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(11) EP 3 885 538 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) International Patent Classification (IPC):
of the grant of the patent: F01D 21/04 (2006.01) F02C 7/277 (2006.01)
26.07.2023 Bulletin 2023/30
(52) Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC):
(21) Application number: 21160517.5 F01D 21/045; F02C 7/277; F05D 2300/505;
Y02T 50/60
(22) Date of filing: 03.03.2021


(84) Designated Contracting States: • DRANSCHAK, David

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB Jacksonville, Florida 32256 (US)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR Jacksonville, Florida 32256 (US)
• PATIL, Sharad
(30) Priority: 26.03.2020 IN 202011013207 Jacksonville, Florida 32256 (US)
(43) Date of publication of application: Jacksonville, Florida 32256 (US)
29.09.2021 Bulletin 2021/39
(74) Representative: Openshaw & Co.
(73) Proprietor: Unison Industries LLC 8 Castle Street
Jacksonville, FL 32256 (US) Farnham, Surrey GU9 7HR (GB)

(72) Inventors: (56) References cited:

• ASDEV, Jasraj EP-A1- 3 090 148 EP-A1- 3 263 848
Jacksonville, Florida 32256 (US) WO-A1-2015/094421
• NAYAK, Subrata
Jacksonville, Florida 32256 (US)
EP 3 885 538 B1

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Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Processed by Luminess, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 3 885 538 B1 2


TECHNICAL FIELD [0008] A full and enabling disclosure of the present in-
vention, including the best mode thereof, directed to one
[0001] The disclosure generally relates to an air turbine 5 of ordinary skill in the art, is set forth in the specification,
starter comprising a containment system, specifically for which makes reference to the appended figures:
a containment system surrounding a turbine rotor in an
air turbine starter. FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a turbine engine with
[0002] The present invention relates to an air turbine an accessory gearbox and an air turbine starter in
starter for starting an engine and to a method of forming 10 accordance with various aspects described herein.
a containment structure for an air turbine starter. FIG. 2 is cross-sectional view of an exemplary air
turbine starter that can be included in FIG. 1.
BACKGROUND FIG. 3 is an enlarged cross-sectional view of a por-
tion of the air turbine starter of FIG. 2 including a
[0003] An aircraft engine, for example a gas turbine 15 containment system.
engine, is engaged in regular operation to an air turbine FIG. 4A is a schematic cross-sectional view of a con-
starter. The air turbine starter (ATS) can be used to ini- tainment band of the containment system of FIG. 3
tiate the rotation of the combustion engine. The ATS is according to an aspect of the disclosure described
often mounted near the engine and can be coupled to a herein.
high-pressure fluid source, such as compressed air, 20 FIG. 4B is a schematic cross-sectional view of a con-
which impinges upon a turbine rotor in the ATS causing tainment band of the containment system of FIG. 3
it to rotate at a relatively high rate of speed. The ATS according to another aspect of the disclosure de-
includes an output shaft that is coupled to the turbine scribed herein.
rotor, typically through a reducing gear box, to the engine. FIG. 5 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a con-
The output shaft thus rotates with the turbine wheel. This 25 tainment band of the containment system of FIG. 3
rotation in turn causes a rotatable element of the com- according to another aspect of the disclosure de-
bustion engine (e.g. the crankshaft or the rotatable shaft) scribed herein.
to begin rotating. The rotation by the ATS continues until FIG. 6 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a con-
the combustion engine attains a self-sustaining operating tainment band of the containment system of FIG. 3
rotational speed. EP 3 263 848 A1 discloses a deform- 30 according to yet another aspect of the disclosure de-
able turbine bearing mount for an air turbine starter that scribed herein, which does not correspond to the
comprises a housing and a containment structure. WO claims and is not a part of the invention.
2015 094421 A1 discloses a gas turbine engine having
an energy dissipating gap and a containment layer. DETAILED DESCRIPTION
BRIEF DESCRIPTION [0009] Aspects of the present disclosure are directed
to a turbine engine with an air turbine starter that includes
[0004] An invention is set out in the claims. Aspects a containment structure for retaining, containing, or oth-
and advantages will be set forth in part in the following erwise reducing the expulsion of ATS components. While
description, or may be obvious from the description, or 40 the examples described herein are directed to application
may be learned through practice.. of a turbine engine and a starter, the disclosure can be
[0005] In one aspect, the present disclosure relates to applied to any implementation of a driving mechanism
an air turbine starter for starting an engine according to that generates rotational motion at a driving output and
claim 1. provides the rotational motion to another piece of rotating
[0006] In another aspect the present disclosure relates 45 equipment. For purposes of illustration, the present dis-
to a method of forming a containment structure for an air closure will be described with respect to a starter for an
turbine starter according to claim 10. aircraft turbine engine, however, the starter can have var-
[0007] These and other features, aspects and advan- ious applications including starting a gas turbine engine.
tages will become better understood with reference to [0010] The containment structure as described herein
the following description and appended claims. The ac- 50 surrounds the turbine rotor and is configured to both con-
companying drawings, which are incorporated in and tain components of the turbine as well as absorb energy
constitute a part of this specification, illustrate embodi- dissipated. Typically, metals having high toughness
ments and arrangements described herein and, together properties are used to form a containment band.
with the description, serve to explain the principles of [0011] A conventional air-turbine starter (ATS) in-
those embodiments and arrangements. 55 cludes a turbine rotor that rotates under pressurized air
to transmit enough speed and torque to start a turbine
engine. A metal containment shield can be mounted with-
in the ATS to provide strength and rigidity that retains,

3 EP 3 885 538 B1 4

contains, prevents, or otherwise reduces the expulsion herein. Connection references (e.g., attached, coupled,
of ATS components, including, but not limited to, turbine connected, and joined) are to be construed broadly and
rotors, loose components or fragments, additional rotary can include intermediate members between a collection
components, or the like. The metal containment shield of elements and relative movement between elements
contributes significantly to weight and has limited defor- 5 unless otherwise indicated. As such, connection refer-
mation capabilities for absorbing impacts, kinetic energy, ences do not necessarily infer that two elements are di-
or the like. Containment systems typically include a solid rectly connected and in fixed relation to one another. The
metal containment band surrounding the turbine rotor exemplary drawings are for purposes of illustration only
that is formed of a metal having high toughness such as and the dimensions, positions, order and relative sizes
17-4PH steel or INCO series metal. A higher toughness 10 reflected in the drawings attached hereto can vary.
of the material results in a thinner containment band. [0017] Referring to FIG. 1, an air turbine starter motor
Toughness is defined as the ability of a material to absorb or ATS 10 is coupled to an accessory gear box (AGB)
energy and the plasticity to deform without fracturing. 12, also known as a transmission housing, and together
Toughness requires a balance of strength and ductility. are schematically illustrated as being mounted to a tur-
Metals having a high toughness also have a high density 15 bine engine 14 such as a gas turbine engine. This as-
which contributes to the overall weight of the containment sembly is commonly referred to as an Integrated Start-
system and the aircraft. er/Generator Gearbox (ISGB). The turbine engine 14
[0012] A drawback of high toughness metals is that comprises an air intake with a fan 16 that supplies air to
these materials also have a high density, making the con- a high pressure compression region 18. The air intake
tainment band heavy and significantly add to the weight 20 with a fan 16 and the high pressure compression region
of the overall system and thus, the aircraft. In addition, collectively are known as the ’cold section’ of the turbine
the toughness of these metal materials can only limitedly engine 14 upstream of the combustion. The high pres-
be improved by special treatments which in turn limits sure compression region 18 provides a combustion
the energy absorption capabilities and the thickness of chamber 20 with high pressure air. In the combustion
the containment band. 25 chamber, the high pressure air is mixed with fuel and
[0013] An alternative approach is to integrate materials combusted. The hot and pressurized combusted gas
having a lower density, but higher toughness to form at passes through a high pressure turbine region 22 and a
least a portion of the containment band in order to in- low pressure turbine region 24 before exhausting from
crease the overall toughness, striking a balance between the turbine engine 14. As the pressurized gases pass
strength and ductility of the containment band, which can 30 through the high pressure turbine region 22 and the low
decrease the weight of the containment band while pre- pressure turbine region 24, rotational energy is extracted
serving or improving the specific energy absorption ca- from the flow of the gases passing through the turbine
pability of the containment system. engine 14. A shaft can connect the high pressure turbine
[0014] As used herein, the term "upstream" refers to a region 22 to the high pressure compression 18 region to
direction that is opposite the fluid flow direction, and the 35 power the compression mechanism. The low pressure
term "downstream" refers to a direction that is in the same turbine can be coupled to the fan 16 of the air intake by
direction as the fluid flow. The term "fore" or "forward" way of a shaft to power the fan 16.
means in front of something and "aft" or "rearward" [0018] The AGB 12 is coupled to the turbine engine 14
means behind something. For example, when used in at either the high pressure or low pressure turbine region
terms of fluid flow, fore/forward can mean upstream and 40 22, 24 by way of a mechanical power take-off 26. The
aft/rearward can mean downstream. mechanical power take-off 26 contains multiple gears
[0015] Additionally, as used herein, the terms "radial" and means for mechanical coupling of the AGB 12 to the
or "radially" refer to a direction away from a common turbine engine 14. Under normal operating conditions,
center. For example, in the overall context of a turbine the power take-off 26 translates power from the turbine
engine, radial refers to a direction along a ray extending 45 engine 14 to the AGB 12 to power accessories of the
between a center longitudinal axis of the engine and an aircraft for example but not limited to fuel pumps, elec-
outer engine circumference. Furthermore, as used here- trical systems, and cabin environment controls. The ATS
in, the term "set" or a "set" of elements can be any number 10 can be mounted on the outside of either the air intake
of elements, including only one. region containing the fan 16 or on the core near the high-
[0016] All directional references (e.g., radial, axial, 50 pressure compression region 18.
proximal, distal, upper, lower, upward, downward, left, [0019] Referring now to FIG. 2, the ATS 10, which can
right, lateral, front, back, top, bottom, above, below, ver- be mounted to the AGB 12 is shown in greater detail.
tical, horizontal, clockwise, counterclockwise, upstream, Generally, the ATS 10 includes a housing 30 defining an
downstream, forward, aft, etc.) are used only for identi- inlet 32, an outlet 34, and a flow path 36 extending be-
fication purposes to aid the reader’s understanding of the 55 tween the inlet 32 and outlet 34 for communicating a flow
present disclosure, and should not be construed as lim- of gas there through. In one non-limiting example, the
iting on an embodiment, particularly as to the position, gas is air and is supplied from either a ground-operating
orientation, or use of aspects of the disclosure described air cart, an auxiliary power unit, or a cross-bleed start

5 EP 3 885 538 B1 6

from an engine already operating. The ATS 10 includes ing operations, the ATS 10 can be the driving mechanism
a turbine member 38 within the housing 30 and disposed for the turbine engine 14 via rotation of the rotatable shaft
within the flow path 36 for rotatably extracting mechanical 66. The non-driving mechanism, that is, the equipment
power from the flow of gas along the flow path 36. A being driven by the driving mechanism, can be under-
containment system 41 is disposed in the housing 30 5 stood as rotating equipment utilizing the rotational move-
surrounding the turbine member 38. A gear box 42 is ment of the rotatable shaft 66, for example to generate
mounted within the housing 30. Further, a gear train 40, electricity in the ATS 10.
disposed within the gear box 42 and drivingly coupled [0026] The drive shaft 64 is further coupled to a decou-
with the turbine member 38, can be caused to rotate. pler 70. The decoupler 70 includes an output shaft 72,
[0020] The gear train 40 includes a ring gear 46 and 10 the output shaft 72 is operably coupled to the engine 14
can further comprise any gear assembly including for ex- such that the output shaft can rotate a portion of the en-
ample but not limited to a planetary gear assembly or a gine 14.
pinion gear assembly. A turbine shaft 50 couples the gear [0027] FIG. 3 is an enlarged view of portion A from FIG.
train 40 to the turbine member 38 allowing for the transfer 2 of the ATS 10 illustrating a portion of the containment
of mechanical power to the gear train 40. The turbine 15 system 41 and the turbine member 38. The turbine mem-
shaft 50 is coupled to the gear train 40 and rotatably ber 38 is a rotating assembly mounted about a rotational
supported by a pair of turbine bearings 52. The gear train axis of the turbine shaft 50. By way of non-limiting exam-
40 is supported by a pair of carrier bearings 53. A gear ple, the turbine member 38 comprises a turbine disc 74
box interior 54 can contain a lubricant, including, but not having a plurality of radiating airfoils illustrated as turbine
limited to, a grease or oil to provide lubrication and cooling 20 blades 76. The containment system 41 comprises a con-
to mechanical parts contained therein such as the gear tainment structure described herein as a containment
train 40, ring gear 46, and bearings 52, 53. band 78 having an inner band surface 80 and an outer
[0021] There is an aperture 56 in the gear box 42 band surface 82 defining a thickness 84 of the contain-
through which the turbine shaft 50 extends and meshes ment band 78. The containment band 78 as described
with a carrier shaft 58 to which a clutch 60 is mounted 25 herein can be any containment structure utilized to sur-
and supported by a pair of spaced bearings 62. A drive round the turbine member 38 in part or in whole and be
shaft 64 extends from the gear box 42 and is coupled to formed from a continuous band or parts formed sepa-
the clutch 60 and additionally supported by the pair of rately and mounted to each other. The inner band surface
spaced bearings 62. The drive shaft 64 is driven by the 80 can have a geometry complementary to the turbine
gear train 40 and coupled to the AGB 12, such that during 30 member 38 such that the turbine member 38 can rotate
a starting operation the drive shaft 64 provides a driving freely in the housing 30 without contacting the contain-
motion to the AGB 12. ment band 78.
[0022] The clutch 60 can be any type of shaft interface [0028] The housing 30 has an interior surface 86 de-
portion that forms a single rotatable shaft 66 comprising fining an interior of the housing 30 and an outer surface
the turbine shaft 50, the carrier shaft 58, and the drive 35 88 exterior to the housing 30. The outer band surface 82
shaft 64. The shaft interface portion can be by any known of the containment band 78 and the interior surface 86
method of coupling including, but not limited to, gears, of the housing 30 can define a radial gap 90 between the
splines, a clutch mechanism, or combinations thereof. containment band 78 and the housing 30.
[0023] The ATS 10 can be formed by any materials [0029] The radial gap 90 allows for free deformation of
and methods, including, but not limited to, die-casting of 40 the containment band 78. Free deformation of the con-
high strength and lightweight metals such as aluminum, tainment band 78 can dissipate a portion of the energy,
stainless steel, iron, or titanium. The housing 30 and the reducing the eventual deformation of the housing 30, and
gear box 42 can be formed with a thickness sufficient to potential energy transfer and damage to additional com-
provide adequate mechanical rigidity without adding un- ponents of the housing 30.
necessary weight to the ATS 10 and, therefore, the air- 45 [0030] During normal operation of the ATS 10, the con-
craft. tainment band 78 is held in place in the housing 30 via
[0024] The rotatable shaft 66 can be constructed by one or more prestressed springs 92 inducing load on the
any materials and methods, including, but not limited to containment band 78 against the housing 30. In the event
extrusion or machining of high strength metal alloys such components of the turbine disc 74 are free to move, the
as those containing aluminum, iron, nickel, chromium, 50 containment band 78 can become dislodged and rotate
titanium, tungsten, vanadium, or molybdenum. The di- freely to dissipate some of the energy of any loose com-
ameter of the turbine shaft 50, carrier shaft 58, and drive ponents and deform from its original shape around the
shaft 64 can be fixed or vary along the length of the ro- loose components to absorb some of the energy from,
tatable shaft 66. The diameter can vary to accommodate and contain the loose components of the turbine disc 74,
different sizes, as well as rotor to stator spacing. 55 to prevent damage to adjacent parts of the ATS 10.
[0025] As described herein, air supplied along the flow [0031] FIG. 4A is a schematic cross-sectional view of
path 36 rotates the turbine member 38 for driving the a containment band 100 reinforced with Shape Memory
rotation of the rotatable shaft 66. Therefore, during start- Alloy (SMA) according to an aspect of the disclosure

7 EP 3 885 538 B1 8

herein. The containment band 100 can be the contain- metal alloy layer 112, resulting in the same or better en-
ment band 78 of FIG. 3 and can have any cross-sectional ergy absorption of the containment band 100 compared
geometry suitable for a containment band. The contain- to a solid metal containment band, forming the reinforced
ment band 100 includes an SMA layer 110 and a metal containment band 100 may require less metal alloy than
alloy layer 112. The SMA layer 110 extends circumfer- 5 a traditional metal containment band resulting in an over-
entially along at least a portion of an outer band surface all lighter weight containment band with equivalent or bet-
114 of the containment band 100. The SMA layer 110 ter energy absorbing capability.
can include a solid layer of SMA or a plurality of SMA [0036] FIG. 4B is a schematic cross-sectional view of
rings. a containment band 120 reinforced with SMA according
[0032] SMA materials, such as Ni-Ti alloy, exhibit 10 to another aspect of the disclosure. The containment
pseudo-elastic behavior allowing an article formed of band 120 can be the containment band 78 of FIG. 3 and
SMA to return to its original shape after a deformation. can have any cross-sectional geometry suitable for a
In addition, SMAs have a high strain upon failure. Some containment band. The containment band 120 includes
SMA materials can have failure strains of 50-90% and an SMA layer 122 and a metal alloy layer 124. The SMA
twice the toughness of steel. Therefore, reinforcing a con- 15 layer 122 extends circumferentially along at least a por-
tainment band by incorporating an SMA material can in- tion of an inner band surface 126 of the containment band
crease the energy absorbing capability of the contain- 120. The SMA layer 122 can comprise a solid layer of
ment system by allowing the containment band to deform SMA or a plurality of SMA rings.
to absorb energy while still maintaining enough structural [0037] The reinforced containment band 120 can de-
integrity to contain any loose turbine rotor components. 20 form as it absorbs the impact of any loose components
Further, the density of SMA is typically lower than steel. of the turbine member 38. The SMA layer 122 will attempt
Therefore, replacing all or portions of the containment to regain its original shape at the same time the metal
band 78 with SMA can decrease the overall weight of the alloy layer 124 is deforming to absorb the energy of the
containment band 78, and thus the entire aircraft. impact of the loose components. The deformed metal
[0033] By way of non-limiting example, the SMA de- 25 alloy layer 124 prevents the SMA layer 122 from com-
scribed herein can comprise Nitinol which is an alloy hav- pletely regaining its original shape resulting in an out-
ing approximately 55% by weight nickel and 45% by stretched SMA layer 122. The outstretched SMA layer
weight titanium and annealed to form a part in the desired 122 continues exerting elastic forces on the metal alloy
shape as is known in the art. layer 124. Thus, the elastic forces of the SMA layer 122
[0034] When loose components of the turbine member 30 that oppose the deformation forces of the metal alloy lay-
38 separate from the turbine shaft 50, they can move in er 124 will counteract to prevent and control the overall
a radial direction. The reinforced containment band 100 deformation of the containment band 120, and in turn
will deform to absorb the impact of the loose components increasing the energy absorbing ability of the reinforced
of the turbine member 38. The loose components of the containment band 120. When the elastic forces of the
turbine disc 74 can contact the containment band 100 35 SMA layer 122 balance the deformation forces of the
with a high kinetic energy. The containment band 100 is metal alloy layer 124, resulting in the same or better en-
held in place in the housing 30 during normal operation ergy absorption of the containment band 120 compared
of an ATS, however, upon impact by the loose compo- to a solid metal containment band, less metal alloy may
nents of the turbine disc 74, the containment band 100 be required to form the containment band 120 resulting
can rotate freely to dissipate some of the energy of the 40 in a lighter weight containment band with equivalent or
loose components and deform from its original shape better energy absorbing capability as a traditional con-
around the components to absorb some of the energy tainment band.
from as well as contain the components of the turbine [0038] FIG. 5 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a
disc 74 to prevent damage to adjacent parts of the ATS containment band 130 reinforced with SMA according to
10. 45 yet another aspect of the disclosure herein. The contain-
[0035] Due to its elastic behavior, when attempting to ment band 130 can be the containment band 78 of FIG.
regain its original shape, the SMA layer 110 exerts a com- 3 and can have any cross-sectional geometry suitable
pressive force on the metal alloy layer 112, however, the for a containment band. The reinforced containment
deformed metal alloy layer 112 prevents the SMA layer band 130 comprises alternating layers of SMA and metal
110 from completely regaining its original shape resulting 50 alloy between an inner band surface 132 and an outer
in an outstretched SMA layer 110. The outstretched SMA band surface 134 defining a thickness 133 of the rein-
layer 110 continues exerting compressive forces on the forced containment band 130. A first metal alloy layer
metal alloy layer 112, thus supporting the structural in- 136 is sandwiched between a first SMA layer 138 and a
tegrity of the metal alloy layer 112, and in turn increasing second SMA layer 140. A second metal alloy layer 142
the ability of the reinforced containment band 100 to ab- 55 forms the inner band surface 132 while a third metal alloy
sorb the energy exerted by any loose components of the layer 144 forms the outer band surface 134. The metal
turbine member 38. When the compressive forces of the alloy can be the same or different in each of the metal
SMA layer 110 balance the deformation forces of the alloy layers 136, 142, 144. The SMA material can be the

9 EP 3 885 538 B1 10

same or different in each of the SMA layers 138, 140. should be understood that the term "additive manufac-
Alternatively, the reinforced containment band 130 can turing" encompasses many technologies including sub-
comprise a single SMA layer or any number of SMA lay- sets like 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping (RP), Direct Dig-
ers. Further, the percentage of SMA and the spacing be- ital Manufacturing (DDM), layered manufacturing and ad-
tween the layers of SMA and metal alloy can be deter- 5 ditive fabrication. Non-limiting examples of additive man-
mined or dependent upon requirements of the contain- ufacturing that can be utilized to form an additively-man-
ment system. ufactured component include powder bed fusion, vat
[0039] Using SMA in place of metal alloy in portions of photopolymerization, binder jetting, material extrusion,
the thickness 133 of the containment band 130 decreas- directed energy deposition, material jetting, or sheet lam-
es the overall weight of the containment band 130, and 10 ination.
thus the aircraft. Further, sandwiching the SMA between [0042] Benefits associated with the containment band
the layers of metal alloy can increase the efficiency of described herein include utilizing lighter weight materials
energy absorption in the containment band 130 as al- with increased toughness to reinforce or replace the met-
ready described herein. al containment band can increase the energy absorbing
[0040] FIG. 6 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a 15 capabilities of the containment band while reducing the
containment band 150 according to yet another aspect weight of the containment band, and thus the aircraft.
of the disclosure herein, which does not correspond to This increases the efficiency of the aircraft, and protects
the claims and is not a part of the invention. Again, con- the remaining parts of the ATS. Protecting the remaining
tainment band 150 can be the containment band 78 of parts of the ATS during a starter failure decreases costs
FIG. 3 and can have any cross-sectional geometry suit- 20 associated with parts and maintenance required to repair
able for a containment band. A containment band 150 is the ATS.
formed entirely of SMA. Due to SMA’s pseudo-elastic [0043] To the extent not already described, the differ-
behavior, the containment band 150 formed completely ent features and structures of the various aspects can
of SMA can have a larger deformation compared to a be used in combination with each other as desired. That
traditional containment band during or the other contain- 25 one feature cannot be illustrated in all of the aspects is
ment bands 100, 120, and 130 described herein. There- not meant to be construed that it cannot be, but is done
fore, the containment band 150 will also require a suffi- for brevity of description. Thus, the various features of
cient radial gap 90 to accommodate the larger deforma- the different aspects can be mixed and matched as de-
tion. However, because of SMA’s high strain to failure, sired to form new examples, whether or not the new ex-
toughness, lower density, as well as pseudo-elastic be- 30 amples are expressly described. Combinations or per-
havior, forming the containment band 150 entirely of SMA mutations of features described herein are covered by
can also require less overall material to absorb an equiv- this disclosure. Many other possible embodiments and
alent amount of energy when compared to a traditional configurations in addition to that shown in the above fig-
containment band formed entirely of metal alloy. Less ures are contemplated by the present disclosure. Addi-
material required to form the containment band 150 along 35 tionally, the design and placement of the various com-
with lower density of the containment band 150 when ponents such as starter, AGB, or components thereof
compared with traditional metal alloy containment bands can be rearranged such that a number of different in-line
can provide a decreased overall thickness of the contain- configurations could be realized.
ment band 150 as well as a decreased overall weight of [0044] This written description uses examples to dis-
the containment band 150, while maintaining the energy 40 close aspects of the invention, including the best mode,
absorbing requirements of the containment system 41. and also to enable any person skilled in the art to practice
[0041] While illustrated as a ring structure, it should be aspects of the invention, including making and using any
understood that the containment bands as described devices or systems and performing any incorporated
herein can be a containment structure formed in parts or methods. The patentable scope of the invention is de-
as a whole singular piece. It is contemplated that parts 45 fined by the claims, and can include other examples that
of, or the entire containment structure is additively man- occur to those skilled in the art. Such other examples are
ufactured. An additive manufacturing (AM) process is intended to be within the scope of the claims if they have
where a component is built layer-by-layer by successive structural elements that do not differ from the literal lan-
deposition of material. AM is an appropriate name to de- guage of the claims.
scribe the technologies that build 3D objects by adding 50
layer-upon-layer of material, whether the material is plas-
tic or metal. AM technologies can utilize a computer, 3D Claims
modeling software (Computer Aided Design or CAD),
machine equipment, and layering material. Once a CAD 1. An air turbine starter (10) for starting an engine (14),
sketch is produced, the AM equipment can read in data 55 comprising:
from the CAD file and lay down or add successive layers
of liquid, powder, sheet material or other material, in a a housing (30) having an interior surface (86)
layer-upon-layer fashion to fabricate a 3D object. It defining an interior;

11 EP 3 885 538 B1 12

at least one turbine member (38) rotatably method comprising forming the containment struc-
mounted within the interior about a rotational ax- ture (78, 100, 120, 130) to define a thickness extend-
is, and having a plurality of circumferentially ing between a radially outer surface (82, 114, 134)
spaced blades (76); and and a radially inner surface (80, 126, 132), charac-
a containment structure (78, 100, 120, 130) hav- 5 terised in that the containment structure comprises
ing a radially outer surface (82, 114, 134) spaced at least one layer of a shape memory alloy (SMA).
from the interior surface (86) to define a radial defining at least a portion of the thickness, and further
gap (90) between the housing (30) and the con- comprises at least one layer of metal alloy (112, 124,
tainment structure (78, 100, 120, 130) and a ra- 136, 142, 144).
dially inner surface (80, 126, 132) with a thick- 10
ness that extends between the radially outer sur- 11. The method of claim 10, further comprising forming
face (82, 114, 134) and the radially inner surface the shape memory alloy (SMA) circumferentially
(80, 126, 132), the containment structure (78, along at least a portion of the containment structure
100, 120, 130) circumferentially surrounding at (78, 100, 120, 130).
least a portion of the at least one turbine member 15
(38); characterised in that the containment 12. The method of any of claims 10-11, further compris-
structure (78, 100, 120, 130) comprises at least ing forming the shape memory alloy (SMA) along the
one layer of a shape memory alloy (SMA) and radially outer surface (82, 114, 134).
further comprises at least one layer of metal al-
loy (112, 124, 136, 142, 144). 20 13. The method of any of claims 10-12, further compris-
ing forming the shape memory alloy (SMA) along the
2. The air turbine starter (10) of claim 1, wherein the radially inner surface (80, 126, 132)
shape memory alloy (SMA) extends circumferential-
ly along at least a portion of the containment structure
(78, 100, 120, 130). 25 Patentansprüche

3. The air turbine starter (10) of any of claims 1-2, 1. Luftturbinenstarter (10) zum Starten einer Maschine
wherein the shape memory alloy (SMA) extends (14), umfassend:
along the radially outer surface (82, 114, 134).
30 ein Gehäuse (30), das eine Innenoberfläche
4. The air turbine starter (10) any of claims 1-3, wherein (86) aufweist, die einen Innenraum definiert;
the shape memory alloy (SMA) extends along the mindestens ein Turbinenelement (38), das dreh-
radially inner surface (80, 126, 132). bar innerhalb des Innenraums um eine Dreh-
achse montiert ist und eine Vielzahl von in Um-
5. The air turbine starter (10) of any of claims 1-4, 35 fangsrichtung beabstandeten Schaufeln (76)
wherein the containment structure (78, 100, 120, aufweist; und
130) is freely deformable in the radial gap. eine Aufnahmestruktur (78, 100, 120, 130), die
eine radial äußere Oberfläche (82, 114, 134),
6. The air turbine starter (10) of any of claims 1-5, die von der Innenoberfläche (86) beabstandet
wherein the shape memory alloy (SMA) is at least 40 ist, um einen radialen Spalt (90) zwischen dem
two layers of shape memory alloy (SMA). Gehäuse (30) und der Aufnahmestruktur (78,
100, 120, 130) zu definieren, und eine radial in-
7. The air turbine starter (10) of claim 1, wherein there nere Oberfläche (80, 126, 132) mit einer Dicke,
are at least two layers of shape memory alloy (SMA) die sich zwischen der radial äußeren Oberfläche
and wherein the at least one layer of metal alloy (112, 45 (82, 114, 134) und der radial inneren Oberfläche
124, 136, 142, 144) is disposed between the at least (80, 126, 132) erstreckt, aufweist, wobei die Auf-
two layers of shape memory alloy (SMA). nahmestruktur (78, 100, 120, 130) mindestens
einen Abschnitt des mindestens einen Turbi-
8. The air turbine starter (10) of any of claims 1-7, fur- nenelements (38) in Umfangsrichtung umgibt;
ther comprising alternating layers of metal alloy (112, 50 dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Aufnah-
124, 136, 142, 144) and shape memory alloy (SMA). mestruktur (78, 100, 120, 130) mindestens eine
Schicht einer Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA)
9. The air turbine starter (10) of any of claims 1-8, umfasst und ferner mindestens eine Schicht aus
wherein the shape memory alloy (SMA) is a nickel- Metalllegierung (112, 124, 136, 142, 144) um-
titanium alloy. 55 fasst.

10. A method of forming a containment structure (78, 2. Luftturbinenstarter (10) nach Anspruch 1, wobei sich
100, 120, 130) for an air turbine starter (10), the die Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA) in Umfangs-

13 EP 3 885 538 B1 14

richtung entlang mindestens eines Abschnitts der umfassend das Bilden der Formgedächtnislegie-
Aufnahmestruktur (78, 100, 120, 130) erstreckt. rung (SMA) entlang der radial äußeren Oberfläche
(82, 114, 134).
3. Luftturbinenstarter (10) nach einem der Ansprüche
1-2, wobei sich die Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA) 5 13. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 10-12, ferner
entlang der radial äußeren Oberfläche (82, 114, 134) umfassend das Bilden der Formgedächtnislegie-
erstreckt. rung (SMA) entlang der radial inneren Oberfläche
(80, 126, 132)
4. Luftturbinenstarter (10) nach einem der Ansprüche
1-3, wobei sich die Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA) 10
entlang der radial inneren Oberfläche (80, 126, 132) Revendications
1. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) permettant de dé-
5. Luftturbinenstarter (10) nach einem der Ansprüche marrer un moteur (14), comprenant :
1-4, wobei die Aufnahmestruktur (78, 100, 120, 130) 15
im Radialspalt frei verformbar ist. un boîtier (30) ayant une surface intérieure (86)
définissant un intérieur ;
6. Luftturbinenstarter (10) nach einem der Ansprüche au moins un élément de turbine (38) monté de
1-5, wobei die Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA) min- manière rotative à l’intérieur autour d’un axe de
destens zwei Schichten von Formgedächtnislegie- 20 rotation, et ayant une pluralité de pales (76) es-
rung (SMA) ist. pacées circonférentiellement ; et
une structure de confinement (78, 100, 120,
7. Luftturbinenstarter (10) nach Anspruch 1, wobei min- 130) ayant une surface radialement externe (82,
destens zwei Schichten aus Formgedächtnislegie- 114, 134) espacée de la surface intérieure (86)
rung (SMA) vorhanden sind und wobei die mindes- 25 pour définir un espace radial (90) entre le boîtier
tens eine Schicht aus Metalllegierung (112, 124, (30) et la structure de confinement (78, 100, 120,
136, 142, 144) zwischen den mindestens zwei 130) et une surface radialement interne (80,
Schichten aus Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA) an- 126, 132) avec une épaisseur qui s’étend entre
geordnet ist. la surface radialement externe (82, 114, 134) et
30 la surface radialement interne (80, 126, 132), la
8. Luftturbinenstarter (10) nach einem der Ansprüche structure de confinement (78, 100, 120, 130) en-
1-7, ferner umfassend abwechselnde Schichten aus tourant circonférentiellement au moins une par-
Metalllegierung (112, 124, 136, 142, 144) und Form- tie de l’au moins un élément de turbine (38) ;
gedächtnislegierung (SMA).
35 caractérisé en ce que la structure de confinement
9. Luftturbinenstarter (10) nach einem der Ansprüche (78, 100, 120, 130) comprend au moins une couche
1-8, wobei die Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA) eine d’un alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF) et comprend
Nickel-Titan-Legierung ist. en outre au moins une couche d’alliage métallique
(112, 124, 136, 142, 144).
10. Verfahren zum Bilden einer Aufnahmestruktur (78, 40
100, 120, 130) für einen Luftturbinenstarter (10), wo- 2. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) selon la revendica-
bei das Verfahren das Bilden der Aufnahmestruktur tion 1, dans lequel l’alliage à mémoire de forme
(78, 100, 120, 130) umfasst, um eine Dicke zu defi- (AMF) s’étend circonférentiellement le long d’au
nieren, die sich zwischen einer radial äußeren Ober- moins une partie de la structure de confinement (78,
fläche (82, 114, 134) und einer radial inneren Ober- 45 100, 120, 130).
fläche (80, 126, 132) erstreckt, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass die Aufnahmestruktur mindestens 3. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) selon l’une quelcon-
eine Schicht einer Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA) que des revendications 1 à 2, dans lequel l’alliage à
umfasst, die mindestens einen Abschnitt der Dicke mémoire de forme (AMF) s’étend le long de la sur-
definiert, und ferner mindestens eine Schicht aus 50 face radialement externe (82, 114, 134).
Metalllegierung (112, 124, 136, 142, 144) umfasst.
4. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) selon l’une quelcon-
11. Verfahren nach Anspruch 10, ferner umfassend das que des revendications 1 à 3, dans lequel l’alliage à
Bilden der Formgedächtnislegierung (SMA) in Um- mémoire de forme (AMF) s’étend le long de la sur-
fangsrichtung entlang mindestens eines Abschnitts 55 face radialement interne (80, 126, 132).
der Aufnahmestruktur (78, 100, 120, 130).
5. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) selon l’une quelcon-
12. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 10-11, ferner que des revendications 1 à 4, dans lequel la structure

15 EP 3 885 538 B1 16

de confinement (78, 100, 120, 130) est librement dé-

formable dans l’espace radial.

6. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) selon l’une quelcon-

que des revendications 1 à 5, dans lequel l’alliage à 5
mémoire de forme (AMF) est au moins deux couches
d’alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF).

7. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) selon la revendica-

tion 1, dans lequel il y a au moins deux couches 10
d’alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF) et dans lequel
l’au moins une couche d’alliage métallique (112, 124,
136, 142, 144) est disposée entre les au moins deux
couches d’alliage à mémoire de forme (AMF).
8. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) selon l’une quelcon-
que des revendications 1 à 7, comprenant en outre
des couches alternées d’alliage métallique (112,
124, 136, 142, 144) et d’alliage à mémoire de forme
(AMF). 20

9. Démarreur de turbine à air (10) selon l’une quelcon-

que des revendications 1 à 8, dans lequel l’alliage à
mémoire de forme (AMF) est un alliage nickel-titane.
10. Procédé de formation d’une structure de confine-
ment (78, 100, 120, 130) pour un démarreur de tur-
bine à air (10), le procédé comprenant la formation
de la structure de confinement (78, 100, 120, 130)
pour définir une épaisseur s’étendant entre une sur- 30
face radialement externe (82, 114, 134) et une sur-
face radialement interne (80, 126, 132), caractérisé
en ce que la structure de confinement comprend au
moins une couche d’un alliage à mémoire de forme
(AMF) définissant au moins une partie de l’épais- 35
seur, et comprend en outre au moins une couche
d’alliage métallique (112, 124, 136, 142, 144).

11. Procédé selon la revendication 10, comprenant en

outre la formation de l’alliage à mémoire de forme 40
(AMF) circonférentiellement le long d’au moins une
partie de la structure de confinement (78, 100, 120,

12. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications 45

10 à 11, comprenant en outre la formation de l’alliage
à mémoire de forme (AMF) le long de la surface ra-
dialement externe (82, 114, 134).

13. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications 50

10 à 12, comprenant en outre la formation de l’alliage
à mémoire de forme (AMF) le long de la surface ra-
dialement interne (80, 126, 132)


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EP 3 885 538 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• EP 3263848 A1 [0003] • WO 2015094421 A1 [0003]


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