MBO CQI 11 2020 2nd Edition

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The document outlines the assessment of a plating facility to ensure quality processes and compliance with standards. It examines management responsibilities, quality planning, process control, and equipment verification.

The assessment is to evaluate the plating system and processes to ensure they meet requirements for customer parts and industry standards. It aims to identify any nonconformances or areas for improvement.

The facility performs zinc/zinc alloy plating, decorative plating, electroless nickel plating, hard chrome plating, and electropolishing based on the process tables listed.


Special Process: Plating System Assessment

Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating System Assessment, 2nd Edition

Facility Name: Paulo Products

Address: 1307 Rutledge Way, Murfreesboro, TN, 37129

Phone Number: 615-896-1385 Type(s) of Plating Processing at this Facility:

Fax Number: 615-896-9613 Process Table A:
Zinc Y
Number of Plating Employees at this Facility: 7 Zinc Alloy Plating N/A

Captive Plater (Y/N): N Process Table B:

Commercial Plater (Y/N): Y Mechanical Plating N/A

Date of Assessment: 10/16/2019 Process Table C:

Surface Conditioning of Metals for Decorative Plating or Electropolishing
Date of Previous Assessment: 10/17/2018 N
Surface Conditioning of Plastics for Decorative Plating N/A
Date of Re-assessment (if necessary):
Process Table E:
Decorative Plating for Metal and Plastic N/A

Process Table F:
Electropolishing and/or Chrome Flash on Stainless Steel N/A

Process Table G:
Hard Chrome Plating N/A

Process Table H:
Electroless Nickel N/A

Process Table I:
Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief Bake Process Y

Process Table J :
Process Control and Testing Equipment Y

Current Quality Certification(s): IATF-16949

Personnel Contacted:

Name: Title: Plating Manager Phone: Email:

Name: Dave Timken Title: Plant Manager Phone: 615-216-3003 Email: [email protected]
Name: Title: Phone: Email:

Name: Dave Timken Title: Plant Manager Phone: 615-216-3003 Email: [email protected]
Name: Title: Plating Manager Phone: Email:
Name: Title: Phone: Email:

Number of "Not Satisfactory" Findings: 0

Number of "Needs Immediate Action" Findings: 0

Number of "Fail" Findings in the Job Audit(s): 0

Number of Process Table items identified as failed in Comments/Observation column: NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Section 1 - Management Responsibility and Quality Planning

To ensure readily available expertise, there shall be
a dedicated and qualified plating person on the site.
This individual shall be a full-time employee and the
position shall be reflected in the organization chart. A Copy of Training & qualification records
Is there a dedicated and job description shall exist identifying the with job description - 1st page (Essential
1.1 qualified plating person on- qualifications for the position including chemical and Functions) for CG X
site? plating knowledge. The qualifications shall include a Organization Chart
minimum of 5 years experience in plating and Plating Manager
surface finishing or a combination of formal
chemistry/chemical engineering education and
plating experience totaling a minimum of 5 years.

The plater shall incorporate a documented advance QP 050 AQP

quality planning procedure. A feasibility study shall QP 70 Contract Review
be performed and internally approved for each part. WI 160 PW 1st run production system
Similar parts can be grouped into part families for 86-1 production process development
this effort as defined by the plater. After the part FMMBO0348 QA 69 Capability Study
Does the plater perform
1.2 approval process is approved by the customer, no FMMBO0324 PW First Production Run X
advanced quality planning?
process changes are allowed unless approved by Review Checklist
the customer. The plater shall contact the customer
when clarification of process changes is required. Records are kept in both PICS-Parts
This clarification of process changes shall be Module & Salesforce-opportunities

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Section 1 - Management Responsibility and Quality Planning

The plater shall incorporate the use of a documented
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
procedure and ensure the FMEAs are updated to
reflect current part quality status.
The FMEA shall be written for each part or part
Are plater FMEA's up to date family or they may be process-specific and written
PFMEA's are process specific and CC30
1.3 and reflecting current for each process. In any case, they shall address all X
current Revision is dated 4/9/2019
processing? process steps from part receipt to part shipment and
all key plating process parameters as defined by the
plater. A cross-functional team shall be used in the
development of the FMEA. All characteristics, as
defined by the plater and its customers, shall be
identified, defined, and addressed in the FMEA.

The plater shall incorporate the use of a documented

Control Plan procedure and ensure the Control
Plans are updated to reflect current controls. The
Control Plans shall be written for each part or part
family or they may be process-specific and written
for each process. In any case, they shall address all
process steps from part receipt to part shipment and
identify all equipment used and all key plating
process parameters as defined by the plater. A Control plans are part specific with cross
Are finish process Control cross-functional team, including a production functional team. Part specific control plans
1.4 Plans up to date and operator, shall be used in the development of are our shop orders. Line specific control X
reflecting current processing? Control Plans, which shall be consistent with all plans for CC30 & CC31 are Revision
associated documentation such as work instructions, 3/11/2019
shop travelers, and FMEAs. All special
characteristics, as defined by the plater and its
customers, shall be identified, defined, and
addressed in the Control Plans. Sample sizes and
Frequencies for evaluation of process and product
characteristics shall also be addressed consistent
with the minimum requirements listed in the Process

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Section 1 - Management Responsibility and Quality Planning

To ensure all customer requirements are both
understood and satisfied, the plater shall have all
related plating and customer referenced standards
and specifications available for use and a method to
ensure that they are current. Such standards and
specifications include, but are not limited to, those
relevant documents published by SAE, AIAG, ASTM,
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. The plater shall
Are all plating related and have a process to ensure the timely review,
referenced specifications distribution, and implementation of all customer and
current and available? For industry engineering standards and specifications
1.5 X
example: SAE, AIAG, ASTM, and changes based on customer-required schedule.
General Motors, Ford, and This process shall be executed as soon as possible
Chrysler. and shall not exceed two weeks. The plater shall
document this process of review and
implementation, and it shall address how customer
and industry documents are obtained, how they are
maintained within the plating organization, how the
current status is established, and how the relevant
information is cascaded to the shop floor within the
two-week period. The plater shall identify who is
responsible for performing these tasks. Corporate intranet - spec viewer
QP 206 PIC's process procedure

The plater shall have written process specifications

for all active processes and identify all steps of the
process including relevant operating parameters.
Examples of operating parameters include process
temperatures, cycle times, load rates, rectifier
Is there a written process
settings, etc. Such parameters shall not only be
1.6 specification for all active X
defined, they shall have operating tolerances as
defined by the plater in order to maintain process
control. All active processes should have a written
process specification. These process specifications Information found on each Paulo shop order
may take the form of work instructions, job card, Operator training documentation
computer-based recipes, or other similar documents. Tolerances monitored by IFIX as well as
operator check sheets

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Section 1 - Management Responsibility and Quality Planning

To demonstrate each process is capable of yielding
acceptable product the plater shall perform product
capability studies for the initial validation of each
process, after relocation of any process equipment,
and after a major rebuild of any equipment. The
plater shall define what constitutes a major rebuild.
Initial product capability studies shall be conducted
for all plating processes per line as defined in scope
Has a valid product capability of work and in accordance with customer
1.7 study been performed initially requirements. Capability study techniques shall be X
and after process change? appropriate for the plating product characteristics,
e.g. plate thickness, corrosion resistance, etc.. Any
specific customer requirements shall be met. In the
absence of customer requirements, the plater shall
establish acceptable ranges for measures of
capability. An action plan shall exist to address the Definition of Major rebuild is defined in QP
steps to be followed in case capability indices fall 250
outside customer requirements or established Capability studies completed frequently
ranges. Ranges for capability are on the shop order.
Zero tolerance outside capability (Reject)
Barrel weights
The analysis of products and processes over time Amp readings
can yield vital information for defect prevention PH controls
Does the plater collect and efforts. The plater shall have a system to collect, Plating thickness
analyze data over time, and analyze, and react to product or process data over Chemical Titrations
1.8 X
react to this data? time. Methods of analysis shall include ongoing Temperatures
trend or historical data analysis of special product or
process parameters. The plater shall determine At the minimum of twice a year and during
which parameters to include in such analysis. monthly departmental reviews.

Are records retained and All process control and testing records must be
Process and testing records in Paulo
1.9 available? retained for a minimum of one calendar year after X
shop log / IFIX
the year in which they were created.

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Management Section 1 -the

shall review Management
oven monitoring Responsibility and Quality Planning
Does management review systems/logs at intervals not to exceed 24 hours or
WI-0148 Bake oven procedure
and verify bake oven logs for prior to parts being released for shipment. The
QP 270 Control of Non conforming Material
1.10 parts requiring hydrogen plater shall have reaction plans for non- QP 276 Reprocess and or scrap Procedure
embrittlement relief every 24 conformances to process requirements. This is to MRB Procedure - Rework shop order
hours? contain, at minimum, requirements for quarantining Deviation request form - Authorization to
material and notifying customer. reprocess

Are internal assessments

The plater shall conduct internal assessments on an
being completed on an
1.11 annual basis, at a minimum, using the AIAG PSA. Yes CHQ annual Audit X
annual basis, at a minimum,
Concerns shall be addressed in a timely manner.
incorporating AIAG PSA?

The quality management system shall include a

documented process for reprocessing that shall
include authorization from a designated individual.
The reprocessing procedure shall describe product QP 270 Control of Non Conforming Material
characteristics for which reprocessing is allowed as QP 276 Reprocess and/or Scrap Procedure
WI-0089 PW Major Process Changes for
Is there a system in place to well as those characteristics for which reprocessing
1.12 authorize reprocessing and is is not permissible. All reprocessing activity shall X
QP 275 Material Review Board Review
it documented? require a new processing control sheet issued by MRB procedure - Rework shop order-
qualified technical personnel denoting the necessary Deviation Req Form - Authorization to
plating modifications. Records shall clearly indicate reprocess.
when and how any material has been reprocessed.
The Quality Manager or a designee shall authorize
the release of reprocessed product.

The quality management system shall include a

Does the Quality Department
process for documenting, reviewing, and addressing Salesforce-Customer Feedback Log
review, address, and
1.13 customer concerns and any other concerns internal Corrective Actions X
document customer and MRB Open Issues log
to the organization. A disciplined problem solving
internal concerns?
approach shall be used.

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

The plater shall define a1process
- Management
for continual Responsibility and Quality Planning
improvement for each plating process identified in
Is there a continual the scope of the PSA. The process shall be
improvement plan applicable designed to bring about continual improvement in QP 058 Continual Improvement Procedures
1.14 X
to each process defined in the quality and productivity. Identified actions shall be Top processes review - Plating details report
scope of the assessment? prioritized and shall include timing (estimated
completion dates). The plater shall show evidence of
program effectiveness.

Does the Quality Manager or QP 270 Control of Non Conforming Material

The Quality Manager or designee is responsible for QA Manager documents Reject material
designee authorize the
1.15 authorizing and documenting appropriate personnel Dispositions X
disposition of material from Example of a completed Reject Material
to disposition quarantine material.
quarantine status? Ticket

There shall be procedures and work instructions

available to plating personnel covering the plating Quality Procedures
process. These procedures or work instructions shall Work Instructions
Are there procedures or work Plant Forms
include methods of addressing potential
instructions available to All available electronically in the Quality
1.16 emergencies (such as power failure), equipment X
plating personnel that define System
start-up, equipment shut-down, product segregation Pics Shop Order
the plating process?
(See 2.8), product inspection, and general operating Organization Chart with primary and
procedures. These procedures or work instructions secondary functions indicated
shall be accessible to shop floor personnel.

The plater shall provide employee training for all

plating operations. All employees, including backup
and temporary employees, shall be trained. On the Job Training
Documented evidence shall be maintained showing Training Checklist
Is management providing
1.17 the employees trained and the evidence shall Organization Chart with primary and X
employee training for plating? secondary functions indicated
include an assessment of the effectiveness of the
training. Management shall define the qualification
requirements for each function, and ongoing or
follow-up training shall also be addressed.

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Section 1 - Management Responsibility and Quality Planning

The plater shall maintain a responsibility matrix
Is there a responsibility matrix identifying all key management and supervisory
Organization Chart, MBO Process Owners
to ensure that all key functions and the qualified personnel who may
1.18 management and supervisory perform such functions. It shall identify both primary X
QP 010 Management responsibility
functions are performed by and secondary (backup) personnel for the key Training records
qualified personnel? functions (as defined by the plater). This matrix shall
be readily available to management at all times.

The plater shall have a documented preventive

maintenance program for key process equipment (as
identified by the plater). The program shall be a
closed-loop process that tracks maintenance efforts
from request to completion to assessment of
Is there a preventive QP180 Preventative Maintenance system
effectiveness. Equipment operators shall have the
maintenance program? Is (automated) - A maintenance request system
opportunity to report problems, and problems shall
maintenance data being ( MRF ) is utlized to create a closed loop
1.19 also be handled in a closed-loop manner. Company X
utilized to form a predictive maintenance program.
data, e.g., downtime, quality rejects, first time- A maintenance PM sheet.
maintenance program?
through capability, recurring maintenance work WWT PM Sheet.
orders, and operator-reported problems, shall be
used to improve the preventive maintenance
program. Maintenance data shall be collected and
analyzed as part of a predictive maintenance
Has the plater developed a
critical spare part list and are The plater shall develop and maintain a critical spare
FM MBO 0095 MA 78 Monthly approved
1.20 the parts available to parts list and shall ensure the availability of such X
level 2 plating stock inventory
minimize production parts to minimize production disruptions.

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Section 1 - Management
Section Responsibility
2 - Floor and Material andResponsibility
Handling Quality Planning
QP 220 Receiving Inspection
QP 140 Product Identification and
Does the facility ensure that Traceability
Documented processes and evidence of compliance
the data entered in the QP 270 Control Of Non Conforming
shall exist, e.g., shop travelers, work orders, etc. The
2.1 receiving system matches the Material X
facility shall have a detailed process in place to
information on the customer's QP 310 Handling, Packaging,
resolve receiving discrepancies.
shipping documents? Storage, & Preservation of Materials
QP 145 Generating a Shop Order
QP 206 Pic's Processing
QP 270 Control Of Non Conforming
Procedures for part and container identification help Material
to avoid incorrect processing or mixing of lots. QP 140 Product Identification and
Appropriate location and staging within the facility
also help to ensure that orders are not shipped until
Is product clearly identified WI-0244 PL Bake Tray Identifcation
all required operations are performed. Customer
2.2 and staged throughout the and Traceability Single Point X
product shall be clearly identified and staged
plating process?
throughout the plating process. Non-plated, in-
process, and finished product shall be properly Reviewed floor layout for specific
segregated and identified. All material shall be areas and sticker color code
staged in a dedicated and clearly defined area. table
Work storage signs

Out-going lot(s) shall be traceable to the incoming Bin Tags

Is lot traceability and integrity lot(s). The discipline of precisely identifying lots and Individual Shop Order #'s
2.3 maintained throughout all linking all pertinent information to them enhances the Plating Line Schedule X
processes? ability to do root cause analysis and continual WI-0244 PL Bake Tray Identifcation
improvement. and Traceability Single Point

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

The controlSection 1 non-conforming

of suspect or - Management Responsibility
product is and Quality Planning
necessary to prevent inadvertent shipment or
contamination of other lots. Procedures shall be QP 270 Control of Non Conforming
Are procedures adequate to adequate to prevent movement of non-conforming Material
prevent movement of non- product into the production system. Procedures QP 275 Material Review Board
2.4 X
conforming product into the shall exist addressing proper disposition, product Procedure
production system? identification and tracking of material flow in and out QP 140 Product Identification and
of hold area. Non-conforming hold area shall be Traceability
clearly designated to maintain segregation of such

Is there a system to identify WI 0053 PW Container Cleaning

and inspect trap points in the Instructions
entire plating process to There shall be a list of trap points and work WI 0093 PL 30,31,35 Operating
2.5 X
reduce risk of mixed parts instructions detailing inspection frequencies. Plating Line
(inappropriate, unfinished, or WI 0098 PL 29,31 Loading Plating
improperly plated parts)? Line
Containers handling customer product shall be free
of inappropriate material. After emptying and before
re-using containers, containers shall be inspected to
WI 0053 PW Container Cleaning
Are containers free of ensure that all parts and inappropriate material have
2.6 Instructions X
inappropriate material? been removed. The source of inappropriate material
Shop Order sign off
shall be identified and addressed. This is to ensure
that no nonconforming plating parts or inappropriate
material contaminate the finished lot.
Loading parameters shall be specified, documented
Is part loading specified,
2.7 and controlled. Examples include parts per rack and Individual Paulo Shop Order X
documented and controlled?
load size. Process Specific Control Plan

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

UnplannedSection 1 -downtime
or emergency Management Responsibility and Quality Planning
greatly raises
the risk of improper processing. Operators shall be
trained in material handling, containment action, and
Are operators trained in product segregation in the event of an equipment QP270 Control Of Non Conforming
material handling, emergency including power failure. Training shall be Material
containment action and documented. Work instructions specifically WI 0124 Restoring Plating Operations
2.8 product segregation in the addressing potential types of equipment after Power Failure X
event of an equipment emergencies and failures shall be accessible to and WI 0147 Procedure for Unplanned
emergency including power understood by equipment operators. These Plating Stoppage
failure? instructions shall address containment/reaction plans WI-0093 PL,30,31,35
related to all elements of the process. Evidence shall
exist showing disposition and traceability of affected

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action
Section 1 - Management Responsibility and Quality Planning
QP 70 Contract Review
Is the handling, storage and The plater's loading/unloading systems, in process
WI 160 First Run Production
2.9 packaging adequate to handling and shipping process shall be assessed for X
WI 0098 29,31 Loading Plating line
preserve product quality? risk of part damage or other quality concerns.
WI 0093 PL 30,31,35 Operating
Plating Line
WI 0093 PL 30,31,35 Operating
Plating Line
Plant cleanliness, housekeeping, environmental, and QP 340 Internal Audits
working conditions shall be conducive to controlling
Are plant cleanliness, LPA
and improving quality. The plater should evaluate
housekeeping and 5S is part of all area processes
such conditions and their effect on quality. A
2.10 environmental and working Environmental controls are X
housekeeping policy shall be clearly defined and
conditions conducive to addressed in waste treatment WI's
executed. The facility shall be reviewed for the
control and improved quality? and environmental compliance
following items: loose parts on floor, spillage around
tanks, overall plant lighting, fumes etc. calendar
FMMBO0016 PL 30, 31 CC30, 31 -
Line Maintenance Checklist

Process control parameters shall be monitored per Operator Daily Check Sheets
Are process control frequencies specified in Process Tables. Computer
Waste Treatment Daily Check Sheet
parameters monitored per monitoring equipment with alarms and alarm logs
2.11 Titration sheets X
frequencies specified in satisfy the verification requirement. A designated
Computer Monitoring (IFIX, Top
Process Tables? floor person shall verify the process parameters,
e.g., by initialing a strip chart or data log. processes, etc)

Are out of Are there documented reaction plans to both out of

control/specification control and out of tolerance process parameters? Is
2.12 Control plans and FMEA's X
parameters reviewed and there documented evidence that reaction plans are
reacted to? followed?

Yes per Customer & Job

Are In-Process / Final Test In-Process / Final Test Frequencies shall be Operator Daily Check Sheet
2.13 Frequencies performed as performed as specified in Process Tables. Refer to Waste Treatment Operator Check X
specified in Process Tables? Process Tables. Sheet
Titration logs

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Special Process: Plating Process Assessment (General Facility Overview)


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Test equipment shall be1verified/calibrated
- Management per Responsibility and Quality Planning
Thickness testers verified/calibrated
applicable customer specific standard or per an
daily. Standards calibrated by
applicable consensus standard, e.g., ASTM, SAE,
Is product test equipment outside source every 6 months.
2.14 ISO, NIST, etc. Verification/calibration results shall X
verified? Results reviewed monthly.
be internally reviewed, approved and documented.
FMMB00092 MA78 Calibration
Refer to Process Tables for frequency of checks. Verification Record

Electroclean rinse double counterflow
flow on
Identify operating parameters including:
Acid double rinse
- number of rinse tanks between process stages,
Zinc rinses double counterflow
Are the water rinses - tank type (single rinse, counter flowing, stationary
Chromate rinses single
controlled and detailed in the rinse, spray rinse)
2.15 process Control Plan to - flow rate, X
Soak clean rinse single city water flow
reflect full process - water requirements (city or deionized water,
parameters? reverse osmosis),
Electroclean rinse double counterflow
- filtration (if applicable)
flow on
- control methods.
Acid rinse double counterflow
Zinc rinses double counterflow filtered
Chromate rinses double counterflow

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012
Section 3 - Zinc/ Zinc Alloy Plating Equipment


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action
A system shall be used by the plating facility to track
calibration dates of equipment. This system will
typically be a computerized tracking system or other
Eddy-mag verification log, Test
Are process and testing notification system. Test equipment shall be
equipment verifiication and
equipment calibrations and/or verified/calibrated per applicable customer specific
3.1 calibration log. Outside vendor used X
verification certified, posted, standard or consensus standard, e.g., ASTM, SAE,
for calibration/certification of master
and current? ISO, NIST, etc. Verification/calibration results shall
be internally reviewed, approved and documented.
Refer to Process Table J, for equipment certification
time table.

Barrels are inspected by the operator.

If a barrel needs to be repaired it is
tagged and taken off line.
Maintenance repairs the barrel and
tags it as ready to go back on line.
Are barrels, racks, and Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
3.2 Work Instruction WI-0093 PL 30,31,35 X
baskets maintained? that is documented and implemented.
FMMBO0379 MA 78 Plating Barrel
Repair List
FMMBO0381 MA 78 3001 Plating
Barrel Repair List

QP180 Preventative Maintenance

Plater shall have preventative maintenance system system (automated)
3.3 Are rectifiers maintained? X
that is documented and implemented. WI-0245 MA 78 Annual Plating
Rectifier Maintenance Procedure
Are Contacts and Bussing Plater shall have preventative maintenance system FMMBO0016 PL 30, 31 CC30, 31 - Line
3.4 X
maintained? that is documented and implemented. Maintenance Checklist
WI-0010 WT 67 Indexing Filter
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system Operation
3.5 Are filters maintained? X
that is documented and implemented. WI-0158 WT 67 Waste Treatment Shift
Yes, annual temperature surveys are
For hydrogen embrittlement Uniformity survey must show that ovens were tested done on each oven.
relief ovens, are temperature both empty and with a full load. Parts must come up WI-0036 MA 78 Annual Survey of
3.6 X
uniformity surveys performed to temperature within one hour of entering oven and Furnaces & Draws
yearly? meet temperature tolerance specified by customer. FMMB00092 MA78 Calibration
Verification Record
For hydrogen embrittlement FMMB00092 MA78 Calibration
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
relief ovens, are Verification Record - Quarterly
3.7 that is documented and implemented. X
thermocouples checked calibration / verification are performed on
and/or replaced quarterly? each oven.

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Plater shall have a defined drying process to

Is there a drying/curing
3.8 adequately dry parts. Process to include control and SO identifies drying method and time. X
system in place?
verification of temperature and time. IFIX

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 4 - Decorative (Cu, Ni, Cr) Plating Equipment


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action
A system shall be used by the plating facility to track
calibration dates of equipment. This system will
typically be a computerized tracking system or other
Are process and testing notification system. Test equipment shall be
equipment calibrations and/or verified/calibrated per applicable customer specific
4.1 X
verification certified, posted, standard or consensus standard, e.g., ASTM, SAE,
and current? ISO, NIST, etc. Verification/calibration results shall
be internally reviewed, approved and documented.
Refer to Process Table J, for equipment certification
time table.
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
4.2 Are racks maintained? X
that is documented and implemented.
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
4.3 Are rectifiers maintained? X
that is documented and implemented.
Are Contacts and Bussing Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
4.4 X
maintained? that is documented and implemented.
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
4.5 Are filters maintained? X
that is documented and implemented.
Is all other applicable Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
4.6 X
equipment maintained? that is documented and implemented.

For all thermocouples/ Plater shall have preventative maintenance system

4.7 thermometers are they that is documented, implemented and includes X
checked and/or replaced? thermocouple and thermometer maintenance.

Are the process and Checks shall be documented. Each alarm shall be
4.8 equipment alarm checks reviewed independently for functionality if applicable. X
being tested? Plater shall have a list of alarms relevant to process.

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 5 - EN Plating Equipment


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

A system shall be used by the plating facility to track

calibration dates of equipment. This system will typically be
a computerized tracking system or other notification
Are process and testing
system. Test equipment shall be verified/calibrated per
equipment calibrations and/or
5.1 applicable customer specific standard or consensus X
verification certified, posted,
standard, e.g., ASTM, SAE, ISO, NIST, etc.
and current?
Verification/calibration results shall be internally reviewed,
approved and documented. Refer to Process Table J, for
equipment certification time table.

Are barrels, racks, and Plater shall have preventative maintenance system that is
5.2 X
baskets maintained? documented and implemented.
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system that is
5.3 Are rectifiers maintained? X
documented and implemented.
Are Contacts and Bussing Plater shall have preventative maintenance system that is
5.4 X
maintained? documented and implemented.
Is all other applicable Plater shall have preventative maintenance system that is
5.5 X
equipment maintained? documented and implemented.
For all thermocouples / Plater shall have preventative maintenance system that is
5.6 thermometers are they documented, implemented and includes thermocouple and X
checked and/or replaced? thermometer maintenance.
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system that is
5.7 Are filters maintained? X
documented and implemented.

Plater shall show evidence that tanks are fabricated from

Are plating tanks designed proper material, proper solution movement is ensured with
5.8 and equipped per minimum adequate agitation and filtration meets the TDS guidelines. X
requirements? Solution pumps should be capable of turning over the
solution minimum 10 times per hour.

For all ovens, are Plater shall have preventative maintenance system that is
5.9 thermocouples checked documented and implemented. X
and/or replaced quarterly?

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 6 - Hard Chrome Plating Equipment


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

A system shall be used by the plating facility to track

calibration dates of equipment. This system will
typically be a computerized tracking system or other
Are process and testing notification system. Test equipment shall be
equipment calibrations and/or verified/calibrated per applicable customer specific
6.1 X
verification certified, posted, standard or consensus standard, e.g., ASTM, SAE,
and current? ISO, NIST, etc. Verification/calibration results shall
be internally reviewed, approved and documented.
Refer to Process Table J, for equipment certification
time table.
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
6.2 Are racks maintained? X
that is documented and implemented.
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
6.3 Are rectifiers maintained? that is documented and implemented. Including X
Ripple checks.
Are Contacts and Bussing Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
6.4 X
maintained? that is documented and implemented.
Uniformity survey must show that ovens were tested
For hydrogen embrittlement
both empty and with a dense load. Parts must come
relief ovens, are temperature
6.5 up to temperature within one hour of entering oven X
uniformity surveys performed
and meet temperature tolerance specified by
For hydrogen embrittlement
relief ovens, are Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
6.6 X
thermocouples checked that is documented and implemented.
and/or replaced quarterly?

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 6 - Hard Chrome Plating Equipment


Question Not Needs Immediate

Question Requirements and Guidance Objective Evidence N/A Satisfactory
Number Satisfactory Action

Plater shall have preventative maintenance system

6.7 Are filters maintained if used? X
that is documented and implemented.
Is all other applicable Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
6.8 X
equipment maintained? that is documented and implemented.
For all thermocouples/
Plater shall have preventative maintenance system
6.9 thermometers are they X
that is documented and implemented.
checked and/or replaced?

Are the process and Checks shall be documented. Each alarm shall be
6.10 equipment alarm checks reviewed independently for functionality if applicable. X
being tested? Plater shall have a list of alarms relevant to process.

Are anodes replaced when Anode cleaning, replacement, or maintenance to be

6.11 X
necessary? documented in PM system.
Maintenance of busing due to chemical attack from
Is all electrical bussing being
6.12 the chrome solution to be documented in PM X

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

7.1 Are contract review, advance 1.2

quality planning, FMEA, Control 1.3
QP050 Advanced Quality Planning N/A Pass
Plans, etc., performed by qualified 1.4
individuals? 1.17
7.2 Does the plater have the proper QP050 Advanced Quality Planning PEC-58
customer specifications for the 1.5 N/A PEC-99 form Pass
7.3 Is a shop traveler created to meet 1.6 QP070 Contract Review 1685142-01 Bin Tag, Shop order,
customer requirements? 2.1 Customer paperwork
7.4 QP 140 Product Identification and Bin Tag Bin tags with the order
Is material identification (part
2.2 Traceability
numbers, lot numbers, contract
2.3 Pass
numbers, etc.) maintained
throughout the plating process?
7.5 Is there documented evidence of QP 140 Product Identification and SO initialed Receiving inspection
2.1 Pass
Receiving Inspection? Traceability completed
7.6 1.6 Per shop order shop order details
Are the Loading / Racking
2.7 Pass
requirements identified?
2.9 QP 150 Process Control Procedure

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

7.7 Is the proper procedure or soak clean, rinse, electroclean, steps performed Per
process specification used? 1.5 rinse, acid, rinse, zinc plate, shop order
Refer to Process Tables for 1.6 rinse, chromate, rinse
specific parameters. List 2.1 Pass
parameters that were verified in 2.11
this audit in the spaces provided 2.13
below. QP 150 Process Control Procedure
Acid concentration Pass
plating temp and

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

7.8 What are the product inspection Each part may have one or more requirements determined by the plating specification. Parts
requirements? must meet each requirement. List each requirement below and validate.
7.8.1 Requirement: Plate Thickness
Test Method: Eddy current Pass
Test frequency or quantity: 3/ barrel Pass
Selection of samples: standard sampling Pass
.3 mils minimum .3 mils minimum plan
.49-.57 mils
Specification: Pass
7.8.2 Requirement: Corrosion
Test Method: Salt spray Salt spray Pass

Test frequency or quantity:

every 8 hours of run NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

Selection of samples:
per process NA
Process has passed
Specification: in the last month of Pass
72 hours to red rust 72 hours to red rust testing

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

7.8.3 This includes the transition time

from the plating bath to the oven
Requirement: Hydrogen plus heating time. The time to
Embrittlement Relief (if temperature is different for different
Applicable) customers. The most strict
(shortest heating time)
requirements shall be met. per shop order within 1 hour Per shop order Pass
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A


7.8.4 Requirement: Adhesion Test
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

Specification: N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

7.8.5 Requirement: Substrate Alloy (if

Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A
7.8.6 Requirement: Torque Tension (if
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A
7.8.7 Requirement: Appearance
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

Specification: N/A
7.8.8 Requirement: Hardness
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A
Requirement: Smoothness, Rz/Ra

Test Method: N/A

Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

7.8.10 Requirement: Polishing/Grinding

Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A
7.8.11 Requirement: Stress
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A
7.8.12 Requirement: Ductility
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

7.8.13 Requirement: Pore Count/Active

Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A
7.8.14 Requirement: S.T.E.P.
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A
7.8.15 Sulfur by foil
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

Specification: N/A
7.8.16 Pull Test
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A
Requirement: Thermal Cycle
(Decorative Plastic)
Test Method: N/A
Test frequency or quantity: N/A
Selection of samples: N/A
Specification: N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

Operator or Inspector Responsibilities

7.9 1.4
Were appropriate process steps 2.2
signed off? 2.3
2.11 Per shop order completed pass
7.10 Were all inspection steps, as
documented in the Control Plan
performed? Per shop order documented in spec pass
Were steps/operations performed 1.2
that were not documented in the 1.4
Control Plan? 1.6
7.12 1.2
If additional steps were
performed, were they authorized?
1.17 N/A
7.13 If the order was certified, did the
certification accurately reflect the Verified automated
process performed? Verified. form. pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

Section 7 - Job Audit - Finished Product Review

Job Identity: AU-ZP-TB-BK

Customer: N/A
Shop Order Number: 1685142-01
Part Number: N/A
Part Description: N/A
Material: 1050/1070
Plating Requirements: .3 mils min (actual .45-.60)

Question Related Job (Shop) Order or Reference Actual Condition Pass /

Job Audit Question Customer or Internal Requirement
Number PSA Question # Documentation Requirement (Objective Evidence) Fail / N/A

7.14 Was the certification signed by an

authorized individual? N/A
7.15 Are the parts and containers free
of foreign objects or 2.6
contamination? Per WI-0053PW completed pass
Packaging Requirements
7.16 Are packaging requirements
identified? Per shop order completed pass
Are parts packaged to minimize
mixed parts (parts packed over 2.9 Container weight out
height of container)? compared with
Container weight received weight in Pass
Shipping Requirements
7.18 Were the parts properly Bin tag pass
7.19 Were the containers properly 2.3
labeled? 2.9 bin tag, customer tag pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE A - Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
1.0 Metal Cleaning
Type: Electro & Soak clean
Electro 3001 - 625 gal
Electro 3102 - 500 gal
Size, volume: Soak 3102 - 800 gal
Electro - SEL-321
Proprietary name: Soak - SL-142
Chemical supplier: Techmatic
Continuous monitoring continuous / per shift
by controller. Manually
A1.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic automatic verify daily. pass
A1.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual automatic Once per day per shift pass
After any program continuous
A1.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic automatic changes. pass
A1.4 Agitation Automatic automatic Per process sheet per shift pass
A1.5 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Amperage or Voltage Control Automatic automatic Once every 8 hours* continuous pass
A1.6 Solution Level Manual automatic Once every 8 hours per shift pass
A1.7 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic automatic Once every 8 hours per shift pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE A - Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
2.0 Acid Pickling

Type: Acid dip

Size, volume: 650 gal
Proprietary name: Muriatic acid
Chemical supplier: Harcros
Continuous monitoring N/A
by controller. Manually
A2.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature (if applicable) Automatic N/A verify daily. N/A
A2.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual manual Once every 8 hours* per shift pass
Metallic impurity concentration. Obtain metallic Once per month
impurity limits from chemical supplier with required
corrective actions. Manual Manual Once per month pass
7 minute
After any program
A2.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time (Less than 10 Minutes or Customer Specific) Automatic automatic changes. pass
A2.4 Inhibitor Manual N/A Per Control Plan N/A N/A
A2.5 Solution Level Manual manual Once every 8 hours per shift pass
A2.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic automatic Once every 8 hours per shift pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE A - Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
3.0 Acid Plating Bath
Type: Chloride Zinc
CC30 - 1,600 gal
Size, volume: CC31 - 8,000 gal
CC30 - Starter brightener
Proprietary name: CC31 - Carrier & toner
Chemical supplier: Pavco
Continuous monitoring continuous & per shift
by controller. Manually
A3.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic automatic verify daily. pass
After any program
A3.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic automatic changes. pass
A3.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual automatic Once every 8 hours continuous pass
per shift
A3.4 Chloride Concentration Manual manual Once per day pass
A3.5 pH Manual automatic Once every 8 hours continuous pass
A3.6 Plating Test Cell (Hull) Manual manual Once per day* per shift pass
A3.7 Plating Metal Concentration(s) Manual manual Once per day* per shift pass
Metallic impurity concentration. Obtain metallic per shift
impurity limits from chemical supplier with required
A3.8 corrective actions. Manual Manual Once per month pass
A3.9 Buffer (Ammonia / Boric Acid per TDS) Manual manual Once per week* per shift pass
A3.10 Filtration Continuous automatic Once every 8 hours continuous / per shift pass
A3.11 Agitation (Rack only - others optional) Continuous automatic Once every 8 hours per shift pass
A3.12 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic automatic Once every 8 hours per shift pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE A - Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
4.0 Alkaline Plating Bath
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
A4.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA

After any program

A4.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
A4.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours NA
A4.4 Caustic Concentration Manual Once per day NA
A4.5 Plating Test Cell (Hull) Manual Once per day NA
A4.6 Plating Metal Concentration(s) Manual Once per day NA
Metallic impurity concentration. Obtain metallic
impurity limits from chemical supplier with required
A4.7 corrective actions. Manual Once per month NA
A4.8 Filtration Continuous Once every 8 hours NA
A4.9 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE A - Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Pre-bake acid treatment if baking is required (i.e.,
5.0 nitric, sulfuric, chromate, etc.)
A5.1 pH/concentration Manual Manual Once every 8 hours per shift pass
During reject
After any program investigation & after any
A5.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic Automatic changes. program changes pass
6.0 Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief
A6.1 Refer to PT Embrittlement Bake as required pass
7.0 Acid Activation (i.e., nitric, sulfuric, etc.)
A7.1 pH/concentration Manual Once every 8 hours NA
After any program
A7.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic* changes. NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE A - Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
8.0 Passivates
Type: Trivalent thick/thin film
Size, volume: 350 gal
Thin - Tru Blue
Proprietary name: Thick - HyProtec1010
Chemical supplier: Pavco
per shift
Prior to production start-
up. If automatic control
once per day, once
A8.1 Concentration Automatic or Manual Manual every 8 hours if manual. pass
Continuous monitoring per shift
by controller. Manually
A8.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic automatic verify daily. pass
Automatic -After any per shift
program changes.
A8.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic or Manual automatic Manual - every load.* pass
per shift
Prior to production start-
up. If automatic control
once per day, once
A8.4 pH Automatic* Manual every 8 hours if manual. pass
A8.5 Agitation Automatic automatic Once every 8 hours per shift pass
A8.6 Metallic Impurity level(s) (e.g. Fe, Zn) Manual manual Once per week per shift pass
A8.7 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic automatic Once every 8 hours per shift pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE A - Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Supplemental Treatments - Topcoats, Sealants and
9.0 Friction Modifiers
Type: Top-coat
Size, volume: 350 gal
Proprietary name: HyProcoat 320
Chemical supplier: Pavco
per shift
Prior to production start-
up. If automatic control
once per day, once
A9.1 Concentration Manual manual every 8 hours if manual. pass
Continuous monitoring per shift
by controller. Manually
A9.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature (if applicable) Automatic automatic verify daily. pass
Prior to production start-
up. If automatic control
once per day, once
A9.3 pH (if applicable) Automatic or Manual N/A every 8 hours if manual. N/A
After any program per shift
A9.4 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic* automatic changes if automatic. pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE A - Zinc & Zinc Alloy Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
10.0 Drying
Per Process Sheet and
A10.1 3.7 Drying Time Automatic or Manual automatic TDS continuous pass
Per Process Sheet and
A10.2 3.7 Drying Temperature Automatic or Manual manual TDS per shift pass
A10.3 Verify operation of blowers and/or rotation of dryer. Manual manual Once per 8 hours continuous pass
Every container and
A10.4 3.7 There is a procedure to ensure dryness of parts. Manual Manual on rack. per barrel pass
Proceed to PT - Embrittlement Bake (If required)

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE B - Mechanical Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
1.0 Metal Cleaning (Off Line*)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Manually measure once
B1.1 Temperature Automatic every 8 hours NA
B1.2 Concentration Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours NA
After any program
B1.3 Time Automatic or Manual changes if automatic. NA
B1.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
B1.5 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours NA
B1.6 2.15 Rinse Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours NA
Cleaning in Mechanical Plating Barrel
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
B1.7 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Manual Per load NA
B1.8 Rotation Speed Manual Per load NA
B1.9 Solution Level Manual Per load NA
B1.10 2.15 Rinse Manual Per load NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 41

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE B - Mechanical Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
2.0 Mechanical Plating
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
B2.1 Load Size (e.g. weight, area, volume) Manual Per load NA
B2.2 Water Volume Manual Per load NA
B2.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Manual Per load NA
Media Mix (Ratio)
Verification by operator the bead size and mix is
B2.4 correct. Manual Per load NA
Media Mix - Sieve Testing
Off-line separation dependent on part size and mix
B2.5 unless separation is achieved on-line. Manual Once per month NA
B2.6 Media (Load Volume) Manual Per load NA
B2.7 Media (Cleanliness - To Avoid Contamination) Manual Once per week NA
B2.8 Surface Conditioner (Volume or weight) Manual Per load NA
B2.9 Surface Conditioner (Time) Manual Per load NA
B2.10 Surface preparation (Volume or weight) - Cu Flash Manual Per load NA
B2.11 Surface preparation (Time) Manual Per load NA
B2.12 Promoter(s) (Volume) Manual Per load NA
B2.13 Promoter (Time) Manual Per load NA
B2.14 Zinc Flash (Weight or volume) Manual Per load NA
B2.15 Zinc Flash (Time) Manual Per load NA
B2.16 Metal Addition (Weight or volume) Manual Per load NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 42

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE B - Mechanical Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
B2.17 Metal Addition (Number of Adds) Manual Per load NA
B2.18 3.2 pH adjustments (Dependent on Adds) Manual As needed NA
B2.19 Metal (Thickness) Manual Per load NA
B2.20 Water Polish (time) Manual Per load NA
B2.21 Part/Media Separation Manual Per load NA
3.0 Passivates
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

Prior to production start-

up. If automatic control
once per day, once
B3.1 Concentration Automatic or Manual every 8 hours if manual. NA

Automatic - Continuous
monitoring by controller
and manually verify

B3.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic or Manual Manual - every load.* NA

Automatic -After any

program changes.
B3.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic or Manual Manual - every load.* NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 43

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE B - Mechanical Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)

Prior to production start-

up. If automatic control
once per day, once
B3.4 pH Automatic or Manual every 8 hours if manual. NA
B3.5 Agitation Automatic or Manual Per load NA
B3.6 Metallic Impurity level(s) (e.g. Fe, Zn) Manual Once per week NA
B3.7 2.15 Rinse Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours NA
Supplemental Treatments - Sealers and Torque
4.0 Tension Modifiers
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

Prior to production start-

up. If automatic control
once per day, once
B4.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Automatic or Manual every 8 hours if manual. NA
Automatic - Continuous
monitoring by controller
and manually verify

B4.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic or Manual Manual - every load.* NA
Automatic -After any
program changes.
B4.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic or Manual Manual - every load.* NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 44

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE B - Mechanical Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)

Prior to production start-

up. If automatic control
once per day, once
B4.4 3.2 pH Automatic or Manual every 8 hours if manual. NA
5.0 Drying
Per process sheet and
B5.1 3.7 Drying Time Automatic/Manual TDS NA
Per process sheet and
B5.2 3.7 Drying Temperature Automatic/Manual TDS NA
B5.3 Verify operation of blowers and/or rotation of dryer. Manual Once every 8 hours NA
Every container and
B5.4 3.7 There is a procedure to ensure dryness of parts. Manual rack. NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 45

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE C - Surface Conditioning of Metals for Decorative Plating or Electropolishing

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
1.0 Polishing and Buffing
C1.1 Type: (Manual or Automatic)
C1.2 Check which metals are applicable:
Stainless Steel:
Zinc diecast:
2.0 Metal Cleaning
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
C2.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
C2.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once per day NA
After any program
C2.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA

C2.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA

C2.5 4.4 Amperage or Voltage Control Automatic Once every 8 hours* NA
C2.6 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
C2.7 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 46

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE C - Surface Conditioning of Metals for Decorative Plating or Electropolishing

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

3.0 Pretreatment
C3.1 Strike (if applicable) N/A N/A NA
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
C3.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
C3.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* NA
After any program
C3.4 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
C3.5 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
C3.6 4.4 Amperage or Voltage Control Automatic Once every 8 hours* NA
C3.7 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
C3.8 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA
C3.9 Zincate (Aluminum Only) NA
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
C3.10 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
C3.11 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* NA
After any program
C3.12 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
C3.13 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
C3.14 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 47

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE C - Surface Conditioning of Metals for Decorative Plating or Electropolishing

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Manually measure
impurities once every 8
C3.15 Dump Schedule Manual hours* NA
C3.16 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA
4.0 Acid
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
C4.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature (if applicable) Automatic verify daily. NA
C4.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* NA
After any program
C4.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time (Per Specification) Automatic changes. NA
C4.4 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
C4.5 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA

Decorative Plating - Proceed to PT - Deco Plating Metal & Plastic

Electropolishing and/or Chrome Flash- Proceed to PT - EPCF

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 48

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE D - Surface Conditioning of Plastics for Decorative Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
1.0 Cleaning and Pre-Etch (If Applicable)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
D1.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
D1.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* NA
After any program
D1.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
D1.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
D1.5 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
D1.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA
2.0 Etch
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
D2.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
D2.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* NA
After any program
D2.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 49

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE D - Surface Conditioning of Plastics for Decorative Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
D2.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
D2.5 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
D2.6 2.15 Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA
3.0 Neutralizer
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
D3.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
D3.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* NA
After any program
D3.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
D3.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
D3.5 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
D3.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 50

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE D - Surface Conditioning of Plastics for Decorative Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
4.0 Activator
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
D4.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
D4.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* NA
After any program
D4.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
D4.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
D4.5 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
D4.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA
5.0 Accelerator
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
D5.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
D5.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 51

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE D - Surface Conditioning of Plastics for Decorative Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
After any program
D5.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
D5.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
D5.5 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
D5.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA
6.0 Electroless Plating
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
D6.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
D6.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once every 4 hours NA
After any program
D6.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
D6.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
D6.5 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
D6.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 52

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE D - Surface Conditioning of Plastics for Decorative Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
7.0 Electrolytic Plating - Strike
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
D7.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. NA
D7.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once per day NA
D7.3 4.1, 4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours NA
After any program
D7.4 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. NA
D7.5 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet NA
D7.6 Solution Level Manual Once every 8 hours NA
D7.7 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours NA

Decorative Plating - Proceed to PT - Deco Plating Metal & Plastic

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 53

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE E - Decorative Plating for Metal and Plastic

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
1.0 Acid Copper (if applicable)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
E1.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a
E1.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once per day* n/a
After any program
E1.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. n/a
E1.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
E1.5 4.1, 4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E1.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E1.7 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
E1.8 Filtration Continuous Once every 8 hours n/a
E1.9 Post Clean* Manual Once per day n/a
2.0 Semi-Bright Nickel
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 54

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE E - Decorative Plating for Metal and Plastic

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
E2.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a
E2.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once per day* n/a
After any program
E2.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. n/a
E2.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
E2.5 4.1, 4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E2.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E2.7 4.2 pH Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E2.8 4.2 Internal stress test Manual 1/Month n/a
E2.9 4.2 Ductility test Manual 1/Month n/a
E2.10 4.2 Sulfur Concentration (as deposited) Manual 1/Month n/a
E2.11 Filtration Continuous Once every 8 hours n/a
3.0 High Activity Nickel (if applicable)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
E3.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a
E3.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once per day* n/a
After any program
E3.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. n/a
E3.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 55

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE E - Decorative Plating for Metal and Plastic

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
E3.5 4.1, 4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E3.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E3.7 pH Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E3.8 Filtration Continuous Once every 8 hours n/a
4.0 Bright Nickel
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
E4.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a
E4.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once per day* n/a
After any program
E4.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. n/a
E4.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
E4.5 4.1,4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E4.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E4.7 pH Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E4.8 Internal stress test Manual 1/Month n/a
E4.9 Ductility test Manual 1/Month n/a
E4.10 Filtration Continuous Once every 8 hours n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 56

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE E - Decorative Plating for Metal and Plastic

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
5.0 Microporous Nickel
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
E5.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a
E5.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once per day* n/a
After any program
E5.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. n/a
E5.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
E5.5 4.1,4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E5.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E5.7 4.2 pH Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E5.8 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
E5.9 4.2 STEP Test (of final product) Manual Once per day* n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 57

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE E - Decorative Plating for Metal and Plastic

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
6.0 Chromium
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
E6.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a
E6.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once every 4 hours* n/a
After any program
E6.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. n/a
E6.4 Agitation (if applicable) Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
E6.5 4.1,4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E6.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
E6.7 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
E6.8 4.2 Pore Count and Pore Size Manual Once per day* n/a

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Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE F - Electropolishing and/or Chrome Flash on Stainless Steel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
1.0 (If Applicable)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
F1.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a

F1.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once per day* n/a
After any program
F1.3 Time Automatic or Manual changes. n/a
F1.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
F1.5 4.1, 4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
F1.6 2.15 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a

F1.7 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 59

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE F - Electropolishing and/or Chrome Flash on Stainless Steel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
2.0 (If Applicable)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
F2.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a

F2.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a
After any program
F2.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. n/a

F2.4 4.1,4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a

F2.5 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a

F2.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 60

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2012

PROCESS TABLE G - Hard Chrome Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Requirements Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
1.0 Metal Cleaning
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
G1.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a

G1.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration Manual Once per day n/a
After any program
G1.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic changes. n/a

G1.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a

G1.5 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a

G1.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a

2.0 Mechanical Preparation (If Applicable)
G2.1 Polishing/Buffing: n/a
G2.2 Wheel revolutions per minute (rpm) Automatic or Manual Per process sheet n/a
G2.3 Buffing wheel material Manual Per process sheet n/a
G2.4 Buffing wheel compound Automatic/Manual Per process sheet n/a

G2.5 Surface profile is checked after process (if applicable). Manual Every load n/a
G2.6 Abrasive Blast Process: n/a
G2.7 Media type Manual Every part change n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 61

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2012

PROCESS TABLE G - Hard Chrome Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Requirements Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)

Blasting media size/life: Per preventative

- Media size is being checked on a regular schedule maintenance schedule,
G2.8 to determine effective cleaning and life of product mix. Manual once per week minimum n/a
Abrasive media flow or nozzle air pressure:
1.4; 1.6; 2.11; - Blasting force is set and maintained within control
G2.9 2.12 limits Automatic or Manual Per process sheet n/a
Dwell time is clearly defined.
1.4; 1.6; 2.11; - If additional blasting is required, management
G2.10 2.12 approval is needed. Automatic or Manual Per process sheet n/a
G2.11 Abrasive media level Manual Every load n/a
Surface cleanliness is checked after process.
G2.12 1.4; 2.11 Copper Sulfate Test (Hogeboom Test) Manual Every load* n/a

G2.13 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Surface profile is checked after process (if applicable). Manual Every load n/a
3.0 Acid Activation (If applicable)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
G3.1 Automatic verify daily. n/a
G3.2 Concentration Automatic or Manual Once per day n/a
G3.3 Time Automatic or Manual Per process sheet n/a
G3.4 Agitation or Circulation (if applicable) Automatic Per process sheet n/a
G3.5 6.3 ,6.4 Current/Voltage (if applicable) Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
G3.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 62

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2012

PROCESS TABLE G - Hard Chrome Plating

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Requirements Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
G3.7 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
4.0 Chrome Plate
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring
by controller. Manually
G4.1 Temperature Automatic verify daily. n/a

G4.2 Concentration Manual Once per day n/a

Metallic impurity concentrations of Fe, Cr+3, Cu, and
G4.3 Ni. Manual Once per week n/a
After any program
G4.4 Time Manual changes. n/a
G4.5 Agitation or Circulation Automatic At start of each shift n/a
G4.6 6.3, 6.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
G4.7 Ramp Schedule (If applicable) Automatic or Manual Per process sheet n/a
G4.8 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
G4.9 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
Proceed to PT - Embrittlement Bake (If required)

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Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
1.0 Alkaline Soak Cleaner
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

Continuous monitoring by
H1.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic controller. Manually verify daily. n/a
H1.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once per day n/a
Per process sheet and after
H1.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic or Manual program changes. n/a
H1.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
H1.5 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
H1.6 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
2.0 Alkaline Electrocleaner
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 64

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)

Continuous monitoring by
H2.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic controller. Manually verify daily. n/a
H2.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once per day n/a
Per process sheet and after
H2.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic or Manual program changes. n/a
H2.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
Per process sheet and TDS
H2.5 4.1, 4.4 Current/Voltage Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a
H2.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
H2.7 2.15, 4.2 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
3.0 Acid Activation
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

Continuous monitoring by
H3.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature (if applicable) Automatic controller. Manually verify daily. n/a

H3.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a
Metallic impurity concentration. Obtain metallic impurity
limits from chemical supplier with required corrective
H3.3 actions. Manual Once per month n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 65

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Per process sheet and after
H3.4 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic or Manual program changes. n/a
H3.5 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
H3.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
H3.7 2.15, 4.2 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
4.0 Soak Cleaner
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

Continuous monitoring by
H4.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic controller. Manually verify daily. n/a
H4.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a
Per process sheet and after
H4.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic or Manual program changes. n/a
H4.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
H4.5 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
H4.6 2.15, 4.2 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
5.0 Etch
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 66

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)

Continuous monitoring by
H5.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic controller. Manually verify daily. n/a
H5.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a
Metallic impurity concentrations of Al and Cu. Obtain
limits from chemical supplier with required corrective Per process sheet and
H5.3 actions. TDS Once per month n/a
Per process sheet and after
H5.4 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Automatic or Manual program changes. n/a
H5.5 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
H5.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
H5.7 2.15, 4.2 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
6.0 Deoxidizer/Desmutter
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 67

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Continuous monitoring by
controller. Manually verify once
H6.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic every 8 hours. n/a
H6.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a
Metallic impurity concentrations of Al and Cu. Obtain
limits from chemical supplier with required corrective Per process sheet and
H6.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 actions. TDS Once per month n/a
Per process sheet and after
H6.4 Time Automatic or Manual program changes. n/a
H6.5 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
H6.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
H6.7 2.15, 4.2 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
7.0 Zincate (and second Zincate)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 68

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Continuous monitoring by
controller. Manually verify once
H7.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic every 8 hours. n/a
H7.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
Metallic impurity concentrations of Al. Obtain limits
from chemical supplier with required corrective Per process sheet and
H7.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 actions.* TDS Once per month n/a
H7.4 Time Automatic or Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a
H7.5 Agitation Automatic or Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a
H7.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
Manually measure impurities
Dump Schedule Manual once every 8 hours* n/a
H7.7 2.15, 4.2 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a

8.0 Zincate Strip (when double Zincate)

Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring by
controller. Manually verify once
H8.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic every 8 hours. n/a
H8.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Concentration(s) Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a

Metallic impurity concentrations of Al. Obtain limits Per process sheet and
H8.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 from chemical supplier with required corrective actions. TDS Once per month n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 69

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Per process sheet and after
H8.4 Time Automatic or Manual program changes. n/a
H8.5 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
H8.6 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once every 8 hours n/a
H8.7 2.15, 4.2 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
9.0 EN Strike (optional process)
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring by
controller. Manually verify every
H9.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic 30 minutes while running. n/a

Prior to production start-up.

Automatic: verify daily. Manually:
once every 30 minutes while
H9.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Nickel Concentration Automatic or Manual running. n/a
Per process sheet and after
H9.3 Time Automatic or Manual program changes. n/a
H9.4 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a
H9.5 Hypophosphite concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a
Solution loading (surface area of parts per volume
H9.6 plating solution) Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 70

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
H9.7 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once per hour n/a
Once every 30 minutes while
H9.8 pH Automatic or Manual running* n/a
Continuous per process
H9.9 Filtration sheet & TDS Once every 8 hours n/a
Bath life (metal turnovers) (calculate by specific gravity
H9.10 or orthophosphite or nickel adds made) Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a
H9.11 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
10.0 Electroless Nickel
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:

Continuous monitoring by
controller. Manually verify every
H10.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic 30 minutes while running. n/a
Prior to production start-up.
Automatic: verify daily. Manually:
once every 30 minutes while
H10.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Nickel Concentration Automatic or Manual running. n/a
Per process sheet and after
H10.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Manual program changes. n/a
H10.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a

H10.5 Hypophosphite concentration Manual Once every 8 hours n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 71

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Solution loading (surface area of parts per volume
H10.6 plating solution) Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a

H10.7 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once per hour n/a

Bath life (metal turnovers) (calculate by specific gravity
H10.8 or orthophosphite or nickel adds made) Manual Once per day n/a
Once every 30 minutes while
H10.9 pH Automatic or Manual running* n/a
Continuous per process
H10.10 Filtration sheet & TDS Once every 8 hours n/a
H10.11 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a
H10.12 Hardness Test (if applicable) Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a
H10.13 Phosphorous content (if applicable) Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a
Specialty Electroless Nickel Alloys and
11.0 Composites
Size, volume:
Proprietary name:
Chemical supplier:
Continuous monitoring by
controller. Manually verify every
H11.1 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Temperature Automatic 30 minutes while running. n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 72

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Prior to production start-up.
Automatic: verify daily. Manually:
once every 30 minutes while
H11.2 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Nickel Concentration Automatic or Manual running. n/a
Per process sheet and after
H11.3 1.4; 2.11; 2.13 Time Manual program changes. n/a
H11.4 Agitation Automatic Per process sheet n/a

H11.5 Reducing agent concentration Manual Once every 8 hours* n/a

Specialty Electroless Nickel Alloy and Composite
H11.6 concentrations Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a
Solution loading (surface area of parts per volume
H11.7 plating solution) Manual Per process sheet and TDS n/a
H11.8 Solution Level Automatic or Manual Once per hour n/a
Bath life (metal turnovers) (calculate by specific gravity
H11.9 or orthophosphite or nickel adds made) Manual Once per day n/a
Once every 30 minutes while
H11.10 pH Automatic or Manual running* n/a
Per process sheet &
H11.11 Filtration TDS Once every 8 hours n/a
H11.12 2.15 Flowing Rinse Automatic Once every 8 hours n/a

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 73

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE H- Electroless Nickel

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Line: Rack or Barrel

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)
12.0 Heat Treatment for Hardness (if applicable)

Oven temperature set point(s) and limits are verified Start of bake cycle and every
H12.1 and documented. Manual batch change. n/a
A continuous chart recorder
must be used with a
H12.2 Oven temperature is monitored and recorded. Automatic temperature control alarm. n/a

Uniformity survey must show

that ovens were tested with a full
production load. The applicator
shall demonstrate that the time
from plating to baking
temperature can be reached
within the time limit set by
H12.3 Temperature uniformity surveys are performed yearly. Manual customer requirements. n/a

Supplier shall have preventative

maintenance system that is
H12.4 Thermocouples are checked and/or replaced quarterly. Manual documented and implemented. n/a
Inert gas pressure set point(s) and limits are verified Start of bake cycle and every
H12.5 and documented. Manual batch change. n/a
Time is electronically recorded or mechanically
recorded (not hand-written).for start of bake cycle,and
H12.6 end of bake cycle. Automatic/Manual Every baking batch. n/a

Proceed to PT I - Embrittlement Bake (If required)

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 74

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE I - Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief Bake Process

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Oven: Batch or Continuous

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)

No more than ten minutes. If

more than ten minutes, parts
Process must be in place that limits the acid immersion need to be quarantined, and
I1.1 time in the plating process. Automatic Automatic follow customer reaction plan. 7 minutes pass
If requirement or procedure is
All parts for hydrogen embrittlement relief must reach not met, parts need to be
bake temperature at the center of the load within two quarantined, and follow
I1.2 hours after plating. Automatic/Manual Automatic customer reaction plan. Requirement met pass
Oven temperature set point(s) and limits are verified Start of bake cycle and every
I1.3 and documented. Manual manual batch change. every batch pass
A continuous chart recorder
must be used with a
I1.4 Oven temperature is monitored and recorded. Automatic Automatic temperature control alarm. continuous pass

Uniformity survey must show

that ovens were tested with a full
production load. The applicator
shall demonstrate that the time
from plating to baking
temperature can be reached WI-0036 MA 78 Annual
For hydrogen embrittlement relief ovens, are within the time limit set by Survey of Furnaces &
I1.5 temperature uniformity surveys performed yearly? Manual manual customer requirements. Draws pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 75

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE I - Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief Bake Process

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Process Line Identification:

Type of Oven: Batch or Continuous

Related PSA
ITEM # Category/Process Steps Type of Control Monitoring Frequency Observation/Comments
Question #

Minimum Requirement Actual Condition Minimum Requirement Actual Condition (Pass / Fail / N/A)

Plater shall have preventative FMMBO0092 MA78

For hydrogen embrittlement relief ovens, are maintenance system that is Calibration Verification
I1.6 thermocouples checked and/or replaced quarterly? Manual manual documented and implemented. Record pass

Time and date out of plating line, start of bake cycle,

and end of bake cycle, is electronically or mechanically
I1.7 recorded (not hand-written). Automatic/Manual automatic/manual Every baking batch. every batch pass

Per oven manufacturer, filter

I1.8 Air filter (if used) change is scheduled. Manual N/a supplier recommendation N/A N/A

Before shipment of each batch

an independent inspector (other
than operator) shall verify that
time and date out of plating line,
start of bake cycle, temperature
Bake oven logs for each batch are reviewed and and end of bake cycle meet Performed by supervisor
I1.9 verified. Manual manual process specification. before next process step pass

Hydrogen embrittlement relief is

a time sensitive process. In the
case of re-work, the parts must
be baked immediately. This shall
Hydrogen embrittlement relief must performed per be reflected in the re-work Shop log & customer
I1.10 customer requirements before re-work. process control documents. paperwork pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 76

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE J - Process Control and Testing Equipment

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. The auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Calibration /
Zinc/Zinc Decorative Electroless Hard Chrome Certification Observation/Comments
ITEM # EQUIPMENT TYPE Alloy Plating Nickel Chrome Electropolish flash Verification Frequency Frequency (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Wet Analysis:
Before use, chemicals must be
checked for shelf life and/or expiration
J1.1 date X X X X X X Daily N/A pass
J1.2 pH / Conductivity Meter X X X X Daily Yearly pass
pH / Conductivity Probes
Solution compatible probes must be
Dedicated probes must be used for
J1.3 chromates / passivates. X X X X Before each use N/A pass
Laboratory Balance (Weight Scale)
J1.4 (Optional) X X X X Monthly Yearly N/A

J1.5 Atomic Absorption (AA)* X X X Before each use Yearly pass

Thickness and alloy
J1.6 X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Alloy Only verification daily Yearly N/A
J1.7 Hardness Tester* X X Daily Yearly N/A
J1.8 Profilometer X Daily Yearly N/A
J1.9 Lab Rectifier X X X When applicable Yearly pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 77

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE J - Process Control and Testing Equipment

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. The auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Calibration /
Zinc/Zinc Decorative Electroless Hard Chrome Certification Observation/Comments
ITEM # EQUIPMENT TYPE Alloy Plating Nickel Chrome Electropolish flash Verification Frequency Frequency (Pass / Fail / N/A)
J2.1 Salt Spray Cabinet X X Daily Yearly pass
J2.2 Thickness Tester X X X X X Daily Yearly pass

J2.3 Coulometric (STEP) Tester X Daily Yearly N/A

J2.4 CASS Cabinet X X X Daily Yearly N/A
Microscope (Min 100X)
with calibrated grid reticle for
J2.5 Pore/Crack Count X X N/A Yearly N/A

J2.6 Freezer X Daily Yearly N/A

J2.7 Lab Oven X X X Daily Yearly N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 78

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE J - Process Control and Testing Equipment

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. The auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Calibration /
Zinc/Zinc Decorative Electroless Hard Chrome Certification Observation/Comments
ITEM # EQUIPMENT TYPE Alloy Plating Nickel Chrome Electropolish flash Verification Frequency Frequency (Pass / Fail / N/A)
Ripple checked every
J3.1 Rectifier X X X X X 12 months N/A pass
Checked every 12
J3.2 Amp Meter/Volt Meter X X X X X months N/A pass
J3.3 Plating Solution Filters X X Daily N/A pass
Plate filters (bright and semi-bright
J3.4 nickel tanks) X Daily N/A N/A
J3.5 Oven Temperature recorder Every 3 months Yearly pass
Data/Chart recorder for
J3.6 deembrittlement or EN hardness oven X X X Yearly N/A pass
J3.7 Thermocouples X X X Every 3 months pass
Set points and/or feed
Controllers: rates are verified
J3.8 (If Used) X X X X X X (if applicable) pass
J3.9 Automatic feeders Daily pass
J3.10 Timers Daily pass
J3.11 Temperature X X X X X X Daily Yearly pass
J3.12 Volume Daily pass
J3.13 pH / Conductivity Daily pass

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 79

Special Process: Plating System Assessment
Version 2 Issued 2/2012

PROCESS TABLE J - Process Control and Testing Equipment

All requirements given below are subordinate to applicable customer/OEM specific requirements.

The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. The auditor shall verify plater is conforming to customer requirements.

*If minimum requirements are not met, provide supporting records to justify actual conditions. To justify reduced monitoring frequencies, a minimum of 30 consecutive measurements (data points) at stated
frequencies must be documented. If any data points at reduced monitoring frequencies are outside of control limits, then revert back to the frequencies stated under the minimum requirements.

For multiple tanks that serve the same purpose copy and paste sections as needed.

Calibration /
Zinc/Zinc Decorative Electroless Hard Chrome Certification Observation/Comments
ITEM # EQUIPMENT TYPE Alloy Plating Nickel Chrome Electropolish flash Verification Frequency Frequency (Pass / Fail / N/A)
J3.14 Agitation type: X X X X
J3.15 Air Daily pass
J3.16 Cathode rod Daily N/A

J3.17 Eductor Daily N/A

J3.18 Water source: X X X X X X
J3.19 POTW pass
J3.20 RO Daily N/A
J3.21 Well N/A
J3.22 Deionized X Daily N/A
J3.23 Drying type: X X X X X X N/A
J3.24 Spin Dryer Daily pass
J3.25 Forced Air Drying Daily N/A
J3.26 Belt Oven Daily N/A
J3.27 Box Oven Daily N/A

© 2012 AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Page 80

Special Process: Plating System Assessment

AIAG Copyright and Trademark Notice:

© 2012 Automotive Industry Action Group, except that copyright is not claimed as to any
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Except as noted above, all rights are reserved by AIAG and no part of these materials may
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© 2012 Automotive Industry Action Group

© 2012 Automotive Industry Action Group

ISBN#: 9871605342443-90000

Dated: 2/2012 81

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