Pre - Calculus: Quarter 2 - Module 2

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Pre - Calculus
Quarter 2 - Module 2
Standard Position
and Coterminal

Pre – Calculus
Quarter 2 – Module 2: Angles in Standard Position and Coterminal Angles

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Published by the Department of Education

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Quarter 2- Module 2
Angle in Standard Position and
Coterminal Angles

Introductory Message
Welcome to the Pre-Calculus on Angles in Standard Position and Coterminal Angles!

This module was designed to provide you with opportunities for guided and independent
learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the
learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This part includes an activity that
What I Know
aims to check what you already know
about the lesson to take.
This will give you an idea of the skills
What I Need to Know
or competencies you are expected to
learn in the module.
This is a brief drill or review to help
What’s In
you link the current lesson with the
previous one.
In this portion, the new lesson will be
What’s New introduced to you in various ways; a
(Presentation of the Lesson) story, a song, a poem, a problem
opener, an activity, or a situation.
This section provides a brief
What is It discussion of the lesson. This aims to
(Discussion) help you discover and understand
new concepts and skills.
This section provides activities which
What’s More will help you transfer your new
(Application) knowledge or skill into real life
situations or concerns.
This includes key points that you
What I Need To Remember
need to remember.

This comprises activities for

What I Can Do
independent practice to solidify your
(Enrichment Activities)
understanding and skills of the topic.

This is a task which aims to evaluate

your level of mastery in achieving the
(Post Test)
learning competency.
This contains answers to the
Answer Key  What I Know
 What’s In
 What’s More

At the end of this module, you will also find:

References This is a list of all resources used in developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Do not forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in this module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

About the Module

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
about Angle in Standard Position and Coterminal Angles. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes
the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged based on the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) released by the Department of Education
(DepEd) for this school year 2020 – 2021.

This module is divided into two lessons, namely:

Lesson 1 – Angles in Standard Position and Coterminal Angles

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 illustrate standard position of angle measures (degrees and radian form);

 identify the quadrant which angles terminate and;
 illustrate coterminal angles and give one positive and one negative
coterminal angle of the given angle measures.

What I Know (Pre-Test)

Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer to the following items. Write
them on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Standard position is when …

A. initial side of an angle is on the negative x - axis
B. initial side of an angle is on the negative y - axis
C. initial side of an angle is on the positive x - axis
D. initial side of an angle is on the positive y - axis

2. In what quadrant does the terminal side of terminate?

18 π
3. Which of the following is coterminal with ?
−7 π π 2π 3π
4 4 4 4
A. I and II B. II and III C. II and IV D. III and IV

16 π
4. In what quadrant does the standard position of terminate?

5. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

3π 3π
A. B. C. 2π D. 3π
4 2

6. Which of the following is coterminal with 120°?

A. - 980° B. - 960° C. 1020° D. 1200°

7. The illustration/sketch for the standard position of - 100°?


A. B. C. D.

8. Which of the following angle measures is coterminal with 300°?

A. - 60° B. - 30° C. 230° D. 630°

9. Coterminal angles are angles that have a common _______________.

A. angle measure C. number of rotations
B. initial and terminal sides D. terminal side

11 π
10. Find an angle coterminal with an angle which measures ?
π 4π 8π 17 π
A. B. C. D.
3 3 3 3

11. What are the negative and positive coterminal angles of - 225°?
A. 600, - 120° B. 125°, - 356° C. 135°, - 585° D. 375°, - 356°

12. The number of coterminal angles of any given angle measure is ______________.
A. exactly 2 B. between 2 & 10 C. between 11& 100 D. infinite

13. Which of the following is NOT coterminal with - 60°?

A. - 420° B. - 320° C. 300° D. 660°

14. Which of the following is closest to the measure of the angle shown at your right?

7π 7π 3π 3π
A. B. C. D.
20 10 8 2

15. In what quadrant does the terminal side of 2080° terminate?


Lesson Standard Position of Angles and

1 Coterminal Angles

What I Need To Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

o illustrate standard position of angle measures (degrees and radian form);

o identify the quadrant which angles terminate and;
o illustrate coterminal angles and give one positive and one negative coterminal
angle of the given angle measures.

What’s In

Instructions: Find and encircle 8 words which are related to our lesson in this
Write the words in a separate sheet of paper. (Hints: words begin with
letters P, Q, T, A, I, M and C)


What’s New (Presentation of the Lesson)

Instructions: Do and follow the steps given below on a sheet of bond paper.

Materials needed: 1 whole sheet of bond paper, protractor, ruler, colored pens

STEP 1: Make an xy-plane and draw all the given angle measures below. Make
sure that one (initial side) of the rays of an angle always coincide with
the positive x-axis. Use different color of pens in each angle.
5π −3 π
45°, π , - 315° , - π , 405°, 4 , 1050°, 4 , -30°

Note: 1) Positive angle measure rotates counterclockwise while negative rotates

clockwise. (Refer to previous module 1).
2) Initial side is a stationary ray of an angle and always coincide with the
x-axis while terminal side is the rotating ray of any angle.

Rubrics for scoring the illustrations.

Points Description
20 Illustrated all the given angle measures properly
15 Illustrated 7 out of 9 items of the given angle measures properly
10 Illustrated 5 out of 9 items of the given angle measures properly
5 Illustrated 2 out of 9 items of the given angle measures properly
0 Illustrated NONE of the given angle measures.

STEP 2: Fill-in the table based on the illustrations in step 1 and answer the
questions below.

Angle Quadrant Angle
Measure (where angle terminates) Measure
(where angle terminates)
30° π
- 315° -π
405° 5π
1050° −3 π

1) Which of the following angle measures have same terminal side? Why?
2) Give two angle measures (one in degrees and one in radian) that terminate
not in any quadrants but rather in any of the coordinate axes.
3) What do you think is the significant of this activity?

Rubrics for scoring the answers to the questions

Points Description

15 Answered all the 3 questions correctly
10 Answered only 2 out of 3 questions correctly
5 Answered only 1 out of 3 questions correctly
0 Answered NONE of the given questions

What Is It (Discussion)

When is an angle said to be drawn in standard position?

Standard Position of Angles

(Cited from the book of Cabral, E. et al, 2010)

At this point, we also extend our allowable rotation to include angles which
.encompasses more than one revolution. For example, 450°, we start with an initial side,
rotate counterclockwise one complete revolution (to take care of the “first” 360°) then
continue with an additional 90°, as shown below:

Figure 1: Standard position of 450°

According to Cabral, E (2010), an angle is said to be in standard position if its vertex is

the origin and its initial side coincides with the positive x-axis. And if the terminal
side of an angle lies on one of the coordinate axes, it is called a quadrantal angle. Two
angles in standard position are called coterminal if they share the same terminal side.

Another illustration of angles in their Standard Position, as shown in the figure 2 below:

Figure 2: Angles in Standard Position

Two angles in standard position are COTERMINAL if their sides coincide. In figure 2, the
angles in ( a ) and ( c ) are coterminal.

Some more illustrations of coterminal angles drawn in one xy-plane, as in figure 3 below:

α = 120°

β = -240°

Figure 3: Two different angles in standard position that are coterminal.

Examples of finding coterminal angles (positive and negative) both in degrees and radian.

a) Find angles that are coterminal with the angle ϴ = 30° in standard position.
b) Find angles that are coterminal with the angle ϴ= 3 in standard position.


a) To find positive angles that are coterminal with ϴ, we add any multiple of
ϴ ± 360 k , where k stands for any integer except zero.

Thus, 30° + (360°)1 = 390°, k = 1

30° + (360°)2 = 750°, k = 2
30° + (360°)3 = 1110°, k = 3

So, 390°, 750°, 1110° are one of the positive coterminal angles with ϴ =
and there are infinite number of positive coterminal angles since k is any
integer except zero.

To find negative angles that are coterminal with ϴ, we subtract any multiple of

Thus, 30° – 1(360°) = - 330°, k = - 1

30° – 2(360°) = - 690°, k = - 2
30° – 3(360°) = - 1050°, k = - 3
So, - 330°, - 690°, - 1050° are one of the negative coterminal angles with
ϴ = 30° and there are also infinite number of negative coterminal angles
since k is any integer except zero.

Therefore 30°, 390°, 750°, 1110°, - 330°, - 690°, - 1050° are coterminal angles.
There are more angle measures which are still coterminal with the six
highlighted angle measures above. Observe that the degree measure of
coterminal angles differ by multiples of 360°.

b) To find positive angles that are coterminal with ϴ, we add any multiple of 2π or
ϴ ± 2 π k , where k stands for any integer except zero.

π 7π
+ 2π(1) = 3

π 13 π
+ 2π(2) = 3

π 19 π
+ 2π(3) = 3

7π 13 π 19 π
So, , , are one of the positive coterminal angles (radian
3 3 3

with ϴ = and there are also infinite number of negative coterminal
since k is any integer except zero.

To find negative angles that are coterminal with ϴ, we subtract any multiple of

π −5 π
- 1(2π) = 3

π −11π
3 - 2(2π) = 3 ,k=-2

π −17 π
3 - 3(2π) = 3 ,k=-3

−5 π −11 π −17 π
So, , , are one of the negative coterminal angles
3 3 3

form with ϴ = and there are also infinite number of negative
angles since k is any integer except zero.

π 7 π 13 π
, 3
, 3 , 193 π ,− 53π , −11 π
, −17
are coterminal angles.
There are more angle measures which are still coterminal with the five
highlighted angle measures(radian) in solution (b). Observe that the radian
measure of coterminal angles differ by multiples of 2π.

Two angles are coterminal if and only if their degree measure

differ by 360k , where k ∈ Z and k is any integer except
zero. Similarly, two angles are coterminal if and only if their
radian measures differ by 2πk, k ∈ Z.

Note: Recall your Mathematics 7 for the meaning of the symbols, ∈ and Z (about SET)

Other examples on finding coterminal angles:

c) Find angle measure coterminal with - 380° that has measure:

between 0° and 360° and between -360° and 0°.


A negative angle moves in a clockwise direction, the angle -380° lies in QIV.

1) -380° + 2(360°) = 340° (coterminal with -380° which is between 0° and


2) -380° +1(360°) = - 20°(coterminal with -380° which is between -360° and


What’s More


A. Instructions: The measures of two angles in standard position are given. Determine
whether the paired angles are coterminal or not by solving using
multiples of 360° or 2π.

1) 70° , 1140° 3) - 30° , 330°

5π 17 π 32 π 11 π
2) , 4) ,
6 6 2 3

B. Instructions: Find and illustrate the standard position of the described coterminal
angle with the given angle.

1) Biggest negative angle measure coterminal with 375°

−8 π
2) Smallest positive angle measure coterminal with

Rubrics for scoring illustrations in Activity B
Points Description
15 Illustrated all the given items properly and neatly.
13 Illustrated all the given items properly.
11 Illustrated 1 out of 2 given items properly and neatly
8 Illustrated 1 out of 2 given items properly.
5 Illustrated all the given items neatly only.

What I Need To Remember

 An angle is in Standard Position if it is drawn in the xy-plane with its

vertex at the origin and its initial side on the positive x – axis.
 Quadrantal angles are angles in standard position where its
terminal side coincides with any coordinate axes.
 Coterminal angles are angles in standard position that have a
common terminal side.
 Two angles are coterminal if and only if their degree measures differ
by 360k, where k ∈ Z except zero.
 Two angles are coterminal if and only if their radian measures differ
2πk, where k ∈ Z except zero.

What I Can Do
Instructions: Read carefully and do what is being asked.

A. Classify each angle measure according to where its terminal side lies and give
two (positive and negative) coterminal angles. (show your solutions) Then
illustrate and label the corresponding standard position of each angle.

1) 135° 3) - 200°

5π −10 π
2) 4 4)

Assessment (Post-Test)

Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your chosen answer on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is the standard position of an angle?

A. B. C.

2. In what quadrant does the terminal side of the standard position of lie?

3. Which of the following is TRUE about the standard position of any angle?
A. initial side of an angle is on the negative x - axis
B. initial side of an angle is on the negative y - axis
C. initial side of an angle is on the positive x - axis
D. initial side of an angle is on the positive y - axis

4. The smallest positive coterminal angle with - 120° is _____.

A. 120° B. 140° C. 220° D. 240°

5. In finding the positive coterminal angle of any given angle is by using ϴ + 360k,
where k ∈ Z except zero. How many number of coterminal angles with 30°?

A. exactly 2 B. between 2 & 10 C. between 11& 100 D. infinite

6. The following are coterminal of

−9 π 10 π
A. - 60° B. 660° C. D.
6 6

7. Which of the following pairs of angle measures is coterminal?

−11π 3π −4 π 7π
A. 30°, B. 45°, C. 60°, D. 120°,
6 4 3 5

8. Which of the following angle measures had its terminal side that coincides in any
of the coordinate axes?
−π −π 7π 10 π
A. B. C. D.
3 4 2 3

9. The largest negative coterminal angle with is _______.
−8 π −4 π −π −π
A. B. C. D.
2 3 3 2

10. In the following illustrations of angles in standard position, which of these is

coterminal with 2800° ?

A. B. C. D.

11.Which of the following pairs is the smallest positive and largest negative
angle measure coterminal with 315°?
A. - 90° , 565° B. -60° , 675° C. - 45°, 675° D. - 30° , 565°

12.Which of the following is coterminal angles in its standard position?

A. C.

B. D.

13.At what quadrant does the terminal side of the standard position of -2050°

19 π
14 Which of the following is coterminal with ?
−5 π 8π
I. -150° II. 780° III. IV.
6 6

A. I & II B. I & III C. II & III D. III & IV

−17 π 31 π
15.What is the value of ϴ, if two of its coterminal angles are and ?
6 6

A. 210° B. 240° C. 270° D. 300°

Cabral E.A, E.T. (2010). Precalculus. Ateneo de Manila University Press. Manila 2010.
pp 232 – 235

Figure 1: Cabral, al(2010) Precalculus. Ateneo de Manila University Press. Manila
p. 234

Figure 2: Angles in Standard Position

Figure 3: Two different angles in standard position

You are now ready for the next module. Always remember the following:

1. Make sure every answer sheet has your

 Name
 Grade and Section
 Title of the Activity or Activity No.
2. Follow the date of submission of answer sheets as agreed with your teacher.
3. Keep the modules with you AND return them at the end of the school year or
whenever face-to-face interaction is permitted.


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