Assignment II-2018 (MCSC-202)

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Kathmandu University

Subject: Numerical Methods(MCSC 202) Groups: EE/CE/CHE/GE
1. Using interpolation on the following data for the bessel function J 0, find
x 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
y 1 0.77
0.2 -0.26 -0.40 -0.18 0.15 0.30 0.17 -0.09
a) y(-0.5), y(0.5),y(1.5), y(2.5) ,y(3.5) using Newton's forward formula
b) y(3.5), y(4.5), y(5.5), y(6.5) using i)Gauss forward, ii)Gauss backward, iii)Stirling's, iv)Bessel's and
v)Everett's formula
c) y(5.5), y(6.5), y(7.5), y(8.5), y(9.5) using Newton's Backward formula.
2. Ammonia vapor is compressed inside a clinder by and external force acting on the poston. The ammonia is
initially at 300C, 500kPa and the final pressure is 1400kPa. The following data have been experimentally
determined during the process.
Pressure 500 653 945 1248 1400
Volume 1.25 1.08 0.84 0.60 0.50
a) Using Lagrange's interpolation, find the volume when pressure is 802 and 1100
b) Using Lagrange's interpolation, find the pressure when volume is 1 and 0.75
c) Using Newton's general interpolation, find the volume when pressure is 802 and 1100. Compare results
with Lagrange's method.
3. Prove the following relations where the operators have their usual meaning. i) δ 2 E ≡ ∆2 ii) E−1/ 2 ≡ μ−δ /2 iii)

δ2 1 1 1
1+δ 2 μ2 ≡ 1+( ) 2
iv) u0 −u1+ u2−…= u0− u0 + u 0−…
2 4 8
4. Deduce Newton's forward and backward difference interpolation formula as a particular case of Newton's
divided difference interpolation formula.
1 (−1)
5. If f ( x )= , prove that [ x 0 , x 1 ,… , x r ]= .
x x0 , x1 , … , xr

dy d2 y
6. Write the expression for
dx [ ] x=x 0
and[ ]
d x2 x=x 0
due to Newton forward, Newton backward and Stirling. Use

these expressions to estimate the rocket's velocity and acceleration for each value of t from the following table:
Time(s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Distanc 0 3 7 1 1 3 6
e(km) 5 0 8 0
7. Calculate f'(x) and f''(x) at x=-0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 of f (x)=e ∗cos ( x ) using calculus. Make a table of
−x /3

functional values of f(x) from x = -1 to x = 3 using increment 0.5. Find f'(x) and f''(x) using numerical
differerntiation formulas at x=-0.5, 1.5, and 2.5. Calculate the error and compare the result.
8. With an optimal tilting strategy, the theoretical lower bound for the time needed to pour milk from a plastic
pouch into a pitcher requires the calculation fo the integrals:
0.8355 1
1/ 4 2+ x 2
∫ ( 1+ x 2) dx and ∫ 1/4
dx . Approximate the value of each integral using a)Trapezoidal rule b)
0.1763 0.8355 x 3 ( 1+ x2 )
Simpson's 1/3 rule c) Simpson's 3/8 rule using at least 5 subintervals and compare the results.
1.4 2.4

9. Evaluate: I = ∫ ∫ e x sin ( 2 y ) dydx using trapezoidal and simpson's rule using h=k =0.4.
−0.2 0.4

The End

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