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Final Report

Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Study

for the

Bluestem Solid Waste Agency

Iowa Department of Natural Resources

June 2004

In conjunction with
Nova Energie GmbH and
Resource Development Association
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

Executive Summary
Introduction and Purpose of Study ..................................................................ES-1
Key Findings..........................................................................................ES-2
Anaerobic Digestion Technology Overview .........................................ES-2
Survey of Anaerobic Digestion Facilities ..............................................ES-2
Generators of Potential Feedstock .........................................................ES-4
Co-Products Characterization ................................................................ES-5
Potential AD Facility Cost Analysis ......................................................ES-5
Siting and Institutional Issues ................................................................ES-8
System Impacts Analysis .......................................................................ES-9
Comparative Life Cycle Analyses of MSW Technologies....................ES-9
Potential Project Funding Sources .......................................................ES-10

Section 1. Anaerobic Digestion Technology Overview

1.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Source Separation .......................................................................... 1-1
1.1.2 Centralized Separation ................................................................... 1-2
1.2 AD Systems Review................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.1 Evolution of Digestion Capacity.................................................... 1-2
1.3 Anaerobic Digestion Technologies ............................................................ 1-4
1.3.1 Wet Single-Step ............................................................................. 1-5
1.3.2 Wet Multi-Step............................................................................... 1-5
1.3.3 Dry Continuous.............................................................................. 1-6
1.3.4 Dry Sequencing Batch ................................................................... 1-6
1.3.5 Dry Multi-Step ............................................................................... 1-6
1.3.6 Percolation ..................................................................................... 1-7
1.4 AD Development........................................................................................ 1-7
1.4.1 Operating Temperatures................................................................. 1-7
1.4.2 Plant Suppliers ............................................................................... 1-7
1.5 Process Description .................................................................................... 1-8
1.5.1 Wet Single-Step Processes............................................................. 1-8 Vagron, The Netherlands (Wabio).................................. 1-8 Grindsted, Denmark (Krüger Biosolid System)............ 1-10

Table of Contents Holsworthy, United Kingdom (Farmatic)..................... 1-12

1.5.2 Wet Two-Step Processes ............................................................. 1-14 Kirchstockach, Germany (BTA)................................... 1-14 Wels, Austria (Linde-KCA-Dresden)........................... 1-16
1.5.3 Dry One-Step Processes .............................................................. 1-17 Niederuzwil, Switzerland (Kompogas) ........................ 1-18 Lemgo, Germany (Linde-BRV).................................... 1-19 Geneva, Switzerland (Valorga) .................................... 1-21 Aarburg, Switzerland (Dranco) .................................... 1-24
1.5.4 Dry Two-Step Two-Phase Process .............................................. 1-25 Buchen, German (ISKA) .............................................. 1-26
1.6 Summary .................................................................................................. 1-28
1.6.1 Wet vs. Dry Digestion ................................................................. 1-28

Section 2. Survey of Anaerobic Digestion Facilities

2.1 Survey Development .................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Survey Evaluation ...................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Performance Data Interpretation ................................................................ 2-3
2.4 Economic Data Interpretation .................................................................... 2-4
2.4.1 Year of Construction...................................................................... 2-5
2.4.2 Type of Operation.......................................................................... 2-6
2.4.3 Scale of Operation ......................................................................... 2-7

Section 3. Generators of Potential Feedstock

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Survey Results............................................................................................ 3-2
3.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................ 3-3

Section 4. Co-Products Characterization

4.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 AD Inputs and Outputs............................................................................... 4-3
4.3 Sludges ....................................................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Other Organic Feedstocks .......................................................................... 4-3
4.5 Food Waste................................................................................................. 4-4
4.6 Yard Waste................................................................................................. 4-4
4.7 Annual and Daily Feedstock Flows ........................................................... 4-4
4.8 Biogas Production ...................................................................................... 4-5
4.9 Solids Separation........................................................................................ 4-5
4.10 Carbon Benefits........................................................................................ 4-6
4.11 Summary .................................................................................................. 4-7

Section 5. Potential AD Facility Cost Analysis

5.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Methodology .............................................................................................. 5-3
5.2.1 Integrated Materials Flow/Financial Model .................................. 5-3
5.2.2 AD Facility Construction and Installation Costs ........................... 5-3
5.2.3 Revenues and Expenses................................................................. 5-7

ii B1471
Table of Contents

5.2.4 Financial Pro Formas ..................................................................... 5-8

5.2.5 Sensitivity Analyses....................................................................... 5-9
5.3 Summary................................................................................................... 5-11

Section 6. Siting and Institutional Issues

6.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Preferred Site .............................................................................................. 6-1
6.3 Local Zoning and Permitting...................................................................... 6-2
6.3.1 City of Cedar Rapids Overlay District........................................... 6-2
6.3.2 Linn County Exclusive Use District .............................................. 6-3
6.3.3 Linn County Air Quality Permitting .............................................. 6-4 Overview ....................................................................... 6-4 Construction Permit....................................................... 6-4 Operating Permit ........................................................... 6-5 Title V Operating Permits ............................................. 6-5
6.4 State Permitting Requirements ................................................................... 6-6
6.4.1 Wastewater Permit ......................................................................... 6-6
6.4.2 Comprehensive Planning ............................................................... 6-7
6.4.3 Sanitary Disposal Project Permit ................................................... 6-7
6.5 Summary..................................................................................................... 6-7

Section 7. System Impacts Analysis

7.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Quantities Diverted..................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 System Costs .............................................................................................. 7-1
7.4 Summary..................................................................................................... 7-2

Section 8. Comparative Life Cycle Analyses of MSW Technologies

8.1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 AD Life Cycle Analysis Overview .......................................................... 8-1
8.3 Materials Balance..................................................................................... 8-2
8.4 Net Energy Balance ................................................................................. 8-2
8.5 Air Emissions........................................................................................... 8-3
8.6 Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases ................................................. 8-6
8.7 Emissions per Ton of MSW Managed..................................................... 8-6

Section 9. Potential Project Funding Sources

9.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 9-1
9.2 U.S. Department of Energy ........................................................................ 9-1
9.2.1 Biomass Energy Program .............................................................. 9-1
9.2.2 Federal Energy Management Program .......................................... 9-2
9.3 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) .......................................... 9-3
9.3.1 Innovations Work Group (IWG).................................................... 9-3
9.3.2 National Center for Environmental Research (NCER) ................. 9-4
9.3.3 EPA Region 7 – Serving Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,
Nebraska and 9 Tribal Nations .................................................... 9-4
9.3.4 Other EPA Resources .................................................................... 9-5

B1471 iii
Table of Contents

9.4 Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Energy and Waste

Management Bureau................................................................................ 9-5
9.4.1 Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP).................................. 9-5
9.4.2 Iowa Energy Bank Program........................................................... 9-6
9.5 The Iowa Energy Center ............................................................................ 9-6
9.5.1 Grants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy................. 9-6
9.5.2 Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program .................................. 9-6
9.6 State of Iowa Incentives ............................................................................. 9-7
9.6.1 Methane Gas Conversion Property Tax Exemption ...................... 9-7
9.6.2 Methane Energy Replacement Generation Tax Exemption .......... 9-7
9.7 Summary .................................................................................................... 9-7

Section 10: Findings

10.1 Technology ............................................................................................ 10-1
10.2 Feedstock ............................................................................................... 10-1
10.3 Costs ...................................................................................................... 10-1
10.4 System Impacts...................................................................................... 10-2


Appendix A: Anaerobic Digestion Facility Survey
Appendix B: Completed Surveys from Anaerobic Digestion Facilities
Appendix C: Organic Waste Generator Survey and Cover Letters
Appendix D: List of Organic Waste Generators Surveyed
Appendix E: Facility Cost Analysis – Supplement Cost Tables

iv B1471
Table of Contents

This report has been prepared for the use of the client for the specific purposes identified in the
report. The conclusions, observations and recommendations contained herein attributed to
R. W. Beck, Inc. (R. W. Beck) constitute the opinions of R. W. Beck. To the extent that
statements, information and opinions provided by the client or others have been used in the
preparation of this report, R. W. Beck has relied upon the same to be accurate, and for which no
assurances are intended and no representations or warranties are made. R. W. Beck makes no
certification and gives no assurances except as explicitly set forth in this report.
Copyright 2004, R. W. Beck, Inc.
All rights reserved.

B1471 v
Table of Contents

List of Tables
ES.1 Performance Data of AD Plants.................................................................... ES-3
ES.2 Type and Amount of Organic Waste Generated and Diverted ..................... ES-5
ES.3 "Base Case" Organic AD Feestocks ............................................................. ES-6
ES.4 Revenue-Neutral Tip Fee.............................................................................. ES-8
ES.5 Net Energy Balance .................................................................................... ES-10
ES.6 Anaerobic Digestion, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, MTCE/Tons of
MSW Managed.................................................................................... ES-10

1.1 Large MBT Facilities Operating with Digestion .............................................1-3

1.2 AD Plant Number and Capacity (10 Major Providers)....................................1-8

2.1 Responding AD Plants.....................................................................................2-2

2.2 Performance Data of AD Plants.......................................................................2-4
2.3 Investment Data of AD Plants .........................................................................2-6

3.1 Type and Amount of Organic Waste Generated and Diverted ........................3-2

4.1 "Base Case" Organic AD Feedstocks ..............................................................4-2

4.2 AD Plant Material Flows .................................................................................4-5
4.3 AD Plant Material Flows .................................................................................4-6
4.4 Partial Carbon Benefits ....................................................................................4-7

5.1 Base Case Organic AD Feedstocks..................................................................5-1

5.2 Alternative Case Organic AD Feestocks .........................................................5-1
5.3 Material Process Flows ....................................................................................5-2
5.4 Projected AD Facility Installation and Construction Costs, Survey
Analysis ($)......................................................................................................5-4
5.5 Large AD Facility Conceptual Level Cost Estimate........................................5-5
5.6 Mid-Sized Facility Conceptual Level Cost Estimate.......................................5-6
5.7 Pro-Forma Operating Results PV Profit (Loss) ($000) ...................................5-9
5.8 AD Facility Cost Analysis Summary.............................................................5-10
5.9 Revenue-Neutral Tip Fee ($/ton) ...................................................................5-13

Materials Balance.............................................................................................8-2
Net Energy Balance .........................................................................................8-3
AP-42 Method Air Emissions Estimator .........................................................8-5
GHG Effect Coefficients (100 Years)..............................................................8-6
Greenhouse Gas Emission from MSW Management, Metric Tons of
Carbon Equivalent (MTCE) per ton of MSW Managed ..........................8-7
8.5A Greenhouse Gas Emission for MSW Management, Metric Tons of
Carbon Equivalent (MTCE) per ton of MSW Managed ..........................8-7

vi B1471
Table of Contents

List of Figures
Figure ES.1: Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis, Present Value of
Projected 20-Year Profit/ton .............................................................ES-7
Figure ES.2: Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis, Present Value of
Large AD Facility 20-Year Profit/ton ...............................................ES-7
Figure ES.3: Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis, Present Value of
Mid Size Facility 20-Year Profit/ton ................................................ES-8

Figure 1.1: Development of Biogas Plants ................................................................ 1-4

Figure 1.2: AD Process ............................................................................................. 1-4
Figure 1.3: Vagron AD Facility ................................................................................ 1-9
Figure 1.4: Vagron Facility Mass Balance............................................................... 1-10
Figure 1.5: Grindsted Waste Shredder ..................................................................... 1-11
Figure 1.6: Grindsted AD Facility ........................................................................... 1-12
Figure 1.7: Holsworthy AD Facility ....................................................................... 1-13
Figure 1.8: Holsworthy Facility Conceptual Layout................................................ 1-13
Figure 1.9: The Kirchstockach AD Facility............................................................. 1-14
Figure 1.10: BTA Process Description .................................................................... 1-15
Figure 1.11: Linde-KCA AD Process Description .................................................. 1-16
Figure 1.12: Wels AD Facility ................................................................................. 1-16
Figure 1.13: One Stage Dry Digesters ..................................................................... 1-17
Figure 1.14: Kompogas AD Process ....................................................................... 1-18
Figure 1.15: Uzwil AD Plant ................................................................................... 1-18
Figure 1.16: Kompogas Heat Exchange .................................................................. 1-19
Figure 1.17: Kompogas Separation Press ................................................................ 1-19
Figure 1.18: Linde-BRV Process ............................................................................ 1-20
Figure 1.19: Removal Vat ........................................................................................ 1-20
Figure 1.20: Chopper/Calibrator .............................................................................. 1-20
Figure 1.21: Geneva AD Facility ............................................................................. 1-21
Figure 1.22: Valorga Process ................................................................................... 1-22
Figure 1.23: Valorga Compresses Biogas Mixing ................................................... 1-22
Figure 1.24: Geneva Facility Mass Balance ............................................................ 1-23
Figure 1.25: Valorga Process Flow Diagram........................................................... 1-24
Figure 1.26: Aaburg AD Facility ............................................................................. 1-25
Figure 1.27: Buchen AD Facility ............................................................................. 1-26
Figure 1.28: Buchen Percolator ............................................................................... 1-26
Figure 1.29: Interior of Buchen Percolator .............................................................. 1-27

Figure 2.1: Biogas Delivery Cost............................................................................... 2-7

Figure 5.1: Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis, Present Value of

Projected 20-Year Profit/ton.................................................................. 5-11
Figure 5.2: Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis, Present Value of
Large AD Facility 20-Year Profit/ton ................................................... 5-12

B1471 vii
Table of Contents

Figure 5.3: Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis, Present Value of Mid

Size Facility 20-Year Profit/ton .............................................................5-12

Figure 6.1: Site Map ...................................................................................................6-2

viii B1471

Introduction and Purpose of Study

R. W. Beck, Inc. (Beck), in conjunction with subconsultants Resource Development
Associates and Nova Energie GmbH, was retained by the Bluestem Solid Waste
Agency (Bluestem) to analyze the feasibility of anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic
solid wastes in Linn County, Iowa.
Bluestem is part of an integrated solid waste management system that includes the
„ Pay-as-you throw residential refuse collection coupled with curbside collection of
recyclable materials and yard waste;
„ Commercial and industrial waste exchange;
„ Old corrugated cardboard landfill disposal ban;
„ Composting of yard waste and organic sludges;
„ Energy recovery for select combustible materials; and
„ Landfill disposal of remaining solid waste generated.
The objectives of the study were to answer the following questions posed by
1. Where has AD been effectively used to manage targeted fractions of the solid
waste stream?
2. Can AD be effectively used to manage the organic fraction of Bluestem's waste
3. What impact would the incorporation of an AD component have on Bluestem's
overall integrated solid waste management system?
4. What cost parameters are associated with the application of AD to the
management of targeted fractions of Bluestem's municipal solid waste
5. What are the potential barriers to siting and developing an AD facility to
manage a portion of Bluestem's MSW?
This Executive Summary presents an overview of the feasibility study and
highlights the key findings. The study consists of ten sections, plus several

Executive Summary

Key Findings
The key findings of the study include the following:
„ Anaerobic digestion is being effectively used in several locations throughout
Europe to manage the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), yard
waste, food wastes, organic industrial wastes, sludges, and manures.
„ Two potential sized AD facilities – 69,000 TPY (Large) and 36,000 TPY (Mid-
Sized) should be considered for future analysis based on available organic
„ Capital costs for the Large AD facility are estimated to range from $12.8 to $14.2
„ Capital costs for the Mid-Sized facility are estimated to range from $9.0 to $9.4
„ The net present value (PV) over a 20-year planning period calculating the PV of
the revenues less the PV of the operating and amortized costs results in a positive
cash flow for a Large AD facility. This assumes revenues from both electric
power and thermal energy sales.
„ An average tip fee of $14.43 - $16.73 per ton for the Large AD Facility scenario
offers an opportunity for project development with adequate revenues to cover
projected expenses over a 20 year planning horizon.
„ Development of the Large AD Facility offers the potential to produce a quantity
of biogas composed of 65% to 75% methane adequate to generate more than 1
megawatt (MW) of electrical power.
„ Development of the Large AD Facility offers nearly a 75% reduction in the total
volume of materials with the potential for the reuse of the residual fiber as
„ The addition of an AD Facility to Bluestem's integrated solid waste management
system provides an increased level of flexibility to manage future changes in the
quantities and types of materials received.
„ Barriers to siting and developing an AD facility are comparable to siting and
developing other solid waste facilities.

Anaerobic Digestion Technology Overview

Methane is emitted from anthropogenic sources such as agriculture (rice fields, animal
breeding and fattening), incineration and landfills. AD is a technology that can
potentially reduce methane emitted from agricultural waste and landfills. AD not only
provides pollution prevention opportunities, but also reduces the volume of waste
while producing methane and digestate (i.e., fibrous by-product and water). As the
technology continues to mature, AD is becoming a viable method for promoting waste
reduction, energy recovery of biomass, and useable by-products.

ES-2 R. W. Beck B1471


World-wide, there are now more than 130 large AD plants operating that digest the
organic fraction of the municipal solid waste stream (OFMSW) and/or organic
industrial wastes (OIW). All but approximately five of these installations are located
in Europe. Various AD technologies, including wet and dry digestion processes, are
described in detail, illustrated with pictures and diagrams in the report.

Survey of Anaerobic Digestion Facilities

Because there are no commercial-scale AD facilities operating in the U.S. that use
MSW or the organic fraction of MSW (OFMSW) as feedstock, an extensive survey
was initiated of AD facilities in Europe. Facilities digesting at least 2,500 tons/year of
either the OFMSW or Organic Industrial Waste (OIW) as its feedstock, or those
feedstocks co-digested with other organic materials, were selected for the survey.
More than 60 facility operators or system providers representing AD facilities from
ten different European countries were surveyed. A summary of the results is provided
in Table ES.1 below.

Table ES.1
Performance Data of AD Plants

Location Waste Type* Waste Ft3 Ft3 Gas Ft3 Ft3 Gas/Ft3 Lbs./Day/Ft3
Tons/Year Digester Production Biogas/Ton Digester/Day Digester

Aarburg Yard 12,128 52,973 28,605,150 2,359 1.48 1.25

Baar Yard 4,410 16,951 13,419,700 3,043 2.17 1.43
Bachenbülach Yard & Food 9,482 18,364 30,017,750 3,166 4.48 2.83
Baden-Baden Food & Kitchen 7,166 211,890 51,206,750 7,146 0.66 0.19
Braunschweig Kitchen 17,640 59,329 60,035,500 3,403 2.77 1.63
Buchen MSW 110,250 141,260 141,260,000 1,281 2.74 4.28
Geneva Yard 13,230 35,315 42,378,000 3,203 3.29 2.05
Biosolids &
Grindsted** 38,036 98,882 22,954,750 603 0.64 2.11
Holsworthy** Manure & Food 160,965 282,520 137,728,500 856 1.34 3.12
Karlsruhe Yard & Kitchen 8,820 47,675 30,935,940 3,507 1.78 1.01
Lemgo Yard & Kitchen 37,485 90,053 134,197,000 3,580 4.08 2.28
München Yard & Kitchen 27,563 84,050 52,972,500 1,922 1.73 1.80
Niederuzwil Yard 11,025 31,784 30,724,050 2,787 2.65 1.90
Otelfingen Yard 13,781 29,665 38,846,500 2,819 3.59 2.55
Rümlang Yard & Food 7,718 16,245 28,252,000 3,661 4.76 2.60
Samstagern Yard & Food 8,489 18,364 28,958,300 3,411 4.32 2.53
Average 30,512 77,207 54,530,774 2,922 2.65 2.10
* When there is more than one type of waste, the higher percentage feedstock is provided first.
** While not a part of the survey, sufficient information was gathered to make consistent comparisons.

As reflected in the data presented in Table ES.1, the average surveyed system treats a
waste volume of slightly more than 30,500 tons/year, and has a reactor volume of

B1471 R. W. Beck ES-3

Executive Summary

around 77,000 ft3. With an average yield of almost 2,900 ft3/ton of biogas, the average
AD system produces slightly more than 6,200 ft3/hour of biogas.
Given the available information, Beck conducted a multiple regression analysis for the
facility survey results. The purpose of this analysis was to attempt to quantify some of
the economies of scale typically present when building a large, capital-intensive
project such as the potential Bluestem project. The multiple regression analysis
indicated that on a cost/ton basis of installed capacity projects with higher installed
capacities tend to capture the benefits of economies of scale, and cost less to build on a
cost/ton basis than smaller facilities.
To illustrate the economies of scale, the resulting equation from the regression
analysis was used to estimate the total installed costs of facilities capable of processing
two different size facilities - 36,000 and 69,000 tons per year (per the available
feedstock as outlined in Sections 3 and 4 of the report). The total installed costs of the
36,000 tons/year facility were estimated to be approximately $9.0 million, equating to
a cost/ton of approximately $251/ton. The total installed costs for a 69,000 tons/year
facility were estimated to be approximately $12.8 million, equating to a cost/ton of
approximately $186/ton. The results clearly confirm that economies of scale are
reflected in the survey results.

Generators of Potential Feedstock

The Beck Project Team, with input from Bluestem staff and the Best Practices
Roundtable, developed a written survey to assess the availability of organic materials
as feedstock for an AD project in the Bluestem planning area. The specific purpose of
the survey was to determine the types of organic wastes generated, quantities
generated, present management methods, estimated management costs, and level of
interest in utilizing AD from the organic waste generators in the Bluestem area.
Table ES.2 below summarizes the survey responses of the various types and amounts
of organic waste generated in the Bluestem area.

ES-4 R. W. Beck B1471


Table ES.2
Type and Amount of Organic Waste Generated and Diverted
Current Diversion Method
Tons Tons
Type of Waste Generated Diverted Tons Tons Land- Tons Tons Used
Composted Applied Recycled as a Fuel
Sludges 64,7281 64,728 64,728 - - -
Other Organic Waste2 36,724 36,519 5,696 30,823 - -
Paper (includes OCC, 1,984 1,678 - - 1,678 -
ONP, Office Paper &
Mixed Paper)
Food Waste3 44,934 44,144 - - 16,144 28,000
Yard Waste 362 52 52 - - -
Pallets and Other 503 369 - - 369 -
Fabric 160 104 - - 104 -
TOTAL: 149,395 147,594 70,476 30,823 18,295 28,000
1 Per discussions with Bluestem staff, approximately one half of this amount would be available for anaerobic digestion.
2 Other organic waste includes: Feed; fiber filters; dry starch waste; bathroom towels; filter cake by-product; biomass by-products made of

denatured bacterial cell bodies, protein, nitrogen, carbohydrates, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and organic, non-toxic polymers.
3 Food waste includes waste from manufacturers of food products, as well as cafeteria waste from institutions and industries.

Of the total organic waste generated, the respondents to the survey reported that
147,594 tons or 99% of the organic waste is currently being diverted from disposal
(the material is being composted, land-applied, reused, re-manufactured, or used for
energy production). However, in several instances, these methods were not
considered long term management options.

Co-Products Characterization
The co-products of the AD process are a medium-Btu content biogas and a slurry
called digestate. The biogas contains approximately 60%-70% methane and is water
saturated. The balance of the biogas mixture is carbon dioxide, and some parts/million
(ppm) of hydrogen sulfide. The digestate consists of undigested solids, cell-mass,
soluble nutrients, other inert materials, and water.
Based on the survey results reported in Section 3, the potential organic feedstock
quantities and qualities available to Bluestem are summarized below.

B1471 R. W. Beck ES-5

Executive Summary

Table ES.3
"Base Case" Organic AD Feedstocks
Tons/Year Tons/Day
Sludges1 32,364 89
Other Organic Waste 33,300 91
Food Waste 2,934 8
Yard Waste 362 1
Total 68,960 189
1 Per discussions with Bluestem, this is the total amount that would be available for
AD, approximately one-half of the total amount generated.

Table ES.3 depicts a "base case" scenario for AD feedstock within the Bluestem
planning area. Of the total amount of organic waste generated (149,395 tons/year),
about 46% (68,960) tons can be considered as potential AD feedstocks.

Potential AD Facility Cost Analysis

To complete the potential AD Facility cost analysis, Beck undertook the following
1. Developed an integrated materials flow and financial model to project energy
production, materials flow, facility construction and operation, costs, and
anticipated revenues;
2. Reviewed AD facility survey results to estimate per ton installed capital costs;
3. Evaluated per ton installed capital costs to determine economies of scale
associated with varying AD facility sizes;
4. Calculated projected capital costs for construction and installation of a Mid-Sized
AD Facility and a Large AD Facility;
5. Developed conceptual engineering cost estimates for both Mid-Sized and Large
AD Facilities as a comparison to the calculated projected capital costs;
6. Identified the scope of the revenues and expenses associated with an AD Facility;
7. Developed a set of financial pro formas for a twenty-year planning period for both
AD Facility scenarios;
8. Conducted sensitivity analyses to identify critical variables; and
9. Characterized the financial results to determine the financial viability of the
proposed project.
Utilizing the base assumptions as outlined in the "Expected Case", the projected
operating results reflect a self-sustaining project at the Large Facility level with both
electric power and thermal energy revenues. As for the Mid-Sized facility, the
projected operating results reflect a net loss both with and without thermal revenues.

ES-6 R. W. Beck B1471


A summary of the net PV analysis on a per ton basis is provided below in Figures
ES.1, ES.2, and ES.3.

Figure ES.1
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis
Present Value of Projected 20-Year Profit/ton







Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh No Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh

Large Plant Mid-Sized Plant

Figure ES.2
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis
Present Value of Large AD Facility 20-Year Profit/ton







Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh No Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh

Poor Economic Conditions Base Assumptions Strong Economic Conditions

B1471 R. W. Beck ES-7

Executive Summary

Figure ES.3
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis
Present Value of Mid-Sized Facility 20-Year Profit/ton







Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh No Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh

Poor Economic Conditions Base Assumptions Strong Economic Conditions

Because the project is likely to generate revenue through a per ton tip fee charge for
materials received, one additional analysis was undertaken. The total revenues for the
20-year planning period were compared to the total annual costs. To generate
adequate revenues with the expected case assumptions, a set of tip fees were
Overall, the average tip fees needed for a revenue-neutral project are characterized in
Table ES.4.

Table ES.4
Revenue-Neutral Tip Fee

Base Case Mid-Level

With Thermal Energy $14.43 $18.91
Without Thermal Energy $16.73 $21.37

The tip fees ultimately selected must be at a level to economically attract the needed
waste streams.

ES-8 R. W. Beck B1471


Siting and Institutional Issues

The Cedar Rapids Water Pollution Control Facilities (CRWPC) has approximately 30
to 40 acres of open space within its present facility footprint. Per discussions with
CRWPC staff, it is the CRWPC's intent to use this area for expansion of its own
facilities in the future. However, further discussions with CRWPC concerning the
potential use of this area for an AD facility and sponsorship by the CRWPC are
Per discussions with CRWPC staff, it is estimated that CRWPC uses $5.5 to 6M of
power annually. Total power costs represented approximately 15% of total operating
costs in the 2003 calendar year. As for natural gas, the CRWPC facilities use biogas
from their own treatment processes to displace their own natural gas needs from
external sources. Locating an AD facility adjacent to the CRWPC facilities and
generating electricity that could be used for CRWPC is an attractive option.
Because AD facilities using MSW as feedstock do not presently operate in Iowa, there
is no specific precedent serving either local or state governments surrounding the issue
of siting and permitting of this type of solid waste facility. Overall, the uniqueness of
an AD Facility will likely require local and state regulators to revisit solid waste
facility regulations. Additional legal review of these provisions is recommended prior
to initiating the siting and permitting process.

System Impacts Analysis

Adding the AD facility component to the Agency's System to manage the growing
targeted waste stream will be beneficial. An AD facility component provides an
increased level of flexibility to the Agency's System to promote long term capabilities
to address changes in quantities and types of materials received.
The greatest impact on System costs would likely be at the existing composting
facility. However, the overall cost impacts of adding this component to the System
are anticipated to be minimal, unless alternative facility scenarios are considered that
target materials presently being landfilled.

Comparative Life Cycle Analyses of MSW Technologies

For the review of the energy balance, there are two basic outputs (methane and
compost) and two basic inputs (electricity and thermal energy). Table ES.5
characterizes the net energy balance.

B1471 R. W. Beck ES-9

Executive Summary

Table ES.5
Net Energy Balance
Energy Balance
Outputs Inputs
(Outputs less Inputs)
Methane 87,800
Soil Conditioner 9,700
Electricity 4,600
Thermal Energy 5,500
Totals 97,500 10,100 87,400

Overall, the analysis reflects AD is a net energy producer. Provided below is a

summary of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis.

Table ES.6
Anaerobic Digestion
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
MTCE/Tons of MSW Managed
CO2 CO2 CH4 N2O Total per
(fossil) (sequestered) Ton
Collection .006 - - - .006
AD Process .011 - .15 - .16
Composting .0023 -.083 .0001 .0001 -.080
Electricity Production -.028 - -.002 - -.030
Total .045 -.083 .14 .0001 .056

Overall, the process has an impact on global warming comparable to landfilling with
recovery of gas. The negative values represent metric tons of carbon equivalent
(MTCE) precluded from being emitted. Table ES.6 provides the overall estimate.

Potential Project Funding Sources

Based on the review of the funding sources outlined in Section 9, the likelihood of
federal support for an AD project from existing appropriations is limited. As for the
Environmental Protection Agency, both the Innovations Work Group and National
Center for Environmental Research are potential funding sources. Additional
discussions are recommended with representatives of both programs to determine
potential interest in AD projects. For funding directly related to AD facility design,
construction, and operation, the Project Team recommends further investigation of the
Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ Energy and Waste Management Bureau's
Solid Waste Alternatives Program and the Iowa Energy Center's Alternate Energy
Revolving Loan Program.

ES-10 R. W. Beck B1471

Section 1

1.1 Overview
Methane is emitted from anthropogenic sources such as agriculture (rice fields, animal
breeding and fattening), incineration and landfills. Landfills are estimated to account
for 12%-15% of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on a global basis.
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a technology that can potentially reduce methane emitted
from agricultural waste and landfills. AD not only provides pollution prevention
opportunities, but also reduces the volume of waste while producing methane and
digestate (i.e., fibrous by-product and water). As the technology continues to mature,
AD is becoming a viable method for promoting waste reduction, energy recovery of
biomass, and useable by-products.

1.1.1 Source Separation

In many countries, municipal solid waste (MSW) is collected as a mixed stream and is
disposed of directly into landfills or in waste-to-energy facilities. In recent years, both
source separation and recycling have become more prevalent. As a result, the "clean"
organic fractions of MSW (OFMSW) may now be available for biological treatment in
some settings.
In many European countries, the source separation of the OFMSW is actively
encouraged. This includes separating the putrescible organic fraction, also known as
“green waste” or “biowaste”. Source separation sometimes also includes other
organic fractions, such as smaller pieces of yard trimmings, non-recyclable papers,
and diapers. The residue that remains after source separation is known as "grey
Experience in Europe and the U.S. has shown that comprehensive source separation of
organics provides the best quality feedstock for either composting or AD, with a
minimum of heavy metal and plastic contamination. Where source separation has
been mandated in Europe, the results have been encouraging. The experience of some
European communities indicates that 30%-50% percent of the total OFMSW fraction
can be successfully collected and managed separately.
The most applicable characteristics of AD feedstock are used when the organic
fraction can be collected at the source of generation, (e.g., food processing industries,
pulp and paper mills, etc.). In addition to the low degree of contamination, there is a
more consistent composition of the waste over time that makes it easier to achieve a

Section 1

steady level of biogas production. This is optimal for conversion into a useful energy

1.1.2 Centralized Separation

Centralized separation provides the method for obtaining the OFMSW when source
separation is not feasible. Centralized separation techniques include mechanical
processing, optical processing, and handpicking. Separation is initiated prior to the
AD process; however, it is even more efficient to do it after treatment or by combining
pre- and post-treatment sorting. The combination of centralized separation and
biological treatment (aerobic composting, AD, or both processes in series) is generally
called "Mechanical Biological Treatment" (MBT).
The digestible organic fraction obtained from centralized separation is usually more
contaminated than source-separated biowaste. Centralized separation particularly
affects the heavy metal and plastic content of the digestate co-product. If the digestate
derived from mechanical separation does not meet the standards required for its useful
application as a soil conditioner, the benefits of AD are derived from only the effective
use of the biogas as fuel, from waste volume reduction, and from reducing methane
emissions from a landfill site. In some countries this type of lesser-quality digestate is
used for landfill cover or for land remediation purposes.
Centralized separation followed by a biological treatment can also be applied to the
grey waste residual after source separation. There are approximately 60 systems
operating in Europe today that utilize MBT. Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands,
Germany, Switzerland, and Austria are all presently debating the banning of
landfilling of organic materials.

1.2 AD Systems Review

1.2.1 Evolution of Digestion Capacity
World-wide, there are now more than 130 large AD plants operating, that digest the
OFMSW or organic industrial wastes (OIW). All but approximately five of these
installations are located in Europe. The total annual installed capacity is around 6.6
million tons. About one fourth of the capacity consists of OFMSW, OIW or sewage
sludge, the remainder being mainly manure. Roughly two-thirds (87) of the plants are
wet digesters (< 15% total solids or TS concentration), while the remaining facilities
systems use a dry digestion process. Provided below is a list of those AD facilities
operating in Europe with centralized separation.

1-2 R. W. Beck B1471


Table 1.1
Large MBT Facilities Operating with Digestion

System Country City Type of waste Tons/Year Start-Up

BTA/Roediger Poland Pulawy MSW 24,200 2001

BTA Italien Villacidro MSW 38,500 2001
Citec Finland Vaasa MSW, Biowaste 16,500 1994
Citec/Vagron Holland Groningen Grey Waste 253,000 2000
Dranco Germany Bassum Grey Waste 14,850 1997
Dranco Germany Kaiserslautern Grey Waste 22,000 1999
Dranco Italy Rome MSW 44,000 2002
Dranco Spain Alicante MSW 33,000 2002
ISKA Germany Buchen Grey Waste 27,500 2000
Ionics Italbia Italy Bellaria MSW 4,400 1988
Linde Spain Barcelona Ecoparc MSW 165,000 2002
Snamprogetti Italy Verona MSW 55,000 1998
Valorga Belgium Mons MSW 41,250 2001
Valorga France Amiens MSW 93,500 1988
Valorga France Varennes-Jarcy MSW 110,000 2001
Valorga Italy Bassano di Grappa MSW, Biowaste, SS 60,500 2002
Valorga Spain Cadiz MSW 126,500 2001
Valorga Spain La Coruña MSW 156,200 2001
Wehrle Werk Germany Kahlenberg MSW 22,000 2001

The rate of installed capacity of biowaste digestion has increased by an average of 130
thousand tons/year during the 1998-2000 period. The construction of plants per year
rose from an average of three (1992-1994) to 15 (1998-2000). As shown in Figure
1.1, most of these facilities have been developed in Germany (52) followed by
Denmark (21), Switzerland (12) and Sweden (10). The total treatment capacity for
OFMSW (without sewage sludge or manure) has evolved over the last ten years from
134 thousand tons/year to roughly 1.2 million tons/year in Europe, which corresponds
to an increase in capacity of 900%.

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-3

Section 1

FIGURE 1.1: Development of Biogas Plants


Number of Plants

30 2002



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1.3 Anaerobic Digestion Technologies

A wide variety of engineered systems have been specifically developed for the rapid
“invessel” digestion of the OFMSW and other types of organic wastes. Each has its
own special benefits and constraints. A general overview of the basic principles is
given in Figure 1.2, which can be applied to either wet or dry fermentation techniques.
Provided below is a characterization of the various wet and dry AD methods.
Figure 1.2 AD Process p

One and
and Two-Step
Two-Step Process

Pre- Hydrolysis Methane Post-

Treatment Formation Treatment

liquid liquid

Pre-Treatment Post-
solid solid

1-4 R. W. Beck B1471


1.3.1 Wet Single-Step

In a single step AD process, OFMSW is slurried with a large proportion of process
water to provide a dilute (10%-15% TS) feedstock that can be fed to a complete mix
tank digester, often called a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR). When used for
OFMSW digestion alone, dilution water from the wet digestate is recycled for
feedstock preparation to avoid generating an excessive volume of diluted digestate for
disposal. Typical examples are the Citec plants (also called Wabio system), Babcock
Borsic Power or the Haase plants.
Of course, there are limits to the recycling of the dilution water. All kinds of non-
degradable organic and inorganic substances are accumulating in the make-up water.
Hence, a sink, (i.e., a polishing step) has to be integrated or occasionally external
water has to be added. This is generally the approach for all of the AD processes
where water is recycled.
In general, the wet single-step systems are not very well suited for digesting the
OFMSW alone. Besides the accumulation of sand and stone sediments in the reactor
and a formation of plastic films, a fibrous material has a tendency to form strings that
wind around the CSTR’s stirrer.
The wet concept readily lends itself towards co-digesting the OFMSW with more
dilute feedstocks such as animal manures or sewage sludge. Approximately 50 of the
90 wet systems in Europe co-digest the OFMSW with manure. Most of them are
located in Germany, Sweden and Denmark. Most of the Danish Centralized AD
(CAD) systems and Swedish digesters are operated as co-digestion plants with manure
as the main substrate.

1.3.2 Wet Multi-Step

There are a few multi-step wet digestion processes where the OFMSW is slurried with
water or recycled liquor and fermented by the hydrolytic and fermentative anaerobic
bacteria to release volatile fatty acids. These fatty acids are then converted into biogas
by a high-rate anaerobic digester. Typical examples include some of the Linde-KCA-
Dresden plants or the Schwarting-Uhde system.
The BTA process uses a pulper to disrupt the preliminary chopped waste and to
separate the plastics and the inerts. The original BTA process was a classical multi-
step system with up to two hydrolysis tanks (biological and chemical hydrolysis) and a
high-rate anaerobic filter. Recently, the pulper has replaced the chopper and the
mechanical separation unit now generally serves as a wet separator.
The new "Percolation" system combines a two-step, two-phase procedure. In a first
step, the waste is aerobically percolated (solid phase) and the recovered organic-rich
liquid is anaerobically digested in a second step by a high-rate hybrid-filter (liquid

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-5

Section 1

1.3.3 Dry Continuous

This concept involves a continuously-fed digestion reactor using a feedstock with a
total solids (TS) concentration of approximately 25%-40%. Both completely-mixed
and plug-flow systems are available. The dry technologies are probably among the
best adapted systems and most commonly used technologies for OFMSW (see Table
1.2) and source separated MSW digestion.
Vertical plug-flow systems rely on an external recycle of a large proportion of the
outgoing digestate to inoculate the incoming raw feedstock. Because the entire waste
in the digester is recycled within two days, recycling also provides a mixing system.
A typical example of this approach is the Dranco system.
Horizontal plug-flow systems use equipment with a slow, intermittently rotating stirrer
and therefore recycle only a small proportion of the digestate. The most typical
example for this type is the Kompogas system.
There is one fully mixed dry system on the market, which is Valorga. Feedstock
mixing is done by introducing compressed biogas. In all three cases, the requirement
for only minimal water additions makes the overall heat balance favorable for
operating at thermophilic digestion temperatures (122°F-131°F).

1.3.4 Dry Sequencing Batch

This approach batch-loads the digester reactor (at least three) with raw feedstock and
inoculates it with digestate recovered from the previous cycle. The reactor is sealed
and then left to digest naturally. During this closure period, leachate is exchanged
between established and new batches to facilitate start up, inoculation (from the last
reactor) and removal of volatile materials. At the same time, recirculating the pre-
heated leachate serves to maintain a uniform moisture content and heat in the digester.
When digestion is complete, the reactor is reopened, unloaded and refilled with a fresh
load of raw feedstock.
Pilot units of this process have been operated at a test site in Hamburg-Harburg and at
the Kahlenberg landfill. However, no full-scale dry sequencing batch system has yet
been built to digest MSW. The operation of the process is labor-intensive.

1.3.5 Dry Multi-Step

A dry multi-stage system is a continuous system. The waste passes through a
hydrolysis reactor and is subsequently fed from the first to a second and, finally, to a
third AD reactor. Each reactor treats the waste in a specific state of degradation. The
reaction rate of a large number of reactors approaches a pure plug-flow system. The
ROMopur facility in Switzerland is the only operating example of this method in

1-6 R. W. Beck B1471


1.3.6 Percolation
The percolation process is a two-step technology. In the first dry step, the OFMSW is
aerated in a closed, continuously operated reactor. Hydrolytic bacteria form soluble
compounds from the solid organic material, which are washed out by recycled water.
In a second step, the dissolved organic compounds are converted into biogas in a high-
rate industrial wastewater digester, usually an anaerobic filter. Both the aerobic and
the anaerobic reactors are operated in a continuous mode.

1.4 AD Development
After four years of applied research at the University of Illinois, the first full-scale
digester with a design capacity of 110 tons/day was built in Pompano Beach, Florida
during the early 1980’s. The so-called RefCom system operated two wet CSTRs with
a volume of 44,100 ft3 each. Unfortunately, the pre-treatment steps could not fulfill
the needs of a wet digestion process. This facility, similar to many of the first AD
systems, was built to manage the entire MSW stream.
The first demonstration units for the dry digestion of OFMSW were built in Europe in
1984. Valorga developed a plant in La Buise, France with a capacity of 8800
tons/year. At the same time Dranco built its first pilot unit having a reactor size of
1765 ft3.

1.4.1 Operating Temperatures

Initially, OFMSW digestion plants were operated at mesophilic temperatures (95°F-
100°F). In 1992, Kompogas began developing the first OFMSW digester to operate in
the thermophilic temperature range. Since then, thermophilic digestion has become a
more commonly used technology. Roughly half of the biowaste digesters today are
operated at a higher temperature level. This results in the advantage of faster
degradation, greater biogas yields and increased pathogen destruction.

1.4.2 Plant Suppliers

A total of 45 different system providers were identified at the initiation of this project
that have each constructed between one and 15 plants capable of digesting the
OFMSW. As shown in Table 1.2, Kompogas has built the largest number of plants
(15) followed by Krüger (14) and BTA (13). The largest volumes of waste are
digested in Krüger plants (950 thousand tons/year) followed by Valorga (835 thousand
tons/year) and Farmatic (405 thousand tons/year). Ten companies presently have a
62% market share by number and a 63% market share by volume.

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-7

Section 1

Table 1.2
AD Plant Number and Capacity (10 Major Providers)
Total Capacity
System Type # Plants
Krueger Wet 14 950,400
Valorga Dry 10 833,250
Linde Wet & Dry 9 499,400
Farmatic Wet 4 409,200
BWSC Wet 3 403,700
BTA Multi-Step 13 367,400
Kompogas Dry 15 203,000
Schwarting Uhde Wet 2 193,600
NIRAS Wet 5 189,750
Dranco Dry 9 188,650
Total 84 4,238,350

It is interesting to note that the number of system providers who are still developing
AD plants during the past two years has been dramatically decreased. With the
increasing volumes of the plants and the tendency for waste management agencies to
specify design, build, own and operate (DBOO) facilities, there is a clear market
concentration toward larger companies. As a result, some of the smaller providers
have sold their AD business units and some of the specialized firms have been bought
by larger companies.

1.5 Process Description

1.5.1 Wet Single-Step Processes
In the following section, three newer systems will be described for the wet digestion of
MSW either alone or in co-digestion with other substrates:
„ Digestion of OFMSW after central separation (Vagron, NL)
„ Co-digestion of sewage sludge with source separated OFMSW (Grindsted, DK)
„ Co-digestion of manure with source separated OFMSW (Holsworthy, UK) Vagron, The Netherlands (Wabio)

Vagron operates as a combined MSW sorting and fermentation facility. Vagron
receives about 250 thousand tons/year of household waste and comparable
commercial waste (primarily office, shop and service waste).
The sorting facility at Vagron produces the following by-products:

1-8 R. W. Beck B1471


„ A refuse-derived fuel (RDF) generating approximately 10.3 million Btu/ton;

„ A paper and plastic fraction generating approximately 15.5 million Btu/ton;
„ A low-calorific organic wet fraction (OWF) generating around 4.3 million
„ Three iron fractions (raw iron, tin and fine iron); and
„ A non-iron fraction.
In theory, the RDF can be burned in a waste incineration facility. However, the RDF
is currently stored at a landfill site because the necessary incineration capacity has not
yet been made available. The paper/plastic mixture accounts for 15% of incoming
household waste by weight or about 38,500 tons/year. The paper/plastic mixture is
pressed into bales and used as fuel by the cement industry or by power and heat
generation facilities.
Figure 1.3: Vagron AD Facility

To reduce blockages and wear as much as possible, the inert material and poorly
fermentable material must first be removed from the OWF. This is completed in a
washing facility consisting of various washing/rotary sieves, upstream separators, a
hydro cyclone and a drainage table to drain the separated silt stream. With the
addition of water, several steps separate the OWF into three separate streams:
„ Washed OWF;
„ Sand and inert material (stones, ceramic, glass debris); and
„ Unwanted components (plastic, textiles).
The washed OWF is pumped into one of the four mixing tanks, where it is
homogenized and brought to the operating temperature of 130°F and around a 12% TS
by injecting steam and adding process water from the pressed digestate. From the
mixing tanks the OWF is pumped in one of the four digesters of about 97,000 ft3 each.
During the 18 day HRT, the degradation rate of the OWF amounts to about 60% of its
initial weight.

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-9

Section 1

Figure 1.4: Vagron Facility Mass Balance

Around 35,300 ft3/hour of biogas is produced, which is dewatered and stored in a low-
pressure biogas balloon with a volume of around 75,000 ft3. This corresponds to a
biogas yield of 1,440 ft3/ton of raw waste input to the plant.
The residual digestate is dewatered in a press. The digestate is a sanitized and
stabilized co-product from the fermentation process that is comparable to compost in
terms of structure and composition. It does not, however, meet the specifications
required for agricultural use.
The process water is treated with a physical/chemical method to remove floating
material, after which it is mostly reused within the washing facility. Only a small
portion of the process water is discharged. This discharge water is mixed with waste
water from the fermentation facility and directed to the municipal waste water
treatment plant (WWTP). The mass balance for the Vargon system is provided above
in Figure 1.4. Grindsted, Denmark (Krüger Biosolid System)

In the Danish town of Grindsted, source separated household waste, OIW and sewage
sludge are co-digested to supply electricity, heat and fertilizer to the local community.
In 2001, the total inputs consisted of 33,000 tons of sewage sludge (dry matter 990
tons), 1,650 tons of organic household waste (dry matter 725 tons) and 3,300 tons of
liquid OIW (dry matter 220 tons).
The biogas plant, constructed in 1996, is located adjacent the town’s municipal
WWTP. Household organic wastes are collected in paper bags. It is reported that the
contamination rate is less than 1%. It is crucial to obtain a clean deglassed product,
for the overall process. The plant is designed to handle up to four times more of
household waste than it presently does and therefore is presently underutilized.

1-10 R. W. Beck B1471

Figure 1.5: Grindsted Waste Shredder

The biogas plant receives the source separated household organic wastes generated
from about 7,000 households. Because the waste is collected in paper bags at the
individual households, expensive pre-treatment is avoided at the biogas plant. The
bags are unloaded into a receiving silo and subsequently the waste is shredded into
pieces that are sized at approximately two inches. Metal parts are removed by a metal
separator. The household waste is then mixed with OIW and sewage sludge, and is
then pulped for about 15 minutes. The OIW consists of flotation fat from a food
processing industry. The feedstock is mixed in a ratio of one part OIW to nine parts
sludge or similar. Then, the viscous mixture is pumped through a macerator for fine
shredding and a separator for removal of glass and inerts before it is heated to 160°F
for one hour in one of two hygienization tanks. Finally, the biomass is pumped into a
100,000 ft3 reactor and digested at 100°F.
The digestate leaves the digester reactor with about a 2.5% TS concentration. A
separator removes any residual materials, mainly plastic, before the digestate is
separated by a filter band press. The resulting fiber fraction has a 20%-25% TS
content, and the liquid reject fraction is recycled to the municipal WWTP. The fiber is
delivered to the farmers free of charge, and is spread on approximately 1,850 acres of

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-11

Section 1

Figure 1.6: Grindsted AD Facility

About 110 tons/day of feedstock is added, resulting in a daily biogas production of

about 63,500 ft3. This corresponds to a biogas yield of 580 ft3/ton of raw waste input
to the plant. The biogas is used in a combined heat and power (CHP) plant that
produces about 250 kW of electricity and 350 kW of heat. Because the CHP engine-
generator is designed to run full load, it is possible to have a biogas storage balloon of
only 18,000 ft3 to keep maintenance expenses at a minimum. Annual electricity
production amounts to 855 thousand kWh, and the annual thermal energy production
is 8.5 billion Btu. The electricity is sold to the public grid, and the thermal energy is
used to heat the plant buildings and to heat the feedstock in the hygienization tanks as
part of the internal AD process. The facility is depicted in Figure 1.6. Holsworthy, United Kingdom (Farmatic)

The Holsworthy operation is a CAD system that co-digests manures and household
waste. It is comparable in design to most of the 20 large-scale CAD operations in
Denmark. The manure is collected from 25-30 local farms within a 5 to 10 mile
radius. The food waste is collected from food processors in the area southwest of
Devon in the United Kingdom (UK).
It was originally planned that the plant would be built by Krüger. When Farmatic
bought the AD division from Krüger (respectively from Vivendi), they continued the
planning work. The plant initiated operation in June of 2002. As of October 2002, the
plant was still in start-up phase.

1-12 R. W. Beck B1471


Figure 1.7: Holsworthy AD Facility

During the planning and development of the project, obstacles have included lack of
investors and concerns raised related to spread of animal diseases because of the
commingling of manures. The facility is depicted in Figure 1.7.
The total annual inputs to the Holsworthy plant are projected to consist of 160,000
tons of food and animal waste. About 440 tons/day of feedstock is added, resulting in
a daily biogas production of about 630,000 ft3. This corresponds to a biogas yield of
1,425 ft3/ton of waste input to the plant. The layout of the facility is provided below in
Figure 1.8.
Figure 1.8: Holsworthy Facility Conceptual Layout

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-13

Section 1

The biogas will be used to generate electricity and recover heat from two engines with
a total power capacity of approximately 2.1 MW. Expected power production is
around 14.4 million kWh/year. Recovered heat is expected to be sold for use in a new
district heating system.
Including engineering design and consulting fees, the total 1996 investment for the
entire plant was £5.0 million (around $8.0 million). Interestingly, Farmatic
participated with 50% of the invest funds required for project capitalization.

1.5.2 Wet Two-Step Processes

The market penetration of the wet two-step process technology is limited.
Specifically, the advantage of having a faster degradation during the digestion step is
usually not enough to compensate for the higher capital cost of anaerobic
hydrolization as a first step. In practice, the hydrolization step is often more like a
storage with uncontrolled liquefaction. However, one preferred application of the wet
digestion process is the co-digestion of the OFMSW and sewage sludge or manure.
There are two suppliers of this type of technology: BTA (MAT) and Linde-KCA-
Dresden. Kirchstockach, Germany (BTA)

The BTA process was developed to transform the OFMSW from households,
commercial, and agricultural waste into biogas and compost. The system consists of
three major processes: mechanical wet pre-treatment in a pulper for size reduction,
anaerobic hydrolization, and biomethanation.
Figure 1.9: The Kirchstockach AD Facility

After passing over a scale, the delivered waste is unloaded into a flat bunker in a
receiving hall. It is then fed by a front loader into two screw mills that coarsely chop
the organic material, which is fed into two dissolution tanks (pulpers).
The core element of the BTA process is the hydro-pulper where the preshredded
feedstock is diluted to 8%- 10% TS (maximum 12% TS) and chopped. Contaminants
such as plastics, textiles, stones, and metals are separated by gravity. Sand and stones

1-14 R. W. Beck B1471


sink and can be later removed from the bottom; plastic materials tend to float to the
surface and are removed by a rake.
An essential component of the process is the grit removal system, which separates the
residual fine matter such as sand, little stones, and glass splinters by passing the pulp
through a hydrocyclone that is designed to fight the abrasion these materials can
cause. The mechanical treatment is followed by a sanitation step (30 minutes at
160°F) before the pulp is processed by the biological degradation step.
Figure 1.10: BTA Process Description

The biological degradation step is divided into a hydrolysis step and a biomethanation
step that occurs in a fixed film reactor. Before the hydrolysis step, the suspended
materials are dewatered and separated into liquid and solid factions. The liquid
contains a high volume of previously dissolved organics, and is pumped directly into
the AD reactor. The dewatered solids are re-mixed with process water and fed into the
hydrolysis reactor to dissolve the remaining organic solids. After 2-4 days the
hydrolyzed suspension is dewatered and the hydrolysis-liquid is also fed into the AD
reactor. The fiber that remains after hydrolysis is a high quality material: it is free of
pathogens with a low-salt concentration. Post-digestion composting is generally not
The liquid fraction is treated by a cleaning system that consists of sedimentation steps
and a biological nitrification/denitrification step to remove some of the nutrients.
Most of the cleaned liquid is reused as process water by the pulpers for the treatment
of further waste. A small amount of the liquid is discharged as mechanical-biological
pre-cleaned surplus water and is fed into the public sewer for final handling by a
municipal WWTP. A process description is provided in Figure 1.10 for reference.

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-15

Section 1 Wels, Austria (Linde-KCA-Dresden)

Linde-KCA-Dresden GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Linde AG. Linde’s wet
digestion system for OFMSW is comparable to the BTA design with the major
difference being how the light fraction is separated. The light fraction is separated via
a drum screen and not within the pulper.

Figure 1.11: Linde-KCA AD Process Description

Depending on the type of input material, Linde’s two-stage wet digestion processes
can be run at either thermophilic or mesophilic temperatures. The characteristic
feature of the Linde technology is how the digestion reactor is fitted with a gas
recirculation system using a centrally located recirculation tube.
The AD plant at Wels is part of the city’s integrated recycling park, which includes an
incinerator, a combined AD plant and composting unit, a unit for recycling of
demolition material, and an industrial waste sorting unit. It is depicted below in
Figure 1.12.
Figure 1.12: Wels AD Facility

1-16 R. W. Beck B1471


The OFMSW is collected from an intermediate storage area and it is fed into the
pulper/drum screen in a batchmode. The pulper has a volume of around 700 ft3, with a
13% TS concentration. The mashed waste stream is stored in a buffer tank where it
undergoes a first hydrolysis step in a tank having a 4,600 ft3 volume. From the
hydrolysis tank, the waste stream is fed into the AD reactor that is operated at
thermophilic temperatures. The AD reactor is sized to have a loading rate of 0.375 lb
of volatile solids/ft3/day. With a 16 day HRT, the AD reactor has an effective volume
of 56,500 ft3.
As the facility is only operated 5 days a week, about 66 tons/day of feedstock is added
with an average 30% TS concentration. The volatile solids concentration averages
75%-82% of TS. Biogas yields range from 3,100-4,850 ft3/ton of raw waste input to
the plant, with a methane content of 60%-65%. The biogas is used in a boiler that
produces about 335 kW of heat. There is a biogas storage balloon having a capacity of
28,200 ft3. The thermal energy is used to heat the plant buildings and to heat the
feedstock in the sanitation tanks.
The digestate is dehydrated and the liquid fraction is recycled for use as process water.
Excess water is discharged for processing by an on-site WWTP before it is discharged
into the sewer system. The solid fraction undergoes a final composting process
together with sewage sludge.

1.5.3 Dry One-Step Processes

There are four major dry one-step processes presently being commercially used that
are distinguished from each other by their method of heating (steam injection or heat
exchanger), the material flow method (horizontal-flow, vertical down-flow or up-
flow), and the mixing method (recycling, radial mixing, transversal mixing,
comprehensively mixed by gas injection). However, these dry one-step processes all
are operated with 28%-35% TS concentrations. Provided below in Figure 1.13 are
conceptual representations of the one-step processes for four different vendors.
Figure 1.13: One Stage Dry Digesters

Kompogas Dranco
Single-Step Horizontal Plug-Flow Single-Step Vertical Plug-Flow

Linde- KCA
Single-Step Horizontal Flow
Single-Step Vertical Gas-Stirred

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-17

Section 1 Niederuzwil, Switzerland (Kompogas)

Depending on the size and method of integration of the digester, Kompogas offers
either steel or concrete digester reactors. In its original design, Kompogas fully
integrated the steel digester reactor into a building. In its second design phase, the AD
reactor has been built of concrete and made part of the building. In the newest design
(see Figure 1.14), which lowered the cost by a factor of two, the AD reactors are
modular units of either concrete (>22,000 tons/year) or of steel (5,500-11,000
The Niederuzwil plant was first constructed with the original design having an indoor
steel AD reactor having the capacity to process about 8,800 tons/year. It was then
extended by adding a new outdoor steel digester with a capacity of about 5,500

Figure 1.14: Kompogas AD Process

Figure 1.15: Uzwil AD Plant.

1-18 R. W. Beck B1471


In the existing plant, the waste is received in a pit and transported to a shredder having
a mesh size of approximately 1.5 inches by a fully automatic crane. The undesirable
materials are removed by hand-picking. The upgraded waste is stored in a container
that uses a walking floor. This management measure enables Kompogas to be the
only provider to offer an AD system that can operate 7 days a week without constant
presence of operators. Since the system can function with just two manual checks/day
and an emergency alarm system as back-up, this can minimize overall operational
costs. In Figure 1.15, the old digester is in the background building and the new
modular digester is in the foreground.
Kompogas digesters are operated at 130°F to ensure that the digestate is fully
sanitized. The average HRT is 15-18 days. Because of the proper plug-flow operation
with a guaranteed HRT, the Kompogas system is the only AD system to have passed
sanitation requirements prescribed by German regulation. The digester mixer does not
destroy the plug flow characteristics because it moves very slowly - only a partial
rotation in intervals. The feedstock is heated in a tubular heat exchanger alongside the
digester as depicted in Figure 1.16.

Figure 1.16: Kompogas Heat Exchange Figure 1.17: Kompogas Separation Press

Part of the digestate is recycled and mixed with the fresh material to assure
inoculation. The larger part of the digestate is separated into a liquid fertilizer and a
fiber as depicted in Figure 1.17. The fiber can potentially be composted. Lemgo, Germany (Linde-BRV)

The Linde-BRV dry digestion system is similar to the Kompogas system, with a few
minimal design differences. For example, some of the reactor heating is done outside
the digester with a short heat exchanger, but primarily heating occurs within the
digester walls using a heat exchanger.
After solid separation only the liquid fraction is recycled which leads to a lower
inoculation rate and, hence, a little longer HRT. As shown in Figure 1.18, the process
is not a plug-flow system because feedstock mixing is more pronounced with the
transversal paddles and the walking floor.

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-19

Section 1

Figure 1.18: Linde-BRV Process

Figure 1.19: Removal Vat Figure 1.20: Chopper/Calibrator

An innovative part of the design is the batch-wise removal of the feedstock into a
recipient reactor under negative pressure and the thermal concentration of the liquid
digestate in a vacuum dryer at a temperature of 160°F. The BRV system uses much
more equipment than a comparable Kompogas system. Equipment components are
depicted above.
In Lemgo, the OFMSW is reduced in size by a screw mill and undergoes a 2 to 4 day
period of anaerobic hydrolysis. Before the treated material is fed to the digester, it is
chopped by a calibrator into 1.5 inch pieces. After thermophilic digestion with an

1-20 R. W. Beck B1471


HRT of about 21 days, the digestate is separated into a liquid fraction with a 20% TS
content and a solid fraction having a >45% TS content. The liquid fraction is recycled
to dilute the incoming fresh waste, and to moisten the compost windrows. The excess
liquid is concentrated and added to the compost. The fiber is post-composted for 30
days. Geneva, Switzerland (Valorga)

Valorga operates at least 13 AD facilities in Europe as of 2003. The feedstocks
include primarily municipal solid waste and biowaste.
The basic layout of the Valorga plants has remained much the same since the mid
1990’s. The digester reactor is built in concrete and intermittently mixed by adding
compressed biogas. Figure 1.21 below depicts the Geneva AD Facility. Most of the
Valorga AD systems are operated at mesophilic temperatures as opposed to the more
commonly used thermophilic.
Due to the operating characteristics in Geneva, the methane content of the biogas is
lower when compared to some other processes. The average methane content of the
biogas is about 55% when the system is operated at mesophilic temperatures. The
process has slightly higher methane content when operated under thermophilic

Figure 1.21: Geneva AD Facility

At Geneva, only source separated organic waste is digested. The plant is designed for
11,000 tons/year, with peak loads equivalent to 13,200 tons/year. After milling and
mechanical separation (mesh size 2.5 inches), the waste is fed into the digester using a
Putzmeister double screw mixing pump. At the same time, a part of the digested
material is recycled in order to inoculate the fresh material. The dry matter is adjusted
with recycled water to a TS concentration of approximately 30%.

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-21

Section 1

During digester mixing, steam is injected in order to heat up the feedstock to 130°F.
There is no heat exchanger in the digester. The concrete digester has the form of a
vertical cylinder with a height of 36 ft.
Figure 1.22: Valorga Process

The source separated material is fed into the bottom on one side of a vertical median
inner wall and is removed at the other side of the wall at the bottom as well. The wall
has a length of 2/3 of the diameter dividing the digester reactor into two halves. The
Valorga digester is completely stirred due to its individual stirring sectors, but in total
the transportation of the material around the inner partition of the reactor is reported
by Valorga to have the character of a plug (piston) flow.

Figure 1.23: Valorga Compressed Biogas Mixing

1-22 R. W. Beck B1471


As shown in Figure 1.23, the digester is fully mixed using a pneumatic compression
system. In it, biogas is compressed and injected through a large number of nozzles in
the bottom of the digester. The nozzles are divided in 8 to 12 different sectors, each
individually operated.
Figure 1.24: Geneva Facility Mass Balance

The treated material is removed by the static pressure of the digester through a valve.
The digestate is separated by a screw press into a fiber and liquid fraction without the
addition of poly-electrolytes. The liquid is further treated: sand is removed by a
hydrocyclone and suspended solids are later removed by a belt filter press.
The digester is operated with a rather long HRT of 30 days or more, which increases
the volume of the digester reactor. On the other hand, this extra volume gives the
digestion process a certain tolerance, i.e., the addition of more waste during peak loads
is easily absorbed. The organic matter loading rate is around 0.425 lb of VS/ft3/day.
The incoming feedstock should have a TS content of greater than 25%. At lower
values, sedimentation could occur in the digester reactor. The process flow mass
balance is provided in Figure 1.24 above for reference.
Another Valorga facility recently became operational in Bassano Del Grappa, Italy. It
is designed to accept up to 55,000 tons per year of MSW and biowaste. The materials
and energy balance are likely to be similar to Bluestem's AD needs (See Section 4). A
process flow diagram is provided below to characterize their process.

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-23

Section 1

Figure 1.25
Valorga Process Flow Diagram


Pre-Processing Refuse


Diluent Steam

Input Digester

Condensate Digesters
Digesters Biogas
Biogas (dry)


Process Water
Water Pressing
Pressing Material

Belt-Filter Filter
Filter Cake
Cake Composting
Excess Process
Refining Compost
Compost (raw)
(raw) Composting

Compost Refining
Refining Residue
Residue Losses

The above process flow diagram effectively characterizes the overall AD process. Aarburg, Switzerland (Dranco)

After mechanical separation using a mesh size of 1.5 inches in this Dranco AD
facility, the OFMSW is steam heated and fed into the digester using comparable
equipment to that used by the Valorga process. However, about 10% of fresh material
is externally mixed with 90% of recycled digestate.

1-24 R. W. Beck B1471


Figure 1.26: Aaburg AD Facility

The vertical enamel steel tank has a cylindrical form (see Figure 1.26) with a conical
bottom of 45° angle. The feedstock is fed through the top; the digestate removed at
the lowest point. There is neither any mixing nor any heating inside the AD reactor.
However, the feedstock is fully recycled within two days or less, which corresponds to
a smooth external mixing. The digester is operated at 130°F, with a TS content of
18%-35%. The HRT may vary from 18 to 24 days with average organic loading rates
of 0.312-0.437 lb VS/ft3/day. Like Valorga, Dranco feeds the digester five days a
The treatment of the digestate is absolutely identical to the Valorga process. In
Aarburg, the post-treatment composting of the fiber fraction is done at different
composting units that deliver part of their waste to the plant.

1.5.4 Dry Two-Step, Two-Phase Process

There is presently only one dry two-step, two-phase process being commercially used.
It is a so-called “Percolation” process that was developed during the 1990’s. Its major
application is for full MSW or grey waste. Recent trials, however, have proven that
the process works equally well for green waste. Feedstock preconditioning is
This process works more quickly when compared to one-step or liquid two-step
digestion processes. The hydrolysis step is operated under aerobic conditions, which
reduces the organic degradation time considerably. The digestion period itself is also
much shorter than in most of the other processes, because only the liquid fraction is
anaerobically treated. This can be done in either a packed bed digester or in an
anaerobic filter where the HRT can be reduced to two days or even less. As a
consequence, the biogas yield is slightly lower than in comparable CSTRs having an
HRT of 20 (or more) days. Roughly, the yield from a percolation system accounts for
about 70%-80% of methane produced using other methods with similar feedstocks.

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-25

Section 1 Buchen, Germany (ISKA)

Figure 1.27 depicts the mechanical separation, nitrification/dentrification tank and
digester of the Buchen Plant.

Figure 1.27: Buchan AD Plant

In Buchen, a drum sieve having a mesh size of 3.5 to 6.0 inches is used to separate the
OFMSW from plastics, papers, and textiles. Before biological treatment, the metals
are removed by a magnetic belt. The captured reject material is a dry, high-energy
content RDF that is either landfilled or incinerated. The organic rich underflow is fed
into the percolator.
The percolator is a horizontal, continuously operating cylindrical reactor made of steel
(see Figure 1.28). It is equipped with a central mixer, shown in Figure 1.29, and a
hydraulically-powered scraper located over a grate. It is fed with the OFMSW at one
end and emptied on the other end after passing through a screw press to dewater the

Figure 1.28:Buchen Percolator

1-26 R. W. Beck B1471


Figure 1.29 Interior of Buchen Percolator

The feedstock is alternatively aerated and percolated, and it is intermittently stirred.

The percolation water is introduced from the top and removed through screens at the
bottom of the reactor. After removal of sand and a fine organic sludge (which is
recycled to the percolator), the saturated percolation water is fed into the anaerobic
hybrid filter from the bottom and removed from the top. The digestion HRT varies as
a function of waste composition, but is usually between two and three days. The
liquid is treated in a nitrification/denitrification plant followed by an ultra filtration
process, and is either recycled as process water or released into the sewer. During the
two day percolation period, one ton of grey waste is reduced to a mass of around 800
After leaving the percolator and being separated from the liquid fraction by a press,
the recovered solids have a 60% TS content and are dryer than the original fresh
material that had a 50% TS content. The solids are typically post-composted in an
open windrow. The organic fraction is still high enough to raise the temperature up to
160°F during the composting process. As a result, the material is sanitized and is
further stabilized. After the three week post-composting process, the solids are further
dried to an 80% TS content.
This solid material is easy to separate by sieving it into separate fiber, inert, metal, and
plastic fractions. The sorted non-fiber material can then either be recycled, landfilled
or incinerated depending upon its purity. The fiber is generally used for landfill cover,
or for soil remediation purposes.
Depending on the input composition, the liquid fraction produces biogas at a rate of
1,400-2,650 ft3/ton MSW. With a total treatment time of five days (two days of

B1471 R. W. Beck 1-27

Section 1

percolation and three days of digestion), a comparable amount of biogas is produced

as with a dry one-step digestion system during a 20 day HRT.

1.6 Summary
1.6.1 Wet vs. Dry Digestion
As reflected above, one-step wet systems are primarily designed to co-digest source
separated OFMSW with a liquid substrate such as manure or sewage sludge. They are
not typically used for the AD of the full OFMSW stream.
Generally, wet digestion is only economically feasible when the residual liquids can
be reused. Since European MSW usually contains relatively high concentrations of
heavy metals, this substrate is not generally available for use on agricultural fields.
Constrastingly, the dry one and two-step systems can usually be effectively used for
management of OFMSW and grey waste.

1-28 R. W. Beck B1471

Section 2

Because there are no commercial-scale AD facilities operating in the U.S. that use
MSW or the organic fraction of MSW (OFMSW) as feedstock, an extensive survey
was initiated of AD facilities in Europe. Facilities digesting at least 2,500 tons/year of
either the OFMSW or Organic Industrial Waste (OIW) as its feedstock, or those
feedstocks co-digested with other organic materials, were selected for the survey.
More than 60 facility operators or system providers representing AD facilities from
ten different European countries were surveyed. All of the AD systems described in
Section 1 of this report were included. The AD plants surveyed were either “dry”
systems treating organic residues in concentrations of 15% to 35% TS, or “wet’
systems with TS of 15% or less. Dry systems are also commonly referred to as "High-
Solids Anaerobic Digestion" (HSAD) systems.

2.1 Survey Development

As an initial step, the R.W. Beck Project Team (Beck) developed a questionnaire that
was translated into three languages: English, French and German. A copy of the
survey is included in Appendix A for reference. The survey requested the following
„ General facility description (i.e., facility operator, owner, and the system
„ Identification of feedstocks and substrates;
„ AD process used and critical issues faced during operation;
„ Description of the digestate;
„ Biogas generation and utilization; and
„ Available facility costs information.

2.2 Survey Evaluation

A total of 64 surveys were forwarded to AD facility representatives. Fourteen
responses were received. This equates to a response rate of 22%. Of those
responding, eleven are operators of private facilities and three represent public
facilities. Provided below in Table 2.1 is a list of the facilities that responded to the

Section 2

Table 2.1
Responding AD Plants

Provider Operator and Location

BTA City of Karlsruhe, Germany

Karlsruhe, Germany
City of Baden-Baden, Germany
Baden-Baden, Germany
Ganser Entsorgung
München County, Germany
Dranco VEGAS
Aarburg, Switzerland
Kompogas Braunschweiger Compost AG
Braunschweig, Germany
Kompogas AG
Rümlang, Switzerland
Kompogas AG
Bachenbülach, Switzerland
Kompogas Samstagern AG
Samstagern, Switzerland
Region Furttal-Limmattal AG
Otelfingen, Switzerland
Bioverwertungs AG
Niederuzwil, Switzerland
Linde BRV Abfallbeseitugungs GmbH
Lippe, Germany
Alfred Müller AG
Baar, Switzerland
Valorga Etat de Genève
Geneva, Switzerland
Buchen, Germany

It is interesting to note that from the six different providers that participated in the
survey, only two (BTA and ISKA) have wet digestion systems. Linde, who also
provides liquid systems thorough its Linde-Dresden-KCA subsidiary, only responded
regarding its HSAD system. This is not viewed as a major deficit since the project
team has sufficient background experience to describe the various wet systems.

2-2 R. W. Beck B1471


All systems represented, except for one, process source separated organic wastes.
Only one facility that processes grey waste responded. Grey waste is a specific
description of an MSW waste stream from which at least a part of the organic fraction
has already been removed. Usually the so-called biowaste (mainly kitchen waste) and
yard waste (branches, leaves, etc.) have already been source separated. The grey
waste typically contains 30% to 50% organic material. However, the easy digestible
fraction has been removed. As a result, the biogas potential is far lower for grey
waste. The actual completed surveys translated into English, are included in
Appendix B for reference.

2.3 Performance Data Interpretation

As shown in Table 2.2, an analysis of production data confirms that grey waste has the
lowest biogas potential. In other words, the higher the content of organic materials
remaining in the feedstock, the higher the biogas production potential independent of
the operational system and its hydraulic retention time. Based on the survey results,
from the production data, the range of biogas production potential for a given
feedstock from highest to lowest is as follows:
„ Predominantly kitchen and food waste;
„ Predominantly yard waste; and
„ Predominantly other feedstocks.

B1471 R. W. Beck 2-3

Section 2

Table 2.2
Performance Data of AD Plants

Location Waste Type* Waste Ft3 Ft3 Gas Ft3 Ft3 Gas/Ft3 Lbs./Day/Ft3
Tons/Year Digester Production Biogas/Ton Digester/Day Digester

Aarburg Yard 12,128 52,973 28,605,150 2,359 1.48 1.25

Baar Yard 4,410 16,951 13,419,700 3,043 2.17 1.43
Bachenbülach Yard & Food 9,482 18,364 30,017,750 3,166 4.48 2.83
Baden-Baden Food & Kitchen 7,166 211,890 51,206,750 7,146 0.66 0.19
Braunschweig Kitchen 17,640 59,329 60,035,500 3,403 2.77 1.63
Buchen MSW 110,250 141,260 141,260,000 1,281 2.74 4.28
Geneva Yard 13,230 35,315 42,378,000 3,203 3.29 2.05
Biosolids &
Grindsted** 38,036 98,882 22,954,750 603 0.64 2.11
Holsworthy** Manure & Food 160,965 282,520 137,728,500 856 1.34 3.12
Karlsruhe Yard & Kitchen 8,820 47,675 30,935,940 3,507 1.78 1.01
Lemgo Yard & Kitchen 37,485 90,053 134,197,000 3,580 4.08 2.28
München Yard & Kitchen 27,563 84,050 52,972,500 1,922 1.73 1.80
Niederuzwil Yard 11,025 31,784 30,724,050 2,787 2.65 1.90
Otelfingen Yard 13,781 29,665 38,846,500 2,819 3.59 2.55
Rümlang Yard & Food 7,718 16,245 28,252,000 3,661 4.76 2.60
Samstagern Yard & Food 8,489 18,364 28,958,300 3,411 4.32 2.53
Average 30,512 77,207 54,530,774 2,922 2.65 2.10
* When there is more than one type of waste, the higher percentage feedstock is provided first.
** While not a part of the survey, sufficient information was gathered to make consistent comparisons.

As reflected in the data presented in Table 2.2, the average surveyed system treats a
waste volume of slightly more than 30,500 tons/year, and has a reactor volume of
around 77,000 ft3. With an average yield of almost 2,900 ft3/ton of biogas, the average
AD system produces slightly more than 6,200 ft3/hour of biogas.
There are two extremes in the data presented in Table 2.2. For example, the Buchen
plant shows an extremely low biogas/ton yield (1,281 ft3/ton), while having a very
high process efficiency in terms of biogas/ft3 of digester volume (4.28 ft3/ft3 of
digester). On the other hand, the Baden-Baden plant demonstrates an extremely high
biogas/ton yield (7,146 ft3/ton), while having a very low process efficiency (0.19 ft3/ft3
of digester). This may be a result of the fact that the food and kitchen waste used as
its principal feedstock are being co-digested with sewage sludge.

2.4 Economic Data Interpretation

With respect to assessing investment cost, there are three specific factors that have an

2-4 R. W. Beck B1471


„ Year of construction;
„ Size of installation; and
„ Type of system.
Of the 14 survey respondents, eight (8) provided information on construction costs.
During the course of the information gathering, sufficient information was also
gathered on two other facilities using internal Beck resources that can be used for
comparison with the surveyed systems. The limited amount of available survey data
does not allow an in-depth analysis, but indications as to what a comparable system
might cost if deployed in the U.S. Please note the installed costs in Europe, have a
significantly different tax structure and cost of living index compared to Iowa. The
differences will be more fully addressed in Section 5 of this report.

2.4.1 Year of Construction

Table 2.3 provided below lists capital costs for the development of the surveyed AD
facilities. The oldest plant listed in Table 2.3 is the Linde-BRV digester in Baar,
which was developed in 1993. It was the first plant of this type built and was
considered a demonstration unit. Including the cost of an 8,800 ton/year composting
operation, this facility has also been upgraded multiple times. Of course, these add-
ons and modifications increase the investment cost dramatically up to installed cost
price of $3,175/ton of installed capacity. Even if one were to take into account all of
the waste treated each year, this still yields an installed cost of $1,067/ton of installed
capacity. Linde-BRV continues to build AD plants today and have reported installed
costs of $460/ton (Lemgo). This corresponds to a cost reduction factor of roughly 2.5
accounting for the economies of scale.

B1471 R. W. Beck 2-5

Section 2

Table 2.3
Investment Data of AD Plants

Waste Installed Installed

Type Provider Remarks
tons/year Cost $ Cost $/ton
w/ 8,800 tons/year
Baar Dry BRV 4,410 14,000,000 3175
Baden-Baden Wet BTA 7,166 3,470,000 484 Cogen added
Braunschweig Dry Kompogas 17,640 10,200,000 578 w/ post-composting
Buchen Wet ISKA 110,250 15,500,000 141 Earlier work cost
Geneva Dry Valorga 13,230 5,100,000 385
Grindsted Wet Kruger 38,036 8,860,000 233
Holsworthy Wet Farmatic 160,965 8,000,000 50
Lemgo Dry BRV 37,485 15,600,000 416 w/ building
w/ pre-treatment &
München 2-Stage BTA 27,563 10,500,000 381
Niederuzwil Dry Kompogas 11,025 4,100,000 372 w/o air treatment
Otelfingen Dry Kompogas 13,781 5,350,000 388
Average 40,141 9,152,727 228*
* Weighted Average

As with Linde-BRV, the other system providers were able to accrue considerable cost
reductions over the past decade by incorporating continuous process improvements to
their systems. This trend is also reflected in Kompogas' facility development
experience. Their first operation was installed in 1992 at a cost of approximately $8.4
million with an annual processing capacity of 11,000 tons and an installed cost of
$764/ton. Using more refined engineering practices, the plant in Niederuzwil was
built for an installed cost of $388/ton. On an installed cost/ton, this experience reflects
a reduction in capital expense of nearly 50%.
Many other system developers report similar trends. For example, from earlier
analysis, it was found that the first Valorga operation installed in 1992 also had a cost
of $8.4 million with an annual processing capacity of 11,000 tons, or $764/ton. One
of Valorga’s 1996 facilities has a reported capital expense of $5.6 million with an
annual capacity of 22,000 tons, corresponding to an installed cost of $254/ton.
Once again, it should also be noted that the installed costs reflect a “turn-key” facility
built in Europe, where investments in some components such as plant machinery,
land, and infrastructure are significantly higher when compared to the U.S.

2.4.2 Type of Operation

Most of the digesters are either stirred tank reactors operating under wet conditions
with a low total solids concentration (BTA), or HSAD digesters working around 30%
TS. However, there are two exceptions. The first is the BTA plant in München, which

2-6 R. W. Beck B1471


is a two-step process with hydrolysis as an initial step. The second is ISKA’s process,
which is a combination of aerobic hydrolysis and a high rate liquid digester.
The specific investment required for both operations are in the mid-range. However,
the biogas delivery cost is almost $0.20/ft3 of biogas for the BTA plant in München.
While this is not conclusive of economic performance, it may be indicative the plant is
not operating very efficiently. In addition, only 1.80 pounds/day of feedstock are
treated per ft3 of digester volume. On the other hand, the ISKA plant in Buchen seems
to be a more efficient operation with a delivery cost of $0.11/ft3 of biogas as 4.28
pounds/day of feedstock are treated per ft3 of digester volume. Figure 2.1 provides a
comparison by facility of the installed capital cost per cubic foot of biogas generated.
Figure 2.1 Biogas Delivery Cost

The bulk of the AD facilities' delivery costs fall between $.10 and $.20 per cubic foot
of biogas.

2.4.3 Scale of Operation

While limited, the available data does allow for an analysis of installed cost for
different processing capacities. Given the available information, Beck conducted a
multiple regression analysis for the facility survey results.
The purpose of this analysis was to attempt to quantify some of the economies of scale
typically present when building a large, capital-intensive project such as the potential
Bluestem project. The multiple regression analysis indicated that on a cost/ton basis

B1471 R. W. Beck 2-7

Section 2

of installed capacity, projects with higher installed capacities tend to capture the
benefits of economies of scale, and cost less to build on a cost/ton basis than smaller
After removing certain outliers, various regressions were tested using exponential and
logarithmic extensions of the survey data. The regression that resulted in the highest
R-squared1 used tons/year and a square of tons/year to predict total installed cost. This
regression produced an R-squared of 76%, with one Standard Deviation of
approximately $2.1 Million.2
To illustrate the economies of scale, the resulting equation from the regression
analysis was used to estimate the total installed costs of facilities capable of processing
two different size facilities - 36,000 and 69,000 tons per year (per the available
feedstock as outlined in Sections 3 and 4 of the report). The total installed costs of the
36,000 tons/year facility were estimated to be approximately $9.0 million, equating to
a cost/ton of approximately $251/ton. The total installed costs for a 69,000 tons/year
facility were estimated to be approximately $12.8 million, equating to a cost/ton of
approximately $186/ton. As shown in these results, the larger facility reflects an
economies of scale, and results in a 26% lower cost per ton than the smaller facility.
The results clearly confirm that economies of scale are reflected in the survey results.
This means that while mid-size plants (25,000-34,000 tons/year) do have a lower
overall total investment cost, in general larger facilities have a lower investment cost
on a per ton basis. As a result, information to be presented later in this report
considers the impacts of the economies of scale issue on the potential Bluestem

"R-squared" is a statistical output from 0 to 1 that indicates what percent of the variation in the dependent variable
(total installed cost in this regression) is attributed to the independent variables (tons/year and ton/year squared in this
While this is a fairly strong correlation, it should be noted that a higher R-squared, and a smaller Standard Deviation
could probably be achieved with data from more facilities. Consequently, the regression should be viewed as merely
an approximation attempting to capture some of the economies of scale evident in the survey.

2-8 R. W. Beck B1471

Section 3

3.1 Introduction
The R. W. Beck Project Team (Beck), with input from the Bluestem Solid Waste
Agency (Bluestem) staff and the Best Practices Roundtable (Roundtable), developed a
written survey to assess the availability of organic materials as feedstock for an
anaerobic digestion (AD) project in the Bluestem planning area. A copy of the written
survey and relevant cover letters are included in Appendix C for reference. The
specific purpose of the survey was to determine the types of organic wastes generated,
quantities generated, present management methods, estimated management costs, and
level of interest in utilizing AD from the organic waste generators in the Bluestem
area. Specific questions included:
„ How much total solid waste has your facility produced in the last two years?
„ How does your firm currently handle waste collection and disposal?
„ Where is the solid waste currently managed?
„ What percentage of the waste stream is estimated to be organic or compostable
„ Does your facility currently divert the organic waste from disposal for recycling
and/or re-use? If yes, what percentage is currently being diverted?
„ How is organic waste transported to the end-user?
„ Are you paid for the organic waste? If so, how much? If not, how much do you
pay to divert the organic waste?
„ If you generate organic waste, but don’t separate it from the waste stream, what
are the barriers to overcome for your organization to separate the organic waste
for processing or re-use?
In addition, the generators were asked to complete a table listing the types of waste
and the tons generated per year, as well as the tons recycled and/or composted per
Beck and Bluestem agreed on a list of forty-eight (48) potential organic waste
generators. Those surveyed included:
„ Institutions such as hospitals and schools;
„ Food processing plants; and
„ Large industrial facilities likely to generate organic wastes.

Section 3

The surveys were forwarded to designated representatives of the identified organic

waste generators. The respondents had the option of returning the completed survey
via mail or fax, or they could fill out the survey on-line through R. W. Beck’s Internet
site. It was conveyed to those receiving the survey that all information provided in
response to the survey would be reported in aggregate form, not on a company-
specific basis. Beck met with representatives from the Roundtable, an association of
local industry and environmental technical experts, prior to initiating the survey
process to generate support for the project. In addition, a follow-up letter was sent by
Bluestem to each targeted generator receiving the survey to solicit their response.

3.2 Survey Results

This section summarizes the survey results and identifies organic feedstock that may
be available for AD.
A total of sixteen (16) of the 48 surveys were completed and returned. Most of the
survey respondents could be classified as large private industrial and commercial solid
waste generators. The data from these responses was compiled, including the
tonnages generated and the tonnages recycled for each organic material. Table 3.1
below summarizes the survey responses of the various types and amounts of organic
waste generated in the Bluestem area.

Table 3.1
Type and Amount of Organic Waste Generated and Diverted
Current Diversion Method
Tons Tons
Type of Waste Generated Diverted Tons Tons Land- Tons Tons Used
Composted Applied Recycled as a Fuel
Sludges 64,7281 64,728 64,728 - - -
Other Organic Waste2 36,724 36,519 5,696 30,823 - -
Paper (includes OCC, 1,984 1,678 - - 1,678 -
ONP, Office Paper &
Mixed Paper)
Food Waste3 44,934 44,144 - - 16,144 28,000
Yard Waste 362 52 52 - - -
Pallets and Other 503 369 - - 369 -
Fabric 160 104 - - 104 -
TOTAL: 149,395 147,594 70,476 30,823 18,295 28,000
1 Per discussions with Bluestem staff, approximately one half of this amount would be available for anaerobic digestion.
2 Other organic waste includes: Feed; fiber filters; dry starch waste; bathroom towels; filter cake by-product; biomass by-products made of

denatured bacterial cell bodies, protein, nitrogen, carbohydrates, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and organic, non-toxic polymers.
3 Food waste includes waste from manufacturers of food products, as well as cafeteria waste from institutions and industries.

3-2 R. W. Beck B1471


The total waste generated by the companies that responded to the survey was
estimated to be 181,508 tons for calendar year 2000. Of that amount, 149,395 tons or
82% was reported as organic waste.
Of the total organic waste generated, the respondents to the survey reported that
147,594 tons or 99% of the organic waste is currently being diverted from disposal
(the material is being composted, land-applied, reused, re-manufactured, or used for
energy production).
Follow-up telephone calls were made to the largest generators to gather additional data
related to the chemical composition of their organic waste and waste by-products. The
type of data collected included pH levels, percentage of total solids, and chemical
oxygen demand (COD). This information was used as part of the analyses to evaluate
biogas yields.
The specific list of those receiving a survey is included in Appendix D for reference.
Please note that many small to medium generators of organics were not included in the
survey, however, it is recognized that these generators dispose of organic wastes at
Bluestem facilities.

3.3 Conclusions
Per the Bluestem Solid Waste Characterization Study (Beck, 2000), organic wastes
being landfilled that could serve as potential feedstock for an AD facility are estimated
to range from 15% to 25%. Fifteen percent represents food waste and yard waste,
whereas the 25% includes food waste, yard waste, and non-recyclable paper. Using
FY2002 disposal data for Bluestem, 26,000 to 43,000 tons per year would be
potentially available for use as feedstock in an AD facility. Much of this fraction of
the waste stream is not presently being source separated and would require either
financial incentives or local mandates for the materials to be directed to the facility in
a source separated form. As a result, the evaluation focused on large generators of
organic materials requiring minimal separation to be used as potential feedstock.

B1471 R. W. Beck 3-3

Section 4

4.1 Overview
The co-products of the anaerobic digestion (AD) process are a medium-Btu content
biogas and a slurry called digestate. The biogas contains approximately 60%-70%
methane and is water saturated. The balance of the biogas mixture is carbon dioxide,
and some parts/million (ppm) of hydrogen sulfide.
The digestate consists of undigested solids, cell-mass, soluble nutrients, other inert
materials, and water. All digestate contains a recoverable solid fiber with physical
attributes similar to those of a moist soil conditioner. Depending on the feedstock, this
product may be used as a soil improver or potentially used as a constituent in potting
soils. After the fiber is removed, the residual product is a liquid organic substance
commonly called “filtrate”. Once again depending on the feedstock, filtrate can be
spread directly onto agricultural lands for its nutrient value. Filtrate can also be
further processed to provide a liquid material commonly called “centrate” and solid
product called “cake” which is comprised of the fine suspended solids contained in the
The specific quantities and quality of the co-products are directly related to the input
material and the actual AD process technology selected. This section of the report is
limited to a general discussion of the various co-products from AD when using various
viable feedstocks such as the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW),
source separated organic wastes, sludges, and yard waste.
As discussed in Section 3, key parameters such as Percentage Total Solids1 (TS%),
Volatile Solids2 as a Percentage of Total Solids (VS%), and pH were requested as part
of the survey, but these parameters were not necessarily provided by all the potential
organic waste generators.
Because of their likely high-cellulose characterization, paper and fabric do not
normally exhibit the chemical composition suitable to the AD process. Thus, this
organic fraction of the waste stream for purposes of this analysis was not assumed to
be an input into the AD process.
In addition, materials with high TS% concentrations, such as pallets and other wood,
were also removed from consideration. Wood wastes are more suited for combustion
processes than for AD. Additionally, the fiber recovered following the AD process
will possibly require the use of admixtures for bulking purposes. Chipped wood

n.b., TS concentration is the solid material fraction of total feedstock weight.
n.b., VS is the organic fraction of TS, of which a portion is converted into biogas.

Section 4

would add needed structure to the recovered fiber, and possibly create a value-added
processed material that could be sold to local horticulture, landscaping, and site
remediation industries.
With additional clarification from the organic generators, materials such as filter cake
and dry corn starch waste classified as other organic waste were excluded from
consideration as an AD feedstock. In addition to having a high TS%, these materials
likely contain less than a 60% VS concentration relative to TS%. As a rule of thumb,
materials containing a concentration of less than 60% VS are rarely considered as
feedstocks for the AD process.
Table 4.1
"Base Case" Organic AD Feedstocks
Tons/Year Tons/Day
Sludges1 32,364 89
Other Organic Waste 33,300 91
Food Waste 2,934 8
Yard Waste 362 1
Total 68,960 189
1 Per discussions with Bluestem, this is the total amount that would be available for AD,
approximately one-half of the total amount generated

Table 4.1 depicts a "base case" scenario for AD feedstock within the Bluestem
planning area. Of the total amount of organic waste generated (149,395 tons/year),
about 46% (68,960) tons can be considered as potential AD feedstocks. The portion
of the available feedstock secured for use as AD feedstock will likely be a function of
proposed contractual arrangements and alternative tip fee pricing at the proposed AD
facility. Per the survey, even though most of these materials are not presently being
landfilled, present methods of diversion for the sludges and other organic wastes have
identified limitations. Consequently a portion of the organics presently being diverted
are considered viable feedstock as part of the "base case".
The balance of this analysis is used to present some generalized estimates on the
opportunities for recovering methane and other co-products from an AD facility sized
to manage approximately 189 tons/day of organic residues. For the purposes of this
section, the AD facility is assumed to use a “dry” AD system (i.e. HSAD) that is
capable of treating these organic residues in concentration of up to 40% TS.
An HSAD system, as contrasted with “wet” systems that require sometimes significant
dilution to operate in their preferred TS concentrations, commonly ranging from 10%-
15%. Given the amount of dilution water required to utilize the “wet” systems with
the likely organic feedstocks, an increase in overall make-up water was deemed as not
preferable. For example, each ton of organic feedstock at a 33% TS concentration
would require around 300 gallons of dilution water to achieve a 15% TS
concentration. To process 189 tons/day of organic matter would therefore require
around 55,000 gallons/day of dilution water. Given the weight of water, this would
more than double the mass of waste being treated, a factor of slightly more than 120%.

4-2 R. W. Beck B1471


There are "wet" systems that can recycle significant quantities of dilution water, but
some "leakage" must be anticipated if these types of systems are to be used.

4.2 AD Inputs and Outputs

As noted in Table 4.1 above, the "base case" of feedstock within the Bluestem
planning area is approximately 68,960 tons/year of organic materials. Per the survey,
these materials were determined to be sludge, other organic waste, food waste and
yard waste.

4.3 Sludges
Although it is estimated a total of 64,748 tons/year of this material is generated within
the Bluestem collection area, only about one-half (89 tons/day), is considered
potentially available for use in the AD facility. Based on a recent analytical report, the
sludge feedstock has a TS concentration of slightly more than 34%, or nearly 60,400
pounds/day of solid matter in the available fraction. With an average VS concentration
of around 88% of TS, it is estimated that the total daily VS production is around 53,000
pounds/day. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) was reported to have a concentration of
2,870 mg/kg on a dry weight basis, which converts into a nitrogen concentration of 5.74
pounds/ton. Phosphorus was reported to have a concentration of <150 mg/kg on a dry
weight basis, which converts into a phosphorus concentration of 0.30 pounds/ton. The
analytical report also found that the sludge has a carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio of 286,
and a solid pH of 7.3. It was assumed that the AD facility would be capable of
converting the sludge feedstock into biogas at a rate of 4.0 ft3/lb VS, which is a value
slightly less than sewage sludge at 4.6 ft3/lb VS.

4.4 Other Organic Feedstocks

Approximately 91 tons/day of other organic feedstocks is considered potentially
available for use by the proposed AD facility. This material is largely a biomass
byproduct, consisting of denatured bacterial cell bodies, protein, nitrogen,
carbohydrates, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and organic, non-toxic polymers.
Unfortunately there were no analytical reports on its composition, so it was assumed
to have characteristics similar to the sludge above. With a TS concentration of slightly
more than 34%, slightly more than 62,000 pounds/day of solids is assumed to be
handled. With an assumed average VS concentration of approximately 88% of TS, it is
estimated that the total daily VS production is around 54,500 pounds/day. It was
assumed that the AD facility would be capable of converting the other organic
feedstock into biogas at a rate of 4.0 ft3/lb VS. However, a more accurate estimate can
be developed based on more detailed characterization of the available sludges.

B1471 R. W. Beck 4-3

Section 4

4.5 Food Waste

Approximately eight tons/day of food waste feedstocks are considered potentially
available for use by the proposed AD facility. Unfortunately there were no analytical
reports on its composition, so it was assumed to have characteristics similar to those
reported by Steffen.3 Steffen is a credible source on this topic as this report was
commissioned by the AD-NETT, which is a network of professionals working in
anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial wastes in Europe and Canada. AD-NETT’s
prime motive is to enable exchange of information and experience and to disseminate
this information to relevant organizations, such as potential users and developers.4
With an assumed TS concentration of 10%, slightly more than 1,600 pounds/day of
solids is assumed to be handled. With an assumed average VS concentration of
approximately 80% of TS, it is estimated that the total daily VS production is almost
1,300 pounds/day. Steffen also reported that food remains would be capable of being
converted into biogas in the range of 8.0-9.6 ft3/lb VS; the midpoint value was
assumed for this analysis. While the exact nature of the food wastes is unknown, raw
garbage has been reported having a C/N ratio of 25.5

4.6 Yard Waste

Approximately one ton/day of yard waste feedstock is considered potentially available
for use by the proposed AD facility. Unfortunately there were no analytical reports on
its composition, so it was assumed to have the average characteristics for leaves,
garden waste and grass reported by Steffen.6 With an average TS concentration of
58%, slightly more than 1,100 pounds/day of solids is assumed to be handled. With an
assumed average VS concentration of around 90% of TS, it is estimated that the total
daily VS production is slightly more than 1,000 pounds/day. The average conversion of
yard wastes into biogas was estimated to be the midpoint value of 5.9 ft3/lb VS. The
average yard wastes C/N ratio was calculated to be 68. It should also be noted that yard
waste is a seasonal feedstock. If the substrate is composed of easily degradable
materials, biogas production could be slightly higher. However, if the substrate is
composed of high lignin content materials, biogas production is likely to be less.

4.7 Annual and Daily Feedstock Flows

Given the four feedstocks described above, it appears that approximately 68,960
tons/year (189 tons/day) can be considered potentially available for use by the
proposed AD facility. Recognizing the limited information available on its exact

Steffen, R; Szolar, O. and Braun, R. 1998. Feedstocks for Anaerobic Digestion. Institute for
Agrobiotechnology Tulin, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna.
National Academy of Sciences. 1977. Methane Generation from Human, Animal, and Agricultural
Wastes. Washington, DC.
Supra, Note 5.

4-4 R. W. Beck B1471


composition, the overall feedstock is calculated to have a TS concentration of 24%, or

slightly more than 102,000 pounds/day of solid matter. With an average VS
concentration of approximately 87% of TS, it is estimated that the total daily VS
production is around 102,000 pounds/day. It was also assumed that the AD facility
would be capable of VS destruction potential of 50%, and the average conversion into
biogas was 5.1 ft3/lb VS. Excluding water vapor, the hypothetical annual and daily
inputs and outputs for the baseline AD facility are presented in Table 4.2 below.

Table 4.2
AD Facility Material Flows

Inputs Unit Annual

Feedstock Tons 68,960

Outputs Unit Annual

Methane Million Btu 87,800
Digestate Tons 62,500

4.8 Biogas Production

Biogas production was estimated to be around 400,000 ft3/day. Further assuming that
there are 600 BTU/ft3 of methane contained in the biogas, the AD plant is capable of
manufacturing approximately 87,800 million Btu annually. Assuming an electrical
generation efficiency of 35%, the AD facility would be capable of supporting a
capacity of approximately 1.02 MW. Assuming a capacity factor of 90%, some 8.18
million kWh could be generated annually. Also, there is increasing interest by
municipalities in using biogas as an alternative transportation fuel. Assuming that a
gallon of diesel fuel contains 130,000 Btu (lower heating value), then the AD facility
has the capacity to manufacture the equivalent of more than 750,000 gallons of diesel
fuel equivalent.

4.9 Solids Separation

In addition to the biogas, the AD facility would annually produce about 62,500 tons of
digestate. Digestate recovered from the AD plant would contain a recoverable solid
fiber with physical attributes similar to those of a soil conditioner, and would have a
total solids concentration of 35%-45%. Fiber is usually recovered by mechanical
solids separation equipment such as screw presses or vibrating screens. After
separation in a processing facility, the fiber would be combined with appropriate
admixtures and composted in windrows for 10 to 20 days until final maturation. After
final maturation, the composted fiber product could be hauled off-site for use on
agricultural land.
After the fiber is separated, a liquid fraction called “filtrate” is created. A portion
could be recycled as make-up water for the AD plant. Depending upon the feedstock

B1471 R. W. Beck 4-5

Section 4

and applicable regulations, filtrate can be spread directly onto agricultural lands for its
nutrient value.
Table 4.3
AD Plant Material Flows

Inputs Unit Annual Daily

Digestate Tons 62,500 171

Outputs Unit Annual Daily

Fiber Tons 18,137 50
Filtrate Tons 44,422 121

Projected daily and annual inputs and outputs for the solids separation operation are
presented above in Table 4.3. For the purposes of this section, the solids separator is
assumed to be a mechanical screw press that operates with an 85% separation factor
and produces a fiber with 45% TS concentration. The separation facility is assumed to
be capable of processing around 171 tons of digestate/day. Fiber production is
estimated to be 50 tons/day and filtrate production is estimated to be 121 tons/day.
As noted above, the TKN contained in sludge and assumed to be contained in the
other organic waste is 5.74 lb/ton/day. Phosphorous (P) is estimated 0.30 lb/ton/day.
Assuming an average 95% recovery factor, the solids separation operation is capable
of recovering 178 tons of TKN and 21 tons of P annually. It is therefore estimated
that the total daily TKN recovery is around 0.49 tons and total daily P recovery is
around 0.6 tons. It is calculated that 36% of the nutrients are contained in the fiber
and 64% in the filtrate.
Total nutrients leaving the system in the various forms are estimated within ±5%, but
may be up to ±25% of the amount entering the digester. More exact analysis of the
mass balance of the system should be completed during the final engineering phase of
the project if it moves forward to this phase of development.

4.10 Carbon Benefits

One of the key elements that results from using an AD system are its environmental
benefits. While an exact quantification of all potential environmental benefits is
beyond the scope of this study, a preliminary estimate has been attempted to estimate
carbon-equivalent (CE) savings.

4-6 R. W. Beck B1471


Table 4.4
Partial Carbon Benefits
Metric Tonnes Metric Tons CE
Digester Methane 2,035 5.19 10,560

As presented above in Table 4.4, a co-product benefit that results from using the AD
process is a reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Not all GHG emissions
have the same atmospheric reactivity. Therefore, the carbon emissions are multiplied
by a Global Warming Potential (GWP) to achieve a consistent CE7.
Methane recovered from an AD process is a potent GHG, having a GWP of 21. This
means that a given mass of methane could increase the atmosphere’s radioactive
forcing by an amount 21 times more than the same mass of CO2. Methane has a mass
of 19.178 grams/standard cubic foot. The AD facility is estimated to produce 245,500
standard cubic feet/day of methane. Assuming methane has 980 BTU/ft3 (lower
heating value), this amount of recovered methane will have a mass of 2,035 metric
tons. After adjusting for CE by multiplying by a GWP of 21 reflects that recovering
all the methane from the AD plant potentially reduces potential GHG emissions by
approximately 10,560 metric tons CE.

4.11 Summary
The co-products of the AD process are a medium-Btu content biogas and a slurry
called digestate. The biogas contains approximately 60%-70% methane and is water
saturated. The balance of the biogas mixture is carbon dioxide, and some parts/million
(ppm) of hydrogen sulfide. The digestate consists of undigested solids, cell-mass,
soluble nutrients, other inert materials, and water.
The specific quantities and quality of the co-products are directly related to the input
material and the actual AD process technology selected.
The projected AD facility is assumed to be an HSAD system that is capable of treating
these organic residues in concentration of up to 40% TS. An HSAD system is
contrasted with “wet” systems that sometimes require significant dilution to operate in
their preferred TS concentrations, commonly ranging from 10%-15%.
Recognizing the limited information available on its exact composition, the overall
feedstock is calculated to have a TS concentration of 24%, or slightly more than
102,000 pounds/day of solid matter. With an average VS concentration of
approximately 87% of TS, it is estimated that the total daily VS production would be
approximately 102,000 pounds/day. It was also assumed that the AD facility would be
capable of VS destruction potential of 50%, and the average conversion into biogas
would be 5.1 ft3/lb VS.

n.b., carbon is determined by its proportion to the molecular weight of CO2, 12/44.

B1471 R. W. Beck 4-7

Section 4

Biogas production was estimated to be around 400,000 ft3/day. Further assuming that
there are 600 BTU/ft3 of biogas, the proposed AD plant would be capable of
manufacturing approximately 87,800 million Btu of methane annually. This amount
of methane is capable of supporting a capacity of approximately 1.02 MW or the
equivalent of more than 750,000 gallons of diesel fuel equivalent.
A key benefit of the AD system is a reduction in GHG emissions. The recovering of
methane from the proposed AD plant potentially reduces GHG emissions by
approximately 10,560 metric tons of CE.

4-8 R. W. Beck B1471

Section 5

5.1 Overview
Per the "Base Case" as described in Section 4, coupled with the need to evaluate
economies of scale benefits, Beck conducted a cost analysis of two potential sized AD
facilities – 69,000 tons per year (TPY) and 36,000 TPY. As identified in Section 4,
the various organic feedstocks and their quantities composing the Base Case are
provided below in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1
Base Case Organic AD Feedstocks

Types/Materials Tons/Year

Sludges 32,364
Organic Industrial Wastes 33,300
Food Waste 2,934
Yard Waste 362
Total 68,960

To minimize the risks of relying on a minimal number of sources of feedstock, an

alternative AD Facility scenario was formulated. For this scenario, it was assumed
only 50% of the total quantities of sludges and organic industrial wastes and 100% of
the food and yard wastes identified as part of the Base Case scenario would be
directed to the AD facility. The applicable types and quantities of feedstocks
composing the 36,000 TPY AD facility "Alternative Case" scenario are provided
below in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2
Alternative Case Organic AD Feedstocks

Types/Materials Tons/Year

Sludges 16,182
Organic Industrial Wastes 16,650
Food Waste 2,934
Yard Waste 362
Total 36,128

Section 5

For purposes of the AD facility cost analysis, the Base Case has been characterized as
a Large AD facility and the Alternative Case as a Mid-Sized AD facility. Provided
below is a table that summarizes the materials process flows for these two facility

Table 5.3
Material Process Flows

Mid-Size AD Facility Large AD Facility

Feedstocks (TPY) 36,128 68,960
Electricity (Net KWh) 4,400,000 7,900,000
Thermal (Net MBtu) 149,000 26,400
Fiber (TPY) 8,700 16,100
Filtrate (TPY) 24,700 47,900

The material process flows identified above for the Mid-Sized Facility includes the
following assumptions:
„ produces approximately 225,000 cubic feet/day of biogas; and
„ produces 49.3 billion Btu/year of energy assuming 600 Btu/cubic feet of biogas.
The material process flows identified above for the Large AD Facility includes the
following assumptions:
„ produces approximately 404,700 cubic feet/day of biogas; and
„ produces 88.6 billion Btu/year of energy assuming 600 Btu/cubic feet of biogas.
The material process flows identified above also include the overall following
„ net KWh calculated by subtracting parasitic electrical requirements from
projected gross electricity produced;
„ quantities of digestate produced totals approximately 92% of quantity of inputs;
„ digestate is composted of approximately 25% fiber and 75% filtrate by weight;
„ the net thermal MBtu is calculated by subtracting the digester's parasitic heating
requirements from projected gross thermal MBtu produced.

5-2 R. W. Beck B1471


5.2 Methodology
To complete the potential AD Facility cost analysis, we undertook the following steps:
1. Developed an integrated materials flow and financial model to project energy
production, materials flow, facility construction and operation, costs, and
anticipated revenues;
2. Reviewed AD facility survey results to estimate per ton installed capital costs;
3. Evaluated per ton installed capital costs to determine economies of scale
associated with varying AD facility sizes;
4. Calculated projected capital costs for construction and installation of a Mid-Sized
AD Facility and a Large AD Facility;
5. Developed conceptual engineering cost estimates for both Mid-Sized and Large
AD Facilities as a comparison to the calculated projected capital costs;
6. Identified the scope of the revenues and expenses associated with an AD Facility;
7. Developed a set of financial pro formas for a twenty-year planning period for both
AD Facility scenarios;
8. Conducted sensitivity analyses to identify critical variables; and
9. Characterized the financial results to determine the financial viability of the
proposed project.

5.2.1 Integrated Materials Flow/Financial Model

The integrated materials flow/financial model was used to project the outputs as
outlined in Table 5.3. Both scenarios assume the conversion of biogas to generate
electricity. In addition, hot water recovered from the AD process potentially could be
used to displace natural gas as a fuel for heating equipment or facilities. The digestate
or residuals from the process as outlined in Section 4 of the report potentially could be
used as a soil conditioner. The model offers an opportunity to model multiple
scenarios because of the ability to vary facility size, biogas production, and the various
values of expenses and revenues.

5.2.2 AD Facility Construction and Installation Costs

Two methods were used to estimate the AD facility capital costs. First, the survey
results were reviewed and a multiple regression analysis was conducted. As a means
for comparison, a set of conceptual engineering cost estimates were developed.
Because there are no commercially operating AD facilities in the United States using
OFMSW as feedstock, a survey of AD facilities in Europe was completed as outlined
in Section 2. Table 2.3 identifies the weighted average installed costs for the eleven
facilities providing facility cost information to be $228 per ton. A multiple regression
analysis was conducted to determine the correlation between the size of facilities and

B1471 R. W. Beck 5-3

Section 5

per ton costs. As discussed in Section 2, a fairly strong correlation was found
reflecting that larger AD facilities tend to capture benefits of economies of scale.
The results of the multiple regression analysis were used to estimate "turn-key"
installation costs of the identified facility scenarios. To simplify the analysis, the size
of the facilities have been rounded to equal 36,000 TPY and 69,000 TPY. The results
of the analysis as it applies to the two potential facility scenarios are provided below in
Table 5.4.

Table 5.4
Projected AD Facility Installation and Construction Costs
Survey Analysis

Mid-Size Large

Per Ton Turn-key 251 186

Total Facility 9.0 million 12.8 million

Conceptual level engineering cost estimates were developed for both the Mid-Size and
Large AD Facility scenarios. Key assumptions included:
„ no direct costs for land for facility site;
„ two-stage, high-solids, dry, continuous AD process utilized;
„ hydrogen sulfide scrubber used for gas treatment;
„ 860 kW diesel engine for converting biogas to energy;
„ step-up transformers for electricity;
„ unenclosed tipping areas; and
„ indirect costs limited to engineering, site evaluation, and start-up support.
Provided below in Table 5.5 are the conceptual level engineering costs estimates for
the Large AD Facility.

5-4 R. W. Beck B1471


Table 5.5
Large AD Facility
Conceptual Level Cost Estimate
Description Total Amount
Indirect Costs
Engineering 307,050
Construction Management 54,000
Site Evaluation 13,575
Start-up Support 165,025
Total 539,650
Valves and Specialties 1,579,177
Transformers 40,829
Control Panel 304,155
Mixers 750,888
Water Heater and Pumps 167,943
CHP Unit 1,561,575
Tanks 3,573,277
Gas Storage and Treatment 2,028,074
Instrumentation 621,956
Total 10,627,874
General 954,840
Electrical 344,779
Mechanical 967,612
Total 2,267,231
Total Construction Costs 13,434,755
Contingency 806,085
Total Installed Cost 14,240,840

Without the contingency factor, the conceptual level engineering cost estimates are
within 5% of the estimate developed using multiple regression. The Large AD
Facility conceptual level engineering cost estimate reflected a total of $14.2 million
for installed capital costs as compared to $12.8 using the survey results analysis.
Provided below in Table 5.6 is the conceptual level engineering cost estimates for the
Mid-Sized AD Facility.

B1471 R. W. Beck 5-5

Section 5

Table 5.6
Mid-Sized Facility
Conceptual Level Cost Estimate
Description Total Amount
Indirect Costs
Engineering 192,500
Construction Management Labor 40,000
Site Evaluation 7,950
Start-up Support 113,700
Total 354,150
Valves and Specialties 1,058,110
Transformers 26,423
Control Panel 254,426
Mixers 475,101
Water Heater and Pumps 115,508
CHP Unit 908,950
Tanks 2,104,520
Gas Storage and Treatment 1,457,671
Instrumentation 406,690
Total 6,807,399
General 616,350
Electrical 281,750
Mechanical 715,248
Total 1,613,348
Total Construction Costs 8,774,897
Contingency 658,117
Total Installed Cost 9,433,014

Without the contingency factor, the conceptual level engineering cost estimates are
within 2.5% of the estimate developed using multiple regression. The Mid-Sized
Facility conceptual level engineering cost estimates reflected a total of $9.4 million for
installed capital costs as compared to $9.0 million using the survey results analysis.
The detailed cost estimates for both conceptual facilities are included in the Appendix
for reference.
The total AD Facility costs for the Mid-Size and Large AD facility scenarios were
then incorporated into the financial pro formas to evaluate the financial viability of the

5-6 R. W. Beck B1471


5.2.3 Revenues and Expenses

Before initiating the development of the pro formas for the operating results, the scope
of the revenues and expenses needed to be characterized. The revenues for an AD
Facility are likely to include:
„ electricity sales;
„ thermal energy sales;
„ feedstock tip fees; and
„ fiber and filtrate sales.
For purposes of this cost analysis, the following revenues were included:
„ electricity sales (3.1/kWh);
„ thermal energy sales ($6.00 MMBtu);
„ sludge tip fees ($15.00/ton);
„ organic industrial waste tip fees ($15.00/ton);
„ food waste tip fees ($15.00/ton); and
„ yard waste tip fees ($15.00/ton).
Due to the uncertainty of the characteristics of the digestate and availability of other
material substitutes, no revenues were projected from reuse of the digestate.
The operating expenses for an AD facility are likely to include:
„ fiber hauling and disposal costs;
„ filtrate pumping and treatment costs;
„ facility labor;
„ engine plant operations and maintenance; and
„ digester plant operations and maintenance.
For purposes of this cost analysis the following operating expenses were included:
„ fiber hauling costs ($3/ton);
„ filtrate pumping and treatment costs ($.075/gallon);
„ facility labor ($17.80 – $19.00 per hour);
„ engine plant operations and maintenance ($1.25/KWh);
„ digester plant operations and maintenance (2.25% of capital and installation
costs); and
„ contingency factor (10% of annual operating costs).
The analysis assumes a cost to haul the fibers, but no cost for disposal. The fiber
would likely be blended with other compost by-product at a composting facility for
reuse as a soil conditioner. However, markets for compost are presently limited and it

B1471 R. W. Beck 5-7

Section 5

was assumed utilization of these materials was not likely to generate either revenues or
expenses. If these materials needed to be land applied, an additional $10 to $15 a ton
would need to be added to the overall operating expenses.
As for the filtrate, it was assumed that filtrate that is not reused as make-up water
would be conveyed to the Cedar Rapids Water Pollution Control Facilities (CRWPC)
for treatment and disposal.
As for labor, the two facility scenarios will have different staffing requirements. Both
will require a facility manager coupled with a set of laborers. The analysis assumes
$25 an hour for a manager position and $16 an hour for laborer positions. Both of
these estimates assume approximately 30% to 40% of the hourly rate for benefits. For
the Large AD Facility, the analysis assumes the need for one manager and four
laborers. For the Mid-Size AD Facility, the analysis assumes the need for one
manager and two laborers. This estimate is based on staffing requirements for similar
size AD facilities in Europe and requirements for similar types of solid waste facilities
in the United States.
As for the engine plant, the 1.25¢ kWh is a reasonable estimate based on operating
similar methane-to-energy equipment at landfill gas (LFG)-to-energy facilities. The
type of engines to be used at the AD facility will be very similar. The cost estimate is
based on actual LFG-to-energy facility operating costs.
As for the digester plant operations and maintenance costs, 2.25% of capital costs are
based on actual operating costs of similar AD facilities in Europe.
A 10% contingency factor has been included because these are considered planning
level expenses.

5.2.4 Financial Pro Formas

A set of financial pro formas were developed to determine the net present value (PV)
over a 20 year planning period. The net PV is determined by calculating the
cumulative PV of the revenues less PV of the operating and amortized capital costs.
Ultimately, a net gain or loss is projected.
In addition to the revenue and expense assumptions identified above, the following
additional assumptions were used as part of the analysis:
„ Annual Inflation Rate – 3.0%
„ Present Value Rate – 5.0%
„ Waste Stream Annual Growth Rate – 3.0%
„ Annual Energy Rate Escalation – 1.0%
„ Tip Fee Escalation Rate – 1.0%
Based on review and evaluation of two seasons of CRWPC facilities’ electric power
costs from Alliant Energy, it appears that the average annual rate paid in 2002 was
$.031/kWh to $.034/kWh. An average annual rate of $.031/kWh was used to provide
a conservative analysis.

5-8 R. W. Beck B1471


Table 5.7
Pro Forma Operating Results
PV Profit (Loss)
Large AD Facility Mid-Size AD Facility
With Electric W/O Thermal With Electric W/O Thermal
Power and Energy Power and Energy
Thermal Energy Revenues Thermal Energy Revenues
Revenues Revenues

717 (2,187) (2,587) (4,223)

The results of the PV analysis reflect a positive net cash flow for the Large AD
Facility when revenues are included for the sale of electricity and thermal energy

5.2.5 Sensitivity Analyses

As reflected above in Table 5.7, the analysis also included evaluating the PV with and
without thermal energy revenues. It is unlikely that the hot water can be sold to an
end-user for displacement of natural gas and therefore it was imperative to model the
operating results with and without such revenues.
To determine the impact on the pro forma operating results of variations in several of
the critical assumptions, a set of sensitivity analyses were conducted. A worst case
and best case for each assumption were identified respectively as follows:
„ annual inflation rate – 6% and 1%;
„ present value rate – 8% and 3.5%;
„ waste stream annual growth rate – 0% and 4.5%;
„ annual energy rate escalation – 0% and 2.5%; and
„ tip fee escalation rate – 0% and 2.5%.
In addition, the following additional two scenarios reflecting a combination of the
above were included in the analysis.
„ high inflation, high PV, low waste growth, high energy, annual rates, and high tip
fees; and
„ low inflation, low PV, high waste growth, low energy annual rates, and low tip
Table 5.8 below reflects the results of this analysis.

B1471 R. W. Beck 5-9

Section 5

Table 5.8
AD Facility Cost Analysis Summary1
Large Facility Mid-Sized Facility
Worst Case Expected Case Best Case Worst Case Expected Case Best Case
20-Year 20-Year 20- 20-Year 20- 20-Year 20- 20-Year 20- 20-Year 20- 20-Year
PV Profit/ton Year Profit/ton Year Profit/ton Year Profit/ton Year Profit/ton Year Profit/ton
Profit ($/ton) PV ($/ton) PV ($/ton) PV ($/ton) PV ($/ton) PV ($/ton)
($000) Profit Profit Profit Profit Profit
($000) ($000) ($000) ($000) ($000)
Without Thermal Energy Revenues
Base Assumptions NA NA (2,187) (1.11) NA NA NA NA (4,223) (4.08) NA NA
Variations in Inflation Rate [2] (4,658) (2.36) (2,187) (1.11) (951) (0.48) (5,738) (5.54) (4,223) (4.08) (3,465) (3.34)
Present Value Rate [3] (5,075) (2.57) (2,187) (1.11) (321) (0.16) (5,666) (5.47) (4,223) (4.08) (3,303) (3.19)
Waste Stream Growth Rate [4] (6,155) (4.25) (2,187) (1.11) 367 0.16 (6,298) (8.30) (4,223) (4.08) (2,888) (2.37)
Utility Rate Escalation [5] (2,450) (1.24) (2,187) (1.11) (1,733) (0.88) (4,372) (4.22) (4,223) (4.08) (3,966) (3.83)
Tip Fee Escalation [6] (3,816) (1.93) (2,187) (1.11) 644 0.33 (5,077) (4.90) (4,223) (4.08) (2,740) (2.64)
Poor Economic Conditions [7] (5,209) (3.60) (2,187) (1.11) NA NA (5,920) (7.80) (4,223) (4.08) NA NA
Strong Economic Conditions [8] NA NA (2,187) (1.11) 1,620 0.70 NA NA (4,223) (4.08) (2,169) (1.78)

With Thermal Energy Revenues

Base Assumptions NA NA 717 0.36 NA NA NA NA (2,587) (2.50) NA NA
Variations in Inflation Rate [2] (1,755) (0.89) 717 0.36 1,952 0.99 (4,103) (3.96) (2,587) (2.50) (1,829) (1.77)
Present Value Rate [3] (2,805) (1.42) 717 0.36 3,004 1.52 (4,387) (4.23) (2,587) (2.50) (1,430) (1.38)
Waste Stream Growth Rate [4] (3,911) (2.70) 717 0.36 3,695 1.59 (5,033) (6.63) (2,587) (2.50) (1,013) (0.83)
Utility Rate Escalation [5] 204 0.10 717 0.36 1,603 0.81 (2,877) (2.78) (2,587) (2.50) (2,087) (2.01)
Tip Fee Escalation [6] (913) (0.46) 717 0.36 3,548 1.79 (3,441) (3.32) (2,587) (2.50) (1,104) (1.07)
Poor Economic Conditions [7] (2,666) (1.84) 717 0.36 NA NA (4,488) (5.92) (2,587) (2.50) NA NA
Strong Economic Conditions [8] NA NA 717 0.36 5,095 2.19 NA NA (2,587) (2.50) (212) (0.17)
[1] All scenarios reflect Electric Energy Revenues based on 3.1 ¢/kWh
[2] Worst Case = 6.0%, Expected Case = 3.0%, Best Case = 1.0%
[3] Worst Case = 8.0%, Expected Case = 5.0%, Best Case = 3.5%
[4] Worst Case = 0.0%, Expected Case = 3.0%, Best Case = 4.5%
[5] Worst Case = 0.0%, Expected Case = 1.0%, Best Case = 2.5%
[6] Worst Case = 0.0%, Expected Case = 1.0%, Best Case = 2.5%
[7] High Inflation, High PV Rate, Low Waste Growth, High Utility Rates, High Tip Fees
[8] Low Inflation, Low PV Rate, High Waste Growth, Low Utility Rates, Low Tip Fees

5-10 R. W. Beck 6/15/04


The variable having the most significant financial impact on the operating results was
"waste stream growth”. The analysis reflects that with zero percent growth in the
waste stream, the Large and Mid-Size plants may not be financially viable. Second,
the exclusion of revenues from the sale of thermal energy has a significant impact on
the operating results. Interestingly, varying the electric energy revenue rate has only
limited impact on the net PV over the 20 year planning period.

5.3 Summary
Utilizing the base assumptions as outlined in the "Expected Case", the project
operating results reflect a self-sustaining project at the Large Facility level with
thermal revenues. As for the Mid-Size facility, the project operating results reflect a
net loss both with and without thermal revenues. A summary of the net PV analysis
on a per ton basis is provided below in Figures 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.

Figure 5.1
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis
Present Value of Projected 20-Year Profit/ton







Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh No Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh

Large Plant Mid-Sized Plant

B1471 R. W. Beck 5-11

Section 5

Figure 5.2
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis
Present Value of Large AD Facility 20-Year Profit/ton







Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh No Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh

Poor Economic Conditions Base Assumptions Strong Economic Conditions

Figure 5.3
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Analysis
Present Value of Mid-Sized Facility 20-Year Profit/ton







Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh No Thermal Revenues and Electricity at 3.1 ¢/kWh

Poor Economic Conditions Base Assumptions Strong Economic Conditions

5-12 R. W. Beck

Because the project is likely to generate revenue through a per ton tip fee charge for
materials received, one additional analysis was undertaken. The total revenues for the
20-year planning period were compared to the total annual costs. To generate
adequate revenues with the expected case assumptions, a set of tip fees were
Overall, the average tip fees needed for a revenue-neutral project are characterized in
Table 5.9.

Table 5.9
Revenue-Neutral Tip Fee

Base Case Mid-Level

With Thermal Energy $14.43 $18.91
Without Thermal Energy $16.73 $21.37

The tip fees ultimately selected must be at a level to economically attract the needed
waste streams

B1471 R. W. Beck 5-13

Section 6

6.1 Overview
Siting of a solid waste management facility in the Bluestem service area requires
assessing which local and state regulations apply and how they apply to this potential
project. Because AD facilities using MSW as feedstock do not presently operate in
Iowa, there is no specific precedent serving either local or state governments
surrounding the issue of siting and permitting of this type of solid waste facility.
This section of the report provides a preliminary overview of applicable state and local
governmental siting and permit-related requirements.

6.2 Preferred Site

The Cedar Rapids Water Pollution Control Facilities (CRWPC) has approximately 30
to 40 acres of open space within its present facility footprint. Per discussions with
CRWPC staff, it is the CRWPC's intent to use this area for expansion of its own
facilities in the future. This expansion may address moving of the ash lagoons and/or
expansion of its own anaerobic pre-treatment process which is used to manage
biosolids. However, further discussions with CRWPC concerning the potential use of
this area for an AD facility and sponsorship by the CRWPC are recommended. Figure
6.1 depicts the location of the CRWPC in the upper left-hand corner of the map.

Section 6

Figure 6.1

Critical to the financial viability of the AD project is access to markets for the co-
products (e.g., digestate, biogas) of the AD process. Per discussions with CRWPC
staff, it is estimated that CRWPC uses $5.5 to 6M of power annually. Total power
costs represented approximately 15% of total operating costs in the 2003 calendar
year. As for natural gas, the CRWPC facilities use biogas from their own treatment
processes to displace their own natural gas needs from external sources. Locating an
AD facility adjacent to the CRWPC facilities and generating electricity that could be
used for CRWPC is an attractive option.

6.3 Local Zoning and Permitting

6.3.1 City of Cedar Rapids Overlay District
Per a review of applicable local zoning regulations and discussions with Bluestem
staff, the City of Cedar Rapids’ (City) Solid and Hazardous Waste Facility Overlay
Zoning District (Overlay Zone) may be applicable. The Overlay Zone provides a set
of conditions and requirements applicable to solid waste facilities. The Overlay Zone
is to be used in conjunction with the existing Commercial Warehouse District,
Restricted Industrial District, and General Industrial District. In addition to the
underlying zoning district requirements for these three districts, an additional set of
requirements and conditions addressing location and facility operations apply. The
locational criteria include the following:

6-2 R. W. Beck B1471


„ at least 1/2 mile separation from a residential zoning district;

„ at least 1/2 mile separation from property used for food processing related
activities; and
„ establish a buffer for visual screening from state or federal highways.
The operational requirements are drafted to promote use of best available technologies
and minimize impacts on neighboring properties. Specific issues addressed include:
„ odor control;
„ debris control; and
„ rodent and pest control.
Obtaining a legal opinion of the applicability of the Overlay District to an AD Facility
is recommended. The definition of solid waste facility does not clearly encompass an
AD facility. Solid waste facilities include "processing facilities" that manage solid
waste for purposes of "volume reduction", including composting. Moreover, recycling
processing facilities are defined as facilities that "extract useful materials" from the
solid waste and activities are conducted "within a completely enclosed building". An
AD facility processes materials for purposes of volume reduction and energy recovery
using anaerobic digestion. Interestingly, facilities generating steam heat, power, or
energy pursuant to a "franchise" granted by the City Council are exempt from the
Overlay District requirements.

6.3.2 Linn County Exclusive Use District

Properties adjacent to the CRWPC facilities are actually located in Linn County
(County). If other properties in this geographic area were considered, the County
zoning regulations may be applicable. The County has codified a process for
establishing an Exclusive Use District (District). The purpose of this District is to
establish specific standards and ensure compatibility for adjacent uses for those uses
that cannot be readily classified as agricultural, residential, business, professional
office, or industrial uses.
Per review of the County ordinances, Exclusive Use Zone 1, Sanitary Landfill, has
been established. Per review of the applicable uses for Exclusive Use Zone 1, it does
not appear that an AD facility could be sited in this zone. It should be noted that
compost and recycling facilities are listed as accessory uses in this zone. It is likely a
new Exclusive Use Zone would need to be established separately for an AD Facility.
The AD Facility would be handling solid waste, but not for purposes of final disposal
and therefore does not appear to be a permitted use in Exclusive Use Zone 1.
Creating a new exclusive use zone for an AD facility requires formulating an
amendment to the County zoning regulations. Then, the specific use to be permitted
in the new Exclusive Use Zone must be approved by the Linn County Board of
Supervisors. Specific regulatory requirements in Exclusive Use Zones may include:
„ site design and locational standards;
„ operational standards;

B1471 R. W. Beck 6-3

Section 6

„ bonding requirements; and

„ reference to other applicable laws.
Per review of the Exclusive Use Zone 1, Sanitary Landfill Regulations, the specific
requirements are comprehensive including such items as site development plan,
hydrogeologic investigation, habitat inventory, and other specific operational and
locational criteria. In addition, a comprehensive local siting approval process with
extensive public input is required for uses within this District.
Overall, siting an AD Facility in the County under the Exclusive Use District
provision appears to require substantial time and resources.

6.3.3 Linn County Air Quality Permitting Overview
The Linn County Public Health Department, Air Quality Division, has been formally
granted the authority by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Iowa
Department of Natural Resources to implement and enforce the federal Clear Air Act
within the County. As a result, the County has promulgated a set of provisions within
the County Code of Ordinances addressing air quality issues applicable to a proposed
AD facility.
The proposed AD facility is likely to require both construction and operating permits.
Some exemptions from these permitting requirements are specified under County
Ordinance #29-7-2002 including but not limited to:
„ natural gas fuel-burning units for indirect heating with a capacity of less than 10
million BTU per hour input per combustion unit; and
„ stationary internal combustion engines with a horsepower rating of less than 400
or a kilowatt output less than 300.
Based on preliminary review, it appears that neither one of these exceptions would be
applicable. The first exemption appears to apply to combustion of natural gas for
indirect heating purposes. It is likely the use of the biogas will be to generate
electricity. Second, likely kilowatt output of the internal combustion engines used to
generate electricity exceeds 300. The type of engines used to generate electricity
would be similar that used at landfill gas-to-energy recovery facilities which
individually have an output of 700 to 900 KW. Construction Permit

Under Linn County Ordinance #29-7-2002, Section 10.5, the building or erecting of a
machine or equipment which use may result in the emission of air contaminants must
obtain a permit for authorities to install. This permit is requirement prior to the
initiation of construction or installation of a stationary source. As a result, the
development of an AD facility is likely to require an Authorization to Install Permit
from the Linn County Public Health Department of Air Quality Division.
Information required as part of the application process includes the following:

6-4 R. W. Beck B1471


1. Name, address, and location of firm.

2. Whether installation is new or an alteration of the existing device.
3. Identification of the emission point by number and its plant location.
4. Basic process or activity creating emission.
5. Basic principle of the control device.
6. Potential emission from source.
7. Type and quantity of the final emission after control.
8. Estimated equipment operation time in hours per week.
9. Engineering firm(s) responsible for design and installation.
10. Proposed installation completion date.
11. The name, address, and telephone number of the person submitting the
application or, if such person is a legal entity, the name and address of the
individual authorized to accept service of process on its behalf, and this
person's signature.
12. One set of block diagrams and any other relevant information requested by the
Air Pollution Control Officer.
The standards for issuing the Authorization to Install Permit include submittal of all
required information, reasonable expectation that applicable emission standards are
met, and projected emissions will not present attainment of air quality standards. Operating Permit

Before the Authorization to Install Permit expiration date, an annual operating permit
is likely needed to develop an AD facility. A written permit shall be obtained from the
local Air Pollution Control Officer.
A permit to operate is not issued until the local Air Pollution Control Officer
determines that the operating facility/equipment is operating within the emissions
limits established and that operations of the facility will not prevent the attainment or
maintenance of ambient air quality standards. A Permit to Operate is valid for one
year after issued and therefore must be renewed on a yearly basis. Included in the
Permit to Operate are specific sampling and testing requirements relative to air
emissions. Title V Operating Permits

An additional applicable permit is the Title V permit required under Title V of the
Clean Air Act. The federal Environmental Protection Agency has delegated the
authority to implement the Title V program in Iowa to the Iowa Department of Natural
Resources. The role of the Linn County Public Health Department Air Quality
Division is to facilitate the processing of the permit applications. The actual Title V
permits are issued by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

B1471 R. W. Beck 6-5

Section 6

The types of facilities required to obtain a Title V permit include the sources subject to
the following:
„ acid rain provisions;
„ new source performance standards;
„ natural emission standards for hazardous air pollutants; and
„ air pollutants.
In addition, solid waste incinerators are required to obtain a Title V permit. Some
sources of emissions also are required to obtain a Title V permit if they are considered
a "major" source of emissions. A major source is one that exceeds the following
„ more than 100 tons/year of any air pollutant;
„ more than 10 tons/year of any individual hazardous air pollutant; and
„ more than 25 tons/year of all hazardous air pollutants combined.
A detailed review of Title V requirements is recommended upon moving forward with
the development of the AD facility. A Title V permit may be necessary. More
detailed calculations as related to likely emissions will be necessary to determine if
specific thresholds are exceeded. Moreover, the AD facility owner/operator may
choose to obtain a voluntary Title V operating permit.

6.4 State Permitting Requirements

This section provides a preliminary overview of applicable state permitting
requirements for an AD facility. Issues addressed include:
„ Wastewater Permit – Iowa Code 455B.305A;
„ Comprehensive Planning – Iowa Code 455B.306; and
„ Sanitary Disposal Project Permit – Iowa Administrative Code 567, Chapter 102
and 104.

6.4.1 Wastewater Permit

Filtrate will be produced as a co-product of the AD process. Filtrate results from
separating the liquid fraction of the digestate from the fiber. This liquid fraction may
be used in part as make-up water that can be recycled back into the AD process. A
fraction of the filtrate will be considered excess process water and need to be
appropriately disposed.
Iowa law requires facilities generating water that comes into contact with any waste
product to be treated as process wastewater. Process wastewater generated from the
AD facility would be categorized as a "new source" for the discharge of process
wastewater. The excess process water will contain sulfides as a result of the scrubbing
of the biogas prior to its use for fuel to generate electricity. With the CRWPC located

6-6 R. W. Beck B1471


adjacent to or near the potential AD facility location, the wastewater would be

conveyed to the CRWPC for treatment and discharge by the CRWPC. The CRWPC is
most likely capable of handling the AD excess process water without any
pretreatment. CRWPC accepts and manages various industrial wastewaters without
pretreatment. However, CRWPC and the AD facility operator would need to enter
into an agreement for the acceptance and treatment of the excess process wastewater
as a major contributing industry. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources would
assist in facilitating the agreement and permitting process.

6.4.2 Comprehensive Planning

Under the authority of Iowa Code Section 455B.305, the Iowa Department of Natural
Resources (IDNR) regulates the construction and operation of facilities that manage,
process, and dispose of solid wastes. Iowa Code Section 455B.306 requires all cities
and counties, as well as operators of sanitary disposal projects, to file a comprehensive
plan. The plan must provide an explanation of how to achieve specified solid waste
management goals and objectives. Bluestem has filed a comprehensive solid waste
management plan with the IDNR. It is likely that if an AD facility was added to its
integrated solid waste management system, an update to the comprehensive plan
would be required. The addition of this component to their system will impact the
overall material flows to the various integrated solid waste management components
and impact long term objectives.

6.4.3 Sanitary Disposal Project Permit

A Sanitary Disposal Project, as defined in Iowa Code 455B.301, includes facilities
used to "facilitate the final disposition of solid waste without creating a significant
hazard to public health or safety". Moreover, Iowa Administrative Code Section 567
and Chapters 102 and 104 appear to be applicable to a proposed AD Facility. Chapter
102 requires securing of a sanitary disposal project permit prior to construction and
operation of a sanitary disposal project. Because an AD facility is facilitating the
management of solid waste, it appears securing a sanitary disposal project permit
would be required. Moreover, Chapter 104, Sanitary Disposal Projects with
Processing Facilities, may also be applicable. Chapter 104 is applicable to processing
facilities with dumping or holding areas, hydropulping, slurring, storage, and sludge
processing. An AD facility may include these components. In addition, the
requirements of Chapter 102 include detailed engineering drawings for the equipment
design and specific design and operational requirements.

6.5 Summary
Overall, the uniqueness of an AD Facility will likely require local and state regulators
to revisit solid waste facility regulations. Additional legal review of these provisions
is recommended prior to initiating the siting and permitting process.

B1471 R. W. Beck 6-7

Section 7

7.1 Overview
The purpose of this section of the report is to provide an overview of the impact on the
Bluestem Integrated Solid Waste Management System (System) as a result of the
addition of an AD facility component. The impacts may be measured in terms of
quantities diverted and overall system costs.

7.2 Quantities Diverted

The materials targeted in the Base Case and Alternative Case facility scenarios are
comprised of more than 90% organic industrial wastes and industrial sludges. Most of
these materials, per the organic generator survey, are presently being composted by
the Bluestem Solid Waste Agency (Agency) or land applied by the generator.
Per Section 3 of this report, 26,000 to 43,000 TPY of organic materials (i.e., OFMSW)
were being landfilled by the Agency in FY2002. Most of these materials are not
presently being source separated and would require incentives or mandates to be
directed to the AD facility in a source separated form. These materials include yard
waste, food waste, and non-recyclable paper. The facility scenarios modeled include
approximately 3,300 tons per year of these types of materials. These quantities
represent less than 1% of the total quantities of materials generated within the
Bluestem service area.
Concerns have been raised by Agency staff as to the feasibility of continuing to accept
and compost the increasing quantities of organic industrial waste and sludges.
Limitations include both the physical site configuration of the compost facility and
ability to market the compost by-product.
Adding the AD facility component to the Agency's System to manage the growing
targeted waste stream will be beneficial. An AD facility component provides an
increased level of flexibility to the Agency's System to promote long term capabilities
to address changes in quantities and types of materials received.

7.3 System Costs

Section 5 includes the projected costs associated with the AD facility component.
This analysis was conducted assuming the AD facility was developed as a stand-alone

Section 7

facility component by evaluating the net PV profit (loss) independent of the existing
The facility scenarios project diversion of a small quantity of additional materials from
being landfilled. The facility scenarios focus on quantities of materials primarily
being composted and land applied. Therefore, any changes in landfilling costs will be
negligible. In addition, the facility scenarios target materials for collection assuming
per ton disposal costs that are consistent with the existing tip fees for the individual
materials (i.e., compost/sludges $15.00/ton; food waste $36.50/ton; and yard waste
$15.00/ton). As a result, no additional costs are likely to be incurred for the collection
and transportation of the materials to the AD facility, except for any incremental costs
for transportation to the actual facility site.
The greatest impact on System costs would likely be at the existing composting
facility. It is estimated that approximately 35,000 TPY less materials may be
composted if the AD facility was developed. However, potential compost operations
savings are likely to be offset with the anticipated growth in the industrial organic
waste stream. The potential growth in the industrial organics is likely to ensure the
compost facility is utilized to maximum capacity. As a result, long term compost
facility operations savings are not anticipated, but some initial operations cost savings
may accrue.

7.4 Summary
The AD Facility component offers flexibility to the Agency's System which is critical
for long term program viability. The overall cost impacts of adding this component to
the System are anticipated to be minimal, unless alternative facility scenarios are
considered that target materials presently being landfilled.

7-2 R. W. Beck B1471

Section 8

8.1 Introduction
One of the key items related to the implementation of any technology is a life cycle
assessment (LCA). An LCA is a technique where the inputs and outputs of an activity
are systematically identified and quantified from the extraction of raw materials from
the environment to their eventual assimilation back into the environment. These flows
are then assessed in terms of their potential to contribute to specific environmental
The LCA concept dates from the 1960s, and early studies concentrated on the use of
energy and materials in the manufacture of products. More recently, the focus of
researchers has broadened to include a wide variety of environmental concerns
including global warming, acidification, ozone depletion and eutrophication.
By taking the comprehensive life cycle approach, one can characterize the
environmental advantages and disadvantages of alternatives by taking into account
upstream and downstream consequences. The systems approach of LCA requires
assessment of a process in terms of a 'functional unit' - generally a unit of waste
handled for waste management operations.
With respect to the analysis for this report, the scope of the LCA is limited to the
materials balance, the net energy balance, and the air emissions that are likely to be
associated with an AD plant processing 69,000 tons/year of the organic fraction of

8.2 AD Life Cycle Analysis Overview

AD systems are net energy-producing processes, as compared for example to
composting systems which are not energy consumers.
As outlined in Section 4, the co-products of the AD process include biogas and
digestate. The digestate, in turn, may be separated into a compostable fiber and a
liquid filtrate. The environmental benefits of the biogas are relatively straight
forward. However, the relative benefits of the digestate products are complex to
assess. The benefits are related to long-term soil structure and fertility as well as the
substitution of soil conditioners and fertilizers.

Section 8

8.3 Materials Balance

As noted above, this analysis is based on a conceptual AD facility capable of
managing up to 69,000 tons/year of the OFMSW. Provided below is the overall
materials balance for the conceptual AD facility.

Table 8.1
Materials Balance
Inputs Unit Annual %
Feedstock Tons 68,960 100%

Outputs Unit Annual %

Methane Tons 2,035 3.0%
CO2 Tons 3,088 4.5%
H2S Tons 55 0.0%
Fiber Tons 18,137 26.4%
Filtrate Tons 44,422 64.4%
Total Tons 67,736 100%

Recognizing the limited information available on its exact composition, the overall
feedstock is calculated to have a TS concentration of around 24%, or approximately
120,000 pounds/day of solid matter. With an average VS concentration of around
87% of total solids (TS), it is estimated that the total daily volatile solids (VS)
production is around 102,000 lb/day. It was also assumed that the AD facility would
be capable of VS destruction potential of 50%, and that the average conversion into
biogas was 5.1 ft3/lb VS. Biogas production was estimated to approximately 400,000
ft3/day. Further assuming that there are 600 BTU/ft3 of biogas, the AD plant is
capable of manufacturing 87,800 million BTU of methane annually. The sum of
methane, CO2 and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), fiber, and filtrate compose the outputs.

8.4 Net Energy Balance

One of the most controversial issues related to energy production is the concept of a
“net energy” balance.1 Is more energy used to process the raw materials into useful
primary and secondary co-products than is contained in the materials themselves? For
this analysis, there are two basic outputs (methane and compost) and two basic inputs
(electricity and thermal energy).

Gushee, D. (1976). Energy Accounting as a Policy Analysis Tool. Congressional Research Service,
Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

8-2 R. W. Beck B1471


Table 8.2
Net Energy Balance
Energy Balance
Outputs Inputs (Outputs less
M BTU/Yr M BTU/Yr Inputs)
Methane 87,800
Soil Conditioner 9,700
Electricity 4,600
Thermal Energy 5,500
Totals 97,500 10,100 87,400

The methane represents the gross amount of energy recovered from the anaerobic
process. The energy used for manufacturing nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate is based
on information provided by the Fertilizer Institute.2 It requires approximately 22,200
BTU to produce a pound of nitrogen and 4,200 BTU for a pound of phosphate. More
than 90% of the energy in the applied fertilizer is in the form of nitrogen, which is
manufactured almost completely from natural gas. The energy embodied in phosphate
includes 47% electricity, 27% diesel, and 26% natural gas. This calculation serves as a
surrogate for energy value of the soil conditioner. Thus, the total energy outputs
associated with the methane and soil conditioner are 97.5 M BTU/yr.
The required energy inputs are the electrical energy required for items such as pumps
and the thermal energy required for digester heating. As detailed in other sections of
this report, the digester is assumed to generate electricity as the end-use application of
using the biogas. A conventional internal combustion cogeneration generator used for
electricity production is assumed to have an average conversion efficiency of 35%,
thus having a heat rate of 8,975 BTU/kWh. Assuming a 4.4 kWh/ton electrical
requirement suggests that around 4.6 M BTU/year in parasitic electricity is required.
Assuming an average temperature differential of 40°F/ton of feedstock is required to
bring the material up to its desired temperature suggests that around 5.5 M BTU/year
in parasitic heating is required. Thus, the total energy inputs for the hypothetical AD
plant are estimated to be 10.1 M BTU/year.
Overall, the hypothetical AD plant is estimated to have a positive net energy balance
of around 87,400 M BTU/yr as shown in Table 8-2.

Reported in Shapouri, H., J. Duffield. and M. Graboski. (1995). Estimating the Net Energy Balance
of Corn Ethanol. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Office of Energy.
Agricultural Economic Report No. 721.

B1471 R. W. Beck 8-3

Section 8

8.5 Air Emissions

The objective of this analysis is to present some estimates on primary air pollutants
from an AD facility capable of treating up to 69,000 tons/year of the OFMSW
generated within the Bluestem solid waste service area. The primary air pollutants
from the use of methane to produce electrical power are carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur
dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and particulates.
The estimated annual air emissions from the hypothetical AD plant are provided in
Table 2-3. There are three issues related to air emissions that are critical. First, the
emission calculations for CO, NOx, and particulates. These pollutants are computed
using the AP-42 emission factors published by the US Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) for natural gas. These factors predict emissions per million cubic feet
of natural gas combusted, and the results listed in Table 2-3 use the projected methane
content of the biogas.
Second, the AP-42 emission factors also provide a projection for SO2, which is added
to the amount of SO2 contributed by combusting biogas containing H2S. However, the
H2S can be removed from the biogas prior to combustion using best available
It was assumed that the biogas would contain 2500 parts/million (ppm) H2S. Given
the feedstock, this value could be as low as 1000 ppm or as high as 5000 ppm. Given
the assumed SO2 content from the AP-42 emission factors and the calculated H2S
concentration, the conceptual facility could potentially emit 3.83 tons of SO2.
The third item is NOx emissions, of which 10.34 tons are projected as annual
pollutants every year. This is the largest source of air emissions project for release by
the facility.
A summary table is provided below characterizing the air emissions.

8-4 R. W. Beck B1471


Table 8.3
AP-42 Method Air Emissions Estimator
Parameter Quantity Units
Biogas Produced 400,000 SCF/day
System Operation 365 days/year
Annual Biogas Production 146,000,000 SCF Year
Biogas Specific Volume 14.946 SCF/pound
Biogas Density 0.0669 pound/SCF
Annual CH4 Production 2,035 tons/year
Annual CO2 Production 3,088 tons/year
Biogas H2S Content 2,500 ppmv
Annual H2S Production 17.74 tons/year
SO2 Emission from H2S 1.78 pound/pound H2S
Potential Annual SO2 Production from H2S 31.54 tons/year
H2S Control YES
Control H2S Content 300 ppmv
Control Annual SO2 Production from H2S 3.79 tons/year
SO2 Emission Rate/AP-42 0.60 pound/million SCF
SO2 Emitted Rate/AP-42 0.04 tons/year
Total Annual Control SO2 Emitted 3.83 tons/year
Particulate Emission Rate/AP-42 13.70 pound/million SCF
Total Annual Particulate Emissions 1.00 tons/year
NOx Emission Rate/AP-42 140.00 pound/million SCF
Total Annual NOx Emissions 10.22 tons/year
CO Emission Rate/AP-42 35.00 pound/million SCF
Total Annual CO Emissions 2.55 tons/year

B1471 R. W. Beck 8-5

Section 8

8.6 Global Warming and Greenhouse Gases

The Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) for GHG emissions characterizes the tons of GHG
emitted/avoided per waste management method. The next step is to convert these
quantities into a measure of the potential for global warming. The measure selected is
metric tons of carbon equivalent (MTCE). This measure has been used by the Federal
Environmental Protection Agency in its GHG modeling efforts.
Table 5-3 below depicts the conversion factors used to translate the LCI data into
Impact Assessment measures. The listed coefficients are used to calculate the MTCE
for each GHG. The source of these coefficients is the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.

Table 8.4
GHG Effect Coefficients (100 Years)

Air Emission Coefficient Carbon Equivalent MTCE/

(US) ton

CO2 (fossil) 1 0.27 0.25

CH4 21 5.73 5.19
CF4 6,500 1,773 1,608
C2F6 9,200 2,509 2,276
N2O 310 84.5 76.7
Source: IPCC, The Science of Climate Change 1996.

Carbon dioxide, methane (CH4), chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrous oxide (N2O) have
varying potential to re-radiate heat. The coefficients above provide a means to
uniformly measure this potential. Carbon dioxide is considered a reference gas for
measurement of heat trapping potential. Using the coefficients provided above, the
global warming potential (GWP) for these various concentrations of GHG can be
calculated. The calculation of the GWP is based on understanding the fate of the
emitted gas and the heating effect associated with the amount remaining in the

8.7 Emissions Per Ton Of MSW Managed

Translating the emissions emitted/precluded into comparable measures is critical to
the LCA process. In addition, the system boundaries of the analysis must be
established to characterize the scope of the comparison.
Our analysis takes into account the upstream activities that are precluded. For
example, landfill gas to energy includes a calculation of the MTCE savings/offset
associated with the displacement of other fossil fuels (i.e., coal, nuclear) with the use

8-6 R. W. Beck B1471


of methane to generate electricity. Therefore, a modified life cycle cost analysis can
be developed.
The AD process can be characterized as including materials collection, processing,
energy recovery, and reuse of compostables. The process flow diagram below
represents the various steps typically associated with the AD process. Of the various
technologies reviewed, this diagram is most similar to the Valorga dry, single-step AD
Process Flow Diagram 1



Pre-Processing Refuse


Diluent Steam

Input Digester

Condensate Digesters Biogas Energy Recovery

Condensate Digesters Biogas (dry)


Water Pressing
Pressing Material

Belt-Filter Filter
Filter Cake
Cake Composting
Excess Process
Refining Compost
Compost (raw)
(raw) Composting

Compost Refining
Refining Residue
Residue Losses
1 Represents a process similar to the Valorga International AD process.

B1471 R. W. Beck 8-7

Section 8

We previously characterized the emissions from the process as primarily carbon

dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulates.
Moreover, we have projected the quantity of methane generated by the AD process
that could be used as a fuel to generate electricity. To compare the AD process to the
other MSW management methods, we propose to identify the MTCE per ton of MSW
managed using similar activities supporting the calculations. Specifically, we have
used Beck's previous work for the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance
entitled "Assessment of the Effect of MSW Management on Resource Conservation
and Greenhouse Gas Emissions". This study characterized the MTCE per ton of
MSW managed by management method.
The feedstock as solid waste will be collected from various generators and transported
to the AD Facility location. Some of these materials are likely to arrive in standard
refuse collection vehicles and some via transport trailer. As a result, materials
collection MTCE measures assumed as part of other methods (i.e., composting,
landfilling) was used. The table below characterizes the net MTCE.

Table 8.5
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
MTCE/Tons of MSW Managed
CO2 CO2 CH4 N2O Total per
(fossil) (sequestered) Ton
Materials Collection .006 - - - .006
Source: Assessment of the Effect of MSW Management on Resource Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, R. W. Beck, 1999.

The AD process itself generates methane, CO2, water and hydrogen sulfides. Table
8.3 included estimates of the tons/year of each of these materials. These estimates can
be converted into MTCE per ton of MSW managed. Provided below is the calculated
MTCE for the AD process, excluding the composting and energy recovery offsets.

Table 8.6
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
MTCE/Tons of MSW Managed
CO2 CO2 CH4 N2O Total per
(fossil) (sequestered) Ton
AD Process .011 - .15 - .16

The other co-product, digestate, is then separated into fiber and water. The fiber can
then be composted and reused as soil conditioner. Provided below are the composting
MTCE values. The components of composting include equipment use, and
decomposition emissions.

8-8 R. W. Beck B1471


Table 8.7
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
MTCE/Tons of MSW Managed
CO2 CO2 CH4 N2O Total per
(fossil) (sequestered) Ton
Composting .0023 -.083 .0001 .0001 -.080
Source: R. W. Beck, 1999.

Composting includes a credit for the "holding" of carbon in organic materials, as

opposed to direct release into the environment.
The last component of the process to be included as part of the LCA is the use of the
methane generated to produce electricity. The process of burning the fuel for energy
recovery is similar to landfill gas to energy facility. The same type of combined heat
and power equipment are used. Thus, for our purposes, we will utilize the offset for a
landfill to energy recovery as a surrogate measure.

Table 8.8
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
MTCE/Tons of MSW Managed
CO2 CO2 CH4 N2O Total per
(fossil) (sequestered) Ton
Electricity Production -.028 - -.002 - -.030
Source: R. W. Beck, 1999.

As a result, the total MTCE for the AD process as characterized above can be
calculated by summing the various activities characterized above. Table 8.9 provides
the overall estimate.

B1471 R. W. Beck 8-9

Section 8

Table 8.9
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
MTCE/Tons of MSW Managed
CO2 CO2 CH4 N2O Total per
(fossil) (sequestered) Ton
Collection .006 - - - .006
AD Process .011 - .15 - .16
Composting .0023 -.083 .0001 .0001 -.080
Electricity Production -.028 - -.002 - -.030
Total .045 -.083 .14 .0001 .056

Overall, the process has an impact on global warming comparable to landfilling with
recovery of gas. The negative values represent MTCE precluded from being emitted
and positive value represent emitted MTCE. The table below reflects the results for
the various other solid waste management methods.

Table 8.10
Greenhouse Gas Emissions From MSW Management
Metric Tons Of Carbon Equivalent (Mtce) Per Ton Of MSW Managed
CO2 Co2 CH4 PFCS N2O Total Per
(Fossil) (Sequestered) Ton
Incineration -0.078 -0.0094 0.010 -0.077
Landfilling, type A 0.0053 -0.10 0.29 0.0002 0.20
Landfilling, type B 0.0053 -0.10 0.15 0.0002 0.055
Landfilling, type C -0.023 -0.10 0.13 0.0002 0.0053
Composting, Total Yard Waste 0.0023 -0.083 0.0001 0.00001 -0.080
Composting, MSW 0.0025 -0.12 0.0001 0.00001 -0.12
Recycling, Collection 0.014 0.0002 0.0008 0.015
Recycling, MRF 0.0072 0.0004 0.00004 0.0076
Recycling, PET -0.47 0.001 0.0003 -0.47
Recycling, HDPE -0.38 0.001 0.0003 -0.38
Recycling, OCC 0.052 -0.73 0.0001 0.0001 -0.68
Recycling, ONP -0.21 -0.73 0.00001 0.0001 -0.94
Recycling, Steel/Tin Cans -0.32 0.0001 -0.005 -0.32
Recycling, Aluminum -3.5 -0.18 -0.70 -0.034 -4.4
Recycling, Glass -0.056 -0.017 0.0001 -0.074
Source Reduction -0.33 -0.014 -0.004 -0.35
Source: R. W. Beck, 1999.

8-10 R. W. Beck B1471


As reflected above, the largest MTCE release on a per ton basis results from
landfilling. The greatest per ton credits occur with recycling and source reduction. By
material, the largest MTCE credits result from recycling aluminum, ONP, and OCC;
and source reduction of office paper and plastics. The AD process offers GWP
benefits by reducing the overall quantities of greenhouse gases that would otherwise
be emitted if the methane from decomposition was not recovered.

B1471 R. W. Beck 8-11

Section 9

9.1 Introduction
The objective of this section is to identify potential funding sources for moving
forward with the planning and development of an AD project. The potential funding
sources are likely to be directly related to the overall anticipated environmental and
economic benefits of the project. This is not intended to be an exhaustive survey of
federal and state funding opportunities, but an initial review of potential opportunities.

9.2 U.S. Department of Energy

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is the federal agency whose function is to
work to assure clean, affordable, and dependable supplies of energy for our nation,
now and in the future. Energy produced from biomass1 is a component of its
renewable energy portfolio.

9.2.1 Biomass Energy Program

To coordinate its biomass research and development, the DOE recently consolidated
its biomass research programs and created a single, integrated Biomass and
Biorefinery Systems R&D program. The intent is to improve the program’s
effectiveness by focusing resources on a limited and more coherent set of goals and
objectives, reducing overhead expenses, exploiting synergies among similar activities,
and eliminating the risk of possible duplication of effort. As a result of these
organizational changes, the programs focus is on research pathways for converting
biomass to useful output, including biorefinery processes. Integration of technologies
by an industrial biorefinery for the processing of biomass materials and converting
them into gaseous and liquid fuels provides identifiable benefits. Broadly defined, an
AD system can meet the criteria established for an industrial biorefinery.

The term 'biomass' means any organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis
(excluding old-growth timber), including dedicated energy crops and trees, agricultural food and feed
crop residues, wood and wood wastes and residues, aquatic plants, grasses, residues, fibers, and animal
wastes, municipal wastes, and other waste materials.

Section 9

Despite classifying the technology as a thermochemical instead of as a biological

process, the technical committee that advises the Biomass Program on strategic
direction recently recognized AD as an environmentally sound biobased fuel.2
The administration’s Fiscal Year 2004 (FY04) budget proposal for the Biomass
Program is $69.75 million, a 19% reduction as compared to FY03 levels.3

9.2.2 Federal Energy Management Program

The mission of DOE’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is to reduce the
cost of government by advancing energy efficiency, water conservation, use of
renewable energy sources, and by helping agencies manage their utility costs. As one
component of its activities, FEMP provides a wide range of resources to help agencies
use private sector financing for their energy projects. FEMP helps to guide agencies
through the process of financing and implementing projects using Utility Energy
Service Contracts (UESCs) or DOE’s Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts
(Super ESPCs).
FEMP recently announced a new initiative called the Biomass and Alternate Methane
Fuels (BAMF) Super ESPC that emphasizes the use of biomass and alternate methane
fuels to reduce energy consumption, energy costs, or both at Federal facilities.
Alternate methane fuels include landfill methane, wastewater treatment digester gas,
and coalbed methane. The total maximum BAMF contract value is worth $200
Projects under the BAMF Super ESPC will reduce energy costs at Federal facilities by
utilizing biomass and alternate methane fuels in a variety of applications such as steam
boilers, hot-water heaters, engines, and vehicles. The biomass or alternate methane
fuel resource could be owned by the Federal facility, the energy service company, or a
third party, but end-use equipment must be located on Federal property.
Some projects will modify or replace existing equipment so that the facility can
supplant or supplement their conventional fuel supply with a biomass or alternate
methane fuel. Other projects may install equipment that uses these fuels to accomplish
something altogether new at a Federal facility, such as on-site power generation.
Although the primary component of any project under this Super ESPC must feature
the use of a biomass or alternate methane fuel, all projects are also expected to employ
a variety of traditional conservation measures, such as retrofits to lighting, motors, and
HVAC systems to reduce energy costs.

The Biomass Research and Development Technical Advisory Committee (2002). Roadmap for
Bioenergy and Biobased Products in the United States. Available at: http://www.bioproducts-
The entire DOE FY04 budget can be accessed at http://www.mbe.doe.gov/budget/04budget/
The BAMF program can be accessed at:

9-2 R. W. Beck B1471

Potential Project Funding Sources

9.3 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

9.3.1 Innovations Work Group (IWG)5
The IWG accepts creative pilot proposals that promote energy recovery, waste
minimization, recycling, environmental protection through land revitalization, and
retail partnerships. Through an EPA funding allocation process, a limited amount of
funding is available to support innovative ideas in the EPA regions.
Proposals for funding under this program can be submitted by EPA Headquarters or
Regional offices. If other public authorities (Federal, State, interstate, intrastate, and
local); public agencies and institutions; nonprofit private organizations, agencies, and
institutions; academia; and federally recognized Native American Tribes are interested
in participating in this initiative they must approach an IWG member or another EPA
Regional or Headquarters’ employee to discuss their idea. Since this is an internal
allocation of funds, an EPA representative must sponsor or "advocate" for a proposal.
All funds allocated under this program can be placed into Interagency Agreements
(IAGs), contracts, cooperative agreements, or grants depending upon the principal
purpose of the transaction.
The first round of pilot proposals was selected in June, 2002 and totaled $524,850.
Below are the six criteria used to evaluate the proposals:
„ Addresses a critical challenge or unmet need;
„ Fosters innovative approaches to environmental challenges;
„ Can measure and evaluate success;
„ Builds and strengthens partnerships with state, tribal and local governments or
interested public;
„ Can be replicated; and
„ Leads to short term results.
Through this program, a biomass energy conversion study was funded last year in the
amount of $51,736 in Iowa. The partners were the Biomass Energy Conversion
(BECON) Facility and the Iowa Energy Center/Iowa State University. BECON will
investigate the feasibility of establishing new, bio-based plastic manufacturing
processes. BECON represents a multi-million dollar investment by the Iowa Energy
Center to produce value-added products from farm crops and wastes. The goal is to
minimize current petroleum-based plastic production with products made from
cleaner, biological sources such as paper, food wastes, scrap wood, yard wastes, etc.
In addition, the IWG funded a $45,000 Food Waste Composting project in Colorado.
The project partners were the University of Colorado at Boulder and the City of
Boulder Office of Environmental Affairs. The project’s objective was to determine
the cost-effectiveness and practicality of on-site, in-vessel composting technology at

IWG program information can be accessed at: http://www.epa.gov/oswer/IwgPilotInitiative.htm

B1471 R. W. Beck 9-3

Section 9

the university. The City of Boulder is interested in testing the in-vessel composting
technology as a potential component to its planned municipal composting operation.
The pilot program has potential to lead to a large-scale municipal food collection
program that could set a precedent for other urban food waste diversion programs.
The IWG usually has two review panels each fiscal year - one in the Spring and one in
the Fall. Spring proposals are typically due in April, and Fall proposals are typically
due in November or December.

9.3.2 National Center for Environmental Research (NCER)6

The National Center for Environmental Research (NCER) is one of five research
organizations that comprise EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD).
NCER’s mission is to support high-quality research by the nation’s leading scientists
that will improve the scientific basis for decisions on national environmental issues
and help EPA achieve its goals.
NCER’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program funds research grants and
graduate fellowships in numerous environmental science and engineering disciplines
through a competitive solicitation process and independent peer review. Some
examples of research projects funded in recent years include:
„ Innovative Technology for Efficient Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste;
„ Innovative Technology for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal and Landfill Mining;
„ Biodetoxification of Mixed Solid and Hazardous Wastes by Staged Anaerobic
Fermentation Conducted at Separate Redox and pH Environments;
„ Technology for a Sustainable Environment: Computer-Aided Hybrid Models for
Environmental and Economic Life-Cycle Assessment; and
„ Compliance and Beyond: Strategic Government-Industry Interactions in
Environmental Policy and Performance.
STAR has four formal solicitation periods each year during January, April, August,
and October and awards approximately $100 million per year.

9.3.3 EPA Region 7 - Serving Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska

and 9 Tribal Nations7
Region 7 of the EPA, which serves Iowa, has a webpage dedicated to various
resources for Community Based Environmental Protection (CBEP) programs and
offers a link to a grant writing tutorial. This website also has a link to a grant matrix
which is a summary of community grant programs offered in Region 7. One of the
grants listed is the Solid Waste Disposal Act grant. Its purpose is to support
demonstration projects that promote effective solid waste management through source

NCER program information can be accessed at: http://es.epa.gov/ncer/about/
EPA Region 7 information can be accessed at:

9-4 R. W. Beck B1471

Potential Project Funding Sources

reduction, reuse and recycling. Eligible recipients include non-profit organizations,

tribal governments, state, city, county, or local governmental agencies. Although no
reported funding has been available in recent years, we recommend that Bluestem
check with the Region 7 contact person for possible grant opportunities in the future.

9.3.4 Other EPA Resources

Other EPA links to funding opportunities include:
„ Environmental Finance Program: http://www.epa.gov/efinpage/efp.htm
„ Catalog of Domestic Assistance: http://www.cfda.gov/

9.4 Iowa Department of Natural Resources: Energy

and Waste Management Bureau8
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources Energy and Waste Management Bureau
offers two relevant financial assistance programs.

9.4.1 Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP)9

The Iowa DNR’s Land Quality and Waste Management Assistance Division has a
grant and loan program to “encourage implementation of innovative waste reduction
and recycling techniques, develop markets for recyclable materials and products, and
encourage the adoption of the best waste management practices”. The SWAP grant is
designed to reduce the amount of solid waste generated and landfilled in Iowa and to
alter people’s attitudes about generating, managing and disposing of solid waste.
Financial assistance aids in implementing various pollution prevention and solid waste
management projects in three targeted areas:
„ Best Practices - Assists in implementing practices and programs that will move
Iowa toward long-term pollution prevention, waste reduction and recycling
„ Education - Facilitates the coordination of consistent statewide pollution
prevention, waste reduction, and recycling messages to ensure ongoing support of
these activities.
„ Market Development - Develops a demand for value-added recyclables sufficient
to provide increased and stable commodity market prices.
Projects involving regionalization (those including two or more units of local
government or public or private groups) are preferred. The cooperative delivery of a

The Iowa DNR Energy & Waste Management Bureau can be accessed at:
Iowa DNR grant information can be accessed at:

B1471 R. W. Beck 9-5

Section 9

project may significantly enhance the operational efficiency, materials diversion,

materials market value or other aspects of the project.

9.4.2 Iowa Energy Bank Program

The Iowa Energy Bank is an energy management program using energy cost savings
to repay financing for energy management improvements. The program targets public
and non-profit facilities such as public schools, hospitals, private colleges, private
schools, and local governments. The Iowa Energy Bank is expected to facilitate more
than $250 million in improvements using private funds in combination with minimal
state and federal support.
The Iowa Energy Bank starts with an initial energy audit and DNR staff help manage
the energy efficiency improvements and financing process. Solutions are customized
to meet the specific needs of an organization, assure high technical quality and provide
potential cost savings. Financing is provided through area lending institutions that
create budget-neutral, affordable financial packages.

9.5 The Iowa Energy Center10

The Iowa Energy Center (Energy Center), located at Iowa State University, provides
in-house energy research and education programs and sponsors energy projects.

9.5.1 Grants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

The Energy Center awards grants to Iowa-based, nonprofit groups to conduct energy-
related research, demonstration and education projects. These projects, which range in
size and complexity, are conducted throughout the state, including Iowa's three major
universities, several community colleges and at nonprofit energy organizations and
community-based educational groups. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis
through periodic Requests for Proposals (RFPs).
Examples of projects funded by The Iowa Energy Center include:
„ Biohydrogen Production from Renewable Organic Wastes - Iowa State
„ Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass - The University of Iowa; and
„ Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology Tool for Determining Energy and
Treatment Costs in Iowa - Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities.

9.5.2 Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program11

The Iowa Energy Center also administers a loan program for alternative energy
projects that is funded by the state’s investor-owned utilities. The program offers

The Iowa Energy Center: http://www.energy.iastate.edu/funding/gp-index.html
Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program: http://www.energy.iastate.edu/funding/aerlp-index.html

9-6 R. W. Beck B1471

Potential Project Funding Sources

zero-percent interest loans for up to one half of the project cost, up to a maximum of
$250,000. Residential, commercial and industrial sectors are eligible. Funding is
awarded during a specific grant cycle according to the following percentages: solar - 5
percent of available funds; methane - 30 percent; biomass - 20 percent; small wind
(<10kW) - 10 percent; large wind (>10kW) - 20 percent; and hydropower - 15 percent.

9.6 State of Iowa Incentives

In addition to the above programs, the state of Iowa offers two applicable tax
exemptions that may provide incentives for developing AD projects.

9.6.1 Methane Gas Conversion Property Tax Exemption

Iowa Code 427.1(29) exempts personal property, real property, and improvements to
real property used to collect and convert methane gas to energy from the state property
tax. If a facility on the property also uses another fuel, the exemption shall apply to
that portion of the value of such property, which equals the ratio that its use of
methane gas bears to total fuel consumed. Applications shall be filed with the
assessing authority not later than February 1 of each year for which the exemption is
requested on forms provided by the Department of Revenue and Finance.

9.6.2 Methane Energy Replacement Generation Tax Exemption

Iowa Code 437A.6 exempts electricity generated by methane gas conversion property
from the replacement generation tax, which is six hundredths of a cent per kilowatt-

9.7 Summary
Based on the review of the funding sources outlined above, the likelihood of federal
support for an AD project from existing appropriations is limited. For example, the
DOE FY04 Biomass Program budget has a proposed reduction of almost 19%
compared to its FY03 budget. The FEMP BAMF Program may be a potential funding
source, especially if Bluestem could partner with a federal agency on the project.
Other options to consider would be to expand the activities of FEMP to allow state and
local agencies the opportunity to participate. One other option to consider is engaging
Linn County's Congressional delegation for a direct earmark to the project.
As for the EPA, both the IWG and NCER are potential funding sources. Additional
discussions are recommended with representatives of both programs to determine
potential interest in AD projects. For funding directly related to AD facility design,
construction, and operation, the Project Team recommends further investigation of the
Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ Energy and Waste Management Bureau's
SWAP Program and the Iowa Energy Center's Alternate Energy Revolving Loan

B1471 R. W. Beck 9-7

Section 10

Based on the information gathered and analysis conducted, Beck characterizes the
following findings:

10.1 Technology
„ Anaerobic digestion is the decomposition of organic matter without oxygen
resulting in volume reduction and the generation of biogas (i.e., methane) and
digestate (i.e., fiber and water).
„ Anaerobic digestion is being effectively used in several locations throughout
Europe to manage the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW), yard
waste, food wastes, organic industrial wastes, sludges, and manures.
„ Wet digestion (15% or less total solids) is generally used with co-digestion of
organic materials and liquid substrates such as manures/biosolids.
„ Dry digestion (15% to 35% total solids) is generally used for the digestion of the

10.2 Feedstock
„ A written survey of commercial/industrial/institutional organic waste generators
in the Bluestem service area reflected that most of the organics generated are
being diverted from disposal.
„ Nearly 15% to 25% of the solid waste being disposed can be characterized as
organic wastes and may be available for use as a feedstock. However, most of
this fraction of the waste stream is not presently being source separated and would
need to be directed to an AD facility using financial incentives or regulatory
„ Two potential sized AD facilities – 69,000 TPY and 36,000 TPY should be
considered for future analysis.

10.3 Costs
„ Capital costs for the large AD facility are estimated to range from $12.8 to $14.2
„ Capital costs for the mid-sized facility are estimated to range from $9.0 to $9.4

Section 10

„ The net present value (PV) over a 20 year planning period calculating the PV of
the revenues less the PV of the operating and amortized costs results in a positive
cash flow for a Large AD facility. This assumes revenues from both electric
power and thermal energy sales.
„ The net present value over a 20 year planning period results in a negative cash
flow for a Large AD facility, assuming no thermal energy revenues. Similarly,
the Mid-Sized Facility offered a negative cash flow with and without thermal
energy revenues.
„ Growth in the waste stream over the 20 year planning horizon has the most
significant impact of any variables analyzed as part of a sensitivity analysis.
„ Varying the electric energy revenue rate has only a limited impact on the net PV
over a 20 year planning period.
„ An average tip fee of $14.43 - $16.73 per ton for the Large AD Facility scenario
offers an opportunity for project development with adequate revenues to cover
projected expenses over a 20 year planning horizon.
„ An average tip fee of $18.91 to $21.37 per ton for the Mid-Sized AD Facility
scenario offers an opportunity for project development with adequate revenues to
cover projected expenses over a 20 year planning horizon.

10.4 System Impacts

„ Development of the Large AD Facility offers the potential to produce a quantity
of biogas composed of 65% to 75% methane adequate to generate more than 1
MW of electrical power.
„ Development of the Large AD Facility offers nearly a 75% reduction in the total
volume of materials with the potential for the reuse of the residual fiber as
„ The addition of an AD Facility to Bluestem's integrated solid waste management
system provides an increased level of flexibility to manage future changes in the
quantities and types of materials received.
„ The addition of an AD Facility would have minimal impact on system collection
costs but may increase compost facility costs because of additional compostable
materials as a co-product of the AD process.
„ The AD Facility is a net energy producer and offers definitive global warming
benefits through the capture and reuse of the methane (i.e., greenhouse gas) that
would otherwise be generated as part of the decomposition of the available

10-2 R. W. Beck B1471


Anaerobic Digestion (AD): The decomposition of organic matter without oxygen.

This process decomposes biodegradable material while converting it into biogas
(consisting of primarily methane and carbon dioxide) and digestate.

Biogas: The methane and carbon dioxide produced as a result of anaerobic digestion
or degradation. The gas can be used for producing heat and electricity, or successfully
compressed for use as an alternative transport fuel.

Biomass: Any organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis

(excluding old-growth timber), including dedicated energy crops and trees,
agricultural food and feed crop residues, wood and wood wastes and residues, aquatic
plants, grasses, residues, fibers, and animal wastes, municipal wastes, and other waste

Biowaste: Also known as “green waste”, it is the organic fraction of the waste stream.

Centralized Separation: Separating organics from the MSW stream at a central

facility after collection (not at the source).

Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR): A complete mix tank digester that
operates at a steady rate with continuous flow of reactants and products. A CSTR
creates uniform composition throughout the reactor.

Digestate: A slurry containing undigested solids, cell-mass, soluble nutrients, other

inert materials, and water. High quality digestate (i.e., from Centralized Separation) is
commonly used a soil conditioner. Lesser quality digestate is commonly used for
landfill cover or land remediation projects.

Grey Waste: The residue that remains after source separating the organic fraction
from MSW. Generally, grey waste has a lower biogas potential because the easily
digestible fraction has been removed.

Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT): The average time a particle resides in a

bioreactor (or other device) through which a liquid medium continuously flows.

High-Solids Anaerobic Digestion (HSAD): Commonly referred to as a “dry” AD

system, in which total solids (TS) concentration is between 15% and 35%.


Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT): The combination of centralized

separation and biological treatment (aerobic composting, AD, or both processes in

Mesophilic Digestion: The digester is heated to 30-35°C and the feedstock remains
in the digester typically for 15 to 30 days. Mesophilic digestion tends to be more
robust and tolerant than the thermophilic process, but gas production is generally less
and larger digestion tanks are required.

Organic fraction of MSW (OFMSW): The portion of the municipal solid waste
(MSW) stream that contains organic materials.

Organic industrial wastes (OIW): Organic wastes that are generated by the
industrial, commercial, or institutional sector, as opposed to residential organic waste.

Source Separation: Separating organics from the MSW stream at the source (i.e., at
the home or business) before collection.

Thermophilic Digestion: The digester is heated to at least 55°C and the residence
time is typically 12 to 14 days. Thermophilic digestion systems typically offer higher
methane production, faster throughput, and better pathogen control, but require more
capital intensive technology, greater energy input, and a higher degree of operation
and monitoring.

Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN): The sum of organic nitrogen and ammonia in a
water body. Measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L). High measurements of TKN
typically results from sewage and manure discharges to water bodies.

Total Solids (TS): Dissolved and suspended solids in water. Higher concentrations
of suspended solids can serve as carriers of toxics, which readily cling to suspended
particles. Sources of total solids include industrial discharges, sewage, fertilizers, road
runoff, and soil erosion. Total solids are measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L).

Volatile Solids (VS): The organic fraction of Total Solids (TS), of which a portion is
converted into biogas.

Wet AD System: AD system in which total solids (TS) concentration is generally

less than 15%.

2 R. W. Beck B1471
Appendix A
Anaerobic Digestion Facility Survey
General Information


Fax :
E-mail :
Contact Person
Public Public
Status Private Private
Other : …… Other : : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
…… Energyproduction Surface required for treatment
…… Production of Compost ……………m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction:..................
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant:........................
…… Subsidies as a Driver
…… Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Appendix A Page 1
Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Type ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Size reduction
Aerobic pre-treatment
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes/No


Appendix A Page 2
Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

……..… t ……..… t ……..… t ……..… t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application
Waste water treatment plant
Other:................................ …………….. …………….. …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Appendix A Page 3
Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digestor(s)

Number of digestors …………………

Volume of each digestor ……/………/…… m3

Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm
Type of digester
Operation Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C
Make & Type of digester ……………..
Provider …………………
Internal or external heat exchanger yes/no
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechnaical Stirrer
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........


Appendix A Page 4
Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Appendix A Page 5
Biogas Utilization

Yearly Energy Balance

Gros Biogas-Production:……………………….m3 Excess Biogas (Flare):..................... m3

Raw Biogas Biogas Upgrading

- Is the gas composition analyzed: Yes / No - Is the biogas upgraded? : Yes / No
if yes:: if yes: Gas composition after treatment
CH4 : ……….. % vol CH4 : ……….. % vol
CO2 : ……….. % vol CO2 : ……….. % vol
H2S : ……….. ppm H2S : ………... ppm
Other : ……….. ……….. ppm Other : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Is there a gas container? : Yes / No Type of gas upgrading :

if yes, give size :……………….m3 Washer: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Type : Gas balloon Acitvated carbon
Steel bell Membrane
Other : ……….. Other

Electricity Production Yes/No Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : .......................... kWel. - Total installed power : .......................... kWth.

- Number of generators : .................

- Gross electricity production : …………….. kWh - Gross heat production : …………….. kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party …………….. kWh Sale to third party …………….. kWh
Self-consumption …………….. kWh Self-consumption …………….. kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes/No

NInjection into the gas grid

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


Appendix A Page 6

Investment Cost

Amount (Unit)
Gross Investment Cost ........................
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilzation of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Unit)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utlization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax monney ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Appendix A
Appendix B
Completed Surveys from Anaerobic Digestion
ABG Gmbh
General Information


Name Abfallbeseitigungs Gmbh Owner Linde BRV
Street Zur Maibolte 200 Rue du Verger 11
Town D-32657 Jungo CH-2014 Bôle
Country BRD Switzerland
Telefone 052 61 948 716 0041 32 843 04 50
Fax : 052 61 948 725
E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]
Contact Person
Name Herr Frohmann H. Sickinger
Function Procurator
Status X Public Public
Private Private
Other : …… Other : ……
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
Production of Compost 50'000 m2
X Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
X Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1998
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 2000
…… Subsidies as a Driver
X Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire ABG GmbH Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin ? ? ………………… ………………… …………………
Type Bio waste Garden waste ………………… ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 34'000 t 6'000 t ………………… ………………… …………………
Size reduction X X
Aerobic pre-treatment X X
Hygienization X X
Dehydration X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
45 % 60 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
54 % 65 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes


Questionnaire ABG GmbH Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

X Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other: Steaming
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

18'000 t 4'500 t 13'500 t ……..… t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? No No Yes/No Yes/No
44 % 55 % 20 % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
52 % 55 % 35 % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application
Waste water treatment plant
Other:................................ X Pressing/Composting X Composting X Composting ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement X BioABfVo X BioABfVo X BioABfVo ......................

a label product X RAL Gütezeichen 256/1 X RAL Gütezeichen 256/1 X RAL Gütezeichen 256/1 ......................
Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire ABG GmbH Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 3

Volume of each digester 850 / 850 / 850 m3

Input Material

Consistency x Solid (> 15% TS)

Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 30 mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 50 °C
Make & Type of digester Stahlbeton
Provider Linde BRV
Internal or external heat exchanger yes
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer
Hydraulic stirring
Other X Paddel (langsam laufend)


Questionnaire ABG GmbH Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire ABG GmbH Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 3'800'000 Nm3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel):................... m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja / Nein - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : 63 % vol CH4 : 63 % vol
CO2 : ……….. % vol CO2 : ……….. % vol
H2S : ……….. ppm H2S : ………... ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 300 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher X Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. X Andere: Entschwefelung

Electricity Production Yes/No Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat (siehe Original)
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : 936 kWel. - Total installed power : .......................... kWth.

- Number of generators : 2

- Gross electricity production : 6'000'000 kWh - Gross heat production : 11'000'000 kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 6'000'000 kWh Sale to third party ………….... kWh
Self-consumption …………….. kWh Self-consumption 8'000'000 kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes

NInjection into the gas grid

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


Questionnaire ABG GmbH Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (DM)
Gross Investment Cost Fermentation + Composting 32 Mio.
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (€)
Electricity 0.0975 / kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte -8 /t or /M3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (€)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (€)
Per Ton 90/t

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire ABG GmbH
Alfred Müller
General Information


Name Alfred Müller AG Alfred Müller AG Linde BRV
Street Neuhofstrasse 10 Blickensdorfer Allmend Rue du Verger 11
Town CH-6340 Baar CH-6340 Baar CH-2014 Bôle
Country CH-6340 Baar CH-6340 Baar Switzerland
Telefone 0041 41 767 02 02 0041 41 767 07 47 0041 32 843 04 50
Fax : 0041 41 767 02 00 0041 41 767 52 02 0041 32 843 04 51
E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Contact Person
Name Heinz Brotschi René Büttikofer H. Sickinger
Function Department head Manager
Status Public Public
X Private X Private
Other : …… Other : ……
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
Energy Production Surface required for treatment
Production of Compost 10'000 m2
Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1993
Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1994/1995
Subsidies as a Driver
X Rentability as compared to other Processes

Questionnaire Alfred Müller Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Grünentsorgung Rinde Mutterboden ………………… …………………
Type Compost Rindenkompost Erdsubstrate ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) ………………… ………………… …………………

Sieving/Separation X X X
Size reduction X X
Aerobic pre-treatment X X
Hygienization X X
Dehydration X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
50 % 35 % 70 % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
30 % 80 % 10 % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes


Questionnaire Alfred Müller Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
X Hygienization X Sieving Biological treatment
X Other : Zerrkleinerung Other:……………… X Other: Composting
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

4'000 t 1'500 t 2'500 t ……..… t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? Yes No No No
35 % 25-30 % 15 % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
70 % % % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application
Waste water treatment plant
Other: Composting X Composting X Composting X Composting ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement X .......................... X ...................... X ........................... ......................

a label product ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Alfred Müller Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 1

Volume of each digester ........ / ........ / 500 m 3

Input Material

Consistency x Solid (> 15% TS)

Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 30 mm
Type of digester
Operation Batch
Digestion temperature 55 °C
Make & Type of digester Linde BRV
Provider Linde BRV
Internal or external heat exchanger Yes
Mixing with compressed biogas X
Mechanical Stirrer X
Hydraulic stirring


Questionnaire Alfred Müller Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters 1 …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/ 480 m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 30 mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature 55 °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester BRV ……………..
Provider BRV …………………
External heat exchanger Yes Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas X
Mechanical stirrers X
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Alfred Müller Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 380'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 4'000 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : 51-60 % vol CH4 : 50-60 % vol
CO2 : 30 % vol CO2 : 20-30 % vol
H2S : 100 ppm H2S : 20………... ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 900 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher X Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere:

Electricity Production Yes/No Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP X Boiler: Steam
Gas turbine X Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : 220 kWel. - Total installed power : von BHKW kWth.

- Number of generators : 1

- Gross electricity production : 640'000 kWh - Gross heat production : 1'200'000 kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party kWh Sale to third party ……….... kWh

Self-consumption 640'000 kWh Self-consumption 100 % kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes

X Injection into the gas grid: 0 m3/a

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


Questionnaire Alfred Müller Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (SFr.)
Gross Investment Cost Fermentation + Composting 21,000,000
thereof subsidies none
thereof auto-construction (cost savings)
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (SFr.)
Electricity 640'000 / kWh
Heat 1'200'000./ kWh
Other utilization of biogas none /kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Per Ton 90/t

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Alfred Müller
General Information


Address Bühler AG +
Name Kompogas AG Kompogas AG Kogas AG
Street Rohrstrasse 36 Kasernenstr. Sonnenhügelstrasse 3

Town CH-8162 Glattbrugg CH-8184 Bachenbülach CH-9240 Uzwil

Country Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Telefone +41 1 809 71 00 +41 1 862 11 70 +41 71 955 77 77
Fax : +41 1 809 71 10 +41 1 862 11 70 +41 71 955 77 79
E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]
Contact Person Herr D. Kern Herr K. Iten Herr R. Leisner
Function Technischer Leiter Betriebsleiter stv. Geschäftsführer
Public Public
Status X Private X Private
Other : ……… Other : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
X Production of Compost 350 m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1993
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1994
…… Subsidies as a Driver
X Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire Bachenbülach Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Community Grossverteiler Gastgewerbe ………………… …………………
Type Bio waste Marktabfälle Speiseresten ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 6'900 t 700 t 1'000 t ………………… …………………
Size reduction X X X
Aerobic pre-treatment X X X
Dehydration X X X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
38 % 22 % 18 % ……...… % 35.5 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
68 % 85 % 90 % ……...… % 71 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes

Es erfolgt keine kontinuierliche Analyse des Inputmaterials auf deren Zusammensetzung

Questionnaire Bachenbülach Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

X Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization X Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None X None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

……..… t ……..… t ……..… t 200 t
Quantity per year
or 7'500 m3 or 2'500 m3 or 3'800 m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? No Yes Yes Yes
21.5 % 40 % 15 % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
55 % 55 % 55 % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application X X
Waste water treatment plant
Incineration X
Other:................................ X n.A. X gardening …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Bachenbülach Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 2

Volume of each digester ……/ 260 / 260 m3

Input Material
X Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 55 °C
Make & Type of digester Kompogas ZAF
Provider Bühler AG + Kogas AG
Internal or external heat exchanger yes
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer X
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Bachenbülach Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Bachenbülach Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 800'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 10'000 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : ca.. 60 % vol CH4 : >96 % vol
CO2 : ca. 40 % vol CO2 : < 4 % vol
H2S : <450 ppm H2S : < 5 ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja / Nein Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 50 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher X Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere

Electricity Production Ja Heat Production Ja

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell X Other : CHP

- Total installed power : 170 kWel. - Total installed power : 455 kWth.

- Number of generators : 2

- Gross electricity production : 370'000 kWh - Gross heat production : 1'800'000 kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 210'000 kWh Sale to third party 0 kWh

Self-consumption 460'000 kWh Self-consumption 900'000 kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes

X Injection into the gas grid: 440'000 m3/a

Fuel : ............m3/a


Questionnaire Bachenbülach Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (Unit)
Gross Investment Cost ........................
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Unit)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Bachenbülach
General Information


Name Braunschweiger Kompost GmbH Bühler AG
Street Celler Heerstrasse 337
Town D-38112 Braunschweig CH-9240 Uzwil
Country Germany Switzerland
Telefone +49 530 337 49 +41 71 955 11 11

Fax : +49 530 337 40

E-mail : [email protected]
Contact Person H. Kokott / H. Bode
Public Public
Status Private Private
Other : …… Other : : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
X Production of Compost ............ m2
X Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
X Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction:
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1997
…… Subsidies as a Driver
…… Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire Braunschweig Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Braunschweig ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Type Biowaste ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) ca. 16'000 ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Sieving/Separation X
Size reduction X
Aerobic pre-treatment X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
39 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
50 - 70 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes


Questionnaire Braunschweig Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

X Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting X Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization X Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

ca. 16'000 t ……..… t ……..… t ……..… t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
20 - 30 % ……...… % ca. 5 % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
50 - 70 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application X
Waste water treatment plant X
Landfill X
Other:................................ X Composting …………….. …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement X ................... X ................... X ................... ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Braunschweig Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 2

Volume of each digester ……/ 840 / 840 m3

Input Material
X Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 20 - 30 mm
Type of digester
Operation Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ca. 57 °C
Make & Type of digester ……………..
Provider Bühler AG
Internal or external heat exchanger yes
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer X
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Braunschweig Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Braunschweig Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 1'698'246 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 7'835 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja / Nein - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Nein
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : 59.3 % vol CH4 : ……….. % vol
CO2 : ……….. % vol CO2 : ……….. % vol
H2S : ……….. ppm H2S : ………... ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 100 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere

Electricity Production Yes/No Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : .......................... kWel. - Total installed power : .......................... kWth.

- Number of generators : .................

- Gross electricity production : …………….. kWh - Gross heat production : …………….. kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party …………….. kWh Sale to third party …………….. kWh
Self-consumption …………….. kWh Self-consumption …………….. kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes/No

NInjection into the gas grid

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


Questionnaire Braunschweig Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (DM)
Gross Investment Cost 19,743,060
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) oben enthalten
Upgrading and utilization of biogas oben enthalten
Other ………………..


Amount (DM)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas 0.20/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 : Biowaste till 06/01 135.--/t or /m3
Substrate 1: Biowaste from 07/01 183.--/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (DM)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost
maintenance cost 3,572,200
Capital cost 5,076,729
Other 5,076,000

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Braunschweig
Etat Genève
General Information


Name Etat de Genève Valorga Steinmüller
Town CH-1205 Genève
Country Switzerland
Telefone +41 22 727 05 20
Fax : +41 22 727 05 25
E-mail : [email protected]
Contact Person
Name Claude Calame
Function Director
X Public X Public
Status Private Private
Other : …… Other : : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
X Production of Compost 2'000 m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: February 1999
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: November 2000
…… Subsidies as a Driver
…… Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire Etat Genève Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Biowaste Agricultural waste ………………… ………………… …………………
Yard waste/kitchen
Type Yard & field waste ………………… ………………… …………………
Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 4000 500 ………………… ………………… …………………
Sieving/Separation X X
Size reduction X X
Aerobic pre-treatment
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
30 to 35% 40% ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
50 to 80 % 60 to 70% ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes


Questionnaire Etat Genève Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

Yes Press Drying Yes Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank Yes Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Yes Filtration
Hygienization Yes Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

……..… t ……600 t ……..… t ……450 t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or …18'000 m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? Yes/No Measured Measured Measured
……...… % …….37 % ……...… % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
……...… % …50 to 70 % ……...… % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application Yes
Waste water treatment plant No Yes
Landfill No
Incineration No Yes
Other:................................ …………….. …………….. …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... Yes ...No................... ......................

a label product ...................... No ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Etat Genève Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 1

Volume of each digester 1000 m3

Input Material

Consistency X Solid (> 15% TS)

Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 50 to 55°C
Make & Type of digester Valorga Steel Cylinder
Provider Valorga Steinmüller
Internal or external heat exchanger external addition of steam
Mixing with compressed biogas Yes
Mechanical Stirrer
Hydraulic stirring Yes
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Etat Genève Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Etat Genève Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Annual Energy balance

Gross Biogas-Production:…………286'000.m3 Not utilized gas (flare):.....37'500................ m3

Raw Biogas Biogas upgrading

- Is the gas produced analyzed?: Ja / Nein - Is the Biogas upgraded? : No
if yes: if yes: gas quality after treatment
CH4 : ……53 % vol CH4 : ……….. % vol
CO2 : ……….. % vol CO2 : ……….. % vol
H2S : ……….. ppm H2S : ………... ppm
Other ……….. ppm Other : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Is there a gas storage? : Yes Type of biogas upgrading

if yes, what size? 500m3 Washer
Typ : X Rubber balloon Activated carbone
Water bell Membranes
Other Other

Electricity Production Yes Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine X Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : .................400 kWel. - Total installed power : .......................... kWth.

- Number of generators : .........2.

- Gross electricity production : ………435'000 kWh - Gross heat production : …………….. kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party ………160'000 kWh Sale to third party …………….. kWh
Self-consumption ……160'000 kWh Self-consumption …………….. kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas No

NInjection into the gas grid

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


Questionnaire Etat Genève Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (Unit)
Gross Investment Cost ........................
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Unit)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Etat Genève
General Information


Name ISKA GmbH T-Plus ISKA GmbH
Street Am Erlengraben 3 Göthestrasse 15a Am Erlengraben 3
Town 76275 Ettlingen 76275 Ettlingern 76275 Ettlingen
Country Germany Germany Germany
Telefone +49-5057 890
Fax : +49-5057 899
E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Contact Person
Name Thomas Engelhard Thomas Engelhard
Function Director Director
Public Public
Status X Private X Private
Other : …… Other : : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
Energy Production Surface required for treatment
…… Production of Compost ……………m2
X Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
X Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction:..................
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant:........................
Subsidies as a Driver
X Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other
The technology has been built in 30'000 TPY demonstration unit. The operational data are based on this unit.
The financial data are based on a project which will be constructed in Croatia during 2003.

Questionnaire ISKA Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Household ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Type Waste ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Size reduction
Aerobic pre-treatment
Other X Percolation ………. ………. ………. ……….
60 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes


Questionnaire ISKA Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading SNAP Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

X Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization Sieving X Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… X Other: Digestion
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

140'000 t 39'000 t 10'000 t ……..… t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated ? Yes/No Yes Yes Yes/No
……...… % 54 % <2% ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application
Waste water treatment plant
Other:................................ …………….. …………….. X Recycled ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... X ...................... X ...................... ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
The solid phase is aerobically upgraded, the liquid phase is digested, denitrified, cleaned by nanofiltration and recycled

Questionnaire ISKA Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 1

Volume of each digester ……/………/ 4'000 m3

Input Material
X Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 35 °C
Make & Type of digester Hybrid Filter
Provider ISKA
Internal or external heat exchanger no
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........
None X

A hybrid filter is not stirred
There is compressed gas to clean the filter bodies

Questionnaire ISKA Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire ISKA Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Yearly Energy Balance

Gros Biogas-Production: 3'500'000 m3 Excess Biogas (Flare):..................... m3

Raw Biogas Biogas Upgrading

- Is the gas composition analyzed: Yes / No - Is the biogas upgraded? : Yes / No
if yes:: if yes: Gas composition after treatment
CH4 : 70 % vol CH4 : 70 % vol
CO2 : 30 % vol CO2 : 30 % vol
H2S : 5-10'000 ppm H2S : < 500 ppm
Other : ……….. ……….. ppm Other : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Is there a gas container? : Yes / No Type of gas upgrading :

if yes, give size : 10'000 m3 X Washer:
Type : Gas balloon Activated carbon
Steel bell Membrane
Other : ……….. Other

Electricity Production Yes Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine X Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : 1'2 MWel. - Total installed power : .......................... kWth.

- Number of generators : 3

- Gross electricity production : 7.6 GWh - Gross heat production : …………….. kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 1.3 GWh Sale to third party …………….. kWh
Self-consumption …………….. kWh Self-consumption …………….. kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes/No

NInjection into the gas grid

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


500'000 m3 is used for regenerative thermal oxidation (incineration of polluted air)

Questionnaire ISKA Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (Euro)
Gross Investment Cost 18.3 Mio.
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Euro)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 : No fixed price (pu to 100 Euro/t) …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Euro)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Euro)
Per Ton 20.5 Euro/t

Success and failures

No major problems

Page 7
Questionnaire ISKA
Landkreis München
General Information


Name Landkreis München Ganser Entsorgungsbetriebe MAT
Street Maria-Hilf-Platz 17 Taufkirchner Strasse 1 Gotthartstr. 42
Town D-81541 München D-85649 Kirchstockach D-80686 München
Country Germany Germany Germany
Telefone +49 89 622 125 27 +49 81 028 51 70 +49 89 589 390 100

Fax : +49 89 622 122 78 +49 81 028 51 72 +49 89 589 390 110

E-mail :
Contact Person
Name Herr Moser Ulrich Niefnecker Harry Wiljan
Function Department head Engineer Manager
X Public Public
Status Private X Private
Other : …… Other : : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
…… Production of Compost 10'000 m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1996
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1997
…… Subsidies as a Driver
…… Rentability as compared to other Processes
X Other: keine Handsortierung

Questionnaire Landkreis München Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Characterization Landkreis u. Stadt
Origin München ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Type Biowaste ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 25,000 ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Size reduction X
Aerobic pre-treatment
Other X: BTA-Pulver ………. ………. ………. ……….
32 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
69 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes


Questionnaire Landkreis München Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
X Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization Sieving X Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

50'000 t 8'500 t 41'500 t ……..… t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
8% 34 % ……...… % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or 3 g/l * or ……...… g/l
6% 24 % ……...… % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application
Waste water treatment plant
Other:................................ …………….. X Composting …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... X Bioabfall VO ...................... ......................
X Gütegemeinsch. bayrisch.
a label product ...................... ...................... ......................
Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
* gemessen als abfiltrierbare Stoffe

Questionnaire Landkreis München Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters …………………

Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m3

Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm
Type of digester
Operation Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C
Make & Type of digester ……………..
Provider …………………
Internal or external heat exchanger yes/no
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Landkreis München Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters 2 1
Volume of each digester ……/ 550 / 550 m ……/………/ 1'280 m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
X Liquid (=< 15% TS) X Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Continuous or …………….t Continuous
Digestion temperature 37 °C 37 °C
Make/type of digester voll durchmischt; Hydrolyse Festbettreaktor
Provider MAT MAT, Ph. Müller
External heat exchanger Yes Yes
Mixing with compressed biogas X
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing X
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Landkreis München Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Järliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 1'500 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 200'000 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja / Nein - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Nein
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : 62 % vol CH4 : ……….. % vol
CO2 : ……….. % vol CO2 : ……….. % vol
H2S : ……….. ppm H2S : ………... ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Nein Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse :……………….m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : Foliengasspeicher Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere

Electricity Production Yes Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine X Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : 520 kWel. - Total installed power : 820 kWth.

- Number of generators : 2

- Gross electricity production : 3'000'000 kWh - Gross heat production : …………….. kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 900'000 kWh Sale to third party …………….. kWh
Self-consumption 2'100'000 kWh Self-consumption …………….. kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes/No

NInjection into the gas grid

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


Biogasproduktion gering, da hoher Anteil von Gartenabfällen im Bioabfall (51%). Stadt München schl....
in Sammelkiste allse Gekochte aus

Questionnaire Landkreis München Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount ( €)
Gross Investment Cost 9.0 Mio
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount ( €)
Electricity 0.1022/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :Rechengut 50/t or /m3
Substrate 2 : Schwergut 50/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : Sand 15/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount ( €)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost 1,375,000.00
Other 1,375,000.00

Total treatment cost

Amount ( €)
Per Ton 55.--

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Landkreis München
General Information


Address Bühler AG +
Name Bioverwertungs AG Bioverwertungs AG Kogas AG
Street Grueben Grueben Sonnenhügelstrasse 3

Town CH-9244 Niederuzwil CH-9244 Niederuzwil CH-9240 Uzwil

Country Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Telefone +41 71 952 61 61 +41 71 952 61 61 +41 71 955 77 77
Fax : +41 71 952 61 62 +41 71 952 61 62 +41 71 955 77 79
E-mail : [email protected]
Contact Person Herr T. Huwiler Herr M. Egg Herr R. Leisner
Function Geschäftsführer Betriebsleiter stv. Geschäftsführer
Public Public
Status X Private X Private
Other : ……… Other : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
X Production of Compost 450 m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1997
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1998
…… Subsidies as a Driver
X Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire Niederuzwil Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Community Grossverteiler Gardening ………………… …………………
Type Bio waste Marktabfälle Grüngut ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 8'000 t 1'500 t 500 t ………………… …………………
Size reduction X X X
Aerobic pre-treatment X X X
Dehydration X X X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
40 % 22 % 40 % ……...… % 37 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l
65 % 85 % 60 % ……...… % 67 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes

Es erfolgt keine kontinuierliche Analyse des Inputmaterials auf deren Zusammensetzung

Questionnaire Niederuzwil Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

X Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization X Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None X None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

……..… t ……..… t ……..… t 160 t
Quantity per year
or 8'800 m3 or 3'400 m3 or 3'900 m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? No Yes Yes Yes
21.5 % 45 % 15 % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
55 % 55 % 55 % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application X X
Waste water treatment plant
Incineration X
Other:................................ X n.A. X gardening …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Niederuzwil Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 2

Volume of each digester ……/ 605 / 295 m3

Input Material
X Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 55 mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 55 °C
Make & Type of digester Kompogas ZAG/ZAR
Provider Bühler AG + Kogas AG
Internal or external heat exchanger yes
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer X
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Niederuzwil Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Niederuzwil Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 870'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 50'000 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Nein
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : ca.. 60 % vol CH4 : % vol
CO2 : ca. 40 % vol CO2 : % vol
H2S : <450 ppm H2S : ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja / Nein Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 70 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere

Electricity Production Ja Heat Production Ja

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell X Other : CHP

- Total installed power : 170 kWel. - Total installed power : 455 kWth.

- Number of generators : 2

- Gross electricity production : 1'420'000 kWh - Gross heat production : 3'800'000 kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 930'000 kWh Sale to third party 0 kWh

Self-consumption 490'000 kWh Self-consumption 1'050'000 kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes

Injection into the gas grid: ...... m3/a

Fuel :...........m3/a


Questionnaire Niederuzwil Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (Unit)
Gross Investment Cost ........................
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Unit)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Niederuzwil
General Information


Address Bühler AG +
Name Kompogas AG Kompogas AG Kogas AG
Street Libernstrasse 16 Libernstrasse 16 Sonnenhügelstrasse 3

Town CH-8112 Otelfingen CH-8112 Otelfingen CH-9240 Uzwil

Country Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Telefone +41 1 844 08 00 +41 1 844 08 00 +41 71 955 77 77
Fax : +41 1 844 08 02 +41 1 844 08 02 +41 71 955 77 79
E-mail : [email protected]
Contact Person Herr D. Kern Herr E. Hartmann Herr R. Leisner
Function Technischer Leiter Betriebsleiter stv. Geschäftsführer
Public Public
Status X Private X Private
Other : ……… Other : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
X Production of Compost 750 m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1995
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1996
…… Subsidies as a Driver
X Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire Otelfingen Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Community Grossverteiler Gastgewerbe ………………… …………………
Type Bio waste Marktabfälle Speiseresten ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 10'500 t 1'500 t 500 t ………………… …………………
Size reduction X X X
Aerobic pre-treatment X X X
Dehydration X X X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
38 % 22 % 18 % ……...… % 35 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l
68 % 85 % 90 % ……...… % 67 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes

Es erfolgt keine kontinuierliche Analyse des Inputmaterials auf deren Zusammensetzung

Questionnaire Otelfingen Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

X Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization X Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None X None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

……..… t ……..… t ……..… t 200 t
Quantity per year
or 11'000 m3 or 3'900 m3 or 5'200 m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? No Yes Yes Yes
22 % 40 % 15 % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
55 % 55 % 55 % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application X X
Waste water treatment plant
Incineration X
Other:................................ X n.A. X gardening …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Otelfingen Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 1

Volume of each digester ……/...... / 840 m3

Input Material
X Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 55 mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 55 °C
Make & Type of digester Kompogas ZAH
Provider Bühler AG + Kogas AG
Internal or external heat exchanger yes
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer X
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Otelfingen Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Otelfingen Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 820'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 15'000 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : ca.. 60 % vol CH4 : >96 % vol
CO2 : ca. 40 % vol CO2 : < 4 % vol
H2S : <450 ppm H2S : < 5 ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja / Nein Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 70 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher X Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere

Electricity Production Ja Heat Production Ja

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell X Other : CHP

- Total installed power : 265 kWel. - Total installed power : 710 kWth.

- Number of generators : 2

- Gross electricity production : 1'695'000 kWh - Gross heat production : 4'565'000 kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 1'060'000 kWh Sale to third party 0 kWh

Self-consumption 635'000 kWh Self-consumption 1'260'000 kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes

Injection into the gas grid: ...... m3/a

X Fuel :60'000 .m3/a


Questionnaire Otelfingen Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (Unit)
Gross Investment Cost ........................
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Unit)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Otelfingen
General Information


Address W. Schmid AG +
Name Kompogas AG Kompogas AG Kogas AG
Street Rohrstrasse 36 Wibachstrasse Rohrstrasse 36

Town CH-8162 Glattbrugg CH-8153 Rümlang CH-8162 Glattbrugg

Country Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Telefone +41 1 809 71 00 +41 1 817 10 56 +41 71 955 77 77
Fax : +41 1 809 71 10 +41 1 817 10 56 +41 71 955 77 79
E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]
Contact Person Herr D. Kern Herr E. Barmettler Herr R. Leisner
Function Technischer Leiter Betriebsleiter stv. Geschäftsführer
Public Public
Status X Private X Private
Other : ……… Other : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
X Production of Compost 450 m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1991
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1992
…… Subsidies as a Driver
X Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire Rümlang Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Community Community Gastgewerbe ………………… …………………
Type Grüngut Marktabfälle Speiseresten ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 6'000 t 500 t 500 t ………………… …………………
Size reduction X X X
Aerobic pre-treatment X X X
Dehydration X X X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
38 % 22 % 18 % ……...… % 35.5 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
68 % 85 % 90 % ……...… % 71 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes

Es erfolgt keine kontinuierliche Analyse des Inputmaterials auf deren Zusammensetzung

Questionnaire Rümlang Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

X Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization X Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None X None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

……..… t ……..… t ……..… t 100 t
Quantity per year
or……... 6'000 m3 or 2'000 m3 or 3'300 m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? No Yes Yes Yes
20.5 % 40 % 15 % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
55 % 55 % 55 % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application X X
Waste water treatment plant
Incineration X
Other:................................ X n.A. X gardening …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Rümlang Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 2

Volume of each digester ……/ 165 / 295 m3

Input Material
X Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 55 °C
Make & Type of digester Kompogas ZAR
Provider Kogas AG
Internal or external heat exchanger yes
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer X
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Rümlang Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Rümlang Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 800'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 10'000 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : ca.. 60 % vol CH4 : >96 % vol
CO2 : ca. 40 % vol CO2 : < 4 % vol
H2S : <450 ppm H2S : < 5 ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja / Nein Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 50 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher X Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere

Electricity Production Ja Heat Production Ja

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell X Other : CHP

- Total installed power : 170 kWel. - Total installed power : 455 kWth.

- Number of generators : 2

- Gross electricity production : 1'300'000 kWh - Gross heat production : 3'50'000 kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 930'000 kWh Sale to third party 1'200'000 kWh
Self-consumption 370'000 kWh Self-consumption 740'000 kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes

NInjection into the gas grid

X Fuel : 50'000 .m3/a


Questionnaire Rümlang Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (Unit)
Gross Investment Cost ........................
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Unit)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Rümlang
General Information


Address Bühler AG +
Name Kompogas AG Kompogas AG Kogas AG
Street Bruggetenstr. 3 Bruggetenstr. 3 Sonnenhügelstrasse 3

Town CH-8833 Samstagern CH-8833 Samstagern CH-9240 Uzwil

Country Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Telefone +41 1 785 09 53 +41 1 785 09 53 +41 71 955 77 77
Fax : +41 1 785 09 77 +41 1 785 09 77 +41 71 955 77 79
E-mail : [email protected]
Contact Person Herr D. Kern Herr B. Trütsch Herr R. Leisner
Function Technischer Leiter Betriebsleiter stv. Geschäftsführer
Public Public
Status X Private X Private
Other : ……… Other : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
X Energy Production Surface required for treatment
X Production of Compost 350 m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1994
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1995
…… Subsidies as a Driver
X Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire Samstagerh Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Community Grossverteiler ………………… …………………
Type Bio waste Marktabfälle ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 6'700 t 1'000 t ………………… …………………
Size reduction X X
Aerobic pre-treatment X X
Dehydration X X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
38 % 22 % ……...… % ……...… % 36 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l
70 % 85 % ……...… % ……...… % 71 %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes

Es erfolgt keine kontinuierliche Analyse des Inputmaterials auf deren Zusammensetzung

Questionnaire Samstagerh Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

X Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization X Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None X None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

……..… t ……..… t ……..… t 150 t
Quantity per year
or 6'500 m3 or 2'200 m3 or 3'300 m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? No Yes Yes Yes
21 % 40 % 15 % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
55 % 55 % 55 % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application X X
Waste water treatment plant
Incineration X
Other:................................ X n.A. X gardening …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste X Fibl-Hilfsstoffliste ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Samstagerh Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 2

Volume of each digester ……/ 260 / 260 m3

Input Material
X Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 55 °C
Make & Type of digester Kompogas ZAF
Provider Bühler AG + Kogas AG
Internal or external heat exchanger yes
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer X
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Samstagerh Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Samstagerh Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 820'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 15'000 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : ca.. 60 % vol CH4 : >96 % vol
CO2 : ca. 40 % vol CO2 : < 4 % vol
H2S : <450 ppm H2S : < 5 ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja / Nein Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 60 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher X Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere

Electricity Production Ja Heat Production Ja

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell X Other : CHP

- Total installed power : 170 kWel. - Total installed power : 455 kWth.

- Number of generators : 2

- Gross electricity production : 715'000 kWh - Gross heat production : 1'920'000 kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 315'000 kWh Sale to third party 0 kWh

Self-consumption 400'000 kWh Self-consumption 800'000 kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes

X Injection into the gas grid: 440'000 m3/a

Fuel : ............m3/a


Questionnaire Samstagerh Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (Unit)
Gross Investment Cost ........................
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Unit)
Electricity …..……………/ kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Samstagerh
Stadt Baden-Baden
General Information


Name Stadt Baden-Baden Owner BTA
Street Brieglackerstr. 8 Rottmannstr. 18
Town D-76532 Baden-Baden D-80333 München
Country Germany Germany
Telefone 0049 722 193 15 10 +49 89 520 460-6

Fax : 0049 722 193 15 15 +49 89 523 2329

E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]

Contact Person
Name Herr Schäfer
X Public X Public
Status Private Private
Other : …… Other : : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
x Energy Production Surface required for treatment
x Production of Compost ca. 200 m2
…… Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
…… Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1992
…… Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1.4.1993
…… Subsidies as a Driver
x Rentability as compared to other Processes
x Other: Störstoff...., Homogenisierung
Der Bioabfall wird in Wasser aufgelöst und danach entwässert. Die Feststoffe gehen in die Kompostierung; das Zentrat in die Faultürme
der Kläranlage

Questionnaire Stadt Baden-Baden Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Characterization Household and
Origin industrial waste ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Type Biowaste ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 6'500 t/y ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Size reduction X
Aerobic pre-treatment
Dehydration X
Other X ..... in Wasser ………. ………. ………. ……….
20 - 30 % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes


Questionnaire Stadt Baden-Baden Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
X Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization Sieving X Biological treatment (Faulung)
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

6'500 t 3'500 t 3'000 t ca. 8% Input
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? Yes Yes Yes Yes/No
20-30 % 30 % 1-2 % 40 %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application
Waste water treatment plant
Other:................................ …………….. …………….. …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to X Bioabfall VO
a legal requirement ...................... Komposterlass ...................... ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire Stadt Baden-Baden Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 2

Volume of each digester ……/ 3'000 / 3'000 m3

Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS)
X Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 8 mm
Type of digester
Operation Batch
Digestion temperature 32 - 35 °C
Make & Type of digester Beton
Provider …………………
Internal or external heat exchanger yes
Mixing with compressed biogas X
Mechanical Stirrer
Hydraulic stirring X
Other ……………...........


Questionnaire Stadt Baden-Baden Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire Stadt Baden-Baden Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Järliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 4'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel):................... m3

davon ca. 1'000 m3/d aus Bioabfall

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja / Nein - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : 60 % vol CH4 : 60 % vol
CO2 : 40 % vol CO2 : 40 % vol
H2S : ……….. ppm H2S : ………... ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 1'000 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : Foliengasspeicher Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
X Andere : ……….. X Andere

Electricity Production Ja Heat Production Ja

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP X Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : 480 kWel. - Total installed power : .......................... kWth.

- Number of generators : 4

- Gross electricity production : 2.2 Mio. kWh - Gross heat production : ca. 4 Mio. kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 10 % kWh Sale to third party - kWh

Self-consumption 90 % kWh Self-consumption 100 % kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes

NInjection into the gas grid

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


Questionnaire Stadt Baden-Baden Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (DM)
Gross Investment Cost 5.2 Mio.
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (DM)
Electricity 5.0 / kWh
Heat 5.0/ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (DM)
Per Ton ca. 200.--/t

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire Stadt Baden-Baden
Stadt Karlsruhe
General Information


Name Stadt Karlsruhe
Street Ottostrasse 21
Town D-76227 Karlsruhe
Country CH-6340 Baar
Telefone 0049 721 133-0
Fax : 0049 721 133 70-09
E-mail :
Contact Person
Name Herr Boos
Status Public X Public
Private Private
Other : …… Other : ……
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
Energy Production Surface required for treatment
Production of Compost m2
Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction:
Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1997
Subsidies as a Driver
Rentability as compared to other Processes

Questionnaire StadtKarlsruhe Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Dechets menages ………………… …………………
Type Marché ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) 8'000 t/y ………………… ………………… …………………
Sieving/Separation X
Size reduction
Aerobic pre-treatment
Dehydration X
Other siehe Orign. ………. ………. ………. ……….
40 % % 0 % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
% % % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD 40-43.5 g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes/No


Questionnaire StadtKarlsruhe Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

Press Drying Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank X Composting Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization Sieving Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… X Other: STEP/Recirculation
None None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

t t 9'000 t ……..… t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
% % % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or 6.9 g/l or ……...… g/l
% % % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l 4'460 -5'800 g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application X
Waste water treatment plant X
Other: …………….. …………….. X Recirculation ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire StadtKarlsruhe Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 1

Volume of each digester ........ / ........ /1'350 m3

Input Material

Consistency x Solid (> 15% TS)

Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter ........... mm
Type of digester
Operation Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature 35 °C
Make & Type of digester MAT / BMA
Provider MAT / BMA
Internal or external heat exchanger Yes / No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer
Hydraulic stirring X
Other ....................................


Questionnaire StadtKarlsruhe Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters .......................... …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/ .......... m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 30 mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature .................. °C .................. °C
Make/type of digester ......................... ……………..
Provider ........................ …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire StadtKarlsruhe Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Jährliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 876'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja / Nein - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja / Nein
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : 60 % vol CH4 : ............... % vol
CO2 : % vol CO2 : ............... % vo
H2S : ……….. ppm H2S : ……….. ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja / Nein Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 900 m3 Nasswäscher: Wasser / org. Lösungsmittel
Typ : Foliengasspeicher Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere:

Electricity Production Yes/No Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

CHP Boiler: Steam
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
X Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : ..............kWel. - Total installed power : .............. kWth.

- Number of generators :

- Gross electricity production : ................ kWh - Gross heat production : ................ kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party ................ kWh Sale to third party ................ kWh
Self-consumption ................ kWh Self-consumption ................ kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas Yes / No

Injection into the gas grid: ...... m3/a

Fuel :………………..………..m3/a


Questionnaire StadtKarlsruhe Page 6


Investment Cost

Gross Investment Cost Fermentation + Composting ........................
thereof subsidies ........................
thereof auto-construction (cost savings)
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Electricity .............. / kWh
Heat .............. / kWh
Other utilization of biogas ........ /kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte …………/t or /m3
Gate fees
Substrate 1 :……………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :………………….. …………/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Per Ton

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire StadtKarlsruhe
General Information


Name VEGAS AG VEGAS AG Alpha Umwelttechnik AG
Street Alte Lyss-Strasse 31 Alte Lyss-Strasse 31 Schloss-Strasse 15
Town 3270 Aarberg 3270 Aarberg 2560 Nidau
Country Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland
Telefone +41 32 392 47 74 +41 32 392 47 74 +41 32 331 54 54
Fax : +41 32 392 47 75 +41 32 392 47 75 +41 32 331 23 37
E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]
Contact Person
Name Andreas Utiger
Public Public
Status X Private X Private
Other : …… Other : : ………
Various Information
Reasons for the Choice of the System
x Energy Production Surface required for treatment
x Production of Compost 5'000 m2
x Reduction of Waste Volume or Weight Construction time
x Reduction of the Organic Fraction Start of construction: 1996
x Marketing/PR Start-up of plant: 1997
x Subsidies as a Driver
…… Rentability as compared to other Processes
…… Other

Questionnaire VEGAS Page 1

Description of the Main Substrates

Substrate Substrate Substrate Substrate Average

n°1 n°2 n°3 n°4 Composition
Origin Grüngut aus Industrial Waste ………………… ………………… …………………
Type Haushalt + Garten Food ………………… ………………… …………………

Amount per Year (in tons or m3) ………………… ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………
Sieving/Separation X partial
Size reduction X
Aerobic pre-treatment
None X
Other ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od ……...… g/l od. ……...… g/l
COD ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l

Is the input material weighed at the gate Yes


Questionnaire VEGAS Page 2

Upgrading and Utilization of the Digestate

Upgrading Digestate Upgrading Solid Phase Upgrading Liquid Phase

Press Drying X Flocculation
Sedimentation Tank Composting X Centrifugation
Centrifugation Size reduction Filtration
Hygienization Sieving X Biological treatment
Other :……………………. Other:……………… Other:………………
None X None None

Digestate Solid Phase Liquid Phase Remaining Fraction

……..… t 6'000 t 5'000 t 100 t
Quantity per year
or……... ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3 or ……..… m3
Is the amount estimated or measured? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No No
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
or…….. ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
……...… % ……...… % ……...… % ……...… %
or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l or ……...… g/l
COD ……...… mg/l ……...… mg/l ……...… g/l ……...… g/l
Utilization of digestate
Agricultural Application
Waste water treatment plant
Other:................................ …………….. …………….. …………….. ……………..
Product Quality
The product corresponds to
a legal requirement ...................... X yes..................... X yes..................... X yes.....................

a label product ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................

Other ………………… ………………… ………………… …………………

Questionnaire VEGAS Page 3

Single Stage Digestion

Digestion Digester(s)

Number of digesters 1

Volume of each digester ……/………/ 1'500 m3

Input Material
X Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter 40. mm
Type of digester
Operation Continuous
Digestion temperature 55 °C
Make & Type of digester agritechnica
Provider agritechnica
Internal or external heat exchanger no
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical Stirrer
Hydraulic stirring
Other ……………...........
None X


Questionnaire VEGAS Page 4

Double Stage Digestion

First Stage Intermediate Treatment Second Stage

Digestion Type of Digester 1 (Please describe) Type of Digester 2
Number of digesters ………………… …………………
Volume of each digester ……/………/…… m ……/………/…… m3
Input Material
Solid (> 15% TS) Solid (> 15% TS)
Liquid (=< 15% TS) Liquid (=< 15% TS)
Maximum diameter …………….. mm Quantity entering second stage …………….. mm
Type of Digester ……......…m3
Operation Batch /Continuous or …………….t Batch / Continuous
Digestion temperature ………………… °C ………………… °C
Make/type of digester …………….. ……………..
Provider ………………… …………………
External heat exchanger Yes/No Yes/No
Mixing with compressed biogas
Mechanical stirrers
Hydraulic mixing
Other ……………........... ……………...........


Questionnaire VEGAS Page 5

Biogas Utilization

Järliche Energiebilanz

Brutto Biogas-Produktion: 810'000 m3 Nicht verwendete Biogasmenge (Fackel): 50'000 m3

Roh-Biogas Biogas reinigung

- Wird die Gaszusammensetzung analysiert : Ja - Wird das Biogas aufbereitet? : Ja
falls ja:: falls ja: Gaszusammensetzung nach Reinigung
CH4 : 40-60 % vol CH4 : 40-60 % vol
CO2 : ……….. % vol CO2 : ……….. % vol
H2S : ……….. ppm H2S : ………... ppm
Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm Andere : ……….. ……….. ppm

- Gibt es einen Gasspeicher ? : Ja Art der Biogas-Aufbereitung :

falls ja, Speichergrösse : 380 m3 X Nasswäscher: Wasser
Typ : X Foliengasspeicher Aktivkohle
Wassertassengasometer Membran
Andere : ……….. Andere

Electricity Production Yes Heat Production Yes/No

- Type of electricity production : - Type of heat production :

X CHP X Boiler: Steam/Heat
Gas turbine Air heat exchanger
Steam turbine Heat from CHP
Fuel Cell Other : ……………………

- Total installed power : 495 kWel. - Total installed power : .......................... kWth.

- Number of generators : 1

- Gross electricity production : 1'070'000 kWh - Gross heat production : …………….. kWh
- Utilization of produced electricity : - Utilization of produced heat :

Sale to third party 570'000 kWh Sale to third party …………….. kWh
Self-consumption 570'000 kWh Self-consumption …………….. kWh

Other Utilization of the Biogas No

NInjection into the gas grid

Fuel :………………………..m3/a


Questionnaire VEGAS Page 6


Investment Cost

Amount (Unit)
Gross Investment Cost ca. 14 Mio.
thereof subsidies …………………..
thereof auto-construction (cost savings) ........................
Part of Plant
Digester(s) ........................
Upgrading and utilization of biogas ........................
Other ………………..


Amount (Unit)
Electricity 1'070'000 / kWh
Heat …………../ kWh
Other utilization of biogas …………/kWh or /m3
Digestate/Composte 6'000/t
Gate fees
Substrate 1 : Grüngut aus Haushalt und Garten 10'000/t or /m3
Substrate 2 :Industrial waste and food 1'000/t or /m3
Substrate 3 : ………………….. …………/t or /m3
General Tipping fees …………/t or /m3
Subsidies/Tax money ........................
Other:........................... ........................

Operation Cost

Amount (Unit)
Operation and maintenance; if possible: - labor cost ........................
maintenance cost
Capital cost ........................
Other ........................

Total treatment cost

Amount (Unit)
Per Ton ………………

Success and failures

Page 7
Questionnaire VEGAS
Appendix C
Organic Waste Generator Survey and Cover Letters
Re: Landmark Study on Anaerobic Digestion – Survey of Linn County Businesses

Dear Linn County Business Leaders:

Bluestem Solid Waste Agency is conducting a landmark study of the technical and
economic feasibility of anaerobic digestion (AD) as a waste management technology. It
is one of the first studies of its kind to be undertaken in the United States. However, AD
is a mature technology first used in larger wastewater treatment plants in the mid-1800’s.
In the early 1990’s, successful adaptations of the technology to solid waste began to
appear, primarily in Europe. AD is a higher technology requiring substantial investment
but is considerably less expensive than incineration. The main by-products of AD are
methane (as a fuel source) and compost. A relatively small amount of material from
biodegradable waste is rejected and landfilled.

To help you gauge the scope of the study, the following short list is offered. Bluestem is
attempting to determine the following:

ƒ Where anaerobic digestion of waste has been successfully used;

ƒ If AD can be used to manage a portion of Bluestem’s waste stream;
ƒ What are the impacts of adding AD to our management system;
ƒ What are the short and long-term costs; and
ƒ What potential technical or administrative barriers may exist.

Bluestem, in a joint cooperative investigation with the Iowa Department of Natural

Resources, has retained R. W. Beck, Inc., Minneapolis, to conduct this study. R. W.
Beck has a successful and strong history in solid waste management and has previously
done work for both Bluestem and the Department of Natural Resources. Bluestem is
very confident that R. W. Beck will provide a quality analysis with high value
recommendations. A survey requesting the necessary information will be coming to you
within the next two weeks from R. W. Beck. We respectfully request that you give the
survey your fullest attention and priority.

In addition to Bluestem’s interest, the Best Practices Roundtable (Roundtable), an

association of local industry environmental and technical experts, has endorsed this
feasibility study. It is now becoming clear that Linn County faces some of the most
serious solid waste challenges of any highly successful commercial/industrial center in
the Midwest. The Roundtable has pledged its support in providing information and
assisting others with any questions they may have regarding solid waste issues or this
Information provided in response to the survey will be reported in aggregate form, not on
a company-specific basis. If there are additional confidentiality needs associated with
certain information, R. W. Beck will work with you to address your needs. Bluestem
staff will also be available to assist in any way feasible, including answering any
questions. Thank you very much for your participation in this important study.

Bluestem Solid Waste Agency,

CC: Robert Craggs, R. W. Beck, Inc.


Org. name
City, State, Zip

Dear (contact name) or Environmental Manager:

Recently you should have received a letter from the Bluestem Solid Waste Agency informing you
of the Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Study. Bluestem, in a joint cooperative investigation with
the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, has retained R.W. Beck, Inc., Minneapolis, to
conduct this study.

We are asking you and other Linn County business leaders to help us with this important study by
completing the enclosed Solid Waste and Organics survey. The survey will provide us with an
estimate of the amount and composition of solid and organic waste produced in Linn County. All
information provided in response to the survey will be reported in an aggregate form, not on a
company-specific basis. The results of the survey process will allow us to assess the feasibility of
using anaerobic digestion to manage a portion of Bluestem’s waste stream.

We appreciate your participation in this landmark study and thank you in advance for completing
the enclosed survey. You may fax your completed survey to (651) 994-8396, attention Mary
Chamberlain; mail the completed survey to: Mary Chamberlain, R. W. Beck, Inc., 1380
Corporate Center Curve, Suite 305, St. Paul, MN 55121; or complete the survey electronically by
going to: www.rwbeck.com/bluestem.

Please respond by December 21, 2001. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please
contact Mary Chamberlain at (651) 994-8415 or [email protected], or Karmin
Bradbury at Bluestem Solid Waste Agency at (319) 398-1278 or [email protected].

Thank you again for your valuable contribution.


Bluestem Solid Waste Agency

Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Study

Solid Waste and Organics Survey

Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Generators

This survey may also be completed on-line at: www.rwbeck.com/bluestem. The information you
provide will automatically be entered into a private database and will not be accessible or viewed by

Company Name:

Street Address:

City, State, Zip Code:

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:

E-mail address:

Contact Person:

1. How much total solid waste1 has your facility produced in the last two years?

2000: ___________________ cubic yards or tons

1999: ___________________ cubic yards or tons

Were these amounts based on:

actual measurements


Garbage, refuse, rubbish, and other similar discarded solid or semisolid materials, including, but not limited to, such materials resulting
from industrial, commercial, agricultural, and domestic activities, including sludges.

2. Do you anticipate any increase or decrease in the quantity of solid waste produced at your facility or
facilities in the next 1 to 3 years?

Yes No

If yes, how much?

Increase by __________% annually

Decrease by __________% annually

3. How does your firm currently handle waste collection and disposal?

Waste is collected by a private hauler.

Waste is delivered to a disposal site by our company.

Other: _______________________________________________________________________

4. In order to determine if anaerobic digestion would be financially feasible, the current cost of solid waste
collection and disposal needs to be analyzed to compare overall costs for an alternative system. This is the
basis for the following inquiry: What is your average annual and per unit cost for solid waste services or
removal (monthly refuse rates, dumpster fees, etc.)? Please provide per ton or cubic yard costs, if available.

$ __________________ Total annual costs

$ __________________ per ton per cubic yard

5. Where is your solid waste currently managed?

Site 1 (former Cedar Rapids Landfill)

Site 2 (former Linn County Landfill)
BFC (incinerator)
Other: _______________________________________________________________________

6. What percentage of your waste stream is estimated to be organic or compostable waste (i.e., food waste,
soiled paper, mixed paper, yard waste, sludges, spillage, etc.)?

_____________ % (or _____________ cubic yards or _____________ tons)

a. What type of materials make up your organics waste stream?

b. Does your facility currently divert the organic waste from disposal for recycling and/or re-use?

Yes. Organic waste is taken to _________________________ for _________________ (use).


If yes, what percentage of your organic waste is currently being diverted?

_____________ % (or _____________ cubic yards or _____________ tons)

c. Do you transport the organic waste to the end-user or is it transported by a hauler?

Organic waste is transported by a private hauler.

Organic waste is delivered to a disposal site by our company.

Other: _____________________________________________________________________

d. Are you paid for the organic waste? If so, how much revenue (per ton or cubic yard) is generated from
the sale of organic waste? If not, how much do you pay to divert the organic waste?

Yes. We are paid $ ________________ per ton per cubic yard

No. We pay $ ____________________ per ton per cubic yard

No payment is made for transportation costs, but no revenue is received.

7. If you generate organic waste, but don't separate it from the waste stream, what are the barriers to overcome
for you and your company to separate the organic waste for processing or re-use?

8. If Bluestem Solid Waste Agency developed a technique to recycle and/or re-use organic material, would
you be willing to source separate these organic materials for re-use?

Yes No

Would you be willing to transport the source-separated organics to a Bluestem processing facility?

Yes No

Please take the time to complete the table on the following page. Thank you for your cooperation.
Solid Waste1 and Organics Survey
Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Generators
Waste Generated2 Waste Recycled/Composted
in 2000 in 2000
Type of Waste Tons per Year, Cubic Yards Tons per Year, Cubic Yards
per Year or per Year or
% of Total Waste Stream % of Total Waste Stream
EXAMPLE: Newsprint 30% of total waste stream 100% recycled
or or
20 Tons 20 Tons
Corrugated Cardboard
Office Grade
Yard Waste3

Other Organic Wastes:

All Other Non-Organic Waste:


1 Garbage, refuse, rubbish, and other similar discarded solid or semisolid materials, including, but not limited to,
such materials resulting from industrial, commercial, agricultural, and domestic activities, including sludges.
2 Amount prior to recycling or composting.
3 Vegetative matter such as grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, brush, and trees. Yard waste does not

include tree stumps.

4 Total waste generated in 2000 should equal total in Question 1.

Results will be released only in aggregate form, no company-specific information will be reported.
Please forward the completed survey to: Mary Chamberlain, R. W. Beck, Inc., 1380 Corporate Center Curve,
Suite 305, St. Paul, MN 55121 or via facsimile to: (651) 994-8396, attention Mary Chamberlain, or you may
access the survey by going to: www.rwbeck.com/bluestem. If you have any questions related to this survey,
please contact Mary at (651) 994-8415.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.
Appendix D
List of Organic Waste Generators Surveyed
Appendix D
List of Organic Waste Generators Surveyed

Dean Frommett Marilyn Atkinson Evironmental Manager

ADM Alliant Engergy Apache Hose & Belting
1350 Waconia Av SW 200 1st St SE 4805 Bowling St SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Evironmental Manager Dean Ahrens Evironmental Manager

Ar-Jay Building Products Cargill, Inc. CCB Packaging
1515 Blairs Ferry Rd NE 1010 10th Avenue SW 1905 N Center Point Rd
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Hiawatha, IA 52233

Tom Berg Evironmental Manager Evironmental Manager

Cedar River Paper Company Cedarapids, Inc. CEI Equipment Company
PO Box 3250 916 16 St NE 5555 16 Av SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-3250 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Evironmental Manager Glen Dodd Evironmental Manager

Coe College Cornell College Cryovac
1220 1st Av NE 600 1st Street W PO Box 1167
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Mount Vernon, IA 52314 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Jim Prohaska John Wodnik Evironmental Manager

Diamond V Mills Evergreen Packaging Food Waste Solutions
838 1 St NW 2400 6th St SW 3854 Buffalo Ridge Road
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Anamosa, IA 52205

Evironmental Manager Iris Vering Arthur Potratz

Gazette Company Genencor International General Mills
500 3rd Avenue SE 1000 41st Av Dr SW PO Box 3007
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406

Evironmental Manager Evironmental Manager Evironmental Manager

Hamiliton Highway Equipment Company Hunter's Specialties
1924 D Street 616 D Ave NW 600 Huntington Ct NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Evironmental Manager Doug Elam Evironmental Manager

Iowa Precision Industries Kirkwood Community College Lindale Mall
5480 6 St SW 6301 Kirkwood Blvd SW 4444 1st Av NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Evironmental Manager Evironmental Manager Evironmental Manager

Longview Fibre MAAX Midwest McLeodUSA
1601 Blairs Ferry Rd NE 4601 8th Av 6400 C Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Marion, IA 52302 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Appendix D
List of Organic Waste Generators Surveyed

John Miller Evironmental Manager Evironmental Manager

Mercy Hospital Mount Mercy MSI Moldbuilders
701 10th St SE 1330 Elmhusrt Dr NE 12300 6th St SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Evironmental Manager Evironmental Manager Otto Rajtora

Nash Finch Company Norwood Inc. Penford
1201 Blairs Ferry Rd NE 202 F Av NW PO Box 428
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406

Walt Corey Dan Shulgin John Gordon

Pickwick Mfg. Pillsbury PMX
1870 McCloud Pl NE 1000 Wenig Rd NE 5300 Willow Creek Drive SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Will Carew Jaime Ashby Evironmental Manager

Quaker Oats Quality Chef Foods Ralston Foods
PO Box 1848 1100 3 St SE 601 16th St NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Evironmental Manager Darrel Brotherson Jim Jensen

ReVosWel Rockwell Collins Square D Company
320 35th St 855 35th Street NE 3700 6th St SW
Marion, IA 52302 Cedar Rapids, IA 52498 Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Annette Wolter Evironmental Manager Wayne Scott

St. Lukes Svedala Industries Vigortone Ag
PO Box 3026 800 1 Av NW 5264 Council Street NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Cedar Rapids, IA 52405 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

Evironmental Manager Daron May Environmental Manager

Westdale Mall Weyerhaeuser Wholesale Feeds
2600 Edgewood Rd SW PO Box 3250 6000 Linn Aire Av
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 Marion, IA 52302
Appendix E
Facility Cost Analysis – Supplement Cost Tables
Materials Flow

Site 1 Site 2
Compost Combined
Month Landfilled (Yard Waste) Recycled Sludges Total Landfilled Bioreactor Recycled Total Total
Jul-01 9,686 1,871 1,859 5,059 18,476 4,764 - 424 5,188 23,664
Aug-01 11,929 1,957 2,574 4,048 20,508 5,246 - 428 5,674 26,182
Sep-01 12,954 1,683 2,576 2,597 19,811 4,576 - 415 4,990 24,801
Oct-01 10,297 175 3,148 5,578 19,199 4,461 - 436 4,897 24,096
Nov-01 8,791 2,432 2,031 5,458 18,712 4,762 - 455 5,216 23,928
Dec-01 8,316 944 1,070 4,378 14,708 4,106 - 501 4,608 19,316
Jan-02 8,618 752 685 5,685 15,740 3,305 - 434 3,739 19,479
Feb-02 7,635 589 563 3,818 12,605 2,816 - 333 3,148 15,753
Mar-02 8,680 1,357 1,071 5,133 16,241 2,810 - 382 3,193 19,434
Apr-02 10,377 2,267 1,477 7,558 21,678 4,381 - 530 4,911 26,589
May-02 12,335 3,282 651 8,334 24,602 4,626 - 573 5,199 29,801
Jun-02 11,659 2,811 842 5,864 21,177 5,064 - 538 5,602 26,778
Total 121,278 20,121 18,547 63,511 223,457 50,915 - 5,449 56,364 279,821

% of
Summary Current Adjustements Revised Wastestream
Landfilled 172,193 - 172,193 58%
Compost 20,121 63,511 83,632 28%
Recycled 23,996 14,689 38,685 13%
Sludges 63,511 (63,511) - 0%
AD - - - 0%
Total 279,821 294,510 100%
Materials and Energy Projections

Material 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Landfilled tons 172,193 177,359 182,680 188,160 193,805 199,619 205,608 211,776 218,129 224,673 231,413 238,356 245,506 252,872 260,458 268,271 276,320 284,609 293,147 301,942 311,000
Compost tons 83,632 86,141 88,725 91,387 94,128 96,952 99,861 102,857 105,942 109,121 112,394 115,766 119,239 122,816 126,501 130,296 134,205 138,231 142,378 146,649 151,049
Recycled tons 38,685 39,845 41,041 42,272 43,540 44,846 46,192 47,577 49,005 50,475 51,989 53,549 55,155 56,810 58,514 60,270 62,078 63,940 65,858 67,834 69,869
Sludges tons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AD tons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total tons 294,510 303,345 312,446 321,819 331,473 341,418 351,660 362,210 373,076 384,269 395,797 407,671 419,901 432,498 445,473 458,837 472,602 486,780 501,383 516,425 531,918

Electricity Generated MWh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


MSW $/ton 36.00 36.36 36.72 37.09 37.46 37.84 38.21 38.60 38.98 39.37 39.77 40.16 40.57 40.97 41.38 41.79 42.21 42.63 43.06 43.49 43.93
Compost $/ton 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12 18.30
Sludge $/ton 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12 18.30
Electricity cents/kWh 4.2 4.24 4.28 4.33 4.37 4.41 4.46 4.50 4.55 4.59 4.64 4.69 4.73 4.78 4.83 4.88 4.92 4.97 5.02 5.07 5.12

MSW $000 6,199 6,449 6,709 6,979 7,260 7,553 7,857 8,174 8,503 8,846 9,202 9,573 9,959 10,360 10,778 11,212 11,664 12,134 12,623 13,132 13,661
Compost/Sludge $000 1,254 1,305 1,358 1,412 1,469 1,528 1,590 1,654 1,721 1,790 1,862 1,937 2,015 2,097 2,181 2,269 2,361 2,456 2,555 2,658 2,765
Electricity $000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total $000 7,453 7,754 8,066 8,391 8,730 9,081 9,447 9,828 10,224 10,636 11,065 11,511 11,975 12,457 12,959 13,481 14,025 14,590 15,178 15,790 16,426

Annual Growth Rates

Total Waste Stream % 3%
MSW Tip Fee % 1%
Compost/Sludge Tip Fee % 1%
Electricity Sales Rate % 1%

Electrical Generation
Annual Biogas Production MMBtu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tons of Feedstock/Year tons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Feedstock to kWh Conversion Rate 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Annual MWh Parasitic ElecMWh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

GenSet Converstion Effeci% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
Btu/kWh Conversion Rate 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413
Capacity Factor % 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Gross kWh Produced MWh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Net kWh Produced MWh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Materials and Energy Projections

Material 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Landfilled tons 154,129 158,753 163,516 168,421 173,474 178,678 184,038 189,559 195,246 201,104 207,137 213,351 219,751 226,344 233,134 240,128 247,332 254,752 262,395 270,266 278,374
Compost tons 65,568 67,535 69,561 71,648 73,797 76,011 78,292 80,640 83,059 85,551 88,118 90,761 93,484 96,289 99,177 102,153 105,217 108,374 111,625 114,974 118,423
Recycled tons 38,685 39,845 41,041 42,272 43,540 44,846 46,192 47,577 49,005 50,475 51,989 53,549 55,155 56,810 58,514 60,270 62,078 63,940 65,858 67,834 69,869
Sludges tons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AD tons 36,128 37,212 38,328 39,478 40,662 41,882 43,139 44,433 45,766 47,139 48,553 50,010 51,510 53,055 54,647 56,286 57,975 59,714 61,506 63,351 65,251
Total tons 294,510 303,345 312,446 321,819 331,473 341,418 351,660 362,210 373,076 384,269 395,797 407,671 419,901 432,498 445,473 458,837 472,602 486,780 501,383 516,425 531,918

Electricity Generated MWh 4,393 4,525 4,660 4,800 4,944 5,092 5,245 5,403 5,565 5,732 5,904 6,081 6,263 6,451 6,645 6,844 7,049 7,261 7,478 7,703 7,934


MSW $/ton 36.00 36.36 36.72 37.09 37.46 37.84 38.21 38.60 38.98 39.37 39.77 40.16 40.57 40.97 41.38 41.79 42.21 42.63 43.06 43.49 43.93
Compost $/ton 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12 18.30
Sludge $/ton 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12 18.30
Electricity cents/kWh 4.2 4.24 4.28 4.33 4.37 4.41 4.46 4.50 4.55 4.59 4.64 4.69 4.73 4.78 4.83 4.88 4.92 4.97 5.02 5.07 5.12

MSW $000 5,549 5,772 6,005 6,247 6,499 6,761 7,033 7,316 7,611 7,918 8,237 8,569 8,914 9,274 9,647 10,036 10,441 10,861 11,299 11,754 12,228
Compost/Sludge $000 984 1,023 1,064 1,107 1,152 1,198 1,247 1,297 1,349 1,404 1,460 1,519 1,580 1,644 1,710 1,779 1,851 1,925 2,003 2,084 2,167
Electricity $000 184 192 200 208 216 225 234 243 253 263 274 285 296 308 321 334 347 361 376 391 407
Total $000 6,717 6,987 7,269 7,562 7,867 8,184 8,513 8,857 9,213 9,585 9,971 10,373 10,791 11,226 11,678 12,149 12,638 13,148 13,678 14,229 14,802

Annual Growth Rates

Total Waste Stream % 3%
MSW Tip Fee % 1%
Compost/Sludge Tip Fee % 1%
Electricity Sales Rate % 1%

Electrical Generation
Annual Biogas Production MMBtu 49,318 50,798 52,322 53,891 55,508 57,173 58,889 60,655 62,475 64,349 66,280 68,268 70,316 72,426 74,598 76,836 79,141 81,516 83,961 86,480 89,074

Tons of Feedstock/Year tons 36,128 37,212 38,328 39,478 40,662 41,882 43,139 44,433 45,766 47,139 48,553 50,010 51,510 53,055 54,647 56,286 57,975 59,714 61,506 63,351 65,251
Feedstock to kWh Conversion Rate 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Annual MWh Parasitic Electric MWh 159 164 169 174 179 184 190 196 201 207 214 220 227 233 240 248 255 263 271 279 287

GenSet Converstion Effeciency % 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
Btu/kWh Conversion Rate 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413
Capacity Factor % 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Gross kWh Produced MWh 4,552 4,688 4,829 4,974 5,123 5,277 5,435 5,598 5,766 5,939 6,117 6,301 6,490 6,684 6,885 7,092 7,304 7,523 7,749 7,982 8,221
Net kWh Produced MWh 4,393 4,525 4,660 4,800 4,944 5,092 5,245 5,403 5,565 5,732 5,904 6,081 6,263 6,451 6,645 6,844 7,049 7,261 7,478 7,703 7,934

AD Sources
Landfill 50%
Sludges 50%
Recycling 0%
Materials and Energy Projections

Material 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Landfilled tons 137,713 141,845 146,100 150,483 154,997 159,647 164,437 169,370 174,451 179,684 185,075 190,627 196,346 202,236 208,304 214,553 220,989 227,619 234,447 241,481 248,725
Compost tons 49,152 50,626 52,145 53,710 55,321 56,981 58,690 60,451 62,264 64,132 66,056 68,038 70,079 72,181 74,347 76,577 78,874 81,241 83,678 86,188 88,774
Recycled tons 38,685 39,845 41,041 42,272 43,540 44,846 46,192 47,577 49,005 50,475 51,989 53,549 55,155 56,810 58,514 60,270 62,078 63,940 65,858 67,834 69,869
Sludges tons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AD tons 68,960 71,029 73,160 75,354 77,615 79,944 82,342 84,812 87,356 89,977 92,676 95,457 98,320 101,270 104,308 107,437 110,661 113,980 117,400 120,922 124,549
Total tons 294,510 303,345 312,446 321,819 331,473 341,418 351,660 362,210 373,076 384,269 395,797 407,671 419,901 432,498 445,473 458,837 472,602 486,780 501,383 516,425 531,918

Electricity Generated MWh 7,876 8,112 8,356 8,606 8,865 9,131 9,405 9,687 9,977 10,277 10,585 10,902 11,229 11,566 11,913 12,271 12,639 13,018 13,409 13,811 14,225


MSW $/ton 36.00 36.36 36.72 37.09 37.46 37.84 38.21 38.60 38.98 39.37 39.77 40.16 40.57 40.97 41.38 41.79 42.21 42.63 43.06 43.49 43.93
Compost $/ton 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12 18.30
Sludge $/ton 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12 18.30
Electricity cents/kWh 4.2 4.24 4.28 4.33 4.37 4.41 4.46 4.50 4.55 4.59 4.64 4.69 4.73 4.78 4.83 4.88 4.92 4.97 5.02 5.07 5.12

MSW $000 4,958 5,157 5,365 5,582 5,806 6,040 6,284 6,537 6,801 7,075 7,360 7,656 7,965 8,286 8,620 8,967 9,329 9,705 10,096 10,502 10,926
Compost/Sludge $000 737 767 798 830 864 898 935 972 1,011 1,052 1,095 1,139 1,185 1,232 1,282 1,334 1,387 1,443 1,501 1,562 1,625
Electricity $000 331 344 358 372 387 403 419 436 454 472 491 511 531 553 575 598 622 648 674 701 729
Total $000 6,026 6,269 6,521 6,784 7,057 7,342 7,638 7,946 8,266 8,599 8,945 9,306 9,681 10,071 10,477 10,899 11,338 11,795 12,271 12,765 13,280

Annual Growth Rates

Total Waste Stream % 3%
MSW Tip Fee % 1%
Compost/Sludge Tip Fee % 1%
Electricity Sales Rate % 1%

Electrical Generation
Annual Biogas Production MMBtu 88,625 91,283 94,022 96,843 99,748 102,740 105,823 108,997 112,267 115,635 119,104 122,677 126,358 130,148 134,053 138,074 142,217 146,483 150,878 155,404 160,066

Tons of Feedstock/Year tons 68,960 71,029 73,160 75,354 77,615 79,944 82,342 84,812 87,356 89,977 92,676 95,457 98,320 101,270 104,308 107,437 110,661 113,980 117,400 120,922 124,549
Feedstock to kWh Conversion Rate 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Annual MWh Parasitic Electric MWh 303 313 322 332 342 352 362 373 384 396 408 420 433 446 459 473 487 502 517 532 548

GenSet Converstion Effeciency % 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
Btu/kWh Conversion Rate 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413 3,413
Capacity Factor % 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Gross kWh Produced MWh 8,180 8,425 8,678 8,938 9,206 9,482 9,767 10,060 10,362 10,672 10,993 11,322 11,662 12,012 12,372 12,743 13,126 13,520 13,925 14,343 14,773
Net kWh Produced MWh 7,876 8,112 8,356 8,606 8,865 9,131 9,405 9,687 9,977 10,277 10,585 10,902 11,229 11,566 11,913 12,271 12,639 13,018 13,409 13,811 14,225

AD Sources
Landfill 50%
Sludges 50%
Recycling 0%
Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Large AD Expected Present Value Analysis

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20
1 Electric Energy
2 Net kWh Available for Sale (MWh) 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767 7,767
3 Energy Price [4] (¢/kWh) 3.10 3.13 3.16 3.19 3.23 3.26 3.29 3.32 3.36 3.39 3.42 3.46 3.49 3.53 3.56 3.60 3.63 3.67 3.71 3.75
4 Energy Revenues ($000) 241 243 246 248 251 253 256 258 261 263 266 269 271 274 277 280 282 285 288 291

Thermal Energy
5 Net Thermal Recovered [3] (MMBtu) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 Natural Gas Price [5] ($/MMBtu) 6.00 6.06 6.12 6.18 6.24 6.31 6.37 6.43 6.50 6.56 6.63 6.69 6.76 6.83 6.90 6.97 7.04 7.11 7.18 7.25
7 Thermal Energy Revenues ($000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sludges Tip Fees

8 Sludges Per year [3] (Tons) 32,364 33,335 34,335 35,365 36,426 37,519 38,644 39,804 40,998 42,228 43,495 44,799 46,143 47,528 48,953 50,422 51,935 53,493 55,098 56,750
9 Sludges Tip Fee [6] ($/Ton) 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12
10 Sludges Revenues ($000) 485 505 525 547 569 591 615 640 666 693 721 750 780 811 844 878 913 950 989 1,028

Other Organics Tip Fees

11 Organics [3] (Tons) 33,300 34,299 35,328 36,388 37,479 38,604 39,762 40,955 42,183 43,449 44,752 46,095 47,478 48,902 50,369 51,880 53,437 55,040 56,691 58,392
12 Organics Tip Fee [7] ($/Ton) 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12
13 Organics Revenues ($000) 500 520 541 562 585 609 633 659 685 713 742 771 802 835 868 903 940 978 1,017 1,058

Food Waste Tip Fees

14 Food Waste [3] (Tons) 2,934 3,022 3,113 3,206 3,302 3,401 3,503 3,608 3,717 3,828 3,943 4,061 4,183 4,309 4,438 4,571 4,708 4,849 4,995 5,145
15 Food Waste Tip Fee [8] ($/Ton) 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12
16 Food Waste Revenues ($000) 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 65 68 71 74 77 80 83 86 90 93

Yard Waste Tip Fees

17 Yard Waste [3] (Tons) 362 373 384 396 407 420 432 445 459 472 486 501 516 532 548 564 581 598 616 635
18 Yard Waste Tip Fee [9] ($/Ton) 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12
19 Yard Waste Revenues ($000) 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

20 Total Revenues ($000) 1,275 1,319 1,365 1,413 1,462 1,513 1,567 1,622 1,680 1,739 1,802 1,866 1,933 2,003 2,075 2,151 2,229 2,310 2,394 2,482
21 PV Total Revenues ($000) 1,275 1,306 1,338 1,371 1,405 1,440 1,476 1,513 1,551 1,590 1,631 1,673 1,716 1,760 1,805 1,852 1,901 1,950 2,002 2,055

Fiber Hauling Costs
22 Fiber [3] (Tons) 16,127 16,611 17,109 17,622 18,151 18,696 19,256 19,834 20,429 21,042 21,673 22,324 22,993 23,683 24,394 25,125 25,879 26,655 27,455 28,279
23 Fiber Hauling Cost Rate [1 ($/Ton) 3.00 3.09 3.18 3.28 3.38 3.48 3.58 3.69 3.80 3.91 4.03 4.15 4.28 4.41 4.54 4.67 4.81 4.96 5.11 5.26
24 Fiber Hauling Costs ($000) 48 51 54 58 61 65 69 73 78 82 87 93 98 104 111 117 125 132 140 149

Filtrate Pumping and Treatment Costs

25 Gallons of Filtrate [3] (h Gal) 114,840 118,285 121,834 125,489 129,253 133,131 137,125 141,239 145,476 149,840 154,335 158,965 163,734 168,646 173,706 178,917 184,284 189,813 195,507 201,373
26 Filtrate Pumping Cost Rate [1 ($/h Gal) 0.075 0.077 0.080 0.082 0.084 0.087 0.090 0.092 0.095 0.098 0.101 0.104 0.107 0.110 0.113 0.117 0.120 0.124 0.128 0.132
27 Filtrate Pumping Costs ($000) 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26

AD Unit Labor
28 Annual AD Unit hours (Hrs) 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200
29 Average AD Labor Rate [1 ($/Hr) 17.80 18.33 18.88 19.45 20.03 20.64 21.25 21.89 22.55 23.22 23.92 24.64 25.38 26.14 26.92 27.73 28.56 29.42 30.30 31.21
30 AD Labor Costs ($000) 199 205 212 218 224 231 238 245 253 260 268 276 284 293 302 311 320 330 339 350

Engine Plant O&M

31 Engine Plant O&M Basis (MWh) 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180 8,180
32 O&M Cost Rate [1] (¢/kWh) 1.25 1.29 1.33 1.37 1.41 1.45 1.49 1.54 1.58 1.63 1.68 1.73 1.78 1.84 1.89 1.95 2.01 2.07 2.13 2.19
33 Engine Plant O&M ($000) 102 105 108 112 115 119 122 126 130 133 137 142 146 150 155 159 164 169 174 179

Digester Plant O&M

34 Digester Plant O&M Basis ($000) 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999 9,999
35 O&M Cost Rate (%) 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25%
36 Digester Plant O&M ($000) 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225

37 Utilities, Insurance & Prof Services ($000) 50 52 53 55 56 58 60 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 76 78 80 83 85 88

38 Contingency Factor [10] ($000) 63 65 66 68 69 71 73 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 89 91 94 96 99 102

39 Net Expenses ($000) 697 712 728 745 762 780 799 818 838 859 880 903 926 951 976 1,002 1,030 1,058 1,088 1,118
40 PV Net Expenses ($000) 697 678 661 644 627 611 596 581 567 554 541 528 516 504 493 482 472 462 452 443
41 PV Net Expenses + Capital Costs ($000) 1,726 1,658 1,594 1,532 1,473 1,417 1,364 1,312 1,264 1,217 1,172 1,129 1,089 1,050 1,013 977 943 910 879 850

42 Operating Costs ($/ton) 10.11 10.03 9.96 9.89 9.82 9.76 9.70 9.64 9.59 9.55 9.50 9.46 9.42 9.39 9.36 9.33 9.30 9.28 9.26 9.25
43 PV Operating Costs ($/ton) 10.11 9.55 9.03 8.54 8.08 7.65 7.24 6.85 6.49 6.15 5.83 5.53 5.25 4.98 4.73 4.49 4.26 4.05 3.85 3.66
44 PV Life Cycle Operating Costs ($/ton) 5.62
45 PV Life Cycle Op Costs + Cap Costs ($/ton) 12.42

46 Net Revenues (Expenses) ($000) 578 607 637 668 700 733 768 804 842 881 921 963 1,007 1,052 1,099 1,148 1,199 1,252 1,307 1,364

47 Present Value of Net Rev (Exp) ($000) 578 578 578 577 576 575 573 571 570 568 565 563 561 558 555 552 549 546 543 540
48 Cummulative PV ($000) 578 1,156 1,734 2,311 2,886 3,461 4,034 4,605 5,175 5,743 6,308 6,871 7,432 7,990 8,545 9,097 9,647 10,193 10,736 11,276

49 Total Cumulative PV of Net Rev ($000) 11,276

50 PV of Project Capital Costs ($000) 12,822
51 PV of Project Debt Costs ($000) 641
52 Net Gain (Loss) ($000) (2,187)
53 ($/ton) (1.11)

Annual Escalation Assumption

[1] Annual Inflation (%) 3.0%
[2] Present Value Rate (%) 5.0%
[3] Waste Flow Escalation (%) 3.0%
[4] Energy Price Escalation (%) 1.0%
[5] Natural Gas Price Escalation (%) 1.0%
[6] Sludges Tip Fee Escalation (%) 1.0%
[7] Organics Tip Fee Escalation (%) 1.0%
[8] Food Waste Tip Fee Escalation (%) 1.0%
[9] Yard Waste Tip Fee Escalation (%) 1.0%

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Bluestem Solid Waste Agency
Mid-Sized AD Expected Present Value Analysis

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20
1 Electric Energy
2 Net kWh Available for Sale (MWh) 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393
3 Energy Price [4] (¢/kWh) 3.10 3.13 3.16 3.19 3.23 3.26 3.29 3.32 3.36 3.39 3.42 3.46 3.49 3.53 3.56 3.60 3.63 3.67 3.71 3.75
4 Energy Revenues ($000) 136 138 139 140 142 143 145 146 147 149 150 152 153 155 157 158 160 161 163 165

Thermal Energy
5 Net Thermal Recovered [3] (MMBtu) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 Natural Gas Price [5] ($/MMBtu) 6.00 6.06 6.12 6.18 6.24 6.31 6.37 6.43 6.50 6.56 6.63 6.69 6.76 6.83 6.90 6.97 7.04 7.11 7.18 7.25
7 Thermal Energy Revenues ($000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sludges Tip Fees

8 Sludges Per year [3] (Tons) 16,182 16,667 17,167 17,683 18,213 18,759 19,322 19,902 20,499 21,114 21,747 22,400 23,072 23,764 24,477 25,211 25,967 26,746 27,549 28,375
9 Sludges Tip Fee [6] ($/Ton) 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12
10 Sludges Revenues ($000) 243 253 263 273 284 296 308 320 333 346 360 375 390 406 422 439 457 475 494 514

Other Organics Tip Fees

11 Organics [3] (Tons) 16,650 17,150 17,664 18,194 18,740 19,302 19,881 20,477 21,092 21,724 22,376 23,047 23,739 24,451 25,185 25,940 26,718 27,520 28,346 29,196
12 Organics Tip Fee [7] ($/Ton) 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12
13 Organics Revenues ($000) 250 260 270 281 293 304 317 329 343 356 371 386 401 417 434 452 470 489 509 529

Food Waste Tip Fees

14 Food Waste [3] (Tons) 2,934 3,022 3,113 3,206 3,302 3,401 3,503 3,608 3,717 3,828 3,943 4,061 4,183 4,309 4,438 4,571 4,708 4,849 4,995 5,145
15 Food Waste Tip Fee [8] ($/Ton) 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12
16 Food Waste Revenues ($000) 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 63 65 68 71 74 77 80 83 86 90 93

Yard Waste Tip Fees

17 Yard Waste [3] (Tons) 362 373 384 396 407 420 432 445 459 472 486 501 516 532 548 564 581 598 616 635
18 Yard Waste Tip Fee [9] ($/Ton) 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.45 15.61 15.77 15.92 16.08 16.24 16.41 16.57 16.74 16.90 17.07 17.24 17.41 17.59 17.76 17.94 18.12
19 Yard Waste Revenues ($000) 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

20 Total Revenues ($000) 678 701 725 750 776 803 831 861 891 922 955 989 1,024 1,061 1,099 1,138 1,179 1,222 1,266 1,313
21 PV Total Revenues ($000) 678 668 658 648 639 629 620 612 603 594 586 578 570 563 555 548 540 533 526 519

Fiber Hauling Costs
22 Fiber [3] (Tons) 8,714 8,975 9,245 9,522 9,808 10,102 10,405 10,717 11,039 11,370 11,711 12,062 12,424 12,797 13,181 13,576 13,983 14,403 14,835 15,280
23 Fiber Hauling Cost Rate [1] ($/Ton) 3.00 3.09 3.18 3.28 3.38 3.48 3.58 3.69 3.80 3.91 4.03 4.15 4.28 4.41 4.54 4.67 4.81 4.96 5.11 5.26
24 Fiber Hauling Costs ($000) 26 28 29 31 33 35 37 40 42 45 47 50 53 56 60 63 67 71 76 80

Filtrate Pumping and Treatment Costs

25 Gallons of Filtrate [3] (h Gal) 59,147 60,921 62,749 64,631 66,570 68,567 70,624 72,743 74,925 77,173 79,488 81,873 84,329 86,859 89,465 92,149 94,913 97,760 100,693 103,714
26 Filtrate Pumping Cost Rate [1] ($/h Gal) 0.075 0.077 0.080 0.082 0.084 0.087 0.090 0.092 0.095 0.098 0.101 0.104 0.107 0.110 0.113 0.117 0.120 0.124 0.128 0.132
27 Filtrate Pumping Costs ($000) 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 14

AD Unit Labor
28 Annual AD Unit hours (Hrs) 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720 6,720
29 Average AD Labor Rate [1] ($/Hr) 19.00 19.57 20.16 20.76 21.38 22.03 22.69 23.37 24.07 24.79 25.53 26.30 27.09 27.90 28.74 29.60 30.49 31.40 32.35 33.32
30 AD Labor Costs ($000) 128 132 135 140 144 148 152 157 162 167 172 177 182 188 193 199 205 211 217 224

Engine Plant O&M

31 Engine Plant O&M Basis (MWh) 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552 4,552
32 O&M Cost Rate [1] (¢/kWh) 1.25 1.29 1.33 1.37 1.41 1.45 1.49 1.54 1.58 1.63 1.68 1.73 1.78 1.84 1.89 1.95 2.01 2.07 2.13 2.19
33 Engine Plant O&M ($000) 57 59 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 79 81 84 86 89 91 94 97 100

Digester Plant O&M

34 Digester Plant O&M Basis ($000) 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491 5,491
35 O&M Cost Rate (%) 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25% 2.25%
36 Digester Plant O&M ($000) 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124

37 Utilities, Insurance & Prof Services ($000) 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 48 49 50 52 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 66

38 Contingency Factor [10] ($000) 38 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 59 61

39 Net Expenses ($000) 414 423 433 443 453 464 476 487 499 512 525 539 553 567 582 598 615 632 649 668
40 PV Net Expenses ($000) 414 403 393 383 373 364 355 346 338 330 322 315 308 301 294 288 282 276 270 264
41 PV Net Expenses + Capital Costs ($000) 1,138 1,093 1,049 1,008 969 931 895 861 828 797 767 738 711 685 660 636 613 591 571 551

42 Operating Costs ($/ton) 11.45 11.37 11.30 11.22 11.15 11.09 11.02 10.97 10.91 10.86 10.81 10.77 10.73 10.69 10.66 10.63 10.60 10.58 10.56 10.54
43 PV Operating Costs ($/ton) 11.45 10.83 10.25 9.69 9.17 8.69 8.23 7.79 7.38 7.00 6.64 6.30 5.97 5.67 5.38 5.11 4.86 4.61 4.39 4.17
44 PV Life Cycle Operating Costs ($/ton) 6.39
45 PV Life Cycle Op Costs + Cap Costs 15.53

46 Net Revenues (Expenses) ($000) 264 278 292 307 323 339 356 373 391 410 430 450 472 494 516 540 565 591 617 645

47 Present Value of Net Rev (Exp) ($000) 264 265 265 266 266 266 266 265 265 265 264 263 263 262 261 260 259 258 256 255
48 Cummulative PV ($000) 264 529 794 1,060 1,326 1,591 1,857 2,122 2,387 2,652 2,916 3,179 3,442 3,703 3,964 4,224 4,483 4,740 4,997 5,252

49 Total Cumulative PV of Net Rev ($000) 5,252

50 PV of Project Capital Costs ($000) 9,024
51 PV of Project Debt Costs ($000) 451
52 Net Gain (Loss) ($000) (4,223)
53 ($/ton) (4.08)

Annual Escalation Assumptions

[1] Annual Inflation (%) 3.0%
[2] Present Value Rate (%) 5.0%
[3] Waste Flow Escalation (%) 3.0%
[4] Energy Price Escalation (%) 1.0%
[5] Natural Gas Price Escalation (%) 1.0%
[6] Sludges Tip Fee Escalation (%) 1.0%
[7] Organics Tip Fee Escalation (%) 1.0%
[8] Food Waste Tip Fee Escalation (%) 1.0%
[9] Yard Waste Tip Fee Escalation (%) 1.0%

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