Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts (Official Prima Guide)
Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts (Official Prima Guide)
Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts (Official Prima Guide)
World 1: Nutty Acres .........
2008 by Prima Games. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
............. 71
World 2: Logbox 720 .........
storage or retrieval system without written permission from Prima Games. Prima Games is an imprint of
Random House, Inc.
............ 92
Senior Product Manager: Mario De Govia World 3: Banjoland............
............. 113
Associate Product Manager: Shaida Boroumand
World 4: The Jiggosseum
or ...... 131
World 5: Terrarium of Terr
Digital Product Manager: Lex Scheuble
Design & Layout: Marc W. Riegel
World 6: Spiral Mountain...
Manufacturing: Stephanie Sanchez
2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, the Microsoft Game Studios logo, Banjo-
Kazooie, Rare, the Rare logo, Silverlight, Windows, Xbox, Xbox 360, the Xbox logos, Xbox LIVE and the Xbox About the Author
LIVE logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation or Rare Limited in the
Catherine grew up in a small town, loving the
United States and/or other countries. Rare Limited is a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation. proverbial great outdoors. While
she still enjoys hiking, camping, and just gettin
All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their respective companies. g out under the big sky, Catherine
also appreciates the ne art of blasting the Coven
ant in Halo as well as arranging
Please be advised that the ESRB Ratings icons, EC, E, E10+, T, M, AO, and RP are trademarks a perfect little village in Animal Crossing. (Serio
usly, you cannot just plant apple
owned by the Entertainment Software Association, and may only be used with their permission and authority. trees all willy-nilly. Neat rows, people!)
For information regarding whether a product has been rated by the ESRB, please visit For We want to hear from you! E-ma
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Important: Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained in this book is
accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness,
or completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisher assume liability for damages, either incidental Special Thanks:
or consequential, that may result from using the information in this book. The publisher cannot provide any Rare Team: Rich Cousins, Andy Wilson, Gregg Mayles, Shaun Read, Salvatore Fileccia, David
additional information or support regarding gameplay, hints and strategies, or problems with hardware or Thomas, Neill Harrison, and Shelley Hodgekins.
software. Such questions should be directed to the support numbers provided by the game and/or device Rare Test: Huw Ward and David Wong.
manufacturers as set forth in their documentation. Some game tricks require precise timing and may require Microsoft: Peter Connelly, Chris Chamberlain, Hemanshu Chawda, Matthew Shimabuku, Chris
repeated attempts before the desired result is achieved. Liu, Mike Swogger, Joe Dunavant, Chris James, and the rest of the GTO Europe Test Team.
ISBN: 9780761560050 Volt: Daniel Bach, Joshua Palmer, Joshua Colas, Sean Dudley, Joe Hill, Gareth Casey, Joe Prickett,
Printed in the United States of America Matthew Pearson, Laurence Perkins, Joe Smith, and Jamie Cartwright.
Excell Data Corp.: Leach Echstrom and Tyler Anderson.
Banjos Back...
The Cast Gruntilda Winkybunion
Fans of Banjo and Kazooies previous adventures will be familiar
First appearance: Banjo-Kazooie
with this gallery of friendly (and not-so-friendly) faces. But if this
Also known as Grunty, this wicked witch
is your first time joining up with bear and bird, take a moment to
has been harassing Banjo and Kazooie
acquaint yourself with your newfound friends and foes.
for over a decade now. Grunty keeps
meeting unfortunate ends at the paws
Banjo & Kazooie of Banjo, but spite and revenge are
First appearance: Banjo-Kazooie
motives you just cannot reason with.
Named after an instrument thats impossible to resist, Banjo is a
Grunty resurrects herself once more to
honey bear with a heart of gold. Banjo wants to live peacefully in
challenge Banjo and Kazooie for Spiral
his home on Spiral Mountain with his best friend, Kazooie, but
Mountain, but without a body to speak
adventure always seems to find him. Whenever trouble comes
of, she was at a bit of a disadvantage.
up, though, Banjo is first to run
Thanks to LOGs largesse, Grunty now
headlong into it to help a friend
has a new body (dont worry, its just as ugly as the old one).
in need.
Grunty also loves to speak in rhyme, beating Kazooie over the
Kazooie is Banjos
head repeatedly with some deliciously wretched couplets.
sidekickbut dont ever
let her hear you call her
that. This Red-Crested
Breegull is a proud
bird thats parked it in Bouncer Rammer Exploder Lightener
Banjos knapsack. From
this perch, Kazooie can use her
sharp tongue
to issue Disabler Blower Scoffer Shooter
insults at
While Banjo and Kazooie try to gather up Jiggies in LOGs
digital landscapes, Grunty is busy complicating matters with her
and, in
new minions, the Gruntbots. Gruntys Gruntbots are mechanical
the case of
menaces that harass Banjo and Kazooie while they attempt
Nuts & Bolts Bolts,
to recover enough Jiggies to reclaim Spiral Mountain. There
act as a backseat
are several types of Gruntbots, such as Bouncers that stop in
driver. Kazooie wields a
front of your vehicles and bounce them off course, as well as
magic wrench in this adventure,
Sucker Gruntbots that push you around with gusts of wind.
helping assemble vehicles and
Each Gruntbot can be defeated by smacking it with the wrench
occasionally bop an enemy
a few times, smashing into it with a vehicle, or attacking with a
Gruntbot that gets too close.
vehicle-based weapon, such as an Egg Gun.
Lord of Games (Or LOG, if youre into the whole brevity thing...)
First appearance: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
The ability to manipulate reality is an incredible gift, one that the Lord of
Games has mastered in all of his years of videogame creating. Aware that
he himself is living inside a videogame, this master designer takes full
advantage of the ability to conjure up anything with just a few clicks of a
mouse. All of the worlds Banjo and Kazooie must explore were invented
by LOG, including Banjoland, a realm based on the most famous sights
from Banjos previous adventures. As Banjo and Kazooie prove themselves
inside his special worlds, LOG unlocks new machine parts for the heroic
pair to use in his ever-escalating challenges.
Banjos Back
First appearance: Banjo-Kazooie First appearance: Banjo-Kazooie
You simply cannot have Banjo and Kazooie show The Jinjos are tiny creatures that have long looked to Banjo and
up without Mumbo too far behind. This silly Kazooie for help in dealing with Grunty. Under the kind rule
shaman used to be responsible for helping of King Jingaling, the Jinjos now help Banjo and
Banjo via his magic skills (Mumbo does Kazooie inside LOGs worlds. The little guys
a mean transmogrification), but now offer challenges to the heroes in
thats hes been zapped into LOGs exchange for special tokens
universe, the shaman moonlights that are used to win new
as a mechanic. Mumbo trains vehicle parts. Keep a special
bird and bear in the mystic uses eye out for the nasty cousins of
of Kazooies magical wrench. the Jinjos, the Minjos. These itty-bitty
Banjo and Kazooie must see troublemakers have also joined the
Mumbo every time they want to check out Jinjos in Showdown Town.
a new vehicle component or assemble a
new ride.
First appearance: Banjo-Kazooie
Bottles Klungo used to work for Grunty, but the reformed henchman now
First appearance: Banjo-Kazooie
just wants to make his own videogames.
For a goofy nearsighted mole, Bottles has seen a lot of action.
In Showdown Town, the reformed
The well-meaning fellow has been killed and revived in previous
minion finally gets his wish
adventures, and for all of this trouble, hes
and opens an arcade where
been rewarded with important roles inside
Banjo and Kazooie are
Showdown Town and LOGs videogame
always welcome. Klungo
worlds. Bottles is a tour guide in the
also appears inside the
town, dispensing useful advice to
videogame worlds to
Banjo and Kazooie (sometimes for
dole out new challenges
a price), and inside the videogame
and help the bear and bird
challenges, he often tasks the
earn more precious Jiggies.
heroes with new events.
Cameo Cavalcade
Captain Blubber Banjo-Kazooie:
Nuts & Bolts
First appearance: Banjo-Kazooie
is loaded with
Ol Blubber is back and he still isnt cameos and
giving up his pirate shtick. homages to
(Actually, he may have been other Banjo
a little ahead of the curve on supporting
that whole pirate thing.) This players and
portly hippo captain has secrets previous
for sale inside Showdown Town, Rare games. Keep both eyes open as you tour
but inside the videogame stages, hes LOGs videogame worlds, especially Banjoland,
a purveyor of challenges. an entire stage dedicated to previous games in
the series. This world alone has references to
memorable stages like Cloud Cuckooland from
Banjo-Tooie and bit turns by characters like
Loggo and George Ice Cube. Theres even a rumor
that Tiptup, the turtle that made so many gamers
gnash their teeth in Diddy Kong Racing, is
around here somewhere.
Being Banjo
Being Banjo
Did you play the original Banjo-Kazooie games on the Nintendo
64? Find every Jiggy? Rescue every Jinjo? Well, pat yourself on The Bear Basics
the back and then forget everything you think you know about When you first arrive in Showdown Town, take a moment to acquaint
helping bear and bird defeat Grunty the witch. Banjo-Kazooie: yourself with the essentials. Mumbo and LOG give you a few tips to
Nuts & Bolts is a completely new adventure with no shortage of get you started right away, but the more you know from the get-go, the
exciting new moves and featuresespecially the ability to build any better you will perform in the videogame challenges. For starters, heres
vehicle you can imagine with a wave the game screen you see when not in the middle of a challenge:
of Kazooies magic wrench (and a few
clicks of the Xbox 360 controller). So,
before setting foot in Showdown Town 1 5
and taking LOG up on his series
of videogame challenges, get smart
about making the most of Banjo
and Kazooies newest talents.
With our help, youll be 4
breaking speed records 2
and collecting Jiggies
with the ease of a bear stuffing
his gob with sweet, sweet
1. Health/Jiggies/Notes: This corner of the screen displays
different information depending on the circumstances. Whenever
you pick up a Note, the total up here reflects the new addition.
If you bank a Jiggy in Showdown Town, the number of Jiggies
appears here. And should you take damage by falling or getting
smacked by a Gruntbot, Banjos health pops up here as a
honeycomb. Any lost health replenishes over a brief period of
time. There are no health power-ups to collect, so just find a quiet
corner to lick your wounds and then get back in the fight.
2. Ammo Gauge: If youre driving a vehicle equipped with a
weapon, your ammo reserves appear here. Make sure you have
plenty of ammo when you head into challenges!
3. Fuel Gauge: When using a vehicle, your current fuel level appears
down here. When the gauge empties, your vehicle rattles to a halt. (This is
especially bad if youre 500 feet off the ground in a propeller jet.) But, like
health, just wait a moment and the fuel gauge refills. However, it only fills a
fraction of the meter. So if you manage to burn through all of your fuel on
a regular basis, consider attaching a new fuel tank inside the garage.
4. Map: This map shows you your immediate surroundings, plus
icons for points of interest, such as the location of game world
doors (the entrances to the individual stages) in Showdown Town,
or the position of friends offering Jiggy challenges in the game
worlds. If the Jiggy icon is red, the friend is below you. If its blue,
the friend is above you. And if its green, you are on the same level.
5. Weapons/Gadgets: If you are driving a vehicle with a weapon or gadget,
the corresponding buttons to deploy that device are up here. You can assign
devices to these buttons by pressing the d-pad left, right, and down.
6. Goal: Some challenges require you to collect a certain number When Banjos just on foot, he may get around a little slower, but
of objects or perform a specific number of actions (such as hes hardly helpless. To make Banjo run, use the left control stick.
shooting down Gruntbot planes or scoring points in a minigame). You direct the camera with the right control stick, giving you the
That number is shown here, next to the Jiggy. The number next to means to see the world around Banjo as you choose. While on foot,
Banjos head is your current count. Banjo has just a handful of moves:
7. Current Award: There are three awards you can earn in each
challengeNotes, Jiggy, and a Trophy. The award youd earn if 1 = Jump: Banjo
you completed the mission at that second appears here. It changes can hop up to ledges
based on your current progress in the challenge. with his little jump.
Naturally, he can
8. Timer: This clock shows you how long youre taking to complete
get much higher in
a challenge or it counts down from a specific time limit. Each
a vehicle, but his
challenge strategy details the time requirements for each challenge
jump is enough to
so youre never in the dark about what is required to win.
scrabble up the sides
9. Progress bar: This colorful meter shows your progress in the of buildings or vault
award race. If its in the orange section, you win a certain number over small walls.
of Notes. If the arrow is in the yellow section, you win a Jiggy and 3 = Wrench:
Notes. And if you finish a challenge with the arrow in the blue Kazooies wrench
section, you will receive a coveted Trophy on top of the Jiggy and does more than just
Notes. tinker with vehicles.
10. Speedometer: The ring around your map is your speedometer. If a Gruntbot gets
The faster your ride, the more this meter fills up. Can you fill the too close, pop it with
whole meter? the wrench. Kazooie
is more than
to pop out of Banjos backpack and give some
henchman a good whack. You can also swing
the wrench while jumping, making Banjo
and Kazooie flip around with the wrench
outstretched, damaging multiple enemies.
Being Banjo
Just like a regular
brown bear, Banjo
can climb up
drainpipes and poles.
Anything Banjo can
shimmy up displays a
little symbol with feet
when he gets close to
it. Just jump on the
pipe or pole and then press the left control stick up to climb.
game worlds, too. Anything that can be manipulated with
the wrench displays an 3 over it when you get close.
an object, approach However, lots of good things lie below the surface. (Some bad
it and pull the right things do, too.) To dive down, press 3 in the water. To swim, hold
trigger. As long as 1. The longer you hold 1, the faster Banjo swims. However, keep
you hold the trigger, an eye on Banjos health meter in the upper-left corner of the
Kazooie carries the screen. If that meter zeroes out, Banjo is out of air. He passes
item. This is a good way to pick things up and place them in your out for a few moments and Kazooie must revive him. While just
vehicle for transport. While holding things with the wrench, you can exploring, this isnt too big of a deal. But if Banjo runs out of air
manipulate the objects orientation with the left trigger. in a challenge, he loses.
Anything you can pick up with the wrench appears Behind the Wheel
with a yellow glow around it when you are close Who knew bears could drive? Once behind the wheel of a car, boat,
enough to snag it. If there are multiple objects plane, or helicopter (or anything else you can dream up), Banjos
that can be picked up, you can toggle through controls change from when he was on foot. Here are the essentials
them using the left or right bumpers.
for Banjos wheel work: WALKTHROUGH:
Banjo and Kazooie Steering: Steering a
must sometimes cross land- or sea-based
tightropes to reach vehicle is pretty
ledges. You must straightforward: Use
help Banjo keep his the left thumbstick
balance by correcting to control your
his movements direction. Squeeze
constantly via the left the right trigger to
control stick. If you accelerate and pull
see Banjo tilting left, push the stick to the right to regain balance. the left trigger to brake. The degree of pressure affects the amount
If Banjo slips too far to one side, he falls. And sometimes, its a long of acceleration to a certain degree, but if you need to go faster,
way down. you should consider upgrading the engine(s) on your vehicle.
Being Banjo
When you reach specific Jiggy thresholds, LOG offers the keys This is a doorway to an
to a new game world. These keys are called Game Globes. act. When you walk up to
an open door, a small menu
To open a new game world and start exploring its many acts, shows you how many Jiggies,
take the Game Globe to that worlds plinth. The doors leading to the Trophies, and Jinjo Tokens
different acts spring to life, but only those with Jiggy requirements are available in that
you have met are opened. Closed doors display the actand how many you may
number of Jiggies required to open up the act. have collected thus far.
Here is the full list of the Jiggy requirements to With few exceptions, each act allows
open up each act for all of the game worlds in you to explore the entire game
Showdown Town: world. The only things that change
Jiggy Act List between acts are the available
Number of
challenges. Each act offers a different set of challenges, available
Door from friends standing in different locations. Some challenges are not
Jiggies Needed
Nutty Acres, Act 1 0 easily accessible without certain vehicles. Each challenge has three
Nutty Acres, Act 2 1
prizes: Notes, a Jiggy, and a Trophy.
Logbox 720, Act 1 2
Nutty Acres, Act 3 3
Logbox 720, Act 2 4
Banjoland, Act 1 5
Banjoland, Act 2 7
Nutty Acres, Act 4 8
Logbox 720, Act 3 10
Jiggosseum, Act 1 12
Banjoland, Act 3 15
Jiggosseum, Act 2 16
Logbox 720, Act 4 19
Banjoland, Act 4 23
Each act not only offers Jiggy challenges, but there are a
Banjoland, Act 5 24
handful of Jinjos tucked in different spots. These Jinjos need your
Jiggosseum, Act 3 27
help in a variety of jobs. These are typically less work than the Jiggy
Nutty Acres, Act 5 31 challenges, but unlike the Jiggy challenges, which are marked on
Logbox 720, Act 5 36 your map as soon as you enter the act, the Jinjos must be sought
Jiggosseum, Act 4 38 out. Helping out a Jinjo awards you a Jinjo Token, which can be used
Logbox 720, Act 6 41 back in Showdown Town to win extra Notes and vehicle parts.
Terrarium of Terror, Act 1 45
At any time,
Nutty Acres, Act 6 47 you can return
Terrarium of Terror, Act 2 51 to Showdown
Jiggosseum, Act 5 57 Town through
the World Gate.
Banjoland, Act 6 59
It appears in
Terrarium of Terror, Act 3 65 different spots
Terrarium of Terror, Act 4 70 in each act.
Spiral Mountain 75
Jiggosseum, Act 6 83
Terrarium of Terror, Act 5 90
Jiggies are used to measure your progress.
The doors to the different acts in LOGs
game worlds in Showdown Town are locked
until you reach specific Jiggy thresholds, as
denoted over each door. In order to open
up additional acts, you must win Jiggies by
successfully completing challenges in available areas. Each
challenge has a set requirement for earning the Jiggy. But when you
complete the challenge, you are not immediately handed over the
Jiggy. Instead, you must return to Showdown Town and bank it in
order to unlock additional acts.
You can check the status of your collecting at
any time from the pause menu. Just pick the
Statistics tab and check out your tallies.
You can sort by the entire game or look at each
specic game world.
Each videogame world has a specific number of
notes in it, denoted from the Statistics screen.
All five of the main game worldsNutty Acres, Once you arrive back in Showdown Town, you must fetch the
Logbox 720, Banjoland, Jiggosseum, and the Jiggies you won from a vending machine near the plinth. Empty
Terrarium of Terrorhave 100 Notes each the Jiggies from the vending machine with your wrench. Once the
(worth 200 total). Showdown Town has 300 Jiggies have been dispensed, you must now cart them to the center
Notes (worth 900 total). You collect Notes of Showdown Town and deposit them in the giant Jiggy Bank. You
simply by walking or driving over them. There are three can either load them up in your Showdown Town trolley and drive
kinds of Notes. Bronze Notes are worth just 1, silver Notes are them to the Jiggy Bank or walk them there individually. Just get the
worth 5, and gold Notes are worth 10. Jiggies underneath the bank and its magic powers pull the Jiggies
inside of it for safekeeping. Once a Jiggy has been banked, it cannot
There are ten groups of Notes in every challenge be taken away from you.
world, and thirty in Showdown Town. These groups Banking Jiggies
buy everything from Humbas shop and purchase police force that
upgrades from Boggys Gym in Showdown Town. cracks down on Jiggy
thieves. Since youre
new to town, the
policeunder orders from Pikeletjust assume that you are a thief.
When the police cars spot you, the sirens go off (usually attracting
more officers) and they try to ram you. Their goal is to knock the
Jiggies out of your trolley and keep you occupied long enough for
Being Banjo
the Jiggies to disappear back into the vending machine. Beware, Trolley Upgrades
these guys are relentless. They work together to pinball you around,
making sure you cannot load your Jiggies back into the trolley.
Only after you leave the area or the Jiggies are shunted back to the
vending machine do the police return to their regular patrols.
While in Showdown Town, you can only use the trolley that Mumbo
Bank. If you load your trolley up with five
or more Jiggies and the cops start harassing
helps you to create when you first start the game. However, there
you, those Jiggies will be everywhere within are trolley upgrades that help you explore Showdown Town and
seconds. And then its near impossible to get discover all of its secrets. You earn trolley upgrades after each victory
them all back in the trolley because every over Grunty. Grunty appears once in each challenge world (except
time you turn around to fetch an errant Jiggy, Jiggosseum, where Grunty appears twice). She occupies an act all to
Pikelets officers ram into your trolley and herself without Jiggy challenges. (However, there may still be Jinjo
knock your Jiggies away. Tokens to win.) When you enter the game world, just head straight
for Grunty and start
Jinjo Tokens the battle.
There are colorful Acts with Grunty
Jinjos in each act that challenges are
have little jobs like marked with
fetching a lost item little Grunty
icons over the
or beating them in a door in Showdown
race. The reward for Town.
completing the Jinjo
tasks are Jinjo Tokens.
These little tokens are
automatically added to your collection. You do not need to
bank them like Jiggies. Jinjo Tokens are used in King Jingalings
bingo house in Showdown Town to win extra Notes and vehicle
parts. For a full explanation of the bingo game and all of the prizes,
check out the Showdown Town chapter. WALKTHROUGH:
When you
complete the
Jinjos job, it
disappears and
leaves behind a
Jinjo Token. You
do not need to
touch the token
to collect it.
After a second,
it vanishes and appears directly in your inventory.
Once you enter one of a game worlds acts, you can just explore
and then permanently attaches the upgrade to (start your Note collection early) or immediately seek out the
your trolley. With the exception of the first
different challenges, both Jiggy and Jinjo. Check out your map. All
upgrade, High-Grip Tires, the upgrades are
available Jiggy challenges are marked with little icons. The Jinjos
gadgets controlled by 3, 1, and 2. Here is a
full list of the upgrades and their effects: are not visible on the map, though, so you must seek them out by
peeking in every nook and cranny (or just look exactly where our
High-Grip Tires: After defeating Grunty walkthrough tells you to). Since you are no longer in Showdown
in Nutty Acres, you earn these special Town, you can now use your different vehicles. Just press 9 and
tires that let you drive up the steep slopes choose Select Vehicle from the menu.
in Showdown Town. Now you can explore If you acquire the Spec-o-Spy gadget, install
more territory. it on your vehicle and it will reveal the
locations of the Jinjos on your minimap.
Floaters: These
Use different
inflatable balls are attached vehiclesland,
to your trolley after beating sea, and airto
Grunty in Logbox 720. explore every
Now you can boat across inch of the
lakes without sinking. game worlds and
hunt down all
available Notes.
Springs: Take Grunty down in
Banjoland to earn the Springs upgrade.
Now you can launch the trolley into the You can easily
air and reach high ledges. spot your friends
in each game
world from a
Scuba Seat:
distance, thanks
Beat Grunty in the Jiggosseum to earn to the giant
the airtight Scuba Seat. Now you can hologram that
drive underwater and explore the sewer appears over
pipes beneath Showdown Town. their heads.
Jiggy Challenges
Laser: Defeat Grunty Once youre ready
for a second time in the to start earning
Jiggosseum to earn the Jiggies, talk to one of
Laser, a powerful blaster your friends. As you
that can break through approach, a menu
gates and zap Pikelets appears over them
aggressive minions. telling you the name
of their challenge,
Horn: After taking down Grunty in the what rewards you
Terrarium of Terror, you win...a horn. have earned if youve already tried the mission, and whether or not
Use the horn to scare ghost pigs out you can choose your own vehicle or if you must use a special vehicle
of otherwise inaccessible component selected by LOG. To accept the challenge, press 3. The first time you
crates. talk to the friend about the challenge, they explain the parameters of
the challenge. Some challenges are races. Other friends ask you to
deliver items. And some are games, such as a version of basketball
involving you, a giant hoop, and a set of cool springs.
Being Banjo
Every time you play a challenge where the
vehicle is LOGs choice, you bank that vehicle Free Parts and Adjustments
blueprint for later use anytime you like. Some
of LOGs vehicles are great templates for
experimenting on in the garage.
If you get
to select the
vehicle for
this challenge,
you can either
peek through
your list of
blueprints or
head into Mumbos
Motors to create
a new vehicle specically for this challenge.
Some challenges offer free vehicle parts that
There is no penalty for losing a challenge. you can attach to your ride right away. These
Just experiment with vehicles in the garage, parts are inside little boxes with Mumbos stamp
adding parts and gadgets until you get a great on the side. Break open the box with the wrench
combo that helps you to complete the challenge and then latch on to the part. Quickly press
successfully. 3 to attach the extra part to your vehicle so
you dont lose any time. For example, some race
missions might offer a free Small Engine near
the starting line so you can get a leg up on the
competition. Any time a challenge offers a free
part, we call it out in the walkthrough so dont
worryyou wont miss a thing!
You can also make
adjustments to your
vehicle on the y
in any challenge.
Should you discover
that you might have
placed the wings on
a plane too close
After you complete the challenge, prizes are awarded. If you to the front of the
finished the challenge fast enough, you earn a valuable Trophy in vehicle, grossly
addition to the Jiggy and Notes. If you get the Jiggy but the Trophy is still affecting its lift, just hop out and stand
close to the vehicle. Lasso the vehicle with
out of reach, just come back later. You discover new vehicle parts all the
the wrench and press 2 to enter a quick vehicle
time in Showdown Town, and Humba Wumba puts up new parts for sale
adjustment screen. Here, you can move parts
in her shop when you reach certain Jiggy thresholds. Youd be surprised around or completely detach them. However, you
how easy it is to win some of those early races in record time after you cannot add parts from your inventory back at the
pocket a Large Engine and a Large Fuel Tank. And if competitors in a garage. That must be done in the garage before
challenge are too rough on you, return after youve banked a Grenade accepting a challenge.
Turret. One shot from that across the bow ought to turn the tide. For a full explanation of how to use
Mumbos Motors, the garage where you build
Dont like the vehicle LOG has chosen for a
vehicles, please see the Mumbos Motors
challenge? Use the world editor to change the
chapter. Everything a budding greasemonkey,
configuration on the spot! Although youre
ergreasebear, needs to know about tinkering is
limited to those components LOG selected, youre
Mumbos Motors
Mumbos Motors
Inside the Garage
You can slip
inside Mumbos
Motors anytime
you wishthere is
no admission fee
nor closing hours.
Mumbos garage has
several work stations,
called Arches. Each
Arch, accessible by just pushing the left control stick left or right,
serves a different function. The available Arches are:
Down in the heart of Showdown Town, Mumbo the shaman runs
a mechanics paradise. Called Mumbos Motors, this grease shop is
where you go to design, create, and modify the vehicles needed to Workshop: This
zoom around LOGs videogame worlds and collect is where you go
the necessary Jiggies. As you gather new vehicle about building and
parts by finding Component Crates hidden modifying your
around Showdown Town and buy vehicles. Whether
them from Humba Wumbas shop, youre starting from
you increase the number of possible scratch or working
configurations. At first, youre pretty from a blueprint,
much limited to basic little carts, but choose this Arch to
once you bank some wings, rotors, and roll up your sleeves and make with the mega-motor madness.
floaters, the garage is your oyster. After Paint Shop: After
assembling a vehicle, you can then paint building your new
it to your exact specifications and take vehicle, switch to
it for a test drive on Mumbos stunt this Arch to slap
track. Definitely use that test track, some paint on
because nothings worse than building a it. You can paint
new ride just before starting a challenge, every single part,
only to realize you forgot something. You allowing you to
know, like a fourth wheel or ammo for a customize the look
launcher. of the vehicle just the way you want it. WALKTHROUGH:
Test-o-Track: Before
heading out into
Showdown Town or
back into one of the
videogame worlds to
accept a challenge,
put that new ride
through the paces
here. Discovering that
you left something out or built your rig completely off-balance
long after youve left Mumbos Motors is a good way to
waste time.
The workshop is where you create your new vehicles. As mentioned,
You use a single cursor to build your vehicle. You manipulate the
you can start from a blueprint, but you can also build a vehicle from
cursor with the left control stick and adjust the view of your creation
scratch or use one of eight chassis patterns premade by Mumbo.
with the right stick. Use the camera to check out all angles of your
Once you decide how you want to get started, you close in on the
vehicle. You dont want any extra parts just hanging off your vehicle
vehicle building space over a set of rollers. The toolsets appear on
or have pieces too low to the ground so that the vehicles wheels
the right side of the screen and your component inventory appears
barely touch. Now, imagine the building space as a giant cube made
on the left. If you are working on an existing vehicle, you can select
up of little cubes. Each cube within that space is someplace where
Modify Vehicle with 3. Otherwise, select the Parts Store to start
you can place a component. To move the cursor up and down the
sifting through your available vehicle components and plan out your
different planes of the garage, use right and left triggers, respectively.
brand new ride.
Each squeeze of the trigger moves a single plane. As you attach
There are a few important things you must know about a
more and more pieces to the vehicle in a vertical fashion, swivel the
vehicle right up-front. These are essentials that cannot be neglected
camera to make sure all of the pieces are lining up properly.
or else your vehicle will fail in the field:
Parts become highlighted as you move the cursor around the
You must have components so the vehicle can get around. For land vehicle. When you move it over a piece that is attached to the
vehicles, that usually means wheels, but propellers or jets will also do vehicle, a yellow outline appears around the component. To select a
the trick (if you are building a boat and have found the hover pieces, piece on the vehicle, press 1. The component turns purple. Now, to
you may substitute those for wheels.)! But without some means of move this piece, press 1 again, and the cursor disappears. You now
crossing dry land, your vehicle will just sit there helplessly. move the piece around just as you would the cursor. You can rotate
Every vehicle must have a seat for Banjo in order for it to work. and flip the component with the d-pad. To attach it in a different
Unless your vehicle is powered by the wind (via sails or balloons), place, position it where you want and press 1. To grab a new piece
you must include both an engine (or jet) and a fuel tank. Without from the Parts Store (your inventory), press 2 to bring up the list
either, your vehicle will not work. of available components.
Press + when the cursor is on a piece to get
Mumbos Motors
existing component, the piece is outlined in red. You must delete the Storage: Some challenges require transporting objects. There are
piece currently occupying the spot to place the new piece. To delete a few storage options, like trays and boxes. Your starting trolley,
a piece with the cursor, or while holding a new component over it, for example, uses a small tray. The walls around trays keep objects
press 4. The piece is automatically removed and returned to your from bouncing out during a bumpy ride.
inventory. Ammo: If you are using weapons that require ammo, you need to
Those are the basics of building a vehicle. Its pretty simple to attach at least one ammo box to your vehicle. Powerful weapons
use, making it easy to create all sorts of different vehicles. Now, lets use up ammo faster, so take that into consideration when selecting
check out the Parts Store, where all of your collected vehicle pieces your ammo box.
reside, and the stats of your vehicle, which appear to the left as you
Body: These are the basic building blocks of your vehicles, such as
attach and detach pieces from the vehicle.
poles, panels, and wedges. They come in different weights which
Make sure you balance your vehicle! If you load can affect the strength and speed of your vehicle. A heavy vehicle
too many pieces on one side, the vehicle will is slower, but can withstand more damage before starting to fall
tilt or even fall over completely. apart.
Gadgets: Gadgets are useful items that assist with challenges. For
Parts Store example, there is a Sticky Ball that is used to grab an object and
When building a vehicle, you draw upon components in the Parts carry it across one of the videogame worlds. The functionality of
Store. Any components you buy from Humba Wumba or are awarded each gadget is detailed in the Component List.
by Mumbo Jumbo are automatically placed in your inventory. (You Protection: Bumpers and armor plates are placed in this category.
can also play Jinjo Bingo or collect Component Crates in Showdown Use these components to cut down on damage taken from
Town and bring them to Mumbo to earn new pieces.) When you collisions or attacks.
create a vehicle, you are not permanently using parts from your
Fly and Float: Propellers, wings, and floaters are in this category.
inventory. For example, lets say you have four regular wheels in the
If you need to build a boat or plane, the parts you require are in
Parts Store. If you build a car with those four wheels, you can still
build other vehicles with those same four wheels. You essentially are
building blueprints from your Parts Database here. As long as you Weapons: You must defend yourself in many of the challenges,
have the piece in inventory, you can use it an unlimited number of so attach at least one weapon to your vehicle. There are basic
times across as many vehicles as you can design. The only limitation is cannons as well as some crazy weapons, like the Weldars Breath,
the actual number of that part when creating a single vehicle. a mounted flamethrower.
There are 12 component categories. When you collect a new Accessories: Accessories serve no function but to trick out your
part, the category is highlighted in the Parts Store with an orange vehicle and make it look good. There are some rare accessories
glow so you know exactly where that new part is stored. You can go that are fun to show off online.
right to it and check it out. Here are the 12 component categories
with an explanation of each grouping:
Seats: Each vehicle must have at least a seat for Banjo, or you
wont be able to make the vehicle work. There are a handful
of different drivers seats, as well as some passenger seats for
situations where you need to drive friends around the videogame
worlds for specific challenges. WALKTHROUGH:
Wheels: Almost every single vehicle needs wheels to
function properly. There are a few different types of
wheels for different situations, such as High-Grip Wheels
that let Banjo climb steep hills without backsliding.
Power: These are your engines. The bigger an engine,
the faster your vehicle will goand the more fuel it
will use. Plus, bigger engines are required to offset the
weight of large vehicles.
Fuel: Fuel tanks are needed to power your engines.
Without fuel, your engines will not run. Consider how
long you need to drive when selecting a fuel tank. If
you are going into a long race, you need a larger tank so
you dont rattle to a halt.
Mumbos Motors
Even with just these few components, you have a fully functioning car You can build motorcycles, too. Just make sure
so Banjo can tour the countryside. you place both wheels in a straight line or
Since you pick up more components over time, lets look at else youll be driving in circles!
changes and additions you can make to this basic car as the game
When you place wheels on a vehicle, you can
select how you want them to handle. You can
The small select a general setting or specialize the
engine is soon wheels for turning.
by your
competitors, Building a Boat
so you better Since many challenges take place in the water, youre going to need
add a medium or
large engine
a boat. Lets create a basic watercraft here which you can expand
as soon as you on later in the game as you get additional components. Before you
recover one. You can build a boat, though, you need the Floaters component so the
dont necessarily have to remove the small engine, craft will stay on the surface of the water.
though. The more engines, the more speed. 6. First, lets assemble
a small body for the
Since we added
more engines,
boat so there is little
we better slap weight and place
some bigger fuel Banjos seat toward
tanks on this the back. Placing
carespecially wedges along the
if theres a long
race coming up.
sides of the boat adds
a little protection for
Plan on the Floaters. If those are knocked loose, the boat sinks.
playing tag with 7. Next, place the
other vehicles?
Floaters along the
Put some bumpers
on the front sides of the boat.
of the car so Make sure you place
your front-end an equal number
doesnt take on each side of the
damage in a
boat so it doesnt tip
while cornering.
Lets place some 8. Now, propellers
Egg Guns on the are essential for
front of the building boats.
car so you can
punish anybody
(Later, when you get
that cuts you jets, you can replace
off. Just make the propellers.) Lets
sure you have place one propeller
some ammo to on the back of the
keeps these guns stocked.
boat so the blades face away from the craft. Arrows show which
way the propeller will move the vehicle. In this case, the propeller
And really,
doesnt Banjo pushes the vehicle through the water.
deserve a little
ash? Place
some Cruisin
Lights on the
sides of his
need an engine and just deflate your Floaters and sink beneath the
fuel tank to keep it waves to sneak up on enemies or explore the
going. Place those underwater areas in each videogame world.
on the back half of
the boat, but try to Building a Plane
balance the weight Many ledges and peaks in the videogames worlds cannot be visited
between the left and right sides of the craft. without aid of wings or rotor blades, so lets assemble an airplane
and then a helicopter. You cannot build a plane without wings and
some means of propulsion. At first, thats a set of propellers. But
later you can replace those props with a sweet set of jet engines that
And heres our really scream through the skies.
brand new boat!
10. First, lets build
a narrow body for
the plane out of
a few blocks and
panels. Attach wings
Now, lets add some weapons and other components to the boat to each side of the
so we can defend ourselves in a race and turn this boat into an plane. Now, add
amphibious vehicle. Banjos seat between
Place wheels on the wings.
each side of the 11. Next, add at least
boat so it can three wheels to this
drive on land
and actually
plane. You need to
reach the water. pick up speed rolling
down a runway or
other flat space so
the lift picks you up
off the ground. Since
How about adding you added wheels,
Weldars Breath
you need to place an engine on the plane. Here, theres a small
to the front of
the boat (and engine behind Banjos seat.
some ammo in the 12. Now, since there
back) so we can
is an engine onboard,
attack other
vehicles in the you need fuel. Lets
water with us? add two fuel tanks
to this plane, but put
Always check them on the wings.
your vehicles We need the surface
on the test of the fuel tanks for
track so you
know things are
the next step.
working just
the way you
want before
returning to
LOGs videogame
Mumbos Motors
13. Place a propeller
on each fuel tank so
air is drawn toward
the prop and pushed
out to the back. This
will give the plane
that first burst of lift
before the wings take
over. And heres our
completed plane. Now we can take off and see all those hidden
Notes not visible from the ground!
One of the best uses for the plane is an airborne attack platform.
Lets add some weapons (and ammo) to this plane so we can attack
Gruntbots from the skies as well as riddle competitors that try to
pass us during a race.
A pair of Egg 15. Now, lets
Guns on the attach the rotor to
front of plane
the column. Here,
turns this
regular prop were using a large
plane into a propeller. At first,
dogghter. you only have access
to a small propeller,
meaning your
Every plane helicopter will have
needs Mr. Pants
on its nose.
less lift, take longer to get off the ground, and be slower in the air.
Its just that 16. To add a little
nice nal touch more lift, lets place
that makes all
the difference.
a second propeller
toward the front of
the helicopter.
17. Next, add
Building a Helicopter an engine and a
Finally, lets look at the basic design of a helicopter. Helicopters fuel tank. In this
are useful thanks to their added mobility. Unlike planes, which helicopter, were
are primarily forward-moving machines, helicopters can hover over adding a medium
targets and drop in unexpectedly to surprise enemies or carry off engine (replacing
necessary objects. To create a helicopter, you need at least one part of the column
to keep the footprint
14. The first step is of the helicopter
to build a basic body small) and a
for the helicopter. A medium fuel tank to the back of the vehicle.
narrow body with 18. Without wheels,
a column behind this helicopter will
Banjos seat is drop to the ground
perfect for housing with a thud, risking
the main propeller, body damage. So,
which will serve as the rotor that provides lift to this vehicle. lets add at least
three wheels to the
Place a Mumbo
Bombo on the
back of the
helicopter so
you can drop
bombs on ground-
based enemies. Paint your race
car bright red.
a certain
Vehicle Database Arch. Mumbo offers these as a plumbers
little beginners inspiration. girlfriend with
that hot rod?
Paint Shop
After you finish
your vehicle in the
workshop, switch over
to the Paint Shop
Arch to cover your
creation in a fresh
coat. Here, you can
color your vehicles
with just a few clicks of the controller. When you first arrive in
the paint shop, you pick your first color from the list on the left side
of the screen. The available colors are: blue, purple, peach, orange,
teal, pink, black, silver, green, aqua, yellow, red, and brown.
Mumbos Motors
Test-o-Track Component Lists
It will take you some time to collect all of the vehicle components in
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, but knowing everything is available
in advance will help you plan out your vehicles better. These lists
detail every single vehicle component in the game. The list is split
into the different component categories you see in the Parts Shop,
such as fuel, ammo, and gadgets. Each component includes a full
description of the item and all relevant stats, including:
After you create a vehicle, pull into the Test-o-Track Arch and give Weight: The general weight of the component, such as light,
the vehicle a trial run. Mumbos stunt course offers plenty of road medium, or heavy.
to try out cars, bikes, and tanks. There is a man-made lake to see
how your boat handles in the water, and its deep enough to try out Strength: How well the component holds up against damage.
a submarine. Use the open skies above the Test-o-Track to test the Grip: This is for wheels, explaining how well the tire bites the
cornering of your planes and check out how quickly your helicopters ground.
take to the air. You can spend as long as you like inside the Test-o- Ammo Used: Rate of ammo consumption.
Track to inspect your vehicle performancethere is no admission fee
Damage: What kind of damage the weapon dishes out against
and you can take a vehicle in there as many times as needed to get
rival vehicles or enemies, like Gruntbots.
it finely tuned to your exact specifications.
Use the giant balls in the Test-o-Track to Seats
try out the cargo capacity of your vehicles. Component Strength Weight Description
vehicles jump. Try placing springs inside a This special seat lets you
cargo area to turn it into a launcher. Medium Low drive underwater without
worrying about air.
You can really keep the weight of a vehicle down Super
Very High Low A fortied Scuba Seat.
tation. For example, instead of just pointing Component Strength Weight Grip Description
them all in one direction, why not place Egg Regular wheels
Standard Medium Very Low Low
without much grip.
Guns all the way around your tank so absolutely
nothing will come near it? The extra grip on
High-Grip Medium Very Low High these wheels reduces
The best wheels
Super Very Low High you can put on a
Huge wheels can
handle almost any
Monster High Low Medium
terrain, but speed
takes a hit.
Super Engine High Low High Medium Rare, powerful engine that provides a lot of speed without using much fuel.
Small Jet High Low High High More powerful than all engines, but it uses more fuel.
Large Jet High Medium Very High Very High Extremely fast jet that uses the most fuel, but offers excellent acceleration.
Sails Low Low Very Low None Simple sail system that uses no fuel, but it is considerably slower.
Component Strength Weight Fuel Description
Small Fuel High Very Low Low Small, light tank without much fuel in it.
Medium Fuel High Low Medium More fuel to keep your vehicle going for longer.
Large Fuel High Low High The heaviest fuel tank, but it carries a lot of juice.
Super Fuel High Very Low Very High Small, compact fuel tank with a massive supply of energy.
Component Strength Weight Description
Large Tray Very High High This larger tray can hold more objects.
Box Very High Medium This tray has high sides for carrying objects through bumpy situations.
Large Box Very High Very High Larger version of the box with high sides for transporting objects.
Component Strength Weight Ammo Description
Small Ammo High Medium Low Small, light box without much ammo.
Medium Ammo High Medium Medium This box offers more ammo to keep your weapons ring.
Large Ammo High High High The heaviest box offers a considerable supply of ammo.
Super Ammo High Medium Very High This rare box contains the most ammo with the least weight.
Component Strength Weight Description
Light Cube Very Low Very Low Basic building block with low weight but little resistance to damage.
Light Wedge Very Low Very Low Basic building block with low weight but little resistance to damage.
Light Corner Very Low Very Low Basic building block with low weight but little resistance to damage.
Light Pole Very Low Very Low Basic connector (pole, L-pole, T-pole) with low weight but little resistance to damage.
Light Panel Very Low Very Low Basic panel (panel, L-panel, T-panel) with low weight but little resistance to damage.
Heavy Cube Medium Low Heavy building block with extra weight but greater resistance to damage.
Heavy Wedge Low Low Heavy building block with extra weight but greater resistance to damage.
Heavy Corner Low Very Low Heavy building block with extra weight but greater resistance to damage.
Mumbos Motors
Component Strength Weight Description
Heavy Pole Low Very Low Heavy connector (pole, L-pole, T-pole) with low weight but greater resistance to damage.
Heavy Panel Low Low Heavy panel (panel, L-panel, T-panel) with extra weight but greater resistance to damage.
Super Cube Medium Very Low Rare building block with low weight but solid resistance to damage.
Super Wedge Low Very Low Rare building block with low weight but solid resistance to damage.
Super Corner Low Very Low Rare building block with low weight but solid resistance to damage.
Super Pole Low Very Low Rare connector (pole, L-pole, T-pole) with low weight but solid resistance to damage.
Super Panel Low Very Low Rare panel (panel, L-panel, T-panel) with low weight but solid resistance to damage.
Component Strength Weight Description
Aerial Very Low Very Low This gadget picks up speech from the different videogame worlds. What will you hear?
Chameleon Low Very High Engage this gadget for approximately 25 seconds of invisibility.
Detacher Low Low Attach extra parts to your vehicle and then cut them loose with this gadget.
Ejector Seat Medium Low This ejector seat blasts Banjo out of the vehicle.
Gyroscope Low Low This gadget turns your car into a stunt vehicle capable of big twists and turns in the air.
Horn Very Low Very Low This horn makes a bunch of noise -- enough noise to even scare off a ghost.
Medium Medium Dip your vehicle in liquid to ll this gadget and then hose stuff off.
Replenisher Medium Very High This device automatically rells spent ammo and fuel.
Robox Medium Very High This gadget automatically repairs damaged vehicles.
Self-Destruct Medium Low This gadget detonates your vehicle, taking out anything nearby.
This gadget helps you locate the Jinjos in the Challenge worlds,
Spec-o-Spy Medium High
and allows you to spy on things when activated.
Spoiler Very Low Very Low Attach these to the back of your car to keep it from raising off the ground.
Spotlight Low Low This light illuminates the area in front of it.
Spring Medium Low Deploy the springs to launch your vehicle into the air.
Release this gadget to grab on to objects and then carry them around.
Sticky Ball Medium Medium
Reel in the ball to release the object.
Suck n Blow Medium High This gadget pulls in objects and then blasts them away like trash.
Tow Bar Medium Low Place these gadgets on different vehicles to tow them along.
Vacuum High High This vacuum draws in small objects and deposits them right behind the gadget.
Armor Very High Medium Protect vehicle parts from damage with these armor plates.
Energy Shield Medium Very High This component protects the entire vehicle from damage, but it weighs a lot. A lot.
Smoke Sphere Low Low Release clouds of smoke behind your vehicle to set up a diversion or confuse rivals.
Standard Wings High Low n/a Basic set of wings to create lift for your air vehicle.
Balloon Very Low Very Low Very Low Inate these balloons to lift a vehicle into the air without need of fuel.
Air Cushion High Low Very Low Use air cushions to create hover vehicles with little resistance.
Component Strength Weight Ammo Used Damage Description
High Low None Medium Melee weapon punches other vehicles at close range.
Medium Low None Medium A pirate boot pops out of this box and kicks things. Hard.
Mumbos Motors
Component Strength Weight Ammo Used Damage Description
This is a homing missile that works both in the air and in the
Torpedile Medium High Very High Very High
water. Extremely powerful, but a real ammo drain.
The laser uses a lot of ammo, but it slices through armor and blocks
Laser Low High Very High Very High
to tear a rival vehicle apart.
Attach this weapon to your vehicle to drop bombs on enemies.
Mumbo Bombo Medium Low Medium Medium
It is especially useful on helicopters.
Clockwork This weapon res homing rounds at enemies. Much slower and less
Medium Medium High High
Kazooie powerful than the Torpedile.
Citrus Launches oranges at rival vehicles.
Low Low Low Low
Slick If hit, they temporarily lose control.
Unleashes an electric pulse that temporarily disables the weapons
E.M.P. Medium High High High
and gadgets all around your vehicle.
Component Strength Weight Description
Cruisin Light Very Low Very Low Attach these lights to your car so it glows in the dark.
Spirit of Pants Very Low Very Low Hey, its Mr. Pants.
Windscreen Very Low Very Low Place this small windshield in front of your drivers seat.
Mirror Very Low Very Low Attach side mirrors for fun.
Papery Pal Very Low Very Low Viva this vehicle decoration.
Stereo Medium Low Activate this stereo to listen to classic Rare tunes.
Total Jiggies 34
900 8
Total Notes
(200 Bronze, 60 Silver, 40 Gold) 1
Jinjos 6 2
Minjos 6 4
Mumbo Crates 57 12
13 5
Walkthrough: Showdown Town
There are
Notes all over
Showdown Town.
Look on top of
There are
many Notes in
the theater
district around
the Logbox 720 Check the little changing booths on the beach for
plinth. Notes.
The lighthouse
Ascend LOGs overlooking the
videogame waters glistens
factory to with Notes.
locate a
plethora of
the waters,
check out the pick up Notes
islands in the from atop the
lake for Note buildings.
The tightropes
Shops & Friends
leading from the Notes are the accepted currency in Showdown Town, so make sure
islands toward you pick up as many as possible in order to purchase new vehicle
the heart of pieces from Humba Wumba, gym upgrades from Boggy, and bribe
Showdown Town the local law enforcement to stop interfering with your deliveries to
are lined with
the Jiggy Bank.
Mumbos Motors
As described in the
previous chapter,
Check out the Mumbos Motors
canal running
Showdown Town
through Showdown
is where you report
Town. Fish Notes when you want to
out of the create or modify a
waters. vehicle for use in the
game worlds. (You
can only use a trolley
in Showdown Town.) Inside Mumbos Motors, you can build
The road lining
the outer wall vehicles from scratch, paint them up however you like, and save
of Showdown them as a blueprint for use in your Jiggy challenges. In addition to
Town, behind the building rides, Mumbos Motors is your destination any time you
docks, props up recover a pink Mumbo Crate anywhere in Showdown Town. Place
a lot of Notes.
the Mumbo Crate on the pink pad just outside Mumbos garage
Walkthrough: Showdown Town
Free Blueprints LOG
Blueprint Jiggy Count
Humba Racer 1 1
Humba Taxi 1
Humba Truck 1
Humba Tank 1 5
Humba Chopper 5
Humba Light 10
Humba Heavy 10
Humba Flyer 1 15
Humba Boat 1 15
Humba Squirter 20
Humba Cage 10 1
central perch, LOG controls the keys to
Humba Taxi 2 10 1
Humba Pusher 10 1
his kingdoms. LOG distributes game
Humba Bike 10 1 globes when you pass specific Jiggy
Humba Boat 2 20 8 requirements. Once you have snagged
Humba Plane 2 20 8 the game globe from LOGs palace,
Humba Chopper 2 20 8
Humba Spiky 20 8
drive it down to the corresponding plinth
Humba Wide 20 8 to open up at least the first act of that
Humba Hover 20 8 videogame world. There are five game globes
Humba Tank 2 30 16 on tap. Here are the Jiggy thresholds for earning
Humba Truck 2 30 16
Humba Cargo Boat 30 16
the game globes and gaining entrance to a new game world:
Humba Wedge 30 16 Game Globes
Humba Balloon 30 16
Game Globe Jiggies Needed
Humba Tall 30 16
Humba Racer 3 40 24 Nutty Acres 0
Humba Taxi 3 40 24 Logbox 720 2
Humba Truck 3 40 24
Banjoland 6
Humba Big Boot 40 24
Humba Galleon 40 24 Jiggosseum 14
Humba Bouncer 40 24 Terrarium of Terror 46
Humba Boat 3 50 32
Humba Plane 3 50 32
Humba Tank 3 50 32 Be sure to check in with LOG from time to time
Humba Cargo Copter 50 32 and just chat him up. LOG is a droll chap with
Humba Slam Dunk 50 32 a collection of pithy remarks he dispenses for
Humba Rammer 50 32 absolutely free.
Humba Taxi 4 60 40
Humba Chopper 3 60 40 After you collect 75
Humba Cargo Plane 60 40 Jiggies, LOG opens
Humba Folding Wings 60 40
Showdown Town
up passage to Spiral
Humba Trailer 60 40
Humba Monster Truck 60 40
Mountain. The door
Humba Racer 4 70 48 for the confrontation
Humba Boat 4 70 48 with Grunty is just
Humba Tank 4 70 48 behind LOG, on the
Humba UFO 70 48
Humba Big Loader 70 48
first platform of his
Humba Union Jack 70 48 palace. (You need
Humba Plane 4 80 56 the spring to reach the door.) There are more than 75 Jiggies in the
Humba Rocket 80 56 game worlds to collect, so even if you do defeat Grunty and reclaim
Humba Spy 80 56
Spiral Mountain, you can still explore Showdown Town and the
Humba Go Anywhere 80 56
Humba Hover N Fly 80 56 outlying worlds to keep collecting Jiggies.
Humba Stunt Master 80 56
Walkthrough: Showdown Town
Upgrade Cost
SPEED 1 40
SPEED 2 80
SPEED 3 160
Pikelet is the chief law
There are several warp pads around Showdown Town. The first time
enforcement officer
in Showdown Town. you roll over a warp, it goes active. You can now park your trolley
The slovenly top cop on the warp and instantly zip over to any other active warp. You can
hangs out in front even transport Jiggies and crates via the warp system, giving you a
of his jail all day, just quick route from a vending machine to the Jiggy Bank when the
barking orders at his heat is really too much. However, you can only use the warps in the
patrols. He has them trolley. You cannot warp on foot.
under orders to plow
into anybody seen transporting Jiggies around town. Pikelet releases Games
his first police patrols into Showdown Town after you have banked Theres more than just shopping, Note-hunting, and Jiggy-jostling to
13 Jiggies. When you bank 26 Jiggies, he sends out an additional do in Showdown Town. Both Klungo and King Jingaling, leader of
squad to cruise the streets for any sign of Jiggy smuggling. the Jinjos, have set up parlors in the metro area for your amusement.
If the police are At both of these fine establishments, you can jockey for prizes, such
bothering you too as extra Notes and vehicle components.
much, you can actually Klungos Arcade
bribe Pikelet to make
the patrols back off
temporarily. There are
three levels of bribes
you can offer Pikelet.
The more you spend,
the longer the police leave you alone. For 1 Note, you buy a little bit of
timeenough to cart a Jiggy from a vending machine to the Jiggy Bank.
For 3 Notes, you get some peace of mind about making a couple of journeys
between the vending machines and the Jiggy Bank. For 5 Notes, Pikelet calls
off his troopers, no matter how aggressive they are behaving, and gives you
Showdown Town
There are no penalties for losing Klungos
games. Just restart and go for the goal flag!
Klungos Arcade
Stage Notes Won
1 12
2 56
3 34
4 197
5 1
Stage 1: Klungo
must jump over
the holes in the
ground to reach
the goal ag at
the end of the
Oh no! Your game crashed! (Actually, your Xbox 360 is
ne. Klungo is still working on the bugs in his game.)
Stage 2: Help
Klungo jump
over stacks
of monsters en
route to the
goal ag.
Stage 3: Time
your jumps
to leap over
uneven ground
in this tough
Stage 4: Holes,
steps, and
monsters come
together for a
lengthy 8-bit
run through
Walkthrough: Showdown Town
King Jingalings Bingo Palace 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The king of the Jinjos, Jingaling, has set up a lakeside bingo hall
King Jingalings Bingo Palace Rewards
behind downtown Showdown Town. This is where to spend those
Row Tokens Needed Reward (Notes)
Jinjo Tokens earned by running errands and completing challenges
Row 5 4 50
for the colorful little Jinjos in the videogame worlds. Jingaling has
a board of colored squares set up in his bingo hall. Each row and Row 6 6 75
column on his game board is worth a specific prize, either notes or Row 7 7 100
vehicle components. You place the Jinjo Tokens youve won on the Row 8 6 125
board to fill in a particular row or column by selecting it from your Row 9 8 150
pile with 1 and then moving it over to the game board. To drop Row 10 9 200
the token in a square that matches the color of the token, press 1 Row 11 10 250
again. You can return the token to your stockpile by pressing 2. Row 12 12 300
You can move tokens as many times as you like on the board, but
as soon as you fill in either a row or column and win a reward, the King Jingalings Bingo Palace Rewards
token is frozen in place and cannot be re-used. Column Tokens Needed Reward
Column 5 4 Citrus Slick
Column 6 6 Smoke Sphere
The bingo game Column 7 6 Stereo
board. Your Column 8 7 Boot-in-a-Box
supply of Jinjo
Tokens is on the Column 9 8 Folding Wings
right. Column 10 9 Rust Bin
Column 11 10 EMP
Column 12 12 Chameleon
Some of the component prizes are blacked out on
Here are all of the prizes you can win in the bingo hall by row and
then by column. For the row table, the top row is counted as Row
12. The next one down is Row 11, and so on. The column table starts
with the left-most column as Column 1 and works rightward in
ascending order. The rows and columns with just one or two squares
have no prizes since they are so small.
Minjo Capture
Minjos Captured Reward
1 20
2 35
3 50
4 75
5 100
6 125
Walkthrough: Showdown Town
Blue Jinjo Purple Jinjo
This is the first Jinjo you can rescue. Its right inside the central You cannot rescue this Jinjo until you have high-grip tires. Floaters
square of Showdown Town, to the left of Mumbos Motors. make it easier, too. The Jinjo is in a cage above the boathouse.
Rotate the switch (its on a platform in the small hut north of
the boathouse) to free the purple Jinjo and then cart it to its
corresponding house on a small island in the lake.
Red Jinjo
You cannot rescue this Jinjo until you have access to Uptown, the Purple Jinjo cell Purple Jinjo house
area where you enter the Terrarium of Terror acts. The switch is on
top of the house, accessible only by shimmying up a drain pipe and Orange Jinjo
then crossing tightropes. The red house is next to the shipyards. You You cannot rescue this Jinjo until you have high-grip tires. The switch
must jump over the debris on the access road to reach the house to spring the orange Jinjo is on top of the row of buildings with King
on the overlook. Jingalings Bingo Palace. Drive up the hill behind the row of buildings to
access the roof. The Jinjos house is overlooking the lake on a bluff.
Red Jinjo cell Red Jinjo house
Orange Jinjo cell Orange Jinjo house
Yellow Jinjo
You cannot rescue this Jinjo until you have the spring upgrade for Green Jinjo
your trolley. The cell release switch is on the rooftops in the docks The green Jinjo is tucked in a cell in the theater district, where you
area, near the door to Jiggosseum Act 6. The yellow Jinjos house is enter the Logbox 720 game worlds. His house is south of the cell.
inside the gated-off Uptown area near the Terrarium of Terror game You can rescue this Jinjo right away.
world doors. Use the warp as a shortcut to Uptown.
Lift the crates with Kazooies wrench to locate
the little scallywag.
Purple-area Minjo
The Minjos are nasty little criminals that must be tossed into the jail
cell that is emptied when you free one of the poor nice Jinjos. The
Minjos are pretty tiny, and sometimes tough to see as they scurry
around tall grass. The Minjos are always found right around the
empty cages, so you dont have to transport them very far. Locate
them by listening for their mischievous laughter.
Just thwack the
Minjo with your Red-area Minjo
wrench and then lasso
it like you would carry a
ball or crate. Transport
the Minjo to the cage
and its automatically
tossed in.
Extra Jiggies
There are 131 Jiggies to collect in LOG videogame
adventures, but even banking every Jiggy won from
challenges and the additional Jiggies earned by amassing
Blue-area Minjo Thomass Trophies still wont pull you across the finish line. There are
10 extra Jiggies in Showdown Town. Five of those Jiggies are for sale
from Jolly Dodger, who typically hangs out down by the waters near
Klungos Arcade. The other five are locked inside Jiggy Tampers, which
are hidden around Showdown Town. Gather up these extra Jiggies to
get closer to your overall goal or force open some doors earlier than
they would naturally open by just collecting Jiggies in the challenges.
Green-area Minjo
Jolly Dodger moves
around the waterfront.
Sometimes hes standing
out on the docks. On
other visits, you may
find him beneath the
Orange-area pier or standing on the
Minjo bluff overlooking the
water. Jolly Dodger has
5 imported Jiggies for sale, all stashed away in his little briefcase. Hes
charging reasonable prices on these Jiggies, too, so buy them up as soon as
possible. The most expensive Jiggy is just 125 Notes!
Walkthrough: Showdown Town
Under LOGs Game Factory
After getting the Scuba Seat, drive into the underwater tunnel
beneath LOGs perch. At the fork in the tunnel, head to the right.
There is a switch in the first chamber next to a green egg on the
floor. Twist that switch to raise the nearby bars and open a shortcut.
(As for that eggwell get to that soon.) Run through the narrow
Jolly Jiggies
tunnel near the switch to discover the Jiggy Tamper.
Jiggy Cost
1 25 Over LOGs Game Factory
2 50
3 75
4 100
5 125
up the pipes that circle the tower. Climb up the next wire and then
use the two tightropes to reach the roof of LOGs palace.
The Jiggy Tamper
is at the very
top of LOGs
towering palace.
Scramble all
the way to the
top of the pole
to earn an
Once you buy a Jiggy from Jolly, it appears in a vending machine Achievement!
near the beach (behind the blue L-shaped building and the castle).
The vendor is stationed amongst the nearby buildings. Just twist the
Under the Lighthouse
switch like you would any of the other vending machines and cart
those Jiggies to the Jiggy Bank to boost your total.
Showdown Town
Jiggy Tampers
There are five vending machines not associated with any of the game This Jiggy Tamper is especially difficult to spot. Drive into the dry
worlds hidden around Showdown Town. Inside each of these special cove beneath the lighthouse and jump out of your trolley. Now, look
machines, called Jiggy Tampers, is a freebie Jiggy that is automat- to the right. Thanks to a clever paint job, the tunnel entrance blends
ically deposited into the Jiggy Bank to add to your score. There is no in with the walls of the cove. Run down the tunnel to discover the
cost in nabbing these Jiggiesyou just have to be able to find them. Jiggy Tamper in a small, dome-shaped room under the lighthouse.
They are hidden pretty wellbut thats what were here for. Here are
the locations of all five mysterious Jiggy Tampers:
The next Jiggy Tamper is beneath Klungos Arcade. Pilot your trolley
out to the arcade (or just swim) and then dive into the water. The
Jiggy Tamper is amongst the timbers holding up the arcadeand
there are some hidden Notes down here, too!
Mumbo Crates
Three of the crates are locked inside towers accessible only after you
buy the secret combination from one of three friends wandering
around Showdown Town. The first combo can be bought from
Bottles for just 10 Notes. After you get the high-grip tires, you
can buy the second combo from Mr. Fit for 10 Notes (catch him
while hes taking a break from his jog). The third combo is held by
Blubber, who is on the high ledge next to Uptown. You need the
spring upgrade to reach Blubber and fork over your 10 Notes in
exchange for the combo. You cannot bypass buying the combos.
You must purchase the combo or else you cannot actually operate
Mumbo gifts you with vehicle parts as you collect Jiggies and you the switch that unlocks the Mumbo Crate.
can buy both components and blueprints from Humba Wumba. Actually, we may have fibbed a little about the
However, just gathering pieces from these two sources is not enough 51 crates thing. There are actually 58 Mumbo
if you want to create some awesome vehicles that leave Thomas in the Crates in Showdown Town, but 7 of them are
dust and Grunty quaking in her boots. There are 51 Mumbo Crates super-special secrets. If you want to spoil
the surprise on how to get themand it is an
located around Showdown Town that are filled with vehicle parts
and pieces. Gathering these crates is freeyour only investment is awesome surprise for any hardcore Banjo fan
time. Once you grab one of these crates, place it in your trolley and that followed every little piece of news about
take it back to Mumbos Motors. Place the crate on the pink pad the original Nintendo 64 game obsessivelyjust
check the end of this section. Well tell you
in front of the garage and then talk to Mumbo. The shaman cracks
how to find those last 7 crates.
open the crate, tells you what goodies are inside, and then deposits
the new pieces right into your workshop inventory.
Walkthrough: Showdown Town
To collect all of the Mumbo Crates, use this map and checklist
combo. Each entry in the checklist includes the number of the crate,
the location, and the contents. The list is divided by the trolley
upgrades necessary to reach the box. For example, you need the 40
Scuba Seat to reach crates 39-43 and the Horn to blast away the 21
ghosts protecting crates 48-51. 17
Those crates you 20
see protected by
glowing barriers?
The Laser makes 37
short work of 50
them. Just one 16
15 41
blast permanently
destroys the 26 47
38 43 51
barrier. 25 35
14 48 30 5 11
44 6 1 28 29 39
4 3
7 24
12 49 23
8 33 10
All-Access Mumbo Crates
Location Contents
Gift at the beginning of the game Light Body Kit, Standard Seat, Standard Wheel x4, Small Engine,
from LOG Small Fuel, Small Ammo, Tray
7 Bumper x4
the Logbox 720 plinth
On wooden bridge north of Logbox
8 Small Ammo, Small Engine
720 plinth
On top of LOGs Video Game Factory.
9 Cruisin Light x2, Windscreen x2, Plant Pot, Spirit of Pants
Climb the building via the wire
Location Contents
Walkthrough: Showdown Town
Location Contents
On a high rooftop directly south of the police station;
29 drive up the high-grip ramp off the canal and climb the Egg Turret, Light Body Kit
drain pipe
30 Northern end of the roof above Humba Wumba's store Heavy Body Kit, Medium Engine, Medium Ammo
31 Safehouse tower closest to the lake. Use Mr. Fit's combo Suck 'n' Blow, Small Fuel
34 On top of the lighthouse overlooking water Small Propeller x2, Sails x2, Floaters x4
35 Lowest rooftop of the Jiggosseum building Grenade Gun x2
Scuba Seat
Location Contents
Left of Bottles, behind the grille. Use the water-lled Grenade Gun x3, Spoiler x4, Spotlight x3,
tunnel under LOG tower to reach it (or blast with laser) Rustbin
Inside alcove on outer wall. Use tunnel underwater to Large Engine, Large Fuel, Large Propeller x2,
reach alcove, or wait until you have laser to blast gate Wing x2
41 Drive through water to come up inside castle Freezeezy, Medium Fuel, Folding Propellers x2
Location Contents
Blast gate behind Mumbo's Motors
44 Small Jet x2, Grenade Turret, Folding Propeller x2
with laser
Showdown Town
Stop N Swop full of loot, such as accessories for your vehicles that cannot be found in
When the original Banjo-Kazooie debuted in 1998, fans noticed two any of the regular Mumbo Crates or purchased at Humba Wumbas
colored eggs in the games conclusion. These eggs were intended to shop. Some of the crates require upgrades to your trolley, too. So, here
be a special feature that would link the game to the 2000 sequel, are the locations of the seven Stop N Swop crates and their contents.
Banjo-Tooie. After performing certain challenges in Banjo-Tooie, StopNSwop Crates
players could go back to the first game and unlock special content Crate
Contents Location
by actually pulling the cartridges out of the Nintendo 64 and #
swapping them. The content was hidden inside a total of six colored
eggs and was linked to an ice key. However, due to some hardware 1 Flag On top of Boggys Gym.
issues, Rare was unable to fully implement the feature, which was
called Stop N Swop. Instead, Rare included more conventional On the rooftop to the south
ways to find the eggs and key in Banjo-Tooie. Mole on of the Jiggy Bank, overlooking
a Pole the town square. Access it via
But you know how videogame fans are. They never give up.
the drain pipe near the canal.
Rare was asked about the Stop N Swop feature over the
years, and the developer included some hints and jibes about it Fluffy In the boathouse below the
in later games, such as Grabbed by the Ghoulies for the Xbox Dice Banjoland doors.
and Banjo-Pilot for the Game Boy Advance. But thanks to Banjo-
Bolts, those fans will finally have closure.
Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts On the castle turret that
4 Goldsh
overlooks the docks.
While playing the game, you may have noted the appearance
of six colored eggs painted on walls and floors. Theres even the Dig those
outline of a key on the snow-capped roof of Boggys Gym. Thats googly eyes.
right, the mysteries of Stop N Swop are about to be solved. And
heres how its done:
First, you must have Banjo-Kazooie on your Xbox 360,
downloaded from Xbox Live Arcade. If Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
spies a Banjo-Kazooie save file, and all six eggs were collected, seven
secret Mumbo crates appear at those special locations. Those crates are
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
Soon after arriving in Showdown Town, LOG summons you to the There are 200 Notes to collect in Nutty Acres.
top of his mountain. Drive around to the back of the spire (since Once you have an airship, its easy to spot
you cant drive up the steep green colored ramp just yet) and up all of the Notes and drop down to collect
the winding path to his Video Game Factory. The media monarch them. Pick up the obvious ones as you walk the
will bequeath a Game Globe to you, just off to the right of where ranch to pick up the Jiggy challenges, but come
he stands. Grab that globe, drop it into your trolleys tray, and then back with a chopper and swoop low to spot the
skid down the green ramp to end up right next to the first plinth. glittery outline of Notes in the wild.
Use your magical wrench to place the Game Globe, and the door to
Nutty Acres opens! Drive on in for your first Jiggy challenges.
Welcome to Nutty Acres, a sprawling coconut ranch surrounded
Act 1
Banjos first stop in Nutty Acres is a quick one. There is just one
by glistening seas. Overseen by farmer Mumbo, decked out in hayseed
Jiggy challenge and only two Jinjo Tokens to recover. Banjo needs
overalls and hanging out at his farm in the center of the ranch, Nutty that first Jiggy to unlock the next Nutty Acres act, so after making
Acres grows more than just a lovely bunch of coconutsthere are a run to collect any nearby Notes, talk to the holder of the Jiggy,
plenty of Notes and Jiggies to harvest here, too. However, gathering Klungo. After collecting all three goodies in Act 1, slip back through
up all these goodies is hardly as easy as scooping up coconuts under the World Gate to return to Showdown Town and open Act 2.
a palm tree after a brisk wind. Banjo and Kazooie must get cozy with
many of Nutty Acres natives, such as a handful of Jinjos in need of
assistance and the comely Humba Wumba. Plus, this is Banjos first
encounter with the cocky Trophy Thomas.
Waita volcano?
You did see the Nutty part of Nutty Acres, right? This ranchland
features a number of things you usually dont find at a farm, such as
a swamp and an airstrip run by a nearsighted little mole. Banjo must
jump from act to act, scouring the world for all the bear, erbare
necessities to open up more real estate in LOGs videogame lands.
And while there, the bird-bear duo better keep all four eyes peeled
from Grunty. That witch is liable to show up any time to cast a shadow
over the sunny farm with her ugly visage and even uglier poetry.
Nutty Acres Collectibles
Total Jiggies 20
Total Jinjos 13 1
Total Notes 200 (85 bronze, 7 silver, 8 gold)
1. Bangers n Dash tour the Nutty Acres and pick up as many other
Vehicle Choice: LOG Notes as possible (some are out-of-reach until
you get different vehicles).
Trophy Time: 0:30
Jiggy Time: 3:00 Jinjo Challenges
Notes Requirement: Successfully complete the challenge!
Green Jinjo Fetch
After rolling into
The green Jinjo next
Nutty Acres via the
to Klungo has lost a
World Gate, the first
prized heirloom: A
sight is old nemesis
banjo. If you bring
Klungo in some
the banjo back, the
down-home farm
Jinjo awards you
duds. The scaly fellow
with a Jinjo Token.
has changed his ways,
After accepting
tired of hitching his
the mission, drive
wagon to nasty types like Grunty. Kazooie, the more skeptical of the
westward to Mumbos field.
team, isnt quite sure what to make of Klungos newfound goodness.
Hop the trolley
But that Jiggy over Klungos head is enough reason for the bird to
over the dirt bank
give him a chance.
surrounding the field.
Klungo agrees to hand the Jiggy over to Banjo if the pair can
The banjo is in the
put out a fire that threatens the coconut supply at the central farm.
center of the field, but
(Helpfully, Klungo jabs one of his green sausage-like fingers at the
there is a roly-poly
farm so you know where to go.) Get to the farm, put out the fire to
Gruntbot ready to
save the nut stockpile, and Klungo will give Banjo the first Jiggy.
cause trouble. Before
it can rear up and
attack, smack it with Kazooies wrench and then pick up the banjo.
Place the banjo in the trolley tray and then drive back to the waiting
Jinjo to claim the Jinjo Token.
Drive through the gate then exit the field. If
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
Gravity is always your best friend in these Speed Collecting Notes to fuel your shopping sprees
missions. If your vehicle feels underpowered at Humba Wumbas? Just scour the island between
and is unable to get up to the max speed and challenges. Be sure to check those islands out
maintain it, find a steep slope and drive off in the seas for Notes.
it. The extra momentum is usually enough to
push you into the red.
Jiggy Challenges
1. Great Balls of Fire
Act 2 Vehicle Choice: Player
Banjo and Kazooie pop out of the gate in the swamp. There are
three Jiggy challenges in this act. Only one is a LOGs choice Trophy Time: 1:50
challenge. The other two allow you to choose your own vehicle. The Jiggy Time: 3:40
Coconuts Circuit challenge against Trophy Thomas isnt a difficult
Notes Time: 5:00
raceif youre only gunning for the Jiggy. However, if you want
the Trophy, too, you better scoop up some Mumbo Crates in town
(such as crate 8 with the extra Small Engine) so you can build a
vehicle faster than your default trolley.
Report to Humba Wumba at the volcano to accept this challenge.
The volcano has blasted three hot rocks across the farm and the
gaseous emissions from the burning boulders threaten the coconut
crop. She needs you to extinguish the three rocks by pushing them
into the water. You only have 5 minutes to complete this challenge,
but if you want to grab the Jiggy, you better put the pedal down.
Fortunately, all three fireballs are on top of slopes, so you only need
to give them a bit of a push. Inertia and momentum will take care
of the rest. Just make sure the path to water is clear or else youll
burn precious time chasing the rock and redirecting it.
You can nish
2 this challenge
with just your
regular trolley,
but why not try
experimenting at
Mumbos Motors?
Put together a
small bulldozer
so you can slam
Jinjo Taxi
Gate to the rocks with a wide scoop.
Showdown Town
Nutty Acres
Next, cross the river to the west (driving up to the bridge takes
time, so bust through the river at full-speed so you dont have
time to sink). The second fireball is on the shore. There are crabs
skittering around the beach and several rocks line the sands. All of
these are potential obstructions. Slam into the rock as fast as you
can, bumping it away from the crabs and rocks. If the rock slows
down on the small incline closer to the waters edge, run after it and Bumping all three of the reballs into the
grab it with the wrench. Toss it down the backside of the incline. drink within 1:50 minutes isnt
easy with your entry-level
The third rock
is on the vehicle. Its certainly doable, but
opposite side it will take many, many tries to
of the farm, get those rolls just right.
near the high If you come back with a
slopes where Medium Engine, though,
you encountered you have enough speed
Klungo in act to zip between the three
1. Burn rubber hot rocks and bounce them
across the farm,
into the water with time
this time using the bridge to cross the river so
to spare.
you dont lose any seconds.
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
2. Tick Tick Bang Dont slow down! Gruntbots line the road and
will slam into your vehicle if they can get
Vehicle Choice: LOG
a bead on your position. A direct hit from a
Trophy Time: 0:50 Gruntbot could knock the bomb loose.
Jiggy Time: 3:30
Notes Time: 5:00
Mumbo needs your
help up at his farm
in the center of the
ranch. It seems a
Gruntbot dropped a
bomb on the farm,
Drive through the opening at the base of the volcano. When you
but it didnt go off
see Humba Wumba near the lava pool, make a sharp left and steer
when it landed. Thank
up the incline. The airstrip is just beyond the first tunnel on your
goodness for small
left. Drive down the tunnel and as soon as you see blue, make a left.
miraclesbut ol Mumbo Jumbo could not leave well enough alone.
Bottles is waiting for you right there on the airstrip. As soon as you
He tapped the bomb a couple times, which restarted the clock inside.
pull close to him, Bottles takes over. He takes the bomb out of your
The bomb is ticking and Mumbo needs it gone before it destroys
vehicle and defuses it.
the entire farm. According to Mumbo, Bottles will know what to
This challenge isnt too tough, but if you want that Trophy,
do with the bomb. If you can take the bomb to the airstrip next
definitely take the extra three seconds at the beginning of the
to volcano in time, Bottles can diffuse the weapon before anybody
mission to attach the Small Engine to LOGs vehicle. The extra
gets hurt.
power is just enough to put a nice time cushion around the Trophy,
There is a Small Engine in the box next to guaranteeing you score the prize unless you manage to tip the
the bomb. Attach it to the vehicle after the vehicle and lose the bomb on the way to the volcano.
challenge starts to get a little extra power.
3. Coconut Circuit
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Time: 1:55
Jiggy Time: 3:50
Notes Requirement: Win two out of three races!
Trophy Thomas waits
for you in the shade
When the mission starts, place the bomb in the bed of LOGs of a tree northeast of
vehicle with your wrench. The bomb should settle in nicely, but be the farm. (Use
mindful of bumps en route to the volcano. A good dip will jostle those holograms to
the bomb lose. Youll waste time hopping out of the vehicle to pick spot your friends
the bomb back up and place it in the vehicle again. So, as you pull from a distance.)
out of the farm gates, stick to the roads. The grassy areas are just The competitive cat
too uneven. challenges you to
Nutty Acres
a series of short races around the farm. Best two out of three
Drive the bomb wins. You get to choose your own vehicle for this challenge, so dive
down the winding
road between
into Mumbos Motors and put together something sleeker than
the coconut the regular trolley. Another suggestion: Humbas Bike. Now, you
piles. Aim for can beat Thomas with just your default trolley, but with a little
the opening in extra power from another Small Engine or the maneuverability of a
the base of the two-wheeled vehicle, you can breeze by the cat and finish him off by
the end of the second race.
race instead of just sticking to the flat ground. From the coconut
this challenge, you must best Thomas in the
piles, veer up on the road that circles the central farm.
first two races. The timer clicks into the Jiggy
The nish line prize during the third race and there is no way
is right in to rewind the clock.
front of the
coconut eld.
Watch out for
The third race follows
the bull in the exact same course
front of the as the second race,
bridge as you but Thomas drives
zoom toward the even faster and cuts
the corners closely in
Second & Third Race an attempt to nudge
in front of you. If you
do not jump out of the starting line and get ahead of Thomas, you
will have a tough time catching up to him in time to win the final
race and at least bag the Jiggy. If it looks like you are going to lose
the third race, just stop the challenge and restart the event. This
starts the challenge over from the beginning, but maybe you can
breeze past Thomas in the second race the next time.
Thomas is more aggressive out of the starting line in the second
You can definitely beat out Thomas in the second
race, so you must keep on him and try to cut him off among the
race with the trolley, but its easier with
coconut piles. While he follows the flat ground route, definitely slip a motorcycle-esque vehicle. If you are still
up on to the piles and try to inch ahead of Thomas. The first part struggling, come back to this challenge after
of this course follows the same path as the previous race, but the you have earned a second Small Engine. With 2
track continues beyond the coconut field. As soon as you cross the Small Engines on your vehicle, such as this
bridge leading to the field, hang a hard right to zip through the modified Humba Bike, Thomas will be simply
next checkpoint. overpowered.
Swerve between
the hay bales
inside the
tunnel behind
the coconut
eld. If you
get caught up on
one of the hay
bales, Thomas
will overtake
you and it will be tough to catch back up.
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
Jinjo Challenges
Purple Jinjo Taxi The nish line
is on the bridge
spanning the
river leading
out of the
The purple Jinjo in the Notes, adding to your overall collection.
swamp needs a ride
out of that stinkhole. It
requires more suitable
air, the kind found in
the breezes that waft
over the coconut piles
to the east. To earn
the Jinjos token, you must drive it to the destination within 60
seconds. You are assigned the Jinjo Taxi, which is LOGs choice. At
the start of the job, let the Jinjo hop into the taxi. Once its seated, The blue Jinjo on the beach wants to challenge Banjo to a shoving
drop the pedal and zoom out of the swamp. Cross the river via one match. When you accept the challenge, the Jinjo bloats into a large
of the bridges and then make a beeline for the coconut piles. The blue ball. You get to choose your own vehicle to push the Jinjo out
Jinjos destination is marked with a glowing circle easily seen from of the arena within 60 seconds. Since this is your first Jinjo combat
a distance. challenge, the Jinjo doesnt push too hard. Your trolley is too narrow
to effectively push the Jinjo out of the ring, so check into Mumbos
Green Jinjo Race
Motors and create something wide enough to snare the Jinjo. Add
There is a little green
a second engine to the pusher (or, if youre coming back to this
Jinjo waiting in the
later, a Medium Engine will blast the Jinjo right out of the arena)
hills to the west
for some extra power. As soon as the event begins, drive straight
thats just jonesing
into the Jinjo and keep the gas down as you shove it over the sandy
for a good race.
bumps and out of the ring.
Pull up to the Jinjo
and entertain its If you add spikes to the edges of your pushing
challenge. You must vehicle, you can capture the Jinjo ball so it
race the Jinjo through a series of checkpoints and cross the finish doesnt roll off to one side or the other of
line first in order to win the Jinjo Token. your vehicle.
Nutty Acres
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
You must slow If you want that Trophy, you better slam into
Grunty down so Grunty right away. You can still chase her down
you can hop out and try to nudge a shell in front of her ride for
of your vehicle and the next five minutes and still get the Jiggy,
lasso the Loco Coco but unless you hit her right away and stop her
with the wrench in her tracks, you will miss the Trophy.
before Grunty is Winning this challenge not only scores you a
able to pull away. Jiggy, but you also earn your first trolley
At the start of the upgrade: High-Grip Wheels. Now you can explore
challenge, ram Gruntys vehicle. If you deliver just a glancing blow, more of Showdown Town and visit places like
shell quickly recover. You need to strike the front of her vehicle and Trophy Thomass hut, catch Mr. Fit running
force her to brake. The moment she brakes to deal with the collision, around the countryside, and pick up a whole new
hop out and grab the coconut. As youre in the air, hit the wrench batch of Mumbo Crates.
the second the yellow outline appears around the Loco Coco.
Jinjo Challenges
Yellow Jinjo Fetch
If you miss Grunty right away, you can still catch her on the beach.
Drive alongside her and nudge one of the rocks or giant shells
in front of her vehicle. The collision stops her for a second. As
Grunty tries to correct course, leap out of your vehicle and grab The yellow Jinjo at
Mumbos farm is missing
the Loco Coco. You need some height to pull the Loco Coco free
of the basket, so do it while youre in the air. If you try to swipe his buddy Glowbo.
the coconut from the ground, you cannot get it over the lip of the The poor fella lost him
basket. Grunty will drive off, severing your connection to the Loco somewhere between the
Coco. farm and the volcano
and hes just busted up
about it. If you help the
Jinjo, it rewards you with a Jinjo Token. The Glowbo is resting in the
Hidden Vehicle bottom of the lagoon at the base of the volcano. Dive into the water
and grab the Glowbo with your wrench. Carry the Glowbo out of the
water and then return it to the farm to collect your prize.
Red Jinjo Hurl
Nutty Acres
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
When the challenge
starts, follow Mr. Fit
along his route into
the clearing on the
opposite side of the
crates. There are a
few buffalo over here
that threaten to block Mr. Fit takes a small breather on the clearing with the egg and nest.
your view of the first Stop in the middle of the trail while Mr. Fit takes his break and face
Gruntbot. When you see Mr. Fit slow, look westward for the first to the south. Two Gruntbots appear straight ahead. The closest one
Gruntbot to appear. If you have a gun on your vehicle, aim toward materializes in the middle of the road. The other appears on the
the materializing Gruntbot and open fire. If you lack a weapon, hop small hillside in the distance. They are almost in a straight line, so the
out and charge the Gruntbot with your wrench. Slam it with the minor auto-aim on your gun should have no problems picking off the
wrench a couple times and then return to your vehicle to continue distant Gruntbot after you pummel the one closest to you.
following Mr. Fit.
Uh-oh, theres
There is a freebie Medium Ammo in the Mumbo one more in the
time, so aim for the Keep pace with
trees and then open Mr.Fit since the
Gruntbots are no
fire as soon as you see the Gruntbots. Roll forward after defeating longer waiting
the first Gruntbot so you have a closer shot at the second. for him to take
his breathers.
Two Gruntbots Theres another
appear together enemy on the
at the beach. hill around the
Pull ahead next bend.
of Mr. Fit
and shoot the
Two more
Gruntbots as
Gruntbots appear
they appear.
in the shade of
Then roll
the trees.
alongside Mr.
Fit and cut to the right and up into the tiny
Nutty Acres
attach the
part to your
rig and then
get to the There are several coconut plants in the field. As soon as the
field. challenge starts, the plants begin spitting out coconuts. To harvest
the coconuts, drive your vehicle over them. The vacuum sucks up
the coconuts and spits them into the box. The box will hold about
10 coconuts comfortably. Steer around the plants, targeting the
coconuts to fill your vehicle with a full load.
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
3. High Jinks
Keep circling Vehicle Choice: LOG
the eld, Trophy Time: 2:10
picking up
coconuts by Jiggy Time: 3:30
driving close to
the plants.
Notes Requirement: Successfully complete the challenge!
Pay a visit to Bottles
at the airstrip next
When you have to the volcano. The
a full load, myopic mole wants
leave the eld to give you some
and drive back
toward the farm.
flying lessons so youll
Gruntbots try to be better equipped to
attack, so do handle the unfriendly
not brake. If skies in LOGs
you slow down videogame worlds. This race is designed to teach you how to take
enough for a Gruntbot to target you, the impact may
tip the vehicle and spill the coconuts.
off, pilot through mid-air checkpoints, and shoot down targets from
the sky. If you can manage all of these lessons with the top time
Drive the limit, Bottles rewards you not only with a Jiggy but one of those
harvester under coveted Trophies.
the coconut
silo inside the Theres a box
farm. The silo with a Small
automatically Engine next to
empties your Bottles. Bolt it
load. Watch the to your plane
meter on the top with 2 and take
of the screen to off. The extra
track your progress. The number of coconuts youve speed helps
banked is next to the little Banjo head. you earn that
Follow Bottles instructions as you take to the air. After you reach the
necessary altitude, Bottles turns on the series of midair checkpoints.
Fly through the rings by making graceful, swooping turns instead of
sharp twists that slow your plane. If you jerk the plane straight up,
Nutty Acres
Engine. We scored big by using Humba Racer 2 and
fitting it with a Freezeezy. Stop that cat cold
to gain the upper hand in this tight race.
Admittedly, it was Piddles. The kitty has one
on her car and she will fire at you over and over
if you race ahead, so avoid driving in straight
lines for extended periods.
after the mission. There are Notes up hereand both lurch toward
an orange Jinjo. the first checkpoint.
If you land a direct hit with the Freezeezy, for example, Piddles
grinds to a halt. Roar ahead and push a cushion of space between
the two of you that the little beggar will never be able to close.
The track leads
down the beach.
Steer around
the rocks and
After adding the Egg Gun and Small Ammo, take off again. Bottles shells as you
scream through
has placed several balloons around the ranch. Shoot the balloons
the checkpoints.
with your new weapon. As soon as you eliminate all of the balloons, When you reach
the lesson comes to an end. Did you complete the course in time the crates where
to grab the Trophy? Mr. Fit stands,
make a hard left and continue the course as it
4. Cheatin Witch turns inland.
Vehicle Choice: Player
Aim straight
Trophy Time: 1:45 for the bridge
so you sail
Jiggy Time: 2:10 right through
Notes Requirement: Win the race! the checkpoint.
If you teeter
Trophy Thomas is having
off the bridge,
a spot of trouble inside youll lose
the tunnel behind the time.
coconut field. Piddles,
that mangy purple cat Shortcut alert:
that hangs out with Drive around
Grunty, just challenged the hay bales
and power
Thomas to a race, but through the farm
Thomass rig is in the to reach the
shop. He cannot accept the kittys challenge, which stands to deal a serious checkpoint on
blow to Thomass rep. The cat asks you to stand in for him and complete the other side
the race on his behalf. If you win, hell show his gratitude by handing over a rather than take
the road around the hill.
precious Jiggy. And if youre really speedy, hell throw in a Trophy as a bonus.
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
Jinjo Challenges
Race up the Blue Jinjo Taxi
coconut piles on
your way to the
Inside the
volcano, make The blue Jinjo is standing at the bottom of the road that circles the
a hard left volcano. The Jinjo wants to visit the top of the volcanoand he
and follow the
tunnel out on to
wants to do it quickly. This taxi mission only puts 1:05 on the clock,
the airstrip. so you better get a move on. At the start of the challenge, wait a
second for the Jinjo to climb into your taxi (LOGs choice!). Now,
Take a right head up the road and duck inside the volcano via the nearby tunnel.
turn at the The outer road is partially covered with lava and the taxis wheels do
airstrip and not have the traction to go up the molten surface.
follow the
checkpoints Watch out for
down to the the Gruntbot
beach. Avoid inside the
the Bouncer tunnel. Shoot it
Gruntbots that with the taxis
cluster around Egg Gun if it
the checkpoints. gets too close.
Follow the
course as it
wraps around the Follow the
outer wall of stretch of road
the articial inside the
atoll. volcano and take
the next tunnel
back outside.
the Egg Gun while keeping the pedal down. Get that Jinjo to its
destination within the time limit to earn a blue Jinjo Token. You need
as many of these as you can get to play King Jingalings bingo game
back at Showdown Town.
Act 5
The gate to act 5 drops you on a small island looking out toward
the main ranch. The sun is setting, and against the dusky sky, its
easy to spot all of the holograms that indicate Jiggy challenges.
There are 6 Jiggy challenges in this actcompleting this set will Mr. Fit needs your help up at Mumbos farm. A huge harvest
really boost your Jiggy Bank bottom line. But these challenges are of coconuts needs to be brought back to the farm so it can be
especially tough. You need a set of vehicles that are up to the processed and ready to ship out within 3:30. These coconuts are on
challenge, so if you have been holding out on collecting Mumbo top of the giant stack of crates close to the ocean shore (where you
Crates in town, be sure to pick up any outstanding crates at this met Mr. Fit in the previous act), so you need something that can
pointand shop a bit at Humbasso you have the best parts defy a little gravity and somehow bring those coconuts back to the
available to build your fleet of vehicles. farm two or three at a time. The best approach is a cargo helicopter.
Humba sells the blueprints for one, but you can also modify one
of your own choppers to do the job. Its critical that you have a
Sticky Ball for this challenge. This gadget makes grabbing the giant
coconut from the crates easier than landing and physically placing
the coconut in a tray or box.
There is a free Sticky Ball in Mumbo Crate #33.
2 5
3 Gate to Hard-Boiled Egg
Showdown Town
1 6 Old Dog,
Farmhand of New tricks
the Year
5 2 Jinjo Speed
Save Our Statue
3 Jinjo Combat
4 Jinjo Race
Beat the Fleet
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
The Sticky Ball can pick up almost anything
including the wooden bridge leading to the coconuts.
If you grab the bridge by accident, immediately
release by drawing up the Sticky Ball. (Press
the same
button you
assigned to
deploy it.)
With the Sticky Ball placed beneath your helicopter, take off from
The weight
the farm and fly east to the crates. The coconuts are on top of the of the bridge
stack, just waiting to be picked up. There are a few sizes to choose will drag
from. The largest of the coconuts are worth 500. If you bring just you down.
two of them back to the farm, you have the Jiggy. However, if you
want the Trophy you need to bring back more than just the biggest
coconuts. You must score at least a handful of the medium-sized
Release the coconuts
coconuts, which are worth 200 each. The smallest of the coconuts
over the farm but
are worth just 50, but dont turn your nose up to them. 50 points
do not land to
can drag you over the finish line. There is no bonus reward for
place them in the
getting over the 2,500 mark.
hopper. Save the last
45 seconds of the
challenge to attend
to that final bit of
business. Instead, keep zooming back to the coconut harvest and
grab more. Load up the farm grounds with as many coconuts as
you can grab in about 2:45.
Hover over the coconuts and deploy the Sticky Ball. Drag the
Sticky Ball through the field of coconuts, picking up as many as you
can with a single pass. Every inch of the Sticky Ball is adhesive, so
you can effectively grab two large coconuts or three medium-sized
coconuts and then fly them back to the farm.
As soon as you
grab a large
coconut, be
mindful that you
essentially now
have a wrecking
ball attached to
the bottom of
your helicopter. As the clock starts to draw down, land your helicopter inside
Get some lift so
you dont drag the coconut through the rest of the
the farm grounds and get out of the cockpit. Use the wrench to
crop and knock them all off the crates. Dropping snare coconuts one at a time and take them to the hopper. The
down to grab a lone large coconut on the ground hopper will automatically pull them inside, so just drop the coconut
Nutty Acres
expends time you dont have. close to the machine and let it do the rest. Keep shuttling coconuts
to the hopper until time runs out.
If you fail to get at least 3 of the large
Bottles waits for you on the east side of the island, on top of a
tall structure overlooking the swamp. (There are several Notes up
here, too.) Bottles charges you with protecting the golden coconut
statue at the farm from an incoming phalanx of Gruntbot fighter If you have a helicopter equipped with a Sticky
planes. The Gruntbots try to dive-bomb the statue to damage it Ball, this challenge is a snap. Play keep-away
beyond repair. You must keep the Gruntbots at bay for 2 minutes with the Gruntbots by grabbing the statue with
to complete the challenge. As soon as the mission starts, fly over to the Sticky Ball and then circling the ranch in
a wide arc. If you have a fast engine and lots
the farm before the Gruntbots start circling their target.
of fuel, you will out-run the Gruntbots for the
full 2 minutes and easily snag the Trophy.
3. Leaky Waterworks
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Time: 2:00
There is an anti-aircraft gun next to the statue. Get out of
your vehicle and jump into the anti-craft machine so you can target Jiggy Time: 3:30
Gruntbots with the Egg Cannon. You have a lot of ammo, so just Notes Time: 5:00
keep moving the cross-hairs across the sky and target the Gruntbots Trophy Thomas waits for you
as they try to barrel into the statue. Its very difficult to earn the down by the coconut fields.
Trophy since just 2 hits from the Gruntbots is enough to cause The cat has a problem on
more than 200 points of damage to the statue. (The statue starts his hands. Hes been put in
with 1,000 points.) charge of minding the fields
There is a Clockwork Kazooie in the Mumbo box while Humba Wumba is away,
but the water pipes are malfunctioning.
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
There are plugs
at each leaky pipe,
but they are trapped
inside large plastic
balls. Retrieve the
plugs by bashing
the ball a few times
with your wrench. You need to create a boat loaded with weapons and a fast
However, Gruntbots engine to get between two groupings of Gruntbot boats. The first
at each leaky pipe mount attacks to keep you from completing your group of eight boats is around Mumbos little island. The second
task. Keep the Gruntbots at bay with your wrench attack, free the group is in the open seas. There is a small sandbar between the two
plug, and then hoist it on to the leaky pipe. The three leaky pipes groups, which makes the fast engine necessary. (A large propeller on
are next to the field, on the beach to the north, and in the shade of the back of your boat helps with getting around, too.) The Gruntbot
the atoll to the east. boats can be taken out with just a couple direct hits from a small
weapon, so place at least two Egg Guns on the front of your boat
and make sure you have a Medium Ammo onboard to keep those
Those Gruntbots
guns firing.
are pretty
The Gruntbots
round, too.
open re the
Maybe they would
second the
make good plugs?
starts, so get
your boat off
the island and
4. Beat the Fleet into the water
Vehicle Choice: Player so you can
return their volleys.
Trophy Time: 1:05
Keep a nger
near the + so
Notes Requirement: Destroy 16 boats! you can repair
your boator
place a Robox
on the boat to
repair damage.
Nutty Acres
Pick one group of boats and wipe them out before moving on to
Mumbo is on guard duty today. The shaman stands watch at the
the next batch. Circle the boats around the atoll, wiping them out
small island in the center of the atoll on the eastern side of the ranch.
one by one. Just keep a steady pace, aiming your Egg Gun(s) in
Hes watching the oceans for signs of Gruntys fleetan armada
the general direction of each boat and let auto-aim make the final
of Gruntbots in little boats that are coming to harm the
correction. Then move out to the open sea and start a giant loop
coconut crops. Mumbo needs you to lead the counterattack
from either the left or right, circling through the eight Gruntbot
(actually, he needs you to be the counterattack) against
the Gruntbot vessels and sink them before 2:30. If you
can send them to the bottom of the blue in half that time,
Mumbo is happy to award you a Trophy for naval excellence.
place it in the
at least two Egg Guns is preferable. Hitting lava. After a
a boat with both barrels sinks it before the few seconds, a
Gruntbot has a chance to target you. kitchen timer
dings. The egg
is cooked. Now
5. Hard-Boiled Egg take it back to
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Time: 2:00 You just need
to get the egg
Jiggy Time: 3:30 across the
blue barrier
Notes Requirement: Dont break the egg!
surrounding the
nest to deliver
it to Klungo
and end the
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
The 12 patches are distributed all over Mr. Patchs body. Look
for patches on his nose, sides, head, back, and underbelly. Make slow The yellow Jinjo in the coconut fields challenges you to a little
passes around the dinosaur and strafe his surface with Egg Guns to round of sumo in exchange for a Jinjo Token. This Jinjo pushes back
take out the targets. Mr. Patch moves around as you attack, raising effectively, so you need a vehicle with some power behind it, such as
and lowering different sides of the body. 2 Medium Engines, and a bulldozer-shaped front to keep the Jinjo
from rolling free of your shove. The boundaries of the arena are the
If you see the
nose dip down,
dirt banks. Instead of trying to shove the Jinjo ball over the dirt,
swing to the north and push the Jinjo through the gates. The flat
adjust your
ight path ground offers zero resistance, so if you out-motor the Jinjo, you can
to target the easily shove it out of the arena.
patches on its
belly. If the Orange Jinjo Race
nose rises, move
to the front of
the beast so you
can take out those patches while they are in the
Use a helicopter
to hover at
each side of The orange Jinjo on the docks challenges you to a little race around
the dinosaur
the marina. When you accept the challenge, the Jinjo transforms
and target the
patches. Your into a ball and bounds into the water. You must chase it down
chopper may be during the first part of the race through the water and find a way
slower than a to overtake it. Once you push ahead of the Jinjo, you must maintain
plane, but if your lead as the corners get sharper around the outer islands and
you hover in one spot and tilt your guns around,
the giant gears that keep the ceiling up over Nutty Acres.
you can target the patches as the monster exposes
them. Use a vehicle with at least two Medium Engines
The purple Jinjo on top of the volcano wants to see you go fast.
Indulge the little guy to earn his token for the bingo game. You
dont necessarily need a fast car, though. Just drive off the crest of
the volcano into the lava pit below. Gravity takes over and pushes
you past the speed limit needed to bag the Jinjo Token.
just a stones throw from Bottles and his challenge back down on need to pick up speed as you roll down the
the airstrip. By now, you should have at least one Large Engine, so road, but not get weighed down when you finally
make sure youve assembled both land and air vehicles with extra flatten out.
speed capabilities. As soon as
the challenge
starts, you
begin rolling
1 down the winding
volcano road.
Keep your car in
the center of
the road as you
rocket toward
the airstrip.
Gate to Nuts to Go
Showdown Town
1 Freewheel Makin Waves
5 Festival
Jinjo Hurl
Air Coconut
3 Riverbed
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
Follow the There are a number of factors you must consider
airstrip to
when assembling a plane for this race. First,
the right. The
the other racers are fast. Mr. Fit and Klungo
road is atter
now, so you will each have Small Jets on their planes. You
lose speed here. need enough initial juice to keep pace and
Slowly edge your eventually outrun such power. Mumbo gives you
way to the left a Small Jet after you bank 60 Jiggies and you
side of the can find one in Mumbo Crate #43. Because this
road. race is longexpect to be in the air over 3
minutes since thats roughly the time limit to
Dip down to score the Trophyyou need a lot of fuel. Fuel
the road that is heavy, so you need even more engines on your
connects to the plane to keep aloft. Its a vicious cycle. We
ground right took the Trophy with a plane that had 4 Small
in front of
Engines, 2 Medium Engines, and 1 Small Jet.
the articial
Direct the car toward the empty river bed to the south. Watch
out for the trees as you inch toward the lip of the bed. You pick up
some additional speed when you dip down into the river bed. The
natural momentum keeps you going farther down the river. Just
watch out for any crabs skittering across the riverbed. If you bump The start of the race is a jockeying of machines for the lead position.
a crab, youll lose your last little bit of speed and likely not cross You can trip up a few rivals at the airstrip by mounting Egg Guns
that 1,500 marker. on the front of your plane and cutting their flying machines to
shreds just as they take off. If you pop an engine or two off your
2. Air Coconut opponents planes, youre in good shape to take at least second place
Vehicle Choice: Player within just a few checkpoints.
Trophy Time: 3:00
Jiggy Time: 4:10
Notes Requirement: Win the race!
What is that silly WALKTHROUGH:
jacket Bottles has
on? The mole is
apparently recruiting The course follows the outer edge of the sea before arcing
Nutty Acres
for Air Coconut, an inland. Dont make any sudden corrections to your coursejust
esteemed air force try to maintain smooth lines over Nutty Acres so you keep up top
that patrols the skies speed. And never, ever let off the gas.
above Nutty Acres.
To join the ranks, you
must beat Bottles in an air race through the skies. To keep things
interesting, Bottles asks some other friends around Nutty Acres to
enlist in the race, too. You must break out of the pack and scream
through the course. To win the Jiggy, you must not only make the
time limit, but also come in first place.
And put Bumpers on the front of your car in Keeping your lead isnt too tough if you can avoid crashing with
case you get into a collision. your opponents when passing them in the riverbed. But earning the
Trophy is difficult without an ultra-fast vehicle. You need at least one
Large Engine on your car to keep the race time around 2 minutes.
Without at least 1 Large Engine (and the more the merrier), you
better content yourself with just the Jiggy.
Walkthrough: Nutty Acres
4. Nuts to Go Carefully pull
the cart on to
Vehicle Choice: LOG the docks and
rush for the
Trophy Time: 1:10 nish line.
Jiggy Time: 2:00 Watch out
for one last
Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge! Gruntbot waiting
for you at the
5. Makin Waves
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Time: 1:30
Humba Wumba needs to get the coconut harvest down to the Jiggy Time: 2:00
docks in time for a shipment and Mumbo is nowhere to be seen. Notes Requirement: Win the race!
Can you pitch in and drive the coconut carrier down to the docks?
The carrier holds 12 coconuts, but you only need to get 9 of them
to the docks within the time limit to score the prize. Just carefully
cross the dry riverbed without bucking loose any coconuts and avoid
Gruntbots that try to tip your ride before you reach the docks. But
You need to drive that order of coconuts over the Mumbo at Mr. Fit is all by himself on an island to the south. Cross the waters
the beach. Mumbo must inspect the order and give it his stamp of and chat up the aardvark to learn about his challenge. He and
approval before they can be shipped out. Carefully cross the bridge some friends are entering a race on the waters around the ranch.
north of the swamp and pull up to Mumbo over by the sand You must pass through all of the checkpoints and come in first
dunes. Drive through the Mumbo checkpoint so he can peek at the place to bank the Jiggy. And if you want that Trophy, you better
coconuts. Once hes given them the thumbs-up, you need to truck stick a pretty good engine and a Large Propeller on the back of
the crop over to the docks on the other side of the ranch. your boat.
After getting Stick some Egg Guns on the front of your boat
the at road
around the farm
to get the
shipment closer
to the dock without any unnecessary bumps.
The race starts with an immediate U-turn. After roaring around the
island, cut back by the gears against the outer wall and then keep
up with the pack as it zips north. The track cuts across the open
water, leading you close to small islands. Keep clear of the islands or
the other racers may try to bump you up on the sand.
The orange Jinjo at the top of the volcano wants you to give it a
good shove a roll it 500 distance units. The ground below the
volcano is flat, though, which is a real momentum-killer. You need
Cut close to the giant gears, but not too close.
If youre clipped by one of the gears, youll roll to maximize the roll down the side of the volcano so the Jinjo ball
your boat and watch the other racers lurch ahead. can pick up enough speed to roll across that 500 mark. Direct
the Jinjo toward the empty lagoon at the base of the volcano off to
the right where it can pick up at least 100 extra units just rolling
between the two sloping sides of the lagoon.
Use a launcher
like Humba
Slam Dunk (we
modied it with
Monster Wheels
The course follows the other wall beyond the gears and then cuts so the ball is
east as you enter the shadow of the volcano. Watch out for wooden rocketed at a
crates bobbing in the waves. If you accidentally glance off a crate at slight angle) to
top speed, you risk overturning your boat. get a good head
start on the
needed distance. Even distance traveled straight up
in the air counts toward your score.
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
Enter the world of Logbox 720, a fantastical new videogame
console thats overflowing with an abundance of gigaflops, bumpity-
mapping, bloomer lighting, and, of course, lens flare. This powerful
console hosts not only several of Rares greatest games like Viva
Piata and Banjo-Kazooie, but its also dangerously full of Gruntys
minions. These bugs are trying to crash the system, so its up to bear
and bird to fight back through a series of Jiggy challenges.
The introductory movie, a little poke at the opening credits of
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, stars Bottles, Humba Wumba,
Pikelet, Jolly Dodger, and more in a variety of roles tailored for the
videogame industry. Jolly is the cooler-than-thou coder who wears a
leather duster even if its 100 degrees next to the heat sink. Humba
Wumba is the all-star leader of a girly-girl gaming league thats For example, when you head over to see Klungo for
mostly a marketing invention. And as for Pikelethes standing in the Dodgy Connection challenge, pick up the Notes
for the middle manager who is clueless about what it takes to really around the nearby chipset.
make a videogame. He just wants the game to come in on time,
under budget, and inside a box loaded with buzzwords.
720 Collectibles 2
Total Jiggies 17
Total Jinjos 14
Total Notes 200 (85 bronze, 7 silver, 8 gold)
720 Doors
Act Required Jiggies
Act 1 2
Act 2 4
Act 3 10
Act 4 19
Act 5 36
Act 6 41
Act 1 1
Your first trip to the Logbox 720 drops you right in front of a WALKTHROUGH:
massive Banjo-Kazooie disc spinning on the floor. From here, look
up to see all six levels of the logbox. Tubes carrying coolant run
Logbox 720
around the interior like a hamster trail. Ribbon cables form skyways. Gate to Showdown Town
Literal computer bugs scamper across the floor. There are 200
Notes to collect in Logbox 720, so tour the facility before taking Dodgy Connection
on the Jiggy challenges and pick up the obvious ones on the cables
and tubes. When you have a chopper, come back to zoom around Workers Wipe Out
the ledges sticking out of the walls and finish off your collection.
For these challenges, ride the elevator to the Jinjo Fetch
Meet up with Klungo to the west of the door leading from Showdown
Town. Hes in a white coat next to a collection of cables. Klungo is
trying to get some work down, but his connection to the Interwebby
has done gone. Without a fat pipe to the information superhighway,
Klungos work schedule is sunk. He needs you to carry an antenna up
to the fourth floor of the Logbox 720 to establish a new connection.
Drive off the elevator at the top and head for the yellow ribbon
Once hes back on his precious Interwebby, he hands over a prize.
cables. Carefully pull out on to the cables and head to the north.
To earn the Trophy, you
As you close in on the next landing, you reach the proper height
need to get the antenna
for Klungos antenna. The former henchman is pleased with your
to the designated height
help-desk skills and hands over a reward.
within 50 seconds. So
you dont have to mess 2. Workers Wipe Out
around with balancing Vehicle Choice: Player
the antenna on the
trolley tray while driving Host Level: 1
up to the fourth floor, Trophy Time: 1:10
build a cage on wheels at Mumbos Motors. Heres what we put together.
Jiggy Time: 3:15
Notes Time: 5:00
Pikelet waves you
over to the three
discs spinning near
the north wall of the
first floor. Drive over
When the mission begins, lasso the antenna next to Klungo and place the three discs to pick
it in your trolley. Carefully lower it into the tray so it doesnt fall out up Notes and then
as soon as you jump in the drivers seat and hit the gas. The antenna chat to the middle
can roll around a little inside the tray, but if you see it teetering on the manager. (Nice rug
edge, adjust it so it will not fall out while youre driving. you got there, Pikelet.) Pikelet has a few programmers out working
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
on the Logbox that havent reported in yet and the firewall is about Jinjo Challenges
to sweep through the console. If those programmers are caught in
the fireball, theyll be roasted for sure. Pikelet needs you to pick them Blue Jinjo Fetch
up and bring them back to him by the north wall. Meet the little blue
Jinjo on the second
You need a taxi for this challenge. Either use
the Humba Taxi blueprint or modify one of your floor of the Logbox
cars with a Passenger Seat so you can pick 720. The Jinjo asks
up the programmers and shuttle them back to you to travel up to
Pikelet. the fourth floor to
retrieve his missing
book. Hes pretty sure
to have left it by the
graphics chip (which is a wired box of crayons). If you zip up there
and fetch that book for him, hell gladly hand over a Jinjo Token.
Use a vehicle that can carry objects, like the
in the middle of a challenge.) right next to the crayons at the top of the elevator. Place the book on your
vehicle and then drive it back down to the Jinjo to collect your reward.
Drive off the
platform to the Did that book look familiar to you? If you
your speedometer. If you can sustain that speed for a few seconds, the Jinjo
hands over its token.
After you drop off Mumbo, zoom to the opposite end of the bottom If you have a
floor to pick up your second fare: Humba Wumba. Shes waiting Medium Engine, this
in the center of the giant Banjo-Kazooie disc. Stop close to her so Jinjo challenge is a
she jumps into the passenger seat. Now high-tail it back to Pikelet cakewalk. Otherwise,
before the timer dips into Jiggy territory. If you miss the Trophy use the gravity trick to
time, just try the challenge again until you come in just under 1:10 impress this Jinjo. Drive
minutes. up the nearby ramp
and then speed right
off the edge. Falling pushes you over the limit and earns the Jinjo Token.
Humba Wumba is your contact for this Jiggy challenge. The shaman
is in charge of an all-girl gamer group called the Hag Trolls. The
2 group is holding an open invitational and theres one more slot for
you if you want to compete in the race. The vehicle is LOGs choice,
so instead of dropping behind the wheel of one of your personalized
rides, you steer a computer chip on wheels.
Gate to Showdown Town
Chips Away
Dumb and Dimmer
Jinjo Combat The race runs three laps around the bottom floor of the Logbox
720. You must zip through a series of checkpoints strategically
Jinjo Taxi placed among the spinning discs and chips. The race field starts
out crowded. You must break through the pack as soon as possible
and put some distance between you and your rivals. You have no
weapons to chip away at your opponents vehicles, so instead nudge
them out of the way as you get up to speed.
The spinning discs
can throw you off
your race line.
The rotating
oor can push
you into a wall
if you dont
steer against the
disc and correct
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
2. Dumb and Dimmer
If the pack Vehicle Choice: LOG
bunches up Host Level: 3
inside the chip
eld, watch out Trophy Time: 1:15
for being pushed
into obstacles.
Jiggy Time: 3:00
Notes Requirement: Survive the challenge!
Bottles waves at you
The course leads from the third floor
over the three
small spinning
of the Logbox 720.
discs. The Locate the mole in
Grabbed by the the southeast corner.
Ghoulies disc Hes fretting over
threatens to the amount of light
trip you up, so
hit the gas and
inside the Logbox
power over it as 720. He needs you
fast as you can so it doesnt spin you off-course. to fly around the inside of the console and dim three lights so his
eyes arent blown out of their sockets. If you can dim all three lights
under the time limit, Bottles offers you a reward. LOG provides
the vehicle for this event. Its a helicopter that lets you fly through
the air and reach the lights without having to navigate the tangled
ribbon cable highways.
When the challenge begins, immediately rise straight up and
Each lap of the race ends close to the starting position. Drive over look to the west. The closest bulb is near the fourth floor on a
the central chip of the Logbox 720 to pass through the checkpoint. narrow outcropping. Fly straight ahead and land on the strip with
Be mindful of the narrow edges of the chip so you dont topple off the bulb. There is a switch against the wall. Use your wrench on the
and lose time scrambling back up to the checkpoint. There are still switch to dim the first bulb.
two laps now, so keep the pedal down and watch out for those
rotating discs as you strive to increase your lead over the pack.
If you havent pulled into the lead by midway
through the second lap, you are sure to miss
the Trophy time, but you can still attain the
Logbox 720
Continue west from the first bulb and drop down to the circuit
board sticking out on the second floor. There is a switch against the
wall. Land the copter on the circuit board and jump out. Twist the
switch with your wrench to dim the second bulb. Now, quickly hop
back in your helicopter and take off to the northeast.
Did you spot the green Jinjo next to the switch?
The orange Jinjo on the first floor wants to wrestle. When you
accept the challenge, the Jinjo transforms into a big orange ball. You
must push the Jinjo out of the large arena around the chips. If you
create a pushing vehicle with 2 Small Engines or 1 Medium Engine,
you can overpower the Jinjo and shove it out of the arena. Just make
sure you have something with a forked front-end to capture the
Jinjo ball so it cannot roll free. You must push the ball out of the
arena within 60 seconds to earn the Jinjo Token.
Green Jinjo Taxi
The green Jinjo on
level three is next
to one of the bulbs
you needed to dim
for Bottles. The Jinjo
wants a ride to the
Gate to Showdown Town
fan unit down on
level 1 of the Logbox
Flush the Floater
720. You are given a
taxi from LOG to cart this Jinjo to its destination several stories
Jinjo Combat
straight down.
Jinjo Speed
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
Stick to the
Jiggy Challenges inside of the
1. Flush the Floater track as much
as possible to
Vehicle Choice: Player make up time
since Grunty has
Host Level: 6 a much shorter
Trophy Time: 1:10 distance to
travel than you
Jiggy Time: 1:50 do.
Notes Requirement: Win the race! After you finish the race and return to Showdown Town, your trolley
Grunty is waiting for is fitted with the Floater upgrade. Now you can explore the town and
you on the fifth floor of find additional Mumbo Crates. However, if you missed the Trophy for
the Logbox 720, next this challenge, return to the event with Floaters. You can now drive
to the pool of cooling through the Glubber yourself and eliminate Gruntys advantage.
fluid (Glubber) that
circulates around Jinjo Challenges
the console interior. Conveniently, the two
Gruntys pet kitty Jinjos in act 3 of this
has been ordered to videogame world are
leave a, uh, surprise in the Glubber. To run Piddles off, you must right next to each
defeat the witch in a quick race around the Glubber pool. If you best other up on level 3
them in this contest, not only do you get a Jiggy (and a Trophy if of the Logbox 720.
youre fast enough), but you also earn the Floater upgrade for your They both hang out
trolley back in Showdown Town. With that upgrade, you can collect right next to each
more Mumbo Crates and increase your component library. other on the Viva
Piata disc.
Yellow Jinjo Combat
The yellow Jinjo on the
fourth floor challenges
you to push it out of
the arena within 60
seconds. The arena
This is a fast race around the pool. Grunty is in a boat in the is the spinning disc.
Glubber, which means she has less distance to travel than you do Choose a vehicle with a
on the edge of the pool. That means you need a faster vehicle, so decent engine and some
report to Mumbos Motors and fit one of your cars with a Medium means of trapping the
Engine. Once youre ready, jump back into the Logbox 720 and Jinjo ball so it cannot roll away as you push it across the boundary. If you
start the race. You must lap the pool six times before Grunty to have something with a Medium Engine, you can overpower the Jinjo ball.
score your reward. WALKTHROUGH:
Dodge the The green Jinjo on the
transistors and
fourth floor wants to see
Logbox 720
other debris
littering the you break some speed
eld. Smashing limits. If you have a vehicle
into one of the with a Medium Engine,
obstacles can you can easily roar past
really trip you
up and give
the speed marker on your
Grunty a good lead. speedometer and impress
that Jinjo right out of its
Avoid the little green computer bugs scurrying
valuable Jinjo Token. If you lack a fast enough rig, just use the gravity trick
around the pool. If you glance off one at top again. Hit the gas and drive right off the edge of the disc. As you fall to the
speed, you may slam into a wall. floor, youll cross the speed threshold needed to score the Jinjo Token.
Notes Time: 5:00
Jolly Dodger needs
your help so report to
the northwest corner
of the third floor. The
coder has received
intel about a group of
Gruntbots meaning to
do harm to the Logbox
720. Jolly Dodger says
the Gruntbots mean to sabotage the three most important components
2 of the consolethe graphics chip, the audio chip, and the power supply.
You must ward off a total of 10 Gruntbots to complete the challenge.
Use a plane to get around the Logbox 720 in
this challengeand attach an Egg Turret to the
Gate to 5
You Little Squirt three components in order to blast 10 Gruntbots
Showdown Town before times up.
1 Jinjo Race
Chip Chop There is a Mumbo
box next to
2 Jinjo Taxi Jolly at the
Make the Weight start of this
3 Jinjo Hurl challenge. You
Red Bear Racing nd a Medium
Ammo inside.
4 Grunge-a-Sponge Bolt it to your
vehicle so you
have extra shots
when targeting the Gruntbots.
Fly your plane to one of the components right away. The graphic chip on the
second floor is close, so zip down there and land several feet away from the
crayons. Now, hop out of the cockpit and get in the Egg Turret. Target
the Gruntbots with your cross-hairs, hammering them with repeated
shots until you see them glow red. (That means they are about to pop.)
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
After blasting five of the Gruntbots, get back in the cockpit and roar off to the Circumvent all the fuss of attaching all of the
next component. metal letters to your vehicle by just making a
hulking rig inside Mumbos Motors. Start with
one of Humba Wumbas tank blueprints and then
load it down with heavy cubes. Watch the purple
weight meter on the left as you apply brick
after brick. When the meter is two-thirds full,
youre in good
shape. Now,
just make sure
Land far enough back so you can see a wide field on each you add a bunch
side of the component. Jump into the Egg Turret again and pelt of engine and
the incoming Gruntbots with eggs. The Gruntbots may turn their fuel to this
attentions to you after you blast one or two of them, but for the rig so you can
most part, they keep gnawing on the components despite you firing push all that
a volley of eggs. Keep hammering the Gruntbots with the Egg extra weight.
Turret and youll score the necessary 10 hits well within the time
limit for the Trophy. From the starting
2. Make the Weight point, drive east to
button 1. The red
Vehicle Choice: Player button is on the other
Host Level: 3 side of a shallow
ramp. Slow down on
Trophy Time: 1:45
the button and watch
Jiggy Time: 3:15 it sink. When you see
Notes Requirement: Survive the challenge! the little poofs of dust
Ol Bottles is shuffling shoot from the edge of the button, you know its been adequately
his feet on the third depressed.
floor of the console,
his back against the Go ahead and
western wall. Bottles place the metal
needs you to press letter next to
a series of buttons the rst switch
inside the Logbox on your tank.
720 that power
up the polygon boosters. The catch is that these five buttons are
sticking. You need to drive over them with some serious weight to
press the buttons all the way down and get those polygons flowing
like honey. Mmmm... honey.
The trick to this
mission is weight. As
you drive between
Logbox 720
The next button (3) is to the north, under the cascading Glubber. unburden your plane by off-loading some fuel.
Drive your tank into the pool of Glubber and press the big red The lost weight makes your plane even faster.
button. After seeing the dust, drive out of the Glubber and head
down the cables to the west. These lead directly to button 4. The course takes
an immediate
Bolt the metal right turn as
letter next to you dip below
button 4 to the some cables and
roof of your tubes.
tank and then
drop down to the
bottom oor of
the Logbox 720.
When you spot
the Viva Piata
disc, drop even
lower to pass
safely beneath a
cooling fan and
pass through the
next checkpoint.
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
If Humba keeps passing you, you need to either If you have a helicopter with the Sticky Ball
add more engines or place an Egg Gun or two on gadget, you can grab the sponge off its chain
the front of your plane. If you cannot outrun and yard it up to the Glubber pool in under a
her, you can outgun her. Pick her plane apart minute. Just deploy the Sticky Ball and swing
as she tries to pass you, sending her spiraling it into the sponge. The Sticky Ball yanks it
while she repairs her vehicle. off the chain as you fly upward. Just reel in
the Sticky Ball above the Glubber pool and the
sponge falls right into the purple juice.
4. Gunge-a-Sponge
Vehicle Choice: Player 5. You Little Squirt
Host Level: 1 Vehicle Choice: LOG
Trophy Time: 1:30 Host Level: 2
Jiggy Time: 3:00 Trophy Time: 2:00
Jiggy Time: 3:30
Notes Requirement: Survive the challenge!
Drop down to the Notes Requirement: Survive the challenge!
bottom floor of the Mumbo calls you over
Logbox 720 and visit to the speakers on the
Klungo next to the second floor of the
CPU. Klungo has a Logbox 720 with an
slight problem. He broke urgent problem. The
the Glubber sponge Logbox 720 is heating
that keeps the CPU up, thanks to some
cooled and lubricated. If malfunctioning fans. You
the CPU is not kept under a steady stream of Glubber, it will overheat and must cool those fans
crash the console. You need to get the sponge up to the Glubber pool at the down to get them working again and return the console to a safe temperature.
top of the console so the CPU can be kept at a cool, safe temperature. You need a vehicle with a full Liquid Squirter onboardfortunately, thats
exactly what LOG provides to complete this challenge successfully. You start
with a full Liquid Squirter; for refills, you just need to fly the helicopter into a
pool of Glubber (there is one on the top floor, the waterfall against the wall,
and the small pool on the second floor) to fill the squirter. Then, fly to the
four seized-up fans and hose them down with Glubber.
You can repair three fans with each full tank
Use the fan icons on your map to zoom straight to the trouble
spots. The closest fan to the pool is directly east. Just turn your
chopper around and land on the ribbon cable behind the fan.
Spread the Glubber over top of the fan casing to cool it off. When So, the purple Jinjo on the second floor wants to race? Pick a
the fire goes out, the fan is fixed. (There is a drop icon on each fast car with at least 2 Medium Engines and High-Grip Wheels
broken fan, too. When the drop icon is full, you have sufficiently to keep that Jinjo in your rearview mirror as you race through a
soaked the fan.) Next, take off to the northeast and target the fan short series of checkpoints. When the race starts, power around the
on the first floor. Glubber pool on the second floor and then race toward the center
Return to the
Glubber pool and
rell your tank
after saving the
second fan.
of the console.
Follow the checkpoints as they turn north and continue up the
steep slope. At the top of the ramp, turn to the left when you see the
crayons. Drive over the Viva Piata disc and cross the center of the
console again. The finish line is just on the other side of the console
The next fan is above the Viva Piata disc. Rise from the pool and
fly toward the western wall. When you reach the fourth floor, look
down to see the reddish fan. Land near the fan and drench it with
Glubber to cool it down.
The fourth fan
is above the three Blue Jinjo Taxi
spinning Rare discs The blue Jinjo is behind the Glubber tubes to the west of the chip
on the first floor. Head field on the first floor. The Jinjo wants a ride up to the Glubber
north and look for the waterfall. Its not a long trip and you have 1:10 to get your fare to
spinning Grabbed by its destination. However, you cannot use air transport to get there.
the Ghoulies platter. You are relegated to LOGs taxi, which means no need to ride the
The fan is directly ribbons to reach the falls. Drive the Jinjo across the bottom floor to
above the disc. Hover the ramp leading up to the speakers.
in front of the fan and empty the rest of your tank into the fan. This
puts out the fire and restores the final fan to working condition. The
temperature inside the Logbox 720 returns to normal and Mumbo
happily hands over your reward.
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
Act 5
The fifth Logbox 720 act is short, containing only two Jiggy
challenges and two Jinjo Token opportunities, but Banjo needs that
pair of Jiggies to close in on the 75 needed to force open the doors
to Spiral Mountain and battle Grunty for control of his home.
Follow the yellow ribbon cable to the left of the speakers and
drive to the next floor up. Keep to the left as you reach the circuit
board at the top of the cable. The waterfall is just across the next
length of cable. Drive the Jinjo into the purple puddle below the falls
to fulfill its wishes and pocket that token.
Red Jinjo Hurl
slam into the wall as the platter turns.
Jinjo Race
seat so high makes pull the rug out from under you. If you turn into
balancing the vehicle the spinning motion too hard, youll tip.
tricky. If you take a corner too fast, you risk tipping. And with all
If you start to
that weight high on the vehicles skinny neck, its tough to recover tip and cannot
from slipping off one of the ribbon cables. Once the vehicle starts to recover, steer
go, you better restart the event if you hope to claim the Trophy. so your vehicle
falls at on
to the track
in front of
you instead of
toppling over
the side.
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
2. System Update Required
Vehicle Choice: LOG Several
Host Level: 4 Gruntbots launch
attacks on the
Trophy Time: 2:20 bottom oor of
the console.
Jiggy Time: 4:00
Notes Requirement: You, Bottles, and the laptop all survive
the challenge!
When you reach the
CPU, Bottles mentions
he forgot his laptop up
on the fourth floor.
You need to zip up
there and retrieve the
hardware from one of
the Glubber pipes and
then take it back down to Bottles to complete the challenge. Bottles
decides to stay put at the CPU, which seems free of Gruntbots.
For now.
Return to the
Bottles calls you over next to the spinning Viva Piata disc up on elevator and
the fourth floor. The mole wants to update some important system ride it back up
to the fourth
software but is terrified the Gruntbots will get him before he can oor.
run the code. Bottles needs you to escort him up to CPU on the
first floor.
Bottles sets
you up with a cool
X-shaped tank. Cross the center
Bottles hops into the of the console
and drive out
passenger seat and
across the
directs you to the Glubber pipe to
laptop. In addition fetch the laptop.
to getting the laptop,
you also must keep
Bottles safe. Theres a small heart over his head. Every time a
Gruntbot attacks Bottles, he loses a little of that heart. Should the Place the laptop
in the box in
heart vanish, Bottles faints and you must reboot the mission. the center of
your X-ride.
Drive Bottles
over to the
Logbox 720
elevator in the
northwest corner
of the fourth
oor and ride
it all the way
down to the
Jinjo Challenges
Red Jinjo Race
The green Jinjo is
standing in the center
of the console up on
the fourth floor. This
Jinjo is feeling restless
and needs to let out
a little energy. It
challenges you to a
Combat match, so pick a bulldozer-like vehicle to shove the Jinjo
off the ledge. Now, this arena is built around the central column.
The Jinjo starts on the opposite side of the column out of sight. Pull
forward at the start of the match and wait at the edge for the Jinjo
Up on level four, a red Jinjo challenges you to a little race to the to roll toward you. When the Jinjo comes barreling across the arena,
second level of the console. The Jinjo is capable of rolling pretty fast, catch it and instead of pushing back, swing to the right and just roll
so make sure you have some serious power in your vehicle. A Large it right off the edge of the platform.
Engine wouldnt hurt at this point.
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
After popping out of the gate on the northern wall of the Logbox 1. A Sight for Poor Eyes
720, scour the console to collect any errant Notes and pick up
Vehicle Choice: LOG
challenges from your friends. There are five last Jiggies to grab in
this videogame world, and to get them within the necessary time Host Level: 4
limits, you need to have at least 1 Large Engine to attach to your Trophy Time: 1:45
vehicles. Speed is key now as the time limits for these challenges
tighten. Jiggy Time: 3:15
Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge!
Pikelet needs to check
the security cameras
around the console to
make sure they are in
full working condition.
Since his employees
seem to be AWOL,
he needs you to give
him a ride to all five
cameras placed around the Logbox 720. The cameras are so far apart
that LOG gives you a flying contraption to hoist the heavyset Pikelet
2 through the air. You only have a few minutes to get the job done.
There are a handful of freebie vehicle parts in
boxes right next to Pikelet. Break open the boxes
and bolt the extras on to the vehicle, including
2 Small Fuel Tanks and 2 Medium Fuel Tanks.
Gate to Critics Say No
Showdown Town 5
Glubber Hubbub
1 A Sight for
Poor Eyes
When the challenge begins, fly directly south and zero in on the
Jinjo Hurl
camera sticking out of the ledge where you needed to dim a bulb
2 in a previous mission. You just need to hover close enough to the
Lap Happy Jinjo Race
camera for a second, giving Pikelet a chance to pull out his instant
3 Bug Ridden camera and snap a photo. As soon as you see the flash, Pikelet has
Jinjo Fetch
his shot and you can move on to the next camera.
Logbox 720
Fly due west from the first camera. The next camera is inside a
clear box. The only opening is beneath the box, so fly directly to the
fan in the wall and then rise straight up. Pause briefly in front of the
camera so Pikelet can inspect it and then drop back out of the box.
Now, turn around and aim for the center of the console.
Dont be afraid
to rub paint
with the other
cars. Try to
nudge them off
course and
Lower the vehicle to the bottom of the console. The fourth camera advance up the
is directly above the CPU. Its bolted to the top of the golden circuit
board, so hover close to the board and get close enough for Pikelet
to take his personal photo. This is a frantic
The fifth and final event. Because the
camera is above the course is so small
three spinning discs to and the corners tight,
the north. Fly over the mistakes are amplified.
discs and take a photo If you bounce off a
of the camera above wall or clip a corner
the security door. too narrowly, youll
After snapping this bounce around while the other players roar ahead. Dont be too
final picture, Pikelet conservative out there on the track, but knowing when to let off the
applauds your work and rewards you with your Jiggy. If you managed gas so you dont overshoot corners is a key to victory.
to make the tour in under 1:45 minutes, you also earn a Trophy.
3. Bug Ridden
2. Lap Happy Vehicle Choice: Player
Vehicle Choice: Player Host Level: 2
Host Level: 1 Trophy Time: 1:45
Trophy Time: 1:35 Jiggy Time: 3:15
Jiggy Time: 2:00 Notes Requirement: Acquire 10 bugs!
Notes Requirement: Win the race! Jolly Dodger requires
Humba Wumba is your assistance near the
celebrating her admission center of the console.
to a world racing champi- It seems Grunty has
onship over by the CPU. been hacking away at
She needs you to help her the Logbox 720 and
train for the event, called now some of the code
Tedious Oval Racing 5. has been infected with
The race is indeed a small bugs. Jolly needs you
oval and you must rip to wipe out 10 of the bugs to stabilize the code. Fortunately, the
around it several times to close in on the finish line. There are other racers on Logbox 720 has a built-in bug zapper down on the first floor. All you
the track, which can make for some crowded situations in the corners. Make need to do is activate the zapper and personally escort 10 bugs inside
sure you use your fastest land vehicle for this race, and it wouldnt hurt to put of it. But these little bugs are pretty wiggly, so you need something that
some bumpers on it in case you collide with a rival car. can hold them down while you work the zapper.
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
The bugs will easily escape something like the Next, drive the
trolley, so you need to build a cage on wheels. bugs over to the
We assembled a cage out of heavy panels so the zapper. Ease the
bugs couldnt wriggle free. Now, collecting harvester inside the
the bugs one at a time with the wrench is too zapper and wait for
slow to earn the Trophy, so you need something the bolts of electricity
that can gather up the bugs without you leaving to eliminate every
the drivers seat. The solution is the Vacuum
bug in your cage.
gadget. Attach it to the cage, just like the
coconut harvester LOG gave you back in Nutty
They are zapped one
Acres. Now you have a bug harvester, ready to at a time, so you have to hold on until the entire load has been
suck up four or five bugs in a single trip. And, disposed of. If you drive off too soon, youll still have bugs in the
just for good back.
measure, Watch out for at least one bug to make a break
attach an for it and run to the other side of the Logbox
Egg Gun to
720. Cut these bugs off before they get too
the front of far, or else youll waste time trying to track
the vehicle. them down. If you have to go all the way over
There are to the CPU to suck up a bug, youll miss the
Gruntbots Trophy for sure.
4. Critics Say No
Vehicle Choice: Player
Host Level: 1
Trophy Time: 1:40
Jiggy Time: 3:20
When the challenge begins, drive down to the bug zapper. The Notes Requirement: Survive the challenge!
bugs are wriggling around the room, but your first target is the Designing a good
Bouncer Gruntbot. Shoot the Gruntbot with your Egg Gun until game is tough work.
it pops. Then, hop out of the vehicle and use the wrench to activate Mumbo tried to take
the bug zapper. Once its on, get back in the harvester and start a shortcut by ordering
picking up the bugs. a contraption out of a
Now, drive catalog that promises
through the bugs. to instantly add good
Because they are so gameplay to any title,
small and skinny, you but the thing arrived
can drive right on top in three pieces. Mumbo needs your help collecting the three pieces
of them. The vacuum and assembling them in the right order to infuse his new game with WALKTHROUGH:
picks them up and a healthy dose of fun.
drops them right into
the cage. Depending This challenge is much easier if you craft
Logbox 720
on the size of your cage, you can collect four or five bugs at a a large cage on wheels so you can fetch all
The hole is in
the center of
the Glubber
pool. Dive down
only have a
limited amount
of air.
Walkthrough: Logbox 720
the ribbon cables on the way down. Each bounce slows it down.
When it hits the ground, it will come to a stop too quickly.
Swim straight
down a few Red Jinjo Race
stories and then
follow the tube
to the north.
its precious token.
directly into the machine to activate the flavoring and restore the southeast corner of the console. After hopping the cables, talk to the
Glubber to its original grape flavor. Jinjo to accept its task. The Jinjo is missing its extra life. It needs you
to fly up to the top of the console and grab the gilded extra life icon
Heres an alternate idea: Create a vehicle with (which is shaped like Banjo) and bring it back down to the bottom
folding wings and a Scuba Seat. Fly to the of the Logbox 720. Use a flying vehicle to zoom up to the extra
top of the chamber and retract the wings at
life, which is directly to the east of the Glubber pool.
Jinjo Challenges
Purple Jinjo Hurl
Logbox 720
Banjoland Doors
Act Required Jiggies
Act 1 6 3
Act 2 7
Act 3 15
Act 4 23
Act 5 24
Act 6 59
Gate to Park Prix 1
Showdown Town
Jinjo Speed
1 Youll Go
Blind, You Jinjo Combat
Ice to See You
Walkthrough: Banjoland
Jiggy Challenges Upgrading Banjos strength at Boggys Gym
increases the ferocity of those wrench hits.
1. Youll Go Blind, You Clanker The stronger Banjo is, the fewer times you have
Vehicle Choice: Player to smack a Gruntbot to destroy it.
If you want the Trophy, though, you need to get rid of those
Gruntbots faster than beating them to pieces with a wrench. Create
a tank in the garage and place the Egg Turret on the front of it.
Now, you can park close to the eyes and then sit in the turret seat.
Open fire on the Gruntbots as they roll in from the distance and
then finish any off that manage to get close to Clanker.
To win the Jiggy, you need to eliminate 12 Gruntbots. If you can Trophy Time: 1:00
manage this job quickly, Blubber will even throw in a Trophy for Jiggy Time: 2:45
your hard work. Notes Requirement: George survives the challenge!
There are two Small Ammos located in Mumbo Bottles needs your
the challenge,
them back with the drive down the
wrench. Just wait for side of the
the Gruntbots to snowman between
come to you. The first the two blinking
holiday trees.
batch attacks from the left (if youre facing away from Clanker) and
Follow the ramp
storms the left eye. After smashing a few of those Gruntbots, another down to George.
platoon of Gruntys robots arrives from the right and attempts to
rip out the right eye. Just hammer away at the Gruntbots as they
swarm the eyes.
in this racemake sure you fit your car with
High-Grip Wheels.
Capture George in the fork of your pushing vehicle and then direct From the
him up the sand and on to the wooden ramp. Slow down just before starting line,
tear down the
you reach the top, because George slides on flat surfaces. The top of side of the hill
the ramp is flat and if theres too much momentum behind George, and race over
he will just slide right off the side of the platform. the wooden ramp
near Mad Monster
Whats the first rule of Klungos sssecret racing club? Dont talk
about Klungos sssecret racing club. The second rule, though, is
to join up at the soccer field high above the remnants of Mad
Monster Mansion and enter a fast vehicle with at least a Medium
Walkthrough: Banjoland
The course then
winds back Act 2
toward the The second act of Banjoland begins at the snowman in the center
starting point. of the museum. From here, its a quick drop down to the first Jiggy
Drive over the
crystals under
challenge, a clean-up mission at the behest of Boggy. After cleaning
the glass and things up, go see Mr. Fit at the soccer field and then tour the Jinjo
then drop the perches to pick up some tokens to use at King Jingalings Bingo
pedal to climb Palace back in Showdown Town.
the hill and
return to Klungo.
Jinjo Challenges
An orange Jinjo at the base of the pyramid wants to see bear and
bird go fastreally fast. The Jinjo challenges you to pass a speed
marker on your speedometer. A Medium Engine on a light vehicle
is enough to hit the mark, but in the event youre somehow without
the means of going that fast, you can always motor up to the
snowman hat next to the pyramid and just drive off. Let gravity do
the heavy lifting.
The nest is
held up by a
branch. There is
a shallow lip
where the branch
and nest meet
to the west, so
shove the Jinjo
over there to
nudge it out of
the arena.
of that
Vehicle Choice: Player trash can?
Very clever,
Trophy Time: 1:00 Rare.
Jiggy Time: 2:30
Notes Requirement: Successfully complete the challenge!
to get the Jiggy and then come back with the field if you want a shot at the title. And the Trophy.
Sticky Ball to earn the Trophy.
You need a vehicle
Use the available Humba Chopper 2, if you that can push through
havent already constructed your own awesome the rubber players and
chopper! get at least 4 balls to
the goal within the
time limit to earn the
Jiggy. If you want that
Trophy, you better
build something that
can carry multiple balls at once, like a giant cage on wheels.
You must release
To win the Jiggy, you must lift three giant pieces of trash into the tall the balls as
can. Grab the trash one piece at a time with the wrench and then soon as the
place it on top of a tray or in a cage. Hop behind the wheel of your challenge
begins. Park
flying machine and lift the trash into the air. You just need to carry your rig on the
the trash over the top of the can. When you hover close to the can, red button. A
the trash is automatically pulled in. machine rises
from the eld
and dispenses a
ball. The longer you stay on the button, the more
balls it releases.
Walkthrough: Banjoland
Just stay on the button until the machine is Jinjo Challenges
empty. Youll waste too much time always coming
back to the button if you try this one-at-a- Purple Jinjo Taxi
The purple Jinjo is trapped in the glass case to the east of Boggy.
Next, lift the balls into your cage. Fit as many as you can in there. Smash the glass with the wrench and then chat up the Jinjo. Bottles
(Our cage could hold three.) Now drive toward the goal at full mistook it for an exhibit and placed it in that case. Now, it wants a ride
speed. Dodge the rubber players so they dont slow you down. Your back to the entrance of the museum so it can escape Bottles craziness.
first run at the goal is pretty clear. The Gruntbots only appear when LOG gives you access to a Taxi Helicopter to fly the Jinjo over to the
you close in on the goal itself. However, once the Gruntbots are in entrance within 40 seconds. Just rise above the snowman and make a
play, they remain on the field for the duration of the challenge. beeline for the front door. The Jinjo Token is as good as yours.
on the eld to There is a red Jinjo on top of one of the display cases next to Mr. Fits
pick up another load.
soccer field. This Jinjo has a needa need for speed. Indulge this Jinjo
Place wedges on the front of your vehicle so you by selecting one of your fastest vehicles and then putting on a show.
can trap balls and push them into the goal along Drive up to the top of the field and then speed off. As you roar down
with the ones you placed inside the cage. the slope, you pass the required speed and bank the Jinjo Token.
will bounce
off it
when they
Drive to the west side of Banjoland to catch up with an orange Jinjo on
the bridge overlooking the igloo. This Jinjo wants to be rolled at least
200 distance units. And since its standing on a rounded bridge, you can
You only need 4 goals within 3 minutes to earn the Jiggy. If you
certainly help it out without much effort. Accept the challenge and select
want the Trophy,
a vehicle with a fast engine. Bounce the Jinjo to the south so it rolls down
you need to truck
the bridge and then up the
10 balls past the
wooden ramps in the corner.
Gruntbots and
dummy players. So As the Jinjo rolls
build that giant back down the
cage on wheels and ramp, it picks up
additional speed and
hit the field!
cruises across the
200 mark.
Walkthrough: Banjoland
2. Get Protected
Return Blubber Vehicle Choice: Player
to Bottles Trophy Time: 1:30
before going
out to grab Jiggy Time: 3:00
the other 2
Notes Requirement: Survive the challenge!
Aw, is Mr. Fit afraid
Next, drive east of the dark? The
of Bottles to aardvark is supposed
Clanker. Mumbo to watch the museum
is waiting on at night, but hes too
top of the
giant furnace.
scared to go out and
Slow down next turn on the security
to Mumbo and cameras. (He blames
he jumps into Klungo for not
one of the switching them on before he left for the evening.) There are five
passenger seats.
cameras in the network, but you only need to turn on three of them
to activate the system.
The security cameras are spread across Banjoland,
Turn south from Mumbo and drive up the side of the glacier. Your
third fare, Boggy, is waiting under the snowmans hat. The surface of
the glacier is slick, so stick to the powder trail between the holiday
trees. Never let off the gas or you risk sliding back down the glacier
and bouncing Mumbo out of his seat. At the top, slow down and
Boggy will jump into the available seat. The closest camera from the starting point is on top of the metal
Theres a third train car near Boggy, on the head up by the soccer field. Take off and zip up to the field. Land on
snowmans head. Attach this to your vehicle top of the head and then rotate the switch with the wrench. (There
for an alternate way to transport all three are Notes up here, but you should come back to get those after
employees at once! the challenge.)
plenty of room
to land and
take off.
Drive the last
two employees
back to Bottles
at the museum
entrance to
complete the
Drive through
the wreckage
of the SS
vehicle and jump into the drink to reach the switch. You are much clip the jagged wreckage, youll be tossed off
better off by sticking to the land-based switches. course, giving Klungo and Blubber a chance to
Hit the cameras on the tunnel, snowman, and nest catch up.
to earn the Trophy. With clear areas around the
Walkthrough: Banjoland
Make a hairpin Drop down to the
turn behind the narrow strip
igloo. of land to the
south of the
of the pack near the
beginning of the race
and keep your lead while only spending approximately 35 seconds
per lap, you can grab the Trophy, too. The nish line
is right on
Jinjo Challenges top of Loggo.
field) wants to race
you. The race is from
the field to Loggo,
so pick a fast car
with good traction.
The Jinjo does not
hesitate at the start of this race, so you need to be right off the There is a green Jinjo on top of the
blocks, too. snowman hat. Zip up to the Jinjo and
accept its combat challenge. The
Race across the
strip of turf arena is the entirety of the hat,
over the soccer so you need a vehicle with
goal. enough oomph to crash into
the Jinjo and then push it up
over the lip at the edge of the
hat. Catch the Jinjo as
it rolls around the fan
contraption against you. But if you can wreck Gruntys mechanical and a Small Ammo in Mumbo crates next to the
monster and send her packing from Banjoland, LOG will upgrade stone pillars.
your trolley back in Showdown Town with the important spring
component. Then you can bounce to new heights and find new Gruntys vehicle
Mumbo Crates and create a whole new fleet of vehicles. has four legs. Each
leg has a spring on
the bottom of it,
allowing the witch to
bounce around. This
makes it difficult to
draw a bead on her,
so you need to blast
at least one of those legs off the vehicle. Once the vehicle tips over
from missing a leg, you can then pepper Gruntys seat until the
witch is forced free of her ride.
Spring Break!
keep your weapon active,
Jinjo Race since you are likely
going to miss with the
first few shots as Grunty
Jinjo Fetch
1 bounces around.
Walkthrough: Banjoland
Whether you
use a plane,
helicopter, or
car, target
Gruntys legs
as soon as
Cut the hairpin turn behind the igloo as close as you can. This
is where you can get a leg up on the Jinjo. After the igloo, straighten
your boat out and power through the next two checkpoints. The
Now that Gruntys vehicle cannot bounce away, target her seat. course makes another hard hairpin at the metal platform where the
Hammer her with your weapon, breaking the core of the vehicle Jinjo waited for you. Whip through the corner and head around the
wide open. Hit it with shot after shot. The leg pieces continue to fall track for one more lap.
away, leaving just the seat attached to the vehicles small body. Keep
firing as the vehicle lamely rolls around the ground, unable to move. Green Jinjo Fetch
Just two or three direct hits is enough to dislodge Grunty from the
vehicle and score the Jiggy.
If you are struggling with getting the Trophy in
this challenge, come back later after earning
game, such as the Laser or Torpedile. Those
weapons will shatter Gruntys vehicle within
seconds. There is a green Jinjo inside the igloo on the pool. (There are some
Notes in there, too.) The green Jinjo needs
Jinjo Challenges you to fetch a drum of toxic waste that
it accidentally dropped next
to the park entrance.
Rush north to the
park entrance
and grab the
drum next to
the statue. Place the
drum on your vehicle and
then bring it back to the
The red Jinjo down by the pool is hankering for a race. And its Jinjo to earn the token.
not even much of a raceits a sprint through a series of close
checkpoints on the water. To defeat the Jinjo in its own event, you
Klungo has a new racing event for his secret speedsters club.
This race uses special vehicles shaped like desert camels. But this
mechanical camel is equipped with Floaters so it can drive across
water and pass through aquatic checkpoints. You are up against a
handful of friends, so expect some rubbin while racin. But if you can
get an early lead, you are in good shape for the Jiggy.
Walkthrough: Banjoland
From the sand, 2. Canned and Panned
race down to the
pool. Try to Vehicle Choice: Player
pass a rival on
the decline when
Time Limit: 3:30
you can build Trophy Requirement: Collect 10 sheep
up some extra
speed. As soon Jiggy Requirement: Collect 4 sheep
as you hit the
Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge!
water, you lose
some momentum. Bottles has another
challenge for you, so
The course meet him over by Loggo.
continues Are you ready for this? A
through the herd of inflatable sheep
wreckage of the
have broken free of the
SS Rustbucket.
Cut for Deadlines
room in Banjoland.
You must recapture the
sheep and drop them off at Loggos bowl. Gather as many sheep as you can
After the ship before time runs out! The more sheep you gather, the better your rank at the
wreckage, make end of the challenge. You need a cage-like vehicle for rounding up multiple
a left and turn objectsyou just dont have the time to fetch these sheep one-at-a-time.
back toward the
pool. You must Use the same
slide through vehicle you
the ice tunnel built/modied
on the backside for the soccer
of the glacier.
ball challenge
with Mr. Fit. The
From the ice, sheep and soccer
the course balls are roughly
crosses the pool the same size.
again and ducks
back through the
SS Rustbucket
Maintaining your speed on this track is tricky. Mr. Fit has set
up a course that requires some nimble steering to keep upright at The blue Jinjo on the soccer field really has to get to the bathroom.
top speed. Once you hit the gas and start racing down the first hill, If you cannot get it to Loggo in 35 seconds, its just going to burst.
you cannot let off. The course goes up a few inclines, too, and you So get that Jinjo in the airplane taxi provided by LOG and fly out
cannot sacrifice any momentum to your brakes. over the field. Watch out for the dummy players as you take off. Dip
below the Banjoland sign in front of the field and then bank to the
When you are at the required speed for the
Walkthrough: Banjoland
Act 6
The final act in Banjoland challenges you to win a race, pop an
inflatable dinosaur, and push a sheep into the toilet. Really. But
thats just par for the course in the wild lives of bear and bird, so get
in there and bank those Jiggies. Youre closing in on unlocking the
door to Spiral Mountain!
You need an airplane or helicopter to reach the yellow Jinjo on top
of the snowmans hat. Once you land, though, the Jinjo just wants
to see you drop back to the floor. If you cross the Jinjos speed
threshold, it will give you its Jinjo Token. From this height, thats not
going to be a problem. Call up a fast car and drive it right off the
hat. As you scream toward the ground, the Jinjo squeals in delight
and gives up its token.
The orange Jinjo
is not easy to find.
Its hiding from you
under the waves of 2
the pool, so dive below
the igloo and look for 1
the tunnel entrance. 4
Motor through the
tunnel to locate an
orange Jinjo and a surprise cache of Notes. After collecting the 5
Notes, chat up the Jinjo to learn about its challenge.
5 Mad Monster
1 Home Improvements
Igloo Edition Mix-Up
The little Jinjo has lost its toy Fergie (thats one of the stars of
Viva Piata). The Jinjo remembers having it over by the Click Clock 2 Even Older Dog, 6 Baa for
Wood Tree last, so start looking there. Choose a helicopter from Newer Tricks the Course
your garage and fly out of the water. When you burst out of the
Jinjo Hurl
water, turn to the northeast. The Fergie doll is on top of the stump 3 Eggcellent
thats just beyond the bird nest. Land on the stump and snare the Racing
Fergie doll with your wrench. Place it in your vehicle and then head Jinjo Fetch
Walkthrough: Banjoland
If pushing Mr. The S-formation
Patch, line up of checkpoints
the dino with in the center
the cactus of the ice is
before you tricky. Weave
drive into the through them by
balloon. Trying letting off the
to alter course gas just as you
while pushing the turn toward a
boss is difcult checkpoint and
and you risk then accelerate
having the dino just roll away from your vehicle. to come out of the corner safely.
that marks the
Jiggy Time: 2:50 end of the rst
lap. Aim for the
Notes Requirement: Win the race! low point of the
Klungo has a new snow bank.
race event for you over
by the giant pyramid.
You are given a
special honeycomb-
shaped car that
doesnt exactly have
the best handling,
which is dangerous
for this challenge because not only does the race take place on the
frozen pool, but the checkpoints are flanked by exploding eggs. If
you glance off one of these eggs, it explodes and sends your vehicle
bouncing away while Klungo races into the lead. When the eggs are
cracked open, Gruntbots emerge and attack any vehicle nearby.
At least the car On your second lap, Gruntbots try to overturn your vehicle. Look
has an Egg Gun out for the Bouncer Gruntbots that pop out of the eggs if shot with
on the front of your Egg Gun, or the Gruntbots lurking under the bridge behind
it so you can
shoot Klungo
the igloo. This is a three-lap race and Klungo really turns up the
whenever he heat as you enter the final stretch of the challenge. If he ever pulls
creeps into the ahead, just keep on the Egg Gun so he cannot ever get a big lead
lead. on you. Blast him as he roars ahead, rolling him into the eggs.
The race largely stays on the ice. When you approach a checkpoint, stay as
close to the center as possible to avoid accidentally bumping into one of the
eggs. Try to avoid using the brakes whenever possible, because the moment
you apply the brakes, you lose your traction on the ice and momentum takes
over. You risk tipping your vehicle right into one of the eggs. When the eggs
are cracked open, Gruntbots emerge and attack any nearby vehicle.
Drive down to the frozen pool and steer through the checkpoints.
You can tackle them in any order. You must use the spring to
bounce up into the checkpoints. Spin your vehicle as it comes back
to the ground. If you keep holding the gas, your cycle will tear off
Walkthrough: Banjoland
5. Mad Monster Mix-Up
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Time: 2:00
Jiggy Time: 3:10
Notes Requirement: Win the race!
Bottles is waiting over The course rises again as you turn toward Cloud Cuckooland. Bank
by the Mad Monster into the checkpoints leading to the crystals and then straighten out
Mansion set. The as you approach the snowman. Squeeze through the space between
mole had ordered a the snowman platform and the hat to pass through another
bunch of building checkpoint. Then follow the scarf north.
pieces for you to
assemble at the site,
but since those were
too big to get there Fly low to pass
through the
in time, youll just have to settle for an air race with Bottles. Pick a
sawblade tunnel.
fast air vehiclea plane is preferableand then get ready to zoom
with Bottles, Mr. Fit, and Mumbo.
You need to place at least a Large Engine on
your aircraft to keep up in this race. If you
toward the
Immediately take off from the starting line and race through
the first three checkpoints leading south from the soccer field and
toward the bear trap on the opposite wall. Bank left to rush through
the checkpoint next to the bear trap. Follow the wall to the south
and pass over the igloo.
Fly around the tall cactus and then follow the scarf again as it
turns north. Make a long right, banking through the next series of
checkpoints until you face the soccer field again. Fly back through
Dip low and
scream through
the space between the snowman and the hat and close in on the
the ship finish line right by the Banjoland sign next to the soccer field.
wreckage to
nail another
front of it to give your golf strokes a little roll the ball down the
extra bounce. side of the glacier, off
the sand dunes, and
even into the wooden
ramp on the far wall.
This is one area of the
museum without many
floor exhibits, so you should have a clean run to roll for the 450.
First shot: Speed at the sheep and bounce it to the north so it flies Purple Jinjo Fetch
off the soccer field and rolls well across the ice below. The purple Jinjo in
Second shot: Next, Cloud Cuckooland
blast the sheep to the is missing its good
west. Loggo is on the friend Mr. Ribs. The
far side of the wrecked last time the Jinjo
ship. You want the saw Mr. Ribs, it was
sheep to get as close over by the toilet.
at possible to Loggo Hey, thats Loggo!
since there is a lip on Pick a vehicle that
the ground in front can fly and carry an object (a chopper with the Sticky Ball works
of him and a straight shot at Loggo minimizes the chances of the exceptionally well here) and then fly west.
lip bouncing the sheep off-course. Mr. Ribs is indeed
on top of Loggo.
Hover over Loggo
and deploy the Sticky
Ball. Pick up Mr. Ribs
from the toilet tank
and fly him back to
the Jinjo. Just swing
Third shot: Retreat from the sheep and drop the pedal. Hit the Mr. Ribs down to the
sheep going as fast as possible. Roll the sheep across the remainder Jinjo to end the challenge and collect the purple Jinjo Token. Take it
of the ice and directly at Loggo. If you are coming at it from an to King Jingaling and see what prize you can bank with it.
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
Welcome to the Jiggosseum, a massive sports complex where tens
of thousands gather to cheer and jeer the finest collection of athletes Act 1
ever seen in a videogame. Mr. Fit, Captain Blubber, Trophy Thomas, You arrive in the Jiggosseum on the main floor. From here, the
and more have suited up for the games, a collection of events complex is absolutely daunting. But over the six acts, you will wow
that range from racing to wrestling. The coliseum is so large that the crowds with your superior driving skills (and vehicle crafts-
contestants need to build fast cars and flying machines to get from manship), so get out there and start accepting the challenges. Just
one end to the other in time to qualify for each challenge. The prizes make sure you have at least one solid flying vehicle in your stable for
are nothing less than goldenJiggies! And the greatest contenders, this act, because you need to fly high to reach the two Jinjos.
those that reach deep and pull out spectacular wins that bring the
crowd to its feet, will take home cherished Trophies. 2
Be sure to explore the entirety of the massive stadium between
challenges. There are so many Notes tucked up on the rafters that
crisscross the arena. Peek around the torch that signals the start of
the games. And delve into the tunnels that lead under the bleachers
and to the Jiggosseums sprawling concession area. Pizza, burgers,
and Notes are all down there, ready for consumption. So, what are
you waiting for? Pull up to the starting line in your flashiest rides
and get ready to throw elbows on the way to victory.
The Jiggosseum Collectibles
Total Jiggies 16
Total Jinjos 15
Total Notes 200 (85 bronze, 7 silver, 8 gold)
Gate to 2 Fat Blokes
Showdown Town in Nappies
The Jiggosseum Doors
Act Required Jiggies Jinjo Taxi
1 Unhappy
Act 1 12 Landings
Act 2 16 Jinjo Red
Act 3 27
Act 4 38
Act 5 57
Act 6 83 Jiggy Challenges
1. Unhappy Landings
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Score: 500
The Jiggosseum
Seven spaces
three Medium
across is
Engines to
enough to provide enough
cover the speed to push
job. the blocks
without much
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
Jinjo Challenges
Purple Jinjo Taxi Race down the
center of the
gantry in a
fairly narrow
need to keep your speed up to prevent the bike from tipping over on you may tumble
the gantry. If you slow down too much on the bridges sharp corners, off the track.
you and the Jinjo will find yourself on the floor. You have only 20
seconds to reach the torch, so get going! Act 2
Stick to the The gate from Showdown Town drops you into the VIP box of
center of the some decidedly piggish spectators. Fly out of the box and search the
gantry so when main floor of the coliseum for Jiggy challenges from Boggy, Trophy
you do reach the Thomas, and Bottles. After winning their Jiggies, again take to the
corner right
before the
skies and locate the three Jinjos that are more than happy to pay
torch, you dont for your services with their precious Jinjo Tokens.
over-correct and
spill off the
right side of the track. 3
are narrow and the Jinjo transforms into a wide ball for each race, Showdown Town
you need to establish an early lead so your red rival doesnt bounce Jinjo Speed
you right off the track. Tumblin Domies
Jinjo Hurl
If you do not take the immediate lead against
Burnin Rubber
the Jinjo, just restart the race.
Half-Time Snacks
down on the dominoes from above. And attach because hes loaded the
some weapons to that plane! track with obstacles
like giant dominoes
After getting the Self-Destruct weapon, come
and dice. Crashing
back and use it just before your vehicle
While swooping down toward the dominoes from a good, As soon as the
shallow angle (that way your vehicle slides through the dominoes race starts,
blast whoever
instead of just crashing and stopping), fire your onboard weapon
is in front of
into the arena. As soon as the shot hits the dominoes, you lose you with your
control of your vehicle, so make sure your trajectory is just right. weapon.
Your vehicle slides through the dominoes and takes down a batch.
The Laser weapon has zero effect on the
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
3. Half-Time Snacks
Its always Vehicle Choice: LOG
preferable to Trophy Time: 1:30
race between
the obstacles Jiggy Time: 3:15
instead of
blasting them.
Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge!
Bottles is in the food
pavilion under the
But a direct hit eastern bleachers
with your weapon of the Jiggosseum.
is a sure-re Duck into the tunnels
way to clear the
track. Plus, the
to locate your little
ying debris mole friend. When
may strike you pull up, Bottles
your rivals, tells you about his
bouncing them food delivery troubles. He needs you to get some pizzas out to the
right off the track.
fans before they get cold. If the pizzas get cold, you have to return
There are arches to Bottles and the pizza stand to get a new delivery order. Now,
above the track you cannot use one of your super-fast rigs. Instead, you must use a
that you can use as pizza delivery truck.
shortcuts. When the You must deliver four pizzas to win the event. There are four
track pinches inward, waiting customers in the stands.
cut to the left and
drive straight up on
to the stands. Zoom
Pull the pizza
through the arches to
wagon up to the
avoid your rivals and obstacles. stand and park
it directly
The gladiator
under the pipe.
blocks are the
heaviest things
on the track,
so blast those Pop out of the
out of the wagon and turn
way instead of on the pizza
powering through pipe with the
them. switch. Each
twist drops
a pizza into
Due to the length the wagon. The
of the race and the vehicle holds up
to eight pizzas.
relatively short time
The Jiggosseum
The vehicle has retractable wings so you can fly around to the waiting Blue Jinjo Speed
customers. Before you take off, though, zip straight ahead and take
the first pizza to the fan waiting on the soccer ball in the middle of the
Jiggosseum. Next, extend those wings and take off to deliver pizzas to
the fans in the boxes. Theres one directly south of the soccer ball. Fly
up and duck under the awning to deliver the pizza.
You dont need to come to a complete stop and
hand over the pizza. Just get close to the fan The blue Jinjo is in the fountain to the south of the gate that
and slow down enough for the pizza to disappear leads back to Showdown Town. This little Jinjo wants to see you go
from your load.
fast, so attach a Large Engine to a lightweight car and then race
Fly east to down the track. With the Large Engine, youll hit the speed mark
deliver the next within seconds. If you dont have a Large Engine, you can load
pizza to a piggy up with Medium Engines and race down the bleachers to gain
waiting at the momentum.
top of the ski
jump. Orange Jinjo Hurl
Circle back
around the arena
to deliver the
fourth and nal
pizza to a fan in Look on top of the awning above the gate to find an orange Jinjo.
one of the VIP
booths on the
This Jinjo wants to be hurled across the Jiggosseum at least 350
northern side of distance units. Bouncing the Jinjo ball down to the main floor
the Jiggosseum. directly will get you around 300, but thats not enough for a Jinjo
After delivering all of the pizzas and accepting your prize, scour the Token. Instead, drive to the other side of the Jinjo ball and blast it
food court for Notes. Check out each tent for some of the valuable up into the stands.
currency so you can buy blueprints and parts from Humba Wumba The momentum of
back in Showdown Town. rolling up and
then back down
Jinjo Challenges the bleachers is
enough to push
Red Jinjo Combat the Jinjo well
over the 350
mark and bag the
The red Jinjo on the main floor of the Jiggosseum wants a shoving
match. The arena for this little contest is small, so you need to
overcome the Jinjo right away with brute force. Load your pushing
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
Act 3 youre there, place some bumpers on the front of your car so you
dont take significant damage in the event you do accidentally run
The gate from Showdown Town kicks you into the Jiggosseum right into one of the walls.
at the top of the ski jump. From here, roll straight down to meet
your friends and rivals on the Jiggosseum floor and accept their
Jiggy challenges. There are four Jiggies in this act, which should be
enough to open at least one more act back in Showdown Town.
As you approach the first wall, hit the springs to bounce over
the wall. Dont do it too far back or you will clip the wall with
your car as you come down. While bouncing in the air, you can
point your car toward the next checkpoint. That way, when you
land (while holding the accelerator), youll rip toward the next wall
without any delay.
4 As you make
1 2 your rst lap
around the
track, notice
that the walls
Gate to 3 are a mess. Your
Heavy Balls rivals arent
Showdown Town and Hairy Pits too swift with
1 the springs and
A Load of 4 Worlds leave debris
Blocks Strongest Bear everywhere.
Notes Score: 1
3. Heavy Balls and Hairy Pits
Mr. Fit has a basketball
challenge for you on Vehicle Choice: Player
the eastern end of the Trophy Score: 500
Jiggosseum. To win his
Jiggy Score: 250
Jiggy, you must put
at least three large Notes Score: 1
basketballs through a Bottles has (yet
giant hoop. However, another) dilemma.
every ball that goes Hes finally been
through the hoop causes the hoop to rise. You must find a way to picked to be on a
compensate for the elevating hoop as you shoot baskets. If you have sports team, but the
5 baskets when time is uptheres 2:30 on the board when the event is the shot put
event startsyou also take home a Trophy. and he cant even lift
Humba Wumba the ball. Bottles hopes
has a blueprint thats youll take his place in
specifically for this the challengeand if you manage to win the event on his behalf,
event: Humba Slam hell give you the Jiggy. All you need to do is race up to the heavy
Dunk. This vehicle is a shot put ball and knock it across the Jiggosseum, just like a Jinjo
launcher on wheels. You Hurl event.
place the ball in the
Select a car with bumpers so you give the ball
vehicles cup. There are
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
Now, getting 150 in this challenge isnt too difficult. Just run into Release the Sticky Ball from your helicopter and then lower it on to
the ball as fast as you can with at least a couple of Medium one of the bowling balls. Now, rise into the air and hover over one
Engines. But if you want the Trophy, you need to double that score. of the podiums. (You can place the balls in any order.) When the
So, put some bumpers on your fastest car (use a Large Engine if ball has settled, reel in the Sticky Ball. This releases the bowling ball.
you have one) and then reverse away from the ball so you get a If the ball is right on top of the podium, it will drop with a thud and
running start at it. Now, dont bounce it straight ahead. Hit it off stay. If you release it too high, though, it may bounce and roll right
to an angle (think 10 or 2 on a clock) so the ball doesnt hit any of off the edge of the podium.
the rounded impressions on the Jiggosseum floor.
The closest
bowling ball to
the podiums is
the pink one
to the left.
There is a blue
bowling ball on
the column to
the right of the
By blasting the ball toward 10 oclock, you not only miss all podiums.
of the impressions on the main floor, but you also roll into the dip
that leads into the tunnels under the bleachers. Rolling the ball into The third
this dip is worth at least an extra 80and you can get even more bowling ball is
if you actually make it into the tunnel toward the food court. just behind the
podiums, up on a
4. Worlds Strongest Bear raised platform.
The little green Jinjo on top of the platform behind the award
podiums wants a pushing contest. Engage the Jinjo and call up a
fast pushing vehicle from the garage. You need to push the Jinjo
through the fences on either side of the platform. The Jinjo starts
from the opposite side of the bowling ball column. Watch to see
which way the Jinjo rolls and then meet it from the side and help
it over the edge.
Yellow Jinjo Taxi 1
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
keep one eye on the water below. If you see a flash of red coming to Gruntys waves
the surface under you, hit the gas and motor away before Grunty keep pushing the
tips you with one of her metal claws. If she touches a ball with her balls farther and
claws, it will pop. farther from the
Return to Mumbos goal, increasing the
Motors and build a distance you must
special vehicle for this drive to score a goal.
challenge. Start with Keep making wide
a boat. Then build a arcs across the pool,
giant half-cage on the scooping up one ball at a time and pushing it to the goal. Unless
front of it, buoyed by you built a deep cage (and took on the extra weight), you cannot
Floaters so it doesnt make sharp turns and not lose the ball. The challenge ends after
capsize. Use the light 3:00 minutes of water polo. Thats enough time to score 8 goals if
materials so the Floaters arent bogged down and you can zip across you can avoid being tipped by Grunty.
the water without much resistance. Speed is of the essence here, not After defeating Grunty, LOG upgrades your trolley with the
only to get the balls into the goal within the time limit, but to avoid Scuba Seat. Now you can explore underwater areas without worrying
Grunty whenever (and wherever) she surfaces. about breathing. Plus, the Scuba Seat unlocks the sewer grates in
Showdown Town, giving you access to more Mumbo crates!
The surface of
the water is
crowded with
Jinjo Challenges
balls. If you Purple Jinjo Race
fail to get 8
into the goal,
its not for a
lack of balls.
Speed into a
ball to capture
it with your
cage. Now, make There is a purple Jinjo on the Trophy Thomas statue above the ski
a wide turn and jump that wants to race. This is an air race around the flooded
take it to the stadium, so pick a fast plane from your garage. When the race
goal in front of starts, immediately take off and dip down to pass through the
the ski jump.
checkpoint at the bottom of the ramp. Fly in a wide circle around
the stadium, passing through the raised checkpoints.
When you
spot Grunty
quickly dart in
the opposite
She tries to
overturn your
The Jiggosseum
vehicle by
coming up right underneath it.
2. Grab the
ball with the
Sticky Ball and
y in huge
Gate to Jinjo Combat circles around
Showdown Town the Jiggosseum
Jinjo Speed so Grunty cannot
1 9-Ball target it with
Nightmare Jinjo Hurl her laser.
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
Its much easier to
concentrate on Grunty
and keep her away
from the balls. As
the event progresses,
though, Grunty gets
faster and zeroes in
on the balls much
quicker. Install a The green Jinjo on the awards podium wants to see a fierce display
Freezeezy on the front of your helicopter to stop her cold. After of speed. He sets the bar pretty high, but thanks to the ski jump,
freezing Grunty, lower the Sticky Ball and pick her up. Now, even you can clear it. Take your fastest car and drive up to the top of
when she thaws out, shes still trapped and cannot target the balls. the ski jump. (Hurryyou only have 1:00 minute to complete this
Here are the locations of the balls: speed challenge.) Race down the ski jump. Your acceleration plus the
1 Ball: Southwest, main floor gravity of racing downhill is enough to propel you past the speed
marker and right into the arms of a waiting Jinjo Token.
2 Ball: Northwest, main floor
3 Ball: South-center, main floor
4 Ball: East, main floor below ski jump
5 Ball: East, top of ski jump
6 Ball: West, next to dartboard on main floor
7 Ball: Northeast, main floor
8 Ball: West, on bridge leading to dartboard
Call up a plane from the garage and fly to the gantries that
9 Ball: Dead-center, main floor crisscross the stadium. The purple Jinjo up here wants you to hurl
it across the Jiggosseum. If you can roll it more than 400 distance
Dont delay when this act opens up in Showdown
Town. With the Laser, you can reach Mumbo Crate
units, you win its token. There isnt a lot of space on the platform
#45 which contains a Large Jet and the Torpedile to get a running start at the Jinjo, so carefully back up on to the
weapon. Both are essential for smashing Grunty gantry behind you. Then, hit the gas and blast into the Jinjo to send
at Spiral Mountain. it flying.
Jinjo Challenges
Blue Jinjo Combat
The Jiggosseum
The blue Jinjo on the dartboard wants a good shove. To win this
combat event, you must push it off the circular platform. The
platform has no lip or rail, so all you need to do is get it far Knock the Jinjo all the way into the bleachers on
the opposite side of the Jiggosseum. It rolls down
enough over the edge that gravity takes over. This Jinjo, though, is the side, picking up speed and racing toward the
much stronger than previous combatants. You must overpower it. needed 400.
We used a big pushing vehicle and upgraded with a trio of Large
Engines. The Jinjo never stood a chance.
Gate to 4
Smashin Time There are two
Showdown Town
5 boxes with
1 No Holds Beared vehicle parts
Jiggosseum Torch oating in the
2 water next to
Jinjo Fetch some dice. Run
Up the Oche
into the boxes
3 Jinjo Speed to break them
Bear in a Ball
open. The content? Wheels!
Jinjo Hurl
Hold down + to
attach the wheels
to your boat
without having
Jiggy Challenges to get out. As
soon as your
1. The Jiggosseum Torch boat is equipped
Vehicle Choice: LOG with the wheels,
you can take the
Trophy Time: 1:45 ame to the torch.
Jiggy Time: 3:00
Notes Time: 5:00
Captain Blubber stands
on a nearby platform
from the gate to
Showdown Town. The
portly hippo needs you
to light the Jiggosseum Steer your boat back across the lake. Drive up one of the long,
torch, the symbol of arcing ramps on either side of the ski jump. Cross the gantry at the
the athletic events top of the ramp and steer into the torch to light it. The Jiggosseum
that unfold inside the torch is now fully lit and Blubber is more than happy to reward you
mammoth stadium. However, a leak has filled the stadium with water with your Jiggy.
again for this challenge. You must get the flame that Blubber gives
you at the beginning of the challenge to the torch. Watch yourself in
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
2. Up the Oche
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Score: 300
Jiggy Score: 100
Notes Score: 1
Race down the ramp and then extend your wings. When you fly
through the checkpoint at the end of the ramp, you do indeed lose
the ability to accelerate anymore. Your speed is now what it is.
However, if you tilt the plane to the right, you can bank a little bit
and aim for some of the higher-point buckets toward the back.
When you near
the bucket,
tilt the nose
down to plant
the vehicle
within the blue
of the buckets,
you leave the ramp, you lose control of your vehicle and can no
but you best be
longer accelerate. The only thing you can do at that point is rotate careful about
your vehicle. If youre in a car, that means little. However, if you have accidentally
a plane with a nice set of wings, you can influence the path of your tilting and dropping off-course.
plane in the air.
Got good aim? If you hit the center of the
in this into the race (leave your fast engines and some fuel,
game. If you of course) and race that lean machine through
have a fast the checkpoint. Getting 100 is pretty easy
plane with a if you manage to score one shot in the
jet, you can
75-point bucket. But if you want the
reach the
farther set 300-point Trophy, you better aim for
of buckets, the 75-point bucket at least three times.
including Without that third 75-point addition to your
the lone 75-point bucket which is in the score, you are pinned down to making 3 direct
upper-right corner of the eld.
landings in the 50-point buckets.
Steer back
The first section of the course isnt too bad. You just need to hit across the main
oor, ducking
some checkpoints on the main floor of the Jiggosseum. Slip through under the ramp
the two lines of dominoes as you head into the tunnel that leads that leads to
down to the food court. the dartboard.
Walkthrough: The Jiggosseum
Load up on weapons for this mission. Place a
line of Egg Guns on front of your vehiclecar or
helicopterso you can just chew through the dice.
Very carefully drive out onto the gantry. The gantry is very narrow at
first and when Thomas lines the next section with dominoes, it gets
even tighter. Line up your vehicle in the dead center of the gantry
and then speed through the dominoes. Lay off the left control stick if
you have a straight shot. Dont even touch it or else youll just panic, As soon as the challenge begins, start shooting. Just hammer the stack
over-correct, and then knock down a bunch of dominoes. of dice with your guns. Move closer and keep firing. There are blocks
around the platform that help keep dice from falling off, so pound the
center of the dice stack, splintering the pile until its gone. Then, turn
and sweep through the dice that fell toward the edge of the platform.
The more repower
you have, the
easier this
challenge, so spare
Steer around the circle of dominoes on the small platform nothing. Turn your
vehicle into a
before heading out onto the last stretch of gantry. More lines of death coaster and
dominoes make this a harrowing drive. Follow the gantry as it unleash a rain of
spirals up to the torch platform. Keep reminding yourself of reverse Egg Pellets on
steering as you drive. those dice.
Drive through 5. No Holds Beared
the last set
of dominoes Vehicle Choice: Player
to score your
Trophy Time: 1:00
Jiggy Time: 2:00
Notes Requirement:
Win three out of
five fights!
4. Smashin Time Pikelet has a big challenge
Vehicle Choice: Player for you on top of the
Trophy Score: 75 dartboard. He wants to
hit you up for a sumo
Jiggy Score: 50 match much like the Jinjo Combat challenges, but hes going to pack
Notes Score: 1 a little extra motor, more than one of those Jinjo balls. Pikelet is in a
The Jiggosseum
Bottles has a new heavy tank, powered by some serious horses under the hood. And to
game for you to try make this challenge even tougher, the platform is going to randomly
near the dartboard: tilt. So, in one second, you may be ready to shove Pikelet off the low
Dice Smash. There is edge of the platform, only to have to tilt back up and put yourself at
a large stack of dice on a disadvantage. To win
the circular platform. the Jiggy, you must best
You have only one minute to break as many dice as possible. There Pikelet three out of five.
are three different kinds of dice, each worth a different amount of Hit the garage
points. Wooden dice are worth 3 or 4. White dice are worth 1 or 2. and build a real pusher
And black dice are worth 5 or 6. The number of dots on the sides of of a vehicle. Employ
the dice reveal how many points youll get. The more points the dice heavy parts to make
are worth, the more shots it takes to destroy them. this bulldozer so
Try to anticipate the tilting platform. When you see one end dip,
you know that in just a few seconds, that end will rise back up. So, slam
into Pikelet and then push him toward a side of the platform that isnt
down just yet. Push him as hard as you can, so when the platform does
dip, you can pivot around his tank and then finish him off.
If you both
The yellow Jinjo in the food court wants to see you rocket to super
slide off at
exactly the same speeds within 1 minute. And hes not kidding around either. He sets
time, the round the speed marker well over halfway around your map. You need
is considered some serious power to hit that mark. Come back to this challenge
a tie and no after scoring at least three Large Jets. As soon as the event starts,
points are
race out of the food court (all of those columns make it hard to
drive in a straight line and max out your speed) and then gas it up
Do not
across the main floor of the Jiggosseum.
allow any space
between you and If youre still struggling to hit the speed marker,
add some Large Engines to your rig and every jet
Pikelet. Stay on
top of him so he you have. Then, race to the ski jump and roar down
cannot get any it to pick up added speed via the momentum.
momentum. If you
have a super-
powered pusher, Blue Jinjo Hurl
he cannot over-power you. A blue Jinjo waits
patiently on the soccer
Jinjo Challenges ball on the main
floor of the stadium.
Green Jinjo Fetch He challenges you
to a hurling match,
demanding you
bump him a distance
of at least 450. The
key to launching this Jinjo the full 450 (and beyond) is fitting your
vehicle with a lot of power, and bolting bumpers to the front. Get a
running start at the Jinjo and slam into it at top speed, blasting it
Check out the ramp next to the dartboard for a little green Jinjo. across the Jiggoseum.
The poor Jinjo has lost its candy. How can it enjoy the show without
its sweets? The Jinjo remembers having them when it was up looking
at the golden statue above the ski jump, so thats your big clue.
Select a plane or helicopter and then take to the skies to fetch the
Jinjos candy.
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
Science and technology! Test tubes full of bubbling stuff! Experiments
gone awry! This is the future in the Terrarium of Terror, a sci-fi
videogame world created by LOG and staffed by several of Banjos
friends. In this orbiting bio-lab, alien plants grow out of control.
Vines stretch to the sky. Giant mushrooms cast shadows as big as
city blocks. And all of these veg-experiments are growing inside a
series of connected spheres. Secret passages link tiny rooms full of
treasures, like Notes.
This final videogame world presents some of the toughest
challenges yet. Bear and bird must really dig into the garage and
put their best tinkering hats on. Completing many of these events
requires assembling the fastest vehicles with good handling and
a smart coterie of gadgets and weapons. If there are still a lot of
Mumbo Crates left unclaimed in Showdown Town, its a good idea to
head back to LOGs metropolis and finish grabbing the free vehicle
parts. The contests proposed by friendly faces like Klungo, Humba
Wumba, Boggy, and Jolly Dodger are indeed good funbut they
are great challenges.
Terrarium of Terror Collectibles 2
Total Jiggies 19
Total Jinjos 15
Total Notes 200 (85 bronze, 7 silver, 8 gold)
Act 1
The first visit to the Terrarium of Terror can be a bit overwhelming. WALKTHROUGH:
The central sphere is hugeand thats only a fraction of the real
Terrarium of Terror
estate in this orbital lab. The vine pokes up into a secret chamber.
Tubes and tunnels spiral off into extra lab spheres. Theres no better
way to get acquainted with the Terrarium than to explore, so start
driving around and collecting Notes as they sparkle in the alien Gate to Jinjo Combat
grasses. A good flying machine is essential to seeing the entirety Showdown Town
of the space station, so take to the skies and swoop through the Jinjo Speed
different chambers. Need for Seed
Bears Eye View
Jiggy Challenges
1. Need for Seed
Vehicle Choice: Player
Hydrate the seed
Trophy Time: 1:30
in the pond to
Jiggy Time: 3:00 the northwest.
into the water with the Sticky Ball without in a later act.
having to come to complete stops and mess with
the seed manually.
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
2. Bears-Eye View Bounce
repeatedly to
Vehicle Choice: LOG get up the
slippery part
Trophy Time: 1:45 of the vine.
Jiggy Time: 3:00 (The oor just
looks gooey.)
Notes Requirement: Successfully complete the challenge! The sail-
powered vehicle
does not have
High-Grip Wheels, so use the
wind to keep you from sliding off the vine.
left as you wind around the vine. This gives
you a clearer view of the path ahead.
Watch the ceiling! If you jump too high and hit
the vine path above you, you glance off and
risk losing your balance entirely.
wind to propel the vehicle uphill. This requires repeat jumps to catch navigating across the branch, keep moving up the vine and get
the breeze. The path of the vine narrows as you get higher, though, above the marked finish line. Bounce away from the vine and drop
so be careful when coming down from a little hop. down into the blue area to complete the challenge. As soon as the
vehicle reaches the blue marker, Humba claps with delight and
Give the vehicle hands over your prize.
a little hop
right away to
put wind in the
Jinjo Challenges
sails and start
your journey.
There is a blue Jinjo close to the gate. This little Jinjo wants to see
you speed around the sphere, so call up one of your fastest cars 5
from Mumbos Motors. (Attach at least one Large Engine.) Use 4
the fairly smooth racing loops around the outer edge of the sphere
to get up enough speed to satisfy the Jinjos speed obsession. Just
motor up to the top of one of the slopes and then point your vehicle
downhill. Hit the gas and rocket to your Jinjo Token.
Act 2 3
There are seven Jiggy challenges in the second act of this videogame
world. You warp into the Terrarium of Terror via a gate in the
garden chamber in the northern end of the orbiting lab. Once in the
Terrarium, check a helicopter out of the garage and fly off to collect
a massive haul of Jiggies. 6
Jiggy Challenges
1. Flashy Fly-Off
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Time: 1:50
Jiggy Time: 2:20
Notes Requirement: Win the race!
Captain Blubber has 1
a race for you. He 7
needs some piloting
practice to get back in
fighting shape for the
Elite Space Heroes,
so you need to race
him through a series 5 Intergalactic
Gate to
of checkpoints that Showdown Town Binman
wind around the Terrarium. This race unfolds on land and in the air, 1
so equip a vehicle with Folding Wings so you can easily transform Flashy Fly-Off Germ Warfare
from car to jet and back again. 7
2 Berry Ripe Taxi of Terror
Its just you and Blubber in this race, so Indeed
there is no need for any weapons. Instead,
Jinjo Race
trade the weight for extra fuel and power, such 3 The Saucer
as a jet. of Peril Returns Jinjo Taxi
4 Great balls
of Gas
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
The race opens Follow the
in the middle checkpoints
of the mushroom north and crash
chamber. Race through the
across the glass barrier
shallow pool that divides the
and through the central chamber
tunnel that from the garden
leads to the chamber.
central chamber.
Bank left
Power down and steer upward
the main road to take off
through the through another
chamber and tunnel leading
watch for the away from the
hard left up a garden chamber.
steep slope and
into another
Roar through
Steer around the revolving
the columns in aps at the end
the tunnel so of the tunnel.
you dont get Dont worry,
tripped up. Any they will not
crash gives damage your ride.
Blubber a chance
to catch up. Fly across the
central chamber
Follow the and zoom into
road on the the tunnel to the
other side of right. This tunnel
the tunnel up spirals around,
another steep so stick to the
slope and into center of the
another tunnel tunnel and try to
lined with bank smoothly so
columns. you dont clip one of the walls with a wing.
it winds into
the mushroom
Be sure you dont just throw the seeds into
another flower right below the nest.
you shoot it, the water turns on and douses the you in the Saucer of
seeds in the nest. Peril. You just control the cannon onboard as it flies around the
Terrarium. You must shoot colored spheres that hang in the air. Red
spheres are worth 1 point. Green spheres are worth 2. And blue
spheres are worth 3.
Fly over the nest of Floatberry seeds and deploy the Sticky Ball.
Rake the Sticky Ball through the seeds and pick up as many as
possible in a single run. Then, fly over the pool and release the seeds
Its tough to get the 425 points needed for the Trophy on your
by reeling in the Sticky Ball. The seeds drop straight down into the
first run through the course. You have to anticipate the placement
water and are sufficiently hydrated. There are 7 seeds in the nest in
of every collection of spheres, so just run through it once and target
the middle of the room. The remaining seeds are on the small flower
everything you can as you pass. Surely youll score the 350 needed
platforms around the chamber. Or...
for the Jiggy. But to get the necessary 425 for the Trophy, use these
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
Prioritize the As you near
green and blue the airlock at
spheres, but the end of the
never at the challenge, keep
expense of an your ring
easy shot at a cursor in the
red sphere. northwest
corner of the
screen. There
are several
Your shots
of spheres that y through that quadrant of the
travel a long
screen. Its your best chance at pushing your score
way, so target
into 425-territory.
spheres as soon
as you see them.
4. Great Balls of Gas
Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Time: 1:10
You get a Jiggy Time: 3:30
second pass at
some sphere Notes Time: 5:00
such as those
in the mushroom
chamber. You can
see them all
as you swoop
into the room from above, and then y through it
hovering over the ground.
There is no
limit on your
ammo, so as soon
as you see some
spheres, open
re and dont
stop. There is Boggy, disguised as an alien, needs your help disposing of a stinky
no penalty to
fungus ball dropped into the Terrarium by Grunty. The fungus is
now leaking gas that is harmful to the plants in the sphere. Boggy
Everything looks wants you to fly the fungus ball high enough (400 distance units)
blue underwater, that it implodes due to the change in pressure. However, the closer
but the sphere the ball gets to exploding, the heavier it becomes. So you need a
in the middle of helicopter with a lot of power to offset the increasing weight of the
a collection is
fungus ball.
Terrarium of Terror
typically the
blue sphere. Head into the garage and attach some extra
Use one of your powerful pushing vehicles to get all of the trash to
the airlock in one fell swoop. Make the front of the bulldozer wide
to capture the entire pile and then place forks on
both sides of the front so the trash doesnt
just roll away and you approach the airlock.
Plus, those forks will keep the Gruntbots
from blowing the trash away with their
wind-making mouths.
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
Smash into the When the
Gruntbots with challenge begins,
your vehicle to
knock them over
inflate the balloons
and temporarily and rise to the top
disable them. of the chamber to
meet the giant germ
head-on. You have a
Small Jet onboard
that helps with
If any of the
directing the pod around the chamber, but you must rely on the
trash escapes
your pusher, balloons to rise and fall. When you need to drop, just deflate the
hop out of the balloons. But be warned, this pod sinks like a stone since its built
drivers seat with heavy materials. When you inflate the balloons again, you still
and toss it drop for at least another second before the buoyancy of the balloons
manually to
kicks in.
nish the job.
Pop the big germ
6. Germ Warfare by ramming it
from below with
Vehicle Choice: LOG your spiky pod.
Trophy Time: 1:45 The germ splits
into two medium-
Jiggy Time: 3:00 sized germs you
must now chase
Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge!
you are level
with the medium-
sized germs and
lay into it with
the Egg Gun.
Stop shooting
when it pops.
You have very limited ammo for the Egg Gun. Once
Pikelet has a dire warning for you: enemy germs are about to breach
the Terrarium. Once those germs get through the labs filtration
system, its only a matter of minutes before they infect everybody on WALKTHROUGH:
board with dreadful diseases. You need to take to the air and pop
Terrarium of Terror
these germs before they can infect the crew. Theres just one catch:
the only vehicle available for this challenge isnt exactly the galaxys
best bug-blaster. Its a balloon-powered ball covered in spikes and
armed with just a single Egg Gun. You must ram the germs with Its not easy chasing down the germs, so divide the central chamber
your spikes to pop them or target them from a distance with the into two hemispheres. Clean out one half before descending to the
Egg Gun. other. The bottom of the chamber is full of vines, branches, and
leavesplenty of stuff to get tripped-up on as you inch toward the
germs in this pod.
2. Underwater
area accessible
via pond in
central chamber
You cannot predict which way the smaller germs will bounce
when they pop out of a, well, popped medium-sized germ. But if
you can shoot one of the medium germs when it hovers over a leaf
or branch, the germs may be deflected up into the upper half of the
chamber where it is much easier to hunt them down.
7. Taxi of Terror 3. Leaf on the
large vine in
Vehicle Choice: Player central chamber
Trophy Time: 2:00
Jiggy Time: 3:30
Notes Requirement: Successfully complete the challenge!
4. Next to
gate in garden
chamber to the
You can choose any order for these drop-offs. However, its best to
get the farthest one done first and then come back to the central
chamber. So, at the start of the challenge, race to the garden chamber.
Drop off your first fare on the way, at the easy spot on the bottom
floor of the main chamber. Then, keep moving north and zip down to
the bottom floor of the garden chamber to drop off the second fare.
Jolly Dodger is in a bit of a pickle. He needs to drop his research
team at specific points around the Terrarium, but he doesnt have
adequate programming to drive a vehicle. So, he needs you to zoom
out across the Terrarium and deliver the 4 people. You need to
build your own taxi for this challenge, but there is one spare Large
Passenger Seat next to Boggy, which you can attach to any vehicle
at the start of the game. If you dig into your blueprints, you can
use LOGs Snake Taxi from Banjoland or buy the Humba Taxi 4
Now, start winding around the vine to reach the leaf drop-off
blueprint from Humba Wumba. Just make sure that you upgrade
spot. After delivering this passenger, just drive off the vine and bang
these vehicles with the Scuba Seat and a Large Engine. The four
to the ground near the pond. Stop and back up to pick up your
drop-off spots are:
fare (who undoubtedly was bounced out of the taxi on impact) and
then slide under the waves of the pond. Steer down the underwater
tunnel and race into the drop-off zone to finish the task and collect
your reward from Jolly Dodger.
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
Jinjo Challenges Act 3
Red Jinjo Race Return to the third act of the Terrarium of Terror to scoop up another
five Jiggies and more Jinjo Tokens to use in Showdown Town.
A red Jinjo dances next to the gate. This Jinjo wants to race you
around the pool at the bottom of the chamber. Its an extremely
short race, made even shorter by the Jinjos incredible speed. You 1 2
must match it with one of your fastest boats. (Think: Large Engine
and Large Propeller.) When the race begins, you whip around the
pool in a tight circle. Just bump the Jinjo out of the way to take
the lead and then avoid striking any of the pillars supporting the
artificial flowers to maintain first place. After three fast laps, the
race ends.
Green Jinjo Taxi
The green Jinjo near the roof of the central chamber needs a lift to
the bottom of the chamber within 2:30 minutes. However, the taxi
is missing its engine. Rely on momentum to get to the bottom of
the chamber. Roll down the vine to reach the bottom, which requires
delicate steering. If you tumble off the vine, you lose the Jinjo. At
the start of the challenge, roll down on to the pathway that spirals
down the vine.
Actively use the
brakes to keep
from going too
fast and ying
off the steep
Terrarium of Terror
Jolly Dodger has been charged with delivering refreshments to the You have quite a bit of time to deliver the
crew around the Terrarium. And, of course, hes foisting that respon- snacks and still earn the Trophy, so watch your
sibility off on youbut at least its in exchange for a Jiggy. You are speed. If you get going too fast, any slip-up
given a giant rolling tea tray to carry the tea and cookies to the can scatter the snacks. Youll need a lot of
crew. But this tray is pretty shallow, so if you bump the vehicle, you time trying to recover them.
risk losing your snacks. You must satisfy the grumbly tummies of
four crew members before time is up to win the prize.
You do not need to physically hand the treat
Dont crowd the tray with all of the snacks. The four crew members
are spread out. To reach them, you will pass by the snacks one more
time. So just take three items from the snack supplies and place
them on the tray for starters. Then, drive south and deliver the first
bit of eats to Pikelet in the mushroom chamber to the south.
Pilot the tray up the winding path around the vine. After the
slippery part of the path, turn out on to the leaf. Gingerly drive off
the leaf toward the crew member below. When the tray clatters
to the floor, jump out and pick up the snack with your lasso if
necessary. Deliver the fourth and final snack to Humba Wumba to
complete the challenge.
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
2. Super Sally 3. Hovering Harvest
Vehicle Choice: LOG Vehicle Choice: Player
Trophy Time: 1:20 Trophy Time: 1:45
Jiggy Time: 1:50 Jiggy Time: 3:30
Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge! Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge!
Captain Blubber just got his mitts on a brand-new moon buggy Klungos Floatberries have come to fruition. But theres just one little
called Super Sally. But that hungry, hungry hippo drank too much problemthey float! Klungo needs you to use your vehicle prowess
of Klungos Floatberry juice and now he cannot sit still behind the to snare four of the Floatberries along the ceiling of the garden
wheel. Blubber asks you to put the buggy through its paces and chamber and drag them into the hopper. Once four Floatberries
race it to the top of the vine. have been successfully harvested, you are awarded a prize.
Use a helicopter equipped with a Sticky Ball
Dip underneath
the hopper
and then rise
up inside it.
Stick to the inside of the path and be gentle with that engine. Release the
If you get going too fast, youll roll off the path. The finish line is at
inside the cone
the very top of the vine. Just power through it to complete the test and the machine
drive and collect your prize from Blubber. automatically
sucks up the berry.
Cannon and a lot of ammo. Two, put every single Avoid banging the container against the vine
Egg Gun you have on the front of a chopper and or the walls as you descend. If you break the
attach plenty of ammo. container, you fail the challenge.
As soon as the challenge begins, open fire. If you are using a line Lower the container into the pool of water in the northwest of
of Egg Guns, rise into the air and hover on level with the swarm the central chamber. Release the container and then get out of your
and then just fill the sky with Egg Pellets. If you are using an Egg vehicle. Grab the container with your wrench and swim through the
Cannon, hop out of the drivers seat and get in the turret. Aim at tunnel at the bottom of the pond. Take the left tunnel at the bottom
the horde of Gruntbots and keep firing as you sweep the skies with of the pond and swim quickly to the collection of alien containers. As
the cursor. The auto-aim helps perfect your shots so you can burn soon as you reach the other containers, the vitals of Boggys alien
through 50 targets within the minute needed to earn the Trophy. friend return to normal and the challenge ends in success.
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
Jinjo Challenges Orange Jinjo Hurl
Orange Jinjo Race
Jinjo has some serious wants you to bounce it over 550 distance units. The Terrarium is
speed. You need to full of hills and slopes, so rolling it around wouldnt normally be a
roll out a fast car for challengebut all of the sticks, leafs, and aliens can really put a
this land-based race through the mushroom chamber and back into hiccup in the plan. To maximize your hurl, choose a vehicle with a
the central chamber. Overtake the Jinjo as soon as possible since fast engine and bumpers so you get that extra bounce.
this race only lasts approximately 45 seconds. The course swings
around the pool in the mushroom chamber before returning to the
central chamber and ducking into a tunnel. Roar through the tunnel
and power toward the finish line near the vine.
The little red Jinjo in
the secret chamber
off the garden Roll the Jinjo up the vine first. As it rolls up, you get some extra
chamber has lost its distance on the board before gravity takes over and reverses the
ticket. It needs that Jinjos roll. Now, it screams off the vine and rolls around the floor of
ticket to get back the central chamber, picking up extra distance units.
home, so if you find it
and bring it back, it
will trade it for a Jinjo
Token. The Jinjo offers no help for finding the ticket,
just that you need an air vehicle. Select a helicopter
with the Sticky Ball gadget for this errand.
Terrarium of Terror
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
Next, its time to round up the smaller three Gruntbots. They There are 7 mud monsters in the pool in the mushroom chamber,
spread out a little while you are handling the big guy. Get back in giving you a great headstart on the challenge. Drive into the pool
your pusher and drive the circle around the vine, scooping up the and capture as many monsters in your pusher as can fit and then
three smaller Gruntbots. Then, force them over to the airlock and drive them up on to the shore. You have to get them over the lip or
discharge them from the Terrarium. else they will just roll back into the water.
If youre having trouble wrangling one of the
Gruntbots, get out of your vehicle and bonk it
offers no resistance.
friends, the mud
monsters from
Uranus. But Klungo
had no idea that
water was so bad
for these aliens. He
needs you to rush There are another 5 mud monsters
around the Terrarium and scoop the mud monsters out of the ponds in the northwest pool of the central
before they dissolve. You have only 3:30 to rescue at least 10 mud chamber, all grouped close together,
monsters. If you manage to pull 15 out of the pools, Klungo gives Drive into the pool and gather up
you a reward. all of the monsters so you
can push them out together
You need a pusher vehicle to get the mud
before time runs out.
monsters out of the pool in groups. Modify WALKTHROUGH:
one of your existing pusher vehicles with
Terrarium of Terror
beginning of the race. That way you dont have
to worry about it when you finally do approach
the water.
Inspired by his favorite sci-fi television shows, Pikelet built his very
Power through
own space shipthe Enterprisin Millennial Liberator. This ship can the underwater
travel on land, sea, and air. And now Pikelet thinks he can humiliate checkpoints
you in a race with his ship. If you can prove him wrong, Pikelet will using the green
give up his Jiggy. You must build a vehicle capable of taming land, chevrons as
sea, and air. So, head into the garage and fit your fastest car with guides.
Folding Wings, Floaters, and Jets. Once you have a rig suited for
this triathlon, return to Pikelet and accept his challenge.
The race lurches
to a start on As you exit the
top of the bumpy pool, inate
mushroom caps the Floaters
before turning so you surface
off into the right away and
central chamber. dont lose any
time crossing
back onto land.
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
Dont furl the victory until you retrieve the Medium Ammo from the Mumbo
wings as you crate nearby. Bolt it to your vehicle and take out those Gruntbots!
approach the
tunnel. Just
y low to pass
through the
tunnel check-
points so you
are ready to
pull up on the
other side and
pass through the next few checkpoints. Drive the tank off the helipad and down to the main floor of the
chamber. Follow the Gruntbots as they flee from you, hammering
As you approach their backsides with the Torpedile. This is a homing missile, so as long
the mushroom as there is a clean path toward the Gruntbot, it will arc after it and
chamber again,
connect. Keep firing until the ground floor is empty of Gruntbots.
make sure your
Floaters are
inated so you
can perform a
hairpin turn on
the pond.
Follow the
back up on top
of the mushroom
caps with your
wings extended.
Zip through the
chain of check-
points to nish
the race and claim your prize. Watch out for Gruntbots trying to escape the
carnage via the tunnel. Chase them down and pop
4. No-Armed Bandits them as they run.
incompetence. gantry. Turn into the secret chamber and park the
Apparently, tank at the door. Lay on the Torpedile to destroy
the hippo the trapped Gruntbots and finish the
left the airlock challenge.
open again and an entire platoon of Gruntbots snuck aboard
the orbiting lab. Humba needs you to clear out the Gruntbots
before they make enough trouble to irreversibly ruin some of
the experiments. To win this challenge, you must destroy 10
Gruntbots within the time limit. Thankfully, the tank LOG
provided comes equipped with a Torpedile on top (hey, thats
a good idea...) which can destroy a Gruntbot with a single
direct hit. However, you wont have enough ammo to achieve
Walkthrough: Terrarium of Terror
The best weapon to use against Gruntys UFO is
the Laser. It cuts through thick armor within
seconds and can slice her drivers seat free of
the vehicle with a single blast. Place it on the
front of a helicopter along with a Torpedile
and then return to the Terrarium to accept the
Grunty begins the mission directly in front of you. You can see her
for just a second before she engages the Chameleon. However, shes
not entirely invisible. Look closely. There is a shimmering outline of
her UFO still visible to the naked eye. Plus her ship doesnt move
terribly fast as it leaves the ground. This gives you a few seconds to
cut through her ship with the Laser.
Grunty has a Suck
n Blow onboard, too.
If you hit her with
the Laser and disable
the Chameleon, she
unleashes a wind gust
to blow you away
from her UFO while
she retreats and tries
to turn the Chameleon back on. If she gets out of your sight for
even a second, youll lose her in the branches and leaves, making it
especially tough to land the Trophy for this challenge.
Jinjo Combat
1 Unpleasant
Fat Oaf Jinjo Fetch
There is a green Jinjo on the vine that invites you to a sumo match.
You must push the Jinjo off the leaf, which is angled and odd-shaped,
This poor Jinjo wanted to be a professional racer, but it just didnt within one minute or you forfeit. This Jinjo is strong, but if you load
pan out. Give this Jinjo a push in the right direction to get its career up a pushing vehicle with powerful engines, you can out-match the
back on track. The Jinjo is located in the chamber at the very top Jinjo and shove it right off the edge of the leaf within seconds.
of the Terrarium of Terror, above the vine. Its a long way to the
ground, which is good because this Jinjo wants to be pushed 1,000 Purple Jinjo Fetch
distance units. So, pick a fast car with bumpers and launch that Jinjo
into the chamber with the top of the vine.
There is another purple Jinjo in this act, but its down in the
mushroom chamber. The Jinjo has lost its diarythe one with all of
Bounce the Jinjo off the opposite wall of the chamber so it rolls those repressed alien abduction memories. The Jinjo needs that diary
around the chamber at least once, picking up distance. If the Jinjo back before it falls into the wrong hands. The Jinjo offers a little clue:
doesnt roll down the hole at the top of the vine, restart the challenge. Its afraid the book might be thrown out with the trash. Select a
Once the Jinjo passes through that hole and starts bouncing down helicopter with the Sticky Ball gadget so you can take to the skies
the height of the vine, it picks up speed and puts lots of distance on and quickly recover the diary from near the airlock.
the board. By the time it touches down on the ground, it should be Sure enough, the diary is on the ground just outside the airlock.
at around 1,000. Anything on top of that is just gravy. Deploy the Sticky ball and pick up the diary. Return it to the purple
Jinjo in the mushroom chamber to the south to pick up another
Yellow Jinjo Taxi helpful Jinjo Token.
Yellow Jinjo Speed
Walkthrough: Spiral Mountain
Banjo and Kazooie have harvested coconuts in Nutty Acres under The first challenge is worth 6 Jiggies. After
threat of Gruntbot attacks. Theyve pushed back against bugs finishing the challenge, return to Showdown
and glitches in the Logbox 720. Walked down memory lane in Town and collect your Jiggies from the vending
Banjoland. Ran a victory lap around the great Jiggosseum. Ventured machine next to LOGs palace. The 6 Jiggies
into the Terrarium of Terror and come out unscathed. And now will help open even more doors in Showdown
its time to complete LOGs final videogame challenge and claim Town so you can keep banking Jiggies. The final
absolute ownership of Spiral Mountain. Do bear and bird still have battle with Grunty is worth only 1 Jiggy.
enough left in reserve to stare down Grunty one last time? If Banjo
and Kazooie can complete these final two challenges, their home is Jiggy Challenge: Six of the Best
forever theirsand thats all the inspiration they need to tee up one
Vehicle Choice: Player
last vehicle to bring down Grunty and put an end to her wretched
poetry. Trophy Time: 2:25
Jiggy Time: 4:30
Act 2 Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge!
As soon as you bank 75 Jiggies, the door to Spiral Mountain LOG is waiting for
opens at LOGs videogame factory in Showdown Town. The battle you on top of Spiral
for Spiral Mountain spans just two challenges. The first challenge Mountain in the
is given to you by LOG himself. Its a six-part mission to test your center of the stage.
prowess in the garage. You can create only one vehicle to perform Hes pleased to see
multiple tasks, such as pop balloons, carry cargo, and push giant that youve made it
vegetables. If you prove yourself in this contest, LOG stands aside this far, although he
so you may enter the final showdown with Grunty. wrongly thinks it had
something to do with
luck. No, youre here because of pure skill and its time to show
LOG that you indeed have what it takes to declare yourself the
best player in LOGs videogame universe. LOG challenges you to
this six-part event to see if you have what it takes to build a vehicle
capable of performing multiple functions. Indeed, you should by
now. The six events in this challenge (and the equipment needed to
complete the event) are:
1. Stay within a moving checkpoint (good Engines)
2. Transport a large jewel across the area (Large Tray or Box)
3. Destroy balloons (Egg Guns and either Wings or Propellers) WALKTHROUGH:
1 4. Land, water, and air race (need Floaters and Wings or
Spiral Mountain
Next, race over to the tree stumps to the south. There are three
honeycombs on the large stump, but they are surrounded by
Next, jump out of your vehicle and grab the large jewel to the left.
Gruntbots. As you enter the area, open fire and eliminate all of the
Its called Gruntys Eye. LOG tells you to place it where it belongs.
Gruntbots right around the honeycombs. Now, jump out and use
Obviously, that means throw it in the trash. Race over to Banjos
the wrench to lasso the honeycombs and place them in your tray.
house to the south and place the jewel in the garbage bin next to the
house. The jewel is large, which is why a Large Tray is so handy.
Event 3
Walkthrough: Spiral Mountain
the rear of the vehicle, too. Make sure you have enough fuel to last
several minutes against Gruntys fleet, so add Super Fuel if you find
it. Otherwise, add Large Fuel tanks. Now, its time to add some
weapons. Place the Laser on the front of the vehicle. If you have 2,
use them both. Add the Torpedile so you can use homing missiles.
The Clockwork Kazooie is also good to have onboard. With all
of these weapons, you must have sufficient ammo. Use the Super
Ammo if you have it, or load your vehicle with Large Ammo.
The final event is to push a stack of five vegetables out of the nearby You will take damage in this challenge, so add
garden. There are two Gruntbots rolling around in the garden, the Robo-Fix to the vehicle. That way you can
but you can pop them with your Egg Guns. Slam into the stack concentrate almost solely on weapons and less
of veggies at top speed and shove some of them out of the arena. on repair.
Then, roll backward and drive the remaining vegetables out of the
Monster Truck
garden. If one lands in your tray, it must also be outside the arena
to count. When you finish this event, there is no trivia quiz. LOG
simply looks at your time and awards the prize.
All of the Trivia Quiz questions and answers
Jiggy Challenge: Grunty first rips across Spiral Mountain in her custom monster truck.
The truck is fast and able to bounce around rough environments.
Spiral Mountain Showdown Because of the speed, you need to launch the Torpedile as soon as
Vehicle Choice: Player Grunty crosses your path. The missile zeroes in on the truck and
damages whatever part it touches. This is not enough to stop the
Trophy Time: 4:00
truck, but it will slow it down while you play catch-up. Keep firing
Jiggy Time: 8:00 the Torpedile as long as you can see the truck in front of you.
Notes Requirement: Complete the challenge! (Otherwise, the missile will not lock on to anything and is wasted.)
Now that LOG is Once you get close
satisfied with your to the monster truck,
skills, its time to slice it to pieces with
take on Grunty. The your Lasers. Keep firing
witch stands in front Torpediles to blast
of your house to the pieces off the vehicle,
south, taunting you. but to finish Gruntys
You must destroy truck off, you must cut
the witchs entire out her drivers seat.
garage-full of vehicles. However, like LOGs challenge, you can only The Laser is powerful enough to melt it away within seconds. WALKTHROUGH:
use one vehicle for the entire event, so you must make sure its
completely capable of ripping all of Gruntys vehicles to shreds.
Spiral Mountain
Grunty has 5 vehicles that she uses in this challenge: tank, stealth,
boat, monster truck, and broom. You need both speed and serious
destructive power to get through all of her vehicles.
Start with a
narrow body so the
vehicle is light. Add
the Folding Wings Gruntys next vehicle is a pirate ship. The boat is parked in the lagoon
so it can fly. To give it on the north end of Spiral Mountain. You do not necessarily need
speed, add Jets to it. Floaters to get into the water with the ship. In fact, its easier to shred
If you have the Super it from the shore of the lagoon. Drive north to catch up with Grunty.
Engines, add those to As soon as you see the top of the ship peek up from the lagoon, open
Well, tanks and galleons didnt work out for Grunty, so she goes
back to basicsa broomstick. Except this isnt a house broom with
some magic spell cast on it. This is a rocket-powered broomstick
that races through the air and corners on a dime. Gruntys goal is to
make it tough to draw a bead on her while she sneaks behind you to
attack. The broomstick is armed with a Laser that can do unto you
Walkthrough: Spiral Mountain
as youve done to Grunty for this entire challenge. If she catches you LOG appears
in her Laser, she can cut you clean of your vehicle. Entire sections of and puts Grunty on
your vehicle will fall to the ground. pause. You won the
game fair and square.
Use the on-screen pointer to track Grunty. And
And so LOG blinks
Lasers firing. The full gives you a special
weight of your vehicle vehicle shaped like
stops her broomstick and forces it down. While you are pushing the Banjos head. Now
vehicle to the ground, your Laser cuts away the jets. you can tour the
Slamming into challenge worlds
Grunty is a in real style!
tough move, but
if you clip her
you can rake the
Laser across the
drivers seat
on the stick
part of the
broomstick and knock her loose.
Grunty is hard at work
After Grunty crashes to the ground, her skull rolls free of her new in LOGs videogame
body. Piddles the cat kicks it back into the tank on Gruntys shoulders. factory, assembling the
Grunty isnt finished yet. She rallies a brigade of Gruntbots to sequels nobody asked for. A
challenge you one last time for control of Spiral Mountain. Kazooie fitting end for an unpleasant
is ready for the Gruntbots. She raises the wrench above her head,
Spiral Mountain
Q: How many cranes are there in Q: How many vertical levels are in Q: Who has a grave outside your
the docks of Showdown Town? the Logbox 720? house in Spiral Mountain?
A: 3 A: 6 A: Bottles
Q: What is the name of Showdown Q: Which object is on the Audio Q: Which second-rate shaman runs
Towns newspaper? Chip in the Logbox 720 Game the garage in Showdown Town?
A: The Daily LOG World? A: Mumbo Jumbo
Q: Which outlet is run by Boggy in A: A speaker Q: What stands at the highest
Showdown Town? Q: What object is on the Logbox point of Showdown Town?
A: Boggys Gym 720 graphics chip? A: LOGs video game factory
Q: What is the name of the rst A: Some crayons Q: Whats on the top of the police
level in Banjo-Kazooie? Q: Which of these is located in station in Showdown Town?
A: Mumbos Mountain the sandy area of Banjoland? A: A big blue light
Q: What was the name of Gruntys A: A pyramid Q: What is the name of the cake
life-sucking gun in Banjo-Tooie? Q: Whats underneath the stadium shop next to Humbas Shop in
A: B.O.B. in Jiggosseum? Showdown Town?
Q: What is the name of the A: A food hall A: Delicious Dishes
supposed secret link between Q: Which of these is not a ball in Q: What color is the joystick on
Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie? the Jiggosseum central arena? LOGs video game factory in
A: Stop n Swop A: Tennis ball Showdown Town?
Q: What avor is the Glubber Q: What is wrong with the Mad A: Red
tablet in the Logbox 720? Monster Mansion in Banjoland? Q: Whats on the island at the
A: Grape A: Most of it is missing. end of the wooden bridge in the
Q: Which of these is not in Q: What is the name of Banjoland? Lake area of Showdown Town?
Showdown Towns central square? A: Banjoland (watch for the A: A bandstand
A: Jingalings Bingo Palace misspellings) Q: Which of the following talents
Q: What is the name of Klungos Q: What was the name of the quiz does Mumbo possess?
arcade game? game in Banjo-Kazooie? A: He can juggle his eyeballs
A: Hero Klungo Sssavesss teh World A: Gruntys Furnace Fun Q: What is the name of Mr. Ribs
Q: What numbers are on the bingo Q: Who was Banjos adversary in shop in Showdown Town?
balls outside Jingalings? Banjo-Tooie? A: Mr. Ribs BBQ Ribs
A: 11 and 44 A: Gruntilda Q: Whats wrong with Captain
Q: In previous adventures, what Q: What is the color of the liquid Blubber in Showdown Town?
did Kazooie need to y? that cools the Logbox 720? A: Hed crashed his U.F.O.
A: Red feathers A: Pink Q: What role did Mumbo perform
Q: At the release of this game, Q: What food item is not available before he was forced by LOG to
how long has it been since the from the stalls in the become a mechanic?
launch of the rst Banjo- Jiggosseum? A: Transformed Banjo into things
Kazooie? A: Popcorn Q: In which year was Banjo-Tooie
A: 10 years Q: What numbers appear on the released?
Q: What was the story line of Jiggosseum dominoes? A: 2000
Banjo-Kazooie? A: 1 and 3 Q: Who knocked Grunty off her
A: Grunty kidnapped Banjos sister Q: What object circles the tower at the end of Banjo-
Q: Which of these is the name of a Terrarium of Terror? Kazooie?
previous Banjo game? A: A ship covered in tacky ads A: The Jinjonator
A: Banjo-Kazooie Q: What is at the center of Spiral Q: Which game featured a Banjo
Q: Which character plays the Mountain? appearance but wasnt a Banjo
celebrity programmer in Logbox A: What Im standing on now game?
720? A: Diddy Kong Racing
Q: What is written on the door of
A: Jolly Dodger your house in Spiral Mountain?
A: Banjo
Walkthrough: Spiral Mountain
Q: Whats the name of Banjos Q: Which sport is not available Q: Whats written on the space
sister who hasnt been seen for Banjo to play in the junk rocket in the Terrarium of
since Banjo-Kazooie? Jiggosseum? Terror?
A: Tooty A: Cards A: U1
Q: What is the name of the Game Q: What color are the awnings Q: How many crates are there in
World based inside a console? above the Jiggosseum spectator the Quarry area just behind my
A: Logbox 720 stands? back in Spiral Mountain?
Q: In the Logbox 720 Game World, A: Red A: 8
where is the Power Chip Q: Which item of trash cannot be Q: In which game could the
located? found in Banjoland? dumpster outside Banjos House
A: In the Power room A: Old shoes in Spiral Mountain previously
Q: Which rotating circular objects Q: When I was making this game, be seen?
A: Grabbed by the Ghoulies
can be found on Level 1 of the I had a different name for the
Logbox 720 Game World Jiggosseum. What do you think Q: What was the name of evil fake
A: Video game discs it was? cyborg Mumbo in Banjo-Tooie?
Q: Which of these can be seen in A: World of Sport A: Mingy Jongo
the Logbox 720 Game World? Q: What are the walls made from in
A: Chips the Terrarium of Terror?
Q: Which videogame is featured on A: Glass
the largest disc in the Logbox Q: What can be found at the top of
720 Game World? the giant central plant in the
A: Banjo-Kazooie Terrarium of Terror?
Q: What hangs on a chain above the A: A ower
CPU Chip in the Logbox 720 Game Q: Which of these used to lead
World? into Gruntys Lair in Spiral
A: A sponge Mountain?
Q: Which videogame disc is not A: A bridge
seen in the Logbox 720 Game Q: What type of vegetable is
World? seen hopping around
A: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Spiral Mountain?
Q: How many legs does the Central A: Onion
CPU Chip have in the Logbox 720 Q: What is the name
Game World? of Klungos drink
A: 10 in the Terrarium
Q: Whats at the very top of the of Terror?
Logbox 720 Game World? A: Floaty Fruit Juice
A: A massive fan Q: Which of the
Q: What can be found in Terry Terrarium of Terror
the Terrydactyls nest in cast members thinks hes WALKTHROUGH:
Banjoland? an alien?
A: Eggs A: Boggy
Spiral Mountain