Relationship Between Reading Habits and Students' Academic Performances of Secondary Schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020|ISSN 2454-6186

Relationship between Reading Habits and Students’

Academic Performances of Secondary Schools in
Sokoto State, Nigeria
Khalil Yahya Kamar
Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria

Abstract: - This study was designed to determine the relationship habits of it from childhood they will likely to have the process
between reading habits and academic achievement of senior of thinking, evaluating, imagining, reasoning and problem
secondary school students in Sokoto state, Nigeria. The purpose solving but if they don’t have it they cannot do it. Reading
of the study was to find out the relationship between senior habits is an essential tool for knowledge transfer and the habit
secondary school students ‘reading habits and their academic
of reading is an academic activity that increases skill in
achievement of secondary schools in Sokoto state, Nigeria. The
researcher hypothesized that there is no statistically significant reading strategies. To know about the world and its
relationship between reading habits and academic achievement environment, a child helps himself through reading books,
of secondary school student in Sokoto state. A correlational newspapers, and other magazines. Once the child has been
research design was used for the study and sample size of 175 taught to read and has developed the love for books, he can
students was used. For measurement of study habits a explore for himself the wealth of human experiences and
standardized inventory developed by Bakare (1970). Study Habit knowledge through reading. Children or students who miss
Inventory (SHI) was adapted to determine the students’ reading the opportunity of getting in touch with books in their early
habits. Academic achievement was measured by using scores stages of life find it hard to acquire good reading habits in
obtained from end of term examinations. The data collected were
their later years (Deavers, 2000). Reading is an intellectual
analyzed quantitatively with the use of statistical package for
social science (SPSS), using Pearson product moment correlation action which is possible only if students form a habit of
statistics. The result of the finding indicate that; there is high reading and practice these from childhood. Therefore, reading
positive relationship between students’ reading habits and their habits play a very crucial role in enabling a students to
achievement (r = 0.712, P 0.00<0.005)The study concluded that, achieve practical efficiency in life. Books are the most
students who accepted good reading habits also tend to perform suitable medium through which knowledge is transmitted
well in their school achievement to a very extent in Sokoto state. from generation to generation. Everyday reading consists of
The following recommendation was suggested: Reading and individuals reading activities for a variety of purposes, such as
debate clubs should be encouraged by school administrators and for relaxation or information. Issa et al. (2012) believe that
teachers, and the school should provide an enabling environment
from the middle childhood through adulthood, reading
for students to have full concentration from the beginning to the
end of a lesson. becomes a major component of studying, and much
information learned through studying is initially acquired
Key words: Reading Habits and Academic Performance, and through reading, thus everyday reading activities in which
inventory development students engage may considerably influence their studying
I. INTRODUCTION skills and subsequent academic performance. There is a
general sense in which one appreciates the link between good

R eading habit is the ability to understand words contained

in a document and make use of the knowledge for
personal growth and development, it implies making meaning
habits of reading and the academic performance of students
generally (Issa et al, 2012). This is true but only when the
children are given more attention by the parents or family
out of recorded information printed or non- printed in the life members, which will boost their academic performance in
of an individual. Students read for different reasons and school.
purposes, some of which include for pleasure, leisure,
relaxation, information and for knowledge. Reading is the II. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
identification of the symbols and the association of For students to have good study habits and academic
appropriate meaning with them. It requires identification and achievement there is need for the students to have good
comprehension. Comprehension skills help the learner to reading and study habits if they are to excel in performance.
understand the meaning of words in isolation and in context Effective study habit result in positive learning outcomes
(Micheal, 2014). He believes reading is a process of thinking, while defective study habits result to poor learning outcomes
evaluating, judging, imagining, reasoning and problem (Aremu, 2000). Achievement is influenced by personality,
solving. To me when reading is the process of interpreting motivation, opportunities, education and training. There are
written language, sing and symbol, students who have the Page 242

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020|ISSN 2454-6186

other several factors also which influence the academic constituents of the population were presented in the sample
achievement of students like study habits, self-concept, social (Kasomo, 2007). The variables measured in this study
economic status, and intelligence (Karnataka, 2009). included: Students’ study habits and academic achievement.
In Sokoto state, reports have shown that since 2017, more Therefore, the instrument used to measure these variables
than 50% of the students who sit for the West African included:
Examination Council don’t pass in the first attempt, (Ministry
Study habits inventory (SHI) to measure study habits,
of Education Sokoto, 2018). The resultant future has been
designed by Bakare (1977) and
inconsistent performance of students in SS3 examinations and
performance still varies from school to school. This End of term examinations for the 2018/2019 session of SS3
undermines the future of many students who are in schools student’s achievement scores in economics to measure
that persistently performs poorly. Therefore, the urgent need academic achievement.
to promote learning and improve achievement in secondary
schools in Sokoto state calls for a range of related but The study habits inventory is a self-report inventory which
enables the individual to describe the situations, time and
different development of reading habits.
conditions which affect his use of reading habits and his
subsequent performance in test. It was developed by Bakare in
The researcher believes that if students reading habits are
improved and made consistent, academic performance would 1970 and the researcher adopted it. The inventory comprised
definitely improve. This research therefore, investigated the of four sections; A. bio data including, age and gender, B.
reading habits, with 8 items, also the original inventory
relationship between reading habits and academic
comprises of fifteen (15) items of different study behavior to
achievement of SS3students in Sokoto state, Nigeria.
which students are to respond on five point scale.
The main objective of this study was to determine the
relationship between reading habits and academic Demographic variables such as age, sex and gender of the
achievement of secondary school students in Sokoto state, respondents is hereby presented and thereafter analysis of
research hypothesis was done.
Table 1.1: Distribution of students by age
Age Frequency Percentage (%)
Ho: There is no significant relationship between reading
13-17 33 18.9
habits and academic achievement of secondary school 18-22 139 79.4
students in Sokoto state, Nigeria. 23 and above 3 1.7

This study was conducted though the used of correlational Source: Result of the analysis 2019
research design because the study was to find out the Table 1.1 shows that 33 (18.9%) and 139 (79.4%) of the
relationship between reading habits and academic participants in the study are of age bracket of 13-17 and 18-22
achievement of secondary school students in Sokoto state, respectively. This implies that majority of the respondents
Nigeria, the study utilized regression, correlation analysis to (students) are adolescents, the period when most of the
answer the research objectives and to test the research population attend secondary school. Only few 3 (1.7%) are
hypothesis. Due to the large number of the secondary above 22 years of age. Adolescents’ period, this is what Erick
schoolstudents and the size of the population, it was not Ericson called the fifth stage (Identity versus role confusion);
suitable for the researcher to administer the research development depends on what is done to a person. An
questionnaire to all the schools and the entire students, and as adolescent must struggle to discover and find his or her own
a result of inconvenience, the researcher selected four identity, with the social interactions which will lead to sense
secondary schools using random sampling. This is because all of morality and rights from wrong.
the students can serve the purpose needed by the researcher
Table 1.2; Distribution of students by gender
and to get the representative of each division out of the
secondary schools. The students’ sample size of the four Sex Frequency Percentage (%)
schools is 200. A representative sample was selected using Male 121 69.1
Krejcie & Mogan’s (1970) table for determining sample size Female 54 30.9
from a given population. Therefore, 175 students were Total 175 100.0
selected for the study. In order to ensure that the sample
reflects the entire population of the study and to reduce the Source: Result of the analysis 2019
degree of bias, the researcher adopted simple random The result in table 1.2 shows that 121 (69.1%) of the students
sampling to ensure greater representativeness of the sample are male and 54 (30.9%) are female. There are about 38.2% of
relative to the population and guaranteed the minority the boys more than girls in the sample of the study. This could Page 243

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020|ISSN 2454-6186

mean that there are more male than female in the population Do you have to re-read material 2.88 1.05 Moderate
of the students in the Sokoto state. several times because the words do
not have much meaning the first time
Hypothesis Testing you go over them?
Do you have trouble picking out the 2.55 1.08 Moderate
The hypothesis for the study was “there is no significant important points in the material read
or studied?
relationship between reading habits and their academic
Do you go back and recite to 2.87 1.10 Moderate
achievements in Economics”. The relationship was yourself the material you have
determined using Pearson Product Moment Correlation studied, re-checking any points you
Analysis. The result of the testing of the hypotheses were found doubtful?
Do you pronounce words to yourself 2.51 1.06 Moderate
presents blow,
as you read?
The alpha level of 0.05 was fixed. (N= 175). Do you move your head as you read? 2.34 1.05 Fair

Table 1.3; Relationships between reading habits and academic achievements Average mean score 2.74 0.08 Moderate
in Economics
Correlation Source: Result of the analysis 2019
X SD R Sig.Level
Reading Table 1.4, shows the students’ mean scores and standard
20.94 5.822
habitat deviations to the items on questionnaire. From the table, it can
0.712* 0.000 be seen that items, 2.73(1.10), 2.61(1.16), 2.72(1.14),
Economics 2.88(1.15), 2.55(1.17), 2.87(1.10), 2.51(1.15) describe on
36.78 13.79
arch average how students moderately read their books. Items
*Sig at 0.01 levels (2 tailed) 2.34(1.14) indicate on the average how students response to
the items how they fairly read their books. Taken together, the
Table 1.3, shows that the Pearson correlations computed to overall mean score of 2.74 and 0.08 (moderate) respectively
determine the relationship between reading habit and students’ suggest that they barely get by with respect to reading habits,
achievement yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.712, in other words they do not appear to read their books very
indicating a high positive relationship. And since the p – well. Therefore they should be expected to get more engaged
value< of 0.00 is less than the 0.05 alpha level, the null with their book instead of other things.
hypothesis that is stated there is no statistically significant
relationship between students’ reading habits and their VII. CONCLUSIONS
achievement in Economics was rejected. It was thus The study concluded that the students who have accepted
concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship good (effective) reading habits tend to perform well in their
between reading habits and achievement in Economics. This school achievements (Economics) to a very large extent in
implies that the high positive relationship between study habit Sokoto state. The result in the objective shows that there is
and economics achievement for students in Sokoto state is high positive relationship between students’ reading habits
statistically significant. and their academic achievement in economics in secondary
This shows the statistically significant high positive schools in Sokoto state. Thus, it means that there is significant
relationship found in this study between students’ reading high relationship between students’ reading habit and their
habits and their achievement in Economics is generally in line academic achievement in economics in Sokoto state.
with the finding of Ogbodo (2010) in a similar investigation. Therefore, based on the findings, the following conclusion
This finding is expected because reading habits in terms of could be drawn;
quality and amount of time entails the process of thinking,  Parents should provide reading materials and create
evaluating judging, imagining, reasoning and problem solving favorable reading environment for their children,
(Micheal, 2014) would affect achievement in any subject. because without good study environment children
Table 1.4; Mean and standard deviation of student’s response to items on could not be able to learn well.
reading habit (N=175)  Family background of students also affects their
reading habit. This is when they are engage with too
Item X SD Interpretation
much work at home by the parents.
After reading several pages of
assessments do you find yourself 2.73 1.10 Moderate
 Lack of understanding and reading skills results to
unable to remember what you have students’ poor attitude to effective study. This is
just read? because they have to re-read and read the materials.
Do you find it hard to pick out the 2.61 1.07 Moderate  Students themselves contribute to their inability to
important points of a reading
develop good reading habits. They do not read for
When reading a long assignment do 2.72 1.14 Moderate pleasure but for examination period only.
you stop now and then try to
remember what you have read? Page 244

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue II, February 2020|ISSN 2454-6186


This research was recommended that all stakeholders that are [1] Aremu, A.O. (2000): Academic Performance Factor Inventory,
Ibadan; Stirling-Horjen publishers, Nigeria.
involves in teaching and learning, modifications of behavior,
[2] Bakare, C.G.M. (1977): Study Habits Inventory Manual, Ibadan
such as lecturers, teachers, parents, counselors and the Psychology Educational Production.
government involved in educating secondary school students [3] Deavers, R. (2000): The effect of instruction on early non-word
in all round to provide conditions that facilitate studying and reading strategies. Journal of Research in Reading.No. 23,
study skills which should be taught to student so that their
[4] Erik Erison’s Book (1987): The Life Cycle Completed (extended
academic performance can be highly improved. Also based version).
on the findings of this investigation, the following [5] Issa, A. O., Aliyu, M.B., Akangbe, R. B. &Adedeji, A. F. (2012):
recommendations were presented for implementation: Reading interest and habits of the federal polytechnic students.
International Journal of Learning &Development.Vol. 2, no.1,
I. Reading and debate club should be encouraged pp470-486.
by the school administrators and teachers. [6] Kasomo D., (2007): Research Method in Humanities and
Education revised edition, page 35 published Zappf chancery
II. Parents should help their children to cultivate Research Consultant and Publisher P. O. Box 4988, Kenya.
the reading skills culture when they are young, [7] Krejcie, R.V. & Morgan, D. W. (1970): Determining sample size
so that it becomes part and parcel of their life. for research activities, educational & psychological
III. Teachers should be able to advice and encourage measurement, retrieved July 28, 2010 from
students to manage their study time table both at [8] Micheal O., (2014): Reading habits among students and its effect
school and home. on academic performance: A study of students
IV. Teachers should apply the principles of positive of Koforidua Polytechnic. Library Philosophy andPracticeE-
reinforcement to increase students’ motivational journal.Paper1130.
level in their reading habits. [9] Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education Sokoto. Shehu
V. Teachers should educate students during Kangiwasecretariat 2018.
orientation to encourage them to improve on [10] Ogbodo, R. O. (2010): Effective study habits in educational sector:
how to develop time table for reading. counseling implications. Edo Journal of Counseling, Vol.3.No.2.
pp.1-11. Page 245

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