HSE Alert 18-Driving During Foggy

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HSE Alert No / Alert No.18 Project: Address Hotel & Service apartment
Date: 11 January 2022

Subject: Driving during foggy condition

Bahrain Meteorological Directorate's weather forecast predicts mist/foggy weather conditions in the
coming days throughout Bahrain especially during the early morning hours. Hence all drivers commuting to
BMP sites in the morning are requested to take extra care while driving.


• Avoid driving, stop if too foggy. Fog can get thicker without warning. If visibility gets too low,
be sure to pull off the road. Find a parking lot or driveway where you can safely pull over. If
necessary, drive far off the shoulder of the road or onto a grassy area. Move a reasonable
distance away from the main roadway.

• Minimize distractions. Silence your cell phone and the stereo. Put distractions like your cell
phone in a place where you won’t be tempted to reach for them while driving, like the glove
• Reduce your speed. Because you can't see the road or other vehicles, a low speed can help
you react safely.
• Roll down your window. This allows you to listen for cars and emergency vehicles.
• Use roadside reflectors as a guide. The markings can help you navigate twists and turns.
• Turn off cruise control. This will maximize your control of your vehicle.
• Use windshield wipers and defrosters. These will help limit excess moisture on the
window and reduce glare.
• Drive with low beams and fog lights. High beams/brights can worsen visibility because
they reflect off the fog.
• Use the right edge of the road as a guide. Helps you stay in your lane and not “drift” into
the middle lane.
• Increase your following distance from other cars to ensure you have the proper time to
respond to any obstacles. A good rule of thumb is to increase your count distance by at least
5 seconds instead of the normal 2 seconds behind another vehicle.

What to do if you need to pull over to a safe area due to dense fog

• Use your turn signal. Other drivers may be using your taillights as a guide, so alert them
that you're pulling off the road. When you are traveling in low visibility areas, signal earlier
than you normally would in ideal weather conditions.
• Pull off away from the road. If drivers can't see the shoulder, they likely won't see your
vehicle either.
• Turn on your hazard lights. Help other drivers know you're stopped. Avoid using flashing
lights while driving. In many states, hazard light use is not permitted while driving. Using the
hazard lights can make other drivers think you’re stopped or stalled and using them may
disable your ability to use your turn signals.

“The best drivers are aware that they must be beware”.

Project: Address Hotel Project – Al Marassi

Date: 11 January 2021

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