F5B-BMJV-0001-AHA-HSE 00 AHA For Precast Storm Drain and Subdrain Uty.
F5B-BMJV-0001-AHA-HSE 00 AHA For Precast Storm Drain and Subdrain Uty.
F5B-BMJV-0001-AHA-HSE 00 AHA For Precast Storm Drain and Subdrain Uty.
- Test all horns and lights, inspect all mirrors and windows for
defects and repair and replace before shipping to site
- All personnel on-site to be appropriately inducted before
initially engaging for work.
- Slip/trip/fall, - All workers including subcontractors must have completed
- Power line contact the Induction Training and hold a current card or
2. Mobilization of resources - Struck by moving equipment’s certification; Advise workers and other persons on site of L
- Caught in Between work to be carried out.
- All workers to attend STARRT to be aware of work/site
specific hazards, control and prevention.
- Appropriate PPE to be worn.
- Be aware of the location of the evacuation muster point and
safest route to it.
Doc. No: F5B-BMJV-0001-AHA-HSE 00 Rev No: 00 Rev. Date: 07-NOV-2020 Page 1 of 13
- Manual Handling - Ensure provision of Spill kit, drip tray and sawdust .
8. Pipe Laying, Gullies and Jointing - Wrong body posture while carry load. - Ensure physical inspection of hoses and valves for wear and
- Fall of materials tear.
- Pinch Point - Usage of impermeable base and secure bund to prevent
seepage of concrete into the ground.
9. Confined space entry by - Asphyxiation lack of Oxygen. - All workers undergone Confined space entry TPC L
personnel and working in - Restricted Access and egress. Training.
Manhole. - Situation outside of the confined space which - Confined space procedures to be adopted and
endanger workers in confined space. implemented
- Poor ventilation. - Approved Method Statement &RA
- Avoid generic hazard. - Rescue plan and rescue equipment must be in place
- Presence of Toxic and Flammable gases. when necessary.
- Competent confined space TPC Certified supervisor
monitors the job.
- Gas test to be conducted by authorized gas tester.
- All confined spaces to be controlled by competent hole
13. Concrete works activity - Concrete splashes - All person shall receive site specific Induction involved L
- Concrete truck colliding with form work. with concrete work.
- Concrete truck falling into the work area. - Site specific Risk assessment shall be briefed to all
- Entrapment individual prior to work commencing.
- Burns from concrete - Comply with COSHH/MSDS while working with concrete
- Physical injury Serious as per QCS 2014.
- Bruising, cuts, lacerations, broken bones - COSHH assessment to be communicated to operative
- eye injury 9involve prior to the work commencement.
- ‐Head injury - All person shall made aware of traffic Management
system set out.
- Adhere site rules/site speed.
- Only authorized/licensed operators to operate plant and
- Adequate lighting shall be provided if the operation is in
- Pump shall be placed 2 meters away from excavation
- Pump shall be placed in firm level ground. Jacks
outriggers fully deployed, pads are properly placed.
- Provide signal lights if the activity is in night
- Avoid reversing operation where possible‐vehicle to be
fitted with reversing alarm.
15. Hand tools and Electrical - Electrical shock, Fatality - All personnel to be trained in the use of all electrical hand L
Equipment - Serious injury. Bruising Burn. tools.
- Strain and sprain. Puncture wound, Impact - All electrical equipment to be fitted with
- injury/shock - industrial plugs.
- All electrical hand tools to be inspected daily and be in
good condition and have the monthly colour code
19. Environmental - Dust emissions and gaseous emissions. Oil spillage - The entry permit shall be completed by the supervisor and
from the Equipment, Refuelling, Machinery and be definitive for all possible hazards. Before entering a
vehicular noise. confined space, employees shall review the specific entry
- Improper storage, Improper Handling, Untrained permit for safe entry and emergency exit information.
workers Direct reading, intrinsically safe multi-gas confined space
- Inadequate work procedure, Lack of Maintenance, monitoring instruments must be used to conduct air
improper placement, Lack of cleaning of Dip Tray, monitoring of confined spaces
Untrained operatives, Unauthorized disposal of Water - The fresh Concrete to be laid away from the sensitive
or Liquids receptors and drains. A non-permeable membrane sheet
- Oil spills, noise and dust dispersion due to vehicular to be laid down in case the concrete laying can impact the
movement use of equipment and from stock piles, soil. Only required quantity to be brought to site to avoid
gaseous emissions from the machinery. All leading to wastage. The Concrete wash out areas to be provided for
hydrocarbon contamination of soil and groundwater, the cleaning of concrete mixers. The concrete mixers to
air pollution, noise pollution and air pollution leading to be shut off when idle to minimize the air pollution. The
deterioration of atmosphere and environment. Waste Concrete to be disposed as per regulations.
Damage to flora and fauna. Increase carbon loading in - The chemicals will be handled by authorized personnel and
air. the spill containment will be available at all times under
- Alteration of site's air quality and visual impact leading the chemicals. Regular TBT to be included for handling
to neighbour annoyance and compliance Potential the chemicals at site. Competent supervision to be
impact on natural habitats, affecting wildlife and plant enhanced to ensure compliance. Store oils, fuels where
species they will be protected and away from watercourse and
- Soil Contamination and Ground water quality drains
deterioration, Air Quality determination and - Construction plant and vehicles will be efficient and well
Greenhouse gas emissions maintained in accordance with the written procedures
based on manufacturer’s guidelines, applicable industry
code, or engineering standard to ensure efficient and
reliable operation; Where practicable, mains electricity will
be used instead of mobile generators as a power source
Diesel supplied to the construction plant and vehicles from
the diesel tank farm will be low in sulphur and as per
legislative norms.
- The machinery will be maintained well, and used as per