The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D Official Game Guide 3DS

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The document provides an overview and walkthrough of the game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It details various locations, items, characters, and gameplay elements.

The Great Deku Tree is the guardian of Kokiri Forest. He senses a growing evil threat to Hyrule and assigns Link's fairy companion Navi to seek out Link and bring him to the Great Deku Tree.

Navi's task is to seek out Link and bring him to the Great Deku Tree, as the Great Deku Tree has summoned Link and there is no time to waste.


How to Use This Guide

The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Te children of the forest, the Kokiri, are all blessed with a fairy companionall except one, that is. Tere is a lone boy in Kokiri Forest
diferent from the others in that he does not have a fairy to watch over him. However, this is fnally about to change. Upon waking from a
terrible nightmare, one in which lightning crashed over a castle as a young girl was spirited away on horseback, the boy fnally receives his fairy
companion on orders from the guardian of the woods, the Great Deku Tree.
Te Great Deku Tree senses that a malevolent force threatens Hyrule in a way never before seen. Not even the magic of the Kokiri Forest is
enough to turn back this growing evil. But the Great Deku Tree also knows that within the forest lives a child who will one day rise up and
challenge this unfathomable wretchedness.
And so the Great Deku Tree assigns the boy named Link his very own fairy companion. Navi, a spitfre fairy, is tasked with seeking out Link
and bringing him to the Great Deku Tree. Time is of the essence, too, because evil is about to claim its frst victim in Hyrule.
Kokiri Fores
Hearts: 3
Pieces of Heart: 0/36
Equipment/Items Found: Kokiri
Sword, Deku Shield, Deku Stick
Tis forest is home to the Kokiri, also known as
the children of the forest. Te Kokiri never grow
old, remaining sprightly youths for their entire
lives. Because all Kokiri have a fairy companion,
there is an assumption that something is not quite
right with one boy in their midst, Link.
Navi wakes Link from his restless sleep, telling the
boy that hes been summoned to the Great Deku Tree. Teres no time to waste, so Link needs
to rub the sleep from his eyes and get going. Reaching the Great Deku Tree, though, requires
dealing with some of the less agreeable Kokiri...
Tese Progress Boxes track the current heart count and Pieces of Heart if you followthis walk-through to the leter. You are
not required to collect the Pieces of Heart in our suggesed orderor even at all. Tere is a guide to the locations of all 36
Pieces of Heart in the Secrets &Specials chapter if you prefer to do it a diferent way.
To Los
To Hyrule

Gold Skulltula Token

1 Links House
2 Sarias House
3 Twins House
4 Kokiri Shop
5 Midos House
6 House of the Know-It-All
7 Forest Training Center
8 Great Deku Tree
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Tis Zelda eGuide has a custom navigation system to allow you to easily fnd content within the eGuide and move between sections as you
How To Use This Guide
Te main menu puts all of the eGuide
sections for Zelda at your fngertips. You
can select the Menu buton from any
eGuide page to return to the main menu
at any time.
Of course, you can also use the page
forward and return to beginning icons
to navigate through the eGuide.
Within each eGuide section, all
sub-sections are displayed for easy
For any other questions about your
eGuide, check out the help buton.
Enter keywords to fnd a secifc word
or phrase.
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How to Use This Guide ........ 4
The Story So Far ................... 5
How to Ply ........................... 6
Hero School ............................. 6
Map of Hyrule ........................ 12
Equipment & items ............... 13
Equipment ............................... 13
Items ......................................... 15
The Big Checklis ................... 19
The Beginning /
Kokiris Emerald ............... 20
Kokiri Fores .......................... 20
Impressing te Kokiri .................21
Inside te Gret Deku Tree ... 23
Get te Fairy Slingshot .............24
To te Basement .........................26
Basement Two .............................27
Boss: Gohma ..............................28
After Defetng Gohma ............28
Hyrule Field /
Hyrule Casle .................... 29
Hyrule Field ............................ 29
Exploring Hyrule Field .............29
Lon Lon Ranch ..........................30
Hyrule Casle ......................... 32
The Market .................................33
Breking and Entering ..............34
Meetng Princess Zelda .............36
Kakriko Village
and Vicinit ....................... 37
Kakriko Village .................... 37
Kakrikos Denizens ...................37
Graveyard ............................... 39
Exploring te Graveyard ..........39
Los Woods ............................. 41
Exploring te Maze ...................41
Sacred Fores Medow .......... 43
Getting te Gorons Ruby . 44
Det Mountain Trail ........... 44
Making te Ascent ....................44
Goron Cit .............................. 46
Home of te Gorons .................46
Dodongos Cavern ................. 47
Map & Compass ..........................48
Floor 2 /
Getting te Bomb Bag .............50
Boss: King Dodongo .................52
After Defetng
King Dodongo .........................53
The Zoras Sapphire ............ 55
Zoras River............................. 55
Getting Your Feet Wet .............56
Zoras Domain ........................ 57
Exploring te Domain ...............58
Lake Hylia ............................... 59
Jus a Day at te Lake? ..............60
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly .......... 61
Finding te Princess ..................62
Basement .....................................62
Tentacle Trouble ........................63
Bigocos Surprise .................. 64
Making a Move on te Boss .....65
Boss: Barinade ............................66
After Defetng Barinade .........66
The Temple of Time .............. 68
The Temple of Time ................. 68
Outside Hyrule Casle ..............68
Inside te Temple ........................68
The Fores Medallion ........ 70
Before te Fores Temple ....... 70
Epona ..........................................70
Graveyard ..................................71
Sacred Fores Medow ..............72
Fores Temple .......................... 73
Firt Floor ..................................74
Fairy Bow ....................................75
Poe Siser ...................................76
Boss: Phantom Ganondorf ......78
After Defetng Phantom
Ganondorf ...............................79
The Fire Medallion ............. 79
Before te Fire Temple ........... 79
Lake Hylia ..................................79
Temple of Time ............................79
Kakriko Village .......................80
Det Mountain / Goron Cit ....80
Det Mountain Crater ...........80
Fire Temple .............................. 81
Meetng Darunia .......................81
Second Floor .............................83
Getting Hotter ..........................85
To Volvagia! ...............................87
Boss: Volvagia ............................87
After Defetng Volvagia .........88
The Water Medallion......... 89
Ice Cavern ............................... 89
Zoras Fountain .........................89
Into te Ice Cavern ....................90
After te Ice Cavern .................91
Water Temple .......................... 92
Getting Your Feet Wet .............92
The Tower ...................................94
On te Way to te Boss ............97
Boss: Morpha .............................99
After Defetng Morpha ..........99
The Shadow Medallion ... 100
Before te Shadow Temple .. 100
Collecing Hert Pieces ..........100
Bottom of te Well .................101
The Shadow Temple .............. 104
Getting te Hover Boots .......104
Disobeying te Rules
of Gravit ...............................106
Deeper into te Temple ............107
Pay te Boatman ......................108
Boss: Bongo Bongo .................109
The Spirit Medallion ........ 110
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Gerudo Valley /
Haunted Waselnd ........... 110
Gerudo Valley .........................110
Haunted Waselnd ................113
Desert Colossus .......................114
Spirit Temple.......................... 115
Through a Childs Eyes ...........115
Second Floor ...........................117
Adult Acion ...........................119
Final Push ................................122
Boss: Twinrova Siser,
Koume and Kotake ................124
Gerudo Training Grounds .....125
Ganons Casle .................. 127
Ganons Casle ..................... 127
Entering te Casle .................128
Shadow Barrier .......................129
Water Barrier ..........................129
Fores Barrier ..........................130
Fire Barrier ...............................131
Spirit Barrier ............................131
Light Barrier ............................132
The Tower .................................132
Boss: Ganondorf .....................133
Boss: Ganon .............................134
Minigames .......................... 136
Minigames & Diverions ...... 136
Hyrule Casle Town Market ..136
Kakriko Village .....................137
Lake Hylia ................................138
Gerudo Valley .........................139
Secrets & Specials ............. 140
Gold Skulltl Locatons ... 140
Trading Game ....................... 143
The Happy Mask Shop .......... 145
Secrets of te Mask ...............146
Fairy Fountains .................... 147
Gret Fairy Fountains .............147
Normal Fairy Fountains ..........148
Bottle Locatons .................. 148
Magic Bens .......................... 150
Secret Grottoes .................. 151
Pieces of Hert ..................... 153
Maser Ques ..................... 154
The Gret Deku Tree ............ 154
Get te Fairy Slingshot ...........155
Basement 2 ................................155
Basement 1 ................................155
To te Basement .......................156
Basement Two ...........................157
Boss: Gohma ............................158
Dodongos Cavern ............... 158
Map & Compass ........................159
Firt Floor Again ....................162
Boss: King Dodongo ...............163
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly ........ 164
Finding te Princess ................164
Basement ...................................165
Tentacle Trouble ......................166
Bigocos Surprise ................ 166
Making a Move on te Boss ...167
Boss: Barinade .........................168
Fores Temple ........................ 168
Firt Floor ................................169
Collecing te Fairy Bow ........170
Poe Siser .................................171
Boss: Phantom Ganondorf ...173
Fire Temple ............................ 174
Meetng Darunia .....................175
Goron Liberator ......................176
Surviving te Maze ..................176
To te Boss ...............................177
Boss: Volvagia .........................177
After Defetng Volvagia .......178
Ice Cavern ............................. 178
Into te Ice Cavern ..................178
Water Temple ........................ 180
Critcal Collecing ..................182
Water Adjusments ..................182
Quesing for te Boss Key ......184
Boss: Morpha ..........................185
Bottom of te Well ............. 186
The Shadow Temple .............. 188
Getting te Hover Boots .......189
To te Lower Basement ...........190
Pay te Boatman ......................192
Boss: Bongo Bongo ................192
Spirit Temple.......................... 194
Through a Childs Eyes ...........194
Adult Acion ...........................197
Boss: Twinrova Siser,
Koume and Kotake ...............200
Gerudo Training Grounds .....202
Ganons Casle .................. 203
Ganons Casle ..................... 203
Entering te Casle .................203
Spirit Barrier ............................204
Fores Barrier ..........................205
Water Barrier ..........................205
Shadow Barrier .......................206
Fire Barrier ...............................206
Light Barrier ............................207
The Tower .................................207
Boss: Ganondorf .....................208
Boss: Ganon .............................210
Gold Skulltl Locatons
(Maser Ques) ................... 211
Maser Ques Overworld
Maps ................................... 214
Kokiri Fores ........................ 214
Hyrule Field .......................... 215
Hyrule Casle ....................... 215
Lon Lon Ranch ..................... 216
Kakriko Village .................. 216
Graveyard ............................. 217
Los Woods ........................... 217
Sacred Fores Medow ........ 218
Det Mountain Trail ......... 218
Goron Cit ............................ 219
Zoras River........................... 219
Zoras Domain ...................... 220
Zoras Fountain .................... 220
Lake Hylia ............................. 221
Det Mountain Crater ...... 221
Gerudo Valley ...................... 222
Gerudos Fortress ................ 222
Haunted Waselnd ............. 223
Desert Colossus ................... 223
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
How to Use This Guide
Welcome back to e Legend of Zelda: Ocaina of Time 3D, widely considered to be one of the greatest video games of al time. And now its
on the Nintendo 3DS with signicantly upgraded visuals (with 3D, of course), plus new features like motion controls and hint movies. Boss
Chalenge and Master uest oer an entirely new set of chalenges to experienced players.
But rst, whats in this uide? Wel, everything! We give you a ful wak-through for the main adventure, complete with maps. We also reveal
the locations of secret Pieces of Heart, Gold Skultula Tokens, and more. If its in the game, its in this uideincluding wak-throughs for the
tough new Master uest dungeons.
Cn=rvrn 1: Tnr Svonv So F=n
Nothing short of the fate of Hyrule is in the balance in
one of Links greatest adventures. Meet the main cast
and learn what features are new for the Nintendo 3DS
Cn=rvrn 2: How vo Ptv
Before striking out into Hyrule, study up on combat
tips and tricks, the many uses of the ocarina, and how
the Touch Screen completely changes how you manage
Links inventory. (Hint: Its much easier!)
Cn=rvrn 3: Equtrmrv 6 Ivrms
Link cannot stop the King of Evil with his bare hands.
Learn about al of Links equipment, such as weapons
and ecial tunics. Al of Links items are detailed here,
too, such as magic arows and potions. A checklist helps
you keep track of what items you can acquire and when.
Cn=rvrn 4: W=t-vnoucn
e entirety of Links adventurefrom his humle
origins in Kokiri Forest to his nal showdown against
the King of Evilis laid out here. Dungeon maps reveal
every secret. Boss-bale tips help you not just survive
but succeed. Enemies are detailed as you encounter
them. If its essential to saving Hyrule, its here.
Cn=rvrn 5: Mttc=mr Cutor
Minigames that are not essential to the primary
adventure are detailed here, complete with strategies for
completing them and geing top prizes.
Cn=rvrn 6: Srcnrvs 6 Srrct=ts
ere are so many cool things to quest for in Hyrule.
Special-item locations are revealed here, such as Pieces
of Heart and Gold Skultula Tokens. e mask-trading
side quest and the Bigorons Sword trading sequence
are joined by Big Poe locations, bole locations, and
a map of al the Magic Bean soil spots. Great Fairy
Fountain locations? Weve got those here, too!
Cn=rvrn 7: M=srn Qurs Ducros
e Master uest mirors Hyrule and remixes the
dungeons, uping the chalenge and changing puzzles.
Wak-throughs for al of the Master uest dungeons are
detailed here.
How vo Lsr Tnts Cutor
Tnr Svonv So F=n
How vo Ptv
Equtrmrv 6 tvrms
Tnr Brcttc / Kotnts Emrn=to
Hvnutr Ftrto / Hvnutr C=str
K=nto Vttt=cr =o Vtcttv
Crv1tc vr Conos Ruuv
Tnr Zon=s S=rrntnr
Tnr Trmrtr or Ttmr
Tnr Fonrs Mro=ttto
Tnr Ftnr Mro=ttto
Tnr W=vrn Mro=ttto
Tnr Sn=oow Mro=ttto
Tnr Srtntv Mro=ttto
C=os C=str
Srcnrvs 6 Srrct=ts
M=srn Qurs
C=os C=str
M=srn Qurs Cvrnwonto M=rs
The Story So Far
Before there was Hyrule, there was the Triforce. And before there was the Triforce, there were the three great goddesses.
Din, goddess of power. Nayru, goddess of wisdom. Farore, goddess of courage.
Together, these three crafed the world and all life within it. Before fading back into the cosmos, the goddesses forged a covenant with their
newly created world. Tey called this token the Triforce, a nine-sided symbol that guaranteed safety for the world for as long as it existed.
But things of such power draw dangerous desires. And while many resected and cherished the bond of the Triforce, there were others who
wanted to seize it and use it for their own wicked purposes. It has been said that throughout the centuries, a strain of truly evil beings have
moved on the Triforce. And with each challenge, a hero has risen to protect it.
Whats New on
Nintendo 3DS?
Te Nintendo 3DS edition of Te
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time comes
with many upgrades and new features.
Te most obvious, of course, is that
now you can experience one of Links
greatest adventures in 3D. However,
theres much more:
Use the lower screen for easy
inventory and item management.
Well go over this more in the
next chapter, but you can assign
two objects to virtual butons so
you can quickly access up to four
equipped items.
Aim projectile weapons with the
new gyroscope controls. Now you
can line up precision shots by tilting
and turning the Nintendo 3DS.
Special new Sheikah Stones now
ofer hints and tips in the form of
movies so you never get lost. Tese
movies show you what to do next
in Links quest.
Afer beating a boss, you can
replay the batle in Boss Challenge.
Detailed further in the Secrets &
Specials chapter, this new mode
lets you challenge all of the bosses
one at a time or in a gauntlet. Can
you survive?
Finally, the Master Quest. Te
Master Quest is a remixed version
of Ocarina of Time. Te world is
mirrored, dungeon puzzles are
adjusted, and enemies are more
challenging. Some collectibles are
in diferent places. If you think
youve seen all there is to see in
Ocarina of Time, just wait until you
try the Master Quest!
Tat hero is unaware he is being called. He
is Link, a young boy who lives in the forest
among the Kokiri. He is diferent from the
other Kokiri in that he lacks a guardian
fairy. He is also sufering a string of vicious
In his dreams, he sees a rider on horseback,
spiriting away a terrifed girl. Lighting crashes
over castle towers. And then another rider,
equally grim, turns his gaze on Link. At that
moment, the boy shoots awake in his bed.
Link may have thought these were just dreams.
But they are harbingers of a threat against Hyrule and what will happen if this boy does not
answer the call.
Te kingdom of Hyrule, a proserous kingdom, has long benefted from the protection of
the Triforce. But a traitor to Hyrule, a thief from the east, is threatening to destroy peace. His
terrible plot must be extinguished, but it will require a hero to awaken.
The Main Cas
Destiny doesnt ask for permission.
Young Link fnds this out the hard way. Raised in the peaceful Kokiri village, Link has no
knowledge of the great history of Hyrule. But he soon becomes a central fgure in the greatest
threat Hyrule has ever faced. To save the world, Link would has to not only brave the dangers
of the world beyond Kokiri Forest, but also wrinkle time itself and fnd out what kind of man
he could become.
Link did not have a fairy guardian of his own, but the Great Deku Tree assigns Navi to assist
the young hero in his quest to save Hyrule. As they adventure together, Navi will ofen assist
Link by pointing out objects of interest or ofering useful hints about the challenges ahead.
Te pair will remain almost inseparable for the majority of the quest.
Princess Zelda
Forever connected to Link, Princess Zelda is the daughter of the benevolent king of Hyrule.
She, too, has been enduring strange dreams. However, in her visions, she sees the coming hero
of Hyrule, Link. Tough she is in great danger, Zelda ofers assistance to Link in many ways,
including timeless friendship.
Legends tell of a great monster named Ganon that has threatened Hyrule at diferent points
in history. Ganondorf, though, does not look like previous incarnations of Ganon. Are they
one and the same? Or does evil move through the veins of this charming man known as the
King of the Gerudo, a great people to the east of Hyrule?
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
How to Ply
Only a hero with great skill and derring-do can save Hyrule from doom at the hands of the King of Evil. Without proper training, you will
struggle against the monsters threatening the realm. You will miss important items. You may not see every corner of Hyrule.
Tat simply cannot happen. So read this chapter to get a full view of everything you need to know before waking up in Kokiri Forest and
starting out on your great adventure.
Hero School
Upper Screen
Lower Screen
Te upper screen on your Nintendo 3DS is where the primary acion
takes place. Here you see Link as you explore Hyrule, engage enemies,
and search high and low for secrets. Here are all of the elements of
the upper screen:
1. Minimap: Tis map shows the current area when you are out in
Hyrule and the current room when you are in a dungeon.
: Tis buton has many diferent uses depending on your
current situation. When youre in front of a treasure chest, for
example, it opens the chest. When youre next to a person, it
initiates a conversation.
Te lower screen of the Nintendo 3DS allows you see a fuller map,
plus easily manage your inventory, equip items or gear, and monitor
your current condition.
3. View: Go into frst-person view. Use movement or the Circle
Pad to look around.
4. Hearts: Your current health.
5. Magic: Your current magic supply.
6. Map: As you explore more of Hyrule, the map here expands.
When in a dungeon, the map shows explored rooms.
7. Rupees: Current Rupee count.
8. Keys: Number of keys collected (dungeons only).
9. Ocarina: This activates the ocarina, allowing you to play songs.
10. Gear: View the Gear subscreen.
11. Map: View the Map subscreen.
12. Items: View the Items subscreen.
13. I & II Buttons: These virtual buttons allow you to equip items. With
these virtual buttons in addition to
, you can equip four items.
: This shows which items are currently mapped to
: Current equipped weapon.
4 5
9 10 11 12
Tis screen displays
your current gear
collection. Here is
where you equip
diferent weapons,
tunics, and shields. You
can also monitor the
quest items you collect
and the number of
Pieces of Heart acquired. To equip items like the Lens of Truth or
Boomerang, use the Items subscreen.
Items can be equipped
to the four acion
butons, including
the virtual I & II
butons. Te Fairy
Bow, Fairy Slingshot,
Hookshot, Hover
Boots, Bombchu...they
all appear here. Just
tap the item and then the buton you wish to assign it to.
When you collect magic arrows, double-tap the Fairy Bow
on this screen to bring up a submenu for selecting which
type of arrow you wish to use.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Sidesepping & Peeking
Swimming & Diving
Grabbing & Opening
When you select the
map tab on the lower
screen, you can see
an overview of your
surroundings. When
you are in a dungeon,
the entire map is flled
in when you locate the
Dungeon Map. Te
Dungeon Map also shows your current location by making it fash on
the map. Te Compass shows secifc locations of treasure chests and
other things hidden in the dungeon. Te butons on the right side of
the screen let you scroll through the diferent foors of a dungeon.
Tere is no jump
buton. Instead just run
toward a ledge, and you
automatically jump. If
there is another ledge
close enough to you,
you either land on it or
grab the edge and pull
yourself up.
Need to peer around a
corner or sidesep an
incoming atack? Hold
to lock the camera,
and then use the Circle
Pad to move around.
You are a fairly adept
swimmer. Just step
into the water, and
when youre over waist
deep, you start to
swim around. To dive,
. Your initial
dives are fairly shallow.
Collect the Silver Scale
and Golden Scale to dive deeper and fnd secial passages and hidden
To ascend a textured
wall, such as vines or
bricks, just press up into
it and you automat-
ically start climbing. To
climb objects like crates
and blocks, press up
into the object and then
When you are near
something you
can open, such as a
treasure chest,

is used.
also lets
you grab things, such
as Cuccos or Bomb
Flowers. When the
Action Icon shows
Grab, you pick up the object. Pressing
again releases it. If youre
running, you throw the item directly ahead of you. If youre standing
still, you calmly set the item back down in front of you.
When in the main
world, tap a location
on the map to see a
closer view of that
area on the upper
I & II Buttons
To make it easier to use collected items, you now have access
to a pair of additional butons on the lower screen: I & II.
Tese are conveniently placed next to
, and
on the
Nintendo 3DS, so its easy to reach over and tap them. Having
four item slots makes solving puzzles easier, esecially in the
temples and dungeons where you must use acquired items on
a regular basis.
Movement & Usage
A hero needs to know how to get around the kingdom efciently and
expediently. As you can imagine, you move with the Circle Pad. But
many of your other important moves and acions require the use of
Te faster youre running, the farther you leap.
If you miss a ledge and take a long tumble, press up on the Circle
Pad before you land to roll and prevent taking damage.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Pushing & Pulling
Sword Attack
Putting Away
Some boxes and blocks
can be pushed or
pulled. To do so, press
the Circle Pad into the
block and then use

to grab it. Now either
press forward or back
on the Circle Pad to
push or pull. When
you release
, you release the object and no longer move it.
Locking on to an
enemy is as easy as
looking at it and
. Tis
paints a yellow reticle
on your immediate
target and fxes your
look on it. Even as the
camera moves or your
enemy moves, you move with it, keeping it in your sights. To release
the lock, just let go of
-Targeting also
works with projectile
weapons, such as the
Fairy Bow or Fairy
Slingshot. Te range
-Targeting with
a projectile weapon is
greater, so it doesnt
break if you move far
away. Tis is a great method for making sure you never miss with a
ranged weapon, although there are many occasions when you need to
line up your own shots in frst-person view.
Te only downfall of
-Targeting? With your look focused, you are
vulnerable from the sides and rear.
When you are near a
person, use
to talk
to them. In certain
situations, you have
to talk to somebody
whos not next to
you. Use
target the person,
and then press

to start the conversation. Use
to advance the dialogue.
Your sword is assigned
. When you press
this buton, you strike
directly in front of
you. However, you
must know and master
multiple variations on
a basic sword swipe
if you want to bring
down some of the most fearsome monsters in Hyrule.
Unfortunately, Hyrule
recently became a
dangerous place. You
must brandish your
sword to protect
yourself from danger,
including a menagerie
of monsters unleashed
by the King of Evil
himself. When you begin your adventure, you soon gain access to
the trusty Kokiri Sword, which will serve you wellup to a point.
As you mature into the hero you are meant to be, you must seek out
more powerful blades.
can also be used to put items away when you are standing still.
For example, when you are holding a Deku Stick and come to a stop,
returns the stick to your inventory.
Some blocks are so large that you need secial items, such
as Silver Gauntlets, to move them.
Some weapons, such as the Megaton Hammer or
Biggorons Sword, require two hands. You cannot use a shield
while brandishing these weapons.
Jump Atack: Press
. Jump Atacks are one of your
most powerful atacks, because you leap into an enemy with
tremendous force. You are exposed while performing this atack,
but the extra power may end the batle before it even begins.
Slice: Press
. Tis is your basic sword strike.
Cut: Press
. Repeatedly atacking with
a basic combo as you slash back and forth, hacking away at the
enemy in front of you.
Chop: Press
. Targeting while atacking unleashes a direct
atack that is sure to fnd its mark. Your enemy may put up its
defenses, but you will not miss.
Stab: Press
+ toward enemy +
. Tis lunging atack is great
for geting under defenses or delivering a lightning-fast targeted
strike. As with the Jump Atack, though, you are temporarily
Spin Atack: Hold
(then release). Spin Atacks are good for
crowd control. At frst, you have a limited spin atack unleashed
by just making a circle with the Circle Pad and pressing
. But
when you unlock the Spin Atack via a Great Fairy Fountain,
and releasing it unleashes a powerful atack that
damages everything around you. However, this atack does
consume magic power.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Ranged Wepons
Whether you want to
avoid an atack or just get
away, rolling by pressing
up on the Circle Pad +
is a good move to
memorize. It gets you
out of tricky spots and
prevents you from taking
damage when you fall.
Shielding is a good
way to defect a blow,
but performing a
backfip (back on
Circle Pad +
avoids a close-range
atack altogether
and leaves you in
a good position to
immediately counteratack. Try mixing a backfip with a stab!
As you explore Hyrule,
you will discover
ranged weapons,
such as a Boomerang,
slingshot, and bow.
Tese are critical items
to use in batle with
with those you cannot
risk engaging in
close-quarters batle.
Tese weapons are
assigned to I, II,
, or
. Just pressing the
buton releases a shot
in the direction youre
looking. Press and hold
to enter frst-person
view. Now, keep the buton held while aiming, and then release to let
fy with a shot. Press either
to exit frst-person view.
Tough you can aim
with the Circle Pad
at all times, use the
Nintendo 3DS motion
sensor for precision
aiming. When you can
aim with tilt controls,
a small icon of the
Nintendo 3DS with
four arrows appears in the upper-right corner of the upper screen.
Now tilt the Nintendo 3DS to line up a perfect shot. With these new
motion controls, youll rarely miss!
Very early in your
travels, you are
gifed with the Fairy
Ocarina. Tis magical
instrument allows you
to play secial songs
that have wondrous
efects on the world,
such as teleporting you
to diferent destinations, changing the weather, and calling upon the
sacred friendship you have with Princess Zelda.
As you quest, you learn new songs. Afer learning a song, you can
play it at any timealthough it may not have any real efect if the
songs powers cannot be used at that given moment.
Your shield, once
acquired, is mapped
. Press the
buton to quickly
use your shield, or
hold it to keep the
shield up. Your shield
will defect atacks,
both ranged and
melee. However, there are some important limitations:
When you are a child, you cannot hold the Hylian Shield upright
its too heavy. All Link can do is hide under it. Try the lighter
Deku Shield to properly defend yourself.
Te Deku Shield burns up if its touched by fre.
Some shields will neutralize the elemental properties of an enemy,
such as an Ice Keese.
When holding your
shield, you can move
it around to defect a
particular atack or
bounce a projectile
back at an atacker.
Just hold down

to enter a defensive
stance behind the
shield, and use the Circle Pad to position the shield.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
To play the ocarina,
just tap the ocarina
buton on the botom
screen. Tis brings up
a model of the ocarina
on the lower screen.
Tere are fve notes,
each assigned to a
diferent buton. Some
songs just have a handful of notes; others have eight notes. If you ever
forget a song, just tap the musical notes in the lower-right corner to
bring up a song list.
Even if you know the notes of an ocarina song, you cannot play
it and enjoy its efects before actually learning it during your
Song Lis
Zeldas Lullaby
Play the royal song to unleash its
powerful magic.
Eponas Song
Call upon Epona, your loyal
Sarias Song
Communicate with Saria, your
childhood friend.
Suns Song
Cycle through day and night.
Song of Time
Perform amazing feats with
secial time blocks.
Song of Storms
Call down the power of the
Minuet of Fores
Instantly warp to the Sacred
Forest Meadow.
Bolero of Fire
Instantly warp to the Death
Mountain Crater.
Serenade of Water
Instantly warp to Lake Hylia.
Requiem of Spirit
Instantly warp to the Desert
Nocurne of Shadow
Instantly warp to the Graveyard.
Prelude of Light
Instantly warp to the Temple of
Scarecrows Song
Tere is an extra tune for the ocarina, but you get to make it
up yourself. When you meet the scarecrows at Lake Hylia,
you play your own eight-note song. Te scarecrows then
remember this song. Later in your adventure, play the song
back in secial areas to make the scarecrow Pierre appear,
which helps you access secret areas and hard-to-reach ledges.
Make sure you remember your eight-note song because it is
not cataloged in the ocarina song list!
Exploring Hyrule
Look Everywhere
Lisen to Navi
Day and Night
Leave no stone
unturned in Hyrule.
Tere are ofen secrets
right under your feet
and around any given
corner. Pick up stones
and slice through grass
to earn Rupees and
fnd Recovery Hearts.
Bomb cracked walls. Shater jars. Sure, it sounds like mayhem, but
poking around reveals so many goodies and treasures that you have
no reason not to be nosy. Of course, well tell you exactly where to
fnd all of the important items and secrets, but take it from us
break, cut, throw. Its fun and proftable in Hyrule!
When you wake
in Kokiri Forest at
the beginning of
your adventure, you
are assigned a fairy
companion named
Navi. Navi is a constant
companion, fiting
about wherever you go.
For such a tiny litle thing, she is an enormous asset. Navi can tell you
all about enemies, warn you of incoming dangers, and hint at secrets.
Te sun and moon arc
over Hyrule just like
our worldalthough
they do so a litle
faster. Certain things
only happen at secifc
times during the day.
Monsters only come
out at night in Hyrule
Field, for example. In
Hyrule Castle Town
Market, some shops
are open only during
the day. A song for the
ocarina cycles day and
night, allowing you
to seed up time to
achieve certain goals
faster, like hatching an egg or making a Gold Skulltula appear.
If you ever see Navi
turn green and futer
around something,
shes trying to tell you
something. Listen!
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
by Curtiz
Tresure Chess
Ride Epona
Gossip Stones
Secret Grottoes & te Shard of Agony
Fountains & Fairies
While exploring the
many dungeons and
temples in Hyrule,
always be on the
lookout for treasure
chests. Large treasure
chests contain
important items, such
as new equipment
and items. Small chests ofen contain keys, ammunition for ranged
weapons, and Recovery Hearts. Open every chest that you fnd.
When you are a child,
you encounter a
beautiful horse at Lon
Lon Ranch named
Epona. You are too
small to ride her at
this time, but forging
a relationship with
the horse pays of
handsomely when you grow up. As an adult, reunite with Epona so
you can ride her around Hyrule. Not only does this save time, but its
just cool to send time with this graceful animal.
Trough Hyrule,
you encounter
strange stones with
an all-seeing eye. At
frst, they only tell you
the time when you
strike them with your
sword. How bizarre.
But, if you play Zeldas
Lullaby for a Gossip Stone, you reveal a fairy.
Across Hyrule are
secial grotoes hidden
from sight, revealed
only when you have
secial items, like
bombs, the Megaton
Hammer, and more.
When you use one of
these items in secial
places, you discover the entrance to a secret groto. Tese litle
spots ofer all sorts of neat things, like cows you can milk for health
power-ups and Business Scrubs that sell items.
Weve marked secret
grotoes on all of our
maps, and the Secrets
& Specials chapter
gives a detailed
rundown on what
you can expect to
fnd in each location.
However, if you collect
enough Gold Skulltula Tokens and return them to the sorrowful
House of Skulltula in Kakariko Village, you earn the Shard of Agony.
Tis crystal chimes when you are close to a secret groto!
Fairies are not just for
luckthey possess
magical healing
powers. When you
come into contact
with a fairy, all of your
health is replenished.
So its important to
seek out fountains
where you fnd lots of fairies, as well as lone fairies hiding in jars.
When you are in a town or a house, time stands still.
When you fnd your frst botle, you can collect fairies. Tis is
extremely important because if you ever run out of hearts, a botled
fairy reflls your health and puts you right back in the fght.
Te Secrets & Specials chapter gives you the exact location of all
Fairy Fountains as well as the means of revealing their entrances.
To make Epona go faster, press
while riding to feed her carrots.
You only have six carrots, but they replenish over time.
Once you have the Mask of Truth, Gossip Stones turn quite chaty.
Check out the Secrets & Specials chapter for more details.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Sheikh Stones
Special new
Sheikah Stones
now ofer hints
and tips in the
form of movies
so you never
get lost. Tese
movies show you
what to do next
in Links quest. When you fnd a Sheikah Stone, crawl into it
to browse the list of available movies.
Travel trough Time
Tis should come
as no surprise, but
you manipulate the
fow of time in your
adventure, experi-
encing Hyrule as both
a child and an adult.
At diferent ages, you
are capable of diferent
things. For example, whereas child Link can slip through tiny crawl
spaces, he cannot ride Epona. Certain items are only available to
secifc ages, too. Te Megaton Hammer is entirely too heavy for
child Link, but the Fairy Slingshot is too small for adult Link.
Troughout the walk-through, we introduce you to a host of time-
secifc acivities and explain their restrictions.
Map of Hyrule
Behold, the majesty of Hyrule. Created eons ago by the same trio of goddesses who also formed the sacred Triforce, Hyrule is a place of
wonder. From the intimidating peak of Death Mountain to the lush prairies of Hyrule Field, there is no such thing as a boring sight in this
magical world.
Lon Lon
Los Woods
Zoras Fountain
Det Mountain Crater
Det Mountain
of Spirit
of Water
of Light
Minuet of
Nocurne of
Bolero of Fire
Red Text = Are Name Blue Text = Ocarina Song Warp Yellow Line = Shortcut
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Equipment & items
To complete his quest to thwart the King of Evil and his sinister plot to control Hyrule, Link needs to take up arms. Link can use swords,
shields, boots, and more to bolster his chances. Many things can be upgraded multiple times, too, such as wallets that hold Rupees (the coin of
the realm) and Bomb Bags.
Links Swords
Kokiri Sword
Maser Sword
Biggorons Sword
Location: Kokiri Forest
Te Kokiri Sword is Links
very frst blade. Its one of
the treasures of the Kokiri
and thus hidden within
the village. Te sword
isnt terribly large, but its the perfect size for
child Link. However, even if the sword itself
is a tad small, its still powerful enough to put
the hurt on the many nasties of Hyrule, such
as Deku Baba and Keese.
Location: Temple of Time
Te legendary Master
Sword is one of the great
threads that connects all
adventures in Hyrule.
According to legend, the
Master Sword is the only weapon that can
defeat the King of Evil.
Te Master Sword is larger and more
powerful than the Kokiri Sword, making it
ideal for adult Link. Tis blade is located in
the Temple of Time, locked behind a door
that can only be opened afer Link collects
the three Spiritual Stones.
Location: Death
Tough the Master
Sword is the only weapon
that can bring down the
King of Evil, Biggorons
Sword is actually the most powerful blade
Link can use in his adventure. Biggorons
Sword requires two hands, so Link cannot
use his shield while brandishing this blade.
However, the considerable extra damage
dealt by Biggorons Sword can end a fght
faster, making a shield less necessary.
Biggorons Sword is the reward for
completing a trading minigame that sends
Link crisscrossing across Hyrule on a series
of errands. However, Biggorons Sword is
well worth the efort, esecially against some
of the tougher dungeon bosses.
Links Shields
Deku Shield
Hylian Shield
Mirror Shield
Location: Kokiri Forest
Te very frst shield Link
fnds is the Deku Shield,
located in the Kokiri
village. Tough the shield
is rather small, its still
efective at repelling some atacks, such as
projectiles from Deku Scrubs. Te Deku
Shield is made of wood, though, so it will burn
up if Link atempts to use it when fghting a
fre-based enemy or if he stumbles into lava.
If you lose the Deku Shield, dont fret. You
can always buy a replacement in shops or
from some of the Business Scrubs in secret
grotoes. Deku Shields cost 40 Rupees.
Location: Purchase in
shops / Graveyard
Te Hylian Shield is a
signifcant upgrade from
the Deku Shield. Because
its made of metal, its much heavier and
child Link cannot wield it in a single hand.
When child Link uses the Hylian Shield, he
ducks beneath it and cannot move. Adult
Link, however, is strong enough to use it in
a fght and still move around while slashing
with a sword.
Te Hylian Shield typically costs 80 Rupees
in shops around Hyrule. However, you can
score a free Hylian Shield in the graveyard
behind Kakariko Village.
Location: Spirit Temple
Te Mirror Shield is a
very secial shield found
only in the Spirit Temple
beyond the Haunted
Wasteland. Tis shield can
refect almost any projectile, including magic
sells hurled at Link. It can even absorb
some magic and refect it back at an enemy.
Te Mirror Shield refects light, too, which
makes it critical for solving several puzzles in
the Spirit Temple and beyond.
Links Tunics
Kokiri Tunic
Goron Tunic
Location: Kokiri Forest
Te green Kokiri Tunic
is the typical dress of the
Kokiri, the children of the
forest. When Link frst
wakes from his terrible
dream, hes wearing this tunic. It also grows
up along with Link when he travels into the
future via the Temple of Time.
Location: Goron City
Te red Goron Tunic was
designed by the people
of Death Mountain.
It protects the wearer
from extreme heat in
such places as the Death Mountain Crater.
Tough Link frst sees the Goron Tunic in
the Goron Shop (inside Goron City) when
hes a child, its just too big for him to wear.
Only adult Link can wear a Goron Tunic.
Te Goron Tunic is frst awarded to Link by
Darunias son when he returns as an adult. If
the tunic is lost, it can be repurchased at the
Goron Shop.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Big Checklis
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Zora Tunic
Iron Boots
Deku Seed Bullet Bag
Bomb Bag
Gorons Bracelet
Hover Boots
Big Deku Seed Bullet Bag
Big Quiver
Big Bomb Bag
Bigges Bomb Bag
Bigges Quiver
Bigges Deku Seed Bullet Bag
Location: Zoras Domain
Link cannot hold his
breath underwater for
very long, but as soon as
he dons a blue Zora Tunic,
hes pracically gifed with
gills. Te Zora Tunic is only available for
adults, so Link cannot purchase or acquire
one until hes grown. Link receives the Zora
Tunic from the defrosted King Zora.
If Link loses the Zora Tunic (hungry Like
Likes love to devour secial tunics), he can
buy a replacement from the Zora Shop in
Zoras Domain.
Location: Ice Cavern
Links default Kokiri Boots
are fne for keeping feet
dry, but theyre no help
underwater. Te secial
Iron Boots (recovered in
the Ice Cavern) are ideal for underwater
mobility. Once Link slips his feet into these
heavy boots, he sinks in water and can walk
along the ground.
Te Iron Boots are also useful for stomping
across shifing sands.
Location: Great Deku
When Link frst acquires
the Fairy Slingshot, he
receives the default Bullet
Bag. Tis bag carries 30
Deku Seeds to use with the new slingshot.
Location: Forest Temple
Like the frst Deku Seed
Bullet Bag, Link receives
the quiver when he
acquires the Fairy Bow at
the Forest Temple. Tis
quiver holds only 30 arrows.
Location: Dodongos
Te Bomb Bag is made
from the stomachs of
Dodongos, which can hold
these highly explosive
items. Tis frst bag holds 20 bombs. Link
locates it inside Dodongos Cavern, near
Goron City on Death Mountain.
Location: Goron City
Darunia, leader of the
Gorons, gives this bracelet
to Link when he comes
to see him in Goron City.
Tis bracelet lets Link pull
Bomb Flowers and then hurl the explosive
fruit. Without this bracelet, Link can only
use Bomb Flowers as stationary explosives.
Location: Shadow Temple
Te winged Hover Boots
help Link temporarily
thwart gravity. While
wearing Hover Boots,
Link can run of a ledge
or the edge of a platform and keep moving
for several steps before he eventually starts
to fall. Tese boots are essential for crossing
large gaps in the foor.
Word of warning: When worn on regular
ground, the Hover Boots cause slipping and
sliding as if Link is walking on ice. Its not
impossible to slide right of an edge.
Location: Lost Woods,
Hyrule Castle Town
Want to carry up to 40
Deku Seeds? Win the Big
Deku Seed Bullet Bag either
from the Shooting Gallery in the Hyrule Castle
Town Market or by hiting a secial target in
the Lost Woods just outside Kokiri Forest.
Location: Kakariko
Village, Gerudos
Te Big Quiver holds up
to 40 arrows. Link can win
it either in the Kakariko
Shooting Gallery (as an adult) or by scoring
1,500 points at the Horseback Archery
Range outside the Gerudos Fortress.
Location: Goron City,
Hyrule Castle Town
Te Big Bomb Bag holds
30 bombs. Tis upgrade is
found either by stopping the
Hot Rodder Goron in Goron City (use a bomb
to stop him as he rolls under the overhang) or
by completing the Bombchu Bowling Alley in
Hyrule Castle Town Market.
Location: Goron City,
Hyrule Castle Town
Te Biggest Bomb Bag
holds 40 bombs. Tis
upgrade is found either by
stopping the Hot Rodder Goron in Goron
City (use a bomb to stop him as he rolls
under the overhang) or by completing the
Bombchu Bowling Alley in Hyrule Castle
Town Market.
Location: Kakariko
Village, Gerudos
Te Biggest Quiver holds
up to 50 arrows. Link
can obtain it either in the
Location: Hyrule Castle
Town Market
Te Biggest Deku Seed
Bullet Bag lets Link carry
up to 50 Deku Seeds to use
with the Fairy Slingshot.
Acquire this bag by geting a perfect score at
the Shooting Gallery in Hyrule Castle Town
Market, or by participating in the Target
Pracice in the Lost Woods.
Bullet Bags
Bomb Bags
Deku Seeds can also be
found in treasure chests,
grasses, and fallen enemies.
Silver Gauntlets
Location: Spirit Temple
Afer Link recovers the
Silver Gauntlets in the Spirit
Temple, he has twice the
strength and can lif huge
silvery boulders with ease.
Kakariko Shooting Gallery (as an adult) or
by scoring 1,500 points at the Horseback
Archery Range outside the Gerudos Fortress.
You dont have to obtain the Bullet Bag
upgrades in a particular order.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Big Checklis
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Silver Scale
Golden Scale
Childs Wallet
Adults Wallet
Giants Wallet
Location: Zoras Domain
Links diving ability is
very limited until he wins
the Silver Scale from the
Zoras. To collect the Silver
Scale, complete the diving
game next to King Zoras throne in Zoras
Domain. Once acquired, Link can dive twice
as far as normal, which allows him entrance
to some deep spots around the kingdom.
Location: Lake Hylia
Te Golden Scale lets Link
dive three times as deep as
normal. Tis scale is won by
reeling in a 15-pound fsh at
Lake Hylia as an adult.
Te Childs Wallet allows
Link to carry 100 Rupees.
Tats not a lot of change,
so he should seek out the
wallet upgrades.
Location: House of
Te Adults Wallet can
hold up to 200 Rupees.
Tis wallet is the frst
reward in the House of
Skulltula. Collect 10 Gold Skulltula Tokens,
and then free the frst cursed child.
Location: House of
Te Giants Wallet can
hold up to 500 Rupees. Its
the reward for bringing 30
Gold Skulltula Tokens back
to the House of Skulltula in Kakariko Village.
Golden Gauntlets
Location: Ganons Castle
Te secial Golden
Gauntlets cant be
recovered until near the
end of Links adventure
in the Forest Barrier of
Ganons Castle. Te Golden Gauntlets allow
Link to pick up and hurl giant obelisks,
which not only lets him access the heart of
Ganons Castle but also reveals the last Great
Fairy Fountain.
In addition to equipment and weapons Link uncovers during his adventure, he needs many other items to complete his mission to stop the
King of Evil. Use this catalog to get familiar with everything from quest-secifc items, like Spiritual Stones, to mobility items, such as the
Hookshot and Longshot.
Ques Items
Spirital Stones
Te Master Sword is hidden behind the
Door of Time in the Temple of Time. Te
only way to unlock this door is by placing
the three Spiritual Stones in an altar within
the temple. Tese stones are hard won by
braving three dangerous dungeons and
proving that Link is indeed a champion of
Hyrule and all of its people.
Kokiris Emerald
Gorons Ruby
Zoras Sapphire
Location: Great Deku Tree
Te sacred Kokiris
Emerald is the frst of the
three Spiritual Stones Link
must recover to open the
Door of Time and obtain
the Master Sword. Te Kokiris Emerald is
the most valuable treasure of the children of
the forest. Its given to Link by Great Deku
Tree afer completing that frst dungeon.
Location: Goron City
Darunia protects the
Gorons Ruby and will not
give it out to just anyone.
Link must prove himself
to be a real hero of the
Gorons to earn this Spiritual Stone. Only
afer slaying King Dodongo inside Dodongos
Cavern does the big boss of the Gorons part
with this treasure.
Location: Jabu-Jabus Belly
King Zoras daughter has
gone missing. It turns
out she was swallowed
by the great Jabu-Jabu,
the resected deity of the
Zoras. If Link can brave the depths of Jabu-
Jabus Belly and not only rescue Princess
Ruto but also discover what has turned
Jabu-Jabu so sour, King Zoras daughter
will hand over the Zoras Sapphire to Link,
allowing him to fnally open the Door of
Time in the Temple of Time.
Once Link opens the Door of Time, the
thrust of Links quest changes to recovering
six medallions from the Sages of Hyrule.
Tese medallions are critical for stopping the
King of Evil, Ganondorf. Only afer all of the
medallions are recovered can Link make his
fnal approach on Ganons Castle and bring
the tyrant to his knees.
Fores Medallion Fire Medallion
Location: Forest
Location: Fire
Water Medallion Shadow Medallion
Location: Water
Location: Shadow
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Big Checklis
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Spirit Medallion Light Medallion
Location: Spirit
Location: Temple of
Links Collecions
Troughout his adventure, Link can collect
a series of items that help him in his quest.
Increasing the number of hearts is critical
for success, but recovering Gold Skulltula
Tokens and Empty Botles is also equally
Rupees make the economy in Hyrule go
round. Link uses Rupees to purchase goods
and services, from extra bombs and arrows
to access to the fshing pond at Lake Hylia.
Rupees come in many diferent colors, each
signifying a diferent amount.
Green: 1
Blue: 5
Red: 20
Purple: 50
Silver: 5 (puzzle element)
Huge: 200
Hert Container
Pieces of Hert
Gold Skulltl Tokens
Link begins his adventure
with just three hearts. His
chances of succeeding in
his quest increase every
time he earns a new heart.
Afer defeating a boss at
the end of dungeons, Link
recovers a Heart Container, which adds an
entire heart to his life bar as well as replenish
any sent health.
Te maximum number
of hearts Link can earn
is 20, but defeating all
of the bosses only leaves
Link with 11. Te other
nine come from collecting
36 Pieces of Heart. Four
Pieces of Heart create one Heart Container.
Some of these Pieces of Heart are easy to fnd,
but others require some tricky exploring and
even the use of the Temple of Time.
Te locations of all 36 Pieces of Heart are
detailed in the Secrets & Specials chapter as
well as in the walk-through.
When Link visits the
sorrowful House of
Skulltula in Kakariko
Village, he discovers a
cursed family. Greed
has turned them into
Skulltulas! Te only way
to help revert them to Hylian form is to
collect Gold Skulltula Tokens. Te 100
tokens are spread across Hyrule and earned
by defeating Gold Skulltulas. Tese litle
creeps only come out at night or inside of
dungeons, and even then they love to hide.
But collecting these tokens and bringing
them back to the House of Skulltula pays out
in secial rewards, such as larger wallets that
allow Link to carry more Rupees.
Te locations of all 100 Gold Skulltula
Tokens are revealed in the Secrets &
Specials chapter. We also mark the
locations on the walk-through maps.
Botles are extremely
versatile items. Tese
important items allow
Link to carry liquids, such
as potions and health-
replenishing Lon Lon
Milk. Fish, bugs, fairies,
and more are also stored inside botles.
Tere are only four botles for Link to fnd
in Hyrule, and collecting them wont be easy.
However, doing so is well worth the efort.
For example, having a botled fairy in Links
inventory can make all the diference in a
difcult boss batle.
Use botles to hold other
things, too, like Poes and
Detailed instructions for collecting all
four botles are in the Secrets & Specials
chapter, as well as in the walk-through.
Shard of Agony
Te Shard of Agony
is a secial stone that
alerts Link to nearby
secret grotoes. Secret
grotoes are holes in the
ground that lead to Fairy
Fountains, treasure chests,
Business Scrubs, and more. When near
a secret groto, the Shard of Agony dings
like a chime. Grotoes are ofen revealed
by planting bombs, lifing boulders, and
performing other feats.
Te locations of all secret grotoes are
marked on the walk-through maps as well as
listed in the Secrets & Specials chapter.
Fairy Ocarina
Location: Kokiri Forest
When Link completes the
Great Deku Tree dungeon,
he is given the Fairy
Ocarina by Saria, one of
the Kokiri. Tis secial
instrument plays magical tones. Ocarina
songs can do amazing things, like change day
to night (and back), call Epona, warp Link
around Hyrule, and more.
Troughout Links adventure, he learns
new songs from the people he meets.
Ocarina of Time
Location: Hyrule Castle
When the situation seems
most dire, Link is given the
Ocarina of Time, an even
more powerful musical
instrument capable
of playing even more learned songs. Te
Ocarina of Time even has a secret, secial
purpose that is unknown to Link.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Big Checklis
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Fairy Slingshot
Location: Great Deku
Te Fairy Slingshot is the
frst projectile weapon
Link obtains in his
adventure. Located in a
treasure chest within the Great Deku Tree,
this slingshot allows Link to fre Deku Seeds
at enemies, damaging them from afar. Shot
Deku Seeds can also trigger switches and
solve puzzles. While the slingshot is not the
most powerful weapon Link can use (not by
a long shot), it is still quite efective against
some enemies with elemental properties. For
example, hiting a Fire Keese with a Deku
Seed temporarily removes its damaging fre.
Location: Jabu-Jabus Belly
Te Boomerang is
recovered from a treasure
chest inside Jabu-Jabus
Belly while Link to
atempting to rescue
Princess Ruto. Te Boomerang is good for
defeating weaker enemies from afar. Just
target an enemy and then let fy with this
weapon. It arcs across the room and smacks
the target. (Larger enemies may only be
stunned by a Boomerang strike.)
Te Boomerang is also useful for
collecting hard-to-reach items, such as
Gold Skulltula Tokens.
Fairy Bow
Location: Forest Temple
When Link is an adult,
he can no longer use the
Fairy Slingshot. However,
this item is replaced
(for adult Link only) by
the Fairy Bow, which is found inside the
Forest Temple. Te bow fres arrows, which
do much more damage than Deku Seeds.
Arrows can also fip switches, and they can
light torchesas long as you fre one through
a fre source on its way to the torch.
Location: Graveyard
Te Hookshot is one of
Links most useful items.
Tis device fres a grappling
hook across gaps and
chasms. When it connects
Use the Hookshot to atack smaller
enemies and stun large ones. Link can also
use it to collect previously unreachable
items, such as Gold Skulltula Tokens.
Te Hookshot is the reward for beating
Damp in a race at the Graveyard.
Location: Water Temple
Te Longshot is an
upgraded Hookshot. It
has twice the range of the
Longshot, allowing Link
to travel across greater
distances. Like the Hookshot, it also works
as a makeshif weapon or item collector.
Link earns the Longshot afer he defeats
Dark Link inside the Water Temple.
Megaton Hammer
Lens of Trut
Location: Fire Temple
Te Megaton Hammer is
a huge hammer capable of
not only smashing enemies
(it does incredible damage)
but also triggering rusty,
old switches. Te Megaton Hammer
requires two hands to use, so Link cannot
use a shield while brandishing the hammer.
Te hammer is also suited for shatering
giant boulders that otherwise could not be
destroyed with bombs.
Location: Botom of the Well
Te Lens of Truth allows Link to see that
which is unseen and that which was once
false. When acivated, the Lens of Truth
reveals invisible entrances, traps, hidden
enemies, and more. While its acive, Link
can explore and fght as normal, but he must
be mindful of how long he uses the Lens of
Truth because it slowly drains his magic.
Defeating Dead Hand in the depths of the
Well beneath Kakariko Village reveals the
Lens of Truth. And just in time for its use in
the Shadow Temple!
Ammuniton &
Dispensable Items
Deku Stck
Deku Sticks are switches
of wood primarily used as
makeshif torches. When
he has one in hand, Link
just needs to wave it in
front of a lit torch to ignite
it. Te Deku Stick then
remains lit for several seconds. It can burn
out, though, which depletes Links supply by
one. If put away before it goes out, Link saves
the Deku Stick for later use.
Deku Sticks can also be used as weapons.
Link can swipe at enemies while holding a
Deku Stick to do damage, esecially when
the torch is lit.
to a grabbable surface, Link rockets toward
it. Some dungeons and temples have secial
tiles made for the Hookshot so Link can zip
all around the place.
Deku Nuts
When thrown at the
ground, Deku Nuts
explode in a fash of light.
Tis stuns most enemies
(even giant bosses) and
even damages weak foes.
Te fash can disel the
elemental qualities of some enemies, like Fire
Its easy to forget about Deku Nuts afer
scoring some good weapons and items, but
dont ignore these useful items. Stunning
an enemy can really help Link get the upper
hand in an otherwise daunting situation.
Bombs are one of the
most useful items Link
uses on his adventure.
Bombs can be ignited and
then thrown at enemies
from afar, dishing out big
damage. However, bombs
are also used to blast through boulders and
breakable walls. Many secret grotoes are
revealed through strategic bomb placement.
Be sure to seek out the Bomb Bag upgrades
so Link can carry more bombs on his quest.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Big Checklis
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Bombchus are wind-up
bombs that run along
the ground (or almost
any fat surface) for a few
seconds before exploding.
Tese secial bombs are
primarily for solving
puzzles, but Link can deploy them in combat
to turn back enemies as they close the
distance or to surprise an unaware foe.
Bombchus are not common items. You
fnd them at the Bombchu Bowling Alley
or Bombchu Shop in Hyrule Castle Town
Market as well as on occasion while
exploring dungeons.
Fire Arrows
Arrows are the projectile
fred by the Fairy Bow.
More powerful than
seeds fred from the Fairy
Slingshot, arrows are
fast and deadly. In some
situations, arrows can
be fred through torches and temporarily
ignited to light other torches.
Location: Lake Hylia
Magical Fire Arrows
are powered-up arrows
that do extra damage to
enemiesesecially those
made of ice. Fire Arrows
also light torches and burn down environ-
mental hazards. Unleashing Fire Arrows
burns through Links magic, so be mindful of
that meter.
Find Fire Arrows above Lake Hylia afer
the Water Temple has been completed.
Ice Arrows
Light Arrows
Location: Gerudo
Training Ground
Ice Arrows are a magical
power-up to regular
arrows. When acivated,
they freeze most enemies
for a few moments, giving Link the chance to
close in and strike with a sword.
Location: Ganons Castle
Light Arrows are critical
to defeating Ganondorf,
although they are also very
powerful against other
enemies. Tese are magical
arrows, though, so keep an eye on the magic
meter to make sure Link doesnt deplete
his magic supply and run dry at the worst
possible moment.
Ice Arrows are completely optional, but
freezing enemies is fun.
Link receives Light Arrows just before
going into the fnal act of his adventure.
Magic Bens
Location: Zoras River
A pudgy salesman lazes on
the bank of Zoras River,
selling Magic Beans. Tere
are 10 beans, and they
go up in prices as Link
purchases them. Plant these beans in soil
patches around Hyrule when Link is a child,
and then return as an adult. Te Magic
Beans grow into sprouts that transport Link
to secret places.
Te locations of the 10 Magic Bean spots
are detailed in the Secrets & Specials
chapter, including the prizes Link can
recover with them when he becomes an
adult. (Psst: Pieces of Heart!)
Red Poton
Green Poton
Blue Poton
Red Potions replenish
lost health. Link needs an
Empty Botle to store Red
Potions (or any potion)
when purchased at shops.
A Red Potion has just one
Te Green Potion
replenishes sent magic,
which is important for
Link when he uses magical
arrows, the Lens of Truth,
or his magic sells.
Blue Potions replenish
both health and magic,
making them very
valuableesecially in
harrowing boss batles.
Magic Jar
Fairies are located in
jars, Gossip Stones, and
at fountains. Link can
just walk into a fairy and
absorb its healing power.
Te touch of a fairy
replenishes all lost hearts.
However, Link can trap a fairy in a botle
(equip a botle to an empty slot and then
use it in the presence of a fairy) and store it
his inventory. If Link falls in batle, the fairy
instantly brings him back from the brink
with a full set of hearts.
Magic Jars replenish Links
magic meter. Magic Jars
are dropped by fallen
enemies and found in
chests. Tey cannot be
stored. Tey are used as
soon as Link touches them.
Link can discover three magic sells as he
explores Hyrule. Tese sells are gifed to
Link by the Great Fairies in the Great Fairy
Fountains. Te location of all of the Great
Fairy Fountains can be found in the Secrets &
Specials chapter, as well as the walk-through.
Dins Fire
Location: Great Fairy
Fountain (Hyrule
Dins Fire envelops Link
in a wreath of fre. Tis
fame ignites torches
and scorches enemies, although it does not
do considerable damage. Dins Fire uses
a minimal amount of magic, but using it
constantly can deplete the magic meter
faster than expected.
Farores Wind
Location: Great Fairy
Fountain (Zoras
Sometimes, Link needs
to get out of a dungeon
right away. Farores Wind
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Big Checklis
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Nayrus Love
Location: Great Fairy
Fountain (Desert
Nayrus Love casts a
shield around Link for a
limited time. While this
sell is acive, Link does not take damage
from enemies, although he can be knocked
down or pushed of ledges. (Lava also does
damage.) Tis sell consumes a lot of magic,
but in a deserate situation, it can mean the
diference between success and failure.
While using Nayrus Love, Link cannot use
any other magic, including magic arrows or
the Spin Atack.
Dungeon Items
Link fnds four items in almost every single
dungeon (there are some exceptions, such as
the Ice Cavern or the Well). Tese items are
needed to see every corner of the dungeon,
such as the always-useful Compass.
Dungeon Map
Small Key
Boss Key Dungeon Maps reveal the
entire layout of a dungeon,
including all foors. Te
map shows which rooms
Link has explored and
which still need to be
Once found in a dungeon,
the Compass reveals the
location of all unopened
treasure chests and the
location of the dungeon
Silvery Small Keys are
used to unlock doors. Tey
can only be used once, but
there are always enough of
them hidden in a dungeon
to open every locked door.
Te boss of the dungeon
is always hidden away
behind a secial locked
door. To open the
imposing lock, Link needs
to recover the Boss Key
from an ornate treasure
creates a warp point within a dungeon (as
long as it has a map). When acivated again,
Link instantly zips to the warp created
by the magic sell. Farores Wind uses a
medium amount of magic.
The Big Checklis
Want a quick reference guide for where critical equipment and items are found? Use this checklist to see when and where Link uncovers the
gear he needs to stop the King of Evil.
Item/Equipment Locaton Found Got It?
Kokiri Sword Kokiri Forest
Deku Shield Kokiri Forest
Deku Nuts Kokiri Forest
Deku Stick Kokiri Forest
Fairy Slingshot Great Deku Tree
Fairy Ocarina Kokiri Forest
Hylian Shield Graveyard
Botle Lon Lon Ranch
Botle Kakariko Village
Bombs Dodongos Cavern
Dins Fire Hyrule Castle
Bombchus Hyrule Castle Town Market
Magic Beans Zoras River
Farores Wind Zoras Domain
Botle Lake Hylia
Boomerang Jabu-Jabus Belly
Ocarina of Time Hyrule Field
Item/Equipment Locaton Found Got It?
Master Sword Temple of Time
Botle Hyrule Castle Town Market
Biggorons Sword Death Mountain
Hookshot Graveyard
Fairy Bow Forest Temple
Gorons Tunic Goron City
Megaton Hammer Fire Temple
Iron Boots Ice Cavern
Zora Tunic Zoras Domain
Longshot Water Temple
Fire Arrow Lake Hylia
Lens of Truth Botom of the Well
Hover Boots Shadow Temple
Ice Arrows Gerudo Training Ground
Nayrus Love Desert Colossus
Mirror Shield Spirit Temple
Light Arrows Temple of Time
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Big Checklis
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Te children of the forest, the Kokiri, are all blessed with a fairy companionall except one, that is. Tere is a lone boy in Kokiri Forest
diferent from the others in that he does not have a fairy to watch over him. However, this is fnally about to change. Upon waking from a
terrible nightmare, one in which lightning crashed over a castle as a young girl was spirited away on horseback, the boy fnally receives his fairy
companion on orders from the guardian of the woods, the Great Deku Tree.
Te Great Deku Tree senses that a malevolent force threatens Hyrule in a way never before seen. Not even the magic of the Kokiri Forest is
enough to turn back this growing evil. But the Great Deku Tree also knows that within the forest lives a child who will one day rise up and
challenge this unfathomable wretchedness.
And so the Great Deku Tree assigns the boy named Link his very own fairy companion. Navi, a spitfre fairy, is tasked with seeking out Link
and bringing him to the Great Deku Tree. Time is of the essence, too, because evil is about to claim its frst victim in Hyrule.
Kokiri Fores
Hearts: 3
Pieces of Heart: 0/36
Equipment/Items Found: Kokiri
Sword, Deku Shield, Deku Stick
Tis forest is home to the Kokiri, also known as
the children of the forest. Te Kokiri never grow
old, remaining sprightly youths for their entire
lives. Because all Kokiri have a fairy companion,
there is an assumption that something is not quite
right with one boy in their midst, Link.
Navi wakes Link from his restless sleep, telling the
boy that hes been summoned to the Great Deku Tree. Teres no time to waste, so Link needs
to rub the sleep from his eyes and get going. Reaching the Great Deku Tree, though, requires
dealing with some of the less agreeable Kokiri...
Tese Progress Boxes track the current heart count and Pieces of Heart if you follow this walk-through to the leter. You are
not required to collect the Pieces of Heart in our suggesed orderor even at all. Tere is a guide to the locations of all 36
Pieces of Heart in the Secrets & Specials chapter if you prefer to do it a diferent way.
To Los
To Hyrule

Gold Skulltula Token

1 Links House
2 Sarias House
3 Twins House
4 Kokiri Shop
5 Midos House
6 House of the Know-It-All
7 Forest Training Center
8 Great Deku Tree
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Impressing te Kokiri
Te village is alive with busy Kokiri,
including Saria, who seems to have a secial
afection for you. Te path to the Great
Deku Tree is blocked by Mido, a Kokiri who
rather fancies Saria himself.
Mido will not allow you to pass without
a sword and shield, which he doesnt
expect you to fnd. So its time to gather up
the Kokiri Sword and enough Rupees to
purchase a Deku Shield.
Sheikh Stones
Tere is a secial stone next to Links
house. Tis is a Sheikah Stone. Tere
are two of them in Hyrule, including
another located in the Temple of Time.
Sheikah Stones ofer reels of hint movies
to help you always know where you need
to go next and how to accomplish goals.
Te movies are split into categories
based on secifc locations and acivities,
and they are revealed as you move deeper into the adventure. You may not necessarily
need to use the Sheikah Stones because youre holding this guide (which is flled with
strategies and secrets)...
Kokiri Sword
Te frst of the two items you should seek
out is the Kokiri Sword, a treasure of the
Kokiri which you may borrow for a litle
while. Te sword is located behind the Forest
Training Center, which is on the ledge above
Links house. To collect the Kokiri Sword,
wind through the fences leading to the back
wall of the center.
Tere is a small hole at the rear of the
Forest Training Center. Sneak through the
hole to discover a short labyrinth.
Inside the maze, make an immediate turn
to the small patch of clover where you fnd
a blue Rupee. (Its worth 5 Rupees, which
will help out with obtaining a Deku Shield.)
Now, quickly duck into the alcove with the
sign to avoid geting pushed down by a large
rolling boulder. Te boulder rolls around the
simple labyrinthits prety easy to avoid
it as you snake to the treasure chest to the
Te treasure chest in the alcove at the end
of the labyrinth contains the Kokiri Sword.
Now equip it on the Gear subscreen on the
lower screen, ataching it to the B Buton.
Retrace your steps, and leave the small maze
via the hole.
Outside the hole, seak to the Kokiri to
try out some new moves and atacks with
L-Targeting. Tis is a good chance to try out
the jump atack, side jumps, and slashes.
While winding back out of the Forest
Training Center, slice up the signs and
grasses to collect Rupees.
Deku Shield
Mido needs to see more than a sword to let
you leave the village and have an audience
with the Great Deku Tree. You need to
purchase a Deku Shield from the shop. It
costs 40 Rupees. Tere are several ways to
earn Rupees in the village, such as rushing
through tall grasses and cuting down the
smallish grasses around the village.
Grab and smash the rocks in front of
Midos house.
Look behind Midos house.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Cut the grass in front of Sarias house.
(And be sure to peek inside for Recovery
Cross the susended bridges to collect a
blue Rupee.
Jump across the platforms in the stream.
Afer collecting 40 Rupees, head for the
shop. Chat with the girl above the shop
for a short tutorial on L-Targeting and
conversations, and then dart inside. Te
shopkeeper can barely see above the counter,
but hell take your 40 Rupees in exchange for
a Deku Shield. Once its purchased, equip
it via the Gear subscreen. Now you have
everything you need to satisfy Mido and
approach the Great Deku Tree.
Kokiri Shop Inventory
Item Name Price
Arrows (10) 20
Arrows (30) 60
Deku Nuts (5) 15
Deku Nuts (10) 30
Deku Shield 40
Deku Stick 10
Recovery Heart 10
To te Gret Deku Tree
Mido reluctantly stands aside so you can
proceed to the Great Deku Tree. However,
before you can reach the tree, you must fght
your very frst enemies: Deku Babas. Te
Deku Babas drop Deku Sticks, which can be
used as makeshif weapons and torchesthe
later are very important in the frst dungeon
of this adventure.
Deku Baba
Deku Babas are ravenous vegetables that snap at you when you get too
close. Because they are plants, they cannot move around. But when
they lunge from their immobile positions, they are still prety fast.
Watch out for those teeth, and deliver sword strikes to the vulnerable
Open the treasure chests inside Midos house. Afer you cleave down the Deku Babas,
the path to the Great Deku Tree is clear.
Te Great Deku Tree is pleased to see you,
although there is a hint of melancholy to its
greeting. Te Deku Tree shares its concern
for the fate of the world and reveals that it
has been cursed by the evil that threatens to
befoul Hyrule.
Afer charging you to discover the courage
within you, the Great Deku Tree opens its
mouth, revealing the entrance to its interior.
You must brave the tree and seek out what
curses it.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hearts: 3
Pieces of Heart: 0/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Fairy Slingshot, Deku Nut,
Kokiris Emerald
Cursed by an approaching evil, the Great Deku Tree needs Links help. Te boy must take up sword
and shield and then enter the depths of the Great Deku Tree to fnd the source of the ills befalling
the majestic guardian of Kokiri Forest. Inside the Great Deku Tree, Link will encounter new enemies
much more dangerous than the Deku Baba, including his frst duel with one of the boss monsters
aligned with the King of Evil.

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AD Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Get te Fairy

Main Room
When you frst enter the Great Deku
Tree, look for a handful of Deku Babas
surrounding a hole in the foor in the rooms
center. Tese are easy pickingsand a good
chance to try out atacks. Te Deku Babas
ofen drop Deku Nuts. Equip them and try
them out. Te fash stuns the vicious veggie
so you can go in for a quick stab.
Alwaysalwaysslash at grass to reveal
Rupees, Recovery Hearts, and other goodies.
Climb either the ladder or the vines, and then
circle around the interior of the tree. Te
large treasure chest along the route contains
the Dungeon Map. Now you can see the
entirety of the dungeon, although until you
recover the Compass, you cannot see the
location of treasure chests or the boss.
Continue up the ramp until you reach a
door. On the other side, you encounter a
Deku Scrub. Te Deku Scrub hides in the
foor if you get too close. Instead, hang back
and use the Deku Shield to refect the Deku
Scrubs nut atack back at it. When the Deku
Scrub is dinged by its own nut, it fees to the
back wall of the room.

Deku Scrub Hint
Basement 1
Basement 2
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Te door behind the Deku Scrub feeds into
another room. Te platform in the center of
the room falls when you jump out to it. Fortu-
nately, there are vines on the far side of the
room. Climb up them. Te treasure chest on
the ledge above the vines contains the Fairy
Slingshot, your frst projectile weapon.
Deku Scrub
Big Skulltl
Deku Scrubs are cowardly enemies that burrow into the ground when
you get close. Tey prefer to atack from a distance, fring Deku Nuts.
To defeat the Deku Scrub, refect the nut back at it with a shield. Once
its out of hiding, defeat it with a sword strike.
Big Skulltulas look
similar to Skull-
walltulas, complete
with a skull-like shell.
Te armor is strong
enough to repel
sword strikes and projectile atacks.
Instead, stay close, but far enough
back that the Big Skulltula doesnt
touch you when it swivels. Wait to
see its underbelly, and then go in
close to fnish it of.
Skullwalltulas are spiders with skull-shaped protective shells. Tey
crawl along walls. If you come close to a Skullwalltula, the monster
shakes and then rushes you. If you are climbing near it, the Skull-
walltula knocks you ofand potentially to a great deal of hurt.
Te Deku Scrub tells you that to keep
from taking heavy damage afer a long
fall, press up on the Circle Pad just before
you hit the foor. It also leaves behind a
Recovery Heart.
Behold, the Fairy Slingshot!
Now, to escape the room and return to the
central chamber, use the slingshot to knock
loose the ladder hanging above the entrance.
Tis lowers the ladder. Now backtrack to the
central chamber so you can use the slingshot
to continue exploring the Great Deku Tree.
Climb the vines near the door to locate
a small treasure chest that contains a
Recovery Heart.

Back in the central chamber, use the
slingshot to blast the Skullwalltulas on the
vines leading farther up the interior of the
tree. You cannot shoot while climbing, so
target them while you are standing on the
ground or a ledge.
When you climb to the top ring of the tree,
look out for Big Skulltulas. Tey hide in
the ceiling. When you get close to the gaps
between the cobwebs that line the ring, a
Big Skulltula drops down. Keep back and
wait for the Big Skulltula to turn around and
reveal its underbellyits weak spot. Strike
the Big Skulltula there to defeat it.
Te door at the top of the tree leads to a
room with three platforms. When the door
closes behind you, bars slam shut over it. You
must fnd a way to lif those bars to leave
this room. Its prety simple. Pull out a Deku
Stick, and ignite it on the lit torch. Now,
wave it over the unlit torch on the opposite
side of the door. Te bars go back up.

Fairy Slingshot

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Now its time to get the Compass. First, step
on the nearby foor switch to make the three
platforms rise from the foor. Tey only stay
up for a few moments, but thats long enough
to hop across them and reach the ledge on
the far side of the room. Afer defeating the
nearby Deku Baba, open the big treasure chest
to recover the Compass. Now you can see the
locations of all remaining treasure chests!
Te very frst Gold Skulltula is in this room,
behind the small treasure chest in the side
alcove. Jump across the platforms, defeat the
Big Skulltula, and then hop to the ledge with
the small chest. Defeat the Gold Skulltula,
and then collect the Gold Skulltula Token.
Youre on your way to gathering up all 100
Gold Skulltula Tokens.
Now that you have the Compass, its time to
access Basement 1. To reach the lower foor,
you have to take a huge dive. Defeat one of the
Big Skulltulas to leave a gap in the webbing
that surrounds the top ledge of the tree. Now,
run of the edge. Your weight breaks through
the cobweb covering the hole in the foor.
Te locations of all 100 Gold Skulltulas can
be found on these walk-through maps as
well as the Secrets & Specials chapter.
To te Basement

Swan Dive
When you splash down to the foor, youre
in a pool of water. As you can see on the
map, two Gold Skulltulas crawl on the walls
in this room. Step on the nearby switch.
Tis ignites a torch behind you, which in
turn reveals a treasure chest that contains a
Recovery Heart.
Now, use a Deku Stick on the torch. Once
the stick is lit, cross the water next to the
switch. Follow the path in the water so you
dont drop into the pool and extinguish the
Deku Stick. Burn through the cobwebs in
the corner to reveal a door.
Another Deku Scrub is beyond the door.
Use the same shield technique to refect its
Deku Nut atack back at it. Once the Deku
Scrub is out of the ground, close in on it. Te
Deku Scrub cowers and ofers a hint about
the dungeon in exchange for your mercy.
Te Deku Scrub says that to get through its
brothers at the botom of the tree, you must
atack them in the proper order: 2, 3, 1.
To escape this room, shoot the eye over
the door with the slingshot. Tis removes
the bars in front of the door.

Spiky Traps
Te next room presents a challenge: a spiked
log rolls over the water in the center of the
room. You have to get to the other side, but
the platform that leads across the water is
too high. Trying to ride it across leads you
right into the log...and lost hearts.
Swim along the lef side of the water.
When the platform rolls away from you,
dive down and touch the switch on the
botom of the pool. Tis lowers the water.
Te platform is now low enough for you
to cross beneath the spike-covered log.
However, you have to move quickly because
in just a few seconds, the water level rises
again. Use the ramp to get out of the water,
then jump out to the moving platform and
sail under the log.

Deku Scrub Hint
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Gohma Larvae
Next, close in on the Big Skulltula on the far
side of the room. Strike its weak underbelly.
Once the Big Skulltula is out of the way, push
the block to the right. When the block no
longer moves, climb on it, and hoist yourself
up to the door on the ledge above.
In this next room, you must light the two
extinguished torches by using a Deku Stick
on the already lit torch. However, you must
dispatch Deku Babas before you can safely
light the torches and open the door to a
room containing dangerous Gohma Larvae.
First things frst: get rid of the Big
Skulltula in the entryway.
Te room looks emptybut its not. Tree
Gohma Larva sacs hang from the ceiling.
When you get close to the center of the
room, the sacs drop to the foor and open
into Gohma Larvae. Try to slash the sacs
before they open, but if the Gohma Larvae
reveal themselves, L-Target them one by one
and sword strike.
You can also shoot the Gohma Larva sacs
with your slingshot before they fall to the
Gohma Larva
Gohma Larvae start
their lives in sacs that
hang from the ceiling.
Look for shadows on
the foor to see where
the sacs will fall if
you get too close. Try to dispatch
the larvae while they are still in sacs.
If the Gohma Larvae are exposed,
circle around them and atack with
a sword. Fortunately, Gohma Larvae
have no projectile atacksyou only
need to avoid contact.
Use the lit torch to burn through the
two cobwebs in the room. One reveals a
breakable wall, but without bombs, you
cannot do anything with it. (Come back for
the Gold Skulltula behind it afer visiting
Goron City.) Instead, just crawl through the
small hole revealed by burning the cobwebs.
Tis leads you back into the larger room
with the water on the foor.
Now push the block in front of you into the
water. Tis creates a route so you can carry
fre across the chamber to the cobweb-
covered hole in the foor. Use a lit Deku Stick
to ignite the cobweb and set it ablaze. Now
drop down to the lowest basement.
Coming back to previously explored
dungeons to collect Gold Skulltula Tokens
is always much easier because you create
shortcuts during your frst pass.
Basement Two

Deku Scrub Puzzle
Remember what the previous Deku Scrub
told you? Te order to defeat the trio of
Deku Scrubs in this room is: 2, 3, 1. Tats
the order in which you must bounce Deku
Nuts back at the three Scrubs now before
you. Te Deku Scrubs are numbered from
lef to right if you are facing them. So take
the one in the center frst, then the right
beastie, and fnish with the Deku Scrub on
the lef.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
If you accidentally hit the Deku Scrubs out
of order, just start over with the center.
Afer you defeat the third Deku Scrub,
it ofers a hint on how to defeat Queen
Gohma, the boss on the other side of this
door. You need to stun the boss for your
strikes to even register. When youre ready,
pass through the door to enter Queen
Gohmas lair and rid the Great Deku Tree of
this horrible infesation.
Before going to fght the boss, dive for
Recovery Hearts in the pool of water.
Boss: Gohma
Entering the frst boss lair can be intimi-
dating, esecially when you know theres
something dangerous hiding in the dark.
Step into the shadows and then look to the
ceiling. Queen Gohma is crawling in the
blackness. She notices you the second you
cast your eyes upon her and immediately
slams to the ground, ready to atack.
Gohma does not have a projectile atack.
Instead, the arachnid relies on brute strength
and Gohma Larvae to bring you down. Te
key is to keep back. Do not let Gohma rise
up and then fall on top of you, or else she
causes a half-heart of damage. Your shield
will protect you to some degree if you do get
close enough for Gohma to touch you, but
its still beter to stay back.
Gohmas secondary atack is to jump to the
ceiling and drop three sacs onto the foor.
As before, rush to the sacs and slash them
before they can open. Otherwise, you have
three wriggling Gohma Larvae to deal with
while Gohma herself tries to get the drop
on you.
Te spider queens weakness is her single
eye. You need to blind her, which tempo-
rarily stuns the boss. Tere are a few ways to
pull this of. L-Target Gohma and then hit
her with your slingshot while she is on the
ground. Alternately, you can slam a Deku
Nut at Gohma when she shows the angry
red eye. While Gohma is on the ceiling, hit
her with a Deku Seed as she starts to secrete
the Gohma Larvae sacs.
When you stun Gohma, she collapses on
the foor. Now hurry up and slash at her eye
with your sword. You can get in two or three
hits before Gohma recovers. As soon as you
see Gohma rise from the foor and shake it
of, get back and ready the slingshot for your
next opportunity to stun her.
Te give-and-take of the boss batle is
brief, and you can knock out Gohma fairly
quickly if you rely on L-Targeting.
When you defeat Gohma, the arachnid
disappears, leaving behind a Heart
Container and a warp pad that takes you out
of the dungeon. Every boss batle pays out
with a Heart Container, so always be sure to
pick it up before stepping into the warp.
After Defetng
Following the boss batle, Link reappears
outside the Great Deku Tree. Te forest
guardian shares with Link a vision of an
evil man from the east, even ofering a view
of the fgure as he rides through fames on
a black stallion. Te Great Deku Tree says
the man is in search of the Triforce, which
would give him the power to conquer the
Sadly, despite Links successful eforts to
defeat Gohma, the Great Deku Tree is
mortally wounded by the curse. It only has
minutes to live. Te tree commends Links
bravery and then implores him to visit
Hyrule Castle.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Kokiri Fores
Inside te Gret Deku Tree
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Before the Great Deku Trees spirit departs,
it gives Link the Kokiris Emerald, the
Spiritual Stone of the Forest. Ten, as the
leaves of the Great Deku Tree begin to fall,
Navi tells Link they must strike out right
away for Hyrule Castle.
On the way out of the forest, Link is stopped
by Saria. She is sad to see him leave, but
she understands he must follow his own
path. Saria gives Link the Fairy Ocarina.
She hopes that whenever he plays it, he will
think of her and the forest. Link accepts
her touching gif and then heads out into
Hyrule Field, ready to go on the adventure
of a lifetime.
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Afer leaving the only home he has ever known, Kokiri Forest, Link steps out into the expanse of Hyrule Field. Stretching into the distance in
every imaginable direction, Hyrule Field pracically swallows the boy. But Link gave the Great Deku Tree his word. He will go to Hyrule Castle
on the far side of the feld and seek help for his quest to stop the steady march of evil.
Hyrule Field
Hearts: 4
Pieces of Heart: 0/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Piece of Heart, Botle
Songs Learned: Eponas Song
Until several shortcuts are opened while adventuring, Link must crisscross Hyrule Field to reach
many of his important destinations, such as Death Mountain, Lake Hylia, and Hyrule Castle. Hyrule
Field is a largely safe place to explore and has limited enemies, but all that changes when the sun goes
Exploring Hyrule Field
Kaepora Gaebora
Night Terror
Upon leaving Kokiri Forest, you meet a
wise owl named Kaepora Gaebora. He
will be a constant companion, dropping in
throughout your quest to disense useful
advice. When seaking to the owl, look
for red text in his messages. Tis indicates
something critical to the adventure, such
as his mention of Hyrule Castle in this
brief exchange. Kaepora fies away afer the
conversation, but dont worryyoull see
him again soon enough.
Tere are only a few enemies to deal with
in Hyrule Field. During the day, you will
encounter the occasional Peahat, a giant
plant that uproots itself and then chases you
down with spinning leaf blades. But the real
dangers come out at night: Stalchildren.
Te skeletal Stalchildren pop out of the
ground at night in pairs and stalk you. Tey
ofen stay hidden if you remain on the roads,
opting instead to zero in on you when you
start across the prairie grass. Stalchild atacks
are relentless all night, stopping only for a
few moments when you drop them with
your sword. Another always rises up to take
its place, though.
As soon as the sun rises, all of the
Stalchild monsters disappear again...but
just as the sun must set, the Stalchildren
will rise again.
Stay along the roads to avoid Stalchild
(see map on te following page)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Lon Lon Ranch
(see map on te following page)
Hearts: 4
Pieces of Heart: 1/36
Equipment/Items Found: None
Songs Learned: Eponas Song
In the heart of Hyrule Field rests a ranch known around the kingdom for producing the most
delicious milk ever tasted. Lon Lon Ranch is owned by Talon, although this is not necessarily to the
liking of his employee Ingo, who has designs on running the ranch himself.
Lon Lon Ranch is known for more than its cows, too. Word has spread around the kingdom that the
best horses are bred here. Could Link manage to tame one of Lon Lons great steeds?
Peahats are enormous
plant monsters that
uproot themselves
when you get close.
Once airborne,
Peahats follow you
around Hyrule Field with spinning
blades designed to cut you down.
Peahats are easy to outrun. However,
if you want to bring one down, target
its roots. Tats the Peahats weak
When night cloaks
Hyrule Field,
Stalchildren rise from
the ground. Tese
monsters follow you
around, atempting
to lay their bony fngers on you
and cause damage. Tey are easily
brought down with just a few hits,
but taking down one Stalchild only
raises another...
Head to Hyrule Castle right away. If its
night, the castle drawbridge is up, and
youll just have to fght of the Stalchildren
until sunrise. As soon as day breaks, the
drawbridge will lower and you can enter
Hyrule Castle Town.
However, because Lon Lon Ranch is part of
Hyrule Field, well go over it here. When you
fnish up with your initial business in Hyrule
Castle, come back to learn about everything
that needs to be done at Lon Lon Ranch.
Lon Lon
To Lake Hylia
To Gerudo Valley
To Kokiri Fores
To Zoras River
To Hyrule
To Kakriko

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
A Map Connector
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Talon and te Super Cuccos
When you frst enter Lon Lon Ranch,
try the closest door. Talon is waiting for
youand he has a litle game hed love to
play called Super Cuccos. Talk to Talon to
learn about the game. Apparently, if you
can recover three secial Cuccos (which
Talon refers to as Super Cuccos), Talon will
reward you with a botle of Lon Lon Ranchs
delectable moo juice.
It costs 10 Rupees to play. Afer you pay the
fee, Talon releases three Super Cuccos that
immediately blend in with the rest of the
hens. Watch the Super Cuccos as they fy
overhead so you know the general direction
to look when Talon turns you loose to start
the game.
You have just 30 seconds to pick up all three
Super Cuccos. Once you grab the third
Super Cucco, Talon gives you the reward.
Its your frst Botle! Yes, its full of Lon
Lon Milk, but you can drink it right away
to empty the botle or just place it in your
inventory for now.
Lon Lon Milk is a refreshing drink
that recovers your lost hearts. When
you fll the botle at any cow (they are more
places than just Lon Lon Ranch), you get
two servings in a single botle.
You can kind of cheat this minigame by
picking up all of the Cuccos in the room
and tossing them behind the bar before
talking to Talon. When Talon releases the
three Super Cuccos, they will be the only
Cuccos wandering around the room.
Meetng Epona
Afer completing Talons minigame, walk out
in the middle of the ranch and meet Malon.
Shes observing the wonderful horses. You
cannot really approach any of them, and one
in particular seems rather skitish.
Stand in front of Malon and bring up your
ocarina. Malon gushes about a song her
mother once taught her. She ofers to teach
you the song. Follow along with Malons
notes to learn Eponas Song.
Eponas Song
To Hyrule Field

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
A Map Connector
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Playing Eponas Song brings the pony over
to you. Te soothed creature nuzzles you.
Neither you nor Epona are ready for riding,
but you have now forged a secial bond
with this horse. It will serve you well in the
adventure ahead.
You will return to Lon Lon Ranch in the
future to liberate Epona and make her your
own, so keep this place in the back of your
mind for now.
Piece of Hert
Teres a Piece of Heart at Lon Lon Ranch. Go out to the feed silo on the far side of
the ranch. Inside the silo, pull the crates away from the wall to reveal a small hole.
Crawl through the hole to pick up a Piece of Heart!
Tis Piece of Heart is not refected in the running count until you start the Kakariko
Village section.
Guay are raven-like birds that circle around the edges of Lon Lon Ranch
and atack from above. Tey are rather weak, so a single hit should be
enough to rid yourself of the nuisance.
Hyrule Casle
Hearts: 4
Pieces of Heart: 1/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Songs Learned: Zeldas Lullaby
Rising high above Hyrule Field, Hyrule Castle is the seat of power. Here, the benevolent king and his
daughter serve their people with generosity and restraint. But only the later knows that danger is
afoot in the kingdom.
Te castle grounds are expansive. Just beyond the drawbridge is the Hyrule township, also the site of
a bustling market. Here, goods and services are sold and traded. Tough not everything in the market
is essential to completing his adventure, return trips here prove benefcial for Link on this quest.

Gold Skulltula Token

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
The Market
When you frst enter Hyrule Castle Town,
steer into the nearby guardhouse. Dont
worry about the sentry at the backhes
not going to kick you out. Take advantage
of the guards relaxed demeanor and smash
every jar in the room to collect Rupees. Roll
into the crates to reveal more Rupees. Fill
your wallet with Rupees. If you need to, exit
the guardhouse and step back inside to see
that all of the jars have been replaced. Break
them again!
At this point, you can carry only 100 Rupees.
But still, fll your wallet here so you have
the necessary coin to visit shops or take
advantage of games in the market.
Teres a Gold Skulltula Token in the
guardhouse! Roll into the crates next to the
guard to reveal the Gold Skulltula and then
claim the token.
In the future, come back here to see that
the guard has been replaced by a ghastly
salesman who deals in Poes. If you want to
collect all four botles, you must satisfy the
salesmans need for 10 Big Poes. For a full
rundown on the Big Poe locations, please see
the Secrets & Specials chapter.
Shops & Galleries
She is the daughter of Talon, the rancher
who owns Lon Lon Ranch. Shes been
waiting for her dad for what seems like
hours. She asks you to fnd him. Te only
hint she has to his whereabouts is that he
went to the castle to deliver some milk.
Te town square is alive with commerce.
People dance in the streets. Crowds gather.
Nobody seems aware that trouble brews on
the borders.
Poton Shop
Happy Mask Shop
Te bearded fellow running the Bazaar
sells a variety of goods, such as arrows and
bombs. However, most things in the shop are
not of use to you right now, and chances are
good that you have a decent supply of the
items you can useDeku Sticks and Deku
Nutslef over from the Great Deku Tree.
Te Potion Shop sells many things that can
be stored in botles, such as useful Red and
Green Potions that replenish health and
magic (resectively). If you dont have a botle
yet, you cannot do much with the goods at
this shop. Tat will change soon, though.
An entire side quest is devoted to helping
out the shopkeeper here at the Happy Mask
Shop. You act as the unofcial traveling
salesman for the shop, buying masks and
showing them to potential costumers, keeping
any resale proft for yourself. For every step in
the entire mask-trading side quest, please see
the Secrets & Specials chapter.
Bazar Inventory
Item Name Price
Arrows (10) 20
Arrows (30) 60
Arrows (50) 90
Bombs (5) 35
Deku Nuts (5) 15
Hylian Shield 80
Deku Stick 10
Recovery Heart 10
Poton Shop Inventory
Item Name Price
Blue Fire 300
Botled Bug 50
Deku Nuts (5) 15
Fairy 50
Fish 200
Green Potion 30
Red Potion 30
Poe 30
Dont buy a Hylian Shield here. You
will fnd one for free soon enough in the
graveyard behind Kakariko Village and
there are no enemy encounters between
here and there that cannot be dealt with
while using the Deku Shield.
Te young woman standing near the center
of the market is Malon. Speak to her.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Shootng Gallery
Bombchu Bowling
Tresure Box Shop
Te Shooting Gallery in the Hyrule Castle
Town Market is a good place to pracice up
on using your slingshot. If you can shoot every
Rupee in the gallery, you win an upgraded
Bullet Bag. It costs 20 Rupees to play the game.
Te Bombchu Bowling Alley is a place of
sport. Can you release Bombchus at just the
right moment so they scramble into holes in
the back wall? Tere are several good prizes
for participating in this game, including a
Piece of Heart, but it cannot be played right
now. Come back later afer you fnd the
Gorons Ruby.
Tis Shooting Gallery and most minigames
not vital to completing the main quest
are detailed in the Minigames chapter
following this walk-through.
Bombchu Shop
Te Bombchu Shop in the back alleys of the
market is only open at night. Te shopkeeper
sells Bombchus, which you dont need right
open a series of treasure chests, hoping to
fnd the key that opens the next door. If at
any point you open a chest and only receive
a Rupee, the game is over. Teres a Piece
of Heart at the end of this game, but your
chances of guessing all of the treasure chests
correctly is so low, theres no reason to send
any Rupees to atempt it right now.
Afer you retrieve the Lens of Truth, return
to the Treasure Box Shop. You can now
peek inside the chests and see exactly which
boxes hold the keys necessary to open all of
the doors!
Piece of Hert
Richard te Dog
Be sure to return to the market when
you have the Suns Song and can
change day to night. Go to the square,
make it nightime, and then seek out
the white pup under the stall next to
the market entrance. Just touching the
dog will make it follow you. (Watch
out for the other strays because all
dogs follow you if you touch them.)
Now, go into the back alleys of the
market and open the door that was
previously locked during the day. Te
woman inside is overjoyed to have her
lost dog returned to her. She awards
you a Piece of Heart.
Breking and Entering
Due to security issues, geting into Hyrule
Castle requires a litle stealth. No worries
there is a way to sneak into the castle, but
you have to avoid several guard patrols. If at
any point you are caught, youre unceremo-
niously ejected from the castle.
Getting Caught on Purpose
Afer leaving the market, you meet the owl
again. He tells you about the fow of time.
While outside, such as in this back feld, time
moves as normal. However, when you are in
a town or a house, time temporarily stands
still. Tis is useful information, esecially
if you just want to stand out here and wait
for night to fall so you can go back into the
market and complete the Richard the Dog
miniquest for the Piece of Heart.
Now its time to try to sneak into the
grounds. However, theres a trick here: you
need to be caught at least once. Use the vines
on the wall to climb up and then walk across
the guards gate. Let the guards on the far
side of the gate see you and kick you out of
the grounds.
Te Treasure Box Shop is another tricky litle
minigame. You must trust your instincts and
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Malon is now standing next to those vines.
Malon reiterates her need to fnd her dad.
She assumes he fell asleep somewhere, so
Malon gives you a Weird Egg. When this egg
hatches into a Cucco (a chicken), you can
use it to wake Talon, who is used to life on
a ranch.
So, climb back up the vine and drop down
on the far side of the gate. Tere are
guards along the main road, so creep up
the embankment. As you rise up over the
bank, look for another guard up in the grass.
Weave between the guards and continue
sneaking between the trees.
So, now that youve found the sleeping
Talon, you need to wake him. Check your
inventory. Te egg has likely not hatched just
yet. Wait for night to cycle. Te egg should
hatch into a Cucco in the morning. Now
equip the Cucco and hold it up in front of
Talon. Te Cuccos call startles him awake.
He apologizes for leaving Malon alone and
runs of to fnd her.
Now that Talon is gone, you can push the
milk crate that was next to him into the
moat. Tis creates a ledge you can use to
jump to the wall of the castle. Crawl through
the small hole in the wall to enter the castle
gardens and continue closing in on your goal.
Follow the moat as it bends, and youll swim
right to Talonwho is indeed asleep. His
daughter knows him well.
Sneking In
Waking Talon
Veer of the road and climb up the exposed
stones. Now youre inside the fence that
surrounds the castle. Geting closer! Hop
into the castle moat and swim out of sight of
the guards.
Upon entering the castle gardens, you are
confronted with several guard patrols. You
must avoid the guards by staying out of
their sight lines. Just look at their heads and
assume they can see 20 or so feet in front of
them. Guards walk along a set path and stop
before turning a corner. During those frozen
moments, make your move.
If you are caught, the guards kick you out
of the garden. You wind up back where
Talon was sleeping.
Casle Gardens
Trail the guard as he circles the hedges to
avoid detection.
Wait until the guards are in the back half
of this area, behind the fountains.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Tose Rupees may tempt you, but theres
a guard circling the central pillar. Skip the
Rupees and avoid geting caught.
Wait for the guards to pass, and then
follow them around the statue. One walks
a litle faster, so make sure you are out of
the way before he swings around to the
front of the statue.
Charge up this side of the hedges while the
guards are coming down the other, and
you wont get caught.
Meetng Princess
When you enter the courtyard, you
immediately see Princess Zelda standing
next to a window. Shes looking inside
the castle, almost like she is spying on
somethingor someone.
Princess Zelda tells you a litle bit more
about the creation of Hyrule and the legend
of the Triforce. She then urges you to
look through the window. Inside, you see
Ganondorf, a man who Zelda does not trust
and fears means the worst for her father and
the kingdom.
Ganondorf just looks evil.
Zelda enlists you to help her keep Hyrule
safe from whatever Ganondorf is planning.
She needs you to help protect the Triforce.
But what can two children do? Well, the
princess starts by giving you Zeldas Leter, a
royal decree that grants you passage through
the kingdom. If you show this to a guard, he
will let you pass.
You then meet Impa, Zeldas guardian. She
is a Sheikah, a brave warrior. Impa agrees to
help you get out of the castle without being
seen. But frst, she must teach you a song
for your ocarina. Te song is called Zeldas
Lullaby. Tis royal tune has magical powers
capable of doing a great many things in
Hyrule, such as opening doors or acivating
secial seals.
Zeldas Lullaby
Once outside the castle, Impa tells you
to visit her home of Kakariko Village at
the foot of Death Mountain. Tere, you
can start your quest to reach Goron City,
where you will fnd the Gorons Rubythe
second of the Spiritual Stones needed to help
Princess Zelda protect the Triforce.
Now, you can go to Kakariko Village, but at
this point, its a good idea to visit Lon Lon
Ranch, where you will fnd Malon, learn
a new song, receive your frst botle, and
discover a Piece of Heart.
Talk to the princess. You startle her at frst,
and not just because she wasnt expecting
somebody else in the garden. She wasnt
expecting that somebody to be a fgure from
her recent nightmares.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Not only did the Great Deku Tree warn of evil on the horizon, but now the princess of HyruleZeldahad enlisted Link to protect the
kingdom. Convinced that Ganondorf, the Gerudo man from the east, was really a sinister fgure, Zelda asked Link to do whatever he could to
stop his ascent to ultimate power. Tat meant collecting the remaining two Spiritual Stones. But before Link climbs Death Mountain and seeks
the Gorons Ruby, he should explore some additional areas in Hyrule, such as Kakariko Village and the Lost Woods.
Kakriko Village
Hearts: 4
Pieces of Heart: 2/36
Equipment/Items Found: Botle
Songs Learned:
Te people of Kakariko Village live in the shadow of Death Mountain, a perilous volcanic
peak. Once the home of Impa, Kakariko Village is still an odd litle burgh with colorful citizens,
including the cursed family that lives in the House of Skulltula. Before heading up Death
Mountain, explore this village and the graveyard behind it. Tere are many wonderful secrets
here sure to help Link on his adventure.
Kakrikos Denizens
House of Skulltl
Greed was the downfall of a wealthy family
in Kakariko Village. As a result of their
indulgence, the family was transformed into
Skulltulas. Te only way to break the curse is to
recover Gold Skulltula Tokens, which requires
hunting high and low for 100 Gold Skulltulas
across Hyrule and its many dungeons.
As you collect Gold Skulltula Tokens, return
to the cursed familys house. Tere are
six tiers of rewards for gathering up these
tokens, starting from a new wallet when
youve defeated 10 Gold Skulltulas to a
huge Rupee payday when all 100 have been
For the locations of all 100 Gold Skulltula
Tokens, look at the maps in each walk-
through chapter as well as the detailed list
in the Secrets & Specials chapter.
Tere are multiple shops in Kakariko
Village, although the Potion Shop is not
open during this initial visit. Only the
Bazaar, which carries merchandise similar
to the Bazaar in the Hyrule Castle Town
Market, is open at this point. When you
return as an adult, the Potion Shop is open
and a young man on the lef side of the
village is paying Rupees for bugs and fsh.
To Hyrule Field
To Shadow
To Det Mountain

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Cucco Lady
2 House of Skulltula
3 Well
4 Windmill
5 Bazaar
6 Potion Shop
7 Impas House
8 Underground Race
9 Royal Tomb
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Kakriko Bazar
Item Name Price
Arrows (10) 20
Arrows (30) 60
Arrows (50) 90
Bombs (5) 35
Deku Nuts (5) 15
Hylian Shield 80
Deku Stick 10
Recovery Heart 10
Kakriko Poton Shop
Item Name Price
Blue Fire 300
Botled Bug 50
Deku Nuts (5) 15
Fairy 50
Fish 200
Green Potion 30
Red Potion 30
Poe 30
Te shooting gallery in Kakariko Village
is also under construction when you are
a child. When you return as an adult,
the gallery is open and you can test your
archery skills. See the Minigames chapter
for additional details.
Cucco Lady
Near Impas House, you discover the Cucco
Lady, a woman who has lost her Cuccos
seven of them, to be precise. (By the way,
shes only out during the day so if you dont
see her, go out to Hyrule Field and wait for
the sun to come up.) Te lady asks you to
recover her lost Cuccos, which are spread
across Kakariko Village.
Five of the Cuccos are prety easy to collect.
All you need to do is pick them up, carry
them back to the pen next to the lady,
and toss them inside. But two of them are
trickier and require some fancy footwork
and a litle fight time.
Cucco 1: Collect the frst Cucco near the
entrance to Kakariko Village.
Cucco 2: Grab a Cucco and sail over to
the platform with the fence, next to the
House of Skulltula. Holding a Cucco lets
you glide a litle.
Cucco 3: Teres one near the Cucco pen.
Cucco 4: Look for a Cucco near the guard
to the Death Mountain Trail.
Cucco 5: Roll into the crate near the stairs
to reveal a Cucco.
Cucco 6: Climb the lookout tower in the
middle of the village. Now, side jump
down onto the roofop below. Or, grab a
Cucco and jump of near the windmill so
you sail down to the fence. Either way,
you need to get behind the fences so you
can grab the sixth Cucco.
Cucco 7: Climb the ladder in the back of
the village, near the windmill, afer you
collect the sixth Cucco.
In exchange for throwing the seventh Cucco
into the pen, the woman gives you a secial
prize: a Botle. Now you can use this botle
to store potions, Lon Lon Milk, or fairies.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Behind Kakariko Village lies a solemn graveyard, said to be haunted by some rather playful spiritsand even a few nasty monsters. Tough
the graveyard fgures heavily into Links quest later, there is ample reason to poke around the headstones now: to recover some useful treasures
and learn a new song for the ocarinaone that can swap day for night and back again.
Det Mountain Gate
If you do not possess Zeldas Leter, collected at
Hyrule Castle, this gate is locked and the guard
refuses to grant you entry. (You skipped ahead,
didnt you?) However, if you equip the leter and
then show it to the guard at the gate, he willingly
stands aside and lets Link start up the Death
Mountain trail.
Tere is a catch, though. If you only have the
Deku Shield, you wont get far up the trail. You need the metal of the Hylian Shield to protect
against lava rocks that rain down from the sky. So make sure to get one of those frst. You can buy one from the Bazaar for 80 Rupees, but
theres a freebie in the graveyard behind Kakariko Village.
Hearts: 4
Pieces of Heart: 2/36
Equipment/Items Found: Hylian
Shield, Piece of Heart (x2)
Songs Learned: Suns Song
Exploring te
Depending on when you enter the
graveyard, you will see either Damp the
gravekeeper or a litle boy pretending to be
the odd man. Damp comes out at night.
He can dig up stuf from the ground, which
is how you score a few treasures. At night,
ghosts called Poes also haunt the graveyard.
Poes are mischievous ghosts that come out at night. When you look
directly at them or get too close, they ofen disappear and then
reappear somewhere nearby. Te Poes atempt to smack you with their
lanterns, but defect the shot with your shield and then strike with
your sword. Dont bother L-Targeting because thats likely to make
them vanish. Once a Poe is defeated, you can capture it in an empty botle and sell it
for Rupees.

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Underground Race
2 Royal Tomb
To Shadow
To Kakriko
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
ReDead are creepy zombies that dont move very fastbut then they
dont really need to thanks to their secial scream atack. When a
ReDead spots you, it lets out a chilling screech that makes you freeze
in your tracks if you happen to be looking at the ReDead. If the
ReDead gets a hold of you, it starts gnawing away. ReDead are prety
dangerous this early in the adventure, so stay back. Right now, its probably best to
avoid them and wait until you have a beter sword to actually engage. If you dont
want to wait, it is possible to stun all the ReDeads by playing the Suns Song.
Composed Ghoss
Te frst thing you need to do in the
graveyard is seek out two restless spirits that
help you learn the Suns Song, the tune that
swaps the sun and moon in the sky. Run to
the far side of the graveyard and look for a
huge headstone.
Read the smaller stones on each side of
the center stone. When you check each
stone, a ghost appears. Tese ghosts are the
Composer Brothers, Sharp and Flat, spirits
that once made beautiful music. But now
theyre just, uh, decomposing.
Target the Composer Brothers and slash away
with your sword. Watch out for the spirits to
spin and tag you with their lanterns. When
defeated, each brother devolves into a simple
litle ghost who then tells you about their
illustrious career and a secial song theyve
hidden in the tomb below.
Now, stand on the Triforce symbol between
the Composer Brothers graves and play
Zeldas Lullaby. Te song removes the huge
headstone, revealing a hole in the ground.
Royal Family Tomb
Dropping through the hole leads to a secret
tomb. Te frst room is full of old bones
and bat-like Keese. Te bars on the door
opposite of you will not rise until you defeat
all fve of the Keese in the room, so use your
slingshot to target them from a safe distance.
Keese are bat-like
creatures that fit around
you, looking for an
opening to swoop down
and strike. Tese are
really easy to defeat with L-Targeting and
a projectile weapon, but if one comes at
you low and slow, a sword strike works
just as well. Later in your adventure, you
encounter variations on the Keese such
as Fire Keese. Elemental-charged Keese
like Fire Keese and Ice Keese atempt
to damage you through contact. Defeat
these Elemental Keese with one hit using
a projectile weapon.
In the next room, you spot a number of
ReDeads. Avoid them for now. Step around
the glowing green pools (theyre poison) and
give the ReDeads a wide berth.
At the end of the tomb, just beyond the
ReDeads, you fnd an inscription on a stone
wall. Te inscription ends with a series of
notesthis is the Suns Song. Repeating the
notes seals them in your memory so you
can use the daytime-nightime reversal tune
whenever necessary. Now leave the tomb the
way you came.
Suns Song
Graveyard Tresures
Before exiting the graveyard, you should
collect some of its hidden treasures. If its
daytime when you surface, you need to
switch it back to night with the Suns Song.
Te Damp imitator will not let you disturb
headstones. Once its night again, atend
to the row of headstones just below the
Composer Brothers. Pull back the marked
headstone (look at the map) to reveal
another tomb entrance.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Inside the small underground chamber, you must
contend with ReDeads. Now that you have the
Suns Song, you can stun them. When stunned,
just move behind the ReDead and swing away.
Once the ReDead is, well, really dead, stand on
the platform and perform the Suns Song again.
Te second Piece of Heart in the graveyard
is hidden in one of the graves that Damp
must dig up (he only does so between the
hours of 1800 and 2100, so if youre too early
or too late, leave the graveyard and goof of
in Hyrule Field until sundown). Te catch
here, though, is that the location of the Piece
of Heart is random.
Stand in Dampes way as he walks the
graveyard. Tis forces him to stop. When
hes standing right in front of a dirt patch,
you can pay him 10 Rupees to dig. Now, you
might get lucky and immediately fnd the
Piece of Heart. But he digs up other treasure,
too, such as 1, 5, or 20 Rupees. However,
theres also a chance hell dig up nothing
whatsoever and youre out the 10 Rupees.
Playing the Suns Song down here reveals a
chest containing a Piece of Heart.
Te graveyard is an excellent source for
bugs, which are useful for forcing Gold
Skulltulas to pop out of soil patches.
Finally, the last treasure to locate in the
graveyard is a Hylian Shield. Go to the front
row of graves and look for three fowers. Go
behind the grave and pull it to reveal another
hole. Fortunately, there are no monsters
down there. Just open the treasure chest to
score a free Hylian Shield, thus saving you 80
Rupees. Now you have the means to survive
the fery rocks that fall from the sky as you
climb Death Mountain.
Los Woods
Hearts: 5
Pieces of Heart: 4/36
Equipment/Items Found: Piece of Heart
(x2), Deku Seed Bullet Bag Upgrade
Songs Learned:
(see map on te following page)
Above Kokiri Forest is the Lost Woods, a dangerous maze of trees and caves that have
been known to thwart even the most intrepid explorer. Link needs to investigate the Lost
Woods thoroughly to uncover treasures and the location of the Sacred Forest Meadow,
where a dear friend waits.
Exploring te Maze
Te Lost Woods area above Kokiri Forest
is a somewhat tricky maze. Weve mapped
out the woods for you, but notice that there
are some connections that seemingly go
nowhere. Tey do go somewhereright
back to the beginning of the maze. Unless
you follow connectors that lead to other
rooms, you can end up going in circles.
Shortcuts & Secret
Tere are two shortcuts to Goron City and
Zoras River within the Lost Woods,
but you cannot acivate them
right now. Tey must be
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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opened from their resective destinations
before you can use them here. However,
once theyve been opened, the Lost Woods
become a very handy shortcut across the
expanse of Hyrule.
Skull Kid
Deku Stck Upgrade
Te Skull Kid is a lonely fellow who appears
on a stump when you get near him (as
marked on the map). Right now, there isnt
much you can do with the Skull Kid but
L-Target and seak to him. However, once
you learn Sarias Song in the Sacred Forest
Meadow, return to the Skull Kid and he will
give you a Piece of Heart.
Hang a lef from the Skull Kid and cross this
long room to fnd a Business Scrub, a secial
Deku Scrub that is far more interesed
in commerce than combat. Repel the
Business Scrubs nut atack with your shield,
bounce it back into it, and then seak to it.
Te Business Scrub ofers to increase the
number of Deku Sticks you can carry to 20
in exchange for 40 Rupees. Not a bad deal,
Bullet Bag & Ply-Along
Now, in the room on the map marked with
the Bullet Bag, pull out your slingshot and
look for a target hanging from a tree branch.
Shoot the center of the target three times
with your slingshot. Your feat prompts a
Deku Scrub to bobble out and give you a
secial upgrade for free: a Deku Seed Bullet
Bag. Now you can carry up to 40 Deku
Seeds for your slingshot.
Next, slide down the nearby ladder and step
up to the stump. Two litle fellows appear
on the tree opposite you. Tey are excited
to play a litle game. If you can follow along
with their songs, they will reward you with
Rupees and a Piece of Heart. Just follow
along with the song as the forest creatures
add a note every time they play. If you can
match them well enough, they fnally give
you the Piece of Heart.
Now follow the trail to the entrance to the
Sacred Forest Meadow.
Tere is a secial Forest Stage in the Lost
Woods you can use when you obtain either
the Skull Mask or the Mask of Truth in the
mask trading side quest. Te Forest Stage
and its potential prizes are fully explained
in the Secrets of the Mask section of the
Secrets & Specials chapter.

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Shortcut to Goron City
2 Shortcut to Zoras Domain
3 Forest People
4 Skull Kid
5 Forest Stage
6 Deku Stick Upgrade
To Kokiri Fores To Hyrule Field
To Sacred Fores
To Kokiri
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Sacred Fores Medow
Hearts: 5
Pieces of Heart: 6/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Songs Learned: Sarias Song
Beyond the Lost Woods is the Sacred Forest Meadow. A labyrinth of hedges, vines, and rumbling
boulders, the Sacred Forest Meadow is the gateway to an ancient temple. But before Link can even
consider exploring the temple, he must seek out his friend Saria and learn a new song for his cherished
Surviving te Medow
You dont have to enter the Sacred Forest
Meadow as young Link, but it helps quite a bit to
have Sarias Song this early. When you frst enter
the meadow, youre atacked by a new monster:
Wolfos. Adult Link can make short work of
Wolfos, but as a child, you beter use L-Targeting
and your shield to dance around the Wolfos, repel
atacks, and lunge when you see the opening.
Wolfos are all fangs and claws. Tese monsters slide around you,
looking for a chance to strike with their claws. Keep your shield up to
repel the atack. As soon as the Wolfos backs away afer a failed hit,
swing your sword. Tats the best time to get the Wolfos, or when it has
its back to you... although that isnt very ofen unless you are dealing
with a pack of Wolfos.
Defeating the Wolfos unlocks the door
leading deeper into the Sacred Forest
Meadow. You must weave through the
meadow, looking out for the Mad Scrubs,
which are an angrier variation of the Deku
Scrubs. Tese guys do not uproot and can
instead be atacked where they grow. Defect
their projectiles and then get close enough to
fnish them of.
At the far end of the meadow, turn around
to see a ladder. Now you can crawl up on the
hedges in the meadow. Look for two Gossip
Stones, which are good sources of fairies. But
the secret groto in the middle of the hedges
is your main goal up here. Tis leads
down to a Fairy Fountain. In
there, you can heal up and
botle a fairy to go.

Gold Skulltula Token
To Fores Temple
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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When you run through the meadow maze
as child Link, you dont have to fght the
hulking Moblins.
When you develop the Scarecrows Song
at Lake Hylia as adult Link, play it in the
meadow to make Pierre appear above the
hedges. Now you can just Hookshot up to
the scarecrow and avoid the Moblins as
well as quickly access the Fairy Fountain.
Sarias Song Skull Kid Revisited
When you climb the steps at the far side of
the Sacred Forest Meadow, you discover
Saria siting on a stump, playing an ocarina.
Shes happy to see you and is willing to teach
you a new song: Sarias Song. Tis song
allows you to communicate with Saria from
afar. She can then give you advice on what
to do next. But Sarias Song also has other
important uses, such as convincing Hyrule
denizens to hand over treasures.
Now that you have Sarias Song, return to
the Skull Kid. Stand on the stump and play
Sarias Song on your ocarina. Te Skull Kid is
delighted and gives you a Piece of Heart.
Now that you have a Hylian Shield,
increased hearts, and some new songs, its
time to ascend Death Mountain and make a
play for the Gorons Ruby.
Sarias Song
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Now that Link has secured the Kokiris Emerald and explored some of the more hospitable
corners of Hyrule, its time to make the push to recover the Gorons Rubythe second
Spiritual Stone. Te Gorons are not likely to give up their greatest prize without witnessing
a feat of bravery, so Link must trek up Death Mountain ready to do batle.
You will return to several of these locations later
in your adventure because Death Mountain
fgures heavily in the back half of the quest.
Det Mountain Trail
Hearts: 5
Pieces of Heart: 6/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Songs Learned:
(see map on te following page)
Te towers of Hyrule Castle seemed high to Link, but theyre absolutely dwarfed by the peak of Death
Mountain. Tis once-acive volcano hasnt blown its top in ages, but the low rumble of angry lava
reminds the people who call it homethe Goronsthat nothing sleeps forever.
Making te Ascent
The Inital Climb
Afer showing the leter to the guard blocking
the entrance to Death Mountain Trail, start
your ascent. Right away, you encounter a
new enemy: Red Tektites. Tese bouncing
monsters are easily dispatched with one or
two sword strikes, but when airborne, they
can be a handful. Use L-Targeting and slash as
the Tektite comes barreling down at you.
If you are surrounded by Tektites on the
trail, stun them with a Deku Nut and then
cleave them one by one to thin the herd.
Tektites are familiar
Legend of Zelda
enemies. Tese
jumping monsters
are slow to notice an
incoming enemy, but
once they spot you, they are quite
good at bearing down on you. Tektites
atack only by jumping into you. Use
your shield to defect a bouncing blow
and then counter with a sword strike.
Projectile weapons work, too, but
sometimes brute force is best.
Soon, you happen upon a sealed cavern.
Tis is Dodongos Cavern, where you must
return very soon. Speak to the Goron next
to the cavern entrance to learn a litle about
the Goron people. Of particular interest,
though, is the mention of a Gerudo man
sealing up the cavern with magic. Has
Ganondorf been up here, too?
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Gorons are a proud people, but not too
prideful to turn down assistance when
needed. Talk to the Gorons to get to know
them beter, learning about their hunger
to eat rocks, curl up and roll around, and
dance along to fun music.
Enter Goron Cit
Te main entrance to Goron City is about
halfway up Death Mountain. Te trail
continues next to Goron City, as noted
by a Goron siting next to a Bomb Flower.
You have business atop Death Mountain,
but right now is not the time to check the
summit. Enter Goron City, which is just
beyond the ring of stones.
Te Goron next to the Bomb Flower will
tell you more about Bomb Flowers and
Dodongos Cavern.
You are unable to pluck Bomb Flowers just
yet. You must enter Goron City and earn
the Gorons Bracelet to have the strength
needed to use Bomb Flowers.
After Obtaining te
Gorons Bracelet
Once you have the Gorons Bracelet, you can
pluck Bomb Flowers. Return to the Goron at
the entrance to Goron City and lif the Bomb
Flower. Drop the bomb over the ledge. It
lands next to the sealed entrance to Dodongos
Cavern. In a few seconds, the bomb blows and
opens the cave. Now you can explore Dodongos
Cavern and help the sufering Gorons.
Teres a patch of sof soil at the newly opened
entrance to Dodongos Cavern. Remember it
because it will eventually lead to a hidden Piece
of Heart. You just need some Magic Beans
(found along Zoras River) and a lot of time.
Te trail to the summit of Death Mountain
is closed of for now. Once you can store
bombs in a Bomb Bag, you can blast the
boulders blocking your path to the summit.
To Kakriko
To Goron Cit
To Det Mtn.
Great Fairys

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Goron Cit
Hearts: 5
Pieces of Heart: 6/36
Equipment/Items Found: Piece of
Heart, Gorons Bracelet
Songs Learned:
Goron City is the seat of power for the Goron people, led by the good Chief Darunia. An
intimate part of the Death Mountain ecosystem, Goron City has recently fallen on hard times
due to a disruption in the Goron food supply. Darunia is determined to take care of the problem
himself, but a litle outside help is sure to be appreciated.

Home of te Gorons
Four Tier
Goron City has four levels. Tree rings circle
the middle of the city, each connected by
stairs. Te stairs are noted by colorful posts.
Green indicates the top level, the middle is
blue, and the lowest tier is red. Te botom
level of the city, noted by the revolving
Goron-shaped pots, is distinguished with
yellow posts. Its also where you will fnd
Chief Darunia and the Goron Shop.
To cross this lava-lined room, accessible from
the top and middle rings of Goron City, Link
must have the Longshot. Play the Song of
Time to make a time block appear. Stand on
the time block and use the Longshot on the
post at the opposite end of the room.
Several ropes hold a central platform in the
middle of the city. Once Link is an adult, Gold
Skulltula appears out in the center, near a
pedesal that used to hold the Gorons Ruby.
Meet Darunia
You must fnd Chief Darunia and ask for the
Gorons Ruby, but hes nowhere to be seen.
Apparently, with all the trouble regarding
the sealed Dodongos cavern, hes locked
himself up in his throne room. You need
to gain access, but Darunia wont grant an
audience for just anybody. So, stand outside
his room (on the mat) and play Zeldas
Lullaby on your ocarina. Tis identifes you
as aligned with the royal family. Darunias
door then opens.
To Det Mtn.
To Los Woods
To Det Mtn.

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Goron Shop
2 Chief Darunia
3 Large Goron
4 Hot Rodder
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Speak to Darunia. Hes not exactly the
friendliest fellow at frst, and he claims the
Gorons do not need outside help to deal with
their problems. However, you can convince
him that you mean well by pulling out your
ocarina again and playing Sarias Song.
If you skipped the Sacred Forest Meadow,
use the shortcut to the Lost Woods, learn
the song, and then come back.
Sarias Song defrosts your relationship
with Chief Darunia. Hes much more open
afer dancing to the hot tune.
Afer Darunia fnishes his dance, hes willing
to talk about the Gorons Ruby. He says its
an important treasure for his people, but he
would be willing to give it to anybody who
helped them with the Dodongos Cavern
situation. To help, Darunia gives you the
Gorons Bracelet, which lets you pull Bomb
Piece of Hert
Goron Shop
Los Woods Shortcut
Afer meeting Darunia, you can light a Deku
Stick at a nearby torch. Do so and then
quickly back out to the previous room. Light
the four torches around the giant Goron pot.
When you light the fourth torch, the pot
starts spinning. Now, head up to the next
tier of Goron City and hurl a bomb (plucked
from a Bomb Flower) into the mouth of pot.
Afer opening the door to Darunia, you have
access to a torch. Ignite a Deku Stick at one
of the torches and retreat to the previous
room at the botom of Goron City. Light the
Bomb Flowers on the wall and blast open the
entrance to the Goron Shop. Here, you can
buy extra bombs, Red Potions, and even a
Goron Tunic. Te red tunic looks cool, but
its far too big for you...for now.
On the second foor of Goron City (look for
red posts), ignite the Bomb Flowers next to
the boulders to blast open a shortcut to the
Lost Woods. Tis useful shortcut is great for
quickly running from Goron City to the Lost
Woods, which is connected to Kokiri Forest.
When you play the Biggorons Sword trading
game, this shortcut can come in quite handy.
It may take a few throws. Try looking
perpendicular from the trail and wait until
the pot is swinging around. Just before its
directly in front of you, hurl the bomb.
When it drops into the pot and explodes, a
Piece of Heart and some Rupees pop out.
Drop to the botom foor and collect your
Goron Shop Inventory
Item Name Price
Bombs (5) 25
Bombs (10) 50
Bombs (20) 80
Bombs (30) 120
Goron Tunic 200
Recovery Heart 10
Red Potion 40
Hearts: 5
Pieces of Heart: 7/36
Equipment/Items Found: Bomb
Bag, Gorons Ruby
Songs Learned:
Deep in Death Mountain lurks King Dodongo, leader of the Dodongo
monsters. With King Dodongo preventing the Gorons from reaching their
beloved rocks, its up to Link to venture into this dangerous cavern and
square of against the fearsome lizard. If Chief Darunia needed to see an act
of bravery to hand over the Gorons Ruby, surely defeating the monster in
the depths of this dungeon would do the trick.
Dodongos Cavern
(see map on te following page)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Map & Compass

Dungeon Map
Upon entering Dodongos Cavern, you start
in a large, lava-flled chamber. You will
move through this room several times while
exploring this dungeon. First, you need to
access the central platform. Jump across the
lava on the rising pillar. Teres a Beamos on
the middle platform. If youre fast, you can
avoid its eye laser.
Immediately veer of to the lef. Jump across
the pillar before it drops too low and then
hop over to the lef side of the room. Pick up
the Bomb Flower and deposit the explosive
next to the breakable wall.
Beamos are statues
with rotating heads.
Te single eye on the
head emits a harmful
laser that burns a
circular trail around
the Beamoss body. If you stay out of
its sight line, you can avoid the laser.
Bombs are the best way to dispose of
a Beamos, but when the body pops,
the head bounces into the air. When
it comes back down, it explodes.

Gold Skulltula Token

AB Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Now inside the small side chamber,
open the treasure chest to retrieve the
Dungeon Map.
Now that you have the Dungeon Map,
cross to the right side of the room. Use on
the Bomb Flowers to take out the Beamos
on the middle platform if you like. Behind
the breakable wall to the north, you fnd a
Gossip Stone. Instead, bomb through the
breakable wall in the southeast corner of the

Baby Dodongos
Te jagged corridor looks empty at frst, but
when you take several steps inside, Baby
Dodongos pop out of the ground. Tese
ity-bity lizards are easy to slash, but they
explode before they expire. Keep back when
they fash red to avoid geting caught in a
Hit the Baby Dodongos when they group
up so that when one explodes, it damages
the other monsters.
Baby Dodongo
Baby Dodongos crawl out of the ground and atempt to slither afer
you. Tey damage you if they touch you. Tough they are easy to
defeat with your sword, that only acivates an internal timer. Within
seconds, they explode. Keep back when you see them fashing red
because that indicates an imminent blast. (By the way, this blast can be
used to open breakable walls.)
Afer taking care of the Baby Dodongos,
keep moving. Climb up the ledge. Tere are
two Armos statues next to a blue switch.
Tat switch opens the nearby door, but it
requires constant pressure. Push the Armos
to the lef of the trigger on top of the switch
and then go through the unlocked door.
In the now-open hallway, take out the
fying Keese and then go through the next
door to enter a room full of dangerous

As soon as you enter this chamber, look out
for a pair of new enemies: Lizalfos. Tese are
the toughest monsters youve encountered
yet. Fortunately, they do not atack at the
same time. Jump out to one of the hexagonal
platforms over the lava and lure a Lizalfos to
you. Now, lock on with L-Targeting so you
do not accidentally step of into the lava. Use
your shield to block incoming sword strikes
from the Lizalfos. As soon as you defect
the blow, take a swipe of your own. A few of
these exchanges will bring a Lizalfos to its
Eliminating both Lizalfos in this room
opens the doors.
Tese monsters
have weapons and
armor. Lizalfos use
a sword to atack,
but these strikes can
be defected with a
shield. As soon as you block a hit,
counteratack. You can sofen them
up with projectile hits, but a few
sword strikes is usually all it takes to
fnish of a Lizalfos. Just beware
they typically travel in pairs.
On the way to the next room, you
pass a breakable wall. Drop a bomb
in front of it to reveal a Business Scrub
that sells Deku Sticks.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Circle around the switch and look for a
ladder. Only touch the Armos in front of
the ladder. Pull it away from the column and
then climb up. Step on the switch. Now the
door back out to the main room is open.
Dodongos are armored lizards that atack with fre breath. When you
see a Dodongo rear back and open its mouth, get out of the way so
you arent roasted. Tese brutes are vulnerable on their tails, so swing
behind them when they stand still and slash away. When you do hit
the tail, though, watch out for the Dodongo to quickly rotate and lash
out with its wounded tail.

Dodongo Room

In this hallway, you encounter Dodongos.
Tese monsters are more mature than the
Baby Dodongos, making them tougher to
fght. Even though they are slow, they are
still hazardous. Teir weak spots are their
tails, so get behind one and swing your blade.
Tis enrages the Dodongo and makes it spin
around, so get back to avoid contact.
A row of Bomb Flowers in the middle of this
room has a suspicious gap in the center. Tats
where you need to plant a bomb of your own
to make both lines of Bomb Flowers explode
and lower the blocks that make steps up to
the second foor of the dungeon. Te Bomb
Flower is to the south, which just happens to
be next to a breakable wall.
Bomb the breakable wall and enter a room
with a treasure chest and three Armos
statues. Te statue in front of the chest
comes alive when you touch it. Use one of
the Bomb Flowers in the corner to drop an
explosive next to the slow Armos statue and
blow it up. Once the path is clear, open the
chest to receive the Compass.
Look out for fre breath! When you see
the Dodongo open its maw, get back
way back.
Tere is a series of torches in this room.
Afer dealing with the Dodongos, light a
Deku Stick at the lone lit torch and then
ignite the others. When you ignite all of the
torches, the bars on the exit door open.
Te exit door leads back to the central room.
However, there is a switch on the ledge. Step
on it to unlock a door on the lef side of the
room, which leads to the Compass, and also
the second foor of the cavern.
Armos statues are
immobile until you
touch them. Tats
when they spring to
life. (Not all of them
are monsters, though.
Some are legit statues.) Tough you
can retreat and wait for the Armos
statue to deacivate and return to its
original position, youll likely need
to destroy the Armos to reach a goal.
Use bombs to blast the Armos.
Afer collecting the Compass, return to
the stairs and climb up to the second foor.
Floor 2 / Getting te
Bomb Bag

Look Out for Armos
Te only way out of here is to trigger the
switch in the center of the room, but its
surrounded by Armos statues and you can
be sure that not all of them are lifeless. Plus,
Fire Keese fy overhead. First, deal with the
Fire Keese. L-Target them and take them out
with your slingshot.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Te next chamber is full of blade traps that
slide across the foor. Fortunately, there are
clear hallways and alcoves you can duck into
as you cross the room. Use L-Targeting to
peek around corners and verify if the coast is
clear before running to the next safe space.
To cross this room, you must hit the eye
switch on the far wall with your slingshot.
Take aim and let fy with a Deku Seed.
Poking the eye temporarily extinguishes
the fames in the center of the room. Jump
across the room and then enter a hallway
loaded with Baby Dodongos.
Jump across the pillars in this room to reach
a treasure chest. Its the Bomb Bag. Now you
can carry bombs (up to 20, to be precise),
which is much more convenient than
looking around for a Bomb Flower.
Tere are two fres to put out in this room,
but this trap is a touch trickier. Yes, you still
shoot the eye on the far side of the room
with your slingshot, but that only puts out
the frst fameand only for a few moments.
Quickly jump to the frst pillar and then
turn lef. Shoot that eye with your slingshot
and then bound to the now-extinguished
platform before the frst fre sparks up again.
In the following chamber, youre back in the
sights of some Lizalfos. Use the same tacics
as before, deploying your shield to block
incoming hits and then counter with strikes
of your own.
When you reach the ladder on the far side,
you see thats its too high to reach. However,
pull out the block beneath the ladder. Now
you have a ledge to climb up on and jump to
the ladder.
Cross the bridge, jumping over the gap.
Eliminate the Fire Keese frst so one
doesnt tag you on the bridge and knock
you back down to the frst foor.

Blde Traps

Fire Puzzle

Bomb Bag

Anoter Fire Puzzle
Poke your head into the hole in the wall lef
by moving the block. Teres a Recovery
Heart inside.
Now, jump out to the pillar with the small
treasure chest (20 Rupees) and a Bomb
Flower. Pluck the bomb and throw it at the
breakable wall above the ladder. Time the
throw just right so it explodes when it hits
the wall. Jump back to the ladder and go
through the now-open passage.
If you get into a litle trouble in here, pick
up the Recovery Hearts at the peninsula
out over the lava.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Step out on the bridge extending across the
giant Dodongo skull. Tere are two breaks in
the bridge. Step to each gap and drop a bomb
down through the hole. Te bombs land in
the skulls eyes. Te explosions light the eyes
on fre. When both are ablaze, the skulls
mouth opens, revealing the path to the boss
of the dungeon, King Dodongo.

Red Eyes
Hop back to the ledge that leads to the
central room. A switch nearby raises a pillar,
creating a shortcut to the upper level if you
ever need it.
Out on the ledge, you spy an inscription
that says you must ignite Dodongos eyes
to open a hidden door. Now that you have
bombs, you have the means to solve this
litle puzzle.
Bomb the breakable wall on the far side
of the bridge to fnd a treasure chest that
contains 20 Rupees.

Finding te Boss
Afer stepping through the door in the skulls
mouth, youre under fre by Fire Keese.
Eliminate them and then hop down to the
middle of the room. Teres a hole in the
foor, but no means to fll it just yet. So, hop
up to the hallway leading of to the right.
In here, climb up the blocks to access the
top of the walls that cross the center of the
room. Follow the wall to a small alcove and
jump down. Push the block through the
hole to make a shortcut (in case you need to
return later).
Get a botle ready! One of the jars next to
the block contains a fairy.
Follow the curved hallway until you reach
a block. Push it down to the foor below.
Pull the block away from the wall and
then push it into the hole in the center of
the room. Tis unlocks the door that leads
to King Dodongo.
Tere is a breakable patch in the foor here.
Place a bomb on it to create a hole in the
foor. Before falling through the hole to reach
the boss, open the treasure chest to stock up
on bombs. Youll need them for this fght.
Boss: King Dodongo
King Dodongo is a monstrous lizard with
two devastating atacks:
Te beast will roll into a ball and circle the
room. Tis would be easier to avoid if the
center of the room wasnt flled with lava.
However, there is a trick to this. If you get
into one of the corners and stand fush
against the wall, the rolling King Dodongo
will just miss you.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
You can also avoid geting squashed by
staying right up to the edge of the lava.
Te second atack is to breathe fre. Your
shield does nothing to repel this, so just get
back as soon as King Dodongo rises up and
opens its huge mouth. Te catch, though,
is that when it opens its mouth, its also
revealing its weak spot to you.
As soon as King Dodongo stops moving and
turns to face you, L-Target it. Te boss rises
from the ground and opens its mouth to
breathe a freball at you. Just as it shows its
teeth, throw a bomb into its mouth. When
the bomb pops in King Dodongos gullet,
the boss falls to the ground, temporarily
Now get in there and deliver some sword
strikes to King Dodongos head!
If you run out of bombs, just use the Bomb
Flowers around the edges of the room.
Follow this patern several timesavoid the
rolling atack, throw a bomb into its mouth,
and then slash at the stunned king. Soon,
you claim victory over the fearsome boss.
Your immediate prize is a Heart Container.
Grab it before stepping into the blue light
that warps you out of the dungeon and back
to Darunia.
After Defetng
King Dodongo
Hearts: 6
Pieces of Heart: 7/36
Equipment/Items Found: Big Bomb
Bag, Piece of Heart (x3), Spin
Atack, Dins Fire
Songs Learned:
Darunia is a Goron of his word. In exchange
for defeating King Dodongo and allowing
the Gorons to continue their rich diet of fne
rocks, he gives you the Gorons Ruby. Now
you have two of the three Spiritual Stones.
At this point, there are a few things you
can do before moving on to Zoras Domain
in pursuit of the Zoras Sapphire. You can
head back to the Death Mountain Trail
and use your newfound bombs to fnd Gold
Skulltulas. Tere are two things to fnd in
Goron City now as well, so go here frst.
Goron Cit
Det Mountain Crater
Inside Goron City, look for a Goron rolling
around the second tier. Tats Hot Rodder.
You need to get him to stop for just a
moment. Te best way to do that is with a
bomb. Stop Hot Rodder under the overhang
by dropping a bomb in his path when hes
several feet away. If you time the explosion
just right, he comes to a full stop and unfurls.
As a prize for stopping him, he awards you
the Big Bomb Bag. Now you can carry 30
bombsvery useful.
Also inside Goron City, bomb the three
boulders on the top level. Tis lets you enter
a room full of boulders. Use bombs to blast
the brown boulders. (Te gray boulders
are hard enough to withstand a bomb
blast.) Blast the boulders going straight up
the middle of the room to fnd two purple
Rupees and a Gold Skulltula.
Tis next part is completely optional right
now. Were going to the summit of Death
Mountain, a place you need to visit later
in the adventure. But by going now, you
can collect a Piece of Heart a litle earlier
than intended while visiting a Great Fairy
Fountain to learn the Spin Atack. Well
show the map of Death Mountain Crater
later in the walk-through (when were going
for the Fire Temple).
Come back here with the Megaton
Hammer or Silver Gauntlet to lif the
reddish boulders along the lef side of the
room and claim the huge Rupee worth 200.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Kakriko Village
Outside of the crater, talk to the owl and
accept a ride down Death Mountain.
Kaepora takes you all the way to Kakariko
Village and drops you of on top of a house.
Tat might seem unhelpful at frst, but the
owl just did you a big favor. You can now
reach a Piece of Heart inside one of the
Kakariko houses.
Return to the entrance of Goron City. Blast
the boulders that block the path to the
summit. Now, start up the mountain trail.
Afer a few moments, Death Mountain
rumbles to life. Molten rocks fall from the
sky in waves. When the rocks start to rain
down, duck beneath the Hylian Shield and
wait for the torrent to ease before atempting
to climb a litle more of the path.
If you try to use the Deku Shield to block the
molten rocks, it catches fre and burns up.
Once you survive the gauntlet of lava
rocks, you must climb a tall wall. Use your
slingshot to shoot down the Skullwalltulas
that lurk on the wall. When the way is clear,
start up the wall. You may need to take a
break on a small ledge and blast a Skull-
walltula near the top of the wall.
At the top of the wall, you see Kaepora
Gaebora waiting for you. Dont talk to the owl
just yet. First, blow up the boulder and unlock
the Great Fairy Fountain. Walk inside and
play Zeldas Lullaby to call the Great Fairy.
She appears in a cacophony of laughter and
blesses you with the new Spin Atack. Now
you can spin to cut down multiple enemies in
the event you are surrounded.
Drop of the roof onto the awning over
the Cucco pen. Now step inside the house.
Youre in the cage with the cow and the
Piece of Heart. Pick up the Piece of Heart
and, if you like, play Eponas Song to the cow
to collect some Lon Lon Milk.
then quickly climb back up the wall. You
may not make it, but thats okay. Youre
placed near the exit with one less heart. Now
leave the crater.
Afer leaving the Great Fairy Fountain,
step through the hole to enter the Death
Mountain Crater. You actually need the
Goron Tunic to withstand the heat of the
crater, but because thats too big for you
right now, you can only be in the crater for a
limited time before youre ejected (Youll see
1:52 on the timer the frst time Young Link
enters the crater). Tats enough time to
claim a Piece of Heart, though.
Step to the center of the ledge overlooking
the lava. Walk of and then catch yourself.
Crawl down. A small alcove in the wall
contains the Piece of Heart. Claim it and
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Dodongos Cavern
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Hyrule Casle
With bombs, you can now unlock a Great
Fairy Fountain back at Hyrule Castle.
On your way into the castle, stop of at
the market and play some games, such as
Bombchu Bowling. One of the rotating
prizes for winning Bombchu Bowling is
a Piece of Heart. Consult the Minigames
chapter for tips on beating this game.
Another prize for Bombchu Bowling:
Biggest Bomb Bag!
Whichever Bomb Bag you get frst, either
from Hot Rodder or Bombchu Bowling,
is the Bigger Bomb Bag. Te other source
then gives you the Biggest Bomb Bag.
If you run out of Rupees to play minigames,
return to the guardhouse and smash up
those jars.
Now, slip back to the castle grounds. Climb
the vines and cross the guard gate that blocks
Inside the Great Fairy Fountain, play
Zeldas Lullaby. Te Great Fairy appears
and rewards you with Dins Fire, your frst
magic sell. Tis sell creates a hemisphere
of fame around you, which works to light
multiple torches or wound monsters that
surround you.
Now with all of these treasures in your
possession, its time to make a play for Zoras
Sapphire, the third and fnal Spiritual Stone.
Head out across Hyrule Field for Zoras
River, between the entrances to Kakariko
Village and Kokiri Forest.
the road to the castle. Drop of the other
side of the gate and walk to the dead-end
road. Drop a bomb in front of a boulder at
the end of the road to reveal the Great Fairy
The Zoras Sapphire
Link has two of the three Spiritual Stones: Kokiris Emerald and Gorons Ruby. He needs the last of the triothe Zoras Sapphireto open the
locked Door of Time inside the Temple of Time. Te quest for Zoras Sapphire leads Link to the home of the Zora, an aquatic people to the
west of Hyrule. Here, led by King Zora, the Zora also fnd themselves in need of a hero. Te Gorons parted with their treasure in exchange for
bravery. Perhaps the Zora will do the same?
Zoras River
(see map on te following page)
Hearts: 7
Pieces of Heart: 10/36
Equipment/Items Found: Magic
Beans, Piece of Heart (x2)
Songs Learned:
Snaking westward from Hyrule Field, Zoras River leads curious explorers to the hidden entrance
of Zoras Domain, the home of the Zora. Travel along the river leads to encounters with Octoroks
and Tektites, so adventurers beter be ready with sword and shield if they want to ever set foot in
Zoras Domain.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Getting Your Feet Wet
Magic Bens
Along the bank of the river, you encounter
a portly man munching on some beans. He
describes them to you as Magic Beans and
ofers to sell some to you. Te frst sale is
only 10 Rupees. Tats a steal. But theres a
catch. Every subsequent purchase costs 10
Rupees more. Tere are 10 Magic Beans to
buy, so by the time you buy the tenth set, the
price is up to 100 Rupees.
You use Magic Beans in the sof soil patches
around Hyrule. When you plant a bean
as child Link, it just sprouts up a litle.
However, when you enter the Temple of
Time and come back to them seven years
later, theyve grown into magical plants that
spirit you through the air. Tese plants ofer
shortcuts and hidden treasures, including
Pieces of Heart.
For a full list of all 10 spots to plant Magic
Beans and the prizes for doing so, see the
Secrets & Specials chapter.
Herts on te River
To reach Zoras Domain, you need to
move upstream. Te current is rather
strong, so stick to the river banks and the
winding platforms that arc over the water.
Octoroks pop out of
the water and spit
stones at you. Tese
stones can be refected
back with a shield, but
lining up the return
volley can be a bit tricky. Tis and a
ranged atack (slingshot, arrows) are
the only ways to defeat an Octorok. If
you wade into the water and try to use
a sword, the Octorok slips back into
the drink.
Undoubtedly, youve noticed a Cucco near
the river. Tat is no accidentyou need a
Cucco to collect the Pieces of Heart found
along the river. If you lost the Cucco, check
the same spot a litle later; the Cucco will

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Magic Bean Salesman
2 Frogs
To Los
To Zoras
To Hyrule
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Te frst Piece of Heart is not too far past
the Magic Bean salesman. To pick it up,
grab a Cucco. Now, run forward and launch
yourself of the ledge. Te Cucco lets you
glide rather than fall. Just as you reach the
next ledge, toss the Cucco so you can grab on
to the edge. Climb up and then hop over to
the nearby pillar to snag a Piece of Heart.
Now, take the Cucco to the highest arc over
the river. Turn back to face the way you
came. You should see the Piece of Heart on
a narrow ledge. Jump toward the ledge with
the Cucco still in hand. You easily glide over
to the Piece of Heart.
To collect the second Piece of Heart, pick up
the Cucco again. Move up the river via the
banks and platforms. (Watch out for Tektites
that steadily move into the area. If you need to
fght one of, throw the Cucco into a corner so
it doesnt run of while you engage the enemy.)
Afer learning the Song of Storms later in
your adventure, return to Zoras River and
play for the frogs to earn a Piece of Heart.
In fact, you can earn two Pieces of Heart
from the frogs. But well get into that later...
Opening Zoras Domain
When you reach the waterfall at the end of
the river, youre stopped cold. However, this
is not a dead end. Look down at your feet to
see the Triforce symbol on the ground. Tat
means its time to play Zeldas Lullaby. Play
the tune on your ocarina and the waterfall
parts. Now you can jump across the gap and
slip behind the waterfall to discover Zoras
If you dont jump to Zoras Domain
right away, the waterfall closes again. No
worriesyou can always open it right back
up with Zeldas Lullaby.
Zoras Domain
(see map on te following page)
Hearts: 8
Pieces of Heart: 12/36
Equipment/Items Found: Piece of
Heart, Silver Scale
Songs Learned:
Zoras Domain is the home of the Zora. Tis watery paradise is insulated to keep most out, but
in these troubled times, even the private Zora are willing to accept help from an outsider. King
Zoras throne sits atop the city, where he seeks assistance from a potential champion.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Exploring te Domain
Piece of Hert
Te frst thing to do when entering Zoras
Domain is seek out the Piece of Heart. Its
in a treasure chest behind the waterfall,
but until you light fve torches, it remains
invisible. To start lighting torches, run to the
top of Zoras Domain and locate King Zoras
Tere is a lit torch up by King Zora. Te
second you ignite a Deku Stick, you need
to start lighting torches because they go
out afer several moments unless all fve are
afame. You may need to light a second Deku
Stick on the way down, but to conserve,
put away the Deku Stick before it burns up.
Heres the order of the torches:
1. At the botom of the stairs that lead up
to King Zora.
2. Next to the Zora Shop, which is at the
botom of the domain.
3. Run across the shallow part of the
water and look for a torch next to a circle
of small stones.
4. Finally, light the two torches behind
the waterfall. Be mindful of the depth of
the water. If you step into deep water, the
Deku Stick goes out.
Afer the ffh torch is ignited, a treasure
chest appears behind the waterfall. Open it
up to claim another Piece of Heart. Now,
return to King Zora to seek out another
secial treasure.
To Zoras Fountain
To Zoras
To Lake

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Zora Shop
2 King Zora
3 Silver Scale
Lord Jabu Jabu
To Ice
To Zoras Domain
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Take a Dive
After Getting te Letter
Next to King Zoras throne is a tunnel. Follow
it out to the edge overlooking Zoras Domain.
A Zora standing next to the edge ofers a
diving challenge. If you can complete his
diving minigame, he will give you a prize: the
Silver Scale. Te cost to play is 20 Rupees.
Walk back up to King Zora and present him
with the message in the botle. It contains a
leter from Princess Ruto, the kings missing
daughter. He asks you to go fnd her. Te
king then scoots aside, opening the way to
Jabu-Jabu, the living deity of the Zora people.
You also get to keep the now-empty botle.
Tis is not an optional minigame. Te
Silver Scale is essential for your quest.
Te Zora throws fve blue Rupees into the
water below. You have 50 seconds to dive
down there and collect all of them. As soon
as the timer starts, leap of the ledge and
into the water. Swim over a Rupee and dive
down. Swim around while underwater (you
dont have much time) and pick up any
nearby Rupees. Move quickly because those
50 seconds go faster than you might think.
Behind the throne is Zoras Fountain,
where Lord Jabu-Jabu sits. Stand in front of
Jabu-Jabu and drop the fsh on the ground in
front of his mouth. Te leviathan opens its
mouth to swallow the fsh, but in the process,
it inhales you, too. Now youre inside
Jabu-Jabu, which sounds like a bad place to
be, but it turns out its a great bit of luck.
As soon as you have collected all of the Rupees,
return to the Zora. He gladly hands over the
Silver Scale. Tis prize allows you to dive
twice as deep, which is important for accessing
underwater passages and treasures, such as a
secial botle in the depths of Lake Hylia.
Speaking of King Zora, hes not much help right
now. So dive back into the water and swim
through the hole to take a shortcut to Lake
Hylia. To obtain the leter, follow the steps in the
Bobbing for Leterssection on the next page.
However, you need to collect a fsh in that
botle so you can tempt Jabu-Jabu into
opening its mouth. Take the botle to the
water at the botom of Zoras Domain. Equip
it. Swim over to the fsh in the shallow water
near the waterfall and use the botle. Tis
snatches up a fsh. With this botled fsh now
in your inventory, go back up to King Zora
and access the fountain behind his throne.
Lake Hylia
(see map on te following page)
Hearts: 8
Pieces of Heart: 13/36
Equipment/Items Found: Leter
in a Botle, Piece of Heart
Songs Learned: Scarecrows Song
Te majestic waters of Lake Hylia ofer some of the best fshing in the realm. Tis watering hole is
connected to Zoras Domain and the Lost Woods through some clever shortcuts.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Jus a Day at te Lake?
Bobbing for Letter
Upon surfacing in Lake Hylia, look back out
to water. Navi dances around a particular
spot in the lake. Swim out to Navi and then
dive down. With the Silver Scale, its no
problem to dive down and reach the object
that atraced Navis atention.
Its a botlebut its not empty. Teres
a leter inside the botle. You must take
this leter back to King Zora, but before
returning to Zoras Domain, there are a
few things you can (and should) do at Lake
Scarecrows Song
Swim over to dry land. Tere is a garden
patch on the bank of Lake Hylia. Two
scarecrows stand watch over the crops. You
can actually seak to the lower scarecrow,
named Bonooru. Bonooru is rather fond of
music. Hed love to hear a new tune from
you, so pull out your ocarina.
Unlike other songs, there are no set notes for
what ends up being the Scarecrows Song.
You get to make up your own song here out
of eight notes. But you beter make sure its
something you can remember.
While there is little to do with this song
right now, it comes in handy in later
years. It turns out that the scarecrows
indeed never forget this song. When
you play it in special places, the other
scarecrow, Pierre, pops up. Then you can
use him as an anchor for your Hookshot
or Longshot.
Te laboratory on the overlook is another
place that doesnt factor into your
adventure right now, but is defnitely a spot
youll visit much later.

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Message in a Botle
2 Laboratory
3 Scarecrows
4 Fishing Pond
5 Fire Arrows
(afer completing Water
To Hyrule
To Gerudo
To Zoras Domain
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Fishing Game
Look out across Lake Hylia. Teres a shack
on the shore not too far from the laboratory
on the overlook. Swim out to the shack and
step through its door to access the fshing
pond. An entire minigame out here revolves
around fshing.
We cover the fshing minigame in the
Minigame chapter, but be advised that you
gain a Piece of Heart for participating in this
acivity. You need to pay the fsherman at
the counter 20 Rupees to rent a rod. Ten,
go to the edge of the pond and cast a hook
into the water. If you reel in a 10-pound
catch and take it to the counter, you win a
Piece of Heart.
To be sure, this is not easy. Landing the big catch
takes patience and practice. Not only do you have
to find the big fish (look near the logs first), but you
have to actually reel it in and not suffer a line break.
Te running Piece of Heart count assumes
that you collected the Piece of Heart from
the fshing minigame at this point.
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly


Gold Skulltula Token

AC Map Connectors
6 7
8 9
Basement 1
Floor 1-2
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Hearts: 8
Pieces of Heart: 14/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Boomerang, Zoras Sapphire
Songs Learned:
Finding te Princess

The Mout That Roared
In Jabu-Jabus mouth, you are immediately
confronted by Shabooms and Octoroks.
Wade into the water and use your shield to
refect the Octoroks stones back at them. If
the Shabooms get too close, slash at them
with your sword.
Shabooms are weak
litle enemies that
foat through the air.
Tey are easy to both
defeat and avoid. A
simple sword slash or
roll will eliminate a Shaboom.
Te door leading deeper into Jabu-Jabu is
covered with a strange membrane. Turn
around and look at the roof of the mouth. A
uvula hangs from the ceiling. Shoot it with
your slingshot to remove the membrane and
move deeper into the frightening fsh.
Inside this circular room, you can either
engage the Biri (the jellyfsh-like creatures)
or move around the half-circle platform and
exit through the door in the rear.
Biri and Bari
Tere are many
shocking Biri and
Bari foating around
in Jabu-Jabus belly.
Tese creatures atack
by touching you and
discharging electricity, which does
a decent amount of damage and
temporarily freezes you. Use your
sword to eliminate them up close, but
just stunning them with a Deku Nut
or atacking from afar works, too.

Princess Ruto
Te next room is flled with Bari, holes in
the foor, and an errant princess. Wait a
momentthats Princess Ruto. And shes a
spoiled litle girl! Ruto says she doesnt need
your help and runs away, but instantly falls
right down one of the holes in the foor.
Follow her through the hole.
When you drop into the basement level
of Jabu-Jabu and seak to Ruto, she fnally
relents. She will let you help. You just have
to carry her aroundthats her condition
for deigning to accept your assistance. Well,
you made a promise to King Zora, so youre
just going to have to play along. Take Ruto
through the nearby door.
Your chariot, milady...
When you carry Princess Ruto around,
you hold her over your head. You can set
her down on a switch and she stays put.
However, if you put her down anywhere
else or shes injured by an enemy, she
returns to this spot.

Water Puzzle
Afer walking down the corridor lined with
Shabooms (did you try throwing Ruto into
them?), you enter a room with a pool. Tere
is a switch in the middle of the water, but its
surrounded by a handful of Stingers. Stingers
are tricky menaces, because they like to
pop out of the water and atack with litle
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
See that wall with the webbing? Not only
is there a Gold Skulltula on it, but if you
climb up, one of the breakable jars on the
upper ledge contains a fairy.
Te next hallway contains a handful of
Shabooms. Use your slingshot to shoot the
uvula hanging from the ceiling to remove the
membrane and exit through the far door.

Elevator Room
An elevator platform in the center of this
chamber leads you back up to the frst foor
of the dungeon. But frst, you need to deal
with the Octorok in the water. Set Ruto down
next to you and then raise your Deku Shield
to bounce the rocks back at the Octorok.
Once the Octorok has been defeated, ride the
elevator back up with Ruto in tow.
Tentacle Trouble

Fork in te Guts
As you press farther back into Jabu-Jabu,
you reach a major fork in the road that
splits of into fve directions. Before you can
explore those other paths (which lead to the
Dungeon Map and Boomerang, by the way),
you need to disense with at least a couple of
the Tailpasaran at the juncture. You need a
safe route to carry Ruto to a switch.
Tese fying snake-like creatures lurk in the ground. As you close
in, they pop out of the foor and start foating around, extending an
electric tail. Tat tail is where you need to hit this monster to defeat it.
Youll get quite a shock if it touches you. Te Boomerang is a good tool
for defeating these beasties.

Now walk to the right. Tere is a switch on
the ground, but it requires extra weight to
trigger. Hold Ruto and step down on the
switch, which removes the membrane from
the door directly in front of you. Now step
through the door and fght the four Stingers
moving about the foor.
Notice that the foor in the hallways seems
to be moving? A slight current on the
ground draws you back to the center of the
juncture. If you set Ruto down on it, she
drifs into danger.
Afer you defeat the Stingers, a treasure
chest appears in the center of the room. It
contains the Boomerang. Equip the item
to one of your acion butons, pick up Ruto,
and exit back into the hallway. Now you
need to pick up the Dungeon Map on the
other side of the juncture.
Try L-Targeting the Stingers, and then
throw Ruto at them just before they
Stingers are ray-like
fsh that live in the
water. To atack, they
quickly pop out of the
water and atempt
to ram you. While
exposed, they are easy to hit with a
sword or an L-Targeted projectile
weapon. In the water, though, they
are tougher to get. Move close and
goad them out of the water so you
can land a successful atack.
Drop down into the water and then throw
Ruto on the opposite bank. Shell stay put
while you walk over and step on the switch.
Tis raises the water. Now you, too, can
swim back across and climb out of the pool.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Dungeon Map
Te switch on the foor here requires
constant pressure to remain triggered, so you
need to set Ruto down (gently) on top of the
switch. Tis opens the door that leads to the
room with the Dungeon Map. Easy-peasy,
Wrong. Inside this room, a huge tentacle
drops down from the ceiling and starts
lashing about. You must defeat this tentacle,
but its way too big for a sword or slingshot
atack. L-Target the tentacle and then let fy
with your Boomerang. It arcs through the
air and strikes the tentacle. Afer four hits,
the tentacle drops and is destroyed.
Te tentacle will retreat into the ceiling
between hits. Step closer to the center of
the room to coax it out of hiding.
Now you can claim the Dungeon Map
from a newly visible treasure chest.
Return to Ruto.


Blue Tentacle

Green Tentacle
Somethings happened. When you defeated
the red tentacle to retrieve the Dungeon
Map, the tentacle blocking this door has
also vanished. It seems the tentacles in
this section of Jabu-Jabu are connected in
pairs. Eliminating one half makes the other
disappear. Step through the door here and
defeat the Shabooms within. When the last
Shaboom has been popped, a chest appears.
It contains the Compass.
Te door here is also now open. Step inside
and set Ruto near the opening. (Remember,
if you drop her outside and then go in,
she gets mad and retreats to her starting
position.) Tere is another tentacle hanging
from the ceiling, but this one is blue. Defeat
it with four Boomerang strikes, just like the
red tentacle.
Neutralizing the blue tentacle opens the
way to get through the central door at the
juncture. Now you can step inside, set Ruto
down, and lay waste to the green tentacle
fopping from the ceiling. Just do yourself
a huge favor and take out the Biri fiting
around the chamber frst so you dont have
to juggle them with the tentacle.
By defeating the green tentacle, you can now
slip down a newly opened hole in the room
with all the vortices in the foor. (Tis is the
room where Ruto fed when you initially
found her.) Drop through the hole to end up
back in the basement.
Bigocos Surprise

The Zoras Sapphire!?
Te hole leads down to a room with two
Gold Skulltulas you can eliminate by any
means, but only your Boomerang will
retrieve the Gold Skulltula Tokens. Tere is
only one way out of this room, so follow the
hallway to the lef to enter a round chamber.
Princess Ruto sees the Zoras Sapphire
on top of the platform in the center of
the room. Trow her up to the Spiritual
Stone. But as soon as she nabs it, shes lifed
skywardand youre lef dealing with a
nasty Bigocto.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Teres an easy rhythm to this fght. Let
Bigocto come at you. Hit him in the face
with your Boomerang. Tis stuns him, but
hes still facing toward you and his face is not
his weak spot. However, when he shakes it
of, he increases his seed, and he may turn
around to move the other direction. If he
turns around, hit him again with another
Boomerang strike. If he charges you, hit him
with the Boomerang before he hits you. If
he does hit you, he will turn around and you
can strike with your Boomerang.
Now, when Bigocto collapses, the weak spot
on his back side is exposed. Run up and
strike it before he recovers from the stun.
Now repeat until hes cooked.
If you use a jump atack, you deal more
damage and can fnish the batle faster.
Pick up the three Recovery Hearts Bigocto
drops before hopping up on the platform to
chase down Princess Ruto.
Te middle jar at the top of the elevator
ride contains a fairy.
Making a Move
on te Boss

Te pillars that lead across the muck in
this chamber are a litle wiggly to step
on. However, if you hit them with your
Boomerang, they temporarily turn rigid.
Now you can jump across them to return to
the central room of the dungeon.
When you drop back down to the lower
foor, the sliding platform completes the
bridge to the locked door to the right. Te
switch that controls the membrane needs
constant weight, so pick up one of the crates
along the wall and set it down on the switch.
Now step through the door.

Tough Switch
Upon entering this room, use your
Boomerang to rid the place of the Biri. Ten,
climb the webbing on the wall. When you
reach the top, look out to see the switch that
removes the membrane from the door that
leads to the boss of the dungeon.
Small problem: the switch is behind some
webbing, too. Tis is when the Boomerang
really proves its worth. Stand facing
the switch, L-Target it, and throw your
Boomerang. It arcs behind the webbing and
hits the switch. Now you can drop back
down and visit Barinade, the boss of this
Te Bigocto chases you around the circular
chamber. You cannot press your body
against the central platform because its lined
with spikes. You have to stand your ground
to a degree and fght the Bigocto head-on.
Stun it with your Boomerang! Tis will open
a window where you can rush in and slash
away with your sword.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Boss: Barinade
Barinade is a parasitic jellyfsh monster with
huge tentacles and horrifc shock atacks.
Sounds intimidating to be sure, but you have
the tools to bring this brute down to size.
First, make Barinade disconnect from the
rooms roof, where it appears to be drawing
energy from its host. L-Target the tentacles
and then slash through them with your
Between each strike, back of and avoid
Barinades electrical atacks. Fortunately,
they dont extend too far out from the
main body.
Several jars around the outer edge of the
room contain Recovery Hearts.
When Barinade detaches from the ceiling, it
drops down and releases some jellyfsh that
lazily foat around the room. Touch them
and you get a shock. Also shocking: Barinade
releases an energy beam that circles its body.
Stay back!
Use Deku Nuts to quickly clear the jellies.
Once the jellyfsh are gone, you have a shot
at Barinades body with your Boomerang.
Target Barinade and strike it with the
Boomerang to stun it. Ten you can rush in
and deliver a few sword strikes.
Afer Barinade recovers, it goes on overdrive
for a few seconds. It releases four jellyfsh,
each connected to the main body by an
electric tether. Ten Barinade goes on spin
cycle. Avoid the boss during this move as you
just cannot get a hit in until he slows back
down and releases the jellyfsh into the room.
Barinades last defense is to sink into the
foor and fre electrical beams at you. Run
away from Barinade to avoid the beams, but
keep on eye on it so you know when it rises
from the foor. As soon as you see the body,
stun it with a Boomerang atack and then
zoom in to slash away with your blade.
It takes several cycles to fnally defeat
Barinade, but when you do, the parasite pops
and leaves behind both a Heart Container
and the blue warp pad. Princess Ruto waits
for you in the blue light. Afer collecting the
Heart Container, catch up with Ruto...who
seems to think you took your sweet time
rescuing her.
After Defetng
Hearts: 9
Pieces of Heart: 14/36
Equipment/Items Found: Farores
Wind, Pieces of Heart (x3)
Songs Learned:
Princess Rutos
Change of Hert
When you surface back in Lake Hylia with
the princess, she takes a much diferent
tack with you. No longer standofsh, Ruto
is downright charmed by you. In fact, she
thinks you might be the person she was
meant to send the rest of her life with.
And as an engagement present of sorts, she
hands over Zoras Sapphire. You now have
all three Spiritual Stones and can open the
Door of Time inside the Temple of Time.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Enter the hole behind the boulder to
discover a Great Fairy Fountain. Te Great
Fairy is summoned with Zeldas Lullaby and
gives you the second magic sell: Farores
Wind. Tis sell lets you create a warp point
inside a dungeon. When you use Farores
Wind from a diferent location, you can
teleport back to the warp point that was
previously created.
Hyrule Field Piece of Hert
Just outside Lake Hylia, in Hyrule Field, is a
fenced-of area. Drop a bomb in the middle
of the fences. Tis opens up a secret groto.
When you enter the groto, a Business
Scrub ofers you a Piece of Heart for just 10
Rupees. Buy it.
Use the Gold Skulltula guide in Secrets
& Special to make sure you dont
accidentally drop Magic Beans in a hole
that would release a Gold Skulltula if you
frst used bugs. All three of these holes have
Gold Skulltulas in them, so drop
bugs in frst to claim the tokens and
then plant Magic Beans.
Gerudo Valley Entrance
Gerudo Valley doesnt come into play until
much later in your adventure, but there are
two easily found Pieces of Heart near the
entrance to Gerudo Valley that you should
grab now to boost your overall life by one
full heart.
Well go into deeper detail with Gerudo
Valley soon, but for now, just go to the
opposite side of Hyrule Field from Zoras
Domain and enter the mouth of the valley.
Tis leads you to a bridge that spans a
canyon. Pick up the Cucco walking near
the bridge and carry it over your head. Stop
when you are halfway across the bridge.
Face the waterfall and jump of. Glide
toward the middle of the waterfall. A secret
room behind the waterfall contains a Piece
of Heart.
You have to swim down the river and then
scramble back to Gerudo Valley to claim the
second Piece of Heart. Again, grab a Cucco
and go to the middle of the bridge. Now, look
of in the other direction from the waterfall.
Jump out and sail for the small ledge with a
When you land on the ledge, release the
Cucco and roll into the crate. Tis reveals
another Piece of Heart. By now, you should
have 17 Pieces of Heart total, which means
you have 10 full hearts. Tat puts you in
great shape to head to the Temple of Time
and begin the back half of your adventure,
where the going gets much tougher.
Next stop: the Temple of Time!
Tis is also an opportunity to complete the
mask-trading game, which is detailed in the
Secrets & Specials chapter.
Lets do some collecting frst, because once
you access the Temple of Time, it takes a
while before you can return to child form.
So, instead of hurrying of the Hyrule Castle
just yet, remain at Zoras Fountain.
Zora Fountains Gret
Fairy Fountain
Swim over to the small bank on the far side
of the fountain. Tere are boulders on the
shore. Come ashore and place a bomb next
to the big gray boulder. When the bomb goes
of, the wall behind it is destroyed but the
boulder remains. (You need the Megaton
Hammer to smash itbut that comes much
Magic Bens
Tis is a good time to plant some Magic
Beans around Hyrule so you can use the
magical plants afer you complete the
Temple of Time. Go to the entrance of
Dodongos Cavern, the laboratory at Lake
Hylia, and the graveyard behind Kakariko
Village. Plant Magic Beans in each soil patch.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Lake Hylia
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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The Temple of Time
Now that Link possessed the three Spiritual StonesKokiris Emerald, Gorons Ruby, and Zoras Sapphirehe had everything he needed to
return to the Temple of Time and throw open the Door of Time.
The Temple of Time
Hearts: 10
Pieces of Heart: 17/36
Equipment/Items Found: Ocarina of
Time, Master Sword, Light Medallion
Songs Learned: Song of Time
Te Temple of Time rose high above the Hyrule Castle Market. Inside the temple, an
altar awaited the three Spiritual Stones, the keys to the mystical Door of Time. Just
beyond lay the Master Sword, driven into a stone and only willing to give itself to the
true Hero of Time. Would this be the weapon that would one day bring an end to the
King of Evil?
Outside Hyrule Casle
With the three Spiritual Stones in your
possession, its time to head for Hyrule
Castle. However, the drawbridge is up. Just
as you approach the castle gate, it slams to
the ground. A horse and rider explode from
the castle, galloping as if their very lives
depended on it.
Only then do you see why they fee.
Ganondorf rides up, asking you which way
Zelda and Impa fed. When you refuse to
answer, Ganondorf strikes you with a magic
sell, knocking you to the ground. You are
of no use to him, because he needs Zelda
to unlock the Sacred Realm and grant him
access to the Triforce.
You catch a fash of Princess Zelda on the
horse, being taken from the castle by her
guardian, Impa. Zelda sees you and throws
something into the moat that surrounds the
outer wall of the castle.
Afer Ganondorf leaves, get up and jump
into the moat. Dive down to collect the
object Zelda lef behind for you. Its the
Ocarina of Time! Tis magical instrument
meant the world to Zelda, and she wouldnt
have given it to you unless she knew you
could use it to possibly save the world.
When you touch the Ocarina of Time, you
enter a vision. Zelda stands before you. She
teaches you the Song of Time, an important
melody that will not only help you inside the
Temple of Time, but also move secial time
blocks in the dungeons ahead.
Song of Time
Inside te Temple
Unlock te Door of Time
When you enter the Temple of Time,
approach the altar with three empty slots.
Play the Song of Time on your ocarina.
Te three Spiritual Stones fy from your
inventory and swirl in the air above the altar
before fnally setling into place.
Tere is another Sheikah Stone inside the
Temple of Time.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Te Door of Time fnally opens. When you
step inside, you catch the frst glimpse of
the Master Sword, embedded in a stone.
Approach the Master Sword and remove
it from its resting place. Tis triggers
something inside the Temple of Time...
Suddenly, you see Ganondorf s face. You
didnt save Hyrule from the tyrantyou
handed it to him on a silver plater by
opening the Door of Time, removing the
Master Sword, and allowing him access to
the Sacred Realm. Ganondorf cackles as he
recedes from your vision.
When you wake, you are no longer inside
the Temple of Time. You are within the
Sacred Realm. And, you are no longer a litle
boy. Youve matured into a young man.
Growing Up
Your questions are soon answered by Rauru,
the Sage of Light and a guardian of the
Sacred Realm. He explains that the Master
Sword is the key to the Sacred Realm, but
you were too young to remove it from the
pedesal and wield it against evil. Unfor-
tunately, Ganondorf trailed you into the
Sacred Realm, where he stole the Triforce
and used it to crown himself the King of
Because you could not take up arms against
Ganondorf as a boy, your spirit was sealed
within the temple for seven years. Now that
your physical body has aged to the point
that you can use the Master Sword against
Ganondorf, your spirit was awakened and
charged with this mission: Seek out the other
sages so they can return to the Sacred Realm
and help Rauru stop Ganondorf.
As a symbol of your pact, Rauru gives you
the Light Medallion, because he is the
Sage of Light.
When you return to the Temple of Time,
you meet a new constant companion in your
adventure: Sheik. Sheik promises to help
guide you to the remaining sages so that you
may stop Ganondorf before Hyrule falls so
deeply under his horrifc sell that it cannot
be saved.
According to Sheik, you must venture to
fve temples and fnd the fve sages. Te frst
is the Forest Temple, which you will fnd in
the Sacred Forest Meadow behind the Lost
Woods. However, Sheik requests that you
visit Kakariko Village frst. Its a suggestion
well worth heeding as you step out into a
ruined future that only you, the Hero of
Time, can redeem.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
The Fores Medallion
Afer waking seven years in the future, Link witnessed the incredible transformation of Hyrule under the iron boot of Ganondorf. Ash clouds
from an angry Death Mountain bloted out the sun. Hyrule Castle Town Market lay in waste, given over to ReDeads. Tis was a future Link
never intended, but he had walked right into the King of Evils trap and allowed him entrance to the Sacred Realm. Now, Link had to follow
Raurus instructions and gather up the remaining sages so they could lend their power to the Sacred Realm and help Link recover the Triforce
from Ganondorf.
Before te Fores Temple
Hearts: 10
Pieces of Heart: 17/36
Equipment/Items Found: Hookshot, Piece of
Heart (x2)
Songs Learned: Song of Storms, Minuet of Forest
According to Sheik, the frst sage Link must seek out is the Forest Sage, located
in the Forest Temple just beyond the Sacred Forest Meadow. However, before
trekking to the Lost Woods and making for the meadow, there are several
things Link should do. Te frst is returning to Lon Lon Ranch and checking in
on Malon. Te second is collecting a handful of Pieces of Heart to increase his
chances of survival in his new, harsh Hyrule.
Te balance of power at Lon Lon Ranch has
shifed. Kindly (but lazy) Talon is nowhere
to be seen. Te ranch is now under the
cruel control of Ingo, who is enjoying his
newfound power from Ganondorf. Malon
has been reduced to a stable hand. You can
fnd her in the stables, afraid to leave.
You need to seak to Ingo. He is standing
near the gate to the corral. Ingo ofers you
the chance to ride the horses for 10 Rupees.
Pay the fee and enter the corral. However,
play Eponas Song. One horse from the
bunch remembers hearing this song from a
young boy many years ago. It trots right up
to you.
Now, take Epona for a short ride inside
the corral. Jump the short fences by lining
up the horse and geting a good run.
Now its time to seak to Ingo again. Remain
on Epona and ride up to Ingo. L-Target
him and talk. Ingo challenges you to a race
around the outside of the corral with Epona.
Te wager for this race is 50 Rupees. Accept
the challenge.
Before the race begins, you and Ingo line
up at the starting line. You have six carrots
to give to Epona, earning temporary seed
boosts. Tough they refll over time, do not
use all the carrots at once, as it takes longer
for them to refll. Just use two carrots at frst
to get a nice start. Stay close to the fence
and slip around Ingo. As you enter the fnal
stretch, use the remaining carrots to blast
across the fnish line in frst place.
Ingo can barely stand to lose, so he demands
a rematch. Te wager now, though, is
Eponathe steed he had promised to
Tis second race is a bit tougher than the
original run. Ingo cheats right of the bat
and takes of just before the starting whistle.
Apply the same principles to this race. Get
a good start with a few carrots and stick to
the inside track. Slip around Ingo as soon
as possible. But now, use Epona to block
Ingo from advancing. Get in front of him
Leave the corral and seak to Ingo again. Pay
him another 10 Rupees and enter the corral.
Play Eponas song again and take Epona for
another short ride.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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and swerve so he cannot sneak around you.
Again, as you near the fnish line, lay on the
carrots and give Epona the seed boost she
needs to win the race.
When you win the race, Ingo loses his mind.
He cannot believe he lost the horse he pledged
to Ganondorf. Ingo honors your deal, but then
adds his own wrinkle. You can keep Epona
but you can never leave Lon Lon Ranch. Epona
knows how to jump, so get a good run at the
fence and give her some carrots to gain enough
seed. At the last moment, Epona leaps over
the fence, winning her freedom.
Just. Awesome.
Now you have Epona and can ride her
anytime you like around Hyrule Field and
some of the outlying areas, such as Gerudo
Valley and Lake Hylia. You cannot take her
into a dungeon or sectioned-of zones, like
the Lost Woods and Death Mountain. To
call Epona while outside, use Eponas Song.
However, you typically fnd her waiting
where you lef her when you visit an area she
cannot access.
Te next critical acquisition is the Hookshot.
Without it, you cannot even enter the Forest
Templeplus, its useful for gathering up
Gold Skulltula Tokens that would otherwise
be out of reach. Te Hookshot is in the
graveyard, so ride to Kakariko Village, enter
the town, and slip into the spooky spot
behind all of the houses.
Did you plant a Magic Bean in the graveyard
as recommended in the previous chapter?
If so, you can now ride a magic plant up to a
crate that contains a Piece of Heart.
Next, pull back the lefmost grave in the row
on the lef side of the graveyard. Tis reveals
a secret tomb. Drop into it to meet up with
Damp, who has perished in the years since
your last visit, but lives on...sort of. Basically,
hes now a ghost.
Damp challenges you to a race through
the crypts below the graveyard. You need
to follow Damp through the hallways,
avoiding the fames he drops, and cross the
fnish line before time runs out. Damp gets
a head start on you and due to his sectral
ability to foat, can largely keep ahead. Its a
fairly straightforward race, although there
are some things that will help you make it to
the fnish line on your frst atempt.
Rupees are meant to throw you of the
trail. Do not follow the Rupee trails at
Red fames injure you, but they also mark
the path if you lag behind Damp a litle.
Purple fre always indicates you are on the
right path.
Damp is no sore loser. He congratulates
you and leaves behind a treasure chest that
contains the Hookshot. Claim the Hookshot
and then look for a way out of this room,
which is now suddenly sealed.
You can win a second Piece of Heart by
racing Damp again and reaching the fnish
line in under 1:00 minute. However, this is
easiest to do with the Longshot, which you
acquire in the Water Temple. See the Water
Medallion section for complete infor-
mation on this Piece of Heart.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Te large blue block is a time block. Tese
blocks are moved by using the Song of Time.
Play the Song of Time on the ocarina. Te
block moves out of the way, allowing you to
return to the surface.
Te path leads you up into the Kakariko
Villages windmill. Teres a Piece of Heart
inside the windmill. Just jump across the
rotating gear to claim the Piece of Heart.
Finally, before leaving the windmill, drop down
to the foor and seak to the organ grinder.
Tis is Guru-Guru. Hes not exactly a cheerful
chap, but he does teach you a new song that
brings down the rain: the Song of Storms.
Song of Storms
Sacred Fores Medow
Te path to the Sacred Forest Meadow takes
you through Kokiri Forest, which is now a
very diferent place. Its been overrun with
monsters, including Deku Babas. Take them
down and jump up the ledges in the rear of the
forest village to access the Lost Woods. When
you meet Mido, play Sarias Song to convince
him to step aside (again) and let you pass.
Inside the Lost Woods, follow the path
to the Sacred Forest Meadow as you did
before to meet up with Saria.
Finally, you reach the Sacred Forest Meadow.
Since Ganondorf took over Hyrule, monsters are
now everywhere, including two new brutes in the
maze here: a Moblin and a Club Moblin. Tese
are not easy enemies. Moblins charge you when
they spot you walking through the labyrinth, so
use L-Targeting to peek around corners and see if
they are walking toward or away from you.
When Moblins are walking away, they are partic-
ularly vulnerable. Use the Hookshot to poke
them in the back, or rush up and deliver a sword
strike. Te Master Sword makes short work
of these creepsbut only if you surprise them.
Otherwise, the Moblin runs into you and knocks
you down, doing not-insignifcant damage.
Moblin & Club Moblin
Moblins are pig-faced monsters that patrol the Sacred Forest Meadow.
Tey atack with brute strength, rushing you if you happen into their
line of sight. Moblins atack with a sear, while the Club Moblin
atempts to bludgeon you with, well, a club. Each foe is most vulnerable
from the rear, although a well-placed bomb will wound them.
When you reach the stairs heading up to
the entrance of the Forest Temple, you
encounter a lumbering Club Moblin. It
atempts to smash you with swinging club
atacks, but if you run back and forth, you
can avoid the club and get close enough to
swat at its legs with your sword.
At the top of the stairs, you fnally reach the
entrance of the Forest Temple. Sheik appears
out of nowhere to warn you of the dangers
ahead as well as teach you a new ocarina song:
the Minuet of Forest. When you play this
song, you are instantly warped to the entrance
of the Forest Temple. Tis is useful if, for any
reason, you need to leave the temple.
Minuet of Fores
Afer learning the song, Sheik vanishes. All
thats lef to do is use the Hookshot to grab
the branch above you and enter the Forest
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Fores Temple
Hearts: 10
Pieces of Heart: 19/36
Equipment/Items Found: Fairy
Bow, Forest Medallion
Songs Learned:
Nestled deep in the trees behind the Sacred Forest Meadow, this ancient temple pulses with
a newly evil resident. Link needs to brave the monsters now taking root inside the temple to
rescue the Forest Sage, who can lend additional power to Rauru in his eforts to turn back

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AC Map Connectors
To Phantom
Floor 1
Floor 2
Basement 1
Basement 2
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Bubbles are fying skull monsters. Tey are typically encased in
magical fres, such as the Blue Bubble encountered here in the Forest
Temple. Get rid of the element with a shield defection or a projectile
atack, and then fnish the Bubble of with a sword strike.

Stalfos Duel
Te Small Key in this room is hidden in a
treasure chest that does not appear until you
defeat a pair of marauding Stalfos. Tese are
tough enemies, but like Wolfos, they will
only atack one at a time if you engage one
with L-Targeting. Its the best way to manage
the pair because if you dont, you risk geting
bounced between their hard jump atacks
that can wipe out your health meter.
Te Stalfos are
skeletons armed with
swords, shields, and
armor. Tese are
aggressive enemies
capable of dishing out
a lot of damage, esecially if they
catch you in their jumping atacks
(which can be repelled by a shield).
Use your shield to block jumps and
sword swings. As soon as the Stalfos
atacks, its defenses are down,
allowing you to counteratack.
Tere is a fairy in one of the jars in the corner
of the room. Botle it for later or use it now to
heal any wounds from the Stalfos fght.

Time Block
Back in the main room, play the Song of
Time to move a time block that blocks the
door to an outside atrium.

Dungeon Map
Outside now, you need to somehow scale
the atrium to claim the Dungeon Map.
Eliminate all of the nearby enemies,
including the Deku Baba on the ground and
the Skullwalltulas crawling up the vines.
Your Hookshot is a good tool for geting rid
of the Skullwalltulas.
Now that you can safely climb the vines,
do so and enter the door at the top of the
atrium. It leads to a Blue Bubble. When you
neutralize the Blue Bubble, a treasure chest
appears. Te Dungeon Map is inside of it.
Firt Floor

Upon breaching the Forest Temples
entrance, you must contend with two
Wolfos. Te monsters circle you, but as soon
as you use L-Targeting to zero in on one, the
other backs of. Batle the Wolfos one by one,
using the Hylian Shield to repel incoming
claw atacks. Remember, as soon as a Wolfos
strikes, counteratack. And if you can pull
of an atack to a Wolfoss back, you will do
extra damage.
Afer defeating the Wolfos, climb the vines
on the wall. Step out on a tree branch and
then Hookshot over to a treasure chest on
the other side of the room. Open the chest
to claim your frst Small Key. Now hop back
down and enter the Forest Temples main
Watch out for a Big Skulltula in the initial

Main Room
Inside the main room, you witness a quartet
of Poes spiriting away to diferent corners
of the temple with the colorful fres of four
torches. Returning those fames is the key to
fnding the boss of this temple.
Afer watching the scene, go through the
door in the back of the room and fght of
Blue Bubbles, a type of Bubble enemy. Like
Keese, Bubbles have elemental coatings
they use to do extra damage. Your shield will
disel the element, allowing you to atack
with your sword.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Fairy Bow

The Well
Use the Hookshot to zip over to a platform
with a switch. (Look for the white circle on
the wallthats now a universal symbol for a
Hookshot-able spot.) When you step on the
switch, the water in the well on the ground
foor drains.
Drop to the ground foor and climb down
into the well to fnd a treasure chest
containing a Small Key. Once youve
acquired that, return to the main room and
go through the locked door on the lef.

Block Part
Follow the corridor until you reach a large
room with arrows on the foor. Tese arrows
indicate how to solve a block-pushing puzzle.
Tere are two blocksred and green. You
need to slide them into position so you can
climb out of the room and access the second
foor of the Forest Temple.
Now that you have the map, go through the
next door to start the search for the Fairy
Bow, an essential piece of equipment for
adult Link.
Pull the green block out of its resting place
and slide it to the corner. Move around the
block and then push it as far as it will go,
following the arrow on the foor. Now that
youve exposed a door, you can go to the
other side of the block and push it all the
way until it falls into a secial pad on the
foor. Youll hear a click that lets you know
the block is in the right spot.
block and push it until you hear a similar
click. Now climb the red block, ascend the
ladder, and keep moving forward until you
fnd Blue Bubbles.
Climb the ladder and locate the red block
just around the corner. Push the block until
it cannot be moved any more. Go back down
the ladder and climb up the green block as
well as the next ledge. Now approach the red
Afer defeating the Blue Bubbles,
open the locked door beneath the eye
switch. You cannot do much with the
eye switch right now.

Twised Hallway
Te door leads to a strange, twisting
corridor. As you follow it along, your orien-
tation with the foor of the temple changes.
When you exit the corridor on the other
side, you are technically on the wall.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Te Wallmaster is a
disembodied hand
that crawls along the
ceiling and drops
down on you with
litle warning except
for its shadow on the foor. When
you see the shadow, roll away! Turn
around and cut the Wallmaster to
pieces with your sword.
Afer jumping across the pillars, go through
the locked door and descend the stairs. You
hear one of the Poes giggling at you, but
theres not much you can do about it right

Fairy Bow
More Stalfos! L-Target the Stalfos and take
it down. Before you celebrate victory, watch
out for a descending platform and more
Stalfos to appear. You must take out these

Eye Switch & Boss Key
Shoot the eye switch with your new Fairy
Bow. Tis untwists the hallway. Now
you can enter the room at the end of the
formerly weird corridor and hop down to
claim the Boss Key from an ornate treasure
chest. Afer grabbing the Boss Key, fall down
the hole in the corner of the room. Defeat
the Blue Bubble at the botom to unlock the
door back to the atrium.
Need some Recovery Hearts? Step out on
the arch and grab them.
Afer defeating the Deku Baba on the ledge,
take a right into the door without stained
Tis door leads to a new enemy: the
Floormaster. Tis creepy old hand doesnt
surprise like the Wallmaster, but when you
think youve defeated it, it splits into three
small Floormasters that have to be quickly
eliminated or else the hand re-forms. Afer
the Floormaster is done, open the treasure
chest and grab the Small Key.
Te Floormaster is another disembodied hand. Tis monster doesnt
hide from you. It atacks head-on. When you slash it, it splits into
three smaller hands. If you dont track them down right away and
neutralize them, they re-form into a big Floormaster. If youre having
trouble with the small Floormasters, try Dins Fire!
Poe Siser

Return to the eye switch and retwist the
hallway. Follow it back to the stairs where
you heard the Poe laugh at you. Tats Joelle,
but now you have the means to make her
stop gigglingthe Fairy Bow.
Te trick here is to shoot all three paintings
along the stairs with the bow when Joelle
appears within the frame. If you get too close
to the frame, Joelle vanishes and appears in a
diferent frame. Stand at the top of the stairs
and target the middle painting when Joelle
appears inside of it. Now drop to the middle
landing so you can see the paintings both above
and below. Shoot them when Joelle appears.
Dont marvel at the sight of the room for too
long because there is a Wallmaster lurking
above you. If it drops down and grabs you,
youre tossed all the way back to the entrance
of the Forest Temple. Either rush across the
pillars in the room or linger until you see
the Wallmasters shadow, back of, and then
slash it with your sword.
two cretins to make a treasure chest appear.
Te Fairy Bow is inside that chest. Now
return to the twisted hallway and the eye
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Tats not the end of Joelle. Run to the
botom of the stairs. Joelle atacks you just
like a Poe found out in Hyrule Field or the
graveyard, so keep back to avoid geting
tagged when she spins. L-Target her and
shoot her with the bow (or Hookshot)
whenever she appears. Dont try a sword
strike because you get too close, giving her a
chance to hit you with a spin atack.
When you defeat Joelle, the fame she stole
appears in the main room. She drops some
arrows, too, which will be useful for the next
Poe sister. Now open the newly appeared
chest to claim a Small Key and use it on the
door at the top of the stairs.


Anoter Twis
Beth is Joelles blue counterpart. Defeat her
the same way as you dealt with Joelle. Shoot
her paintings with arrows when she appears
within the frame and then batle her at the
botom of the stairs. She, too, relights a torch
in the main room, drops arrows, and reveals
a treasure chest. But this chest contains the
Te door at the top of Beths stairs leads to a
twisted corridor. Follow it to the end, watch
out for the Wallmaster, and jump across
the pillars to move deeper into the temple.
Green Bubbles (similar to Blue Bubbles)
atack in the next hallway. Defeat them and
go through the next door.

Arrow Puzzle



Tis puzzle requires you melt the ice over
the eye switch. Tere are two ways to
accomplish this. Te easiest is to get near
the switch and deploy Dins Fire. However,
you can shoot an arrow through the fre in
the middle of the room when facing the eye
switch. Te fred-up arrow melts the ice.
Tis untwists the hallway from a few rooms
back. Return there and drop through the
hole in the foor.
Tis room has a falling ceiling. Fortunately,
the ceiling has holes in it so if you stand
beneath them, you dont get squashed.
However, you must watch out for Big
Skulltulas hanging from the ceiling that will
drop down and knock you backtypically
right before the ceiling falls. Shoot the
Skulltulas with arrows or the Hookshot to
clear the holes.
Amy, the third of the Poe sisters, lurks in this
room, but she will not show herself until you
solve a litle puzzle. Push the blocks in the
middle of the room together so the images
on top of them form Amys portrait. You
only have 70 seconds to complete this task,
but thats plenty of time.
Meg is the last of the ghostly litle women
you must defeat to fnish lighting all of the
torches. To summon Meg, go to the center
of the main room. Meg appears before
you, ready for a good scrap. But shes a bit
trickier than her sisters. She conjures up
mirror images of herself to confuse you into
atacking the wrong Poe, allowing her to
strike you herself.
When Amy appears, deal with her just like
Joelle and Beth. Afer you defeat the Poe, her
captured fame is resored in the main room.
Now you can follow the newly opened door
(thanks, Amy!) back to the main room.
Carefully move down the room and step
on the switch. Tis unlocks the door at the
end of the room.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Spin Cycle
Te door to the boss room is blocked by
bars. You must reveal three switches in small
alcoves around the edges of this room to
remove the bars. To start the puzzle, push
against the blocks in the middle of the room
to rotate the outer wall. Start by turning
the wall counterclockwise until you see an
alcove with a basic brown switch.
Teres an easy way to tell which is the real
Meg. When all of the Poes spin, Meg is the
ghost that takes an extra turn.
Now, just target Meg and shoot her with
an arrow a few times.
Megs fame returns to the torches, causing
an elevator to appear in the middle of the
main room. Step into the elevator to drop
down into the last chamber before you
challenge the boss of the Forest Temple.
Next, turn the wall so you see the red
switch. Step on the switch.
A Gold Skulltula Token appears in an
alcove here, too.
Rotate the room again to reveal the blue
switch. Activate the switch to reveal the
path to the boss door. Open it up and step
inside to fnd yourself face-to-face with
Phantom Ganondorf.
Boss: Phantom
Is it Ganondorf already? No, this is a
sectral version of him that lives within a
series of cursed paintings in the basement of
the Forest Temple. You must deduce which
of the Phantom Ganondorfs within the
frames is the real one, and then target it with
your Fairy Bow in the frst part of this boss
Watch the painting while you have an arrow
drawn. Two Phantoms rush down the roads
in two of the paintings. At the last moment,
one of the Phantoms retreats into the painting
while the other explodes across the room.
Shoot the Phantom Ganondorf as it turns
bright purple, before it fully exits the painting.
If you puncture Phantom Ganondorf three
times with your arrows, he splits from his
sectral steed and atacks on his own. Now, you
must turn his atacks back on him. L-Target
Phantom Ganondorf and wait for him to toss
an energy ball at you. Swing your sword to bat
it right back at him. Volley the atack back and
forth until Phantom Ganondorf misses and is
struck by his own atack.
As Phantom Ganondorf fies between
paintings, it releases a shock atack. To
avoid it, back into a corner of the room. It
will never touch you back here.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
Before te Fores Temple
Fores Temple
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
When Phantom Ganondorf falls to the
foor, rush to him. Hit him as many times as
possible with the Master Sword before he gets
back up and returns to serve up a new magical
volley. Afer several exchanges, Phantom
Ganondorf fnally drops to the foor in defeat.
Failure is not tolerated by the real
Ganondorf. Te King of Evil vaporizes his
phantom form, leaving behind only a Heart
Container and a blue warp. Collect the
Heart Container and then step into the light
to meet the Forest Sage.
Te Forest Sage is a familiar faceSaria.
Te Kokiri bravely accepts her fate as a Sage,
unable to send any more time in Hyrule
with you. She releases the Forest Medallion,
which joins the Light Medallion.
Afer leaving Saria in the Sacred Realm,
you appear in front of the Great Deku Tree.
However, there is a litle sprout in front of
the tree. When you approach it, it pops out
of the ground and introduces itself. Its a
budding new Deku Tree, a sign of hope in
bleak times.
After Defetng
Phantom Ganondorf
The Fire Medallion
Te Forest Temple prepared Link for the gauntlet of challenges ahead, starting with the Fire Temple nestled deep in the bubbling lava core
of Death Mountain. Te extreme heat was too much for young Link, but perhaps now there is a way for Link to harness the stamina of the
Gorons and withstand the rising temperatures of the crater?
Before te Fire Temple
Te Fire Temple is an unforgiving place, and to survive it, Link must seek out the
means of withstanding its tough temperatures by visiting Goron City. However,
before ascending Death Mountain, there are tasks to atend to down in Hyrule,
such as collecting Pieces of Heart that will keep Link in the fght longer.
Hearts: 11
Pieces of Heart: 19/36
Equipment/Items Found: Big Quiver, Piece of
Heart (x3), Goron Tunic
Songs Learned: Prelude of Light, Bolero of Fire
Lake Hylia
Return to Lake Hylia and seak to the
scarecrows. Its been seven years, but you can
remind Bonooru of who you are by playing
the Scarecrows Song you made up as a child.
Tis esablishes a relationship between you
and scarecrows so that now, when you play
the song, Pierre appears at secifc spots.
When Pierre appears, use your Hookshot to
latch on and pull yourself up to a hard-to-
reach ledge or platform.
Temple of Time
With the Forest Temple behind you, you
need to return to the Temple of Time. Here,
you fnd Sheik and an explanation of how to
use the Master Sword to adjust the currents
of time. When you place the Master Sword
back into the pedesal, you wind the clock
back seven years and revert to child Link.
In addition to telling you about the Master
Sword, Sheik also teaches you a new ocarina
song: Prelude of Light. Te Prelude of Light
will warp you back to the Temple of Time
whenever you play it. Te song is a very
efective shortcut.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Prelude of Light
Being able to move through time has
many benefts, such as being able to go
back and plant Magic Beans that are
needed in the future.
Kakriko Village
Have you been collecting Gold Skulltula
Tokens? If so, you could have 50 of them by
now, so return to the House of Skulltula and
claim your prize for having 50 tokens: Piece
of Heart. If you are short Gold Skulltula
Tokens and want this Piece of Heart now,
consult the Secrets & Specials chapter and
return to previous locations to pick up
remaining tokens.
For the sake of the running Piece of Heart
count, we are going to assume you picked
up the Piece of Heart reward at the House
of Skulltula at this point in your adventure.
Another acivity at Kakariko Village is the
Archery Shooting Gallery. Now that youre
in the future, the range has been completed
in the village. For 20 Rupees, you can try your
hand at the shooting galleryits similar to
the slingshot shooting galleryand earn the
Big Quiver, which lets you carry 40 arrows.
Det Mountain /
Goron Cit
Afer taking care of business in Kakariko
Village, its time to start heading for the
Fire Temple. Tis leads you back up to
Inside Goron City, look for Hot Rodder.
Hes still there, rolling around one of the
lower tiers inside the city. Drop down to his
level and then repeat the same technique of
stopping him under the outcropping.
When you stop the Goron, you discover
that its not Hot Rodder at allits Chief
Darunias son. And he has your name now!
Speak to the young Goron about the trouble
that has again befallen the Gorons. Now
they are threatened by a huge dragon at the
top of Death Mountain. You are asked to
assist the Gorons, and to help you in this
quest, you are given the Goron Tunic.
Tis secial tunic lets you withstand
tremendous amounts of heat, which is
necessary because you are about to set foot
into the Death Mountain Crater. Tis is where
you could previously only send 45 seconds
before being tossed out at the cost of a heart.
Det Mountain
Now that you have the Goron Tunic,
its time to follow a shortcut revealed by
Darunias son (via the throne room) and
enter the Death Mountain Crater. (Alter-
nately, you can also enter Death Mountain
Crater via the summit.) Use your Hookshot
to cross the broken bridge and access the
craters lower level.
Here, you meet Sheik again. Sheik has a
new song to teach you: Bolero of Fire.
Tis song instantly warps you back to the
Death Mountain Crater. Right now, it is of
particular use because there is a soil patch
next to the seal on the ground.
Bolero of Fire
Tat soil patch can not only release a Gold
Skulltula if you drop bugs into it, but if you
plant Magic Beans, it creates a plant that
takes you up to a Piece of Heart above the
lava. If you want to get both of these things,
use the Prelude of Light to warp back to the
Temple of Time and become a child again.
Get a botle of bugs, buy some Magic Beans,
and use the Bolero of Fire to return to the
crater. Drop the bug, get the Gold Skulltula
Token, and then plant the Magic Beans.
Now return to the Temple of Time, retrieve
the Master Sword, and go back to collect the
Piece of Heart on the rock in the middle of
the lava.
If you want to get the Piece of Heart later,
wait until you recover the Longshot and
then return here. Te Longshot will get you
out to the rock and the Piece of Heart.
All set? Its time to enter the Fire Temple!
Death Mountain. Along the way, stop at
the entrance to Dodongos Cavern and ride
the plant growing where you planted Magic
Beans as a child. Te plant rockets you up
into the sky. Step of when you see the Piece
of Heart and claim it before continuing
your journey up the mountainor into the
cavern to collect previously unreachable
Gold Skulltula Tokens.
(see map on te following page)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
To Fire Temple
To Det
To Goron
Te diabolical Ganondorf is promising the Gorons as a sacrifce to the dragon Volvagia. Link
needs to brave the depths of Death Mountains molten core and fnd the heart of the Fire
Temple so he can liberate the Gorons and discover the hiding place of the Fire Sage.
Fire Temple
Hearts: 12
Pieces of Heart: 22/36
Equipment/Items Found: Megaton
Hammer, Fire Medallion
Songs Learned:
(see map on te following page)
Meetng Darunia

The Chief
When you frst enter the Fire Temple, you
see Darunia. Te Chief of the Gorons has
already infltrated the temple in an atempt
to stop the dragon himself. Darunia says he
is going to make a go without a legendary
hammer that would help turn the tide. You
should probably seek out that item yourself
before atempting to open the door to the
boss lair.

Free te Gorons 3

Time Block
Liberating Gorons from their cages ofen
pays out in Small Keys. Te frst Small Key is
near Darunia. Tere is an imprisoned Goron
right in this chamber. Step on the switch to
open the cage door. Te Goron thanks you
for your bravery. Just behind the Goron is a
treasure chest containing a Small Key. Now
return to the frst room and unlock the door
on the opposite side.
Eliminate the Fire Keese in this room before
atempting to free the caged Gorons. When
you step out onto the bridge, the Fire Keese
zero in on you, so either L-Target and hit
them with arrows or let them come close
and de-blaze them with your shield.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AK Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
Floor 4
Floor 5
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Tere is a Goron on each side of this room.
Start with the Goron locked away near the
time block. Jump of the bridge and hop
across the rocks to reach the time block. Run
through the door beneath the time block.
Te caged Goron is just around the corner.
Afer freeing the Goron, collect the Small
Key and return to the previous room.
Now stand beneath the time block and
play the Song of Time. Tis lowers the time
block, giving you the means for climbing up
and passing through a now-revealed door.
Tis is not essential if you arent collecting
Gold Skulltula Tokens.
Inside the narrow room, raise your shield to
fend of against fying tiles. At the end of the
chamber, you spy a new enemy, a Like Like.
Tese glutonous monsters will swallow you
whole and eat up precious items, such as a
Hylian Shield or a tunic.
Like Like
Like Likes are gelatinous monsters that dont move terribly fast, but
their appetites make them exceedingly dangerous. Avoid them if
possible because if they swallow you, they steal items such as tunics
and shields. If you eliminate the Like Like right afer it spits you out,
you can recover the swallowed items. But if you take too long, they are
lost for good and you have to retreat to a shop and repurchase them.

Goron Liberator
Back in the previous room, cross the lava
(remember, your Goron Tunic allows you a
few steps on boiling lava before it hurts you)
and then rush up to the blocked wall. Drop a
bomb in front of the wall to destroy it. Now
step through the revealed door and save the
caged Goron. As before, open the treasure
chest behind the Goron to collect a Small
Return to the room with the long bridge.
Cross it and use a key to unlock the door.

Slide down the ramp in this room and then
climb up the metal grating. Fight of the
Keese at the top of the metal structure (and
collect the Recovery Hearts). Now, push the
block on top of the metal down to the foor
below. It lands on a fre spout that sends it
rocketing upward. Tis is now an elevator
to use to reach the next foor of the Fire
Second Floor

Crysal Puzzle
Tere are imprisoned Gorons in here you
cannot help just yet. Instead, climb the
ledges currently occupied by Torch Slugs.
Eliminate the Torch Slugs and keep climbing
until you see a crystal. Tis crystal is a switch
that turns of some fre farther up the room.
First, jump over to the switch and push the
block down. Now pull the block along the
foor until it rests on the face in the foor.
Climb up the block and move up the metal
grating until you reach the fames.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Now, stand over the crystal switch and drop
a bomb next to it. When the bomb goes of,
it triggers the crystal. Te fre temporarily
goes out, giving you a window of oppor-
tunity to climb out of the room. Go through
the door at the top to enter a maze flled
with boulders.
Torch Slug
Torch Slugs are litle
piles of jelly that
explode into fame at
a moments notice. To
eliminate them, you
need to extinguish
their fre. A Deku Nut will do the
trick, as will an atack from the
Hookshot. While they are tempo-
rarily snufed out, fnish them of
with your sword.


Dungeon Map

Wall of Fire

Above te Maze
As soon as you enter the maze, start
watching for boulders. Several large boulders
roll around the maze. Tey are slow enough
to avoid, but it is possible to be cornered if
you arent careful. Start by running to the
lef and follow the outer wall of the room.
Its a long way down from this narrow ledge.
If you fall in this room, you have quite a hike
back up to this point. To claim the Dungeon
Map, shoot the eye switch that unlocks the
barred door. Now step through the door and
claim the Dungeon Map from the chest.
Return to the narrow ledge and pass through
the locked door by using a Small Key.
Tis room looks simple enough. Just jump
across the metal grating, right? Well, as soon
as you start to cross the lava, a huge curtain
of fre erupts behind youand then it starts
to follow you. Hop across the grates as fast as
you can to keep ahead of the fre, circling to
a stable ledge on the other side of the room.
Pass through the door.
Tis room should look familiar. Now you are
above the rolling boulders, climbing atop the
walls of the maze. Circle around the walls
and zero in on a switch atop one of the walls,
just beyond a Torch Slug. Tat switch opens
a cage. Now hop across the walls to reach the
opened cage and talk to the Goron. Afer
he leaves, claim the Small Key from the
treasure chest behind him.
When you spot a door beneath a ledge,
pass through it.
A Goron inside gives you a Small Key.
Keep following the outer wall. You soon
spot a switch that frees another Goron. He
gives you a Small Key, but also has words of
advice. Look out for fake doors that fall into
you if you try to open them. Now that you
have two more Small Keys from this room,
use one on the locked door.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
As you crossed the tops of the walls, did you
see a cracked foor? Return there and place
a bomb on the crack to blow open a hole and
discover a trapped Goron. Hes a ways down,
though, so crawl down the metal grating.
Step on the switch and free the Goron, then
grab another Small Key from his treasure
chest. Now climb back up the grating to the
boulder-flled maze.
Return to the room with the wall of fre and
jump over to the locked door. Pass through it
to discover another maze.
Secret Room
Tere is a secret room above the maze. Watch Navi. When she fies to a corner of
the room, play the Scarecrows Song to make Pierre appear. Hookshot over to Pierre
and then Hookshot over to an elevator. Tis sends you farther up the temple where
you fnd two Gold Skulltulas, plus a treasure chest with 200 Rupees. To collect the
treasure, step on the switch to temporarily put out the fames and then carefully run
along the ledge to reach the chest. If you try to run along the wide route, youll never
make it. Hookshot the pillar at the top to close the gap and snag the Rupees.
Getting Hotter

Fire Walls
When you step into this room, it looks
simple. But when you step close to some of
the pillars, a wall of fre appears. You cannot
see which pillars are connected by fre, but
our map shows you a safe route through
the room, which leads through a central
chamber populated by a trapped Goron. You
cannot free him just yet.
Walk out to the corner room to claim the
Compass. Carefully avoid the fre walls.
Follow the map out to the switch. Tis
lowers the wall of fame at the exit of this
room. Walk to the exit, but plant a bomb at
the doorits a fake door. When the fake
door blows up, open the real door behind it
to fnd the Flare Dancer, the miniboss of the
Fire Temple.

Flre Dancer
Te Flare Dancer is the toughest enemy
youve yet encountered in the Fire Temple.
Tis creature is encased in fre and possesses
two fame atacks: red and blue fre.
Te red fre is the easiest atack to deal with
because it drops to the ground and creates
a wide perimeter around the Flare Dancer.
Tis makes it tough to get close, but at least
the fre is stationary. Te blue fres move
around the room.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Defeating the Flare Dancer requires the
Hookshot. L-Target the Flare Dancer and
grab his body with the Hookshot. Tis pulls
the monster to you, but in doing so, you
separate it from the fre. All that drops next
to you is a tiny litle ember. Immediately
slash away with your sword. Afer a few
moments, the Flare Dancer jumps back
into the fre in the middle of the room and
re-emerges with a full, fery body. Hookshot
it again and repeat the process.
Afer you defeat the Flare Dancer, the fres
in the middle of the room go out. Jump up
to the pedesal and ride an elevator up to the
temples ffh foor.
When the Flare Dancer appears green, the
fght is almost over.

Crysal Switch
Climb up the grating in here and drop a
bomb over the edge to trigger a crystal
switch. Tis extinguishes the nearby fames
so you can keep moving up.

Megaton Hammer
Te Megaton Hammer is locked in the
treasure chest on the far side of this room.
Te chest is encased in fre, too. If you step
on the nearby switch, the fre temporarily
goes out, but not for very longcertainly
not long enough for you to climb over all of
the ledges along the outside of the room.
Instead, take a moment and hunt down all
of the Fire Keese in this room so they dont
trouble you while youre making a run for
the chest. Ten, step on the switch and
nimbly run up the narrow wall on the inside
of the room. Tis is tricky because if you
fall, you fall a long way down and will send
considerable time geting back up here.
When you reach the treasure chest in time,
open it to receive the Megaton Hammer.
Tis two-handed weapon is terrifc for
smashing up enemies, but it has additional
uses, such as shatering silver boulders,
knocking down statues, and breaking holes
in the foor.
Smash the face in the foor near the switch
to create a way back down. Inside the next
room, hammer the statue to reveal a door.

Makeshift Stair
Back down on the fourth foor, smash the
face in the foor just around the corner with
the Megaton Hammer. Tis drops the entire
foor down, making stairs that lead down to
the room with the fre walls. Before running
down the stairs, pick up a crate at the top
and carry it with you. Place the crate on the
switch at the botom and then step through
the door.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Inside the small room, smash the face on
the foor to create a passage to the fre wall

Rusy Switches and
Tere is a rusted old switch next to a barred
door. Smash the switch with the Megaton
Hammer and then step through the door.
Inside, play the Song of Time on the ocarina
to remove a time block from the opposite
Now use the time block to cross the room
and smash another rusty switch. Tis switch
liberates the Goron locked up under your
feet. Speak to the Goron to receive another
Small Key.
Use the Megaton Hammer to smash the face
in the foor next to the rusty switch back
outside the Gorons prison. Tis drops you
all the way back down to the very frst lava
room. Return to the entrance of the Fire
To Volvagia!

State Smashing
Use the Megaton Hammer on the statue
to the right of the stairs in the entrance
room. Follow the series of rooms as they
arc around. You encounter another Flare
Dancer, which can be disposed of via the
usual Hookshot method.
Keep following the doors until you reach a
switch. Hammer it to free the last Goron.
Now you can claim the Boss Key from
the ornate treasure chest. Head for the
locked door to the boss, where you last saw
Darunia, and challenge Volvagia.
Use the Hookshot on the pillar near the
boss door. Tere are Recovery Hearts and
a fairy in the jars on the ledge above the
Hookshot pillar.
Boss: Volvagia
When you jump out to the hexagonal
platform in the boss lair, you come face to
face with Volvagia, the fery dragon that
Ganondorf unleashed. Tis terrifying beast
was threatening to gobble up all of the
Gorons before you freed them, but to make
sure that Darunias people remain safe, you
must defeat this dragon here and now.
Volvagia disenses a variety of atacks as it
fies around the lava-flled lair. When the
batle begins, watch for Volvagia to pop
out of one of the holes in the foor of the
platform. If youre quick, you can rush over
and smack it in the head with the Megaton
Hammer. Tis stuns Volvagia, causing it to
drop to the ground. Hammer away until it
wakes up again and retreats into the hole.
However, if you miss this chance, Volvagia
breathes fre. Keep back!
Volvagia also fies into the air and circles
the platform, breathing fre. Tis atack is
the most damaging of all, so steer clear by
running to the opposite side of the lair.
Volvagia will, from time to time, fy up to
the ceiling and knock loose several large
boulders. Use the shadows on the foor to
avoid the falling rocks.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Look for Volvagia to whip its fery mane
around when it rises from the holes. During
that moment of vanity, you have your
chance to hit it with the Megaton Hammer
and dish out a lot of damage.
However, there is a chance the dragon
will duck right back down to fool you
into running over to the wrong hole.
Ten the dragon will pop up behind
you and breathe fre.
It takes several hits with the Megaton
Hammer to defeat Volvagia, but if you just
watch for that mane whip and make it to the
hole in time to prevent it from breathing fre,
you can wrap up this batle with minimal
damage to yourself.
As always, afer defeating the boss, collect
the Heart Container before stepping into the
blue warp that leads you out of the dungeon.
After Defetng
Fire Medallion
Te destruction of Volvagia causes Death
Mountain to blow its top, but the explosion
is actually the release of the evil energy
that plagued the peak. Now the skies above
Hyrule return to brilliant blue during the
Meanwhile, you are taken to the Chamber
of the Sages in the Sacred Realm. Tere,
you discover that Darunia is the Fire Sage.
Impressed with your display of bravery,
Darunia gives you the Fire Medallion and
accepts his fate in the Sacred Realm.
Gret Fairy Fountain
Back inside Death Mountain Crater, use
the Hookshot to return to the ledge across
the bridge. Tere are three red boulders,
breakable only by the Megaton Hammer.
Once theyre shatered, you can enter
another Great Fairy Fountain. Tis Great
Fairy doubles your magic meter, which is
critical for surviving the Shadow Temple.
You can also use the Megaton Hammer
to claim Gold Skulltula Tokens on Death
Mountain Trail. Otherwise, use the Prelude
of Light to return to the Temple of Time.
Big Poes
Tis is a great time to fulfll the Big Poe
hunt down in Hyrule Field. Speak to the
Poe salesman whos taken up residence
inside the guardhouse of the Hyrule Castle
Town Market, just on the other side of the
drawbridge. Te salesman will pay you 10
Rupees for every botled Poe you bring to
him, but what he really wants are the Big
Te Big Poes appear only when you are
riding Epona around Hyrule Field. Use
the Big Poe guide in Secrets & Specials to
discover the location of all 10 Big Poes.
When you collect all 10 and bring them to
the salesman, he gives you the fourth Botle.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
Before te Fire Temple
Fire Temple
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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The Water Medallion
Te Fire Medallion has been claimed and Darunia has accepted his place in the Chamber of Sages. Now Link must return to the Zoras in his
pursuit of the Water Medallion, given by the Water Sage. Zoras Domain is a likely starting place for this quest, but like the Gorons, the Zora
have fallen victim to hard times during the years that Link slept. Link needs to rescue King Zora from an icy fate if he is to open the way to the
Water Temple.
Ice Cavern
Behind Zoras Fountain is the Ice Cavern, a frozen series of tunnels inhabited by chilly monsters.
Here, Link must discover a secial blue fame that can be used to melt magical red ice. Only
with a botle of blue fame will King Zora be freed from his frozen prison and able to help Link
in his quest for the Water Temple.
Hearts: 13
Pieces of Heart: 22/36
Equipment/Items Found: Iron
Boots, Piece of Heart (x2)
Songs Learned: Serenade of Water
Zoras Fountain
When you scale the inside of Zoras Domain,
you discover that King Zora has been
encased in a strange red ice and that many
of the Zora have vanished. Perhaps Lord
Jabu-Jabu has answers about the condition
of the Zora monarch? Walk behind King
Zoras throne and return to Zoras Fountain.
Jabu-Jabu is missing. In his place is a series
of ice platforms foating in the water. Jump
out across the ice. You have to keep moving
when you bounce across the ice. Otherwise,
the platforms tilt and drop you into the
water. If you fall into the drink, just swim
back to Jabu-Jabus landing and start over.
Tere is a Piece of Heart on the ice foe
opposite of Jabu-Jabus landing. Jump out to
retrieve it and then bound to the entrance of
the Ice Cavern.

Gold Skulltula Token

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Into te Ice Cavern

Te ceiling of the Ice Cavern is lined with
huge icicles. As you explore the Ice Cavern,
listen for the sound of breaking ice when
walking beneath icicles. If you hear the litle
cracks, keep moving so you arent seared
and injured. In addition, there are ice
stalagmites coming up from the foor, but
they are easily shatered with a sword strike.


Silver Rupees

Blue Fire
As you enter this initial chamber, watch
out for a new foe: Freezards. Tese breathy
monsters atempt to encase you in ice, so
stay back when you see them exhale. You
must destroy all of the Freezards in the room
to unlock the next door.
To move deeper into the Ice Cavern, you
must collect fve silver Rupees in this room.
Te giant ice blades in the center of the
room complicate this task, though. Geting
clipped by one of the blades does a lot of
damage, so be mindful of your footwork.
You slide a litle on ice, so dont expect to
stop on a dime. If you arent cautious, you
can slide right into a blade while seeking the
silver Rupees.
Te Dungeon Map is in this room, but so is a
source of blue fre. Both are valuable, which
Deploy Dins Fire in the center of the room
to take out multiple Freezards at once.
Freezards are like
living ice stalagmites.
Tey move very slowly
across the ground and
breathe out freezing
air. Avoid that breath,
otherwise you are both injured and
temporarily frozen in ice. When
frozen, start swinging your sword
to break free. Use any weapon to
damage a Freezard, but a sword
strike or bomb seems to do the most
Tree of the silver Rupees are in the middle
of the room. Just keep pace with the blades
and pick up the Rupees. Find another behind
two ice stalagmites. Te last is above the
blades, so climb up on a ledge overlooking
the room and jump out to obtain it. Now
you can leave the chamber.
is probably why you now have to deal with
Freezards and Ice Keese. Between the Ice
Keese and Freezards, you have ample oppor-
tunities to be stuck in ice. Use projectiles
to take down the Ice Keese when you frst
enter, and then fnish of the Freezards.
(Remember your Dins Fire!)
You need an empty botle to store blue fre.
Each botle can hold just one dose of blue
fre. Because you need several uses of blue
fre to fnish of this dungeon and free King
Zora, fll all of your botles now or plan on
returning to this room a few times.
Tis is why we recommended that you
collect the fourth botle via the Big Poe
hunt before coming to the Ice Cavern.
Use blue fre to melt the red ice that encases
the treasure chest in this room. Open the
chest and claim the Dungeon Map. Now
refll that botle and return to the room with
the ice blades.

Compass & Piece of
Melt the red ice in the ice-blade chamber
and enter this room to collect both the
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Compass and a Piece of Heart. Afer elimi-
nating the Ice Keese in here, use blue fre to
melt the red ice on the treasure chest. Tis
chest contains the Compass. Use another
dose of blue fre to melt the red ice that
holds a Piece of Heart.
Before returning to the ice-blade room
again, refll your botles with the blue-fre
source in this chamber.

Block Puzzle

Iron Boots
Te exit in this room is unlocked by
collecting fve silver Rupees. However, you
need to use the sliding ice block to grab them
because they are out of reach when youre
on your own two feet. Te ice block slides
until it hits a rock or it falls into a hole. If the
block falls into a hole, another drops from
the ceiling.
As soon as you enter, a dangerous Wolfos
springs into acion. Tis is a White Wolfos
more aggressive than the previous Wolfos
you encountered. However, your strategy
should remain the same. L-Target the beast
and use your shield to defect incoming
strikes. When you see the White Wolfos
back of, counteratack.
To complete this puzzle, follow the
directions on the map. Tey show you
how to pick up all fve silver Rupees and
escape the room.
Want to collect the red Rupees in here?
Play the Song of Time so you can climb up
and grab them.
Afer the batle, a treasure chest appears in
the room. Open it to claim the Iron Boots.
You now have the means to enter the Water
Temple. Before leaving the Ice Cavern, make
sure you have one botle flled with blue fre,
because you need it to liberate King Zora.
If you want to open the Zora Shop at the
botom of Zoras Domain, you need a
second dose of blue fre.
Sheik also pays you a visit afer you claim
the Iron Boots. Sheik teaches you another
new song: Serenade of Water. Tis melody
instantly warps you to Lake Hylia, the
entrance to the Water Temple. Because
there are other things to do at Lake Hylia,
such as play the fshing minigame, this song
is useful.
Serenade of Water
After te Ice Cavern
Hearts: 13
Pieces of Heart: 24/36
Equipment/Items Found: Piece of
Heart (x3)
Songs Learned:
When you leave the Ice Cavern, swim over
to Jabu-Jabus landing and visit King Zora.
Douse the frozen king with blue fre to
melt the red ice. King Zora is grateful for
your eforts and rewards you with a Zora
Tunic. Tis blue frock allows you to breathe
underwater, which is essential for the Water
Afer donning the new tunic, return to
Zoras Fountain. Strap on the Iron Boots and
sink to the botom of the fountain to recover
another Piece of Heart as well as a handful
of Rupees.
At Lake Hylia, the Magic Beans you planted
as a child have now grown into a fying plant.
Return to the laboratory on the edge of the
lake and ride to the roof. Now climb up the
ladder to claim a Piece of Heart on the
tower above the lab.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Alternately, you can play the Scarecrows
Song to make Pierre appear atop the lab
and then Hookshot up to it.
Finally, there is another Piece of Heart in a
secret groto in Hyrule Field you can collect
now, too. Look for a lone tree near Lon Lon
Ranch, on the side that faces Hyrule Castle.
Drop a bomb at the base of the tree. When it
explodes, it reveals a secret groto. Jump in and
put on both the Zora Tunic and Iron Boots.
Sink to the botom and claim a Piece of Heart.
When youre ready to enter the Water
Temple, don the Zora Tunic and Iron Boots.
Sink to the botom of Lake Hylia. Hookshot
the crystal over the door to open it. Now
enter the Water Temple.
Biggorons Sword
Now that you have freed King Zora, you
can complete every step in the trading
sequence to claim Biggorons Sword,
which is the most powerful weapon
in Hyruleit does even more damage
than the Master Sword. Collecting it is
entirely optional, but it is well worth the
multi-step quest all over Hyrule because
the huge blade is a major help in boss
batles. For example, in the upcoming
Water Temple boss batle, hiting the
boss with Biggorons Sword seeds the
end of the fght, decreasing your chances
of taking damage.
Water Temple
Hearts: 14
Pieces of Heart: 27/36
Equipment/Items Found: Longshot, Water Medallion
Songs Learned:
Sunk below Lake Hylia, the Water Temple is a crafy labyrinth of corridors
where access is controlled by raising and lowering the water level.
Tankfully, Iron Boots and the tunic gifed from King Zora allow Link to
explore the temple whenever it is submerged.
Getting Your Feet Wet

Sinking Slowly
Assign the Iron Boots to one of the item
butons now. You need to take them of
and on for the entirety of this dungeon and
having a quick way to swap them out will
make playing much easier.
A lot has changed in seven years, including
Ruto. Shes all grown up and greets you
with a smile. Afer all, how else would she
greet the man she plans to marry? Ruto says
she needs your help to defeat the horrible
monster in the Water Temple.
Remove your Iron Boots and foat up,
following the yellow lines.
When you reach the top, step through
the door. Four spiked balls roll toward
you. Atack them from a distance so the
spheres retract their spikes. Tats when
you can sword slash and destroy the spikes
altogether. Afer the four spiked balls are
gone, the treasure chest containing the
Dungeon Map appears.
Tere are several occasions when you need
to raise and lower the water level in the

Dungeon Map

Adjusing te Water
(see map on te following page)
With your Iron Boots on, step into the
water and sink to the botom of the temple.
Now, enter the open door lined with bright
yellow lines. Follow it to meet Princess
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AB Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
Basement 1
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
temple. Tis is one of them. Look at the wall.
Next to the Triforce symbol is a water meter.
Tis shows you the level the water moves
to when you play Zeldas Lullaby. Here, the
water drops all the way to the botom of the
Afer you drain the water, drop back down
to the frst foor. Tere is a torch in a small
room. Fire arrows through the central torch
to ignite the two torches on either side of the
barred down. (Or use Dins Fire.) When the
torches are lit, the bars rise.
Tere are Shell Blades in this room. Tese
ill-tempered razor clams are only vulnerable
when their mouths are open. So inch close,
wait for them to open wide, and slash away.
When the Shell Blades are done, a small
chest with a Small Key appears.
Shell Blde
Shell Blades are spike-
lipped clams that
atack by spinning
into you with their
mouths shut. Get
close enough (but not
too close) so the Shell Blade opens its
maw, and then strike!
Tricky Gold Skulltl
Walk to the breakable foor in the
dead end. Bomb the foor and drop
down into the water. Swim through
a corridor and then surface. Te
switch here raises the water just a bit,
which foats a Hookshot panel. Hit
the crystal switch behind the pillar to
reveal a Gold Skulltula.

Dragon Room
Return to the main chamber and push the
block in the wall until it falls down, revealing
a watery corridor. Drop into the water and
swim through the corridor. Tis leads to a
room with a gap too wide to cross. However,
if you smack the crystal switch, a water
spout erupts. Jump across the spout to leave
the room.
Swim across the water in here so youre
foating over the head of the dragon statue.
Don the Iron Boots and sink onto the body
of the statue. Now hit the crystal in the
dragons mouth with your Hookshot. Tis
temporarily opens a door. Hookshot to it
immediately before it closes again.
Inside the next room, grab the Small Key
from a treasure chest. Smack the crystal
switch and then exit the room the way you
came. Head back to the central chamber.
The Tower

Furter Adjusment
Use a Small Key to enter the tower in the
middle of the temple. Hookshot up the pillar
using the panels on the walls. Look for the
Triforce symbol on the wall. When you play
Zeldas Lullaby here, the water rises to the
halfway point. (An optimist might say the
Water Temple is now half full.)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Raising the water caused a red platform
to rise. Tat opened a hole deeper in the
temple, so put on the Iron Boots and
carefully sink down to it while avoiding the
When you reach the botom of the temple,
hit the crystal switch to drop some Shell
Blades into the room. Finishing the Shell
Blades opens a portal in the ceiling. Float
through it and pick up the Small Key in the
treasure chest.
Now, foat back up the middle of the
tower and use the door in front of the
red platform to exit back into the main

Jump to the ledge with the small jars. Follow
the passage until you reach the spikes, and
Hookshot safely between them.
Now look at the ceiling and Hookshot to the
farthest panel so you end up on a ledge next
to a crystal switch.
Tat crystal switch controls the water gushing
up around the treasure chest in this room.
When you hit the switch, the water stops.
However, the wetless window is very brief. So,
either shoot it with an arrow while standing
next to the treasure chest or plant a bomb at the
switch and run to the chest. When you trigger
the switch, quickly open the chest and grab the
Compass. Now return to the central chamber.

Rutos Room
Now that the water is at the halfway mark,
you can return to the room where you frst
met Princess Ruto. Follow the wavy yellow
line. However, you cannot travel to the top.
Tats alright, because youre looking for a
breakable wall on a ledge thats now dry.
Bomb the breakable wall. Inside, you fnd
another treasure chest that contains a Small
Key. Once you claim it, return to the central
chamber and use a key to unlock the door on
the middle level of the temple.

Third Water Adjusment
Step on the low water spout in this room.
Look out at the crystal switch and either
shoot it with an arrow or throw a bomb at it.
Te triggered switch raises the water spout,
which propels you up to another small
chamber. Go through the new door.
At this water-adjustment panel, playing
Zeldas Lullaby raises the water in the temple
all the way to the top. Tis is where the
water was when you originally entered the
Te Hookshot panel above the door is
fanked by blue markings.
Now jump out to the water and swim over
to the locked door next to the foating red
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Te statues in this room are tagged with
Hookshot panels, but the water level
controls whether or not you can actually use

Chasing Waterfalls
Tis room can prove a bit tricky, but if you
use motion controls to aim your Hookshot,
you can get up the waterfall on the opposite
side of the room fairly painlessly. To cross
this long room, step of the ledge in front
of you and land on a small platform. Youre
now close enough to Hookshot to the
drifing platforms falling down the waterfall.
Yes, thats a Gold Skulltula on the wall, but
without the Longshot, you cannot grab the
token. Soon.
When you reach the drifing platforms, look
up and Hookshot your way up. You cannot
immediately zip up to the ledge. You must
bound up a few platforms frst before you
are close enough to the Hookshot panel at
the top, which takes you up to the ledge.
the panels. Te crystal switch in the middle
of the chamber controls the water. You need
to circle this room to leave by using the
Hookshot panels. Start by raising the water
via the switch to reveal the frst Hookshot
panel. Hookshot over to it.
Tis room may be easier for you if you raise
the water and then take out the Tektites that
skiter across the surface.
Now, lower the water. You dont want to
Hookshot to the next panel. You need to
Hookshot to the wall next to the statue.
With the water down, climb on top of the
statue and drop down on the other side.
Now, raise the water back up and Hookshot
over to the platform with the door. Lower
the water again and then stand on the
statues head.
Hookshot the switch to raise the water and
thus raise yourself up to the door. Now
pass through the door and get ready for a
miniboss batle against... yourself.

Dark Link
Te water in this room is as smooth as glass.
You can even walk across it. Something
defnitely isnt right about this chamberor
at least it isnt real. Walk across the water to
the small door. Nothing happens when you
touch it, so turn around and try to go back
the way you came. When you close in on
the tree in the middle of the water, you see
a familiar outline. Its youbut its you as
Dark Link, a negative refection of yourself.
When you batle Dark Link, you need
to watch for breaks in his atacks. Tats
not easy because when you L-Target him
and engage, he initially mirrors your own
moves. So, the frst segment of this batle is
about survival. Use your shield to block any
incoming atacks.
Afer some time, Dark Link begins breaking
the imitation patern. When he atacks,
thats when you go in for a strike.
If you picked up Biggorons Sword, switch
back to the Master Sword. You need
a shield for this fght if you are low on
health. If youre feeling brave, though, keep
Biggorons Sword out because it does extra
damage. You just cannot block incoming
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Now, if you have plenty of hearts, you
can atempt to fght Dark Link without
L-Targeting. Its much easier to score hits
because Dark Link doesnt necessarily mimic
you, but you are exposed. If you choose to go
without a shield and have Biggorons Sword,
then try to keep a litle distance between you
and Dark Link. When you see an opening,
lunge forward and stab him.
Dark Link cannot block Dins Fire. It doesnt
do a lot of damage, but it always hits him.
When Dark Link fnally falls, the room
reverts back to a normal Water Temple
chamber. Now you can exit through the
door that was previously unusable.
When you defeat Dark Link, step through
the door and open the treasure chest. Tis is
the Longshot. Its like the Hookshot, except
it has double the reach. Now you can cross
greater distancesand if youre hunting
Gold Skulltula Tokens, it allows you to pop
(and retrieve) them from farther away.

On te Way to te

Hit the Iron Boots and stomp your way
down the river, staying to the wall opposite
of the upcoming whirlpool. Navigate
the river (collecting Recovery Hearts if
necessary) until you reach a tough spot with
twin whirlpools. Here, you should actually
remove your Iron Boots.
You must swim down a snaking river.
However, there are several whirlpools in
the river that grab you and pull you down.
If you are sucked into the vortex, you are
dropped back at the beginning of the river.
Swim to the ledge with the jars. Teres a
fairy in one of the jars, so botle it up for
later use.
Carefully swim between the whirlpools and
grab the small ledge. Use your bow to shoot
an eye switch and open the nearby door.
Jump over the water to grab the ledge thats
now open. A small treasure chest there
contains a Small Key. Afer collecting the
Small Key, drop into the room with the
dragon sculpture and then return to the
central chamber.
Return to the frst water-adjustment panel
by sinking to the botom of the temple.
Follow the lines to where you met Ruto
and then foat up to the panel. Play Zeldas
Lullaby to drop the water.
Return to the tower in the middle of the
temple and Longshot up the next water-
adjustment panel. Play Zeldas Lullaby to
raise the water to the halfway mark again.
Now step back to the central
chamber and look for an
eye switch.

Longshot Puzzle
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The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Drop to the botom of the central chamber
and enter the corridor to the north. When
you reach the end of the corridor, foat
back up and look for some spikes as well as
a Hookshot panel. Longshot to the panel
above the locked door.
In the next room, eliminate the Stingers and
then atend to the large red block. First, blow
up the two walls that block the path of the
block. Use the ledge to push the block through
the corridor and then circle around to pull it
away from the corner. Now return behind the
block and push it of so it drops on the switch.
Tis raises the water in the room. A higher
platform can now be reached.
Shoot the eye switch and then quickly
Longshot before the grate shuts. Now follow
the corridor to a large block. Push the block
into the hole and grab the Small Key from
the revealed chest. Now return to the main
room by Longshoting up to the top of the

Deep Water

Boulder & Tekttes
Upon entering the next room, you see
several Tektites on the water as well as
boulders falling through holes in the walls.
First, eliminate the Tektites. Either lead
them to you one by one and disense them
with your sword, or shoot them with arrows.
Now, swim across the room, but watch for
the whirlpool. If you start to get pulled, put
on your Iron Boots and sink to the foor. Run
away from the whirlpool and then remove
the boots. Float to the surface and grab the
ledge. Now go through the door.
Now use the switch to raise two water
spouts and cross the gap in the room.

Boss Key
Follow the path to the corridor with running
water and the falling boulder. Put on the
Iron Boots and step out into the water. Sink
down and look for a Shell Blade in the water.
Defeat the Shell Blade and then remove the
boots so you foat up to a locked door.
Open the door and then retrieve the Boss
Key from the treasure chest. Teres a
fairy in the jars behind the chest, too.
Te spike traps in this room slide back and
forth. You need to make a straight run up
this ramp. If you stop at all, youll slide right
back downand more than likely, slide into
one of the spike traps.
Now, raise the water back to the highest level
and Longshot to the dragon statue with the
Hookshot panel.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Defeating Morpha isnt complicated. Stand
on the ledge that surrounds the pool and
L-Target Morpha. Tis zeroes in on the
sphere inside the tentacle. Now, use the
Longshot to grab the sphere and pull it onto
land. When Morpha fops up onto the ledge,
hammer away with your sword.
Stand next to one of the walls, wait for the
frst spike trap to slide away, and start your
ascent. Keep a steady pace and unlock the
boss door at the top.
Boss: Morpha
Morpha doesnt appear until you walk out to
the middle of its lair. Hop out to the central
block and then wait for the frst appearance
of Morpha. Tis boss is actually just a small
sphere, but it has the power to control water.
And so Morpha wraps itself in a large water
tentacle that lashes around. If the tentacle
grabs you, it constricts you and does heavy
When you appear in the Chamber of Sages,
Princess Ruto stands before you. It turns
out that Ruto is the Water Sage. She gives
you the Water Medallion. You are then
returned to Lake Hylia, which has reflled
with water.
Watch out for the spikes along the outer
wall. You can back into the spikes, so stick
to the corners of the room.
Te longer the batle goes, the more tentacles
Morpha uses. Only one of the tentacles
contains Morphas core, though. At this
point, jumping out to the middle platforms is
useful so you can easily look around and spot
which of the tentacles contain the sphere.
If you use a bigger weapon like Biggorons
Sword, this batle ends faster. Morpha fnally
falls to your blade and the watery tentacles
vanish. Lef behind: a Heart Container and a
warp out of Morphas lair.
After Defetng
Hearts: 15
Pieces of Heart: 27/36
Equipment/Items Found: Fire
Arrows, Golden Scale, Piece of
Songs Learned:
Fire Arrows
Now its time to claim the frst magical
arrow: Fire Arrows. To collect these arrows,
step out to the island with the lone tree.
Stand on the platform that looks out across
the lake. Now, either wait for the morning
sun or play the Suns Song to cycle the sun.
When the sun rises, draw back with your
bow and fre an arrow at the sun. Te Fire
Arrows then drop from the sky, out on a
smaller island. Swim out and collect them.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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As adult Link, you can return to Lake Hylia
and go fshing again. To fsh, you must pay
the fellow at the counter 20 Rupees. Tis
fshing game plays out very similarly to when
you cast a line as a child. Te goal is to catch
a fsh that weighs at least 15 pounds. If you
Now that you have the Golden Scale, enter
the laboratory. Dive to the botom of the
well in the back of the lab. With the Golden
Scale, you can touch the botom of the well.
Tat impresses the professor enough to give
you a Piece of Heart.
Now that youre done at Lake Hylia, its
time to take on the Shadow Temple. But
before you can do that, you must return to
Kakariko Village.
Golden Scale
reel in a 15-pounder, you win the Golden
Scale. (Anything less pays out in Rupees.)
Te Golden Scale allows you to dive three
times as deep as you could before you picked
up the Silver Scale from Zoras Domain.
Laboratory & Piece of
The Shadow Medallion
Rising from the depths of the Water Temple, Link successfully added a link to the growing chain in the Chamber of Sages. Only three
medallions now remain and the next to claim is the Shadow Medallion, found when Link completes the tricky Shadow Temple. However, eyes
can deceive in that haunted place, so Link needs to set out for Kakariko to recover an implement that will drop illusions: the Lens of Truth.
Before te Shadow Temple
Before Link goes to the Shadow Temple, he must retrieve the Lens of Truth from the well
in Kakariko Village. With that tool, he can see through optical illusions. However, before
collecting the Lens of Truth, there are a handful of Pieces of Heart that are easy to fnd now
thanks to some secial gear, such as the Longshot and the new song Link is about to pick up in
Kakariko Village.
Hearts: 16
Pieces of Heart: 28/36
Equipment/Items Found: Lens of
Truth, Piece of Heart (x4)
Songs Learned: Nocturne of Shadow
Collecing Hert
Nocurne of Shadow and
te Frogs
Upon entering Kakariko Village, you are
joined by Sheik, who is in serious trouble.
Afer the trouble has subsided, Sheik then
teaches you the Nocturne of Shadow, a
secial tune that warps you to the graveyard
behind Kakariko Village.
Nocurne of Shadow
Te Nocturne of Shadows is the last of the
teleportation songs.
If you skipped the Song of Storms during
your earlier visit to the graveyard, go into
the windmill now and seak to the organ
grinder to learn the tune.
If you just want to go straight into the well, you
can skip ahead. However, there are four easy-
to-get Pieces of Heart up for grabs now that
you have the Longshot and the Nocturne of
Shadow. Tose combine to make an entire new
heart, and that will come in useful when you
stare down the boss of the Shadow Temple.
Afer learning the Nocturne of Shadow,
retreat to Zoras River. Walk along the bank,
looking for a log sticking out of the water.
When you peer at it, a message says that
something is looking back at you. Its fve
frogsand they love music!
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Stand before the frogs and play the Song of
Storms, learned inside the windmill. Te
frogs dig the groove and reward you with a
Piece of Heart. But dont leave yet. Play the
fve other non-warping songs now, in any
order. Each song you play matures one of the
frogs. When all fve frogs are large, you can
play a minigame with them. Follow along
with the makeshif frog symphony, pressing
the buton associated with the frogs:
= Blue
= Purple
= Yellow
= Gray
= Red
If you can keep up with the frogs, following
the fy that buzzes over their heads and
making them croak along with its position,
you win another Piece of Heart. Tis is
actually tough to get, so expect to make a
lot of mistakes. However, once you get the
patern downand its random every time
you play (but it stays constant during an
entire session)youll match the frogs note
for note and score the prize.
Now, return to Kakariko Village. Te
next Piece of Heart is recovered with the
Longshot. Longshot up to the roofop with
the lone guy watching Death Mountain.
Speak to him to earn another Piece of
Heart. Teres now just one lef to complete
an entire heart!
Return to the graveyard and pull back the
gravesone in the corner of the graveyard
with the three fowers in front of it, near the
soil spot. Drop down to meet up with the
ghost of Damp again. He wants a rematch.
Tis race plays out very similarly to the frst,
but Damp is even faster and now there is
no room for error. Stick to the walls to avoid
fames and follow the trail, being mindful
not to be led astray by random Rupees.
Te only way to beat Damp is to Longshot
to the fnish line. When you climb up the
ledge and enter the large chamber, look up to
the torch. Longshot to it and slip through the
door just ahead of Damp. He awards you a
Piece of Heart for your seediness.
Kakriko Village &
Drain te Well
Now, to fetch the Lens of Truth, you need
to drain the well. Tis requires a trip to the
past via the Temple of Time. Return as a
child and seak to Guru-Guru inside the
windmill. Play the Song of Storms to call
down the thunder and wreck the windmill.
Tis drains the water from the well. Now
you can climb down into it and start the
minor dungeon: Botom of the Well.
Bottom of te Well
Afer draining the water from the Kakariko Well with the Song of Storms, Link drops
into the darkness in pursuit of the Lens of Truth. Tis clever item will allow him to
see false foors, invisible doors, and cloaked enemies. Without it, surviving the Shadow
Temple is impossible!
Hearts: 17
Pieces of Heart: 32/36
Equipment/Items Found: Lens of Truth
Songs Learned:
(see map on te following page)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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False Walls
When you enter the well, you need to
dispatch a Big Skulltula. Afer doing so, step
into the frst room of the well. It looks like a
dead end, but the wall behind the skeleton
is actually an illusion. Step through the wall
to enter a corridor that surrounds the main
room of the dungeon. Circle the main room,
looking out for a Green Bubble.

Upon reaching the stone statue spilling water,
look for a Triforce symbol. Tat means just
one thing: play Zeldas Lullaby. Tis halts the
water, making it possible to enter the water-
flled divot in the foor where you initially
entered through the false wall. Drop into the
hole, open the chest (it contains bombs), and
then crawl through the hole.

Ded Hand &
Lens of Trut
On the other side of the crawl space, climb
up the vines and enter the next door. Tere
are multiple, icky hands poking out of the
foor. Tese are from the Dead Hand, a grim
monster that appears when one of the hands
nabs you. As soon as the Dead Hand tries to
gnaw on you, hit it with your sword.

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key

AF Map Connectors
Basement 1
Basement 2
Basement 3
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Ded Hand
Te Dead Hand is
a slow, lumbering
monster that only
appears when one of
many hands sticking
out of the ground
grabs you. But thats the only way to
defeat the Dead Hand, so get caught
and then quickly slash away as soon
as the Dead Hand closes in.
Afer you defeat the Dead Hand, a treasure
chest appears. It contains the Lens of Truth,
the whole point of visiting this dungeon.
You can leave now if you want, but there are
other things to collect in here, such as Gold
Skulltula Tokens.
Using the Lens of Truth consumes magic
power, so dont leave it on. Just use it when
you need it.

Hole in te Floor
Another false wall leads into the central
room of the well. Use the Lens of Truth to
see the entrance. Inside, you see treasure
chests, but they are booby-trapped. Use the
Lens of Truth to spot fake foors that drop
you into the basement.
However, you do need to fall into the hole
in the center of the room to reach the
basement. Down there, you can collect the
Dungeon Map marked on the map.
However, there is no easy way out of the
basement. You need to collect fve silver
Rupees in this chamber to unlock the door
that leads back up to the frst foor. Tere are
Rupees on the bridges that cross the poison
pit as well as near the ladders.
Use the Lens of Truth to bypass the hole
in the foor next to the treasure chest
containing the Compass. Instead, walk
outside the central chamber and then look to
the inner wall. A hole in the wall safely leads
to the Compass.
Use the Suns Song to stun the ReDeads
down here and make short work of them.
Look for false panels along the inner wall to
collect two more Small Keys.


Tis room is flled with cofns, guarded by
mummy-like monsters called Gibdos. Like the
ReDead, these mummies are stunned by the
Suns Song, making them easy to eliminate.
Ten, you need to light the torches next to the
cofns to open them. Use a Deku Stick. Te
cofn in the corner contains a Small Key.
Use the Lens of Truth to peer inside cofns.
Some contain monsters!
Now that you have some Small Keys, you
can unlock the doors that lead to Gold
Skulltulas back inside the main room.

Hidden Room
If you are collecting Gold Skulltulas, the last
one is in a secret room within the well. Use
the crawl hole in the wall near the
water-spilling statue.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Use the Lens of Truth to spot the holes
in the foor (they lead back down to the
basement), defly defeat the nearby Keese
and Beamos, and then go through the door.
Defeat a Like Like on the other side, and
collect the Gold Skulltula Token in here.
After Completng te
Bottom of te Well
Now that you have the Lens of Truth, you
can take on the Shadow Temple. However,
there is another Piece of Heart you can
collect with the beneft of the Lens of Truth.
Stay in child form and return to Hyrules
market. Remember that Treasure Box
minigame? With the Lens of Truth, you
can easily see into the diferent treasure
chests and always pick the Small Keys that
let you unlock the doors. At the end of
the minigame, because you always chose
correctly, you unlock a chest containing a
Piece of Heart.
You need to be an adult to tackle the
Shadow Temple, so visit the Temple of
Time and remove the Master Sword.
You need magic to power the Lens of Truth,
so purchase at least one green potion.
Now, play the Nocturne of Shadow and
warp to the graveyard to get started on the
Shadow Temple. Walk down the steps to
access the temple entrance. Stand on the seal
thats surrounded by torches and use Dins
The Shadow Temple
Te graveyard behind Kakariko Village holds many secrets, but none more grim than the
Shadow Temple. Te murky depths of these ruins are a place of anger, evil, and sadness.
Fortunately, with his heart full of bravery and a virtuous mission on his mind, Link has the
power to overcome this horrible place and emerge victorious.
Hearts: 17
Pieces of Heart: 33/36
Equipment/Items Found: Hover
Boots, Shadow Medallion
Songs Learned:
(see map on te following page)
Getting te Hover

Your Lying Eyes
Upon entering the Shadow Temple, you
must Longshot across a wide crevasse.
Bypass the gears on the opposite landing
for now and instead use the Lens of Truth
to see through the wall in the corner and
enter a series of rooms that contain both the
Dungeon Map and Hover Boots.

Dungeon Map 3

Hover Boots
Te treasure chest containing the Dungeon
Map does not appear until you destroy
the Keese and ReDead in this small side
chamber. Afer eliminating the monsters,
take the Dungeon Map.
Follow the map to move through the false
walls. Use the Lens of Truth to see through
the walls, such as the open panel thats
actually between the two jars you spot afer
collecting the Dungeon Map. Continue
through the fake wall in the corner.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AB Map Connectors
Bongo Bongo
Teres another Dead Hand in this chamber,
but with the Lens of Truth, you have the
upper hand. Use the Lens of Truth to see
exactly where the Dead Hand is hiding. Let a
diferent hand grab you so you have enough
time to wriggle away before the Dead Hand
is upon you.
Once the Dead Hand is down, a treasure
chest appears. Take the Hover Boots and
return to the frst room with the gears that
you passed on the way to this treasure.

Stand next to the gear in the center of this
room. Use the Lens of Truth and look at
the pillars circling the gears. One of the
pillars has a skull on top of it only visible via
the Lens of Truth. Now push the gear so it
points to the skull. Tis unlocks the door
across a wide gap in the foor.
Basement 1-2
Basement 3-4
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Now, put on your newfound Hover Boots
and take a run at the door. Youre walking
on air! But you dont have enough seed
to confdently walk to the door. Youll grab
onto the ledge in front of the door and pull
yourself up just in time.

When you enter here, destroy the Beamos
with a bomb and then turn to a small
chamber to the right. Step into the room and
defeat the two mummifed Gibdos to make
a chest with the Compass appear. Alright,
now you can see where you are on the
Shadow Temple map.
Play the Song of Storms on top of the
Beamoss location to conjure up a fairy.

Afer collecting the Compass, cross the
room with the Beamos and slip through the
opposite door. Tere are two death-head
statues in here with spinning scythe blades.
Te blades do signifcant damage if youre
clipped, but they do move at a measured pace.
To escape this room, you must collect fve
silver Rupees. Grab the two in the middle
of the room, ducking under the blades if
necessary. Longshot to the third silver Rupee
in the corner. Te last two silver Rupees are
in the small alcoves. When you have all fve,
you can step into the corner of the room
containing a treasure chest. Teres a Small
Key in the chest.
Now return to the room with the Beamos
and bomb through the breakable wall (use
the Lens of Truth to spot it!). Use the key to
open the locked door.
Disobeying te Rules
of Gravit

As you snake through the next corridor,
watch out for two things: Big Skulltulas and
guillotines. Te corridor is not wide enough
to step around the Big Skulltulas, so you
need to either wait for them to fall or use
your Longshot to pop them.
At the end of the corridor, watch out for a
Wallmaster hand. It falls from the ceiling
and will take you all the way back to the
entrance. Tankfully, Navi gives you
advance warning.

You have to cross three platforms here, each
with a falling guillotine. Dont wear the Hover
Boots. Te gaps between the platforms are
narrow enough for you to jump across.
When you reach the third platform, slow
down and wait for a Red Bubble to pop out
of the abyss. Defeat it before proceeding so
it doesnt knock you of the ledge.
When you pass the third guillotine, a Stalfos
drops on the ledge. Tis is a small space,
leaving litle room for combat. Backfips,
esecially near the edge, are not recom-
mended. However, you can try to trick the
Stalfos into falling of. L-Target the Stalfos
and push it to the edge with repeat atacks.
Even if it defects them, it may lose a litle
ground and eventually fall right of.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Collecting Gold Skulltulas? Use the Lens
of Truth to make two platforms appear.
Jump across them. Keep using the Lens to
spot the scythe in the next room. Afer you
destroy all of the monsters in the room, the
wall guarding treasure chests and a Gold
Skulltula opens. Te chests contain arrows
and Recovery Hearts, unless you lost your
shield to the Like Like. Ten the chest with
hearts has a Hylian Shield in it.
Just beyond the Stalfos is a platform that
rises and falls with a crank. Put on the Hover
Boots. As the platform falls, run out to it so
you drop down just as it rises into the air.
When the platform reaches the top of its
climb, run of the edge so you land near the
path of the blade traps that circle a Beamos.
Collect fve silver Rupees here, to make the
door in the corner open.
Tis reveals a pullable block in the nearby
wall. Yank the block out and then push it
beneath the spikes. Te block is taller than
you, so it blocks the spikes from impaling you.

Falling Spikes
As you enter this room, you see two spike-
covered panels fall from the ceiling. If youre
caught under them, you lose a heart and are
returned to the start of the room. Use the
Lens of Truth.
In the middle of the two spikes, get behind
the block and pull it the rest of the way to
avoid the spikes. Now climb up the block
and get on the nearby ledge. Cross the top of
the falling spikes (its safe to step on) to fetch
a Small Key from a nearby treasure chest.

More Guillotnes
Now, return to the blade traps and use the Lens
of Truth to see two new platforms just beyond
a lone guillotine. Run across these now-visible
platforms and hop out to a sliding platform.
Ride the sliding platform to the door.
Deeper into te Temple

Silver Rupees
Te Lens of Truth can be useful in here to
see spikes that are otherwise invisible. But
dont leave the Lens acive for very long or else
youll drain a lot of your magic and by now,
thats likely at a premium unless you packed
along a green potion or two. Eliminate the
ReDead in here and then collect the fve silver
Rupees that open the exit.

When you enter this room, quickly dispatch
the pesky Keese fitering around the walls.
Next, climb onto the landing behind the
huge skull in the center of the room. Tere
are Bomb Flowers on the landing. Use those
(instead of your private stash) to lob a bomb
into the top of the skull. Remember your
skills from Goron City!
Use the Lens of Truth to spot the Longshot
panel that lifs you through the seemingly
impossible-to-reach silver Rupee.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Get Out Those Iron Boots
In this corridor, you must contend with a
series of fans that blow you about. If you have
the Hover Boots on, you cannot gain any
tracion whatsoever and the fans will blow
you into traps or of ledges. So take them of
in the frst part of the corridor, using them
only to cross the gap before the bridge.
When you land a shot into the skull, it
explodes and leaves behind a Small Key.
Collect it and then return to the room with
the silver Rupees. Use the Lens of Truth and
Longshot up to the ledge above the spikes.
When you reach the bridge, take of the
Hover Boots and put on the Iron Boots.
Tese are heavy enough that the fans cannot
nudge you of the bridge. Clank across the
bridge without worry.
Now, the next eye switch is a litle diferent
than previous instances. Tis switch is on
fre and will shoot fre at you. Draw an
arrow and wait for the switch to open its
eye. Immediately let fy with an arrow to put
out the switch and open the door beneath
Now, return to the bridge and use the Lens
of Truth to see a fake wall in the middle of
the area. Equip the Hover Boots and run to
the hole, fghting the wind. When the fan
stops, youll easily reach the ledge.

Invisible Key
Tere are two treasure chests in this room.
Te visible chest contains bombsgood to
have. But even beter is the Small Key in the
invisible chest. Bomb the mound of rubble
and then use the Lens of Truth to spot the
chest. Now grab the Small Key.
A grim galleon is moored in the next room.
Before boarding the vessel, grab the block
and pull it beneath the ladder. Tis creates a
shortcut to the chamber with the scythes.
Tere is a Gold Skulltula Token above the
boat. Use the Scarecrows Song to make
Pierre appear. Longshot up to him.
Pay te Boatman

See that Triforce symbol on the deck of the
ship? Play Zeldas Lullaby while standing on
it. Tis wakes the boatman. You begin a
slow journey down the river, during which
youre boarded by Stalfos. L-Target them
one at a time and shred the Stalfos before
the boat docks because once the boat stops
moving, you have just a few seconds to jump
down to the landing before it sinks.

Tere are two keys to collect in these rooms:
Small Key and Boss Key. First, use the Lens
of Truth to see the walls of a minor maze.
Head south frst. Te Small Key is in a room
with invisible Floormasters visible only while
youre looking through the Lens of Truth.
Afer you fnish of the Floormasters, a chest
with the Small Key appears.
it. Inside the room are ReDeads and a chest
with hearts or arrows.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Te Boss Key is opposite the Small Key
room. In here, two walls of spikes start
closing in. However, they are made out of
wood. So, deploy Dins Fire as the walls get
close to burn through them. Now you have
clean shots at two ReDeads. When those are
down, the Boss Key treasure chest appears.
Bongo Bongos weapons are those massive
fsts. Te boss deploys them in a number
of ways, from sweeping a hand across the
drum to slapping the ground. You have to
Now return to the landing where the boat
dropped you. Look across the gap you
cannot cross. Tere are Bomb Flowers
growing near a statue. Perfect! Shoot the
Bomb Flowers with an arrow and the
resulting explosion topples the statue. Now
you have a bridge across.
Te third room of this maze contains a
Gold Skulltula. Its behind the giant skulls.
Incidentally, if you throw bombs in the
skulls, you can win magic jars or hearts.
Use the Song of Time and Scarecrows Song
to grab some Recovery Hearts on top of the
ledge thats high above you.

To te Boss!
Finally, use the Lens of Truth to cross a
series of widely spaced invisible platforms.
You need the Hover Boots to cross the gaps
that separate you from the ornate boss door.
Enter the door and then drop into the hole
in the center of the room.
Tis is no ordinary platform youre standing
onits a giant drum. And what beter to
play this drum than two monstrous hands.
Tese are the mits of Bongo Bongo, the
demon that guards the Shadow Temple.
Boss: Bongo Bongo
avoid these atacks because they do a lot of
damage, esecially if you are caught in a clap
between the two hands.
Te drum is surrounded by poison. If
Bongo Bongo grabs you and fings you out
into the poison, immediately rush back
and pull yourself up the ledge.
Use rolls to dodge the atacks.
Bongos drum beats can knock
you into the air.
So, two big handswheres the rest of Bongo
Bongo? Its body is invisible, so you need to use
the Lens of Truth to see its torso, as well as its
lone red eye, which just happens to be its weak
spot. You need to fnd a way to get to that eye
without being smashed by those colossal hands.
Fortunately, there are two ways.
Aim for the hands. Use L-Targeting to zero
in on the hands and shoot them with arrows.
Or, if youre fast, you can hit one with your
sword just as it gets within inches. Hiting
a hand temporarily stuns it. Immediately
target the other hand.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
Before te Shadow Temple
The Shadow Temple
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
When both hands have been stunned, Bongo
Bongo stops moving. Its body slumps to the
drum. Rush in to swing at the eye as many
times as possible before it recomposes itself.
Tere is a more daring way to drop Bongo
Bongo, and if you run out of arrows, its
esecially useful. Use the Lens to look at
Bongo Bongo. It realizes you can see it and
so Bongo Bongo lashes out with both hands.
Stand your ground and swing your sword
(or Spin Atack) just as the fsts pass. Your
strike will hit Bongo Bongo right in the eye,
bringing the boss to the drum. Now swing
away to do even more damage.
Tis batlelike most boss batlesgoes
much faster if you acquired Biggorons
When you drop the curtain on Bongo
Bongos wild performance, the boss
disappears and leaves behind a Heart
Container and a warp to the surface. Grab
the Heart Container and jump into the warp
to return to the Chamber of Sages.
It turns out that Impa is the Sage of Shadow.
She is happy to see you and tells you not
to worry about Princess Zelda. You will
see her again one day. Impa hands you the
Shadow Medallion. You now have fve of
the medallions. Tere is still one lef, so its
of to Gerudo Valley to pursue the Spirit
The Spirit Medallion
Now that Link has acquired the Shadow Medallion, its time to quest for the fnal sage at the Spirit Temple. Te journey leads Link to Gerudo
Valley, where he must earn the trust of the desert people before they grant him access to the haunted desert that divides Hyrule from the
Desert Colossus, the sectacular statue that marks the entrance to the Spirit Temple.
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Hearts: 18
Pieces of Heart: 33/36
Equipment/Items Found: Gerudo Membership,
Big Quiver, Nayrus Love, Pieces of Heart (x3)
Songs Learned:
(see map on te following page)
Te Gerudo are a proud people who live in the deserts beyond the verdant
Hyrule Field. Te Gerudo are almost entirely female, save for the one man born
so rarely that he almost always ascends to the throne. But not all of the Gerudo
trusted Ganondorf with the throne. Link must seek out these sympathetic
Gerudo and befriend them so he may continue on to the Spirit Temple beyond
the Haunted Wasteland.
Gerudo Valley
When you arrive in Gerudo Valley, you
discover that the Gerudo broke the bridge
spanning the canyon for protection. However,
there are two ways you can cross the bridge.
Te Longshot now spans far enough to
reach the wood on the far side of the bridge.
However, theres a far more stylish way to
enter Gerudo Valley as an adult: Epona. Get a
running start and Epona gracefully sails over
the gap in the broken bridge.
The Carpenter
Now that youre in Gerudo Valley, lets do
something about the bridge. Speak to the
foreman at the tent. He says he wants to fx
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
To Gerudos
To Gerudo
To Horeback
Archery Range
To Hyrule
To Haunted

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Carpenters Tent
2 Ichiro
3 Jiro
4 Sabooro
5 Shiro
Legend Legend
To locate the Gerudos Fortress, go deeper
into the valley next to the foremans tent.
Te goal here is to get caught, so and into
the sight line of one of the Gerudo guards.
When youre spoted, the Gerudo toss you in
a prison cell.
Tankfully, you have the means to escape.
Longshot the awning above your cell window
to break out of jail. Te four carpenters are in
this fortress, though, so you need to carefully
explore it without geting caught again. If
you are caught by a patrolling guard, youre
dumped right back in this cell. (Yet they dont
take your Longshot...)
While you can always cross the bridge even if
its broken, freeing the carpenters is required
to earn the Gerudo Membership Card, which
lets you head out to the Spirit Temple.
As you infltrate the fortress, use arrows
to knock out the guards so you arent
Te frst prisoner is in the door next to the
spot you landed outside your cell window.
Step inside and seak to the carpenter.
He laments his situation, but is cut of
when youre ambushed by a Gerudo Tief.
Immediately raise your shield or at least step
back (if youre using a two-handed weapon).
Block the thief s blows and when she pauses,
lean in for a strike.
the bridge, but his workers are absent. He
thinks they are trapped by the Gerudo at
their fortress deeper in the valley. If you can
locate the four carpenters, they will have the
bridge fxed in no time.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Enter the door back at the top of the wall
you climbed down. Longshot across this
crowded room and slip outside. Hop down
and enter the door. Teres another guard
down here. Afer knocking her out, seak
to the last carpenter, Shiro. Fight of the
Gerudo Tief and then free Shiro.
Freeing the quartet of workers impresses the
Gerudo. One of their leaders appears and
gives you the Gerudo Membership Card,
which lets you explore the entirety of the
valley without threat of imprisonment.
Batle her for a Small Key and then free the
carpenter. However, instead of going farther
in, retrace your steps so you are back outside
near the wall you climbed down a moment
Afer defeating the thief, pick up the
Small Key lef behind and free the
Exit the fortress via the nearby door and
dart back inside the next door over. Now,
take out the guards here with arrows so you
have a safe hallway to pass through as you
free the other carpenters.
Step back outside through the next door.
Inch out from behind the corner and take
out the guard. When shes out cold, hop up
to the ledge she occupied and step inside the
Talking to Jiro in the cell raises another
Gerudo Tief. Take her out the same way
as the frst and then use the resulting Small
Key to free Jiro. Now keep pushing deeper
into the fortress.
Now outside again, climb down the nearby
wall and enter the door. Again, talk to
the prisoner to trigger the Gerudo Tief.
Now feel free to backtrack through the
fortress to collect Gold Skulltula Tokens.
Piece of Hert
To collect the Piece of Heart on top of the
Gerudos Fortress, you need to climb up to
the roof. Play the Scarecrows Song to call
upon Pierre. Longshot over to the scarecrow
and then open the treasure atop the fortress
to claim a Piece of Heart. Only two lef!
Horeback Archery Range
Now that you can explore Gerudo Valley,
hop on Epona and explore the archery range
above the fortress. Tis minigame requires
you be on horseback. Pay the Gerudo
operating the range 20 Rupees to start the
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Haunted Waselnd
Now head to the Spirit Temple out across the
desert, also called the Haunted Wasteland. To
open the gate to the desert, climb the tower
and seak to the Gerudo guard at the top.
She recognizes your bravery and says she will
open the gates for you, but you need to be
mindful of the difculties ahead.
Crossing te Desert
Te frst trial of the Haunted Wasteland is
deadly quicksand. Use your Longshot
to zip from crate to crate and
keep of the shifing sands.
When the minigame begins, you no longer
control Epona. Instead, you just aim your
If you score 1,000 points, the Gerudo gives
you a Piece of Heart. If you manage to
rack up 1,500 points, you earn the Biggest
Quiver. Now you can store up to 40 arrows.
Tere is another acivity you can do now at
the Gerudos Fortress, but it is 100 percent
optional. Tere is a reward for completing
the Gerudo Training Grounds: Ice Arrows.
Tese magical arrows are not required
to complete your adventure, but they are
cool to have nonetheless. Now, the catch
with the Gerudo Training Grounds is that
a lot of acquired equipment is needed to
complete it, and right now, you are short
on the Silver Gauntlets. Tere is a way to
complete the dungeon without the Silver
Gauntlets, but regardless, we are placing
the walk-through for the Gerudo Training
Grounds at the end of this chapter so you
can see how its fnished with all of the
Fairy Bow. You need to shoot enough targets
with your 20 arrows to score at least 1,000
points. Take out the jars on the crates and
then the target at the end of the frst pass.
On the way back, aim for the targets on the
wall. Hit the center for big points.

Gold Skulltula Token
To Desert
To Gerudos
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Desert Colossus
Welcome to the Desert Colossus, a titanic
statue that marks the entrance to the Spirit
Temple. Away from the harsh sandstorms
of the wasteland, the skies above the Desert
Colossus are as blue as can be. But this oasis
in not without danger, as Leevers pop out of
the ground to poke you with their spiny skin
when you stand still.
First, take a step inside the foyer of the Spirit
Temple. Teres nothing you can do in here
as an adult, so walk back outside. You meet
Sheik again, who tells you to return to the
Temple of Time and replace the Master
Sword. Sheik then teaches you a new song
the last you learn for the ocarina: Requiem
of Spirit. Tis song will teleport you back to
Requiem of Spirit
A secret oasis near the Desert Colossus
ofers a huge supply of fairies. Stand on
the platform in front of the dried-up oasis
and play the Song of Storms. Te resulting
rains fll the oasis, releasing a host of fairies.
Wade into the waters and botle up some
fairies. Youll need them for the Spirit
Next, you need to follow the trail of banners
across the Haunted Wasteland. With the
sandstorm, its tough to see them, but if
you look carefully, youll spot their outlines
in the dust. If you veer too far of the trail
between fags, you have to start the Haunted
Wasteland over from the beginning.
Finally, you fnd a small building to seek
refuge from the storm. Go inside and light
the torches to claim 50 Rupees. Go back
outside and climb on top of the structure.
Use the Lens of Truth. See that Poe? Tats
your guide across the rest of the Haunted
Keep looking through the Lens of Truth
and follow the Poe as it weaves through the
storm. Sometimes, it seems like the Poe is
taking you in circles, but keep pace and it
will eventually lead you out of the storm and
to the Desert Colossus, a massive statue that
serves as the entrance to the Spirit Temple.

Gold Skulltula Token

Heart Piece
1 Oasis
To Spirit
To Haunted
the entrance of the Spirit Temple, which is
useful for geting right back here afer using
the Prelude of Light to warp to the Temple
of Time.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Gret Fairy Fountain
Te entrance to the Great Fairy Fountain is
behind a breakable wall between two palm
trees. Bomb open the wall and then enter the
fountain. As always, step up the edge and play
Zeldas Lullaby to call the Great Fairy. She gifs
you with Nayrus Love, a shielding sell that
temporarily protects you from enemy damage.
Be warned: Nayrus Love does not protect
you from fre damage or falls.
Piece of Hert
Te fnal Piece of Heart can be collected
if you plant Magic Beans in the sof soil
next to the Desert Colossus. Warp to the
Temple of Time and become a child. Ten
teleport back here and plant the beans.
Afer bouncing back to the Temple of Time
and becoming an adult again, ride the plant
above the Desert Colossus. Hop of on top of
the stones near the entrance and claim the
Piece of Heart.
If you followed this walk-through and
collected the Pieces of Heart, you should
now have 19 hearts. Te twentieth heart
is the reward for defeating the boss of the
Spirit Temple.
Spirit Temple
Hearts: 19
Pieces of Heart: 36/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Mirror Shield, Silver
Gauntlets, Spirit Medallion
Songs Learned:
Just beyond the grand facade of the Desert Colossus lies the Spirit Temple, the fnal challenge
Link needs to complete before he can take the batle straight to Ganondorf. Within the Spirit
Temple is the powerful Mirror Shield. Link must use its refective powers not only to discover the
heart of the temple but also to defeat the witches that are said to haunt its sandblasted halls.
You must explore the Spirit Temple twiceonce as a
child and then again as an adult.
(see map on te following page)
Through a Childs Eyes

Now that youve returned to the Spirit
Temple as a child, you can sneak through
the crawl space. However, a Gerudo waits
for you inside the entrance room. Tell her
your trip to the Spirit Temple is innocent
and she will relax, recognizing that you are
not one of Ganondorf s goons. Apparently,
this is the chief of the Gerudo, Nabooru.
She knows Ganondorf is wicked and shes
here to stop him.
She requests that you creep through the
small hole in the wall and retrieve a treasure
she is unable to reach: Silver Gauntlets. She
then steps aside and lets you crawl through
the hole.
In the next room, its hysteria: Keese,
Beamos, and spike traps. Bomb the Beamos
as soon as possible and then take down the
Keese with your slingshot or Boomerang.
Afer removing all of the enemies, the doors
unlock and you can move on to

Boomerang Switch
A Stalfos atacks right away, but if you raise
your shield, you can defect its blows. Trade
sword strikes to get rid of the Stalfos, but if
you can maneuver it near the ledge, you can
actually force it to backstep right into the pit.
Next, eliminate the Bubble.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
8 9

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key

A, B Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
To lower the bridge across this room,
you have to hit the switch. Raise your
Boomerang and arc it around the bridge.
When you hit the switch, the bridge falls and
you can continue exploring.

Tere is an Anubis in this room, which is
tricky enough thanks to the narrow bridge
over the void. Te Anubis mirrors your
moves, so you need to be mindful of its
position. Tere is a way to destroy it from
a distance. Te switch in the middle of the
room sparks a fre near the door. Direct
the Anubis near the door and then hit the
switch with your slingshot. Roasted!
Te Anubis is a
mummifed enemy
that foats above the
ground, tracking and
mimicking your every
move. Do not use your
sword against this monster or it will
atack with fre. Instead, use your
own fre atack, such as a Fire Arrow
or Dins Fire, to burn it up...unless
there is a source of fre available in
the room.

First things frst: Wallmaster. Watch for
it and then roll away so it harmlessly touches
down next to you. Ten, take it out with
your sword. With the Wallmaster gone, turn
your atention to the various Keese in the
Now, you need to collect fve silver Rupees to
make a bridge across the room. Crawl along
the wall to pick up the hanging Rupees you
cannot otherwise collect. When you have
the quintet of silver Rupees and can cross the
bridge, deal with any outstanding Keese.
Now, light a Deku Stick at one of the ignited
torches. Use it to light the dormant torches,
which makes a treasure chest appear. Collect
the Small Key inside the treasure chest and
then pass through the door to end up back in
the room with the Beamos.
Crawl through the hole that was behind
the Beamos and then unlock the door. Now
climb up to the second story of the Spirit
Second Floor

Using Bombchus
Immediately lay into the Lizalfos that appear
in this room when you enter. Trade sword
strikes and counteratack when they let their
guards down. Afer dispatching the Lizalfos,
you must atend to a Bombchu puzzle.
See that sun on the foor? You need to bathe
it in sunlight. To do so, you have to run a
Bombchu up to the cracked wall. Line up
the Bombchu and release it. When it hits
the wall and explodes, the sun is acivated by
light, which in turn opens the door for you.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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An Iron Knuckle sits dormant on a throne
in this decorated chamber. Te exit will
not open, though, until you wake this bully
and then take it down. Approach the Iron
Knuckle and tag it with your sword. It rises
and then lumbers afer you, swinging its
massive axe. Roll away from that axe swing
because it does tremendous damage.
No Bombchus? No problem. Shoot the
crystal switch in this room and a treasure
chest appears thats loaded with Bombchus.

Snake State

Sun Block
You will return to this room multiple times
during both visits to the Spirit Temple, but
right now, the only thing you need to do
is push an Armos of the nearby ledge to
acivate a switch below. Now climb up the
stairs and keep moving until you reach the
block puzzle involving the sun.
Dont try anything in this chamber until you
bomb the Beamos spread around the room.
Dealing with the spikes is tough enough.
You dont need laser beams on top of them.
With the Beamos gone, collect the fve silver
Rupees in the room. You have to slip by
some of the spike traps quickly to collect
them, but gathering all fve isnt that difcult.
Nabbing the ffh silver Rupee lights a torch
in here. However, there are unlit torches, so
get out a Deku Stick and use it to ignite the
snufed out torches. (As always, you can use
Dins Firebut thats costly to your magic
supply.) When you light all of the torches, a
small treasure chest appears that contains a
Small Key.
Next, you must drag the block with the sun
symbol into the beam of light. Pull the other
blocks out of the way and then push the sun
into the pool of light. Tis opens the exit

Iron Knuckle
If youre clipped by the axe and need
hearts, lead the Iron Knuckle to a pillar
or its throne. When the Iron Knuckle
swings and destroys the stone, pick up the
resulting three Recovery Hearts.
As the batle wears on, the Iron Knuckle
loses some of its armor. Tis is a mixed
situation. Your sword blows now do more
damage, but the Iron Knuckle is also a bit
faster. Keep on top of those rolls to make
sure the axe never meets its mark. Afer you
defeat the Iron Knuckle, the door opens.
Need to stay back from the Iron Knuckle?
Use bombs!
Iron Knuckle
Iron Knuckles are
armored brutes that
brandish batle axes
as big as a boars
head. Tough the
Iron Knuckle is slow,
geting clipped by the axe is severe
you lose four hearts! You have to
essentially outlast the Iron Knuckle,
avoiding its blows while rushing
to deliver your own. Afer several
hits, some of the Iron Knuckles
armor falls of. Tis makes it more
vulnerable, but it also allows it some
extra seed.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Silver Gauntlets
Outside, listen to Kaeporas story about
the witches who rule the Spirit Temple,
and then open the large chest out on the
Afer collecting the Silver Gauntlets, youve
done everything you can as a child. Warp to
the Temple of Time and remove the Master
Sword. Now come back as an adult (the
Requiem of Spirit warps you right back) and
enter the Spirit Temple.
Before going back into the Spirit Temple,
refll your botles at the fairy oasis via the
Song of Storms.

Using te Silver
Now that youve returned as an adult, put
those Silver Gauntlets to good use. Push the
giant block to clear the archway and open a
passage to another three-doored room.
In here, deal with the Beamos so you dont
have to worry about geting zapped by its
eye beam while aiming for the crystal switch.
Hiting the crystal switch that hangs from
the ceiling opens two of the doors against the
far wall.
Want the Compass so you can see exactly
where you are as well as all of the treasure?
You need to defeat the Wolfos in this
chamber frst. As soon as the room is clear,
step on the Triforce symbol and play Zeldas
Lullaby on the ocarina. Te tune conjures
a treasure chest on the far side of the room.
Longshot out to it and collect the Compass.
Ten, Longshot back and return to the
previous room so you can take the other

Desert Colossus hand. You receive the Silver
Gauntlets. Now you can lif heavy objects,
such as silvery boulders that are otherwise
too weighty or impervious to bombs.
Adult Acion
(see map on te following page)
A series of boulders roll back and forth in
this chamber with a curved foor. To open
the door at the other end of the room and
claim a Small Key, you need to artfully
dodge the boulders while collecting fve
silver Rupees.

Boulder Dash
Four of the silver Rupees are hidden in
alcoves above the boulder paths.
Te ffh silver Rupees hangs in the air.
Don your Hover Boots and run toward it
from the closest alcove. Youll snag it before
gravity takes hold and brings you back to the
ground. Just make sure you scoot out of the
way of a boulder before it rolls into you!
Going afer the Gold Skulltula in this
room? Play the Song of Time to move the
time block and reveal the litle beastie.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AE Map Connectors
To Twinrova
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
Floor 4
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
When you go for the Small Key, watch out
for a Like Like that drops down when you
enter the room.
Before atempting to do anything with the
mirrors in this chamber, you need to defeat
all of the monsters. Another Like Like drops
in to play. Defeat it and then climb up the
wall. Te Lens of Truth reveals a skitering
Floormaster. Once these monsters are gone,
you can atend to the mirror.
Now, rotate the mirror in the middle of the
room to cast light on the sun symbols. Every
symbol you light up drops a chest, save for
one, which opens the nearby door. Two of
the treasure chests are really traps, though.
While the frst contains Recovery Hearts,
the second freezes you. Te third releases a

Light Puzzle

Back to te Snake State
You approach this room from the opposite
side as before. Now you can access the
statues hands. Run up the stairs and then
jump out to the hand with the Triforce
symbol in its palm. When you land, play
Zeldas Lullaby to summon two treasure
Longshot over to the treasure chest in the
opposite hand. Open it to claim a Small
Key. Now, Longshot up to the treasure chest
on the nearby platform via the torch. Te
treasure chest contains just fve Rupees. But
use the Megaton Hammer on the rusted
switch to open the door out of this room
down on the lower foor.
Collecting Gold Skulltulas? Play Scare-
crows Song while in the hand that holds
the Small Key. Longshot up to Pierre to nail
the Gold Skulltula.
Next, drop down and light the two torches
in the middle of the room (Fire Arrows or
Dins Fire) to make another treasure chest
appear. Tis chest contains the Dungeon
Map. Finally, return to landing where you
entered this room and use the key to unlock
the door.
Te Anubis in this tricky room are destroyed
the exact same way as beforewith fre. But
frst throw a bomb at the Beamos to make
moving around in here easier. Once thats
done, play the Song of Time to make a time
block appear in one of the holes in the foor.
To create a shortcut back up to this room,
go through the newly unlocked door and
push the huge blocks down into the holes.
Now, hit the rusted switch to fre up an
elevator that leads to the entrance room.

Anoter Anubis
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Te Armos in this room are your key
out. Te blue switch on the foor requires
constant weight. Stand near the locked door
and shoot an arrow at the Armos thats on
the other side of the switch. When it hops
onto the switch, duck through the door
before the Armos jumps of in its pursuit of
Next, hit the switch to start a fre. When you
start circling the room, the Anubis mirror
your movement. You can lead them all right
into the fre by forcing them to perform your
exact (but opposite) moves.

Ready for a second Iron Knuckle fght?
Fortunately, you are much stronger this
timeand if you have Biggorons Sword, you
can cleave this monster down to size in no
time. Just L-Target the brute and keep your
distance whenever it raises that axe. If you

Iron Knuckle
need Recovery Hearts, lead the Iron Knuckle
to a pillar and trick it into swinging the axe.
Pick up the resulting Recovery Hearts and
then roll away before the Iron Knuckle takes
another chop. Afer you defeat the Iron
Knuckle, go through the unlocked door.
You step back outside again. Tis time the
treasure chest contains the valuable Mirror
Shield. Tis shield can refect both light and
magic, making it ideal for solving some of the
light-based puzzles in the last stretch of the
Spirit Temple.
Use the Mirror Shield to refect light on
the sun back in the room with the Armos
to open up the next door.
Now, grab the Small Key and then go
back to the room where you roasted the
Anubis. Go through the locked door.
Final Push

Sliding Wall
First, bomb the Beamos. With such close
quarters at the botom of this room, you
cannot aford to send time dancing around
lasers. Plus, theres a good chance youll end
up back down here before reaching the top
of the high wall and its not fun to get up
from a nasty spill only to be zapped by a
Finally, its time to climb this thing. Tere
are multiple sliding panels. You can only
crawl up the cobblesonesand you can
only move between panels when they are not
moving. If you are caught halfway between
two panels as they slide, you fall to the
Next, look up at the sliding wall and shoot the
Skullwalltulas with your bow or Longshot.

Boss Key
Play Zeldas Lullaby on the Triforce symbol
here to open the locked door and keep
moving. In the next chamber, you see the
treasure chest with the Boss Keybut its
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
engulfed in fames. First, eliminate the Torch
Slugs and then drop a bomb next to the
breakable wall. Tis reveals an eye switch.
Shoot the eye switch with an arrow to make
ice platforms appear.

Mirror Puzzle
Tere are multiple steps to solving this
puzzle. First, raise your shield to block the
fying jars. When the potery cascade is over,
hit the crystal switch to unlock the door.
Next, Longshot up to the platform and then
step on the nearby switch. Tis extinguishes
the fre around the treasure chest that
contains the Boss Key. Grab the Boss Key!
In the next room, you must defeat a Lizalfos.
Te duel is short if you block its incoming
blows and return with your own slashes
when the Lizalfoss guard is down.
Now, use your Mirror Shield to direct the
beam of light to the sun symbol above the
archway. Raise your shield and then use the
Circle Pad to aim the refected light. Tis
summons a treasure chest that contains
bombs. Next, step toward the mirror in the
next chamber and fght of the Bubbles.
Once theyre down, bomb the breakable
Rotate the mirror so it casts light on the
mirror you just revealed by bombing the
Rotate the next mirror so the beam of
light is refected through the bars. It hits
another mirror that refects it down.
Finally, return to the area below the mirror
refecting the light down. Raise your Mirror
Shield and bounce the light beam onto the
sun symbol. Tis drops you back down to
the snake statue.
Refect the light to the snake head, which
makes it disappear. Tis reveals a circular
panel. Longshot the panel to spin it and zip
through the hole. Now use the Boss Key
to open the door and head into the fnal
showdown of the Spirit Temple.
Two witches, Koume and Kotake, are ready
for you. But the Twinrova Sisters have no
plans to fght you just yet. Instead, they send
an Iron Knuckle to sofen you up for the
boss batle. Defeat this Iron Knuckle with
the same strategies as the earlier incar-
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
However, when the Iron Knuckle falls, it
reveals an unexpected victim: Nabooru.
Before you can rescue her, Koume and
Kotake reappear and spirit her into the
boss lair. Follow the trail and get ready for a
magic-volleying batle against these wicked
Boss: Twinrova Siser,
Koume and Kotake
Te Twinrova Sisters are witches with
elemental powers. Kotake commands ice
magic while Koume wields fame. Together,
they are troublesome opponents. But when
they eventually join forces to create a single
superwitch, the batle kicks into high gear.
However, at all points, adept usage of the
Mirror Shield is a requirement for success.
At the start of the batle, when the sisters are
separate, you must refect their atacks back.
However, the trick is to refect the magic
of one sister at the other. So, if Koume is
unleashing a fre beam, use the Mirror Shield
to direct that magic over to Kotake.
Use L-Targeting to lock on to the sister
about to atack. For a hint as to which
sister is about to atack, look for one to stop
moving and raise its wand. When the beam
strikes your shield, use the Circle Pad to aim
for the other sister while shes still nearby to
complete the counteratack.
Watch out for the magic sells if you
miss. Both create large area efects on
the ground, but the ice magic is the most
dangerous. If you touch the pool of ice
magic, youre frozen for a few seconds,
leaving you vulnerable to an incoming
Afer you take several good cracks at the
sisters with their refected magics, the
witches merge into Twinrova. Te witch
stick unleashes magic atacks, but now you
need to absorb at least three of each atack in
order to return fre. Once you have absorbed
three magic volleys, blast it back at Twinrova
Teres a catch to capturing magic. You must
collect three of the same element. If you
capture two ice blasts and then absorb a fre
atack, the sequence backfres and damages
you. So, if the wrong type of magic is
incoming, roll out of the way and wait for
the match.
When you return fre and tag Twinrova
with a charged magic atack, she drops to
the ground. Quickly rush to her (she always
falls on a small platform outside the main
batlefeld) and start slashing. Afer several
hits, Twinrova composes herself and rises into
the air for another round of this magic duel.
Afer several rounds of melee atacks on
Twinrova, she fnally perishes. A Heart
Container futers to the ground near a warp
to the Chamber of Sages. In the Chamber
of Sages, you see that Nabooru is indeed
the Spirit Sage. She ofers you the Spirit
Medallion, which is the fnal medallion
needed. Rauru appears to you and ask you to
return to the Temple of Time.
At the Temple of Time, Sheik waits. When
you arrive in the temple, Sheik returns to
the legend of the Triforce and how when
Ganondorf was able to infltrate the Sacred
Realm, the Triforce shatered into three
pieces. Ganondorf absconded with the
Triforce of Power. Sheik has the Triforce of
Wisdom. You possess the Triforce of Courage.
After Defetng Twinrova
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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on the site of Hyrule Castles ruins. Zelda
ofers you another gif: Light Arrows. Tese
magical arrows can break through the King
of Evils defenses, making them critical for
the fnal showdown.
Te reunion, though, is cut short when
Ganondorf captures Zelda in a crystal prison.
He takes Zelda to his castle and throws down
the challenge to see if you can actually penetrate
his fortress. If you are ready, its time to march
on Ganons Castle. Just make sure you have
fairies and magic-replenishing potions ready,
because that fnal fght is epic indeed.
But then Sheik reveals another bombshell:
she is actually Princess Zelda! And she
is ready to help you bring the fght to
Ganondorf, who is holed up in his castle
Gerudo Training Grounds
Small Key

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
frst and then swing back through the
middle (avoiding the fre walls) to get the
third. Te fourth is on the opposite side of
the room from the frst. Te last Rupee is
collected with the Longshot. Look up from
the center of the room and Longshot to the

In this room, atack the Wolfos frst.
Now, use the Lens of Truth to spot a hole
in the wall above the door. Longshot to the
hole and acivate the switch. Now push the
huge block to reveal a door.
Eliminate the Like Likes in here and then
use the Lens of Truth to spot an invisible
treasure chest. Pick up the Small Key
from the chest and the Longshot out of the
previous room.

Shoot the eyes on the spinning statue
in the middle of the room with your
arrows. When you hit all three, a chest
containing a Small Key appears. Longshot
to it. Now play the Scarecrows Song to
conjure up Pierre and use him to Longshot
back up. Another chest next to him also
contains a Small Key.
Remember when we talked about the
Gerudo Training Grounds before heading
into the Spirit Temple? Well, now that
you have the Silver Gauntlets from the
Spirit Temple, you have the sixth piece of
the temple-secifc equipment needed to
complete this small dungeon.
Te Gerudo Training Grounds is a series of
locked rooms that require the use of these
itemsSilver Gauntlets, Hover Boots, Fairy
Bow, Lens of Truth, Megaton Hammer, and
Longshotto fnd the necessary keys. At the
center of the dungeon is a chest containing
Ice Arrows.
Tere are nine locked doors in this dungeon.
Now, technically, you only need seven keys
to reach the Ice Arrows, and well show you
where the shortcut is in case you want to do
this before completing the Spirit Temple.
Lets complete this circuit of rooms starting
to the lef of the entrance room:

Defeat the two Stalfos in this room
within 60 seconds. Use either the Megaton
Hammer or Biggorons Sword to accelerate
the fght. When the batle ends, open the
resulting chest to claim a Small Key.

Collect the fve silver Rupees in this
room within 90 seconds. Grab the two
Rupees along the lef column of the room

Smash the statues in this room with
the Megaton Hammer to reveal a switch.
Step on the switch and then open the chest
that was previously engulfed in fames.
Take the Small Key and move to the next
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Gerudo Valley / Haunted Waselnd
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

You need the Longshot and Hover
Boots to collect all fve silver Rupees in
this lava chamber. Longshot out to the frst
Rupee and then hop down to collect the
Play the Song of Time to make two time
blocks appear over the lava, creating stable
platforms. Next, step on the switch to
extinguish the fre that rages in the room.
Now, with the Hover Boots, skate across
the air to grab three more Rupees. Hurry to
the exit before the fre starts!

When you enter this room, play the
Song of Time to vaporize the time blocks.
Now, don the Zora Tunic and Iron Boots.
You need to collect fve silver Rupees in
the water to get the Small Key. Drop to the
botom of the water and collect the frst
silver Rupee. Ten, Longshot up the inside
of the pool, chasing down the rest of the
silver Rupees. Remove the Iron Boots to
foat into the last silver Rupee.

Now you have enough keys to enter the
central room and start unlocking doors. If
you follow the arrows on the map, you can
see how to reach the Ice Arrows. Tere is
a ninth Small Key in the room, which you
will need if you entered this room from the
previous chamber.
However, if you enter the room from the
entrance of the Gerudo Training Grounds,
you only need seven Small Keys.

Defeat all of the enemies in this
roomLizalfos and Beamosand then
grab the Small Key from the treasure chest
that appears.
Once you reach the central treasure chest,
collect the Ice Arrows. Te remaining
chests in the dungeon contain arrows,
Recovery Hearts, and Rupees.
Ganons Casle
Te fnal hour is upon Hyrule. Te last chance for the realm, Link, must breach Ganondorf s twisted palace, which rises over the ruins of
Hyrule Castle. With the power of the sages at his back and the Triforce of Courage pushing him on, Link has the strength to challenge the King
of Evil. But has Ganondorf amassed too much power to be defeated?
Ganons Casle
Built on the rubble and ashes of Hyrule Castle, Ganondorf s castle sears the darkened skies above the
once vibrant Hyrule. Here, Ganondorf rules from his throne of hate. Link must call upon the power
of the sages to weaken the castles defenses before he can ascend to Ganondorf s lair and challenge the
King of Evil to a duel for the fate of Hyrule.
Hearts: 20
Pieces of Heart: 36/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Golden Gauntlets
Songs Learned:
(see map on te following page)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Entering te Casle
Tis is it. Youve cleared out all of the
dungeons. All 36 Pieces of Heart are now
yours. Youve maxed out your hearts, flled
your botles with fairies and potions, and
have scored Biggorons Sword so you march
into Ganondorf s Castle with the strongest
blade in Hyrule. Its time to march on the
As you approach the castle, Rauru commu-
nicates to you that you must destroy six
magical barriers within the castle before you
can fght Ganondorf. Te Spirit Medallions
then rise into the air and stretch a bridge
across the moat that surrounds Ganon-
dorf s Castle. Cross the moat and step
through the front door of the castle to begin
six challengeseach based on one of the
Medallionsthat ultimately unlock the
path to Ganondorf s throne.
Inside the foyer of the castle, observe the
central tower. Its locked behind a wall of
magic. To disrupt it, you must disable the
six barriers Rauru mentioned. To do so, you
have to enter the six gauntlets that branch
of the central chamber.
Fire Barrier
Shadow Banner
Water Barrier
Forest Barrier
Spirit Barrier
Light Barrier
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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You do not have to complete these in any
particular order, but it is helpful to start with
the Shadow Barrier, because you recover the
Golden Gauntlets in that room. Te Golden
Gauntlets allow you to access the fnal Great
Fairy Fountain, and you want the reward
besowed by its resident: half damage!
Use the Lens of Truth to see a hidden
room of the central chamber where
Business Scrubs sell gear, such as arrows.
You can also procure fairies here.
Shadow Barrier
Upon entering the Shadow Barrier, select
Fire Arrows and look for the unlit torch.
Ignite the torch to acivate a series of
platforms that stretch across the void. One
catch: these are ice blocks, so you will slide
when you jump across them.
When you reach the Like Like, L-Target it
and atack, but be mindful of the edges of
the platform. If the Like Like inhales you,
it spits you out...right into the abyss. Afer
defeating the Like Like, fre another Fire
Arrow across the room into the next unlit
Now follow the next series of platforms to
the switch. Tis reveals a treasure chest.
Return to the chest and then open it to
receive the Golden Gauntlets.
Use the Lens of Truth to reveal an invisible
bridge to a rusted switch. Smack it with the
Megaton Hammer to unlock the door at the
end of the long room. Now use the Lens of
Truth to see the bridge to the door.
Inside, you discover the source of the
Shadow Barriers power. Arm a Light Arrow
and blast the sphere. Tis shaters the barrier
and liberates the Shadow Sage, Impa. She
thanks you and sends you back to the central
Before breaking any of the barriers, check
the room for jars that contain magic jars,
hearts, and more.
Gret Fairy Fountain
Now that you have the Golden
Gauntlets, step back outside the
castle and walk up the road until you
discover a huge stone. With the new
gear, you can heave the stone into
the air without breaking a sweat.
Inside, play Zeldas Lullaby to have
an audience with the Great Fairy and
earn a fantastic upgrade: half damage.
Tis defensive boost will serve you
well, esecially in the punishing last
batle with Ganondorf.
Now, you can take on the rest of the
barriers in any order.
Water Barrier
Te interior of the water barrier is frozen
over, just like the Ice Cavern. Freezards
advance upon you in the frst room, but
if you hold your ground at the entrance,
you have plenty of time to target them
with arrows or bombs before they are close
enough to strike with ice breath.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Fill a botle with blue fre in the middle of
the room and then melt the red ice. Refll
the botle before moving on.
In the next room, look out for a booby-
trapped treasure chest on the lef. It freezes
you if you open it. Te other chest, though,
contains a Recovery Heart.
You must slide the blocks in this room into
position to access the ledges. First, push the
block on the far side of the rock into the
rock. Ten, push it into the nearby hole.
Now you can push the second block around
the room without losing it. Push it toward
the other rock, then up, then over to the
ledge with the red ice.
Hop up and melt the red ice with blue
fre. Te rusted switch is no match for the
Megaton Hammer. It opens the door against
the far wallbut only for a few seconds.
Hurry over to it!
Use Light Arrows to break the Water Barrier
and receive words of encouragement from
Princess Ruto. She sends you back to the
central chamber.
Wolfos strike as soon as you step into the
Forest Barrier gauntlet. Afer defeating the
Wolfos, use Dins Fire to ignite the torches
in the center of the room as well as on top of
the door. (If you miss the door torch, use a
Fire Arrow.) Now, go through the door.
Fores Barrier
To collect the fve silver Rupees in this room,
put on the Hover Boots so you can cross the
wide divides between the platforms. Next,
Now, you have to watch the fans in the far
wall of the room to carefully navigate across
the gaps. If you are caught in a wind blast,
you will drop into the void. So hurry to the
platform with the Longshot panel near the
Beamos and toss a bomb at it before geting
caught. When the wind stops, rush to the
nearby switch and trigger it. Longshot back
right away.
play the Song of Time to conjure up a time
block that lets you pick up the nearby silver
Now hover out to the remaining Rupees,
keeping tabs on the fans so you arent blown
back before you can land. When you circle
to the silver Rupee in front of the fnal door,
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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youre safe. Go through the door and shater
the Forest Barrier with a Light Arrow. Now
Saria can help lower the magic wall around
the tower.
Fire Barrier
Because its so hot in this room, you need to
slip back into the Gorons Tunic. Once youre
decked out in red, put on the Hover Boots.
Some of the platforms in the lava sink when
you walk on them, but the gravity-defying
Hover Boots negate your weight. Te
platforms no longer sink!
If you did not collect the Golden Gauntlets
from the Shadow Barrier, do so now. You
cannot collect all of the silver Rupees in
this room without the strength of the
Golden Gauntlets.
Rupee next to the rotating fre trap. Tere
is a hidden silver Rupee in here, too. Trow
the massive obelisk along the wall with your
new gauntlets. Tis not only reveals a silver
Rupee, but it also plants the obelisk in the
lava behind you, making a new platform to
use when sliding around for the Rupees.
Afer collecting the fve silver Rupees,
Longshot to the door. (Watch out for
Bubbles!) Now hit the sphere with a Light
Arrow to weaken the barrier and let
Darunia perform his duties as a sage.
Spirit Barrier
In the frst room of the Spirit Barrier, you
must collect fve silver Rupees. First, get rid of
the Beamos in the center of the room with a
bomb. Now you can move around the room
without worry of geting zapped while sliding
Armos statues to direct the trafc of the spike
traps. By increasing the route length of the
spike traps, you give yourself more room to
snag the silver Rupees in their paths.
Afer eliminating the Torch Slugs in the
next room, tag the crystal switch to trigger a
treasure chest. Open it to collect Bombchus.
Now, use the Bombchu to hit the switch
in the next room. Release the Bombchu so
it crawls through the hole in the bars and
explodes at the switch.
Finally, collect the silver Rupee that hangs
in midair with the Longshot.
In the next room, you need to use your
Mirror Shield to direct the light to the sun
symbols. First, equip a Fire Arrow and then
burn away the webbing that covers the
window. Now that you have a light source,
direct the beam to the sun symbol closest to
the entrance. Tis unlocks the door to the
sphere where you use a Light Arrow. Afer
breaking the sphere, Nabooru appears and
atacks the barrier.
With the Hover Boots, collecting the fve
silver Rupees is fairly easy, save for the
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
If you direct light to any of the other sun
symbols, you trigger Wallmasters to fall
into the room.
Light Barrier
First, to even enter the Light Barrier, you
need to use the Golden Gauntlets to toss
aside the huge obelisk that blocks the door.
Once thats cast aside, step through the door
and ready the Lens of Truth.
Use the Lens of Truth to spot all of the
invisible monsters, including Keese that
futer overhead. Dispatching all of the
monsters, including the Big Skulltula, makes
a treasure chest appear. Open the chest to
retrieve a Small Key.
Some of the other treasure chests in the
room contain freezing traps. If a Keese sat on
the chest, though, its not a trap. It contains
arrows, magic jars, or Recovery Hearts.
In the next room, play Zeldas Lullaby to
make a chest appear. It, too, contains a
Small Key.
You must collect fve silver Rupees in here
while avoiding the huge boulders rolling
around the circular track. (Sorry, bombs will
not stop them.) Tere are two silver Rupees
in the alcoves in the center of the room. Two
more are in the alcoves along the walls. Te
fnal silver Rupee is above the middle of the
room. Use the Longshot to grab it.
Use the Lens of Truth to see through the
fake wall in here and spot the real location of
the Light Barrier.
Finally, afer sinking a Light Arrow in the
Light Barrier, Rauru appears and fnishes
of the last of the powers that support the
magic wall surrounding the tower. Now you
can enter the tower and start your ascent to
Ganondorf s throne. Heal up and purchase
any necessary support items such as potions
before entering the tower.
The Tower
Storm through the door and start running
up the spiral stairs within the tower. Te
stairs eventually spill into a room with
two powered-up Lizalfos. Tese monsters
are extremely aggressivethey will atack
together regardless of whether you L-Target
one of them. As tempting as it may be, dont
use a two-handed weapon like Biggorons
Sword unless you are sure you can strike and
roll away. If you think your acrobatics arent
up to it, use a shield to block incoming blows
and then immediately counteratack.
Afer another stretch of stairs, you enter
an arena with two Stalfos. Tese respond
to L-Targeting, at least. If you target one of
them, the other backs of. But theres a catch
to this. If you drop one, you have to hurry
up and get rid of the other. If youre too slow,
the defeated Stalfos rises back up. When you
fnish of the second Stalfos, a chest with the
Boss Key appears.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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to acivate them. So strike one and then
draw it away from the other. Tat way, you
only have to duel with a single acive Iron
Te fnal room in the tower contains two
Iron Knuckles. Fortunately, you can balance
this batle by only striking one at a time
Te boss door waits for you at the top of
the stairs.
Ganondorf is so sure of his power to defeat
you that he leaves his back to you as you
enter his throne room. Instead, the King of
Evil fnishes his dirge on the enormous pipe
Boss: Ganondorf
Ganondorf rises high above the arena,
taunting you with his ability to fy. Afer
all, you can fall so far in this batle. Te
central pillar in this room stays sturdy, but
the ledges around it fall to pieces when
Ganondorf strikes them with his magic. If
one falls under your feet, you tumble to the
botom of the room. However, thats not
necessarily a bad thing because there are
dozens of jars below the pillar. Tese are
flled with Recovery Hearts and magic jars.
You cannot just swing your sword and atack
Ganondorf. Hes always just out of range.
You must bring him down to that central
pillar to land a hit. Tere are multiple ways
to stun Ganondorf and make him tumble.
However, the climb back up to the pillar
to rejoin the fght is a long haul and you
always pop up right beneath Ganondorf.
Ganondorf fres magic orbs at you, similar to
the Phantom Ganondorf. Volley the magic
back and forth with sword swings. Swing
just as the sphere arrives at the end of your
swords range. Tat gives you enough time
to fully swing the blade and send the sphere
back. Volley the orb back and forth and
eventually Ganondorf will slip up. When the
sphere hits him, he drops to the pillar.
When you see Ganondorf start to charge
up his major magic atack (youll see him
tighten up and draw energy into his body),
launch a Light Arrow at his body. When you
nail him with the Light Arrow, he drops.
If you allow Ganondorf to fully charge up
his magic atack, he fings out several magical
spheres. Tey arc across the arena. Tough
they are easy to roll away from, if you
perform a Spin Atack just as they close in,
you blast the atack right back at Ganondorf.
He cannot block this, so he collapses to the
Waiting for the multisphere atack is
dangerous, so rely on the Light Arrows to
stop Ganondorf cold.
Princess Zelda hovers above the scene, still
trapped inside the crystal. Not only can she
not help you in this batle, but Ganondorf also
casts a sell that prevents Navi from geting
close to him. Youre on your own in this batle.
(Well, you still have us... Well never leave
you in your moment of need.)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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long enough for you to grab the pillar before
falling to the foor. Alternately, you can
Longshot to the pillar. As soon as you reach
him, start striking as many times as possible
before Ganondorf recovers and rushes back
into the air.
Now that youve stunned Ganondorf you
need to quickly get to the pillar so you
hammer away with your sword. Te Hover
Boots help here because they defy gravity
Feeling crafy? Launch into a Jump Atack
as you bounce toward the pillar. If you land
the atack, you do megadamage.
Tankfully, Ganondorf doesnt deviate
from his atack plan. He may change up
his blowsbut if you successfully sling his
atacks back at him or catch him with a
Light Arrow, you can bring the King of Evil
to his knees.
After Defetng Ganondorf
Ganondorf can hardly believe he was besed
in batle by the likes of you. His fury sends
shock waves through the castle, shatering
glass and stone alike. You and Princess Zelda
have to get out of there as fast as you can.
You have just three minutes to get to the
botom of the tower before it collapses.
Follow Zelda as she runs down the ramp
that circles the outside of the tower. Zelda
wastes no time, dodging falling rocks as she
moves in and out of the tower. Keep up with
her because she will wait at a door until you
catch up, which eats precious seconds.
When you reach the room with the Stalfos,
Zelda becomes trapped in a ring of fre. Te
Stalfos return for a rematch, and as before
you must defeat the second rather soon or
else the frst monster rejoins the fght.
Rush through the falling rocks in the botom
room and the stairs that lead back outside.
If you kept moving, you should have a
litle time to sparebut thats no reason to
sof-pedal it to safety.
Just as you step outside, the tower crumbles
to the ground, leaving behind twisted ruins
of stone and metal. But before you can
celebrate your victory over Ganondorf, a ring
of fre separates you from Princess Zelda.
Ganondorf explodes from the rubble. He
is not dead. In fact, with the power of the
Triforce, hes far from it. Before your very
eyes, Ganondorf s human form falls away
to reveal the monster he truly is beneath his
skin. Hes now Ganon, a towering behemoth
with twin swords as long as your body. Ganon
knocks the Master Sword from your grasp.
If you did not collect Biggorons Sword,
dont worry. You can use the Megaton
Hammer in this fnal batle.
Boss: Ganon
Ganon is a titan of tremendous strength and
with his twin swords, he can lay you to waste
within seconds if you arent nimble. Each of
his sword atacks cleaves four hearts from
your health if you didnt pick up the increased
defense from the fnal Great Fairy Fountain.
So, even if you have 20 hearts, that means it
only takes fve hits to put you on your back.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Tankfully, Ganon has one very obvious
weak spot: his tail. It isnt armored and its
huge, so its a major target. But in spite of
his size, Ganon is fast and will turn around
if he catches you circling toward his tail. So
the only way to safely land a hit on that tail
is to temporarily stun Ganon and then roll
behind him.
Jump-atacking Ganon in the face stuns
him, too, but if you miss, you are completely
exposed. You will get slashed by his swords.
Dins Fire stuns Ganondorf, too, and it
takes him a few seconds to recover. Tis is
a good tacic, but it does drain magic rather
quickly if you rely heavily on it.
Tere are multiple ways to stun Ganon.
Trowing a Deku Nut on the ground does it,
but the window is so short that you should
save those Deku Nuts for a last resort. Hiting
him in the face with your Longshot works,
too, and if you L-Target him, you cannot
miss. Te Longshot doesnt stun him very
long either, but if you get close and tag him
before he strikes, you should have enough
time to reach the tail and hit it once before he
recovers and turns around to face you.
Of course, you can always use those Light
Arrows. Tis is the ideal way to stun Ganon.
L-Target him and release a Light Arrow. If
it hits his face, he roars back and is stunned
long enough for you to easily score a tail
hit. Light Arrows consume magic, so you
can burn through your magic meter fairly
quickly if you arent judicious about using
arrows only when Ganons face is open.
If youre running out of magic or health,
lead Ganon into the pieces of the tower
in the arena. When he smashes then, they
release magic jars or Recovery Hearts.
You can actually try to roll behind Ganon
and atack his tail, but its the riskiest
move in the batle. If youre out of magic,
go on to the Hookshot or Deku Nuts
before atempting this.
Halfway through the batle, Ganon
stumbles. Te ring of fre drops and you
can grab the Master Sword. Tis is the only
weapon that can defeat Ganon, but you
dont have to use it just yet. Continue using a
preferred weapon and keep cycling through
stuns and tail hits.
Finally, when Ganon crumples again, switch
to the Master Sword. Rush in and drive the
At this point, the power of the sages ignites
and seals Ganondorf into the Evil Realm.
He does not go quietly, vowing revenge one
dayif not upon you, then he will visit it
upon your descendants.
Zelda then turns to you and apologizes
for giving you the Ocarina of Time, which
not only allowed Ganondorf to breach the
Sacred Realm, but also cost you seven years
of your life. She wants to undo the damage,
but to do so requires you to give up three
things. Te Ocarina of Time. Te Master
Sword. And any memory of this great
Congratulations! Not only did you just
complete the game, but you also unlocked
the Master Quest. Tis is a remixed take
on Ocarina of Time. Not only is the world
mirror-fipped, but the puzzles in the
dungeons have been altered, too. Its a
fresh, fun way to experience the adventure
all over again but still enjoy surprises.
Of course, we provide walk-throughs
and maps for all of the dungeons in our
secial Master Quest chapter. If youre
ready to give it a shot, turn to the Master
Quest chapter to get more details on the
adventure and learn exactly what has
changed and what from this walk-through
you can reference.
Master Sword right into Ganons head to
end the King of Evils reign.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
As you explore Hyrule, questing to save the realm from the tyranny of Ganondorf, you owe it to yourself (and Link) to take a momentary
break and enjoy some leisurely entertainments. Troughout Hyrule, you encounter shopkeepers who ofer minigame challenges, such as
shooting galleries, fshing holes, and other contests of skill.
For the most part, these minigames and contests are optional, although there are excellent rewards for paying the entry fee and trying your
hand at the various acivities. Some games pay out Pieces of Heart if you manage a high score, for example. Other games reward you with new
equipment, such as the Golden Scale for increased diving depths, or larger ammunition bags.
Minigames & Diverions
Weve assembled all of the minigames in Hyrule here, organized by location. Each minigame entry contains the admission price for playing, the
possible rewards, and tips for geting the highest score or meeting victory conditions.
Hyrule Casle Town Market
Slingshot Shootng Gallery
Admission: 20 Rupees
Prizes: Deku Seed Bullet Bag, Rupees
Can you hit all
10 Rupees in this
shooting gallery?
Te purveyor of this
minigame has set up a
shooting gallery with
several moving parts,
including a belt that
sends Rupees whizzing
across the back wall. As you shoot Rupees, small Rupee markers
appear below the gallery that let you know how many youve struck.
If a gap appears in the markers, that means you missed a target.
Te frst few Rupees
pop out and are
stationary. But soon,
they slide across the
screen. Tat makes
them harder to hit.
Tere is a delay
between puting a seed
in the slingshot and
shooting, so always hold down buton you assigned the slingshot to
so you fre the moment you let go. Tats the best way to tackle the
moving Rupees.
Slightly lead your targets so the seed gets there just as the target
slides or arcs by.
If you hit all of the targets, you win a Bullet Bag upgrade. Any further
perfect scores earn 50 Rupees, so you can turn a tidy proft at this
If you hit most of the targetseight or morethe shopkeeper lets
you play again for free.
Bombchu Bowling Alley
Admission: 30 Rupees
Prizes: Piece of Heart, Bomb Bag upgrade, Bombchus, bombs, Rupees
Bombchu Bowling
ofers rotating prizes.
Whenever you start
the minigame by
paying your admission
fee, the shopkeeper
shows which prize is
up for grabs. If you fail
the game, the prize
cycles. If youre playing to get the Piece of Heart, you must cycle
through the other prizes before you get another crack at the Piece
of Heart. Tere is only one Piece of Heart to play for, just as there is
only one Bomb Bag upgrade. When you win these prizes, you take
them out of the rotation.
You only have 10 Bombchus to use in this minigame. If you run out
before fnishing, you fail.
Te object of this
minigame is simple.
Direct the Bombchu
into the hole on the
far wall of the range.
However, the hole
moves farther back
with each victory.
Tere are three stages
in Bombchu Bowling. Te frst is easy. Te hole is always in the
center of the wall. You just need to wait for the spike trap to move
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Te second hole is on
the side of the alley.
It moves around with
each play, so at one
time its against the
lef wall. On the next
play, it may be against
the right wall. You can
atempt to bank the
Bombchu of the wall so it creeps up the corner and then arcs back
toward the hole. Try standing opposite of the hole when doing this.
Te fnal hole is
against the back wall.
Not only do you
have to get around a
spike trap and a small
Cucco, but a large
Cucco walks through a
divot in the foor. Tis
looks like the toughest
part of the minigame, but theres a trick. Stand in the dead center and
face the hole. Now, wait for the big Cucco to walk right in front of
the hole. Release the Bombchu. Teres a 90 percent chance the big
Cucco will move by the time the Bombchu reaches it.
You can also line up with the hole against a wall and release the
Bombchu, but you have to be facing directly forward. Any slight
deviation and the Bombchu will hit the corner and veer of in the
wrong direction.
You can try to send the Bombchu veering through the divot from
an angle, but that dent in the foor will alter the Bombchus path.
You can receive Quiver upgrades from the Archery Range and the
Horseback Archery Range. Earn the Big Quiver at the frst range
you complete, and the Biggest Quiver at the second. Complete the
ranges in any order you like.
Tresure Box Shop
Admission: 10 Rupees
Prizes: Piece of Heart, Rupees
Te shopkeeper has
set up several locked
rooms. Each room has
two treasure chests.
Only one contains
a Small Key, which
allows you to open
the next door. So,
you always have a
50-50 chance of fnding the keybut the key placement changes in
every play. So, you can see how your odds of geting through all of
the rooms dwindle... unless you cheat. (Dont worrycheating is
encouraged here.)
Afer you fnd the
Lens of Truth in the
Botom of the Well
(Kakariko Village),
return here and use
it to see inside the
chests. Now you can
sail right through the
rooms and claim the
Piece of Heart in the treasure chest in the fnal chamber.
Kakriko Village
Archery Range
Admission: 20 Rupees
Prizes: Big Quiver or Biggest Quiver, Rupees
Te archery shooting
gallery in Kakariko
Village opens when
you go through the
Temple of Time and
emerge as an adult.
When you return
to Kakariko Village,
the archery range is
fnished. It plays out much like the slingshot range in the Hyrule Castle
Town Market. You have to shoot 10 Rupees (some moving targets) to
earn a perfect score and win the Big Quiver or Biggest Quiver upgrade.
Te order of the
Rupee targets changes
every time you play, so
you have to watch the
colors of the Rupees
to see what they are
going to do on the
range. Blue Rupees
slide across the range.
Red Rupees emerge in pairs. Green Rupees come from the middle of
the range, but they may pop up and then drop right back down.
Like the slingshot gallery, keep an arrow ready to go by holding the
buton down. It takes a long time to nock an arrow and fre it
youll miss moving targets.
You can also replay the underground races with Damp to win
Rupees. See the walk-through for details on these races, which are
critical parts of the main story.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Lake Hylia
Fishing Pond
Admission: 20 Rupees
Prizes: Piece of Heart (child), Golden Scales (adult), Rupees
Te fshing pond
next to Lake Hylia is
a wonderful place to
unwind afer a long
day of fghting the
monsters unleashed by
the King of Evil. Here,
you can just cast a line
into the water and reel
in fsh at your leisureafer paying the 20 Rupee admission fee, of
course. When you pay the shopkeeper, he gives you a fshing rod that
must stay within the pond area. You cannot leave without giving it
Te goal here is to
catch the biggest fsh
possible. When you
do, you earn prizes.
Depending on which
time you visit, the
size of the biggest fsh
and resulting prize
Piece of Heart: 10-pound fsh (child)
Golden Scale: 15-pound (adult)
50 Rupees: Hylian Loach (child/adult)
Be careful when you
step up to the edge of
the pond. If you wade
into the water, you
scare the fsh away,
which scrambles their
positions in the pond.
Tis is important
because the biggest
fsh always starts in the same place and you can use this to your
Te biggest fsh always
start near the log
arch. Its so big you
can see it from shore.
Fortunately, you can
L-Target fsh just like a
monster in a dungeon.
When you target a
fsh, cast your line to
send the lure just above it. Now be patient. When the fsh nibbles,
tease it by reeling in just a litle. Te fsh gives chase and gets engaged.
If you go too fast, the fsh will get spooked and swim away. When
the fsh bites down, hook it by pressing the A Buton and pulling the
Circle Pad toward you.
Now you have the fsh
on the line. Its time to
reel it in. Small fsh are
easy. Bigger fsh put
up a reel fght though.
(Get it?!?) Use the
Circle Pad to pull at
the fsh, tracking its
movements. When the
fsh jumps, give it a litle slack and then immediately pull toward you
when it splashes back down.
If you just pull toward you the whole time you reel the fsh, the line
will almost always break.
Struggling to fnd the big fsh? Come to the pond right before
sunrise and sunset, which is when lots of small fsh start swimming
around. Tese small fsh feed the big fsh. When a big fsh eats a
litle fsh, it stays still for several seconds, making it easier to spot.
To Lake Hylia
1 Fishermans Counter
2 Biggest Fish Start
3 Possible Sinking Lure Spot
4 Possible Sinking Lure Spot
5 Possible Sinking Lure Spot
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
When you fnally
reel in a big fsh and
it meets the prize
requirements, take
it to the counter to
claim the reward.
You also get access
to the Sinking Lure.
However, you have
to fnd it; the shopkeeper doesnt give it to you. Look at the spots
marked on the map.
Sinking Lure and Hylian Loach
Te Sinking Lure makes it easy to catch large fsh. When you are an
adult, its the only way to catch the Hylian Loach, a super-big fsh that
lurks at the botom of the pond. Its hard to catchand thats when
it even appears in the pond. Teres always a chance it wont even be
present when you pay your admission fee.
When youre grown, you can cast your line next to the shopkeeper
to yank his hat of. Tis reveals a balding pate. Te shopkeeper is
furious and fnes you 50 Rupees for the ofense. But if youre going
to pay, why not throw the hat in the pond so he never gets it back?
Gerudo Valley
Horeback Archery Range
Admission: 20 Rupees
Prizes: Piece of Heart, Big Quiver or Biggest Quiver, Rupees
Afer freeing the
carpenters in the
Gerudos Fortress,
you can visit the
Horseback Archery
Range above the valley.
When you ride up to
the shopkeeper, stay
on Epona. Only by
talking to her while on your horse does she ofer a chance to play the
Afer paying the
admission, you
no longer need to
worry about steering
Eponashe moves on
her own. You just aim
your bow. You make
one loop on the course,
hurrying up one side
and down the other, turning in a half-circle at the very end.
Keep an arrow nocked at all times.
On your frst run,
aim at the jars on the
crates. Each is worth
100 points. Dont
worry about the large
targets above them
right now.
Shoot the center of
the large target at the
turnaround twice to
score 200 points, and
then get ready for the
next pass.
As you ride back to the
start of the range, aim
at the large targets on
the valley wall. Center
hits are worth 100
points. If you hit the
edges, its just 60 points.
When you return to the shopkeeper, she gives you a prize if you hit
certain point thresholds:
1,000 points: Piece of Heart
1,500 points: Biggest Quiver
1,000 points: 50 Rupees
You can only win a single Piece of Heart here, and its always the
frst prize. Even if you score 1,500 on your frst try, you still receive
the Piece of Heart.
You can receive Quiver upgrades from the Archery Range and the
Horseback Archery Range. Earn the Big Quiver at the frst range
you complete, and the Biggest Quiver at the second. Complete the
ranges in any order you like.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Secrets & Specials
Te walk-through chapters reveal how to fnd all critical items in Hyrule, defeat enemies
and bosses, and ultimately bring an end to the King of Evil. But you know theres always
much more to a Legend of Zelda adventure than what you see on the surface. Ocarina of
Time is no exception. Many collectibles help with completing the quest, such as earning all
of the rewards for fnding Gold Skulltula Tokens or fnding all four useful botles.
Use this chapter (which is ofen referenced in
the walk-through) to keep tabs on all collectibles,
secrets, and secial items you can use.
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Greed was the
downfall of a wealthy
family in Kakariko
Village. As a result of
their indulgence, the
family was trans-
formed into Skulltulas.
Te only way to break
the curse is to recover
Gold Skulltula Tokens, which requires hunting high and low for Gold
Skulltulas across Hyrule and its many dungeons. Tere are 100 Gold
As you collect Gold Skulltula Tokens, return to the cursed familys
house. Tere are six tiers of rewards for gathering up these tokens,
starting from a new wallet when 10 Gold Skulltulas are defeated to a
huge Rupee payday when all 100 have been vanquished.
Te Gold Skulltulas are crafy monsters, though, and do not always
make themselves obvious. Some only come out at night. Others can
be discovered only in secifc timelines, meaning young Link will
fnd certain Gold Skulltulas while others can only be hunted by adult
Collecing Tips
Listen for the scratching of the Gold Skulltulas. Tese monsters
make litle skitering noises as they shake. Use them to confrm
youre in the right place.
Many of the Gold
Skulltulas prefer to
come out at night.
We note which of
the monsters are
nocturnal in our
location guide. If
its not nightime
when you are on
the hunt, play the Suns Song on the ocarina to trade day for night
and fush the Gold Skulltula into the open.
Many of the Gold Skulltulas can be collected by adult Link.
However, some are available only to young Link.
Many Gold Skulltulas hide in the sof soil of bean spots.
Some Gold Skulltulas can be defeated only with long-range
weapons, like arrows or the Boomerang.
Playing the Master Quest? Most of the Gold Skulltulas are in
new spots. We have an entire chapter dedicated to the secrets
of the Master Quest, which details the locations of all 100 Gold
Gold Skulltl Rewards
As you save members
of the family by
defeating Gold
Skulltulas, you receive
the following rewards.
While these rewards
arent essential for
completing your
adventure and
defeating Ganondorf, they are all quite helpful.
It? Locaton Night?
Kokiri Forest
Look behind the House of the Know-It-All
x x
Look behind the House of Twins. Use the
Hookshot to eliminate the Gold Skulltula and
recover the token.
Plant bugs in the bean hole next to the Kokiri
Tokens Reward
10 Adults Wallet
20 Shard of Agony
30 Giants Wallet
40 Bombchu
50 Piece of Heart
100 Huge Rupee
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Use these locations to
scout out all 100 Gold
Skulltulas and save
the family from their
fate. Te locations are
divided by secifc
places in Hyrule, such
as the Water Temple
and Lon Lon Ranch.
We also note if there is a timeline requirement (young or adult Link)
or if the Gold Skulltula can only be found at night. Check of the
boxes as you go, and happy hunting!
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
It? Locaton Night?
Te Lost Woods
Plant a bean in the hole near the Skull Kid as
young Link. Come back as an adult and climb
Upon entering the Lost Woods, take two lefs.
Drop a bug into the sof soil under the bridge.
From the entrance of the Lost Woods, follow
these directions: right, lef, right, lef, lef. Drop
bugs into the dirt.
Sacred Forest Meadow
At the end of the maze, climb the ladder and
turn lef.
Te Great Deku Tree
In the room where you fnd the Compass, raise
the platforms and look into the lef alcove.
Drop through the webbing and then look up to
the vines. Shoot the Skulltula down with the
Drop through the webbing and look to the grate. x
Once you have bombs, return to the basement
with the three Gohma Larvae and burn through
the webbing. Bomb through the wall and use the
Boomerang to collect the token.
Hyrule Field
Plant a bomb at the tree next to the entrance to
Kakariko Village. Tis reveals a secret groto.
Use either the Boomerang or Hookshot to col-
lect the token.
Teres a circle of stones near the entrance to
Gerudo Valley. Drop a bomb in the center to re-
veal a secret cave. Use fre (Dins Fire or a fre ar-
row) to burn the webs and reveal the Skulltula.
Use the Boomerang to collect the token.
Hyrule Castle
Look inside the guardhouse next to the draw-
bridge. Break open the crate with a roll atack to
reveal the Gold Skulltula.
Roll into the trunk of the lone tree just inside
the castle grounds. It has three rocks around it.
Approach the castle moat and look for another
lone tree. Play the Song of Storms to reveal a
groto. Now, bomb the wall to reveal the Gold
Afer Ganon takes over Hyrule Castle, look at
the ruins of the old guard gate.
Lon Lon Ranch
Look for a Gold Skulltula in the upper window
of the house. Use the Boomerang to collect the
x x
Roll into the tree next to the house to shake
loose the Gold Skulltula.
Look behind the corral and the feed house for
the horses.
x x
Look at the fence to the right of the silo. Use the
Boomerang to recover the token.
x x
Kakariko Village
Roll into the large tree at the entrance to Ka-
kariko Village to shake loose the Gold Skulltula.
x x
Look on the side of the House of Skulltula. x x
It? Locaton Night?
Look at the pile of bricks at the construction
x x
Look at the side of the house to the lef to the
gate leading up to Death Mountain.
x x
Te lookout tower hosts a Gold Skulltula. Take
it down with the slingshot.
x x
Look to the roofop of Impas house. Hookshot
to the House of Skulltula and then over to
Impas house.
Look on the wall to the right of the Royal Familys
Tomb. Use the Boomerang to collect the token.
x x
Drop bugs into the soil patch on the lef side of
the graveyard.
Death Mountain Trail
Use bugs on the soil patch revealed by removing
the boulder blocking Dodongos Cavern.
Bomb the breakable wall near the entrance to
Dodongos Cavern to reveal the Gold Skulltula.
Use the Megaton Hammer on the red rock
above the Dodongos cavern entrance.
Approach the wall at Death Mountain Summit.
Smash the red rock to reveal a Gold Skulltula.
Goron City
At the top of Goron City, go to the room of rocks.
Bomb to get to the end of the room. Look for the
crate next to the treasure chest. Roll into it.
Look behind the pedesal of the Spiritual Stone of
Fire. Use the Hookshot to hit the Gold Skulltula.
Death Mountain Crater
Te Bolero of Fire warps you to the crater. Use
bugs on the soil patch.
Roll into the crate near the entrance to Death
Mountain Summit.
Dodongos Cavern
Bomb the wall in the room with the Baby
Dodongos (southeast of entrance). Te Skulltula
is guarded by Keese, so watch out.
Start at the entrance and head northwest. Climb
the stairs and look for the Gold Skulltula on the
Inside the Dodongo skull, turn right and bomb
the breakable wall. Te Gold Skulltula is hiding
behind Armos.
Activate the elevator and then go to the second
foor. Return to the stairs and go lef to climb
a wall. Tis leads to the Gold Skulltula. (Adult
Link can also use the Longshot.)
Return to the room with the Baby Dodongos.
Play the Scarecrows Song to make Pierre ap-
pear and then Hookshot over to him.
Zoras River
Roll into the tree at the start of the river, near
the point where you meet the owl.
x x
Near the end of the river, look to the ladder that
leads out of the water.
x x
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
It? Locaton Night?
Return to the location of the bean seller and
cross the river. Follow the path to the wall. Use
the Longshot to get the Gold Skulltula.
Stand on the bridge and face the entrance of
Zoras Domain. Use the Hookshot to reach the
Gold Skulltula.
Zoras Domain
At King Zoras Trone Room, take a lef and
walk down to the location of the diving game.
Use the Hookshot to hit the Gold Skulltula.
Zoras Fountain
Roll into the tree next to the Great Fairy
Climb to the right of Lord Jabu-Jabu. Use the
Boomerang to collect the Gold Skulltula token.
x x
Lif the silver boulder near the Great Fairy
Fountain (use the Silver Gauntlets), and drop
down the hole. Watch out for four hidden
Skulltulas in the ceiling (the Lens of Truth
reveals them), and climb the wall to fnd a Gold
Skulltula on the lef.
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Afer meeting Princess Ruto, carry her to the
door on the lef. Trow her to safety and then
use the slingshot to hit the Gold Skulltula. Raise
the water and then swim over to the vines to
nab the token.
Look at the wall near the door to Bigocto. Te
Gold Skulltula is near the door. Use the Boo-
merang to collect the token.
Tis Gold Skulltula is near the previous one. Its
a litle farther away from the door.
Before reaching Barinade, look up the wall to
the right. Up by the vines, look for the Gold
Lake Hylia
Drop bugs into the sof soil next to the Lakeside
Head for the bridge behind the Lakeside Labo-
ratory. Look to the lab to spy the Gold Skulltula.
x x
Go to the island in the middle of the lake. Te
Gold Skulltula is on one of the pillars.
x x
Use the Longshot to reach the dead tree on the
island (with the warp pad) and look for the
Gold Skulltula. Te Longshot is needed to grab
the token.
Use the Iron Boots to drop into the water in
the lab and roll into the crate to reveal the Gold
Forest Temple
Look at the vines to the right of the Forest
Temple entrance.
Look to the right wall just outside the room
with all of the Stalfos.
Use the Hookshot in the east outdoor chamber
to reach the Gold Skulltula. You may need to
use the Hookshot to grab onto the nearby trea-
sure chest to reach the Gold Skulltula.
Reach the ledge with the Big Deku Baba in the
west area of the temple. Jump to the pillars and
look for the Gold Skulltula.
It? Locaton Night?
Adjust the walls in the movable-wall room to
reveal a small area. Teres a Gold Skulltula
hidden in there.
Fire Temple
Play the Song of Time at the time block across
the long bridge. Climb the block to fnd a room
with a Gold Skulltula as well as other enemies.
Look for the breakable wall in the boulder maze
(lef, lef, right, straight to the end). Bomb it to
reveal the Gold Skulltula.
On the second level of the maze, use the Scare-
crows Song to reveal Pierre. Hookshot to Pierre
and then Hookshot to the nearby elevator. At
the top, look for the Gold Skulltula.
Tis Gold Skulltula is above the previous one.
Look for the door above it.
Afer retrieving the Megaton Hammer, return
to the temple entrance and hit the pillar to
reveal a door. (Use the Small Key to open it.)
Ten clear out all enemies until just the Gold
Skulltula remains.
Ice Cavern
Look in the room where you recover the Com-
pass. Use the Hookshot to recover the token.
Look behind the icicles in the chamber with the
spinning blades (its full of silver Rupees).
When you enter the room with the sliding
blocks, look on the nearby wall.
Water Temple
Look behind the gate that can only be opened
with a Spin Atack.
Follow the whirlpool river (you need the Iron
Boots), and then look for a Gold Skulltula to
the lef.
Enter the pillar in the middle of the temple and
then climb up. Use the Longshot to hit the Gold
Cross the moving platforms on the third foor
with the Longshot. Hit the Gold Skulltula and
then use the Longshot to collect it.
Look for a Gold Skulltula above the falling
Botom of the Well
Head for the room with the water-spilling
statue. Go through the door, pass the grate, and
defeat a Like Like to collect the token.
Use the Lens of Truth and a Small Key to
unlock a room of to the lef of the central
Use the Lens of Truth and a Small Key to
unlock a room of to the right of the central
chamber. Follow the path revealed by the Lens
of Truth.
Shadow Temple
Look on the wall of the room where you batle a
Like Like and must deal with invisible blades.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
It? Locaton Night?
Watch out for the falling spikes in this room.
When you stop the spikes with the block, locate
the Gold Skulltula in the cage.
Look on the wall behind the burning skull.
Stand next to the boat and make Pierre appear
with the Scarecrows Song. Longshot to Pierre
and then hit the Gold Skulltula.
Look behind the spinning skulls for a Gold
Gerudo Valley
When entering the valley, look for the bridge
near the waterfall. Te Gold Skulltula is by the
waterfall. Use the Boomerang to collect the
x x
Fly down from the large bridge with a Cucco.
Land near the cow and drop bugs in the sof soil.
Look behind the carpenters tent. You need the
Hookshot to collect the token.
Look beneath the rock arch in front of the car-
penters tent. You need the Hookshot to collect
the token.
Gerudos Fortress
At the Horseback Archery Range, take a lef
and approach the target. You need the Hook-
shot to collect the token.
Atop the fortress, look for the the chest contain-
ing a Piece of Heart. Te Gold Skulltula is nearby.
It? Locaton Night?
Haunted Wasteland
Follow the fags on the far side of the sand river.
When you reach the Ghost Guide, go into the
basement to fnd the Gold Skulltula.
Desert Colossus
Drop a bug into the sof soil near the entrance
of the Spirit Temple.
Next to the evaporated fountain, look up at the
palm trees for a Gold Skulltula.
Plant magic bean as young Link, then return as
an adult. Te plant leads to a stone arch. As you
ride, look to the plant platform to see the Gold
Spirit Temple
Squeeze through the smallish hole at the
entrance and go right. Te Gold Skulltula is on
the fence.
Climb the wall afer batling the Lizalfos. Te
Gold Skulltula is near the top.
Climb the staircase following the Iron Knuckle
encounter. Look to the wall.
Play the Song of Time near the blue block in
the boulder-flled room. Te Gold Skulltula will
reveal itself.
In the statue room, play the Scarecrows Song to
make Pierre appear. Longshot over to Pierre and
get the Gold Skulltula.
Trading Game
Although the threat to Hyrule requires immediate atention, this is
one side quest that shouldnt be ignored. Te reward for completing
the long (but fun) trading game is Biggorons Sword, an extremely
powerful blade that deals enormous damage. In fact, Biggorons
Sword is more powerful than the Master Sword, so if you want to
make short work of some of the toughest enemies in the temples,
make a point to get this blade.
Te trading game has
12 steps, starting with
a simple Pocket Egg
found in Kakariko
Village. Many steps in
this game can be taken
at your leisure, but
some trades have time
limits. Well note those
steps. Be warned: you cannot use warps to zip from place to place in
timed events. If you try to cheat, the timer zeroes out and you cannot
complete the step. You must start the step over.
Fortunately, while you cannot warp around, you can use Epona to
cut down on travel time.
Pocket Egg: Kakriko Village
Pocket Cucco: Kakriko Village
Receive the Pocket Egg from the Cucco Lady as adult Link. You must
hatch this egg. You can either wait a day cycle or play the Suns Song a
few times to force the egg to hatch into a Pocket Cucco.
Once the Pocket Cucco has hatched, take it to
Talon. Hes asleep in a house in Kakariko Village.
When you take the Pocket Cucco out of inventory,
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Cojiro: Los Woods
Odd Mushroom: Kakriko Village
Odd Poton: Los Woods
Poachers Saw: Gerudo Valley
Broken Gorons Sword: Det Mountain
Eyeball Frog: Lake Hylia
Prescripton: Zoras Domain
Head over to the Lost Woods and be on the lookout for an exhausted
man leaning against a stump. Tats the Cucco Ladys brother. He
trades you an Odd Mushroom for Cojiro.
Tis is the frst timed step in the trading process. You have three
minutes to take the Odd Mushroom back to Kakariko Village. Use
the entrance to Goron City and then run down the mountain to
seedily reach Kakariko Village. You must give the Odd Mushroom
to the old woman in the potion shop. Make sure its daytime (use the
Suns Song if necessary). Ten, enter the house and use the back door.
Drop down the ladder and enter the shop at the top of the nearby
stairs. You receive the Odd Potion.
Now that you have the Odd Potion, return to the Lost Woods. Te old
man who accepted Cojiro is now gone, but a Kokiri girl is in his place.
Give the girl the potion and she will hand over the Poachers Saw.
Te Poachers Saw belongs to the carpenter in Gerudo Valley. Report
to the valley and use the Longshot (or a jumping Epona) to cross the
broken bridge and reach the carpenter. Hes happy to see the saw, but
only has the Broken Gorons Sword to give you in return. Accept it.
Take the Broken Gorons Sword to the top of Death Mountain and
present it to Biggoron. Biggoron cannot help you with the sword until
his wounded eyes have been healed, so he hands over a prescription
for eyedrops.
Tis is another timed step. You have three minutes to take the
Eyeball Frog to Lake Hylia. Leave Zoras Domain and dive through
the shortcut that leads to the Lost Woods. Now, zip over to Hyrule
Field and ride Epona to Lake Hylia. Once you reach the lake, take the
Eyeball Frog to the scientist.
Te prescription must go to King Zora. Because the domain has been
frozen over, you need a blue fame to unfreeze King Zora. Once King
Zora can seak, he tells you to take an Eyeball Frog to the scientist at
Lake Hylia.
it wakes Talon with its call. Talon heads back to Lon Lon Ranch.
Now take the Pocket Cucco back to the Cucco Lady. She gives you
Cojiro, a blue Cucco that once belonged to her brother.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Eyedrops: Det Mountain
Clim Check: Det Mountain
Biggorons Sword: Det Mountain
Keton Mask: Kakriko Village
Skull Mask: Los Woods
Te scientist makes a batch of eyedrops with the Eyeball Frog.
Tese will help Biggoron, but these drops are perishable. You have
only four minutes to take the eyedrops back to Biggoron at Death
Mountain. Blast back to Kokiri Forest on Epona and aim for Goron
City through the Lost Woods. Follow the ladder from the crater up
to Biggoron. Hes very happy to have his eyesight again.
Biggoron says he can fx the sword, but he needs three days. Accept
the Claim Check from Biggoron. Now, either actually wait the three
days or play the Suns Song a few times to cycle through the necessary
Afer enough time has elapsed, Biggoron presents you with the
coveted Biggorons Sword. Tis is a mighty blade; its actually more
powerful than the Master Sword. However, it is a two-handed blade,
so you cannot wield a shield while using Biggorons Sword.
Te fox-like Keaton Mask is your frst mask. Take this to Kakariko
Village. Wear it and then seak to the guard standing at the gate to Death
Mountain. Te guard excitedly buys the Keaton Mask for 15 Rupees.
When you take the Skull Mask, go to the Lost Woods and look for
the Skull Kid. Wear the mask and then seak to the Skull Kid from
the stump. Te mask costs 20 Rupees, but the Skull Kid only gives
you 10 Rupees for it.
The Happy Mask Shop
When you visit the
town market in
Hyrule Castle, look for
the Happy Mask Shop.
Te proprietor of the
Happy Mask Shop
is more than (ahem)
happy to enlist Links
services to help him
spread his business far and wide across Hyrule.
You do not actually buy masks from this shop, but you can earn
money and eventually land the right to borrow masks from the shop.
If you complete another trading game, you gain access to the Mask
of Truth, which lets you seak to the Gossip Stones around Hyrule as
well as listen in to other folks thoughts.
Tere are eight masks. Four of the eight are part of the trading game
that results in the Mask of Truth. When you start the game, you
receive the Keaton Mask, which is the visage of a clever fox. Heres
how the trading game works out.
Tere are no time limits in the Happy Mask Shop trading game.
Feel free to wear any of the masks as you trade them around. People
react to you in diferent ways depending on which mask you wear.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Spooky Mask: Kakriko Graveyard
Bunny Hood: Hyrule Field
Mask of Trut: Hyrule Casle
Now that you can borrow the Spooky Mask from the shop, go to the
Kakariko Graveyard. Show it to the child in the graveyard. Te kid
loves it! He thinks it makes him look like Damp the gravekeeper.
Te boy pays you 30 Rupees for the mask.
Afer taking the Bunny Hood from the shop, you need to head out
to Hyrule Field during a sunny day. Be on the lookout for a man
running around the Lon Lon Ranch. Take of afer the man. When
he stops, put on the Bunny Hood and talk to him. Te man just has
to have the mask and flls your current wallet with Rupees.
Now that youve sold the Bunny Hood, the
shopkeeper places total faith in you. You may
borrow any mask from the shop, including the
powerful Mask of Truth. Te Mask of Truth lets
you chat up the Gossip Stones for tips and hints
(although, youre holding a book with all the
hints you need) or listen to the inner thoughts of
people you meet in Hyrule.
Dont leave the Skull Kid without playing Sarias Song for him. He
will hand over a Piece of Heart for the tune.
Secrets of te Mask
Now that youve completed the mask-trading game, not only do you
have access to the Mask of Truth, but you can also borrow three
additional masks: Goron Mask, Zora Mask, and Gerudo Mask.
Tese masks disguise you as one of the diferent peoples around
Hyrule. Wear these masks and go seak to the corresponding people
to hear how they address one of their ownprovided they actually
fall for the ruse.
Goron Mask Zora Mask Gerudo Mask
Performing at te Fores Stage
Tere is a secondary acivity you can try out with the diferent masks
from the Happy Mask Shop. Tere is a secial stage called the Forest
Stage. Here, Deku expect to be entertained. Go up onstage while
wearing one of the masks and the Deku will react either with joy or
dismissal. Two masks are surefre hits, while the others seem to elicit
random reacions
To locate the Forest
Stage, go to the
entrance of the Lost
Woods. Now, follow
these directions: right,
lef, right, lef, lef.
You arrive in a secret
meadow. Go to the
tree in the rear of the
meadow and look for the buterfies. Tey fit around a secret hole.
Drop in and youll fnd the secial Forest Stage.
Keaton Mask: You ofen win Rupees, but sometimes they do not
like the mask.
Skull Mask: Te reward is the ability to carry an additional 10
Deku Sticks.
Spooky Mask: More ofen than not, you win Rupees.
Bunny Hood: Typically, the Deku arent crazy for this mask, but
on rare occasions, you get Rupees.
Goron Mask: Te Deku dont want to see this mask.
Zora Mask: You ofen win Rupees, but sometimes they do not
like the mask.
Gerudo Mask: You ofen win Rupees, but sometimes they do not
like the mask.
Mask of Truth: Te reward is the ability to carry an additional
10 Deku Nuts.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Fairy Fountains
Troughout Hyrule, you fnd secial fountains. Tese places of magic are the domain of fairies. Some of the Fairy Fountains host normal
fairies, which are used to replenish sent health. Just capture a fairy in a botle and add it to your inventory for later use. But some secret
fountains provide even greater benefts
Gret Fairy Fountains
In addition to
the normal Fairy
Fountains, six Great
Fairy Fountains
in Hyrule ofer
power-ups and
upgrades. Finding
them is not essential
to completing your
adventure, but they certainly aid in defeating the great evils that
threaten Hyrule.
Det Mountain Pek
Det Mountain Crater
Hyrule Casle
Zoras Fountain
Desert Colossus
Reward: Spin Atack
Required Age: Either
Required Equipment: Hylian Shield, Bombs
Reward: Increased Magic Meter
Required Age: Adult
Required Equipment: Megaton Hammer
Reward: Dins Fire
Required Age: Child
Required Equipment: Bombs
Reward: Farores Wind
Required Age: Child
Required Equipment: Bombs
Reward: Nayrus Love
Required Age: Adult
Required Equipment: Bombs
To locate this Great
Fairy Fountain,
report to the red fag
near the entrance to
Goron City. Explode
the boulder on the
right and head up.
Next, throw a bomb
to smash through the
rocks blocking the path. When you continue down this new path,
the mountain begins erupting. Use the Hylian Shield to block the
incoming rocks. At the end of the trail, look for Skulltulas. Defeat
them and then climb up the wall. Use a bomb to destroy the nearby
breakable wall. Tis leads to the Great Fairy Fountain.
Enter the Death
Mountain Crater
via Darunias throne
room. Immediately
take a right and cross
the bridge. Look for
two giant boulders
that are too big to
destroy with bombs.
Use the Megaton Hammer to shater the boulders and open the
pathway to the Great Fairy Fountain.
When you frst enter
the castle, climb up
the vine to bypass
the gates. Now, hop
down and walk to the
fork in the path. Take
the right path. Its a
dead-end. However, if
you bomb the boulder
at the end of the path, the entrance to the Great Fairy Fountain is
Dins Fire is an ofensive sell with burning splash damage.
Inside Zoras Domain,
return to Jabu-Jabus
resting place. Circle
around to the right
and look for a narrow
peninsula with a single
tree. Teres a boulder
against the wall behind
it. Bomb that wall to
open the way to the Great Fairy Fountain and collect Farores Wind.
Tis sell allows you to warp inside of dungeons.
Go to the entrance of
the Spirit Temple and
look up to the Desert
Colossus. Turn to
the right and walk to
the pair of palm trees
against the rock wall.
Drop a bomb between
the trees to destroy a
breakable wall and enter the Great Fairy Fountain.
Nayrus Love creates a temporary protective barrier around you.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Ganons Casle
Reward: Halved damage
Required Age: Adult
Required Equipment: Golden Gauntlets
Afer you recover the
Golden Gauntlets, head
back outside the castle.
Tere is a massive black
pillar among the rubble,
close to the Great
Fairy Fountain where
you found Dins Fire.
Lif the pillar with the
Golden Gauntlets to fnd the fnal Great Fairy Fountain.
Tis bonus is extremely useful to get before challenging Ganondorf.
Normal Fairy Fountains
Dont turn up your
nose at these minor
Fairy Fountains. Even
though fnding them
doesnt pay out in
magic sells or secial
upgrades, collecting
fairies can save your
life in the middle of a
dangerous fght. If you have a botled fairy, it automatically resores
all health if you fall in batle.
Tere are six normal Fairy Fountains in Hyrule. Heres where to fnd
Hyrule Field: Use bombs to shater the boulders across a small
stream in Hyrule Field and reveal a Fairy Fountain.
Graveyard: Bomb the wall of the tomb where you discovered the
Hylian Shield.
Sacred Forest Meadow/Lost Woods: Right as you exit the Sacred
Forest Meadow, look for a ladder against a hedge. Climb the
ladder and then blast the boulder in the small area.
Zoras River: Blast open the boulder surrounded by smaller rocks
along the shores of Zoras River to reveal a Fairy Fountain.
Zoras Domain: Play the Song of Storms on the trapezoid-shaped
island in the botom of Zoras Domain to reveal a hidden hole.
Drop in to reach the Fairy Fountain.
Gerudos Fortress: Afer going to jail at the Gerudos Fortress, walk
to the line of four crates on the ground (near the main entrance).
Play the Song of Storms to open up the Fairy Fountain.
Bottle Locatons
You might expect that swords, shields, and hammers are the most important items for your adventure, but dont overlook the usefulness of
a simple botle. Glass botles are used to store secial things, such as potions, bugs, Poes (ghosts), milk, fairies, and blue fames. You can store
only one item in each botle. However, you can collect four botles, which is particularly convenient. Going into a boss batle with three or four
fairies, for example, will greatly enhance your chance of victory.
Bottle One: Kakriko Village
Te Cucco Ladys Cuccos have escaped! If you return all seven missing
Cuccos to the Cucco Ladys pen, she hands over a botle. Te Cuccos
are spread across Hyrule, so use these locations to hunt them down:
Right inside the
Kakariko Village
Head up to the
entrance to Death
Mountain Trail. Look
atop the second set of
In a box next to the
stairs in Kakariko
Village. Rush the box
to shake the Cucco
Use a Cucco to soar
from the red roof to
the well. Go up the
next set of steps. Jump
of the nearby ledge
and collect the next
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Look near the pen
next to the stairs.
Finally, climb the
ladder from the
previous Cucco
collection. Te last
Cucco is on top of the
Pick up a Cucco and
use the stairs. Inch up
to the fence and then
jump diagonally to cross
a fence. Trow your
current Cucco over the
fence and then jump
down to fnd the next
Cucco by a ladder.
Bottle Two: Lon Lon Ranch
Bottle Three: Zoras Domain/Lake Hylia
Bottle Four: Hyrule Casle
Talon wants you to
play the Super Cucco
game. If you win, he
hands over a botle of
milk from the ranch.
Te milks great and
when you drink, youre
lef with an empty
botle. To collect the
botle, just win the Super Cucco game by fnding all of the secial
Cuccos Talon releases before time runs out.
You need the Silver
Scale to collect the
third botle. Tis is the
botle containing the
leter from Princess
Ruto. Afer delivering
the leter, you keep the
Te fnal botle is
awarded for defeating
10 Big Poes (ghosts)
around Hyrule. You
store these Poes in
botles, and then
bring them to the
shopkeeper of Hyrule
Castle. Once all 10
have been delivered, the shopkeeper gifs you with another empty
botle. Use these hints to fnd all 10 Big Poes.
Try to follow the arcs of the Super Cuccos as Talon releases them so
you can quickly turn around and nab the right Cuccos.
You must be on Epona to spot the Big Poes. On foot, you see only
normal Poes, which are worth a mere 10 Rupees.
Big Poe Locatons
1. West of Hyrule Castle, amongst the bushes
2. Tree at the entrance of Lon Lon Ranch
3. Next to the sign for Lon Lon Ranch at Hyrule Castle
4. At the V-shaped wall to the east of Lon Lon Ranch
5. Next to the Kakariko Village sign
6. Te lone tree near the Gerudo Valley entrance
7. Fork in the road outside the entrance to Gerudo Valley
8. South of the previous Big Poe, between a tree and a grove.
9. Look in the grove, north of the Lake Hylia entrance.
10. Near the boulder where the road forks of to either Lon
Lon Ranch or Kokiri Forest
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Magic Bens
If you are searching
for Pieces of Heart
and Gold Skulltulas,
you must indulge the
purveyor of Magic
Beans. Te glutonous
kid selling Magic
Beans is located along
the side of Zoras River.
Tese secial beans take some time to develop, but when they do,
they result in secial plants that transport you either along shortcuts
or to important pick-ups.
To use a Magic Bean,
you must plant it
in sof soil. Look
for naked soil with
a small hole in the
middle of the brown
patch. Now, when
seven years pass and
you return as adult
Link, the Magic Beans have sprouted up into fantastical plants.
Te Magic Beans, though, are not cheap. Te frst magic Bean you
purchase costs just 10 Rupees. However, the kid raises the price 10
Rupees with each consecutive Magic Bean you purchase. Te last
Magic Bean you buy (there are 10 total) tops out at 100 Rupees.
However, even though this is not a cheap pursuit, the payof of
Pieces of Heart and Gold Skulltulas makes it worth the price.
1. Kokiri Fores
Result: Rupees
Plant the beans in the sof soil next to the shop in Kokiri Forest.
When it grows, ride it up to a bunch of Rupees.
2. Los Woods
Result: Shortcut
When you enter the Lost Woods, take two lefs. Plant beans in the
sof soil. Te sprouted plant lifs you along a shortcut to the bridge
leading out of the Lost Woods.
3. Los Woods
Result: Gold Skulltula
At the entrance of the Lost Woods, go right, lef, right, lef, lef. Te
bean, once planted, takes you up to a Gold Skulltula.
4. Det Mountain Trail/Dodongos Cavern
Result: Piece of Heart, Shortcut
At the entrance to Dodongos Cavern, place a bean in the soil. Te
plant lifs you up the mountain and also delivers a Piece of Heart.
5. Zoras River
Result: Shortcut
Plant a bean in the soil next to the kid who sold you the Magic Beans.
Te plant ofers a shortcut up the river.
6. Kakriko Graveyard
Result: Piece of Heart
Place a Magic Bean in the sof soil on the west side of the graveyard.
Ten, ride the plant up to a Piece of Heart.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
7. Lake Hylia
Result: Piece of Heart
Te sof soil is next to the Lakeside Laboratory. Plant the Magic Bean
and then come back later to ride it up to the roof and locate a Piece
of Heart.
8. Det Mountain Crater
Result: Piece of Heart
When you play the Bolero of Fire and warp to the Death Mountain
Crater, look for the nearby sof soil. Plant a Magic Bean. Ride the
plant up to a Piece of Heart.
9. Gerudo Valley
Result: Piece of Heart
Plant a Magic Bean in the soil at the botom of the waterfall. Use a
Cucco to glide out to the soil. When you return, ride up to a Piece of
10. Desert Colossus
Result: Piece of Heart, Gold Skulltula
Plant the Magic Bean in the soil just outside the Spirit Temple. Tis
results in a Piece of Heart and a shot at a Gold Skulltula.
Secret Grottoes
Troughout Hyrule,
you may discover
small, secret caves
that lead to fun or
valuable treasures.
Some grotoes contain
Gossip Stones, others
ofer Rupees. You
might even fnd
equipment upgrades. Find secret caves in various ways, such as
playing the ocarina or blasting down a breakable wall with bombs.
Use this list of groto locations to fnd all of the hidden goodies. We
also include what, if any, equipment is needed to unveil the secret
Secret grotoes are pointed out on the maps in the walk-through
Kokiri Fores
Inside: Gossip Stone, Red Rupee
Locate the Gossip Stone near the entrance to the Lost Woods. Play
the Song of Storms.
Sacred Fores Medow
Inside: Purple Rupee
Use a bomb to break open a cave near the entrance to the Lost
Woods. Inside the cave, eliminate two Wolfos to reveal a treasure
Inside: Fairy Fountain
Place a bomb on the hole in the middle of the hedges (near the
ladder) to reveal the cave.
Los Woods
Inside: Deku Nut Upgrade
Exit the Sacred Forest Meadow. Use a bomb on the nearby rock.
Inside: Gossip Stone, Blue Rupee
Afer entering the Lost Woods (from Kokiri Forest), go: right, lef,
and bomb the boulder.
Inside: Forest Stage
Afer entering the Lost Woods (from Kokiri Forest), go: right, lef,
right, lef, lef. Look for the buterfies. Tis is the entrance to the
Forest Stage as referenced in the Happy Mask Shop trading game.
Hyrule Field
Inside: Gold Skulltula
Plant a bomb at the base of the tree near the castle walls.
Inside: Gossip Stone, Blue Rupee
At the entrance of Hyrule Castle, go to the lef and follow along the
wall. Bomb the boulder near the trees.
Inside: Piece of Heart
Continue lef from the previous secret cave. Look for a single tree
near the river. Place a bomb at the base of the tree. Inside, use the
Iron Boots to sink down to the Piece of Heart.
Inside: Fairy Fountain
Use bombs to shater the boulders across a small stream in Hyrule
Field and reveal a Fairy Fountain.
Inside: Gossip Stone, Gold Skulltula
Go to the entrance of Gerudo Valley, but dont cross into it. Instead,
head right and look for a boulder surrounded by small rocks. Shater
the boulder and then place a bomb in the rocks.
Inside: Piece of Heart
Go to the entrance of Lake Hylia, but stay in Hyrule Field. Place
a bomb in the middle of the nearby fences to reveal a cave. Te
Business Scrub down below will sell you a Piece of Heart.
Inside: Gossip Stone, Blue Rupee
Look for the hole in the ground near the previous cave.
Inside: Gossip Stone, Red Rupee
Look for the copse of trees in Hyrule Field and then break open the
boulder within.
Hyrule Casle
Inside: Gold Skulltula
Play the Song of Storms next to the tree thats just inside the castle
fence. In the cave, look for the breakable walls. Te Gold Skulltula is
behind one of them.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Kakriko Village
Inside: Huge Rupee
As you enter the village from Hyrule Field, look to the lef of the
House of Skulltula. Between the house and the stairs, place a bomb.
Inside: Gossip Stone, Red Rupee
Look for a hole in the ground next to the Potion Shop. It leads to a
Inside: Hylian Shield
At night, push the gravesone marked with fowers. Drop into the
groto to retrieve a free Hylian Shield.
Inside: Piece of Heart
Push the movable gravesone to reveal a secret groto. Batle the
ReDead down here and then play the Suns Song to get the Piece of
Det Mountain Trail
Inside: Gossip Stone, Huge Rupee
Look at the entrance to Goron City. Stand in the center of the circle
of stones on a small platform and play the Song of Storms.
Inside: Green Rupees, Hearts, a Cow
When you reach the platforms that lead up to the summit, look for a
rock near a danger sign. Bomb the rock to reveal the groto.
Det Mountain Crater
Inside: Business Scrubs that sell arrows, bombs, and Deku Nuts
Use the Megaton Hammer to shater the boulder near the entrance
to Goron City.
Inside: Gossip Stone, Bombs
Inside the crater, look for a circle of stones. Bomb the boulder in the
middle to reveal the groto.
Goron Cit
Inside: Business Scrubs that sell arrows, bombs, and Deku Nuts
As adult Link, enter the lava-flled room. Play the Song of Time.
Jump onto the block that appears, then cross the area with the
Zoras River
Inside: Business Scrubs that sell Green and Red Potions
Near the river entrance, look for a circle of stones next to a Cucco.
Play the Song of Storms in the circle.
Inside: Gossip Stone, Red Rupee
Place a Magic Bean in the sof soil and then come back as an adult to
ride the plant up to a secial platform. Te already visible groto leads
to a Gossip Stone and a red Rupee.
Inside: Fairy Fountain
Place a Magic Bean in the sof soil and then come back as an adult to
ride the plant up to a secial platform. Blast the boulder to reveal the
Fairy Fountain.
Zoras Domain
Inside: Fairy Fountain
Head out to the trapezoid-shaped fat rock and play the Song of
Lake Hylia
Inside: Business Scrubs that sell arrows, bombs, and Deku Nuts
Head out to the small island with the movable gravesone. Pull it to
reveal the secret groto.
Gerudo Valley
Inside: Business Scrubs that sell Green and Red Potions
Walk behind the Carpenters Tent and play the Song of Storms. Tis
opens the groto.
Inside: Rupees
At the edge of the canyon, look down. Teres a white rock on a small
ledge. Use the Silver Gauntlets to lif the stone and reveal the groto.
Gerudos Fortress
Inside: Fairy Fountain
Afer going to jail at the Gerudos Fortress, walk to the line of four
crates on the ground (near the main entrance). Play the Song of
Storms to open up the Fairy Fountain.
Desert Colossus
Inside: Business Scrubs that sell Green and Red Potions
Use the Silver Gauntlets to hoist the giant boulder near the entrance
of the Spirit Temple. Tis reveals the groto.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Locaton Descripton
Graveyard Hidden beneath gravesone. x
Pay Damp to dig up random
graves at night.
Hyrule Castle
Town Market
Return Richard the puppy to
the woman in the back alley (at
Lon Lon Ranch Crawl space within the silo. x
Lost Woods
Play ocarina game with the two
forest people on stumps.
Lost Woods Play Sarias Song for Skull Kid. x
Goron City
Trow bomb in spinning pot in
center of Goron City.
Death Mountain
In small alcove down the main
x x
Kakariko Village Inside house with caged cow. x x
Hyrule Castle
Town Market
Win Bombchu Bowling
Zoras River
Along riverbank. Use Cucco to
reach it.
x x
Zoras River
Along riverbank. Use Cucco to
reach it.
x x
Zoras Domain
Light series of torches within
Zoras Domain.
Lake Hylia
Catch 10-pound fsh at fshing
Hyrule Field
Plant bomb in fenced area near
Lake Hylia entrance.
x x
Gerudo Valley
Jump of bridge while using
Cucco to land behind waterfall.
x x
Gerudo Valley
Jump of bridge while using
Cucco to land next to crate. Roll
into crate.
x x
Ride magic plant that grew from
Magic Beans.
Kakariko Village
Inside windmill afer completing
Damps underground race.
Kakariko Village
Return 50 Gold Skulltula Tokens
to the House of Skulltula.
x x
Death Mountain
Ride magic plant that grew from
Magic Beans at entrance to
Dodongos Cavern.
Death Mountain
Ride magic plant that grew from
Magic Beans. Or use Longshot.
Zoras Fountain On ice foes. x
Ice Cavern
Encased in red ice. Use blue fre
to melt it.
Zoras Fountain
Drop to botom of fountain with
Iron Boots.
Lake Hylia
Ride magic plant that grew from
Magic Beans. Or use Longshot.
Locaton Descripton
Lake Hylia
Botom of lab well. Requires
Golden Scale.
x x
Hyrule Field
Secret groto near Lon Lon
x x
Kakariko Village
Longshot up to roofop with lone
villager (adult Link). Side jump
of the tower to the roofop (child
x x
Win Damps second under-
ground race.
Zoras River Play Song of Storms for frogs. x
Zoras River
Play all six non-warp songs for
frogs. Ten follow sequence with
Hyrule Castle
Town Market
Complete Treasure Box
minigame with the Lens of Truth.
Gerudos Fortress On top of the Fortress. x
Gerudos Fortress
Score 1,000 points at Horseback
Archery Range.
Desert Colossus
Ride magic plant that grew from
Magic Beans.
Pieces of Hert
Tere are 36 Pieces of Heart located around Hyrule. When collected, they add nine additional hearts to Links life, greatly increasing his
well-being and chances for victory. We chart the location of all 36 Pieces of Heart in the walk-through, but heres a reference chart so you can
check them of as you collect them.
Boss Challenge
As mentioned at the
beginning of this
guide, the Nintendo
3DS edition of
Ocarina of Time
includes the new
Boss Challenge mode.
Now, you can replay
boss batles to see just
how fast you can bring down the terrors at the end of the major
dungeons. You can replay any boss you have already defeated. And
once you have defeated all eight bosses, you can atempt to defeat
them in a gauntlet. Can you survive the boss rush?
To access the Boss Challenge, return to Links House in Kokiri
Forest and interact with Links bed. Choose the boss you wish to
challenge from the available list. Sweet dreams!
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Gold Skulltl Locatons
Trading Game
The Happy Mask Shop
Fairy Fountains
Bottle Locatons
Magic Bens
Secret Grottoes
Pieces of Hert
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Maser Ques
So, you defeated Ganondorf and saved Hyrule from a terrible fate. Te adventures over, right? Wrong. Afer completing Ocarina of Time, you
unlock the Master Quest, a remixed version of the game with several important changes. In the Master Quest:
Te overworld has been mirrored. Lon Lon Ranch, for example, is on the west side of Hyrule Field, not the east.
Te architecture of the dungeons is the same, but the puzzles have changed.
Monster placement inside the dungeons has changed. You encounter tougher enemies sooner.
Monsters have been powered-up in the Master Quest. Now it takes more skill and perseverance to defeat them.
Gold Skulltula Tokens found in the dungeons have changed locations. Te Gold Skulltula Tokens found in the overworld are in the same
placejust mirrored.
So, when you embark on the Master Quest, the majority of the overworld walk-through remains the samejust understand that everything
has been mirrored. But when you reach a dungeon, whether its the Great Deku Tree or Ganons Castle, come here for a complete walk-
through on surviving the dungeon, and collecting all of the items.
The Gret Deku Tree
Hearts: 3
Pieces of Heart: 0/36
DekuNut,Kokiri sEmerald
Cursed by an approaching evil, the Great Deku Tree needs Links help. Te boy must take up sword
and shield, and then enter the depths of the Great Deku Tree to fnd the source of the ills befalling
the majestic guardian of Kokiri Forest. Inside the Great Deku Tree, Link will encounter new enemies
much more dangerous than the Deku Baba, including his frst duel with one of the boss monsters
aligned with the King of Evil.

Gold Skulltula Token

AB Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Gold Skulltula Token

CD Map Connectors
Get te Fairy

Main Room
When you frst enter the Great Deku Tree,
climb either the ladder or the vines (watch
out for the Skullwalltula) and then circle
around the interior of the tree. Keese atack
from above, so guard with your shield and
strike when they swoop low.
Gohma Larvae protect the large treasure
chest along the route, which contains
the Dungeon Map. Now you can see the
entirety of the dungeon, although until you
recover the Compass, you cannot see the
location of treasure chests or the boss.
Collecting Gold Skulltula Tokens? Roll into
the crates to locate the frst Gold Skulltula
see, they really are in diferent places.
Now, climb the vines to the third foor of
the tree, watching out for Deku Babas.

Fairy Slingshot
Step on the switch to ignite the torches, which
burn down the cobwebs blocking the door to
a room with three platforms. When the door
closes behind you, bars slam shut over it. You
must fnd a way to lif those bars to leave this
room. Its prety simple. Pull out a Deku Stick
and ignite it on the lit torch. Now, wave it
over the unlit torch on the opposite side of the
door. Te bars go back up.
Basement 1
Basement 2
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.


Torch and Switch Puzzle
Now return to the second foor of the Deku
Tree. Light a Deku Stick at the torch and
burn through the webbing to enter the door.
Inside the room, you discover multiple Deku
Babas, including a rather large one. You can
go in for close strikes or linger back and
atack with your new slingshot.
Immediately deal with the Deku Babas
when you land in the basement. Once these
snapping vegetables have been taken care of,
step on the nearby switch to ignite a torch.
Now use a Deku Stick and burn away the
cobweb that blocks another switch.
When you stomp that switch, a treasure
chest falls. If you lost your Deku Shield, this
chest contains a replacement. Otherwise, it
contains Recovery Hearts or Rupees. Now,
shoot the eye switch above the locked door.
Light a torch and enter the newly unlocked
door. Hurry up because you need to ignite
the two unlit torches before your Deku Stick
goes out. Once you do, the bars rise from the
door between the torches. Continue through
the door.
Next, use the slingshot to hit the eye switch,
which unlocks the door in the back of the
room. Tis leads to another enemy-flled
chamber, including Gohma Larvae and
Clear one of the vines leading up the far wall
with your slingshot. A single shot is enough
to eliminate the Skullwalltula. Ten climb
up and claim the Compass from a treasure
chest. Now, turn around and shoot the
ladder back above the gap. It drops, creating
a passage out of the room.
Now its time to get the Fairy Slingshot. First,
step on the nearby foor switch to make the
three platforms rise from the foor. Tey
only stay up for a few moments, but thats
long enough to hop across them and reach
the ledge on the far side of the room. But
frst you must deal with the Gohma Larvae
creeping around the room.
You may need to lure one of the Gohma
Larvae of the wall by stepping under it.
Once all of the Gohma Larvae have been
destroyed, a treasure chest containing the
Fairy Slingshot appears in the side alcove.
Use the switch to raise the platforms again
and then bound over to collect it.
Light the dormant torch in this room with
a Deku Stick to earn another fve Rupees.
To te Basement
Now that you have three critical items
Dungeon Map, Compass, and Fairy
Slingshot, return to the top level of the tree.
Eliminate a Deku Baba to clear a space along
the ringed ledge. Take a few steps back and
then jump of the ledge, diving through the
spider web that covers the hole in the middle
of the frst foor.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Spiky Log
You must ignite two torches on the far side
of the room. Seems simple enough, right?
Well, you must somehow light a Deku Stick
on the nearby torch (which is not acive), get
across the water on the platform that slides
under the spiked log, and then light the
torches before your Deku Stick goes out.
Te frst challenge is lighting the frst torch.
Te blue switch near it starts the fame, but
its a pressure switch. When you step away,
the torch goes out. You have to be fast with
this sequence of moves.
Wait for the platform in the water to start
moving toward your ledge. Put a Deku Stick
in your hand, step on the switch, and then
roll into the torch before it goes out.
Now jump down to the platform and ride
it across the water. Te spiked log is lower
than it used to be; roll or block at the right
moment to pass under the log. As soon
as you reach the other side, jump up and
quickly light the two torches. Lighting the
torches raises the bars on the next door.
To reach the door, you need to get rid of
the Big Skulltula blocking the way. Stand of
to the side and shoot its weak spot (belly)
with your slingshot. Afer two hits, the Big
Skulltula is down. Now climb the block and
scurry through the door.
Locked in! Te exits do not open again until
you eliminate every enemy in this room,
which includes Gohma Larvae, Keese, and
Deku Scrubs.
When you enter this room, waste no time
L-Targeting the Keese and taking them
down with your slingshot. Afer the Keese
are done, circle the room and eliminate the
Deku Babas.


Four Torches
Tere are four torches in the center of the
room. Ready a Deku Stick in your hand. Step
on the blue switch and then immediately
walk into a temporarily lit torch to ignite
your stick. Now, rush for the cobweb
blocking a child-sized hole to the next room.
Put the Deku Stick away before it totally
burns up and crawl through the hole. Tis
leads you back into the larger room with the
water on the foor.

Blze a Trail
Now push the block in front of you into
the water. Tis creates a route so you
can carry fre across the chamber to the
cobweb-covered hole in the foor. Swipe at
the cobweb as if you were swinging a sword
to ignite the cobweb and set it ablaze. Now
drop down to the lowest basement.
Basement Two

Deku Scrub Puzzle
One, three, two. Tats the order in which
you must bounce Deku Nuts back at the
three Scrubs now before you. Te Deku
Scrubs are numbered from lef to right if
you are facing them. So take the lef one frst,
then the right beastie, and fnish with the
Deku Scrub in the center.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
If you accidentally hit the Deku Scrubs out
of order, just start over with the lef.
Afer you defeat the third Deku Scrub,
it ofers a hint on how to defeat Queen
Gohma, the boss on the other side of this
door. You need to stun the boss for your
strikes to even register. When youre ready,
pass through the door to enter Queen
Gohmas lair and rid the Great Deku Tree of
this horrible infesation.
Boss: Gohma
Entering the frst boss lair can be intimi-
dating, esecially when you know theres
something dangerous hiding in the dark.
Step into the shadows and then look to the
ceiling. Queen Gohma is crawling in the
blackness. She notices you the second you
cast your eyes upon her and immediately
slams to the ground, ready to atack.
Gohma does not have a projectile atack.
Instead, the arachnid relies on brute strength
and Gohma Larvae to bring you down. Te
key is to keep back. Do not let Gohma rise
up and then fall on top of you or else she
causes a full heart of damage. Your shield
will protect you to some degree if you do get
close enough for Gohma to touch you, but
its still beter to stay back.
Gohmas secondary atack is to jump to the
ceiling and drop three sacs on to the foor. As
before, rush to the sacs and slash them before
they can open. Otherwise, you have three
wriggling Gohma Larvae to deal with while
Gohma herself tries to get the drop on you.
Te spider queens weakness is her single eye.
You need to blind her, which temporarily
stuns the boss. Tere are a few ways to pull
this of. L-Target Gohma and then hit her
with your slingshot when she fashes a red
eye. Alternately, you can slam a Deku Nut
at Gohma when she shows the angry red
When you stun Gohma, she collapses on
the foor. Now hurry up and slash at her eye
with your sword. You can get in two or three
hits before Gohma recovers. As soon as you
see Gohma rise from the foor and shake it
of, get back and ready the slingshot for your
next opportunity to stun her.
Te give and take of the boss batle is
brief and you can knock out Gohma fairly
quickly if you rely on L-Targeting.
When you defeat Gohma, the arachnid
disappears, leaving behind a Heart
Container and a warp pad that takes you out
of the dungeon. Every boss batle pays out
with a Heart Container, so always be sure to
pick it up before stepping into the warp.
Dodongos Cavern
Hearts: 5
Pieces of Heart: 7/36
Equipment/Items Found: Bomb
Bag, Gorons Ruby
Songs Learned:
Deep in Death Mountain lurks King Dodongo, leader of the Dodongo monsters. With King
Dodongo preventing the Gorons from reaching their beloved rocks, its up to Link to venture into
this dangerous cavern and square of against the fearsome lizard. If Chief Darunia needed to see
an act of bravery to hand over the Gorons Ruby, surely defeating the monster in the depths of this
dungeon would do the trick.
eye. While Gohma is on the ceiling, hit her
with a Deku Seed as she starts to secrete the
Gohma Larvae sacs.
(see map on te following page)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Map & Compass

Dungeon Map
Upon entering Dodongos Cavern, you start
in a large, lava-flled chamber. You will
move through this room several times while
exploring this dungeon. First, you need to
access the central platform. Jump across the
lava using the rising pillar. Pluck the Bomb
Immediately veer of to the lef. Jump across
the pillar before it drops too low and then
hop over to the lef side of the room. Deposit
the explosive next to the breakable wall.
Now inside the small side chamber,
open the treasure chest to retrieve the
Dungeon Map.
Behind the breakable wall to the north, you
fnd a Gossip Stone.
In the alcove next to it, Business Scrubs
atempt to sell you goods, such as a Deku
King Dodongo

Gold Skulltula Token

AC Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Now return to the central platform and
pluck another Bomb Flower. Jump out to the
pillar on the right. You need to throw that
bomb next to the rock in the lef corner of
the room, near the edge of the lava. Blasting
the boulder reveals a switch. Tis increases
the range of the nearby pillar so it rises up to
the second foor.
Ride the pillar up to the second foor and cross
the bridge. Teres a switch on the far side of
the bridge, tucked in a tiny alcove. Step on it.
Tis unlocks the door below you and lights a
torch on the main level of the room.
A row of Bomb Flowers in the middle of
this room has a suspicious gap in the center.
Somehow, you need to place a Bomb Flower
in this gap. Te explosion will set of the other
Bomb Flowers and lower the steps to the
second foor. First, walk behind the rotating
Beamos eyes to avoid geting zapped by a

Secret Switch

Stepping Up
Now, you need to pluck the Bomb Flower
from the wall, but its too high to grab. Ignite
a Deku Stick at the nearby torch. Ten touch
the Bomb Flower with the stick. Te Bomb
Flower drops of the wall. Quickly pick it up
and throw it in the gap in the line of Bomb
Te bombs cause the stones to collapse,
forming a staircase. Climb up. Te center
platform rises to take you to a Business
Scrub. Its selling Deku Shields for 50 Rupees.
Bad dealunless yours burned up.

Silver Rupees
Now, you have to collect fve silver Rupees
to escape this room and keep moving deeper
into Dodongos Cavern:
Bomb the Beamos to the right of the
newly created stairs. Teres a silver Rupee
beneath it.
Roll into the crate on the right set of stairs
to the top level of the room.
Roll into the crate in the corner behind
the Beamos.
Destroy the Big Skulltula guarding the
fourth silver Rupee.
Roll into the crate on the lef stairs
heading back down.
Afer you collect all fve silver Rupees, the
locked door near to the vines at the top of
the room opens.

Defeat all three Dodongos in here to make
a treasure chest containing the Compass
appear. Watch out for the Dodongos fre
breath as you circle behind them to target
their tails.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Inside this room, look down to see three
unlit torches. Tey are too far of the ground
to reach, but note the blocks inside the
maze below you. Hop down and drag the
blocks so there is one beneath each torch.
Now, go to the ladder that is too far of the
ground to reach. Pull the block beneath the
ladder out of the wall so you can use it to access
the ladder. Climb the ladder and jump over to
the lit torch. Light a Deku Stick and then jump
over to the ledge above the ladder. If you miss
the ledge or grab the ladder, you can put the
Deku Stick away and it will go out.
You cannot push the large block. So, jump
down and defeat the baby Dodongos in the
sand. Afer they are fnished, pull the small
block in the corner of the room to the steel
ledge. Climb up and defeat the Big Skulltula
so you can keep moving down the curved
hallway. (Look out for Keese!)
Now, light another Deku Stick and use it to
drop the Bomb Flower out of the wall ahead.
Grab the Bomb Flower and throw it at the
breakable wall to enter the next room.
Light a Deku Stick at the torch back at
the entrance to the room. Hop down and
bounce across the three blocks to light the
torches. Tis ignites a torch on the other
side of the room near a ladder as well as
unlocking the door to the north.
If you follow the room to the north and hop
up on the ledge, it leads to a small room with
Gohma Larvae inside of it. Defeat them and
open the chest to pick up a Deku Shield.
Now, set the cobwebs up here on fre and
defeat the Big Skulltula.
Slip by the Dodongos and climb the ladder
leading to the Bomb Flower in the middle
of the room. Trow the Bomb Flower at the

Torch Block
Now, return to the previous torch and light
another Deku Stick. Light the torch near the
burnt cobweb and then light the torch in
front of the block in the next room.

Block of All Sizes

As soon as you enter this chamber, look out
for a pair of Lizalfos. Fortunately, they do
not atack at the same time. Lock on with
L-Targeting so you do not accidentally step
of the platforms. Use your shield to block
incoming sword strikes from the Lizalfos.
As soon as you defect a blow, take a swipe
of your own. A few of these exchanges will
bring a Lizalfos to its knees.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Crysal Switch
Run to the back of the room and smack the
crystal switch to put the closest fre out.
Now run back to the other end of the room
and climb up to the pillar that you can now
stand on because the fames were extin-
guished. Jump to the right. Teres a Bomb
Flower in the alcove.
Now pluck the Bomb Flower and drop down
to the ground. Trow the bomb next to the
boulder beneath the still-raging fre. When
the bomb blows, it reveals a switch. Step on
the switch and then strike the crystal switch.
With both fres out, bound across the pillars.
Now you can bomb the three boulders ahead
and open up a shortcut between the main
chamber and this room.
Firt Floor Again

Double-Time Bombing
Now, pluck a Bomb Flower where you
blasted the three boulders.
Run of the ledge to drop down to the main
foor of the frst room. Trow the bomb at
the breakable wall in the corner to open the
path to the jagged-looking room.

Bomb Chain
Ride the gray platform up to a Bomb Flower.
Jump down and bomb the breakable wall.
Tis leads to a Business Scrub that sells red
potions for 40 Rupees. Now, grab another
Bomb Flower and drop it next to the
boulder. Tis reveals another Bomb Flower.
Afer eliminating the Fire Keese and Big
Skulltula in the back half of this chamber,
return to a Bomb Flower. Pick up a Bomb
Flower and drop it at the botom of a chain of
Bomb Flowers going up the side of the cave.
Te line of Bomb Flowers explodes a
stubborn boulder. Tis reveals an eye switch.
Shoot the eye switch with your slingshot to
unlock the door on the ledge behind you.
Afer defeating two Lizalfos in the lava-flled
room with hexagonal platforms, grab the
Bomb Flower in here and drop it at the base
of the chain of bombs going up the wall. Tis
unlocks the secret room to the north, which
contains a Gold Skulltula.

Bomb Bag
Watch out for Poes in here!
Now repeat this process with the line of
Bomb Flowers on the east side of the tunnel.
Tis unlocks the door that leads back to the
entrance room, but youre dropped of right
in front of a treasure chest that contains the
Bomb Bag. (Whewyou got it a lot later
this time though Dodongos Cavern.)
Step out on the bridge extending across the
giant Dodongo skull. Tere are two breaks in
the bridge. Step to each gap and drop a bomb
down through the hole. Te bombs land in
the skulls eyes. Te explosions light the eyes
on fre. When both are ablaze, the skulls
mouth opens, revealing the path to the boss
of the dungeon, King Dodongo.

Red Eyes
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Duel the Lizalfos in the corner. Next, lob
a bomb over the wall of fre so it triggers
a switch that extinguishes it. Now throw
bombs at the Armos statues and get rid of all
of them. When you pull the lone gravesone,
a secial block appears that lets you crawl
over the high wall that leads to the boss
Te crystal switch on the other side of the
fre wall also raises the bars on the nearby
door, which leads to a chest with Recovery
Hearts. Youll need them for this fght.
Boss: King Dodongo
King Dodongo is a monstrous lizard with
two devastating atacks:
Te beast will roll into a ball and circle the
room. Tis would be easier to avoid if the
center of the room wasnt flled with lava.
However, there is a trick to this. If you get
into one of the corners and stand fush
against the wall, the rolling King Dodongo
will just miss you.
You can also avoid geting squashed by
staying right at the edge of the lava.
Te second atack is to breathe fre. Your
shield does nothing to repel this, so just get
back as soon as King Dodongo rises up and
opens its huge mouth. Te catch, though,
is that when it opens its mouth, its also
revealing its weak spot to you.
As soon as King Dodongo stops moving and
turns to face you, L-Target it. Te boss rises
from the ground and opens its mouth to
breathe a freball at you. Just as it shows its
teeth, throw a bomb into its mouth. When
the bomb pops in King Dodongos gullet,
the boss falls to the ground, temporarily
Now get in there and deliver some sword
strikes to King Dodongos head!
If you run out of bombs, just use the Bomb
Flowers around the edges of the room.
Follow this patern several timesavoid the
rolling atack, throw a bomb into its mouth,
and then slash at the stunned king. Soon,
you claim victory over the fearsome boss.
Your immediate prize is a Heart Container.
Grab it before stepping into the blue light
that warps you out of the dungeon and back
to Darunia.
Chief Darunia is a Goron of his word. In
exchange for defeating King Dodongo and
allowing the Gorons to continue their rich
diet of fne rocks, he gives you the Gorons
Ruby. Now you have two of the three
Spiritual Stones.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Hearts: 8
Pieces of Heart: 14/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Boomerang, Zoras Sapphire
Songs Learned:
Finding te Princess

Dungeon Map
In Jabu-Jabus mouth, you are immediately
confronted by Shabooms and Octoroks.
Wade into the water and use your shield to
refect the Octoroks stones back at them. If
the Shabooms get too close, slash at them
with your sword.
Afer defeating the Octoroks, throw a
bomb at the boulder in the middle of the
room. It reveals a foor switch. Step on it to
trigger the appearance of a treasure chest. It
contains the Dungeon Map.
Te door leading deeper into Jabu-Jabu is
covered with a strange membrane. Look
at the lef wall. Is that a...cows head?
Shoot it with your slingshot to remove the
membrane and move deeper into Jabu-Jabu.

Gold Skulltula Token

AD Map Connectors
Floor 1-2
Basement 1
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Inside this circular room you can engage the
Biri (the jellyfsh-like creatures), but instead
ride the platform down to the lower level of
the dungeon.
Te door behind you is blocked by rushing
water, preventing you from going any
farther. So, look into the water below your
ledge to spy a sleeping cow. Shoot the
cow with your slingshot to make another
treasure chest appear. Tis chest contains
the Compass.

Dive into the water and swim along the trail
of Rupees. Te treasure chest is on a small
platform in the next tiny chamber. Climb
out of the water to collect the Compass
and then step on the nearby foor switch.
Tis removes a membrane on a door back
upstairs. Ride the elevator back up.
Te next room is flled with Bari, holes in
the foor, and an errant princess. Wait a
momentthats Princess Ruto. And shes a
spoiled litle girl! Ruto says she doesnt need
When you drop into the basement level
of Jabu-Jabu and seak to Ruto, she fnally
relents. She will let you help. You just have
to carry her aroundthats her condition
for deigning to accept your assistance. Well,
you made a promise to King Zora, so youre
just going to have to play along. Take Ruto
through the nearby door.

Princess Ruto
When you carry Princess Ruto around, you
hold her over your head. You can set her
down on a switch and she stays put. However,
if you put her down anywhere else or shes
injured by an enemy, she returns to this spot.
Many of the small chests in Jabu-Jabu
contain Deku Nuts, which are great for
geting rid of Shabooms or stunning
stronger enemies. However, the small chest
on the ledge near Ruto contains Bombchus,
which will be useful very soon.

Water Puzzle
Now that you have Ruto, stand on the
switch on the foor. A water spout pushes
you up. Jump of the spout and walk over
to the next switch on the nearby ledge. Tis
switch requires pressure, so place Ruto
on the switch, which in turn removes the
membrane from the door across from you.
Now hop back down and step on the switch
to trigger the water spout again. Ride it up
and then go through the newly opened door.
Its acceptable to leave Ruto behind right now.

Afer defeating the Lizalfos in the corridor
leading here, take care of the remaining
enemies. Teres a Like Like in the water
below, so drop bombs of the edge into its
mouth. Two is enough to eliminate the pesky
Like Like. When you eliminate all of the
enemies, a treasure chest appears.
Next, step on the switch to raise the
water level in this room. Swim over to the
climbable membrane so you can open the
chest and claim the Boomerang.
Now you have the means of stunning those
electrifed jelly blocks in the foor above.
your help and runs away, but instantly falls
right down one of the holes in the foor.
Follow her through the hole.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
When you approach the northern door,
though, an electrifed block wriggles to
life. Hit the block with your Boomerang
to temporarily turn of the juice as well as
shrink it. Now you can hop over the block
and go through the door.
When you press farther back into Jabu-Jabu,
you reach a major fork in the road that splits
of in fve directions. Run down the middle
path and fght of the Lizalfos that pop out
of the foor. When theyre down, bomb the
boulders blocking the door in the back of the
passage. Tis reveals a pressure switch.
Go back to the fork in the road and pick up
one of the small wooden crates. Return to
the switch and place the box on top of it.
Tis removes the membrane on the door.
Inside this room, a huge tentacle drops
down from the ceiling and starts lashing
about. You must defeat this tentacle, but its
way too big for a sword or slingshot atack.
L-Target the tentacle and then let fy with
your Boomerang. It arcs through the air
and strikes the tentacle. Afer three hits, the
tentacle drops and is destroyed.
Tentacle Trouble

Fork in te Guts
Te tentacle will retreat into the ceiling
between hits. Step closer to the center of
the room to coax it out of hiding.

Like Like Puzzle
Hit the cows head on the wall to drop two
Like Likes into this small chamber. Step back
and hammer away at the Like Likes from a
distance using your Boomerang or bombs. If
you get too close, you risk geting swallowed
up and potentially losing your shield.
Afer you defeat the Like Likes, a torch on
the wall ignites. If you lack Deku Sticks,
claim some from the nearby chest. Light a
Deku Stick on the torch and then roast the
cobwebs outside the next door.

Blue Tentacle
Use your Boomerang to eliminate the blue
tentacle hanging from the ceiling in here. Tis
removes the blue barrier down the hall. Enter
that room and defeat all of the enemies. Now,
step on the switch and ride the water spout up.
Look at the wall. See the boulder? Hold a
bomb until its just about ready to blow, and
then throw it at the boulder. Tis reveals
a Gold Skulltula. Use your Boomerang to
claim the token.

Green Tentacle
Now its time to eliminate the last of the
tentacles down here. Boomerang the weak
spot on the tentacle three times to destroy it,
moving its green body from the room where
you picked up Ruto. Drop back through the
hole that leads to the spot you met Princess
Rutoshes waiting for you. Collect Ruto and
ride the water spout up to enter the next area.
Bigocos Surprise

The Zoras Sapphire!?
Te hole leads down to a room with two
Gold Skulltulas you can eliminate by any
means, but only your Boomerang will
retrieve the Gold Skulltula Tokens. Tere is
only one way out of this room, so follow the
hallway to the lef to enter a round chamber.

Boulder on te Wall
Back here, ready a Bombchu and direct
it up the wall into the boulders. When
they explode, you see a cows head. Shoot
the head with your slingshot to disable a
membrane on the northern door.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Princess Ruto sees the Zoras Sapphire
on top of the platform in the center of
the room. Trow her up to the Spiritual
Stone. But as soon as she nabs it, shes lifed
skywardand youre lef dealing with a
nasty Bigocto.
Te Bigocto chases you around the circular
chamber. You cannot press your body
against the central platform, because its
lined with spikes. You have to stand your
ground to a degree and fght the Bigocto
head-on. You just need to stun it with your
Boomerang, giving you the opportunity to
rush in and slash away with your sword.
Teres an easy rhythm to this fght. Let
Bigocto come at you. Hit him in the face
with your Boomerang. Tis stuns him, but
hes still facing toward you and his face
is not his weak spot. However, when he
shakes it of, he may turn around to move
the other direction. Hit him again with
another Boomerang strike. If he charges you,
hit him with the Boomerang before he hits
you. If he does hit you, strike him with your
Boomerang once he turns around. When
Bigocto collapses, the weak spot on his back
side is exposed. Run up and strike it before
he recovers from the stun. Now repeat until
hes cooked.
If you use a Jump Atack, you deal more
damage and can fnish the batle faster.
Pick up the three Recovery Hearts Bigocto
drops before hopping up on the platform to
chase down Princess Ruto.
Making a Move
on te Boss

Hiting the cows head on the wall opens the
next door. In here, you must stun the jiggling
electric blocks with your Boomerang. Ten,
shoot the cows head on the far wall to
make two small boxes appear behind you.
Carry one of the crates across the stunned
blocks to a pressure switch. Place the box
on the switch to enter the elevator room
you originally used to drop down to the
On the lower level of the room, defeat the
shambling Like Likes. Tis makes it easier to
move around without fear of losing your shield.
Now, climb up the wall and look at the two
cows heads. Te frst head drops a chest that
contains a Deku Shield if you lost it in one of the
Like Likes. If not, it has Recovery Hearts.
You can milk a cow on the botom foor,
but if you drop down, a Lizalfos atacks.
Now, cross the room and walk through
the door that was once blocked by the
body of the red tentacle.

Las Cows Hed
See the Gold Skulltula in here? Boomerang
around the barrier to hit it and use the
Boomerang again to claim the token.
Next repeatedly shoot the cows head on the
right. When you hit it, the head slides up
the wall. Keep fring at the rising cows head
until the door to the boss lair opens.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Boss: Barinade
Barinade is a parasitic jellyfsh monster with
huge tentacles and horrifc shock atacks.
Sounds intimidating to be sure, but you have
the tools to bring this brute down to size.
First, make Barinade disconnect from the
rooms roof, where it appears it be drawing
energy from its host. L-Target the tentacles
and then slash through them with your
Between each strike, back of and avoid
Barinades electrical atacks. Fortunately,
they dont extend too far out from the
main body.
Several jars around the outer edge of the
room contain Recovery Hearts.
When Barinade detaches from the ceiling, it
drops down and releases some jellyfsh that
lazily foat around the room. Touch them
and you get a shock. Also shocking: Barinade
releases an energy beam that circles its body.
Stay back!
Use Deku Nuts to quickly clear the jellies.
Once the jellyfsh are gone, you have a shot
at Barinades body with your Boomerang.
Target Barinade and strike it with the
Boomerang to stun it. Ten you can rush in
and deliver a few sword strikes.
Afer Barinade recovers, it goes on overdrive
for a few seconds. It releases four jellyfsh,
each connected to the main body by an
electric tether. Ten Barinade goes on spin
Avoid the boss during this move as you just
cannot get a hit in until he slows back down
and releases the jellyfsh into the room.
Barinades last defense is to sink into the
foor and fre electrical beams at you. Run
away from Barinade to avoid the beams, but
keep on eye on it so you know when it rises
from the foor. As soon as you see the body,
stun it with a Boomerang atack and then
zoom in to slash away with your blade.
It takes several cycles to fnally defeat Barinade,
but when you do, the parasite pops and leaves
behind both a Heart Container and the
blue warp pad. Princess Ruto waits for you
in the blue light. Afer collecting the Heart
Container, catch up with Ruto...who seems to
think you took your sweet time rescuing her.
Fores Temple
Hearts: 10
Pieces of Heart: 19/36
Equipment/Items Found: Fairy
Bow, Forest Medallion
Songs Learned:
Nestled deep in the trees behind the Sacred Forest Meadow, this ancient temple pulses with
a newly evil resident. Link needs to brave the monsters now taking root inside the temple to
rescue the Forest Sage, who can lend additional power to Rauru in his eforts to turn back
(see map on te following page)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Firt Floor

Climb the vines with Skullwalltulas on the
wall. Step out on a tree branch and then
Hookshot the Big Skulltula hanging from
the ceiling. Jump across to the tree on the
opposite side of the room and step on the
switch. Tis drops a chest that contains a
Small Key. Now hop back down and enter
the Forest Temples main room.
Dont ignore the Gold Skulltula over the
locked door!
Watch out for Big Skulltulas in the
initial hallway.

Main Room
Inside the main room, you witness a quartet
of Poes spiriting away to diferent corners
of the temple with the colorful fres of four
torches. Returning those fames is the key to
fnding the boss of this temple.
Afer watching the scene, go through the
door in the back of the room and play the
Song of Time to remove a time block that
stops you in your tracks.
Defeat two Wolfos that appear in this small
chamber to make a treasure chest appear.
Claim the Small Key from the chest and
then return to the main chamber where you
saw the four Poes.
To Phantom

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AH Map Connectors
Compass Map
Floor 1
Floor 2
Basement 1
Basement 2
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Stalfos Duel

Boss Key

Block Part
A pair of marauding Stalfos block your
route here. Tese are tough enemies, but
like Wolfos, they will only atack one at a
time if you engage one with L-Targeting. Its
the best way to manage the pair because if
you dont, you risk geting bounced between
their hard jump atacks that can wipe out
your health meter.
Drop of the ledge and roll to the ornate
treasure chest. Be sure you claim the
Boss Key, and watch for the shadow of a
Wallmaster to appear around you. Roll away
and defeat the Wallmaster so it doesnt grab
you and fing you back to the entrance of the
Forest Temple.
Drop through the hole in the foor next to
the chest with the Boss Key. (Roll before
you land to avoid damage.) Eliminate the
Floormaster in here to unlock the door to
the next room.
Climb the ladder and follow the corridor
until you reach a large room with arrows
on the foor. Tese arrows indicate how to
solve a block-pushing puzzle. Tere are two
blocksred and green. You need to slide
them into position so you can climb out of
the room and access the second foor of the
Forest Temple.
Pull the frst green block out of its resting
place, following the arrows on the foor.
Move around the block and then step to the
Approach a red blockbut this time, ignore
the arrows. Pull the block as far back as you
can. Now return to the frst pair of green
blocks. Climb the block you placed in the
Up on the ledge, round the corner and push
a red block down the corridor, following the
arrows on the foor. Te block fnally falls
into a hole, allowing you to climb up. Hit the
crystal switch at the top to raise a pillar with
a Hookshot panel.
lef to push another block as far as it will go,
also following the arrow on the foor. Tis
block drops into a hole in the foor. Now that
youve exposed a ladder near the frst block,
climb it.
Now climb the ladder around the revealed
corner and keep moving forward until
you fnd Blue Bubbles. Defeat the Bubbles
to open the locked door and run down a
carpeted hallway.
Collecing te Fairy

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Twised Hallway

Fairy Bow
Return to the room where you found the
Bubbles (use the Hookshot panel you raised
as a shortcut) and then step through the
door that lead to the carpeted corridor. Now
its all twisted so when you step back to
where you found the Boss Key, youre efec-
tively walking on the wall. (Watch out for
the Wallmasterits back!) Unlock the door
and drop to the botom of the stairs.
In this chamber, eliminate all of the Stalfos.
L-Target them one at a time and stay
away from the hole in the middle of the
room. If you fall through, you have a lot of
backtracking to do to return to the Stalfos.
Afer destroying two Stalfos, a platform
drops into the room, flling the hole. But it
brings two more Stalfos with it. Defeat the
Stalfos to make the treasure chest containing
the Fairy Bow appear.
Youre now in one of the temple atriums.
Collect the Recovery Hearts from the
narrow arch to the right and then continue
along the ledge. Enter the door and step into
a small chamber. Eliminate the ReDead to
a make chest appear. Open it to collect a
Small Key. Now step back out to the atrium.
Go through the colorful door and hit the
crystal switch.
Poe Siser

Return to the eye switch and re-twist the
hallway. Follow it back to the stairs where
you heard the Poe laugh at you. Tats Joelle,
but now you have the means to make her
stop gigglingthe Fairy Bow.
Te trick here is to shoot all three paintings
along the stairs with the bow when Joelle
appears within the frame. If you get too close
to the frame, Joelle vanishes and appears in a
diferent frame. Stand at the top of the stairs
and target the middle painting when Joelle
appears inside of it. Now drop to the middle
landing so you can see the paintings both
above and below. Shoot them when Joelle
Tats not the end of Joelle. Run to the
botom of the stairs. Joelle atacks you just
like a Poe found out in Hyrule Field or the
graveyard, so keep back to avoid geting
tagged when she spins. L-Target her and
shoot her with the bow (or Hookshot)
whenever she appears. Dont try a sword
strike, because if you get too close, youll give
her a chance to hit you with a spin atack.
When you defeat Joelle, the fame she stole
appears in the main room. She drops some
arrows, too, which will be useful for the next
Poe sister. Now open the newly appeared
chest to claim the Dungeon Map.
Beth is Joelles blue counterpart. Defeat her
the same way as you dealt with Joelle. Shoot
her paintings with arrows when she appears
within the frame and then batle her at the
botom of the stairs. She, too, relights a torch
in the main room, drops arrows, and reveals
a treasure chest. But this chest contains the


The Well
Now, return to the central chamber and
use the Fairy Bow to blind an eye switch
that leads to the northwest atrium. Step
through the now unlocked door to enter the
lower level of the atrium. Inside the atrium,
dispatch the Deku Babas and then stand
on the edge of the well. Peer inside to spot
another eye switch. Hit that switch with an
arrow to drain the well.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Time Block Puzzle
Hookshot up to the ledge above the well. Play
the Song of Time to create a time block. Now
you can bound across the time blocks. On the
second time block, play the Song of Time again
to move the previous block farther up. Bounce
over to that block and leap to the vines.
Drop into the well and fetch the Small
Key from the nearby treasure chest.
Climb up the vines and collect the Small
Key from the treasure chest.
Carefully move down the room and step
on the switch in the middle. Tis unlocks
the door on the ledge.
door. Jump over to the ledge with the ladder
(it now looks sideways) and pull yourself up.
Hop down to the red carpet.
Bounce across the rotating platforms and pick
up a small crate. Take it to the blue switch in
the middle of the room. Place the crate on the
switch. Now that you have fre, shoot an arrow
through the torch to melt the icy eye switch.
Tis twists the carpeted corridor again. Destroy
the crate and then head back through the door.

Rotatng Room

Tis room has a falling ceiling. Fortunately, the
ceiling has holes in it so if you stand beneath
them, you dont get squashed. However, you
must watch out for Big Skulltulas hanging from
the ceiling that will drop down and knock
you backtypically right before the ceiling
falls. Shoot the Skulltulas with arrows or the
Hookshot to clear the holes before venturing
across the room.
Now, use the unlocked door and drop
down to collect another Small Key from a
treasure chest. Continue back around to the
checkerboard room (you must use the time
blocks again) and now unlock the door at the
far end.
Amy, the third of the Poe sisters, lurks in this
room, but she will not show herself until you
solve a litle puzzle. Push the blocks in the
middle of the room together so the images
on top of them form Amys portrait. You
only have 70 seconds to complete this task,
but thats plenty of time.
Te switch on the lef side of the room
drops a treasure chest. It contains arrows.

When Amy appears, deal with her just like
Joelle and Beth. Afer you defeat the Poe, her
captured fame is resored in the main room.
Now you can follow the newly opened door
back to the main room.
Now that you have Small Keys, return to the
stairs where you found Beth, the blue Poe.
Climb to the top of the stairs and unlock the
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Meg is the last of the ghostly litle women
you must defeat to fnish lighting all of the
torches. To summon Meg, go to the center
of the main room. Meg appears before
you, ready for a good scrap. But shes a bit
trickier than her sisters. She conjures up
mirror images of herself to confuse you into
atacking the wrong Poe, allowing her to
strike you herself.

Teres an easy way to tell which is the real
Meg. When all of the Poes spin, Meg is the
ghost that takes an extra turn.
Megs fame returns to the torches, causing
an elevator to appear in the middle of the
main room. Step into the elevator to drop
down into the last chamber before you
challenge the boss of the Forest Temple.

Spin Cycle
Te door to the boss room is blocked by
bars. You must reveal three switches in small
alcoves around the edges of this room to
remove the bars. To start the puzzle, push
against the blocks in the middle of the room
to rotate the outer wall. Keep rotating the
walls, stepping into the opened alcoves to
acivate switches that eventually unlock the
route to the boss door. Use the Boss Key and
take the fght to the master of the Forest
Boss: Phantom
Is it Ganondorf already? No, this is a
sectral version of him that lives within a
series of cursed paintings in the basement of
the Forest Temple. You must deduce which
of the Phantom Ganondorfs within the
frames is the real one, and then target it with
your Fairy Bow in the frst part of this boss
Watch the painting while you have an arrow
drawn. Two Phantoms rush down the roads
in two of the paintings. At the last moment,
one of the Phantoms retreats into the
painting while the other explodes across the
room. Shoot the Phantom Ganondorf as it
arcs across the room and dives into another
As Phantom Ganondorf fies between
paintings, it releases a shock atack. To
avoid it, back into a corner of the room. It
will never touch you back here.
If you puncture Phantom Ganondorf three
times with your arrows, it will split from its
sectral steed and atack on its own. Now, you
must turn his atacks back on him. L-Target
Phantom Ganondorf and wait for it to toss an
energy ball at you. Swing your sword to bat it
right back. Volley the atack back and forth until
Phantom Ganondorf misses and is struck by its
own atack.
When Phantom Ganondorf falls to the foor,
rush to it. Hit it as many times as possible with
the Master Sword before it gets back up and
returns to serve up a new magical volley. Afer
several exchanges, Phantom Ganondorf fnally
drops to the foor in defeat.
Failure is not tolerated by the real
Ganondorf. Te King of Evil vaporizes his
phantom form, leaving behind only a Heart
Container and a blue warp. Collect the
Heart Container and then step into the
light to meet the Forest Sage.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Fire Temple
Te diabolical Ganondorf is promising the Gorons as a sacrifce
to the dragon Volvagia. Link needs to brave the depths of Death
Mountains molten core and fnd the heart of the Fire Temple so
he can liberate the Gorons and discover the hiding place of the Fire
Hearts: 12
Pieces of Heart: 22/36
Equipment/Items Found: Megaton Hammer, Fire Medallion
Songs Learned:

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AK Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
Floor 4
Floor 5
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Meetng Darunia

The Chief
When you frst enter the Fire Temple,
step into the small room to the right of the
stairs. Defeat a Like Like in here to reveal
a treasure chest containing Rupees. Now,
return to the entrance room and stand
between the two torches that fank the stairs.
Splash Dins Fire on the ground to ignite the
torches. Tis opens the door to the right.
Inside, you see Darunia. Te Chief of the
Gorons has already infltrated the temple
in an atempt to stop the dragon himself.
Darunia says he is going to make a go
without a legendary hammer that would
help turn the tide. You should probably seek
out that item yourself before atempting to
open the door to the boss lair.
Climb the pillars in the corner of the lava-
flled room to reach a ledge with several
crates. Roll into the crates. Te crate at the
top obscures a torch. Once its revealed, light
this torch and the one directly below it with
Dins Fire.
Fortunately, there are plenty of magic jars
in this temple, but it never hurts to carry a
green potion in case you get in a jam.

Next, fre an arrow through one of the
torches to ignite another dormant torch
across the room. Tis unlocks a small side
room, which contains a chest with a Small
Key. Afer capturing the key, return to the
entrance of the Fire Temple and unlock the
door to the lef of the stairs.
Te room by the stairs contains Stalfos
and Keese.
Te Iron Knuckle remains seated until you
disturb it. Wake the brute and then back
away, taking it on with sword strikes while
diving out of the way of its axe. Te Iron
Knuckle is a tremendous rival that takes
some time to defeat, but if you have bombs,
you can sofen it up a litle.
Te Flare Dancer is encased in fre and
possesses two fame atacks: red and blue
fre. Te red fre is the easiest atack to deal
with because it drops to the ground and
creates a wide perimeter around the Flare
Dancer. Tis makes it tough to get close, but
at least the fre is stationary. Te blue fres
move around the room.

Iron Knuckle

Megaton Hammer
If you need a fairy, smash the jars in the
opposite corner from the Iron Knuckle. Fill
a botle so you have a spare!
Defeating the Flare Dancer requires the
Hookshot. L-Target the Flare Dancer and
grab his body with the Hookshot. Tis pulls
the monster to you, but in doing so, you
separate it from the fre. All that drops next
to you is a tiny litle ember. Immediately
slash away with your sword. Afer a few
moments, the Flare Dancer jumps back
into the fre in the middle of the room and
re-emerges with a full, fery body. Hookshot
it again and repeat the process.
When the Flare Dancer appears green, the
fght is almost over.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Hookshot to the torch to the south of the
bridge. When there, use Dins Fire to ignite the
torch. Tis raises multiple Hookshot panels,
which you need to cross the room and avoid
fre. Now, bomb the wall behind the torch.
In this cramped area, use Dins Fire to light
the torch and open the cage. Te Goron
happily hops out, leaving you a treasure
chest. Open it to claim the Small Key.
Follow the wall of the maze until you reach a
panel that rings hollow when you hit it with
your sword. Tis is a false wall. Bomb it to
reveal a rusted switch.
Swing the Megaton Hammer down on the
switch. Tis raises Hookshot panels on top
of the maze. Hookshot up to the closest
panel so youre no longer on the main foor.
Hookshot across to the north side of the
bridge. Enter the botom door to locate
another caged Goron. Use the Megaton
Hammer on the switch to free the Goron
and claim the Small Key he leaves behind.
(And the Gold Skulltula behind him!)
Now Hookshot to the door above the
Gorons cage. Use Dins Fire again to ignite
the dormant torch and pass through the
now-open door. Raise your shield to defect
the fying tiles and Hookshot over to the
ornate treasure chest. It contains the Boss
Key. Take it and return to the bridge.

Caged Goron

Boss Key

Fenced In
Slide down the wooden board in here. Step
around the inferno and claim the fence. At
the top, wait for the fre geyser to die down,
which lowers a block into the room. Jump
out to the block and climb on it before the
fre rages again and launches both you and
the block up to the next foor.
Surviving te Maze

Now, climb up the ledges until you reach
another dormant torch. Ignite it with
Dins Fire, which raises a Hookshot panel.
Hookshot to the panel and then ascend to
the top of the room. A Lizalfos waits for
you at the top, so raise your sword and take
it out. Now, work your way up the wall and
enter a labyrinth.

Hookhot Switch
Afer you defeat the Flare Dancer, the fres
in the middle of the room go out. Jump up to
the pedesal and open the treasure chest to
claim the Megaton Hammer.
Liberating Gorons from their cages ofen pays
out in Small Keys, although this initial Goron
gives you the Dungeon Map. Tere is an
imprisoned Goron in this chamber. Hammer
the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer
to open the cage door. Te Goron thanks you
for your bravery. Just behind the Goron is a
treasure chest containing the Dungeon Map.
Now return to the entrance.
Back at the entrance to the Fire Temple,
smash the statue covering the door on the lef
with the Megaton Hammer. Now continue
into another large lava-flled chamber, this
time with a bridge that spans the room.
Goron Liberator

Free te Gorons

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Bomb the cracked foor and then crawl down
to discover a cage. Roll into the crates to fnd
a rusted switch. Smash the switch with the
Megaton Hammer to open the cage. Te
treasure chest inside the cage contains the
Compass. Now climb back up.
Jump across the blocks to reach the platform
with the face tile. Hit the tile with the
Megaton Hammer to drive it through the
foor and bring you crashing back down to
the original lava-flled room. Now use the
Boss Key to unlock Volvagias lair.
In here, jump down to the metal grating
over the lava foor. When you spot the blue
switch behind the bars, grab one of the small
crates. Round the bars and drop down to the
switch. Place the small crate on the switch.
Te torches in the room burst into fame.
Now Hookshot back up to the ledge above
you, using the larger crate.
Return to the middle of the grating and look
up. See the unlit torch high on the wall?
Shoot an arrow through the lit torch on the
grating and ignite that dormant torch. Tis
removes the bars from the door. Hookshot
up to the door via the crates.

Grated Floor
To te Boss

Face in te Floor
Collecting Gold Skulltulas? Ten explore the
chamber with the invisible fre wall before
smashing the face tile. For more on Gold
Skulltulas in the Master Quest, see our list of
token locations at the end of the walk-through.
Boss: Volvagia
When you jump out to the hexagonal
platform in the boss lair, you come face to
face with Volvagia, the fery dragon that
Ganondorf unleashed. Tis terrifying beast
was threatening to gobble up all of the
Gorons before you freed them, but to make
sure that Darunias people remain safe, you
must defeat this dragon here and now.
Volvagia disenses a variety of atacks as it
fies around the lava-flled lair. When the
batle begins, watch for Volvagia to pop
out of one of the holes in the foor of the
platform. If youre quick, you can rush over
and smack it in the head with the Megaton
Hammer. Tis stuns Volvagia, causing it to
drop to the ground. Hammer away until it
wakes up again and retreats into the hole.
However, if you miss this chance, Volvagia
breathes fre. Keep back!
Volvagia also fies into the air and circles
the platform, breathing fre. Tis atack is
the most damaging of all, so steer clear by
running to the opposite side of the lair.
Trow a bomb at the caged crystal switch.
When it explodes, it triggers the switch,
which in turn opens the cage. Now, inside
the cage, pick up a small crate. Carry it south
and look for a breakable wall. Bomb the wall
to reveal a pressure switch. Place the crate on
the switch and then enter the newly opened
door to fnd another trapped Goron. Free
him and then take the Small Key from the
chest behind him. Use that on the locked
door along the top of the maze room.

Crysal Switch Puzzle
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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However, there is a chance the dragon will
duck right back down to fool you into running
over to the wrong hole. Ten the dragon will
pop up behind you and breathe fre.
It takes several hits with the Megaton
Hammer to defeat Volvagia, but if you just
watch for that mane whip and make it to the
hole in time to prevent it from breathing fre,
you can wrap up this batle with minimal
damage to yourself.
As always, afer defeating the boss, collect
the Heart Container before stepping into the
blue warp that leads you out of the dungeon.
After Defetng
Fire Medallion
Te destruction of Volvagia causes Death
Mountain to blow its top, but the explosion
is actually the release of the evil energy that
plagued the peak. Now the skies above Hyrule
return to brilliant blue during the day.
Meanwhile, you are taken to the Chamber
of the Sages in the Sacred Realm. Tere,
you discover that Darunia is the Fire Sage.
Impressed with your display of bravery,
Darunia gives you the Fire Medallion and
accepts his fate in the Sacred Realm.
Ice Cavern
Behind Zoras Fountain is the Ice Cavern, a frozen series of tunnels inhabited by chilly
monsters. Here, Link must discover a secial blue fame that can be used to melt magical red
ice. Only with a botle of blue fame will King Zora be freed from his frozen prison and able to
help Link in his quest for the Water Temple.
Hearts: 13
Pieces of Heart: 22/36
Equipment/Items Found: Iron
Boots, Piece of Heart
Songs Learned: Serenade of Water
Into te Ice Cavern

As you enter the Ice Cavern, watch out
for thundering boulders that roll down the
entrance tunnel. Stay to the right side of the
tunnel and step away from the boulders as
they roll through the cavern.
As you enter this initial chamber, watch
out for Tektites and a lone Freezard. Tese
breathy monsters atempt to encase you in
ice, so stay back when you see them exhale.
Afer eliminating all of the enemies, strike
the crystal switch on the ledge to open the
next door.
In the next room, cut down the White
Wolfos that atempt to corner you. Ten,
turn your blade on the Freezards. Afer
clearing the room, shater the stalagmites
that block your path and follow the tunnel.

Freezrds and Tekttes
(see map on te following page)
Volvagia will, from time to time, fy up to
the ceiling and knock loose several large
boulders. Use the shadows on the foor to
avoid the falling rocks.
Look for Volvagia to whip its fery mane
around when it rises from the holes. During
that moment of vanity, you have your
chance to hit it with the Megaton Hammer
and dish out a lot of damage.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Blue Fire & Red Ice
As you enter this room, look out for more
White Wolfos. Concentrate on the Wolfos
frst and once they are done, eliminate the
Skulltula on the wall next to a crystal switch.
Te crystal switch makes a treasure chest
appear in red ice. You need to collect blue
fre now to melt the red ice.
Chop through the ice around the cauldron
of blue fre. Capture a dose of blue fre in
a botle and then use it to melt the red ice
around the treasure chest. Te treasure chest
contains the Dungeon Map. Now, grab
another botle of blue fame and backtrack
to the previous ice chamber.

Piece of Hert &
Climb the ledges and melt the red ice with
the blue fre. Follow the tunnel to the next
room, stepping aside whenever a boulder
rumbles through the cavern.
In the next room, prioritize the Freezards.
Not only are there Freezards sliding around
the ground foor, but you also need to defeat
the Freezard atop a column in the center of
the room. You need to open up that column
to cross the upper part of the room.
Next, you need to trigger a crystal switch
under the icy foor. Step out to the middle
and look down. When you spot the switch,
place a bomb and back up. Te explosion
triggers the switch, which removes a block
of ice from the Piece of Heart on the nearby
pillar. Now go grab that Piece of Heart.

Gold Skulltula Token

Heart Piece

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Use the blue fre cauldron along the upper
path and refll your botles if necessary.
You can use the blue fre to melt the red ice
encasing the Gold Skulltula (play the Song of
Time twice to reveal time blocks that lead to
the Skulltula) and then walk to the Freezard
guarding a treasure chest. Defeat the Freezard
to claim the Compass from the chest.
Drop to the main foor. Tanks to the ice, its
incredibly slick. Tis complicates your batle
with two White Wolfos, which seem to have
no trouble moving across the foor.
Next, hit the crystal switch back at the
entrance to this room to create a block
beneath the small wall of red ice. Now climb
up and melt the red ice to keep moving.
As soon as you enter, a Stalfos springs into
acion. L-Target the beast and use your
shield to defect incoming strikes. When you
see it back of, counteratack.
Afer the batle, a treasure chest appears in
the room. Open it to claim the Iron Boots.
You now have the means to enter the Water
Temple. Before leaving the Ice Cavern, make
sure you have one botle flled with blue fre,
because you need it to liberate King Zora.
Sheik also pays you a visit afer you claim
the Iron Boots. Sheik teaches you another
new song: Serenade of Water. Tis melody
instantly warps you to Lake Hylia, the
entrance to the Water Temple. Because
there are other things to do at Lake Hylia,
such as play the fshing minigame, this song
is useful.
Need more blue fre? Play the Song of Time
beneath the blue fre cauldron to create
a time block. Ten, just climb up to refll
your botle.
If you want to open the Zora Shop at the
botom of Zoras Domain, you need a
second dose of blue fre.
Serenade of Water


Iron Boots
Water Temple
Sunk below Lake Hylia, the Water Temple is a crafy labyrinth of corridors where access is
controlled by raising and lowering the water level. Tankfully, Iron Boots and the tunic gifed
from King Zora allow Link to explore the temple whenever it is submerged.
Hearts: 14
Pieces of Heart: 27/36
Equipment/Items Found: Longshot,
Water Medallion
Songs Learned:
(see map on te following page)
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AB Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
Basement 1
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Critcal Collecing

Sinking Slowly
With your Iron Boots on, step into the water
and sink to the botom of the temple. When
you hit the sand, youre at the lowest point in
the Water Temple. Now, enter the open door
lined with bright yellow lines. Follow it to
meet Princess Ruto.
A lot has changed in seven years, including
Ruto. Shes all grown up and greets you
with a smile. Afer all, how else would she
greet the man she plans to marry? Ruto says
she needs your help to defeat the horrible
monster in the Water Temple.
Tere are several occasions when you need
to raise and lower the water level in the
temple. Tis is one of them. Look at the wall.
Next to the Triforce symbol is a water meter.
Tis shows you the level the water moves
to when you play Zeldas Lullaby. Here, the
water drops all the way to the botom of the
In the next room, slash down the trio of
Stalfos. L-Target the Stalfos so you can
take them on one at a time, because the
remaining brutes tend to back of when one
is targeted. Afer all of the Stalfos are down,
look at Navi. Shes dancing around the silver
panel against the back wall. Hit that with
your Hookshot to make a treasure chest
appear. Te Dungeon Map is inside.
Assign the Iron Boots to one of the item
butons now. You need to take them of
and on for the entirety of this dungeon and
having a quick way to swap them out will
make playing much easier.
Remove your Iron Boots and foat up,
following the yellow lines.
Now, use Dins Fire to ignite the torches
in the corners of the room, thus unlocking
the door.

Dungeon Map
Water Adjusments

Rising Tides


Drop to the botom of the chamberthe
very botomand use Dins Fire or fre an
arrow through the lit torch to ignite the
darkened torches against the wall. In the
next room, batle back a Lizalfos and hack
the spikes. (Recall: Hit them to retract the
spikes, then slash the core.) Now a chest
appears. Open it to claim the Compass.
Climb atop the Hookshot pillars and look
up. Zip up the temple via the Hookshot
panels. Stop when you see a broken wall
with a large hole. Step through the hole
and strike the silver plate on the wall with
your Hookshot. A treasure chest appears
in the middle of the room. It contains the
Longshot, which has twice the range of the
Hookshot. Now return to the middle room.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Look up. Tere are Hookshot panels on
the central tower. You need to climb
the tower and zero in on another water
adjustment panel. Its located in a narrow
nook in the corner. Play Zeldas Lullaby to
raise the water back to the top of the temple,
submerging most of the architecture.
Sink to the second foor of the tower and
enter through the door fanked by red wavy
lines. Remove your Iron Boots and rise to
the surface so you can climb up on the small
red platform. Now, play the Song of Time to
make a time block appear. Stand on the time
block and use Dins Fire to light the torches
against the walls. Tis opens a door at the
botom of the tower.
Sink through the newly opened door in
the foor of the tower. In the room with
the crates, roll into them to reveal a crystal
switch. Now walk to the back of the room
and climb on the yellow blocks. Your weight
pushes them down. Tis reveals another
crystal switch. Strike it to open a panel.
Float up through the now-open panel. In
the small room, hit the silver panel with
your Longshot. A treasure chest containing
a Small Key appears. A magic jar also pops
out of the panel, which helps replenish magic
sent by casting Dins Fire so ofen.
Swim back outside the tower and use a key
to unlock the door beneath the Hookshot
panel. Tis leads to a long chamber with a
waterfall. Tag the crystal switch above you
and then step down on the red platform that
slowly moves up and down.

Time Block

Crysal Switches

Waterfall Room
Drop to the foor in here and take on the trio
of Stalfos that pop out of the water. Afer
you eliminate them, the locked door in the
corner opens. Use the Longshot to reach the
ledge and then follow the dragon panels to
access the highest ledge in the room. Now go
through the ornate door.
Tis is one of the toughest bits of
platforming in the Water Temple. You have
to Longshot across to the waterfall and move
from panel to panel without losing your
grip and sliding into the abyss. Use Navi as
a guide. First, Longshot to the upper-right
panel. Slide into the Hookshot panel beneath
it. Hit one the silver panels on the wall to
raise a new Hookshot panel in front of the
door. Longshot up to it and leave the room.

Te jars on the ledges (access via the
Hookshot panels on the dragons) contain
goodies, including fairies. Botle one up
before you move on to the next challenge.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Te water in this room is as smooth as glass.
You can even walk across it. Something
defnitely isnt right about this chamberor
at least it isnt real. Walk across the water to
the small door. Nothing happens when you
touch it, so turn around and try to go back
the way you came. When you close in on
the tree in the middle of the water, you see
a familiar outline. Its youbut its you as
Dark Link, a negative refection of yourself.
Now, if you have plenty of hearts, you
can atempt to fght Dark Link without
L-Targeting. Its much easier to score hits
because Dark Link doesnt necessarily mimic
you, but you are exposed. If you choose to go
without a shield and have Biggorons Sword,
then try to keep a litle distance between you
and Dark Link. When you see an opening,
lunge forward and stab him.
You must swim down a snaking river.
However, there are several whirlpools in the
river that grab you and pull you down. If you
are sucked into the vortex, you are dropped
back at the beginning of the river. Fortunately,
there are several Hookshot pillars sticking out
of the river for you to Longshot to.
When you batle Dark Link, you need
to watch for breaks in his atacks. Tats
not easy because when you L-Target him
and engage, he initially mirrors your own
moves. So, the frst segment of this batle is
about survival. Use your shield to block any
incoming atacks.

Dark Link
If you picked up Biggorons Sword, switch
back to the Master Sword. You need
a shield for this fght if you are low on
health. If youre feeling brave, though, keep
Biggorons Sword out because it does extra
damage. You just cannot block incoming
Afer some time, Dark Link begins
breaking the imitation patern. When he
atacks, thats when you go in for a strike.
Dark Link cannot block Dins Fire. It doesnt
do a lot of damage, but it always hits him.
Quesing for te
Boss Key

Collect a fairy from these jars to heal up
wounds from Dark Link.
Now drop into the chamber with the dragon
sculpture circling the water. Float into the
alcove and swim until you see light above.
Remove the Iron Boots and foat up to a
small room. Use Dins Fire to ignite the
torches in the corner of this room. Tis
unlocks another door above the water with
the large dragon sculpture.
If you need magic, hit the silver plate with
your Longshot to release a magic jar.

Return to the dragon sculpture and leave
through the door you just opened.
Hit the crystal switch to acivate a water
spout. Jump out to the spout and throw
down some Dins Fire to ignite the torches
just beyond the grating.

Boss Key
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

A, B Map Connectors
Tis opens the grate. Longshot to the ledge
and pull yourself inside to collect the Boss
Key from the ornate chest.
To return to the main room of the Water
Temple, either backtrack and drop into the
water with Iron Boots and sink down to the
botom. Te nearby switch opens a door
leading to the main room.
Morpha doesnt appear until you walk out
to the middle of its lair. Hop out to the
central block and then wait for the frst
appearance of Morpha. Tis boss is actually
just a small sphere, but it has the power to
control water; Morpha wraps itself in a
large water tentacle that lashes around. If
the tentacle grabs you, it constricts you and
does heavy damage.
Float to the top of the temple and Longshot
to the dragon statue with the Hookshot
panel. Now enter the next room. Turn
around and hit the silver plate to release a
Te spike traps are sliding way too fast to
run by them. Avoid them down by shooting
the hard-to-see crystal switch in the golden
panel atop the boss door. Tis reveals
Hookshot panels. Longshot up the incline
and then pass through the boss door to
challenge Morpha.

Boss: Morpha
Defeating Morpha isnt complicated. Stand
on the ledge that surrounds the pool and
L-Target Morpha. Tis zeroes in on the
sphere inside the tentacle. Now, use the
Longshot to grab the sphere and pull it onto
land. When Morpha fops up onto the ledge,
hammer away with your sword.
Watch out for the spikes along the outer
wall. You can back into the spikes, so stick
to the corners of the room.
Te longer the batle goes, the more tentacles
Morpha uses. Only one of the tentacles
contains Morphas core, though. At this
point, jumping out to the middle platforms is
useful so you can easily look around and spot
which of the tentacles contain the sphere.
If you use a bigger weapon like Biggorons
Sword, this batle ends faster. Morpha fnally
falls to your blade and the watery tentacles
vanish. Lef behind: a Heart Container and a
warp out of Morphas lair.
When you appear in the Chamber of Sages,
Princess Ruto stands before you. It turns
out that Ruto is the Water Sage. She gives
you the Water Medallion. You are then
returned to Lake Hylia, which has reflled
with water.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Bottom of te Well
Afer draining the water from the Kakariko Well with the Song of Storms, Link drops into
the darkness in pursuit of the Lens of Truth. Tis clever item will allow him to see false foors,
invisible doors, and cloaked enemies. Without it, surviving the Shadow Temple is impossible!
Hearts: 17
Pieces of Heart: 32/36
Equipment/Items Found: Lens of
Songs Learned:

When you enter the well, you need to
dispatch a ReDead. Afer doing so, step into
a corridor that surrounds the main room of
the dungeon.
Step through the gate and open the nearby
treasure chest to claim the Dungeon Map.
Circle the main room, looking out for a Triforce
symbol. Tat means just one thing: play Zeldas
Lullaby. Tis opens the gate behind you. Next,
slingshot the crystal switch in the hand of the
sculpture on the wall. Tis turns of the water.

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key

AF Map Connectors
Basement 1
Basement 2
Basement 3
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Return to the beginning of the water path
around the main room and hop down into
the now-empty pit. Crawl through the small
hole in the wall and then climb back up the
grating. Teres a Dead Hand in the next
Watch for the shadow of a Wallmaster!
Dont let it get the drop on you and kick
you back to the start of the Well.

Ded Hand
Its multiple, icky hands poking out of the
foor are from the Dead Hand, a grim
monster that appears when one of the hands
nabs you. As soon as the Dead Hand tries to
gnaw on you, hit it with your sword. When
the Dead Hand is, well, dead-er, a treasure
chest appears. Remove the Compass from
the chest.
Now return to the Triforce symbol and look
to the lef. Crawl through the tiny hole. You
pop up next to bars and a carving. Shoot the
monster on the carving right between the
eyes. Tis raises the bars to the lef.
Wallmasters and Floormasters amass in this
chamber. You can stand and fght, but if you want
to blaze through the Well, just unlock the door in
the corner of the room and keep moving.
When you fall on the wooden ledge, step on
the switch. Tis conjures up a treasure chest.
Now hop down and run for the treasure
In the next small room, place a bomb on the
pile of garbage. Tis reveals a switch. Step on
it to open a hole by the treasure chest that
contained the Dungeon Map. Use that hole
to fall into the basement.
Next, bomb the refuse in the corner of the
room. Tis reveals a Small Key.



Lens of Trut
Use the boards to cross the poison pit and
then climb up the ladder to return to the
frst foor of the Well. At this point, you can
leave the Wellyou have what you came for.
However, feel free to linger and use the Lens
of Truth to uncover collectible goodies, such
as the Gold Skulltula Token in the room
with cofns. Just make sure you grab Small
Keys from the chambers just of the central
Tere are ReDead between here and
there, but feel free to avoid them instead of
engaging. When you reach the treasure chest,
open it to claim the Lens of Truth. Now you
can see what would normally be unseen.

Poison Pit
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
The Shadow Temple
Te graveyard behind Kakariko Village holds many secrets, but none more grim than the
Shadow Temple. Te murky depths of these ruins are a place of anger, evil, and sadness.
Fortunately, with his heart full of bravery and a virtuous mission on his mind, Link has the
power to overcome this horrible place and emerge victorious.
Hearts: 17
Pieces of Heart: 33/36
Equipment/Items Found: Hover
Boots, Shadow Medallion
Songs Learned:
Legend A

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

A Map Connector
9 10
Basement 1-2
Basement 3-4
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Getting te Hover

Your Lying Eyes
Upon entering the Shadow Temple, you
must Longshot across a wide crevasse. Ten,
stand next to the gear in the center of this
room. Use the Lens of Truth and look at
the pillars circling the gears. One of the
pillars has a skull on top of it only visible via
the Lens of Truth. Now push the gear so it
points to the skull. Tis unlocks the door
across a wide gap in the foor.
Defeat the Gibdos mummies in this room.
When both monsters are down, a treasure
chest containing a Small Key appears.
Collect the key and enter the next room.
Use the Lens of Truth in the small alcove
above the room. Slip into the hole you can
now see. Keep using the Lens of Truth to
identify a treasure chest. Open the chest to
retrieve a Small Key. Now climb upstairs
and eliminate all of the enemies to open the
door back to the Beamos.
Enter a room with a host of ReDeads. When
you defeat all of the ReDeads (use the Suns
Song to stun them), a treasure chest appears.
It contains the Compass. Now leave and use
the Song of Time to remove the time block
that prevents you from pushing onward.
Tere are two death-head statues in here
with spinning scythe blades. Te blades do
signifcant damage if youre clipped, but they
do move at a measured pace.
Use the blue platform to jump out to the
door. You grab the tongue extending from
the botom of the door. Follow the corridor
to the Beamos. Bomb it and then use the
Lens of Truth to see through the wall to your
lef. Walk through the false wall.
To escape this room, you must collect fve
silver Rupees. Grab the two in the middle
of the room, ducking under the blades if
necessary. Longshot to the third silver Rupee
in the corner. Te last two silver Rupees are
in the small alcoves. When you have all fve,
you can step into the corner of the room
containing a treasure chest. Te Dungeon
Map is in the chest.
Return to the room with the gear statue.
Use the Lens of Truth to spot the breakable
wall. Bomb it and then use the Small Key
to unlock the door. Keep using the Lens of
Truth to navigate through the rooms, passing
through the false walls.
Light the torches on each side of the
newly opened door with Fire Arrows. Tis
creates a small blue platform.


Reper Bldes &
Dungeon Map 4

False Walls
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Shoot the middle eye switch against the wall.
Tis removes a block to the north.
Teres another Dead Hand in this chamber,
but with the Lens of Truth, you have the
upper hand. Use the Lens of Truth to see
exactly where the Dead Hand is hiding. Let a
diferent hand grab you so you have enough
time to wriggle away before the Dead Hand
is upon you.
Bound across the platforms in the middle
of the void, avoiding the guillotine blades
as they slam to the ground. At the end of
the third platform, stop and look to the
ledge with the two Beamos. Use an arrow to
detonate the Bomb Flower between them.
When you enter this room, prioritize the
Like Like thats shambling about. You want
to keep your shields and tunics, right? Ten,
you must collect fve silver Rupees in this
room. Tere are more than fve, though. Not
all of them are real. Te real silver Rupees
chime when you pick them up.
Te ffh silver Rupee is hanging in the air
in the corner. Walk to it and then play the
Song of Time on your ocarina. A time block
appears. Climb up to claim the last silver
Rupee. Tis opens another door in the room.
In this small room, use the Lens of Truth to
see all of the treasure chests. Open them to
collect Rupees and a Small Key. Now, return
to the room with the guillotines and the
Beamos ledge (with the Bomb Flower).
Now, use the Lens of Truth to reveal a series
of platforms to your right. As you jump to
the frst, look down. Ready a Fire Arrow and
melt the iced-over eye switch. Tis generates
some platforms going the opposite direction
from the Beamos ledge.
Once the Dead Hand is down, a treasure
chest appears. Take the Hover Boots and
return to the room with the Beamos. Bomb
the Beamos and then the wall to reveal a
locked door. Go through here.
Run down the snaking hallway, bombing the
Beamos as you encounter them. Carefully
slip around the spike traps until you reach
the botom of the hallway. Now hop down
and run beneath the guillotines.
Watch out for the fre-shooting eye
switches in the next room.

Hover Boots

More Guillotnes

Silver Rupees
To te Lower Basement

Snaking Hallway
Play the Song of Time to generate a time
block below the Recovery Hearts in the
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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More Silver Rupees

Narrow Passage

Block Part

Carefully cross the icy platforms created by
shooting the frozen eye switch. Jump of the
last platform so you land near the path of
the blade traps that circle a Beamos. Collect
fve silver Rupees here to make the door in
the corner open. Tree are easily grabbed
around the Beamos, but the last two must be
nabbed using the Longshot.
Upon returning to the Beamos and spike
traps, carefully negotiate the narrow passage
toward the center of the chamberyoure
walking toward the guillotine and the small
sign. Use the Hover Boots to cross the gap
beyond the blade and then bolt for the door.
As you enter this room, you see two spike-
covered panels fall from the ceiling. If youre
caught under them, you lose a heart and are
returned to the start of the room. Use the
Lens of Truth. Tis reveals a pullable block
in the nearby wall. Yank the block out and
then push it beneath the spikes. Te block is
taller than you, so it blocks the spikes from
impaling you.
In the next section, giant fans blow powerful
gusts of air that can either knock you into
traps or of ledges. Equip the Iron Boots.
Te weight of the boots counterbalances the
wind so you dont get lifed of the ground.
In the middle of the two spikes, get behind
the block and pull it the rest of the way to
avoid the spikes. Now climb up the block and
get on the nearby ledge. Step on the switch
to drop a treasure chest. Cross the top of the
falling spikes (its safe to step on) to fetch a
Small Key from a nearby treasure chest.
Tere is a host of silver Rupees in this small
room. Use the Lens of Truth to see the real
silver Rupees as well as rows of invisible
Next, slash at the bars to trigger the
crystal switch on the other side.
At the end of the bridge, open the door
and eliminate the ReDeads within the
small chamber. Tis drops a chest with a
Small Key.
Te Rupees above ground level are nabbed
with the aid of the Longshot. Upon
collecting the ffh silver Rupee, Longshot up
to the newly revealed platforms and bound
to the locked door.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Boat Landing

To te Boss!
Boss: Bongo Bongo

Pay te Boatman

Now return to the landing where the boat
dropped you. Look across the gap you
Finally, use the Lens of Truth to cross a
series of widely spaced invisible platforms.
You need the Hover Boots to cross the gaps
that separate you from the ornate boss door.
Enter the door and then drop into the hole
in the center of the room.
Tis is no ordinary platform youre standing
onits a giant drum. And what beter to
play this drum with than two monstrous
hands. Tese are the mits of Bongo Bongo,
the demon that guards the Shadow Temple.
Tere are two keys to collect in these rooms:
Small Key and Boss Key. First, use the
Lens of Truth to see the walls of a minor
maze also flled with Floormasters visible
only while youre looking through the Lens
of Truth. (A Like Like also complicates
maters.) Afer you fnish of the Floor-
masters, enter the chamber with three
spinning skulls. Te Small Key is behind the
Te Boss Key is next to the Small Key room.
In here, two walls of spikes start closing in.
However, they are made out of wood. So,
deploy Dins Fire as the walls get close to
burn through them. Now fsh the Boss Key
out from the treasure chest in the corner.
A grim galleon is moored in the next
room. Before boarding the vessel, grab the
block and push it beneath the ladder. Now
climb up and board the huge boat. See that
Triforce symbol on the deck of the ship?
Play Zeldas Lullaby while standing on it.
Tis wakes the boatman. You begin a slow
journey down the river, during which youre
boarded by Stalfos. L-Target them one at a
time and shred the Stalfos before the boat
docks because once the boat stops moving,
you have just a few seconds to jump down to
the landing before it sinks.
Now, return to the bridge and use the Lens
of Truth to see a fake wall in the middle of
the area. Equip the Hover Boots and run to
the hole. Te fan blows you toward the hole,
so youll easily reach the ledge.
Use the Song of Time to grab some Recovery
Hearts on top of the ledge thats high above
you. By moving the block, you reveal an eye
switch. Hit the switch to raise Hookshot
panels. Zip up to the foor switch. Tis opens
a door back by the boat landing.
cannot cross. Tere are Bomb Flowers
growing near a statue. Perfect! Shoot the
Bomb Flowers with an arrow and the
resulting explosion topples the statue. Now
you have a bridge across.
Trow bombs into the spinning skulls to
collect Rupees and hearts.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Bongo Bongos weapons are those massive
fsts. Te boss deploys them in a number
of ways, from sweeping a hand across the
drum to slapping the ground. You have to
avoid these atacks because they do a lot of
damage, esecially if you are caught in a clap
between the two hands.
Use the Lens to look at Bongo Bongo. It
realizes you can see it, and so Bongo Bongo
lashes out with both hands. Stand your
ground and swing your sword (or Spin
Atack) just as the fsts pass. Your strike will
hit Bongo Bongo right in the eye, bringing
the boss to the drum. Now swing away to do
even more damage.
Tis batlelike most boss batlesgoes
much faster if you acquired Biggorons
So, two big handswheres the rest of Bongo
Bongo? Its body is invisible, so you need to
use the Lens of Truth to see its torso, as well
as its lone red eye, which just happens to be
its weak spot. You need to fnd a way to get
to that eye without being smashed by those
colossal hands. Fortunately, there are two
Aim for the hands. Use L-Targeting to zero
in on the hands and shoot them with arrows.
Or, if youre fast, you can hit one with your
sword just as it gets within inches. Hiting
a hand temporarily stuns it. Immediately
target the other hand.
When both hands have been stunned, Bongo
Bongo stops moving. Its body slumps to the
drum. Rush in to swing at the eye as many
times as possible before it recomposes itself.
When you drop the curtain on Bongo
Bongos wild performance, the boss
disappears and leaves behind a Heart
Container and a warp to the surface. Grab
the Heart Container and jump into the warp
to return to the Chamber of Sages.
It turns out that Impa is the Sage of Shadow.
She is happy to see you and tells you not
to worry about Princess Zelda. You will
see her again one day. Impa hands you the
Shadow Medallion. You now have fve of
the medallions. Tere are still two lef, so
its of to Gerudo Valley to pursue the Spirit
Te drum is surrounded by poison. If
Bongo Bongo grabs you and fings you out
into the poison, immediately rush back
and pull yourself up the ledge.
Use rolls to dodge the atacks.
Equip your Hover Boots to make this batle
easier. You will not be bounced around as
much when Bongo Bongo beats the drum
Bongos drum beats can knock you
into the air.
Tere is a more daring way to drop Bongo
Bongo, and if you run out of arrows, its
esecially useful.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Spirit Temple
Hearts: 19
Pieces of Heart: 36/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Mirror Shield, Silver
Gauntlets, Spirit Medallion
Songs Learned:
Just beyond the grand facade of the Desert Colossus
lies the Spirit Temple, the fnal challenge Link needs
to complete before he can take the batle straight to
Ganondorf. Within the Spirit Temple is the powerful
Mirror Shield. Link must use its refective powers not
only to discover the heart of the temple, but also to defeat
the witches that are said to haunt its sandblasted halls.
You must explore the Spirit Temple
twiceonce as a child and then
again as an adult.
Through a Childs Eyes

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key

AB Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 3
Floor 2
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Next, bomb the boulder to reveal an eye
switch. Hit it with a seed to drop another
treasure chest. Tis chest contains a Small

Now that youve returned to the Spirit
Temple as a child, you can sneak through the
crawl space. However, frst open the treasure
chest to collect Bombchus. Now look to the
columns and shoot the crystal switch. Tis
makes a treasure chest appear that contains
more Bombchus.
A Gerudo woman waits for you inside
the entrance room. Tell her your trip to
the Spirit Temple is innocent and she will
relax, recognizing that you are not one of
Ganondorf s goons. Apparently, this is the
chief of the Gerudo, Nabooru. She knows
Ganondorf is wicked, and shes here to stop
She requests that you creep through the
small hole in the wall and retrieve a treasure
she is unable to reach: Silver Gauntlets. She
then steps aside and lets you crawl through
the hole.

Gibdos Thret
In the next room, slash through Torch Slugs
and then enter the room on the lef. Afer
eliminating the mummylike Gibdos, pull
the tombstones back. Step on the revealed
switch, which drops a gate. Cross the gate
and drop a Bombchu so it runs up the wall
and crashes into the boulder above you. Tis
reveals an eye switch. Shoot the switch so
you can fully cross the crevasse and fnish of
the remaining Gibdos in the room.

Dungeon Map

State Room
In here, you need to pull another gravesone
to reveal a switch that drops a panel. Afer
defeating the Keese, cross the gap and close
in on Anubis. Just use Dins Fire to scorch
this monster and fsh the Dungeon Map out
of the treasure chest. Te next chest, which
appears afer you defeat all of the enemies,
contains another Small Key.
Roll down to the botom foor of the room
with the giant statue with the snake head.
Arm the slingshot and fre upon the eye
switch next to the statue. Tis makes a
treasure chest appear. Claim the Compass
from the treasure chest. Now, use Dins Fire
to melt the ice over the eye switch above the
barred door, and then keep moving. Dont
worryyoull see this room again very soon.
Tis crawl space is blocked! Release a
Bombchu into the hole to destroy a rock
blocking your path and then crawl through.
Unlock the door and then step through to
fnd a crystal switch. Tis drops a Like Like
into the chamber. Afer neutralizing the
gelatinous monster, climb up the wall to the
next foor.
Target the Beamos statue and Baby
Dodongos in this room before atending
to the puzzles. Claim the Bombchus from
the treasure chest and then hit the crystal
switch. Now that theres a sun symbol on
the foor, you need to get a litle sunlight
in the room. Run a Bombchu up the wall
and destroy the boulder. Tis crack lets the
sunshine in, which in turn falls on the sun
symbol. Tat creates a treasure in the next
room over, so keep moving through the
locked door.


Needed Sunlight
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Iron Knuckle
An Iron Knuckle sits dormant on a throne
in this decorated chamber. Te exit will
not open, though, until you wake this bully
and then take it down. Approach the Iron
Knuckle and tag it with your sword. It rises
and then lumbers afer you, swinging its
massive axe. Roll away from that axe swing
because it does tremendous damage.
As the batle wears on, the Iron Knuckle
loses some of its armor. Tis is a mixed
situation. Your sword blows now do more
damage, but the Iron Knuckle is also a bit
faster. Keep on top of those rolls to make
sure the axe never meets its mark. Afer you
defeat the Iron Knuckle, the door opens.
Outside, listen to Kaeporas story about the
witches who rule the Spirit Temple, and
then open the large chest out of the Desert
Colossus hand. You receive the Silver
Gauntlets. Now you can lif heavy objects,
such as silvery boulders that are otherwise
too weighty or impervious to bombs.
Afer collecting the Silver Gauntlets, youve
done everything you can as a child. Warp to
the Temple of Time and remove the Master
Sword. Now come back as an adult (the
Requiem of Spirit warps you right back) and
enter the Spirit Temple.
If youre clipped by the axe and need
hearts, lead the Iron Knuckle to a pillar
or its throne. When the Iron Knuckle
swings and destroys the stone, pick up the
resulting three Recovery Hearts.

Silver Gauntlets
Need to stay back from the Iron Knuckle?
Use bombs!
Before going back into the Spirit Temple,
refll your botles at the fairy oasis via the
Song of Storms.
As you enter the room, shoot the crystal
switch to extinguish the fres on the foor.
Next, go to the blocks with sun symbols. Pull
the block not nestled in the corner into the
sunbeam falling on the foor. Tis unlocks
another door in this room. Go through the
Climb to the top of the room and then jump
of the ledge to land on the time block below.
Pick up a small crate from the time block
and hop down. Now play the Song of Time
to move the time block. Return upstairs
with the small crate and jump down to the
time block, then down to the statues hand,
landing next to the blue pressure switch.
Place the crate on the switch. Now hop
down and go through the door you just
In the next area, peer over the ledge
and shoot the eye switch to drop a small
treasure chest. Claim the Small Key and
backtrack to the statue room.

Sun Block
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The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Adult Acion

Gold Skulltula Token
Small Key
Boss Key

AF Map Connectors
Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
Floor 4
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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In the statue room, use the Longshot to
zip up to the torch and unlock the door at
the top of the steps.

Too Many Bemos
Four Beamos crowd the narrow ledges in
this room. Use bombs to eliminate them.
Wait until their eyes are looking away, and
then drop a bomb next to their bodies. Now,
play the Song of Time near the low time
block to move it, revealing a blue pressure
Go to the other time block and play the Song
of Time to lower it, allowing you to grab
a small crate. Carry the small crate to the
pressure switch. Now go through the door to
the south and take out both the Dinalfos and
the treasure chest (yes, hit the treasure chest
with your swordits an ice trap) to unlock
another door.
Climb the stairs, using the Lens of Truth to
reveal an invisible Floormaster. At the top of the
steps, walk into another Iron Knuckle batle.
Fortunately, you are much stronger this time
and if you have Biggorons Sword, you can
cleave this monster down to size in no time.
Just L-Target the brute and keep your distance
whenever it raises that axe. If you need
Recovery Hearts, lead the Iron Knuckle to a
pillar and trick it into swinging the axe. Pick up
the resulting Recovery Hearts, and then roll
away before the Iron Knuckle takes another
chop. Afer you defeat the Iron Knuckle, go
through the unlocked door.
Step back outside again. Tis time the
treasure chest contains the valuable Mirror
Shield. Tis shield can refect both light and
magic, making it ideal for solving some of the
light-based puzzles in the last stretch of the
Spirit Temple.

Iron Knuckle, Part 2

Minor Mirror Puzzle
A treasure chest in this room contains a
Small Keythis is what you could not get
to on your original run through the temple
as a child. Use the Longshot to grab the edge
of the chest and hoist yourself up. Claim the
Small Key. Now, hit the crystal switch to
open a panel far below you. Drop through
the hole.
At the botom of the room, strike the rusted
switch with the Megaton Hammer. Tis
drops another treasure chest in the room
just outside, but youre too big to crawl
toward it now. So, go back to the statue

Sneky Small Key

Hole in te Ceiling
Direct a Bombchu to the ceiling of the
entrance room, destroying a boulder that
blocks a hole. Now use your Longshot to
zip up to the room above you. In this room,
push the silver block until it drops into a
divot in the foor, allowing you to enter the
statue room again.
Remember to roll as you reach the ground
so you dont take damage from the fall.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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At the top of the wall, step through the
door. Play Zeldas Lullaby to open the door.

Silver Rupees

Moving Wall
Pick up the two silver Rupees out in the open
in this room before destroying the boulder
in the middle of the room with a bomb. Tis
reveals a rusted switch. Hit the switch with
a Megaton Hammer. With the water spout
now lowered, step down and pick up the
next silver Rupee.
Go to the chamber where you bombed the
four Beamos and unlock the door. First, use
arrows to take out the Keese. Now its time to
climb the tall wall in front of you, collecting
fve silver Rupees along the way. Tere are
multiple sliding panels. You can only crawl
up the cobblesonesand you can only move
between panels when they are not moving. If
you are caught halfway between two panels as
they slide, you fall to the ground.
Now return to the entrance of the Spirit
Temple. Shater the remaining boulders to
grab the last two silver Rupees. Tis drops
a treasure chest that contains a Small Key.
Now Longshot through that hole in the
ceiling and return to the statue room.
Return to the room where you dropped the
Dinalfos and play the Song of Time to move
the time block. Now stand in the sunbeam and
refect light with the Mirror Shield up to the
sun symbol on the wall. Tis unlocks the door
to the north. Move the time block again and
then step into the room to claim the Boss Key.
Afer you eliminate the Gibdos, of course.
Return to the statue room and use Fire
Arrows to ignite the dormant torches
fanking the snake statue. Now go through
the door you just opened.
If you want to leave this room, you have to
eliminate all of the monstersFloormasters
and Stalfos. But to make all of the monsters
appear, you have to direct the sunlight into
the sun symbols. When all of the enemies
are done, a hole in the foor opens. Drop
through it.

State Room

Monser Madness
Hidden Gold Skulltl
Return to the room with the three
doors and go north. Tere is a Moblin
at the end of this room, as well as
several rolling boulders. You need to
pound the rusted switch and then step
into the open alcove. Play the Song of
Time. Now cross the room and step
into the alcove below the Lon Lon
crate. Play Eponas Song. Now go to
the alcove with the sun symbol. Play
the Suns Song. Now walk up to the next open alcove and play the Song of Storms.
Finally, cross the middle of the room and step into the newly open alcove and play
Zeldas Lullaby. Now go beat up that Moblin and enter the back room. Eliminate the
Big Skulltulas and claim the Gold Skulltula Token.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Now, refect the sunlight up to the sun
symbol on the arch. Tis extinguishes the
fre around the second movable mirror.
Now rotate the frst mirror to refect the
sunlight on the second mirror. Rotate the
second mirror to direct sunlight on the large
mirrored plate beyond the bars.
Two witches, Koume and Kotake, are ready
for you. But the Twinrova Sisters have no
plans to fght you just yet. Instead, they send
an Iron Knuckle to sofen you up for the
boss batle. Defeat this Iron Knuckle with
the same strategies as the earlier incar-
However, when the Iron Knuckle falls, it
reveals an unexpected victim: Nabooru.
Before you can rescue her, Koume and
Kotake reappear and spirit her into the
boss lair. Follow the trail and get ready for a
magic-volleying batle against these wicked
Finally, refect that sunlight on the symbol
in front of you. Tis drops you back down
to the snake statue.
Refect the light to the snake head, which
makes it disappear. Tis reveals a circular
panel. Longshot the panel to spin it and zip
through the hole. Now use the Boss Key
to open the door and head into the fnal
showdown of the Spirit Temple.

To te Boss
Boss: Twinrova Siser,
Koume and Kotake
The Twinrova Sisters are witches with
elemental powers. Kotake commands
ice magic while Koume wields flame.
Together, they are troublesome opponents.
But when they eventually join forces to
create a single super-witch, the battle
kicks into high gear. However, at all points,
adept usage of the Mirror Shield is a
requirement for success.
At the start of the batle, when the sisters are
separate, you must refect their atacks back.
However, the trick is to refect the magic
of one sister at the other. So, if Koume is
unleashing a fre beam, use the Mirror Shield
to direct that magic over to Kotake.
Use L-Targeting to lock on to the sister
about to atack. For a hint as to which
sister is about to atack, look for one to stop
moving and raise its wand. When the beam
strikes your shield, use the Circle Pad to aim
for the other sister while shes still nearby to
complete the counteratack.

Mirror Sequence
Roll into the crates in here to reveal a rusted
switch. Hit the switch with the Megaton
Hammer. Tis opens the door that leads
to a circuit of rooms. Move through the
rooms before atending to the light puzzle.
Eliminate the monsters, such as Bubbles.
Now return to the frst room in this circuit.
Collecting Gold Skulltula Tokens? Use that
Small Key to open the locked room.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Watch out for the magic sells if you
miss. Both create large area efects on
the ground, but the ice magic is the most
dangerous. If you touch the pool of ice
magic, youre frozen for a few seconds,
leaving you vulnerable to an incoming
Afer you take several good cracks at the
sisters with their refected magics, the witches
merge into Twinrova. Te witch unleashes
magic atacks, but now you need to absorb at
least three of each atack in order to return
fre. Once you have absorbed three magic
volleys, blast it back at Twinrova.
Teres a catch to capturing magic. You must
collect three of the same element. If you
capture two ice blasts and then absorb a fre
atack, the sequence backfres and damages
you. So, if the wrong type of magic is
incoming, roll out of the way and wait for
the match.
Afer several rounds of melee atacks on
Twinrova, she fnally perishes. A Heart
Container futers to the ground near a warp
to the Chamber of Sages. In the Chamber
of Sages, you see that Nabooru is indeed
the Spirit Sage. She ofers you the Spirit
Medallion, which is the fnal medallion
needed. Rauru appears to you and asks you
to return to the Temple of Time.
But then Sheik reveals another bombshell:
she is actually Princess Zelda! And she
is ready to help you bring the fght to
Ganondorf, who is holed up in his castle
on the site of Hyrule Castles ruins. Zelda
ofers you another gif: Light Arrows. Tese
magical arrows can break through the King
of Evils defenses, making them critical for
the fnal showdown.
At the Temple of Time, Sheik waits. When
you arrive in the temple, Sheik returns to
the legend of the Triforce and tells of when
Ganondorf was able to infltrate the Sacred
Realm, the Triforce shatered into three
Te reunion, though, is cut short when
Ganondorf captures Zelda in a crystal
prison. He takes Zelda to his castle and
throws down the challenge to see if you can
actually penetrate his fortress. If you are
ready, its time to march on Ganons Castle.
Just make sure you have fairies and magic-
replenishing potions ready because that fnal
fght is epic indeed.
When you return fre and tag Twinrova
with a charged magic atack, she drops to
the ground. Quickly rush to her (she always
falls on a small platform outside the main
batlefeld) and start slashing. Afer several
hits, Twinrova composes herself and rises
into the air for another round of this magic
After Defetng Twinrova
pieces. Ganondorf absconded with the
Triforce of Power. Sheik has the Triforce
of Wisdom. You possess the Triforce of
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Gerudo Training Grounds
Te Gerudo Training Grounds is a series of locked rooms that require the use of these itemsSilver Gauntlets, Hover Boots, Fairy Bow, Lens of Truth,
Megaton Hammer, and Longshotto fnd the necessary keys. At the center of the dungeon is a chest containing Ice Arrows.

At the entrance of the training grounds, use
either Dins Fire or Fire Arrows to light two
dormant torches. Tis allows you to then
shoot an eye switch on the wall, which in turn
unlocks the doors leading of to the right and
the lef. For the sake of this walk-through, we
will go through the door to the lef frst.
Before leaving, be sure to open the treasure
chests to claim arrows and Bombchus. Tey
will prove useful over the course of this

Monser Menagerie
You have just sixty seconds to clear all of the
monsters out of this room, including Dodongos
and Lizalfos. Tese brutal beasts are a bit tricky,
so use Jump Atacks to slice through their
defenses. Bombs are best against the Armos.
When all of the foes are fnished, a chest appears
that contains a Small Key. Claim it and move on.

Lava Room
Unless you extinguish the fre in this room, you
cannot cross the lava. Ignite the dormant torch on
the other end of the room with a Fire Arrow. As
soon as the fres disappear from the platforms, you
can collect the fve silver Rupees that unlock the
next chamber. Tere are some easy grabs in front
of you, but use the Hover Boots to cross the wider
gaps in the rear to snag the remaining silver Rupees.
If the fres ever reignite, launch another
Fire Arrow at the trigger torch.
Once you have all of the silver Rupees, you can
enter the room to the lef.

That Sinking Feeling
First, use a Fire Arrow or Dins Fire to remove the
cobwebs on the foor. Now, slap on the Iron Boots
(and Zoras Tunic). Sink to the botom of the water
and collect the fve silver Rupees around you. Deal
with enemies as you see ft, although down here the
Longshot is a useful tool. When you have all of the
silver Rupees, a chest appears topside. Surface and
open the chest to claim another Small Key.
Now, return to the entrance of the training
grounds and take the other door.

Iron Knuckle
Te Iron Knuckle in this room isnt too tough
if you wield Biggorons Sword. However, with
only the Master Sword, you have to move fast to
eliminate it within the sixty-second time limit.

Silver Rupees
In here, you have just 90 seconds to locate fve
silver Rupees. Te sequence isnt too bad if you
follow these directions:
Tackle the lef column of the room frst. Start
at the botom of the column and defeat the
Freezard to claim the frst silver Rupees. Ten,
hoof it to the top of the column.
Use your Longshot to grapple the ceiling
Hookshot panel and launch yourself over the
wall of fre. Cut through the frozen stalagmites
to get the next silver Rupee.
Te next silver Rupee is to the south, but you
have to gingerly fall of the ledge to grab it. If
you run too fast, youll fall into the pit and have
to start the room over. Climb back up and use
the Longshot to the Hookshot panel to the
right to pick up the next silver Rupee.
Finally, return to the central column and use
the Longshot to grapple up to the last silver
Rupee near the exit of the room.

Time Limit
You have just sixty seconds again to defeat all of
the enemies in this room. Once you fnish, use
the Song of Time to move the time block to the
north. Now you can head to a cauldron of blue
fre. Capture a dose in a botle. Now, take the
blue fre to the passage above the moved block
(the Lens of Truth reveals it) and melt the red
ice to continue deeper into the training grounds.

Spinning States
Ready your bow and hit the spinning statues in the
center of the room; you have to get them right in
the eye. When you hit the fourth eye, a chest with
Bombchus appears. Next, use an arrow to trigger
the crystal switch and unlock the next door.

Sixt Seconds
Another sixty seconds is put on the board to tear
through the monsters in this room. Tats no
easy task with an Iron Knuckle and Torch Slugs.
Savage the Iron Knuckle frst, and then clean up
the Torch Slugs. Just be sure to extinguish them
before going in for a close atack. Tis releases
another chest with arrows.
Arrows are needed to escape this room. Aim for
the small hole above the door. Another chest falls
into place, but you must use the foor switch to
extinguish the fre around it. Now, take the Small
Key from the chest.
Move to the next room and deploy the Megaton
Hammer on the rusted switch. Tis creates a
Hookshot panel. Longshot up to it and enter the
central chamber, which is flled with locked doors.

Locked Up
Use the Small Keys to open the doors. Look
for a crate. Roll into the crate to shater it,
revealing a switch. Tis switch triggers the
treasure chest with the Ice Arrows in the room
to the north. To reach the Ice Arrows, you have
to return to the room with the spinning statues.
Te chest is on the ledge above the room. You
now have the Ice Arrows!
Small Key

8 9
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
The Gret Deku Tree
Dodongos Cavern
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
Fores Temple
Fire Temple
Ice Cavern
Water Temple
Bottom of te Well
The Shadow Temple
Spirit Temple
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Ganons Casle
Te fnal hour is upon Hyrule. Te last chance for the realm, Link, must breach Ganondorf s twisted palace, which rises over the ruins of
Hyrule Castle. With the power of the sages at his back and the Triforce of Courage pushing him on, Link has the strength to challenge the King
of Evil. But has Ganondorf amassed too much power to be defeated?
Ganons Casle
Hearts: 20
Pieces of Heart: 36/36
Equipment/Items Found:
Golden Gauntlets
Songs Learned:
Built on the rubble and ashes of Hyrule Castle, Ganondorf s castle sears the darkened skies above the
once vibrant Hyrule. Here, Ganondorf rules from his throne of hate. Link must call upon the power
of the sages to weaken the castles defenses before he can ascend to Ganondorf s lair and challenge the
King of Evil to a duel for the fate of Hyrule.
Entering te Casle
Tis is it. Youve cleared out all of the
dungeons. All 36 Pieces of Heart are now
yours. Youve maxed out your hearts, flled
your botles with fairies and potions, and
have scored Biggorons Sword so you march
into Ganondorf s Castle with the strongest
As you approach the castle, Rauru commu-
nicates to you that you must destroy six
magical barriers within the castle before you
can fght Ganondorf. Te Medallions then
rise into the air and stretch a bridge across
the moat that surrounds Ganondorf s Castle.
Cross the moat and step through the front
door of the castle to begin six challenges
each based on one of the Medallionsthat
ultimately unlock the path to Ganondorf s
blade in Hyrule. Its time to march on the
Fire Barrier
Shadow Barrier
Water Barrier
Forest Barrier
Spirit Barrier
Light Barrier
Small Key
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
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Use the Lens of Truth to see a hidden room
of the central chamber where Business
Scrubs sell gear, such as arrows. You can
also procure fairies here.
Spirit Barrier
Afer making short work of the Torch Slugs
in the opening room, hit the eye switch to
trigger the appearance of an Iron Knuckle.
Coax the Iron Knuckle toward the thrones
in the middle of the room so it smashes
them with its giant axe. Tis reveals a rusted
Eliminate the Bubbles in here and then
claim the Bombchus from the treasure chest.
Send a Bombchu scurrying up the wall to
hit a switch on the ceiling. Tis unlocks the
next door.
Again, eliminate the enemies in this room
(use the Suns Song to stun the Gibdos), and
then look up at the cobweb-covered hole in
the ceiling. Let fy with a Fire Arrow. Now
that you have a light source, use the Mirror
Shield to refect it upon the sun symbols. Te
resulting chests contain both a Small Key
and the important Golden Gauntlets.
Finally, refect light at the Spirit Barrier
token. Tis unlocks the door to the sphere
where you use a Light Arrow. Afer breaking
the sphere, Nabooru appears and atacks the
Pound the rusted switch with the
Megaton Hammer to open the next door.
Before breaking any of the barriers, check
the room for jars that contain magic jars,
hearts, and more.
Gret Fairy Fountain
Now that you have the Golden
Gauntlets, step back outside the
castle and walk up the road until
you discover a huge stone. With
the new gear, you can heave the
stone into the air without breaking
a sweat. Inside, play Zeldas Lullaby
to have an audience with the Great
Fairy and earn a fantastic upgrade:
half damage. Tis defensive boost
will serve you well, esecially in
the punishing last batle with
We suggest taking on the barriers in this
order so you always have enough Small
Keys to open doors without having to
Inside the foyer of the castle, observe the
central tower. Its locked behind a wall of
magic. To disrupt it, you must disable the
six barriers Rauru mentioned. To do so, you
have to enter the six gauntlets that branch
of the central chamber. But frst, take
out the waiting enemies, such as the Iron
You do not have to complete these in any
particular order, but it is helpful to start with
the Spirit Barrier, because you recover the
Golden Gauntlets in that room. Te Golden
Gauntlets allow you to access the fnal Great
Fairy Fountain, and you want the reward
besowed by its resident: half damage!
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Fores Barrier
Inside the frst chamber of the Forest
Barrier, fght of the aggressive Stalfos. Ten,
look above the door. Teres a fan up there.
Equip your Iron Boots and Longshot up to
the torch so youre standing next to the fan.
Now pick up the Small Key and then hop
back down.
Te blue fre cauldron in the middle of the
frst room is blocked by a powerful wall
of water. To lower the water, you must
eliminate all of the enemies in this room,
including the Freezards. When you strike
the Dead Hands arm reaching out of the ice,
the water temporarily drops.
Now start running through the silver
Rupees. Te fnal Rupee is encased in red ice
of the main foor. First, push an ice block
into the hole in the middle of the room. Tis
flls the hole so you can push the other ice
block over it. Push it against the rocks in the
ice and then slide it toward the red ice in the
back. Melt it to capture the last silver Rupee.
Shoot the eye switch at the fan to drop a
chest that contains more arrows. Next, equip
the Hover Boots. Use Deku Nuts to blind
the Beamos and skirt across the room to the
platform with the Beamos and Armos. Now
launch a Fire Arrow at the frozen eye switch.
Pick up the resulting bombs.
Bomb the Beamos as you cross the room to
the far ledge. On the other side, use Hover
Boots to skate out to the closest platform
(bomb the Beamos frst!) and then equip
Iron Boots so the fan cannot blow you into
the void. Play the Song of Time twice to
move a time block enough for an Armos to
hit a switch and open the door.
Go through the door and shater the Forest
Barrier with a Light Arrow. Now Saria can
help lower the magic wall around the tower.
Fill a botle with blue fre and then start
melting all of the red ice in the room, going
back and forth to refll as needed. Be sure to
leave the room with at least two botles of
blue fre.
Afer unlocking the door, step into the
iced-over room and take out the futering
Keese. Tere are fve silver Rupees to collect
in here. First, push an ice block under the red
ice. Hop up and melt the ice. Ten push the
ice block into the void so a new one drops
into the room.
Water Barrier
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
206Te long chamber of the Shadow Barrier has
no foor. You must collect fve silver Rupees to
open the door at the far end of the room. First,
eliminate the Bubble with a Light Arrow so it
only requires a single hit. Next, shoot an arrow
at the Bomb Flower to the lef. Tis drops a
treasure chest to the pillar on the right.
Skate over to the solid ledge with the
Beamos and drop a bomb next to it. Ten
either use Dins Fire or a Fire Arrow to light
the nearby torch and create a new platform.
Collect the nearby silver Rupee.
Use the Lens of Truth to walk out to the
next Beamos. Bomb it and claim the fourth
silver Rupee.
Now step out to the new platform and throw
a bomb at the two Beamos. Turn back to the
previous landing and look down. Hit the eye
switch with an arrow. Tis makes another
chest appear. It contains a Small Key.
Finally, walk across the last hidden path
revealed by the Lens of Truth. Wait for the
guillotine blade to rise before trying to hop
across the void and collect the ffh silver
Inside, you discover the source of the
Shadow Barriers power. Arm a Light Arrow
and blast the sphere. Tis shaters the barrier
and liberates the Shadow Sage, Impa. She
thanks you and sends you back to the central
Longshot out to the treasure chest and claim
some arrows. Now, put on your Hover Boots
and use the Lens of Truth to see a swinging
platform between you and the silver Rupee
next to the location of that Bomb Flower. Jump
to the platform to collect the frst silver Rupees
and then slide out to the second.
To exit this chamber, you must collect fve
silver Rupees. First, hop across the collapsing
platforms to the lef. At the last platform,
ride it up and then back fip to grab the frst
of the silver Rupees.
Use Light Arrows to break the Water Barrier
and receive words of encouragement from
Princess Ruto. She sends you back to the
central chamber.
Shadow Barrier
Fire Barrier
Upon entering the Fire Barrier, don the
Goron Tunic. Its extremely hot in here
and without it, you wont last more than a
If you have to leave this room to refll your
botles, everything resets.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Now ride the next moving ledge to the
Beamos. Bomb the Beamos and use the
Golden Gauntlets to fing the obelisk. Tis
reveals a silver Rupee while also making a
platform in the lava.
Now hit the sphere with a Light Arrow to
weaken the barrier and let Darunia perform
his duties as a sage.
Next, jump to the ledge with the Torch
Slugs. Defeat the Torch Slugs and then throw
the obelisk. Tis makes a stable platform
beneath the ffh silver Rupee. Go collect it
and Longshot to the exit door.
Longshot out to the third silver Rupee via
the Hookshot panel.
Turn back toward the entrance and jump
down to the sliding platform. Ride it
through the next silver Rupee.
Light Barrier
Inside the frst room of the Light Barrier,
atack the Dinalfos and Torch Slugs.
Neutralizing all of the monsters opens
the next door. Step inside and play Zeldas
Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. Tis drops a
chest with a Recovery Heart. Now open the
locked door.
In this small, circular chamber, avoid the
rolling boulder and throw a bomb at the
Beamos on the wall above you. When the
Beamos is gone, Longshot to the panel on the
ceiling and then drop down to unlock the
door and keep moving.
Finally, strike the lef torch in here to
remove the blue blocks from the far wall.
Use the Lens of Truth to spy a hidden door
and step through it. Nock a Light Arrow
and shater the Light Barrier to fnish of
this fnal gauntlet on the ground foor of the
Storm through the door and start running
up the spiral stairs within the tower. Te
stairs eventually spill into a room with two
Dinalfos. Tese monsters are extremely
aggressivethey will atack together
regardless of whether you L-Target one of
them. As tempting as it may be, dont use a
two-handed weapon like Biggorons Sword
unless you are sure you can strike and roll
away. If you think your acrobatics arent up
to it, use a shield to block incoming blows
and then immediately counteratack.
Afer another stretch of stairs, you enter
an arena with two Stalfos. Tese respond
to L-Targeting, at least. If you target one
of them, the other backs of. But theres a
catch to this. If you drop one, you have to
hurry up and get rid of the other. If youre
too slow, the defeated Stalfos rises back up.
When you fnish of the second Stalfos, the
fre surrounding the chest with the Boss Key
The Tower
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Te fnal room in the tower contains two
Iron Knuckles. Fortunately, you can balance
this batle by striking only one at a time
to acivate them. So strike one and then
draw it away from the other. Tat way, you
only have to duel with a single acive Iron
Knuckle. Te boss door waits for you at the
top of the stairs.
Ganondorf is so sure of his power to defeat
you that he leaves his back to you as you
enter his throne room. Instead, the King of
Evil fnishes his dirge on the enormous pipe
Princess Zelda hovers above the scene, still
trapped inside the crystal. Not only can she
not help you in this batle, but Ganondorf
also casts a sell that separates you from
Navi. Youre on your own in this batle.
(Well, you still have us...well never leave you
in your moment of need.)
Boss: Ganondorf
Ganondorf rises high above the arena,
taunting you with his ability to fy. Afer
all, you can fall so far in this batle. Te
central pillar in this room stays sturdy, but
the ledges around it fall to pieces when
Ganondorf strikes them with his magic. If
one falls under your feet, you tumble to the
botom of the room. However, thats not
necessarily a bad thing because there are
dozens of jars below the pillar. Tese are
flled with Recovery Hearts and magic jars.
You cannot just swing your sword and atack
Ganondorf. Hes always just out of range.
You must bring him down to that central
pillar to land a hit. Tere are multiple ways
to stun Ganondorf and make him tumble.
Ganondorf fres magic orbs at you, similar to
the Phantom Ganondorf. Volley the magic
back and forth with sword swings. Swing
just as the sphere arrives at the end of your
swords range. Tat gives you enough time
to fully swing the blade and send the sphere
back. Volley the orb back and forth and
eventually Ganondorf will slip up. When the
sphere hits him, he drops to the pillar.
However, the climb back up to the pillar
to rejoin the fght is a long haul and you
always pop up right beneath Ganondorf.
When you see Ganondorf start to charge
up his major magic atack (youll see him
tighten up and draw energy into his body),
launch a Light Arrow at his body. When you
nail him with the Light Arrow, he drops.
If you allow Ganondorf to fully charge up
his magic atack, he fings out several magical
spheres. Tey arc across the arena. Tough
they are easy to roll away from, if you
perform a Spin Atack just as they close in,
you blast the atack right back at Ganondorf.
He cannot block this, so he collapses to the
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Waiting for the multi-sphere atack is
dangerous, so rely on the Light Arrows to
stop Ganondorf cold.
Feeling crafy? Launch into a Jump Atack
as you bounce toward the pillar. If you land
the atack, you do megadamage.
Now that youve stunned Ganondorf, you
need to quickly get to the pillar so you can
hammer away with your sword. Te Hover
Boots help here because they defy gravity
long enough for you to grab the pillar before
totally falling to the foor. Alternately, you
can Longshot to the pillar. As soon as you
reach him, start striking as many times as
possible before Ganondorf recovers and
rushes back into the air.
Tankfully, Ganondorf doesnt deviate
from his atack plan. He may change up
his blowsbut if you successfully sling his
atacks back at him or catch him with a
Light Arrow, you can bring the King of Evil
to his knees.
After Defetng Ganondorf
Ganondorf can hardly believe he was besed
in batle by the likes of you. His fury sends
shockwaves through the castle, shatering
glass and stone alike. You and Princess Zelda
have to get out of there as fast as you can.
You have just three minutes to get to the
botom of the tower before it collapses.
Follow Zelda as she runs down the ramp
that circles the outside of the tower. Zelda
wastes no time, dodging falling rocks as she
moves in and out of the tower. Keep up with
her because she will wait at a door until you
catch up, which eats precious seconds.
Just as you step outside, the tower crumbles
to the ground, leaving behind twisted ruins
of stone and metal. But before you can
celebrate your victory over Ganondorf,
a ring of fre separates you from Princess
Zelda. Te Master Sword fies from your
hand. Ganondorf explodes from the rubble.
He is not dead. In fact, with the power of the
Triforce, hes far from it. Before your very
eyes, Ganondorf s human form falls away
to reveal the monster he truly is beneath his
skin. Hes now Ganon, a towering behemoth
with twin swords as long as your body.
When you reach the room with the Stalfos,
Zelda becomes trapped in a ring of fre. Te
Stalfos return for a rematch, and as before,
you must defeat the second rather soon or
else the frst monster rejoins the fght.
Rush through the falling rocks in the botom
room and the stairs that lead back outside.
If you kept moving, you should have a
litle time to sparebut thats no reason to
sof-pedal it to safety.
If you did not collect Biggorons Sword,
dont worry. You can use the Megaton
Hammer in this fnal batle.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Boss: Ganon
Ganon is a titan of tremendous strength
and with his twin swords, he can lay you to
waste within seconds if you arent nimble.
Each of his sword atacks cleaves four hearts
from your health if you didnt pick up the
increased defense from the fnal Great Fairy
Fountain. So, even if you have 20 hearts, that
means it only takes fve hits to put you on
your back.
Tankfully, Ganon has one very obvious
weak spot: his tail. It isnt armored and its
huge, so its a major target. But in spite of
his size, Ganon is fast and will turn around
if he catches you circling toward his tail. So
the only way to safely land a hit on that tail
is to temporarily stun Ganon and then roll
behind him.
Tere are multiple ways to stun Ganon.
Trowing a Deku Nut on the ground does it,
but the window is so short that you should
save those Deku Nuts for a last resort.
Hiting him in the face with your Longshot
works, too, and if you L-Target him, you
cannot miss. Te Longshot doesnt stun him
very long either, but if you get close and
tag him before he strikes, you should have
enough time to reach the tail and hit it once
before he recovers and turns around to face
Jump-atacking Ganon in the face stuns
him, too, but if you miss, you are completely
exposed. You will get slashed by his swords.
Dins Fire stuns Ganondorf, too, and it
takes him a few seconds to recover. Tis is
a good tacic, but it does drain magic rather
quickly if you rely heavily on it.
Of course, you can always use those Light
Arrows. Tis is the ideal way to stun Ganon.
L-Target him and release a Light Arrow. If
it hits his face, he rears back and is stunned
long enough for you to easily score a tail
hit. Light Arrows consume magic, so you
can burn through your magic meter fairly
quickly if you arent judicious about using
arrows only when Ganons face is open.
If youre running out of magic or health,
lead Ganon into the pieces of the tower in
the arena. When he smashes them, they
release magic jars or Recovery Hearts.
You can actually try to roll behind Ganon
and atack his tail, but its the riskiest
move in the batle. If youre out of magic,
use the Longshot or Deku Nuts before
atempting this.
Halfway through the batle, Ganon
stumbles. Te ring of fre drops and you
can grab the Master Sword. Tis is the only
weapon that can defeat Ganon, but you
dont have to use it just yet. Continue using a
preferred weapon and keep cycling through
stuns and tail hits.
Finally, when Ganon crumples again, switch
to the Master Sword. Rush in and drive the
Master Sword right into Ganons head to
end the King of Evils reign.
At this point, the power of the sages ignites
and seals Ganondorf into the Evil Realm.
He does not go quietly, vowing revenge one
dayif not upon you, then he will visit it
upon your descendants.
Zelda then turns to you and apologizes
for giving you the Ocarina of Time, which
not only allowed Ganondorf to breach the
Sacred Realm, but also cost you seven years
of your life. She wants to undo the damage,
but to do so requires you to give up three
things. Te Ocarina of Time. Te Master
Sword. And any memory of this great
adventure. Congratulations!
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Gold Skulltl Locatons (Maser Ques)
It? Locaton Night?
Kakariko Village
Roll into the large tree at the entrance to Kakariko
Village to shake loose the Gold Skulltula.
x x
Look on the side of the House of Skulltula. x x
Look at the pile of bricks at the construction site. x x
Look at the side of the house to the right of the gate
leading up to Death Mountain.
x x
Te lookout tower hosts a Gold Skulltula. Take it
down with the slingshot.
x x
Look to the roofop of Impas house. Hookshot to the
House of Skulltula and then over to Impas house.
Look on the wall to the lef of the Royal Familys
Tomb. Use the Boomerang to collect the token.
x x
Drop bugs into the soil patch on the right side of
the graveyard.
Death Mountain Trail
Use bugs on the soil patch revealed by removing the
boulder blocking Dodongos Cavern.
Bomb the breakable wall near the entrance of
Dodongos Cavern to reveal the Gold Skulltula.
Use the Megaton Hammer on the red rock above
the Dodongos Cavern entrance.
Approach the wall at the summit of Death Moun-
tain. Smash the red rock to reveal a Gold Skulltula.

Goron City
At the top of Goron City, go to the room of rocks.
Bomb to get to the end of the room and roll into the
crate next to the treasure chest.
Look behind the pedesal of the Spiritual Stone of
Fire. Use the Hookshot to hit the Gold Skulltula.
Death Mountain Crater
Te Bolero of Fire warps you to the crater. Use bugs
on the soil patch.
Roll into the crate near the entrance to Death
Mountain Crater.
Dodongos Cavern
Te room north of the room where you lit three
torches contains six boxes. Kill the enemies and
smash the boxes to reveal the Gold Skulltula.
In the room with the statues that come to life when
you hit them. Afer killing the statues, climb up
onto the wall to see the Gold Skulltula.
Located directly above the room where you fought
the Lizalfos. Follow the path until you come across
some rocks, then destroy the rocks to continue on
the path that leads to a Gold Skulltula.
When you enter the room with the Poes, enter the
room to the north, then use your Hookshot (adult
Link) or Boomerang to retrieve the token.
Take the door south of the room that had all the
Bomb Flowers. Play the Song of Time to remove
a time block, then continue forward and play the
Song of Time again to remove the next block.
Repeat this until you get to the corner with the
Gold Skulltula.
Zoras River
Roll into the tree at the start of the river, near the
point where you meet the owl.
x x
Near the end of the river, look to the ladder that
leads out of the water.
x x
Return to the location of the bean seller and cross
the river. Follow the path to the wall. Use the Long-
shot to get the Gold Skulltula.
It? Locaton Night?
Kokiri Forest
Look behind the House of the Know-It-All Brothers. x x
Look behind the House of Twins. Use the Hook-
shot to eliminate the Gold Skulltula and recover
the token.
Plant bugs in the bean hole next to the Kokiri Shop. x
Te Lost Woods
Plant a bean in the hole near the Forest Stage as
young Link. Come back as an adult and climb up.
Upon entering the Lost Woods, take two rights.
Drop a bug into the sof soil under the bridge.
From the entrance of the Lost Woods, follow these
directions: lef, right, lef, right, right. Drop bugs
into the dirt.
Sacred Forest Meadow
At the end of the maze, climb the ladder and turn
Te Great Deku Tree
In the frst room on the second foor, next to the
chest with the map in it, roll into the box to smash
it, revealing the Skulltula.
In the room with the compass, use a Bombchu to
destroy the rocks at the top of some vines, then
climb the vines afer the rocks are gone.
In the room with the tombstones and blue switch,
play the Song of Time to make three time blocks
appear. Climb the blocks and play the Song of Time
to reveal two more time blocks. Once you are at
the top block, kill the Skulltula with your slingshot,
then collect the token with your Boomerang.
In the room to the northeast of the last Skulltula
token (with the tombstones and blue switch), kill
the enemies and use your Boomerang to retrieve
the token.
Hyrule Field
Plant a bomb at the tree next to the entrance to
Kakariko Village. Tis reveals a secret groto. Use
either the Boomerang or Hookshot to collect the
Teres a circle of stones near the entrance to
Gerudo Valley. Drop a bomb in the center to reveal
a secret cave. Use fre (Dins Fire or a Fire Arrow)
to burn the webs and reveal the Skulltula. Use the
Boomerang to collect the token.
Hyrule Castle
Look inside the guardhouse next to the drawbridge.
Break open the crate with a roll atack to reveal the
Gold Skulltula.
Roll into the trunk of the lone tree just inside
Hyrule Castle Town. It has three rocks around it.
Approach the castle moat and look for another
lone tree. Play the Song of Storms to reveal a groto.
Now, bomb the wall to reveal the Gold Skulltula.
Afer Ganon takes over Hyrule Castle, look at the
ruins of the old guard gate.
Lon Lon Ranch
Look for a Gold Skulltula in the upper window of
the house. Use the Boomerang to collect the token.
x x
Roll into the tree next to the house to shake loose
the Gold Skulltula.
Look behind the corral and the feed house for the
x x
Look at the fence to the lef of the silo. Use the
Boomerang to recover the token.
x x
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
It? Locaton Night?
Zoras River (continued)
Stand on the bridge and face the entrance of Zoras
Domain. Use the Hookshot to reach the Gold
Zoras Domain
At King Zoras Trone Room, take a right and walk
down to the location of the diving game. Use the
Hookshot to hit the Gold Skulltula.
Zoras Fountain
Roll into the tree next to the Great Fairys Fountain. x
Climb to the lef of Lord Jabu-Jabu. Use the
Boomerang to collect the Gold Skulltula token.
x x
Lif the silver boulder near the Great Fairy Foun-
tain (use the Silver Gauntlets), and drop down the
hole. Watch out for four hidden Skulltulas on the
ceiling (the Lens of Truth reveals them), and climb
the wall to fnd a Gold Skulltula on the right.
Inside Jabu-Jabus Belly
In the room right before the boss, climb up until
you are at a see-through wall. Youll see the Skull-
tula behind that wall. While standing to the right
side of that see-through wall, take aim and throw
your Boomerang so that it hits the Gold Skulltula
on its way back to you.
In the room to the northeast on the frst foor, a but-
ton makes a geyser shoot out of the foor. On the ceil-
ing is a rock with a Gold Skulltula hiding in it. Use a
Bombchu to blow up the rock, then ride the geyser
and use your Boomerang to retrieve the token.
In the room with the time block, play the Song
of Time to remove the block, revealing the Gold
In the room southeast of the one that Ruto dropped
into, use your Lens of Truth to see all the enemies.
Defeat them all to reveal a platform in the water,
allowing you to cross to the other side of the room.
Burn the cobweb with Dins Fire, then use your
Boomerang to collect the token.
Lake Hylia
Drop bugs into the sof soil next to the Lakeside
Head for the bridge behind the Lakeside Labora-
tory. Look to the lab to spy the Gold Skulltula.
x x
Go to the island in the middle of the lake. Te Gold
Skulltula is on one of the pillars.
x x
Use the Longshot to reach the dead tree on the
island (with the warp pad) and look for the Gold
Skulltula. Use the Longshot to grab the token.
Use the Iron Boots to drop into the water in the lab
and roll into the crate to reveal the Gold Skulltula.
Forest Temple
Look at the vines at the end of the frst hallway in
the dungeon, right above the door.
From the main room, enter the eastern room, and
go around the corner to the right to fnd the Gold
From the main room, enter the northwesern room
and immediately look up to see a Gold Skulltula on
a Hookshot panel.
In the same room as the last Gold Skulltula, go to
the well that is flled with water, and use your bow
to shoot the eye switch in the water. Once the water
is drained, head into the well and run to the end of
the long hallway to fnd the Gold Skulltula.
From the main room, head to the northeastern
room. Climb the vine wall in the room to fnd the
Gold Skulltula on a ledge.
It? Locaton Night?
Fire Temple
From the large room with the bridge and raising
and lowering platforms, take the north door. Te
Gold Skulltula is on the wall behind the Goron you
just saved.
On the third foor in the room where the fre rises
when you approach it, take the northwesern door
to fnd the Gold Skulltula.
In the same room as the last token, navigate
through the fames until you reach a switch. Step
on the switch to lower the fames leading to a
door and then proceed through that door. Use
your Hookshot to pull the weak point out of the
mini bosss body and defeat it with your sword.
Ten ride the platform that now moves up to the
fourth foor and proceed through the door. Climb
the fenced walls and use a key to exit through the
next door. Run up and around this circular room
until Navi turns green at a particular spot. Play
the Scarecrows Song to get Pierre to appear. Next,
jump down to the lower part of the room and step
on the switch, lowering the fames around a chest
at the top of the room. Immediately afer stepping
on the switch, use your Hookshot to pull yourself
up to Pierre, run immediately over to the chest,
and open it to receive a key. Hit the switch in the
room to reveal a Hookshot panel. Next, pull out
your Megaton Hammer and hit the block next to
the switch you just hit. Jump down the hole to a
room on the fourth level, and use the key you just
acquired to exit the room. Defeat the Stalfos in the
next room and use your Megaton Hammer on the
switch, which lowers the foor to make very large
stairs. Drop down the stairs until you are in range
to shoot your Hookshot at the large strange face on
the wall. Tis opens the door at the botom of the
large stairs. Enter the room and collect your hard-
earned Gold Skulltula token!
From the room with the Lizalfos on the third foor,
step on the switch in the room to reveal multiple
Hookshot panels. Hookshot to the northwesern
corner to land on a platform that rises up to the fourth
foor. Hit the face on the wall with the Hookshot, dis-
pose of the enemies and climb the fenced walls until
you reach the next door. Go to the top of the room
with the box surrounded by fre. Use your Megaton
Hammer on the switch next to the box to reveal a
Hookshot panel. Drop down and hit the switch near
the door you frst entered, which lowers the fames.
Hookshot up to the Hookshot panel and move the
box. A Gold Skulltula hides under the box and the
foor! Use your Megaton Hammer to smash the Gold
Skulltula through the foor and collect your token.
In the room with the fames that rise as you ap-
proach them, enter the lower part of the central
room. A short hall with a small alcove is on your
lef. Bomb the false wall here to reveal a Gold Skull-
tula and collect your token.
Ice Cavern
In the room where you collect the Compass, youll
see a Gold Skulltula stuck in the red ice. Stand near
that spot and play the Song of Time to have a time
block appear. Stand on that block and play the Song
of Time again to have a second time block appear.
Stand as close as you can to the red ice and melt it
with the Blue Fire you just acquired in a botle.
In the northeastern room with the two Wolfos, hit
the switch on the ceiling of the west entrance. Tis
will free the Skulltula underneath the ice block.
In the same room as the last token, stand near a
ledge where Navi fies of and turns green. Play the
Scarecrows Song to make Pierre appear, Hookshot
to the higher ledge, and collect your token.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
It? Locaton Night?
Water Temple
On the frst foor, go through the northern door and
youll be in the room with a whirlpool. Navi fies
up to an inaccessible ledge and turns green. Play
the Scarecrows Song to make Pierre appear and
Hookshot over to him. Proceed down the hallway
and notice the locked door (youll be coming back
to it). Use the Iron Boots to go down into the water
and to the next door. Defeat the Stalfos in this small
room, then break the boxes in the room to reveal
a small key. Take that key back to the locked door.
In the next room, hit the switch to cause water plat-
forms to rise. Jump to the second water platform
and use Dins Fire. Tis lights all the torches in
the room and unlocks the door. In the next room,
defeat all the enemies to unlock the next door. In
the fnal room, roll into a box to reveal the Gold
On the lowest level of the dungeon, take the
southern door into a room and light the three
torches with Fire Arrows. Move forward in the
room until Navi fies away to a spot and turns
green. Play the Scarecrows Song and Hookshot
up to Pierre. Defeat the two Stalfos, proceed to
the end of that room, and look up to see the Gold
In the underground river, when you reach the
fourth Hookshot panel, look up to see the Gold
On the second foor, go to the southern area and
step on the switch to open the door. Follow the
path around and youll see a gate with two boxes
behind it. Use Dins Fire to light the torch and
open the gate. Te Skulltula is located behind two
Go into the eastern room on the second foor
and hit a switch to have Hookshot panels appear.
Stand on the Hookshot panel on your current level
and look up to see another Hookshot panel, then
Hookshot up to it. Te Gold Skulltula is in a box in
that upper room.
Botom of the Well
On the lowest level, use the Lens of Truth and go
up the north path past all of the invisible Skulltulas.
Te Gold Skulltula is at the end of the tunnel.
In the farthest east room on the main foor, look in
the back corner of the room.
From the center room, go into the door that has an
invisible Skulltula and a gravesone in the middle.
Te Gold Skulltula is hidden under the gravesone.
Shadow Temple
In the room where you use a large block to stop
the chained spikes from hiting you, look in a small
alcove near the area where you push the block.
In the room right before the boat, use a bomb to
destroy the piles of dirt in the corners.
Afer riding the boat, knock down the statue to
cross the pit. As soon as you cross the statue turn
around to see the Gold Skulltula on the wall.
In the room right before the fnal boss.
At the end of the narrow platform with fans blow-
ing, enter the room with the ReDead. Te Gold
Skulltula is on the strange face painting on the wall.
It? Locaton Night?
Gerudo Valley
When entering the valley, look for the bridge near
the waterfall. Te Gold Skulltula is by the waterfall.
Use the Boomerang to collect the token.
x x
Fly down from the large bridge with a Cucco. Land
near the cow and drop bugs in the sof soil.
Look behind the carpenters tent. You need the
Hookshot to collect the token.
Look beneath the rock arch in front of the carpen-
ters tent. You need the Hookshot to collect the
Gerudos Fortress
At the Horseback Archery Range, take a right and
approach the target. You need the Hookshot to
collect the token.
Atop the fortress, look for the the chest containing
a Piece of Heart. Te Gold Skulltula is nearby.
Haunted Wasteland
Follow the fags on the far side of the sand river.
When you reach the Ghost Guide, go into the base-
ment to fnd the Gold Skulltula.
Desert Colossus
Drop a bug into the sof soil near the entrance of
the Spirit Temple.
Next to the evaporated fountain, look up at the
palm trees for a Gold Skulltula.
Plant a magic bean as young Link, then return as an
adult. Te plant leads to a stone arch. As you ride,
look to the plant platform to see the Gold Skulltula.
Spirit Temple
Afer the puzzle with the mirrors, use the Lens of
Truth to see a hidden chest containing a small key.
Go back to the previous hall and use the key to
open the door. In the room youll see some statues
with Gold Skulltulas behind them. Trick the enemy
in the room into smashing the statues blocking the
Gold Skulltulas.
In the same room as above, have the enemy smash
the statues.
Look in the room right afer the Great Moblin with
many Skulltulas.
Head toward the west side of the frst foor and take
the right door. Look up to see a Gold Skulltula.
In the room where you push the blocks with the
sun faces on them into the light, push all four into
the light to reveal a chest. Climb up onto the trans-
parent platforms to see a Gold Skulltula.
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Gold Skulltl Locatons (MQ)
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
All of the overworld maps (such as Hyrule Field, Gerudo Valley, and Zoras River) are mirrored in the Master Quest. Te architecture remains
the same, as does the location of collectibles like Pieces of Heart and Gold Skulltula Tokens. Tey are just fipped lef to right.
Explore Hyrule again in the Master Quest by using these overworld maps in conjunction with our walk-through earlier in this guide. Te
sequence of events and strategy remain the same, so you can refresh your memory when you need to visit the Graveyard or remember our
trick for nabbing a Piece of Heart a litle early from Death Mountain Crater.
To Los
To Hyrule

Gold Skulltula Token

1 Links House
2 Sarias House
3 Twins House
4 Kokiri Shop
5 Midos House
6 House of the Know-It-All
7 Forest Training Center
8 Great Deku Tree
Kokiri Fores
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Hyrule Field
Lon Lon
To Lake Hylia
To Gerudo Valley
To Kokiri Fores
To Hyrule
To Kakriko
Hyrule Casle
To Zoras River

Gold Skulltula Token

Heart Piece


Gold Skulltula Token

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
To Hyrule Field

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Cucco Lady
2 House of Skulltula
3 Well
4 Windmill
5 Bazaar
6 Potion Shop
7 Impas House
8 Underground Race
9 Royal Tomb
To Hyrule Field
To Shadow
To Det Mountain

Gold Skulltula Token

Heart Piece

How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Shortcut to Goron City
2 Shortcut to Zoras Domain
3 Forest People
4 Skull Kid
5 Forest Stage
6 Deku Stick Upgrade
To Kokiri Fores To Hyrule Field
To Sacred Fores
To Kokiri
Los Woods
To Shadow
To Kakriko

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Underground Race
2 Royal Tomb
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Sacred Fores
Mountain Trail
To Kakriko
To Goron Cit
To Det Mtn.
Great Fairys

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
To Fores Temple

Gold Skulltula Token
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Goron Cit

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Goron Shop
2 Chief Darunia
3 Large Goron
4 Hot Rodder
To Det Mtn. To Los Woods
To Det Mtn.
Zoras River
To Los
To Zoras
To Hyrule
G Legend

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Magic Bean Salesman
2 Frogs
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
To Zoras Fountain
To Zoras
To Lake

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Zora Shop
2 King Zora
3 Silver Scale

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
Lord Jabu Jabu
Great Fairys
To Zoras Domain
G To Ice
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Message in a Botle
2 Laboratory
3 Scarecrows
4 Fishing Pond
5 Fire Arrows
(afer completing Water
To Hyrule
To Gerudo
To Zoras Domain

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
To Fire Temple
To Det
To Goron
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
To Gerudos
To Hyrule

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Carpenters Tent
To Gerudo
To Horeback
Archery Range
To Haunted

Gold Skulltula Token

Heart Piece
1 Ichiro
2 Jiro
3 Sabooro
4 Shiro
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Gold Skulltula Token
To Desert
To Gerudos
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
To Spirit
To Haunted

Gold Skulltula Token


Heart Piece
1 Oasis
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Kokiri Fores
Hyrule Field
Hyrule Casle
Lon Lon Ranch
Kakriko Village
Los Woods
Sacred Fores Medow
Det Mountain Trail
Goron Cit
Zoras River
Zoras Domain
Zoras Fountain
Lake Hylia
Det Mountain Crater
Gerudo Valley
Gerudos Fortress
Haunted Waselnd
Desert Colossus
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.
PRIMA Official Game Guide
Written by:
John Chance
Prima Games
An Imprint of Random House, Inc.
3000 Lava Ridge Court, St. 100
Roseville, CA 95661

The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United States and
other countries. is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United
2011 by Prima Games. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without
written permission from Prima Games. Prima Games is an imprint of Random House, Inc.
Product Manager: Shaida Boroumand
Technical Editor: Jesse Anderson
Design & Layout: Jody Seltzer & Bryan Neff
Manufacturing: Stephanie Sanchez
Maps: 99 Lives Design
& 19982011 Nintendo. Nintendo properties are trademarks of Nintendo. 2011 Nintendo. All Rights Reserved.
Special thanks to the team at Nintendo: Amanda Barrera, Matthew Christie, Destiny Delgadillo, Stacy Kolden, Teresa
Lillygren, Noriko Matsunaga, Samuel Montiel, Josh Newman, Jesse Nickell, Nicholas Noe, Sammy Palazzolo, Mike
Rasciner, Shannon Roberts, Yugo Sato, Marissa Sipos, Sean Taylor, Kindra Timmerwilke, and Scott Willson.
All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their respective companies.
Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained in this book is accurate. However,
the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the
material in this book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may
result from using the information in this book. The publisher cannot provide any additional information or support
regarding gameplay, hints and strategies, or problems with hardware or software. Such questions should be directed
to the support numbers provided by the game and/or device manufacturers as set forth in their documentation. Some
game tricks require precise timing and may require repeated attempts before the desired result is achieved.
ISBN: 978-0-307-89154-9
How to Use This Guide
The Story So Far
How to Ply
Equipment & items
The Beginning / Kokiris Emerald
Hyrule Field / Hyrule Casle
Kakriko Village and Vicinit
Getting te Gorons Ruby
The Zoras Sapphire
The Temple of Time
The Fores Medallion
The Fire Medallion
The Water Medallion
The Shadow Medallion
The Spirit Medallion
Ganons Casle
Secrets & Specials
Maser Ques
Ganons Casle
Maser Ques Overworld Maps
Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

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