Junior Clerk Book

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Computer Operator,
Junior Clerk,
Data Entry Operator
& Key Punch
Operator. Hamim Huda
S. No Description Page#
PART (i) Fundamentals of ComputerSystem
01. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 01 02
02. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 02 09
03. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 03 16
04. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 04 23
05. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 05 30
06. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 06 37
07. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 07 44
08. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 08 52
09. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 09 59
10. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 10 67
11. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 11 74
12. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 12 82
13, Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 13 90
14. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 14 97
15. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 15 105
16. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 16 113
17. Fundamentals of Computer System CHAPTER 17 121
PART (ii) Operating System 129

18. Operating System Chapter 01 130

19. Operating System Chapter 02 137
20. Operating System Chapter 03 144
21. Operating System Chapter 04 151
22. Operating System Chapter 05 158
23. Operating System Chapter 06 167
24. Operating System Chapter 07 176
25. Operating System Chapter 08 185
26. Operating System Chapter 09 192
S. No Description Page#
PART (iv)EXCEL 217
31. EXCEL CHAPTER 02 226
32. EXCEL CHAPTER 03 234

Composed By Hamim Huda



1.A light sensitive device that converts An error is also knownas:
drawing, printed text or other images A. Bug B.Debug
into digital form is C. Cursor D. Icon
A. Keyboard B. Plotter Answer: Option A
C.Scanner D.OMR
Answer: Option C Microsoft Word is an exampleof
an operatingsystem
2.Which protocol provides e-mail Processing device
facility among different hosts? Applicationsoftware
A.FTP B.SMTP an input device Answer: OptionC
Answer: Option B SMTP (Simple Mail 9.The memory sizes in mainframe
Transfer Protocol) computers and advanced technology micro
computer are expressed as……
3.The basic architecture of computer A. Bytes B. Kilobytes
was developed by C.Bits D.Megabytes Answer: OptionD
A. John VonNeumann
B. CharlesBabbage 10.Fifth generation computers are based
C BlaisePascal on…….
D. Garden Moore Artificial Intelligence
Answer: Option A Programming Intelligence
System Knowledge
In order to tell Excel that we are VVLSI
entering a formula in cell, we must Answer: Option A
begin with an operator such as…….
A.$ B.@ 11. Microprocessor was introduced in
C.+ D.= which generation of computer?
Answer: OptionD SecondGeneration
In how many generations acomputer Both (A) and(B)
can beclassified? ThirdGeneration
A.3 B.4 Answer: Option B
C.5 D.6
Answer: Option C 12.Second generation computers are made
6.Which of the following circuit is used Vaccum Tubes
as a 'Memory device' in computers? Transistors
A.Rectifier B. FlipFlop LSI
C. Comparator D. Attenuator VLSI
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

13.Which of the following memory is

non-volatile? 19.Which one of the following is not an
SRAM application software package?
DRAM Red HatLinux
ROM MicrosoftOffice
All of theabove AdobePagemaker
Answer: Option C OpenOffice
None ofthese
GUI standsfor Answer: Option A
Graph UseInterface
Graphical Universal Interface An error is also knownas:
Graphical User Interface Bug
Graphical UniqueInterface Debug
Answer: Option C Cursor
15.Any data or instruction entered None ofthese
into the memory of a computer is Answer: Option A
considered as
Storage Microsoft Word is an exampleof
Output an operatingsystem
Input Processing device
Information Applicationsoftware
Answer: OptionC an inputdevice
System Software
16.Time during which a job is Answer: Option C
processed by the computer is:
A. Execution Time B. Delay Time 22.The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering
C. RealTime D. WaitingTime system are called Binary Digits or
Answer: Option A Bytes
17.Which one of the following is not an Decimal bytes
application software package? Bits
A. RedHatLinux B. MicrosoftOffice None ofthese
C. Adobe Page maker D. Open Office Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A
23.The size of commonly used floppy disk is
Who invented thesupercomputer? A. 4.5"
CharlesBabbage B.3.5"
JH VanTassell C. 3.25"
CharlesGinsberg D. 5.5"
Answer: Option B
Seymour Cray
None ofthese
Answer: Option D

24.The 'IC' chip, used in computers, is

made of 29. Which of the following is not an
Chomium advantage of magnetic diskstorage?
IronOxide A. The access time of magnetic disk ismuch
Silica less than that of magnetictape
Silicon B. Disk storage is less expensive thantape
None ofthese storage
Answer: Option D C. Disk storage is longer lasting than magnetic
Which of the following statementis D. None of theabove
wrong? Answer: Option D
Photoshop is a graphical design toolby
Adobe 30.Where is the headquarters of Intel
Linux is free and open sourcesoftware located?
Linux is owned and sold byMicrosoft A. Redmond,Washington
Windows XP is an operatingsystem B. Tucson,Arizona
None of theabove C. Santa Clara,California
Answer: Option C D. Richmond,Virginia
Answer: Option C
26. Which of the following statementis
wrong? 31.Which of the following was the first Intel
A. Photoshop is a graphical design toolby processor introduced?
Adobe A. 3080
B. Linux is free and open sourcesoftware B.4004
C. Linux is owned and sold byMicrosoft C. 8080
D. Windows XP is an operatingsystem D.8086
E. None of theabove E. None of these
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

27. Who invented thesupercomputer? 32.Which of the following operating

A. CharlesBabbage systems is produced by IBM?
B. JH VanTassell A. OS-2
C. CharlesGinsberg B. Windows
D. Seymour Cray C. DOS
E. None ofthese D. UNIX
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

28.Graphical pictures that represent 33. Window's settings are recordedin

an object like file, folder etc are: A. WINDOWS.INI
A. Taskbar B. WIN.INI
B. Windows C. SYSTEM.INI
D. Desktop Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C

34.Which network protocol is used to

send Email? 39.The processor which performs
A. FTP arithmetical and logical operations is called
B. SSH A. Control
D. SMTP C. Register
E. None ofthese D. CacheMemory
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

35. The operating systemmanages 40.Which was an early mainframe

A. Memory computer?
B. Processor A. UNIC
C. Disk and I/ODevices B. FUNTRIA
D. All of theabove C. BRAINIA
Answer: Option D D. ENIAC
Answer: Option D
36. Operating System is the most
commontypeof___________ software. 41. Arithmetic logicunit
A. Communication I. perform arithmeticoperations
B. Application II. store data
C. System III. perform comparison
D. Word Processing Software IV. communicate with input devices
Answer: Option C from above the correct oneis
A. Ionly
37. Which memory is non volatile and B. IIonly
may be written only once? C. I and IIonly
A. RAM D. I and IIIonly
B. EEPROM Answer: OptionD
D. PROM 42.RAM chips
Answer: Option D A. allow the computer to storedata
38.Which of the following memory is B. store data indefinitely unless you deleteit
volatile C. are secondarymemory
A. RAM D. All of theabove
B. ROM Answer: Option A
D. PROM 43.Super computers are mainly useful for
Answer: Option A A. Mathematical intensivescientific
B. Data-retrieval operations
C. Input-output intensiveprocessing
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option A

44.The memory which is programmed

at the time it is manufactured is
A. RAM 50.AVI(Audio Video Interleave) format was
B. ROM developed by?
D. EPROM B. Apple
E. None ofthese C. Microsoft
Answer: Option B D. Macromedia
E. Adobe
45. Which of the following is thefastest Answer: Option C
B. Magnetic Tapes andDisks 51.Which one of the following is an example
C. Video Terminal of Operating System?
D. Sensors, MechanicalControllers A. MicrosoftWord
Answer: Option A B. MicrosoftExcel
C. MicrosoftAccess
46.A kilobyte also referred to as KB, is D. MicrosoftWindows
equal to: Answer: Option D
A. 1000bytes
B. 1024bytes 52.Which is the device that converts
C. 2048bytes computer output into a form that can be
D. 512 bytes transmitted over a telephone line?
Answer: Option B A. Teleport
B. Multiplexer
47. When was the first e-mailsent? C. Concentrator
A. 1963 D. Modem
B.1969 Answer: Option D
C. 1971
D.1974 53.Which of the following items is not used
Answer: Option C in Local Area Networks (LANs)
A. Computers
48. One MB is equalto? B. Modem
A. 1024Byte C. Printer
B. 1024KB D. Cable
C. 1000KB Answer: Option B
D. 1024GB
Answer: Option B 54.The file extension of MS-Word document
in Office2007 is ______ _.
49. Internet Explorer is a typeof A. .doc
A. OperatingSystem B. .docx
B. Browser C. .pdf
C. IPaddress D. .txt
D. Compiler E. .xls
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

55.A computer port is used to?

A. Communicate with harddisks
B. Donwloadfiles 60. Another term for Main Memoryis
C. Communicate with othercomputer A. HardDisk
peripherals B. ROM
D. None of theabove C. FloppyDisk
Answer: Option C D. RAM
Answer: Option D
56.Dot-matrix, Deskjet, Inkjet and
Laser are all types of which computer 61.General purpose computers are those
peripherals? that can be adopted to countless uses
A. Printers simply by changing its
B. Software A. OutputDevice
C. Monitors B. InputDevice
D. Keyboards C. Program
Answer: Option A D. Processor
E. None ofthese
57.In a client/server model, a client Answer: Option C
A. Asks forinformation 62.A collection of 8 bits is called
B. Provides information andfiles A. Byte
C. Serves software files toother B. Record
computers C. Word
D. Distributes data files toother D. Nibble
computers Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
63.The device primarily used to provide
58. Computer Virusisa ______ _. hardcopy is the
A. Hardware A. CRT
B. Software B. Computer Console
C. Bacteria C. Printer
D. Freeware D. CardReader
Answer: Option B E. None ofthese
Answer: Option C
59. The most advanced form of ROMis?
A. PROM 64.Which of the following is the most
B. RAM powerful type of the computer?
C. EEPROM A. Mainframe
D. CacheMemory B. Super conductor
Answer: Option C C. Micro computer
D. Super computer
E. None ofthese
Answer: Option D

65.A list of instructions used by a

computer is called
A. Text 69.A typical modern computer uses
B. CPU A. Magnetic cores for secondarystorage
C. Program B. LSIchips
D. Output C. Magnetic tape for primarymemory
Answer: Option C D. More than 10,000 vaccumtubes
Answer: Option B
66.EEPROM stands for
A. Electronically ErasableProgrammable 70.The term 'memory' applies to which one
Read-OnlyMemory of the following
B. Electrically ErasableProgrammable A. Logic
Read-OnlyMemory B. Storage
C. Electrically EnabledProgrammable C. InputDevice
Read OnlyMemory D. OutputDevice
D. Electronically EnabledProgrammable Answer: OptionB
Read OnlyMemory
E. None ofthese 71.Which of the following is trueabout
Answer: Option B primary storage?
A. It is a part of theCPU
67.ROM is needed for storing aninitial B. It allows very fast access todata
programcalled ______ _. C. It is relatively moreexpensive
A. Computer StartupLoader D. All of theabove
B. OSVersion Answer: Option D
C. Kernel
D. BootstrapLoader 72.The process of copying data from a
Answer: Option D memory location is called
A. Writing
68.Which of the following is not used B. Controlling
as secondary storage? C. Booting
A. Semiconductormemory D. Reading
B. MagneticDisks Answer: Option D
C. magneticDrums
D. MagneticTapes 73.The process of putting data into a
Answer: Option A storage location is called
A. Reading
B. Writing
C. Controlling
D. Hand Shaking
Answer: Option B

Composed By Hamim Huda


1.Which of the following is the
product of data processing? 7. CPU controls……...
A. Information A. All Input, Output and processing.
B. Data B. ControlsMemory
C. SoftwareProgram C. Controlled by the inputdata
D. System D. None of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

2. Which one is not an inputdevice? 8. USBstandsfor _________?

A. Keyboard A. Universal SerialBus
B. Mouse B. Universal SequentialBus
C. Speaker C. Unique SerialBus
D. Scanner D. Unique SequentialBus
Answer: Option C Answer: Option A

3.DNS in internet technology stands 9. ALUstandsfor _________ ?

for A. Arithmetic LegalUnit
A. Distributed NameSystem B. Arithmetic LogicUnit
B. Data NameSystem C. Arithmetic LocalUnit
C. Dynamic NameSystem D. Arithmetic LogicUtility
D. Domain NameSystem Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D
10. CPUstandsfor _______ ?
4. Portable programmeans? A. Central PerformanceUnit
A. Independent from itsauthors B. Control ProcessingUnit
B. Independent ofplatform C. Common ProcessingUnit
C. Program withwheels D. Central ProcessingUnit
D. None of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
11.Which of the following holds the ROM,
5.What technology of memory is RAM, CPU?
Cache RAM usually? A. HardDisk
B. Flash C. Mother Board
C. SRAM D. None of theabove
D. EEPROM Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C
12. Where is computer's BIOSstored?
B. Flash
Answer: Option B

13.A technique used by codes to 18.What is Cache RAM?

convert an analog signal into a digital A. Extra memory used for overflow fromyour
bit stream is known as HardDisk
A. Digital SignalGenerator B. A place to store secret informationlike
B. Pulse CodeModulation passwords
C. Pulse SignalModulation C. Its the same as your Hard DiskDrive
D. None ofthese D. Fast memory used for data that isaccessed
Answer: Option B often
Answer: Option D
14.Where does your PC store your
programs when the power is off? 19. What does DRAM standfor?
A. DRAM A. Data Random AccessMemory
B. Cache B. Data Random ActiveMemory
C. ROM C. Dynamic Random AccessMemory
D. Hard DiskDrive D. Double Random AccessMemory
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

15.What is PCI(Peripheral Component 20.A program that converts computer data

Interconnect)? into some code system other than the
A. A type ofmonitor normal one is known as
B. A type of systembus A. Emulator
C. A kind ofgraphics B. Encoder
D. A modemstandard C. Decoder
E. None ofthese D. Trigger
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

16.Which company is not a PC 21.Which company is not a microprocessor

manufacturer? manufacturer?
A. Intel A. IBM
B. Gateway B. AMD(Advanced MicroDevices)
C. Dell C. Microsoft
D. Compaq D. Intel
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

17.What language does a browser 22.Which company is not a microprocessor

typically interpret to display manufacturer?
information from the World Wide A. IBM
Web? B. AMD(Advanced MicroDevices)
A. MachineCode C. Microsoft
B. AssemblyLanguage D. Intel
C. HTML E. None ofthese
D. C++ Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C

28........... is the process of finding errorsin

software code.
23.What does a system bus do? A. Compiling
A. allows the user to communicatewith B. Testing
thecomputer C. Running
B. carries outinstructions D. Debugging
C. connects various componentswithin Answer: Option D
D. stores data andinstructions 29.To move to the beginning of a line oftext,
Answer: Option C pressthe ______ key.
A. Home
24.Buying and selling the products B. A
over electronic systems like internet C. PageUp
is called.. D. Enter
A. OnlineShopping E. None ofthese
B. NetBanking Answer: Option A
C. E-Commerce
D. Dgital Marketing 30. LAN standsfor?
Answer: Option C A. Last AffordableNetwork
B. Leased AreaNetwork
25.Basic Building Blocks for a Digital C. Latency AroundNetwok
Circuit is…… D. Local AreaNetwork
A. CMOS Answer: Option D
B. LogicGate
C. BIOS 31.A wireless technology built in electronic
D. DMOS gadgets used for exchanging data over short
Answer: Option B distances is..
A. USB B.Bluetooth
26.The first computer mouse was C. Modem D.Wifi
built by Answer: Option B
A. DouglasEngelbart
B. WilliamEnglish 32. What are the two types ofmonitors?
C. OanielCoogher A. CRT andDVD
D. RobertZawacki B. CRT andLCD
Answer: Option A C. DVD andVCD
D. LCD and DVD
27.When you are working on a Answer: Option B
document on PC, where is the
document temporarily stored? 33................ keys are present on the toprow
A. RAM of the keyboard.
B. ROM A. Function
C. CPU B. Typewriter
D. Flash Memory C. Numeric
E. CD-ROM D. Navigation
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

34......... computers are usedin

Banking, Railways, and Airlines. 39. 'www' stands for_____
A. Minicomputer A. World WordWeb
B. MicroComputer B. World WideWeb
C. SuperComputer C. World WhiteWeb
D. MainframeComputer D. World WorkWeb
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

35.Information travels between 40.The most important or powerful

components on the mother board computer in a typical network is _____
through- A. Desktop
A. Flash memory B. Networkclient
B. CMOS C. Networkserver
C. Bays D. Networkstation
D. Buses E. None ofthese
E. Peripherals Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
41.Which of the following is an exampleof
36.How are data organized in a connectivity?
spreadsheet? A. Internet
A. Lines andspaces B. Floppydisk
B. Layers andplanes C. Power cord
C. Height andwidth D. Data
D. Rows andcolumns E. None ofthese
E. None ofthese Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
42. Changing an existing document iscalled
37..... is collection of web pagesand _____ the document.
...... is the very first page that we see A. Creating
on opening of a web-site B. Editing
A. Home-page,Web-page C. Modifying
B. Web-site,Home-page D. Adjusting
C. Web-page,Home-page Answer: Option B
D. Web-page,Web-site
E. None ofthese 43.Which of the following is the largest unit
Answer: Option B of storage?
A. Gigabyte(GB
38.When the pointer is positioned on B. Kilobyte(KB)
a…… it is shaped like a hand. C. Megabyte(MB)
A. Grammar error D. Terabyte(TB)
B. Hyperlink Answer: Option D
C. Screentip
D. Spelling error
E. Formatting error
Answer: Option B

44.The…….key will launch the start

buttons. 49.What menu is selected to cut, copy, and
A. Esc paste?
B. Shift A. File
C. Windows B. Tools
D. Shortcut C. Special
Answer: Option C D. Edit
E. None ofthese
45.Which of the following is true? Answer: Option D
A. Byte is a single digit in abinary
number 50. Computersusethe ______ numbersystem
B. Bit represents a grouping ofdigital to store data and perform calculations.
numbers A. Decimal
C. Eight-digit binary number is calleda B. Hexadecimal
byte C. Octal
D. Eight-digit binary number is called a D. Binary
bit Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
51. When sending ane-mail, the ______ line
46.Transformation of input into describes the contents of the message.
output is performed by? A. To
A. Peripherals B. Subject
B. Memory C. Contents
C. Storage D. CC
D. The Input-Outputunit Answer: Option B
Answer: Option E 52. The _____ tells the computer how to useits
47.How many options does a binary A. Utility
choice offer? B. Network
A.None B. One C.Two C. Operating system
D. It depends on the amount of memory D. Applicationprogram
in thecomputer E. None ofthese
E. It depends on the speed ofthe Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C 53.What is the term used for unsolicited e-
48.The ……. of a system includes the A. Newsgroup
programs or instructions. B. Usenet
A. Hardware C. Backbone
B. Icon D. Flaming
C. Information E. Spam
D. Software Answer: Option E
Answer: Option D

54.Two or more computersconnected

to each other of sharing information
forma ____ _. 59........ is the science that attemptsto
A. Server produce machines that display the same
B. Router type of intelligence that humans do.
C. Network A. Nanoscience
D. Tunnel B. Nanotechnology
E. Pipeline C. Simulation
Answer: Option C D. Artificial intelligence(AI)
Answer: Option D
55.Office LANs that are spread
geographically apart on a large scale 60. What isbackup?
can be connected using a corporate A. Adding more components to yournetwork
_____ . B. Protecting data by copying it fromthe
A. CAN original source to a differentdestination
B. LAN C. Filtering old data from the newdata
C. DAN D. Accessing data ontape
D. WAN Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D 61.One advantage of dial-up-internet access
is ___
56. You can use the tab keyto A. It utilizes broadbandtechnology
A. Move a cursor across thescreen B. It utilizes existing telephoneservice
B. Indent aparagraph C. It uses a router forsecurity
C. Move the cursor down thescreen D. Modem speeds are veryfast
D. Only A andB Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
62.Computers that are portable and
57.The primary purpose of software convenient for users who travel are known
is to turn data into _____ as _____
A.Websites B.Information A. Super computers
C. Programs D.Objects B. Laptops
Answer: Option B C. Minicomputers
D. Fileservers
58.To what temporary area can you Answer: Option B
store text and other data, and later
paste them to another location? 63. The code for a Web page is writtenusing
A. Theclipboard _____ .
B. ROM A. A fifth generationlanguage
C. CD-ROM B. WinZip
D. The harddisk C. Peripherals
Answer: Option A D. Hypertext MarkupLanguage
Answer: Option D

64.Personal logs or journal entries

posted on the Web are known as :
A. Listservs
B. Webcasts 67.Which of the following is NOT a type of
C. Blogs broad band internet connection?
D. SubjectDirectories A. Cable
E. None ofthese B. DSL
Answer: Option C C. Dial-up
D. Satellite
65. Which of the followingstatements E. None ofthese
is FALSE concerningfile? Answer: Option C
A. Files may share the same name orthe
same extension but notboth 68. Linuxisa(n)........... operatingsystem
B. Every file in the same foldr musthave A. Open-source
a uniquename B. Microsoft
C. File extension is another name for file C. Windows
type D. Mac
D. The file extension comes beforethe Answer: Option A
dot (.) followed by the filename
E. None ofthese
Answer: Option D 69.Which of the following places the
common data elements in order from
66.The most frequently used smallest to largest?
instructions of a computer program A. character, file, record, field,database
are likely to be fetched from: B. character, record, field, database,file
A. the harddisk C. character, field, record, file,database
B. cachememory D. Bit, byte, character, record, field,file,
C. RAM database
D. registers Answer: Option C
E. None ofthese
Answer: Option B

1.What is the correct association 6.Which of the following would most likely
between a hardware component NOT be a symptom of a virus ?
and a computer function? A. Existing program files and iconsdisappear.
A. Monitor >input
B. Mouse >input B. The CD-ROM stopsfunctioning.
C. CPU >storage C. THe Web browser opens to an unusualhome
D. Hard disk >processing page.
Answer: Option B D. Odd messages or images are displayed onthe
2.For move to the bottom ofa Answer: Option B
document, press........
A. Autosummarize 7. We access the World Wide Webusing:
B. Homekey A. Browsers
C. Ctrl + Homekey B. Instant messagingapplications
D. End key C. High bandwidth
E. Ctrl + Endkey D. Searchengine
Answer: Option E Answer: Option A

3.By default, your documentsprint 8.A wirelessnetworkuses ............. wavesto

in...... mode transmitsignals.
A. Pagesetup A. Mechanical
B. Portrait B. Radio
C. Landscape C. Sound
D. Printpreview D. Magnetic
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

4.What does the SMTP in an SMTP 9.What device includes an adapter that
server stand for? decodes data sent in radio signals?
A. Simple Mail TransferProtocol A. Modem
B. Serve Message TextProcess B. DigitalTranslator
C. Short Messaging TextProcess C. Router
D. Short Messaging TransferProtocol D. Switch
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

5.What's considered the 'backbone' 10.Which of the following is Not a

of the World Wide Web? characteristic of a compluter?
A. Uniform resource locator(URL) A. Intelligence
B. Hypertext mark-uplanguage B. Speed
(HTML) C. Versatility
C. Hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP) D. Automation
D. File transfer protocol(FTP) Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C

16.Which of the following is Not a

11.Who designed the first electronic characteristic of E-mail?
computer - ENIAC? A. Low cost
A. VonNeuman B. Record maintenance indatabase
B. Joseph M Jacquard C. High speed
C. J presper Eckert and JohnW D. Wastereduction
Mauchly Answer: Option B
D. Both A andB
Answer: Option C 17.Loading Operating System onto RAM is
12.Which input device cannot be A. Printing
used to work in MS Office? B. Saving
A. Scanner C. Booting
B. Mouse D. Starting
C. Keyboard Answer: Option C
D. JoyStick
E. Lightpen 18.The following are all computing devices,
Answer: Option D except ......
A. Notebookcomputers
13.The bar at the top of a window B. Cellular telephones
that bears the name of the window C. Digital scanners
is known as? D. Personal digital assistants(PDA)
A. Control Panel Answer: Option C
B. Taskbar
C. Menubar 19.What is the shortcut key to "Undo" the last
D. Statusbar action in a document?
E. Titlebar A. Ctrl +X
Answer: Option E B. Ctrl +Z
C. Ctrl +Y
14. URL standsfor? D. Ctrl +U
A. Universal ResearchList Answer: Option B
B. Universal ResourceList
C. Uniform ResourceLocator 20. Chip is a common nickname fora(n)?
D. Uniform ResearchLocator A. Transistor
Answer: Option C B. Resistor
C. IntegratedCicuit
15.Programs such as Internet D. Smiconductor
Explorer that serve as navigable Answer: Option C
windows into the Web are called
........ 21.A normal CD-ROM usually can store up to
A. Hypertext ........
B. Networks A.680 KB B. 680Bytes
C. Internet C.680MB D. 680GB
D. WebBrowsers Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D

27.Which of the following devices have a

22.Which of the following is the limitation that we can only store information
largest manufacturer of Hard Disk to it but cannot erase or modify it?
Drives? A. FloppyDisk
A. IBM B. HardDisk
B. Seagate C. TapeDrive
C. Microsoft D. CD-ROM
D. 3M Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
28.To save a document in different location
23.The programs which are as use:
permanent as hardware and stored A. Save
in ROM is known as B. SaveAs
A. Hardware C. Save as webpage
B. Software D. All of theabove
C. Firmware Answer: Option B
D. ROM ware
Answer: Option C 29.Which of the following is not an
manufacturer of Hard Disk drives?
24.A disadvantage of the laser A. Samsung
printer is: B. Intel
A. It is quieter than an impactprinter. C. Seagate
B. It is veryslow D. WesternDigital
C. The output is of a lowerquality Answer: Option B
D. All of theabove
E. None ofthese 30.Different components on the motherboard
Answer: Option E of a PC processor unit are linked together by
sets or parallel electrical conducting lines.
25.Instructions and memory What are these lines called?
address are represented by A. Conductors
A. Character code B. Busses
B. Binarycodes C. Connectors
C. Binaryword D. Connectivity
D. Partiybit Answer: OptionB
Answer: Option B
31. What is meant by a dedicatedcomputer?
26.As compared to diskettes, the A. Which is used by one persononly.
hard disks are B. Which is assigned one and only onetask.
A. Moreexpensive C. Which uses one kind ofsoftware.
B. Moreportable D. Which is meant for applicationsoftware.
C. Lessrigid E. None ofthese
D. Slowlyaccessed Answer: Option B
E. None ofthese
Answer: Option A

32.The secondary storage devices 37. An essential difference between the

can only store data but they cannot operating system that runs a typical desktop
perform computer and the operating system thatruns
A. ArithmeticOperation a typical PDA is that.......
B. Logicoperation A. the desktop OS has a graphical userinterface
C. Fetch operations whereas the PDA OS doesnot.
D. Either of theabove B. the desktop OS can run several programs
Answer: Option D simultaneously whereas the PDA OScannot.
C. the desktop OS manages hardwareresources
33.Which command is used to set a whereas the PDA OS doesnot.
name to a disk in DOS? D. the desktop computer has an OS whereasa
A. VOLUME PDA doesnot.
B. VOL Answer: Option B
D. DISKLABEL 38.Which computer memory is used for
Answer: Option C storing programs and data currently being
processed by the CPU?
34. Which file starts MSWord? A. Massmemory
A. Winword.exe B. Internal memory
B. Word.exe C. Non-volatilememory
C. Msword.exe D. PROM
D. Word2003.exe Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
39.In MS-WORD 2007, to get to the 'Symbol'
35.Shimmer, Sparkle text, Blinking dialog box, clickonthe ........... menu andchoose
Background etc. are known as ...... 'Symbol'.
A. FontStyles A. Insert B.View
B. FontEffects C.PageLayout D.Mailings
C. WordArt E. None of these
D. TextEffects Answer: Option A
E. None ofthese
Answer: Option D 40.Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss,
engrave are known as .......
36.In case of MS-WORD, which of the A. FontStyles
following is not available in Font B. FontEffects
Spacing? C. WordArt
A. Normal D. TextEffects
B. Loosely Answer: Option B
C. Condensed
D. Expanded 41. Bold, Italic, Regular are known as......
E. None ofthese A. FontStyles B. FontEffects
Answer: Option B C.WordArt D. TextEffects
Answer: Option A

42.Which of the following will not 47.In case of MS-EXCEL, If you begin typing an
cut information? entry into a cell and then realize that you
A. Pressing Ctrl +C don't want your entry placed into that cell,
B. Selecting Edit > Cut from themenu you:
C. Clicking on the standard cutbutton A. Press the Erasekey
D. Pressing Ctrl +X B. PressEsc
Answer: Option A C. Press the Enterbutton
D. Press the Edit formulabutton
43.Computer connected to a LAN Answer: Option B
(Local Area Network) can .......
A. runfaster 48.A self replicating program, similar to a
B. go online virus which was taken from a 1970s science
C. share information and/orshare fiction novel by John Bruner entitled the
peripheral equipment Shockwave Rider is ........
D. E-mail A. Bug
Answer: Option C B. Vice
C. Lice
44. VDU is also called....... D. Worm
A. Screen Answer: Option D
B. Monitor
C. Both A andB 49.What kind of software would you most
D. Printer likely use to keep track of billing account?
Answer: Option C A. WordProcessing
B. ElectronicPublishing
45.What is the purpose of keeping C. Spreadsheet
electronic devices such as D. Webauthoring
computers, televisions, and remote Answer: Option C
controlled devices on Sleep mode?
A. Reduce Powerconsumption 50.Which of the following is not a computer
B. BackUP language?
C. To write contents of RAM to hard A. BASIC
disk B. C++
D. To improve downloadspeed C. C#
Answer: Option A D. Java
E. Microsoft
46.Firewalls are used to protect Answer: Option E
A. UnauthorizedAccess 51.A result of a computer virus can not lead to
B. VirusAttacks ......
C. Data DrivenAttacks A. DiskCrash
D. FireAttacks B. Mother Board Crash
Answer: OptionA C. Corruption ofprogram
D. Deletion offiles
Answer: Option B

The software tools that enable a 57.Which of the following extensions suggest
user to interact with a computer for that the file is a backup copy?
specific purposes are known as ....... A. .bak
A. Hardware B. .bas
B. NetworkSoftware C. .com
C. Shareware D. .txt
D. Applications Answer: Option A
Answer: OptionD
58. What isoutput?
53.In word processing, an efficient A. What the processor takes from theuser
way to move the 3rd paragraph to B. What the user gives to theprocessor
place it after the 5th paragraph is C. What the processor gets from theuser
....... D. What the processor gives to theuser
A. copy andpaste Answer: Option D
B. copy, cut andpaste
C. cut, copy andpaste 59. Hardware includes..........
D. cut andpaste A. all devices used to input data into acomputer.
E. None ofthese B. sets of instructions that a computer runsor
Answer: Option D executes.
C. the computer and all the devices connectedto
54.The quickest and easiest way in it that are used to input and outputdata.
Word, to locate a particular word or D. all devices involved in processinginformation
phrase in a document is to use the including the central processing unit, memory
....... command. and storage.
A. Replace Answer: Option D
B. Find
C. Lookup 60.The term 'user interface' refers to ........
D. Search A. What the user sees on the screen and howthey
E. None ofthese can interact withit.
Answer: Option B B. How the operating system responds touser
55.For creating a document, you C. the means by which the user interacts withthe
select ........ option at FileMenu. peripheral devices on thecomputer.
A.Open B. Close D. the monitor that is available for thecomputer.
C. New D.Save Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C
61. The background of any Word document......
56.What is the function of Recycle A. Is always whitecolour.
Bin? B. Is the colour you preset under theOptions
A. Store deletedfile menu.
B. Store temporaryfile C. Is always the same for the entiredocument.
C. Store corruptedfile D. Can have any colour youchoose.
D. Store Documentfile Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A

Which is the latest version of MS 67. Which one of the following would be
Office? considered as a way that a computer viruscan
A. OfficeXP enter a computersystem?
B. WindowsXP A. Opening an application previously installedon
C. Office2007 thecomputer
D. Office2010 B. Borrowed an illegal copy ofsoftware
Answer: Option D C. Viewing a website without causingany
additional transactions
63.Which device can not be shared D. Running antivirusprograms
in network? Answer: Option B
A. Projector
B. Keyboard 68. What is the main difference betweena
C. Scanner mainframe and a supercomputer?
D. Printer A. Super computer is much largerthan
Answer: Option B mainframecomputers.
B. Super computers are much smallerthan
64.The bar code which is used onall mainframecomputers.
types of items, is read by a scanning C. Supercomputers are focused to executefew
device directly into thecomputer. programs as fast as possible while mainframe
What is the name of thisscanning uses its power to execute as many programs
device? concurrently.
A. Laser scanner D. Supercomputers are focused to execute as
B. Wand many programs as possible while mainframeuses
C. OCR its power to execute few programs as fast as
D. MICR possible.
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

65.A family of polynomialblock 69.A set of information that defines the status
codes designed to correct burst of resources allocated to a process is...
errors is knownas A. Processcontrol
A. Bar Codes B. ALU
B. GrayCodes C. Register Unit
C. FireCodes D. Processdescription
D. MnemonicsCodes E. None ofthese
E. None ofthese Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
70.Which company is the biggest player in the
66.Programs such as Mozilla Firefox microprocessor industry?
that serve as navigable windows A. Motorola
into the Web are called ........ B. IBM
A.Hypertext B.Network C. Intel
C.Internet D. WebBrowsers D. AMD
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

1.Which of the following was an 5.The MS-DOS operating system is a .....
early desktop operating system that A. graphical user interface,single-tasking
included an integrated graphic user operating system
interface with point-and-click B. graphical user interface,multi-tasking
features? operating system
A. MS-DOS C. command-driven interface,single-tasking
B. MacOS operating system
C. Unix D. command-driven interface, multi-tasking
D. Gnome operating system
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

2. The............. operating systemwas 6.The most recent version of the Mac OS is

initially created in the early 1970s basedonthe ........... operatingsystem.
at AT & T's Bell Labs. A. Windows
A. Linux B.DOS B. Linux
C. Unix D. GNU C. Unix
Answer: OptionC D. CMOS
Answer: Option C
3.Which of the following is NOT an
advantage of open-source operating 7. The essential difference between an
systems over proprietary versions? operating system like Linux and one like
A. Free use anddistribution Windows isthat
B. Availability of technicalsupport A. Windows can run with an Intelprocessor,
C. Availability of sourcecode whereas Linuxcannot.
D. Ability to modifycode B. Linux is proprietary, whereas Windows isnot.
Answer: Option B C. any programmer can modify Linux code,which
is not permitted withWindows.
4.Use of icons and windows are D. there are multiple versions of Linux, butonly
characteristicofa ............ interface. one version ofWindows.
A. command-driven Answer: Option C
B. windows-oriented
C. graphical-user 8.The main purpose of the offline device is.......
D. menu-driven A. To reduce the no.of operator errorsin
Answer: Option C recordingdata
B. To save computertime
5.In a network, the computer that C. To save floor space in the computercenter
stores the files and process the data D. All of theabove
is named as Answer: Option B
A. Server B.Terminal
C. Modem D. All of these
Answer: Option A

9. Viruses are called thatbecause 15.The ability of an operating system to

A. They areviruses control the activities of multiple programs at
B. They can copy themselvesand the same time is called .........
spread. A. multitasking
C. Both A andB B. multi-processing
D. None ofthese C. multi-operating
Answer: Option B D. multi-paging
E. None ofthese
10.Which of the following can't Answer: Option A
spread virus
A. An e-mail withattachment 16.A computer assisted method for the
B. A plain textmail recording and analyzing of existing
C. Downloading files over theweb hypothetical systems is known as
D. None ofthese A. Distributedprocessing
Answer: Option B B. Datatransmission
C. Datalink
11.What is the Super Computer D. Dataflow
developed in India Answer: Option D
C. Both A andB 17. MIPS standsfor
D. None ofthese A. Million Instructions PerSecond
Answer: Option B B. Million Instructions PerSeason
C. Monthly Instructions PerSecond
12. LAN speeds are measuredin D. Million Inputs PerSecond
A. BPS (Bits PerSecond) Answer: Option A
B. KBPS (Kilo Bits PerSecond)
C. MBPS (Mega Bits PerSecond) 18.In processing cheques which of the
D. MIPS (Million InstructionsPer following I/O techniques have banks
Second) traditionally followed?
Answer: Option C A. OCR (Optical CharacterRecognition)
B. MICR (Magnetic Ink CharacterRecognition)
13. What is object ofUPS? C. Barcode
A. Using forstorage D. VRT (Volume RenderingTechnique)
B. To increase the speed of acomputer Answer: Option B
C. Provides backuppower
D. All of theabove 19.Integrated Circuits (IC) chips used in
E. None ofthese computers are made with
Answer: Option C A. Gold
B. Silver
14.QWERTY is used with reference C. Silicon
to D. Copper
A.Monitor B.Printer E. None ofthese
C. Keyboard D.Mouse Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C

20. "Zipping" a filemeans 25.Which of the following is different from

A. Encrypting themessage other
B. Compressing themessage A. Internet
C. Transfer themessage B. Windows
D. All of theabove C. Unix
Answer: Option B D. Linux
Answer: Option A
21.The term that we use to describe
physical components of the system 26.The computer code for interchange of
A. Hardware information between terminals is
B. Inout A. BCDIC
C. Software B. BCD
D. None ofthese C. ASCII
Answer: Option A D. None ofthese
Answer: Option C
22.......... Is known asunauthorized
access into others system. 27. How are data organized in aspreadsheet?
A. Hacking A. Rows andColumns
B. Encryption B. Boxes
C. Decryption C. Tables
Answer: Option A D. None ofthese
Answer: Option A
23.Which company is nicknamed
"Big Blue"? 28.VIRUS stands for
A.TCS B.IBM A. Vital Information Recourse UnderSiege
C. Microsoft D.Apple B. Vital Information Reason UnderSiege
Answer: Option B C. Vital Information Recourse UnderSystem
D. Virus Information Recourse UnderSiege
24.Which of these is a correct Answer: Option A
format of Email address?
A. contact.website.info 29. Which was the first webbrowser?
B. contactwebsite.info A. WorldWideWeb
C. [email protected] B. NetscapeNavigator
D. contact@website@info C. InternetExplorer
Answer: Option C D. Safari
Answer: Option A
25.WAV file format is associated
with what type of files? 30.It is a small piece of text stored on a user's
A. Video B.Sound computer by a web browser for maintaining
C. Image D. Word Document the state. What we are talking about?
Answer: Option B A. Application B.Session
C.Cookie D. QueryString
Answer: Option C

31.In computers ,what is the 37. What does HTTP standsfor?

smallest and basic unit of A. Hypertext TransferProtocol
information storage? B. Hypertext TransferPlotter
A.Bit B.Byte C. Head Tail TransferPlot
C.Newton D. MegaByte D. Head Tail TransferProtocol
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

32. What does FTP standfor? 38. What is WindowsXP?

A. File TransferProtocol A. OperatingSystem
B. File TransferProgram B. StorageDevice
C. File ThreadProtocol C. Processor
D. File ThreadProgram D. OutputDevice
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

33. What does BCC means inEMail? 39.Which of the following is responsible for
A. Black CarbonCopy the management and coordination of
B. Blind CarbonCopy activities and the s.haring of the resources of
C. Business ComputerCenter the computer?
D. Business ComputerCard A. ApplicationSoftware
Answer: OptionB B. Motherboard
C. OperatingSystem
34.What is the shortcut key of D. RAM
printing a document forcomputer Answer: Option C
A. Ctrl +P 40.In computers, '.TMP' extension refers
B. Shift + P usually to what kind of file?
C. Alt + P A.Temporaryfile B. Image file
D. Ctrl + Alt +P C.Videofile D. Textfile
Answer: OptionA Answer: Option A

35.Which of the following is not a 41What Does BIOS Stand For?

storage device? A. Better Integrated OperatingSystem
A. DVD B. HardDisk B. Basic Input OutputSystem
C. FloppyDisk D.Mouse C. Battery Integrated OperatingSetup
Answer: Option D D. Backup Input OutputSystem
Answer: Option B
36.Which of these is the first web-
based e-mail service? 42.What was the first general-purpose
A. GMail electronic computer?
B. Yahoo Mail A. IBM405
C. Hotmail B. ZuseZ3
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

43.Word BLOG is combination of 48. The term 'Pentium' is related towhat?

two words- A. Mouse
A. Web-log B. HardDisk
B. Wave-log C. Microprocessor
C. Web-blog D. DVD
D. Wed-lock Answer: Option C
E. None ofthese
Answer: Option A 49. What is the full form ofe-mail?
A. Electricmail
44.Which of the following is not a B. Electromagneticmail
Search engine? C. Electronicmail
A. Google D. None ofthese
B. Bing Answer: Option C
C. Yahoo
D. Orkut 50. ROM tells the computerto-
E. None ofthese A. disconnect thecomputer
Answer: Option D B. start up the operatingsystem
C. connect to thehardware
45.A URL is: D. turnon
A. A computerprogram E. pass on data to theRAM
B. A type of webserver Answer: Option B
C. The address of a document or page
on the world wideweb 51.The term USER INTERFACE refers to-
D. An acronym for unlimitedresources A. What the user sees on the screen and howthey
for learning interact withit.
E. None ofthese B. How the operating system responds touser
Answer: Option C commands
C. The means by which the user interactswith
46.The term 'memory' applies to peripheral devices on thecomputer.
which one of the following: D. All ofthese
A. Logic Answer: Option A
B. Storage
C. InputDevice 52,Which of the following has the most
D. OutputDevice capacity?
E. None ofthese A.CD-R B. CD-RW
Answer: Option B C.DVD D. VCD E. Floppy Disk
Answer: Option C
47. Virtual memoryis-
A. Related to virtualreality 53.Gmail, a free web-based email service
B. A form ofROM operated by which company -
C. A form ofRAM A.Apple B.Google
Answer: Option C C.Microsoft D. Yahoo
Answer: Option B

54.The length of a word in computer 59.What is the first Indigenously developed

is measured in: Super Computer of India?
A. bits A. Tejas
B. byte B. Anupam
C. millimeters C. Aryabhatt
D. metre D. Param
Answer: Option A E. None ofthese
Answer: Option D
55.Which of the followings is not a
search engine? 60.Which Indian IT expert started web-based
A. Google email service HOTMAIL in 1996?
B. Yahoo A. Sabeer Bhatia
C. Examveda B. VinodDham
D. Duck DuckGo C. AjimPremji
Answer: Option C D. NarayanMurthy
E. None ofthese
56.A ______ representapproximately Answer: Option A
one billion memory locations.
A. Kilobyte 61.The operating system is the mostcommon
B. Megabyte typeof ______ software.
C. Gigabyte A. Communication
D. Terabyte B. System
E. None ofthese C. Wordprocessing
Answer: Option D. None ofthese
E. None ofthese
57. The ______ cells involve creatinga Answer: Option B
single cell by combining two or
more selected cells. 62.When you quickly press and release the
A. Formatting left mouse button twice, you are :
B. Merging A. Primary-clicking
C. Embedding B. Pointing
D. Splitting C. Double-clicking
E. None ofthese D. Secondary-clicking
Answer: Option B E. None ofthese
Answer: Option C
58. Protocolsare
A. Sets ofrules 63. Measuring unit of capacity of hard driveis-
B. Sets ofmaps A. GHz
C. Sets ofcomputers B. GB
D. Sets ofproduct C. Gwatts
E. None ofthese D. G Newton
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

64.A disk's content that is recorded 67.In an information system, alphanumeric

at the time of manufacture and data normally takes the form of-
cannot be changed or erased by user A. Sentence andparagraph
is - B. Numbers and alphabeticalcharacters
A. Read-only C. Human voice and othersound
B. Memory-only D. None ofthese
C. Run-only Answer: Option B
D. Write-only
Answer: Option A
68. The real business and competitive valueof
65.What is usually used for information technology liesin:
displaying information at public A. The software application that are usedby
places? manycompanies.
A. Monitors B. The capabilities of software and the valueof
B. Overhead the information a business acquires andused.
C. Monitor and overheadprojection C. The infrastructure of hardware, networks,and
D. Touch screenkiosks other it facilities that are commonly used by
Answer: Option D manycompanies.
D. The capabilities of the hardware and thespeed
66. ALU is termedas- at which it processesinformation.
A. Arithmetic logicalunit Answer: Option B
B. Array LogicalUnit
C. Application logicunit
D. Application logicuniversal
Answer: Option A

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.A websites main page is called its- 06. Wheninstalling _______ The usermust
A. Homepage copy usually decompress program file from
B. Browser page CDROM or medium to the hard disk.
C. Bookmarkpage A. Programming software
D. Searchpage B. System hardware
Answer: OptionA C. Applicationhardware
D. Applicationsoftware
02.A collection of interrelated file in Answer: Option A
computer is a-
A. Filemanager 07.A collection of 8 bit is called -
B. Field A. Byte
C. Record B. Record
D. Database C. Word
Answer: Option D D. Nibble
Answer: Option A
03.The horizontal and vertical lines on
a spreadsheet are called: 08.General purpose computer are those
A. Cells that can be adopted to countless uses
B. Sheets simply by changing its-
C. Blocklines A. Outputdevice
D. Grid-lines B. Inputdevice
Answer: Option D C. Processor
D. Program
04.To delete an incorrect character in Answer: Option D
adocument, .............to erase to theright
of the insertion point. 09.Memory in which any location can be
A. Press the left mousekey reached in a fixed and short amount of time
B. Double click the rightmouse after specifying its address is called -
C. Press the BACKSPACEkey A. Sequential accessmemory
D. Press the deletekey B. Random accessmemory
Answer: Option D C. Secondarymemory
D. Massstorage
05. The operating system does allof Answer: Option B
the followingexcept-
A. Provide a way for the user tointeract 10 ......... software allows users toperform
with thecomputer. calculation on rows and columns of data.
B. Manage the central processingunit A. Wordprocessing
(CPU). B. Presentationgraphics
C. Manage memory andstorage. C. Database managementsystem
D. Enable users to perform a specifictask D. Electronicspreadsheet
as documentediting. Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D

11. The ______ storage on ROM chip,is 16.All of the following are steps involved in
responsible for loading the operating the boot process except-
system from its permanent location on A. Load the operating system in toRAM.
the hard drive in to RAM. B. The power on selftest.
A. BIOS C. Activate the basic input/ outputsystem
C. Devicedriver D. Load applicationprograms.
D. Supervisor program Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A
17.The basic input/output system (BIOS) is
12.Ensuring that the essential storage in-
peripheral devices are attached and A. RAM
operationalisthe______ Process. B. ROM
A. Configuration C. TheCPU
B. CMOS D. The harddrive
C. POST Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C 18. Hyper-threading (HT) is relatedto-
A. Processor
13. Intel and AMD are leadersin- B. RAM
A. Processor C. Mother board
B. RAM D. HardDisk
C. Mother board Answer: Option A
D. HardDisk
Answer: Option A 19.IDE (ATE) or SATA interface connect
Mother board with-
14. USB is a typeof- A. Mother board
A. Processor B. RAM
B. Port C. Processor
C. Monitor D. Hard disk
D. Program Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
20.Surgeons can perform delicate
15.Process of Combining strings is operation by manipulating devices through
known as computers instead of manually. this
A. Compiling technology is known as-
B. Combining A. Robotics
C. Attaching B. Computer forensics
D. Concatenation C. Simulation
Answer: Option D D. Forecasting
Answer: Option A

21.A program that performs a useful 26.In 1999, the Melissa virus was a widely
task while simultaneously allowing publicized:
destructive acts is: A. e-mailVirus
A. Worm B. Macrovirus
B. TrojanHorse C. TrojanHorse
C. Virus D. TimeBomb
D. Macro Virus Answer: Option A
Answer: OptionB
27.An intentionally disruptive program that
22.Collecting personal information spreads from program to program or from
and effectively posing as another disk to disk is known as
individual is known as the crime of: A. Trojanhorse
A. Spooling B. Virus
B. IdentityTheft C. Timebomb
C. Spoofing D. Time related bombsequence
D. Hacking Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
28. Malicious software is knownas:
23.The common name for the crime of A. Bad ware
stealing passwords is: B. Malware
A. Spooling C. Maliciousware
B. Identitytheft D. Illegalware
C. Spoofing Answer: Option B
D. Hacking
Answer: Option C 29.The majority of computer crimes are
committed by:
24.The thing that eventually A. Hackers
terminates a worm virus is a lack of: B. Insiders
A. Memory or diskspace C. Overseascriminals
B. Time D. Young teenage computergeniuses
C. CD drivespace Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A 30.When a logic bomb is activated by a
time-related event, it is known as a:
25.A logic bomb that was created to A. Time-related bombsequence
erupt on Michelangelo's birthday is an B. Virus
example of a: C. Timebomb
A. Time-related bombsequence D. Trojanhorse
B. Virus Answer: Option C
C. Timebomb
D. Trojanhorse
Answer: Option C

31.Standardization of Microsoft 36.What is the name of an application

programs and the Windows operating program that gathers user information and
system has made the spread of viruses: sends it to someone through the Internet?
A. Morecomplicated A. A virus
B. Moredifficult B. Spybot
C. Easier C. Logicbomb
D. Slower D. Securitypatch
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

32.Software programs that close 37. HTML virusesinfect:

potential security breaches in an A. Your computer
operating system are known as: B. A Web page in the HTMLcode
A. Security breachfixes C. Both a Web page and the computer thatis
B. Refreshpatches viewing it.
C. Securityrepairs D. None ofthese
D. Securitypatches Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D
38.When customers of a Web site are
33............ is the measurement ofthings unable to access it due to a bombardment
such as fingerprints and retinal scans of fake traffic, it is known as:
used for security access. A. Avirus
A. Biometrics B. A TrojanHorse
B. Biomeasurement C. Cracking
C. Computer security D. A denial of serviceattack.
D. Smart weaponmachinery Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A
39.Hardware or software designed to guard
34.What is the most common tool used against unauthorized access to a computer
to restrict access to a computer network is known as a(n):
system? A. Hacker-proofprogram
A. User login B. Firewall
B. Passwords C. Hacker-resistantserver
C. Computer keys D. Encryption safewall
D. Access-control software Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
40. The scrambling of code is knownas:
35.If you want to secure a message, use A. Encryption
a(n): B. Afirewall
A. Cryptologysource C. Scrambling
B. Encryptionkey D. Password-proofing
C. Encryption softwarepackage Answer: Option A
D. Cryptosystem
Answer: Option D

46.A storage area used to store data to a

compensate for the difference in speed at
41.Instructions and memory address which the different units can handle data is
are represented by A. Memory
A. Character code B. Buffer
B. Binarycodes C. Accumulator
C. Binaryword D. Address
D. Paritybit Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
47.Which of the following will happen when
42.The ALU of a computer responds to data is entered into a memory location?
the commands coming from A. It will add to the content of thelocation.
A. Primarymemory B. It will change the address of thememory
B. Control section location.
C. External memory C. It will erase the previouscontent.
D. Cachememory D. It will not be fruitful if there is alreadysome
Answer: Option B data at thelocation.
Answer: Option C
43.An error in software or hardware is
called a bug. What is the alternative 48.The vast network of computers that
computer jargon for it? connects millions of people all overthe
A. Leech world iscalled.
B. Squid A. LAN
C. Slug B. Web
D. Glitch C. Hypertext
Answer: Option D D. Internet
Answer: Option D
44.A byte represents a group of
A. 10 bits 49.Resolution of laser printer is specified in
B. 40 bits terms of
C. 8 bits A. DPI
D. 22 bits B. LPM
Answer: Option C C. CPM
45.What is meant by a dedicated Answer: Option A
A. Which is used by one persononly 50.Personal computers use a number of
B. Which is assigned one and onlyone chips mounted on a main circuit board.
task What is the common name for such boards?
C. Which uses one kind ofsoftware A. Daughter board
D. Which is meant for application B. Motherboard
software C. Father board
Answer: Option B D. Breadboard
Answer: OptionB

55.Which key on keyboard of a computer

does not have its name printed on the key?
51.Where would you find the letters A. ESC
A. Mouse C. F1
B. Screen D. SPACE
C. NumericKeypad Answer: Option D
D. Keyboard
Answer: Option D 56.How did the computer mouse get its
52.A digitizing tablet can be used for? A. Its cable looks like atail.
A. Tracing diagrams B. Because it squeaks whenmoved
B. Printing letters C. It hasears.
C. Readingbar-codes D. Teeth outsidemouth.
D. Playing Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
57. What does a light pencontain?
53.Which of the following is a pointing A. Refillableink
device? B. Light sensitiveelements
A. Harddisk C. Pencillead
B. CD-ROMdrive D. BlueInk
C. Touch screen used for computerinput. Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C 58.What would be the best way to move
around a 3D environment?
54.Where would you find a magnetic A. Use a trackerball
strip? B. Use akeyboard
A. Speakers C. Use a spacemouse
B. Creditcard D. UseJoystick
C. Smartcard Answer: OptionA
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B 59. Hard copy is a term used todescribe?
A. Printedoutput
55.What do the abbreviations VAB B. Writing on a hardboard
stand for? C. Storing information on the harddisk
A. Voice activatedbroadcasting D. All of theabove
B. Visual audioboard Answer: Option A
C. Voice answerback
D. None ofthese 60.What are the individual dots which
Answer: Option C make up a picture on the monitor screen
A.Coloredspots B.Pixies
C. Pixels D. None ofthese
Answer: Option C

66.Factory production lines can be

61.A daisy wheel is a type of? automated using?
A. Storagedevice A. Machinetools
B. Pointing device B. VDUs
C. Scaning Device C. Plotters
D. Printer D. None ofthese
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

62.What would you not use with a 67.An impact printer creates characters by
flatbed plotter? using?
A. Apen A. An inked ribbon and printhead
B. Eraser B. Electrically chargedink
C. Paper C. An inkpen
D. None ofthese D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option A

63.A laser printer does NOT use? 68. What do you need for an ink jetprinter?
A. A photo-conductivedrum A. Adrum
B. A printhead B. Acartridge
C. A laserbeam C. Aribbon
D. None ofthese D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

64. You can protect a floppydisk. 69.The amount of data that a disk may
A. Read contains known as the disk's?
B. Write A. Volume
C. Read and Write B. Size
D. All of theabove C. Tracking Unit
Answer: Option B D. Storagecapacity
Answer: Option D
65.Information on a hard disk is
usually backed-up using a?
B. Magnetictape
C. Floppydisk
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option A

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.Magnetic storage devices can 06.A computer assisted method for the
represent binary 0 by the absence of? recording and analyzing of existing or
A. A magneticfield hypothetical systems is
B. Magnetictape A. Datatransmission
C. Staticelectricity B. Dataflow
D. It cannotpossible. C. Datacapture
Answer: Option B D. Dataprocessing
E. None of theabove
02. Magnetic tape isa? Answer: Option B
A. Random accessmedium
B. A parallel accessmedium 07. The brain of any computer systemis
C. Universal Accessmedium A. ALU
D. Serial accessmedium B. Memory
Answer: Option D C. CPU
D. Controlunit
03.Which storage device has the Answer: OptionC
largest capacity in MB's?
A. A floppydisk 08.What difference does the 5th generation
B. ACD-ROM computer have from other generation
C. Magnetic tapestorage computers?
D. Equal Capacity A. Technological advancement
E. None of theabove B. Scientificcode
Answer: Option B C. Object OrientedProgramming
D. All of theabove
04.Which storage device cannot be Answer: Option A
A. A floppydisk 09.Which of the following computer
B. Magnetic tapestorage language is used for artificial intelligence?
D. All of theabove B. PROLOG
E. None of theabove C. C
Answer: Option C D. COBOL
Answer: Option B
05.Which of the following languages is
more suited to a structured program? 10.The tracks on a disk which can be
A. PL/1 accessed without repositioning the R/W
B. FORTRAN heads is
C. BASIC A. Surface B.Cylinder
D. PASCAL C. Cluster D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

11.Which of the following is the 1's 16.A section of code to which control is
complement of 10? transferred when a processor is
A. 1 interrupted is known as
B. 110 A. M
C. 11 B. SVC
D. 10 C. IP
E. None of theabove D. MDR
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: OptionA
12.Which part interprets program
instructions and initiate control 17.The time for which a piece of equipment
operations. operates iscalled
A. Input A. Seektime
B. Storageunit B. Effectivetime
C. Logicunit C. Accesstime
D. Controlunit D. Realtime
Answer: OptionD E. None of theabove
Answer: OptionB
13. The binary system uses powersof
A. 2 18.Binary numbers need more placesfor
B. 10 countingbecause
C. 8 A. They are always bignumbers
D. 16 B. Any no. of 0's can be added in front ofthem
Answer: Option A C. Binary base issmall
D. 0's and l's have to be properly spacedapart
14.A computer program that converts Answer: Option C
assembly language to machine
language is 19.Which access method is used for
A. Compiler obtaining a record from a cassette tape?
B. Interpreter A. Direct
C. Assembler B. Sequential
D. Comparator C. Random
Answer: OptionC D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B
15.The time required for thefetching
and execution of one simple machine 20.Any type of storage that is used for
instructionis holding information between steps in its
A. Delaytime processing is
B. CPUcycle A. CPU
C. Real time B. Primarystorage
D. Seektime C. Intermediatestorage
Answer: Option B D. Internal storage
Answer: Option C

21.A name applied by Intel corp. to 26.Which type of system puts the user into
high speed MOS technology is called direct conversation with the computer
A. HDLC through a keyboard?
B. LAP A. Real timeprocessing
C. HMOS B. Interactivecomputer
D. SDLC C. Batchprocessing
Answer: Option C D. Timesharing
Answer: Option B
22.A program component that allows
structuring of a program in an unusual 27.The term referring to evacuating the
way is knownas content of some part of the machine is
A. Correlation known as
B. Coroutine A. Dump
C. Diagonalization B. Enhancement
D. Quene C. Down
Answer: Option B D. Compiler
Answer: Option A
23. The radian of a numbersystem
A. Isvariable 28.The process of communicating with a
B. Has nothing to do with digit position file from a terminal is
value A. Interactive
C. Equals the number of itsdistinct B. Interrogation
counting digits C. Heuristic
D. Is always an evennumber D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

24.The section of the CPU that selects, 29.A common boundary between two
interprets and sees to the executionof systems iscalled
programinstructions A. Interdiction
A. Memory B. Interface
B. Register unit C. Surface
C. Controlunit D. None of theabove
D. ALU Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
30.The examination and changing ofsingle
25.A single packet on a data link is bits or small groups of his within a word is
known as called
A. Path A. Bit
B. Frame B. Byte
C. Block C. Bitmanipulation
D. Group D. Bitslice
E. None of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B

31.Which method is used to connect a 36.Which computer has been designed to

remote computer? be as compact as possible?
A. Device A. Mini
B. Dialup B. Super computer
C. Diagnostic C. Micro computer
D. Logiccircuit D. Mainframe
Answer: OptionB Answer: Option C

32.How many bit code is used by 37.A datum that indicates some important
Murray code for TELEPRINTER state in the content of input or output is
machines. A. Sequence
A. 4 B. Sentinel
B. 5 C. SIO
C. 9 D. Sibling
D. 25 Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
38.Which is a non-standard version of a
33.The symbols used in an assembly computing language?
language are A. PROLOG
A. Codes B. APL
B. Mnemonics C. Army
C. Assembler D. PL/1
D. All of theabove Answer: OptionC
Answer: Option B
39.Which of the following is still usefulfor
34.The 2's complement of a binaryno. addingnumbers?
is obtainedby adding. ... to its1's A. EDSAC
complement. B. ENIAC
A. 0 C. Abacus
C. 10 Answer: Option C
D. 12
Answer: Option B
40.The average time necessary for the
35.A systems programming language correct sector of a disk to arrive at the read
for microcomputers in the Intel family write headis _______ _.
is A. Downtime
A. PL/C B. Seektime
B. PL/CT C. Rotational delay
C. PL/M D. Accesstime
D. PLA E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C

41.A number that is used to control the 46.ASCII stands for

form of another number is known as A. American standard code forinformation
A. Map interchange
B. Mask B. All purpose scientific code forinformation
C. Mamtossa interchange
D. Marker C. American security code for information
Answer: Option B interchange
D. American Scientific code for information
42.A general purpose single-user interchange
microcomputer designed to be Answer: Option A
operated by one person at a time is
A. Special-purposecomputer 47.A program that is employed in the
B. KIPS development, repair or enhancement of
C. M other programs is known as
D. PC A. System software
Answer: Option D B. Softwaretool
C. Applicationsprogram
43.Which is a machine-oriented high- D. Utilityprogram
level language for the GEC 4080 series Answer: Option B
B. SNOBOL 48.Any storage device added to a computer
C. Babbage beyond the immediately usable main
D. ALGOL storage is known as
Answer: Option C A. Floppydisk
B. Harddisk
C. Backing store
44.Which device of computer D. Punchedcard
operation dispenses with the use of Answer: Option C
the keyboard?
A. Joystick 49.Which output device is used for
B. Lightpen translating information from a computer
C. Mouse into pictorial form on paper.
D. Touch A. Mouse
Answer: Option C B. Plotter
C. Touchpanel
45.The microcomputer, Intel MCS-80 is D. Cardpunch
based on the widely used Intel Answer: Option B
A. 8080microprocessor
B. 8085microprocessor 50. The list of coded instructions iscalled
C. 8086microprocessor A.Computerprogram B.Algorithm
D. 8082microprocessor C.Flowchart D. Utilityprograms
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

51.A technique used by codes to 56.A program that converts computer data
convert an analog signal into a digital into some code system other than the
bit stream is known as normal one is known as
A. Pulse codemodulation A. Encoder
B. Pulsestretcher B. Simulation
C. Queryprocessing C. Emulator
D. Queuemanagement D. Coding
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

52.An optical input device that 57.A device designed to read information
interprets pencil marks on paper encoded into a small plastic card is
media is A. Magnetictape
A. O.M.R B. Badgereader
B. Punch cardreader C. Tapepuncher
C. Optical scanners D. Cardpuncher
D. Magnetictape Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
58.A hybrid computerusesa ______ toconvert
53. Most important advantage of anIC digital signals from a computer into analog
isits signals.
A. Easy replacement in case ofcircuit A. Modulator
failure B. Demodulator
B. Extremely highreliability C. Modem
C. Reducedcost D. Decoder
D. Low powerconsumption Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
59.A group of magnetic tapes, videos or
54.Data division is the third divisionof terminals usually under the control of one
a _____ program. master is
A. COBOL A. Cylinder
B. BASIC B. Cluster
C. PASCAL C. Surface
D. FORTH D. Track
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

55.Which language was devised by Dr. 60.Any device that performs signal
Seymour Aubrey Papert? conversion is
A. APL A. Modulator
B. COBOL B. Modem
C. LOGO C. Keyboard
D. FORTRAN D. Plotter
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C

61.Codes consisting of light and dark 66.A language which is close to that used
marks which may be optically read is within the computer is
known as A. High-level language
A. Mnemonics B. Assemblylanguage
B. Bar code C. Low-levellanguage
C. Decoder D. All of theabove
D. All of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
67.Which is a unit representing the no bits
62.A type of channel used to connect a ofdiscrete.
central processor and peripherals A. Baud
which uses multipling is known as B. Byte
A. Modem C. Bit
B. Network D. All of theabove
C. Multiplexer Answer: Option A
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C 68.A modern digital computer has
A. Extremely highspeed
63.The first generation ofcomputers B. Largememory
available was based on the bit micro C. Almost unlimitedarray
processors. D. All of theabove
A. 4 Answer: Option D
B. 8
C. 16 69.The personnel who deals with the
D. 64 computer & its management put together
Answer: Option B are called
A. Software
64.The complete picture of data stored B. Humanware
in database is known as C. Firmware
A. Record D. Hardware
B. Schema Answer: Option B
C. System flowchart
D. DBMS 70.The device that can both feed data into
Answer: Option B and accept data from a computer is
65.Which of the following isintended B. CPU
to be used in all applications runs on C. Input-Outputdevice
mainframe computers. D. All of theabove
A. LOGO E. None of theabove
B. APL Answer: Option C
C. PL/1
Answer: Option C

01.Which of the following can store 05.A device for converting handwritten
information in the form of microscopic impressions into coded characters &
pits on metal disks. positional coordinates for input to a
A. Laser disks computer is
B. Tapecassettes A. Touchpanel
C. RAMcartridge B. Mouse
D. Punchedcards C. Wand
E. None of theabove D. Writing tablet
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D
02.A storage system for small amounts
of data is 06.Which is another name for functional
A. Magneticcard language?
B. Magnetictape A. Machine
C. Punchedcard B. Applicationlanguage
D. Optical markreader C. Low-levellanguage
E. None of theabove D. High-level language
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
03.A compiler means
A. A person who compilessource 07.Compilers and interpreters are
programs themselves
B. The same thing as aprogrammer A. High-level language
C. Keypunch operator B. Codes
D. A program which translatessource C. Programs
program into objectprogram D. Mnemonics
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

04.A pen shaped device which can 08.A notation used to express clearly on
sense light, and is used to point at algorithm is known as
spots on a video screen. A. Algorithmiclanguage
A. Mouse B. Assemblylanguage
B. Lightpen C. Machinelanguage
C. Joystick D. High levellanguage
D. Plotter E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B

09.An operating system intended for 14.Compression of digital data for efficient
use on microprocessor based systems storage is
that support a single user is A. Buffer
B. MS-DOS C. Packing
C. UNIX D. Field
D. CP/M Answer: Option C
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D 15.Which programming language is based
on Algol 60.
10. Computer memory consistsof A. PILOT
D. All of theabove Answer: Option D
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D 16.A path by which communication is
achieved between a central processor and
11.A stand-alone system which other devices is called
produces one page of printed output at A. Audittrail
a time is B. Network
A. Pageprinter C. Bus
B. Lineprinter D. Channel
C. Laser printer E. None of theabove
D. Dot matrixprinter Answer: Option C
Answer: Option A
17.A memory that does not change its
12.The report card and merit list contents without external causes is known
forms the as
A. Outputdata A. Dynamicmemory
B. Dataprocessing B. Staticmemory
C. Central Processing C. RAM
D. Inputdata D. EEPROM
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
13.A number which is stored and
processed but not in the standard 16.A memory that holds micro programs is
exponential form is called A. Corememory
A. Floating pointnumber B. ROM
B. Fixed pointnumber C. RAM
C. Octal number D. Control memory
D. Decimal number E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

17.The organization and 22.A device invented by Dr. Bobeck in 1966,

interconnection of the various for mass storage of data is
components of a computer system is A. Punched paper tape
A. Architecture B. Magnetic bubblestorage
B. Networks C. Magnetictape
C. Graphics D. Magneticdisk
D. Designing E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
23.Which of the following is the coding of
18.RAM is used as a short memory data so that is can't be easily understood if
because it is intercepted.
A. Volatile A. Barcode
B. Has smallcapacity B. Decoder
C. Is veryexpensive C. Encryption
D. Isprogrammable D. Mnemonics
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

19.Which is a device that changes 24.A modern electronic computer is a

information into digital form? machine that is meant for
A. Modem A. Doing quick mathematicalcalculations
B. Digitizer B. Input storage, manipulation of outputtingof
C. Mouse data
D. Lightpen C. Electronic dataprocessing
E. None of theabove D. Performing repetitive tasksaccurately
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

20.Which network is a packet 25.An index register that is automatically

switching network? incremented or decremented with each use
A. Ring network is
B. LAN A. Auto index
C. Star network B. Asynchronous
D. EuroNET C. Assembler
Answer: Option D D. Compiler
Answer: Option A
21.As compared to diskettes, the hard
disks are 26.Symbolic languages were developed in
A. moreexpensive A. 1962
B. moreportable B.1950
C. lessrigid C. 1974
D. slowlyaccessed D.1980
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

27.Who is considered the 'father' of 31.What is the name given to the molecular-
the minicomputer and one of the scale computer?
founder fathers of the modern A. Femtocomputer
computer industry world-wide? B. Nanocomputer
A. GeorgeTate C. Supercomputer
B. Kenneth H.Olsen D. Microcomputer
C. Seymour Cray E. None of theabove
D. BasicPascal Answer: Option B
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B 32.The first microprocessors produced by
Intel Corpn. and Texas Instruments were
28.Which printer uses a combination used primarily to control small
of laser-beam & electrophotographic A. microwaveovens
techniques. B. washingmachines
A. Laser printers C. calculators
B. Dot-Matrix D. personal computers
C. Lineprinter E. robotics
D. Daisywheel Answer: Option C
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A 33.A billionth of a second is defined as a:
A. millisecond
29.Where have the program and data B. microsecond
to be located before the ALU and C. nanosecond
control unit of a computer can operate D. picoseconds
on it? E. None of theabove
A. Internal memory Answer: Option C
B. Secondarymemory
C. Microprocessor 34.Which of the following is not currently a
D. Magnetictapes topic in computer science?
E. None of theabove A. Speech recognition
Answer: Option A B. Artificial intelligence
C. Thermodynamics
30.When was Apple Macintosh II D. Multiprocessing
microcomputer introduced in the Answer: Option C
A. 1964 35.Control Unit of a digital computer is
B.1970 often called the
C. 1987 A. Clock
D.1986 B. Nervecenter
E. None of the above C. ICs
Answer: Option C D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B

36.Human beings are referred to as 40.The unit of a computer system that

Homosapiens. Which device is called executes program, communicates with and
Silico sapiens? often controls the operation of other
A. Monitor subsystems of the computer is known as
B. Hardware A. CPU
C. Robot B. Control Unit
D. Computer C. I/Ounit
E. None of theabove D. Peripheral unit
Answer: Option D E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A
37.The most important advantage of a
video disk is 41.Which access method is used for
A. Compactness obtaining a record from a cassette tape
B. Potential capacity A. direct
C. Durability B. sequential
D. Costeffectiveness C. random
E. None of theabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
38.The process of entering data into a
storage location 42.Time during which a job is processed by
A. adds to the contents of thelocation the computeris
B. cause variation in its addressnumber A. Delaytime
C. is known as a readoutoperation B. Real time
D. is destructive of previouscontents C. Executiontime
E. None of theabove D. Downtime
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

39. The most common binary code in 43.Which of the following is used to insure
use today is the 8 bit ASCII code. What the high quality of computer output?
do the letters ASCII standfor? A. computer outputmicrofilm
A. American Standard Codefor B. outputcontrols
InternationalInterchange C. voice outputsystems
B. American Standard Codefor D. liquid crystaldisplay
InformationInterchange Answer: Option B
C. American Standard Codefor
IntelligenceInterchange 44.The software used to convert source
D. American Scientific Code for program instructions to object instruction
InformationInterchange is known as
E. None of theabove A. Compiler
Answer: Option B B. Assembler
C. Interpreter
D. Languageprocessor
Answer: Option D

45. Binary numbers need moreplaces 50. Backing storage is so named becauseit
for countingbecause: A. is always kept at the back of theCPU
A. 0's and 1's can be added in frontof B. is slow andbackward
them C. backs up thecomputer
B. 0's and 1's have to be properlyplaced D. lags behind the mainmemory
C. They are always bignumbers Answer: Option C
D. Binary base issmall
Answer: Option D 51. The ASCII code for the character Jis:
A. 106
46.Off-line operation is the operation B. 105
of devices without the control of C.074
A. Memory D.075
B. CPU Answer: Option C
D. Controlunit 52. Which of the following is the user
Answer: OptionB programmed semiconductormemory?
47.What is meant by a dedicated B. DRAM
computer? C. EPROM
A. Which is used by one persononly D. All of theabove
B. Which is assigned one and onlyone Answer: Option C
C. Which uses on kind ofsoftware 53. The two kinds of main Memoryare:
D. Which is meant for application A. Primary andsecondary
softwareonly B. Random andsequential
Answer: Option B C. ROM and RAM
D. All of theabove
48.An instruction that transfers Answer: OptionC
program control to one ormore
possible paths is knownas 54.Programs designed to perform specific
A. Utilityprogram tasks is knownas
B. System software A. System software
C. Broadbandchannel B. Applicationsoftware
D. Applicationprogram C. Utilityprograms
Answer: OptionC D. Operating system
Answer: Option B
49.Name of the first guided weapon in
the world which used aprogrammable 55.What is the name given to the weapons
digitalcomputer: which use computerised guidance system?
A. Sting RayTorpedo A. Guidedweapons
B. Mk 46Torpedo B. Smartweapons
C. Air-Launched Cruise Missile(ALCM) C. Dumbweapons
D. TomahawkMissile D. Starwarsweapons
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

56.A monitor's is the distance 60.The ALU of a computer normally

between the holes in the mask behind contains a number of high speed storage
the screen. This helps determine how elements called
sharp the dots appear. A. semiconductormemory
A. refresh rate B. registers
B. dotpitch C. harddisk
C. resolution D. magneticdisk
D. color depth E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
61.A _____ is simply an arrangementwhere
57.What is the name of the printer multiple disk drives appear as a single disk
which prints all the A's in a line before drive to the user.
all the B's? A. disk
A. Thermal printer B. diskarray
B. Electrostaticprinter C. bunch ofdisks
C. Lineprinter D. diskpack
D. Ink-jetprinter E. spanneddrive
E. None of theabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
62. In comparison with static RAMmemory,
58.Conversion of binary number the dynamic RAM memoryhas
1010101000010111 to hexadecimal A. lower bit density and higherpower
number is consumption
A. D8F916 B. higher bit density and higherpower
B. A8B916 consumption
C. AA1716 C. lower bit density and lowerpower
D. D9F816 consumption
E. None of theabove D. higher bit density and lowerpower
Answer: Option C consumption
E. None of theabove
59.Which of the following holds data Answer: Option D
and processing instructions
temporarily until the CPU needs it? 63.A multi programming system is one that
A. ROM can
B. control unit A. run veryfast
C. mainmemory B. share hardware resources withmany
D. coprocessor chips programssimultaneously
E. None of theabove C. compute many programssimultaneously
Answer: Option C D. use many operatingsystems
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B

64.The language that is an input for 67.Before a disk drive can access any sector
statement translation is called record, a computer program has to provide
A. Assemblylanguage the record's disk address. What
B. Sourcelanguage information does this address specify?
C. High-level language A. Tracknumber
D. Objectlanguage B. Sectornumber
E. None of theabove C. Surfacenumber
Answer: Option B D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove
65.All the instructions and procedures Answer: Option D
needed to start up a computer, to the
point it can load an operating system, 68.A high speed device used in CPU for
are stored in ROM chips. In IBM temporary storage during processing is
compatible PCs this is called the…….. called
A. RAMBIOS A. Aregister
C. EPROM C. Adatabus
D. POST D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option A

66.Computers are extremely fast and

have fantastic memories. However, the
only thing they can remember is
A. Instruction
B. Series of 1s and0s
C. Booleanalgebra
D. Logictheorems
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.The first electronic digital 06. Which 32-bit microprocessor is usedin
computer contained? IBM's PS/2 model-80computer?
A. Electronicvalves A. 8088
B. Vacuum tubes B.80286
C. Transistors C.80386
D. Semiconductor memory D.80486
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

02.Name the two persons who were 07. The memory which is ultraviolet light
the first to develop a model of the erasable and electrically programmableis
microprocessor chip. A. ROM
A. Marcian Hoff and StanleyMazor B. PROM
B. Victor Poor and MarcianHoff C. RAM
C. Victor Poor and MasatoshiShima D. EPROM
D. None of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A
08.What is the name of the computer which
03.EBCDIC can code up to how many was first used for programming and playing
different characters? of music?
B.16 C.32 B. ENIAC
E. 256 D. All of theabove
Answer: Option E Answer: Option A

04.Who is credited with the idea of 09.The access method used for cassette
using punch cards to control patterns tape is
in a weaving machine? A. Direct
A. Pascal B. Random
B. Hollerith C. Sequential
C. Babbage D. All of theabove
D. Jacquard Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
10.The arranging of data in a logical
05.Who is the creator of the PASCAL sequence is called:
language? A. sorting
A. NiklausWirth B. classifying
B. Dijkstra C. reproducing
C. DonaldKnuth D. summarizing
D. BasicPascal Answer: Option A
Answer: OptionA

11.When was punched-card 16.A hashing scheme is used with

equipment used for the first time to A. sequential fileorganization
process the British census? B. direct fileorganization
A. 1910 C. indexed sequential fileorganization
B.1907 D. partitioned fileorganization
C. 1911 E. None of theabove
D.1914 Answer: Option B
E. None of the above
Answer: Option C 17.The time taken for the read/write head
to move to the correct track on the
12.A computer has a 1024K memory. magnetic disk is called
What does the letter K stand for A. epochdelay
A. Kilometre B. latencydelay
B. Thousand C. seektime
C. 1024 D. approach time
D. MB E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C
18.The system unit of a personal computer
13.Computer instructions written with typically contains all of the following
the use of English words instead of except:
binary machine code is called A. microprocessor
A. Mnemonics B. diskcontroller
B. Symboliccode C. serialinterface
C. Graycode D. modem
D. Op-code E. All of the above arecontained
E. None of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
19.Which of the following are the two main
14.A characteristic of card systems is: components of the CPU?
A. slowness in processingdata A. control unit andregisters
B. using cards as records oftransactions B. registers and mainmemory
C. needing a larger DPstaff C. control unit and ALU
D. all theabove D. ALU andbus
Answer: OptionD Answer: Option C

15.1024 bytes represent a 20.A directly accessible appointment

A. Megabyte calendar is a featureofa _______resident
B. Gigabyte package.
C. Kilobyte A. CPU
D. None of theabove B. Memory
Answer: Option C C. Buffer
Answer: Option B

21. When was the IBM XT 26.Which type device is a piece of

microcomputer released in the equipment that receives information from a
market? CPU?
A. 1970 A. Input
B.1971 B. Output
C. 1987 C. CPU
D.1986 D. Memory
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

22. Which of the following is not used 27.Computer Operators

for storage purposes with mainframe A. Write computer programs forspecific
computers? problems
A. removabledisks B. Operate the devices which input andoutput
B. fixeddisks data from thecomputer
C. mass storagesystems C. Normally require a college degreein
D. diskettes computer science
Answer: Option D D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B
23.What is the main advantage of
magnetic core memory over 28. Which is true for the digitalcomputer?
semiconductor RAM memory? A. It is less accurate than the analogcomputer
A. more compact andsmaller B. It represents the decimal numbers througha
B. moreeconomical string of binarydigits
C. a bit does not have to writeafter C. It is used primarily in scientificapplications
reading D. Both A and C
D. nonvolatile Answer: Option B
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D 29.Which of the following terminals'output
most closely resembles the output
24.A memory space used for the produced by aplotter?
temporary storage of data is A. graphicsterminal
A. PROM B. POSterminal
B. SAM C. hardcopyterminal
C. Scratchpadstorage D. all theabove
D. Buffer Answer: OptionA
Answer: Option C
30.Which of the following is used for serial
25.What is the name of the logic circuit access storage only?
which can add two binary digits? A. RAM
A. Fulladder B. Magnetictape
B. Halfadder C. Magneticdisk
C. Buffer D. Corememory
D. Register Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B

31.Continuous line drawing are 36.A small film-plate which is used for
produced using microfilming the output from a
A. Chainprinters microcomputer screen is called
B. Daisy wheelprinters A. microfilm B.microfiche
C. Plotters C. film card D.COM
D. Thermaldevices Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
37.The ALU and control unit of most of the
32.Which of the following registers is microcomputers are combined and
loaded with the contents of the manufactured on a single silicon chip. What
memory location pointed by the PC? is it called?
A. Memory AddressRegister A. Monochip
B. Memory DataRegister B. Microprocessor
C. InstructionRegister C. ALU
D. Program Counter D. ControlUnit
Answer: Option C Answer: OptionB

33.One byte can be used to encode any 38.Storage on PC allows you to store files
integer between 'O' and -inclusive until something erases it, but memoryloses
A. 16 its contentswheneverits ______ islost
B. 256 A.static B. diskspace
C.128 C. power D. both A andB
D.255 Answer: Option C
E. None of the above
Answer: Option D 39.How many types of storage loops exist in
magnetic bubble memory?
34. The function of CPUis A.8 B.4
A. to provide a hardcopy C.16 D.2
B. to read, interpret and processthe Answer: Option D
information andinstruction
C. to communicate with theoperator 40. Why is the width of the data bus so
D. to provide external storage oftext important to the processing speed ofa
Answer: Option B computer?
A. The narrower it is, the greaterthe
35.The bubbles in a bubble memory computer's processingspeed
pack are created with the help of? B. The wider it is, the more data that canfit
A. Laser beam into mainmemory
B. Magneticfield C. The wider it is, the greater thecomputer's
C. Electricfield processing speed
D. X-ray D. The wider it is, the slower thecomputer's
Answer: Option B processing speed
E. The data bus isn't important to the
processing speed of acomputer
Answer: Option C

46.The central processor of a modern

41.Fifth generation computers are digital computer consists of
likely to exhibit A. control unit
A. artificial intelligence B. primarymemory
B. heuristicbehaviour C. control unit and primarymemory
C. advanced parallelprocessing D. All of theabove
D. All of theabove Answer: OptionC
Answer: Option D
47.A computer system consisting of its
42. When did arch rivals IBM andApple processor, memory and I/O devices accepts
Computers Inc. decide to joinhands? data, processes it and produces the output
A. 1978 results. Can you tell in which component is
B.1984 the raw datafed?
C. 1990 A. MassMemory
D.1991 B. Mainmemory
Answer: Option D C. Logicunit
D. Arithmeticunit
43. The daily processing ofcorrections Answer: Option B
to customer accounts best exemplifies
the processing modeof: 48.The transistorized computer circuits
A. Batch processing were introduced in the
B. Real-timeprocessing A. Firstgeneration
C. Time-sharing B. Secondgeneration
D. Offlineprocessing C. Thirdgeneration
Answer: Option A D. Fourthgeneration
E. Fifth generation
44.Which of the following devices can Answer: Option B
be used to directly input printed text?
A. OCR 49.The memory sizes in mainframe
B. OMR computers and advanced technology micro
C. MICR computers are expressed as
D. All of theabove A. Bytes
Answer: Option A B. Kilo-bytes
C. Bits
45. To locate a data item for storageis D. Megabytes
A. Field Answer: Option D
B. Feed
C. Database 50.A memory bus is mainly used for
D. Fetch communication between
Answer: Option D A. processor andmemory
B. processor and I/Odevices
C. I/O devices andmemory
D. input device and outputdevice
Answer: Option A

51.Which of the following memory is 56. An ANDgate

capable of operating at electronics A. implements logicaddition
speed? B. is equivalent to a series switchingcircuit
A. Semiconductormemory C. is an any or allgate
B. Magneticdisks D. is equivalent to a parallel switchingcircuit
C. Magneticdrums E. None of theabove
D. Magnetictapes Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
57.Which of the following is not true of
52.The main purpose of time sharing immediate processing?
techniques used in computers is to A. It is often used in real-timeapplications
make the best use of the B. It can occur with either sequential ofdirect-
A. CPU accessfiles
B. peripherals C. It can be used in anairline-reservation
C. secondarystorage system
D. floppydisks D. Transactions are processed shortly aftera
Answer: OptionA real-world eventoccurs
E. All of the above aretrue
53.A temporary storage area, attached Answer: Option B
to the CPU, for I/O operations is a:
A. chip 58.Which part of the computer were is used
B. buffer for calculating and comparing?
C. register A. Diskunit
D. core B. Control unit
E. None of theabove C. ALU
Answer: Option B D. Modem
Answer: Option C
54.The person contributing the ideaof
the stored programwas 59.A file containing relatively permanent
A. John vonNeumann data is
B. CharlesBabbage A. Random file
C. HowardAiken B. Transactionfile
D. BasicPascal C. Master file
Answer: OptionA D. Sequential file
Answer: Option C
55. What was the total number of
UNIVAC-I sold eventually and by which 60.Communication that involves
company? computers, establishing a link through the
A. 30, British Tabulating MachineCo. telephone system is called
(BTM) A. Teleprocessing
B. 40, International Business Machines(IBM) B. Microprocessing
C. 48, RemingtonRand C. Telecommunications
D. 40, International Computer Ltd.(ICL) D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

61. Dot-matrix is a typeof 66.Where does a computer add and

A. Tape compare data?
B. Printer A. Harddisk
C. Disk B. Floppydisk
D. Bus C. CPUchip
Answer: Option B D. Memorychip
Answer: Option C
62.Which kind of devices allows the
user to add components and 67.Which of the following require large
capabilities to a computer system? computer memory?
A. System boards A. Imaging
B. Storagedevices B. Graphics
C. Inputdevices C. Voice
D. Outputdevices D. All of theabove
E. Expansionslots Answer: Option D
Answer: Option E
68.Who designed the first general purpose
63.Which of the following are used to electronic digital computer "ENIAC" ?
quickly accept, store, and transfer data A. Van-Neumann
and instructions that are being used B. Joseph M Juoquard
immediately by the CPU? C. J. Presper Eckert and John WMauchly
A. microprocessors D. All of theabove
B. registers Answer: Option C
C. ROMchips
D. databuses 69.What type of control pins are needed in
Answer: Option B a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the
bus, in order to prevent two devices from
64.Which disk interface standard trying to use it at the same time?
includes support for up to eight A. Buscontrol
peripheral devices? B. Interrupts
A. ST50G/412 C. Busarbitration
B. IDE D. Status
C. SCSI Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C 70.The analog computer measures
dimensions and its circuits use the
65.In synchronous transmission data differential and integral equations of
from various users continuous variables. The digital computer
A. Requireheader counts units and its circuits use
B. Do not requireheader A. Logicgates
C. Sometimes requireheader B. Discreteswitches
D. All of theabove C. Booleanalgebra
Answer: Option B D. Bayes'theorem
Answer: Option C

01.General purpose computers are 06.What is the name of the visible silver
those that can be adopted to countless rectangle which separates the take-up
uses simply by changing its portion of the magnetic tape from the data
A. keyboard recording portion?
B. printer A. Loadmaker
C. program B. Loadmarker
D. displayscreen C. Tapeseparator
Answer: Option C D. Tapemarker
Answer: Option B
02.A part located in the central
processing unit that stores data & 07.A software package to perform
information is known as calculations on data arranged in an array is
A. Corememory A. Systemsoftware
B. PROM B. Utilityprograms
C. EPROM C. Electronic spreadsheet
D. ROM D. Applicationprograms
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

03.A computer with CPU speed around 08.What was the name of the first stored
100 million instructions per second & program electronic computer which was
with the word length of around 64 bits built in 1949 at Cambridge University in
is known as England?
A. Super computer A. EDVAC B.EDSAC
B. Minicomputer C.UNIVAC D.MARK-I
C. Micro computer Answer: Option B
D. Micro computer
Answer: Option A 09.An input device which can read
characters directly from an ordinary piece
04.A computer program consists of of paper is
A. System flowchart A.OCR B. OMR
B. Program flowchart C.MSI D.POS
C. Algorithms written incomputer's Answer: Option A
D. Discrete logicalsteps. 10.Which of the following is not a part of
Answer: Option C the CPU
A. storageunit
05.Which is a secondary memory B. arithmetic and logicunit
device? C. programunit
A. CPU B.ALU D. controlunit
C. Floppydisk D.Mouse Answer: OptionC
Answer: Option C

11.Which of the following chips can be 16.In this world of fast changing computer
reprogrammed with special electric technology, one of the most important
pulses? factor to be considered while purchasing a
A. EPROM PC is, it should have a provision for
B. PROM A. high levelintegration
C. ROM B. selfupgradability
D. EEPROM C. intelligentsensors
Answer: Option D D. faster dataaccess
Answer: Option B
12.The ALU of a central processing
unit does the essential maths work for 17.A collection of eight bits is called
the computer. What does the control A. Byte
unit do? B. Word
A. Communicates itsresults C. Record
B. Activates the outputdevice D. File
C. Monitors the flow ofinformation Answer: OptionA
D. Control theprinter
Answer: Option C 18.Which of the following storage and
retrieval methods would be well suited to
13. InMODEMS your processing requirements if you only
A. Several digital signals aremultiplexed need to retrieve records one at a time and
B. A digital signal changessome there is no fixed pattern to the requestsfor
characteristic of a carrierwave data andrecords?
C. Digital signal isamplified A. indexedsectors
D. All of theabove B. sequential
Answer: Option B C. direct
D. indexeddirect
14.In a PC, how much memory is Answer: Option D
available to application software?
A. 1024KB 19.A storage device which is used to store
B. 760KB data & information external to the main
C. 640KB storage is known as
D. 560 KB A. Buffer
E. 2048 KB B. Backing storage
Answer: Option C C. PROM
D. Accumulator
15.For a memory system, the cycle Answer: Option B
time is
A. same as the accesstime 20.The binary equivalent of the Octal
B. longer than the accesstime number 13.54 is
C. shorter than the accesstime A. 1011.1011 B. 1101.111
D. submultiple of the accesstime C.1001.111 D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B

21.The number of records contained 26.What process prepares the magnetic

within a block of data on magnetic surface of a disk by creating concentric
tape is defined by the circles, called tracks, around the disk?
A. blockdefinition (Each track is further divided into pic-
B. record containclause shaped sections called sectors.)
C. blocking factor A. Tracking
D. record per blockfactor B. Formatting
Answer: Option C C. Copying
D. Sectioning
22.The storage locations in the Answer: Option B
internal storage of a CPU are called
A. contents 27. What does that acronym VGA standfor?
B. addresses A. Extended GraphicsAdapter
C. locations B. Enhanced GraphicsArray
D. mask C. Video GraphicsArray
Answer: Option B D. Color GraphicsArray
Answer: Option C
23.Which is used to provide the sight
information to the right person at the 28.Which part of the diskette should never
right time for proper decision making? be touched?
A. DBMS A. Hub
B. MIS B. Centre
C. ISO C. Oval slot
D. PSO D. Corner
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

24.Which type of display is the latest to 29.Most disk drives have a single read/
be used for portable computer? write head for each disk surface. What is
A. LEDdisplay the advantage of suing multiple heads on
B. LCDdisplay each movable access arm?
C. Plasmadisplay A. Reduced seektime
D. Electroluminescentdisplay B. Less latencytime
Answer: Option D C. Reduced search time
D. Less diskspeed
Answer: Option A
25.The EAM device that does not use a
control panel is the: 30.One of the main feature that distinguish
A. collator microprocessors from microcomputers is
B. reproducer A. words are usually larger inmicroprocessors
C. interpreter B. words are shorter inmicroprocessors
D. sorter C. microprocessor does not contain I/Odevices
Answer: Option D D. exactly the same as the machine cycletime
Answer: Option C

31.The following is true about 2-out of- 36.Which of the following is not true of
5 code: future computers?
A. it is weightedcode A. increased use of CAD/CAMtechniques
B. it is unweightedcode B. faster turnaroundtime
C. it has oddparity C. developments in artificialintelligence
D. All of theabove systems
Answer: Option B D. development of products more suitablefor
32.The Josephson tunneling device E. All of the above aretrue
illustrates principles associated with Answer: Option E
the advanced storage technique:
A. cryogenics 37.Whenever a peripheral is being
B. CCD controlled by the CPU, it is said to be online.
C. EBAM If additionally, the computer files are
D. holo graphing updated as soon as any change takes place,
Answer: Option A the system is called
A. quick processingsystem
33.Communication between B. batch processingsystem
computers using standard telephone C. real timesystem
service D. remote processingsystem
A. Requires a change to an anologsignal E. None of theabove
B. Is mostefficient Answer: Option C
C. Produces little noise andfew
disturbances 38. Which of the following statementsis
D. All of theabove true?
Answer: Option A A. The installation of a computer isfavorably
received by allemployees
34. When an input electrical signal B. Some form of training is necessary for
A=10100 is applied to a NOT gate,its employees who will work withcomputers
output signalis C. Computers are portrayed solely associety's
A. 1011 benefactor
B.10001 D. A businessperson is only interested inthe
C.10101 computer'saccuracy
D. 101 E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

35. The first practical commercial 39.A floppy disk contains

typewriter was invented in 1867 inthe A. Circular tracksonly
United Statesby B. Sectorsonly
A. Christopher LathamSholes C. Both circular tracks andsector
B. CarlosGlidden D. All of theabove
C. SamuelSoule Answer: Option C
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D

40.First generation computers are 45.What is meant by quad-density (QD)

characterised by diskette?
A. Vacuum tubes and magneticdrum A. It is double-sideddisk
B. Minicomputers B. It is double densitydisk
C. Magnetic tape andtransistors C. It has double the number of tracks perinch
D. All of theabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

41.What is the general name of the 46. Large computer system typicallyuses:
device which produces hardcopy A. Lineprinters
graphics? B. Ink-jetprinters
A. COM C. Dot-matrixprinters
B. Plotter D. Daisy wheelprinters
C. Printer Answer: Option A
D. Microfilm
Answer: Option B 47.Can you tell what passes into and out
from the computer via its ports?
42.When a disk stack is serviced by a A. Data B.Bytes
comb-like access mechanism, there is C. Graphics D.Pictures
one read/write head for each Answer: Option B
A. disk
B. disksurface 48.When a disk stack is serviced by a comb-
C. track like access mechanism, there is one
D. cylinder read/write head for each
Answer: Option B A. disk
B. disksurface
43.Which of the following C. track D. cylinder
input/output devices is not associated Answer: Option B
with personal computers?
A. mice 49.In comparison to the internal (main)
B. colormonitors memory, tape or disk memory is
C. punchedcards A. slower and moreexpensive
D. dot-matrixprinters B. slower and lessexpensive
E. optical scanners C. faster and moreexpensive
Answer: Option C D. faster and lessexpensive
Answer: Option B
44. The heart of any computer isthe
A. CPU 50.The ALU of a computer responds to the
B. Memory commands coming from
C. I/O Unit A. primarymemory
D. Disks B. control section
Answer: Option A C. external memory
D. cachememory
Answer: Option B

51. The heart of any computer isthe 56.Impact printers

A. CPU A. strike a ribbon against the paper toproduce
B. Memory character images
C. I/O Unit B. include ink-jet and thermaldevices
D. Disks C. are more expensive than Laserprinters
Answer: Option A D. use opticaltechnology
Answer: Option A
52.Bit map terminal
A. support displays containingmultiple 57.Which of the following is not a practical
windows data-processing approach?
B. requires considerable amount ofvideo A. batch-sequential
RAM B. batch-direct
C. requires tremendous amount of C. immediate-sequential
copying and hence lowperformance D. immediate-direct
D. All of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: OptionD
58.The register which holds the address of
53.A 32 bit microprocessor has the the location to or from which data are to be
word length equal to transferred is known as
A. 2 bytes A. indexregister
B. 32 bytes B. instructionregister
C. 4 bytes C. memory addressregister
D. 8 bytes D. memory dataregister
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

54. In simplextransmission 59. Each model of a computer has aunique

A. Data format issimple A. Assemblylanguage
B. Data transmission is oneway B. Machinelanguage
C. Data can be transmitted tosmall C. High levellanguage
distancesonly D. All of theabove
D. All of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

55.Transistorized computer circuits

were introduced in the 60.Those microcomputers which have the
A. firstgeneration same operating characteristics as the IBM
B. second generation microcomputers are called IBM
C. thir4 generation A. duplicates
D. fourth generation B. clones
Answer: Option B C. copies
D. lookalikes
Answer: Option B

61.Communication ports are foundon 65.Which is considered a direct entry input

the back of microcomputers. They are device?
used to connect the computerto……. A. Optical scanner
A. printers B. Mouse
B. modems C. Lightpen
C. otherhardware D. Digitizer
D. All of theabove E. All of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option E
Answer: Option D

66.In a computer system, which device is

62.The first firm to mass-market a functionally opposite of a Key-board?
microcomputer as a personal A. Mouse
computer was B. Trackball
A. IBM C. Printer
B. SperryUnivac D. Joystick
C. RadioShack E. None of theabove
D. Data GeneralCorporation Answer: Option C
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C
67.The data appearing first in the left
portion of punched card is
63.Which one of the following is A. descriptivedata
termed a combination input-output B. codeddata
device? C. quantitativedata
A. VDT D. All of theabove
B. Keyboard E. None of theabove
C. Printer Answer: Option B
D. Laser Jet
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A 68.Which of the following is not true of a
magnetic disk?
A. It is expensive relative to magnetictape
64.The process of writing computer B. It provides only sequential access tostored
instructions in a programming data
language is known as C. Users can easily update records bywriting
A. Coding over the olddata
B. Processing D. It does not provide an automatic audittrail
C. Programming E. All of the above aretrue
D. File Answer: Option B
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A

69.A regular TV set can be hooked up 70.An output device that uses words or
to a computer so as to received messages recorded on a magnetic medium
computer signal instead of a television to produce audio response is
program. This hooking up is achieved A. Magnetictape
with the help of a B. Voice responseunit
A. modem C. Voice recognitionunit
B. adapter D. Voiceband
C. cable E. None of theabove
D. aerial Answer: Option B
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.A factor which would strongly 06.The most common input device used
influence a businessperson to adopt a today is
computer is its: A. Motherboard B. Trackball
A. Accuracy C.Scanner D.Mouse
B. Reliability E. Keyboard
C. Speed Answer: Option E
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D 07.What is the name of the temporary data
storage area between a peripheral device
02. Which of the following is thefastest? and the CPU which compensates for the
A. CPU difference between their speeds?
B. magnetic tapes anddisks A. Backing storage
C. video terminal B. Buffer
D. sensors, mechanicalcontrollers C. Mainstorage
Answer: Option A D. Temporarystorage
Answer: Option B
03. In which year were chips usedinside
the computer for the firsttime? 08.A flat-bed plotter uses a pen which
A. 1964 moves in two directions across a piece of
B.1975 paper fixed on a flat-bed. Can you tell who
C. 1977 controls the movements of this pen?
D.1981 A. microfilm
Answer: Option B B. microfiche
C. film card
04. The invention of the slide ruleis D. COM
attributedto Answer: Option C
A. Babbage
B. Oughtred 09.The desirable characteristic(s) of a
C. Pascal memory system is (are)
D. Napier A. speed and reliability
Answer: Option B B. low powerconsumption
C. durability andcompactness
05. The control unit of amicroprocessor D. All of theabove
A. stores data in thememory Answer: Option D
B. accepts input data from akeyboard
C. Performs arithmetic / logic /functions 10.The CPU chip used in a computer is
D. All of theabove partially made out of:
E. None of theabove A.Copper B.Iron
Answer: Option E C. Gold and silver
D. Silica
Answer: Option D

11.What type of magnetic material is 16.The CPU of a computer transfers print

normally used in bubble memories? output to a temporary disk memory at
A. Magneticcore high speed and then gets back to
B. Cobalt processing another job without waiting for
C. Garnet the output to got to the printer. In thisway,
D. Metallic the CPU does not remain idle due to its
E. None of theabove own high speed as compared to the low
Answer: Option C speed of the printer. What is the name of
12.A byte is comprised of: A. External memory
A. Onebit B. I/Omemory
B. Fourbits C. ROM
C. Eightbits D. Buffer memory
D. Sixteenbits Answer: Option D
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C 17.Which of the following registers hold
the information before it goes to the
13.Which of the following printer can decoder
be classified as a page-at-a-time A. control register
printer? B. dataregister
A. Laser printer C. accumulator
B. Dot-matrixprinter D. addressregister
C. Thermal printer Answer: Option B
D. Inkjetprinter
E. None of theabove 18.A modern electronic computer is a
Answer: Option A machine that is meant for
A. doing quick mathematicalcalculations
14.Who was the father of Punched Card B. input, storage, manipulation andoutputting
Processing? ofdata
A. J PresperEckert C. electronic dataprocessing
B. CharlesBabbage D. performing repetitive tasks accurately
C. Dr. HermanHollerith Answer: Option B
D. BlaisePascal
Answer: Option C 19.A typical modern computer uses
A. LSIchips
15.When did Hewlett-Packard Inc. B. Vacuum tubes
Introduce its first HP-110 laptop C. Valves
computer? D. All theabove
A. 1984 Answer: Option A
C. 1990
Answer: Option A

20.The computer program language 25. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator

which is widely used in computer and Calculator) had huge advantage over
science and engineering and also in Mark I because it used electronic valves in
business is place of the electromagnetic switches. In
A. COBOL the beginning, ENIAC was used for
B. FORTRAN calculating the path of artillery shells. For
C. PASCAL which other was weapon design was it
D. LISP utilized?
Answer: Option C A. hydrogenbomb
B. atom bomb
21.A 'number crunching' computer is C. agnimissile
one that can handle D. fighter aircraft
A. largespreadsheets E. None of theabove
B. large alphanumericdata Answer: Option A
C. large volume ofnumbers
D. onlynumbers 26.The barcode which is used on all types
Answer: Option C of items, is read by a scanning device
directly into the computer. What is the
22.A processing unit thatcoordinates name of this scanning device?
networks and data communication is A. Laser scanner
knownas B. Wand
A. Control unit C. OCR
B. Communicationsprocessor D. MICR
C. Register unit Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B 27.Different components on the
motherboard of a PC processor unit are
23.A type of line printer that uses an linked together by sets of parallel
embossed steel band to form the letters electrical conducting lines. What are these
printed on the paper is lines called?
A. Golf ballprinter A. Conductors
B. Dot-matrixprinter B. Buses
C. Laserprinter C. Connectors
D. Bandprinter D. Connectively
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

24.Which memory system is not as a 28.The terminal device that functions as a

mass memory medium? cash register, computer terminal, and OCR
A. semiconductormemory reader is the:
B. magnetictape A. Data collectionterminal
C. magneticdisk B. OCR registerterminal
D. magneticdrum C. Video displayterminal
Answer: Option A D. POSterminal
Answer: Option D

29. The general range of speed in 34. When was the X Window Systemborn?
revolutions per minute (rpm) at which A. 1984
floppy disks rotate is B.1989
A. 2400-4700 C. 1988
B.390-600 D.1990
C.150-250 Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C 35. A double sided magnetic disk pack has
six disks. Can you tell how many surfaces
30. Which of the following typicallyuses of this pack are normallyused?
a keyboard forinput? A. 10
A. desktopterminal B. 12
B. point-of-saleterminal C. 6
C. financial transactionterminal D. 9
D. executiveworkstation Answer: Option A
E. All of theabove
Answer: OptionE 36.The Santa Clara Valley, California is
popularly known as Silicon Valley of
31. The first microprocessor built bythe America because
Intel Corpn. wascalled A. huge deposits of silicon are foundthere
A. 8008 B. many silicon chip manufacturing firmsare
B.8080 locatedthere
C. 4004 C. Santa Claus visits it everyChristmas
D.8800 D. it is full of large grainsand
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

32. The microelectronics isthe 37.Which of the following professions has

technology of not been affected by personal computers?
A. microwaves A. medical
B. microcomputers B. clerical
C. chips C. accounting
D. automaticprocessing D. law
Answer: Option C E. None of theabove
Answer: Option E
33.Who developed the first personal
computer spreadsheet package called 38.What is the name given to the 8-bit unit
Visicalc? used for coding data?
A. NiklausWirth A. block ofcharacters
B. DanBricklin B. byte
C. BobFrankston C. word
D. Both (B) and(C) D. KB
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

39.What technology is used forflat

paneldisplays? 45.The data recording area between the
A. Solidstate blank gaps on magnetic tape is called a/
B. RBG monitor an:
C. VLSI A. Record
D. Direct view storagetube B. Block
Answer: Option A C. Field
D. Database
40. What is meant by the termRAM? Answer: Option B
A. Memory which can only beread
B. Memory which can be both readand 46.Personal computers use a number of
writtento chips mounted on a main circuit board.
C. Memory which is used forpermanent What is the common name for such
storage boards?
D. Memory which can only be writtento A. Daughterboard
Answer: Option B B. Motherboard
C. Fatherboard
41. Magnetic tape can serve as: D. Breadboard
A. secondary-storagemedia Answer: Option B
B. outputmedia
C. inputmedia 47.Which term is not used to describe the
D. All of theabove memory component of a computer?
Answer: Option A A. ROM
42. Conversion of C. RAM
hexadecimalnumber1D7F16 to a D. SAM
decimal numberis Answer: Option D
A. 755110 B.877110
C. 555710 D.778110 48.Who coordinates the sequencing of
Answer: Option A events within the central processor of a
43. Microfilm reader isa A. Logicunit
A. OCRdevice B. Arithmeticunit
B. COMdevice C. Register
C. MICRdevice D. Control unit
D. None of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
49.What type of computer programming is
44.In magnetic disks, data isorganized used for airplane ticket reservation
on the platter in a concentric sets of system?
ringscalled A. Multiprogramming
A. sector B. Real timeprogramming
B. track C. Timesharing
C. head D. Batch programming
D. block Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B

50.The output of a 2 input OR gate is 0 55. The term gigabyte refers to

only when its A. 1024 bytes
A. both inputs are0 B. 1024 kilobytes
B. either input is1 C. 1024 megabytes
C. both inputs are1 D. 1024gigabytes
D. either input is0 Answer: Option C
Answer: Option A
56.The CPU chip used in a computer is
51.A high quality CAD system uses the partially made out of
following for printing drawing and A. silica
graphs B. carbon
A. Dot matrixprinter C. copper
B. Digitalplotter D. gold
C. Lineprinter E. silver
D. All of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
57. Which of the following best describesa
52.A printed document reader which computer-based informationsystem?
scans the characters and then encodes A. A system in which a computer is usedto
them in a computer-compatible code turn data intoinformation
for direct transmission to the computer B. Inputting data
is called C. Processing data
A. Optical characterreader D. Performing complexmathematical
B. Kurzweil Data Entry Machine(KDEM) calculations
C. MICR E. Data is put into the computerfor
D. Laser scanner processing
Answer: Option B Answer: Option A

53.The equipment with which the 58.Accessing records from a file directly
computer talks to its users is called a without searching from the beginning of
A.wordprocessor B.peripheral the file is
C. software D.diskette A. Timesharing
Answer: Option B B. Random
C. Directaccess
54.In which addressing mode, the D. Accesstime
effective address of the operand is Answer: Option C
generated by adding a constant value to
the contents of a register? 59.EBCDIC can code up to how many
A. Absolutemode different characters?
B. Indirectmode A.8 B.16
C. Immediatemode C.32 D.64
D. Indexmode E. 256
Answer: Option D Answer: Option E

60.When did IBM close the last of its 65. In a punched card system, datais
punched card manufacturing plant? processed bya
A. June,1989 A. keypunch machine, sorter, andposting
B. December,1984 machine
C. March,1982 B. accounting machine, posting machine,and
D. November,1979 billingmachine
Answer: Option B C. sorter, posting machine, andbilling
61.The monitor of a computer D. accounting machine, keypunchmachine,
is connected to it by a and sorter
A. Wire Answer: Option D
B. Cable
C. Bus 66.A single bus structure is primarily
D. Linedriver found in
E. Modem A. Mainframes
Answer: Option B B. Super computers
C. High performancemachines
62.What is the highest address possible D. Mini-and micro-computers
if 16 bits are used for each address? Answer: Option D
B.12868 67.Which of the following bus types are
C.16556 used by the Apple Macintosh computer?
D. 643897 A. ISA
E. None of the above B. NuBus
Answer: Option A C. EISA
63. An integrated circuitis E. PCIBus
A. a complicatedcircuit Answer: Option B
B. an integratingdevice
C. much costlier than a singletransistor 68.When the time to establish link is large
D. fabricated on a tiny siliconchip and the size of data is small, the preferred
Answer: Option D mode of data transfer is
A. Circuitswitching
Which of the following memories B. Packetswitching
contains a thin film of magnetic C. Time divisionmultiplexing
material sandwitched between two D. All of theabove
permanent bias magnets? E. None of theabove
A. ROM Answer: Option B
B. Magneticdisk
C. Corememory
D. Bubblememory
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

69.A computer-controlled device for 70.Group of instructions that directs a

training exercises that duplicates the computer is called
work environment is a: A. Storage
A. simulator B. Memory
B. duplicator C. Logic
C. trainer D. Program
D. COMdevice E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.Which of the following is not an 04.Which of the following terms could be
output device of a computer? used to describe the concurrent processing
A. Printer of computer programs, via CRTs, on one
B. keyboard computersystem?
C. VDU A. Time-sharing
D. CRT screen B. Onlineprocessing
Answer: Option B C. Interactiveprocessing
D. All the aboveprocessing
02.A large number of computers in a Answer: Option D
wide geographical area can be
efficiently connected using 05.What is the name given to the
A. Twisted pair lines specialized storage element in the
B. Coaxial cables processor unit of a computer which is used
C. Communicationssatellites as a "scratch pad" during processing
D. All of theabove operations?
Answer: Option C A. storageregister
B. primarymemory
03. Which of the following statementsis C. cachememory
true? D. accumulator
A. Analysts usually work aloneand Answer: OptionC
sometimes as part of ateam
B. Most systems projects are completedin 06Ethernet uses
6 to 12weeks A. Bustopology
C. An analyst's primary concern isthe B. Ring topology
development ofsoftware C. Star topology
D. Analysts evaluate data flow through an D. Treetopology
organization Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D

Composed By Hamim Huda


07. Which of the following is not an 12. An advantage of blocking a tape isthat
advantage of magnetic diskstorage? A. additional processing time isconsumed
A. The access time of magnetic diskis B. the direct file method can beemulated
much less than that of magnetictape C. tapes contain less data and longertapes
B. Disk storage is longer lastingthan D. less tape is used to store the sameamount
magnetictape ofdata
C. Disk storage is less expensive thantape E. None of theabove
storage Answer: Option D
D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove 13.What is the byte capacity of a drum
Answer: Option E which is 5 inch high, 10 inch diameter, and
which has 60 tracks per inch and bit
08.Perforated paper used as input or density of 800 bits per inch?
output media is known as A. 942000 bytes
A. Paper tape B. 9712478 bytes
B. Magnetictape C. 192300 bytes
C. Punched paper tape D. 14384 bytes
D. Cardpunch E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

09.What is the latest write-once optical 14.The data processing job expected to
storage media? further decrease in the 1996s is that of:
A. Digitalpaper A. Keypuncher
B. Magneto-opticaldisk B. Data entryclerk
C. WORMdisk C. Computeroperator
D. CD-ROMdisk D. Programmer
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A
10.A computer has no more sense than
a light 15.The first large scale electronic
A. bulb computer which became operational in
B. pen 1946 and contained approximately 18000
C. switch vacuum tubes and could perform 300
D. pad multiplications per second was known as
Answer: Option C A. ILLIAC
11.A computer program that converts C. JOHNIAC
an entire program into machine D. EDSAC
language at one time is called a/an E. None of theabove
A. interpreter Answer: Option B
B. simulator
C. compiler
D. commander
Answer: OptionC

16.A logic gate is an electronic circuit 20.Identity the advantages that Micro
which Channel Architecture offers over ISA.
A. makes logicdecisions A. Automatic System Configuration
B. allows electron flow only inone B. LessInterference
direction C. Multiple device handling (the systemallows
C. works on binaryalgebra expansion boards to take complete of the bus
D. alternates between 0 and 1values for certain operations)
Answer: Option A D. Greater data transferrates
E. All of theabove
17.A small square or rectangular piece Answer: Option E
of silica on which several layers of an
integrated circuit are etched or 21.Computer scientists are exploring the
imprinted is called possibility of culturing bacteria to create
A. VLSI living chips which have digital electronic
B. micro properties. What are these chips called?
C. wafer A. bacterial chips
D. chip B. biochips
Answer: Option D C. naturalchips
D. neural chips
18.The processing capability of a Answer: OptionB
microcomputer can be enhanced with
the help of 22.What is the name of the storage device
A. additionprocessor which is used to compensate for the
B. expansioncards difference in rates of flow of data from
C. secondarymemory once device to another?
D. buffer memory A. Cache
Answer: Option B B. Concentrator
C. Buffer
19.Where are silicon chips D. I/O device
manufactured in India? Answer: Option C
A. Chandigarh
B. Punjab 23.In latest generation computers, the
C. UP instructions are executed
D. TamilNadu A. Parallelyonly
E. None of theabove B. Sequentiallyonly
Answer: Option A C. Both sequentially anparallely
D. All of theabove
20.A computer programmer Answer: Option C
A. does all the thinking for acomputer
B. can enter input dataquickly 24.The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering
C. can operate all types ofcomputer system are called binary digits or……..
equipment A.bytes B.kilobytes
D. can draw onlyflowchart C.decimal bytes D.bits
Answer: Option A E. nibbles
Answer: Option D

25.The first machine to successfully 30.Program execution time would be

perform a long series of arithmetic and minimum if the programs are written in
logical operations was: A. MachineLanguage
A. ENIAC B. Assemblylanguage
B. MarkI C. High levellanguage
C. Analyticengine D. All of theabove
D. UNIVAC-I E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option A

26.Which is used for manufacturing 31."The three most important inventions

chips? of this century are the nuclear bomb, the
A. Bus high yield hybrid speed, and the
B. Control unit computer". Can you name the person who
C. Semiconductors made this statement?
D. (A) and (B) only A. Harry RJordan
Answer: Option C B. Buckminster Fuller
C. JackSmith
27.Floppy disks which are made from D. JanTimmer
flexible plastic material are also called? Answer: Option B
A. harddisks
B. high-densitydisks 32.A menu-driven operating system is one
C. diskettes which allows you to pick up from the menu
D. templates of choices it displays on the screen. What is
Answer: Option C the name given to the images which are
used in such image oriented menus?
28.Which of the following tasks isnot A. Icon
suited for sequential processing by a B. Figure
computer? C. Symbol
A. Preparing of mailinglabels D. option
B. Processing payrollcheques Answer: Option A
C. Accounting for credit cardpurchases
D. Inventorycontrol 33.What is the name of the earliest
Answer: Option D calculating machine which was based on
concepts found in modern computers but
29.Which of the following is was unfortunately never built?
responsible for coordinating various A. Babbage's DifferenceEngine
operations using timing signals? B. Pascal'sAdder
A. Arithmetic-logicUnit C. Leibnitz'sMultiplier
B. Control unit D. Differential Analyser
C. Memoryunit E. None of theabove
D. Input/ Outputunit Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B

34.All calculations are performed and 40.The most commonly used standard data
all comparisons are made in……. unit. code to represent alphabetical, numerical
A. control unit and punctuation characters used in
B. arithmetic-logicunit Electronic Data Processing system is called
C. central processingunit A. ASCII
D. primary storageunit B. EBCDII
Answer: Option B C. BCD
D. All of theabove
35.Who built the world's first Answer: Option A
electronic calculator using telephone
relays, light bulbs and batteries? 41.The terminal device often used in
A. ClaudeShannon checking charge cards that offers both a
B. KonardZuse limited keyboard input and visual output
C. GeorgeStibitz is the:
D. Howard H.Aliken A. Intelligentterminal
Answer: Option C B. POSterminal
C. Video displayterminal
36. Hard disks and diskettesare: D. Audio responseunit
A. Direct access storagedevices Answer: Option C
B. Sequential access storagedevices
C. Rarely used withmicrocomputers 42.The computer translates the condition
D. Both (A) and(C) of each switch to a number. What number
Answer: Option A is represented by the OFF state?
A. -7 B.-3.75
37. In digital datatransmission C.1 D.0
A. Baud rate in equal to bitrate E. -22
B. Baud rate is always smaller than thebit Answer: Option D
C. Baud rate is always higher than the bitrate 43.Which of the following is not one of the
D. None of theabove three primary functions that on-line
Answer: Option D direct-access systems can serve?
A. inquiry
38. How many bits can be stored inthe B. backup
8KRAM? C. update
A. 8000 D. programming
B.8192 Answer: Option B
C. 4000
D.4096 44.A code which uses more bits for each
Answer: Option B character then what is necessary is known
39. Point out the odd item amongstthe A. Hollerith code
following B. Graycode
A. Computermouse B.Touchpad C. Redundantcode
C. Lightpen D. Printer D. Mnemonics
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

45.Access time in a computer memory 51.In negative logic, the logic state 1
is the time required to corresponds to
A. Locate the storeddata A. negativevoltage
B. Retrieve the storeddata B. zero voltage
C. Both locate and retrieve thedata C. more negativevoltage
D. All of theabove D. lower voltagelevel
Answer: Option C Answer: Option D

46.Which of the following is a part of 52. The least expensive OCR units canread
the Central Processing Unit? A. hand printed numbers
A. Printer B.Keyboard B. machine printednumbers
C. Mouse D. Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) C. marks
Answer: Option D D. handwriting
Answer: OptionC
47. The input unit of acomputer
A. feeds data to the CPU ormemory 53.File specification books are created
B. retrieves data fromCPU primarily for the use of
C. directs all otherunits A. systemsanalysts
D. All of theabove B. programmers
Answer: Option A C. operators
D. managers
48.The attribution of human form or Answer: Option B
qualities to things such as machines or
computers is called 54.Which of the following is used as
A. cybernetics storage locations both in the ALU and the
B. cybernation control section of a computer?
C. artificialintelligence A. accumulator
D. anthropomorphism B. register
Answer: Option D C. adder
D. decoder
49.The technique designed to support Answer: Option B
the effective access of micro-filmed
data is: 55.Which of the following persons
A.Microficheretrieval B.COM probably has the least amount of technical
C. Micrographics knowledge?
D. All theabove A. User
Answer: Option C B. ComputerOperator
C. SystemAnalyst
50.What is the name of the computer D. Programmer
terminal which gives paper printout? E. Computer professional
A. Displayscreen Answer: Option A
B. Soft copyterminal
C. Hard copyterminal
D. Plotter
Answer: Option C

56. The primary advantage of key-to- 61.An advantage of overlapped processing

tape data-entry systemsis: activities is:
A. A large percentage of editing canbe A. more effective use of theCPU
performed at the time of dataentry B. increased processing activities forthe
B. Key verification is easilyperformed entiresystem
C. The tape isreusable C. better coordination of I/Oactivities
D. Keying errors can be detected asthey D. all theabove
occur Answer: OptionD
Answer: Option C
62.If the processor of a computer does not
57.Primary storage is………as compared have a direct and unassisted access todata
to secondary storage. items, these items are said tobe
A. Slow andinexpensive A. offline
B. Fast andinexpensive B. remote
C. Fast andexpensive C. disconnected
D. Slow andexpensive D. detached
Answer: Option C Answer: Option A

58.In the IBM PC-AT, what do the words 63.A microprocessor integrates the
AT stand for? arithmetic logic and control circuitry of a
A. Additional terminals computer into one chip. The first
B. Advancetechnology microprocessor was built by a group of
C. Appliedtechnology engineers at the Intel Corpn. Can you tell
D. Advancedterminology who headed this group?
Answer: Option B A. VictorPoor
B. StanMazor
59.The punched card used in the IBM C. Marcian E. (Ted)Hoff
System/3 contains D. Seymour Cray
A. 80 columns Answer: Option C
B. 120 columns
C. 96 columns 64.Which of the following is associated
D. 126 columns with networks?
Answer: Option C A. Download,node
B. Star topology
60.Which was the first computer to use C. Point-to-Point
transistors instead of vacuum tubes? D. Both (A) and(B)
A. Intel-650 Answer: Option D
B. BurroughsE-101
C. Datamatic-1000 65.A CPU's processing power is measured
D. IBM-1401 in:
E. None of theabove A. IPS
Answer: Option D B. CIPS
D. nano-seconds
Answer: Option C

66.The binary equivalent of the 68.Which of the following is non-impact

Hexadecimal number 7BD is printer?
A. 11110111101 A. Drum printer
B.1.1101E+11 B. Lineprinter
C.1.0111E+11 C. Chainprinter
D. All of theabove D. Laserprinter
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

67.In which year was the PC voted 'The 69.When used with I/O devices, the term
Machine of the Year's by the American intelligent implies
Time magazine? A. a color outputcapability
A. 1970 B. speech processing capability
B.1975 C. high speed printing capability
C. 1983 D. feature to support offline and onlinetasks
D.1987 E. None of theabove
E. None of the above Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C

Composed By Hamim Huda


01A prefix for billion which is equal to 06.The operation of a digital computer is
_____ is called as billi. based on _____ principle.
A. 100 A. counting
B. 10000 B. measuring
C. 1000 C. electronic
D. 10 D. logical
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

02.Which of the following Indian 07.Which of the following is not a sequence

companies designs and manufactures storage device?
super- computers? A. Magneticdisk
A. C-DOT B. Magnetictape
B. C-DAC C. Paper tape
C. CMC D. All of theabove
D. All of theabove E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
08.The computers that we use are digital
04.Which of the following memories whereas we live in an analog world which
needs refresh? means that we have to translate analog data
A. SRAM into digital data. What is the name of the
B. DRAM circuit which helps us in this conversion?
C. ROM A. D/Aconverter
D. All of theabove B. A/Dconverter
E. None of theabove C. Voicerecognition
Answer: Option B D. Adapter
E. None of theabove
05.What is the name of the memory Answer: Option B
card which is conceptually related to
the smart card but is similar to the
video disk? 09.Which of the following statements best
A. Laser card describes the batch method of input?
B. Master card A. Data is processed as soon as it isinput
C. Visa B. Data is input at the time it iscollected
D. Optical card C. Data is collected in the form of source
E. None of theabove documents, placed into groups, and then input
Answer: Option A to thecomputer
D. Source documents aren'tused
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

15.In 1830, Charles Babbage disigned a

10.Which of the following is used to machine called the Analytical Engine which
check for errors in RAM chips? he showed at the Paris Exhibition. In which
A. ROMchip year was it exhibited?
B. Microprocessor chip A. 1820
C. Paritychip B.1860
D. EPROMchip C. 1855
E. None of theabove D.1870
Answer: Option C E. None of the above
Answer: Option C
11.Which of the following is not an
alternative name for primary 16.Which of the following isn't used in the
memory? storage phase of a computer-based
A. Mainmemory information system?
B. Primarystorage A. Magnetic
C. Internal storage B. Keyboard
D. Massstorage C. Diskette
E. None of theabove D. Harddisk
Answer: Option D E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
12.The first movie with terrific
computer animation and graphics was 17.While buying a PC system, you should
released in 1982. What was its name? first
A. Star Wars A. shop for applicationprograms
B. Tron B. identify your hardwarecomponents
C. ForbiddenPlanet C. define your computingneeds
D. DarkStar D. call fortenders
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

13. Which of the following istrue? 18. An ANDgate

A. Fields are composed ofbytes A. implements logicaddition
B. Files are composed ofrecords B. is equivalent to a series switchingcircuit
C. Fields are composed ofcharacters C. is an any-or allgate
D. Records are composed offields D. is equivalent to a parallel switchingcircuit
E. All of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option E Answer: Option B

14. CD-ROM isa 19.A modern digital computer has

A. Semiconductormemory A. extremely highspeed
B. Memoryregister B. largememory
C. Magneticmemory C. almost unlimitedaccuracy
D. All of theabove D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option E Answer: Option D

20.The disk concept for reducing time 24.What is meant by computer literacy?
lost from rotational delay is: A. Knowing what a computer can andcannot
A. fixed blockaddressing do
B. cylinder, track, sectordata B. Ability to write computerprograms
C. staggeredaddressing C. Knowing computer relatedvocabulary
D. graduated blockidentification D. Ability to assemblecomputers
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option A

21.Pick out the wrong statement. 25.Data System management has long-term
A. Information stored in RAM can be viability as a separate business function
changed by over writing it because
B. Information stored in ROM cannotbe A. It requires much technicalknowledge
changed byoverwriting B. It requires largeinvestments
C. Information can be stored inany C. Specialists in data systems cannot be
location ofRAM integrated into a marketing ormanufacturing
D. Computer main memory canbe organization
accessed onlysequentially D. An integrated database accessible toall
E. None of theabove requires independentmanagement
Answer: Option D E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D
22.Everything computer does is
controlled by its 26.Which of the following is a non-impact
A. RAM printer?
B. ROM A. Daisy wheelprinter
C. CPU B. Drum printer
D. Storagedevices C. Laser printer
E. None of theabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C
23.Which of the following is usually a
special one-time operation that must 27.In virtual storage, program segments
be completed over a limited time stored on disk during processing are called:
period? A. tracks
A. Batch B. blocks
B. Patch C. pages
C. Project D. sectors
D. Word E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C

28.The microprocessor of a computer 33.A device or system not directly

cannot operate on any information if connected to the CPU is
that information is not in its. A. On-line
A. secondarystorage B. Keyboard
B. mainstorage C. Memory
C. ALU D. Off-line
D. logicunit Answer: Option D
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B 34.A device which converts human
readable data into machine language is
29.What digits are representative of A. Cardreader
all binary numbers? B. Cardpunch
A. 0 C. Punched paper tape
B. 1 D. Character reader
C. Both A andB Answer: Option D
D. 3
E. None of theabove 35.Design qualifications do not normally
Answer: Option C include
A. Outputrequirements
30.The language that the computer can B. Input and storagerequirements
understand and execute is called C. Controlprovisions
A. Machinelanguage D. Blueprints
B. Applicationsoftware Answer: Option D
C. System program
D. All of theabove 36.Which of the following is form of semi
E. None of theabove conductor memory in which it is possible to
Answer: Option A change the contents of selected memory
locations by applying suitable electrical
31.What does that acronym EGA stand signals.
for? A. CAM
A. Enhanced GraphicsArray B. ROM
B. Extended GraphicsArray C. EAROM
C. Monochrome GraphicsAdapter D. ANACUS
D. Enhanced GraphicsAdapter Answer: Option C
E. Extended GraphicsAdapter
Answer: Option A 37.The basic components of a modern
digital computer are :
32.A disk with usable recording A. Inputdevice
surfaces on each side is known as B. Outputdevice
A. Harddisk C. Central processor
B. Single-sideddisk D. All of theabove
C. Double-sideddisk Answer: Option D
D. High capacity
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

38.What is a portion of memory that 43.A beam of light used to record and
serves as a temporary repositoryfor retrieve data on optical disks is known as
data as it waits for a givenaction? A. polarizedlight
A. MemoryPool B. unpolarized concentriclight
B. Cache C. laser
C. Processor D. colouredlight
D. Processor pool E. None of theabove
E. Bank Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
44.Punched-card equipment was first
39.In serial, asynchronous introduced in Britain in 1904 by a small
transmissions,the _____ bit is usedto company. What was the name of that
signal the end of the character within company?
the data frame. A. The TabulatorLtd.
A. start B. Tabulator MachineCompany
B. stop C. International Business Machines(IBM)
C. parity D. Accounting & Tabulating Corpn. ofGreat
D. data Britain
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option A

40.Which is the acronym for Algol 45.The computer translates the condition
extended for design. of each switch to a number. What number is
A. AFIPS represented by the ONstate?
B. ADP A.+7 B.3.75
C. AED C.1 D.0
D. CAI E. 22
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

41.Which of the following are often 46.An input device that converts data
used to ensure that data has been punched into paper lape into a binary
accurately input to the computer? format is
A. digitizers A. Pagereader
B. lightpens B. Paper tapepunch
C. keyboards C. Paper tapereader
D. inputcontrols D. Cardpunch
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

42.Regarding a VDU, which statement 47.A computer will function only if it

is more correct? A. has a controlunit
A. It is an outputdevice B. is given inputdata
B. It is an inputdevice C. has a program in itsmemory
C. It is a peripheraldevice D. has softwarepackage
D. It is a hardwareitem Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C

48.Plotter accuracy is measured in 53.A memory in which the information is

terms of repeatability and stored last is on top & is retrieved first is
A. buffersize known as
B. resolution A. PROM
C. vertical dimension B. Buffer
D. intelligence C. Stack
E. None of theabove D. RAM
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C
49.What is the name of the chip which
has more than once processor on it? 54.Which of the following is a set of general
A. Parallel chip purpose internal registers?
B. Multi-processor chip A. stack
C. Transputer B. scratch pad
D. Parallel processor C. accumulator
E. None of theabove D. statusregister
Answer: Option C E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
50.To produce high-quality graphics
(hardcopy) in color, you would want to 55.A family of polynomial block codes
use a(n) designed to correct burst errors is known
A. RGB monitor as
B. plotter A. Bar codes
C. ink-jetprinter B. Graycodes
D. laser printer C. Firecodes
E. All of theabove D. mnemonicscodes
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

51.The computer code for the 56.Which of the following is required when
interchange of information between more than one person uses a central
terminals is computer at the same time?
A. ASCII A. terminal
B. BCD B. lightpen
C. EBCDIC C. digitizer
D. All of theabove D. mouse
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

52.Which is not necessary when using 57.Which of the following terms describe
bar codes in supermarkets? 1024 kilobytes?
A. Point-of sale (POS)terminal A. Kilobyte
B. Check digit on the barcode B. Megabyte
C. Price on theshelf C. Gigabyte
D. Price on thegoods D. Terabyte
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

58.The minimum time delay required 63.The flow and timing to data to and from
between the initiation of two the microprocessor is regulated by
successive memory operations is A. controlpins
known as B. addresspins
A. memory cycletime C. datapins
B. memory accesstime D. powerpins
C. transmissiontime Answer: Option A
D. waiting time
Answer: OptionA 64.The total number of messages handled
by a computerized telephone system on a
59.An internal storage consisting of daily basis is an example of:
arrays of small rings of magnetic A. Frequency
material called ferrite is B. Updating
A. Magnetictape C. Volume
B. Magneticcore D. All of theabove
C. Magneticdisk Answer: Option C
D. Optical markreader
Answer: Option B 65.Which of the following processor is
software that accepts user ideas,
60.In the language of the computer manipulates and reorganises them in user-
profession, one thousand position of specified ways and then produces a refined
main storage is represented with the model of those thoughts.
letter A. Distribute
A. K B. Out-line
B. L C. Multi
C. M D. On-line
D. C Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
66.The word 'Computer' usually refers to
61.The control of the jobs running the Central Processor Unit plus
within a system is A. External memory
A. Jobmonitoring B. Internal memory
B. Jobstream C. Inputdevices
C. Jobmin D. Outputdevices
D. Jobstep Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
67.Communication using a modulated
62. 'ITS' standsfor carrier to apply a data signal to a
A. Intelligent TeachingSystems transmission medium in analog form is
B. International TutoringSystems A. Local areanetwork
C. Intelligent TutoringSystems B. Modem
D. All of theabove C. Base bandnetworking
Answer: Option C D. Broad band networking
Answer: Option D

70.The most popular language for

68. An error in computer data iscalled interactive use is
A. Chip A. COBOL
D. Storagedevices D. FORTRAN
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

69.Any piece of equipment forming an 71.In which of the following, each data item
interface to a data communication contains at most 2 points
system is A. Liststructure
B. DTA C. Listsorting
C. CSA D. Listhead
D. DCA Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.An input/output device at which
data enters or leaves a computer 06.The input and output devices are located
system is away from the central computer facility in
A. Keyboard which particular type of processing.
B. Terminal A. Timesharing
C. Printer B. Batchprocessing
D. Plotter C. Interactivemode
Answer: Option B D. Real timeprocessing
Answer: Option B
02.The fastest type of memory from
the following list is 07.Which is a swapping device is used to
A. tape hold the images of pages in main memory.
B. semiconductormemory A. Plex
C. disk B. Paging drum
D. bubblememory C. Cardpunch
Answer: Option B D. Optical markreader
Answer: Option B
03.Which of the following is a
secondary memory device? 08.A section of code that may only be
A. Keyboard executed by one process at any one time is
B. Disk A. CPM
C. ALU B. Criticalresource
D. All of theabove C. Criticalregion
Answer: Option B D. Graycode
Answer: Option C
04.The register which keeps track of
the execution of a program and which 09.The latest PC keyboards use a circuit
contains the memory address of the that senses the movement by the change in
instruction currently being executed is its capacitance. What are these keyboards
known as called?
A. Indexregister A. Capacitancekeyboards
B. Memory addressregister B. Mechanical keyboards
C. Program counter C. Qwertykeyboards
D. Instructionregister D. Dvorakkeyboards
Answer: Option C Answer: OptionA

05.Which memory is nonvolatile and 10.A step-by-step procedure used to solvea

may be written only once? problem is called
A. RAM A. Operating system
B. EE-ROM B. Algorithm
C. RAM C. Applicationprogram
D. PROM D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

11.A random-access data storage 16.What is the alternative name for a

device which gives rapid access to data diskette?
is A. Floppydisk
A. Magnetictape B. Harddisk
B. Punchedcard C. Flexibledisk
C. Disk storageunit D. Winchester disk
D. Buffer Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C
17. Conversion of a
12.A card on the top of pack of cards hexadecimalnumber4E16 to binary
containing information about the numberis
cards in the pack is A.10011012
A. Punchedcard B. 10011102
B. Cardpunch C.11011002
C. Readercard D. 1101112
D. Punched paper tape Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
18. A device that transmits messages in
13.Which term is used to describe verbal formis
RAM? A. Audittrail
A. Dynamic RAM(DRAM) B. Cardpunch
B. Static RAM(SRAM) C. Audio responseunit
C. Video RAM(VRAM) D. Magnetictape
D. All of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
19.A standard tape recorder used to save or
14.A type of core store that has a lower load computer information is known as
access time than the devices used for A. Magnetictape
working store in the same processor is B. Cassettedrive
known as C. Punched paper tape
A. corememory D. Cardpunch
B. buffer Answer: Option B
C. fastcore
D. addressregister 20.Which of the following functional
Answer: Option C components of a computer is responsible
for the transient or temporary storage used
15.The output quality of a printer is by the CPU?
measured by A. Input
A. Dots perinch B. Output
B. Dots perline C. CPU
C. Dots printed per unittime D. Memory
D. All of theabove E. Storage
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

21.Which method is of reading the

characters & providing input to a 26.A device that converts one type of signal
computer. into another is called
A. Optical characterreader A. Modem
B. Punched paper tape B. Transducer
C. Cardpunch C. Punched paper tape
D. Magnetic inkcharacter D. Punchedcard
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

22.Which facilitates data processing 27.The memory which is programmed at

capabilities at the location of the end- the time it is manufactured
user. A. ROM
D. FAX Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C
28.When was the world's first laptop
23. Example of non-numerical datais computer introduced in the market and by
A. Employeeaddress whom?
B. Examinationscore A. Hewlett-Packard,1980
C. Bankbalance B. Epson,1981
D. All of theabove C. Laplink Travelling Software Inc,1982.
Answer: Option A D. Tandy Model-200,1985
Answer: Option B
24.A device that both transmits and
receives data, is 29.Which selection below best describes
A. Transducer the term data processing?
B. Trapdoor A. The collection of information ordata
C. Translator B. The distribution of information ordata
D. Transceiver C. The manipulation of information ordata
Answer: Option D D. The storage of information ordata
Answer: Option C
25.An automatic machine that
performs routine seemingly human 30. IBM 7000 digitalcomputer
tasks is A. belongs to secondgeneration
B. AI C. employs semi conductormemory
C. PL D. has modularconstruction
D. Robot E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

31.The personnel which deal with the 35.The IC was invented at Texas
computer and its management put instruments in year 1958 by
together is known as A. JackKilby
A. Firm ware B. CliveSinclair
B. Humanware C. JohnNapier
C. Software D. SteveWozniak
D. Hardware E. HermanHollerith
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
36.The unit of hardware an operator uses
32.A path linking 2 hardware or to monitor computer processing is the:
telecommunication units down which A. Cardreader
data and control signals can be B. CPU
transmitted is C. Lineprinter
A. Modulation D. Console
B. Demodulation E. None of theabove
C. Channel Answer: Option D
D. Signalling
E. None of theabove 37.A framework in which circuit boards can
Answer: Option C he mounted is
A. Switch circuit
33.What is the minimum number of B. Chip
operations required, for a C. Cardcage
microprocessor with 8 data pins, to D. Barcode
read a 32-bit word? E. None of theabove
A. 1 Answer: Option C
B. 2
C. 4 38. The main purpose of the off linedevice
D. 8 is
E. None of theabove A. To reduce the no.of operator errorsin
Answer: Option C recordingdata
B. To save computertime
34.The accuracy of the floating point C. To save floor space in the computercentre
numbers representable in two 16 bit D. All of theabove
words of a computer isapproximately Answer: Option B
A. 16digits
B. 6digits 39.Which of the following is a special
C. 4digits purpose language used to describe to a
D. All of theabove computer's operating system.
E. None of theabove A. LOGO
Answer: Option B B. APL
Answer: Option C

45.How many addresses are required for 25

40.Which of the following languages is x 40 video RAM?
the most widely used? A. 2000
A. PL/1 B.1920
B. BASIC C. 1000
D. PASCAL E. None of the above
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

41.Conversion of binary 46.Which of the following isn't a type of

number1011102 to octal is computer facility?
A.358 A. decentralized
B.468 B. centralized
C.568 C. de-distributed
D. 508 D. distributed
E. None of the above E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

42.A symbol that modifies an action is 47.Which protocol has been standardised
known as by the International Standards
A. Compiler Organisation.
B. Modifier A. ISAM
C. Interpreter B. ISO
D. Mod C. LISP
E. None of theabove D. CALL
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
43.The first computer used to store a
program 48.Which of the following is the largestand
A. EDSAC most powerful computer manufacture in
B. ENIAC the world
D. ACE B. Intel
E. None of theabove C. Novel
Answer: Option A D. Microsoft
Answer: Option A
44. RAM is also knownas
A. Read-onlymemory 49.Which 8-bit chip was used in many of
B. Programmable read-onlymemory Tandy's TRS-80 computers?
C. Read/Writememory A. Z-8000
D. Erasable programmable read-only B. Motorola 6809
memory C. Z-8088
E. None of theabove D. Z-80
Answer: Option C Answer: Option D

54.Which of the following statements is

50. Hardware _____ memory isseldom false?
used in modern computers. A. Secondary storage isnonvolatile
A. ROM B. Primary storage isvolatile
B. RAM C. Secondary storage contains datafor
C. LIFO immediateprocessing
D. PROM D. When the computer is turned off, dataand
E. None of theabove instructions stored in primary storage are
Answer: Option C erased
E. All of theabove
51.Which language was created by Answer: Option C
Charles H. Moore at National Radio
Astronomy Observatory. 55.Which language was created by Charles
A. BASIC H. Moore at National Radio Astronomy
B. FORTH Observatory.
E. None of theabove C. dBASE
Answer: Option B D. COBOL
Answer: Option B
52.Which gate only sends one through
if neither of its terminals receives a 56.Which is a basic technique, using activity
pulse. networks.
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
57. The 7-bit ASCII code widelyused
A. For data communicationwork
53.A large computer designed to B. In IBM mainframemodels
handle complex scientific calculations C. For coding externalmemory
A. may use only a firmedword-length D. In large machines produced by non-IBM
storageapproach vendors
B. will likely require acharacter Answer: Option A
addressable storageunit
C. must use fixed length words of four 58.A technique for processing jobs on a
character each first-come, first-served basis is known as
D. will not use numberedaddress A. FAX
locations B. FIFO
E. None of theabove C. GIGO cable
Answer: Option A D. Optical markreader
Answer: Option B

59.The physical components of a 64.A device mounted on a communication

computer system is satellite which receives, amplifies and re-
A. Humanware transmits signals from earth station is
B. Firm ware A. Track
C. Hardware B. Transponder
D. Software C. Transistor
Answer: Option C D. Terminal
Answer: Option B
60.A device used to bring information
into a computer is 65.Which of the following languages is often
A. ALU translated to pseudo code?
B. Inputdevice A. Assembly
C. Controlunit B. FORTRAN
D. Outputdevice C. PASCAL
Answer: Option B D. BASIC
Answer: Option C
61. Magnetic tape can serveas
A. Inputmedia 66.What type of memory is not directly
B. Outputmedia addressable by the CPU and requires
C. Secondary storagemedia special software called EMS (expanded
D. All of theabove memory specification)?
Answer: Option D A. Extended
B. Expanded
62. The first mechanical calculatorwas C. Base
invented in D. Conventional
A. 1958 E. Basicsystem
B.1642 Answer: OptionB
C. 1658
Answer: Option B 67.Which is the first compiler-level
language developed by a team of IBM
63. Programmed instructions tothe programmers led by John Backus and
computer is knownas unveiled in 1957?
A. Data A. BASIC
B. Code B. PL/1
C. Documentation C. FORTRAN
D. Database D. APL
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

01.Which of the following is also 06. Which of the following is true
known as SOROBAN concerning personalcomputers?
A. ENIAC A. They decrease the demand formainframe
B. Abacus computers
C. EDSAC B. They have been most successful in thehome
D. UNIVAC C. The electronic spreadsheet has beena
E. None of theabove primary reason for theirpopularity
Answer: Option B D. Their future is not so bright owning to the
improved cost-performance ratio of minisand
02.A repository for data, usually mainframes
covering specific topic is E. None of theabove
A. Database Answer: Option C
B. Datarequisition
C. Databank 07. Which of the following is true
D. Datacollection concerning personalcomputers?
E. None of theabove A. They decrease the demand formainframe
Answer: Option C computers
B. They have been most successful in thehome
03.The disadvantage of dynamic RAM C. The electronic spreadsheet has beena
over static RAM is primary reason for theirpopularity
A. higher power consumption D. Their future is not so bright owning to the
B. variablespeed improved cost-performance ratio of minisand
C. need to refresh the capacitor charge mainframes
every once in twomilliseconds Answer: OptionC
D. higher bit density
Answer: Option C 08.A memory that is capable ofdetermining
whether a given datum is contained in one
04.The smallest logical data entity is of its addressesis
called a data item or data A. ROM
A. Base B. PROM
B. Field C. CAM
C. Bank D. RAM
D. Collection Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
09.The earliest device that qualifies as a
05.Conversion of a digital computer is
hexadecimalnumber 3D16 to A. EDSAC
binary number is A. 1111012 B. Abacus
B.1100112 C. ENIAC
C. 110001102 D. EDVAC
D. 1100012 E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

10.One million bytes of information is 15.Programs prepared by an outside

abbreviated as supplier & privided to a user in a machine
A. Bit readable form is known as
B. MB A. Utilityprogram
C. KB B. Cannedprogram
D. GB C. Applicationprogram
Answer: Option B D. Applicationsoftware
Answer: Option B
11.Which memory stores the valuesof
variables. 16.An input device that uses switch
A. SAM contacts placed under a plastic pad which
B. ROM may be inscribed with symbols is known as
C. RAM A. Punchedcard
D. PROM B. Touchpad
E. None of theabove C. Punched paper tape
Answer: Option C D. Magneticdisk
Answer: Option B
12. The first IBM PC did not haveany
A. Diskdrive 17.Pictures or drawings, typically displayed
B. RAM on a VDU to allow users to select program
C. ROM options is called
D. Port A. HIPO charts
E. None of theabove B. Icons
Answer: Option A C. Graphics
D. Network
13.Which device uses much less Answer: Option B
computer time than the light penand
gives resolutions equal to that of the 18.A monitor looks like a TV set but it does
CRTdisplay. not
A. Mouse A. Receive TVsignals
B. Touchtablet B. Give a clearpicture
C. Touchpanel C. Give a steadypicture
D. Datatablet D. Displaygraphics
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

14.The process used to set up a 19.A terminal having local processing

programs once the system is capability is
operational is A. KIPS
A. Operating system B. AI
B. Blackbon C. Intelligentterminal
C. Bootstrap D. Optical terminal
D. Utility E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

20.A hand-held device which reads

marks or characters on paper by 24. The _____ provides a path betweenthe
detecting photo-sensitivity is known CPU and peripheral devices, which are
as connected via interface cards.
A. Lightpen A. computer
B. Optical-wand B. expansionbus
C. Plotter C. memory
D. All of theabove D. CPU
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

21.Tiny rings made of magnetic 25.Which of the following programs give

material that can be polarised to instructions about operations inside the
represent binary 1 or 0 is called computer
A. Magneticcore A. System software
B. Magneticdisk B. Application
C. Cardpunch C. Utility
D. Floppydisk D. Compiler
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

22.A computer program that instructs 26.The magnetic disks and drums are like
other programs to perform a recirculating shift registers because
particular type of operation is A. they have about the same storagecapacity
A. System software B. their storage is nonvolatile
B. Applicationprogram C. their access times are about thesame
C. Compiler D. stored data is available for reading overand
D. Interpreter over again in the sameorder.
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

23.A computer program that instructs 27.Which of the following time will
other programs to perform a normally be determined by the
particular type of operation is requirements of the device to which the
A. System software transfer is being made
B. Applicationprogram A. Access
C. Compiler B. Cycle
D. Interpreter C. Hold
Answer: Option A D. Delay
Answer: Option C
29.Which was the world's first
minicomputer and when was it 28.A hard copy would be prepared on a
introduced? A. Lineprinter
A. PDP-1, 1959 B. Dot matrixprinter
B. 1MB System/36, 1960 C. Type writerterminal
C. PDP-11 1961 D. Plotter
D. VAX 11/780, 1962 Answer: Option E
Answer: Option A

30.What is the acronym for Single In- 34.Which type of processing that produces
Line Memory Module? output results immediately after input data
A. SIMM are entered into a computer system
B. SILMM A. Time-sharing
C. SM B. Interactive
D. SMM C. Batch processing
Answer: Option A D. Real-timeprocessing
Answer: Option B
31.Which of the following printers, are
you sure will not to use if your 35.A printer in which the characters are
objective is to print on multicarbon embossed on a band is
forms? A. Dot-matrix
A. daisywheel B. Laser
B. dot-matrix C. Golf-ball
C. laser D. Chain
D. thimble Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
36.A type of simulation method using
32. The term MIPS refers to_____ random numbers to determine the
A. millions of instructions persecond evolution of a system is
B. multiple instructions persecond A. Model dispersion
C. megabytes of instructions perseconds B. Montecarlo
D. millions input processorset C. Monadic
E. multi-inductance processingsystem D. Padding
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

33. The primary memory of a personal 37.A database management system based
computer consists of: on the concept of ownership is
A. ROMonly A. Networktopology
B. RAMonly B. Networklayer
C. Both ROM andRAM C. Network databasesystem
D. Memorymodule D. Network licensesystem
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

39.A dot-matrix printer 38.A software package to implement a data

A. is an inputdevice base is
B. is an outputdevice A. System analysis
C. cannot printalphabet B. DBMS
D. has a speed of 1000cps C. Database
E. None of theabove D. DASD
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

40.What was the name of the first 43.Methods used to organise and physically
commercially available micro- store disk data are cylinder and
processorchip? A. Sector
A. Intel8008 B. Surface
B. Intel8080 C. Track
C. Intel4004 D. Hib
D. Motorola6809 Answer: Option A
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C 44.The term "memory" applies to which
one of the following
41.A new technology which provides A. Logic
the ability to create an artificial world B. Storage
and have people interact with it is C. Control
called D. Inputdevice
A. televirtuality Answer: OptionB
B. virtual reality
C. alternativereality 45.The working principles of today's
D. 3-D reality computers were provided by an English
E. None of theabove mathematician
Answer: Option B A. CharlesBabbage
B. Dr.Hollerith
42. The proper definition of amodern C. DonaldReach
digital computeris D. KenReider
A. an electronic automated machinethat E. None of theabove
can solve problems involving words and Answer: Option A
B. a more sophisticated andmodified 46.A device used to measure the circuit
electronic pocketcalculator density of a chip is
C. any machine that canperform A. Lightpen
mathematicaloperations B. Mouse
D. a machine that works on binarycode C. LSI
E. None of theabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C
48.A device that can accept data, hold
them&deliver them on demand at a 47.Data systems for planning are often
later time is known as called
A. Buffer A. decision analysissystems
B. Memory B. planning analysissystems
C. CPU C. decision supportsystems
D. Register D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

49.An output device that converts data 53.A magnetic tape volume that is used on a
from a binary format in main storage data processing operation without any
to coded hole patterns punched into a change to its contents is
paper tape is A. Magneticdisk
A. Paper tapepunch B. Punched paper tape
B. Punched paper tape C. Master tape
C. Magneticdisk D. Cardreader
D. Magnetictape Answer: OptionC
Answer: Option A
54.A computer performs operations by
50. The data bus in8080A/8085 comparing data items and then, depending
microprocessor is a groupof on the results, follows predetermined
A. eight bidirectional lines that are used course of action. What are such operations
to transfer 8 bits between the called?
microprocessor and its I/O andmemory A. Sequential
B. sixteen bidirectional lines that areused B. Logical
for data transfer between the C. Digital
microprocessor andmemory D. Physical
C. eight unidirectional lines that areused E. None of theabove
for I/Odevices Answer: Option B
D. eight lines used to transfer dataamong
Answer: Option A 55.Control of computer system or
subsystem operation by an operator who
51.In which of the following terminals may intervene at arbitrary times is
the screen is regarded as an array of A. Manual control
pixels, where each pixel is either on or B. Mapping
off? C. Shiftregister
A. Character map terminal D. ALU
B. Bit mapterminal E. None of theabove
C. RS-232 Cterminal Answer: Option A
D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove 56.Which language has been selected as the
Answer: Option B basis for the Japanese "fifth generation"
52.A file that includes an index A. ALGOL
directory to facilitate random access is B. COBOL
A. Sequential file C. PROLOG
B. Indexedfile D. C
C. Randomfile E. None of theabove
D. Serial file Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B

57.A notation for defining the form 62.The CPU is made up of control unit ALU
and structure of data is known as and
A. Data descriptionlanguage A. Memory
B. Binarylanguage B. Input-Output
C. Datachannel C. Register unit
D. Data definitionlanguage D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

58.Which part of computer performs 63.In digital computer, all the expressions
functions similar to the cerebrums of are coded into
the above cardiac and nervous system A. Octal digits
of a human body. B. Binarydigits
A. ALU C. Hexadecimal digits
B. Inputdevice D. Decimal cligits
C. CPU Answer: Option B
D. Controlunit
Answer: OptionC 64.In computer terminology a compiler
59.A memory that contains a fine A. a person who computes sourceprograms
pattern of data permanently defined is B. the same thing as aprogrammer
A. RAM C. key punchoperator
B. EPROM D. a program which translates sourceprogram
C. ROM into object program
D. PROM Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
65.A storage area used to store data to
60.What is the number of bits needed compensate for the difference in speed at
for an address in a 4K memory? which the different units can handle data is
A. 16 A. Memory
B. 8 B. Buffer
C. 12 C. Accumulator
D. 4 D. Address
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

61.Conversion of an octal 66.The physical equipment made oi various

number1068 to binary number is metals, silicon and plastic components that
A.11100102 make up the parts of a computer is called
B. 10001102 A. micro
C.11001102 B. peripheral
D. 100001102 C. hardware
Answer: Option B D. diskdrive
Answer: Option C

67.Who launched IBM's First PC in

1981? 70.Memories in which any location can be
A. DeanCline reached in a fixed (and short) amount of
B. C.B. RogersJr. time after specifying its address is called
C. John F.Akers A. sequential-accessmemory
D. David Svenson B. random-accessmemory
Answer: Option B C. secondarymemory
D. massstorage
68.How many operations per second E. None of theabove
can perform by a modern fast Answer: Option B
mainframe digital computer.
A. 1000 71.Which of the following is not used as
B. 100,000 secondary storage
C. 10,00,000 A. Semiconductormemory
D. 1,00,00,00,000 B. Magneticdisks
Answer: Option D C. Magneticdrums
D. Magnetictapes
69..One of a class of storage devices E. None of theabove
that can access storage locations in Answer: Option A
any order is
Answer: Option B

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.A connection between two end 06. Who invented themicroprocessor?
points, either physical or logical, over A. Marcian EHoff
which data may travel in both B. Herman HGoldstein
directions simultaneously is called C. JosephJacquard
_____ D. All of theabove
A. Dumppoint Answer: Option A
B. Datalink
C. Duplex 07.Sending data from one place to another,
D. Networks by physical or electronic means is
Answer: Option C A. E-mail
B. Internet
02.Which is part of a computer system, C. Datatransmission
enables human operators to D. Distributedprocessing
communicate with the computer. Answer: Option C
A. Console
B. Keyboard 08.A method for representing digital data
C. Printer analog signals by changing the phase of the
D. CPU analog carrier to represent the digital
Answer: Option A information is known as
03.A device that stores one item of B. PSK
information is C. PM
A. Memoryelement D. PM
B. BlockCompaction Answer: Option B
D. Memoryguard 09.A register in which of the following that
Answer: Option A holds the current instruction while it is
being executed is called instruction
04. MODULA isa register.
A. Programming language A. ALU
B. Low-level language B. CPU
C. Assemblylanguage C. Memory
D. Machinelanguage D. Address
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

05. The OCR standfor? 10. Which functional component of a

A. Outsized characterreader computer is responsible for the computing?
B. Optical character recognition A.Input B.Output
C. Operational character reader C. CPU D.Memory
D. Only characterreader E. Storage
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

11.Punched cards are associated with 16.A factor which might cause an individual
the name to consider using a computer in criminal
A. Leibniz activities is:
B. Jacquard A. The computer's access to large sums ofmoney
C. Hollerith B. The speed with which the crime canbe
D. Pascal accomplished
E. None of theabove C. EFTS (Electronic Funds TransferSystem)
Answer: Option C D. All theabove
Answer: Option D
12.The light pen was developed in
A. 1942 17.Transmission and presentation of text
B.1976 and graphics is called
C. 1955 A. Tele-text
D.1992 B. Network
E. None of the above C. Telematique
Answer: Option C D. Video text
Answer: Option D
13.The two main components of the
CPU is 18.Which of the following is directry
A. Control unit andregisters controlled from a keyboard.
B. Control unit and ALU A. Cardpunch
C. Registers and mainmemory B. Punched paper tape
D. ALU andbus C. Magneticdisk
Answer: OptionB D. Magnetictape
Answer: Option A
14.Which of the following does not
affect the resolution of a video display 19.Which of the following is a machine for
image? reading documents that are encoded in a
A. bandwidth way that is readable by person and
B. raster scanrate machine.
C. vertical and horizontal linesof A. Documentreader
resolution B. Distributedsystem
D. screensize C. Artificial intelligence
E. All of theabove D. Documentsorter
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

15.Which was the first commercial 20.The two basic types of record-access
computer built by M.V. Wilkies. methods are:
A. Super computer A. sequential andrandom
B. LEO B. sequential andindexed
C. Mainframe C. direct andimmediate
D. Micro computer D. on-line andrealtime
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B

21. Disketts and hard disksare 26. No computer can do anything withouta
A. Direct accessdevices A. program
B. Sequential accessdevices B. memory
C. Slower than magnetictape C. chip
D. Used only in mainframecomputers D. outputdevice
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
27.The estimation of the value of a function
22.If you see a diskette with a piece of at a point beyond the interval in which the
foil covering its notch, it is said to be data lies is called known as
A. write-protected A. Interpolation
B. copy-protected B. Simulation
C. write-enabled C. Emulation
D. foil-covered D. Extrapolation
Answer: OptionA Answer: Option A

23.The shifting of a program from one 28.An input device that is able to interpret
of the memory addresses to another is pencil marks on paper media is known as
A. Datatransmission A. Magneticdisk
B. Datacollection B. Optical MarkReader
C. Relocation C. CardPuncher
D. Database D. Magnetictape
Answer: Option C E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
24.Arranging data in a specific order is
called 29. Front-end processorisa ______ designed
A. Merging specifically to handle the communications
B. Sorting processing task.
C. Classification A. ALU
D. Verification B. Control unit
E. None of theabove C. CPU
Answer: Option B D. Register
Answer: Option C
25.The area of computer science which
is concerned with the display of 30.Which of the following is a computer
pictures is memory that can be programmed once, but
A. Networks not reprogrammed.
B. Graphics A. ROM
C. Designing B. RAM
D. Architecture C. PROM
E. None of theabove D. EPROM
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

31.Which of the following is used as a 36.A programming language intended to

primary storage device? solve a no. of different types of problems is
A. Magneticdrum A. COBOL
B. PROM B. General purpose programminglanguage
C. Floppydisk C. BASIC
D. All of theabove D. FORTRAN
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

32.A program used to detect overall 37.A computer, by definition, is any device
system malfunction is that computers. This broad definition
A. System analysis includes which of the following?
B. System software A. Calculators
C. Utilities B. Cash registers
D. System diagnostics C. Automotivecontrollers
E. None of theabove D. Desktopcomputers
Answer: Option D E. All of theabove
Answer: Option E
33.What was the computer conceived
by Babbage? 38.Which of the following is a data
A. Analytical Engine communication link that connects more
B. ArithmeticMachine than two stations, nodes etc
C. DonaldKnuth A. Multipointconnection
D. All of theabove B. Multipointline
E. None of theabove C. Multiplechain
Answer: Option A D. Multilinked
Answer: Option B
34.A acronym for the organisation that
publishes programming language 39.A micro processor chip used in a PC
standard is system
A. ASCn A. Performs the arithmetic-logic andcontrol
B. BCD functions
C. ANSI B. Is the only chip cound in most PCmodels
D. EBCDIC C. Almost always operates on by-bits of dataat
Answer: Option C atime
D. Performs the primary storagefunction
35.Which of the following is used to Answer: OptionA
make a programs run when the
computer is switched on. 40. ILLIAC isa
A. Autoboot A. Super computer
B. Warmboot B. Minicomputer
C. Bubble C. Mainframecomputer
D. Authentication D. Micro computer
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A

41.An electrical inter-connection that 46.The hardware in which data may be

permit 8 or more bits of data to be stored for a computer system is called
moved in the same instant of time is A. Registers
called B. Bus
A. Outlineprocessor C. Controlunit
B. Parallel interface D. Memory
C. Page layoutprogram E. Chip
D. Fasimilesystem Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
47.Software that's loaded into a computer
42. Conversion of an primary storage area is known as
octalnumber738 to binary A. Memory-residentpackage
numberis B. File managementsystem
A.1101112 C. Electronic spread sheetprogram
B.1111002 D. Utilities
C.1100102 E. None of theabove
D. 1110112 Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
48.Which of the following are the building
43. Which gate sends on a pulse whenit blocks of all the circuits in a computer.
receives one at either or both of its A. Circuitswitch
terminals. B. Logicgates
A. NOR C. Logical Operators
B. NOT D. Instructions
C. OR E. None of theabove
D. NAND Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
49.How many symbols exist in Baudot
44.A circuit which can store code?
information is known as A. 42
A. Integratedcircuit B. 116
B. Chip C. 58
C. Memorycell D. 76
D. Gate E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

45.Where was the India's first 50.A language based on graphics for use in
computer installed and when? education is
A. Institute of Social Science, Agra,1955 A. PROLOG
B. Indian Institute of Statistics, Delhi,1957 B. LOGO
C. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta,1955 C. COBOL
D. Indian Institute of Science, Bngalore,1971 D. BASIC
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

51.Non-volatility is an important 56.Which company produces processors for

advantage of the Apple Macintosh?
B. Magnetic tapes anddisks B. Motorola
C. Magneticbubbles C. Intel
D. Both B andC D. AMD
E. None of theabove E. Cyrix
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

52.Which of the following high speed 57.The essential features of a number

non-impact printers are fast enough to systemare
print the entire book in about 1 A. Radix
minute. B. Set of distinct countingdigits
A. Laser C. bits
B. Dot-matrix D. Both A &B
C. Page Answer: Option D
D. Line
E. None of theabove 58.Super computers are primarily useful
Answer: Option C for
A. Input-output intensiveprocessing
53.An identifying label on the first B. Data-retrieval operations
record of magnetic tape is C. Mathematical-intensivescientific
A. Punched papertape applications
B. Optical markreader D. All of theabove
C. Tapelabel Answer: Option C
D. Joystick
Answer: Option C 59.A reflective marker that indicates the
end of the usable tape is
54.Which of the following are not A. Enduser
likely to be found on a PC main circuit B. End-of-tape
board C. Optical markreader
A. RAMchips D. FAX
B. Microprocessor chips Answer: Option B
C. ROMchips
D. LCDclocks 60.A specific part of an arithmetic & logic
Answer: Option D unit that is used to perform the operation of
multiplication is
55. An Integrated Circuit (IC)is A. Multiplier
A. Fabricated on a tiny siliconchip B. Multiplener
B. A complicatedcircuit C. Multivibrator
C. Much costlier than a singletransistor D. Quantization
D. An integratingdevice Answer: Option A
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A

61.The 2's complement number of 65.Character readers are those devices

110010 is which read the characters printed on the
A. 1101 source documents and then convert them
B. 110011 directly into computer-usable input. Which
C. 10011 of the following is not a character reader?
D. All of theabove A. OCR
E. None of theabove B. MICR
Answer: Option E C. OMR
62. The purpose of anapplication E. None of theabove
program is to Answer: Option D
A. Convert program written in highlevel
language to machinelanguage 66. SPSS standsfor
B. Meet specific userneeds A. Statistical Package for SystemsScience
C. Allow the operating system tocontrol B. Systems Package for SocialScience
resourcesbetter C. Statistical Package for SociaiScience
D. Make off-line equpment runbetter D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

63.Which of the following translate 67.Who developed a mechanical device in

back from machine code something the 17th century that could add, subtract,
resembling the source language multiply, divide and find square roots?
A. Interpreter A. Napier
B. Compiler B. Babbage
C. Assembler C. Pascal
D. Decompiler D. Leibnitz
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

64.Serial access memories are useful 68.The octal equivalent of the number
in applications where 11010.1011 is
A. data consists ofnumbers A.32.54
B. short access time isrequired B.63.51
C. each stored word isprocessed C.32.27
differently D. All of theabove
D. data naturally needs to flow in and out E. None of theabove
in serial form Answer: Option A
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

69.A six - digit card field used for 70.Which of the following is used for input
postal ZIP codes is defined as and output both
A. A letterfield A. Graph plotter
B. An alphabeticfield B. Teletypeterminal
C. A numericfield C. Lineprinter
D. An alphanumericfield D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C

Composed By Hamim Huda


06.A special type of device which uses an
01.Super-computers ordinary telephone with a computer is
A. Are found at thousands of sitesaround A. Lightpen
theworld B. Mouse
B. Can now fit on a single siliconchip C. Acousticcouple
C. Are usually designed toprocess D. Touchpanel
accounting applications Answer: OptionC
D. Are not fast enough for some
applications 07.The first electronic general purpose
Answer: Option D digital computer built by Mauchly and
Eckert called ENIAC did not work on the
02.A hand-held device for optically stored program principle. How many
reading bar codes on goods, labels & numbers could it store in its internal
shelves is memory?
A. Wand A. 100 B.20
B. Touchtablet C. 40
C. Mouse D. 80
D. Lightpen Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
08.The decimal equivalent of the binary
03. In analogcomputer number 11100001111 is
A. Input is first converted to digitalform A. 1806 B.1807
B. Input is never converted to digitalform C. 2806 D. All of theabove
C. Output is displayed in digitalform Answer: Option B
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B 09.A disk storage medium in the form of an
assembly containing a single rigid magnetic
04.Which is a Common-Business disk permenently is
oriented language. A. fixeddisk
A. SNOBOL B. diskcartridge
B. BASIC C.COBOL C. cardpunch
D. C D. cardreader
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

05.Software instructions intendedto 10.The benefit of using computers are that

satisfy a user's specific processing A. Computers are very fast and can storehuge
needsarecalled ____ _. amounts ofdata
A. Systemssoftware B. Computers produce accurate outputeven
B. Amicrocomputer when the input isincorrect
C. Documentation C. Computers are designed to theinflexible
D. Applicationssoftware D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

16.What is the name of the reading device

11.Which of the following file which mades use of photosensors and laser
organizations is most efficient for a file technologies to interpret printed, typed or
with a high degree of file activity? even hand-written data directly from the
A. sequential source documents?
D. B-Treeindex C. Mark-sensing device
Answer: Option A D. ATM
Answer: Option B
12.The range of frequencies available
for data transmission is known as 17.A(n) ____ device is any devicethat
A. Baud provides information which is sent to the
B. Bandwidth CPU.
C. Byte A. input
D. Bits B. output
Answer: Option B C. CPU
D. memory
13. Full adderhas E. storage
A. 4inputs Answer: Option A
B. 8inputs
C. 10 inputs 18.The first computer made available for
D. 3 inputs commercial use was
E. None of theabove A. Mark-I
Answer: Option D B. ENIAC
14.Which major development led to D. UNIVAC
the production of microcomputers? Answer: Option D
A. Magneticdisks
B. Floppydisks 19.In which mode, each user has a local
C. Logicgates input/output device.
D. Integratedcircuits A. Interactive
Answer: Option D B. Time sharingmode
C. Batch processingmode
15.Sometime data are gathered over a D. All of theabove
period of time and collected into a Answer: Option B
group before entering them into a
computer for processing. What type of 20.Which of the following is considered a
processing is it called? direct-entry input device?
A. Interactiveprocessing A. optical scanner
B. Sequentialprocessing B. mouse
C. Batch processing C. lightpen
D. Groupprocessing D. digitizer
Answer: Option A E. All of theabove
Answer: Option E

21.A physical connection between the 26.An IBM System/38 represents the
microprocessor memory and other computer class of:
parts of the microcomputer is known A. small-scalecomputer
as B. medium-scalecomputer
A. Path C. large-scalecomputer
B. Addressbus D. super computer
C. Route Answer: Option A
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B 27.Which hole is used to mark the location
of the first sector in a soft-sectored disk.
22. Bubble memory isa A. Address
A. Sequential access deviceonly B. Location
B. Direct access deviceonly C. Index
C. Combination of sequential anddirect D. Label
accessdevices Answer: OptionC
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C 28.Which system was developed by Rank-
Xeron for use with office computers and
23.Any method for controlling access otherequipment.
to or use of memory is known as A. UNIX
A. Memorymap B. ETHERNET
B. Memoryprotection C. PC-DOS
C. Memorymanagement D. MS-DOS
D. Memoryinstruction Answer: OptionB
Answer: Option B
29.If, in a computer, 16 bits are used to
24.What is the storage capacity of a specify addresses in a RAM, the numberof
Hollerith card which is organizedinto addresses willbe
nibbles? A. 216
A. 32 B. 65,536
B. 64 C. 64K
C.128 D. Any of theabove
D.240 E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

25.A type of instruction that can 30.A common use of computer in office is
produce several lines of machine for
language code is a A. Distributed
A. Mnemonic B. Wordprocessing
B. Address C. Data
C. Macro D. All of theabove
D. assemble E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

31.A type of semiconductor memory

that usually has small capacity but 36.The imitation of one device or system by
very fast access is another is
A. PROM A. Simulation
B. RAM B. Emulation
C. Scratchpad C. Resilience
D. ROM D. Compaction
Answer: Option C Answer: OptionB

32.High-level languages are not 37.Third generation computers

concerned with computer but with A. were the first to use built-in error detecting
A. Assembler devices
B. Machinecode B. used transistors instead of vacuumtubes
C. Compiler C. were the first to use neuralnetwork
D. All of theabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: Option E
33.The methods used by COBOL to
define that structure of a data item in 38.Which of the following term is used in
terms of characters, digits, etc. is connection with the organisation of files in
A. Password ALGOL 68
B. Pointer A. Blow
C. Picture B. Machine
D. Overlay C. Biquinary
Answer: Option C D. Book
Answer: OptionD
34.The difference between memory
and storages is that memory is _____ 39.Which of the following transfersdata
and storage is _____ contained on computer cards to the
A. Temporary,permanent computersystem.
B. Permanent,temporary A. Cardsorter
C. Slow,fast B. Cardreader
D. AH of theabove C. Magneticdisk
Answer: Option A D. Magnetictape
Answer: Option B
35.Computer can not do anything
without a 40.Which most popular input device used
A. Chip today for interactive processing & for the
B. Memory on line entry of data for batch processing.
C. Outputdevice A. Mouse
D. Program B. Magnetic disk
E. None of theabove C. Visual displayterminal
Answer: Option D D. Cardpunch
Answer: Option C

41.The ability of a computer system to

remain operational despite various 46.A fully functional computing device
failures is containing all the elements of a computer
A. Relation which is built around a MICROPROCESSOR
B. Schema is known as
C. Resilience A. Machine-in-builtcomputer
D. Versatility B. Super computer
Answer: Option C C. Micro computer
D. Minicomputer
42.Which of the following memories Answer: Option C
must be refreshed many times per
second? 47.There are historical evidences to prove
A. StaticRAM that abacus was first used in
B. DynamicRAM A. India
C. EPROM B. Japan
D. ROM C. China
Answer: Option B D. Indonesia
Answer: Option C
43.he third generation of computers
covers the period:
A.1971-1982 48.A class of random access memory that
B.1982-1994 requires periodic servicing in order for the
C.1959-1964 contents to remain valid is
D.1965-1971 A. StaticRAM
E. 1995-now B. DynamicRAM
Answer: Option D C. PROM
44.An electronic logic gate whose Answer: Option B
output is logic 0 only when all inputs
are logic 1 is 49. Which of the following is theexpansion
B. NAND A. Extended bit comparable to digitalinterface
C. OR for computer
D. NOT B. Extended bootable computeriseddigital
Answer: Option B infraredcalculator
C. Extended binary coded decimalinterchange
45.A vertically aligned set of tracks on code
a disk pack is known as D. Extended binary coded decimal information
A. Cluster code
B. Surface E. None of theabove
C. Cylinder Answer: Option C
D. Panel
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

50.A digital device that processes data 55.Which is an electronic device that can
is known as store temporarily a single bit of data.
A. Dataprocessor A. Accumulator
B. Dataentry B. Buffer
C. DBMS C. Memory
D. Database D. Latch
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

51.Third generation computers 56.A generalised software package

A. Were the first to useintegrated produced to meet the bugs of a variety of
circuitry data processing users is known as
B. Were the first to use built-inerror A. Utilityprograms
detecting devices B. Systemsoftware
C. Used transistors insted ofvaccum C. Operating system
tubes D. Applicationpackage
D. All of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A
57.Who is 1988 announced the latest
52.What is the name of the display version of CD-ROM called CD-ROMXA
feature that highlights areas ofthe (extended architecture) which provides a
screen which require operator documented means of integrating digital
attention? audio with computer data on a CD-ROM
A. Pixel disk?
B. Reversevideo A. Sony
C. Touch screen B. Philips
D. Cursor C. Microsoft
E. None of theabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D
53.Which of the following is NOT a
primary storage device? 58.To set a register or counter to the all-
A. Magnetictape zero-state is
B. Magneticdisk A. Rerun
C. Opticaldisk B. Reset
D. All of theabove C. Remote
Answer: Option D D. Release
Answer: Option B
54.A device that prints one character
at a time is kknown as 59. Which is used to storefirmware.
A. Laser printer A. RAM
B. Lineprinter B. ROM
C. Character printer C. PROM
D. Dot-Matrixprinter D. EPROM
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

64.A data item which is not broken down

60.A mechanism for arranging into smaller units is _____
controlled access to a shared resource A. Dataelement
is B. Elementary dataitem
A. Retrieving C. Dataentry
B. Sorting D. Databasemanagement
C. Balleting E. None of theabove
D. Lock-out Answer: Option B
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D 65.A computer is a box full of electronic
A. Switchingdevices
61.A one-bit signal that indicates the B. Chips
start of data transmission by an C. Circuits
asynchronous device is D. Registers
A. Paritybit E. None of theabove
B. Statusbit Answer: Option A
C. Zero bit
D. Startbit 66.What are the concentric circles on
E. None of theabove floppy disks know as?
Answer: Option D A. Tracks
B. Cylinders
62.Registers which are partially visible C. Sectors
to users and used to hold conditional D. Segments
codes (bits set by the CPU hardware as Answer: Option A
the result of operations), are known as
A. PC 67.An electronic circuit with about 20
B. Memory AddressRegisters transistors fabricated on a silicon chip is
C. General purposeregisters known as
D. Flags A. SSI
E. None of theabove B. MSI
Answer: Option D C. DPS
63.Which generation of computers is E. None of theabove
covered by the period 1964-77? Answer: Option A
A. First
B. Second 68.Instructions and memory addresses are
C. Third represented by
D. Forth A. character codes
E. None of theabove B. binarycodes
Answer: Option C C. binaryword
D. paritybit
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B

69.First CAD system called AutoCAD 70.Which type of computers use the 8 bit
for the PCs was announced in the year code called EBCDIC?
1982. Can you tell who announced it? A. Minicomputers
A. Intel Corpn. B. Microcomputers
B. Rolta IndiaLtd. C. Mainframecomputers
C. AutodeskInc D. Supercomputers
D. AT & T Corp. E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C

Composed By Hamim Huda


01. Main storage is alsocalled 06.The magnetic storage chips used to
A. Accumulator provide nonvolatile direct access storage
B. Control unit of data and that have no moving parts are
C. Register unit known as
D. memory A. Magnetic corememory
Answer: Option D B. Magnetic tapememory
C. Magnetic diskmemory
02.Which printer is very commonly used D. Magnetic bubblememory
for desk-top publishing? Answer: Option D
A. Laser printer
B. Ink-jetprinter 07.In the third generation of computers:
C. Daisy wheelprinter A. distributed data processing firstbecame
D. Dot-matrixprinter popular
Answer: OptionA B. an operating system was firstdeveloped
C. high-level procedural languages werefirst
03.Hard disks are formatted in thesame used
manner as floppy disks. However, D. on-line, realtime systems firstbecame
before a hard disk can be formatted, it popular
must first be_____ Answer: Option D
A. partitioned
B. sectioned C. deleted 08.A common example of a data storage
D. inter-sectioned medium is
E. writeprotected A. cartidge
Answer: Option A B. floppies
C. cluge
04.The no of logical records in a physical D. disk
record is E. None of theabove
A. Group Answer: Option D
B. Blocking factor
C. Sector D. Field 09. IBM-PC is an exampleof
Answer: Option B A. A mainframe
B. Machine-in-built
05.Personnel who design, program, C. Microcomputer
operate and maintain computer D. Specialpurpose
equipment refers to E. None of theabove
A. Console-operator Answer: Option C
B. Programmer
C. Peopleware
D. System Analyst
Answer: Option C

10.All inputs must be in ON position to 15.Which of the following will happen

have an output is known as when data is entered into a memory
A. NOTgate location?
B. ANDgate A. It will add to the content of thelocation
C. ORgate B. It will change the address of thememory
D. XORgate location
E. None of theabove C. It will erase the previouscontent
Answer: Option B D. It will not be fruitful if thjere isalready
some data at thatlocation
11.The intersection of a column and row E. None of theabove
in a spreadsheet is called a bon or Answer: Option C
A. Key
B. Field 16.The number of bits that are typically
C. Cell stored on each track of a magnetic disk is
D. Menu usually
E. None of theabove A. thesame
Answer: Option C B. different
C. depend on the program to bestored
12.A magnetic storage device on which D. All of theabove
data is stored on a cylindrical drum, E. None of theabove
subdivided into tracks is known as Answer: Option A
A. Punchedcard
B. Magneticdisk 17.The silicon chips used for data
C. Magnetictape processing are called
D. Drum A. RAMchips
E. None of theabove B. ROMchips
Answer: Option D C. Micro processor
D. PROM chips
13.The basic unit within a computer E. None of theabove
store capable of holding a single unit of Answer: Option C
data is
A. Register 18.The code that should be adequatefor
B. ALU present and anticipated data processing
C. Controlunit both for machine and human useis
D. Storelocation A. Conciseness
E. None of theabove B. Uniqueness
Answer: Option D C. Operability
D. All of theabove
14. An error in computer data iscalled E. None of theabove
A. Chip Answer: Option C
B. Bug
C. Bit
D. Byte
Answer: Option B

19. LISP was developedby 24.What is the number of bit patterns

A. John McCarthy provided by a 7-bit code?
B. BlaisePascal A.256
C. Dr.Hollerith B. 128
D. JohnNapier C. 64
E. None of theabove D. 512
Answer: Option A E. None of the above
Answer: Option B
20.Which programming language is
much in vogue among users of 25.A system program which helps the
microcomputers execution of user programs is known as
A. ALGOL A. System software
B. APL B. Applicationprogram
C. LOGO C. Batch operatingsystem
D. FORTH D. Utilities
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
26.The first mechanical calculating
21.Which of the following registers is machine was made by
used to keep track of address of the A. WilliamOughtred
memory location where the next B. GottfriedLeibnitz
instruction is located? C. BlaisePascal
A. Memory AddressRegister D. CharlesBabbage
B. Memory DataRegister E. None of theabove
C. InstructionRegister Answer: Option C
D. Program Counter
Answer: Option D 27.Multiplication of 1112 by 1012 is
22.Conversion of an octal number 208 B.1000112
toits binary number is C.1111002
A.100002 D. 0001012
B.101112 E. None of the above
C.101102 Answer: Option B
E. None of the above 28.Which is not a factor when
Answer: Option A categorizing a computer?
A. Speed of the outputdevice
23.Which of the following can be output B. Amount of main memory the CPU canuse
by a computer? C. Cost of thesystem
A. graphics D. Capacity of the harddisk
B. voice E. Where it waspurchased
C. text Answer: Option E
D. computer-usable data orinformation
Answer: Option E

29.Who is called the "grand father" of 34,Which of the following is a system

the computer? programming language for micro-
A. BlaisePascal computers in the Intel family.
B. CharlesBabbage A. LOGO
C. Joseph Jacquard B. SNOBOL
D. Dr. HermanHollerith C. PCM
E. None of theabove D. PL/1
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C
30.A half byte is know is
A. Data 35.Sequential file organization is most
B. Bit appropriate for which of the following
C. Halfbyte applications?
D. Nibble A. grocery-storecheckout
E. None of theabove B. bank checkingaccounts
Answer: Option D C. payroll
D. airlinereservations
31.Which language is used in the areas E. None of theabove
of pattern recognition, artificial Answer: Option C
intelligence & for simulation of games.
A. APL 36.Which input device is able to scan &
B. FORTH interpret an entire page that is typed in a
C. LISP special font
D. CORAL A. Floppydisk
E. None of theabove B. Pagereader
Answer: Option C C. Paper tapepunch
D. Optical card readers
32.Which company is the biggest player Answer: Option B
in the microprocessor industry?
A. Motorola 37.An adder in which the bits of the
B. IBM operands are added one after another is
C. Intel A. Half-adder
D. AMD B. Full-adder
E. Cyrix C. Serial adder
Answer: Option C D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C
33.A medium for transferring data
between two locations is called 38.The OR, XOR & AND functions canbe
A. Network performedby ______of the computer ina
B. Communicationchannel CPU.
C. Modem A. ALU
D. Bus B. CU
E. None of theabove C. Memory
Answer: Option B D. Register
Answer: Option A

39.Which of the following is a

communication network that is devoted 44.A prewritten program that's sold to
to carrying computer information. perform a common task is called an
A. Datapoint application
B. Datamodule A. System software
C. Datanetwork B. Package
D. Datapack C. Utilities
E. None of theabove D. Program
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

40. Conversion of an 45.Locations in the main memory of a

octalnumber1428 to binary computer are called
numberis A. Alphabets
A. 11000102 B. Words
B. 1101102 C. Data
C.11000112 D. Characters
D.11011012 Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A
46.The minimum number of MOS
41. Which of the following is usedas transistors required to make a dynamic
"Input device" for thecomputer? RAM cell is
A. Printer A. 1
B. VDU B. 2
C. TV C. 3
D. Lightpen D. 4
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

42.A machine associated with card- 47.The process of fetching and executing
based data processing is instructions, one at a time, in the order of
A. Codomain increasing addresses is known as
B. Collator A. instructionexecution
C. Cartridge B. straight linesequencing
D. Digitizer C. instructionfetch
Answer: Option B D. random sequencing
Answer: Option B
43.The most popular language used with
microcomputers and time-shared mini 48.What is the term which represents the
computers, is an easy-to-use high level use of links between information of all
language. sorts whether text, graphics, video oi
A. COBOL audio-based?
B. ADA A. Hypertext
C. PASCAL B. Hypermedia
D. BASIC C. HyperCard
E. None of theabove D. Wildcard
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

49. Primarystorageis ______ ascompared

to secondary storage. 54.Codes which do not require to be
A. Slow andinexpensive frequently updated also promote user
B. Fast andinexpensive efficiency due to
C. Fast andexpensive A. Simplicity
D. Slow and expensive B. Sortability
E. None of theabove C. Stability
Answer: Option C D. Expansibility
E. None of theabove
50. Offline deviceis Answer: Option C
A. a device which is not connected toCPU
B. a device which is connected toCPU 55.A packet switching network that was
C. a direct access storagedevice sponsored by the Commission of theEEC
D. an I/Odevice and became operational in 1979is
E. None of theabove A. LAN
Answer: Option A B. Broadband network
C. Star network
51.A Winchester disk is a D. Euronet
A. DiskStack E. None of theabove
B. Removabledisk Answer: Option D
C. Flexibledisk
D. All of theabove 56.What is the standard code the
E. None of theabove computer industry created to represent
Answer: Option A characters?
52.Which one of the following is the first B. ASSH
second-generation computer? C. ASCII
C. IBM7070 Answer: Option C
D. IBM650
E. None of theabove 57.A sizeable geographical area with
Answer: Option A communication based on the telephone
system is though as
53.Output hardware is often categorized A. Local areanetwork
according to whether it: B. Wide areanetwork
A. isexpensive C. Modulator-Demodulator
B. requires a large amount of electricityto D. All of theabove
work E. None of theabove
C. produces hardcopy orsoftcopy Answer: Option B
D. can fit on adesktop
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

58. The original ASCIIcodeused ______ bits

of each byte, reserving that last bit for 62.Which of the following is not a factor
error checking. affecting the processing capability or
A. 5 performance of a PC system?
B. 6 A. The clock sped of themicroprocessor
C. 7 B. The revolutions per minute of theprinter
D. 8 disk
E. 4 C. The primary storage capacity of the
Answer: Option C processor
D. The built-in instruction set available tothe
59.Which of the following terms is the microprocessor
most closely related to main memory? E. None of theabove
A. nonvolatile Answer: Option B
B. permanent
C. controlunit 63.Condensing output data to exhibit
D. temporary specific information is
Answer: Option D A. Calculating
B. Recording
60.The computer industry uses prefixes C. Merging
of Greek origin to measure large D. Summarising
amounts of data. Which term describes E. None of theabove
1024 bytes. Answer: Option D
A. Kilobyte
B. Megabyte 64.Which of the following is used for
C. Gigabyte manufacturing chips?
D. Terabyte A. control bus
Answer: Option A B. control unit
C. parityunit
61. One nibble is equalto D. semiconductor
A. 4bits E. None of theabove
B. 8bits Answer: Option D
C. 6bits
D. 16 bits 65.Which of the following terms applies to
Answer: Option A communication between separate
computer systems?
62.What is required when more than A. Computerliteracy
one person uses a central computer at B. Power supply
the same time? C. Applicationssoftware
A. Lightpen D. Connectivity
B. Mouse E. None of theabove
C. Digitizer Answer: Option D
D. Terminal
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

66.Which kind of storage device can be

carried around? 67.In which area of the primary storage
A. Floppydisk section are the intermediate processing
B. Harddisk results held temporarily?
C. System cabinet A. Input storagearea
D. Hard diskdrive B. Program storagearea
E. Floppy diskdrive C. Output storagearea
Answer: Option A D. Working storagespace
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.World Wide Web is being standard 06.A co-processor
by A. Is relatively easy to support insoftware
A. Worldwidecorporation B. Causes all processor to functionequally
B. W3C C. Works with anyapplication
C. World WideConsortium D. Is quite common in moderncomputer
D. World Wide WebStandard Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
07.A Microsoft Windows is a(n)
02.Which of the following is program A. Operating system
group? B. Graphicprogram
A.Accessories B.Paint C. WordProcessing
C. Word D. All ofabove D. Databaseprogram
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

03. Which is not applicationsoftware? 08. The ....... program compresses largefiles
A. WindowsNT into a smaller file
B. PageMaker A. WinZip
C. WinWordXP B. WinShrink
D. Photoshop C. WinStyle
Answer: Option A D. None ofabove
Answer: Option A
04.Which of the following operating
system does not implement the 09.Which of the following is an example of
multitasking truly? a real time operating system?
A. Windows98 A. Lynx
B. WindowsNT B. MSDOS
C. WindowsXP C. WindowsXP
D. MS DOS D. ProcessControl
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

05.Which of the following windows 10.What program runs first after computer
version support 64 bit processor? is booted and loading GUI?
A. Windows98 A. DesktopManager
B. Windows2000 B. FileManager
C. WindowsXP C. WindowsExplorer
D. Windows95 D. Authentication
Answer: Option C Answer: Option D

11. My Computer was introducedfrom 17.Which of the following operating

A. Windows3.1 system do you choose to implement a
B. Windows3.11 client server network?
C. Windows95 A. MSDOS
D. Windows98 B. Windows
Answer: Option C C. Windows98
D. Windows2000
12.Which of the following Windows do Answer: Option D
not have Start button
A. WindowsVista 18.Which is the latest version of MS
B. Windows7 Windows?
C. Windows8 A. Windows2007
D. None ofabove B. Windows8.1
Answer: Option C C. Windows2008
D. Windows10
13.Which operating system doesn't Answer: OptionD
support networking between
computers? 19.Which of the following does not support
A. Windows3.1 more than one program at a time?
B. Windows95 A. DOS
C. Windows2000 B. Linux
D. WindowsNT C. Windows
Answer: Option A D. Unix
Answer: Option A
14. Linuxisa(n) ......... operatingsystem
A. Opensource 20.Which of the following is not an
B. Microsoft operating system?
C. Windows A. DOS
D. Mac B. Linux
Answer: Option A C. Windows
D. Oracle
15. Which one is not operatingsystem? Answer: Option D
A. P11
B. OS/2 21.Which operating system can you give
C. Windows smallest file name?
D. Unix A. Ps/2
Answer: Option A B. Dos
C. Windows
16.Which of the following is not a D. WindowsNT
multitasking operating system? Answer: Option B
A. Windows B.Linux
C. WinNT
Answer: Option D

22. The ...... displays the name ofevery 28.You should choose Sleep option when
computer user on the computer A. The computer is tired after working forthe
A. Wish listscreen wholeday
B. Command screen B. You are leaving for a very short timeand
C. Welcomescreen want to resume you workshortly
D. None of theabove C. When computer gets hanged frequently.Let
Answer: Option C it sleep for sometime
D. You finish working and going tobed
23. Which one is not a systemtool? Answer: Option B
A. Backup
B. Diskdefragment 29.The category of software most
C. Virusscanning appropriate for controlling the design and
D. All of theabove layout of complex document like
Answer: Option C newsletters and brochure is:
A. Wordprocessing
24.The memory which allocates space B. Computer aided design
for DOS and application is called C. Web pageauthoring
A. Expandedmemory D. Desktoppublishing
B. Cachememory Answer: Option A
C. Virtualmemory
D. Conventional memory 30. The operatingsystemcreates ______ from
Answer: Option D the physical computer
A. Virtual space
25.Which menu bar selection would B. Virtual computers
you access to open file? C. Virtualdevice
A. Option B.Help D. None
C. View D. None ofabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D
31.Which mode loads minimal set of
26.Which of the following are loaded in drivers when starting Windows?
safe mode? A. SafeMode
A. Keyboarddriver B. Normal Mode
B. Mousedriver C. VGAMode
C. VGAdrive D. Network SupportMode
D. All ofabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
32.A ........ is a named location on adisk
27.Which of the following is system where files are stored
software? A. Folder
A. Operating system B. Pod
B. Compiler C. Version
C. Utilities D. None of theabove
D. All of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D

33.A user-interface that is easy to use is 39.Which type of command requires

considered tobe additional files to perform specific
A. User-happy operations?
B. User-simple A. Internal commands
C. User-friendly B. Externalcommands
D. None of theabove C. Valuablecommands
Answer: Option C D. Primarycommands
Answer: Option B
34.Which one of the following is not a
multitasking operating system? 40.A ...... is a flash memory storagedevice
A.DOS B.Windows that plugins into a USB port
C. Unix D.Linux A. USB snapdrive
Answer: Option A B. USB flashdrive
C. USB memory maker drive
35.The most recent version of MACOS D. None ofabove
is basedonthe .........operatingsystem Answer: Option B
A. Windows
B. Linux 41. The ........ is the drive containing thefiles
C. Unix to be copied
D. CMOS A. Sourcedrive
Answer: Option C B. Destinationdrive
C. USB drive
36. What is the function of radiobutton? D. None of theabove
A. To select multipleoption Answer: Option A
B. To select singleoption
C. To select all option 42. In Windows, start button is usedto
D. All ofabove A. Runapplications
Answer: Option B B. Devicesetting
C. Turn off thesystem
37. The Banker's algorithm isused D. All ofabove
A. to rectifydeadlock Answer: Option D
B. to detectdeadlock
C. to preventdeadlock 43. Which one is true forunconditional
D. to solvedeadlock disk formatting?
Answer: Option C A. Destroys every byte of data on a diskby
overwriting it with with blankspaces
38.You can use print manage window B. Do not check/scan surface afterformat
A. To check status of files in theprint C. Transfer system files afterformat
queue D. All ofabove
B. To cancel the printjob Answer: Option A
C. To interruptprinting
D. All of theabove
Answer: OptionD

44.You should save your computer

from? 49.Once text has been cut to theclipboard,
A. Viruses youcan........ that text intoanother
B. Timebombs document
C. Worms A. Paste
D. All of theabove B. Copy
Answer: Option D C. Transfer
D. None of theabove
45.If the displayed system time and Answer: Option A
date is wrong, you can reset it using
A.Write B. Calendar 50. The primary purpose of anoperating
C. Writefile systemis:
D. Control panel A. To make the most efficient use ofthe
Answer: Option D computer hardware
B. To allow people to use thecomputer
46.Which of the following operating C. To keep systems programmersemployed
system reads and reacts in actual time? D. To make computers easier touse
A. Quick ResponseSystem Answer: Option A
B. Real TimeSystem
C. Time SharingSystem 51. Identify falsestatement
D. Batch Processing System A. You can find deleted files in recyclebin
Answer: Option B B. You can restore any files in recycle binif
you everneed
47. The essential difference betweenan C. You can increase free space of diskby
operating system like Linux and one sending files in recyclebin
like Windows isthat D. You can right click and choose Empty
A. Windows can run with anIntel Recycle Bin to clean it atonce
processor, whereas Linuxcannot Answer: Option C
B. Linux is a proprietary whereas Windows is
not 52. If there are multiple recycle bin fora
C. There are multiple versions ofLinux, harddisk
but only one version ofWindows A. You can set different size for eachrecycle
D. Any programmer can modify Linux bin
code which is not permitted with B. You can choose which recycle bin to useto
Windows store your deletedfiles
Answer: Option D C. You can make any one of themdefault
48.What is dispatch latency? D. None ofabove
A. The time taken by the dispatcherto Answer: Option A
stop one process and startanother
B. The time taken by the processorto
write a file intodisk
C. The whole time taken by allprocessor
D. None ofAbove
Answer: OptionA

53.A page fault occurs when 58. All of the following are TRUEregarding
A. the Deadlockhappens virtual memoryEXCEPT
B. the Segmentationstarts A. Any amount of RAM can be allocatedto
C. the page is found in thememory virtual memory
D. the page is not found in thememory B. The setting for the amount of hard disk
Answer: Option D drive space to allocate virtual memory canbe
54.Whenever you move a directory C. This temporary storage is called theswap
from one location to another file or pagefile
A. All files inside the directory aremoved D. Virtual memory is the physical space othe
B. All the subdirectory insidethat hard drive
directory aremoved Answer: Option A
C. The directory is moved the source fileis
notmoved 59.The Basic Input Output System (BIOS)
D. Both A and B resides in
Answer: Option D A. RAM
55.The maximum size of a write file is C. TheCPU
limited to only D. MemoryCache
A. Name of thefile Answer: Option B
B. Extension of thefile
C. The amount of memory inyour 60.Which of the following does not occur
computer during the power-on-self-test (POST)?
D. All ofabove A. The scan disk utility begins torun
Answer: OptionC B. The video card and video memoryare
56. Recently deleted files are storedin C. The BIOS identification processoccurs
A. Recyclebin D. Memory chip are checked to ensurethat
B. Desktop they are workingproperly
C. Taskbar Answer: Option A
D. Mycomputer
Answer: Option A 61.Which of the following is drop down
57.Which components appear in the A. List
initial Windows start up display? B. Combo box
A. Dialog boxes C. Textarea
B. Startmenu D. None
C. Taskbar Answer: Option B
D. All ofabove
Answer: OptionC

62.An operating system version 66.A small part of taskbar that has icons of
designed for use with a tablet PC is background running applications is
Microsoft Windows XP A. Startbutton
A. Homeedition B. Quicklaunch
B. Media centeredition C. Taskbar
C. Tablet PCedition D. System tray
D. None of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
67.An operating system version designed
63.If you hard disk is partitioned into 3 for use with a media center PC is Microsoft
drives, the number of recycle bin for Windows XP
that hard disk is A. Homeedition
A. 1 B. Media centeredition
B. 2 C. Tablet PCedition
C. 3 D. None ofabove
D. 4 Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
68. The date and time displayson
64.Which runs on computer hardware A. Taskbar
and serve as platform for other B. Statusbar
software to run on? C. Systemtray
A. OperatingSystem D. Launchpad
B. ApplicationSoftware Answer: Option C
C. System Software
D. All 69. runs on a computer hardwareand
Answer: Option A serves as a platform for other system to
run on
65.Which is the first program run on a A. Operatingsystem
computer when the computer boots up? B. Applicationsystem
A. System software C. System software
B. Operating system D. All ofabove
C. System operations Answer: Option A
D. None
Answer: Option B

Composed By Hamim Huda


01. The ........containscommands 06. is the layer of a computersystem
associated with the My Computer between the hardware and the user
window program
A. Standardmenu A. Operatingenvironment
B. Startmenu B. Operating system
C. System menu C. System environment
D. None of theabove D. None ofthese
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

02.Which of the following is/are 07.Which is the layer of a computer

external commands? system between the hardware and the
A. Edit user program
B. Label A. Operating environment
C. Sys B. Operating system
D. All ofabove C. System environment
Answer: Option D D. None
Answer: Option B
03. Which is not an externalcommand?
A. Edit 08.When you start up the computer the
B. XCOPY boot up storage at which the BIOS
C. Sys versions manufacturer and data are
D. None of theabove displayed on the monitor is called
Answer: Option D A. Bootstrap
B. Power on self test(POST)
04.Which of the following is not C. System configuration
essential to shut down your computer? D. Kernel loading
A. Save all openedfiles Answer: Option B
B. Close all runningapplications
C. Switch offmonitor 09.The operating system is themost
D. Cut off the powersupply commontypeof .........Software
Answer: Option C A. Communication
B. Application
05. What is Dr.Watson? C. System
A. IT Expert D. Word processing software
B. Diagnosistool Answer: Option C
C. Surgeon
D. None
Answer: Option B

10.You can move a window to a different 15.A bar that inform you the available
position on your screen by dragging it options in your computer, opened
byits applications, background running
A. Movehandle applications and can be used to switch
B. Tail between applications quickly is
C. Statusbar A. Menubar
D. Titlebar B. Tool bar
Answer: Option A C. Statusbar
D. Taskbar
11. Taskbar is usedfor Answer: Option D
A. Navigationprogram
B. Switching betweenprogram 16.Which components appear in the
C. Start aprogram initial windows start up display?
D. All ofabove A. Dialog box
Answer: Option D B. Taskbar
C. Startmenu
12. To install the new font in windowXP D. All of theabove
A. Start -> setting -> control panel ->font Answer: Option B
B. Start -> setting -> control panel -> font ->
install newfont 17.When a peripheral device needs
C. Start -> control panel -> font ->install immediate attention from the operating
new font system, it generates a(n)
D. Start -> setting ->font A. Interrupt
Answer: Option B B. Spool
C. Stack
13.Underlined text, such as text and D. Pagefile
folder names is referred to as Answer: Option A
A. Hyperlink
B. Menu 18.Which of the following is suitable after
C. Sourcedrive you install new drivers?
D. None ofthese A. ShutDown
Answer: Option A B. Restart
C. Sleep
14.Windows displays various options to D. Hibernate
shutdown. Which is suitable at the end Answer: Option B
of day?
A. ShutDown 19.Which of the following shutdown
B. Restart method is often called Warm Boot?
C. Sleep A. ShutDown
D. Hibernate B. Restart
Answer: Option A C. Sleep
D. Hibernate
Answer: Option B

20.___ is a compromise mode between 25 _____ is most often done after fixinga
Shut Down and Sleep mode because it problem, adding a new program or
does not consume power and making configuration change
remembers the current state of your A. ShutDown B.Restart
desktop C. Sleep D. Hibernate
A. ShutDown Answer: Option B
B. Restart
C. Sleep 26.The category of operating system that
D. Hibernate you most likely have running on your PDA
Answer: Option D computerisa .......... Operatingsystem
A. Real time
21.You should choose this mode if you B. Single user, singletask
don't know how long you won't use your C. Single user,multitask
computer but want to have the same D. Multiuser,multitask
desktop state when you resume Answer: Option B
A. ShutDown
B. Restart C. Sleep 27.Running multiple programs at the
D. Hibernate same time is called:
Answer: Option D A. Multitasking
B. Foreground tasking
22.What is the meaning of "Hibernate" C. Singletasking
in Windows XP/Windows 7? D. Symmetric
A. Restart the Computer in safemode Answer: Option A
B. Restart the Computer in hibernatemode
C. Shutdown the Computer terminatingall 28. The function of Dir/Wis
the runningapplications A. Show all details offile
D. Shutdown the Computer withoutclosing B. Show only file name and directoryname
the runningapplications C. Shows onlydirectory
Answer: Option D D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B
23. Page stealing
A. Is a sign of an efficientsystem 29. What do you mean by dialogbox?
B. Is taking page frame from other workingsets A. Interactive messagebox
C. Should be the turninggoal B. Group ofoptions
D. Is taking layer disk space for page in page C. Set ofcontrols
out D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option D

24. Dial up connection allows youto 30. To properly exitWindows

A. ConnectISP A. Click the stop button on thedesktop
B. Internet B. Click the exit button on thedesktop
C. Server C. Select shut down from Startmenu
D. All ofabove D. None ofabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

31.A utility that can be used to minimize 37. Which is not a systemtool?
the number of fragmented files and A. Folder
enhance the speed B. Backup
A. Diskspace C. Scandisk
B. Defrag D. Format
C. Scandisk Answer: Option A
D. Doublespace
Answer: Option B 38.Which of the following is a disk
compression tools?
32. To change the volumelabel A. Drivespace
A. Vol B.Label B. Defragmenter
C. Scandisk D.None C. Scandisk
Answer: Option B D. None of theabove
Answer: Option A
33.To save your computer from viruses
you will do 39.How can you optimize performance of
A. Install antivirus software and runit your computer?
B. Make physical safe for the removaldisk A. Delete unusedfiles
C. Scan the removable disk before usingit B. Defrag disk
D. All of theabove C. Scan forvirus
Answer: Option A D. All ofabove
Answer: Option D
34. Scandisk
A. Checks thedisk 40.Recently used application file list
B. Give information aboutdisk appears in the Windows operating system
C. Run from DOSmode A. Settingmenu
D. All of theabove B. Documentsmenu
Answer: Option D C. Run dialogbox
D. Programsmenu
35....... are specially designedcomputer Answer: Option B
chips that reside inside other devices,
such as your car or electric thermostat 41. The title bar always displayson
A. Server A. Top of the openwindows
B. Embeddedcomputer B. Left side of the openwindow
C. Roboticcomputer C. Right side of the openwindow
D. Mainframes D. All ofabove
Answer: OptionB Answer: Option A

36. Bootingmeans 42. Which is not externalcommand?

A. Restarting computer A. Doskey
B. Installing program B. Verify
C. Removing errors C. Print
D. Switchoff D. Find
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

43.When you rename a file five times 48. Which of the following is used to
then the number of file in the disk is display the content of a certain driveor
A. 1 folder?
B. 2 A. Click the drive or folder whileholding
C. 3 down the Altkey
D. 5 B. Triple click the drive orfolder
Answer: Option A C. Right click the drive orfolder
D. Double click the drive orfolder
44.When you open my computer on Answer: Option D
desktop you see the information of
A. Harddisk 49.Which of the following file menu
B. CD option saves document to disk?
C. Removabledisk A. Save
D. All of theabove B. Create
Answer: Option D C. Rename
D. All ofabove
45.Which of the following is not process Answer: Option A
A. New 50 ....... is an intermediate storagefor
B. Running deleted files
C. Ready A. Mycomputer
D. Finished B. Mydocuments
Answer: Option D C. Recyclebin
D. None ofabove
46.In DOS, the maximum length of Answer: Option C
filename is
A. 5 51. We can start the applicationfrom?
B. 8 A. Log off
C. 11 B. Networkplace
D. 10 C. Recyclebin
Answer: Option B D. Run
Answer: Option D
47.CAD software is most likely to be
used by 52.The question mark (?) indicates in file
A. Webdesigner searching
B. Engineers A. A singlecharacter
C. ProjectManager B. A group ofcharacter
D. MagazineEditor C. Questions
Answer: Option B D. None ofabove
Answer: Option A

53. What is the method ofhandling 58. Save operationmeans

deadlocks? A. Put data intoprocessor
A. Use a protocol to ensure that thesystem B. Put data into internalmemory
will never enter a deadlockstate C. Put data into secondarystorage
B. Allow the system to enter thedeadlock D. Put data intomonitor
state and then recover Answer: Option C
C. Pretend that deadlocks never occurin
thesystem 59.A spooler is a
D. All of theAbove A. Location in memory that maintainsthe
Answer: Option D contents of documents until it printsout
B. Queue of print job that are waiting toprint
54.To display a shortcut menu for an C. Program that coordinates the printjob
object you use that are waiting toprocess
A. Click theobject D. Message sent from the printer tothe
B. Right click theobject operating system when a print job is
C. Point the object and pressCtrl+P completed
D. Touch the object on the screen with your Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B 60. Theproblemwith ...... file is thatthey
slow your computer's operation
55.Which of the following separates A. Fragmented
primary file and extension is B. Formatted
A. Dot C. Program
B. Period D. All ofabove
C. Point Answer: Option A
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D 61.User action such as keystroke or
mouse click are referred to as
56.In Microsoft windows, the graphical A. Interrupt
pattern on the desktop used as B. Tasks
background for windows is C. Processes
A. Icons D. Event
B. Wall paper Answer: Option D
C. Picture
D. Background 62.To delete a file without allowing it to
Answer: OptionB store in recycle bin
A. Press Deletekey
57.Which of the following is not an B. Press Shift + Deletekey
operating system? C. Press Ctrl + Deletekey
A. CP /M D. Press Alt + Deletekey
B. Unix Answer: Option B
C. Pascal
Answer: Option C

63.Underlined character on the menu or 67. Operating system is a......

dialog box known as A. System software
A. Hotspot B. Applicationsoftware
B. Hotkey C. Presentationsoftware
C. Pane D. Databasesoftware
D. Underlineword Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
68.All of the following are task performed
64.The chunks of a memory are known by the operating system except
as A. Managing hardware on thecomputer
A. Sector B. Controlling the access thatapplication
B. Offset program has to theCPU
C. Page C. Performing housekeeping task likefile
D. Frame compression and diskdefragmentation
Answer: Option D D. Provides an interface for user tointeract
with computer
65.Which file is transferred when Answer: Option C
computer is start up?
A. Document 69. Operating system is likea
B. Program files A. Government
C. Operating system B. Police
D. System files C. Parliament
Answer: Option D D. All ofabove
Answer: Option A
66. Start / restart the computer iscalled
A. Exit 70.Which key deletes text before, or to the
B. Run left, of the insertion point?
C. Option A. PageUp
D. Boot B. Delete
Answer: Option D C. PageDown
D. BackSpace
Answer: Option D

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.Which of the following is an 06.You can select My Computer icon and
example of utility? press Alt + Enter to
A. Antivirus A. Delete it from desktoppermanently
B. Word B. Open it in Explorermode
C. Operating system C. Open System Properties dialogbox
D. Datarecovery D. Pin it on Startmenu
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

02.Which is built directly on the 07.Generally quick launch toolbar is

hardware? displayed on
A. Computer Environment A. the left side oftaskbar
B. ApplicationSoftware B. the right side oftaskbar
C. OperatingSystem C. on the middle oftaskbar
D. DatabaseSystem D. a bar out oftaskbar
Answer: Option C Answer: Option A

03....... system is built directly onthe 08. Which is not a valid filesystem?
hardware A. FAT16
A. Environment B. FAT32
B. System C. NTFS
C. Operating D. FXZ
D. None Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
09. Which file system DOS typicallyuse?
04.The purpose of run command in A. FAT16
start menu is to B. FAT32
A. Launch internetbrowser C. NTFS
B. Open internetexplorer D. LMFS
C. Open windowsexplorer Answer: Option A
D. Startprograms
Answer: Option D 10.Which file system Windows 95 typically
05.Which of the following is not a A. FAT16
mode in starting Windows? B. FAT32
A. Command Prompt C. NTFS
B. SafeMode D. LMFS
C. Normal Mode Answer: Option B
D. Turbo Mode
Answer: OptionD

11. The file system "NTFS" standsfor 17.Which of the following is default mode
A. New Type FileSystem for Windows to start?
B. Never Terminated FileSystem A. Command Prompt
C. New Technology FileSystem B. SafeMode
D. Non Terminated FileSystem C. Normal Mode
Answer: Option C D. None ofabove
Answer: Option C
12.How do you connect internet in
your system? 18.Which one of the following is not the
A. My computer >> dialupnetworking function of Operating System?
B. Control panel >>modem A. ResourceManagement
C. Networkneighborhood B. FileManagement
D. None ofabove C. Networking
Answer: Option A D. Processor Management
Answer: Option C
13.Which of the following is text
browser? 19.The following applications may appear
A. Lynx B. Hot Java on system tray except
C.c.Netscape D. InternetExplorer A. System Clock
Answer: Option A B. VolumeControl
C. NetworkConnection
14. By default we can save the filein D. MS OfficeSuite
A. Desktop Answer: Option D
B. Recyclebin
C. Mydocument 20.Which of the following is default location
D. Mycomputer of saving and opening file?
Answer: Option C A. Desktop
B. Mycomputer
15.It is used to explorer the contents of C. Mydocuments
computer, drives as well as manage D. All ofabove
files Answer: Option C
A. RecentPlaces
B. MyDocument 21 ____ is the operating systems Fileand
C. MyComputer folder Manager
D. My NetworkPlace A. WindowsExplorer
Answer: Option B B. Windows ControlPanel
C. MyComputer
16.The OS used to operate the mobile D. MyDocuments
phone is a Answer: Option A
A. Smart cardOS
B. EmbeddedOS
C. Multiuser OS
D. None ofabove
Answer: Option B

22. UNIX operating system isa(n) 27. is used in operating systemto

A. Time sharing operatingsystem separate mechanism from policy
B. Multi-user operating system A. Single levelimplementation
C. Multi-tasking operatingsystem B. Two levelimplementation
D. All of theabove C. Multi level implementation
Answer: Option D D. None
Answer: Option B
23. Disk label name can be up to......
characters 28. The modern keyboard typicallyhas
A. 8 __________ Function keys.
B. 9 A. 10
C. 11 B. 12
D. 255 C. 14
Answer: Option C D. 16
Answer: Option B
24.The ability of an operating system
to control the activities of multiple 29. Essential files of MS DOSare
program at the same time is called A. Command.com
A. Multitasking B. Io.sys
B. Multiprocessing C. Msdos.sys
C. Multioperating D. All ofabove
D. Multipaging Answer: Option D
Answer: OptionA
30.Which Operating System doesn't support
25. The necessary conditions needed long file names?
before deadlock canoccur? A. OS /2
A. No Mutual Exclusion, Hold andwait, B. Windows95
Preemption, CircularWait C. MS-DOS
B. Mutual Exclusion, No Hold andwait, D. WindowsNT
Preemption, CircularWait Answer: Option C
C. Mutual Exclusion, Hold and wait,No
Preemption, CircularWait 31. We need system files torun
D. Mutual Exclusion, Hold and wait, A. MSWord
Preemption, No Circular Wait B. MSExcel
Answer: OptionC C. MSDos
D. MSAccess
26. Pressthe ....... button to havethe Answer: Option C
window fill the entire screen
A. Close 32. What is the function offolder?
B. Maximize A. Savefiles
C. Minimize B. Deletefiles
D. None of theabove C. Movefiles
Answer: Option B D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D

33.Which windows features can be 37.Which button might you find in a

accessed from the start menu? windows title bar?
A. Help A. Closebutton
B. WindowsExplorer B. Maximizebutton
C. MicrosoftNetwork C. Minimizebutton
D. All ofabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

34. Theboxon ......... that allows youto 38. are list of commands that appearon
choose where to go and is located thescreen
below the standard toolbar A. GUIS
A. System menu B. Icons
B. Addressbar C. Menus
C. Menubar D. Windows
D. None ofthese Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
39.A ...... is a set of computerinstructions
35.A real time operating system is that carry out a task on the computer
most likely to be used for which of the A. Program
following task? B. Database
A. Controlling access to a sharedprinter C. Memoryfiles
in anetwork D. None of theabove
B. Ensuring that system clockworks Answer: Option A
correctly onserver
C. Managing the access to system files ina 40.An operating system is a program or a
laptopcomputers group of programs that
D. Controlling the fuel injection system of A. Helps in checking the spelling ofWord
an automobileengines B. Maintain the relationship inDatabase
Answer: Option D C. Manages the resources of theComputer
D. Performs the calculations of cells inExcel
36.The Primary job of the operating Answer: Option C
system is
A. ManageCommands 41. What is the function of anoperating
B. ManageUsers system?
C. ManagePrograms A. Manages computer’s resourcesvery
D. ManageResources efficiently
Answer: Option D B. Takes care of scheduling jobs forexecution
C. Manages the flow of data andinstructions
D. All of theabove
Answer: OptionD

42.Scandisk analyze and repair 47.Which of the following is not an

damage to which of the following? operating system?
A. Physical clusters A. Windows2000
B. FAT B. Linux
C. Lostclusters C. MacOS
D. All of theabove D. Notepad
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

43. is a new windows featurethat 48. When we double click on mycomputer

offers a number of methods for A. Show the content of your savedfiles
searching for a file or folder? B. Show the list of your computerdrive
A. Find C. List of deleted files andfolders
B. Search D. All of theabove
C. Locate Answer: Option B
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option A 49. Directory is similar to......
A. File
44.Which of the following is the part of B. Folder
the operating system? C. Item
A. Cell D. None ofabove
B. FAT Answer: Option B
C. Kernel
D. Disk 50.Sleep is a good mode to use because
Answer: Option C A. It saves power which in true issaving
45. What hole will allocates in"Worst- B. It makes computer fresh after it wakesup
Fit" algorithm of memory C. It consumes low battery when you startit
management? again
A. It allocates the smaller holethan D. All ofabove
required memoryhole Answer: Option A
B. It allocates the smallest hole fromthe
available memoryholes 51.The operating feature that integrates the
C. It allocates the largest hole fromthe file created in different application into
available memoryholes WebPages
D. It allocates the exact samesize A. Webintegration
memoryhole B. Internetintegration
Answer: Option C C. Intranetintegration
D. Hypertextintegration
46. Find can be usedto Answer: Option A
A. Locate aprogram
B. Locate adocument
C. Locate a networkcomputer
D. All ofabove
Answer: Option D

52.Which icon would you access in the 57.Which of the following is the allocation
printer window to install a printer method of a disk space?
drive? A. Contiguousallocation
A. Add printer wizard B. Linkedallocation
B. Setup C. Indexedallocation
C. Install D. All of theAbove
D. None ofabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A
58.When you cut or copy the text or picture,
53.You can set the width taskbar area it stores temporarily in the
and different components in it A. File
A. By right click and set widthmenu B. Clipboard
B. If the taskbar is not yetlocked C. Icon
C. If the applications are notopened D. All ofabove
D. If other toolbars are notenabled Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
59. To send email, weuse
54.A tiny dot of light on the monitor is A. MSExcel
called B. OutlookExplorer
A. Siliconchip C. HTML
B. Optical illusion D. NetscapeNavigator
C. Icon Answer: Option B
D. Pixel
Answer: Option D 60.Which of the following concept is best to
preventing page faults?
55.Who is called a supervisor of A. Paging
computer activity? B. The workingset
A. Memory C. Hitratios
B. OperatingSystem D. Address locationresolution
C. I / ODevices Answer: Option B
D. ControlUnit
Answer: OptionB 61.Where will store data first time when
you copy
56. Operating Systemmanages A. Clipboard
A. Memory B. Clipbook
B. Processor C. Harddisk
C. I / Odevices D. CD
D. All of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D

62Poor response time are usually 68.Use of icons and windowsare

caused by characteristicsof ......... interface
A. Processbusy A. Command driven
B. High I/Irates B. Windowsorientated
C. High pagingrate C. Graphical user
D. Any of theabove D. Menudriven
Answer: OptionD Answer: Option C

63. GUImeans 69. What does FAT standsfor?

A. Graphic user interface A. File attributetype
B. Geographic userinterface B. File allocationtable
C. Graphical userinterface C. Format All Tabssettings
D. Geometric userinterface D. File for alltype
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

64. Windows canrun 70.Which is not concerned with control

A. One applicationonly panel?
B. Two applicationsonly A. Printer
C. Four applicationsonly B. Runapplication
D. All ofabove C. Font
Answer: Option D D. Keyboard
Answer: Option B
65. Fonts installfrom
A. Add from control panel 71.A ..... is a windows component thatis
B. Font setupfile designed to store other components so
C. Font.exefile these can be organized efficiently?
D. All ofabove A. Document
Answer: Option D B. Window
C. Folder
66. Unicode standard is D. All of above
A. Keyboardlayout Answer: Option C
B. Software
C. Font 72.A ...... is a set of computerinstructions
D. Character encoding system that carry out a task on the computer
Answer: Option D A. Program
B. Database
67. Theboxon ......... that allows youto C. Memoryfiles
choose where to go and is located D. None of theabove
below the standard toolbar Answer: Option A
A. System menu
B. Addressbar
C. Menubar
D. None ofthese
Answer: Option B

01. What is contained in thepage 06.You can switch from one program to
table? another on the desktop by clicking within
A. Base address of each frameand the desired program's window or by
corresponding pagenumber clickingonits ........ button
B. Memory address andcorresponding A. Icon
pagenumber B. Taskbarbutton
C. File name and correspondingpage C. Folder
number D. None ofabove
D. None ofAbove Answer: Option B
Answer: OptionA
07.You can switch from one program to
02. Tree structure displaysthe another by clicking within the desired
A. Fileonly program's icon from the
B. Directoryonly A. Application icon ondesktop
C. File and directoryname B. Application icon fromtaskbar
D. None ofabove C. Folder
Answer: Option B D. None ofabove
Answer: Option B
03. Windows 2000 server usesthe
A. FAT16 08. Virtual memory typically locatedon
C. FAT 64 B. CPU
D. FAT32 C. Flash card
Answer: Option B D. Harddrive
Answer: Option D
04.First-in-First-Out (FIFO) scheduling
is 09.Which one of the following key is used to
A. Non PreemptiveScheduling refresh the active window?
B. PreemptiveScheduling A. F7
C. Fair ShareScheduling B. F8
D. DeadlineScheduling C. F9
Answer: Option A D. F5
Answer: Option D
05.To display system boot menu which
of the following key you must press? 10. Press ____ key while booting todisplay
A. F4 Advanced Boot Menu
B. F7 A. F5
C. F8 B. F6
D. F5 C. F8
Answer: Option C D. Del
Answer: Option C

11.Which of the following key is used 17.In a folder, which of the following key is
to move the pointer from one pane to used to rename the file or folder
next pane? A. F3
A. F3 B. F4
B. F4 C. F2
C. F5 D. F7
D. F6 Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
18.Which of the following file format
12.A character that represents one or supports in Windows 7?
more unknown character is A. NTFS
A. Wildcardcharacter B. BSD
B. All filename C. EXT
C. Extensions D. All of theabove
D. None ofabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
19.Multi programming systems ......
13.Anything you cut or copy on to the A. Are easier to develop thansingle
clipboard remains there until you programming system
A. Changeit B. Execute each jobfaster
B. Clear C. Execute more jobs in the same timeperiod
C. Exitwindows D. Are used only by large mainframecomputer
D. All of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C
20. To print documents fromWindows
14. Netscape navigator isa A. File >>Print
A. Browser B. Drag the document icon over yourprinters
B. Compose icon
C. Editor C. Editprint
D. None ofthese D. Both A and B
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

15.Which of the following appear in 21.The operating system allows the user to
Windows menu bar? organize the computer's contents in a
A. Help B.File hierarchical structure of directories that
C.Edit D. All ofabove include all of the following except:
Answer: Option D A. Files
B. Folders
16.Which operating system uses short C. Drives
file names? D. System
A. Windows B.Unix Answer: Option D
D. All ofabove
Answer: OptionC

22.It is the default folder for many 27.Which operating system does not
Windows Applications to save your file support long file names?
A. MyDocument A. OS/2
B. MyPictures B. Windows98
C. Documents andSettings C. DOS6.2
D. MyComputer D. WindowsNT
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

23.The component of Windows that 28.Bringing a page into memory only when
lets you to transfer contents from one it is needed, this mechanism is called
document to another A. Deadlock
A. Briefcase B. PageFault
B. Clipboard C. DormantPaging
C. Document D. DemandPaging
D. Boot Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
29. What do you mean byMemory
24. Desktop isa Compaction?
A. Provides workspace A. Combine multiple equal memory holesinto
B. Screensaver one bighole
C. Displayprogram B. Combine multiple small memory holesinto
D. Working with mydocument one bighole
Answer: Option A C. Divide big memory hole into smallholes
D. Divide memory hole by2
25.Which of the following statement Answer: Option B
about directories is false?
A. Directories can exist insidedirectories 30.Which of the following is not a system
B. The root directory is always atthe tool?
highestlevel A. Scandisk
C. Directories cannot berenamed B. Drivespace
D. Directories can bedeleted C. Diskdefragmenter
Answer: Option C D. Doskey
Answer: Option D
26.Any files deleted in Windows goes
into 31.The program that is responsible for
A. Trash can loading the operating system into RAM is
B. Recyclebin called
C. DeletedFiles A. BIOS
D. None ofabove B. Bootstrapprogram
Answer: Option B C. Devicedriver
D. Supervisor program
Answer: Option B

32.Which of the following is a disk 37.Copying a process from memory to disk

compression tool? to allow space for other processes is Called
A. Drivespace A. Swapping
B. Scandisk B. Deadlock
C. Defragmenter C. Demand Paging
D. None of theabove D. PageFault
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

33.A ...... allows you to write onscreen 38. What does Belady's Anomaly relatedto?
with a digital pen and convert that A. Page ReplacementAlgorithm
writing into characters that the PC can B. Memory ManagementAlgorithm
process C. Deadlock PreventionAlgorithm
A. Monitor RS D. Disk SchedulingAlgorithm
B. TabletPC Answer: Option A
C. Databasemanager
D. MediaCenter 39. Driveris
Answer: Option B A. Hardwarecontroller
B. Hardware and gaincontroller
34. System files allocatedat C. Datacontroller
A. Bootarea D. All ofabove
B. FATarea Answer: Option A
C. Dataarea
D. Directory 40. transforms one interface intoother
Answer: Option A interface
A. Program
35. show characteristics withboth B. Software
hardware and software C. Data
A. Operating system D. None
B. Software Answer: Option B
C. Data
D. None 41. interface consists of thinglike
Answer: Option A program counter, register, interrupts and
36.Which of the following command is A. Hardware
used to switch between the window B. Software
programs? C. Data
A. Alt+Tab D. None
B. Alt+F4 Answer: Option A
C. Ctrl+Tab
D. None of theabove
Answer: Option A

42. During the boot process, the..... 47.To prevent the addition and deletion of
looks for the system file files on a disk or tape we use
A. CD A. Format
B. BIOS B. Writeprotect
C. CPU C. Create backup
D. DVD D. None ofabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

43. What are the two typesof 48.Which of the following resources must
Semaphore? be protected by the operating system?
A. Digital Semaphores andBinary A. I/O
Semaphores B. Memory
B. Analog Semaphores andOctal C. CPU
Semaphores D. All of theabove
C. Counting Semaphores and Binary Answer: Option D
D. Critical Semaphores andSystem 49.Who is called a supervisor of computer
Semaphores activity?
Answer: Option C A. CPU
44.From where do you change mouse C. Control Unit
setting? D. ApplicationProgram
A. Setting >>mouse Answer: Option B
B. Hardwaresetting
C. Control panel >>mouse 50. Font folder is locatedon
D. None of theabove A. Program folder
Answer: Option C B. Ms Wordfile
C. Control Panelfolder
45. The core of operating systemis: D. Desktopfolder
A. Unix Answer: Option C
B. Kernel
C. Command.com 51. Work group means
D. None ofthese A. Computer innetwork
Answer: Option B B. Individual user
C. Connection
46.Part of the POST process is to D. All of theabove
ensure that the test of essential Answer: Option A
peripheral device coincides with the
hardware configuration that stored in 52.What should be the extension to execute
A. ROM files?
B. The harddrive A. EXE B.BAT
D. CacheMemory D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option D

53. Boot startupprocess 58.The memory resident portion of

A. Loads system files toRAM operating system is called the
B. Checks the computerconnections A. Registry
C. Clean up the computermemory B. API
D. Prepare the computerready C. CMOS
Answer: Option A D. Kernel
Answer: Option D
54.When you delete file, where it
resides? 59.Which of the following memory unit that
A. Briefcase processor can access more rapidly
B. Recyclebin A. MainMemory
C. CD B. Virtual Memory
D. Desktop C. Cachememory
Answer: Option B D. Read OnlyMemory
Answer: Option C
55.To change the screen saver you can
go from 60. Small pictures appear on thedesktop
A. Control paneldisplay A. Windows
B. Right click in desktop andproperties B. Icon
C. Both ofAbove C. Button
D. None ofThese D. None ofabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

56. The ........is a temporary storagearea 61.A graphical user interface displays
in memory where you can attach text A. Graphics
or graphics information B. Text
A. Clipboard C. Both ofAbove
B. Copyboard D. None ofAbove
C. Both a andb Answer: Option C
D. None ofabove
Answer: Option A 62. You can add or removeprogram
A. Add / Remove program from controlpanel
57.When a computer is first turned on B. Delete the shortcut icon fromdesktop
or restarted, a special type ofabsolute C. Both A andB
loadercalled D. None ofAbove
A. Compile and goloader Answer: Option A
B. Bootloader
C. Bootstraploader 63.An embedded object might appear in a
D. Relating loader document as
Answer: Option C A. Embedding
B. Linking
C. Both
D. None ofabove
Answer: Option A

64.Which of the following is acorrect 67.In which type of the following OS, the
association between a vendor and an response time is very crucial.
operatingsystem A. Network OperatingSystem
A. RedhatLinux B. Real Time OperatingSystem
B. MicrosoftUnix C. Batch OperatingSystem
C. AT & T DOS D. Unix OperatingSystem
D. NovellLinux Answer: Option B
Answer: OptionA
68. controls the way in whichthe
65.Which one of the following is not a computer system functions and provides a
layer of operating system? means by which users can interact with the
A. Kernel computer
B. Shell A. Theplatform
C. Applicationprogram B. The operatingsystem
D. Critical selection C. Applicationsoftware
Answer: Option D D. Themotherboard
Answer: Option B
66. The virtual memoryis
A. An extremely large mainmemory 69.Which is not the function of the
B. An extremely large secondarymemory operating system?
C. An illusion of extremely largemain A. Memorymanagement
memory B. Diskmanagement
D. A type of memory used in super C. Applicationmanagement
computer D. Virusprotection
Answer: Option C Answer: Option D

70. Internet Exploreris

A. an Internetbrowser
B. provided by WindowsOS
C. an access point for Word WideWeb
D. All ofabove
Answer: Option D

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.Which of the key is used to close the 06.The windows feature is the ability of
active window? computer to automatically configure a new
A. Ctrl+F4 hardware component is that
B. Ctrl+F5 A. Auto detect
C. Alt+F6 B. Plug andplay
D. None ofabove C. Add removehardware
Answer: Option D D. None ofabove
Answer: Option B
02.The shortcut key to open a task
manager is: 07.Which of the following is not a part of
A. Alt +F1 the control panel?
B. Alt + Ctrl +Delete A. Date andtime
C. Alt +Tab B. Mydocuments
D. F1 C. Add or removeprogram
Answer: Option B D. Display
Answer: Option B
03.Which of the following is a program
group? 08. The....... provides informationabout
A. Wordpad hardware installation, configuration and
B. Paintbrush hardware status
C. Accessories A. Devicemanager
D. None of theabove B. Control panel
Answer: Option C C. Add newhardware
D. Programmanager
04.A program in execution is called Answer: Option A
A. APaging
B. AProcess 09.What is the default file extension
C. A virtualmemory created by notepad?
D. A DemandPage A. .doc
Answer: Option B B. .html
C. .txt
05.Which of the following is not the D. .tif
user file extension? Answer: Option C
A. .ppt
B. .xls 10.Which of the following is the extension
C. .sys of WordPad?
D. .doc A. .ppt
Answer: Option C B. .xls
C. .rtf
D. None ofabove
Answer: Option C

11.Which of the following is not a 16. What is the extension of the fontfile?
video file extension? A. .ttf
A. .avi B. .mdb
B. .wav C. .fft
C. .mpeg D. .txt
D. .mov Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
17. Which is not executablefile?
12.To move to the beginning of aline A. .com
of text,pressthe ___________ key. B. .exe
A. A C. .bat
B. PgUp D. .txt
C. Enter Answer: Option D
D. Home
Answer: Option D 18. When was MS Windowsoperating
13. First operating system was A. 1975
developedin B.1985
A. 1958 C. 1995
B.1976 D.2000
C. 1956 Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C 19. The part of machine level instruction,
which tells the central processor whathas
14. The maximum length of anysingle to be done,is
path from the rootdirectory? A. Operationcode
A. 54 B. Address
B. 63 C. Locator
C. 80 D. Flip-Flop
D. 27 E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option A

15. Which of the following refers tothe 20.To avoid the race condition, the number
associative memory? of processes that may be simultaneously
A. the address of the data is generatedby inside their critical section is
theCPU A. 8
B. the address of the data is suppliedby B. 1
theusers C. 16
C. there is no need for an address i.e.the D. 0
data is used as anaddress E. None of theabove
D. the data are accessedsequentially Answer: Option B
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

21.A system program that combines 25. Processis

the separately compiled modules of a A. program in High level language kept ondisk
program into a form suitable for B. contents of mainmemory
execution C. a program inexecution
A. assembler D. a job in secondarymemory
B. linking loader E. None of theabove
C. crosscompiler Answer: Option C
D. load and go
E. None of theabove 26.Addressing structure
Answer: Option B A. defines the fundamental method of
determining effective operandaddresses
22.The Storage-to-Storage instructions B. are variations in the use offundamental
A. have both their operands in themain addressing structures, or some associated
store. actions which are related toaddressing.
B. which perform an operation on a C. performs indicated operations on two fast
register operand and an operand which is registers of the machine and leave the resultin
located in the main store, generally one of theregisters.
leaving the result in the register, expectin D. all of theabove
the case of store operation when it isalso E. None of theabove
C. which perform indicated operationson Answer: Option A
two fast registers of the machine and
have the result in one of theregisters 27.The Memory Buffer Register (MBR)
D. all of theabove A. is a hardware memory device whichdenotes
Answer: OptionA the location of the current instruction being
23.The LRU algorithm B. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware),
A. pages out pages that have beenused that performs the intent of instructionsfetched
recently from memory.
B. pages out pages that have notbeen C. contains the address of the memory location
usedrecently that is to be read from or storedinto.
C. pages out pages that have beenleast D. contains a copy of the designated memory
usedrecently location specified by the MAR after a "read"or
D. pages out the first page in a givenarea the new contents of the memory prior to a
Answer: Option C "write".
Answer: Option D
24.Which of the following systems
software does the job of merging the 28.The strategy of allowing processes that
records from two files into one? are logically runnable to be temporarily
A. Securitysoftware suspended is called
B. Utilityprogram A. preemptivescheduling
C. Networking software B. non preemptivescheduling
D. Documentationsystem C. shortest jobfirst
E. None of theabove D. first come firstserved
Answer: Option B Answer: Option A

29.Thrashing 33. Fork is

A. is a natural consequence ofvirtual A. the dispatching of atask
memorysystems B. the creation of a newjob
B. can always be avoided byswapping C. the creation of a newprocess
C. always occurs on largecomputers D. increasing the priority of atask
D. can be caused by poor paging E. None of theabove
algorithms Answer: Option C
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D 34. Supervisor stateis
A. never used
30.Which of the following instruction B. entered by programs when they enterthe
steps, would be written within the processor
diamond-shaped box, of a flowchart? C. required to perform anyI/O
A. S = B - C D. only allowed to the operatingsystem
B. ISA<10 E. None of theabove
C. PRINTA Answer: Option D
E. None of theabove 35. Which of the following statementsis
Answer: Option B false?
A. the technique of storage compaction
31.User-Friendly Systems are: involves moving all occupied areas ofstorage
A. required forobject-oriented to one end or other of mainstorage
programming B. compaction does not involve relocationof
B. easy to develop programs
C. common among traditionalmainframe C. compaction is also know asgarbage
operating systems collection
D. becoming morecommon D. the system must stop everything while it
E. None of theabove performs thecompaction
Answer: OptionD E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
32.Which of the following addressing
modes, facilitates access to anoperand 36. Interprocesscommunication
whose location is defined relative to A. is required for allprocesses
the beginning of the data structure in B. is usually done via diskdrives
which itappears? C. is nevernecessary,
A. ascending D. allows processes to synchronizeactivity
B. sorting E. None of theabove
C. index Answer: Option D
D. indirect
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

37.While running DOS on a PC, which 41. Which of the following functionsis(are)
command would be used toduplicate performed by theloader
the entirediskette? A. allocate space in memory for the programs
A. COPY and resolve symbolic references between
B. DISKCOPY objectdecks
C. CHKDSK B. adjust all address dependent locations,such
D. TYPE as address constants, to correspond to the
E. None of theabove allocatedspace.
Answer: Option B C. physically place the machineinstructions
and data into memory.
38.Which of the following rules out the D. All of theabove
use of GO TO? E. None of theabove
A. Flowchart Answer: Option D
C. Nassi-Shneidermandiagram 42.Memory
D. All of theabove A. is a device that performs a sequenceof
E. None of theabove operations specified by instructions in
Answer: Option C memory.
B. is the device where information isstored
39.A system program that sets up an C. is a sequence ofinstructions
executable program in main memory D. is typically characterized byinteractive
ready for execution is processing and time-slicing of theCPU
A. assembler E. None of theabove
B. linker Answer: Option B
C. loader
D. compiler 43.Which of the following are loaded into
E. None of theabove main memory when the computer is
Answer: Option C booted?
A. internal commandinstructions
40.The FIFO algorithm B. external commandinstructions
A. executes first the job that lastentered C. utilityprograms
thequeue D. word processinginstructions
B. executes first the job that firstentered E. None of theabove
thequeue Answer: Option A
C. execute first the job that has beenin
the queue thelongest 44.What is the name given to the organized
D. executes first the job with theleast collection of software that controls the
processor needs overall operation of a computer?
E. None of theabove A. Working system
Answer: Option B B. Peripheral system
C. Operating system
D. Controlling system
Answer: Option C

50.The register or main memory location

45.The principle of locality of which contains the effective address of the
reference justifies the use of operand is known as
A. reenterable A. pointer
B. nonreusable B. indexedregister
C. virtualmemory C. special location
D. cachememory D. scratch pad
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
51. Assembly code data base is associated
46.Thrashing can be avoided if with
A. the pages, belonging to the workingset
A. assembly language version of the program
of the programs, are in mainmemory which is created by the code generationphase
B. the speed of CPU isincreased and is input to the assemblyphase.
C. the speed of I/O processor isincreased
B. a permanent table of decision rules in the
D. all of theabove form of patterns for matching with theuniform
E. None of theabove symbol table to discover syntacticstructure.
Answer: Option A C. consists of a full or partial list or thetoken
D. a permanent table which lists all key words
47. In analyzing the compilation ofPL/I and special symbols of the language in
program, the term "Lexical analysis" is symbolic form.
associatedwith Answer: Option A
A. recognition of basicsyntactic
constructs throughreductions. 52.Resolution of externally defined
B. recognition of basic elementsand symbols is performed by
creation of uniformsymbols A. Linker
C. creation of more optionalmatrix. B. Loader
D. use of macro processor to produce C. Compiler
more optimal assemblycode D. Assembler
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
53.The Memory Address Register
48. Systemgeneration: A. is a hardware memory device which denotesthe
A. is always quitesimple location of the current instruction beingexecuted.
B. is always verydifficult B. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware),
C. varies in difficulty betweensystems that performs the intent of instructionsfetched
D. requires extensive tools tobe from memory.
understandable C. contains the address of the memorylocation
E. None of theabove that is to be read from or storedinto.
Answer: Option C D. contains a copy of the designated memory
location specified by the MAR after a "read"or
the new contents of the memory prior to a
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

54.Which of the following are(is) 58. In virtual memory systems,Dynamic

Language Processor(s) addresstranslation
A. assembles A. is the hardware necessary toimplement
B. compilers paging
C. interpreters B. stores pages at a specific location ondisk
D. All of theabove C. is useless when swapping isused
E. None of theabove D. is part of the operating systempaging
Answer: Option D algorithm
E. None of theabove
55.In which addressing mode the Answer: Option A
effective address of the operand is the
contents of a register specified in the 59.Fragmentation of the file system
instruction and after accessing the A. occurs only if the file system isused
operand, the contents of this register improperly
is incremented to point to the next B. can always beprevented
item in the list? C. can be temporarily removed bycompaction
A. indexaddressing D. is a characteristic of all filesystems
B. indirectaddressing E. None of theabove
C. autoincrement Answer: Option C
D. autodecrement
E. None of theabove 60.A non-relocatable program is one which
Answer: Option C A. can not be made to execute in any area of
storage other than the one designated for itat
56.The memory allocation scheme the time of its coding ortranslation.
subject to "external" fragmentation is B. consists of a program andrelevant
A. segmentation information for itsrelocation.
B. swapping C. can itself performs the relocation of its
C. pure demandpaging address-sensitiveportions.
D. multiple contiguous fixedpartitions D. all of theabove
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

57.While working with MS-DOS, which 61.What is the name of the operating
command will you use to transfer a system for the laptop computer called
specific file from one disk to another? MacLite?
A. DISKCOPY A. Windows
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option D

62.In which addressing mode the 66.What is the name given to the values
contents of a register specified in the that are automatically provided by
instruction are first decremented, and software to reduce keystrokes andimprove
then these contents are used as the a computer user'sproductivity?
effective address of the operands? A. Definedvalues
A. indexaddressing B. Fixedvalues
B. indirectaddressing C. Defaultvalues
C. autoincrement D. Specialvalues
D. autodecrement E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D
67.In MS-DOS 5.0, which is the number that
63. Page stealing acts as a code to uniquely identify the
A. is a sign of an efficientsystem software product?
B. is taking page frames fromother A. MS
working sets B. DOS
C. should be the tuninggoal C. MSDOS
D. is taking larger disk spaces forpages D. 5
pagedout E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
68. Bugmeans
64. Memory management is: A. A logical error in aprogram
A. not used in modern operatingsystem B. A difficult syntax error in aprogram
B. replaced with virtual memoryon C. Documenting programs using anefficient
currentsystems documentationtool
C. not used onmultiprogramming D. All of theabove
systems E. None of theabove
D. critical for even the simplest operating Answer: Option A
E. None of theabove 69.The Register - to - Register (RR)
Answer: Option D instructions
A. have both their operands in the mainstore.
65.The initial value of the semaphore B. which perform an operation on a register
that allows only one of the many operand and an operand which is located in
processes to enter their critical the main store, generally leaving the resultin
sections, is the register, except in the case of store
A. 8 operation when it isalso
B. 1 C. which perform indicated operations ontwo
C. 16 fast registers of the machine and leave the
D. 0 result in one of theregisters.
E. None of theabove D. all of theabove
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

70. An algorithm is best describedas 71.A page fault

A. A computerlanguage A. is an error is a specificpage
B. A step by step procedure for solvinga B. occurs when a program accesses a pageof
problem memory
C. A branch ofmathematics C. is an access to a page not currentlyin
D. All of theabove memory
E. None of theabove D. is a reference to a page belonging to another
Answer: Option B program
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.Block caches or buffer caches are 05.The process of transferring data
used intended for a peripheral device into a disk
A. to improve diskperformance (or intermediate store) so that it can be
B. to handleinterrupts transferred to peripheral at a more
C. to increase the capacity of themain convenient time or in bulk, is known as
memory A. multiprogramming
D. to speed up main memoryread B. spooling
operation C. caching
E. None of theabove D. virtual programming
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

02. Which of the followingstatements 06.The action of parsing the source

isfalse? program into the proper syntactic classes is
A. a small page size causes largepage known as
tables A. syntaxanalysis
B. internal fragmentation isincreased B. lexicalanalysis
with smallpages C. interpretationanalysis
C. a large page size causesinstructions D. general syntaxanalysis
and data that will not be referenced E. None of theabove
brought into primarystorage Answer: Option B
D. I/O transfers are more efficientwith
largepages 07.Which, of the following is not true about
E. None of theabove the description of a decision table?
Answer: Option B A. A decision table is easy tomodify
B. A decision table is directly understoodby
03.Which of the following is false thecomputer
about disk when compared to main C. A decision table is easy tounderstand
memory? D. All of theabove
A. non-volatile E. None of theabove
B. longer storagecapacity Answer: Option B
C. lower price perbit
D. faster 08.Trojan-Horse programs
Answer: Option D A. are legitimate programs thatallow
04.Producer consumer problem can be B. do not usuallywork
solved using C. are hidden programs that do not show upon
A. semaphores thesystem
B. eventcounters D. usually are immediatelydiscovered
C. monitors E. None of theabove
D. all of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D

09. Seeksanalysis 13.When did IBM release the first version of

A. is used for analyzing pagingproblems disk operating system DOS version 1.0?
B. is used for analyzing devicebusy A. 1981
problems B.1982
C. is used for analyzing control-unitbusy C. 1983
problems D.1984
D. is only shown on real-timedisplays E. None of the above
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B
14.Most of the microcomputer's operating
10.Which is a permanent database in systems like Apple DOS, MS DOS and PC DOS
the general model of the compiler? etc. are called disk operating systems
A. Literal Table because
B. Identifier Table A. they are memoryresident
C. Terminal Table B. they are initially stored ondisk
D. Sourcecode C. they are available on magnetictapes
E. None of theabove D. they are partly in primary memoryand
Answer: Option C partly ondisk
E. None of theabove
11.Operating system Answer: Option B
A. links a program with the subroutinesit
references 15.The CPU, after receiving an interrupt
B. provides a layered,user-friendly from an I/O device
interface A. halts for a predeterminedtime
C. enables the programmer to draw a B. hands over control of address bus anddata
flowchart bus to the interruptingdevice
D. all of theabove C. branches off to the interrupt serviceroutine
E. None of theabove immediately
Answer: Option B D. branches off to the interrupt serviceroutine
after completion of the currentinstruction
12.The details of all externalsymbols E. None of theabove
and relocation formation (relocation Answer: Option D
list or map) is provided to linkerby
A. Macroprocessor 16.What is the name of the technique in
B. Translator which the operating system of a computer
C. Loader executes several programs concurrently by
D. Editor switching back and forth between them?
E. None of theabove A. Partitioning
Answer: Option B B. Multitasking
C. Windowing
D. Paging
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B

17.The macro processor must perform 22.Software that measures, monitors,

A. recognize macro definitions andmacro analyzes, and controls real-world events is
calls called:
B. save the macrodefinitions A. system software
C. expand macros calls andsubstitute B. real-timesoftware
arguments C. scientificsoftware
D. all of theabove D. businesssoftware
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

18.What problem is solved by 23.A development strategy whereby the

Dijkstra's banker's algorithm? executive control modules of a system are
A. mutual exclusion coded and tested first, is known as
B. deadlockrecovery A. Bottom-updevelopment
C. deadlockavoidance B. Top-downdevelopment
D. cachecoherence C. Left-Rightdevelopment
E. None of theabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option C E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
19.The dispatcher
A. actually schedules the tasks intothe 24.Which of the following is helpful in
processor evaluating applications software what will
B. puts tasks in I/Owait best suit your needs?
C. is always small andsimple A. recommendations by otherusers
D. never changes taskpriorities B. computermagazines
Answer: Option A C. objective softwarereviews
D. all of theabove
20.System programs such as Compilers E. None of theabove
are designed so that they are Answer: Option D
A. reenterable
B. nonreusable 25.IBM released its first PC in 1981. Canyou
C. seriallyusable name the operating system which was most
D. recursive popular at thattime?
Answer: Option A A. MS-DOS
21.If the number of bits in a virtual C. OS/360
address of a program is 16 and the D. CP/M
page size is 0.5 K bytes, the number of E. None of theabove
pages in the virtual address space is Answer: Option D
A. 16
B. 32
C. 64
D. 128
Answer: Option D

26. Swapping 30.Which table is a permanent database

A. works best with many smallpartitions that has an entry for each terminal symbol.
B. allows many programs to usememory A. Terminal table
simultaneously B. Literal table
C. allows each program in turn to usethe C. Identifier table
memory D. Reductions
D. does not work withoverlaying E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C
31. The function(s) of the Syntaxphase
27.A disk scheduling algorithm in an is(are)
operating system causes the disk arm A. to recognize the major constructs of the
to move back and forth across the disk language and to call the appropriate action
surface in order to service all requests routines that will generate theintermediate
in its path. This is a form or matrix for theseconstructs.
A. First come firstserved B. to build a literal table and an identifiertable
B. Shortest Seek Time First(SSTE) C. to build a uniform symboltable
C. Scan D. to parse the source program into thebasic
D. FIFO elements or tokens of thelanguage.
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option A

28.A translator is best described as 32. Dataencryption

A. an applicationsoftware A. is mostly used by publicnetworks
B. a systemsoftware B. is mostly used by financialnetworks
C. a hardwarecomponent C. cannot be used by privateinstallations
D. all of theabove D. is not necessary, since data cannotbe
E. None of theabove intercepted
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B
29.A Processor
A. is a device that performs a sequenceof 33.What is the name given to the process of
operations specified by instructions in initializing a microcomputer with its
memory. operating system?
B. is the device where informationis A. Coldbooting
stored B. Booting
C. is a sequence ofinstructions C. Warm booting
D. is typically characterized byinteractive D. Bootrecording
processing and time of theCPU E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A

34.With MS-DOS which command will 37. The function(s) of theStorage

divide the surface of the blank floppy Assignment is(are)
disk into sectors and assign a unique A. to assign storage to all variablesreferenced
address to each one? in the sourceprogram.
A. FORMAT command B. to assign storage to all temporarylocations
B. FATcommand that are necessary for intermediateresults.
C. VERcommand C. to assign storage to literals, and toensure
D. CHKDSKcommand that the storage is allocate and appropriate
E. None of theabove locations areinitialized.
Answer: Option A D. all of theabove
E. None of theabove
34.Addressing modes Answer: Option D
A. defines the fundamental method of
determining effective operandaddresses 38.Multiprogramming
B. are variations in the use of A. is a method of memory allocation by which
fundamental addressing structures,or the program is subdivided into equal portions,
some associated actions which are or pages and core is subdivided into equal
related toaddressing. portions orblocks.
C. performs indicated operations ontwo B. consists of those addresses that may be
fast registers of the machine and leave generated by a processor during execution of a
the result in one of theregisters. computation.
D. all of theabove C. is a method of allocating processortime.
E. None of theabove D. allows multiple programs to residein
Answer: Option B separate areas of core at thetime.
E. None of theabove
35.In which way(s) a macro processor Answer: Option D
for assembly language can be
implemented: 39.A translator which reads an entire
A. independent two-passprocessor programme written in a high level language
B. independent one-passprocessor and converts it into machine language code
C. processor incorporated into pass 1 ofa is:
standard two-passassembler A. assembler
D. all of theabove B. translator
E. None of theabove C. compiler
Answer: OptionD D. system software
E. None of theabove
36.Which of the following is a typeof Answer: Option C
systems software used on
C. Unix
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D

40. Operating systemis 45. The advantage(s) inherent to usinghigh

A. A collection of hardwarecomponents level languages is(are)
B. A collection of input-outputdevices A. Fewer people, less management andshorter
C. A collection of softwareroutines transition in learningtime
D. All of theabove B. Improved debugging capability,and
E. None of theabove superior documentation
Answer: Option C C. A greater degree of machineindependence
D. All of theabove
41.A file organization component of a E. None of theabove
VSAM file is: Answer: Option D
A. relative record dataset
B. keyed sequential data set 46. The working set theory ofprogramming
C. entry sequential dataset behaviour of processes running within an
D. all of theabove operating systeminvolves
E. None of theabove A. the collection of pages that aprocess
Answer: Option D accesses
B. disk schedulingmechanisms
42.The SJF algorithm executes first the C. coalescing holes inmemory
job D. assigning the CPU toprocesses
A. that last entered thequeue E. None of theabove
B. that first entered thequeue Answer: Option A
C. that has been in the queue thelongest
D. with the least processorneeds 47.What is the name given to the software
E. None of theabove which can be legally compiled and often
Answer: Option D used for free?
A. Sharewareprogram
43.Which of the following is a block B. Public domainprogram
device C. Firmwareprogram
A. mouse D. Mindware
B. printer E. None of theabove
C. terminals Answer: Option B
D. disk
E. None of theabove 48.In which of the storage placement
Answer: Option D strategies a program is placed in the largest
available hole in the main memory?
44.Which of the following software A. bestfit
types is used to simplify using systems B. firstfit
software? C. worstfit
A. spreadsheet D. buddy
B. operating environment E. None of theabove
C. timesharing Answer: Option C
D. multitasking
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C

49. Which of the following is nottrue 52.The problem of thrashing is affected

about the memorymanagement? significantly by:
A. virtual memory is used only inmulti- A. program structure
user systems B. program size
B. segmentation suffers fromexternal C. primary-storagesize
fragmentation D. all of theabove
C. paging suffers frominternal E. None of theabove
fragmentation Answer: Option A
D. segmented memory can bepaged
E. None of theabove 53.Advantage(s) of using assembly
Answer: Option A language rather than machine language is
50.Paging A. It is mnemonic and easy toread.
A. is a method of memory allocation by B. Addresses any symbolic, notabsolute
which the program is subdivided into C. Introduction of data to program iseasier
equal portions, or pages and core is D. all of theabove
subdivided into equal portions orblocks. E. None of theabove
B. consists of those addresses that maybe Answer: Option D
generated by a processor during
execution of acomputation. 54. Job Control Language (JCL)statements
C. is a method of allocatingprocessor are used to
time. A. Read the input from the slow-speedcard
D. allows multiple programs to residein reader to the high-speed magneticdisk
separate areas of core at thetime. B. Specify, to the operating system,the
E. None of theabove beginning and end of a job in abatch
Answer: Option A C. Allocate the CPU to ajob
D. All of theabove
51. The system/370assembler E. None of theabove
language Answer: Option B
A. allows the programmer to write base
registers and displacements explicitlyin 55. Which of the following is not trueabout
the sourceprogram. documentation?
B. is used to remember which of the A. Documentation, of a system, should beas
general-purpose registers are currently clear and direct aspossible
available as base registers, and whatbase B. Documentation increases themaintenance
addresses theycontain. time andcost
C. allows multiple programs to residein C. Documentation gives betterunderstanding
separate areas of core at the sametime. of theproblem
D. is a term that refers to thecontrol D. All of theabove
programs of an operatingsystem. E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A

56.In an absolute loading scheme, 60. Schedulingis

which loader function is accomplished A. allowing jobs to use theprocessor
by the loader B. unrelated to performanceconsideration
A. Reallocation C. not required in uniprocessorsystems
B. Allocation D. the same regard-less of the purpose of the
C. Linking system
D. Loading E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
61.What scheduling algorithm allows
57.For how many processes which are processes that are logical runnable to be
sharing common data, the Dekker's temporarily suspended?
algorithm implements mutual A. preemptivescheduling
exclusion? B. non-preemptivescheduling
A. 1 C. FIFO
B. 2 D. FCFS
C. 3 E. None of theabove
D. 4 Answer: Option A
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B 62.The computational technique used to
compute the disk storage address of
58.Semaphores individual records is called:
A. synchronize critical resourcesto A. bubblememory
preventdeadlock B. keyfielding
B. synchronize critical resourcesto C. dynamicreallocation
preventcontention D. hashing
C. are used to do I/O E. None of theabove
D. are used for memorymanagement Answer: Option D
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A 63.The file structure that redefines its first
record at a base of zero uses the term:
59. Scissoring enables A. relativeorganization
A. a part of data to bedisplayed B. keyfielding
B. entire data to bedisplayed C. dynamicreallocation
C. full data display on full area ofscreen D. hashing
D. no data to bedisplayed E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A

64.In analyzing the compilation of PL/I 67. The advantage(s) of incorporatingthe

program, the description "creation of macro processor into pass 1is(are):
more optimal matrix" is associated A. many functions do not have tobe
with implementedtwice.
A. Assembly andoutput B. Functions are combined and it is not
B. Codegeneration necessary to create intermediate files as
C. Syntaxanalysis output from the macros processor and inputto
D. Machine independentoptimization theassembler.
E. None of theabove C. more flexibility is available to the
Answer: Option D programmer in that he may use all thefeatures
of the assembler in conjunction withmacros.
65.Which of the following is not D. all of theabove
applications software? E. None of theabove
A. Wordprocessing Answer: Option D
B. Spreadsheet
C. UNIX 68.In memory systems, boundary registers
D. Desktoppublishing A. are used for temporary programvariable
E. None of theabove storage
Answer: Option C B. are only necessary with fixedpartitions
C. track pageboundaries
66.What is the name given to allthe D. track the beginning and ending ofprograms
programs inside the computer with E. None of theabove
makes itusable? Answer: Option D
A. Applicationsoftware
B. System software 69.Which of the following is true for
C. Firm ware machine language.
D. Shareware A. Repeated execution of programsegments
E. None of theabove B. Depicting flow of data in asystem
Answer: Option B C. A sequence of instructions which,when
followed properly, solves aproblem
D. the language which communicates withthe
computer using only the binary digits 1 and0.
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.A relocate program form is one 04.If you want to execute more than one
which program at a time, the systems software
A. cannot be made to execute in anyarea you are using must be capable of:
of storage other than the one designated A. wordprocessing
for it at the time of its coding or B. virtual memory
translation. C. compiling
B. consists of a program andrelevant D. multitasking
information for itsrelocation. E. None of theabove
C. can itself performs the relocation of its Answer: Option D
D. all of theabove 05.In analyzing the compilation of PL/I
E. None of theabove program, the description "resolving
Answer: Option B symbolic address (labels) and generating
machine language" is associated with
02.What is the name of the system A. Assembly andoutput
which deals with the running of the B. Codegeneration
actual computer and not with the C. Storageassignment
programming problems? D. Syntaxanalysis
A. Operatingsystem E. None of theabove
B. Systemsprogram Answer: Option A
C. Objectprogram
D. Sourceprogram 06.Round-robin scheduling
E. None of theabove A. allows interactive tasks quicker accessto
Answer: Option B theprocessor
B. is quite complex toimplement
03.What is the initial value of the C. gives each task the same chance atthe
semaphore to allow only one of the processor
many processes to enter theircritical D. allows processor-bound tasks more timein
section? theprocessor
A. 8 E. None of theabove
B. 1 Answer: Option C
C. 16
D. 0 07.Four necessary conditions for deadlock
E. None of theabove to exist are: mutual exclusion, no-
Answer: Option B preemption, circular wait and
A. hold andwait
B. deadlockavoidance
C. race aroundcondition
D. buffer overflow
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A

08.If you do not know which version of 13.A partitioned data set is most used for
MS-DOS you are working with, which A. a program or sourcelibrary
command will you use after having B. storing programdata
booted your operating system? C. storing backup information
A. FORMAT command D. storing ISAMfiles
B. DIRcommand E. None of theabove
C. VERcommand Answer: Option A
D. DISKcommand
Answer: Option C 14.The main function of the dispatcher (the
portion of the process scheduler) is
09. Page-map table is A. swapping a process to thedisk
A. A datafile B. assigning ready process to theCPU
B. Adirectory C. suspending some of the processes whenthe
C. Used for addresstranslation CPU load ishigh
D. All of theabove D. bring processes from the disk to themain
Answer: Option C memory
E. None of theabove
10.The errors that can be pointed out Answer: Option B
by the compiler are
A. Syntaxerrors 15.When a computer is first turned on or
B. Semanticerrors restarted, a special type of absolute loader
C. Logical errors is executed, called a
D. Internal errors A. "Compile and Go"loader
Answer: Option A B. Bootloader
C. Bootstraploader
11.Which, of the following checks, D. Relating loader
cannot be carried out on the input data E. None of theabove
to a system? Answer: Option C
A. consistencycheck
B. Syntaxcheck 16.A program that converts a high-level
C. Rangecheck language program to a set of instructions
D. All of theabove that can run on a computer is called a
E. None of theabove A. Compiler
Answer: Option B B. Debugger
C. Editor
12.Which of the following is D. All of theabove
characteristic of an operating system? E. None of theabove
A. resourcemanagement Answer: Option A
B. error recovery
C. memorymanagement
D. All theabove
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

17.The state transition initiated by the 21.In MS-DOS, relocatable object files and
user process itself in an operating load modules have extensions
system is A. .OBJ and .COM or .EXE,respectively
A. block B. .COM and .OBJ,respectively
B. dispatch C. .EXE and .OBJ,respectively
C. wakeup D. .DAS and .EXE,respectively
D. timer runout E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
22.Which of the following program is not a
18. The function(s) of file systemis utility?
(are): A. Debugger
A. to provide complete file naming B. Editor
freedom to the users and topermit C. Spooler
controlled sharing offiles D. All of theabove
B. to provide for long and short term E. None of theabove
storage of files with appropriate Answer: Option C
C. to provide security against lossof 23.A public key encryption system
information due to systemfailure A. allows anyone to decode thetransmission
D. all of theabove B. allows only the correct sender to decodethe
E. None of theabove data
Answer: Option D C. allows only the correct receiver todecode
19. Feed backqueue D. does not encode the databefore
A. are very easy toimplement transmitting it
B. dispatch tasks according toexecution E. None of theabove
characteristics Answer: Option C
C. are used to favor real-timetasks
D. require manual interventionto 24.In which addressing mode the operand
implementproperly is given explicitly in the instruction?
E. None of theabove A. absolutemode
Answer: Option B B. immediatemode
C. indirectmode
20.The technique, for sharing the time D. indexmode
of a computer among several jobs. E. None of theabove
Which switches jobs so rapidly such Answer: Option B
that each job appears to have the
computer to itself:
A. timesharing
B. timeout
C. timedomain
Answer: Option A

25.Link encryption 29.Capacity planning

A. is more secure than end-to-end A. requires detailed systemperformance
encryption information
B. is less secure thanend-to-end B. is independent of the operatingsystem
encryption C. does not depend on the monitoringtools
C. can not be used in a publicnetwork available
D. is used only todebug D. is not needed in smallinstallations
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

26.The table created by lexical 30. Poor response times are causedby
analysis to describe all literals used in A. Processor busy
the source program is B. High I/Orate
A. Terminal table C. High pagingrates
B. Literal table D. Any of theabove
C. Identifier table E. None of theabove
D. Reductions Answer: Option D
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B 31.A form of code that uses more than one
process and processor, possibly of different
27.In which addressing mode, the type, and that may on occasions have more
address of the location of the operand than one process or processor active at the
is given explicitly as a part of the same time, is known as
instruction. A. multiprogramming
A. absolutemode B. multithreading
B. immediatemode C. broadcasting
C. indexmode D. timesharing
D. modulusmode E. None of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

28.A base register table 32.The term 'polling' in a computer means

A. allows the programmer to write base a process by which a computer system
registers and displacements explicitlyin A. detects/correctserrors
the sourceprogram. B. multiplexes the inputs and updatesthe
B. is used to remember which of the memoryaccordingly
general-purpose registers are currently C. decides correct alternative byanalysing
available as base registers, and whatbase several ones
addresses theycontain. D. inquires to see if a terminal hasany
C. allows multiple programs to residein transaction tosend
separate areas of core at the sametime. E. None of theabove
D. is a term that refers to thecontrol Answer: Option D
programs of an operatingsystem.
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B

33.A relationship between processes 37.Under virtual storage,

such that each has some part (critical A. a single program is processed by twoor
section) which must not be executed moreCPUs
while the critical section of another is B. two or more programs arestored
being executed, is known as concurrently in primarystorage
A. semaphore C. only the active pages of a programare
B. mutual exclusion stored in primarystorage
C. multiprogramming D. interprogram interference mayoccur
D. multitasking E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
38. File recordlength
34.The most common security failure A. should always befixed
is B. Should always bevariable
A. carelessness byusers C. depends upon the size of thefile
B. depending onpasswords D. should be chosen to match the data
C. too much emphasis onpreventing characteristics
physical access Answer: Option D
D. insufficient technology used toprevent
breaches 39.What is the name of the operating
E. None of theabove system which was originally designed by
Answer: Option A scientists and engineers for use by
scientists and engineers?
35. Block or buffer caches areused A. XENIX
A. to improve diskperformance B. UNIX
B. to handleinterrupts C. OS/2
C. to increase the capacity ofmain D. MS DOS
memory E. None of theabove
D. to speed up main memoryread Answer: Option B
E. None of theabove 40. TerminalTable
Answer: Option A A. contains all constants in theprogram
B. a permanent table of decision rules in the
36.All the time a computer is switched form of patterns for matching with theuniform
on, its operating system software has symbol table to discover syntacticstructure.
to stay in C. consists of a full or partial list of thetoken's
A. mainstorage as they appear in the program. Created by
B. primarystorage Lexical analysis and used for syntax analysis
C. floppydisk and interpretation
D. diskdrive D. a permanent table which lists all key words
E. None of theabove and special symbols of the language in
Answer: Option B symbolic form.
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

41.Can you name of the major 45. The practice of "bundling" refersto
Operating System used in computers? A. selling computersalone
A. MSDOS B. selling peripheral devices withcomputer
B. OS/2 C. selling software to run oncomputers
C. UNIX D. giving away software with acomputer
D. All of theabove purchase
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

42.Virtual Memory 46.Special software to create a job queue is

A. is a method of memory allocation by called a
which the program is subdivided into A. Drive
equal portions, or pages and core is B. Spooler
subdivided into equal portions orblocks. C. Interpreter
B. consists of those addresses that maybe D. Linkageeditor
generated by a processor during E. None of theabove
execution of acomputation. Answer: Option B
C. is a method of allocatingprocessor
time. 47.Which of the following is not an
D. allows multiple programs to residein advantage of multiprogramming?
separate areas of core at thetime. A. increasedthroughput
E. None of theabove B. shorter responsetime
Answer: Option B C. decreased operating-systemoverhead
D. ability to assign priorities tojobs
43.The total time to prepare a disk Answer: Option C
drive mechanism for a block of data to
be read from it is 48.In a magnetic disk, data is recorded in a
A. latency set of concentric tracks which are
B. latency plus transmissiontime subdivided into
C. latency plus seektime A. periods
D. latency plus seek timeplus B. sectors
transmissiontime C. zones
E. None of theabove D. groups
Answer: Option C Answer: Option B

44.What is the name of the operating 49.Part of a program where the shared
system that reads and reacts in terms memory is accessed and which should be
of actual time. executed invisibly is called
A. Batch system A. semaphores
B. Quick responsesystem B. directory
C. Real timesystem C. critical section
D. Time sharingsystem D. mutualexclusion
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

50. An incrementalbackup 54. Indicate which, of the following, isnot

A. should be done eachmonth true about Nassi-Shneidermancharts
B. uses moretapes A. These charts are type of graphicaldesign
C. saves allfiles tool
D. saves only files that haverecently B. These charts cannot representCASE
changed constructs
E. None of theabove C. These charts can representthree
Answer: Option D fundamental controlstructures
D. All of theabove
51. The disadvantages of "Compileand E. None of theabove
Go" loading scheme is(are): Answer: Option B
A. a portion of memory is wastedbecause
the core occupied by the assembler is 55.The powerful text editor called PC-Write
unavailable to the objectprogram. can be used by anybody by paying a small
B. it is necessary to retranslate theuser's fee. Such programs are called
program deck every time it isrun. A. Software
C. it is very difficult to handle multiple B. Shareware
segments, especially if the source C. Firmware
programs are in different languages,and D. Mindware
to produce orderly modularprograms. E. None of theabove
D. all of theabove Answer: Option B
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D 56.The operating system of a computer
serves as a software interface between the
52. Which of the following statementis user and
true. A. hardware
A. The LRU algorithm pages outpages B. peripheral
that have been usedrecently C. memory
B. Thrashing is a natural consequenceof D. screen
virtual memorysystems. E. None of theabove
C. Seek analysis is used foranalysing Answer: Option A
control-unit busyproblems.
D. All of theabove 57.Which of the following is a phase ofa
E. None of theabove compilationprocess
Answer: Option C A. Lexicalanalysis
B. Codegeneration
53. Virtual memoryis C. Both of theabove
A. simple toimplement D. Staticanalysis
B. used in all major commercialoperating E. None of theabove
systems Answer: Option C
C. less efficient in utilization ofmemory
D. useful when fast I/O devices arenot
Answer: Option B

58. Objectcode 63.Which of the following system program

A. is ready toexecute forgoes the production of object code to
B. is the output of compilers, butnot generate absolute machine code and load it
assemblers into the physical main storage location
C. must be "loaded" beforeexecution from which it will be executed immediately
D. must be rewritten beforeexecution upon completion of the assembly?
E. None of theabove A. two passassembler
Answer: Option C B. load-and-go assembler
C. macroprocessor
59.Which of the following might be D. compiler
used to convert high-level language E. None of theabove
instructions into machine language? Answer: Option B
A. system software
B. applicationssoftware 64.The term "operating system" means
C. an operatingenvironment A. a set of programs which controlscomputer
D. aninterpreter working
E. None of theabove B. the way a computer operatorworks
Answer: Option D C. conversion of high level languageinto
60.Which of the following, is necessary D. the way a floppy disk driveoperates
to work on a computer E. None of theabove
A. Compiler Answer: Option A
B. Operating system
C. Assembly 65.Indicate which is a pre-emptive
D. Interpreter of theabove scheduling algorithm
Answer: Option B A. Round-robin
B. Shortest-job-next
61.Access time is the highest in the C. Priority-based
case of D. All of theabove
A. floppydisk E. None of theabove
B. cache Answer: Option A
C. swapping devices
D. magneticdisk 66.Which of the following is not a
E. None of theabove characteristic of a daisy chaining priority
Answer: Option D control scheme?
A. priority isprogrammable
62.Which are the most important B. it is relatively easy to add more devicesto
features of Microsoft Windows thechain
program? C. the failure of one device may affectother
A. Windows devices on thechain
B. Pull-downmenus D. the number of control lines isindependent
C. Icons of the number of devices on thechain
D. All of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

67.Assembler is 69. Indicate which, of the following, innot

A. a program that places programsinto true about aninterpreter
memory and prepares them for A. Interpreter generates an objectprogram
execution. from the sourceprogram
B. a program that automate the B. Interpreter is a kind oftranslator
translation of assembly languageinto C. Interpreter analyses each sourcestatement
machinelanguage. every time it is to beexecuted
C. a program that accepts aprogram D. All of theabove
written in a high level language and E. None of theabove
produces an objectprogram. Answer: Option A
D. is a program that appears to executea
source program as if it were machine 70. The advantage of a commandprocessor
language. running only built-in commandsis:
E. None of theabove A. flexibility to the users in running lists of
Answer: Option B commands by simply collecting them innamed
batch commandfiles
68.Object modules generated by B. the command set being commonacross
assemblers that contain unresolved different hardwareconfigurations
external references are resolved for C. users can create system programs andrun
two or more object modules by a/an them ascommands
A. operating system D. the processing is much faster than would
B. loader other-wise be the case when user defined
C. linker commands areused
D. compiler E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.Under multiprogramming, 05.The most common systems security
turnaround time for short jobs is method is
usually _____ and that for long jobsis A. passwords
slightly ____ _. B. encryption
A. lengthened;shortened C. firewall
B. shortened;lengthened D. all of theabove
C. shortened;shortened Answer: Option A
D. lengthened;lengthened
Answer: Option B 06.Daisy chain is a device for
A. connecting a number of controllers toa
02.Two basic types of operating device
systems are: B. connecting a number of devices toa
A. sequential anddirect controller
B. batch andtimesharing C. interconnecting a number of devices toa
C. sequential andrealtime number ofcontrollers
D. batch andinteractive D. all of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: OptionB

03.A program 07. In analyzing the compilation of PL/I

A. is a device that performs a sequenceof program, the term "Machineindependent
operations specified by instructions in optimization" is associatedwith
memory. A. recognition of basic syntacticconstructs
B. is the device where informationis throughreductions
stored B. recognition of basic elements andcreation
C. is a sequence ofinstructions of uniformsymbols
D. is typically characterized byinteractive C. creation of more optionalmatrix
processing and time of theCPU D. use of macro processor to produce more
Answer: Option C optimal assemblycode
Answer: Option C
04.A self-relocating program is one
which 08.An instruction in a programming
A. cannot be made to execute in anyarea language that is replaced by a sequence of
of storage other than the one designated instructions prior to assembly or compiling
for it at the time of its coding or is known as
translation. A. procedurename
B. consists of a program andrelevant B. macro
information for itsrelocation. C. label
C. can itself performs the relocation of its D. literal
address-sensitiveportions. E. None of theabove
D. All of theabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C

09.Banker's algorithm for resource 13.A sequence of instructions, in a

allocation deals with computer language, to get the desired
A. deadlockprevention result, is known as
B. deadlockavoidance A. Algorithm
C. deadlockrecovery B. DecisionTable
D. mutualexclusion C. Program
E. None of theabove D. All of theabove
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option C
10.Information in a memory that is no
longer valid or wanted is known as 14. Which, of the following, is truefor
A. non-volatile testing anddebugging?
B. volatile A. Testing checks for logical errors in the
C. surplus programs, while debugging is a processof
D. garbage correcting those errors in theprogram
E. None of theabove B. Testing detects the syntax errors inthe
Answer: Option D program while debugging corrects those
errors in theprogram
11.Which of the followingfilename C. Testing and debugging indicate thesame
extension suggests that the file is a thing
backup copy of anotherfile? D. All of theabove
A. .txt E. None of theabove
B. .com Answer: Option A
C. .bas
D. .bak 15.Relocation bits used by relocating loader
E. None of theabove are specified (generated) by
Answer: Option D A. Relocating loaderitself
B. Linker
12. Which of the followingstatements C. Assembler ortranslator
isfalse? D. Macro processor
A. a process scheduling algorithm is E. None of theabove
preemptive if the CPU can beforcibly Answer: Option B
removed from aprocess
B. time sharing systems generallyuse 16. Non-modifiable procedures arecalled
preemptive CPUscheduling A. serially usableprocedures
C. response time are more predictablein B. concurrentprocedures
preemptive systems than in non C. reentrantprocedures
preemptivesystems D. topdownprocedures
D. real time systems generally use non- E. None of theabove
preemptive CPUscheduling Answer: Option C
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

17.Which of the following scheduling 21.The instruction register

objectives should be applied to the A. is a hardware memory device whichdenotes
following: the system should admit the location of the current instruction being
jobs to create a mix that will keep most executed.
devices busy B. is a group of electrical circuits (hardware),
A. to befair that performs the intent of instructionsfetched
B. to balance resourceutilization from memory.
C. to obeypriorities C. contains the address of the memorylocation
D. to bepredictable that is to be read from or storedinto.
E. None of theabove D. contains a copy of the designated memory
Answer: Option B location specified by the MAR after a "read"or
the new contents of the memory prior to a
18. Backups should bedone "write".
A. daily for mostinstallations E. None of theabove
B. weekly for mostinstallations Answer: Option B
C. as several image copies, followed byan
incremental 22.Multiprogramming systems:
D. as several incrementals, followed byan A. are easier to develop thansingle
imagecopy programming system
E. None of theabove B. execute each jobfaster
Answer: Option D C. execute more jobs in the same timeperiod
D. are used only on large mainframe
19.In an absolute loading scheme, computers
which loader function is accomplished E. None of theabove
by assembler. Answer: Option C
A. Reallocation
B. Allocation 23. The command interpreter
C. Linking A. is usually the primary userinterface
D. Loading B. requires fixed formatcommands
E. None of theabove C. is menudrive
Answer: Option A D. is quite different from the SCLinterpreter
E. None of theabove
20. Systemmaintenance: Answer: Option A
A. is usually notnecessary
B. is necessary on all systems,regardless 24.A task in a blocked state
of howgood A. isexecutable
C. is not required if the system iswell B. isrunning
written C. must still be placed in the runqueues
D. always requires severalprograms D. is waiting for same temporarilyunavailable
E. None of theabove resources
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

25..A linker 29.Which of the following statements is not

A. creates a loadmodule true about the FORTRAN language?
B. is not necessary withvariable A. FORTRAN is a high levellanguage
partitions B. A FORTRAN program, written for the IBM-
C. must be run after theloader PC, is totally different from a FORTRAN
D. is not needed with a goodcompiler program written for execution on the SUN
E. None of theabove machine
Answer: Option A C. FORTRAN is extensively used towrite
programs for performing scientific
26.In which of the storage placement computations
strategies a program is placed in the D. All of theabove
smallest available hole in the main E. None of theabove
memory? Answer: Option B
A. bestfit
B. firstfit 30. Uniform SymbolsTable
C. worstfit A. contains all constants in theprogram
D. buddy B. a permanent table of decision rules in the
E. None of theabove form of patterns for matching with theuniform
Answer: Option A symbol table to discover syntacticstructure
C. consists of a full or partial list of thetoken's
27.In which addressing mode, the as they appear in the program. Created by
effective address of the operand is Lexical analysis and used for syntax analysis
generated by adding a constant value and interpretation
to the contents of register? D. a permanent table which lists all key words
A. absolutemode and special symbols of the language in
B. indirectmode symbolicform
C. immediatemode E. None of theabove
D. indexmode Answer: Option C
E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D 31.The higher versions of the operating
systems are so written that programs
28.Which policy replace a page if it is designed for earlier versions can still be
not in the favoured subset of a run. What is it called?
process's pages? A. Upgradability
A. FIFO B. Upwardmobility
B. LRU C. Universality
C. LFU D. Upwardcompatibility
D. Working set E. None of theabove
E. None of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D

32.Which of the following can be 36.If special forms are needed for printing
accesses by transfer vector approach the output, the programmer specifies these
of linking? forms through?
A. External datasegments A. JCL
B. External subroutines B. JPL
C. Data located in otherprocedures C. Utilityprograms
D. All of theabove D. Loadmodules
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option A

33.A hardware device that is capable 37.Which of the following terms refers to
of executing a sequence of the degree to which data in a database
instructions, is known as system are accurate and correct?
A. CPU A. datasecurity
B. ALU B. datavalidity
C. CU C. dataindependence
D. Processor D. dataintegrity
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

34.Which of following is/are the 38. In analyzing the compilation ofPL/I

advantage(s) of modular program, the term "Syntax analysis" is
programming? associatedwith
A. The program is much easier tochange A. recognition of basic syntacticconstructs
B. Modules can be reused inother throughreductions
programs B. recognition of basic elements andcreation
C. Easydebugging of uniformsymbols
D. Easy to compile C. creation of more optionalmatrix
E. None of theabove D. use of macro processor to produce more
Answer: Option A optimal assemblycode
E. None of theabove
35. The function(s) performed bythe Answer: Option A
paging software is(are)
A. Implementation of the access 39.A compiler for a high-level language that
environment for all programs in the runs on one machine and produces code for
system a different machine is called
B. Management of the physicaladdress A. optimizing compiler
space B. one passcompiler
C. Sharing andprotection C. crosscompiler
D. All of theabove D. multipasscompiler
E. None of theabove E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

40. Assemblerlanguage 45.A critical region is

A. is usually the primary userinterface A. a program segment that has notbeen
B. requires fixed-formatcommands provedbug-free
C. is a mnemonic form ofmachine B. a program segment that oftencauses
language unexpected systemcrashes
D. is quite different from the SCL C. a program segment where sharedresources
interpreter areaccessed
E. None of theabove D. one which is enclosed by a pair of P andV
Answer: Option C operations onsemaphores
E. none is theabove
41.The primary job of the operating Answer: Option D
system of a computer is to
A. command resources 46.Which of the following is a measure to
B. manageresources test how good or bad a modular design is
C. provideutilities A. Modulestrength
D. be userfriendly B. Modulecoupling
E. None of theabove C. Staticanalysis
Answer: Option B D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove
42.The primary purpose of an Answer: Option A
operating system is to:
A. make computer easier touse 47. The Operating systemmanages
B. keep system programmersemployed A. Memory
C. make the most efficient use ofthe B. Processor
hardware C. Disks and I/Odevices
D. allow people to sue thecomputers D. All of theabove
Answer: Option A E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D
43.The principles of structured
programming forbid the use of 48.Which of the following is true about
A. WHILE-DO pseudocode
B. GOTO A. A machinelanguage
C. IF-THEN-ELSE B. An assemblylanguage
D. DO-WHILE C. A high-levellanguage
Answer: Option B D. All of theabove
E. None of theabove
44.For Windows 10, Microsoft Answer: Option E
released _________ in place of MSPaint.
A. Paint10
B. New MSPaint
C. Paint3D
D. Universal Paint
Answer: Option C

49.Which of the key is used to close the 50.Which of the following capabilities is
active window? required for a system program to execute
A. Ctrl+F4 more than one program at a time?
B. Alt+F4 A. wordprocessing
C. Alt+F6 B. compiling
D. Ctrl+F5 C. virtualmemory
E. None of theabove D. multitasking
Answer: Option B E. None of theabove
Answer: Option D

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.An operating system is a program O7.A real time operating system is most
or a group of programs that likely to be used for which of the following
A. Helps in checking the spelling ofWord task?
B. Maintain the relationship inDatabase A. Controlling access to a shared printer ina
C. Manages the resources ofthe network
Computer B. Ensuring that system clock workscorrectly
D. Performs the calculations of cellsin onserver
Excel C. Managing the access to system files ina
Answer: Option C laptopcomputers
D. Controlling the fuel injection system ofan
02.The Primary job of the operating automobileengines
system is Answer: Option D
A. ManageCommands
B. ManageUsers 08. What is the function of anoperating
C. ManagePrograms system?
D. ManageResources A. Manages computer’s resourcesvery
Answer: Option D efficiently
B. Takes care of scheduling jobs forexecution
03.Which of the following is not an C. Manages the flow of data andinstructions
operating system? D. All of theabove
A. Windows2000 Answer: OptionD
B. Linux
C. MacOS 09.Scandisk analyze and repair damage to
D. Notepad which of the following?
Answer: Option D A. Physical clusters
05. Find can be usedto C. Lostclusters
A. Locate aprogram D. All of theabove
B. Locate adocument Answer: Option D
C. Locate a networkcomputer
D. All ofabove 10. When we double click on mycomputer
Answer: Option D A. Show the content of your savedfiles
B. Show the list of your computerdrive
06. is a new windows featurethat C. List of deleted files andfolders
offers a number of methods for D. All of theabove
searching for a file or folder? Answer: Option B
A. Find
B. Search
C. Locate
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option A

11.Which of the following is the part of 17. Directory is similar to......

the operating system? A. File
A. Cell B. Folder
B. FAT C. Item
C. Kernel D. None ofabove
D. Disk Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
18.Sleep is a good mode to use because
12.The operating feature that A. It saves power which in true issaving
integrates the file created in different money
application into WebPages B. It makes computer fresh after it wakesup
A. Webintegration C. It consumes low battery when you startit
B. Internetintegration again
C. Intranetintegration D. All ofabove
D. Hypertextintegration Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
19. What hole will allocates in"Worst-Fit"
13.Which icon would you access in the algorithm of memorymanagement?
printer window to install a printer A. It allocates the smaller hole thanrequired
drive? memoryhole
A. Add printer wizard B. It allocates the smallest hole from the
B. Setup available memoryholes
C. Install C. It allocates the largest hole fromthe
D. None ofabove available memoryholes
Answer: Option A D. It allocates the exact same size memoryhole
Answer: Option C
14.Which of the following is the
allocation method of a disk space? 20.You can set the width taskbar area and
A. Contiguousallocation different components in it
B. Linkedallocation A. By right click and set widthmenu
C. Indexedallocation B. If the taskbar is not yetlocked
D. All of theAbove C. If the applications are notopened
Answer: Option D D. If other toolbars are notenabled
Answer: Option B
15.When you cut or copy the text or
picture, it stores temporarily in the 21.A tiny dot of light on the monitor is
A. File called
B. Clipboard A. Siliconchip
C. Icon B. Optical illusion
D. All ofabove C. Icon
Answer: Option B D. Pixel
Answer: Option D

22.Who is called a supervisor of 28. Operating System manages

computer activity? A. Memory
A. Memory B. Processor
B. OperatingSystem C. I / Odevices
C. I / ODevices D. All of theabove
D. ControlUnit Answer: Option D
Answer: OptionB
29.Which of the following concept is best to
23. To send email, weuse preventing page faults?
A. MSExcel A. Paging
B. OutlookExplorer B. The workingset
C. HTML C. Hitratios
D. NetscapeNavigator D. Address locationresolution
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

24.Where will store data firsttime 30.Poor response time are usually caused
when youcopy by
A. Clipboard A. Processbusy
B. Clipbook B. High I/Irates
C. Harddisk C. High pagingrate
D. CD D. Any of theabove
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

25. GUImeans 31.Use of icons and windowsare

A. Graphic user interface characteristicsof ......... interface
B. Geographic userinterface A. Command driven
C. Graphical userinterface B. Windowsorientated
D. Geometric userinterface C. Graphical user
Answer: Option C D. Menudriven
Answer: Option C
26. Windows canrun
A. One applicationonly 32. What does FAT standsfor?
B. Two applicationsonly A. File attributetype
C. Four applicationsonly B. File allocationtable
D. All ofabove C. Format All Tabssettings
Answer: Option D D. File for alltype
Answer: Option B
27.Which is not concerned with
control panel? 33. Fonts installfrom
A. Printer A. Add from control panel
B. Runapplication B. Font setupfile
C. Font C. Font.exefile
D. Keyboard D. All ofabove
Answer: Option B Answer: Option D

34.A ...... is a windows componentthat 35. Unicode standard is

is designed to store othercomponents A. Keyboardlayout
so these can be organizedefficiently? B. Software
A. Document C. Font
B. Window D. Character encodingsystem
C. Folder Answer: Option D
D. All ofabove
Answer: OptionC

Composed By Hamim Huda



Composed By Hamim Huda


01.The ability to combine name and 06.What is gutter margin?
addresses with a standard document is A. Margin that is added to the leftmargin
called _________ whenprinting
A. documentformatting B. Margin that is added to right marginwhen
B. databasemanagement printing
C. mailmerge C. Margin that is added to the binding sideof
D. formletters page whenprinting
Answer: OptionC D. Margin that is added to the outside of the
page whenprinting
02.Which enables us to send the same Answer: Option C
letter to different persons?
A. macros 07.Which can be used for quick access to
B. template commonly used commands and tools?
C. mailmerge A. Statusbar
D. none B. Tool bar
Answer: Option C C. Menubar
D. Titlebar
03.A word processor would most likely Answer: Option B
be used to do
A. keep an account of moneyspent 08.Which of the following is not essential
B. do a computer search in mediacenter component to perform a mail merge
C. maintain aninventory operation?
D. type abiography A. Maindocument
Answer: Option D B. Datasource
C. Mergefields
04.AutoCorrect was originally designed D. Word fields
toreplace _________ words as youtype. Answer: Option D
A. short,repetitive
B. grammaticallyincorrect 09. When the Language bar is , itmeans
C. misspelled that you do not see it on the screen but it
D. none of theabove will be displayed the next time you start
Answer: Option C your computer.
A. restored
05."Ctrl + Right Arrow" is used to B. hidden
A. Moves the cursor one wordright C. minimized
B. Moves the cursor end of theline D. closed
C. Moves the cursor end of thedocument Answer: Option B
D. Moves the cursor one Paragraphdown
Answer: Option A

16.Home Key uses for

10. End Key is usedto A. Moves the cursor beginning ofthe
A. Moves the cursor end of theline document
B. Moves the cursor end of thedocument B. Moves the cursor beginning ofthe
C. Moves the cursor end of theparagraph paragraph
D. Moves the cursor end of thescreen C. Moves the cursor beginning of thescreen
Answer: Option A D. Moves the cursor beginning of theline
Answer: Option D
11."Ctrl + Page Down" is used to
A. Moves the cursor one ParagraphDown 17. Page Up Key usesfor
B. Moves the cursor one PageDown A. Moves the cursor one lineup
C. Moves the cursor one LineDown B. Moves the cursor one screenup
D. Moves the cursor one ScreenDown C. Moves the cursor one pageup
Answer: Option B D. Moves the cursor one paragraphup
Answer: Option B
12."Ctrl + Down Arrow" is used to
A. Moves the cursor one paragraphdown 18."Ctrl + Left Arrow" is used to
B. Moves the cursor one linedown A. Moves the cursor beginning of theLine
C. Moves the cursor one pagedown B. Moves the cursor one wordleft
D. Moves the cursor one screendown C. Moves the cursor one paragraphup
Answer: Option A D. Moves the cursor one paragraphdown
Answer: Option B
13."Ctrl + Page Up" is used to
A. Moves the cursor one PageUp 19. Page Down Key is usedto
B. Moves the cursor one ParagraphUp A. Moves the cursor one linedown
C. Moves the cursor one ScreenUp B. Moves the cursor one pagedown
D. Moves the cursor one LineUp C. Moves the cursor one screendown
Answer: Option A D. Moves the cursor one paragraphdown
Answer: Option C
14."Ctrl + Up Arrow" is used to
A. Moves the cursor one pageup 20."Ctrl + Home" is used to
B. Moves the cursor one lineup A. Moves the cursor to the beginningof
C. Moves the cursor one screenup Document
D. Moves the cursor one paragraphup B. Moves the cursor to the beginning ofLine
Answer: Option D C. Moves the cursor to the beginningof
15.Which of the following are word D. All of theabove
processing software? Answer: Option A
A. WordPerfect
B. Wordpad 21."Ctrl + End" is used to
C. MSWord A. Moves the cursor to the end ofLine
D. All ofabove B. Moves the cursor to the end ofDocument
Answer: Option D C. Moves the cursor to the end ofParagraph
D. None of theAbove
Answer: Option B

22. Which file starts MSWord? 27.To exit from the Resume Wizard and
A. winword.exe return to the document window without
B. word.exe creating a resume,clickthe ______ buttonin
C. msword.exe any panel in the Resume Wizard dialog
D. word2003.exe box.
Answer: Option A A. Cancel
B. Back
23.Ctrl + N is usedto C. Next
A. SaveDocument D. Finish
B. OpenDocument Answer: Option D
C. New Document
D. CloseDocument 28.Which of the following is not the Section
Answer: Option C Break Option?
A. NextPage
24.What are inserted as cross- B. PreviousPage
reference in Word? C. OddPage
A. Placeholders D. EvenPage
B. Bookmarks Answer: Option B
C. Objects
D. Word fields 29.Which of the following is not valid
Answer: Option D version of MS Office?
A. OfficeXP
25.By default, on which page the header B. OfficeVista
or the footer is printed? C. Office2007
A. on firstpage D. None ofabove
B. on alternatepage Answer: Option B
C. on everypage
D. none of theabove 30.Where can you find the horizontal split
Answer: Option C bar on MS Word screen?
A. On the left of horizontal scrollbar
26.Ctrl + G is used to B. On the right of horizontal scrollbar
A. Open Paragraph Dialog boxactivating C. On the top of vertical scrollbar
Go toTab D. On the bottom of vertical scrollbar
B. Open Page Setup Dialog boxactivating Answer: Option C
Go toTab
C. Open Find and Replace Dialog boxwith 31.Short cut Ctrl + H is used to
activating Go toTab A. Open Find and Replace Dialog boxwith
D. Open Go to Dialogbox activating ReplaceTab
Answer: Option C B. Open Format Dialog box activatingInsert
Hyper Linktab
C. Open Insert Dialog box activatingInsert
Hyper LinkTab
D. Open Insert Hyper Link Dialogbox
Answer: Option A

32.Short cut Ctrl + F is used to 37. Short cut Ctrl + P usedto

A. Open Find and Replace Dialog boxwith A. Open Paragraph Dialog Box
activating Find Tab B. Open Page Format DialogBox
B. Open Page Setup Dialog box with C. Open Save DialogBox
activating LayoutTab D. Open Print Dialogbox
C. Open Font Dialog Box withactivating Answer: Option D
D. Open File Save as Dialogbox 38. Short cut Ctrl + T is usedto
Answer: Option A A. Hanging Indent
B. LeftIndent
33.With which view can you see how C. Open Tabs Dialogbox
text and graphics will appear on the D. Terminate all opened Dialogbox
printed page? Answer: Option A
A. Normal
B. PrintLayout 39. When sharing data in Office, the________
C. Outline document is the document in which the
D. WebLayout data was first entered.
Answer: OptionB A. source
B. destination
34. Portrait and Landscapeare C. original
A. PageOrientation D. primary
B. Paper Size Answer: Option A
C. PageLayout
D. All ofabove 40.To verify that the note text is positioned
Answer: Option A correctly on the page,switchto _______ view
or display the document in print preview.
35.Which feature helps you to inserts A. normal
the contents of the Clipboard as text B. printlayout
without any formatting C. pagelayout
A. PasteSpecial D. pageedit
B. FormatPainter Answer: Option B
C. PageSetup
D. Styles 41. Which of the following is trueregarding
Answer: Option A page Orientation of aDocument?
A. Page Orientation can be changed atany
36.Switching between portrait and time
landscape modes involves the: B. Page Orientation of documentdetermines
A. header and footertoolbar byprinter
B. print layoutview C. Page Orientation must be set beforestart
C. page setup dialogbox typing
D. none of theabove D. Page Orientation of a document cannotbe
Answer: Option C changed.
Answer: Option A

42.A _____ is a collection ofpredefined 47.Where can you change the vertical
design elements and color schemes. alignment?
A. feature A. Formattingtoolbar
B. hyperlink B. Paragraph dialogbox
C. palette C. Page Setup dialogbox
D. theme D. Standardtoolbar
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

43.The Word Count command on the 48. Changethe ______ to create a documentin
Tools menu displays the number of wide format
words as well as thenumberof ______ in A. PageOrientation
the current document. B. Pagemargins
A. lines C. Paper Style
B. characters D. Paper Source
C. paragraphs Answer: Option A
D. all of theabove
Answer: Option D 49 _____ formatting is the processof
changing the way letters, numbers,
44.Which operation you will perform if punctuation marks, and symbols appear
you need to move a block of text? on the screen and in print.
A. Copy andPaste A. Document
B. Cut andPaste B. Character
C. Paste andDelete C. Paragraph
D. Paste andCut D. Object
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

45. The ____ , or typeface, definesthe 50.Ctrl + V is used to

appearance and shape of letters, A. Paste Texts in the beginning ofDocument
numbers, and special characters. B. Paste Images in the beginning ofDocument
A. font C. Paste Tables at the middle ofDocument
B. fontsize D. None of theabove
C. point Answer: Option D
D. paragraph formatting
Answer: Option A 51. Columns dialog box can be openedfrom
A. Format menu Columnssubmenu
46.You can detect spelling and B. Double click on column space inruler
grammar errors by C. Press Alt + O +C
A. Press Shift +F7 D. All ofabove
B. Press Ctrl +F7 Answer: Option D
C. Press Alt+F7
D. PressF7
Answer: Option D

52.To view headers and footers, you 57. How can you break the currentcolumn?
must switch to A. Press Ctrl + Shift +Enter
A. normal view B. Press Alt +Enter
B. print layoutview C. Press Ctrl +Enter
C. print previewmode D. Press Alt + Shift +Enter
D. both B andC Answer: Option A
Answer: OptionD
58.How can you disable extended selection
53.Ctrl + C is used to mode?
A. Copy the selectedtext A. Press F8 again to disable
B. Cut the selectedtext B. Press Del todisable
C. Print the selectedtext C. Press Esc todisable
D. Paste the selectedtext D. Press Enter todisable
Answer: Option A Answer: Option C

54.Background color or effects applied 59.To instruct Word to stop bulleting

on a document is not visible in paragraphs, do any of the following except
A. Web layoutview _____.
B. Print Layoutview A. press the enter keytwice
C. Reading View B. click the Undo button on the Standard
D. PrintPreview toolbar
Answer: Option D C. press the backspace key to removethe
55. Short cut Ctrl + R is usedto D. click the Bullets button on the Formatting
A. Re-Open the last closeddocument toolbar
B. Re-Print the last printedpage Answer: Option B
C. Re-Apply the last paragraphformatting
D. Right align the selectedParagraph 60.Which of these toolbars allows
Answer: Option D changing of Fonts and their sizes?
A. Standard
56.When Word flags a possible spelling B. Formatting
or grammar error, it also changes the C. PrintPreview
mark on the Spelling and Grammar D. None ofthese
Status icontoa _____ _. Answer: Option B
A. greenX
B. green checkmark 61.Ctrl + Q is used to
C. redX A. Remove Paragraph formatting (LineSpace
D. red checkmark and ParagraphSpace)
Answer: Option C B. Close Word Application withoutsaving
C. Print Whole Documentwithout
D. Doesnothing
Answer: Option A

67.Which of the following is not a font

62.From where you can access Save style?
command? A. Bold
A. Hometab B. Italics
B. Inserttab C. Regular
C. Review tab D. Superscript
D. None ofabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D
68.The other Col# are inactive when
63.Ctrl + M you've select 3 columns. How will you
A. New Document activate those boxes?
B. CloseDocument A. double click on spacingbox
C. RightIndent B. double click on inactiveCol#
D. LeftIndent C. Remove mark from Line betweencheckbox
Answer: Option D D. Remove mark from Equal ColumnWidth
64.Which of the following is not Answer: Option D
available on the Ruler of MS Word
screen? 69. How can you remove tab stopmarkers
A. Tab stopbox fromruler?
B. LeftIndent A. Double click the tab marker andchoose
C. RightIndent Clear All
D. Center Indent B. Drag the tab stop marker out of theruler
Answer: Option D C. Right click the tab stop marker andchoose
65. In MS Word, Ctrl+S isfor..... D. All ofabove
A. Scenarios Answer: Option B
B. Size
C. Save 70. In Word, the default alignmentfor
D. Spelling Check paragraphsis ____ _.
Answer: Option C A. left-aligned, or flush margins at theleft
edge and uneven edges at the rightedge
66.Ctrl + W B. centered, or equidistant from both theleft
A. Save and Print theDocument edge and the rightedge
B. Save and Close WordApplication C. right-aligned, or flush margins at theright
C. Save and Closedocument edge and uneven edges at the leftedge
D. Without Save, CloseDocument D. justified, or flush margins at both theleft
Answer: Option C and rightedges
Answer: Option A

Composed By Hamim Huda


01. The key F12 opensa 06.Ctrl + S
A. Save As dialogbox A. Save Document with differentname
B. Open dialogbox B. Save Document with samename
C. Save dialogbox C. Save Document and Close WordApplication
D. Close dialogbox D. Save Document and Print wholePages
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

02.Ctrl + J 07.Ctrl + I
A. AlignJustify A. Italic
B. InsertHyperlink B. LeftIndent
C. Search C. SaveDocument
D. Print D. CloseDocument
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

03.Which of the following is not one of 08.If you will be displaying or printing
the three 'Mail Merge Helper' steps? your document on another computer,
A. merge the twofiles you'll want to make sure and select the
B. create the maindocument _____________ option under the 'Save' tab.
C. set the mailing listparameters A. EmbedFonts
D. create the datasource B. Embed True TypeFonts
Answer: Option C C. Save True TypeFonts
D. SaveFonts
04.What is the shortcut-key for manual Answer: Option B
line break?
A. CTRL +Enter
B. Alt +Enter 09. If you need to double underline aword,
C. Shift +Enter how will you dothat?
D. Space +Enter A. Go to Format menu and then Fontoption.
Answer: Option C Open Underline Style and choose Double
05.What is a portion of a document in B. From Format menu choose Font optionand
which you set certain pageformatting then from Font tab open Underline Style and
options? select DoubleUnderline
A. Page C. Select the text then choose Format >>Font
B. Document and on Font tab, open Underline Style and
C. Section choose DoubleUnderline
D. PageSetup D. Click double underline tool on formatting
Answer: Option C toolbar
Answer: Option C

10.Which key should be pressed to 15. How can you apply exactly thesame
start a new paragraph in MS-Word? formatting you did to anothertext?
A. Down CursorKey A. Copy the text and paste in newlocation.
B. Enter Key Then type the new textagain
C. Shift +Enter B. Copy the text and click on Paste Specialtool
D. Ctrl +Enter on newplace
Answer: Option B C. Select the text then click on FormatPainter
and select the newtext
11.What is the shortcut key to display D. All ofabove
field codes? Answer: Option C
A. Alt +F9
B. Ctrl +F9 16.To select a block of text, click at the
C. Shift +F9 beginning of the selection, scroll to theend
D. Space +F9 of the selection, position the mouse
Answer: Option A pointer at the end of the selection, hold
downthe _____ key, and then click (ordrag
12.To use your keyboard instead of the through the text).
mouse to select tools on the ribbon, you A. ctrl
display the Key Tips by pressing B. alt
the ....... key? C. shift
A. Alt D. tab
B. Ctrl Answer: Option C
C. Shift+ Enter
D. Alt+ Enter 17. Press _____ to create a line break,which
Answer: Option A advances the insertion point to the
beginning of the next physical line -
13.A word field may consist of an ignoring any paragraph formatting
optional field instruction called a(n) instructions.
______ A. shift+ enter
A. subdocument B. ctrl+ enter
B. symbol C. shift+ tab
C. signal D. ctrl+ tab
D. switch Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D
18.Essential business letter elements
14.Which of the following helps to includethe ____ _.
reduce spelling error in the document? A. date line and insideaddress
A. AutoFormat B. message
B. AutoCorrect C. signatureblock
C. SmartTags D. all of theabove
D. AutoText Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B

24.Word has Web authoring toolsallow

19. It ispossible to _______ a datasource youtoincorporate ______ on Webpages.
before performing a merge. A. bullets
A. create B. hyperlinks
B. modify C. sounds
C. sort D. all of theabove
D. all of theabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D
25.When typing in Preeti font all the Ukars
20.Which of the following commands turn to something else? What's the cause?
should you always use before A. Auto text
submitting a document to others? B. Autocorrect
A. find command C. Speller
B. Replacecommand D. Preeti font does not work withWord
C. Spelling andGrammar Answer: Option B
D. Thesaurus
Answer: Option C 26.What is placed to the left of horizontal
scroll bar
21.Insert Date, Format Page Number, A. Tab stopbuttons
and Insert AutoText are buttons on the B. View buttons
_____ toolbar. C. Splitbuttons
A. Formatting D. Indicators
B. Header andFooter Answer: Option B
C. Standard
D. Edit 27.In order to email a Word document
Answer: Option B from within MS Word
A. Office button >> Send to >> MailRecipient
22.Which of the following do you use to B. Save the file as an emailattachment
change margins? C. Start Outlook and attach the file whileopen
A. formatting toolbar in Word
B. page setup dialogbox D. This is an impossibleoperation
C. Standardtoolbar Answer: Option A
D. paragraph dialogbox
Answer: Option B 28.A screen element of MS Word that is
usually located below the title bar that
23. In Word 2007 the Zoom is placedon provides categorized options is
A. View tab A. MenuBar
B. Hometab B. Tool Bar
C. Statusbar C. StatusBar
D. A & Cboth D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

29. Which of the following are valid 34. The _____ is a short horizontalline
Minimum and Maximum zoom sizes in indicating the conclusion of a document.
Ms-office? A. insertionpoint
A. 10,100 B. end mark
B. 20, 250 C. statusindicator
C. 10,500 D. scroll box
D. 10, 1000 Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
35. Smallsquares,called _____ , on the
30. You can replace the text... selection rectangle that surrounds a
A. Ctrl+H graphic can be used to change the
B. Ctrl+R dimensions of the graphic.
C. Replace from editmenu A. scroll boxes
D. Both A and C B. sizinghandles
Answer: Option D C. statusindicators
D. movehandles
31.To move the cursor page to page of Answer: Option B
A. Ctrl+ PageDown 36.To update a formula in a table, press
B. Ctrl+ PageUp the
C. Both of theabove A. F9 keys
D. None of theabove B. ALT+F9 keys
Answer: Option C C. SHIFT+F9 keys
D. F8 keys
32.The word wrap feature ..... Answer: Option A
A. automatically moves text to thenext
line whennecessary 37.You can move the insertion point in a
B. appears at the bottom of thedocument table
C. allows you to type overtext A. With the up arrow and down arrowkeys
D. is the short horizontal lineindicating B. With the shift + tabkeys
the end of thedocument C. With the tabkey
Answer: Option A D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D
33.A table ....
A. can be formatted with character 38.The following tool bars display in the
formats like bold and paragraph formats word application window by default
like borders andshading A. Forms toolbar
B. can be created and modified witha B. Formatting toolbar
button on the standard toolbar C. Drawing toolbar
C. is a method of organizing data inyour D. All of theabove
document Answer: Option B
D. is a grid organized in columns androws
Answer: Option D

39.Which key or key combination will 44. The four types of mail mergemain
move the insertion point to the bottom documents are...
of your document? A. Form letters, directories, cataloguesand
A. END envelope
B. PAGEDOWN B. Form letters, envelops and mailinglabels,
C. CTRL + PAGEDOWN directories andlists
D. None of theabove C. Basic letters, envelops, labels andlist
Answer: Option D D. Form letters, envelops, mailing labelsand
40.We can insert maximum number of Answer: Option D
columns in Ms Word are ...
A. 35 45.Which of the following cane not bedone
B. 15 with documentversion?
C. 63 A. Modifying aversion
D. 65 B. Deleting aversion
Answer: Option C C. Opening aversion
D. None of theabove
41.Which of the following is not of the Answer: Option D
merge process?
A. Preview the mergeresults 46.Which type of files cane not be
B. Format a maindocument navigated using clip-art browser?
C. Edit a datasource A. AVI
D. Identify the maindocument B. BMP
Answer: Option B C. WAV
D. MP3
42. In the merge process, youcan Answer: Option D
A. Preview amerge
B. Merge directly to aprinter 47.When you want to view different parts
C. Merge to newdocument of a document without moving the
D. All of theabove insertion point.
Answer: Option D A. Use the previous page or next pagebuttons
B. Use thekeyboard
43.Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used C. Use the vertical and horizontal scrollbars
for... D. Use the zoombutton
A. Spelling suggestions Answer: Option C
B. Synonyms and Antonymswords
C. Translate 48.To view smaller text on the screen you
D. None ofthese can ...
Answer: Option B A. Decrease the editingpercentage
B. Increase the editingpercentage
C. Decrease the viewpercentage
D. Increase the viewpercentage
Answer: Option C

54.What is the smallest and largest font

size available in Font Size tool on
49.The minimum number of rows and formatting toolbar?
columns in MS Word document is A. 8 and72
A. 1 and1 B. 8 and68
B. 2 and1 C. 6 and72
C. 1 and2 D. 6 and68
D. 2 and2 Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A
55. Selecting text means,selecting?
50.A character that is raised and A. aword
smaller above the baseline is known as B. an entiresentence
A. Raised C. wholedocument
B. Outlined D. any of theabove
C. Capsscript Answer: Option D
D. Superscript
Answer: Option D
56.MS-Word automatically moves the text
51.In MS-Word, for what does ruler to the next line when it reaches the right
help? edge of the screen and is called?
A. to set tabs A. CarriageReturn
B. to set indents B. Enter
C. to change pagemargins C. WordWrap
D. All of theabove D. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option C

52.Which menu in MS Word can be used 57.Which option in File pull-down menu is
to change character size and typeface? used to close a file in MS Word?
A. View A. New
B. Tools B. Quit
C. Format C. Close
D. Data D. Exit
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

53.What is the function of CTRL+R in 58.What is the extenslon of files created in

MS-Word Ms-Word 97- 2003
A. Open the Print dialogbox A. dot
B. Update the current Webpage B. doc
C. Close the currentwindow C. dom
D. None ofthese D. txt
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

Why headers and footers used in MS -Word
A. To enhance the overall appearance ofthe
59,What is the default number of lines document
to drop for drop cap? B. To mark the starting of apage
A. 3 C. To make large document morereadable
B. 10 D. To allow page headers and footersto
C. 15 appear on document when it is printed
D. 20 Answer: OptionD
Answer: Option A
65. In MS-Word shortcut SHIFT+DELETEis
60.What is the maximum number of used to
lines you can set for a drop cap? A. Delete the selected item permanently
A. 10 without placing the item in the RecycleBin
B. 15 B. Copy the selecteditem
C. 20 C. Rename the selecteditem
D. Undefine D. Create a shortcut to the selecteditem
Answer: Option A Answer: Option A

61.Macros are: 66.A bookmark is an item or location in

A. Small programs created in MS-Wordto document that you identify a name for
automate repetitive tasks by usingVBA future Reference. Which of the following
B. Small add-on programs that are task is accomplished by using bookmarks?
installed afterwards if you needthem A. To mark the ending of a page ofdocument
C. Programming language that you can use B. To quickly jump to a specific location inthe
to customizeMS-Word document
D. Large tools in Word such as mailmerge C. To add hyperlinks in a webpage
Answer: Option A D. None ofThese
Answer: Option B
62.A template stores:
A. Graphics, text, styles,macros 67.How can you insert a sound file in your
B. Customized word commandsetting word document?
C. Auto textentries A. From insert -> sound menuoption
D. All ofabove B. From insert -> file menuoption
Answer: Option D C. From insert -> object menu option
D. None ofThese
63.What do you mean by vertical Answer: Option C
separation between columns?
A. Orientation 68.Which of the following is not a type of
B. Gutter page margin?
C. Margin A. Right
D. Index B. Center
Answer: Option C C. Left
D. Top
Answer: Option B

70. What does EXT indicator on statusbar

69.Why Drop Caps are used in of MS Wordindicate?
document? A. It indicates whether the external textis
A. To drop all the capitalletters pasted on document ornot
B. To automatically begin eachparagraph B. It indicates whether extended add-ons are
with capitalletter installed on MS Word ornot
C. To begin a paragraph with alarge C. It indicates whether ExtendedSelection
dropped initial capitalletter mode is turned on oroff
D. None ofThese D. None ofThese
Answer: Option C Answer: Option C

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.What is the default left margin in 04.If you need to change the typeface of a
Word 2003 document? document, which menu will you choose?
A. 1 A. Edit
B. 1.25 B. View
C. 1.5 C. Format
D. 2 D. Tools
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

02.What is the maximum font size you 05.Which of the following is not a font
can apply for any character? style?
A. 163 A. Bold
B. 1638 B. Italics
C.16038 C. Regular
D. 72 D. Superscript
E. None ofabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
06. To auto fit the width ofcolumn
03.To get to the 'Symbol' dialog box, A. Double click the left border ofcolumn
click on the …….menu and choose B. Double click the right border ofcolumn
'Symbol'. C. Double click the columnheader
A. Tools D. All ofabove
B. Table Answer: Option B
C. Insert
D. Format
Answer: Option C

12. When inserting Page number in footer

it appeared 1 but you wish to show a.How
07.AutoCorrect was originally designed can you dothat?
toreplace ............. words as youtype. A. From Insert menu choose PageNumber
A. Grammaticallyincorrect and specify necessarysetting
B. Short,repetitive B. From format menu choose bullets and
C. Misspelled Numbering and configure necessarysetting
D. None of theabove C. Click on Page Number Format tooland
Answer: Option C specify requiredsetting
D. All ofabove
08.In Word, the mailing list is known as Answer: Option C
the ___________ _.
A. Datasource 13.What is the default font size of a new
B. Sheet Word document based on Normal
C. Datasheet template?
D. Source A. 9pt
Answer: Option A B. 12pt
C. 14pt
09.What is the default font used in MS D. None ofabove
Word document? Answer: Option B
A. Times NewRoman
B. Arial 14. Drop Capmeans
C. Algerian A. Small Caps
D. None of theabove B. Titlecase
Answer: Option D C. All Caps
D. None ofabove
10.Which indent marker controls all Answer: Option D
the lines except first line? A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter
A. Left IndentMarker used as a decorative element at the beginning of a
B. First Line IndentMarker paragraph or section
C. Right IndentMarker
D. Hanging Indent Marker 15.Which of the following option is not
Answer: Option D available in Insert >> Picture?
A.Chart B. Graph
11.How many different positions can C. Clip Art D. Word Art
you set for drop cap? Answer: Option B
A. 1
B. 2 16.Which of the following is used to create
C. 3 newspaper style columns?
D. 4 A. FormatColumns
Answer: Option B B. Table InsertTable
C. FormatTabs
D. InsertTextbox
Answer: Option A

22.Columns dialog box can be opened

17. You can jump to the next columnby A. Press Alt + O +C
A. Press Alt +Down-arrow B. Format menu Columnssubmenu
B. Clicking with your mouse on thenext C. Double click on column space inruler
column D. All ofabove
C. Both ofabove Answer: Option D
D. None ofAbove
Answer: Option C 23. To open Columns dialog boxquickly..
A. double click the space between area onruler
18.Text boundary can be displayed or B. double click the right margin inruler
hidden from C. double click on the left margin area ofruler
A. Customize from Toolsmenu D. All ofabove
B. Auto text option from Insertmenu Answer: Option A
C. Options from Toolsmenu
D. All ofabove 24.Which of the following is not the part of
Answer: OptionC standard office suite?
A. Database
19.You wished to justify text over the B. Filemanager
height of paper, which option willyou C. ImageEditor
choose... D. WordProcessor
A. From formattingtoolbar Answer: Option B
B. Page Setup from Filemenu
C. Font from Formatmenu 25.Where can you find the Draw Table tool
D. Paragraph from Formatmenu button?
Answer: Option B A. Formattingtoolbar
B. Drawingtoolbar
20.Superscript, subscript, outline, C. Standardtoolbar
emboss, engrave are known as D. Tables and Formattingtoolbar
A. fonteffects Answer: Option D
B. texteffects
C. fontstyles 26.Shimmer, Sparkle text, Blinking
D. wordart Background etc. are known as
Answer: Option A A. wordart
B. fontstyles
21.A feature of MS Word that saves the C. texteffects
document automatically after certain D. fonteffects
interval is available on Answer: Option C
A. Save tab on Options dialogbox
B. Save As dialogbox 27. What does Ctrl + = keyeffect?
C. Both ofabove A. Superscript
D. None ofabove B. Subscript
Answer: Option A C. All Caps
D. Shadow
Answer: Option B

28.What happens if you press Ctrl + 33.The feature of Word that automatically
Shift + F8? adjusts the amount of space between
A. It activates extendedselection certain combination of characters so that
B. It activates the rectangularselection an entire word looks more evenly spaced.
C. It selects the paragraph on whichthe What is that feature called?
insertion lineis A. Spacing
D. None ofabove B. Kerning
Answer: Option B C. Positioning
D. Scaling
29.What is the shortcut key you can Answer: Option B
press to create a copyright symbol?
A. Alt+ Ctrl+C 34.When assigning a shortcut key to a
B. Alt +C symbol, you should always try to select a
C. Ctrl +C key or key combination that is:
D. Ctrl + Shift +C A. unassigned
Answer: Option A B. Located on the ten-key pad section of your
30.How can you access the font size tool C. Assigned to anothertask.
on formatting toolbar? D. From the same font family as thesymbol.
A. Ctrl +S Answer: Option A
B. Ctrl + Shift +S
C. Ctrl +P 35.Suppose you wanted to create an
D. Ctrl + Shift +P AutoCorrect entry that would type the
Answer: Option D words 'We regret to inform you that your
submission has been declined' Of the
31.How can you make the selected following choices, which would be the best
character superscripted? name you could assign to this entry?
A. Ctrl += A. Regret
B. Ctrl + Shift += B. Subdual
C. Alt + Ctrl + Shift += C. We regret to inform you thatyour
D. None ofabove submission has beendeclined
Answer: Option B D. 11
Answer: Option B

32.How can you increase the font size of 36.Which of the following is not available
selected text by one point every time? in Font Spacing?
A. By pressing Ctrl +] A. Normal
B. By pressing Ctrl +[ B. Loosely
C. By pressing Ctrl +} C. Condensed
D. By pressing Ctrl +{ D. Expanded
Answer: Option A Answer: Option B

37.What is the smallest width of a 42. If you want to convert a symbol or

column? several lines of text into anAutoCorrect
A. 0" entry, you should:
B. 0.5" A. Insert the symbol or type the text in aWord
C. 1" document first. Then, select the text orsymbol
D. 1.5" and go to the AutoCorrect dialogbox.
Answer: Option B B. Click the Tools menu and choose
AutoCorrect Options. Then, click the Insert
38.How much space in minimum must menu and choose Symbol (or click theFormat
be provided between columns? menu and choose Paragraph) to add the
A. 0" symbol or paragraph toAutoCorrect.
B. 0.5" C. AutoCorrect can only accommodateone
C. 1" line of text. It is not possible to convert a
D. 1.5" symbol or multiple lines of text into an
Answer: Option A AutoCorrectentry.
D. Insert the symbol or type the text in aWord
39.What is the maximum scale document first. Then, select the text or symbol
percentage available in Scale drop and click the Edit menu followed by Paste
down box? Special. Select New AutoCorrect Entry and
A.500 then clickOK.
B. 200 Answer: Option A
D. 90 43.Which of the following position is not
Answer: OptionB available for fonts on MS Word?
A. Normal
40.Which language does MS-Word use B. Raised
to createMacros? C. Lowered
A. Visual C++ D. Centered
B. Visual Basic Answer: Option D
C. FoxPro
D. Access 44.Changing the appearance of a document
Answer: Option B is called
A. Proofing
41.Which key is used to increase left B. Editing
indent? C. Formatting
A. Ctrl +I D. All ofabove
B. Ctrl +M Answer: Option C
C. Alt+I
D. F10 45. To Redo the last work,press.....
Answer: Option B A. Ctrl+U
B. Ctrl+Y
C. Ctrl+ Z
D. Ctrl+W
Answer: Option B

47. Uppercase on Change Case dialog box

and All Caps on Fonts dialog box both
46.Which key is used to select all the converts selected text into CapitalLetters.
text in the document? What's the difference between thetwo?
A. Ctrl+T A. Both are same. They are only twodifferent
B. Ctrl+A ways of capitalizetext
C. Ctrl+F B. It is faster to convert from ChangeCase
D. Ctrl+N than from Font dialog box
Answer: Option B C. Change Case makes conversionpermanent
but All Caps on Font can always bereverted
D. All Caps on Font dialog box makes the
change permanent where Change Case canbe
Answer: Option C

Hamim Huda.


01.Which of the following format you 04. Where can you set the shading color for
can decide to apply or not in a range of cells inExcel?
AutoFormat dialog box? A. Choose required color form Patterns tabof
A. Number format Format Cells dialogbox
B. Border format B. Choose required color on Fill Color toolin
C. Fontformat Formatting toolbar
D. All ofabove C. Choose required color on Fill Color toolin
Answer: Option D Drawing toolbar
D. All ofabove
02.How can you remove borders Answer: Option D
applied in cells?
A. Choose None on Border tab of Formatcells 05. You can set Page Border in Excelfrom
B. Open the list on Border tool in A. From Border tab in Format Cells dialogbox
Formatting toolbar then choose first tool B. From Border tool in Formattingtoolbar
(noborder) C. From Line Style tool in Drawingtoolbar
C. Both ofabove D. You can not set page border inExcel
D. None ofabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
06. You can check the conditionsagainst
03. When all the numbers between 0 __________ when applying conditional
and 100 in a range should be displayed formatting
in Red Color, apply A. Cell value
A. Use =if() function to format the B. Formula
required numbersred C. Both ofabove
B. Apply Conditional Formatting command D. None ofabove
on Formatmenu Answer: Option C
C. Select the cells that contain number
between 0 and 100 then click Red color on 07.Which of the following is invalid
Text Colortool statement?
D. All ofabove A. Sheet tabs can becolored
Answer: Option B B. Some picture can be applied asa
background of asheet
C. You can set the column widthautomatically
fit the amount oftext
D. The width of a row and bespecified
manually or fit automatically
Answer: OptionD

08. You can use the formula palletteto 13. Which of the following is nottrue
A. format cells containingnumbers regarding ConditionalFormatting?
B. create and edit formula containing A. You can add more than one conditionto
functions check
C. enter assumptionsdata B. You can set condition to look for Boldand
D. copy a range ofcells apply Italics onthem
Answer: Option B C. You can apply Font, border and pattern
formats that meets the specifiedconditions
09.When a range is selected, how can D. You can delete any condition from
you activate the previous cell? Conditional Formatting dialog box if it isnot
A. Press the Altkey requried
B. PressTab Answer: Option B
C. PressEnter
D. None ofabove 14. Which tool you will use to join some
Answer: Option D cells and place the content at the middleof
10.Tab scroll buttons are place on Excel A. From Format Cells dialog box clickon
screen Merge Cells checkbox
A. towards the bottom rightcorner B. From Format Cells dialog box selectthe
B. towards the bottom leftcorner Centeredalignment
C. towards the top rightcorner C. From Format Cells dialog box chooseMerge
D. towards the top leftcorner and Center checkbox
Answer: Option B D. Click on Merge and Center toolon
formatting toolbar
11. The Name box on to the left of Answer: Option D
A. shows the name of workbook currently 15.Each excel file is a workbook that
workingon contains different sheets. Which of the
B. shows the name of worksheet currently following can not be a sheet in workbook?
workingon A. worksheet
C. shows the name of cell or range B. chartsheet
currently workingon C. modulesheet
D. None ofabove D. datasheet
Answer: OptionC Answer: Option D

12.How can you update the values of 16.Which of the following is not the correct
formula cells if Auto Calculate mode of method of editing the cell content?
Excel isdisabled? A. Press the Altkey
A. F8 B. Press the F2key
B. F9 C. Click the formulabar
C. F10 D. Double click thecell
D. F11 Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B

17.You want to set such that when you 22.You can merge the main document with
type Baishakh and drag the fill handle, data source in Excel. In mail merge
Excel should produce Jestha, Aashadh operation, Word is usually
and so on. What will you set to effect A. server
that? B. source
A. Custom List C. client
B. Auto FillOptions D. none
C. Fill AcrossWorksheet Answer: Option C
D. FillSeries
Answer: Option A 23. How can you show or hide thegridlines
in ExcelWorksheet?
18.Where can you change automatic or A. Go to Tools >> Options >> View tab and
manual calculation mode in Excel? mark or remove the check box namedGridline
A. Double CAL indicator on statusbar B. Click Gridline tool on Formstoolbar
B. Go to Tools >> Options >> Calculation C. Both ofabove
and mark the corresponding radiobutton D. None ofabove
C. Both ofabove Answer: Option C
D. None ofabove
Answer: Option B 24.Which of the following Excel screen
components can NOT be turned on or off?
19.Which of the following option is not A. FormulaBar
available in Paste Special dialog box? B. StatusBar
A. Add C. ToolBar
B. Subtract D. None ofabove
C. Divide Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D 25. What happens when you press Ctrl +X
after selecting some cells inExcel?
20.Which of the cell pointer indicates A. The cell content of selected cellsdisappear
you that you can make selection? from cell and stored inclipboard
A. Doctor’s symbol (BigPlus) B. The cells selected are marked forcutting
B. small thin plusicon C. The selected cells are deleted and thecells
C. Mouse Pointer with anchor at thetip are shiftedleft
D. None ofabove D. The selected cells are deleted and cellsare
Answer: Option A shiftedup
Answer: Option B
21.Which of the cell pointer indicates
that you can fill series? 26.Which command will you choose to
A. Doctor’s symbol (BigPlus) convert a column of data into row?
B. small thin plusicon A. Cut andPaste
C. Mouse Pointer with anchor at thetip B. Edit >> Paste Special >>Transpose
D. None ofabove C. Both ofabove
Answer: Option B D. None ofabove
Answer: Option B

27.Which of the cell pointer indicate 32.It is acceptable to let long text flow into
that you can move the content to other adjacent cells on a worksheet when
cell? A. data will be entered in the adjecentcells
A. Doctor’s symbol (BigPlus) B. no data will be entered in the adjacentcells
B. small thin plusicon C. there is no suitable abbrevition for thetext
C. Mouse Pointer with anchor at thetip D. there is not time to format thetext
D. None ofabove Answer: Option B
Answer: Option C
33. When a row of data is to beconverted
28. You can auto fit the width of column intocolumns
by A. Copy the cells in row, select thesame
A. double clicking on the column name on number of cells in row andpaste
columnheader B. Copy the cells in column then chooseEdit
B. Double click on the cell pointer in >> Paste Special, then click Transpose and OK
worksheet C. Copy the cells then go to Format >> Cells
C. Double clicking on column right border then on Alignment tab click Transposecheck
on columnheader box and clickOK
D. Double clicking on the column left D. Select the cells then place the cell pointer
border of columnheader on new cell and choose Edit >> PasteSpecial,
Answer: Option C mark Transpose check box and click OK
Answer: OptionD
29.Long text can be broken down into
many lines within a cell. You can do this 34.Ctrl + D shortcut key in Excel will
through A. Open the font dialogbox
A. Wrap Text in Format >>Cells B. Apply double underline for the activecell
B. Justify in Edit >>Cells C. Fill down in theselection
C. Text Wraping in Format >> Cells, Layout D. None ofabove
tab Answer: Option C
D. All ofabove
Answer: Option A 35.The short cut key Ctrl + R is used in
Excel to
30.MS Excel provides the default value A. Right align the content ofcell
for step in Fill Series dialog box B. Remove the cell contents of selectedcells
A.0 B.1 C. Fill the selection with active cells tothe
C.5 D.10 right
Answer: Option B D. None ofabove
Answer: Option C
31.Which of the following series type is
not valid for Fill Series dialog box? 36.The command Edit >> Fill Across
A. Linear Worksheet is active only when
B. Growth A. One sheet isselected
C. Autofill B. When many sheets areselected
D. Time C. When no sheet isselected
Answer: Option D D. None ofabove
Answer: Option B

37.Which of the following you can paste 41.Paste Special allows some operation
selectively using Paste Special while you paste to new cell. Which of the
command? following operation is valid?
A. Validation A. Square
B. Formats B. Percentage
C. Formulas C. GoalSeek D.Divide
D. All ofabove Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D
42.To remove the content of selectedcells
38. Edit >> Deletecommand youmustissue _______ command
A. Deletes the content of acell A. Edit >>Delete
B. Deletes Formats ofcell B. Edit >> Clear >> Contents
C. Deletes the comment ofcell C. Edit >> Clear >>All
D. Deletes selectedcells D. Data >>Delete
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

39. If you need to remove only the 43.The Delete key of keyboard is assigned
formatting done in a range (numbers to which command in Excel?
and formula typed there should not be A. Edit >> Clear >> Contents
removed), you must B. Edit >> Clear >>All
A. From Edit menu choose Clear and then C. Edit >>Delete
Formats D. All ofabove
B. From Edit menu chooseDelete Answer: Option A
C. Click on Remove Formatting tool on
StandardToolbar 44. By default Excel provides 3worksheets.
D. Double click the Format Painter and You need only two of them, how will you
then press Esc key inkeyboard delete the thirdone?
Answer: Option A A. Right click on Sheet Tab of third sheetand
choose Delete from the contextmenu
40. Which of the following action B. Click on Sheet 3 and from Edit menuchoose
removes a sheet fromworkbook? Delete
A. Select the sheet, then choose Edit >> C. Bothofabove D. None ofabove
DeleteSheet Answer: Option A
B. Select the sheet then choose Format >>
Sheet >>Hide 45. While Finding and Replacing somedata
C. Both ofabove in Excel, which of the following statement
D. None ofabove isvalid?
Answer: Option A A. You can Find and Replace within thesheet
or workbook
B. Excel does not have option to matchcase
C. Both arevalid
D. None arevalid
Answer: Option A

46. You can move a sheet from one 51. Which of the following is not trueabout
workbook into new bookby Find and Replace inExcel
A. From Edit menu choose Move or Copy A. You can search for bold and replacewith
sheet, mark the Create a ccopy and Click italics
OK B. You can decide whether to look for the
B. From Edit menu choose Move of Copy whole word ornot
then choose (Move to end) and clickOK C. You can search in formulatoo
C. From Edit menu choose Move or Copy D. You can search by rows or columns or
then select (new book) from To Book list sheets
and clickOK Answer: Option D
D. None ofabove
Answer: Option C 52.Which menu option can be used to split
windows into two?
47.What is the short cut key to replace A. Format ->Window
a data with another insheet? B. View -> Window->Split
A. Ctrl +R C. Window ->Split
B. Ctrl + Shift +R D. View –>Split
C. Ctrl+H D. Ctrl +F Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C
53.Getting data from a cell located in a
48.Comments can be added to cells different sheet is called ......
using ...... A. Accessing
A. Edit ->Comments B. Referencing
B. Insert ->Comment C. Updating
C. File ->Comments D. Functioning
D. View –>Comments Answer: OptionB
Answer: Option B
54.Which of the following is not a valid
49.Which elements of a worksheet can data type in Excel?
be protected from accidental A. Number
modification? B. Character
A. Contents C. Label
B. Objects D. Date/Time
C. Scenarios Answer: Option B
D. All of theabove
Answer: Option D 55.A numeric value can be treated as label
valueif ....... precedesit.
50.Concatenation of text can be done A. Apostrophe ( ‘)
using B. Exclamation ( !)
A. Apostrophe ( ‘) C. Hash ( #)
B. Exclamation ( !) D. Tilde ( ~)
C. Hash ( #) Answer: Option A
D. Ampersand ( &)
Answer: Option D

56.Multiple calculations can be made in 61.Which area in an Excel window allows

a single formula using ....... entering values and formulas?
A. StandardFormulas A. TitleBar
B. ArrayFormula B. MenuBar
C. ComplexFormulas C. FormulaBar
D. SmartFormula D. Standard ToolBar
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

57. What do you mean by aWorkspace? 62. An Excel Workbook is a collectionof

A. Group ofColumns .......
B. Group ofWorksheets A. Workbooks
C. Group ofRows B. Worksheets
D. Group of Workbooks C. Charts
Answer: Option D D. Worksheets andCharts
Answer: Option D
58.In EXCEL, you can sum a large range
of data by simply selecting a tool button 63. MS-EXCEL isbasedon .......... ?
called ? A. WINDOWS
A. AutoFill B. DOS
B. Auto correct C. UNIX
C. Auto sum D. OS/2
D. Autoformat Answer: Option A
Answer: OptionC
64.To select an entire column in MS-EXCEL,
59.To return the remainder after a press?
number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL A. CTRL +C
we use the function? B. CTRL + Arrowkey
B. FACT ( ) D. None of theabove
C. MOD () Answer: Option D
D. DIV ()
Answer: OptionC 65.Which function is not available in the
Consolidate dialog box?
60.Which is not the function of "Edit, A. Pmt
Clear"command? B. Average
A. Deletecontents C. Max D. Sum
B. Deletenotes Answer: Option A
C. Deletecells
D. Deleteformats 66. Microsoft Excel is a powerful...........
Answer: Option C A. Word processingpackage
B. Spreadsheetpackage
C. Communication S/WPackage
D. DBMSpackage
Answer: Option B

67. Which Chart can be created inExcel? 69.How do you rearrange the data in
A. Area ascending or descending order?
B. Line A. Data,Sort
C. Pie B. Data,Form
D. All of theabove C. Data,Table
Answer: Option D D. DataSubtotals
Answer: OptionA
68.What will be the output if youformat
the cell containing 5,436.8 as 70.How do you display current date and
'#,##0.00'? time in MS Excel?
A. 5430 A. date()
B. 5436.80 B. Today()
C. 5436.8 C. now ()
D. 6.8 D. time()
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

Composed By Hamim Huda


01.How do you display current date 06.Which language is used to create macros
only in MS Excel? in Excel?
A. date() A. Visual Basic
B. Today() B. C
C. now () C. Visual C++
D. time() D. Java
Answer: Option B Answer: Option A

02. How do you wrap the text in acell? 07.Which of the following is not a termof
A. Format, cells,font MS-Excel?
B. Format, cells,protection A. Cells
C. Format, cells,number B. Rows
D. Format, cells,alignment C. Columns
Answer: Option D D. Document
Answer: Option D
03. What does COUNTA () functiondo?
A. counts cells havingalphabets 08.How many worksheets can aworkbook
B. counts emptycells have?
C. counts cells havingnumber A. 3
D. counts non-emptycells B. 8
Answer: Option D C.255
D. none of above
04.What is the short cut key to Answer: Option D
highlight the entire column?
A. Ctrl+C 09.Which would you choose to create a bar
B. Ctrl+Enter diagram?
C. Ctrl +PageUp A. Edit,Chart
D. Ctrl +SpaceBar B. Insert,Chart
Answer: Option D C. Tools,Chart
D. Format,Chart
05.In the formula, which symbol Answer: Option B
specifies the fixed columns or rows?
A. $ 10.Which setting you must modify to print a
B. * worksheet using letterhead?
C. % A. Paper
D. & B. Margin
Answer: Option A C. Layout
D. Orientation
Answer: Option B

11.Excel displays the current cell 16.What do you call the chart that shows
address in the ........ the proportions of how one or more data
A. Formulabar elements relate to another data element?
B. StatusBar A. XYChart
C. NameBox B. LineChart
D. TitleBar C. PieChart
Answer: Option C D. ColumnChart
Answer: Option C
12.What is the correct way to refer the
cell A10 on sheet3 from sheet1? 17.The spelling dialog box can be involved
A. sheet3!A10 by choosingspellingfrom _________ menu.
B. sheet1!A10 A. insert
C. Sheet3.A10 B. file
D. A10 C. tools
Answer: Option A D. view
Answer: Option C
13.Which key do you press to check
spelling? 18.To record a sequence of keystrokes and
A. F3 mouse actions to play back later we use:
B. F5 A. Mediaplayer
C. F7 B. Sound Recorder
D. F9 C. Calculator
Answer: Option C D. Macro Recorder
Answer: Option D
14.We can save and protect the
workbook by 19.The first cell in EXCEL worksheet is
A. Write ReservationPassword labeled as
B. ProtectionPassword A. AA
C. Read-onlyRecommended B. A1
D. Any of theabove C. Aa
Answer: Option D D. A0
Answer: Option B
15.What are the tabs that appear at the
bottom of each workbook called? 20.What happens when dollar signs ($) are
A. Referencetabs entered in a cell address? (e$B$2:$B$10)
B. Positiontabs A. An absolute cell address iscreated
C. Locationtabs B. Cell address will change when it is copied to
D. Sheettabs another cell
Answer: Option D C. The sheet tab ischanged
D. The status bar does not display thecell
Answer: Option A

21.What is represented by the small, 26.In Excel, a Data Series is defined as

black square in the lower-right corner what?
of an active cell or range? A. A type ofchart
A. Copyhandle B. A cellreference
B. Fill handle C. A collection of relateddata
C. Inserthandle D. A division ofresults
D. Border Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
27.In help menu of Excel, which of the
22.In Excel, the Fill Color button on the following tabs are found?
Formatting toolbar is used for what? A. Contentstab
A. To insert abackground B. Answer Wizard tab
B. To add borders C. Indextab
C. To select a distribution offigures D. all of theabove
D. To add shading or color to a cellrange Answer: Option D
Answer: OptionD
28.A __________ is a grid with labeledcolumns
23.The activecell: and rows.
A. is defined by a bold border aroundthe A. Dialogbox
cell B. Worksheet
B. Receives the data the userenters C. Clipboard
C. It is the formulabar D. Toolbar
D. Only A andB Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D
29. B7:B9 indicates:
24.Which function is used to calculate A. Cells B7 and cell B9only
depreciation, rates of return, future B. Cells B7 throughB9
values and loan payment amounts? C. Cell B8only
A. Logical D. None of theabove
B. Math &Trigonometry Answer: Option B
C. Statistical
D. Financial 30.Which of the following methods cannot
Answer: Option D be used to enter data in a cell
A. Pressing an arrow key
25.The Cancel and Enterbuttons B. Pressing the Tabkey
appear inthe: C. Pressing the Esckey
A. Titlebar D. Clicking on the formulabar
B. Formulabar Answer: Option C
C. Menubar
D. Sheettabs
Answer: Option B

31. You can activate a cellby 35.Which of the following will not cut
A. Pressing the Tabkey information?
B. Clicking thecell A. Pressing Ctrl +C
C. Pressing an arrowkey B. Selecting Edit > Cut from themenu
D. All of theabove C. Clicking the Cut button on thestandard
Answer: Option D D. Pressing Ctrl+X
Answer: Option A
32.How do you insert arow?
A. Right-click the row heading whereyou 36.Which of the following is not a way to
want to insert the new row and select complete a cell entry?
Insert from the shortcutmenu A. Pressing enter
B. Select the row heading where youwant B. Pressing any arrow key on thekeyboard
to insert the new row and selectEdit C. Clicking the Enter button on the Formulabar
>Row from the menu D. Pressing spacebar
C. Select the row heading where you want Answer: Option D
to insert the new row and click the Insert
Row button on the standardtoolbar 37. Textformulas:
D. All of theabove A. Replace cellreferences
Answer: Option A B. Return ASCII values ofcharacters
C. Concatenate and manipulatetext
33.Which of the following is not a basic D. Show formula errorvalue
step in creating a worksheet? Answer: Option C
A. Saveworkbook
B. Modifiy theworksheet 38. How do you select an entirecolumn?
C. Enter text and data A. Select Edit > Select > Column from themenu
D. Copy theworksheet B. Click the column headingletter
Answer: Option D C. Hold down the shift key as youclick
anywhere in thecolumn
34. How can you print three copies ofa D. Hold down the Ctrl key as youclick
workbook? anywhere in thecolumn
A. Select File > Properties form themenu Answer: Option B
and type 3 in the Copies to print textbox
B. Select File > Print from the menuand 39.To create a formula, you first:
type 3 in the Number of copies textbox A. Select the cell you want to place theformula
C. Click the Print button on the standard into
toolbar to print the document then take it B. Type the equals sign (=) to tell Excelthat
to Kinko’s and have 2 more copiesmade you’re about to enter aformula
D. PressCtrl+P+3 C. Enter the formula using any input values
Answer: OptionB and the appropriate mathematical operators
that make up yourformula
D. Choose the new command from the file
Answer: Option B

40..How do you delete a column? 44. To center worksheet titles acrossa

A. Select the column heading you wantto range of cells, youmust
delete and select the Delete Row button A. Select the cells containing the title textplus
on the standardtoolbar the range over which the title text is to be
B. Select the column heading you wantto centered
delete and select Insert Delete from the B. Widen thecolumns
menu C. Select the cells containing the title textplus
C. Select the row heading you want to the range over which the title text is to be
delete and select Edit>Delete fromthe enfettered
menu D. Format the cells with the commastyle
D. Right click the column heading you Answer: Option A
want to delete and select delete fromthe
shortcutmenu 45.How can you find specific information in
Answer: Option D a list?
A. Select Tools > Finder from themenu
41.When integrating word and excel, B. Click the Find button on thestandard
word is usually the toolbar
A. Server C. Select Insert > Find from themenu
B. Destination D. Select Data > Form from the menu to open
C. Client the Data Form dialog box and click the Criteria
D. Both b andc button
Answer: OptionD Answer: Option D

42.When a label is too long to fit within 46.The name box

a worksheet cell, you typically must A. Shows the location of the previouslyactive
A. Shorten thelabel cell
B. Increase the columnwidth B. Appears to the left of the formulabar
C. Decrease the columnwidth C. Appears below the statusbar
D. Adjust the rowheight D. Appears below the menubar
Answer: Option B Answer: Option B

43. Comments put in cells arecalled 47.Which is used to perform what if

A. SmartTip analysis?
B. CellTip A. Solver
C. WebTip B. Goal seek
D. Soft Tip C. ScenarioManager
Answer: Option B D. All ofabove
Answer: Option D

48.You can use the horizontal and 52.Multiple calculations can be made in a
vertical scroll bars to single formula using
A. Split a worksheet into twopanes A. standardformulas
B. View different rows and columnsedit B. arrayformula
the contents of acell C. complexformulas
C. Edit the contents of acell D. smartformula
D. view different worksheets Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B
53.To activate the previous cell in a pre-
49. Hyperlinks canbe selected range, press
A. Text A. The Altkey
B. Drawingobjects B. The Tabkey
C. Pictures C. The Enterkey
D. All ofabove D. None of theabove
Answer: Option D Answer: Option D

50.When the formula bar is active, you 54.Which button do you click to add up a
can see series of numbers?
A. The edit formulabutton A. The autosumbutton
B. The cancelbutton B. The Formulabutton
C. The enterbutton C. The quicktotalbutton
D. All of theabove D. The totalbutton
Answer: Option D Answer: Option A

51. To copy formatting from one area 55. In a worksheet you canselect
in a worksheet and apply it toanother A. The entireworksheet
area you woulduse: B. Rows
A. The Edit > Copy Format andEdit>Paste C. Columns
Format commands form themenu D. All of theabove
B. The Copy and Apply Formatting dialog Answer: Option D
box, located under the Format > Copyand
Applymenu 56.When you link data maintained in an
C. There is no way to copy and apply excel workbook to a word document
formatting in Excel – You have to do it A. The word document cannot beedit
manually B. The word document contains a referenceto
D. The Format Painter button on the the original sourceapplication
standardtoolbar C. The word document must containa
Answer: Option D hyperlink
D. The word document contains a copy of the
actual data
Answer: Option B

57.Which area in an excel window 62. To hold row and column titles in place
allows entering values and formulas so that they do not scroll when you scrolla
A. Titlebar worksheet clickthe
B. Menubar A. Unfreeze panes command on thewindow
C. Formulabar menu
D. Standardtoolbar B. Freeze panes command on thewindow
Answer: Option C menu
C. Hold titles command on the editmenu
58. To edit in an embedded excel D. Split command on the windowmenu
worksheet object in a worddocument Answer: Option B
A. Use the excel menu bar andtoolbars
inside the wordapplication 63. To create a formula, you canuse:
B. Edit thehyperlink A. Values but not cellreferences
C. Edit the data in a excel sourceapplication B. Cell references but notvalues
D. Use the word menu bar andtoolbars C. Values or cell references although notboth
Answer: Option A at the sametime
D. Value and cellreferences
59. Status indicators are located onthe Answer: Option D
A. Vertical scrollbar
B. Horizontal scrollbar 64.Which of the following is the oldest
C. Formulabar spreadsheet package?
D. Standardtoolbar A. VisiCalc
Answer: Option C B. Lotus1-2-3
C. Excel
60.Rounding errors can occur D. StarCalc
A. When you use multiplication,division, Answer: Option A
or exponentiation in aformula
B. When you use addition andsubtraction 65.You can copy data or formulas
in aformula A. With the copy, paste and cut commandson
C. Because excel uses hiddendecimal the editmenu
places incomputation B. With commands on the shortcutmenu
D. When you show the results of formulas C. With buttons on the standardtoolbars
with different decimal places that the D. All of theabove
calculatedresults Answer: OptionD
Answer: Option A
66.Which of the following is a popular DOS
61.Excel files have a default extension based spreadsheet package?
of in Excel-2003 A. Word
A. Xls B. Smartcell
B. Xlw C. Excel
C. Wk1 D. Lotus1-2-3
D. 123 Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A

67.You cannot link excel worksheet 69. You can use the formula paletteto
data to a word document A. Format cells containingnumbers
A. With the right dragmethod B. Create and edit formulascontaining
B. With ahyperlink functions
C. With the copy and pastespecial C. Enter assumptionsdata
commands D. Copy a range ofcells
D. With the copy and paste buttons onthe Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D 70. You can use the format paintermultiple
times before you turn it offby
68. An excel workbook is a collectionof A. You can use the format painter button on ly
A. Workbooks one time when you clickit
B. Worksheets B. Double clicking the format painterbutton
C. Charts C. Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking theformat
D. Worksheets andcharts painter button
Answer: Option D D. Pressing the Alt key and clicking theformat
painter button
Answer: Option B

Composed By Hamim Huda


06.Which of following is Not one of Excel's
01.You can convert existing excel what-if function?
worksheet data an charts to an HTML A. Goal seek
document by using B. Solver
A. FTPwizard C. Scenariomanager
B. Internet assistantwizard D. AutoOutline
C. Intranetwizard Answer: OptionD
D. Importwizard
Answer: Option B 07.When you insert an excel file into a word
document. The data are
02A circular reference is A. Hyperlinked placed in a wordtable
A. Geometric modeling tool B. Linked
B. A cell that points to a drawingobject C. Embedded
C. A formula that either directlyor D. Use the word menu bar andtoolbars
indirectly depends onitself Answer: Option B
D. Alwayserroneous
Answer: Option C 08.Which of the following is not
information you can specify using the
04.Each excel file is called a workbook solver?
because A. Inputcells
A. It can contain text anddata B. Constraints
B. It can bemodified C. Targetcell
C. It can contain many sheets including D. Changing cells
worksheets and chartsheets Answer: Option A
D. You have to work hard to createit
Answer: Option C 09.Excel probably considers the cell entry
January 1, 2000 to be a
05.You can enter which types of data A. Label
into worksheet cells? B. Value
A. Labels, values, and formulas C. Formula
B. Labels and values but notformulas D. Textstring
C. Values and formulas but notlabels Answer: Option B
D. Formulasonly
Answer: Option A 10. All worksheetformula
A. Manipulatevalues
B. Manipulatelabels
C. Return a formularesult
D. Use the additionoperator
Answer: Option C

11. Which of the following is acorrect 15.The Paste Special command lets you
order of precedence in formula copy and paste:
calculation? A. Multiply the selection by a copiedvalue
A. Multiplication and division B. Cell comments
exponentiation positive andnegative C. Formattingoptions
values D. The resulting values of a formula insteadof
B. Multiplication and division,positive the actualformula
and negative values, addition and Answer: Option D
C. Addition and subtraction, positiveand 16.The numbers in our worksheet look like
negative values,exponentiation this: You want them to look like this:
D. None ofabove $1,000.How can you accomplish this?
Answer: Option D A. None ofthese
B. Select Format > Money from themenu
12.Excel worksheet cells work very C. Click the Currency Style button onthe
similarly to what common element of formatting toolbar
the windows graphical user interface D. You have to retype everything and manually
A. Optionbuttons add the dollar signs, commas, and decimals
B. Listboxes Answer: OptionC
C. Textboxes
D. Combo boxes 17.Which of the following options is not
Answer: Option C located in the Page Setup dialog box?
A. Page BreakPreview
13.You want to track the progress of B. PageOrientation
the stock market on a daily basis. C. Margins
Which type of chart should you use? D. Headers andFooters
A. Piechart Answer: Option A
B. Row chart
C. Linechart 18.Without using the mouse or the arrow
D. Columnchart keys, what is the fastest way of getting to
Answer: Option C cell A1 in a spreadsheet?
A. PressCtrl +Home B. PressHome
14.Which of the following methods can C. Press Shift +Home
not be used to edit the contents of a D. Press Alt +Home
cell? Answer: Option A
A. Press the Altkey
B. Clicking the formulabar 19.If you begin typing an entry into a cell
C. Pressing the F2key and then realize that you don't wantyour
D. Double clicking thecell entry placed into a cell,you:
Answer: Option A A. Press the Erasekey
B. PressEsc
C. Press the Enterbutton
D. Press the Edit Formulabutton
Answer: Option B

20.To view a cell comment

A. click the edit comment commandon 25. When you want to insert a blank
the insertmenu imbedded excel object in a worddocument
B. click the display commentcommand youcan
on the windowmenu A. Click the object command on theinsert
C. position the mouse pointer overthe menu
cell B. Click the office links button on thestandard
D. click the comment command on the toolbar
view menu C. Click the create worksheet button onthe
Answer: Option C formatting toolbar
D. Click the import excel command on thefile
21.To save a workbook, you: menu
A. Click the save button on thestandard Answer: Option A
toolbar from themenu
B. PressCtrl+F5 26.You can select a single range of cells by
C. Click Save on the Windows Startbutton A. Clicking the upper-left cell in a group of cells
D. SelectEdit>Save and then pressing the Shift key while clicking
Answer: Option A the lower right cell in a group ofcells
B. Pressing the Ctrl key while draggingover
22. You can edit a cellby the desiredcells
A. Clicking the formulabutton C. Pressing the Shift key and an arrowkey
B. Double clicking the cell to edit it in- D. Dragging over the desiredcells
place Answer: Option D
C. Selecting Edit>Edit Cell from themenu
D. None ofabove 27.Which elements of worksheet can be
Answer: Option B protected from accidental modification
A. Contents
23.You can use the drag and drop B. Objects
method to C. Scenarios
A. Copy cellcontents D. All ofabove
B. Move cellcontents Answer: Option D
C. Add cell contents
D. a andb 28. How can you delete arecord?
Answer: Option D A. Delete the column from theworksheet
B. Select Data > Form from the menu to open
24.It is acceptable to let long text flow the Data Form dialog box, find the recordand
into adjacent cells on a worksheet Click the Deletebutton
when C. Select Data > Delete Record from themenu
A. Data will be entered in the adjacentcells D. Click the Delete button on theStandard
B. No data will be entered in theadjacent toolbar
cells Answer: Option B
C. There is no suitable abbreviation ofthe
D. There is not time to format thenext
Answer: Option B

29. Right clicking something inExcel: 34. Documentation shouldinclude

A. Deletes theobject A. Destination and users of the outputdata
B. Nothing the right mouse buttonis B. Source of inputdata
there for left handedpeople C. Information on the purpose of theworkbook
C. Opens a shortcut menu listing D. All of theabove
everything you can do to theobject Answer: Option D
D. Selects theobject
Answer: Option C 35. To delete an embedded objects,first
A. Double click theobject
30.Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have B. Select the object by clickingit
an extension C. Press the Shift + Deletekeys
A. DOC D. Select it and then press the deletekey
B. XLS Answer: Option D
C. 123
D. WK1 36. Comments can be added to cellsusing
Answer: Option C A. Edit >Comments
B. Insert >Comments
31.Which of the following is not a C. File >Comments
worksheet design criterion? D. View >Comments
A. Efficiency Answer: Option B
B. Aditibility
C. Description 37.To copy cell contents using drag and
D. Clarity drop press the
Answer: Option C A. End key
B. Shiftkey
32.Which of the following is the latest C. Ctrlkey
version of Excel D. Esckey
A. Excel2000 Answer: Option C
B. Excel2002
C. ExcelME 38. When you copy aformula
D. ExcelXP A. Excel erases the original copy of theformula
Answer: Option D B. Excel edits cell references in thenewly
33. The autofillfeature C. Excel adjusts absolute cellreferences
A. extends a sequential series ofdata D. Excel doesn’t adjust relative cellreferences
B. automatically adds range of cellvalues Answer: OptionB
C. applies a boarder around theselected
cells 39.Which menu option can be sued tosplit
D. All of theabove windows intotwo
Answer: Option D A. Format >window
B. View > window >split
C. Window >split
D. View >split
Answer: OptionC

40.Which of the following is an 45.What symbol is used before a number to

absolute cell reference? make it a label?
A. !A!1 A. ” ( quote)
B. $A$1 B. = ( equal)
C. #a#1 C. _ ( underscore)
D. A1 D. ‘ ( apostrophe)
Answer: Option B Answer: Option D

41.Which symbol must all formula 46. Which of the following formulas isnot
begin with? entered correctly? a. b. c. d.
A.= A.=10+50
B.+ B. =B7*B1
C. ( C.=B7+14
D. @ D. 10+50
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

42. Which of the followingformulas 47. How many characters can be typed ina
will Excel Not be able tocalculate? single cell inExcel?
A.=SUM(Sales)-A3 A. 256
B.=SUM(A1:A5)*.5 B. 1024
C. =SUM(A1:A5)/(10-10) C.32000
D. =SUM(A1:A5)-10 D.65535
Answer: Option A Answer: Option D

43. A typicalworksheethas ........ Number 48. A worksheet can have a maximum of....
of columns Number of rows
A. 128 A. 256
B. 256 B. 1024
C.512 C.32000
D. 1024 D.65535
Answer: Option B Answer: Option D

44. Which of the following is notan 49. The chart wizard term data seriesrefers
example of a value? to
A. 350 A. A chartlegend
B. May 10, 2001 B. A collection of chart datamarkers
C. 0.57 C. A set of values you plot in achart
D. Serial Number 50771 D. A datalabel
Answer: Option D Answer: Option B

55.A worksheet range is a

50.The Chart wizard term data A. A command used for datamodeling
categories refers to; B. A range of values such as from 23 to234
A. A chart plotarea C. A group ofcells
B. A horizontalaxis D. A group ofworksheets
C. The organization of individualvalues Answer: Option C
with a chart’s dataseries
D. The data range that supply chartdata 56. Tab scrollingbutton
Answer: Option B A. Allow you to view a differentworksheet
B. Allow you to view additionalworksheet
51.Getting data from a cell located in a rowsdown
different sheet is called ...... C. Allow you to view additionalworksheet
A. Accessing columns to theright
B. Referencing D. Allow you to view additional sheetstabs
C. Updating Answer: Option D
D. Functioning
Answer: OptionB 57. Concatenation of text can be doneusing
A. Apostrophe(&lsquo
52.A numeric value can be treated as a B. Exclamation(!)
label value if it precedes with C. Hash (#)
A. Apostrophe(&lsquo D. Ampersand (&
B. Exclamation(!) Answer: Option D
C. Hash (#)
D. Ampersand (& 58. You can use drag-and-drop to embed
Answer: Option A excel worksheet data in a worddocument
A. By dragging a range of excel data to the
53.Data can be arranged in a word button on the taskbar while pressingthe
worksheet in a easy to understand Ctrl key
manner using B. By dragging a range of excel data to the
A. autoformatting word button on the taskbar whilepressing
B. applying styles Shiftkey
C. changing fonts C. By dragging a range of excel data to the
D. all ofabove word button on the taskbar while pressingAlt
Answer: Option D key
D. None ofabove
54. The auto calculatefeature Answer: Option A
A. Can only add values in a range ofcells
B. Provides a quick way to view theresult 59.Excel uniquely identifies cells within a
of an arithmetic operation on a range of worksheet with a cell name
cells A. Cell names
C. Automatically creates formulasand B. Column numbers and rowletters
adds them to aworksheet C. Column letters and rownumbers
D. A andc D. Cell locatorcoordinates
Answer: Option B Answer: Option C

Composed By Hamim Huda

Best Of Luck.

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