Dropper Test Paper: Biology Nugas Classes By: G.K. Nugas 'Main Market, Sector-13, HUDA, Hisar / Mob. 8529147033

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7. During its life cycle, Fasciola hepatica (liver

1. What is true about all sponges without
fluke) infects its intermediate host & primary
host at the following larval stages
(1) They reproduce only asexually by
(1) Redia and miracidium
(2) The have a mixed skeleton consisting of
(2) Cercaria and redia
spicules and sponging fiber
(3) Metacercaria and cercaria
(3) The have flagellated collar cells
(4) Miracidium and metacercaria
(4) They are all marine
8. In contrast to Annelids the Platyhelminthes
2. Which of the following statement is correct
regarding sponges?
(1) Absence of body cavity
(1) These are swollen
(2) Presence of pseudocoelom
(2) Remain attached to substratum along with
(3) Radial symmetry
blue green algae
(4) Bilateral symmetry
(3) Some sponges are sessile others are
9. Common feature between Ascaris and
cockroach is:
(4) All sponges are marine
(1) Presence of dorsal nerve cord
3. Sycon belongs to a group of animals, which
(2) Parasitic mode of life
are best described as:
(3) Sexual dimorphism
(1) Unicellular or acellular
(4) None
(2)Multicellular without any tissue
10. Trait common amongst Earthworm, Leech
and Centipede is:
(3) Multicellular with a gastrovascular
(1) Absence of legs
(2) Hermaphordite nature
(4) Multicellular having tissue organization
(3) Ventral nerve cord
but no body cavity
(4) Malpighian tubules
4. Life cycle of Obelia is termed as:
11. Nephridia of Earthworm are analogous to:
(1) Alternation of generation
(1) Nematoblasts of Hydra
(2) Polymorphism
(2) Trachae of insects
(3) Metagenesis
(3) Flame cells of Planaria
(4) Neoteny
(4) Gills of Prawn
5. In Hydra, which of the following is correct
12. Earthworms are:
regarding entry and exit of the food:
(1) Ureotelic when plenty of water is
(1) Both processes take place through mouth
(2) uricotelic when plenty of water is
(2) Food enters through mouth and exits
trough aboral pore
(3) uricotelic under conditions of water
(3) Food enters through mouth and leaves
through anus
(4) ammonotelic when plenty of water is
(4) Any of the above
6. Biradial symmetry and lack of cnidoblasts are
13. Which is common among Scorpion, Crab,
the characteristics of:
Honey bee and Silver fish?
(1) Starfish and sea-anemone
(1) Compound eyes (2) Jointed legs
(2) Ctenoplana and Beroe
(3) Posion glands
(3) Aurelia and Paramecium
(4) Metamorphosis
(4) Hydra and starfish
14. Honey is:
Biology NUGAS CLASSES By: G.K. Nugas
`Main Market, Sector-13, HUDA, Hisar \ Mob. 8529147033
(1) Alkaline (2) Acidic (3) Lower chordates (4) Higher chordates
(3) Neutral (4) Basic after some 23. Which of the following statement is correct?
days (1) Platypus lays eggs
15. If juvenile hormone is absent when silkworm (2) Camels have biconcave RBCs
moults, it will: (3) Whales respire by gills
(1) Moult into another larval stage (4) Bats do not fly
(2) Moult into pupa 24. Which character is not universal in all
(3) Moult into adult chordates?
(4) Die (1) Dorsal tubular nervous system
16. Ascaris and Cockroach resemble each other (2) Presence of notochord
in; (3) Presence of pharyngeal gill slits
(1) Pseudocoel (4) Presence of diaphragm
(2) Sexual dimorphism 25. Which of the following possesses post anal
(3) Nephridia tail?
(4) Dorsal tubular nerve cord (1) Spider (2) Scorpion
17. Which one of the following is a matching pair (3) Cockroach (4) Cobra
of an animal and a certain phenomenon it 26. One of the following is a very unique feature
exhibits? of mammalian body:
(1) Pheretima –Sexual dimorphism (1) Homeothermy
(2) Musca – Complete metamorphosis (2) Presence of diaphragm
(3) Chameleon – Mimicry (3) Four chambered heart
(4) Taenia – Polymorphism (4) Rib cage
18. Two common characters found in centipede, 27. A terrestrial animal must be able to:
cockroach, and crab are: (1) Excrete large amounts of water in urine
(1) Compound eyes and anal cerci (2) Conserve water
(2) Jointed legs and chitinous exoskeleton (3) Actively pump salts out through the skin
(3) Green gland and tracheae (4) Excrete large amounts of salts in urine
(4) Book lungs and antennae 28. Which one of the following phyla is correctly
19. Metameric segmentation is the characteristics matched with its two general characteristics?
of: (1) Chordata Notochorda at some stage
(1) Platyhelminthes and Arthropoda and separate anal and
urinary openings to the
(2) Echinodermata and Annelida
(3) Annelida and Arthropoda (2) Echinodermata Pentamerous radial
(4) Mollusca and Chordata symmetry and mostly
20. The adults are radially symmetrical but larvae internal fertilization
exhibit bilateral symmetry in: (3) Mollusca Normally oviparous and
development through a
(1) Mollusca (2) Hemichordata
trochophore or veliger larva
(3) Echinodermata (4) Cephalochordata (4) Arthropoda Body divided into head,
21. Which one of the following is a matching set thorax and abdomen and
of a phylum and its three examples? respiration by tracheae
(1) Cnidaria :Bonellia, Phya\salia, Aurelia
(2) Platyhelminthes : Planaria, Schistosoma, 29. Which one of the following groups of three
Enterobius animals each in correctly matched with their
(3) Mollusca : Loligo, Teredo, Octopus one characteristic morphological feature?
(4) Proifera : Spongilla, Euplectella, (1) Centipede, Prawn, Joined appendages
Sea urchin
(2) Scorpion, Spider, Ventral solid central
22. Notochord is present in: Cockroach nervous system
(1) In some chordates (2) All chordates
Biology NUGAS CLASSES By: G.K. Nugas
`Main Market, Sector-13, HUDA, Hisar \ Mob. 8529147033
(3) Cockroach, Metameric 37. Which one of the following animals is
Locust, segmentation correctly matched with its particular named
(4) Liver fluke, Sea Bilateral symmetry
taxonomic category?
anemone, Sea
cucumber (1) Housefly – Musca, an order
(2) Tiger – tigris, the species
30. Which one of the following is NOT a (3) Cuttlefish – Mollusca, a class
characteristic of phylum Annelida? (4) Humans – Primata, the family
(1) Segmentation 38. In which one of the following the genus
(2) Pseudocoelom name, its two characters and its class/phylum
(3) Ventral nerve cord are correctly matched?
(4) Closed circulatory system
31. Earthworms have no skeleton but during
burrowing, the anterior end becomes turgid
and acts as a hydraulic skeleton. It is due to:
(1) Blood (2) Gut peristalsis
(3) Setae (4) Coelomic fluid
32. Ascaris is characterized by:
(1) Presence of neither true coelom nor
(2) Presence of true coelom but absence of
(3) Presence of true coelom and metamerism 39. One example of animal having a single
(metamerisation) opening to the outside that serves both as
(4) Absence of true coelom but presence of mouth as well as anus is;
metamerism (1) Asterias (2) Ascidia
33. Which one of the following is not a living (3) Fasciola (4) Octopus
fossil? 40. Which one of the following statements about
(1) Peripatus (2) King crab all the four of Spongilla, Leech, Dolphin and
(3) Sphenodon (4) Archeopteryx Penguin is correct?
34. What is true about Nereis, scorpion, (1) Leech is a fresh water form while all
cockroach and silver fish? others are marine
(1) They all possess dorsal heart (2) Spongilla has special collared cells called
(2) None of them is aquatic choanocytes, not found in the remaining three
(3) They are belong to the some phylum (3) All are bilaterally symmetrical
(4) They all have jointed paired appendages (4) Penguin is homoeothermic while the
35. Which of the following group of animal is remaining three are poikilothermic
bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic: 41. Which one of the following statements about
(1) Aschelminthes (round worms) certain given animals is correct?
(2) Ctenophores (1) Molluscs are acoelomates
(3) Sponges (2) Insects are pseudocoelomates
(4) Coelenterates (cnidarians) (3) Flat worms (Platyhelminthes) are
36. Which one of the following pairs of animals coelomates
comprise jawless fishes? (4) Round worms (Aschelminthes) are
(1) Guppies and hag fishes pseudocoelomates
(2) Lampreys and cells 42. Which one of the following kinds of animals
(3) Mackerels and Rohu are tiploblastic?
(4) Lampreys and hag fishes (1) Sponges (2) Ctenophores
(3) Corals (4) Flat worms
Biology NUGAS CLASSES By: G.K. Nugas
`Main Market, Sector-13, HUDA, Hisar \ Mob. 8529147033
43. In which one of the following the genus (3) A – ii, B – i, C – iv, D – iii
name, its two character and its phylum are not (4) A – v, B –i, C – iv, D – ii
correctly matched, whereas the remaining 47. Which of the following are examples of
three are correct: arthropod?
(1) Silver fish ,star fish , prawn
(2) Clam worm, apple snail, honey bee
(3) Sea star, tongue worm, scorpion
(4) Cockroach, scorpion, prawn
48. Which of these statements are incorrect?
i. Parapodia are lateral appendages in
arthropods used for swimming.
ii. Radula in mollusks are structures involved
44. Which one of the following statements is in excretion.
totally wrong about the occurrence of iii. Aschelminthes are dioecious.
notochord while the other three are correct: iv. Echinoderm adults show radial symmetry.
(1) It is absent throughout life in humans from v. Ctenophorans are diploblastic.
the very beginning (1) I and ii (2) I and iii
(2) It is present throughout life in Amphioxus (3) I, iv, and v (4) iii and v
(3) It is present only in larval tail in Ascidians 49. In most simple type of canal system of
(4) It is replaced by a vertebral column in porifera, water flows through which one of
adult frog the following ways?
45. Which one of the following phyla is correctly (1) Ostia → Spongocoel → Osculum →
matched with its two general characteristics? Exterior
(1) Echinodermata – pentamerous radial (2) Spongocoel → Ostia → Osculum →
symmetry and mostly internal fertilization Exterior
(2) Mollusca – normal oviparous and (3) Osculum → Spongocoel → Ostia →
development through a trochophore or Exterior
veliger larva (4) Osculum → Ostia → Spongocoel →
(3) Arthropoda – body divided into head, Exterior
thorax and abdomen and respiration by 50. Which of the following is correctly matched?
tracheae (1) Radial symmetry – Coelenterates
(4) Chordata – notochord persists thoughtout (2) Coelomates - Aschelminthes
and separate anal and urinary openings to the (3) Metamerism - Molluscs
outside (4) Triploblastic - Sponges
46. Match the animal names listed under Column 51. Which one of the following categories of
– I with the zoological names given under animals, is correctly described with no single
Column – II and select the correct option exception in it?
from the codes give below. (1) All reptiles possess scales, have a three
Column-I Column-II chambered heart and are cold blooded
(Animals with (Animals with
common name) zoological name)
A Star fish i Sepia
(2) All bony fishes have four pairs of gills and
B Jelly fish ii Astropecten an operculum on each side.
C Devil fish iii Aurelia (3) All sponges are marine and have collared
D Cuttle fish iv Octopus cells.
v hippocampus
(4) All mammals are viviparous and possess
diaphragm for breathing.
(1) A – ii, B – iii, C – iv, D – i
(2) A – iii, B – iv, C – i, D – v
Biology NUGAS CLASSES By: G.K. Nugas
`Main Market, Sector-13, HUDA, Hisar \ Mob. 8529147033
52. Match Column-I with Column-II and select
the correct option from the codes given 56. Fill up the blank spaces in the table below by selecting
the correct option.
below. Phylum/Class Excretory Circulatory Respiratory organ
organ system
Column-I Column-II Arthropoda A B Lungs/Gills/Tracheal
A Protandry i Ovaries mature system
C Nephridia Closed Skin/parapodia
earlier than testes D Metanephridia Open E
B Protogyny ii Testes mature Amphibia F Closed Lung

earlier than ovaries

C Metameric iii Scorpion
a Green gland Closed Mollusca Annelida Tracheal Coxal
segmentation system glands
b Malpighian Open Annelida Mollusca Feather Kidney
D Radial symmetry iv Nereis tubule like gills
E Book lungs v Aurelia c Antennary Open Proifera Amphibia Lungs Green
gland gland
d Nephridia Closed Mollusca Annelida Lungs Antenna

(1) A – ii, B - i, C – v, D – iv, E – iii ry gland

(2) A – i, B - ii, C – iii, D – v, E – v 57. Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct
(3) A – i, B - ii, C – iv, D – iii, E – v option from the codes given below.
(4) A – ii, B - i, C – iv, D – v, E – iii Column-I Column-II
53. Which one of the following features is A Ammocoete larva i Sea horse
B Corocodiles ii Penguin
common in silver fish, scorpion, dragonfly
C Fish iii Lamprey
and prawn? D Bird iv Reptilia
(1) Three pairs legs and segmented body E Mammal v Bat
(2) Chitinous cuticle and two pairs of
antennae (1) A – iii, B - iv, C – i, D – ii, E – v
(3) Jointed appendages and chitinous (2) A – i, B - iv, C – v, D – ii, E – iii
exoskeleton (3) A – v, B - iii, C – ii, D – iv, E – i
(4) Cephalothorax and tracheae (4) A – iv, B - ii, C – i, D – iii, E – v
54. Which of the following are correct? 58. You have discovered an animal having
i. Sponges : Cellular level of organization following characters like,
ii. Cnidaria : Tissue level of organization Triploblastic, bilateral symmetry, coelomate,
iii. Platyhelminthes : Organ level of chitinous exoskeleton, heat, thorax and
organization abdomen as body parts, and jounted
iv. Annelids, Arthropods, Molluscs, appendages.
Echinoderms and Chordates: Organ system You would like to place the animal under
level of organization. (1) Tetrapoda (2) Arthropoda
(1) All are correct (3) Annelida (4) Hemichordata.
(2) ii and iv are correct 59. Match Column-I with Column-II and select
(3) ii and iii are correct option from the codes given below.
(4) I and ii are correct Column-I Column-II
55. Select the correct option that represents A Cartilaginous i Usually external
fishes fertilization
examples of the following types of animals.
B Bony fishes ii Internal fertilization
i. Cold blood animal iii Mostly oviparous
ii. Warm blooded animal iv Some are viviparous
iii. Animal possessing dry and cornified skin v Direct development
iv. Dioecious animal
(1) A – i, iii, v; B – i, ii
I Ii iii iv (2) A – ii, iv; B – i, iii, v
a Frog Pigeon Wall lizard Earthworm (3) A – iii, v; B – i, ii, iv
b Pigeon Frog Crocodile Hydra (4) A – i, ii, iv; B – iv, v
c Rabbit Fish Frog Earthworm
d Fish Frog Wall lizard Starfish

Biology NUGAS CLASSES By: G.K. Nugas

`Main Market, Sector-13, HUDA, Hisar \ Mob. 8529147033
60. Which of the following is/are not the (c) chordates (d) ctenophores
characteristics of the class osteichthyes? 70. The organization in which each system
i. Body is streamlined and mouth is terminal. concerned with a specific physiological function
is known as :
ii. Gills are covered by operculum.
(a) cellular level (b) tissue level
iii. Skin covered with cycloid and placoid (c) organ level (d) organ system level
scales. 71. The digestive system is incomplete in :
iv. Many of them are viviparous. (a) porifera (b) platyhelminthes
(1) iv only (2 ) iii and iv (c) chordata (d) ctenophora
(3) i, iii and iv (4) i and iv 72. The circulatory system in which the blood is
pumped out from the heart and the cells and
61.When any plane passing through the central tissues are directly bathed in it, is called:
axis of the body divides the organism into two (a) open type (b) closed type
identical halves, the organism is called : (c) haemal system (d) all of these
(a) radially symmetrical 73. The circulatory system in which the blood is
(b) bilaterally symmetrical circulated through a series of vessels of varying
(c) asymmetrical diameters (arteries, veins and capillaries).
(d) metamerically segmented (a) open type (b) closed type
62.Mark the incorrect statement for the phyla, (c) haemal system (d) all of these
platyhelminthes to Echinodermata. 74. On the basis of their symmetry_____ are mostly
(a) all groups represent organ/organ-system asymmetrical :
level of organization (a) porifera (b) platyhelminthes
(b) all are triploblastic (c) chordates (d) ctenophora
(c) all are bilaterally symmetrical 75. Symmetry in which any plane that passes
(d) none of the above through the centre of body does not divide them
63.Cell aggregates body planning found in : into equal halves is called:
(a) Cnidaria (b) Porifera (a) bilateral symmetry (b) radial symmetry
(c) Platyhelminthes (d) both a and b (c) asymmetry (d) all of these
64.In Platyhelminthes : 76. Symmetry in which by only one plane passing
(a) the embryonic layers, ectoderm and through the central axis of the body divides the
endoderm, are separated by mesogloea organism into two identical halves is called :
(b) the body is asymmetrical (a) bilateral symmetry (b) radial symmetry
(c) there is tissue level of organization (c) asymmetry (d) all of these
(d) the body cavity is absent 77. Organism in which body can be divided into
65.The organisms belonging to following phylum identical left and right halves in only one plane,
are coelomate (true). exhibit ?
(a) arthropoda (a) bilateral symmetry (b) radial symmetry
(b) aschelminthes (c) asymmetry (d) all of these
(c) ctenophora 78. Symmetry in which any plane passing through
(d) platyhelminthes the central axis of the body divides the organism
66.Which type of organization is found in into two identical halves is found in :
Coelenterates ? (a) coelenterates (b) ctenophores
(a) cellular level (b) tissue level (c) echinoderms (d) all of these
(c) organ level (d) organ system level 79. Organisms in which body can be divided into
67.Which type of organization is found in identical left and right halves in only one plane,
platyhelminthes ? are:
(a) cellular level (b) tissue level (a) annelids (b) arthropods
(c) organ level (d) organ system level (c) echinoderms (d) all of these
68.The organ system of level of organization is 80. An undifferentiated layer, mesogloea, is present
found in : in :
(a) annelids (b) arthropods (a) diploblastic animals
(c) molluscs (d) all of these (b) triploblastic animals
69. The organ system of level of organization is not (c) echinoderms (d) arthropods
found in :
(a) annelids (b) echinoderms
Biology NUGAS CLASSES By: G.K. Nugas
`Main Market, Sector-13, HUDA, Hisar \ Mob. 8529147033
81.Animals in which the developing embryo has a
third germinal layer, mesoderm, in between the
ectoderm and endoderm present in :
(a) platyhelminthes (b) annelids
(c) echinoderms (d) all of these
82.Which of the following is diploblastic animals ?
(a) molluscs (b) coelenterates
(c) arthropods (d) chordates
83.Animals in which body cavity is not lined by
mesoderm, instead, the mesoderm is present as
scattered pouches in between the ectoderm and
endoderm are called :
(a) acoelomates (b) pseudocoelomates
(c) coelomates (d) all of these
84.Which of the following is pseudocoelomates ?
(a) aschelminthes
(b) platyhelminthes
(c) platyhelminthes to chordates
(d) all of these
85.Which of the following is acoelomates
(a) aschelminthes
(b) platyhelminthes
(c) platyhelminthes to chordates
(d) all of these
86.Which of the following is coelomates ?
(a) aschelminthes
(b) platyhelminthes
(c) platyhelminthes to chordates
(d) none of these
87.Which of the following is a fresh water sponge:
(a) sycon (b) euspongia
(c) spongilla (d) pleurobrachia
88.In some animal groups, the body is found
divided into compartments with serial repetition
of at least some organs. This characteristic
feature is called.
(a) segmentation (b) metamerism
(c) metagenesis (d) metamorphosis
89.Given below are types of cells present in some
animals. Each one is specialized to perform a
single specific function except.
(a) choanocytes (b) interstitial cells
(c) gastrodermal cells (d) nematocytes
90.Which one of the following sets of animals
share a four chambered heart ?
(a) amphibian, reptiles, birds
(b) crocodiles, birds, mammals
(c) crocodiles, lizards, turtles
(d) lizards, mammals, birds

Biology NUGAS CLASSES By: G.K. Nugas

`Main Market, Sector-13, HUDA, Hisar \ Mob. 8529147033

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