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Which group does not produce embryo ?
'.-l-1 Algae (2) Moss 11. The megaspare mother cell In gymnosperms Is
(3) Uverworts differentiated from :·
2. (4) Club moss
(I), Integument
Which group of plants does not conduct water and (2) Embryosac
minerals by ~5trr.! tissue ? (a) Nucellus
(4) Endosperm
(1 l Algae (2) Moss
Which is the similarity tn Ch/ore/la an ~plru/lina ?
(3) Uverworts ,Al A (1) Both are unlcellulat
11 of the above
3. rt/
In which group of plants the male and female sex (2) Both are rich In protein
organs are antheridia and archegonia respectively ? (3) Both are used as food supplement
(1) Bluegreen algae (2) Cyanobacteria (4t All of the above .
(3) Protista
(4) Liverworts Majority of red algae tend to grow in :·
The plants in which body Is differentiated into root, (1) Marine and warmer areas
stem and leaf are :·
(2) Marine and colder areas
(1) Chlorophyceae
(2) Phaeophyceae (3) Freshwater and warmer areas
(3)- Lycopsida
(4) Hepaticopsida (4) Brackish water and colder areas
5. Which is not an example moss plants ?
14. Pyriform, biHagellate gametes are produced in :·
(1) Funaria (2) Po/ytrichum (1) Ectocarpus, Po/ysiphonia
(3) Sphagnum i4) Col/etotrichum (?I Ectocarpus, Dictyota
6. Strobilli or cones are not formed in :· (3) Ulothrix, Po/ysiphonia
(1) Lycopsida (2) Sphenopsida (4) Fucus, Porphyra
(3) Cycadopsida 'ill) Fem 15. Autotrophic aquatic organisms which usuanit repro-
7. In which group of plants the male and female duce vegetatively by fragmentation, and perform
gametophytes do not havEl an,independent living sexual reproduction alS0 by the nonmotile gametes.
existence ? , These organism are :·

(1) Bryophytes tf) Polysiphonia, Porphyra, Graci/aria

(2r Pteridophytes
(2) Ectocarpus, Dictyota, Laminaria
13) Gymno~perms (4)All
8. (3) Laminaria, Fucus, Sargassum
When sporophylls are arranged spirally along an
axis, they form :· (4) Volvox, Chara, Spirogyra

(I-) Strobillus (2) Flowers 16. Which is not true about agar ?
(3) Inflorescence (4) Sporophyte (1) It is obtained from red alga

The g_ametophyte of.E!_eridophytes require to grow :· (2) It is used to grow microbes

(1) Warm, damp, and shady place (3) It is used to make ice-cream and gellies

(2) Cool, damp, and shady place 14) It is used as food supplement even by space
(3) Warm, dry, and shady place
17. At present most acceptable system of classification
(4) Cool, dry, and place of well sunshine is :·
In which group the zygote is first divided by meiotic (1) Artificial system
(2) Natural system
(1) Bluegreen algae (2) Hepaticopsida
. '.3) Phylogenetic system
(3) Pteropsida (4) Phaeophyceae (4) Sexual system
E 7
th e 21. In which member chlorophyll a , can:;~
18. Fill in the blanks (a), (b) & (c) by observing
h t are present in ? Xilt)~
characters given in table and choose t e correc
answer from the options :- (1) Ectocarpus (2) Gelidium
, ·,a...: Major digmonts stored food flagella cell wall (3) Volvox (4) Vaucheria

a) Chlorophyll Stareh 2-8 equ al Cellulose 22. Roridean starch is characteristic feature of :-

a&b and apical {l) Pofysiphonia, Graci/aria, Porphyra

(b) Chlorophyll Mannitol 2, unequal Cellulose (2) Laminaria, Sargassum, Porphyra

a&c and lateraJ & algin (3) Po/ysiphonia, laminaria, Porphyra

kc) Chlorophyll Aoridean Absent Cellulose (4) Chara, Dictyota, Po/ysiphonia

a&d stareh 23. Gemmae are the structures of :-
(a) (b) (c) {1) Asexual reproduction
(1) Chlorophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Phaeophyceae (2) Sexual reproduction mostly produced in mess
(2) Rhodophyceae, Chlorophyceae,Phaeophyceae (3) Asexual reproduction mostly produced in mess
(J) Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae (4) Sexual reproduction mostly produced in liverworts
(4) Rhodophyceae, Phaeophyceae Chlorophyceae 24. Predominant stage of them is gametophyte, they
19. Fill in the blanks a, b, c and d by observing the vegetatively reproduce by fragmentation and bud-
characters given in the table and choose the cor- ding. They produce male and female gametes in
rect answer from the options :- antheridia and archegonia respectively. After fer-
Plant Main Fertilisation Vascular Female tilisation zygote develops into a sporophyte consist-
group body tissue sex organ ing of foot, seta and capsule, in them spore formed
Biyophyta Gameto- Zoodio- Absent (c)
in their capsule form protonema on germination.
phyte gamy
The above description is about the group :-
Pterido- (a) Zoodio- (b) Arche-
(1) Lycopsida (f) Bryopsida
phyta gamy gonium (3) Hepaticopsida (4) Psilopsida
Gymno- Sporo- Siphono- present (d) 25. lntegumented or enveloped megasporangia are
sperm phyte gamy and formed in :-
Zoodio2amv {l) Phanerogams (2) Cryptogams
(a) (b) (c) (d) (3) Gymnosperms (4) Pteridophytes
·Q) Sporophyte Present Archegonium Archegonium 26. Evolutionarily first terrestrial plants to possess
(2) Sporophyte Absent Oogonium Archegonium vascular tissues xylem and phloem are :-
(3) Gamctophyte Present Archegonium Carpel
(1) Psilopsida (2) Lycopsida
(4) Game1ophyte Present Archegonium Carpel
(3) Pteridophyta (4) Sphenopsida
20. A member of algae is having following characters:-
27. Needle like leaves to reduce the surface area, thick
(a) Chlorophyll a and b are present cuticle, ramenta and sunken stomata to reduce
(b) Chloroplast has one or many pyrenoids water loss etc. are the xerophytic characters present
(c) Cell wall made of cellulose and pectose m :-

(d) Reserve food material is starch (1) Pteridophytes

Which one of the following is also a very important Gymnosperms

character to call it as a member of chlorophyceae ? (3) Angiosperms
(1) Plant body may be colonial or filamentous (4) Sphenopsida
(2) Plant body is made of haploid cells called 28. Most reduced gametophyte generation is found in :-
as gametophyte
(1) Bryophyta
(3) Its flagellar character must be; 2-8 in number,
(2) Pteridophyta
equal and apical
(3) ~ymnosperms
(4 ) It may occur in fresh water, brackish water or
salt water ~ngiosperrns

8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _1___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1:
29. Examine the given characters :- 36. Which group of plants is of minimum economic
(A) Formation of only one functional megaspore in importance ?
a megasporangium (1) Gymnosperms (2) Angiospems
(B) Formation of hard covering around (3) Bryophyta (4) Pteridophyta
megasporangium 37. Normally in gymnosperms how many archegonia
(0 Development of embryo from zygote within the are produced in an owle ?
female gametophyte (1) One
(D) Retention of megaspore inside the (2)Two
J3) Two or more
These were very essential events occurred during the (4) Always one
course of ewlution for the phenomenon of:-
38. Find the false statement from the followings:-
(1) Heterospory
(1) Cyanobacteria, that are also referred to as blue-
i2) Seed habit
green algae are not algae any more
(3) Fruit formation (2) Algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms
(4) Covered seed formation and Angiosperms are described under the
30. In gymnosperms the ru,.eg~spore forms :- kingdom plantae
(~ -Endosperm Female gamete (3) Artificial systems gave equal weightage to
(3) Male gamete (4) Male cone vegetative and sexual characteristics.
31. Which is the odd one among four with respect to (4) ~ onomy uses the chemical constituents of
ploidy? the plant cells to resok.e confusions of taxonomy.
(1) Spore (21 Sporophyte 3~ The habitat where algae can not be found ?
(3) Archegonium (4) Antheridium (1) Moist stones (2) Moist wood

32. Which of the following is odd one from the follow- (3) Moist soil (4) No any
ing about liver worts ? The most common type of spores produced in algae
(1) Foot, Seta, Capsule during asexual reproduction are :-
(2) Spore, Archegonium, Antheridium ( 1) Aplanospores (2) Conidia
(3) Protonema, Primary _protonema & Secondary (3) Zoospores (4) Hypnospores
protonema 41. Fusion between a large, nonmotile (static) female
(4) Parenchyma. Gemmae, Scales gamete and a smaller, motile male gamete is termed
as :-
~ , Which is not true about fem plants ?
"-0 (1) They produce sori on sporophylls
12) Oogamy
(2) They produce male or female cone by spiral
arrangement of sporophylls (3) Anisogarny

(3) Some fem plants are heterosporous also (4) Zoidogamy

(4) Some fems are aquatic also 42. Non vascular archegoniate plants are :-
34. In a sphenopsid plant number of chromosome in (1) Thallophytes
,; its scaly leaves is 24, what will be the number of (2) Bryophytes
chromosomes in its stem cells, spores, and prothallus (3) Pteridophytes
respectively :-

(4) Gymnosperm
(I) 24, 12, 12 (2) 24. 24, 12
43. Vascular plants producing integumented
(3) 12. 24, 12 (4) 24, 12, 24 i:negasporangia but not ovary are :-
2 No. of species is minimum in which plant group? (1) Pteridophytes
] (I) Gymnosperm !2) Gymnosperms
!2 (2) Angiosperms (3) AngiospermS
(3) Pteridophytes (4) Bryophytes
(4) B~phytes
E-------------1------------ 9
··--··· - - - -- ,,.;,,,
The same type of relation occuring in magaspore (2) Very high water holding capacity of mosses is
~ ) mother cell and nucellus can also be seen in :- useful for trans-shipment of living materials
,,..._, (1) Female gamete and antheridium (3) Mosses algong with lichens are the pioneenng
<9 organisms to colonise rocks
--:: (2) Male gamete and endosperm
(4) Mosses form dense mats on the soil and reduce
(3) Egg cell and archegonium
the impact of falling rain.
(4) Neck canal cell and antheridium
47. In most of the plants meiosis results in formation
~5. Which is not true about the uses of algae ?
of :-
(1) They increase the level of dissolved oxygen in
(1) Male gamete or female gamete
their immediate environment
(2) Male sex organ or female sex organ
(2) They are of paramount importance as primary
producer of energy (3) Microspore or megaspore
(3) Porphyra, LB.minaria and Sargassum are used (4) Microsporangium or Megasporangium
as food '
48v In most of the plants meiosis is performed in:-
(4) Certain marihe brown ij}gae produce agar-which (1) Spore mother cells
is used to make ice-creams (2) Gamete mother cells
46_ Which one of the following is not the ecological (3) Sporangium
importance of moss plants ?
(4) Gametangium
(1) Some mosses provide food for herbaceous
mammals birds and other animals



jbue/ 1 / 2 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. 19 20 :,
/Ans./ 1 4 4 3 4 4 3 1 2 4 3 4 1 2 1 4 3 3 1 3

pue/ 21 J 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33
32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
/Ans./ 1 j 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 4 4 3

Jaue / 41 j 42 j 43 44 45 46 47 48 I
/Ans./ 2 / 2 / 2 J 3 1 4 2 3 1 J

II ____,.,,,..

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