تكنولوجيا الغاز

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Misan University – Engineering College

Petroleum Engineering Department

Subject : Gas Technology Class : Fourth year

Exam : Final Date : 23 / 3 / 2021
Examiner : Dr. Mudhaffar Y. Hussein Time : 3 hr.

Q1/ Calculate the wellbore pressure with initial reservoir pressure (314.6 atm). The
permibility is (1.5 md) and well spacing is (8.8244×104) m2. A vertical gas well is drilled in a
(468) inch thick. The other data are : rw = (0.1015)m , T = 122.22 oC , γg = 0.74 ,
̅ = 2.69 10-4 p , Psc = 14.7 psia and Tsc = 60℉ and qsc = 4 106 scfd. Assuming steady state
flow. (12 marks)
Q2/ The gas flow rate is 2.5×106 scf/day from a gas reservoir at an average temperature and
pressure of (150 ℉) and (170 atm) respectively. The specific gravity is 0.7, calculate :
1. Gas production in ft3/day.
2. The gas viscosity by using the Lee method. (12 marks)
Q3/ A/ A gas well is centered in a radial cylindrical reservoir with fixed pressure at the outer
reservoir boundary. The production rate is 250 Mscfd and remain constant. The effect of
reservoir boundary is felt when . Calculate the cumulative gas production just
(1 day) before the effect of outer boundary is felt.
Additional data : re = 30,000 in, rw = 0.4 ft, k = 9 md, = 0.11, ̅ = 0.0185 cp,
̅ = 3 × 10-5 psi-1 (8 marks)
Q3/ B/ Three gas vessels contain 5 moles of gas each (C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10, respectively).
All gases have the same temperature and pressure.
Which vessel has more molecules? How times greater? (4 marks)
Q4/ A/ Mixture of a hydrocarbon gas has (γg = 0.718). Assuming a real gas behavior,
determine the isothermal gas compressibility coefficient at (333°K) and (1998 psia).
(7 marks)
Q4/ B/ (Answer only one part)
Calculate the value of friction factor (f) given that :
qsc = 1113 m3/day , = 63 lbm/ft3 , ID = 4 in , = 1.05 10-2 p
Assuming rough wall pipe with = 0.00006 ft apply :
1. Nikuradse correlation.
2. Jain correlation. (5 marks)
Q5/ Given the following data, determine the flowing pressure for laminar flow (7.5×106) scfd
at a radius of (30.5) m from the well after one day of production, assuming a gas well is in a
state of infinite acting reservoir.
Pi = 3000 psia , ̅ = 0.016 cp , ̅ = 5.5 × 10-4 psia-1 , = 0.15 , D = 100 ft , rw = 3.96 in,
t = One day , k = 20 md , qsc = 7.5×106 scfd , h = 12.19 m, T = 120 ℉, ̅ = 0.84
(12 marks)

Head of Department Dr. Hanoon Mashkoor Examiner : Dr. Mudhaffar Y. Hussein

Good Luck

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