Sharing Research Experiences and Knowledge
Sharing Research Experiences and Knowledge
Sharing Research Experiences and Knowledge
NAME:_______________________________________ GR.&SEC.___________________________
Practical Research is one of the subjects in senior high school which aims to develop your critical
thinking and problem solving skills. You probably know that at the end of this course, you will submit your
research output during the culminating activity. Don’t worry about your research assignment. You will learn
everything about conducting research step by step. To start, let us find out how well you know doing
Specifically after working on this module, you should be able to share your knowledge and research
As you work on this module you will encounter difficult words. These words play very important role in
understanding this lesson. Can you help me unlock the words?
Fill Me
Directions: Fill out the blank spaces by referring to the clues and guessing the word/s being
defined. Write your answers on your notebook.
Fact Check
Directions: Read the sentences. Put a check (√ ) on the space before the number if you think that the
sentence is true about research. Put a cross (X) if you think that it is not. Write your answers on your
Directions: On your notebook, list down concepts/ideas that you want to know about research. Read
books or surf the internet to understand more about the concepts. Jot down the things that you have
found out about the concepts because you might need it in our next lesson.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
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