European Patent Specification: Vehicle
European Patent Specification: Vehicle
European Patent Specification: Vehicle
Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
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3 EP 1 777 149 B1 4
4 with a tank cover, 41: bottom, 42: inclined part, 43: extending part, 44: upper
surface, 45: pump mounting section, 46: fuel supply port,
Fig. 6 is a left side view of the fuel-tank assembly ac- 47: protrusion, 48: collar, 50: fuel pump unit, 51: body,
cording to the embodiment, 52: discharge section, 53: intake section, 54: flange, 55:
5 fuel gauge, 60: tank cover, 70: protective member, 71:
Fig. 7 is a plan view of the fuel tank according to the base, 72: storage section, 76: pump cover, 80: battery
embodiment, case, 81: casing, 82: upper cover, 83: fixing section, 84:
mount, 85: band, 90: front load receiving section, 91: rear
Fig. 8 is a left side view of the fuel tank according to load receiving section, 92: front support section, 93: rear
the embodiment, 10 support section, 100: body cover, 200: fuel-tank assem-
bly, 201: fuel hose
Fig. 9 is a cross-sectional view of the bottom of the [0020] A fuel-tank assembly and a straddle-type vehi-
fuel tank taken along line A-A of Fig. 8, cle having the fuel-tank assembly according to an em-
bodiment are described in detail below with reference to
Fig. 10 is a cross-sectional view of the bottom of the 15 the attached drawings. In this embodiment, the straddle-
fuel tank taken along line B-B of Fig. 8, type vehicle is embodied as a motorcycle.
[0021] Fig. 1 is a left side view of a motorcycle 1 (here-
Fig. 11 is a left side view of a fuel pump unit according inafter, referred to as a motorcycle 1) according to the
to the embodiment, embodiment. In this embodiment, the direction of the
20 travel of the motorcycle 1 (the direction indicated by arrow
Fig. 12 is a back view of the fuel pump unit according F in the drawing) is referred to as the "front" of the vehicle,
to the embodiment, the direction to the right and left of the vehicle is referred
to as a "width direction", and the vertical length of the
Fig. 13 is a perspective view of the vehicle body of vehicle is referred to as a "height".
Fig. 4 with a protective member, 25 [0022] The motorcycle 1 includes a body frame 10 that
constructs the frame of the vehicle; a front wheel 2 that
Fig. 14 is a perspective view of the vehicle body of can be steered by a handle 101; a rear wheel 3 vertically
Fig. 5 with the protective member, movably supported by rear arms 5; a seat 20 for riders;
a fuel jet engine 30; and a fuel tank 40 for storing fuel.
Fig. 15 is a plan view of the protective member ac- 30 [0023] The front end of the body frame 10 is a head
cording to the embodiment, pipe 11 extending to the lower front in a slanting direction.
The head pipe 11 has a steering shaft 102 connected at
Fig. 16 is a left side view of the protective member the upper end to the handle 101 rotatable passed
according to the embodiment, through. The front wheel 2 is rotatably supported at the
35 lower end of a pair of right and left front forks 103 extend-
Fig. 17 is a cross-sectional view of the protective ing downward from the steering shaft 102. A front fender
member taken along line C-C of Fig. 15, 104 that covers the upper surface of the front wheel 2 is
disposed above the front wheel 2.
Fig. 18 is a cross-sectional view of the protective [0024] The body frame 10 includes a main frame 12
member taken along line D-D of Fig. 16, 40 composed of a first main frame 121 connected at the
front end to the head pipe 11 and extending above a
Fig. 19 is a cross-sectional view of the protective cylinder 31 of the engine 30 and a pair of right and left
member taken along line E-E of Fig. 16, second main frames 122 extending from the rear end of
the first main frame 121 to the lower rear in a slanting
Fig. 20 is a perspective view of a battery case accord- 45 direction between the front wheel 2 and the rear wheel 3.
ing to the embodiment, and [0025] The body frame 10 has a pair of right and left
rear-arm brackets 15 whose upper ends are connected
Fig. 21 is a perspective view of the battery case shown to the rear ends of the pair of right and left second main
in Fig. 20 without an upper cover. frames 122, respectively, and extending downward from
50 the rear ends of the second main frames 122. The pair
Description of Reference Numerals: of right and left rear arms 5 extends in the front-back
direction and rotatably supports the rear wheel 3 at the
[0019] 1: motorcycle, 2: front wheel, 3: rear wheel, 4: rear ends. The front ends of the rear arms 5 are rotatably
rear fender, 5: rear arm, 6: pivot, 10: body frame, 11: supported outside the pair of right and left rear-arm brack-
head pipe, 12: main frame, 13: backstay, 14: seat rail, 55 ets 15 in the width direction by a pivot 6. As a result, the
15: rear-arm bracket, 20: seat, 21: first seat portion, 22: pair of right and left rear arms 5 supports the rear wheel
second seat portion, 30: engine, 31: cylinder, 32: injector, 3 vertically movably at the rear ends. A rear fender 4 is
33: throttle body, 34: muffler, 35: crankcase, 40: fuel tank, disposed above the rear wheel 3, the rear fender 4 being
5 EP 1 777 149 B1 6
curved along the shape of the rear wheel 3 in the width ing degree of the throttle body 33. The engine 30 bums
direction and front-back direction. the fuel supplied from the injector 32 to generate a driving
[0026] The body frame 10 has a rear frame composed force. The driving force is transmitted to the rear wheel
of a pair of right and left backstays 13 and a pair of right 3 via a chain 105 disposed on the left side of the vehicle.
and left seat rails 14. The backstays 13 are connected 5 Thus, the rear wheel 3 is rotated to drive the motorcycle 1.
at the front ends to the rear ends of the second main [0033] The motorcycle 1 further includes a body cover
frames 122 and extend to the upper rear in a slanting 100 that covers the left side of the body except the crank-
direction above the pivot 6 and the rear arms 5. The seat case 35, the part between the seat 20 and the rear wheel
rails 14 are connected at the front ends to part of the 3, and so on. The body cover 100 covers most of the
second main frames 122 and extend obliquely to the up- 10 body frame 10, the cylinder 31 of the engine 30, the in-
per rear above the backstays 13 to support the seat 20. jector 32, the throttle body 33, the fuel hose 201, the fuel-
The backstays 13 and the seat rails 14 extend between tank assembly 200, and so on.
the seat 20 and the rear wheel 3. [0034] The motorcycle 1 further includes a pair of right
[0027] The seat 20 is a tandem seat in which two riders and left rear footrest brackets 106 fixed to the pair of right
can be seated on the front and the rear. The center of 15 and left backstays 13, respectively. In other words, a pair
the seat 20 in the front-back direction is disposed above of right and left brackets (not shown) is fixed to the pair
the fuel tank 40, and the rear part is disposed above the of right and left backstays 13 behind the crankcase 35
rear wheel 3. and above the rear arms 5. The upper ends of the pair
[0028] The fuel tank 40 is disposed under the seat 20. of right and left rear footrest brackets 106 are fixed to the
The rear part of the fuel tank 40 is disposed above the 20 pair of right and left brackets, respectively. The pair of
front of the rear wheel 3 with respect to the rotation shaft right and left rear footrest brackets 106 extends while
3a of the rear wheel 3. The fuel tank 40 accommodates being inclined from the upper ends to the lower rear, the
part of a fuel pump unit 50 for supplying the fuel in the lower ends of which are disposed outside the pair of right
fuel tank 40 to the engine 30. That is, the motorcycle 1 and left rear arms 5 in the width direction.
has a fuel-tank assembly 200 having the fuel tank 40 and 25 [0035] The motorcycle 1 further includes a stand (not
the fuel pump unit 50 under the seat 20. shown), which can support the vehicle body at an angle,
[0029] The fuel pump unit 50 has a discharge section on the left side of the body. The motorcycle 1 also has
52 for discharging the fuel in the fuel tank 40 out of the an electric system including a generator and electric wir-
fuel tank 40. The discharge section 52 is disposed on the ing for power supply mainly on the right side of the body,
fuel tank 40. The fuel discharged from the discharge sec- 30 and a fuel-supply system including the fuel pump unit 50
tion 52 is supplied to the engine 30 through a fuel hose and the fuel hose 201 mainly on the left side of the body.
201. [0036] Fig. 2 is a left side view of the rear part of the
[0030] The engine 30 is disposed forward of the pivot motorcycle 1 with the body cover 100 removed. Fig. 3 is
6 and below the second main frames 122 between the a plan view of the rear part of the motorcycle 1 with the
front wheel 2 and the rear wheel 3. The engine 30 is a 35 seat 20 removed.
single-cylinder four-cycle engine, which includes a cylin- [0037] The motorcycle 1 includes, below the seat 20,
der 31 that accommodates a piston, a crank (not shown) a battery case 80 that accommodates a battery 87, the
that accommodates a crankshaft, and a clutch (not fuel-tank assembly 200 having the fuel tank 40 and the
shown) that accommodates a clutch mechanism. The left fuel pump unit 50, a tank cover 60 that covers part of the
side of the crank in the width direction and the right side 40 upper part of the fuel-tank assembly 200, and a protective
of the clutch in the width direction are covered with a member 70 having a pump cover 76 that protects the
crankcase 35 and a clutch cover (not shown), respec- discharge section 52 of the fuel pump unit 50 disposed
tively. The front ends of the pair of right and left rear arms on the fuel tank 40.
5 are supported by the pair of right and left rear-arm [0038] The substantially front half of the seat 20 is a
brackets 15 between the crankcase 35 and the rear wheel 45 first seat portion 21 for a first rider, and the substantially
3 and between the clutch cover (not shown) and the rear rear half of the seat 20 is a second seat portion 22 for a
wheel 3, respectively. second rider behind the first rider seated in the first seat
[0031] The cylinder 31 extends from the crank to the portion 21. The upper surface 21 a of the first seat portion
upper front. The cylinder 31 is connected to an injector 21 is substantially horizontal in the front-back direction,
32 that injects the fuel sent from the fuel pump unit 50 50 while the upper surface 22a of the second seat portion
through the fuel hose 201 into the cylinder 31 and a throt- 22 is in the position higher than the upper surface 21 a
tle body 33 that supplies air taken from an air cleaner of the first seat portion 21 and inclined to the upper rear
(not shown) and mixed with the fuel. The cylinder 31 is at a substantially constant incline. The first seat portion
also connected to a muffler 34, which is disposed on the 21 is disposed forward relative to the rear wheel 3, while
right side of the vehicle and extending to the rear, through 55 the second seat portion 22 is disposed above the rear
an exhaust pipe. wheel 3 and the rear fender 4.
[0032] The injector 32 is electronically controlled to in- [0039] The upper surface 23a of the intermediate part
ject fuel into the cylinder 31 according to the throttle open- 23 of the seat 20, which connects the first seat portion
7 EP 1 777 149 B1 8
21 and the second seat portion 22, is inclined to the upper receiving section 91. Between the lower surface of the
rear at a substantially constant incline larger than that of intermediate part 23 and the fuel tank 40, a space sand-
the upper surface 22a of the second seat portion 22, and wiched between the front load receiving section 90 and
extends from the rear end of the upper surface 21 a of the rear load receiving section 91 is formed, into which
the first seat portion 21 to the front end of the upper sur- 5 the discharge section 52 projects, as will be described
face 22a of the second seat portion 22. The intermediate below.
part 23 is disposed above the rear wheel 3 and the rear [0044] Both the front load receiving section 90 and the
fender 4. rear load receiving section 91 are disposed on the fuel
[0040] The seat 20 is mounted on a front load receiving tank 40. That is, the left-front load receiving section 90a
section 90 disposed under the rear part of the first seat 10 and the right-front load receiving section 90b are dis-
portion 21 and a rear load receiving section 91 disposed posed on the front part of the surface of the fuel tank 40
under the front part of the second seat portion 22. The facing the seat 20, while the rear load receiving section
front load receiving section 90 has a pair of left-front load 91 is disposed on the rear part of the surface.
receiving section 90a and right-front load receiving sec- [0045] The motorcycle 1 further includes a front sup-
tion 90b disposed with a spacing on the left and right 15 port section 92 disposed forward with respect to the fuel
sides in the width direction. The left-front load receiving tank 40 and under the front end of the seat 20 to support
section 90a and the right-front load receiving section 90b the front end from below and a rear support section 93
are disposed at the same position in the front-back-di- disposed under the rear end of the seat 20 to support the
rection. The rear load receiving section 91 is disposed rear end from below.
near the center of the width behind the left-front load re- 20 [0046] The front support section 92 has a hinge 92a
ceiving section 90a and the right-front load receiving sec- that rotatably supports the front end of the seat 20. The
tion 90b. hinge 92a has a hinge shaft 92b extending in the width
[0041] The left-front load receiving section 90a, the direction. The seat 20 can be opened up or closed down
right-front load receiving section 90b, and the rear load by the turn of the front end about the hinge shaft 92b of
receiving section 91 are rubber dampers for absorbing 25 the front support section 92.
an impact on the seat 20. The left-front load receiving [0047] The rear support section 93 has four projections
section 90a and the right-front load receiving section 90b 93a projecting downward from the lower surface of the
project upward from the fuel tank 40 side, while the rear rear end of the seat 20. The four projections 93a project
load receiving section 91 projects downward from the by two in the front and rear at the right and left rear ends
seat 20 side. Specifically, the left-front load receiving sec- 30 of the seat 20 in the width direction, and the lower ends
tion 90a and the right-front load receiving section 90b are are in contact with part of the protective member 70 to
integrated with the tank cover 60 that covers the fuel tank thereby support the rear end of the seat 20.
40 and project upward from the tank cover 60, while the [0048] Thus, the seat 20 is constructed across the front
rear load receiving section 91 projects from the lower support section 92, the rear support section 93, the front
surface of the seat 20. 35 load receiving section 90, and the rear load receiving
[0042] For example, when the seat 20 is warped down- section 91. Specifically, the seat 20 is supported at the
ward by load, the left-front load receiving section 90a, front end by the front support section 92 and at the rear
the right-front load receiving section 90b, and the rear end by the rear support section 93, while its center of the
load receiving section 91 are compressed between the length, which is prone to be warped by a load, supported
warped seat 20 and the fuel tank 40 to be elastically de- 40 from below by the front load receiving section 90 and the
formed so as to decrease in vertical length slightly, there- rear load receiving section 91. Thus, the first seat portion
by receiving the load on the seat 20. In other words, the 21 of the seat 20 is constructed on the front support sec-
left-front load receiving section 90a and the right-front tion 92 and the front load receiving section 90, while the
load receiving section 90b mainly receive the load on the second seat portion 22 of the seat 20 is constructed on
left and right side in the width direction, of a load on the 45 the rear load receiving section 91 and the rear support
first seat portion 21, while the rear load receiving section section 93. The distance between the front load receiving
91 mainly receives a load on the second seat portion 22. section 90 and the rear load receiving section 91 in the
[0043] Specifically, for example, when the driver of the front-back direction is smaller than either of the distance
motorcycle 1 is seated in the first seat portion 21, and a between the front load receiving section 90 and the front
passenger is seated in the second seat portion 22, the 50 support section 92 and the distance between the rear
front load receiving section 90 and the rear load receiving load receiving section 91 and the rear support section 93.
section 91 mainly receive a load by the driver and a load [0049] The fuel-tank assembly 200 will now be de-
by the passenger. That is, the front load receiving section scribed in detail. Fig. 4 is a perspective view of the fuel-
90 and the rear load receiving section 91 receive the tank assembly 200 mounted to the body. Fig. 4 shows a
loads of the driver and the passenger, respectively. Thus, 55 state in which the seat 20, the battery case 80, the tank
the load on the seat 20 is received mainly by the three cover 60, the protective member 70, the body cover 100,
sections, the left-front load receiving section 90a, the and so on are removed for the convenience of descrip-
right-front load receiving section 90b, and the rear load tion. Fig. 5 is a perspective view of the body in Fig. 4, to
9 EP 1 777 149 B1 10
which the tank cover 60 is disposed. Fig. 6 is a left side tween the inclined part 42 and the rear-fender upper sur-
view of the fuel-tank assembly 200. Figs. 7 and 8 are a face 4a facing the inclined part 42.
plan view and a left side view of the fuel tank 40, respec- [0054] The bottom 41 of the fuel tank 40 further in-
tively. Figs. 9 and 10 are cross-sectional views of a bot- cludes a part 43 (hereinafter, referred to as an extending
tom 41 of the fuel tank 40 taken along line A-A and line 5 part 43) whose rear end connects to the lower end of the
B-B of Fig. 8, respectively. Figs. 11 and 12 are a left side inclined part 42 and extends substantially horizontally
view and a back view of the fuel pump unit 50, respec- forward from the lower end of the inclined part 42. The
tively. extending part 43 is disposed at the lowest position of
[0050] The fuel tank 40 of the fuel-tank assembly 200 the bottom 41, forward with respect to the rear wheel 3
has the bottom 41 that is the lower part of its outside wall 10 and below the rear part of the first seat portion 21 of the
and an upper surface 44 that is the upper part of the seat 20.
outside wall. The fuel tank 40 also has a plate collar 48 [0055] Of the extending part 43, the right part in the
surrounding the outer side. The fuel tank 40 is assembled width direction is recessed downward from the left to form
such that an upper part 40a and a lower part 40b which a reservoir 43a at the lowest of the extending part 43.
are formed separately are fixed together by fixing a collar 15 Accordingly, for example, when fuel is stored in the fuel
48a of the upper part 40a and a collar 48b of the lower tank 40, the height from the reservoir 43a to the fuel level
part 40b to each other. The collar 48 is inclined to the thereabove is larger than the height from the other part
lower front in the front-back direction along a left seat rail of the bottom 41 (including the part of the extending part
14a and a right seat rail 14b. 43 except the reservoir 43a and the inclined part 42) to
[0051] The bottom 41 of the fuel tank 40 includes a 20 the fuel level thereabove, so that the fuel left in the fuel
rear part 42 (hereinafter, referred to as an inclined part tank 40 is stored on the reservoir 43a.
42) extending from the rear end of the upper surface 44 [0056] Thus, the fuel tank 40 has a high part above the
toward the lower front. The inclined part 42 is disposed extending part 43 to ensure sufficient capacity and a low
above the front of the rear wheel 3 and the rear fender 4 part above the inclined part 42 which can be disposed in
with respect to the rotation shaft 3a of the rear wheel 3. 25 the limited space above the rear wheel 3 and under the
[0052] The inclined part 42 is curved in the width di- seat 20.
rection and the front-back direction so as to cover an [0057] The fuel tank 40 also has a front protrusion 47a
upper surface 3b of the rear wheel 3 and an upper surface and a rear protrusion 47b of the upper surface 44 on
4a of the rear fender 4 disposed therebelow (see Fig. 2). which the front load receiving section 90 and the rear
In other words, the inclined part 42 is shaped like a saddle 30 load receiving section 91 are disposed and which rise
that is curved across the rear wheel 3 and the rear fender from the peripheral surface to the side facing the seat
4 therebelow in the width direction. As shown in Fig. 9, 20, respectively. Specifically, the front protrusion 47a is
the width-direction center part 42c of the inclined part 42 the part of the front of the upper surface 44 which rises
rises along the curve in the width direction of the upper in the width direction from the part in contact with the
surface 3b of the rear wheel 3 and the upper surface 4a 35 right-front load receiving section 90b across the part in
of the rear fender 4(see Fig. 2) disposed below the in- contact with the left-front load receiving section 90a. The
clined part 42. The inclined part 42 also has a left down- rear protrusion 47b is the part of the rear of the upper
ward recess 42a and a right downward recess 42b on surface 44 which rises in the center of the width in contact
the left and right ends in the width direction. The inclined with the lower end of the rear load receiving section 91.
part 42 is therefore disposed along the rear-fender upper 40 [0058] The front protrusion 47a and the rear protrusion
surface 4a in such a manner that the width-direction cent- 47b rise to have the highest rigidity of the upper surface
er part 42c covers the upper part of the rear-fender upper 44. The front protrusion 47a receives a load on the first
surface 4a and that the left recess 42a and the right re- seat portion 21 through the front load receiving section
cess 42b sandwich the rear-fender upper surface 4a from 90, while the rear protrusion 47b receives a load on the
the left and right sides in the width direction. 45 second seat portion 22 through the rear load receiving
[0053] Referring to Fig. 8, the width-direction center section 91. The upper surfaces of the front protrusion
part 42c of the inclined part 42 is curved in the front-back 47a and the rear protrusion 47b are substantially flat to
direction along the curve of the rear-wheel upper surface allow close contact with the front load receiving section
3b and the rear-fender upper surface 4a below the in- 90 and the rear load receiving section 91, respectively.
clined part 42 so as to cover the rear-wheel upper surface 50 The upper surface of the rear protrusion 47b is located
3b and the rear-fender upper surface 4a. The inclined at the highest position of the surface of the fuel tank 40.
part 42 is thus disposed along the rear-fender upper sur- [0059] The fuel tank 40 has at the upper surface 44 a
face 4a in the front-back direction so as to cover it. In this pump mounting section 45 at which the discharge section
manner, the inclined part 42 is curved so as to cover the 52 of the fuel pump unit 50 is disposed. Of the pump
rear-fender upper surface 4a in the width direction and 55 mounting section 45, the part above the left recess 42a
the front-back direction, so that the inclined part 42 can of the inclined part 42 (see Fig. 9) has a circular pump-
be disposed close to the rear-fender upper surface 4a insertion opening 45a through which part of the fuel pump
(see Fig. 2). There is no other component disposed be- unit 50 is inserted into the fuel tank 40. The discharge
11 EP 1 777 149 B1 12
section 52 of the fuel pump unit 50 is disposed within the shape extending to the lower front from the lower part of
range of the pump-insertion opening 45a. Around the the discharge section 52, and accommodates a motor
pump-insertion opening 45a is formed a plurality of fixing shaft (not shown) extending longitudinally, an impeller
holes 45b for bolts 320 (see Fig. 6) for fixing part of the (not shown) rotatable around the motor shaft for sucking
fuel pump unit 50 to the upper surface 44. 5 fuel from the intake section 53, and a motor (not shown)
[0060] The fuel tank 40 has a fuel supply port 46 on for generating power to rotate the impeller.
the upper surface 44, which has a substantially circular [0066] In the fuel-tank assembly 200, the body 51 is
fuel injection opening 46a for injecting fuel into the fuel disposed on and close to the inclined part 42 in such a
tank 40. The fuel supply port 46 further has a vertically manner that the length substantially agrees with the di-
extending cylindrical tube filler 46b passed through the 10 rection of the inclination of the inclined part 42 of the fuel
fuel injection opening 46a and fixed to the upper surface tank 40. The direction of the inclination of the inclined
44. The upper end of the tube filler 46b projects upward part 42 is, for example, the direction of the tangential line
from the peripheral upper surface 44, while the lower end of part of the inclined part 42 to the curve in the front-
thereof extends vertically into the fuel tank 40. back direction. Specifically, for example, the body 51 is
[0061] The upper surface of the fuel supply port 46 is 15 disposed on the inclined part 42 in such a manner that
located higher than the upper surface of the discharge the longitudinal direction of the motor shaft substantially
section 52 of the fuel pump unit 50. Specifically, the fuel- agrees with the tangential line of the width-direction cent-
tank assembly 200 shown in Fig. 6 is constructed such er part 42c of the inclined part 42 in the front-back direc-
that the fuel supply port 46 has a cap 46d protruding from tion to the curve. Accordingly, for example, an impact on
the upper surface 44 so as to cover the top of the tube 20 the longitudinal direction of the motor shaft in the body
filler 46b. The top face of the cap 46d is located higher 51 with the vertical vibration of the body is reduced as
than a projection 52a and a nozzle 52b of the discharge compared with that when the body 51 is erected vertically.
section 52. Accordingly, the projection 52a and the noz- The length of the inclined part 42 of the fuel tank 40 in
zle 52b are effectively protected from the deflection of the direction of inclination is larger than the length of the
the seat 20 by the fuel supply port 46 having a relatively 25 body 51 of the fuel pump unit 50.
high rigidity. [0067] In the fuel-tank assembly 200, the body 51 of
[0062] The fuel supply port 46 is disposed between the the fuel pump unit 50 is disposed on the lowest portion
left-front load receiving section 90a and the right-front of the inclined part 42 of the fuel tank 40. Specifically,
load receiving section 90b in the width direction. Specif- the body 51 is disposed on the left recess 42a (see Fig.
ically, referring to Fig. 3, the fuel supply port 46 is dis- 30 9) of the inclined part 42. In this case, at least part of the
posed such that the center 46c of the fuel injection open- body 51 may be disposed lower than the width-direction
ing 46a is located between a phantom line 90d drawn center part 42c of the inclined part 42.
from the left end of the left-front load receiving section [0068] Disposing the body 51 which is the longest part
90a in the width direction to the rear and a phantom line in the longitudinal direction in the fuel pump unit 50 with
90e drawn from the right end of the right-front load re- 35 tilt along the inclined part 42 of the fuel tank 40 can reduce
ceiving section 90b in the width direction to the rear. the thickness above the inclined part 42 of the fuel-tank
[0063] The fuel supply port 46 and the pump mounting assembly 200. This enables the rear part of the fuel-tank
section 45 are disposed behind the front protrusion 47a assembly 200 to be disposed in the limited space above
and forward of the rear protrusion 47b. Specifically, the the rear wheel 3 and under the seat 20.
fuel supply port 46 and the pump mounting section 45 40 [0069] The intake section 53 of the fuel pump unit 50
are disposed behind a phantom line 90f drawn from the has a filter (not shown) therein, for filtering the fuel in the
front end of the front load receiving section 90 in the width fuel tank 40 to eliminate dusts in the fuel when sucking
direction and forward of a phantom line 90g drawn from the fuel into the body 51. The intake section 53 is con-
the rear end of the rear load receiving section 91 in the nected to the lower end of the body 51, and extends
width direction. The fuel supply port 46 and the pump 45 downward from the lower end of the body 51, and also
mounting section 45 are arranged side by side in the extends to the right in the width direction, the end 53b of
width direction, behind the right-front load receiving sec- which is bent obliquely downward.
tion 90b and the left-front load receiving section 90a, re- [0070] In the fuel-tank assembly 200, the intake sec-
spectively. tion 53 is disposed on the extending part 43 in such a
[0064] The fuel pump unit 50 includes a body 51 for 50 manner that the end 53a is located above the reservoir
generating power for taking out the fuel in the fuel tank 43a of the extending part 43 of the fuel tank 40. The intake
40; an intake section 53 for taking the fuel in the fuel tank section 53 is disposed close to the extending part 43 with
40 into the body 51 by the power from the body 51, a a slight distance therefrom.
discharge section 52 for discharging the fuel taken in the [0071] The discharge section 52 of the fuel pump unit
body 51 outside the fuel tank 40, and a disc flange 54 55 50 is disposed above the upper end of the body 51. Spe-
fixed to the fuel tank 40, and a fuel gauge 55 for meas- cifically, of the fuel pump unit 50, the part from the upper
uring the amount of fuel in the fuel tank 40. end of the body 51 to the discharge section 52 extends
[0065] The body 51 has a substantially cylindrical upward from the upper end of the body 51 toward the
13 EP 1 777 149 B1 14
seat 20. The discharge section 52 has the projection 52a tor 56 having a terminal (not shown) for supplying power
projecting from the flange 54 and the cylindrical nozzle from the generator (not shown) of the motorcycle 1 to the
52b extending substantially horizontally from the projec- fuel pump unit 50.
tion 52a toward the rear. The end of the nozzle 52b has [0077] The flange 54 is disposed on the pump-insertion
a discharge opening 52c for discharging fuel, to which 5 opening 45a and pushed from above by a presser 321
one end of the fuel hose 201 is connected (see Fig. 2). against part of the pump mounting section 45 surround-
[0072] The discharge section 52 projects within the ing the pump-insertion opening 45a. The flange 54 is
range of the pump-insertion opening 45a of the upper tightened to the pump mounting section 45 together with
surface 44 of the fuel tank 40 facing the seat 20. As a the presser 321 by the plurality of bolts 320. The connec-
result, the discharge section 52 is located rearward with 10 tor 56 on the flange 54 is capped with a terminal coupler
respect to the first seat portion 21. The discharge section 57, from which a power supply harness 58 connected to
52 is located below the intermediate part 23, which is the terminal of the connector 56 extends to the left in the
between the first seat portion 21 and the second seat width direction (see Fig. 4). The connector 56 is also dis-
portion 22 of the seat 20. Specifically, as shown in Fig. posed between the left-front load receiving section 90a
3, the projection 52a and the nozzle 52b are located be- 15 and the right-front load receiving section 90b in the width
hind the phantom line 90f drawn from the rear end of the direction, as is the discharge section 52.
front load receiving section 90 in the width direction and [0078] The fuel gauge 55 of the fuel pump unit 50 has
forward of the phantom line 90g drawn from the front end a float 55a floatable in the fuel in the fuel tank 40. The
of the rear load receiving section 91 in the width direction. fuel gauge 55 measures the fuel level on the basis of the
[0073] As a result, the discharge section 52 is located 20 position of the float 55a floating up and down according
in the space below the seat 20 and above the fuel tank to the fluid level of the fuel in the fuel tank 40.
40 and between the front load receiving section 90 and [0079] The angle defined by the longitudinal direction
the rear load receiving section 91 above the rear wheel of the discharge section 52 and the longitudinal direction
3 and the rear fender 4. Accordingly, for example, even of the body 51 of the fuel pump unit 50 is fixed. In other
when the driver is seated in the first seat portion 21, and 25 words, the discharge section 52 and the body 51 are
the passenger is seated in the second seat portion 22, connected to each other such that the angle formed be-
the first seat portion 21 is deflected between the front tween the vertical direction of the discharge section 52
load receiving section 90 and the front support section and the direction of the inclination of the body 51 is con-
92, while the second seat portion 22 is deflected between stant.
the rear load receiving section 91 and the rear support 30 [0080] The fuel-tank assembly 200 is assembled such
section 93, so that the discharge section 52 is effectively that the fuel pump unit 50 is inserted from its lower end
protected from the deflection of the seat 20. into the fuel tank 40, and part of the fuel pump unit 50 is
[0074] The discharge section 52 is disposed between fixed to the fuel tank 40. Specifically, the fuel pump unit
the left-front load receiving section 90a and the right-front 50 is inserted from the side of the intake section 53 into
load receiving section 90b in the width direction. Specif- 35 the fuel tank 40 through the pump-insertion opening 45a
ically, as shown in Fig. 3, the projection 52a and the noz- of the fuel tank 40. The intake section 53 and the body
zle 52b of the discharge section 52 are located between 51 inserted into the fuel tank 40 are slid obliquely down-
the phantom line 90d drawn from the left end of the left- ward along the inclination of the inclined part 42 located
front load receiving section 90a in the width direction to below the pump-insertion opening 45a. Thus, the intake
the rear and the phantom line 90e drawn from the right 40 section 53 is disposed on the extending part 43 at the
end of the right-front load receiving section 90b in the lowest of the bottom 41 of the fuel tank 40, while the body
width direction to the rear. Accordingly, the discharge 51 is disposed to extend along the inclination of the in-
section 52 is effectively protected from the displacement clined part 42. The flange 54 is tightened to part of the
of the seat 20 due to a load. pump mounting section 45 surrounding the pump-inser-
[0075] The projection 52a and the nozzle 52b of the 45 tion opening 45a, on the upper end of the body 51 of the
discharge section 52 and the fuel hose 201 extending fuel pump unit 50 with the bolts 320 to thereby fix the fuel
from the nozzle 52b to the rear are disposed lower than pump unit 50 to the fuel tank 40. As a result, only part of
the upper surface of the rear protrusion 47b of the fuel the fuel pump unit 50, the intake section 53 and part of
tank 40. The nozzle 52b and the fuel hose 201 extend to the fuel gauge 55, are disposed on the extending part
the left of the rear protrusion 47b. The projection 52a, 50 43, and the other parts, the body 51, the flange 54, and
the nozzle 52b, and the fuel hose 201 are disposed higher the discharge section 52, are disposed on the inclined
than the part of the upper surface 44 other than the rear part 42.
protrusion 47b (including the front protrusion 47a). [0081] The fuel-tank assembly 200 with this structure
[0076] The flange 54 of the fuel pump unit 50, on the is fixed to the pair of left and right seat rails 14. Specifi-
upper end of the body 51, extends from the lower end of 55 cally, to the left seat rail 14a are fixed a left front stay 300
the projection 52a of the discharge section 52 in a disc and a left rear stay 301 that support the left side of the
form to the periphery. The flange 54 has a projecting fuel tank 40 at the front and rear, respectively, while to
connector 56 adjacent to the projection 52a, the connec- the right seat rail 14b are fixed a right front stay 302 and
15 EP 1 777 149 B1 16
a right rear stay 303 at the front and rear, respectively. [0086] The base 71 has a rear plate 74 extending from
The collar 48 of the fuel tank 40 is fixed to the four stays, the upper end of the rear of the storage wall 72b toward
so that the fuel-tank assembly 200 is secured to and be- the rear. As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, the rear plate 74 is
tween the left seat rail 14a and the right seat rail 14b. in contact with the rear support section 93 from above,
[0082] The tank cover 60 is a rubber sheet formed 5 the rear support section 93 projecting from the lower sur-
along the shape of the upper surface 44 of the fuel tank face of the seat 20. The rear plate 74 receives part of a
40 so as to cover the upper surface 44. The tank cover load on the seat 20 via the rear support section 93.
60 covers the top face of most of the part of the fuel-tank [0087] The base 71 further has a rear plate 75 extend-
assembly 200 disposed above the seat rails 14 except ing from the rear end of the rear plate 74 toward the rear.
the fuel supply port 46, the rear protrusion 47b, and the 10 The width of the rear plate 75 is substantially equal to
rear end of the fuel tank 40, and the discharge section the distance between the rear end of the left seat rail 14a
52 of the fuel pump unit 50. The tank cover 60 has a pair and the rear end of the right seat rail 14b. The left end
of right and left fins 61 that covers the parts of the left and right ends of the rear plate 75 have a pair of left and
seat rail 14a and the right seat rail 14b which are disposed right fixing holes 75a for fixing the base 71 to the left seat
outside the fuel tank 40 in the width direction. The tank 15 rail 14a and the right seat rail 14b, respectively.
cover 60 prevents the fuel that spilled when put into the [0088] The base 71 is disposed across the left seat rail
fuel tank 40 from flowing below the fuel tank 40. The tank 14a and the right seat rail 14b in the width direction. The
cover 60 has a plate weir 62 extending in the front-back both ends in the width direction are respectively fixed to
direction so as to separate the fuel supply port 46 of the the left seat rail 14a and the right seat rail 14b. Specifi-
fuel tank 40 from the discharge section 52 of the fuel 20 cally, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5, the left seat rail 14a fixes
pump unit 50. The weir 62 prevents, for example, the fuel to a left rear stay 304 behind the left rear stay 301 on the
that spilled around the fuel supply port 46 of the fuel tank back of the fuel tank 40, while the right seat rail 14b fixes
40 from flowing toward the discharge section 52. As has to a right rear stay 303. The storage bottom 72a of the
been described, the part of the tank cover 60 which cov- base 71 is secured at the left and right ends in the width
ers the front protrusion 47a of the fuel tank 40 has the 25 direction to the left rear stay 304 and the right rear stay
left-front load receiving section 90a and the right-front 303 with two bolts 72e (see Fig. 2) passed through the
load receiving section 90b projecting together with the pair of left and right fixing holes 72d, respectively. Thus,
other part to the seat 20. the base 71 is secured to the left seat rail 14a and the
[0083] The protective member 70 will next be de- right seat rail 14b through the left rear stay 304 and the
scribed in detail. Fig. 13 is a perspective view of the ve- 30 right rear stay 303, respectively.
hicle body of Fig. 4 with the protective member 70; Fig. [0089] At the rear ends of the left seat rail 14a and the
14 is a perspective view of the vehicle body of Fig. 5 with right seat rail 14b, a rear-end support member 310 is
the protective member 70; Figs. 15 and 16 are a plan fixed at both ends across the left seat rail 14a and the
view and a left side view of the protective member 70, right seat rail 14b. The rear plate 75 of the base 71 is
respectively; Fig. 17 is a cross-sectional view of the pro- 35 fixed at the right and left ends in the width direction to
tective member 70 taken along line C-C of Fig. 15; and the rear-end support member 310 with two bolts 75b (see
Figs. 18 and 19 are cross-sectional views of the protec- Fig. 2) passed through the pair of right and left fixing
tive member 70 taken along line D-D and line E-E of Fig. holes 75a. Thus, the base 71 is fixed to the left seat rail
16, respectively. 14a and the right seat rail 14b through the rear-end sup-
[0084] The whole protective member 70 is made of 40 port member 310. The base 71 is thus disposed across
resin, and includes a base 71 fixed to the left seat rail the left seat rail 14a and the right seat rail 14b in the width
14a and the right seat rail 14b and a pump cover 76 in- direction. In this way, the base 71 is disposed close to
tegrated with the base 71 and covering the discharge and behind the fuel tank 40.
section 52 on the fuel tank 40. [0090] The base 71 further has a hose cover 72c which
[0085] The base 71 is a storage box having a down- 45 is part of the storage bottom 72a and the storage wall
wardly recessed storage section 72. The storage section 72b and which extends inside the storage section 72 so
72 includes an article storage bottom 72a and a storage as to cover the part 201 a (hereinafter, referred to as a
wall 72b extending upward from the storage bottom 72a folded part 201 a) of the fuel hose 201 extending toward
so as to surround the storage bottom 72a. The storage the back of the fuel tank 40, which is folded back to the
bottom 72a is inclined to the lower front along the left 50 front at the rear end of the fuel tank 40. The hose cover
seat rail 14a and the right seat rail 14b in the front-back 72c projects from the front of the storage wall 72b to the
direction. The width of the storage bottom 72a is sub- rear so as to follow the folded part 201 a of the fuel hose
stantially equal to the distance between the left seat rail 201. The folded part 201 a of the fuel hose 201 is disposed
14a and the right seat rail 14b. The storage bottom 72a outside the hose cover 72c so as to extend along the
has a pair of left and right fixing holes 72d for fixing the 55 projection of the hose cover 72c. Since the hose cover
base 71 to the left seat rail 14a and the right seat rail 14b 72c for protecting the folded part 201 a of the fuel hose
at the right and left ends in the width direction, respec- 201 projects into part of the storage space of the storage
tively. section 72, the number of components can be decreased,
17 EP 1 777 149 B1 18
and the motorcycle 1 can be reduced in size in the front- 76, the bumpers 77 come into contact with the bolts 320
back direction. to thereby absorb the impact effectively. That is, the
[0091] The fuel hose 201 is folded forward so as to roll bumpers 77 can reduce the impact on the periphery of
in the rear end of the collar 48 of the fuel tank 40 from the relatively low-rigidity pump-insertion opening 45a of
above to below, and extends forward along the left side 5 the upper surface 44 of the fuel tank 40. The bumpers
of the fuel tank 40 between the seat rails 14 and the 77 may be in contact with the opposing bolts 320 even
backstays 13. In other words, the fuel hose 201 extends if no impact is applied to the pump cover 76.
from the discharge section 52 of the fuel-tank assembly [0096] The battery case 80 will then be described in
200 to the injector 32 of the engine 30 without sticking detail. Fig. 20 is a perspective view of the battery case
out of the pair of right and left seat rails 14 to the exterior 10 80; and Fig. 21 is a perspective view of the battery case
in the width direction. This allows the size reduction of 80 without an upper cover 82 of the battery case 80 of
the motorcycle 1 in the width direction. Fig. 20.
[0092] The base 71 also has a front plate 73 extending [0097] The battery case 80 includes a top-open casing
from the upper end of the front of the storage wall 72b 81 for accommodating the battery 87, the upper cover
toward the front. The front plate 73 extends to the lower 15 82 disposed on the top of the casing 81, and a fixing
front. The width of the front plate 73 is substantially equal section for fixing the upper cover 82 to the casing 81.
to the distance between the left seat rail 14a and the right [0098] The battery case 80 is fixed to part of the body
seat rail 14b. The front plate 73 has, in the center in the frame 10 in front of and close to the fuel tank 40. Specif-
width direction, an opening 73a in which the rear protru- ically, the part of the pair of left and right seat rails 14a
sion 47b of the fuel tank 40 adjacent to the front of the 20 and 14b which extends forward of the fuel tank 40 has a
base 71 is disposed. Specifically, as shown in Figs. 13 cross member 16 which is part of the body frame 10 and
and 14, the rear protrusion 47b of the fuel tank 40 is extends in the width direction so as to connect the left
arranged to be exposed in the opening 73a of the front and right seat rails 14a and 14b. On the cross member
plate 73, so that the rear load receiving section 91 pro- 16, a front-end support member 311 is fixed for support-
jecting from the lower surface of the seat 20 is in direct 25 ing the battery case 80 (see Fig. 4). The casing 81 is
contact with the rear protrusion 47b, as shown in Fig. 2. fixed on the front-end support member 311, so that the
[0093] The rear end of the pump cover 76 of the pro- battery case 80 is fixed to the cross member 16 through
tective member 70 connects to the front end of the front the front-end support member 311. The casing 81 has a
plate 73 and extends forward from the front end of the plate-like rear projection 81 a projecting to the rear (see
front plate 73 substantially horizontally. The pump cover 30 Figs. 2 and 3).
76 is formed such that substantially the left half of the [0099] A front end part 82a of the upper cover 82 pivots
front plate 73 in the width direction extends forward. In on a hinge 92a of the front support section 92. Specifi-
other words, the pump cover 76 is integrated with the cally, the upper cover 82 can be opened or closed by the
front plate 73 and the storage section 72 which are wider rotation of the front end part 82a about a hinge shaft 92b
than the width of the pump cover 76. Thus, an impact on 35 (see Fig. 2) of the hinge 92a. The upper cover 82 has a
the pump cover 76 is efficiently dispersed to the base 71 plate-like front projection 82b projecting to the front.
having the front plate 73 and the storage section 72. [0100] Referring to Fig. 21, the fixing section 83 in-
[0094] The pump cover 76 has projections and depres- cludes a plate-like mount 84 disposed underneath the
sions corresponding to the shapes of the projection 52a upper cover 82, a ring-shaped band 85 one top of the
and the nozzle 52b of the discharge section 52, the fuel 40 upper cover 82, and a through portion 86 passing through
hose 201, the terminal coupler 57, the harness 58 dis- the center of the upper cover 82 vertically. The whole
posed on the fuel tank 40 and the bolts 320 fixing the fixing section 83 is made of rubber, in which the mount
flange 54 to the upper surface 44, and is disposed in the 84, the band 85, and the through portion 86 are integrally
vicinity of the upper side of the components so as to cover formed.
them. The pump cover 76 is secured to the tank cover 45 [0101] The mount 84 includes a front mount 84a ex-
60 with a screw 78. tending from the lower end of the through portion 86 to-
[0095] A plurality of cylindrical bumpers 77 that can be ward the front and a rear mount 84b extending from the
in contact with the upper end of part of the bolts 320 which lower end of the through portion 86 toward the rear, and
fix the flange 54 of the fuel pump unit 50 to the upper is disposed between the lower surface of the upper cover
surface 44 of the fuel tank 40 is disposed in the position 50 82 and the battery 87 in the casing 81. The front mount
of the pump cover 76 facing the part of the bolts 320. The 84a and the rear mount 84b have different heights; the
bumpers 77 are disposed close to above the bolts 320 front mount 84a is lower than the rear mount 84b. The
at a specified distance from the opposing bolts 320 so upper surfaces of the front mount 84a and the rear mount
as to come into contact with the bolts 320. The bumpers 84b are in contact with the lower surface of the upper
77 are made of rubber so that they can be elastically 55 cover 82, and the lower surfaces are in contact with the
deformed by a smaller load than the resin pump cover upper surface of the battery 87 in the casing 81. The front
76. Accordingly, for example, even if the pump cover 76 mount 84a and the rear mount 84b press down the battery
is deflected downward by an impact on the pump cover 87 in the casing 81, on the lower surface of the upper
19 EP 1 777 149 B1 20
cover 82. ceiving section 91 may have the partial load receiving
[0102] The band 85 includes a ring-shaped front band sections or both of the front load receiving section 90 and
85a extending from the upper end of the through portion the rear load receiving section 91 may have the partial
86 toward the front and a ring-shaped rear band 85b ex- load receiving sections. In this case, the partial load re-
tending from the upper end of the through portion 86 to- 5 ceiving sections may not necessarily be disposed side
ward the rear. The ring-shaped front band 85a and the by side in the width direction but may be disposed in
ring-shaped rear band 85b have different diameters of different positions in the front-back direction.
the ring; the diameter of the ring-shaped front band 85a [0107] For example, one front load receiving section
is smaller than that of the ring-shaped rear band 85b. At 90 and one rear load receiving section 91 may be dis-
the rear end of the ring-shaped rear band 85b is provided 10 posed. In this case, the front load receiving section 90
a plate-like tab 85c extending upward. and the rear load receiving section 91 may not neces-
[0103] The front band 85a is engaged with the front sarily be disposed in the center in the width direction, but
projection 82b of the upper cover 82 (see Fig. 2). Spe- may be disposed either of the right and left side in the
cifically, the end of the ring-shaped front band 85a can width direction.
be brought into engagement with the front projection 82b 15 [0108] For example, the front load receiving section 90
of the upper cover 82 by drawing the front band 85a to and the rear load receiving section 91 may project from
the front. The fixing section 83 is thus fixed to the upper either the seat 20 or the fuel tank 40. In other words, the
cover 82. The rear band 85b is engaged with a plate-like front load receiving section 90 and the rear load receiving
rear projection 81 a projecting from the rear of the casing section 91 may be either integrated with the tank cover
81 (see Fig. 2). Specifically, the end of the ring-shaped 20 60, the fuel tank 40, and the seat 20 or may be separated
rear band 85b can be brought into engagement with the therefrom. The front load receiving section 90 and the
rear projection 81 a of the casing 81 by drawing the rear rear load receiving section 91 are not necessarily shaped
band 85b to the rear with the tab 85c. Thus the upper in a square pillar but may be shaped in a column or an-
cover 82 is fixed to the casing 81 by the fixing section 83. other polygonal pillar.
[0104] The motorcycle 1 has a service terminal 107 25 [0109] The front load receiving section 90 or the rear
disposed under the seat 20, which is exposed upward load receiving section 91 may have a hinge that pivotally
with the seat 20 opened upward. The service terminal supports the seat 20 or another component. That is, for
107 is disposed on the right in the width direction of the example, the front load receiving section 90 may have a
upper cover 82 of the battery case 80, for use in checking hinge disposed at the front of the fuel tank 40, for pivotally
electronic equipment such as a speed meter (not shown) 30 supporting the front end of the seat 20. In this case, the
of the motorcycle 1. The end of a positive harness 107a front load receiving section 90 is not necessarily disposed
of the service terminal 107 and the end of a negative on the upper surface 44 of the fuel tank 40 facing the
harness 107b are detachably joined together through a seat 20, but may project from part of the surface of the
terminal cap 107c. fuel tank 40.
[0105] The present straddle-type vehicle is not limited 35 [0110] The front load receiving section 90 and the rear
to the foregoing embodiment. The inclined part 42 of the load receiving section 91 are not necessarily made of
fuel tank 40 is not necessarily inclined while curving in rubber. For example, the front load receiving section 90
the front-back direction; for example, when disposed for- and the rear load receiving section 91 may be made of
ward of the rotation shaft 3a of the rear wheel 3, the in- a material elastically deformable when pressed by the
clined part 42 may be inclined to the lower front in a line. 40 seat 20 deformed by a load to absorb the impact on the
Also, for example, the extending part 43 of the fuel tank seat 20. Specifically, for example, when the front load
40 may further extend from the lower end of the inclined receiving section 90 has a hinge that pivotally supports
part 42 downward into the lowest position of the bottom the front end of the seat 20, the front load receiving sec-
41. For example, the extending part 43 of the fuel tank tion 90 may be made of metal integrated with or separate
40 may curve in the width direction or the front-back di- 45 from the fuel tank 40.
rection. Also, for example, the bottom 41 of the fuel tank [0111] The base 71 of the protective member 70 is not
40 may not have the extending part 43, in which case, limited to that of the foregoing embodiment provided that
the intake section 53 of the fuel pump unit 50 may be it is fixed to the body frame 10 and can disperse an impact
disposed in the lowest part of the bottom 41 of the fuel on the pump cover 76. In other words, the base 71 is not
tank 40. That is, the intake section 53 is disposed close 50 particularly limited provided that it is fixed to part of the
on the lowest part of the inclined part 42. body frame 10, and is adjacent to, or in front of or behind
[0106] The number and shape of the front load receiv- the fuel tank 40. Specifically, the base 71 can be a three-
ing section 90 and the rear load receiving section 91 are dimensional member such as the battery case 80, the
not limited to those shown in the embodiment. For ex- rear fender 4, or the body cover 100.
ample, when at least one of the front load receiving sec- 55 [0112] The base 71 is not necessarily fixed to the seat
tion 90 and the rear load receiving section 91 has at least rails 14 of the body frame; for example, the base 71 may
two partial load receiving sections disposed apart from be another part of the body frame 10, which is fixed to
each other in the width direction, only the rear load re- and across the right frame and the left frame arranged
21 EP 1 777 149 B1 22
side by side in the width direction. In this case, for exam- seat may be disposed on a first load receiving section
ple, the base 71 is wider than the pump cover 76 in the and a second load receiving section disposed apart from
width direction, and both ends of which in the width di- each other in the front-back direction to receive a load
rection are fixed to part of the pair of right and left body on the seat; and the discharge section may be disposed
frames. The protective member 70 is not necessarily 5 between the first load receiving section and the second
made of resin but may be made of metal that can disperse load receiving section. For example, this embodiment
an impact on the pump cover 76. can provide a seat with a sufficient thickness while pro-
[0113] The fixing section 83 of the battery case 80 is tecting the discharge section from the deflection of the
not necessarily made of rubber but may be made of an- seat due to a load.
other reversibly elastic material. The service terminal 107 10 [0119] Further, according to a preferred aspect, the
is not necessarily disposed adjacent to the battery case seat may include a first seat portion for a first rider and
80; for example, it may be disposed under the seat 20 a second seat portion for a second rider on the back of
so as to be exposed for use when the seat 20 is opened. the first rider; and the discharge section may be disposed
[0114] The description above discloses (amongst oth- between the first seat portion and the second seat por-
ers), in order to solve the problems, an embodiment of a 15 tion. According to this embodiment, for example, since
straddle-type vehicle which includes a seat for riders, at the discharge section is disposed below neither of the
least part of the seat being disposed first seat portion or the second seat portion, a sufficient
above a rear wheel; a fuel tank for keeping a fuel therein thickness can be assured for the first seat portion and
having a bottom including a part inclined in the front-back the second seat portion.
direction of the vehicle above the rear wheel and below 20 [0120] Further, according to a preferred aspect, the
the seat; and a fuel pump unit for supplying the fuel in seat may be disposed on a first load receiving section
the fuel tank to an engine, the fuel pump unit having a disposed under the first seat portion to receive a load on
body extending on and along the inclined part of the bot- the first seat portion and a second load receiving section
tom in the fuel tank. disposed under the second seat portion to receive a load
[0115] This embodiment can provide a straddle-type 25 on the second seat portion; and the discharge section
vehicle having a fuel-tank assembly that can be disposed may be disposed between the first load receiving section
in the limited space between the rear wheel and the seat and the second load receiving section. This embodiment
without impairment of the comfortable ride of the strad- can provide the first seat portion and the second seat
dle-type vehicle. Specifically, for example, this embodi- portion with a sufficient thickness while effectively pro-
ment can reduce the height of the fuel tank, thus providing 30 tecting the discharge section from the deflection of the
sufficient thickness of the seat and suspension stroke of first seat portion and the second seat portion due to a
the rear wheel while limiting the height of the straddle- load.
type vehicle from the supporting surface of the rear wheel [0121] Further, according to a preferred aspect, at
to the top face of the seat to a specified threshold or least part of the inclined part of the bottom may be shaped
below. The straddle-type vehicle according to this em- 35 like a saddle that straddles the rear wheel in the width
bodiment includes, for example, a motorcycle (including direction. For example, this embodiment enables the fuel
an electric motor bicycle), a four-wheeled buggy, and a tank to be disposed close to the rear wheel, thus providing
snowmobile. sufficient seat thickness and suspension stroke of the
[0116] According to a preferred aspect, the inclined rear wheel.
part of the bottom may be disposed above the front of 40 [0122] Further, according to a preferred aspect, the
the rear wheel with respect to the rotation shaft thereof, bottom may further include an extending part extending
and inclined to the lower front. For example, this embod- in a curve from the lower end of the inclined part into the
iment enables the center of gravity of the fuel in the fuel lowest position of the bottom; and the fuel pump unit may
tank to be close to the center of gravity of the vehicle include an intake section connected to the body and suck-
body in the front-back direction, thus improving the com- 45 ing the fuel, at least part of the intake section being dis-
fortable ride during the driving of the straddle-type vehi- posed on the extending part. For example, this embodi-
cle. ment can provide a sufficient capacity of tank.
[0117] Further, according to a preferred aspect, the [0123] The description further discloses an embodi-
fuel pump unit may further include a discharge section ment, which is not of the invention, of a fuel-tank assem-
disposed on the fuel tank and discharging the fuel in the 50 bly which includes: a fuel tank mounted to a straddle-
fuel tank to the outside of the fuel tank, the discharge type vehicle including a seat at least part of which is dis-
section being located at the upper part of the vehicle and posed above a rear wheel, the fuel tank for keeping a
at the upper end of the body and being connected to the fuel therein and having a bottom including a part inclined
upper end of the body. This embodiment enables the in the front-back direction of the vehicle above the rear
discharge section to be disposed behind the seat for the 55 wheel and below the seat; and a fuel pump unit for sup-
driver, thus providing a driver seat with a sufficient thick- plying the fuel in the fuel tank to an engine, the fuel pump
ness. unit having a body extending on and along the inclined
[0118] Further, according to a preferred aspect, the part of the bottom in the fuel tank. This embodiment can
23 EP 1 777 149 B1 24
provide a fuel-tank assembly that can be disposed in the sembly comprising: a fuel tank for keeping a fuel therein
limited space between the rear wheel and the seat with- and mounted to a straddle-type vehicle including a seat
out impairment of the comfortable ride of the straddle- at least part of which is disposed above a rear wheel, the
type vehicle. fuel tank having a bottom including a part inclined in the
[0124] Thus, according to a first aspect, there is dis- 5 front-back direction of the vehicle above the rear wheel
closed a straddle-type vehicle comprising: a seat for rid- and below the seat; and a fuel pump unit for supplying
ers, at least part of the seat being disposed above a rear the fuel in the fuel tank to an engine, the fuel pump unit
wheel; a fuel tank for keeping a fuel therein and having having a body extending on and along the inclined part
a bottom including a part inclined in the front-back direc- of the bottom in the fuel tank.
tion of the vehicle above the rear wheel and below the 10 [0133] The description further discloses a preferred
seat; and a fuel pump unit for supplying the fuel in the tenth aspect, which is an embodiment of a straddle-type
fuel tank to an engine, the fuel pump unit having a body vehicle comprising: a fuel tank for keeping a fuel therein
extending on and along the inclined part of the bottom in having a bottom including a part inclined in the front-back
the fuel tank. direction of the vehicle; and a fuel pump unit for supplying
[0125] Further, according to a preferred second as- 15 the fuel in the fuel tank to an engine, the fuel pump unit
pect, the inclined part of the bottom is disposed above having a body extending on and along the inclined part
the front of the rear wheel with respect to the rotation of the bottom in the fuel tank.
shaft thereof, and is inclined to the lower front. [0134] Likewise, according to a particularly preferred
[0126] Further, according to a preferred third aspect, embodiment, there is disclosed, in order to provide a fuel-
the fuel pump unit further comprises a discharge section 20 tank assembly that can be disposed in the space between
disposed on the fuel tank and discharging the fuel in the the rear wheel and the seat without impairment of the
fuel tank to the outside of the fuel tank, the discharge comfortable ride of a straddle-type vehicle, and a strad-
section being located at the upper part of the vehicle and dle-type vehicle including the fuel-tank assembly, an em-
at the upper end of the body and being connected to the bodiment of a straddle-type vehicle including: a seat for
upper end of the body. 25 riders, at least part of the seat being disposed above a
[0127] Further, according to a preferred fourth aspect, rear wheel; a fuel tank for storing a fuel therein and having
the seat is disposed on a first load receiving section and a bottom including a part inclined in the front-back direc-
a second load receiving section disposed apart from each tion of the vehicle above the rear wheel and below the
other in the front-back direction to receive a load on the seat; and a fuel pump unit for supplying the fuel in the
seat; and the discharge section is disposed between the 30 fuel tank to an engine, the fuel pump unit having a body
first load receiving section and the second load receiving extending on and along the inclined part of the bottom in
section. the fuel tank.
[0128] Further, according to a preferred fifth aspect,
the seat includes a first seat portion for a first rider and
a second seat portion for a second rider on the back of 35 Claims
the first rider; and the discharge section is disposed be-
tween the first seat portion and the second seat portion. 1. Straddle-type vehicle (1) with a fuel-tank assembly,
[0129] Further, according to a preferred sixth aspect, comprising:
the seat is disposed on a first load receiving section dis-
posed under the first seat portion to receive a load on 40 a fuel tank (40) for keeping a fuel therein having
the first seat portion and a second load receiving section a bottom (41) including an inclined part (42) in-
disposed under the second seat portion to receive a load clined in the front-back direction of the vehicle
on the second seat portion; and the discharge section is (1);
disposed between the first load receiving section and the a seat (20), wherein at least part of the seat (20)
second load receiving section. 45 is disposed above a rear wheel (3);
[0130] Further, according to a preferred seventh as- wherein the fuel tank (40) having the bottom (41)
pect, at least part of the inclined part of the bottom is including the inclined part (42) inclined in the
shaped like a saddle that straddles the rear wheel in the front-back direction of the vehicle (1) is provided
width direction. above the rear wheel (3) and below the seat (20);
[0131] Further, according to a preferred eighth aspect, 50 and
the bottom further includes an extending part extending a fuel pump unit (50) for supplying the fuel in the
in a curve from the lower end of the inclined part into the fuel tank to an engine, the fuel pump unit (50)
lowest position of the bottom; and the fuel pump unit in- having a body (51),
cludes an intake section connected to the body and suck- characterized in that
ing the fuel, at least part of the intake section being dis- 55 the body (51) of the fuel pump unit (50) extends
posed on the extending part. on and substantially along the inclined part (42)
[0132] The description discloses further a preferred of the bottom (41) in the fuel tank (40) for sup-
ninth aspect, which is an embodiment of a fuel-tank as- plying the fuel in the fuel tank (40) to the engine.
25 EP 1 777 149 B1 26
2. Straddle-type vehicle according to claim 1, charac- includes an extending part (43) extending in a curve
terized in that the body (51) of the fuel pump unit from the lower end of the inclined part (42) into the
(50) is provided for generating power for taking out lowest position of the bottom (41), and wherein the
the fuel stored inside the fuel tank (40). fuel pump unit (50) includes an intake section (53)
5 connected to the body (51) and adapted to suck the
3. Straddle-type vehicle according to claim 1 or 2, char- fuel, at least part of the intake section (53) being
acterized in that the fuel pump unit (50) further in- disposed on the extending part (43).
cludes a discharge section (52) for discharging fuel
to the outside of the fuel tank (40), the discharge
section being located at the upper part of the vehicle 10 Patentansprüche
and at the upper end of the body and being connect-
ed to the upper end of the body. 1. Fahrzeug (1) vom Spreizsitz- Typ mit einer Kraft-
stofftankanordnung, aufweisend:
4. Straddle-type vehicle according to one of the claims
1 to 3, characterized in that the inclined part (42) 15 einen Kraftstofftank (40), um darin einen Kraft-
of the bottom (41) is disposed above the front of the stoff aufzubewahren (41), der einen Boden (41)
rear wheel (3) with respect to a rotation shaft (3a) hat, der einen geneigten Teil (42), geneigt in der
thereof, and is inclined to the lower front. Vorwärts- Rückwärts- Richtung des Fahrzeu-
ges (1), enthält;
5. Straddle-type vehicle according to one of the claims 20 einen Sitz (20), wobei zumindest ein Teil des
1 to 4, characterized in that the seat (20) is dis- Sitzes (20) oberhalb des Hinterrades (3) ange-
posed on a first load receiving section (90) and a ordnet ist;
second load receiving section (91) disposed apart wobei der Kraftstofftank (40), der den Boden
from each other in the front-back direction to receive (41) hat, der den geneigten Teil (42), geneigt in
a load on the seat (20). 25 der Vorwärts- Rückwärts- Richtung des Fahr-
zeuges (1), enthält, oberhalb des Hinterrades
6. Straddle-type vehicle according to claim 5, charac- (3) und unter dem Sitz (20) angeordnet ist; und
terized in that the discharge section (52) is disposed eine Kraftstoffpumpeneinheit (50) zum Zufüh-
between the first load receiving section (90) and the ren des Kraftstoffes in dem Kraftstofftank zu ei-
second load receiving section (91). 30 ner Brennkraftmaschine, wobei die Kraftstoff-
pumpeneinheit (50) einen Körper (51) hat,
7. Straddle-type vehicle according to one of the claims dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
2 to 6, characterized in that the seat (20) includes sich der Körper (51) der Kraftstoffpumpenein-
a first seat portion (21) for a first rider and a second heit (50) auf und im Wesentlichen entlang des
seat portion (22) for a second rider on the back of 35 geneigten Teils (42) des Bodens (41) in dem
the first rider, and wherein the discharge section is Kraftstofftank (40) erstreckt, um den Kraftstoff
disposed between the first seat portion (21) and the in dem Kraftstofftank (40) zu der Brennkraftma-
second seat portion (22). schine zuzuführen.
8. Straddle-type vehicle according to claim 7, charac- 40 2. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach Anspruch 1, da-
terized in that the first load receiving section (90) durch gekennzeichnet, dass der Körper (51) der
is disposed under the first seat portion (21) to receive Kraftstoffpumpeneinheit (50) zum Erzeugen von Lei-
a load on the first seat portion (21) and the second stung vorgesehen ist, um den innerhalb des Kraft-
load receiving section (91) disposed under the sec- stofftanks (40) gespeicherten Kraftstoff zu entneh-
ond seat portion (22) to receive a load on the second 45 men.
seat portion (22), and
wherein the discharge section (52) is disposed be- 3. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach Anspruch 1 oder
tween the first load receiving section (90) and the 2, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Körper (51)
second load receiving section (91). der Kraftstoffpumpeneinheit (50) außerdem einen
50 Abgabeabschnitt (52) enthält, um Kraftstoff nach au-
9. Straddle-type vehicle according to one of the claims ßerhalb des Kraftstofftanks (40) abzugeben, wobei
1 to 8, characterized in that at least part of the der Abgabeabschnitt an dem oberen Teil des Fahr-
inclined part (42) of the bottom (41) is shaped like a zeuges und an dem oberen Ende des Körpers an-
saddle that straddles the rear wheel (3) in the width geordnet ist und mit dem oberen Ende des Körpers
direction. 55 verbunden ist.
10. Straddle-type vehicle according to one of the claims 4. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach einem der An-
1 to 9, characterized in that the bottom (41) further sprüche 1 bis 3, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
27 EP 1 777 149 B1 28
der geneigte Teil (42) des Bodens (41) oberhalb der Revendications
Vorderseite des Hinterrades (3) in Bezug auf seine
Drehwelle (3a) angeordnet ist und zu der unteren 1. Véhicule de type monté à califourchon (1) avec un
Vorderseite geneigt ist. assemblage de réservoir de carburant, comprenant :
5. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach einem der An- un réservoir de carburant (40) pour contenir un
sprüche 1 bis 4, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass carburant à l’intérieur de celui-ci ayant un fond
der Sitz (20) auf einem ersten Lastaufnahmeab- (41) comprenant une partie inclinée (42) inclinée
schnitt (90) angeordnet ist und ein zweiter Lastauf- dans la direction de l’avant vers l’arrière du vé-
nahmeabschnitt (91) davon beabstandet in der Vor- 10 hicule (1) ;
wärts- Rückwärts- Richtung angeordnet ist, um eine un siège (20), dans lequel au moins une partie
Last auf dem Sitz (20) aufzunehmen. du siège (20) est disposée au-dessus d’une roue
arrière (3) ;
6. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach Anspruch 5, da- dans lequel le réservoir de carburant (40) ayant
durch gekennzeichnet, dass der Abgabeabschnitt 15 le fond (41) comprenant la partie inclinée (42)
(52) zwischen dem ersten Lastaufnahmeabschnitt inclinée dans la direction de l’avant vers l’arrière
(90) und dem zweiten Lastaufnahmeabschnitt (91) du véhicule (1) est disposé au-dessus de la roue
angeordnet ist. arrière (3) et au-dessous du siège (20) ; et
une unité de pompe à carburant (50) pour fournir
7. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach einem der An- 20 le carburant dans le réservoir de carburant à un
sprüche 1 bis 4, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass moteur, l’unité de pompe à carburant (50) ayant
der Sitz (20) einen ersten Sitzabschnitt (21) für einen un corps (51),
ersten Fahrer und einen zweiten Sitzabschnitt (22) caractérisé en ce que
für einen zweiten Fahrer hinter dem ersten Fahrers le corps (51) de l’unité de pompe à carburant
enthält, und wobei der Abgabeabschnitt zwischen 25 (50) s’étend sur et sensiblement le long de la
dem ersten Sitzabschnitt (21) und dem zweiten Sitz- partie inclinée (42) du fond (41) dans le réservoir
abschnitt (22) angeordnet ist. de carburant (40) pour fournir le carburant dans
le réservoir de carburant (40) au moteur.
8. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach Anspruch 7, da-
durch gekennzeichnet, dass der erste Lastauf- 30 2. Véhicule de type monté à califourchon selon la re-
nahmeabschnitt (90) unter dem ersten Sitzabschnitt vendication 1, caractérisé en ce que le corps (51)
(21) angeordnet ist, um eine Last auf den ersten Sitz- de l’unité de pompe à carburant (50) est fourni pour
abschnitt (21) aufzunehmen, und der zweite Last- générer de la puissance pour prendre du carburant
aufnahmeabschnitt (91) unter dem zweiten Sitzab- stocké à l’intérieur du réservoir de carburant (40).
schnitt (22) angeordnet ist, um eine Last auf dem 35
zweiten Sitzabschnitt (22) aufzunehmen, und 3. Véhicule de type monté à califourchon selon la re-
wobei der Abgabeabschnitt (52) zwischen dem er- vendication 1 ou 2, caractérisé en ce que l’unité de
sten Lastaufnahmeabschnitt (90) und dem zweiten pompe à carburant (50) comprend en outre une sec-
Lastaufnahmeabschnitt (91) angeordnet ist. tion de refoulement (52) pour refouler le carburant à
40 l’extérieur du réservoir de carburant (40), la section
9. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach einem der An- de refoulement étant située au niveau de la partie
sprüche 1 bis 8, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass supérieure du véhicule et à l’extrémité supérieure du
zumindest ein Teil des geneigten Teils (42) des Bo- corps et étant connectée à l’extrémité supérieure du
dens (41) wie ein Sattel geformt ist, der das Hinterrad corps.
(3) in Richtung der Breite überspannt. 45
4. Véhicule de type monté à califourchon selon l’une
10. Fahrzeug vom Spreizsitz- Typ nach einem der An- des revendications 1 à 3, caractérisé en ce que la
sprüche 1 bis 9, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass partie inclinée (42) du fond (41) est disposée au-
der Boden (41) außerdem einen sich erstreckenden dessus de l’avant de la roue arrière (3) par rapport
Teil (43) enthält, der sich in einer Krümmung von 50 à un arbre de rotation (3a) de celle-ci, et est inclinée
dem unteren Ende des geneigten Teils (42) in die vers le bas de l’avant de la roue arrière.
unterste Position des Bodens (41) erstreckt und wo-
bei die Kraftstoffpumpeneinheit (50) einen Einlassa- 5. Véhicule de type monté à califourchon selon l’une
bschnitt (53) enthält, verbunden mit dem Körper (51) des revendications 1 à 4, caractérisé en ce que le
und vorgesehen, den Kraftstoff anzusaugen, wobei 55 siège (20) est disposé sur une première section de
zumindest ein Teil des Einlassabschnittes (53) an réception de charge (90) et une deuxième section
dem sich erstreckenden Teil (43) angeordnet ist. de réception de charge (91) disposées à l’écart l’une
de l’autre dans la direction de l’avant vers l’arrière
29 EP 1 777 149 B1 30
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