface and ground water resources, and their
ering the soil microstructure images obtained from the SEM anal- usage in soil stabilization reduced pollution. Therefore, it can be
ysis, only CSH gel is detected in some cases. However, it cannot be concluded that slag not only improved the physical properties of
used for other minerals. the soil, but also reduced the pollution of water resources and
the harmful effects on the environment.
4.6. TCLP
5. Conclusions
The results of TCLP test are shown in Table 4. The concentra-
tions of heavy metals were investigated such as cadmium (Cd), The following concluding remarks can be derived from this
chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), research study:
copper (Cu) and manganese (Zn). In this article, while evaluating
the concentration of these metals in magnesium slag, the sample  Generally, soil modification led to an initial increase in pH,
was also investigated with an optimum content of magnesium slag along with an increase in particle size in the early days of the
that achieved the highest compressive strength. The results were curing. Then, this amount was remained constant or slightly
compared with the standard values set by the US Environmental decreased as the curing period continued. A correlation was also
Protection Agency (EPA) which have been presented in Table 4. found between the changes in the soil particle size and the
These values are the maximum concentration of heavy metals results of the pH, which is indicating the point that these
defined by EPA for non-hazardous substances [61]. parameters can be used to evaluate the changes in physical
According to Table 4, the concentration of cadmium, chromium properties during soil stabilization.
and lead in magnesium slag was higher than the standard values.  The results of the compaction tests indicated an increasing
In contrast, the concentration of heavy metals was significantly trend of both MDD and OMC parameters affected by adding
reduced, in the stabilized soils, which is meeting the requirements cement and magnesium slag.
of standard limitations for all the samples. Accordingly, it can be  The soil compressive strength was raised with increasing the
concluded that the magnesium slag in soil stabilization not only curing period. In all the curing periods, the soil strength was
had a technical positive effect on soil, but also reduced the harmful increased as the content of magnesium slag increased up to
effects environmentally. These effects were different. The wastes 20%; in the higher content (30% and 40%), a decrease in soil
were used to reduce the volume of these substances around facto- strength was observed in all the curing periods although it
ries which are occupying smaller nearby land areas. Moreover, was still higher than the initial soil strength. The strengths of
such substances led to the pollution of the environment, all the samples were also raised as the cement content
O. Amini, M. Ghasemi / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 409–420 419

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