Exercise - I: Levels of Organization

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NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter

Concept Based Questions

Levels of Organization 12. Closed blood vascular system is found in

1) Annelids 2) Arthropods
1. Segmentation is present in
3) Roundworms 4) Flatworms
1) Annelida 2)Arthropoda
3) Chordata 4) All of the above 13. True segmentation or metamerism means
1) Body is externally and internally divided into
2. Incomplete digestive system is found in
1) Arthropoda 2) Annelida
2) Each segment of body have serial repetition of
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Aschelminthes
at least some organs
3. Complete gut first appeared in 3) Both 1 & 2
1) Arthropoda 2) Annelida 4) There is no repetition of any organ in successive
3) Platyheminthes 4) Aschelminthes segments
4. Circulatory system appeared first in which 14. Larval forms of echinoderms show the following
phylum? symmetry
1) Arthropoda 2) Annelida 1) Bilateral 2) Radial
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Aschelminthes 3) Biradial 4) Pentamerous radial
5. Open circulatory system occurs in 15. The basic fundamental feature that have enabled
1) Earthworm 2) Snail us to broadly classify the animal kingdom is
3) Cockroach 4) Both 2 & 3 1) Level of organisation
6. Which of the following is acoelomate? 2) Cell organization and symmetry
1) Echinodermata 2) Chordata 3) Segmentation and notochord
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Both 2 & 3 4) All of the above

7. A body cavity lined by mesoderm is called 16. Segmentation of body is first observed in the
1) Haemocoel 2) Pseudocoel 1) Platyhelminthes 2) Aschelminthes
3) Blastocoel 4) Coelom 3) Annelida 4) Arthropoda

8. Which of the following phylum is devoid of tissue? 17. Find out the correct match
1) Porifera 2) Coelenterata 1) Notochord - Mesodermal in origin
3) Annelida 4) Arthropoda 2) Coelom - Present in all Tripoloblastic animals
3) Symmetry - Found in all animals
9. Mesoderm is present as scattered pouches in
between ectoderm and endoderm in 4) Mesoglea - Present in Triploblastic animals
1) Annelids - Eucoelomates 18. Radial symmetry is usually exhibited in animals
2) Arthropods - schizocoelomates which:
3) Molluscs- Haemocoelomates 1) have one opening of alimentary canal
4) Aschelminthes - Pseudocoelomates 2) are diploblastic
10. Radial symmetry is shown by 3) have ciliary mode of feeding
1) Coelentrata 2) Ctenophora 4) are sessile / free swimming
3) Echinodermata 4) All of the above 19. Metameric segmentation is the characteristic of
11. Triploblastic organisation and bilateral symmetry 1) Mollusca and Chordate
starts from which phylum during evolution 2) Platyhelminthes and Arthropoda
1) Porifera 2) Coelenterata 3) Echinodermata and Annelida
3) Aschelminthes 4) Platyhelminthes 4) Annelida and Arthropoda

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20. In Diploblastic animal, 30. Which cells are found only in sponges ?
1) The cells are arranged in two embryonic layers 1) Amoeboid cells 2) Choanocytes
2) The cells are arranged in three embryonic 3) Germ cells 4) Nephrocytes
layers 31. Mark the correct statement
3) The cells are arranged in an external ectoderm 1) The body of sponges consists of epithelial
and internal mesoderm tissue only
4) The cells are arranged in an external mesoderm 2) All the four types of tissues are seen in the body
and internal endoderm of the sponges
21. Acoelomates are 3) Only epithelial and connective tissues are
1) Diploblastic and asymetrical
4) Structurally organised tissues are absent in the
2) Triploblastic and bilaterally symmetrical
body of sponges
3) Triploblastic and radially symmertrical
4) Triploblastic and biradially symmertrical 32. The outer dermal layer of sponges is composed of
1) Choanocytes 2) Amoebocytes
22. Which of the following animals have scattered 3) Pinacocytes 4) Chromocytes
cells with cellular grade of organisation:
33. Which structure of the sponges, corresponds to the
1) Hydra 2) Sponge
mouth of other animals ?
3) Obelia 4) Aurelia
1) Osculum 2) Incurrent canal
23. The most complex grade of organisation is found 3) Ostia 4) Excurrent canal
34. Which one of the sponges, corresponds to the
1) Helminthes 2) Coelenterata
mouth of other animals ?
3) Porifera 4) All of these 1) Osculum 2) Incurrent canal
24. Tissue level body organisation occurs in 3) Ostia 4) Excurrent canal
1) Protozoa 2) Porifera 35. In sponges, the food is stored in
3) Coelenterata 4) Helminthes 1) Trophocytes 2) Pinacocytes
25. Open type of circulation occurs in 3) Archaeocyte 4) Thesocytes
1) Arthropoda 2) Chordata 36. In sponges the spicules are formed by
3) Vertebrata 4) Annelida 1) Choanocytes 2) Chromocytes
26. Sponges are mostly 3) Scleroblasts 4) Porocytes
1) Asymmetrical 2) Bilateral symmetry 37. The food in sponges is ingested by
3) Radial symmetry 4) Biradial symmetry 1) Amoebocytes 2) Choanocytes
3) Pinacocytes 4) Porocytes
Phylum - Porifera (Pore Bearing Animals)
38. Flagellated cells of sponge are
27. The common bath sponge belongs to the genus
1) choanacytes 2) pinacocytes
1) Sycon 2) Leucosolenia
3) porocytes 4) collenocytes
3) Euspongia 4) Spongilla
39. A central cavity common in all types of canal
28. Middle layer of body wall in sponges is called
systems of sponges is called
1) Mesoderm 2) Mesogloea 1) Incurrent canal 2) Radial canal
3) Mesenchyme 4) Mesentery
3) Excurrent canal 4) Paragastric cavity
29. Eggs and sperms in sponges are
40. The sponges have no respiratory organs because
1) Stored in gemmules they
2) Produced by the same individual 1) Are sedentary
3) Produced by male and female sponges 2) Do not need respiratory organs
4) Not produced as they lack sexual reproductive 3) Respire anaerobically
abilities 4) Have highly porous body

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41. Power of regeneration in sponges is due to 53. Muscles in sponges are:
1) Amoebocytes 2) Archaeocytes 1) Striated 2) Smooth
3) Scleroblasts 4) Thesocytes 3) Both striated and smooth 4) absent

42. Larva of sponge is known as 54. Digestion in sponges is

1) Amphiblastula larva 2) Glochidium larva 1) Intracellular 2) intercellurla
3) Planula larva 4) Trochophore larva 3) extracellular 4) all the above

43. If a carmine particle is put on the osculum of a 55. Asexual reproduction of most poriferans is
living sponge, it will 1) fragmentation/budding 2) regeneratoin
1) Be ingested 2) Be thrown away 3) gemmule formation 4) sporulation
3) Rotate 4) Adhere
56. Spicules and amoebocytes in a sponge occur in its
44. Which of the following cells maintain the current 1)pinacoderm 2) choanoderm
of water in the sponges ? 3)mesenchyme 4) spongocoel
1) Choanocytes 2) Myocytes 57. Collared flagellated cells of sponges are known
3) Pinacocytes 4) Porocytes as
45. Nervous system in sponges is 1)pinacocytes 2) choanocytes
1) Primitive 2) Well developed 3)scleroblasts 4) myocytes
3) With non polar neurons 4) Absent 58. The cells of porifera which help in sexual
reproduction are called
46. The most primitive multicellular animals are
1) myocytes 2) porocytes
1) Sponges 2) Coelenterates
3) archeocytes 4) chromocytes
3) Ctenophores 4) Flatworms
59. The gametes in sponges develop from
47. In sponges, spongocoel is lined by 1) amoebocytes 2) archeocytes
1) Choanocytes 2) Amoebocyctes 3) choanocytes 4) both 2 & 3
3) Pinacocytes 4) Archaeocytes
60. One of the following is correct
48. In sponges, canal system helpful in 1) all sponges are motile
1) Food gathering 2) Respiratory exchange 2) few are motile and rest are sessile
3) Removal of wastes 4) All of the above 3) few are sessile and rest are motile
49. Most important character of all sponges: 4) all sponges are sessile
1) Coelenteron 61. Fertilization in Leucosolenia is
2) Holophytic nutrition 1) Cross & internal 2) Self & External
3) Choanocytes 3) Self & internal 4) Cross & External
4) Only sexual reproduction 62. Which of the following is incorrect match
50. Which of the following cells in sponges catch food? 1) Pheronema-bowl sponge
1) Pinacocytes 2) Choanocytes 2) Hyalonema-glass rope sponge
3) Thesocytes 4) Archaeocytes 3) Euspongia –mermaids gloves
4) Cliona-boring sponge
51. Canal system is characteristic of:
63. Distinctive features of sponges
1) Coelenterates 2) Molluscs
1) Porous body 2) Canal system
3) Porifera 4) Echinoderms
3) Spongocoel 4) All the above
52. In sponges there is:
64. Porocytes are
1) Radial symmetry in all
1) Modified choanocytes
2) A true coelom
2) Modified collenocytes
3) A single exit and a number of mouthlets
3) Modified pinacocytes
4) A single mouthlet and a number of exists
4) None of these

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65. Identify the bath sponge in diagram mention 1) a-sexually,b-asexually
below 2) a-asexually,b-sexually
3) a-asexually,b-parthenogenetically
4) a-sexually,b-parthenogenetically
70. In diploblastic animals mouth lies on
1) Cytopharynx 2) Pharynx
3) Hypostome 3) Hypopharynx
71. In which of the following polyp phase does not
1) Hydra 2) Obelia
3) Physalia 4) Aurelia
72. Cnidarians with skeleton made up of calcium
carbonate are
1) Corals 2) Jelly fishes
3) Sea anemones 4) Sea walnuts
73. For life cycle of Obelia,most appropriate term used is
1) Metamerism 2) Metagenesis
3) Alternation of generation 4) Both 2 and 3
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) both (b) & (c)
74. Corals are the member of
66. Principal cell types present in the body wall of
1) Platyhelminthes 2) Porifera
sponges are
3) Coelentrata 4) Chordata
1) Pinacocytes, porocytes, choanocytes,
amoebocytes 75. Hydra is
2) Pinacocytes, choanocytes, amoebocytes, 1) Marine, radially symmetrical and diploblastic
nephrocytes 2) Fresh water, biradially symmetrical and
3) Choanocytes, nerve cells, amoebocytes, triploblastic
nephrocytes 3) Fresh water, radially symmetrical and
4) Choanocytes, porocytes, nephrocytes, diploblastic
Amoebocytes 4) Marine, radially symmetrical and triploblastic
67. Mark the correct matching set : 76. The principle body cavity in Hydra is called
1) Parenchymula – larva of sponges 1) Gastrovascular cavity 2) Schizocoel
2) Amphiblastula – larva of coelenterates 3) Haemocoel 4) Pseudocoelom
3) Sycon – Organ pipes sponge
77. In coelenterates O2 is carried to various tissues by
4) Euspongia - Fresh water spong
1) Blood pigment 2) Plasma
68. Which of the following is characteristic cell of 3) Diffusion through body wall 4) Tracheal tubes
Sycon ? 78. Which of the following animals has a nervous
1) Flame cell 2) Choanocyte system but no brain ?
3) Chloragogen cell 4) Interstitial cell 1) Earthworm 2) Hydra
Phylum - Cnidaria (Coelenterata) 3) Amoeba 4) Cockroach
79. The mode of digestion of food in Hydra is
69. Recognise the figure and out the correct matching.
1) Only extracellular 2) Only intracellular
3) Autotrophic
4)Partly extracellular and partly intracellular
80. Which of the following does not occur in Hydra?
1) Fertilization 2) Segmentation
3) Regeneration 4)Gastrovascular cavity

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81. Coelenteron of Hydra serves the double purpose
1) Digestion and circulation
2) Digestion and storage
3) Excretion and locomotion
4) Circulation and storage
82. Division of labour at the level of individual is
exhibited by 1) (a) Medusa (b) Polyp
1) Amoeba 2) Hydra 2) (a) Sea anemone (b) Jelly fish
3) Obelia 4) Both (2) and (3) 3) (a) Adamsia (b) Aurelic
83. One of the special characters of Coelenterate only, 4) (a) Polyps (b) Medusa
is the occurrence of
92. Budding as normal mode of reproduction occurs
1) Polymorphism 2) Nematocysts in
3) Hermaphroditism 4) Flame cells
1) Star fish & Hydra 2) Sponge & starfish
84. Which of the following is not a coelenterate? 3) Tapeworm & Hydra 4) Hydra & sponge
1) sea fan 2) Sea pen
93. What is common between Hydra and Obelia?
3) Sea anemone 4) Sea gooseberry
1) Both show polymorphism
85. Hydra is a coelenterate because it has 2) Both posses a larval stage in their life history
1) tentacles 2) mesogloea 3) Both are found in fresh water
3) coelenteron and cnidoblasts 4) hypostome 4) Both have a jelly like mesoglea without any cells
86. “Portuguese man of war” is
94. Mark the polymorphic cnidarian
1) soldier of world war-1
1) Hydra 2) Physalia
2) Portuguese soldier
3) Metridium 4) Gorgonia
3) A sponge
4) A polymorphic, colonial, coelenterate 95. Find out of the mis-match
87. Which one of the following diploblastic 1) Aurelia - Medusa, free swimming
1) Pennatula 2) Paramoecium 2) Adamsia - polyp, sessile
3) Polystomella 4) Entamoeba 3) Hydra - polyp, cylindrical
88. Which one of the following is Coelenterate 4) Obelia - both polyp and medusa and free
1) sea cow 2) seacucumber
3) sea fan 4) sea horse 96. Brain coral is
89. The function of Nematoblast in coelenterate is 1) Corallium 2) Madrepora
1) locomotion 3) Meandrina 4) Fungia
2) offence & defence, capture of the prey 97. The statocysts of medusa are considered to be
3) reproduction 4) nutrition organs of
90. A radially symmetrical diploblastic animal is 1) Equilibrium
1) Round worm 2)Earthworm 2) Muscular coordination
3)Liver fluke 4) Hydra 3) Both (1) and (2)
91. Example of coelenterata indicating outline of their 4) Respiration
body form: 98. Adamsia, an aquatic metazoan is characterised by
which of the following group of features ?
1) Fresh water, diploblastic and biradial symmetry
2) Marine, triploblastic, eucoelomate and radial
3) Marine, diploblastic, acoelomate and with
biradial symmetry
4) Fresh water, diploblastic, schizocoelomate and
radially symmetrical

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112. Characters shared by both Jelly fishes and comb
Phylum - Ctenophora
jellies are
99. In sea-walnuts and comb-jellies the fertilization is 1) Diplablastic nature, radial symmetry and
1) External 2) Internal 3) Both 4) None Tissue level organization
100. All ctenophores live in 2) Exclusive marine, cnidoblasts and combplates
1) Fresh water 2) marine water 3) Bioluminesence, indirect development and
3) estuarine water 4) both (1) & (3) tentacles
4) Sexeul reproduction, cnidoblasts and indirect
101. Biradial symmetry is found in
1) Sea lily 2) Sea star
3) Sea walnut 4) Sea fur 113. Which type of body organisation occurs in
ctenophores ?
102. In ctenophores, anal pore/pores is/are 1) Cellular level 2) Tissue level
1) One 2) Two
3) Organ level 4) Organ-system level
3) Three 4) Four
114. Ctenophores are characterized by presence of
103. Which system is absent in ctenophores?
1) Comb plate 2) Colloblast
1) Skeletal 2) Circulatory
3) Bioluminescence 4) All of these
3) Respiratory and excretory 4) All of these
115. Ctenophores exhibit
104. Digestion in ctenophores is
1) radial symmetry 2) asymmetry
1) Extracellular 2) Intracellular
3) pentaradial symmetry 4) bilateral symmetry
3) Both (1) & (2) 4) None of these
116. The characteristic featre of ctenophore is
105. Nervous system of ctenophores is similar to
1) presence of eight comb plates for locomotion
1) Cnidaria 2) Platyhelminthes
2) absence of nematocysts
3) Parazoa 4) Sponges
3) presence of colloblasts or lasso cells on the
106. During development of ctenophores there is a tentacles for capturing food
ciliated spherical larva which is called
4) all of the above
1) cysticercus 2) miracidium
3) cydippid larva 4) glochidium 117. Which of the following is an example of ctenophora
1) Beroe & Cestum 2) Ctenoplana
107. Comb plates are found in
3) Pleurobrachia 4) all of the above
1) Adamsia 2) Aurelia
3) Hydra 4) Pleurobrachia 118. Lasso cells are present in
1) coelenterata 2) ctenophora
108. Diploblastic, radially symmetrical, marine animal
3) porifera 4) protozoa
showing bioluminescent property is
1) Comb jelly 2) Jelly fish 119. Ctenophpres commonly known as
3) Sea walnut 4) All of these 1) Sea Walnuts 2) Comb jellies
3) Sea potato 4) Both (1) & (2)
109. Radial symmetry and lack of cnidoblasts are the
characteristics of 120. Ctenophores are
1) Hydra 2) Starfish 1) Diploblastic animals that show only sexeul
3) Ctenoplana 4) Aurelia reproduction
2) Exclusively fresh water
110. Ctenophores are
3) Both marine and fresh water
1) Hermaphrodite 2) Diocious
4) Reproduce asexually by budding
3) Heterocious 4) All of these
121. Pleurobrachia is
111. In comb jellies, Structures that help in locomotion are
1) Radially symmetrical
1) Eight external rows of ciliated completes
2) Four pairs of tentacles 2) Bilateral symmetrical
3) A pair of tentacles with cnidoblasts 3) Asymmetrical
4) Completely absent 4) Universal symmetrical

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122. Which of the following exhibits biolumenisene 135. Dog tape worm
1) Planaria 2) Ctenoplana 1) Taenia solium 2) Moniezia
3) Planula 4) Obelia 3) Taenia saginata 4) Echinococcus
123. Reproduction in ctenophores takes place by 136. Protonephredia of fresh water platyhelminthes
1) only asexual 2) only budding help in
3) only fragmentation 4) only sexual 1) excretion& osmoregulation
2) nutrition & excretion
124. Comb plates are found in
3) reproduction& respiration
1) Pleurobrachia 2) Obelia Sea-fur)
4) secretion& nutrition
3) Physalia 4) All of the above
137. Beef tapeworm
125. Bioluminescent property is well marked in 1) Echinococcus 2) Taenia solium
1) Coelentrates 2) Ctenophores 3) Taenia saginata 4) Schistosoma
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Branchilostoma
138. Which of the following is correctly matched
Phylum - Platyhelminthes (The flat worms) 1) Aurelia-sun jelly
126. Fasciola hepatica is 2) Cyanea-jelly-fish
1) Free living fluke 3) Taenia solium-pork tape worm
2) Endoparasite 4) Taenia saginata-pork tape worm
3) Ectoparasite 139. Fasciola hepatica causes
4) Ecto as well as Endoparasite 1) liver rot in sheep 2) bleeding in intestine
127. Schistosoma is known as 3) anaemia in man 4) none of the above
1) Blood fluke 2) Chinese liver fluke 140. Gut is absent in
3) Dog tapeworm 4) Lung fluke 1) Planaria 2) Taenia
128. Flatworms are devoid of 3) Echinococcus 4) Dugesia
1) Circulatory system 2) Respiratory system 141. Taenia solium has
3) Skeletal system 4) All of the above 1) mouth and anus both
129. Only parasitic flatworms only have 2) only mouth present but no anus
1) Hooks and suckers 2) Flame cells 3) only anus present but no mouth
3) Direct development 4) no mouth and anus
4) Well developed digestive system 142. Self fertilization is found in
130. Excretory organs of Planaria is 1) Planaria 2) Taenia
1) Flame cells 2) Nephridia 3) 1 & 2 both 4) Fasciola
3) Renette cell 4) Metanephridia 143. Planaria also known as
131. Animals having dorso-ventrally flattened body are 1) Dugesia 2) blood fluke
1) Coelentrates 2) Ctenophones 3) dog tape worm 4) liver fluke
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Ascheminthes 144. One of the following is not correct
132. Excretion in Taenia is done by: 1) Taenia-liver rot
1) Nephridia 2) Flame cells 2) Fasciola-liver fluke
3) Green glands 4) Malpighian bodies 3) Schistosoma-blood fluke
4) Planaria-free living
133. Bilaterally symmerical but acoelomate animal is:
1) Liver fluke 2) Jellyfish 145. Life cycle is digenetic in
3) Round worm 4) Crab 1) Taenia solium 2) Fasciola hepatica
3) Taenia saginata 4) all the above
134. Level of orgnisation exhibited by Flatworms is
146. Polyembroyany is exhibited by
1) organs grade 2) tissue grade
3) cellular grade 4) protoplasmic grade 1) Plasmodium 2) liver fluke
3) Ascaris 4) Tape worm

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147. Flat worms show 156. Filariasis is caused by
1) Internal fertilization, Indirect development 1) Ascaris lumbricoides 2) Plasmodium
2) Extranal fertilization, direct development 3) Wuchereria 4) Diplococcus
3) regeneration and direct development
157. Ascaris is
4) All the above
1) Radially symmeterical
148. Flat worms that absorb nutrients from the host 2) bilaterally symmetrical
directly through their body surface are 3) asummetrical
1) Tape worms 2) Flukes 4) none
3) Both 1 and 2 4) Planarians
158. One of the following is not hermaphrodite
149. In Platyhelminthes, transport of food takes place
1) earthworm 2) leech
3) Taenia 4) Ascaris
1) Blood 2) Gut
3) Lymph 4) Mesenchyma 159. One of the following is commonly known as
Phylum - Aschelminthes 1) Oyruis 2) Trichuris
150. Male Ascaris can be distinguished by 3) Wuchereria 4) none
1) Presence of suckers
160. Which of the following is common round worm
2) Elongated body
1) Trichuris 2) Loa loa
3) Tapering tail with spicules
3) Ancylostoma 4) Ascaris
4) Curved tail with pineal spicules
161. Coelom derived from blastocoel is known as
151. The amphids are cuticular elevations on the
ventrolateral lips of Ascaris. These are
1) enterocoelom 2) haemocoel
1) Chemoreceptors 2) Gustatoreceptors 3) pseudocoelom 4) schizocoel
3) Olfactoreceptors 4) Tactoreceptors 162. Free living nematode is
152. The scientific name of pin worm or seat worm is 1) Microfilariae 2) Rhabditis
1) Trichinella 2) Ancylostoma 3) Rhabditiform 4) Dracunculus
3) Enterobius 4) Wuchereria 163. Muscular part of alimentary canal of round worms
153. Syncytial epidermis is found is is
1) Sponges 2) Hydra 1) Buccal cavity 2) Pharynx
3) Ascaris 4) Pheretima 3) Oesophagus 4) Stomach

154. Which worm is viviparous ? 164. In round worms excretary wastes are removed from
1) Hookworm 2) Pinworm the body cavity by
3) Filarial worm 4) Roundworm 1) Flame cells 2) Nephridia
3) Excretary tubes 4) Kidneys
155. Identify the male roundworm in diagram mention
below: 165. Body cavity of Ascaris is called
1) Haemocoel 2) Schizocoel
1) 2) 3) 4)
3) enetercocoel 4) Pseudocoel
166. Adamsia is called common round worm because
1) spherical shape 2) circular in outline
3) spherical in T.S. 4) circular in T.S.

Phylum - Annelida
167. Sexs are united in
1) Leech 2) Earthworm
3) Nereis 4) Both (1) & (2)

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168. Metamerism is characteristic of phylum: 181. Diocious annelid
1) Porifers 2) Platyhelminthes 1) Nereis 2) Pheretima
3) Annelida 4) Mollusca 3) Hirudinia 4) All of the above
169. Which of the following belongs to phylum 182. Excretion in most annelids take place by
Annelida? 1) kidneys 2) flame cells
1) Nereis 2) Octopus 3) nephridia 4) ciliated funnel
3) Crab 4) Ant
183. In annelid formation of the larva is usually absent
170. Which of the following assist in locomotion? but when present larva is called
1) Cnidoblasts in Obelia 1) Tadpole 2) Planula
2) Posterior sucker in Hirudinaria 3) Trochophore 4) Ephyra
3) Trichocysts in Paramecium
184. Which of the following has not been correctly
4) Clitellum in Pheretima classified
171. Annelids are 1) Oligochaeta-Pheretima
1) Radially symmetrical 2) Polychaeta-Chaetopterus
2) Externally segmented, internally unsegmented 3) Hirudinea-Pontobdella
3) Triploblastic 4) pseudocoelomate 4) Polychaeta-Leeches

172. Body cavity in members of Annelida are 185. In annelids locomotion is aided by
1) schizocoel 2) pseudocoel 1) longitudinal muscles of body wall
3) enterocoel 4) body cavity absent 2) circular muscles of body wall
3) setae 4) all
173. Animals of which phylum exhibit “tube within
tube” structure. 186. Respiration in Annelids takes place by
1) coelenterata 2) platyhelminthes 1) Gills 2) Trachea
3) cestoda 4) annelida 3) Body surface 4) Lungs
174. Aphrodite, commonly known as “sea mouse” is an 187. Find out true statement for leeches
1) annelid 2) mollusc 1)they are unsegmented animals
3) insect 4) mammals 2) they are all endoparasite
3) In them coelom is reduced
175. Which animals do not possess larval stage in its
life cycle 4) they are found in fresh water only
1) Ascaris 2) Frog 3) Taenia 4) Pheretima 188. Suckers of leech are located at
176. One of the following is not annelid 1) anterior end 2) posterior end
3) 1 & 2 both 4) none
1) Pheretima 2) Hirudinaria
3) Ureotyphlus 4) Aphrodite 189. Ciruclatory system is best represented by
177. Parapodia are the locomotary structures in 1) earth worm 2) leech
1) Scolopendra 2) Nereis 3) Ascaris 4) both 1 & 2
3) Centipede 4) Earth worm 190. Which of the following is an example of fresh
water Leech
178. True coelom has evolved for the first time in
1) Hirudinaria 2) Glossiphonia
1) arthropoda 2) mollusca
3) annelida 4) platyhelminthes 3) Haemadipsa 4) all the above

179. Which of the following is an annelid 191. Cocoon in earthworm annelid) is secreted by
1)sea horse 2) sea mouse 1) Clitellar glands 2) Prostate glands
3) sea cow 4) sea pen 3) Cutaneous glands 4) Egg itself

180. An example of class polychaeta is 192. Metamerism is characteristic of phylum

1) Nereis 2) Pheretima 1) Platylielminthes 2) Annelida
3) Hirudinaria 4) all of the above 3) Porifera 4) Ctenophora

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates) 25

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
205. Which of the following characteristic is shared by
Phylum - Arthropoda
all arthropods
193. Which set of insects is useful to man? 1) Complete metamorphosis
1) Honey bee, locust, lac insect 2) Wings
2) Silk moth, honey bee, dragon fly 3) Jointed appendages 4) Asexual reproduction
3) Lac insect, silk moth, honey bee
206. To which of the following phylum the nervous
4) Rice weevil, silk moth, honey bee
system of Arthropoda resembles
194. Structural and functional unit of compound eye 1) Annelida 2) Mollusca
1) Ommatidium 2) Proctodeum 3) Platyhelminthes 4) Coelenterata
3) Coprodeum 4) Stomodeum
207. What is common among scorpion, crab, honeybee
195. Excretory organs of insects and silverfish?
1) Malpighian tubules 2) Malpighian corpuscles 1) Poison glands 2) Jointed appendages
3) Green glands 4) Coxal glands 3) Metamorphosis 4) Compound eyes

196. Group of Arhropods devoid of antenna 208. “Green gland” or ‘Antennary gland’s’ are excretory
1) Arachnida 2) Crustacea organs usually met with the members of class
3) Diplopoda 4) Insecta 1) Diplopoda 2) Chilopoda
3) Arachnida 4) Crustacea
197. Largest group of arthropoda
1) Insecta 2) Crustacea 209. Which of the following character does not belong
3) Arachnida 4) Myriapoda to Arthropoda
1) Closed circulatory system 2) Internal fertilization
198. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
3) Segmented body 4) Jointed legs
1) Gregarious pest - (Locusta locust)
2) Living fossil - (Limulus king crab) 210. Coxal glands are the excretory organ of
3) Economically important insects - Apis (honey 1) Cray fish 2) Devil fish
bee), Bombyx (sillkworm) 3) Jelly – fish 4) Scorpion
4) Vectors - Mosquitoes Anopheles,Culex and Aedes 211. Louse is
and Lac insect (Laccifer)
1) Ectoparasite of man 2) Entero parasite of man
199. The largest phylum of Animalia is 3) Gum parasite of man 4) Not a parasite at all
1) Insecta 2) Mollusca
212. Insects have blood which
3) Arthropoda 4) Chordata
1) Is similar to human blood in colour
200. Compound eyes occur in 2) Circulates through the closed blood vessels
1) Echinodermata 2) Mollusca 3) Circulates in open system
3) Arthropoda 4) Annelida 4) Contain haemoglobin as respiratory pigment
201. Which of the following is a living fossil 213. The phylum Arthropoda is characterised by
1) Laccifer 2) Loligo 1) Chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation
3) Limulus 4) Lancelet and paired appendages
2) Chitinous exoskeleton and antennae
202. In arthropods the balancing organ is
3) Chitinous exoskeleton, antennae and
1) Radula 2) Reticulocyst
compound eye
3) Statocyst 4) Antennae
4) Chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation
203. Which is not a member of class insecta? and paired jointed appendages
1) Louse 2) Cockroach
214. The respiratory organs of adult insects are
3) Spider 4) Musca
1) Gills or branchiae 2) Tracheae &spiracle
204. Green glands present in some arthropods help in: 3) Respiratory trumpets 4) All of these
1) Respiration 2) Digestion
215. The generic name of silver-fish is
3) Excretion 4) None of these
1) Cicada 2) Bombyx 3) Lepisma 4) Chiton
26 Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates)

NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
216. The integument of Arthropods is covered by 229. Which of the following class of Arthropods has
1) Unstriped, muscles 2) Calcareous covering cephalothorax ?
3) Chitinous cuticle 4) Mucus 1) Crustacea 2) Chilopoda
217. Respiratory pigment in majaroty of arthropods is
3) Diplopoda 4) Insecta
1) Haemoglobin 2) Cytochrome 230. Presence of carapace, green glands and cephalo-
3) Haemocyanin 4) None thorax are feature of :
218. Water flea is common name of 1) Crustacea 2) Chilopoda
1) Dragon fly 2) Prawn 3) Diplopoda 4) Insecta
3) Cyclops 4) Daphnia 231. An animal was observed as bilaterally symmetri-
219. Apis is economically important as it produce cal, metamerically segmented and triploblastic in
1) Honey 2) Wax 3) Both 4) None nature. It was identified as an arthropod. Which
character should have been identified first to call
220. Tacharida lacca is it an arthropod ?
1) Lac – insect 2) Silk-insect 1) Presence of coelom 2) Presence of gills
3) Poison insect 4) Honey insect 3) Jointed appendages 4) Compound eyes
221. Dorsal exoskeleton of crustaceans is thick and 232. Which of the following is false regarding
called arthropoda ?
1) Carapace 2) Cephalothorax 1) Triploblastic and enterocoelomates
3) Pleopods 4) Pleural plates
2) Oviparous and commonly with indirect
222. Which insect is not considered as vector development
1) Laccifer 2) Anopheles 3) Ganglionated double ventral nerve cord
3) Culex 4) Aedes constitute CNS
4) Body metamerically segmented and it contains
223. Circulatory system in Locusta as
2/3 named species of animal kingdom
1) Open 2) Closed 3) Both 4) None
224. Select the greganious pest Phylum - Mollusca
1) Locusta 2) Culex 3) Aedes 4) Apis 233. Sea hare is
225. Muscles of Arthropods are mostly 1) Aplysia 2) Pila 3) Teredo 4) Sepia
1) Striped 2) Unstripped 234. Tusk shell is a
3) Oblique 4) Smooth 1) Chiton 2) Dentalium
226. Fertilization in Arthropods is- mostly 3) Teredo 4) Pinctada
1) External 2) Internal 235. The internal body covering the mantle in mollusc
3) Both 4) None of the above is for
227. In phylum Arthopoda, respiration occurs though. 1) Respiration
1) Tracheae 2) Gills 3) Both 4) None 2) Protection of body organs
3) Shell formation
228. Identify the viviparous arthropod from the
4) All of the above
diagram given below
236. In Pila, the chemoreceptor organ is
1) Ctenidium 2) Odontophore
3) Osphradium 4) Radula
237. The rasping organ, radula is not found in
1) Octopus 2) Pila
3) Mytilus 4) Loligo
238. Balancing organ of molluscs is
1) Lithocyst 2) Osphradium
3) Statocyst 4) Tentaculocyst

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates) 27

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
239. In molluscs, the respiratory pigment is 251. In the phylum Mollusca although there is bilateral
1) Haemoglobin symmetry, but is lost in some forms due to the
2) Haemocyanin in the blood cells phenomenon called
3) Myoglobin 1) Asymmetry 2) Torison
4) Haemocyanin in the blood plasma 3) Reversion 4) Invagination

240. Cuttle fish belongs to the 252. Mollusca are

1) Teleostei 2) Mollusca 1) Soft bodied & segmented animals
2) Unsegmented, diploblastic and aquatic animals
3) Pisces 4) Echinodermata
3) Soft bodied & segmented animals
241. In molluscs, the general body cavity is 4) Unsegmented, soft bodied, usually aquatic
1) Blastocoel 2) Hydrocoel animals
3) Haemocoel 4) Pseudocoel 253. Apple snail is the common name of
242. Which is associated with pearl formation ? 1) Turbinella 2) Pila
1) Pecten 2) Ostrea 3) Cyprea 4) Lamellidens
3) Nautilus 4) Pinctada 254. Which of the following is a mollusc
1) Sea-horse 2) Sea-mouse
243. Which one belongs to Mollusca?
3) Sea-hare 4) Sea-cow
1) Devil Fish 2) Dog Fish
3) Silver Fish 4) Jelly Fish 255. Which of the following characteristic is not of
phylum mollusca
244. Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopus belong to the class: 1) Soft body covered over usually by a shell
1) Decapoda 2) Scaphopoda 2) Segmented body
3) Cephalopoda 4) Apoda 3) Triploblastic
245. Which of the following molluscs have asymmetry 4) Presence of coelom
due to torsion? 256. The organ found in the bucal cavity of some
1) Pila 2) Teredo mollscs for rasping the food is called
3) Dentalium 4) Octopus 1) Radula 2) Teeth
3) Tongue 4) Pecten
246. Which one of the following is a matching set of a
phylum and its three examples? 257. The excretory organs of mollusca are
1) Porifera — Spongilla, Euplectella, Pennatula 1) Metanephridia 2) Nephridia
2) Cnidaria — Bonellia, Physalia, Aurelia 3) Green glands 4) Protonephridia
3) Platyhelminthes – Planaria, Schistosoma, 258. Oral arms of Octopus, Sepia and Loligo are
Enterobius 1) Modified head 2) Modified foot
4) Mollusca — Loligo, Teredo, Octopus 3) Modified mantle 4) Modified limbs

247. Second largest phylum of animal kingdom is 259. Sepia is also known as
1) Arthropoda 2) Protozoa 1) Star - fish 2) Catrilaginous fish
3) Mollusca 4) Pisces 3) Jelly - fish 4) Cuttle - fish
260. Open type of blood vascular system presence of
248. Secretion of shell take place by
haemocyanin pigment are the characters of
1) Foot 2) Ink gland
1) Mollusca 2) Some arthropods
3) Radula 4) Mantle 3) Echinodermata 4) 1 & 2 both
249. Cephalopod with exoskeleton 261. Metalic ion found in blood of mollusc
1) Pila 2) Chiton 1) Cu++ 2) Fe++
3) Unio 4) Nautilus 3) Co++ 4) Mg++
250. Ink glands occur in 262. Respiratory organs in mollusc are
1) Chiton 2) Sepia 1) Ctenidia 2) Trachea
3) Helix 4) Pila 3) Book lungs 4) Keber’s organ

28 Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates)


NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
263. Unsegmented body has head, muscular foot and
Phylum - Echinodermata
visceral hump in
1) mollusca 2) Echinodermata 272. What is the generic name of Feather star or Sea
3) Arthropoda 4) Annelida lily?
1) Echinus 2) Antedon
264. A soft and spongy layer of skin that covers visceral
3) Asterias 4) Synapta
hump in molluscs is
1) Mantle 2) Shell 273. Water-vascular system is a peculiarity of
3) Visceral mass 4) Teguments 1) Porifera 2) Coelenterata
3) Mollusca 4) Echinodermata
265. Molluscs reproduce
1) Asexually 2) Sexually 274. Echinoderms are
3) Both 4) None of above 1) Exclusively fresh water forms
2) Exclusively marine 3) Estuarine
266. Coelom in mollusca is 4) Estuarine and fresh water living
1) Enterocoel 2) Pseudocoel
3) True coelom 4) None of these 275. In echinoderms, the fertilization is
1) Internal 2) External
267. Closed type of blood vascular system is found in 3) In a cocoon 4) All of these
which class of Molluscs
276. Which one shows the regeneration ?
1) Cephalopoda 2) Pelecypoda
3) Both 4) None of these 1) Planaria 2) Hydra
3) Starfish 4) All of the above
268. Identify the specific animal in diagram mention
below, showing torsion 277. In echinoderms, the excretory organs are
1) Protonephridia 2) Absent
3) Organs of Bojanus 4) Kidneys
278. In echinoderms, skeleton is
1) Calcareous 2) Chitinous
3) Siliceous 4) Made of Tunicin
279. Echinodermata contains
1) Radial body symmetry
2) Bilateral body symmetry
3) Soft skin
4) Porous body
280. The distinctive feature of echinoderms is the
1) Presence of endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles
2) Absence of excretory system
3) Presence of water vascular system
269. Which one is characteristic of mollusca? 4) All of the above
1) Radula 2) Aristotle’s lantern
281. Which of the following is not a echinoderm?
3) Mantle 4) Both (1) & (3)
1) Sea star 2) Sea lilly
270. Space between visceral hump and mantle in 3) Sea cucummber 4) Sea fan
molluscs is
282. Function of water vascular of system in
1) Mantle cavity 2) Atrium echinoderms is
3) Heamocoel 4) All the above 1) Locomotion
271. Which of the following is correctly matched ? 2) Capture and transport of food
1) Silver fish – mollusca 3) Respiration 4) All of the above
2) Cray fish – pisces 283. Indirect development Larval stages) is found in
3) Glochidium larva – mollusca 1) Mollusca 2) Echinodermata
4) Flying fish – Echinodermata 3) Hemichordata 4) All of the above

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates) 29

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
284. Sea urchin is 296. Which is the characteristic feature of
1) Echinus 2) Cucumaria Echinodermata
3) Ophiura 4) Antedon 1) Smooth skin and radial symmetry
2) Spiny skin and radial symmetry
285. Larva of which phylum showing bilateral
3) Spiny skin and bilateral symmetry
symmetry but adult are radial symmetry?
4) Smooth skin and bilateral symmetry
1) Cnidaria 2) Mollusca
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Echinoderma 297. The most importent character of Echinoderms is
the presence of
286. Member of Echinodermata has a specific system, 1) Water vascular system 2) Spiny skin
which is not found in other phylum, it is 3) Pedicellariae 4) All of the above
1) Canal system
2) Water vascular system 298. Bipinnaria larva is found in
3) Respiratory system 1) Porifera 2) Coelenterata
3) Mollusca 4) Echinodermata
4) reproductive system
299. Brittle star is
287. Which of the following is found in both
1) Antedon 2) Ophiura
coelenterates and echinoderms in adult stage
3) Echinus 4) Asterias
1) Coelenteron 2) Radial symmetry
3) Tube-feet 4) Bilateral symmetry 300. Absence of excretory organs, great power of
regeneration and exclusively marine animals
288. The system of vessels conveying water for the
belongs to the Phylum
purpose of feeding respiration and locomotion in
1) Mollusca 2) Arthropoda
Echinoderms called
3) Echindoermata 4) Annelids
1) Canal system 2) Water vascular system
3) Vascular system 4) None of the above 301. True enterocoelic coelom appeared first in the
course of evolution in
289. Antedon is commonly called:- 1) Echinodermata 2) Annelida
1) Sea lilly 2) Brittle star 3) Chordata 4) Protozoa
3) Sea-star 4) Sea-cucumber
302. Porous plate present on aboral side of star fish:-
290. Locomotory organs of echinoderms are 1) Madreporite 2) Tube feet
1) Tube feet 2) Setae 3) Both 4) None
3) Parapodia 4) Pseudopodia
303. Only non-chordates with mesodermal calcarious
291. Echinoderms resemble chordates in having ossicles as endoskeleton are
1) Similar endoskeleton structures 1) Annelids 2) Arthropods
2) Enterocoelous method of coelom formation 3) Molluscs 4) Echinoderms
3) Radial symmetry 4) Similar larvae
304. One of the following is not true for Echinoderms
292. Segmentation of body is not represented in which 1) Parasitism 2) Fresh water
of the animal 3) Jointed Legs 4) All of the above
1) Palaemon 2) Grass hoppers
305. In Echinoderms
3) Star-fish 4) Frog 1) Sexes are separate
293. Which of the following Echinoderm is not marine 2) fertilization is internal
1) Sea-lilly 2) Star-fish 3) respiratory pigment is haemocyanin
3) Holothuria 4) None of these 4) Circulation is closed type

294. The term not applicable to Echinodermata 306. Cephalization is absent in

1) Madreporite 2) Parapodia 1) Mollusca 2) Arthropoda
3) Marine habitat 4) Radial symmetry 3) Both (1) & (2) 4) Echinodermata

295. Sea cucumber is 307. Free swimming larva is seen in the development of
1) Sea urchin 2) Sea mouse
1) Antedon 2) Cucucmaria
3) Sea walnut 4) All the above
3) Ophiuria 4) Echinus

30 Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates)


NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
308. The larvae of sea stars are
1) Trocophore and auricularia
2) Bipinnaria and brachiolaria 1) 4 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 5) 4
3) Redia and cercaria 6) 3 7) 4 8) 1 9) 4 10) 4
4) Miracidium & cysticercus 11) 4 12) 1 13) 3 14) 1 15) 4
309. Respiratory organs in a sea star are 16) 3 17) 1 18) 4 19) 4 20) 1
1) Ctenidia 2) Book lungs 21) 2 22) 2 23) 1 24) 3 25) 1
3) Dermal branchiae 4) Madriporite 26) 1 27) 3 28) 3 29) 2 30) 2
310. Which of the following feature correctly represents 31) 4 32) 3 33) 3 34) 2 35) 4
echinodermata ? 36) 3 37) 2 38) 1 39) 4 40) 4
1) Canal system helps in locomotion 41) 2 42) 1 43) 2 44) 1 45) 4
2) Diploblastic, eucoelomates and deuterostomic 46) 1 47) 1 48) 4 49) 3 50) 2
3) Exclusively marine, benthic and with organ
51) 3 52) 3 53) 4 54) 1 55) 1
system level of body organisation
56) 3 57) 2 58) 3 59) 4 60) 4
4) Exoskeleton formed of calcareous ossicles
carrying spines with mesodermal origin 61) 1 62) 3 63) 4 64) 4 65) 2
66) 1 67) 1 68) 2 69) 2 70) 3
311. Most distinguishing feature of echinodermata is
1) presence of canal system 71) 4 72) 1 73) 4 74) 3 75) 3
2) enterocoelom 76) 1 77) 3 78) 2 79) 4 80) 2
3) water vascular system 81) 1 82) 3 83) 2 84) 4 85) 3
4) haemal and perihaemal system, only 86) 4 87) 1 88) 3 89) 2 90) 4

Phylum - Hemichordata 91) 1 92) 4 93) 4 94) 2 95) 4

96) 3 97) 1 98) 3 99) 1 100) 2
312. Balanoglossus and Saccoglossus are the members
101) 3 102) 2 103) 4 104) 3 105) 1
1) Hemichordata 2) Urochordata 106) 3 107) 4 108) 4 109) 3 110) 1
3) Tunicata 4) Cephalochordata 111) 1 112) 1 113) 2 114) 4 115) 1
116) 4 117) 4 118) 2 119) 4 120) 1
313. Type of symmetry in hemichordates is
1) Radial 2) Biradial 121) 1 122) 2 123) 4 124) 1 125) 2
3) Bilateral 4) 1 and 2 126) 2 127) 1 128) 4 129) 1 130) 1
131) 3 132) 2 133) 1 134) 1 135) 4
314. Respiratory structures in hemichordates are
136) 1 137) 3 138) 3 139) 1 140) 2
1) Trachea 2) Gills
3) Lungs 4) Ctenidia 141) 4 142) 2 143) 1 144) 1 145) 4
146) 2 147) 1 148) 1 149) 4 150) 4
315. Excretory organ in hemichordates is
151) 1 152) 3 153) 3 154) 3 155) 1
1) Proboscis gland 2) Green gland
3) Malphigian tubules 4) Antennary gland 156) 3 157) 2 158) 4 159) 2 160) 4
161) 3 162) 2 163) 2 164) 3 165) 4
316. Fertilisation and development in hemichordates
166) 4 167) 4 168) 3 169) 1 170) 2
are respectively
1) External and indirect 171) 3 172) 1 173) 4 174) 1 175) 4
2) internal and direct 176) 3 177) 2 178) 3 179) 2 180) 1
3) External and direct 181) 1 182) 3 183) 3 184) 4 185) 4
4) internal and indirect 186) 3 187) 4 188) 3 189) 1 190) 1
191) 1 192) 2 193) 3 194) 1 195) 1

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates) 31

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology

256) 1 257) 1 258) 2 259) 4 260) 4

196) 1 197) 1 198) 4 199) 3 200) 3
261) 1 262) 1 263) 1 264) 1 265) 2
201) 3 202) 3 203) 3 204) 3 205) 3
266) 3 267) 1 268) 1 269) 4 270) 1
206) 1 207) 2 208) 4 209) 1 210) 4
271) 3 272) 2 273) 4 274) 2 275) 2
211) 1 212) 3 213) 4 214) 2 215) 3
276) 4 277) 2 278) 1 279) 1 280) 4
216) 3 217) 3 218) 4 219) 3 220) 1
281) 1 282) 4 283) 4 284) 1 285) 4
221) 1 222) 1 223) 1 224) 1 225) 1
286) 2 287) 2 288) 2 289) 1 290) 1
226) 2 227) 3 228) 3 229) 1 230) 1
291) 2 292) 3 293) 4 294) 2 295) 2
231) 3 232) 1 233) 1 234) 2 235) 4
296) 2 297) 4 298) 4 299) 2 300) 3
236) 3 237) 3 238) 3 239) 4 240) 2
301) 1 302) 1 303) 4 304) 4 305) 1
241) 3 242) 4 243) 1 244) 3 245) 1
306) 4 307) 4 308) 2 309) 3 310) 3
246) 4 247) 3 248) 4 249) 4 250) 2
311) 3 312) 1 313) 3 314) 2 315) 1
251) 2 252) 4 253) 2 254) 3 255) 2
316) 1

Multi Model Questions

1. In some animal groups, the body is found divided 3) In Fasciola flame cells take part in excretion
into compartments with at least some organs/ 4) Earthworm are hermaphrodites and yet cross
organ repeated. This characteristic features named fertilization take place among them.
1) Metastasis 2) Metamerism 6. Match the following list of animals with their level
3) Metagenesis 4) Metamorphosis of organisation.
2. Given below are types of cells present in some Division of Labour Animal
animals. Each one is specialized to perform a single A) organ level i) Pheritima
specific function except B) cellular ii) Fasciola
1) Choanocytes 2) Interstitial cells aggregate level
3) Gastrodermal cells 4) Nematocytes C) Tissue level iii) Spongilla
3. Which one of the following sets of animals belongs D) Organ system level iv) Obelia
to a single taxonomic group? Choose the correct match showing division of
1) Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Silverfish, Dogfish, Starfish labour with animal example.
2) Bat, Pigeon, Butterfly 1) i – B, ii – C, iii – D, iv – A
3) Monkey, Chimpanzee, Man 2) i – B, ii – D, iii – C, iv – A
4) Silkworm, Tapeworm, Earthworm 3) i – D, ii – A, iii – B, iv – C
4) i –A, ii – D, iii – C, iv – B
4. Which one of the following is incorrect ?
1) Mesoglea is present in between ectoderm and 7. Body cavity is the cavity present between body
endoderm in Obelia. wall and gut wall. In some animals the body cavity
2) Radial symmetry is found in Asterias is present but not lined by mesoderm. Such
animals are called
3) Fasciola is a pseudocoelomate animal
1) Acoelomate
4) Taenia is a triploblastic animal
2) Pseudocoelomate
5. Which one of the following statements is incorrect? 3) Coelomate
1) In cockroaches and prawns excretion of waste 4) Haemocoelomate
material occurs through malpighian tubules.
8. Match the column A with column B and choose
2) In ctenophors, locomotion is mediated by comb the correct option
32 Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates)

NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
Column-A Column-B 18. Phylum mollusca can be distinguished from other
A) Porifera i) Canal system invertebrates by the presence of
B) Aschelminthes ii) Water- vascular system 1) Bilateral symmetry and exoskelecton
C) Annelida iii) Muscular Pharynx 2) Shell and segmented body
D) Arthropoda iv) Jointed appendages 3) Mantle and non-segmented body
E) Echinodermata v) Metameres 4) Mantle and gills
1) A – ii, B – iii, C – v, D – iv, E – i 19. Which one is correctly matched ?
2) A – ii, B – v, C – iii, D – iv, E – I 1) Scorpion,Spider,Cockroach ____ Ventral solid
3) A – i, B – iii, C – v, D – iv, E – ii central nervous system
4) A – i, B – v, C – iii, D – iv, E – ii 2) Cockroach ,Locust,Taenia ____ Metameric
9. Identify the poriferan among the following segmentation
1) Sycon 2) Nereis 3) Liverfluke, Sea Anemone,Sea Cucumber ___
Bilateral symmetry
3) Aphrodite 4) Echinus
4) Centipede,Prawn,Sea Urchin ____ jointed ap-
10. Cnidoblasts occur in pendages
1) Sycon 2) Ctenophora
20. What is present in crustaceans but not in insects?
3) Hydra 4) Asterias 1) Paired limbs 2) Two pairs of antennae
11. The segmentation of body is first observed in the 3) Bilateral symmetry 4) Chitnous exoskelectron
1) Platyhelminthes 2) Aschelminthes 21. Excretory organ of Crab is
3) Annelida 4) Arthropoda 1) Nephridium 2) Green gland
12. In annelids neural system consists of paired 3) Coxal gland 4) Malpighian tube
ganglia that are connected to the double ventral
22. Ascaris and Cockroach resemble each other in
nerve cord by
1) Pseudocoel 2) Sexual dimorphism
1) Dorsal nerve 2) Ventral nerve
3) Nephridia 4) Dorsal tubular nerve cord
3) Lateral nerve 4) Both 1 and 2
23. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
13. The member of Aschelminthes that shows
1) In cockraoches and prawns excretion of waste
extraintestinal migration
material occurs through malpighian tubule
1) Ascaris Ascariasis 2) Wuchereria Filariasis
2) In ctenophors,locomotion is mediated by comb
3) Ancylostoma Hook worm 4) All of the above plates
14. Which of the following distingushing feature 3) In Fasciola flame cells take part in excretion
between the Taenia solium and Taenia saginata? 4) Earthworms are hermaphrodites and yet cross
1) Flame cells 2) Nephridia fertillization take place among them.
3) Tube feet 4) Eumetamerism 24. Eye of the molluscan group that resembles
15. Ascaris is characterized by vertebrate eye is
1) Absence of true coelom but presence of 1) Bivalvia 2) Gastropoda
metamerism 3) Pelecypoda 4) Cephalopoda
2) Presence of neither true coelom nor metamerism 25. Match the Columns-I and Column-II, and choose
3) Presence of true coelom but absence metamerism the correct combination from the options given
4) Presence of true coelom and metamerism Column-I Column-II
16. Which is sanguivorous? a) Echinus 1) Brittle star
1) Male Cockroach 2) Leech b) Cucumaria 2) Star fish
3) Female Mosquito 4) Both 2 & 3 c) Antedon 3) Sea urchin
d) Ophiura 4) Sea cucumber
17. Which of the following is correct matching ?
e) Asterias 5) Sea lily
1) Haemocoel ____ Prawn and snail
1) a – 4, b – 3, c – 5, d – 2, e – 1
2) Protonephridia ____ Some rotifers
2) a – 3, b – 4, c – 5, d – 1, e – 2
3) Acoelomate ____ Hookworm
3) a – 3, b – 4, c – 5, d – 2, e – 1
4) Both 1 and 2
4) a – 3, b – 5, c – 4, d – 1, e – 2

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates) 33

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
26. Aristotle’s lantern occurs in which class of 36. Which of the following is flse statement ?
echinodermata 1) Hemichordates are triploblastic, bilaterally
1) Echinoidea 2) Asteroidea symmetrical with open circulatory system
3) Holothuroidea 4) Ophiuroidea 2) Star fish has radially symmetrical larva and
adult with bilateral symmetry
27. Larvae of the echinoderms is
3) Snail, like Pila, has radula as a rasping organ
1) Sessile 2) Free- swimming
and osphradium as chemoreceptor
3) Some are free living, some are parasitic
4) Arthropods have chitinous exoskeleton and
4) In echinoderms larva is not found/development
schizocoelic body cavity filled with blood
is direct
37. Closed circulation found in
28. In Mollusca sensory tentacles are present in
1) earthworm 2) Sepia
1) Anterior head region 2) Muscular foot
3) chordates 4) all of these
3) Visceral hump
4) Mantle cavity/space between hump and mantle 38. Which of the following is a wrong statement ?
1) Hydra egest through mouth and respire
29. In molluscs body is coverd with external skeleton
through general body surface
made up of
1) Spongin 2) Chitin 2) Star fish has anus on aboral surface along with
3) Calcium Carbonate 4) Calcium Silicate
3) Platyhelminthes are triploblastic, pseudocoe-
30. The two more distantly related phyla are lomate and bilaterally symmetrical
1) Cnidarians and Platyhelminthes 4) Aedes mosquito act as a vector of virus casuing
2) Annelida and Arthropoda dengue fever
3) Chordata and Echinodermata
39. The given diagram represents T.S of germinal
4) Mollusca and Echinodermata layers. How many of the following animals show
31. Peripatus is connecting link between this type of organisation ?
1) Annelida and Arthropoda
2) Mollusca and Arthropoda
3) Annelida and Mollusca
4) Coelenterata and Platyhelminthes
32. Which of the following is correctly matched ?
1) Porifera – Spicules, external fertilisation and Ascaris, Wuchereria, Pin worm, Earth-worm, Flat
cellular level of body organisation worm, Clam worm, Fasciola, Ancyclostoma
2) Cnidaria – Unsegmented, hypnotoxin, triplo- 1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1
blastic and acoelomates
40. Maximum number of named species are found in
3) Nematoda – Triploblastic, pseudocoelomates
which of the following class of organisms ?
and dioecious
1) Molluscs 2) Insecta
4) Hemichordata – Proboscis gland, tubicolous,
exclusively marine and enterocoelomates, 3) Arthropoda 4) Cephalopoda
lower chordates 41. Match column-I with column-II and find the
33. Which of the following is wrong match ? correct match.
1) Astacus – Edible fish Column-I Column-II
2) Cliona – Boring sponge A) Porifera i) Proboscis gland
3) Pennatula – Sea pen B) Hemichordata ii) Syncytial epidermis
4) Nereis – Marine annelid C) Aschelminthes iii) Chloragogen cells
D) Ctenophora iv) Comb plates
34. Midventral solid central nervous system found in
E) Annelida v) Choanocytes
1) Urn sponge 2) Hydra
1) A – v, B – i, C – iii, D – iv, E – ii
3) Frog 4) Earthworm
2) A – v, B – i, C – ii, D – iv, E – iii
35. Trochophore larva is found in 3) A – v, B – i, C – iv, D – ii, E – iii
1) Earthworm 2) Leech 4) A – v, B – i, C – iii, D – ii, E – iv
3) Scorpion 4) Nereis
34 Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates)

NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
42. Character shared by hook worm, pin worm and 53. S-I : Ladder like Nervous system is present in
filarial worm Flatworms
1) pseudocoelomates S-II : All cnidarians resemble flatworms
2) circular in outline in T.S. regarding their nervous system
3) syncytial epidermis
4) all of these 54. S-I : Flatworms are described as acoelomates
S-II : In flatworms the space between the gut and
43. Tissue level body organisation found in
the body wall is filled with mesenchyma
1) bath sponge 2) star fish
3) jelly fish 4) silver fish 55. S-I : The body of flatworm shows organs and
organ – systems level of body organization
44. Alternation of two morphological different diploid
generation in life cycle is called S-II : Organ system level of organization first
1) metagenesis 2) metamorphosis appeared in triploblastic animals
3) metastasis 4) none of these 56. S-I : Some flatworms like trematodes exhibit
Statement Type Questions polyembryony
S-II : The sporocyst stage in the life history of a
1) Both statements are true
trematode produces many redia stages.
2) S-I is false and S-II is true
3) S-I is true and S-II is false 57. S-I : Life cycles of trematodes are complex.
4) Both statements are false S-II : Many types of larval forms like miracidium,
45. S-I : Sponges exhibit intracellular digestion. sporocyst, redia, cercaria etc., are present in
S-II : In sponges thesocytes helps in storage of the life cycles of Trematodes
food 58. S-I : The body cavity of nematodes is a pseudocoel
46. S-I : Cnidarians represent the first true metazoans S-II : The body cavity of nematodes is a remnant
S-II : Tissues first appear in the phylum cnidaria of the embryonic blastocoel
47. S-I : Coelenteron of Cnidarians is also called 59. S-I : Nematodes exhibit sexual dimorphism.
gastrovascular cavity. S-II : Osmoregulatory structures of nematodes
S-II : Coelenteron is useful for digestion and are flame cells
circulation of digested food
60. S-I : Amphids are the chemoreceptors of
48. S-I : Life history of Obelia like Hydrozoans
includes metagenesis
S-II : In Obelia like Hydrozoans asexually S-II : Glandulosensory structures are phasmids
reproducing polypoid forms alternates with 61. S-I : Coelom is highly reduced or even absent in
sexually reproducing medusoid forms. hirudineans
49. S-I : Nerve cells of cnidarians are non polarized S-II : It is filled with botryoidal tissue
and form a diffuse nerve net.
S-II : Brain first appears in cnidarians 62. S-I : Metameric segmentation is present in
50. S-I : Regarding digestion, cnidarians resemble
S-II : All annelids are having fixed number of
both Protozoans and Metazoans.
S-II : Cnidarians show both intracellular and
extracellular digestion 63. S-I : Distinct cephalisation is first reported in the
51. S-I : Colloblasts of ctenophores help in food phylum Annelida of the Animal Kingdom
capture S-II : Metameric segmentation is present in
S-II : They act as ‘glue cells’ whose sticky Annelids.
secretions help in adhesion of food particles
64. S-I : Annelids are Schizocoelomates
52. S-I : Ctenophores exhibit biradial symmetry
S-II : In Annelids true coelom is formed by the
S-II : Their tentacles are paired whereas the splitting of embryonic mesoderm
remaining body parts are radially arranged
along their oro-aboral axis

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates) 35

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
65. S-I : Arthropoda is the largest phylum in kingdom
S-II : 80% of the animal species are included in 1) 2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1
66. S-I : Excretory organs of insects are malpighian 6) 3 7) 2 8) 3 9) 1 10) 3
S-II : Insects excrete dilute droplets of urea. 11) 3 12) 3 13) 1 14) 1 15) 2

67. S-I : Arthropods are the most successful 16) 4 17) 4 18) 3 19) 1 20) 2
S-II : Arthropods exhibit greatest adaptive 21) 2 22) 2 23) 1 24) 4 25) 2
radiation inhabiting diverse habitats.
68. S-I : Adult gastropods are asymmetrical. 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1 29) 3 30) 3
S-II : Gastropods exhibit torsion during
31) 1 32) 3 33) 1 34) 4 35) 4
embryonic development.
69. S-I : Body cavity of molluscs is called haemocoel. 36) 2 37) 4 38) 3 39) 1 40) 2
S-II : In molluscs, perivisceral cavity is filled with
blood. 41) 2 42) 4 43) 3 44) 1 45) 1
70. S-I : Water vascular system is unique to
46) 1 47) 1 48) 1 49) 3 50) 1
S-II : Water vascular system is derived from
51) 1 52) 1 53) 3 54) 1 55) 1
71. S-I : In most of the echinoderms, fertilization is 56) 1 57) 1 58) 1 59) 3 60) 1
external in sea water.
S-II : Copulatory organ is absent in echinoderms. 61) 1 62) 3 63) 1 64) 1 65) 1
72. S-I : Nervous system is poorly developed in
66) 3 67) 1 68) 1 69) 1 70) 1
S-II : In echinoderms, ganglia and brain are
71) 1 72) 1 73) 3 74) 1 75) 1
73. S-I : Echinoderms do not exhibit sexual 76) 1 77) 1
S-II : Most of the echinoderms exhibit asexual
74. S-I : Hemichordates are very closely linked to 46. Animals with tissues are called true metazoans.
echinoderms. 49. Brain is absent in cnidarians.
S-II : Both hemichordates and echinoderms are 50. Protozoans show intracellular digestion, ,meta-
zoans show extracellular digestion.
75. S-I : Hemichordata was earlier considered as a 53. In cnidarians nervous system is most primitive
subphylum under Phylum Chordata. and nerves from diffused nerve net.
S-II : The stomochord of hemichordates was
56. Polyembryony is the formation of many embry-
considered to be similar to notochord of
chordates. onic stages produced from a single zyote.
57. Life cyle of trematods exhibit a complex phenom-
76. S-I : Echinoderms, hemichordates and chordates
enon called polyembryony.
share common ancestry.
S-II : All the deuterostomes have similarity in 62. Leeches are the only annelids alone have fixed
cleavage pattern and coelom formation. number of segments.
66. Insects are uricotelic animals.
77. S-I : Hemichordates are enterocelomates
73. Echinoderms show sexual reproduction.
S-II : The coelom in hemichordates is derived
from mesodermal pouches of archenteron

36 Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates)


NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter

5. Ascaris is characterized by: [CBSE 2008]
1. Which one of the following is a matching pair of
a body feature and the animal possessing it ?
1) Presence of true coelom and metamerism
[CBSE 2007]
2) Absence of true coelom but presence of
1) Ventral heart : Scorpion metamerism
2) Post-anal tainl : Octopus 3) Presence of neither true coelom nor
3) Ventral, Central : Leech metamerism
nervous system 4) Presence of true coelom but absence of
4) Pharyngeal gill : Chamaeleon metamerism

2. What is true about Nereis, scorpion, Cockroach and 6. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic
Silver fish? [CBSE 2007] of phylum Annelida ? [CBSE 2008]
1) They all belong to the same phylum 1) Ventral nerve cord 2) Closed circulatory system
2) They all have jointed paired appendages 3) Segmentation 4) Pseudocoelom
3) They all possess dorsal heart 7. Earthworms have no skeleton but during burrow-
4) None of them are aquatic ing, the anterior end becomes turgid and acts as a
hydraulic skeleton. It is due to [CBSE 2008]
3. Which one of the following groups of three
1) Setae 2) Coelomic fluid
animals each is correctly matched with their one
3) Blood 4) Gut peristalsis
characteristic morphological feature? [CBSE 2008]
Animals Morphological 8. Which of the following cell in sponges catch food?
[CPMT 2008]
1) Pinacocytes 2) Choanocytes
1) Cockroach, – Metameric
3) Thesocytes 4) Archaeocytes
Locust Taenia segmentation
2) Liver fluke, – Bilateral 9. Which one of the following kinds of animals are
Sea anemone, symmetry triplo-blastic? [CBSE 2010]
1) Ctenophores 2) Corals
Sea cucumber
3) Flat worms 4) Sponges
3) Centipede, Prawn – Jointed
Sea urchin appendages 10. Which one of the following statements about
4) Scorpion, Spider, – Ventral solid central certain given animals is correct? [CBSE 2010]
Cockroach nervous system 1) Insects are pseudocoelomates
2) Flat worms (Platyhelminthes) are coelomates
4. Which one of the following phyla is correctly 3) Round worms (Aschelminthes) are
matched with its two general characteristics ? pseudocoelomates
[CBSE 2008] 4) Molluscs are acoelomates
1) Mollusca–Normally oviparous and
11. Which one, of the following statements about all
development through a trochophore or velliger
the four of Spongilla, Leech, Dolphin and Penguin
is correct! [CBSE Pre 2010]
2) Arthropoda–Body divided into head, thorax 1) Spongilla has special collared cells called
and abdomen and respiration by only tracheae choanocytes, not found in the remaining three
3) Chordata–Notochord at some stage and 2) All are bilaterally symmetrical
separate anal and urinary openings to the 3) Penguin is homeoiothermic while the
outside remaining three are poikilothermic
4) Echinodermata – Pentamerous radial 4) Leech is a fresh water form while all others are
symmetry and mostly internal fertilization marine

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates) 37

I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Zoology
12. One example of animals having a single opening 18. Planaria possess high capacity of [AIPMT 2014]
to the outside that serves both as mouth as well as 1) bioluminescence 2) metamorphosis
anus is [CBSE 2011] 3) regeneration 4) alternation of generation
1) Fasciola 2) Octopus
19. The active form of Entamoeba histolytica feeds
3) Asterias 4) Ascidia
upon [AIPMT 2015]
14. Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in 1) food in intestine 2) blood only
1) Salivary glands of Anopheles [CBSE 2012] 3) erythrocytes; mucosa and submucosa of colon
2) Human RBCs 4) mucosa and submucosa of colon only
3) Human liver
20. Which of the following characteristics is mainly
4) Gut of female Anopheles responsible for diversification of insects on land ?
13. In which one of the following, the genus name, its [AIPMT 2015]
two characters and its phylum are not correctly 1) Exoskeleton 2) Eyes
matched, whereas the remaining three are correct? 3) Segmentation 4) Bilateral symmetry
[CBSE 2012]
21. Metagenesis refers to : [AIPMT 2015]
Genus Two Phylum
1) Presence of a segmented body and partheno-
Name Characters
genetic mode of reproduction
1) Asterias a) Spiny skinned Echinodermata
2) Presence of different morphic forms
b) Water vascular
3) Alternation of generation between asexual and
system sexual phases of an organism
2) Sycon a) Pore bearing Porifera 4) Occurrence of a drastic change in form during
b) Canal system post-embryonic development
3) Periplaneta a) Jointed appendages Arthropoda
22. Body having meshwork of cells, internal cavities
b) Chitnous exoskeleton
lined with food filtering flagellated cells and
4) Pila a) Body segmented Mollusca
indirect development are the characteristics of
b) Mouth with Radula
phylum: [AIPMT 2015]
14. Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by [NEET 2013] 1) Protozoa 2) Coelenterata
1) eating imperfectly cooked port 3) Porifera 4) Mollusca
2) Tse-tse fly
23. Which of the following features is not present in
3) mosquito bite the phylum - Arthropoda? [NEET 2016]
4) drinking water containing eggs of Ascaris
1) Chitinous exoskeleton
15. Which group of animals belong to the same 2) Metameric segmentation
phylum? [NEET 2013] 3) parapodia 4) Jointed appendages
1) Earthworm, Pinworm, Tapeworm
24. Which one of the following characteristics is not
2) Prawn, Scorpion, Locusta
shared by birds and mammals ? [NEET 2016]
3) Sponge, Sea anemone, Starfish
1) Ossified endoskeleton
4) Malarial parasite, Amoeba, Mosquito
2) Breathing using lungs
16. Which of the following are correctly matched with 3) Viviparity
respect to their taxonomic classification?[NEET 2013] 4) Warm blooded nature
1) Centipede, millipede, spider, scorpion-Insecta
25. In mammals, which blood vessel would normally
2) House fly, butterfly, tse-tse fly, silverfish-Insecta
carry largest amount of urea ? [NEET 2016]
3) Spiny anteater, sea urchin, sea cucumber-
1) Renal Vein 2) Dorsal Aorta
3) Hepatic Vein 4) Hepatic portal Vein
4) Flying fish cuttlefish, silverfish-Pisces
26. In case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined with
17. Select the Taxon mentioned that represents both
flagellated cells called
marine and fresh water species [AIPMT 2014]
1) ostia 2) oscula
1) Cnidaria 2) Echinoderms
3) choanocytes 4) mesenchymal cells
3) Ctenophora 4) Cephalochordata

38 Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates)


NEET-Zoology I PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
27. Which of the following animals does not undergo 33. Acoelomate animals with flame cells are :
metamorphosis ? [NEET 2018] [AIIMS 2019]
1) Moth 2) Tunicate 1) Platyhelminthes 2) Annelida
3) Earthworm 4) Starfish 3) Ascheminthes 4) Athoropoda
28. Match the following organisms with their 34. Free swimming, radially symmetrical animals with
respective characteristics [NEET 2019] cnidocytes belong to [AIIMS 2019]
a) Pila i) Flame cells 1) Coelenterata 2) Platyhelminthes
b) Bombyx ii) Comb plates 3) Ctenophora 4) Echinodermata
c) Pleurobrachia iii) Radula
35. Choose correct option for larva of housefly
d) Taenia iv) Malpighian tubules
[JIPMER 2019]
Select the correct option from the following
1) Grub 2) Cypris
1) a – iii, b – ii, c – i, d – iv
3) Maggot 4) Wriggler
2) a – iii, b – iv, c – ii, d – i
3) a – iv, b – iii, c – i, d – ii 36. Choose incorrect statement [JIPMER 2019]
4) a – ii, b – iii, c – iv, d – i 1) Deuterostomes show radial and indeterminate
29. Consider following feature [NEET 2019]
2) Deuterostomes show spiral and indeterminate
a) Organ system level of organisation cleavage
b) Bilateral symmetry 3) Protostomes show radial and determinate
c) True coclomates with segmentation of body cleavage
select the correct option of animal groups 4) Protostomes show spiral and indeterminate
which possess all the above characteristics. cleavage
1) Annelida, Arthropoda and Chordata
2) Annelida, Arthropoda and Mollusca 37. Flame cells are present in [JIPMER 2019]
3) Arthropoda, Mollusca and Chordata 1) Aschelminthes 2) Platyhelminthes
4) Annelida, Mollusca and Chordata 3) Annelia 4) Cephalochordata

30. Match the following genera with their respective 38. Reduced coelom is found in [JIPMER 2019]
phylum [NEET - Odisha - 2019] 1) Annelida 2) Echinodermata
a) Ophura i) Mollusca 3) Mollusca 4) Platyhelminthes
b) Physalia ii) Platyhelminthes 39. Radula is a part of which animal [JIPMER 2019]
c) Pinctada iii) Echinodermata 1) Mollusca 2) Poriferans
d) Planaria iv) Coelenterata 3) Coelenterata 4) Annelida
Select the correct option :
1) a – ii, b – iii, c – iv, d – i 40. Bilaterally symmetrical and acoelomate animals
are exemplified by [NEET 2020]
2) a – iii, b – iv, c – i, d – ii
1) Aschelminthes 2) Annelida
3) a – iii, b – ii, c – iv, d – i
3) Ctenophora 4) Platyhelminthes
4) a – i, b – iv, c – ii, d – i
31. Which of the following animals are true
coelomates with bilateral symmetry ? 1) 3 2) 3 3) 4 4) 1 5) 3
[NEET - Odisha - 2019]
6) 4 7) 2 8) 2 9) 3 10) 3
1) Adult Echinoderms 2) Aschelminthes
3) Platyhelminthes 4) Annelids 11) 1 12) 1 13) 4 14) 4 15) 2

32. Animal of which phylum have hooks and suckers 16) 2 17) 1 18) 3 19) 3 20) 1
and are endoparasite on other animals 21) 3 22) 3 23) 3 24) 3 25) 3
[AIIMS 2019]
26) 3 27) 3 28) 2 29) 1 30) 2
1) Platyhelminthes 2) Annelida
3) Ascheminthes 4) Athoropoda 31) 4 32) 1 33) 1 34) 1 35) 3
36) 2 37) 2 38) 3 39) 1 40) 4

Animal Kingdom (Non Chordates) 39

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