Super Paper Mario Nintendo Player's Guide

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The document is an excerpt from the official guide for the video game Super Paper Mario, providing information about gameplay, characters, and story details.

It is a strategy guide for the video game Super Paper Mario, giving information on controls, gameplay, characters, and walkthroughs for each chapter of the game.

The guide covers all the locations and chapters in the game, including Lineland, Gloam Valley, The Bitlands, Outer Space, Land of the Cragnons, Sammer's Kingdom, The Underwhere, and Castle Bleck.


Paper Mario

The Official Nintendo Player's Guide

Table of Contents I Chapter 2 Gloam Valley

�������N Chapter2-1 • • • • • • • • • 34
Bogging to Merlee's

Chapter2-2 • • • • • • • • • 37
Tricks, Treats, Traps

Chapter2-3 . • • • . • • • 40
-'-"' Breaking the Bank

Chapter2-4 • • • • . • • • 42
The Basement Face-Off

I Introduction ···· 1 Luigi Makes a Run for It . . . 44

Heart PillarJ 44
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

count on the Apocalypse • • • • . • • • • • . • • . . • • . • • . • • • • • • • • . . .

Controls • • • . . • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • . • • . • • • . • • . • • • . . • • • • • • 6
Screens and Menus

• • . • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • . . • • •

• • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • . . • • . • • • . • • . . . . • • •
8 I Chapter 3 The Bitlands

AdvancedGameplay Tips • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . 10 Chapter3-1 • • • . • • • • • 46

Character Skills • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • . .12 i11ml:ll:3:51 When Geeks Attack

Meet the Pixls • • . • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • 13 Chapter 3-2 • • • . • • • • 50

Using theGuide • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • 14 Chapter3-3 . • • . • • • . • 52
Up, Up, and a Tree

I Prelude

Flipside •• :.1 Chapter 3-4

Heart Pillar 4
• • • • • . • • •

The Battle of Fort Francis


. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
A Hero Torn from His World • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .16
Heart Pillar! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

I Chapter 1 Lineland I Chapter 4 Outer Space

Chapter1-1 • • • • • • • • • .18 Chapter4-1 • . • . • . . . 60

The Adventure Unfolds Into Outer Space

Chapter1-2 • • . • • • • . . . 21 Chapter4-2 . • • . • • • • 63
Afoot in the Foothills A Paper Emergency

Chapter1-3 . . • • • • . . . 25 Chapter4-3 • • • • • • • . 66
The Sands of Void The Gates of Space


Chapter1-4 • • • . • • • • . Chapter4-4 • • • • • . • • 68
Monster of the Ruins The Mysterious Mr. l

Peach ESCapeS! ............ 31 Heart Pillar 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Heart Pillar 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
I Chapter 5 Land of the Cragnons I Chapter 8 Castle Bleck

ChapterS-I . . . . . . . . . 74 Chapter 8-1 .......116

Downtown of Crag The Impending Darkness

Chapter 5-2 • . • • . • • . • 76 Chapter 8-2 .......120

Pix Is, Tablets, and Crag The Crash

Chapter 5-3 . . . . . . . . . 79 Chapter 8-3 . . . . . . .123

::::::::i ....
.. --...: --- A Crag in the Dark Countdown to Destruction

ChapterS-4 . . . . . . . . 85 Chapter 8-4 . . . . . .126

The Menace of King Croacus Tippi and Count Bleck

Heart Pillar 6 ............. 89

Piccolo Side Quest ........ 90

I Chapter 6 Sam mer's Kingdom I Appendix ••

Chapter 6-1 .........92 Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132

Sammer Guy Showdown
Recipes 134
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 6-2
. . . . . . . . .

The End of a World Catch Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

_IIWiI_ iIiiIi iI\J Chapter 6-1 ........94 Maps 141
IIllIlIiil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pit of100 Trials .142

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

� �� ��/ Heart Pillar 7 .............

Other Things to Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144

I Chapter 7 The Underwhere

Chapter H . . . . . . .100
Subterranean Vacation

Chapter7-2 . . . . . . .101
The Sealed Doors Three

Chapter7-3 . . . .104
. . .

The Forbidden Apple

Chapter7-4 . . . . . . .110
A Bone-Chilling Tale

Heart Pillar 8 ........... .114

the Apocalypse
The Dark Prognosticus
The Dark Prognosticus is the lost book of prophecies that foretells the end of all
worlds and grants immense power to whoever holds it. Although the book appears
to portend a bleak and unpleasant future,it has many devotees.

count Bleck
while his motives are a mystery, Count Bleck appears to have the power to snuff out
all known worlds and leave barren wastelands in his wake. On the other hand,he's a
surprisingly forgiving and upbeat overlord-and a pretty snappy dresser, to boot.

Bleck's Bootlickers
Count Bleck has rounded up a team of diverse and colorful minions to do his dirty
work. You'll have to fight most of them at least once, so it pays to familiarize yourself
with their methods.

Nastasia Mimi Dimentio

Bleck's assistant Nastasia seems more What's a cute little girl like Mimi doing The sinister court
officious than evil, but her whip-crack­ with Bleck? usually she's impersonating jester among Bleck's
ing managerial style definitely helps someone else so she can transform into cronies, Dimentio seems
keep the apocalypse on schedule. a giant spider and attack you when you to have a hidden agenda. Is
least expect it. he really on your side? Judging from the

If O'Chunks had a tiny bit of brains to go with his brawn, he might be
a threat. The big baboon usually makes a vociferous speech, gets his
butt kicked, then goes back to Bleck with his tail between his legs.

•• 4 '
The Light Prognosticus
To counteract the evil prophecy of the Dark Prognosticus,some forward-thinking indi­
viduals decided to get together and write the Light Prognosticus. It fortells of a musta­
chioed hero in overalls who saves the world by jumping on his enemies' heads. Ring
any bells?

Yes,that's right-Mario is the hero. The game is called Super Paper Mario,so that
shouldn't come as a shock. Once again, the fate of the known universe rests on the
rounded shoulders of a mute plumber.

Rays of Hope
The odds may be against one small man defeating the insidious gears of prophecy, but
Mario has plenty of allies in his struggle.The towns of Flipside and Flopside are filled
with friends, and chums often pop up in interesting places.

Merion Bestovius Familiar Faces

Merion the wizard is your main contact when it Bestovius is yet another wizard you'll You start out a solitary hero. but soon
comes to dark and light prophecy. He doesn't meet up with in your travels (who isn't a you'll have all the help you need. It's a
always have the answers, but he usually pro­ wizard around here?). Chat him up to good thing your friends (and at least
vides just enough cryptic information for you learn about flipping between dimensions. one enemy) crossed over the dimen­
to figure out what to do next. sional barrier with you.

Merlee & Merluvlee

Merlee has one of those Pure Hearts you
need to find. And her look-alike.
Merluvlee, has plenty of info for you. It
always pays to talk to her-unless some­
body is impersonating her.


--'* Super Paper Mario's controls are quite intuitive, but it doesn't
+'ih�rt to familiarize yourself with them before you start playing.


(Peach only)


• • • • · �. .-

• • • • ·

· • • • • ·
3: '0




Some characters have
special skills that you
can use by pressing down on
the Control Pad.

Usually you press up to
interact with objects and
speak with other people.
Sometimes in 3-D you'll
press left or right to interact.
Motion Sensitivity
Some minigames, acrobatic moves, items, and enemy effects require you to use the
Wii remote's motion-sensing capabilities. Often you'll need to tilt or shake the
remote to get the desired result.

. L-
_________ ________________________________________ _________ __ �

•• 6 '
Controls I Screens and Menus

Screens and Menus

The game screen and the menu screen are loaded with valuable
information and items that can keep you healthy.

There's limited real estate on the top of game screen, so you know it must be important if When you press the Minus Button, you'll access a wide range of abilities and information
it's up there. you can use in the game.

Gauges Menus

Swap cnarac1ers ana cneck

1nelr abl1i1les,

O o
HP: Shows the number of Heart Points (HP) you currently have and the maximum Characters: Select one of your available characters. You can also access charac­
number of HP possible. ter selection in the Quick menu (by pressing the 1 and 2 Buttons simulataneously).

O o
Score: Your point total is shown here. When you collect an item or defeat an Pixls: Select one of your available Pixls (aside from Tippi). This is also available on
enemy, points are added to your score. When you reach preset point totals, you the Quick menu.
will level up and your stats will increase.

Items: View your current inventory and select an item to use. This is also avail­

Coins: This shows the total number of coins in your possession. You can carry a able on the Quick menu.
maximum of 999 coins.

Important Things: View and/or select important items, such as keys, that you

Flip Meter: This meter indicates the amount of time you have to remain flipped need to complete certain objectives.
into 3-� mode.

Chapters: View completed chapter information.

Fleeting Flipping o
Cards: View collected enemy and character Catch Cards.

Flipping into 3-D is a powerful ability,but you need to use it sparingly. The Fl ip Meter

will begin ticking down immediately after you flip. If you are still in 3-� after it ticks Recipes: See a list of dishes you have created using various items.
down for 15 seconds, you will lose 1 HP and the meter will reset. If you flip bac k to 2-0
before it ticks down all the way,the meter will tick back up until it is completely full.

Maps: View a list of maps you have purchased.

Game Statistics: See important information about your adventure.

Level: Your character's current level.

Heart Points: Your character's current number of HP and total HP available.
Attack: The Attack rating of each available character.
Score: Your total points.
Next Level: The point total needed to reach the next level.
Coins: Your total number of coins.
Time Played: ouh. What do you think it means?

�--------------------------�---- ---------- --���------� .

Basic Gameplay
Super Paper Mario follows its own set of rules, except when it
breaks them.

The basic game structure involves a Flipside-and-Flopside overworld where you access If you've ever played a platform game before, the basic controls in Super Paper Mario
four-part chapters (usually). shouldn't seem all that unusual. In fact, the 2-D portion of the game should be a regular
blast from the past.

• Play through a Chapter

Most chapters have four sections (Chapter 1-1, 1-
2, etc.). Hitting the Star Block at the end of a sec­ The physics of jumping follow standard video game logic: the longer you hold down the 2
tion means you've completed that section. Button, the higher you'll jump (up to a certain point). If you get a running start then hit
the 2 Button, your jump will get the extra oomph you need to reach high platforms.

.. Place the Pure Heart

At the end of most chapters, you will receive a
Pure Heart that you need to place in a Heart Pillar
somewh�re in Flipside or Flopside. After you place
the Pure Heart, a door to a new chapter will
appear on Flipside Tower (or Flopside Tower).

Jumping on enemies' heads is the main

offensive tactic in the game, so practice
your timing . It will mean the difference
• between bringing the hurt and getting hurt.

Do Your Business
Commence Shelling
Use the facilities in town to pick up whatever
You can repurpose various types of
items you think you may need in the next adven­
Koopa shells as weapons by jumping
ture. Or you can just screw around for a while.
on them. The jump will send the shell
zipping into the next solid object­

__ Return to the Tower hopefu Ily, an enemy. Beware: If it

bounces back at you off of a solid sur­
If you think you're ready for more action, head
face, it will hurt.
for the next chapter door to begin a new stage of
the adventure.

Exceptions to the Rule Shake It Off, wuss

Certain enemies use attacks that put
There are several points in the you to sleep or otherwise immobilize
game when you'll break out of you. To regain control of your charac­
the pattern detailed above. ter, you'll need to shake the wii
During certain inter­ remote up and down to make a pink
ludes,you'll take con­ bar fill a meter.
trol of characters
trapped in Castle
Bleck, for example.
And in at least one chapter,
you'll go on so many side quests
that you \"on't be able to recall
your original objective!


Peach Protection Keep Your Eyes Open •
One big advantage of using Peach is the protection her pink umbrella provides. When
certain enemies use projectile attacks against her, go into a protective crouch by
If you get stuck somewhere in the game,
study your surroundings for anything that

pressing down on the Control Pad. seems unusual-like a drawing on a wall or
some object that's out of place. If it looks
weird, usually it's a clue.

It's easy to forget that Tippi may have the hint you
need when you are stuck. Use her to scan unusual
objects and-more importantly-suspicious empty
spaces where there should be an object.

Swimming = Underwater Jumping

You'll spend some time underwater in the game, but you needn't worry about finding an
aqualung-you can breathe indefinitely underwater. You will have to relearn how to move,
however: press the 2 Button at regular intervals to push yourself through the water and
Last-Resort Items
to surface. To dive, simply stop pressing the 2 Button.
It's smart to keep a full batch of items on hand when you go into a chapter-it can be a .
lifesaver when a new enemy overwhelms you or you have a lot of real estate to cover
before you can save.

Ladder Lesson
Ladders are a key element in some levels (at times you need to create them by hitting a
special block). To climb and descend ladders, press up or down on the Control Pad while
standing directly in front of the ladder. Keep in mind, however, that Bowser can't climb.

Meeting and Greeting

You can interact with most talking If for any reason you need to return to
characters-and some objects-by Flipside (or Flopside, while in Chapter 8),
pressing up on the Control Pad when just activate the Return Pipe in your
you are close enough to get an Important Items menu. You can restart in
onscreen prompt. the chapter section where you used the
Return Pipe.

Changing Stories Super Paper Essentials

If you pick up an item that goes into your
You should spend a little time revisiting people you've Important Things menu,you'll probably
already talked to using different controllable characters. need to use it soon to get through a chap­
In some cases, they'll tell one character something very ter section. Usual ly,once you use such an
different from what they told another. item,it'll disappear forever. The excep­
tions are items like the Return Pipe, which
remain in the menu throughout the game.


Advanced Gameplay Tips
The game provides a nearly infinite number of gameplay
options. Try out a few of the tactics outlined here.

Short Hop, Long Hop The Flying Mario Bros.

In most cases, you'll want want to jump off of an enemy's head after you make contact-it Why just jump on enemies' heads when you can jump on enemies' heads with stvle? When
will give you the elevation you need to execute combos and acrobatic moves. For enemies you hit an enemy, jump again then swing the Wii remote to execute an acrobatic move.
that shrink or separate (like Hogarithms and Sproing-Oings), however, you should jump Talk to Garson at The Underwhere for more info.
on them, then allow gravity to give you quick, multiple attacks.

A Charmed Life
When you finally make it to Flopside,
head over to Merlee's House of
Charms on the second floor. If you buy
one of her charms, you'll randomly
get to play an item-roulette game
every once in a while. It's an easy way
to upgrade your items while you're
playing through a chapter.
IPress ® 10 s10p 1"'. whael/l Sleight ofHand
Each character has five special acrobatic moves that you can trigger by stylishly tilting
the controller after you bound off of an enemy_ Practice different moves throughout
the game to see cool, extended acrobatic effects_ The better your move, the bigger the

Line 'Em Up, Knock 'Em Down crowd of paper-cut-out audience members you'll draw_

If you defeat multiple enemies in a single string of jumps-without touching the ground­
you'll be rewarded with extra points. You can duplicate this combo effect using a single
Koopa shell to hammer multiple enemies.
Catch as Catch Can
Catch Cards are more than just collectibles-they power up your attacks. Each time you
collect an enemy's card, you'll double your attack strength against that enemy. Collecting
multiple cards will increase your attack power even more.

Lucrative Shell Game

At certain spots, you can bounce a Koopa shell off a wall-racking up points-until you get
sick of the activity. You'll need to time your jumps very carefully.


•• 10 '
Casting Call Problem-Solving Pixls •
Once you have access to multiple playable characters,
try using different characters to accomplish a challeng­
There are 13 Pixls (one of which appears after you
beat the game), and all of them have an important

ing task. Often you'll find that one character has a spe­ function. If you are stuck on a puzzle or having
cial ability that can render a daunting task easy. trouble with a boss, try out Pixls to see if any of
them will solve your problem.

+. +


Now You re Coo kOmg+
Flip Early, Flip Often wltn Power
ok- + -'- + °

You have limited spaces in your inventory, so keep it stocked with the best items possible.
There are many places in the game where you cannot proceed in 2-D and you need to Take single items to Saffron in Flipside to have her cook up even better items-for free!
flip into 3-D to find a hidden path. Additionally,it's a good idea to flip into 3-D to scope For even-mare-powerful goodies, take two items to Dyllis in Flopside; she'll make them
out any new area. Be careful, however: If you're on a platform,make sure you don't into one (potentially) awesome item. (See pages 134 and 135 for recipe information.)
fall off when you flip.

Buying Information: The Last Resort

Stuck? Merluvlee is willing to tell you what to do next-for a fee. The first few times you go
to her, she just wants pocket change, but later she really starts to price-gouge. You're bet­
ter off trying to figure things out yourself.

More Dimensions, More Money

Flip every time you
see a row of coins to
collect. Often there
will be multiple
rows of coins
behind it in 3-D-but
if you collect the
coins in 2-D the 3-D
coins will disappear.

�------�-- -----� .
Char acter Skills
Mario and his team are much more than just a delightful gang
of characters. They've got skills.

Mario Luigi
There's nothing wrong with Mario's vocal Luigi can't flip between dimensions like his
cords-he just prefers to let his actions (and more famous brother,but he's got the
occasional guttural sounds) do the talking. He platforming chops to handle just about
has the proper gravitas to lead this team,so any 2-0 situation.
you'll use him more than the other characters.

High Jump
Flip If you hold down on the Control Pad for a few
Bestovious gives Mario the power of inter­ seconds then release it, you can jump high into
dimensional travel-or "fIipping"-very early in the air. Any enemy that gets in the way of one
the game,and you'll need to use the ability of Luigi's high-velocity jumps is toast.
approximately 12 zillion times before you fin­ (However,Luigi will not have this move during
ish the adventure. his escape from Castle Bleck.)

Princess Peach
You wouldn't think it by looking at it,but Peach's
umbrella is a formidable platforming tool. It not
only provides amazing lift-it can also protect her
from some airborne attacks.

Peach can sail for a decent distance if you hold
down the 2 Button during a jump. When Mario
can't bridge a gap,let the pink princess show
It may pain him to do so,but Bowser will eventually swallow his pride and join
Mario's team. The Koopa King is very slow and can't jump very high,but his flame
breath is a lifesaver in certain enemy-strewn areas and his stomping power is twice
everyone else's.

Flame Breath
Bowser's flame breath
lets him reach out and
roast somebody without
putting his spiny hide in
harm's way-it works even

_ L-- -"'-.
__ 12

Character Skills / Meet the Pixls

Meet the Pixls

A baker's dozen of powertul Pixls will give you all the tools you need
to round up Pure Hearts.

Tippi I Tiptron Thudley + Cudge

-+ +
Tippi is more than just the
first Pixl you pick up in your + Throwing your weight around
is easy when you have
with cudge by your
side, you'll never have to

travels-she's a key player in Thudley at your command. . say, "if I had a hammer . . •"
the drama that unfolds after + Just press the 1 Button to That's because (udge performs
(ount Bleck creates the Chaos deliver a titanic wallop to any· a hammer's functions: He
thing beneath you,like a real· pounds objects and enemies alike.
Iy big switch. Thudley even + •
works underwater!

• +
Carrie Dottie
Thoreau looks like a hand Carrie is a Pixl of burden Dottie can make
and pretty much acts like who allows you to glide you tiny but lets you
one, too. You can use him to over dangerous surfaces, retain most of your
pick up and throw a wide such as spikes, that would oth· full·size speed and
range of objects-even some enor·+ erwise keep you from getting jumping ability. You'll
mous enemies. everything you want in life. She can be able to enter doors and
also help you jump on and damage pass by dangerous enemies
spiked enemies. undetected-plus run on water!

Boomer Barry Piccolo

When you need to blow up Barry may be a bit of a chick· piccolo isn't an •
something, Boomer is your en when you first meet him, essential Pixl, but her
Pixl. Deposit him wherever but he's as tough as a diamond· music-she has a differ­
you want to see destruction, edged buzzsaw in a fight. His spinning ent song for each playable
wait a few seconds for his fuse � barbs destroy enemies and pro· character-can make interest-
to burn down, then BOOM!
Alternatively, you can simply press 2 a
� +
tect you from harm. · _ ing things happen to certain characters
and objects. Her music also cures some
• +
second time to detonate him immediately. status injuries.

Slim Fleep Dashell

Say no to fad diets and Leave no polygon unturned upset that there isn't a

weight·lo ss pills! Instea , with Fleep,the flipping pixl dash option in the game?
. to make y�u per·
rely on Slim that allows you to uncover Cheer up-there is a dash
'!!f enemies �
+++ +

fectly one.dimension some important objects in option,and his name is Dashell. Use +

and dangerous objects wilY p�ss + + the game. He's a good friend him whenever you want superspeed.
right through you without causing ha to have during a treasure hunt.

�------�--� .
Using the Guide
Inter-dimensional gaming can be confusing. Be sure you know
how to use this guide before you start the flipping adventure.

Adventure walkthrough Pages Strategy tips: Numbered icons appear in red squares on the maps, and corre­
spond to numbered strategy tips.

'(I••,\3m, Strategy tips indicated with flip frames on maps are

The bulk of the guide is a step-by-step walkthrough with maps, numbered gameplay tips,
and helpful screenshots. It's often a good idea to look through a level's map before you
begin, then consult the tips as needed. given thiS speCial treatment 111 the walkthrough text.

New skills, Pixls, or characters: Special colored boxes indicate when a pixl or a
character joins your party, or when you attain a new skill.

Pull-out Poster
The poster included with this guide provides a handy reference for your repeated vis­
its to Flipside and Flopside. Plus,it should help you make sense of the maps for indi­
vidual levels.

Flipside and Flopside Town Maps

You'll feel like a native of Flipside and Flopside by the time you're done playing the game,
but you'll likely still get lost occasionally. Why take the chance? Keep all the info you need
at your fingertips.

Locations of Heart Pillars

Maps: Each map in the guide shows the 2-0 view of a given area. For 3-D views,
You'll find detailed instructions for locating Heart Pillars at the end of each chapter sec­
you'll need to look at screenshots.
tion, but you can also consult the map for the exact location of each pillar.

Item callouts: All coins and items are called off the maps. (See the poster for a
detailed key.) An item connected to a treasure-chest icon means that the item is
inside the chest. There are some special item icons to look out for:
Map Key
The map key for all the maps in the guide is included on the poster. Keep it handy in case
C\ 2-0 items: Items (such as the coin shown here) visible in 2-0 only are anything on the map confuses you.
V indicated with an unadorned icon.

3-� or flip items: Icons for items (such as the coin shown here) available
only in 3-� are accompanied by an arrow icon.
Adventure Appendix
1!!11 045
Numbered items: Catch Card and Cooking Disk icons are numbered or
lettered according to their positions in the in-game menus.
The appendix in the back of this book contains helpful information about items, Catch
Cards, recipes, and more. It's also loaded with tips and info about optional side quests like
the Pit of 100 Trials and the Sammer Guy tournament.

Map connections: Doors and warp pipes are connected to their corresponding
destinations using lettered callouts. There are three types:

ra1 Map breaks: When a single map is fragmented on the page, a lowercase let­
t__! ter in a square indicates the places where the maps connect.

Doors, pipes, and other passages: A matching pair of uppercase letters in
circles indicates linked doors or pipes.

G Small doors, pipes and other passages: Some passages lead from the
background to the foreground.

Boss battle: Boss battles are indicated with BOSS boxes that provide detailed
strategies for fighting these enemies.

Flip frames: "Flip frames" indicate places where you need to flip into 3-D. They

highlight specific places where Mario's flip ability is required to find an item or to
advance in the level.

Flip tips: Numbered flip frames on the maps indicate special

strategies (called "flip tips") detailed in the walkthrough text. These
strategies always involve Mario's flip ability.

. �----�--�
•• 14 •• '
. Flipside +


A Hero Torn from His World
Every journey begins with a single step. And, in Mario's life,
every journey also begins with Koopa high jinks.

Disrupted Nuptials Merion Makes It Easy

After rushing to Bowser's castle to rescue Peach, Mario is surprised to learn that some· When Merion finds out that you are the hero foretold in the Light Prognosticus, he gladly
thing even more nefarious is about to unfold: Peach's marriage to Bowser. After being forks over the first Pure Heart to you. Now you only need seven more! The rest of them
knocked unconscious, he awakens to a wild new adventure. are substantially more difficult to come by, however. Drop your new prize off at the first
Heart Pillar to get started on your ad venture.

Heart Pillar 1
.. Tippi will show you the way to the Heart Pillar after you leave Merion's house.
V All you have to do is go to the third floor of Flipside, then place the Pure Heart in
the pillar by pressing the Control Pad as indicated. A door will then appear on top of Tippi
Flipside Tower; enter it to begin Chapter I.
Tippi is your tour guide through the +
mysteries of inter·dimensional
travel. She seems to have every
Tl-le Hear-t Pillar is -this wa4...
fact at her fingertips, and she's
always willing to provide you with a
tip when you're stumped.

If you want to learn

more about an object,
character, or enemy,
just point the Wii
remote at it to have
Tippi tell you every·
thing she knows.

•• 16 '


.. � .
The Adventure Unfolds
Do the first two dimensions leave you wanting more? A gift
from Bestovius will help you gain some perspective.

�� Bestovius's gift (see "Pretty

Flippin' Cool!" on page 20) will
yield immediate benefits: flip
outside his house to reveal
some? Blocks.

• • • CHAPTER 1-1

•• ••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 19 ••
Hit the Brick Block to the left of the tall barrier around the door-a solid block
underneath will yield a coin and help you up and over the door. Don't worry about
getting through the door just yet-you'll need to learn how to flip into 3-D before you can The tall warp pipe would be
find the path through the barrier. an insurmountable obsta­
cle in a 2-D world, but you
can simply walk around it
after you flip to 3-D. Pick
up the Goomba card during
the trip.

Mind the gap on the way to door (-you can't jump across it in either 2-D or 3-D. If you
flip, you'll see that what looked like mountain scenery in 2-D is actually a cleverly
disguised bridge.

Your first warp pipe! Are you
excited? Drop into a chamber
that contains a treasure chest, grab
the tasty drink inside, then exit
through the horizontal pipe on the left
to return to the original pipe. At least
it looks like the original pipe. (heck it
out in 3-D to get the real scoop.

o Pretty Flippin' Cool

II Now that you can flip, that spring pad in front of a tall butte seems superfluous,
but go ahead and bounce up to the plateau if it floats your boat. If you flip,
Tl-lere's Q I-lidden door I-Iere...
though, you'll be able to hit a block that produces Pal Pills, little NES-era Marios who deal
damage to your enemies.

Enter the seemingly empty house on the high ledge, then use Tippi (by pointing the
wii remote at the screen) to find a hidden door. Bestovius is willing to teach you how
to flip into 3-D ... for a price. Hold out until he gives you the info for free, then flip
inside the house to find a couple of helpful items: a Shroom Shake, a Fire Burst, and
a Shell Shock.

At the next big butte, flip to
Head back to door B, then expose a squad of
flip to expose gaps in the Squiglets. It's a good
side of the barrier around opportunity to score com­
it. Move inside the barrier bos. You'll almost certainly

• in 3-D then flip back to 2-D

to enter the door.
level up here, unless you've
avoided every enemy until

• this point.

•• 20 '
••• CHAPTERS 1-1& l-Z
n Hit the? Block to release a Mega Star-an extrapowerful power-up that trans­
U forms Mario into a huge, retro version of himself. Keep moving forward to maxi­ 10 FLIP TIP •

mize the destruction. You can rack up a pile of points thanks to the many doomed ene­
Don't be so quick to finish the chapter. Before you hit the Star Block, flip to reveal a nar­
mies in your way.

row passageway to a treasure chest. After you grab the card inside, hit the block and
move on to the next challenge.

�Afoot in the Foothills

We hope you aren't partial to platforming in 2-D; you'll need to
do a lot of flipping in Chapter 1-2!

'-------l'--...::r=--' +

Should you choose the high route,

flip to 3-D and hit the! switch to
reveal a series of ledges you can
use to access the high escalator.

An escalator here is available only

in the gray zone between 2-D and
3-D. Hop aboard to flip-flop to
new heights.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 21 ••

,. 22 NINTENDD PLAYE.', GUIDE ••••••
• • • CHAPTER 1-2

After old man Watchitt makes the intro­

ductions, head to the house in the back­
ground to lower the bridge.

You won't have to worry
about the Thwomps rolling
down the hill if you switch
to 3-�. Keep your eyes
open, however: They're
skinny, but they can hurt
you nonetheless.

Jump into the pipe to warp into the background, where you'll appear as a tiny,
1 FLIP TIP distant version of yourself. Take a walk over to the house on the left, where you
may find a clue about how to get across the big chasm in the foreground.
You can flip early in the level and take a shortcut behind the scenery to avoid enemies
and reach a treasure chest that holds a Paratroopa card. You'll also avoid some coins, so
you may want to backtrack after you collect the card.

To reach the high red plat­
form, flip to 3-�, jump up
to the ? Blocks, then jump
up diagonally to the red n Inside the house, you'll spot an immovable lever and some mysterious sweat
platform. U drops floating in the air. The sweat drops belong to the bridge keeper, who will
appear when you flip to 3-�. If you flip him back to 2-D with you, he'll raise the bridge so
you can reach the Star Block.

A single square block is hidden behind the high red platform in 2-D. Stay in 3-� on the
platform beneath it, then bump the block to reveal a ladder. Climb the ladder to a cloud
platform that's loaded with coins.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 23 ••
Yold Town has plenty of secrets, and one of its more obvious mysteries is the location
IIll Thoreau
of a warp pipe in the middle of town (it's hidden behind a short wall). Drop to collect Open the chest to release the second

some coins. Pix I in the game: Thoreau.Your new

friend allows you t o pick up objects
then throw them. You'll also be able
to activate buttons and switches that
would be beyond reach o therwi se.


You'll need to use
Thoreau's ability to
get out of the room.
Pick up the block on
the ground, then jump
and throw it at the
switch on the ceiling.

Flip to 3-D before you start

collecting coins-you'll
discover there are actually
three rows of coins to col­
lect-triple the number of
coins as in 2-D.

m The last stop in Yold Town is old Watchitt's house. He'll phone ahead to the
bridgekeeper to let him know you're coming. When you reach the bridgekeep­
er's house (in the background, once again), answer his question honestly (or, if you
like, dishonestly).

Tnis nero feller wan"ts "to ge"t

8 FLIPTIP across "tne bridge. \{es. I

The third house from the left in Yold Town is sparsely decorated. It has just a strange lat­
tice against part of the wall-in 2-D anyway. Flip to 3-0 to see that there's a warp pipe
back there, too. Hop down, then bypass the Thwomps by flipping to 3-0.

n In the room beyond

.. the Thwomps,
point the Wii remote at the
screen so Tippi can expose
a hidden door.

•• 24 '
••• CHAPTERS l-Z& 1-)

The S ands of Void

The desert promises a battle of man vs. nature-and then a
battle of man vs. O'Chunks.

Make it a rule to flip into 3-�

when you see? Blocks. There You can do something under this red
may be extra coin- and item­ tree to reveal a door. See tip 4 on
bearing blocks hidden from page 27.
view in 2-D.

Enemies surrounded by a
dotted-line box can flip
between dimensions. It's
easier to defeat them in 2-D.

�--1 .
�F-��-=������������==�� •

•••••• 25 •• SUPER PAPER MARIO


You won't spend much time on the
ground in this part of the desert. Take
magic-rectangle rides to two different
elevated doors.

••• CHAPTER 1-3

Don't attempt a frontal Bounce off the spring pad to the top of a red platform that encloses a blue! Switch.
assault against a Jawbus-the Y You can't get close enough to stomp the sWitch, so you'll need to stand on a nearby •
only vulnerable part of the creature's block and hit the switch using Thoreau. The switch activates flipping escalator panels that
will drop you off at a high wall beyond a sand pit.

body is the yellow circle it trails
behind it. Either wait for it to turn
around, or flip to slip past it. The lat­
ter option is faster.

If you flip to 3-D, you'll see that the pointed ledge in the desert is topped with an arrow
that directs you to a walkway. Follow the walkway to another 2-0 area.

Flip to 3-�, then jump off of
the Save Block to reach the
red platforms. Flip back to
2-0, then hop across the
blocks to reach the warp
pipe. Drop into the pipe
and harvest the coins (in
both 2-0 and 3-�).

Proceed to a mysterious pillar
covered in squiggle marks.
Luckily, Mario is fluent in squiggle
marks. Read the message then head
back to the red tree.

Go back to the red tree near the beginning of the level, then stand beneath it and
jump 10 times. A door to the next section of the level will appear out of thin air.

If you flip near the edge of
the large expanse of quick­
sand, you'll notice a narrow
path that crosses the cen­
ter of the pit. Use it to pass
over the hazard easily.

•••••• SUPER PAPER M ARI0 2 7 ••
n Remember the instructions
8 FLIPTIP Press e and <D Q't ihe .. you just read on the pillar. Go

Another pillar, another stand on top of the blue pillar and

clue. This time you'll need press the Minus and 1 Buttons at the

to read two sides to figure same time.

out your next move.


Monster of the Ruins

Phew! You've left the harsh desert conditions of Void. Now you
need to escape from a dungeon.

If you don't trust your 2-D platform­

ing skills, you may want to flip to
avoid two small Thwomps near a
treasure chest that holds a key.

•• 28 '
••• CHAPTERSl-3&1-4

After you hit the switch to open up

these blocks, stand on a solid block
and use Thoreau to reach a key.



•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 29 ••
n Don't think of the Squiglets dropping from the pipe as an annoyance-think of
... them as ammunition! Grab one using Thoreau and toss it at the blue! Block on
the ceiling to gain access to the key in the previous room.

Door G, like door C , appears to be inaccessible, but this time you just need to let
Tippi work her hidden-object-identification magic on the platform beneath the
1 FLIPTIP door. Simply point the Wii remote at the area under the door then press the A Button.

Hit the? Block to release a mushroom, then jump to grab it before it sinks into the sand. If
you're afraid of the rotating rows of flame, flip into 3-D and you'll see just how flat flame
can be.

n Flip to 3-D at point J on the map-you'll see a ladder you can climb to an area with
... a blue! Switch. Hit that switch to reveal a large red switch and release Spiky
Tromps. step on the red switch to dump the Tromps into the pit below a door.

Proceed past the locked door to the door near the ceiling. If you flip to 3-D, you'll see that
two Flip Blocks are visible. Hit them to make them appear in 2-D, then flip back to 2-D
yourself to use the blocks as a platform to enter the door.

Flip so you can see the numbers on the sides of the! Blocks, then hit them in the indicat­
ed order to create a staircase to a Save Block, a Super Shroom, and a warp pipe. Use the
. shroom, save the game, then drop down the pipe.

The key to the locked door in
the previous room is inside a
treasure chest on a ledge. Watch out
for the Spiky Tromps beneath it.

•• 30 '
••• CHAPTER 1-4

Peach-Black A Cliffhanger Beginning

Surprise! You'll take control of Princess Peach during a brief interlude in a dark castle. Keep moving down and left until you reach a door. From there go down and to the left
Talk to the bewildered Koopas wandering around and follow their lead-even when it until you reach another door. Enter the door and head left until you're trapped at the
seems like they're headed for trouble. edge of a drawbridge. When your situation looks grim, something wonderful will happen.


�------�--� .
•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 31 ••
Heart Pillar 2

AS a general rule, the first thing you do after picking up a Pure Heart is find
Merion in Flipside. When you chat with him after returning from Lineland, a
Flipside citizen will interrupt you with news of Princess Peach's arrival. Head up to the
third floor to get the scoop on the damsel's status.
Then There Were Two
After the obligatory meeting at Merion's house, Peach will
join your party as a playable c haracter. She can't flip to 3-D
Let's head back to ml.j house like Mario, but she has other charms: Her umbrella allows her
so I.jOU can tell the details. to float long distances and weather attacks that would harm
other characters. All in all, she's a handy girl to have around­
despite the fact that she has no nose.

Flip to 3-D just outside Merion's house, then use the key Merion just gave you to unlock the
gate. Remain in 3-D, take the path to the Flipside Outskirts, then jump down the warp pipe.

Peach appears to be undamaged, but she'll need some soup to regain con­
sciousness. Pick up a Fire Burst at Howzit's shop on the second floor-if you
don't already have one-and head to Sweet Smiles on the first floor so Saffron can whip
you up some Spicy Soup for you.

On Flipside Outskirts's first floor, head right then flip again so you spot a red arrow that
points to another narrow 3-D path. Follow the path to a new area, then head left to a sign.
Flip again then climb to the top of the big block.

Switch to Peach in the

Take the soup up to Peach
Characters menu, then float
and feed it to her to wake her
from platform to platform until you
up. Then head back to Merion's pad.
reach the Heart Pillar. Press the

Control Pad as indicated to deposit
your prize.

•• 32 '
II •• .
.. - -


+ ±- +
+ + +
++ +
Bogging to Merlee's
'Staches are so Chapter l. lt's all about Peach and her floating
ability in the platform-filled Gloam Valley.

A loner named lock has some inside info per­

taining to Merlee, but he hates mustaches, so
he'll share it only with Princess Peach.

•• 34 '

Point the Wii remote at the

screen to locate the invisible
blue! Block, then smack it from
underneath to open a pipe to
the next area.


Before you hit the Star Block to

end the chapter, flip to 3-D to
reveal a secret pit. Drop into it
and coliect a Shlurp card and a
Swooper card.

•••••• 'UPER PAPER MARI0 3S ••
Switching between Mario and There's nothing to do here but wreak some serious havoc. Grab the Mega Star
Princess Peach is often neces­ IIiI early on to get large and lay waste to everyone and everything that lies in your
sary to overcome an obstacle. Early in path. Move quickly-the Mega Star's effect lasts only so long.
Gloam Valley, for instance, you'll
reach a gap that's too big for Mario's
chops. Use Peach's floating ability to
cross the chasm with ease.

You'll need to take the high
road to reach the pipe at
the end of the first area. At
the location indicated on
the map, flip to 3-D to
reveal two Flip Blocks. Hit
them, then flip back to 2-D
to reveal a platform.

o Boomer
The pipe above the locked door will warp you to a dead-end room where a few
Squiglets have taken up residence. Eliminate them; a chest that holds a Door Key Take out the pesky Growmeba that's guard­

will appear. Nab the key, then head back through the pipe and unlock the door. ing the chamber, then open the chest to
meet your new Pixl, Boomer. He'll bring
some major firepower to the party, useful in
both solving puzzles and destroying ene­
mies. You can lay only one bomb at a time
with Boomer, but you can detonate that
bomb at any time by pressing the 1 Button­
a useful tactic when attacking.

n Only Princess Peach can get you through the next area. Go to the far right to
... access the upper platforms, then head back left, avoiding Paratroopas, to reach a
pipe in the sky. It will warp you into the background of the same area. Follow the horizon
to find a blue ! Switch, which will reveal a new door in the foreground. Boomer's first job is to
blow a hole in the wall near
where you found him. In
2-D view, bomb the crack in
the wall. Then flip to 3-D to
enter the secret chamber.
You'll find a Watchitt card
in the chest.

Enter the door marked I and flip to
3-D-you'1l see four bombable blocks

• on the ground. Use Boomer, then drop

to the next level and hit the blue
! Switch to make door M appear.

•• 36 '

Tricks, Tre ats, Tr aps

You've reached Merlee's Mansion, but something's missing:
Merlee. Explore every nook and cranny to find answers.

On your way up the ladder, be sure not to break

1iIiIii----I-l the blocks. Instead, use them to reach the
mansion's roof and collect a Stop Watch.


·. To reach the top of the mansion,
hit the Invisible Brick Block to
create a ladder that grants you
access to a high platform.

The Gnips in the opening hall

won't hurt you, but they will
expel you from the mansion.
Use Thoreau to throw them out
of your way and clear a path.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 37 ••
When you collect the Mushroom
on a string, you'll fall into a pit.
Set a bomb in front of the Shlurp
for it to gobble up-an exit pipe
will appear once it's kaput.

To escape this pit, set a bomb on the red ! Switch

then move left before it detonates. You'll have
only a small window of time to enter the pipe.

Rid the room of Boos by turning your back then

jumping on them before they disappear. A bomb
on the red! switch will raise the pipe.

•• 38 '


Outside the mansion, you'll Hit the green switch at the end of the hallway; spikes will start to lower from the ceiling. •

notice something yellow Don't panic! When the spikes get close, simply flip to 3-D, then hop on top of the spikes
peeking over a hedge. Flip for a free ride to the rafters.
to 3·0 and enter the open­

ing in the hedge to discover
a Coin Block.

Once you reach the mansion's roof (using the tips on page 37), flip to 3·0 near the chest­
you'll find yourself in midair and about to fall. Jump slightly to the left to reach a balcony,
and collect the Cursya card from the chest.

II Once you've found

your way to the
rafters, you'll need to use
your noggin to reach the
chest. Keep Boomer
handy, and flip often
between 2·0 and 3-D to
find your way across and
get the House Key.

With the House Key in

Hm? LQdLf Merlee. wQsn't In your possession, head
tne room I directed LlOU 10'1
back to the beginning of
the chapter to speak with
Mimi-she'li continue to
play dumb about the mys­
terious goings-on in the

n The giant dog guarding the locked door is a Gnaw. Now that you have the House
U Key, wait for the Gnaw to turn its back, then flip to 3-D and make a dash for the
door. Use the House Key to unlock the door and free the Gnaw, who will go straight after
Mimi. Enter the door to end the chapter.

Save near the door,
How super for 40U! c..,) el1.
then talk to
Merlee's handmaid, Mimi.
She'll tell you to go to the
second floor to see Merlee.
Door C leads to the House
Key, but feel free to explore
the other trap·filled rooms
to earn some extra loot.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 39 ••
Bre aking the Bank
Finding yourself with a monster debt, you'll need to join the
mansion's studly staff and work your way to freedom.



Watch out for the motivational sparks in the

generator room-they'll damage you while
you work. Flip to 3-D to avoid them.

This block yields unlimited Mushrooms, but it

doesn't come free. Pay the warden 10 rubees
for a quick pick-me-up.

j� ®c·
j� @-j�- 6"C--; ..I
- - -
- - -

r • r r=

• �

• D a

•• 40 '
At the start of the Once you've earned
chapter, you'll see a 100 rubees in the .Jus1 slip me 100 Rubees.

vase suspiciously located on gene rator room, head to

I'll 1ell 40. some1nin' good.

a block. You can't proceed the room on the floor below
until you break the vase, at and speak with Conn, the
which point Mimi will put worker near the door. Pay •

you to work to pay off your him the 100 rubees he asks
debt of 1 million rubees. for; in return he'll give you
Time to get to work! the code 5963. Go up one
level and enter the code in

the white panel next to

You can always stop by door D to unlock the VIP

generator room.

. . .. . .
f=irs1 off. THAII.)I(S for 10king Rubee Savings and loan
Qui speCial Rubee. loar'll
through door A. Aside
from saving your game,

�: " . ,., ".� there's nothing of impor­

. - - '

(� .... ... .... ......, tance to do there until

Cneck m«.t balance! you've actually got a mil­
Dropping in for klcksl
lion rubees-but telling
I love "toul
Mimi you love her is worth
a laugh.

n Your next goal requires 10,000 rubees, which you can earn in the VIP generator
... room. Speak with the warde n, then hop into the gerbil wheel and start running!

D Slim
Use Princess Peach to cross the
You'll need to spin the wheel for almost six minutes (seriously) to earn the 10 large-when
you're finished, speak with the warden to collect your paycheck.

chasm, then have Mario flip to 3-D to

reveal a secret room where you'll
meet Slim, a Pixl with the power to
make Mario or Peach paper-thin. Not
only does this ability allow you to With the 10 grand in hand, go through
squeeze through tight spaces, but it door E and flip-you'll see a fellow
renders you invisible (and invinaible)
--t- ++ .
named Stock hanging out in the third
when you're standing still. dimension. Pay him 10,000 rubees;
he'll reward you with the pass code
41262816. Score!

Il •
Just outside door E, flip to 3-D to find a Brick Block behind the wall. Hit the block
to produce a ladder, then climb to the mansion's next level, where you'll need to
call upon your new Pixl. Wait until the electrified barrier is moving toward you, then use
On the area's second level (opposite
Slim and stay still-the barrier will pass without inflicting damage.
from the chest that contained Slim),
flip to 3-D to reveal a chunk of
destructible bricks in the wall. Bomb
the bricks and enter the hidden cham­
ber, where you'll find a Boo card.

n It's time to start working off your debt. Head to the generator room and speak to
... the warden to join his work force, then start hitting the generator blocks like the
other worker drones. (Work in 3-D to avoid damage from the motivational sparks.) When
you've reached 100 hits, see the warden to cash out your rubees.

After entering the pass code to collect 1 million rubees and paying off your debt to

Mimi, flip to 3-� and use slim to slip through the bars and reach the Star Block. •

• •• • • • SUPER PAPER MARIO 41 ••
The B asement F ace-Off
Don't count Mimi out just because she exploded-you'll face �er
true form in the mansion's mazelike basement.

- -


The Growmeba inhabiting room 03 will clone itself

over and over again. Keep an eye on the original,
and bounce on it once it gets low enough.

You'll find a Mister I inhabiting

room 04. Flip to 3-0, then run
circles around it while avoiding
its laser. After a couple of laps,
the foe will simply self-destruct.

You can defeat the Boo in room

07, but you'll still have to deal
with the fire-spitting lamp. You

• can't destroy it, so avoid the

fireballs on your way through.


In room 08, bomb the crack in the wall then flip to

3-� to enter the secret cavern-a free shroom enemies and inter-dimensional
Shake awaits you! fire-spitting lamps.

(Il� Ii

[] II
? {-.1

R 5 T


When you begin the In room 05, use the Pix I Slim to become paper-thin, then drop through the small
chapter, an appari­ Ucau1iful, ml,.fs1erious Merleel opening in the floor to reach door I.
tion of Merlee will explain
that the real Merlee is hid­
ing somewhere in the base­ n You'll need to act quickly to
ment. Your goal is to find ... avoid room 07's never-ending
her, but beware-Mimi has fireballs. Use Boomer to bomb the
many tricks up her sleeve. crack in the wall, then flip to 3-D and
enter the hallway-you'll find door N
at the end of it.

After some clever flipping,
you'll reach an upper level­
only to be greeted by a Merlee

Before attempting
imposter. It doesn't really matter how
to take out the
you answer her questions; she'll even­
Atomic Boo, use Tippi's
tually admit to being Mimi, then trans­
pointing power to reveal a
form into a giant spider. You can't
hidden staircase. Once the
fight her now, so flip to avoid her, then
staircase is visible, use it to
head through door H.
get enough height to
bounce on the Boo. When
it's gone, enter door R for
the showdown with Mimi.

n Save your game,

iii then enter door T
and open the fourth stall.
You'll be thrown into a
game show on which you
have to identify the true
Merlee. S he's been hiding in
a toilet. so choose the
Merlee that has a fly •
Once Mimi reveals her true form, she'll chase you throughout the basement. You have
buzzing around her head.

only a few seconds in each area before she appears, so make haste! •

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 43 ••
A Thwarted Escape
After you defeat Mimi, the story will switch gears and give you
a glimpse of Luigi's situation in Castle Bleck. Follow the
Goombas until you reach a dead end, at which time Mimi and
her minions will show up and take Luigi back into custody.
What will become of our green, mustachioed hero?

Heart Pillar 3
rn Having Boomer and Slim in your rn When you arrive at the first floor,
� Pixl arsenal opens up a number of
possibilities back in Flipside. In addition to
having access to a new portion of town that

. _�:�,:�
""". ".'. .". "

" ' "
� --
� fall down the first gap you reach­
there's a secret chamber containing treas­
ure. Continue to the far end of the first floor

I I .� ;lP
hosts the card shop, you'll be able to reach until you reach a pipe covered in bricks.
the third Heart pillar and open the passage ", �)! Bomb the bricks, then go down the pipe to
to Chapter 3. Return to the F lipside outskirts
_�··_llll: · · "T reach floor B1. Head right until you reach a
(accessible when you flip to 3-D and go dead end, then flip to 3-D and use Slim to
through the gate near Merion's house), and squeeze through a crevice in the wall. Place
take the pipe down to the first floor. the third Pure Heart to earn access to the
game's third chapter.

•• 44 '
The Bitlands
W hen Geeks Attack
Tippi has been a good friend for many minutes of gameplay, 5ut a
· isguided geek is about to jeopardize your beautiful friendship.


When you're finished with Chapter 3,

come back to this bush to pick up Barry
the Pix!. See pg. 58 for details.

You must destroy the original Blomeba in this

room to make pipe C appear.

You can float to this treasure chest as Peach if you

start from the door-o platform. You can also reach
it as Mario if you jump up the purple ledge in 3-�.

Whatever you do, don't touch

You can jump down here and bypass pipes A and
the Back Cursya-it will send
M, but you'll miss out on an awesome Mega Star­
you back to Flipside. Use
fueled battle.
Boomer on it instead.

•• 46 '

You can take the high road by

busting a few blocks of the plat­
form that overhangs the room,
then jumping up to it, but you'll
miss out on some items.


Watch out for the bi g hole in the ground here
when you're flipped to 3-�. It doesn't lead to
another area.

The cannons on top of the

fortresses fire Bullet Bills.
You can pick them up and
throw them.

You won't get very far in Chapter 3 before a big, reptilian nerd ruins your day.
Francis will jump out and capture Tippi-Ieaving you without her services for the Z FLIPTIP
rest of the chapter.
Flip to 3-D then hit the Flip Block so it
appears in 2-D. You can use the block
to jump to the top of the pipe. Bump
the block atop the pipe to make a lad­
I caugnt a suPer-rare
der snake up to door D.
phcelatea b ut terlll.f!

There's nothing more dangerous than a panicked Koopa. One little minion will
turn into a great-big minion with the help of a Mega Star. Your only hope is to
grab a Mega Star yourself. There's one to the left in a? Block.

Barry the Pixl will make

Who's 1his gULf'? A friend an appearance shortly
of 1he bu'tterflLf girl tna:t
after lippi's kidnapping.
listen carefuly to his tips
for getting through
Chapter 3 .


n A sign displays a very important message for you. Why they wrote it backwards,
... we have no idea. Once you get the gist of it, hit the blue ! Block to create a plat­ •
form under door F.

Normally, you shouldn't jump into a pit, but whoever wrote that backwards sign was
onto something. Instead of dying, you'll land in an item-rich underground area.

� Ride the last moving

Y platform until you
can jump to the platform
near the ceiling. Go right
until you drop into a room
that contains three pipes.

After you collect the coins,
flip to access the treasure
chest behind the stairs.

Evade or defeat the footy-
obsessed Koopa Strikers and
other Bowser minions on your way to
the main castle. Place a bomb next to
the crack that has a big red X on it to
blast Bowser's battlements to king­
dom come.
Bowser Joins
the Party!
Bowser and his usual arch­
enemy suddenly have a mutual
goal: defeating the mysterious
Count Bleck. The bad boy of the
Mushroom Kingdom is slow, but his
powerful attacks-fire breath and a
potent stomping ability-come in handy_



Bloops Ahoy
Blooper sounds like a specialty sandwic�, ut you'll
be the one sandwiched between its tentacles.

Time your movements to avoid

the Big Blooper tentacles that
bob up and down here.


Keep a healthy distance from

the whirlpools, which can send
Mario and his friends spinning
into walls .

•• SO '

Either use Bowser's fire breath

to defeat the Bittacudas, or
avoid them altogether.

The enemies are
tough to defeat
throughout this level unless
you use Bowser's flame
o Thudley
Use Bowser to defeat all the enemies in the
breath. The big bully moves
sealed chamber to make a treasure chest appear.
through the water as well as
Thudley the power·slamming Pix I is inside and
any other character does,
ready to join your party-after asking you a few
so you won't have a disad­
questions. Press the 1 Button to slam the post and
vantage in the mobility
open the exit door.

Remember the wall mosaic showing the required pillar positions-or look at the
screenshot below.

Return to the array of six pillars and use Thudley's heft to slam down three pillars
to match the mosaic you saw earlier. A door will appear if you slam correctly.


Up, Up, and a Tree
Are you ready for a hard-core platforming challenge?
How about a hardwood platforming challenge?

This tiny tree with a red door on it looks interest­

ing. After you pick up Dottie, shrink yourself to
enter the Itty Bits shop.

•• 52 '
D ;:;::::: .�.:�:; : : : : : : : I[: : n: : :;: : : : : : : : : :i: : �::: ::·:�.: : : ::, : : :;: : : ::�: :


Flip with care while moving up Slam down the pillar using Thudley to expose a hidden moving platform. Hop
the tree. Many platforms exist aboard the platform to continue to the left side of the tree.
only in 2-D, and others are very nar­
row. If you flip at the wrong time, you
may fall back to the bottom.
Flip to see a row of fixed
blocks visible only in 3-D.
Stay in 3-D and run across
them to reach the next

Flip to reveal the hidden Flip solid, brown platform.
Blocks, switch to Peach, then
jump across the tree using her float­
ing ability.


Because a door is overgrown with vegetation, you'll need to switch to Bowser to Enter a pipe at point F, then use Slim to ride a moving platform through a wall.
start a brush fire with his breath. Don't forget to leap to a high-flying pit stop at Jump into the gap, deposit Boomer on a switch, then jump out of the gap before a
pipe A to pick up a little pocket change. pink platform seals it. Use Slim again to exit the room.

HOp up to a pink platform
in 3-D to see a ledge above
you. Jump up to hit a
switch that activates the
door at point G.

n Head to the top of a new area

Y through the warp pipe at point C.
then stomp the blue switch to activate blue
platforms throughout the entire area.
Jump back into pipe C to resume your trip
up the tree.

II You'll need to hit blue and pink

switches to alternate between
blue and pink platforms-only one color can
be activated at a time. After you pound a
pillar using Thud ley, a ladder will appear
that allows access between a switch and
a platform.

F;'I Flip to spot a pipe

!iii at POint 0, then
enter a room with a moving
spike floor. Use Slim to flip
sideways, then run across
the floor, stopping each
time the spikes pop up. Hit
the switch, then exit the
room through pipe D.

n Jump over to a switch tucked into an inaccessible nook. Drop Boomer to activate
.. a pink platform, then drop him again-but this time rush across the pink platform
before the switch deactivates it. You'll need to access a blue platform above the pink one.

m Remember Barry's tip about the red wind? You need to jump onto a red gust of
wind and ride it to the top of the pipe at H. Drop into the pipe to reach the Star
Block. (Don't forget to flip into 3-D to hit the Coin Block behind the other end of pipe H.)

•• 54 '
CHAPTERS1-1 & 1-4

The Battle of Fort Francis

Francis's geeky pleasure palace is off limits to everyone but
babes and geniuses. Use Peach, you say? You're a genius!

Flip into 3-� and hop onto the ledge to find a clue
you'll need later in Chapter 3-4.Passcodes for two
rooms: 2323 for the right, 2828 for the left.

The Meowbomb-spitting
SurpriseMeow is indestructible,
but you can pick it up and toss it
using Thoreau.Additionally, you
can throw Meowbombs into the
SurpriseMeow to destroy it.


If you answer the questions wrong when trying to
enter either of Francis's rooms, you'll fall into a
small chamber where you'll need to use Thoreau
to reveal a pipe opening.

This room requires you to find a 3-D platform using

Mario, employ Peach to make it to the next plat­
form, then flip as Mario to proceed.

Instead of leaving a key under the mat,
Francis left one in a treasure chest accessible
D Carrie
Use Thudley to slam down a large
via warp pipe. Find it in 3·D, then jump down. switch; that'll release a pix I named
Toss a block at a switch to reveal the chest. Carrie from her prison cell. After the
obligatory Q&A, Carrie will join your
party. As luck would have it, she can
transport you across spiked surfaces!

If you flip in front of the
door at point D, you can
slip down a warp pipe at
point C to reach an area
that reveals important
secret codes.

Bump the Flip Block, then flip into 3-� to

hop up to the area above the spiked floor.
Make a note of the information-you'll need
it later to access Francis's inner sanctum.

• S6 '

n . . . . . ._,,. . ...
•• ••• - I -., .

Two doors are sus­ Entering Francis's
... pended above the :.. ......: QUIET IN THE HAl.l.WA"f!
..: II::::
second secret •
u • S10mping dls1urbs Mas1e.r's
_• �

floor, but a couple of room requires you to do
Thudley-powered body .:- II· _ _-� .. � _ . _ ., i4i I;;: i "551 the same stuff you did
: : : :: 5 i :: :: : ::::=
• 5: e:

slams will jolt them down when you entered the first
: :: :: : : ::::
: : : :: : I
to where you can use them. : : : = :: : :..: :: : room. Just remember to
III . ::.a ==.111 .III ..•••• .
••• •• III II •• • ,
........II ::
••• ••• . ••• •• ••
II " ....
u III II.:
. :
1:,\'-; '
Alternatively, YOll could use a •••• 11111 II
. :..
.••... ••
: .•.....••• III
enter the correct code.
II.. ...................... . .
.... .. . . .
...... .. ..... . .
a bomb. '
'.. ...... § .
�1!l.t!•••• .. ....... ..... .. '
e: .
. '��.. ,..
. . ii •••• iill •••••••••e:
, .. . . .
••Il••I1 •••••••
_. " .. �. . .

-; ;••;
•••••••••••••••a••••••••••••••••• • � ••••••••••••••••••

II ....
!! lI
••. •" .. .••
i ::!III : :::-:::::::: III n Switch to Peach
: :: :: :i··.J· .• :::::
.• ..
••• • 1 .. .. ... ;
•. ••

: :: ::: .. Y
•• ••• •• •••• •••


then unlock the

�: ::�� �i:: �: '!���� :i i�:: ��:: :�.. .. � i� i� i

is :: :•••
:• ••
, 'Ii double doors to reach
Francis and Tippi. If you
don't enter as Peach, the
::.- : ..::=: �1
• I

:: ::.. :..::::..�: ..:: :: :

•• •• ••• ••• •• • • • ••
... :: i:
:··············· security system will try to
••• I!••••••••••••••
:: •
fry you with kitty lasers.
: :.....;. .,......�I
� . ...1 111 .. -
�. ...�U A C�.:.�u.e.;�...;
•••• ••• •

11 You can enter

Francis's two secret �Role·pla4In9 gam.s should ba
no less 1nan 180 hours long.
n After you enter the
rooms in either order, but ... room as Peach,
you may as well start with Francis will begin a long
the door at G. Answer in the sequence of asinine ques­
affirmative to all questions, tions and comments that
then enter the appropriate will ultimately lead to
code when asked. Peach destroying the com­
puter. When you're done
with the small talk, the bat­
tle will commence.

Once you get past the SecuriMeow and enter Francis's secret geeks' inner sanctum,
you'll need to jump up to a treasure chest on a high ledge. Jump off the MeowMaid,
but be careful-touching it any other way will cost you HP.

� Enter the door at

Y J, then Jump up to
the 3-D platform, switch
to Peach, then hop up to
the door at K. Once you
are outside on the para­
pet, grab an AirMeow and
toss it at the switch to cre­
ate a bridge.


Use Tippi to reveal a series of blocks that lead

�--4--------f-+" to a treasure chest with a Cooking Disk inside.

The inscription on this block sure

looks a lot like Piccolo. Use the musi­
cal Pixl here to reveal a rare card.

Flip, Flop, and Shop � iles & Hot Fraun � �am & Fondest Hop! �
Flipside and Flopside are great places to explore, shop, and socialize (try talking to the Saffron at Sweet Smiles in Flipside will If you have coins burning a holl' in
townsfolk using different characters). Here's a handy guide to shopping and dining pre­ create a new (sometimes better) item your pocket and the obsessive iesire
pared by the Flipside/Flopside Chamber of Commerce. from one of your eXisting items. Dyllis to possess as many Catch Card� as
at Hot Fraun in Flopside will take two possible, then visit Hoodin and loodin
items and create a single item. The at these stores.

� House & Nolrem's House � n______________�

Cooking Disks you can find in the game
will give you some guidance for select­
You'll spend a lot of time at these two Spend the night at Tinga's place to ing ingredients.
swanky wizard bachelor pads, and restore your health. It's a relatively
� =:J
cheap way to get back to maximum HP
you're usually visiting with a purpose
After you find Dottie, you'll be at Ie to
between chapters. Would it kill you to before starting a chapter. � �
shrink characters so they can vis t the

stop by to just say "hello"?

Garson the bartender has bits of infor­ tiny Itty Bits shops in Flipside am I
Flopside and within chapters. Tht �y have
� �
Hit a ! Switch to access the warp
mation he'll share with you for 10 coins
Shop & Notso's Shop ortress of Merluvlee a pop. After you beat the game, you inventory the other vendors don' : carry. pipe to the Pit of 100 Trials. After
you complete the Flipside pit, the
can also play game music using the For a pile of coins, Welderberg the digger will
The brick-and-mortar item shops in the At a loss for what to do next? Go visit Flopside pit will unlock.
InterNed. To access the arcade, flip to create a warp pipe to Flipside's second floor for
two towns are a great place to stock up Merluvee in her Flipside storefront. For
on Shroom Shakes, Fire Bursts, and a fee-subject to outrageous inflation
3-0 so you can find the warp pipe that
leads to it. (For more about the arcade
� Iamm =:J you here. The convenience is worth the money.

more. For the really good stuff, howev­ through the course of the game-she'll
see page 144.) Flimm may not have a shop to G III his
er, visit Flimm. tell you where to go.
own, but he gets the primo mere han­
dise you need to stay healthy. cr eck
� Flopside Towers � HOUse ofChanns � he�
____________ � back occasionally to see if he ha any
new items. Flamm is a shady rna ) deal­
The towers offer access to chapter Merlee's charms allows you play an Carson in the Flopside Beveragarium
er down in the bowels of Flopsid !.
doors created when you place a Pure item-based roulette game at various is willing to bend your ear for a fee.
Heart into a Heart Pillar. You can also points in the game. More-expensive Flip, then check the back room to find
access previously completed chapters charms give you more frequent a Cooking Disk and an extra game for
in the towers. chances to play. the arcade.
FlipsideOU Is_ki _rls_2_F --L___----:-____ ____----:-________________ ______--,_

FlipsideOU ls_ki_ rls_l_F '-----,--:-_______�_:_-------------


A small doorway behind this block leads a treas­

ure chest that contains the InterChet card. Break
the block's counterpart in Flopside to remove it.

A series of Invisible Blocks here leads
to a Cooking Disk. lippi-or liptron­
can reveal the blocks to you.


iii iii iii iii iii iii



Flopside Outskirts 2F

Piccolo the Pixl is inside a chest behind a

locked door. Complete the side quest on
page 90 to get the key to the lock.
� Heart Pillar

You'll need to flip into 3-D here to

see the entry point for the flooded
underground passage.
Flip into 3-D to follow a narrow ledge through Use Cudge to break this block-its unbreak­
an open window. Drop behind the Heart Pillar able counterpart in Flipside will disappear and
to reach a chest that contains the Piccolo card. you'll gain access to a door.



�---- ------��
______________ ______________
____ �
____________ Map Location:These icons mark the loca·
Attack Items
Map Key
tions where you can collect treasure with
Fleep. (See page 141 for more information.)
� Shooting
You'll find a complete list of usable items and information
Shroom � Star
Key: Keys come in many different shapes and
about their effects in the appendix.
� ICY o Thunder
sizes. They open doors.
� Storm
� Y

� Catch Cards: Collect various

Save Block: Hit these to save the game in
� progress. cards to view information

A series of Invisible Blocks here leads about characters and enemies.
to a Cooking Disk. lippi-or liptron­

You also gain an Attack bonus for each enemy whose card
Star Block: These mark the end of a chapter
can reveal the blocks to you.
W section.
you hold. Card numbers are indicated beside each icon. Defense Items
cooking Disk: Use these at the Dining
! Block: These blocks will trigger an event or Shell
Specializer to create recipes. There are several
types, indicated with a letter code.
Recovery Items
! Switch: Like! Blocks, these switches will trig­
Pure Hearts: Each color-coded Pure Heart on
ger an event or action. O the map indicates a step in locating a specific Apples Primordial
Heart Pillar. See the corresponding Heart Pillar section
Coin: Coins act as currency and can be found

� 9
at the end of each chapter. Mushroom Shroom
hovering in the open or within blocks. Shake

Elemental Tablet: Three different Elemental

Gold Bars: These are worth varying

@ !t
Tablets are hidden in Chapter 5-2. Super Super
amounts of coins. They're also a Shroom
recipe ingredient. Shake

@ t!
Ladder: Ladders hidden within blocks will be Ultra Ultra
Treasure Chest: Open these to find valuable Shroom
indicated with a ladder icon. Shroom
items inside. Shake

� II
Life Long-Last
Shroom Shake

Mighty Space
Tonic Food

Miscellaneous Items
� Happy

� pal
� Golden

o Stopwatch � HP Plus

• Power
Piccolo the Pixl is inside a chest behind a
locked door. Complete the side quest on Speed Zombie
page 90 to get the key to the lock. Flower Shroom

Flip Mario!
� Any item accompanied by a diagonal
arrow is in 3-D and can be found only by
using Mario's flip ability.

Flip into 3-D to follow a narrow ledge through Use Cudge to break this block-its unbreak­
an open window. Drop behind the Heart Pillar able counterpart in Flipside will disappear and
to reach a chest that contains the Piccolo card. you'll gain access to a door.
Remember Barry, the terrified Pix I who
gave you some tips in Chapter 3-17
After you finish Chapter 3-4, go back to
visit him: He's still behind the same
bush. When he finds out you defeated
Francis, he'll gladly join your party.

NO mor. hln1s?1 No Wc:u"f...

'fou dafao.1ad l=ro.ncls?!


Barry is both an offensive and a defensive weapon: He spins around you like a
buzzsaw, hurting anything he touches, and he protects you from harm.

Heart Pillar 4
Head to the Flipside Outskirts Use Thudley to pound down the
across the 3-D bridge, then go left pillars that have down arrows on
to the five pillars. Flip so you can look at the them. If you accidentally pound down an
sides of the pillars. up-arrow pillar, slam it again with Thudley to
make it pop up .

•• 58 '
Outer Space



Into Outer Space

The vast expanse known as Outer Space is the next stop for
Mario and friends. First order of business: breathing.

•• 60 '
••• CHAPTER4-1

This area's full of Warpids, which

can warp through space.Keep
moving-Warpids will often
appear close to your position.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 61 ••
As soon as you
From here on out, Chapter 4-1 will be an arcade-style shooter as you use the
begin Chapter 4, An . .. \(e5, of course". We seem
Squirps Squirt Beam to blast baddies. Barry will be useful against the enemies
10 be lacking air... \(OU need
you'll be in Outer Space of this area. (See page 58 to learn how to recruit him.) And riding Carrie will make you
with no breathable air. really mobile.
Tippi will escort your party
back to Flipside. Stop by
Merion's house to learn
about an item that might
allow you to breathe in
space. Merion recently
gave the item to a boy
named Pook-find that boy!
\(es. I HAD the. perfect 1hlng.
but I was making space, and I

Pook is on the third floor

1''''1''9 Is. now the captain of Flipside, near the first
gots so big. the (JOWL g01S
Heart Pillar. Speak with
him to get the Goldfish
Bowl, then head down to
Flipside B1 and stand near
the edge of the water to
release Pook's goldfish.
You now have the Helmet
item. (Your fish will thrive
in its new ecosystem.
The other fish . . . not
so much.)
Now 1he fishbowl 15 cmp14/

That means 40U can use 11

as a SPQCC helme'"
-ox. Use a Catch card early on to capture a jellien.You'll face many jelliens in this chapter­
if you possess a jellien card, they'll be substantially easier to defeat.To vary the expe­
rience, try flipping to 3-�.

Flipping is tricky in space,
where you can't move up
and down in 3-�. In 2-D,

As you float around
position yourself directly in
the seemingly
front of the large rock at
empty first area, you'll
point 4 then flip to find a
notice an SOS coming from
Foton card behind it.
somewhere. Locate the
source, then use Tippi's
pointing power to uncover
a cloaked space ship. You'll
meet Squirps, a mysterious
alien with knowledge of the
Pure Heart. He'll join you Flip near the rock at point 5
as your commander, and to find a Squarp behind it,
ask you to lend him power. accessible only in 3-�. The
When prompted, simply Squarp will lead you to the
hold the A Button for a few background, where you'll
seconds until the first find a coin room down the
Squarp (warp) appears. pipe marked H.

•• 62 '
••• CHAPTERS4-1& 4-Z

�.A Paper Emergency

Gravity returns as the heroes land on Planet Blobule, but w�ere
is this elusive Pure Heart? Only Squirps knows.


At first, some of planet Blobule's

ledges will seem unreachable.
Fear not, space warrior! You can
jump higher on this planet by 1---­
holding the 2 Button.

The shape of this pile of bricks should

clue you in about what lies behind it.
Use Boomer to get to it.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 63 ••

• ��I'7lil!!Iiii"

•• 64 NINTENDO PLAY'.'S GUID' ••••••

When you reach
Blappy's abode,
he'll offer you a special
item for 1,000 coins. Say no
twice-he'll drop his price to
10. You'll receive the
Ancient Clue. Take the item
back to the outhouse near
the chapter's starting point.

Squirps is waiting
impatiently to use NO tolle'1 papar hare, amorel .'"

the potty; you must leave

him behind and continue
your quest. There's nothing
to do here until you have
the Ancient Clue in your
o Fleep •
Fleep's been waiting a long time for some
possession, so go search
toilet paper-the Ancient Clue you received
for it. from Blappy will serve this purpose well.
Once Fleep's finished, he'll join your group,
giving you the ability to reverse a section of
the screen at will. When you see a sparkly
rift, try using Fleep to see what's behind it.
Upon passing through the
door at A, you'll encounter
a ledge that's too high for

Fleep's first job
you to reach. Flip to 3·0 to
will be to flip over
find a small opening in the the inter-dimensional rift
wall, then use Slim to at point 5. Use Fleep to find
squeeze through. From the the Door Key, then take the
other side, you can reach key, head left to door I,
the top of the ledge and hit and use the key to exit
a blue! Switch to make future passage
the chapter.
a bit easier.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 65 ••
The Gates of Space
.--.-, Young Squirps has delivered on his promise and led the group
to the Space Bypass-what lies beyond is a mystery.

•• 66 '
••• CHAPTER4-3

The Space Bypass is full of rotating Hedrons that will damage you upon contact. It Make your way
will be tempting to flip to 3-� and go around the Hedrons, but the safest way to ... through the Squarp
get through this area is to stick to 2-0 and take it slow. marked C to reach Twinkle
Mart, a convenience store
owned by a fellow named
Howzit. The store sells only
three items: Sweet Choco­
Bar, Shroom Choco-Bar,
and Golden Choco-Bar. Any
of these will satiate
Squirps's appetite, but you
might as well buy all three
if you intend to fill your
recipe list.

When you reach a
red X, use Fleep to
reverse it-two giant pillars

will appear, one with a Return to the two pillars, and (if you haven't done so already) place Squirps in
Squirps·shaped impression one of the impressions. Feed him a Choco-Bar to open the gate. Go through it and
in it. Press up near the hole whack the Star Block to end the chapter.
to squeeze Squirps in and
activate a giant door that
leads to the next area.

I don't know wl-llof ... but I want

to be squeezed into tl-leref

Using Fleep at the
second red X you
encounter will bring forth
another two pillars-but
this time, there are two
impressions. You can stick
Squirps in one of them, but •

you'll need a chocolate
item before you'll be able
to open the gate. •

•••••• SUP'R PAP'R MARIO 67 ••

The Mysterious Mr. L

You'll confuse up for down and left for right in the Whoa Zone, a
maze that lies beyond space itself.

•• 68 '
N'NTENDO PLAY'R , GU'D' ••••••
••• CHAPTER4-4



•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 69 ••
The Whoa Zone will mess with your sense of direction in a major way. A ton of inter­ If you think The Whoa
dimensional flipping is required in this area, so use Mario's ability often. On the ledge in Zone's confusing now, just
the first area, flip to 3·0 to find door B, which leads to the area's first key. wait. When you go through
door G (you'll be rightside
up again), go down the
stairs and flip to 3·0 to
reveal a ledge to the lower
area. Drop to that area and
hit the Gravity Switch to
put yourself on the ceiling.
Head through door H.

If you get stuck on the

The creature ceiling in the upper area,
guarding the chest don't panic-there is a
in this room is a Barribad way back down.In 3-0,
guarded by an unbreakable find the block near the top
force field. You'll need to of the stairs to get some
think outside the box-er, extra height and jump
inside the box, rather-to back down, up.
penetrate its barrier. Flip to
3·0 and position yourself
right next to the Barribad,
then flip back to 2·0 and
quickly jump on it-one shot

should do the trick. Collect If you haven't
the Dimension Key, and hurled from verti·
backtrack to door D. go by the time you reach
the key at point 5, you
probably will on your way
to unlocking door M.
Backtrack to door J to find
your way there.

Take out the
Pigarithms (three
short, successive bounces
on the head will take one
down with ease), then head
through door E using the
Dimension Key. You'll find
yourself on the ceiling in
the same room. A quick jog
through door F will put you
on the left wall of another
room. From here on out,
prepare for some serious
disorientation, and just try
to go with the flow.

•• 70 '
••• CHAPTER4-4

To get from door M to door N, you'll need to whack the two Gravity Switches, one The road to the final Dimension Key is a little tricky. Head right from door Nand
... time each. Door N is invisible, so use Tippi's pointing power (aim the Wii remote at hit the Gravity Switch once, then head up the left wall and hit the Gravity Switch •
the screen) to reveal it. twice-you'll be on the right wall. Go through doors 0, P, and Q, then grab the key.

There's a hidden door here...
1'1\ make i't visible for 40U...

To find your way to the locked door s, backtrack to door 0 then go down and hit the
Gravity Switch twice. Head up the left wall again and hit the Gravity Switch once.Go
through door R, hit one more Gravity Switch, and save-the battle with Mr. l is ahead.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 71 ••
Heart Pillar 5

As soon as Exit Mirror Hall

Chapter 4 ends, and cross the
Tippi will collapse. She'll bridge-you'll be in a
rest up for a while at new town called Flopside.
Merion's place, and you'll The town has its own shops
have to place the fifth Pure and inhabitants, but its lay­
Heart without her. From out is a near-mirror image
Merion's, head down the of Flipside.
elevator to the first floor,
then bomb the crack in the
wall (if you haven't already)
at the far right end. Flip to
3·D to enter the area
behind the first floor.

Just to the right

of the card shop
called Catch a Dream,
you'll see a sparkly rift in
the wall-use Fleep to
Upon entering Flopside, head up the elevator to the second floor and meet the
reverse it and uncover a
Flopside version of Merion-he's called Nolrem. He'll explain a little bit about
blue! Block. Hit the block;
this strange new town, which from now on you can access whenever you like. When the
the wall behind it will
conversation is over, feel free to explore Flopside and its many offerings.
crumble. Flip to 3-D and
make your way across a
bridge to Mirror Hall.

There are eight

colored blocks in
Mirror Hall-simply hit each
one once to make the mir­ From Nolrem's, head to the third
floor of Flopside and place the fifth
ror in the middle shatter.
Pure Heart in the Heart Pillar. Once you do,
After you flip to 3-D and
head through the mirror, you'll get word that Tippi's been revived, so
• your entire world will head to the Flipside Tower to enter the fifth

• image
appear to be a mirror
of itself.
door and continue your quest.

•• 72 '
Land of the
Downtown of Crag
Our heroes have reached the prehistoric land of the Cragnons, an
are called upon to save an ancient civilization from extinction.
• ,- ---- -- -- �

-- --'
------------�------ ------ �=-

Hit Whacka with the hammer to

receive the Whacka Bump item,
then flip to 3-D and drop off the
ledge to the left to reach the
treasure chest.

Once you have the Pixl Dottie in

your group (see page 87),
return to Downtown of Crag and Return with Dottie to
visit the store IIty Bits for some access a tiny hole in the
rare cooking items. side of a butte.

•• 74 '
••• CHAPTER5-1

Soon after Chapter 5 begins, Marbald, the leader of the Cragnons, will ask for n
The Muths roaming the plains of Crag are large and in charge with a whopping 100
your help against the Floro Sapiens. Defeat the two outside Marbald's house by ... HP. But they're not difficult to defeat if you use Bowser's flame attack.
bouncing off their heads, then pick up the trail of the kindnapped Cragnons. (If you Alternatively, you can flip to 3·0 to bypass them, but you'll miss out on serious points.
decline to help Marbald, you'll get some funny villager responses.)

After you complete

At first, Downtown of Crag will the block puzzle Middle rlgl11 rignt left middle

be empty and all the doors will from tip 3, you'll need to
be locked due to the Floro Sapien inva· return to Jasperoid (at
sion. But if you go through door A then point 2) to learn how to
return, the town will go back to its nor· overcome the next obsta·
mal state. Speak with Jasperoid (at cle. He'll force you to type
point 2) to gain information on how to "PLEASE" into a text editor
solve some of the area's puzzles. a few times, then he'll give
you a lengthy code: middle,
right, left, left, right, mid·
die, right, left, right, right,

When you reach the three middle, right, right, left,
blocks at point 3, follow middle, middle, left, left,
Jasperoid's advice by hitting the left, right, left, left, left,
blocks in this pattern: left, right, mid· middle, middle. Hit the
die. This will make pipe C appear. blocks at point 5 in this
order to reach the back·
ground, then head right to
find the Star Block.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 75 ••
Pixls, Tablets, and Crag
Though reaching King Croacus's lair is your goal, you'll have to
deal with a fetch quest before you can cross the Gap of Crag.

This cave art will give you guidance when placing

the stone tablets.

• �=��:,;:�

•• 76 '

You'll need to hunt
down three ele­
mental tablets in the Gap TO reach the door floating
of Crag. To find the water above the blocks, you
Tablet, simply plunge into must flip to 3-D then bomb
the first body of water you the blocks from the third
come across-the tablet is dimension. The blue!
in a chest at the bottom. switch behind the blocks
will grant you access to
the door.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 77 ••
When you reach the video screen that's floating in midair, you'll notice a dimen­
sional rift resting below it. Use Fleep on the rift to reveal a blue! Switch, then hit 6 FLIPTIP
the switch to create a platform to reach the screen-which is a clue to a puzzle you'll Just beyond where you bat­
encounter later. (You can use Tippi's pointing power on the screen for more information.) tled O'Chunks is what looks
to be a stone pillar.
Flipping to 3-D, however,
will reveal its true form: a
4 FUPTIP Yoshi statue! Follow the tip
from the video screen you
Flip to 3-D at point 4 to
encountered earlier and
reveal a hidden path, as
run in a circle around the
well as a number of?
statue-you'll be rewarded
Blocks. Whack the blocks to
with the Stone Tablet.
uncover treasure, then
head down the path to an
underground cavern.

you'll find a
Stonehenge-looking rock
formation with a strange
item underneath it. Use
Tippi's pointing power (or
recall a video-screen clue)
to learn that it must be set
ablaze. Use Bowser's
flame breath to reveal the You'll need all three tablets in your possession
Fire Tablet. before Cudge will join your party. To reach the
Pixl, find your way to the top of the tall stone
monument, then hit an Invisible Block to trigger a
ladder. At the topmost platform, place the tablets

Not only can Cudge's

hammer deal major
damage to enemies;
it can also destroy
massive yellow
blocks, such as the
one blocking the pipe
just below the stone

Before rushing to the Star
Block below, use Peach to
float across the gap and
reach the ledge. Switch to
• Mario, then flip to 3-D to

• collect a Stone Buzzy card

from the chest.

A Crag in the Dark
Hot on the trail of the Floro Sapiens, our heroes find themselves
in an enormous cavern. How far down it goes nobody knows .

Use Cudge to smash the block here, then flip to

3-� with Mario to enter a passage.

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 79 ••
Stay away from the room
through pipe F. In 3-D view, it's
full of brainwashed Cragnons
who will attack you. If you kill
one, you'll lose points.

•• 80 '

• •••• • SUPER PAPER MARI0 81 ••

• 79


•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 83 ••
Flint Cragley (yes,
the Flint Cragley) 'Iou 1neTe! If 40U run fn10 4 FLIPTIP
needs your help. Speak
While riding the mine cart that begins near door C, flip to 3-D before you reach point D to
with the crag-vision super­
take a fork in the track. The path will take you to door E and to your first crewman rescue.
star, then begin your quest
If you remain in 2-D, you'll end up at the pipe marked F-a dangerous dead end.
to find his two missing
crewmen. Cragley hoi

Hit the center block at point 2
to create a ladder to an
upper path. This route is full of coins,
but don't progress too far ahead­
you'll need to backtrack to door C at
some point.

II At point 5 you'll
The Floro Caverns are full of mine-cart tracks, like the one through door C. You
will not face any danger while riding the mine carts-they simply serve the pur­ find one of Flint's '1ou'ye par't of F"lin-t's crew,
pose of getting you from one point to another. crewmembers, Hornfels.
Speak with him to send
him back to Flint. then
backtrack to door C. One
down, one to go.

n Near door C, you'll find a suspicious-looking boulder. Bomb it to reveal a door to a

U coin room. As in many of the coin rooms in the game, you'll collect more coins if

• you act in 3-D view.

•• 84 NINTENDO PLAYER', GUID' ••••••

Once you've spoken With both found crewmen, return to Mr. Cragley-he'll reward

Bust out Cudge to
break the yellow ... you with a Cave Key. Take the key to the locked door K (near pipe A) and get ready
block in front of door I. Go for another lengthy cart ride.

through it, and begin a
long cart ride. There are no

alternate paths, so just sit •

back and enjoy the ride.

n After you head

U through door J,
stay on the blocks rather
than dropping to the area
below, and flip to 3·0 to
bomb your way through.
On the other side you'll After the final cart ride, go through door L and flip to 3-�. You'll find a yellow block in
find Monzo, Flint's second the third dimension-hit it with (udge, then flip back to 2-D and collect the Mega Star.
missing crew member. Another 3-D-only yellow block is obstructing the door to the exit.

The Menace of King Cr�acus

In the depths of the caverns, brainwashed Cragnons are doing the 1111
bidding of King Croacus-it's up to Mario and crew to save them. 11111111



• • 86 '
To reach the room Make your way
below, you must through door L to
flip to 3-D then fall down the processing center, then
the pit. It will take the shrink yourself and enter
weight of two characters the tunnel on the left.
to depress the red switch Collect the Card Key then
in the room-equip use it to unlock door M.
Thoreau, then grab a
brainwashed Cragnon and
stand on the switch.

D ...
ance you drop Equip Thudley to thwomp the large blue! Switch and raise the gates, but beware­
through pipe fol­ you'll be surrounded by brainwashed Cragnons. Stay on the blocks, making your
low the maps closely to way left to grab the Floro Cragnien card then right to meet O'Chunks in another battle.
reach point 2. Use Tippi's
pointing power on the wall
to decode the ancient text­
it's a clue regarding the
skull drawing at point 3.

At point 3, use Fleep on the skull drawing to reveal a Cave Key. Head through pipe
H then pipe to find your way out of the maze. Flip to 3-D to access the ladder,
then make your way to door J-a new Pix waits behind it.

Dottie's ability to shrink Mario and friends will not only be useful •
in solving many of the puzzles in Floro Caverns-it will help you
reach new areas in Flipside,
Flopside, and even in previ­
ous chapters. To exit the
room in which you
found Dottie, shrink
yourself then use the
tiny red door marked K. •

• •• ••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 87 ••
Onee you've beaten the veggified O'Chunks, you'll earn his Floro Sprout (accessi­
ble in the Important Things menu). Equip the Floro Sprout, then head to door R­
you'll have no problem passing through the scanner. The next door will lead you to the
fortress of King Croacus himself.

Through door S, you'll reach a hall with four paintings in it. Flip to 3-D then bomb the
cracks in front of each painting to uncover four pits. Drop down each pit (they're nearly
identical), stand on the block near the ladder, and use Thoreau to change the switch's color
to match the painting overhead. Once the colors are correct, a door will appear in the hall.

Be sure to save in the pit

at the far end of the hall­
a boss battle lies ahead.

•• 88 '

Heart Pillar 6

Your next stop is the Flopside Outskirts. The entrance to the area is on the sec­
ond floor, across from Nolrem's house. Flip to 3-D, then go through the gate­
much like you did to reach the Flipside Outskirts. On the first floor of the outskirts, flip to 3-D to find a bridge that leads to a new area, then
use Dottie to get through a small opening. Stay in 3-D to find another yellow block, and
smash it with Cudge to reveal a red switch.

On the Flopside Outskirts second floor, look for a large yellow block, and smash
it with Cudge. A warp pipe leading down to the first floor will appear. All that's left to do is to step on the
red switch-the sixth Heart Pillar will
appear right next to it.

• • • •• • SUPER PAPER MARIO 89 ••
Piccolo Side Quest

A Request from Merlee Merlumina's John Hancock

After you place the sixth Pure Heart, stop by Merlee's House of Charms, located on the You'll need to replay Chapter 1-4 in its entirety. When you reach the Star Block, stand
second floor of Flopside (near Nolrem's place). Merlee normally sells only charms, but if underneath it to make the longwinded Merlumina appear. Listen to her babbling until she
you hop over the crystal ball and speak with her off the record, she'll ask for your help. signs the paper and it becomes the Autograph item.
Accept her offer, then head to Merluvlee's establishment,in Flipside.

Merluvlee's Errand
Merluvlee resides at the Fortune Teller's Fortress, on the second floor of Flipside. Hop
over her crystal ball and speak with her to learn about the next leg of this quest. From
Merluvlee's place, head to the Flipside Tower and through the red door to Chapter H.

Retrace Your steps

You can deliver on your promises at last. Revisit Watchitt, then Bestovius, then Merluvlee to
finally get the Crystal Ball. Return to Flopside and deliver the Crystal Ball to Merlee, who will
return the favor by giving you a free charm and the Random House Key. Take the key to the
locked door on the first floor of Flopside, and unlock the door to find a secret pix I.

BailOut Bestovius

Bestovius's house lies at the end of
the first area in Chapter 1-1. Speak
with the Flip Wizard-he'll send you on piccolo's most obvious powers are
a quest to Watchitt's house for the related to the game's music and
You·Know·What. You must complete
the quest before he'll hand over the
sound effects, but the pixl has
practical benefits as well. If your
Training Machine. character is afflicted with a status
effect, simply play piccolo's medley to
� .
Watchitt's Wish
remove the ailment.
'. ++ At a couple of spots in
the game, playing
Use the Return pipe, then re-enter the
Piccolo's medley will
red door and select Chapter 1-2. Head
reveal treasure. For
to Yold Town, where you'll find
example, look for the
Watchitt. He'll hand over a paper that
Piccolo icon on the
he wants Merlumina to autograph. It's
third floor of the

off to Chapter 1-4. Flipside Outskirts, and
play the medley to get
• a rare Merlee card.

•• 90 '

!!! •

Sammer Guy Showdown

The Void looms large as the ensemble enters a samurai
kingdom straight out of Kung Fu theater.

The first nine Sammer Guy bat­

tles are very similar. Cudge's
hammer should be your weapon
of choice, especially against foes
with spikes on their helmets.

The guardian of the 10th gate is

larger than his predecessors,
and has a much longer attack
range. A few well-timed jumps
on the head are your best bet.

At the 18th gate, you'll face

Hairy Arantula in the Grass. He's
tiny and qUick-one thonk of the
hammer will do him in.

Occasionally a Ninjoe will

appear to aid one of the
Sammer Guys. Watch out for its
throwing stars and stay focused
on the Sammer Guy.

Upon entering Sammer's Kingdom, you'll face Jade Blooper, guardian of the first After you defeat the Rolling Thwomp at the 20th gate, Count Bleck will make an
gate. He is the first of 100 guardians that King Sammer wants you to defeat appearance and The Void will grow even larger. The guardians of the next five
before he'll hand over the Pure Heart. You'll have to face only 20 before the chapter ends, gates will let you pass without challenging you. Keep moving until you reach the Star
but bring along a few Shroom Shakes just in case. Block at the 25th gate to end the chapter.

• •• CHAPTERS 6-1& 6-Z

The End of a World

With the doom of the Sammer Guys' kingdom at hand,
a familiar foe will do her best to stall you.

As Chapter 6-2 begins, you'll run into a fake King Sam mer who offers you the With Mimi defeated, continue on your path to King Sammer. Unfortunately,
Pure Heart even though you've defeated only a quarter of his Sammer Guys. though, you will not reach him. At the 30th gate, The Void will reach its mature
Open the chest to reveal Mimi, then engage her in battle. state and destroy the kingdom of the Sammer Guys-with you still in it.

Retwn to Flipside

Somehow, you'll find yourself back at Flipside Tower. The door to Chapter 6 still
exists, but what now lies beyond it is anyone's guess.

• •••• • SUPER PAPER MARIO 93 ••
to find King Sammer's Pure Heart, our heroes return to chapter
now-decimated kingdom of the sammer Guys.

An Empty World
Before heading back through the Chapter 6 door, go down one level and save-another boss
battle lies ahead. You'll find only white space as far as the eye can see in the new Chapter 6.
Keep moving right (Use Carrie to make faster progress) until you reach the Pure Heart.

Annnn ...i"t's 40U. I coulon'"t

miss "tnCl"t "trena4 rea-snir-t-
blue-overCllls combo. Hen.

Into the Underwhere

With Brobot L-type defeated and the lifeless Pure Heart in hand, stock up on items in
Flipside then return to Merion's place. From there, you'll be the victim of a surprise attack by
Dimentio, and wind up in The Underwhere with only Mario left in your party. You'll need to
visit Queen Jaydes, ruler of The Underwhere, to find a way out.

• • 94 '
••• CHAPTER6-t

•••• •• 'UPER PAPER MARIO 95 ••
The three red geysers rise and fall,
and are a bit tricky to stay on. But
you'll need to use them to reach
point 7.

•• 96 '
••• CHAPTER 6-1

The pipes in this area are too tall for Mario to scale-only clever flipping will get you Head straight through the next area to the block at point 6, then flip to get behind it and •
through. If the spikes, enemies, and pits take their toll, head back to the first area of The
Underwhere and use the fountain to regain health.
push it off the ledge. Hit the switch below to drain the water, backtrack to the passage
marked F, and flip to 3-D to enter the passage. •

II A Reunion with Luigi!

Just past the red geysers, you'll reunite with Mario's bro. Not only can
Luigi jump higher than anyone else in your party; he can also perform
a superjump move-hold down on the Control Pad, then

When you reach the bank of the River Twygz, either swim across or pay the release to execute it. In addition to helping your party
strange creature four coins for an entertaining ride. reach high ledges, the move serves as a potent attack

Speak with Queen Jaydes­
she'll hold onto your Pure
Heart while you search for her miss­

ing daughter, Luvbi. To aid you, she'll

give you a Door Key and direct you to Find your way back to The
the bottom of the River Twygz. Underwhere's second area,
and use Luigi's superjump to ascend a
pipe near door A. From there, jump to
the upper area that leads to door M.

Let yourself sink into the

River Twygz while avoiding

the slow-moving enemies. When you reach Luvbi, she'll
At the bottom, flip to 3-D ask you to say her name. Do . . . .
and drop down a hole to so, and she'll storm off. (If you choose . .
. . ::
reach the locked door D. the wrong name, you'll have to leave ......
Use your key there. the area and return to try again.) -

IJ In the chamber through door D, push the block off the ledge, then flip the switch to
f I
empty the area of water. Use the block to jump up and to the right, break the Brick
Blocks that are obstructing your way, then refill the chamber with water to swim through.

Return to Queen Jaydes to
find Luvbi by her side. The
queen will reward your efforts with a
revitalized Pure Heart, then use her
power to send the bros back to

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 97 ••
Heart Pillar 7

When Queen Jaydes returns you to Flipside, you'll be met by Merion and reunit­ Back on level BI, travel to the far left then use Luigi to jump over a tall ledge.
ed with the Pixls. But Bowser and Peach are still nowhere to be found. For now, The seventh Heart Pillar is resting on the other side. Place the Pure Heart you
though, you must press on to the seventh Heart Pillar, as time is short and The Void is received from Queen Jaydes to unlock the Chapter 7 door on Flipside Tower. Only one
still growing. Pure Heart to go!

O Outskirts. Once across the bridge, take the pipe down to the first floor of the
Head to Flopside and flip to 3-� near Nolrem's house to reach the Flopside

outskirts, then go all the way to the right to find a pipe that heads to level Bl.

The Heart Pillar is on level BI, but if you haven't done so already, take the warp
pipe to level B2 to retrieve some rare treasure. Flip near the pipe to find a chest
containing a Power Plus, then head right and drop down a pit for a Barry card.

•• 98 '
Subterranean Vacation
NO, you didn't go through the wrong door. Chapter 7 does
indeed begin in the land of ended games, The Underwhere .

..------t Since you've already explored this part of The Underwhere,

these pages show only the maps you'll need to reach Queen
Jaydes. For the rest of the area's maps, see pages 94-96.

If you're low on health, take a dip in the

fountain for a free HP fill-up!

•• 100 '
••• CHAPTERS 7-1 & 7-Z

There's only one thing to do in chapter H: speak to Queen Jaydes. When you do,
she'll send you on an errand to The Overthere with her daughter, Luvbi. Escort •
Luvbi through the door near the queen, then hit the Star Block to complete the chapter.

An ideo. s"trikes... Could LfOU
fine neroes "take Luvbi back




The Sealed Doors Three

The road to The Overthere is a dark one, full of many dangers­
,...� including a giant green monster! Who could it be?


••••• • SUPER PAPER MARIO 1 01 ••
)( Jr:
.. ..
� � n


•• 1 02 '
• •• CHAPTER 7-Z
You may have noticed that Underwhere Road is shrouded in darkness. There's no It's a long way up to door F,
way to light it yet, so take it slow, using Luigi's high jump to reach a Dark Boo card ... but don't miss pipe E-it leads •
about halfway up the second area. to a huge room full of coins! The catch
is that you have a limited time to col­

lect them. If you have the Pix I Dashell •
in your group, use him to speed you
up, and flip to 3-D to collect twice as

many coins as in 2-D. •

Use Tippi's pointing
power on Dorguy How mc::tnLt red obje.e'ts ware.
the Second to begin another
set of trials, this time with
visual aid. If you've played
Brain Age, this should be a
breeze. And if you mess up,
you can just try again-no
harm done.

O door B, use Tippi's

When you reach

pointing power to make a
Three crones­
door come to life. Dorguy \(as. I lent certain book 1'0
Hagra, Hagitha, and Q

the First will ask you three

Hagnes-reside in the room
trick questions. If you
through door G. Speak with
answer them wrong,
Hagra, the first crone you
you'll just have to try
come to. She'll send you on
again. (Here's a hint: count
a fetch quest involving a
the apples.)
Diet Book. When you return
with the book, she'll give
you a Door Key. Hagitha's
errand is similar, though
Speak with the O­
Men at door C­ (",hl've goiota gUQrd 'this door. she'll reward you with
they'll let you through to strategy for an upcoming
fight the green monster battle (see the following
himself: Bowser, surpris­ tip). The third crone will
ingly. Use Cudge's hammer give you only a very long­
and avoid the fire to take winded story from her past.
Bowser down with ease.
He'll then rejoin your party.

Dorguy the Third doesn't have any questions-he has an old-school-RPG battle for
you instead. To gain passage, you must defeat three Underchomps in a turn­
based battle that doesn't resemble any other part of the game. There are a lot of options
for attacking, but most of them lead to the same outcome-attack with Bowser to deal
maximum damage. The real trick to surviving the battle is the pix I Piccolo. If you have
Piccolo (see page 90), use her to put all three underchomps to sleep.

Select a Pild.

With Bowser in your party, the o­

Men outside the door will give up a
Door Key. Unlock door 0 to continue
on your quest, using Bowser's flame
breath to set fire to torches and light
rooms temporarily. •

••••• • SUPER PAPER MARIO 1 03 ••

The Forbidden Apple

The fluffy clouds of The Overthere are a nice change of scenery,
but don't dilly-daily-Peach needs yourhelp! ..::::::: :: _
..:.:, :.:!:..::...

• • 1 04 '
••• CHAPTER 7-3


•••••• ,UPER PAPER MARIO 1 0S ••
A blue! Block near the end of the chapter will
create a warp pipe here, in case you need to
return to this area to grab a Red Apple.

•• 106 '
••• CHAPTER7-3

- ---'"-:-;'"r---� -J •

• ••••• 107 ••
To collect the Zombie shroom card in the chest,
use Luigi's high jump here to reach the top of the
monument, then drop down its back side.


••• CHAPTER 7-3

As you traverse
The Overthere,
you'll almost always be Near the signpost at point
moving upward. If a cloud 5, flip to 3-D and follow a
platform seems out of secret cloud path to door K.
reach or isn't in view at all, It's easy to fall off the path
try using Luigi's high jump. in 3-D view, so tread care­
fully. You'll find a tree full of
Black Apples through the
door at the end.

The fluffy clouds Use Thudley to
with eyeballs are knock a Black
Jump-Over Clouds. Use Apple off the tree, then
them like trampolines: return the item to the
Hold down the 2 Button to sleeping princess at point
do a superjump that makes 4. The Black Apple will
Luigi's normal one pale in wake her from her deep
comparison. slumber, and she'll rejoin
your party.

Ewwww. wnat WAS tl-iat?!
W I-iat in tl-ie world di d 40U

When you reach the cloud near point 3, switch to Mario and flip to 3-D to reveal a bridge
of Coin Blocks. You'll have to cross the blocks in 3-D view. You can use Thudley to collect
the coins as you go, but it's a long way down if you misfire.

k/ (oJ"Q:f'S happening?/
There are five different colors of fruit
in The Overthere, but only the Black
Apple will wake Peach. If you have
other fruit varieties, though, try giv­
ing them to her to elicit some funny
reactions. The Yellow Apple is espe­
cially noteworthy-it'll cause her to
grow a temporary mustache.

n Through door E, you'll find Princess Peach fast asleep, having eaten a Golden
... Apple. Luvbi will inform you of a taboo fruit that may restore her consciousness­
for now, though, you must leave her be.
You'll need to uti­
lize Peach's floating
jump and Luigi's high jump
to reach Cyrrus the cloud.
Bring him a Red Apple­
he'll grow large enough to
boost you all the way to
door O. (If you don't have a
Red Apple, see tip 8.)

It's likely that you won't have a Red Apple in your inventory. Don't panic-trigger
the blue! Block next to Cyrrus for an easy way back to the fruit-filled area of
Overthere Stair. •

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 1 09 ••

A Bone-Chilling Tale
The four heroes must make haste to the Pure Heart, as even
The Overthere has been overrun with Bleck's minions.


• Flip to enter a hidden warp pipe, then defeat

• the nasty Gigabite that resides in the cham­

ber to earn a rare Cooking Disk PU.

• • 110 '
••• CHAPTER 7-4

Here and through door D you'll find a slew of

frozen Nimbis. You can use Bowser to

unfreeze them if you're feeling generous. •

o 0

Use Luigi's high jump to reach the top of the

monument-you'll find an Ilty Bits store hid­
ing up there.


Don't miss the warp pipe just below door E. You'll

find a Skellobit card and a Skellobomber card,
both very useful in The overthere.

Hit the red! Block to get this platform moving

toward doors I and J.

o •

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 111 ••
page III

, ,


•• 1 1 2 '
• •• CHAPTER 7-4

Your first mission Backtrack to door
in The Overthere is Whai's "lOUR beef. na,n? A and use Luigi to
to save a Nimbi that's being reach the Nimbi frozen in
attacked by Skellobits. ice-Bowser's flame will set
Head through door A and him free. If you talk to the
defeat the Skellobits to Nimbi before completing
earn a Door Key. tip 4, he'll be suffering
from amnesia. But when
your quest for the orbs is
underway, he'll remember
that he is Blubi, and will
hand over the Blue Orb.

Use Luigi to reach door C with ease, then use the Door Key to unlock it. Luigi is by
far the most effective character in The Overthere. His high jump will save you a
lot of time, and it can take out pesky Skellobombers in a single blow.

You'll find a fair maiden
named Fallbi in need of help at
the far end of the area through door C.
Use Bowser's flame to unfreeze her
husband, Novbi, who also happens to
operate the Overvator. Once he's free,

he'll give you a lift to the upper area so
you can reach door D.
To reach The Overthere's
restroom at point 7, you'll
need to flip to 3-D near
door G. Follow the path
and grab the Mega Star for
an easy journey. When you
reach the dead end, flip to
3·0 again.

II When Yebbi asks

who you are, you'll Ot,t ike weu.,. who ar1

need to lie to get him to

Unfreeze Whibbi at point 4 to open the door. When he
To rebuSld 11. "thou mus1 find does, he'll give you the
learn about The Overthere's
predicament. He'll set you off on a Yellow Orb.
quest to find Rebbi, Blubi, and Yebbi
and retrieve their orbs to rebuild a
bridge. He'll also give you a key to •
door E. Now get to work!

•••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 1 1 3 ••

Beyond Whibbi,
you'll find a
pedestal that has three
Door I is hidden from view
orb-shaped impressions in
behind door J. To reach the
it. Place the three orbs to
door, flip to 3-D and run
create a rainbow bridge to
around the back side of the
Grambi's shrine.
structure. Watch out for
the Skellobits in the third

n m
You'll find Rebbi Once you pass
being assaulted by through door J, a
a squad of Skellobits. Fend massive battle between
off the foul beasts, and Nimbis and Skellobombers
Rebbi will reward you with will begin. Take out the
the Red Orb. With all three enemies on tile ground,
orbs in hand, head back to then flip to 3-D and collect
Whibbi at point 4. the Spiky Skellobit card to
the right of the stairs.

Heart Pillar 8

� As soon as you
� reach the
Finding the final Heart Flopside Outskirts, head all
Pillar is a breeze. From the the way to the right to find
second level of Flopside, the Heart Pillar. Once you
flip to reach the bridge that place the Pure Heart, the
• leads to the Flopside door to the final chapter

• Outskirts. will appear at the top of

Flopside Tower.

• • 114 '
Castle Bleck


- --

The Impending Darkness

Now that the gang's back together, it's time to attack Count
Bleck where he lives. Have fun storming the castle!

• • 116 '

• •••• SUP'R PAP'R MARIO 117 ••


•• 1 1 8 '

You'll need to rely on all the members of your party now that you're launching
your assault on Count Bleck. Use Luigi to jump to door E and then up to the
exterior castle ledge. Switch to Peach to float over to warp pipe F.

O the enemies-mostly Soopa

Use Bowser to burn through

Strikers-in the tight passage that

leads to the Castle Bleck Key in a
treasure chest.

Make a mental note of the
wall sconces between the two
sets of stairs. You'll need to light
another set of sconces in a different
room exactly the same way.

Switch to Bowser,
then breathe fire
on the unlit sconces so
they match the sconces
near the stairs. If you light
them correctly, another
set of stairs will appear.
What a coincidence!


The Crash
Bowser is gone-an apparent victim of poor castle design-so
the three remaining heroes forge ahead into the gloom.

• • 1 20 NINTENDD PLAYE.'S GUIDE • •••••


• •• SUPER PAPER MARIO 1 21 ••
Mimi is up to her
tricks again, but this time In the third pit beneath the booby·
she's fooling no one. Go trapped room, flip so you can spot the
ahead and humor her-hit Growmebas in 3·0. Defeat them to get
the! Block so you fall into a the key to the next locked door.
pit. Once you're down
there, use Boomer on the
crack in the wall, flip, then
enter the next room.

A disguised Mimi will ask
you to tell her your least·
favorite enemies from three lists.
Inexplicably, the third choice in each
quiz is a helpful item. Pick the items. If
you pick an enemy, it will appear in a
subsequent room.

You can access two
rooms from the
room ht at contains a pipe.
Enter door C and hit the !
Block twice to shift the
pipe to the I pipe slot.
Enter the pipe, grab the
key and items, then flip
and jump through the hole
in the floor above door J.

You've seen these
traps before, but
you get a nice Mushroom
each time you fall for them,
so go ahead and play the
fool. You'll need to defeat
all the enemies to get back
to the booby·trapped room.

•• 122 '
• • CHAPTERS 8-Z & 8-3

Countdown to Destruction
You're getting near the end now. It's time to reflect on the many
places you've been . . . while you chase Dimentio through them.

You must take the high road as indicated on

the map-and flip to defeat a Sobarribad­
to exit this room.


•••• • SUPER PAPER MARIO 1 23 ••
You'll need to take a specific path
over the platforms to exit this room.
The arrows that show you the path
are visible only in 3-D.

•• 1 24 '

D O the second hall of mirrors

Your time in the hall of mir­ There is only one window in
rors will be brief once you fig­
ure out which mirrors are actually (marked M on the map), and plenty of
windows to another room. Of course, annoying Longadiles are in your way.
you have to do that as Dimentio Flip across the adjacent room, then
clones hurl starbursts at you. Don't use Cudge to smash your way through
fight the clones-just keep moving. the crowd of Dimentios to get to a
The key to the locked door is in the chest that holds a key.
room through the windows.


�: ' �
, , T ....
Flip when you reach the window at "
Mario's eye level (it isn't reflective), , "

then jump through to the other side.

Grab the key in the chest to proceed.
Ii > ' ./:"\ 1J
I i

1 y ' :. f .


Only Luigi can hit the blocks­
using his high jump-in a series
of four rooms beyond a 3-D gap in the
stairwell. In the first room, hit the far­
left block to make a door appear.

It's the same drill in the next room that contains blocks, except now Luigi needs to
hit the middle block to make a door appear.

The third room with blocks in it already has a door, but it leads to a trap. Hit the
block above it to shift the door to the left and make a new door appear. Use the
new door and ignore the shifted door-unless you like Chomps.

The last block room requires you to
flip into 3-D so you can see numbers
on the sides of the blocks. Hit the
blocks in numerical order to reveal a •
door that leads to a key.

• ••••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 125 ••

Tippi and count Bleck

Even as a massive pixelated vortex begins to swallow the uni­
who would believe that Mario will fail? I mean, come on.

•• 126 NINTENDD PLAYER' S GUIDE ••• •• •
••• CHAPTER 8-4

••• ••• SUPER PAPER MARIO 1 27 ••

••• CHAPTER 8-4

D sized space on the wall in the
There's a suspicious door­

short hallway beyond door A. Have
Tippi take a look.
When you reach the relative safety of the large middle platform, flip so you can see a hid­ •
den pipe, then jump into it.

O platforming mus­
Time to flex your

cles! The moving platforms

in the cavernous room
between door B and door C
will require perfect timing
and sound judgement. The
trip will be easier if you
stay in 2-D for most of it.

Use Dottie to shrink your­
self, then flip so you can
enter a mouse-sized hole
that leads to a chamber
containing a key.

You'll reach an impasse about halfway through the room-a tall platform is
unreachable in 2-D. Flip into 3-D then use the small moving pedestals to carefully
jump around the platform.

The final puzzle in the
game is a doozy: a long
sequence of parallel hall­
ways that require you to
flip back and forth from
2-D (top screenshot) to 3-D
(bottom screenshot) to find
open doorways. Because
everything looks more or

n less the same in Castle

The moving plat­
Bleck, the task can be pret­
forms in the next
ty confusing. Consult the
big room are smaller and
top-view maps to make
move more like conveyor
your life easier.
belts. Be sure you can see
a platform moving into
place each time you jump,
or you may leap into an
empty space.

•••• • SUPER PAPER MARIO 1 29 ••

It may play like a platformer, but Super Paper Mario is an RPG
at its core. Don't believe us? Just check out all these items!

storage Solution
There are tons of items in the game, but you can hold only 10 at a time in your inventory
(not including Important Things). To offload some items without losing them completely,
visit one of Howzit's shops-he'll store up to 32 items for you, free of charge. BLOCK BLOCK In rhythm, follow the onscreen pattern with

Makes you invincible tern· the Control Pad. The better your timing, the

porarily. longer the effect will last.

The Item-Swap Trick

With only 10 spots in your inventory, COURAGE SHELL Press 2 while the meter is in the red to make
it's easy to fill up midchapter. If you Temporarily reduces the the Courage Shell more effective.
come across an item you want and damage you take by half.
your inventory's full, discard the

Recovery Items
desired item then quickly use a lesser
item and recollect the new one before
it disappears.

Restores 12 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty
Bits in Flipside.

Restores 1 HP and cures poison; find it on a tree
in Overthere Stair.

Attack Items [I] BLUE APPLE Restores 5 HP and cures poison; find it on a tree
in Overthere Stair.

Restores 5 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty Bits
in Flipside.

Restores 3 HP and cures poison; dropped ran,
domly by Crazee Dayzees.


Restores 1 HP and cures poison; available some-
where in Flopside.


Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

Restores 10 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty
Bits near the Dotwood Tree.


Restores 1 HP and cures poison; dropped ran-
domly by Amazy Dayzees.

Restores 10 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty
Bits in Flipside.


Restores 7 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty Bits
near the Dotwood Tree.


Temporarily doubles your Attack; buy it at Itty
Bits in The Overthere.


Restores 3 HP and cures poison; dropped ran-
domly by Bloopers.

Restores 7 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty Bits
in Downtown of Crag.


Automatically restores 5 HP if you fall in battle;
buy it at Howzit's shop in Flipside.

Regenerates your HP over time; buy it at
Howzit's shop in Flipside.

Briefly doubles your attack.


Restores 5 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty Bits
in Downtown of Crag.

Restores 10 HP; often found in? Blocks.

� PEACHY PEACH Restores 10 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty
Bits near the Dotwood Tree. [!]
Temporarily slows down time; triples value of
coins and points; often found in? Blocks. •

� �
Restores 5 HP and cures poison; find it on a tree Temporarily speeds up time; triples value of
in Overthere Stair. coins and points; often found in? Blocks.


� �
Restores 15 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty A medal worth 1,000 points.
Bits in Flopside.


� �
Restores 10 HP and cures poison; buy it at the Stops enemies in their tracks.
shop in Downtown of crag.

LIJ RED APPLE Important Things

Restores 5 HP and cures poison; find it on a tree
in Overthere Stair.

The Important Things category contains a wide variety of items with various purposes.

Restores 3 HP and cures poison; dropped ran·
domly by Floro Sapiens. Many of these items will be in your inventory for only a short time.


[RJ [(j]
Restores 10 HP and cures poison; buy it at Serves as toilet paper for Fleep in Chapter 4-2.
Howzit's shop in Flipside.


� 8]
Restores 10 HP and cures poison; available In the Piccolo side quest, Paper transforms into
somewhere in Flopside. this item once Merlumina signs it.


� �
Restores 5 HP and cures poison; buy it at Itty Bits Opens the door to the processing center in
in Flopside. Chapter 5-4.

Restores 20 HP; often found in? Blocks. Unlocks a page of the Dining Specializer. (There
are seven cooking Disks in all.)


[i] [OJ
Restores 20 HP and cures poison; buy it at You must deliver this item to Merlee in the
Notso's shop in Flopside. Piccolo side quest.


[tJ [[i]
Reduces all damage by half; dropped randomly Return this to Hagra in Chapter 7-2.
by Koopas.


� �
Restores 50 HP; often found in? Blocks. A disguise you'll get from O'Chunks in Chapter 5-4.


[i] [I]
Restores 50 HP and cures poison; buy it at Needed to obtain Cudge in Chapter 5-2; there are
Notso's shop in Flopside. three Tablets-Stone, Fire, and Water.


Restores 30 HP and cures poison; dropped ran, Unlocks the Hammer Whacker arcade game.
domly by Whackas.


Restores 5 HP and cures poison; find it on a tree You'll get this from Pook in Flipside; it becomes
in Overthere Stair. the Helmet.

Miscellaneous Items HELMET A breathing apparatus you need in Chapter 4-1;

[Q] the Goldfish Bowl becomes this item.

Temporarily doubles your Attack; dropped ran- Opens doors in various areas; keys come in sev-
domly by Muths. eral varieties.

Catches an enemy's soul (rarely works). Needed to create a bridge in Chapter 7-4; there
are three Orbs-Yellow, Red, and Blue.

Catches an enemy's soul (almost always works). You'll receive this item from Watchitt in the
Piccolo side quest.


� [I]
A bar worth around 100 coins. Returns you to Flipside from most chapters.


� �
A trio of gold bars; worth around 300 coins. An exercise machine that you must deliver to
Merluvlee in the Piccolo side quest.


[IJ �
A medal worth 10,000 points. A mysterious item that you must deliver to
Bestovius in the Piccolo side quest.


Raises HP by 5 permanently.


Makes you huge and invincible for a short time;
often found in? Blocks.


Becomes a random item when used.

Summons little buddies to surround and defend
you; often found in ? Blocks.

Poisons and damages you; dropped randomly by


Raises Attack by 1 permanently.


Briefly puts enemies to sleep.

. I.
learning your way around the kitchen can give you a huge
advantage in any dimension.

Kiss the Cooks Egg Bomb Gradual Syrup

� Long·LastShake,Peachy Peach
1'"' 1
You can create recipes in two places. The first is Saffron's restaurant, located on the first
floor of Flipside. She can cook only recipes that require one ingredient (such as Block
Damagesenemies. � Gr.ldually restores HP.

14\ \ I_I
Meal). The second restaurant is operated by Dyllis on the first floor of Flopside. Dyllis can
Electro Pop Hamburger

make recipes that require two ingredients (such as Awesome Snack).

Thunder Rage PowerSteak
2aps anyfoe that touches you. Restores20 HP and cures poison.

The Dining Specializer Emergency Ration

Healthy Salad

I� I
FireBurst,ShroomShake Fresh Veggie
Both Saffron's and Dyllis's establishments allow you access to the Dining Specializer, a
4!9 Restores 10HPand cures poison. (Restores 50 HP � Restores 15 HP and cures poison.
device that looks like a DS Lite. The Dining Specializer reads Cooking Disk items that when used in The Pit of tOO Trials.)

you'll find throughout the

Fried Egg HeartfulCake

game. (There are seven

BigEgg cake Mix,Lovely Chocolate
Cooking Disks in all-see Restores 15 HP and cures poison. Gr.ldually filis HP over time.
the walkthrough maps and
the Flipside/Flopside
Fried Shroom Plate Heavy Meal
raJ ShroomShake

poster for every Cooking

Honey Jar, Honey Candy
Disk location.) Inputting � Restores 15 HPandcures poison. Makes you feel sluggish.
every Cooking Disk into

the Dining Specializer will
Fruit Parfait Herb Tea
give you a catalog of items

1.1 V
Peachy Peach,Snow Cone Smelly Herb
and recipes. Freezes enemies and causes damage. Restores 7 HP and cures poison.

Fruity Cake Honey Candy

peachy Peach, Mushroom Crepe Honey Jar
Restores 15 HPand cures pOison. Restores 12 HP and cures poison.

Awesome Snack

Dayzee Syrup

Fruity Hamburger Honey Shroom

I I_I I�
Cake Mix,Fresh Veggie DayzeeTear PowerSteak, Keel Mango ShroomShake, Honey Jar

Restores 5 HPand cures poison. Ooubles Attackand gradually fills HP. Restores2 S HP and cures poison . Restores 10 HPand cures poison.

Berry Snow Bunny

Dyllis Breakfast

Fruity Punch Honey Super

I�I I �I
Snow Bunny, Pink Apple ShroomShake,Spicy Soup Peachy Peach, Keel Mango SuperShroomShake, Honey Jar
� Freezes enemles. � Restores 1 5 HP and cures poison. . Restores 1 5 HP and cures poison. Restores20 HP and cures poison.

Block Meal

Dyllis Deluxe
Fruity Shroom Horsetail Tart
r.;;;J Horsetail,Cake Mix

BlockBlock ShroomSteak, GorgeousSteak Peachy Peach,ShroomShake
. Brielly makes you invincible. . Restores 90 HP and cures poison. � Restores 15 HP and cures poison. Restores 12 HP and cures pOison.

Chocolate Cake
Dyllis Dinner

Gingerbread House
Ial Chocolate Cake,Mousse
I_I I 141
Mild Cocoa Bean, cake Mix FriedShroom Plate, Meat Pasta Dish PowerSteak,Fresh Veggie
Restores 1 5 HP and cures poison. Fills30HPand cures poison. � Restores30HPandcurespoison. Restores 20HPandcures poison.

Choeo Pasta Dish Dyllis Dynamite

Golden Choco-Bar

Ink Pasta Dish

Mild CocoaBean,Fresh PastaBunch EggBomb, Dyllis Breakfast Mild CocoaBean,Golden Leaf Inky sauce,Fresh PastaBunch
Restores 5 HPand cures poison. Damages enemies. Restores2 5 HP and curespoison. Restores2 5 HPandcures poison.

couple's Cake Dyllis Lunch

Golden Meal Inky Soup
[(iIjj Inky Sauce
lU'I I�I I
SnowBunny,Berry SnowBunny FriedShroom Plate,Spaghetti Plate GoldBar
Q Brings back fond memories. � Restores20 HPand cures poison.

� Restores I HP and cures poison. � Restores 1 5 HP and cures poison.

Dangerous Delight

Dyllis Special
Gorgeous Steak
Koopa Dumpling

PoisonShroom RoastShroom Dish,Fruity Hamburger PowerSteak, Hamburger Cake Mix,Turtley Leaf
Afflicts you with multiple status effects. Restores 60HPand curespoison. Restores 2S HPandcures poison. •• Halves damage taken .


.:., '-


Koopa pilaf Mushroom Crepe Sky Juice Stamina Juice

� B' W
Turtley leaf, Horsetail ShroomShake, cake Mix Blue Apple Inky Sauce, Hon�y Jar

iii Q •
_ Briefly halves damage taken. Resto",s 20 HP and cu"'s poison. Restores IS HP and cures poison. Res ores HP gradually.'

Koopa Tea Odd Dinnell" Slimy Extract Standard Chocolate

I� I�
'&'1 I�
J'l. 1 I"I
Tur tley leaf FriedShroom Plate, PoisonShroom Slimy Shroom Mild CocoaBean, PoisonShroom
Briefly halves damage taken. Restores 2 HP and cures pOison. Curescurse and poison. Makes you feel sluggish.

Koopasta Dish
raJ Turtley leaf,Fresh PastaBunch
Omelette Plate

Snow Bunny
Sweet Choco-Bar

BigEgg, Horsetail Snow Cone, Turtley leaf Mild CocoaBean, Honey Jar
� Briefly halves damage taken. Restores 20HPand curespoison. � Freezesenemles. Restores 5 HP and cures poison.

Love Noodle Dish Peach Juice Snow Cone Sweet Cookie Snack

I"I I' f9 1 I 'l!!i1 181

lovely Chocolate, Fresh PastaBunch Peachy Peach iceStorm

Brief� doubles Attack; halves damage taken; Restores 12 HP and cures poison. Freezes enemies and causes damage. Restores 10 HP and cures pOison.
paralyzes any enemy you touCh
Love Pudding

Peach Tart
Space Food Town Special
� Primordial Fruit
14.1 11$1
BigEgg, lovely Chocolate Peachy Peach, Cake Mix lceStorm,ShroomShake
Makes you feel tingly.
Resto",sl5 HP and cures poison. . Re�tores 10 HP and cures poison. In space this
re{l pe restores 50 HP.
� Restores 5HP and cures poison.

Lovely Chocolate
Primordial Dinner Spaghetti Plate
Triiil Stew

1 1 101 I_I I
Mild CocoaBean, FireBurst Primordial Fruit,ShroomShake Fresh PastaBunch PoisonShroom, Couple's Cake
Doubles Attack and briefly hal�es damage taken. Restores 15 HP and cures pOison. Restores 15 HP and cures poison. Reduces your HP to L
Any enemy that touches you will be shocked. ,

Luxurious Set Roast Horsetail.

Spicy Dinner
fi!iiI HealthySafad,BigEgg
Veggie Set

I�I 181
Dyllis Dinner,FriedShroom Plate Horsetail BigEgg,HotSauce
• � .. Restores 30 HP and cures poison. Restores 10 HP and cures poison. Temporarily doubles Attack. � Restores 2� HP and cures poison.

Mango Juice Roast Shroom Dish Spicy Pasta Dish Volcano Shroom

W I"'1 I_I I"I
Keel Mango SuperShroomShake HotSauce,Fresh PastaBunch Hot Sauce,ShroomShake

Restores 10 HP and cu",s poison. Restores 30 HP and cures poison. Temporarily doubles Attack. • Temporarily doubles Attack,

Mango Pudding
Roast Whacka Bump

Spicy Soup Warm Cocoa

I I �I
BigEgg, Keel Mango Whacka Bump FireBu�t Mild CocoaBean -
Restores 20 HP and cures poison. Restores 5 HP and cures poispn. Re5tor�s 8 HP and cures poison. Restores 10 HP and cures poison.

Meat Pasta Dish

Sap Muffin Spit Roast
Weird Extract

I_I V'
PowerSteak,Fresh PastaBunch SapSoup, Cake Mix Bone-In Cut Peach Juice, HotSauce
Restores 18 HP and cures poliOff Restores 2.\1 HP and cures poison. ��
Te� � :iIY doubles Attack. . �tsyoUr enemiesto sle� .

Megaton Dinner
Sap Syrup

powBlock SapSoup

Shakes the ground and d mages enemies. Briefly halves damage taken and slowly
regenerates HP.

Meteor Meal Shroom Broth

rmI ShootingStar it
ShroomShake,Smelly Herb
� Can be used against enemies. Restores 15 HP and cures poison.

Miracle Dinner Shroom Cake

I�I 161
MysteryBox SuperShrOOtnShake, cake Mix
Restores l HP and cure poison. Restores 30 HP and cure poison.

Shroom Choco-bar

(Ingredients Vary) Mild CocoaBean,ShroomShake
Fills 1 HP and cures poison. Restores 15 HP and cures pOison.

Mistake Shroom Delicacy

� ShroomShake, Dayzee Tear
Sleepy Sheep
Pu� multiple enemies to sleep. � Restores 10 HP and cures poison.

Mixed Shake '- Shroom pudding

I fge I I&I
Peach Juice, Mango Juice BigEgg,ShroomShake
Restores 20 HP and cures poison. Restores 25 HP and cures poison.


Shroom Steak

Cake Mix,BigEgg UltraShroomShake
Restores 15 HP and cures poison. Restores 70 HP and cures poison.

- -�
- ��------�, ----�--�------------------------� .
Catch Cards
You don't have to catch 'em all, but what are you going to brag
to your friends about if you don't?

A Compietist's Paradise
Every character, whether good or bad, has a Catch Card
hidden somewhere in the game. Some cards are rarer
than others (noted in this section by the number of stars,
001 * 017 *
1 1 1 1 3
three being the rarest), so you'll need to search high and
low for them all. There are 256 cards in all, each one pro·
Goomba Buzzy Beetle

002* 018 *
viding extra information about-and sometimes even

10 2 1 2 3
advantages over-the corresponding character. Use the
following pages to see which cards you're missing in Dark Goomba Spike Top
your collection.
003* 019 *
Spiked Goomba 1 2 Dark Spike Top 10 4 6
004* 020*
Dark Spiked Goomba 10 4 Parabuzzy 1 1 3
005* 021 *
Paragoomba 1 1 Spiky Parabuzzy 1 2 3
006* 022 *
Dark paragoomba 10 2 Stone Buzzy 3 2
Here, There, Everywhere 007* 023 *
There's no set system for finding cards in Super Paper
Gloomba 2 2 Dark Stone Buzzy 3 4 -
Mario. Some you'll find in treasure chests; some are hid-
ing behind blocks and can be picked up only when you
008* 024 *
1 2 4 2 3
flip to 3·0; some can be purchased from vendors such as
the card shop Fondest Hopes in Flopside. Eventually, Headbonk Goomba Spiny
though, you'll have to use Catch Cards on enemies in the
009* 025 *
10 4 0 10 4 6
wild to complete your collection.

Dark Headbonk Goomba Dark Spiny

010 *
Koopa Troopa 1 1 1
� 026 *
Lakitu 4 1 -
011 * 027 *
Mega Koopa 1 2 1 Dull Bones 15 4
012 * 028 *
Dark Koopa 10 2 3 Dark Dull Bones 20 8
013 * 029 *
Victory Is in the Cards Koopatrol 15 3 4 Dry Bones 10 2
Collecting Catch Cards will do more than just stroke your

014 * 030**
4 1 1
ego-it can also give you a serious advantage on the bat·
tlefield. If you're facing an enemy and you have its card
Dark Koopatrol 30 6 8 Hammer Bro

& 015 *
in your collection, your attack will be doubled. If you
have multiples of the same card, you'll have an even
031 *
1 1 1 20 4 3
greater advantage. Search new areas carefully-you'll
often find cards of foes that are native to the area, giving Paratroopa Dark Hammer Bro
you an immediate bonus in battle.
016 * 032 **
Dark Paratroopa 10 2 3 Boomerang Bro 10 3 1

•• 1 36 '
093* Dark Boo 13 2-
113 **
Spiny Tromp -- -
133 * Foton 8 2-
094* Dark Dark Boo 20 4 -
114 **
Spiky Tromp - --
134* Warpid 10 2-
[!j 095* Atomic Boo 10 2-
115 *
Bullet Bill 1 2-
135* Eeligon 10 2-
096* Growmeba 2 1-
116 *
Bill Blaster 5 2 3
136* Hooligon 10 2-
097* Blomeba 5 2-
117 *
Ruff Puff 15 4-
137* Dark Eeligon 30 4 -
098* Chromeba 10 3-
118 *
Dark Ruff Puff 30 6 -
138* Longator 12 1-
099**DarkGrowmeba 20 4 -
119 *
Lava Bubble 1 4-
139* Longadile 20 2-
100* Mister I ?? 2-
TileoidG 5 1-
140* Dark Longator 30 4 -

?? 4 -
121 *
Tileoid B 10 1-
141 * Barribad 4 2-

4 1 4
Tileoid R 15 2-
142* Sobarribad 8 4-

8 3 8
123 *
TileoidY 10 2-
143* Dark Barribad 12 8-

16 3 4
Dark Tileoid 25 4 -
� 144*
' Pigarithm ?? 2 -

10 410
Meowbomb 1 2 1
� 145*
,,,b' , Hogarithm ?? 4 -

2 1 2
" 126*
PatrolMeow 5 2 1
146* Dark Pigarithm ?? 6-

5 2 4
AirMeow 5 2 1
147* Choppa 5 1-
DarkCleft 10 410
SurpriseMeow 1 2-
148* Copta 10 3-
Shlurp ?? 2-
BigMeow - --
149* DarkChoppa 15 5-
110 *
Shlorp ?? 3-
Meowmaid - --
� 150**
! ," Muth
.. 100 5-
111 *
DarkShlurp ?? 4-
131 **
SecuriMeow - --
151 * Mega Muth 200 8-
112 **
Thwomp - --
132 *
Jellien 4 2-
152 * Dark Muth 25510-

Catch Cards
.----- c--- - --------�.-----..--- -----__,

153* FloroSapien 12 3-
Dark Megabite 8 4-

193** Brobot 255 4 3

154** Floro Cragnien 10 1-
Dark Mario 10010-

194**Brobot L-type 64 5 4
155* Ninjoe 6 2-
Dark Luigi 10010-

195** Dimentio 80 4 -
156* Ninjohn 8 3-
Dark Peach 10010-
Super Dimentio 200 6-

157* Ninjerry 10 4 -
Dark Bowser 100 20 4
158* Dark Ninjoe 20 5-
ZombieShroom 1 2-
[I ���:*
159** Underhand - --
GhoulShroom 10 5-


Il ���:
160* Skellobit 10 2 2

Fracktail ?? 1-
161 * SpikySkellobit 10 2 2

Wracktail ?? 10-
� 201**
� Bestovius

162* DarkSkellobit 30 4 4
Frackle 1 1-


. ���!:
163* DarkSpikySkellobit 30 4 4

Wrackle 1010-
164* Skellobomber 10 2 2

Big Blooper - 2-
•204** The InterNed

165* !i) 185** 205**

Skellobait 5 2 1 � Francis 40 1- The InterChet

166* SpikySkellobait 5 2 1
King Croaws 50 2-


167* Red Magiblot 15 6 -

Bonechill 80 4 -

Red &Green

168* Blue Magiblot 25 4 -

Count Bleck 150 8-

169* Yellow Magiblot 20 5-

• 209** Gnaw

170* Dark Magiblot 40 10-

O'Chunks 100 4 -

171 **Megabite 4 1-

1�U. **
Mlml ?? 4 -

211 **
Flint Cragley

172** Gigabite 6 2- 4 0 3-

Hornfels & Monzo


Catch Cards & Maps

There are 48 treasure maps available for purchase in Flopside-:­
start saving those hard-earned coins.

Flamm t�e Map Chap Map17 Price:50 Map33 Price:no

Flamm is your man for buying maps. To find Flamm, flip to 3·0 in Flopside Bl and enter Chapter 2-4: Merlee'sBasement Chapter 5-2: Gap of Crag
the underwater passage-he's waiting on the other side. Flamm's stock varies depending DriedShroom Ultra Shroom Shake
on how many chapters you've completed, so you'll need to visit him often.
Map18 Price:10
Chapter H: The Bitlands
Chapter 5-3: Floro Caverns

Back Cursya card Shooting Star

X Marks the spot Map19 Price:90 Map35 Price:60

Once you buy a map from Flamm, you can check it in the Map menu. Each map shows a Chapter H: The Bitlands Chapter 5-3: Floro Caverns
snapshot of a location in the game, with an X marking the location of a secret treasure. UltraShroom Shake Hornfels & Monzo card
(Use Fleep to reveal the treasure.) The chart we've laid out here indicates each map's
general location and price, as well as the treasure you will find. For specific locations, see
the walkthrough maps throughout this guide.
Map20 Price:80
Chapter 3-2: The Tile Pool
Map36 Price: 140
Chapter 5-4: Floro Caverns
BigBlooper card Poison Shroom

Map21 Price: ISO

Chapter 3-2: The TIle Pool
Chapter 5-4: Floro Caverns

Power Plus King Croacus card

Map22 Price:130
Chapter 3-3: The Dotwood Tree
• Map38 Price:70
Chapter 7-1: The Underwhere
Dimentio card Jaydescard

• Map23
Price: 230
Chapter 3-4: Fort Francis
Map 39 Price:80
Chapter 7-1: The Underwhere
TIptron card Underhand card

Map24 Price:40
Chapter 3-4: Fort Francis

. ];; Map40 Price:SO
Chapter 7-2: Underwhere Road
Maps Francis card TnalStew


Fli ide 3rd Floor
Price:20 Map
Cha ter H Void Desert
Price:40 Map25 Price:30
Chapter 4-2: PlanetBlobule
Map41 Price:70
Chapter 7-2: Underwhere Road
Go dBar Gol Bar x3 SqUirps card The Underchomp card

Map2 Price:60 Map10 Price:40 Map26 Price:70 � Map42 Price:l5O

Hall ofMirrors Chapter H Void Desert Chapter 4-2: Planet Blobule � Chapter 7-3: Overthere Stair
Welderberg card Fracktail card Hooligon card Gold Bar x3

UltraShroom Shake
Price:30 Map

11 Price:70
Cha ter 1-4: Void Ruins
Mer umina card
WI Map27 Price: 80
Chapter 4-3: Outer Limits
Chapter 7-4: The Overthere

Map4 Price:no
Flipside Beveragarium Arcade
. Map12 Price: 20
Chapter 2-1: Gloam Valley

Map28 Price:9O
Chapter 4-4: The Whoa Zone

Map44 Price:l00
Chapter 7-4: The Overthere
KingSammer Card Shooting Star Brobotcard luvbi card

MapS Price: SO Map13 Price:50 r;-:I Map29 Price:SO � Map45 Price:190

Flo side 3rd Floor Chapter 2-2: Merlee'sMansion l:...:;:.J
Chapter 4-4: The Whoa Zone � Chapter 7-4: The Overthere
0'( unks card Catch Card SP HP Plus Bonechill card

Map6 Price: 20
Chapter H: Lineland Road
Map14 Price:50
Chapter 2-2: Merlee'sMansion
Map30 Price:120
Chapter 5-1: land of the Cragnons
Map 46 Price: 160
Chapter 8-1; castleBleck Entryway
Bestovius Card Gnip card Muthcard Nastasia card

7 Price:50
Cha ter 1-2: Mount Lineland
Map15 Price:100
Chapter 2-3: Merlee's Mansion
Map31 Price:10
Chapter 5-1: land of the Cragnons
Map47 Price:200
Chapter 8-3: castleBleck Interior
Gol enleaf Mimi card Flint Cragley card Super Dimentio card


8 Price:70
Cha er 1-2:Mount Lineland
16 Price:30
Cha ter 2-4: Merlee'sBasement
Map32 Price:20
Chapter 5-2: Gap of Crag
Map48 Price: 90
Chapter 8-4: castle Bleck Inner sanctum
Bro t l-type Gol Bar x3 FireBurst CountBleck card

�------�--� .
• SUP'R PAPER MAR'O 141 ••
Pit of 100 Trials
Not for the faint of heart, the Pit of 100 Trials will put your
party's strength to the ultimate test.

Pit Crew Flipside Pit

There is a Pit of 100 Trials in Flopside
as well as in Flipside (see the fold-out
map for the locations)_ Both are 1 Squiglet 37 Spike Top, BuzzyBeetle, Squig
incredibly difficult to complete_ Equip
2 Goomba 38 Magikoopa, Spiked Goomba
Cudge as your default Pixl, and switch
to Barry or Boomer when necessary_ 3 Squig, Squiglet 39 FireBro, Tileoid G

4 Sproing-Oing 40 TREASURE: Catch Card 23Hlim

5 Goomba, Gloomba 41 Clubba, Squiglet

Fresh Shroom Supply 6 Cherbil 42 Pokey, Gloomba

Recovery items will make all the difference 7 Sproing-Oing, Squig 43 Koopa Striker
in the pits_ Keep an eye out for Flimm the
8 Squig, Squiglet 44 Squog, Squig, Cursya
salesman-he'll occasionally show up on the
treasure levels. Also, purchase a charm from 9 Gloomba, Poison Cherbil 45 Tileoid R, Tileoid B
Merlee in Flopside before you enter the pit
10 TREASURE: Catch Card 228-Tippi 46 FlipParatroopa, Flip Goomba
to gain a chance at earning random items.
11 Paratroopa, KoopaTroopa 47 Ice Cherbil, Poison Cherbil, Cherbil

12 Paragoomba, Spiked Goomba 48 Magikoopa, Clubba

FLIP TIP 13 Shlurp,Bald Cleft 49 Squog

If you find yourself in a 14 Flip Goomba, Koopa Troopa 50 TREASURE: Catch Card 232-Thudley
bind on any of the 100 tri­ 15 Boomboxer, Shlurp 51 Flip Spiny, Spiny,BuzzyBeetle
als, simply flip to 3-0-
16 Tileoid G, Koopa Troopa 52 Pigarithm
you'll always fall to the bot­
tom of the level. Flipping 17 Flip Koopa Troopa 53 Spania, TileoidB
can also help you get to the
18 BuzzyBeetle, Squig 54 Dry Bones, Clubba
exit more quickly once
you've got the Pit Key. 19 Koopatrol, Squiglet, Koopa Troopa 55 Hooligon

20 TREASURE: Catch Card 229-Thoreau 56 DarkBoo, Tech Cursya

21 Spiny 57 Zoing-Oing, Ice Cherbil

DasheD 22 Boo, Gloomba 58 Amazy Dayzee, CrazeeDayzee

23 Fuzzy, Cherbil 59 YellowMagiblot, Squig

Once you finish the Flipside pit 60 TREASURE: Catch Card 233-Carrie
24 Boing-Oing, Sproing-Oing
of 100 Trials and defeat
Wracktail, you'll get one of the 25 Chain Chomp 61 Beepboxer, Heavy Cursya, Cursya
coolest pixls in the game: 26 Crazee Dayzee, Paragoomba 62 Dull Bones, Dark Boo
Oashell. with Oashell equipped,
you can hold down the 1 Button 27 Squiglet 63 Boomerang Bro, Clubba
to move at double speed_ We rec­ 28 HammerBro, Koopa Troopa 64 Tileoid Y, Tileoid R
ommend attempting the
29 Rawbus 65 Blomeba, Growmeba
Flopside pit as soon as
you have Luigi in your 30 TREASURE: Catch Card 230-Boomer 66 Skellobit, Ninjoe
party-Oashell is a
31 Tileoid B, Tileoid G 67 longadile,longator
great asset.
32 longator 68 Flip Hammer Bro, Squog, Squoinker

33 Growmeba, Cursya, Squig 69 Soopa Striker

34 Stone BUzzy, Bald Cleft 70 TREASURE: Catch Card 234-Fleep

35 Choppa, Squig 71 Moon Cleft, Bald Cleft

36 Ninjoe 72 Jawbus

. L- ____________________ ��-����-------�--�
• • 142 '
Pit of100 Trials


Flopside Pit 36 DarkBoomboxer,Dark Cur;ya 79 Dark Skellobit, Dark Spiky Skellobit
73 Cur;ya, Rever;yaCur;ya, TechCur;ya,
Heavy cursya
37 Dark Growmeba 80 TREASURE: CatchCard 247-Sushie

74 Copta
Know Your Enemies
38 Dark Cherbil 81 Dark Spiky Skellobit. DarkCur;ya
All enemies in the Flopside Pit of lOD
75 Ruff Puff
Trials are dark versions of themselves, 39 Dark Dark Boo, DarkMegabite 82 DarkMagikoopa, Dark Cherbil
76 Blastboxer, Beepboxer,Boomboxer allowing you to see only a silhouette. If
40 TREASURE:Catch Card 243-Bombette 83 Dark Skellobit, Dark Spiky Skellobit
you can't recognize an enemy type right
77 BlueMagiblot Squog
off the bat, you won't have a chance at 41 Dark Striker 84 Dark Jawbus
78 Chromeba,Blomeba reaching the pit's finale.
42 Dark Shlurp, Dark Cur;ya, 85 Dark Magiblot
79 Flip Skellobit. Flip Spiky Skellobit FLOOR ENEMY OR ITEM PRESENT Dark Heavy Cur;ya
86 Dark Koopatrol, Dark Rever;yaCur;ya
80 TREASURE: catch Card 235-Cudge 1 Dark Goomba 43 DarkBoomboxer, Dark Choppa
87 Dark Striker, Dark Squiglet
81 Hogarithm, TIleoid Y 2 Dark Koopa, Dark Goomba 44 Dark Sproing-Oing, Dark Tech Cur;ya,
Dark Rever;ya Cur;ya 88 Darklongator
82 RedMagiblot. Squoinker 3 Dark Goomba, Dark Paragoomba,
Dark TechCur;ya 45 Dark Shlurp 89 DarkMagiblot. Dark TIleoid
83 Pink Fuzzy,Cherbil
4 Dark Paragoomba 46 Dark HammerBro, Dark Goomba 90 TREASURE: Catch Card 248-lakilester
84 Shlorp, Spania
5 Dark Koopa, Dark Spiked Goomba . 47 DarkBoomerangBro, Dark Paragoomba 91 DarkCur;ya, Dark TechCur;ya,
85 Poison Pokey, Dark Boo Dark Heavy Cursya, Dark ReversyaCursya
6 Dark Squiglet, Dark Cherbil 48 Dark Fire Bro, Dark Spiked Goomba
86 Koopatrol,Magikoopa 92 Dark Magikoopa, Dark Squiglet
7 Dark Spiny, Dark Squiglet 49 DarkMagikoopa, Dark Striker,
87 Chromeba, ReversyaCur;ya, Copta Dark SqUiglet
8 Dark Goomba, Dark Spiny,Dark Cur;ya 93 Dark HammerBro, Dark BoomerangBro,
88 Ninjoe, Ninjohn 50 TREASURE: Catch Card 244-Parakarry Dark Fire Bro
9 Dark Spike Top,Dark Koopa
89 Headbonk Goomba 51 DarkMuth 94 Dark Magiblot Dark Dayzee, DarkCherbil
10 TREASURE: Catch Card 238-Dashell
90 TREASURE: catch Card 236-Dottie 52 DarkChomp
U Dark Fuzzy,Dark Squiglet 95.Dark Headbonk Goomba
91 Gawbus 53 Dark Clubba
12 Dark Stone Buzzy 94 Dark Jawbus, DarkMegabite
92 Ninjerry, Ninjohn, Ninjoe 54 Dark Squiglet
13 Dark Cleft, Dark Paratroopa
93 Skellobit. Ninjerry,Cur;ya Dark Heavy Cur;ya 55 Dark Squiglet. Dark Spania 97 Dark Skellobit, Dark Spiky Skellobit

94 Flip FireBro, Squoinker 14 Dark Cleft, Dark Paragoomba 56 Dark BoomerangBro, Dark Tech Cur;ya, 98 Dark Muth
Dark Squiglet
95 Skellobit, Spiky Skellobit 15 Dark Spania, Dark Goomba 99 DarkKoopatrol, Dark FireBro,
57 Dark Tileoid Dark HammerBro, DarkBoomerangBro
96 FlipBoomerangBro, Flip Fire Bro 16 Dark DullBones, Dark Spiny,
Dark Tech Cur;ya 58 Dark HammerBro, Dark Cur;ya

97 Squiglet
17 Dark Stone Buzzy, Dark Spike Top 59 Dark Striker,Dark Magikoopa
98 RedChomp

99 BlueMagiblot. RedMagiblot
18 Dark Fuzzy, Dark Spiked Goomba 60 TREASURE: catchCard 245-Bow

61 Dark Magikoopa, Dark Chomp

YellowMagiblot 19 Dark Dull Bones, Dark Goomba
You'll have to go through the Flopside
20 TREASURE:Catch Card 241-Goombario 62 Dark Pigarithm, DarkMagikoopa, Pit of 100 Trials twice before you'll face
Dark Eeligon

Shadoo, the pit's master. Shadoo will pit
21 Dark Pokey, Dark Rever;ya Cur;ya,
Dark Fuzzy 63 DarkMagikoopa, Dark Heavy Cur;ya, you against four foes (in order): Dark
Dark Tileoid
Luigi, Dark Bowser, Dark Peach, and
22 Dark Spania
64 Dark Ninjoe Dark Mario. They all behave similarly to

wracktail is nearly identical to the boss 23 Dark Fuzzy, Dark longator their counterparts, but Dark Mario will
65 DarkChomp, Dark Fire Bro have the extra benefit of Cudge's ham­
Fracktail from Yold Desert, but with a 24 Dark Dull Bones, Dark Pokey,
66 Dark HammerBro mer. Defeat all four to earn eight
much higher HP and Attack. Unlike dur­ Dark Paragoomba
incredibly rare cards: Dark Luigi, Luigi,
ing your battle with Fracktail, you'll have
25 Dark Cleft, Dark Ruff Puff 67 Dark Clubba, Dark Tech Cur;ya Dark Bowser, Bowser (1), Dark Peach,
Luigi in your party against Wracktail. So
26 Dark DarkBoo 68 Dark Koopatrol, Dark Clubba Peach (1), Dark Mario, and Mario.
rather than using Thoreau to throw ene­
mies at Wracktail's antenna, use Luigi's
27 Dark Ruff Puff, Dark Heavy Cur;ya, 69 Dark Ninjoe, Dark Megabite, Dark Cherbil
super jump-you can get on top of the Dark Squiglet
antenna and land multiple blows to do 70 TREASURE:CatchCard 246-Watt
28 Dark StoneBuzzy,Dark Spania
major damage.
71 Dark Jawbus
29 Dark Dark Boo, Dark Goomba
72 Dark Koopa, Dark Koopatrol
30 TREASURE: Catch Card 242-Kooper
73 Dark Barribad
31 Dark Shlurp, Dark Ruff Puff
74 Dark Choppa, Dark Eeligon
32 Dark Sproing-Oing. DarkSquiglet
75 Dark Dayzee, Dark Pigarithm
33 Dark Choppa, Dark Pokey
76 DarkKoopatrol
34 DarkBoomboxer
77 Dark Ninjoe, Dark Tileoid
35 Dark Growmeba, Dark Rever;ya Cur;ya,
Dark Squiglet 78 Dark Skellobit, Dark Ninjoe


Other Things to Do
You've already saved the world, and now you're bored.
Check out Super Paper Mario's value-added gaming!

Sammer Guy Townament Arcade Games

Need a break from all that platforming? Enter the Beveragarium in Flipside Bl, then flip
Remember that Sammer GUy tournament from Chapter 6 that ended prematurely when ...
to 3-D to find the back room. Take the pipe down to the arcade, a secret gaming com­
you know ... the world ended? Head back to Chapter 6 after you finish the game, and you'll
pound where you can try your hand at some motion-controlled minigames. If you per­
be able to fight through the entire lOO-Sammer-Guy lineup. It's stupid-hard.
form well, you can trade the tokens you've earned for some rare items!

Forget Me Not
Forget Me Not is a grueling memory
game that gets harder from round to
round. You'll get a brief glimpse of
the cards on the field, then be asked
to blindly select pairs using the
wii remote.
Bushido Beatdown
The tournament is the same as before, but your foes get much tougher as you near the
end. Barry is essential to success-he both deflects attacks and inflicts damage, so he Mansion Patrol
should be your default Pixl. Switch to cudge or Boomer as necessary. If you're good This takes place in a Luigi's Mansion
enough-and lucky enough-to win the tournament. King Sammer will unload a pile of foyer. Blast each Boo by aiming with
cards on you: Goombella, Koops, Madame Flurrie, Yoshi, Vivian, Admiral Bobbery, and the Wii remote and shooting with the
Ms. Mowz. A or B Button. You can earn power-ups
and extra lives by saving the captured
Toads, but take care not to shoot them!

Tilt Island
Items are falling from the sky, and you
must help Mario dodge hazards and
collect fruit by tilting the Wii remote left
and right. Collecting various fruits will
earn you victory, but you'll get a bonus

Return Trips if you collect only one type of fruit.

There are a couple things you can do to keep the fun rolling after you've finished the
game. All your old friends (and a few foes) are still hanging around, so drop in on them Unlock a Secret Game
when you're finished.
Only one minigame is unavailable at the start-you'll need the Golden Card to unlock it.

pixl Collector You can find the Golden Card in a treasure chest in the back room of The Overthere in
Flopside. (Flip to 3-D to enter the back room.)
Pay a visit to Francis in Chapter 3-4 so
you can purchase Tiptron for 999 coins.
Tiptron works just like Tippi. Hammer Whacker
Hammer Whacker is a test of
endurance. An enemy will throw
shells at you, and you must swing the
wii remote like a hammer to knock
the shells back. The closer each shell
Bleu Hairs gets to Mario, the more points you'll
Chat up Bleu in Flopside as Peach to be awarded at the end of each round.
give the princess a new hairstyle. If you
ask us, it doesn't look all that different
from her original hairdo.


Don't Fall Flat!

Make sure you tear it up on both the

Flipside and Flopside of count Bleck's

mind-bending geometric gauntlet with our

Offi ial Nintendo Power Player's guide!

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ISBN 978-159812013-4


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