How To Fix Your Dv6000
How To Fix Your Dv6000
How To Fix Your Dv6000
All the Problems described in the previous posts are Graphics Related..
Faulty Nvidia Chip..Both Intel And AMD Based Motherboards..Though More Common
on the AMD..
The symptoms of the Laptop Powering on and Shutting Off Repeatedly..Or.. Powering
On and Having No Video...Or... Power Strip Lights Up, Beeps,Shuts Down...Or..No
Power At All...Or.. Intermittant Loss Of Wireless/Video Goes In And Out/Touchpad
Slows and Freezes..
To Fix this issue, You will need to Reflow The Graphics Chip.
Next Step is Insulating the Motherboard... You need to Protect The CPU area, The RAM
area, Cover any plastic Plug ports.
Try to leave 1/4 inch area around the edge of the chip free of insulation.
To Insulate the Board.. I use thick pieces of Tin/Aluminum, you can fold up some
aluminum foil (tin foil) About 4 folds thickness....
Now that you have your Motherboard Insulated... Make Sure There's Nothing Flamable
Or Burnable Below the Motherboard... it will get quite hot underneath.
You will need a Heat Gun.. You can get one of these at your Local Home Improvement
Store, they cost about $15 - $30.. You Will Use ONLY the LOW Heat Setting... I
Place The Stack Of 2 Nickels And 8 Quarters On Top Of The Graphics Chip...
The Reason for using the Coins: Using the coins serves a few purposes...
1) It Helps Transfers the heat Into The Chip More Evenly/Slowly
2) It Helps Hold The Heat Longer/Then Helps To Cool Slower
3) It Gives The Correct Amount Of Weight That Is Needed To Press The Chip
A Thing To Look Out For...
Hewlett Packard is nutorious for using the RED epoxy around the edge of the Graphics
chip.. this epoxy is used to help secure the chip to the motherboard...
This is a process that is Hand Done at the Factory.. And Some Boards Will Have Only A
Little Amount of this, Some Will Have Alot of it...And Some are Only Done On The
Corner Edges....
If There Is Alot of This On Your Chip, You Might End Up Needing To Carefully (REAL
CAREFULLY) Remove as much of this epoxy as able to....You can use a Razor Blade
To Lightly Scrape This Off... DO NOT MISS AND SCRATCH THE
Start With The Heat Gun About 6 Inches Away From The Top Of The Quarter
Stack..You want to be holding the gun at a 45% angle.. Aim the heat at the Edge of the
chip, You Will Start Rotating Around the Chip- around the outer edge of the chip...then
use tighter circles concentrating on the quarter stack, then after about 30-40 seconds,
slowly move closer to the chip...
Never Move the Heat Gun Closer than the Top Of Your Coin Stack...Then Pull It Back
And Slowly Repeat.. The Chip Needs To Get Hot Enough To Re-Melt The Solder Balls
On The Underside Of The Graphics Chip Back Down To The Contact Pads On the
Motherboard.. and this takes Quite Alot of heating to Do.... You Must Not OVERHEAT
the CHip... It Is Best To Underheat it and have to Redo.. than to overheat.. It will cause
the solder to break down and even crack/split.. causing failure forever...
This process will take about 3 minutes total.. Once you shut off the Heat Gun.. Leave The
Stack of Coins On The Chip And Let Sit For Another 5 minutes..
Now You Can Connect The Power Button Strip/ Video Cable And The DC Jack Cable....
And Plug In AC adapter .. You're Now Ready To Test For Solid Power and Video
Report RyanV, › vichy - Feb 16, 2010 4:40am GMT
I just experienced the same thing yesterday....I press the power button, and all the lights
up is the blue lightning bolt at the bottom for half of a second. The power source is
plugged in and it still doesnt work. Seems like I'll have to transfer my data to a newly
purchased laptop other than an HP. =[
Permalink (#40)
Report instanteo - Feb 19, 2010 12:09am GMT
I disassembled the machine but I am still unsure of what to do with the nickels and
quarters. I am supposed to re solder the video chip?
Permalink (#41)
Report Dieselsmoke - Feb 26, 2010 11:49pm GMT
Hold power button until the little blue light that is beside the card reader goes out. That
will get you restarting and will work itself out and go away once all updated.
Maybe swap DVD drives to install Vista (use YouCam for webcam and QuickPlay for
remote control to work)Hope this helps...
This worked for me, I had black screen, continuous restarting, no bios, etc...
Windows Vista Home Premium 32Bit
(was XP Media Center Edition)
Permalink (#43)
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jennysloan Aug 14, 2009 2:45pm BST
I just want to share my experience with the HP Pavilion dv6000 (dv6105 to be precise)
Check the link below to see if your scenario qualifies for a free repair as there are many
issues that are included in this.
I purchased this laptop in Jan/Feb 2007. It worked OK for the first year. It ran very slow
due to all the crap HP makes you load when you install the OS. Late Feb 2008 it began to
not turn on. Power button wouldn't turn it on unless you pressed really REALLY hard.
My husband immediately googled this problem and found this website
He immediately called HP. They told us that we didn't qualify for the free repair. We
didn't understand but for whatever reason we trusted the rep. The laptop continued to
have problems turning on. We had to use the tip of a ballpoint pen and press it in a certain
spot on the power button while standing up and putting all our pressure on the button.
This method stopped working in Nov 2008. My husband called HP again and again we
were told we didn't qualify for the free repair. Again not understanding why but trusted
the rep. So we opened the laptop to try to see if there was something we could do to fix it.
At this point the laptop has no use. The quickplay button brings you to a screen with a
windows icon that doesn't take you to windows, it takes you to hibernate and you can't
escape out. August of 2009 we decided to reinvestigate the $600 doorstop to see what
could be done. In researching and calling HP again, two more times, turns out it is a
faulty motherboard (HP admits this) and our problem DID fit the scenario for the free
repair but now it had been longer than 2 years and so we would have to pay $400 for it.
HOW CONVENIENT. I started researching how much it would cost to repair myself and
decided that I wasn't comfortable doing that even though I thought I could do it for
around $150. So I call HP AGAIN. They have a big rubber stamp that says "NO" on it.
The first rep I called says "sorry, nothing we can do, you will have to pay for the repair"
so I demand to speak to the supervisor. They come back on the line and say the
supervisor will offer a discount of $259 for the repair. So they are still trying to profit off
of my unfortunate predicament that THEY put me in. This doesn't satisfy me. I am put on
hold for 40 minutes while I hold for a supervisor and no one ever comes to the line.
Wayne was this persons name. I call in again to the number in the link above. The
woman immediately says "well we've already told you what we can do and you didn't
accept it" when I ask for a supervisor. She finally gets the supervisor, "Donald" who
repeatedly says "You can try to "COMPLAIN" to get a "FREE" repair, but I have seen
this a hundred times and no one ever gets a free repair so you are wasting your time." I
keep pressing and then get routed to a "case manager." The case manager was so nice. He
looked at my case, saw that we had called in during the first two years twice to report the
issue and were told in error that we didn't qualify when really we did. We get our free
repair now.
HP Pavilion dv6000 won't turn on power button quickplay motherboard mainboard faulty
problem lawsuit free repair
try to connect the charger and see if the light goes on.
I have just paid you $9.99 by PayPal for Toshiba Satellite m35x motherboard repair
Posted by Igor Mateski. Now what? How do I get your PDF?
Permalink (#37)
Report Arlene › Igor - Mar 11, 2010 5:38am GMT
Hi Igor
You provided a link on the website that's not responding at all. I'm having huge problems
with my HP Pavillion DV6000 and think just like your its the poor solder on the power
regulation chip. Will you PLEASE PLEASE help me to fix it!
Best Regards
Permalink (#44)
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rochbert Feb 19, 2010 8:10pm GMT
Tried laptopexperts method to resolder the GPU - worked great! Came back from the
dead and now wireless internet also working! That hasn't worked in years! Thank!
On September 24, 2009, the dv9700 went black in the middle of reading my morning
emails. I hit the start button, it started to reboot, the screen flashed a jumbled mess, and
the hard drive powered down, then up, then down, then up, etc, until I disconnected both
AC and battery power. I had to be out of town for 10 days so my computer sat idle during
that time. After my experience with the previous 9000 I thought I would try again to boot,
but it still does the restart over and over but the screen stays black. HP was contacted on
September 24, 2009, and again today October 7, 2009, but they refuse to consider the
9700 under the enhanced warranty even though it seems to be suffering from the same
symptoms as the older models. Supposedly this model was manufactured after the
problem was fixed. Tell that to the thousands of dv9700 owners on the net looking for
solutions to the problem.
I don't know about the rest of the people but, I had previously owned both a desktop and
an older HP laptop that were good products ie: lasting more than 3 years, which is why I
purchased a 3rd and even after it needed repair, a 4th computer from them. I am
extremely disappointed that they will not fix what is a KNOWN problem with this
product. I have obviously been a loyal customer, and would have continued to be, if there
were customer service, but there isn't. If you manage to get a class action lawsuit going
on this, or if I can help with any other information, PLEASE contact me.
Permalink (#15)
Report Danyel › Hopeful - Oct 13, 2009 12:40pm BST
I would like to join the calss action law suit as I have the Black screen and HP refuses to
assit me unless I provide them with another $300.00 I am very disappointed in that they
did not inform me of this issues when I spoke with them a year ago about this same
problem. Now a year later they will not assist me unless I pay them. The issue did not
change so why does the recourse change. PLEASE HELP!!
Permalink (#16)
Report PerfectStaple - Dec 7, 2009 6:46pm GMT
I called and called, then recalled. Several times I was disconnected. One service rep said
that for approximately $400 US, I could repair my laptop. When I discovered I needed a
HP Service Store, I contacted a service rep once again and ask to optain the nearest store
to send my laptop for repairs, whereby the service rep gave me a paste link to the
webpage's Store search site.
I conducted several searches with this search system, only to get 0 results-very
dissappointing since they were conducted up to 200 miles of my living area.
My dv6500 was giving me problems with the optical DVD drive, which became
dysfunctional. After that the computer would shut off without warning, sometimes, and
with warning after Windows had completed loading.
I would turn off the laptop to reset, but then the button turn on became difficult--forcing
me to hold down the turn-on button to initiate a completed turn on. This work for a very
short time. During September 1, 2009, the laptop stop functioning althogether, UNABLE
to start the system.
Permalink (#24)
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Hopeful Oct 3, 2009 1:40am BST
Organizing HP Motherboard class action lawsuit
I have decided to gather and indication of interest for a class action lawsuit against
Hewlett Packard. Please email me your name, address and contact phone number if you
would like to join my effort in seeking vindication for the faulty products described by
HP in the following post:
I'm not interested in making money from this, rather I just want to see the company stand
behind their mistakes and provide me with what I paid $1000 for, a laptop computer that
works. Any reasonable person assumes that a new PC has, under normal use, a life
expectancy of 3-5 years; not 1-2 years. I am not paying $300 to have a computer fixed
that I did not break. Its well documented that they made mistakes in their engineering
process. This is the reason that they extended the warranty by an additional year, but
what good is that if you weren't notified and given an opportunity to participate. The
company has all customers phone and email address. Think about the number of emails
you get from their sales department each month.
In closing, this is nothing more than a big corporation making a decision based on dollars
and not sense. Situations like this are exactly what the legal system exists for.
Best Regards
I had the same problem with my HP Pavilion dv 6500 Notebook purchased during 2007.
It functioned great until August 2009, when the Disc Player discontinued functioning. I
checked for its stats and found that the maker's model type was erased.
I consulted a technician at Central Computers and he knew that the notebook's problems
was with its motherboard.
I've had the HP Pavilion for over 1.5 years, so it's pass its warranty time. No sense in
contacting HP if the technicians always say no because of the expiration of warranty. No?
Certainly, nothing is for free when it involves hardware and software of a past warranty.
You should understand that.
That's why there's class action lawsuits: there were no alternatives for consumers.
"This service enhancement program is available in North America for 24 months after the
start of your original standard limited warranty for issues listed below; otherwise your
current standard limited warranty applies. Customers who already have a 24 month or
longer warranty period will be covered under their existing standard HP Limited
Read this website. It's HP's website, and they offer a free fix or replacement.
My issue was that I didn't get it fixed within the 24 months because HP screwed up. It's
not likely that that will happen to you. Call before your 24 months are up. Phone # is in
the link.
I got my laptop back with a new case because mine was banged up. All internal issues
fixed. Works as good as new.
Permalink (#9)
Report PreciousDocuments › jennysloan - Dec 2, 2009 10:22am GMT
Thank you so much for all the info that you shared. My laptop fits the "defects" and I
think I bought it in mid 2007, hopefully they will help me out.
The thing is, I sent it in before while I still had my 1 year warranty, but it came back still
overheating and turning off but I just didn't want to deal with the hassle again especially
because I use it for school. So I bought a cool pad and it helped a bit.
BUT now it wont even turn on...AGAIN and its finals season...its just a toy that lights up
Anyway, I was just wondering, were you able to keep all your files? or were they wiped
Because that's the most important part for me.
and props for getting it all done for free! I like your passion for your rights.
Permalink (#21)
Report PerfectStaple › jennysloan - Dec 7, 2009 6:33pm GMT
According to HP, the service enhancement doesn't cover my dv6000 model, which is
actually a dv6500 series.
Permalink (#22)
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PerfectStaple Sep 10, 2009 7:00pm BST
That was excellent information. But my dv6500 is not listed for the HP Limited Warranty
Service Enhancement, which means to date I have no method to expedite the repairs of
my notebook.
This is a sad moment. Maybe I'll have to use class action afterall.
This is a second hand computer that I bought and I inherited the problem from the
previous owner. At the time, I thought it was just a driver issue and did not really look
into it that much. After doing some research, I find that the problem is far wider than
what I imagined and HPs acknowledgement of the issue has been lacking to say the least.
I guess I am headed out to WallyWorld and pick up a USB wireless network. The
computer works great other than the built in wireless...
Thats my experience.
If you have experienced one of the above problems with your HP Pavilion Notebook,
please fill out the form. Follow the link.
I experienced that kind of problem when i downloaded the Vista service pack 2 but when
i restarted the computer, the screen is black. I put off the power switch and press on
again. I did this for 3 times before the monitor/screen goes on.
It was remedied when i reformatted the notebook to its original factory settings. The
problem did not exist again by Frazzled
on 2010/03/26 11:34 PM
Permalink (#46)
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benmak Mar 30, 2010 9:35am BST
I have a laptop that has the same problems. Not only me but every one that has that hp
dv6000. The computer has a powerful graphics card that it overheats and detaches from
the mother board because the contact material makes no more contact. What I did to my
comp I overheated the graphics card to make contact again.
Im so frustrated.
i need help :[