Central Limit Theorem: Melc Competency Code

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The Central Limit Theorem states that the sampling distribution of the mean approaches a normal distribution as the sample size increases, regardless of the population distribution. The standard error of the mean measures the accuracy of the sample mean as an estimate of the population mean.

The Central Limit Theorem relates the standard error of the mean to the sampling distribution of sample means. As sample size increases, the sampling distribution approaches a normal distribution and the standard error decreases, improving the accuracy of the sample mean as an estimate.

As sample size increases, the standard error decreases, improving the accuracy of the sample mean as an estimate of the population mean. A smaller standard error results in a sampling distribution that is more concentrated around the population mean.


Subject: Statistics and Probability Grade Level: 11 Quarter: 3 Week: 1

 illustrate the Central Limit Theorem; (M11/12SP-IIIe-2)
 define the sampling distribution of the sample mean using the (M11/12SP-IIIe-3)
Central Limit Theorem; and
 solve problems involving sampling distributions of the sample (M11/12SP-IIIf-1)

Name: ________________________________ Section: _____________Date: _________

School: _________________________________ District: ___________________________
A. Readings/ Discussion
 Central Limit Theorem
Central Limit Theorem states that the sampling distribution of the mean approaches a normal distribution, as the
sample size increases.

Regardless of the initial shape of the population distribution, if samples of size n are randomly selected from a
population, the sampling distribution of the sampling
means will approach a normal distribution as the sample size n gets larger. The standard error of the mean measures
the degree of accuracy of the sample mean  as an estimate of the population mean. It is also known as

the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sampling mean, denoted by 

Remember that if we want to get a good estimate of the population mean, we have to make n
sufficiently large. This fact is stated as a theorem in the Central Limit Theorem.

Now, can you determine the standard error of the mean of the given set of data
below? Your knowledge of the formula and manipulating the given data will be handy
in solving this problem.
Direction: Read the problems below then write your answer on a separate paper.
1. Determine the standard error of the mean for each of the following sample size n given the population standard
deviation of 30. Round off your answer to the nearest hundredths.

2. Analyze the answers obtained in item number 1. What can you say about the
relationship of the sample size and the standard error?

3. How does this relationship affect the distribution?

4. When do we obtain a good estimate of the mean?

5. When do we say that the mean is a poor estimate?

 Central Limit theorem is important because it teaches researchers to use a limited sample to
make intelligent and accurate conclusions about a greater population. It also justifies the
use of normal curve methods for a wide range of problems.

Study the illustrative sample problems below.

1. Assume that the variable is normally distributed, the average time it takes a group of senior
high school students to complete a certain examination is 46.2 minutes while the
standard deviation is 8 minutes. What is the probability that a randomly selected senior
high school students will complete the examination in less than 43 minutes? Does it seem
reasonable that a senior high school student would finish the examination in less than 43

a. If 50 randomly selected senior high school students take the examination, what is the
probability that the mean time it takes the group to complete the test will be less than 43
minutes? Does it seem reasonable that the mean of the 50 senior high school students
could be less than 43 minutes?

 Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected senior high school student will complete
the examination in less than 43 minutes is 34.46%. Yes, it is reasonable to finish the exam in
less than 43 minutes since the probability is more than 1.

 Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected 50 senior high school students will
complete the examination in less than 43 minutes is 0.23%. No, it’s not reasonable since the
probability is less than 1.

A. Exercise

What’s More
Let’s see how well you understood our discussion. At this point, I want you to solve the following
problems. Show your complete solution by following the step-bystep procedure.

1. The average number of milligrams (mg) of cholesterol in a cup of a certain brand of ice cream
is 660 mg, the standard deviation is 35 mg. Assume the variable is normally distributed.
a. If a cup of ice cream is selected, what is the probability that the cholesterol content will
be more than 670 mg?
b. If a sample of 10 cups of ice cream is selected, what is the probability that the mean of
the sample will be larger than 670 mg?

2. In a study of the life expectancy of 400 people in a certain geographic region, the mean age at
death was 70 years, and the standard deviation was 5.1 years. If a sample of 50 people
from this region is selected, what is the probability that the mean life expectancy will be
less than 68 years?

3. The average cholesterol content of a certain canned goods is 215 milligrams, and the standard
deviation is 15 milligrams. Assume that the variable is normally distributed. If a sample of
25 canned goods is selected, what is the probability that the mean of the sample will be
greater than 220 milligrams?

4. The average public elementary school has 468 students with a standard deviation of 87. If a
random sample of 38 public elementary schools is selected, what is the probability that
the number of students enrolled is between 445 and 485?

Directions: Read and analyze the story below. Write the letter of the correct
answer on your answer sheet.
1. According to Central Limit theorem, which sample size will give a smaller
standard error of the mean?
A. 7
B. 12
C. 23
D. 40
2. If a population is not normally distributed, the distribution of the sample means
for a given sample size n will ____________.
A. be positively skewed.
B. be negatively skewed.
C. take the same shape as the population.
D. approach a normal distribution as n increases.
3. The mean and standard deviation of a population are 75 and 15, respectively.
The sample size is 100. What is the standard error of the mean?
A. 1.5
B. 1.73
C. 0.15
D. 8
4. The mean and standard deviation of a population are 400 and 40, respectively.
Sample size is 25. What is the mean of the sampling distribution?
A. 400
B. 40
C. 25
D. 8
5. What is the standard error of the mean if the sample size is 25 with standard
deviation of 16?
A. 6.25
B. 3.2
C. 1.25
D. 0.64
6. The weights of the eggs produced by a certain breed of hen are normally
distributed with mean 65 grams and standard deviation of 5 grams. Which of
the following will you use?
A. Normal Distribution
C. Discrete Probability Distribution
B. Central Limit Theorem
D. Binomial Distribution
7. In a study done on the life expectancy of 500 people in a certain geographic region,
the mean age at death was 72 years and the standard deviation was 5.3 years.
If a sample of 50 people from this region is selected, and the probability that the
mean life expectancy will be less than 70 years, which of the following will you
A. Normal Distribution
C. Discrete Probability Distribution
B. Central Limit Theorem
D. Binomial Distribution16

8. The mean and standard deviation of a population are 200 and 20,
respectively. What is the probability of selecting 25 data values with a mean less
than 190?
A. 69%
B. 31%
C. 0.6%
D. 99%
9. In a metal fabrication process, metal rods are produced that have an average
length of 20.5 meters with a standard deviation of 2.3 meters. A quality control
specialist collects a random sample of 30 rods and measures their lengths.
Suppose the resulting sample mean is 19.5 meters. Which of the following
statements is true?
A. This sample mean is 2.38 standard deviations above what we expect.
B. This sample mean is 2.38 standard deviations below what we expect.
C. This sample mean is only 1 standard deviation above the population mean.
D. This sample mean is more than 3 standard deviations away from the
population mean.
For number 10-11, refer to the problem below.
Suppose the teenagers that attend public high schools get an average of 5.7
hours of sleep each night with a standard deviation of 1.7 hours. Assume that
the average sleep hour is normally distributed, and 35 high school students are
randomly selected.
10.Compute the z-score for 6 hours of sleep.
A. 1.04
B. 0.18
C. 0.52
D. 0.82
11.What is the probability that a randomly selected group of 35 high school
students gets more than 6 hours of sleep each night?
A. 0.3508
B. 0.1492
C. 0.0714
D. 0.4286
For number 12-14, refer to the problem below.
The amount of fuel used by jumbo jets to take off is normally distributed with
a mean of 4, 000 gallons and a standard deviation of 125 gallons. A sample of 40
jumbo jets are randomly selected.
12.Compute the z-score for 3, 950 gallons.
A. – 0.4
B. 0.4
C. – 2.53
D. 2.53
13.What is the probability that the mean number of gallons of fuel needed to take off
for a randomly selected sample of 40 jumbo jets will be less than 3, 950 gallons?
a. 78.1%
B. 34.5%
C. 2.5%
D. 0.57%
14.What is the probability that the mean number of gallons of fuel needed to take off
for a randomly selected sample of 40 jumbo jets will be more than 3, 950 gallons?
A. 0.57%
B. 49.43%
C. 65.54%
D. 99.43%
15.Researchers found that boys playing high school football recorded an average of
355 hits to the head with a standard deviation of 80 hits during a season. What
is the probability on a randomly selected team of 48 players that the average
number of head hits per player is between 340 and 360?
A. 56.96%

B. 43.04%
C. 40.32%

D. 16.64%


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