Pysimplegui 2020 Clearly Seeing A Gui For You: The Basic Questions: Who

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that PySimpleGUI aims to be simple to use, provide Python-like APIs for building GUIs, and be cross-platform supporting Windows, Linux, Mac and more.

Some of the goals of PySimpleGUI are to get tasks done quickly, have fun, keep things simple, democratize GUIs, and provide success for users.

PySimpleGUI supports four primary GUI frameworks - tkinter, Qt, WxPython, and a Web port using Remi.

PySimpleGUI 2020

Clearly Seeing a GUI for You

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” - Leonardo Da Vinci

The Basic Questions:

• Who
o Is it for? Students, beginners, experienced developers, non-
professional programmers, practical-programmers of all ages &
o You - fellow developer, are the center of the PSG Universe. It
really is all about you and your success.
o Me - I’m Mike. Long history of commercial product development,
no prior GUI history (“avoided like the plague”). Newcomer to
Python. I don’t “know it all” but know a few things and like to
o User community – The PySimpleGUI users are awesome, helpful.
• What is PySimpleGUI?
o PySimpleGUI is a multi-OS, multi-GUI-framework Python package
o Windows, Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi, Android using PyDroid3
o Open Source LGPL licensed, commercially managed project
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o Intellectual Property from another (patent pending) product
o Written in Python, for Python, utilizing Python features
o If PySimpleGUI resonates with you great, it not, that’s OK there
are plenty of choices. There is no “right answer”.
o Simple describes the ease of working with PySimpleGUI, not the
problem space it can solve.
o Beautiful & magical
• When
o Released July 2018. PSG is young, still growing, not complete...yet.
• Where
o pip install from PyPI or copy single file
o GitHub
o The documentation
o Cookbook
o PySimpleGUI in your browser
o long list of demos
• Why
o Had a practical need for a GUI
o Saw the magic and wanted to share
• How
o Uses a message passing architecture & converts to OOP arch
o Converts your calls into underlying GUI’s calls
o You are using the exact same underlying GUI widgets
• How Much / How Many
o 4 Primary ports – tkinter, Qt, WxPython Web (Remi)
o 1 .py file
o 845,000 pip installs
o 3,600 GitHub stars
o 1 developer + a few consultants & friends
o $0 – Your cost to use
o $0 – Your cost for support
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o $0 – Your cost to say “thank you”
• Goals
o Get the job done… get from point A to point B
o Have fun
o Be simple (shockingly simple when possible)
o Democratize GUIs
o Provide Python-like APIs
o Up in 5 minutes
o Copy, Paste, Run
o Success after success
o Execute the vision
o Sustainability

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IDEs are important
• PyCharm is preferred
• Spend a weekend on your IDE
• Setup colors
• Learn commands
o ^Q and ^P are your friends - docstrings
o SINGLE key run
o ^/ - Comment / uncomment line
• Can Use IDE instead of documentation for call signatures (tkinter
• PyCharm and VS Code are the 2 officially supported IDEs. Others can
struggle with PySimpleGUI if they are tkinter based (e.g. IDLE).

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Event Driven Vs Message
Passing Architectures
Python s Standard Library
Queue Library Architecture

User Read request
Reads Message

Read a Queue
(Pull Model)

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Traditional GUI - Event Driven (Push Model)

Button Click Event

Button 1
Code Button Click Event

Application GUI Library

Code Button 2 Button Click Event executes code)

Segmented Code
Into Callback
Functions Button Click Event
Button 3

PySimpleGUI - Message Based (Pull Model)


Button Click Event

Button 1 Read request
Application Button 2 PySimpleGUI
Code As Button 3 Save event info
Linear Block Event Data
until user

Button Click

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Callbacks & Message Passing
How they “Feel to me”
Callbacks feel disjointed

Button Class Slider Class

Button click Slider

Callback Callback

Entry Class Button Class

Button click

PySimpleGUI feels linear

Event Loop
If event == Button ’

If event == Button ’

If event == Slider

If event == Input

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Via pip
• pip install PySimpleGUI
• pip3 install PySimpleGUI
• Download and place in your application’s folder
• Use the new “upgrade from GitHub” tools

• Latest code – Each port in a different folder with a readme
• Issues – Please use the Issue Form
• Demos – Universal folder and per-port folders

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The PySimpleGUI “System”
Pieces designed to work together for a positive experience
Trinket – The 00,000 foot view. Get a “taste” without installing.
Main Docs -
• Learn it, Love it, Live it
• Too much?
o Sidebar Table of Contents
o Use Control+F
o Last sections have call signatures
• Mainly covers tkinter port. Separate readme for each port on GitHub
Cookbook – “Your Recipe for Success”
Demos -
• Teaches you coding conventions, style and techniques
• Per Element usage
• Integration to other packages
• Primary list sometimes runs on multiple ports

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Coding Conventions
By following a coding convention, PySimpleGUI users can understand each
other’s code quickly. It gives us all a “common language” to speak.

The primary suggested conventions are:

• import PySimpleGUI as sg
• Name your Window window
• Read your window into variables event and values
• Name your layout layout
• Use window[key] to lookup elements
• For keys that are strings, follow the pattern '-KEY-'

All of these can be seen in this short program:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [ [sg.Text('My Window')],

[sg.Text(size=(20,1), key='-OUT-')],
[sg.Button('Go'), sg.Button('Exit')] ]

window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)

while True: # Event Loop

event, values =
print(event, values)
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
if event == 'Go':

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Coding Tips
• Stay simple at every opportunity
• Read or search the documentation (
• Use the coding conventions
• Write compact layouts
• Use the PEP8 bindings
• Use "user defined elements" when you find yourself repeating
parameters many times (functions that return elements)
• Use PySimpleGUI constructs rather than other GUI frameworks'
• Use reasonable timeout values (as large of non-zero values as
possible... be a good CPU citizen)
• Do not try to make any PySimpleGUI call from a thread
• Close your windows before exiting
• Make linear event loops
• Use the values dictionary rather than Element.get() methods
• Look through Demo Programs for more tips / techniques

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The high-level input/output mechanism.
In a GUI they can replace input and print (there often is no console)
There are a lot of them, and a lot of options.
If you’re thinking of filing an enhancement request for popup:
• Don’t

• Congratulations, it’s time you learn how to make your own windows

Can be duplicated in 1 line of code.

Good for adding a frontend onto a command line program

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There are a lot of them

Input popups

Particularly good to use on frontends that need a filename as a parameter.

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One Line Progress Meter
Like popup, another single-line high level call.
Provides an window filled with progress stats by adding a single line to your
Unlike tqdm and others, no “setup”, no changes to your loop itself, just add
a line of code.
Also provides the ability to cancel the operation.

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Design Patterns
“Design Patterns” provide a skeleton for you to build upon. They are not
only for basic PySimpleGUI windows, but also specific topics like multi-
threading, integrating with packages like OpenCV.

Two Basic PySimpleGUI

Design Patterns
In main documentation, Cookbook,
1. “One Shot” – A window that is read one time and then closed
2. “Persistent” – A window that hangs around for a while. A user interacts
with it on an ongoing basis

“One Shot” programs lack “Event Loops” and can be 1 line of code.

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PySimpleGUI Program
5 sections of every PySimpleGUI program
1. Import
2. Layout
3. Window
4. Event Loop (optional)
5. Close

# 1 - The import
import PySimpleGUI as sg

# 2 - Layout definition
layout = [[sg.Text('My layout')],
[sg.Button('OK'), sg.Button('Cancel')] ]

# 3 - Create window
window = sg.Window('Design Pattern 3 - Persistent Window', layout)

# 4 - Event Loop
while True:
event, values =
if event in (None, 'Cancel'):

# 5 - Close window

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# 1 - The import
1 – Import
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import PySimpleGUIQt as sg
import PySimpleGUIWx as sg
import PySimpleGUIWeb as sg

• There are currently 4 ports of PySimpleGUI, each at a different level of

o PySimpleGUI – tkinter port. Most completed. Gets the most
attention and new features first
o PySimpleGUIQt – PySide2 port. Almost but not quite to feature
complete. Supports System Tray
o PySimpleGUIWeb – Remi port. Engineering release.
o PySimpleGUIWx – WxPython port. Engineering release. Supports
System Tray
• Moving between ports can be as simple as changing the import.
Sometimes that’s all that’s required.
• Changes needed depends on features used.
o Some features like right click menu aren’t supported across all
o Sizes are measured differently – crude conversion formula to go
from (char, rows) to (pixels, pixels)
• Never, ever:
o from PySimpleGUI import *
o Triggers an auto-delete of the .py file attempting the import (it’s a
joke… it doesn’t delete your file…. Just don’t do it please)

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2- Layout
The “Layout” defines the look of your window
Layouts are lists of lists of Elements (as in “Atoms”). Piece them together
into a molecule. Add control logic and you’ve got an organism, a standalone
functioning creation.
Each list in the layout represents a “row” in your window
Each row is a list of Elements
• “Elements” are PySimpleGUI’s “Widgets”.
• “Widget” refers to the underlying GUI’s implementation
• A Text Element is implemented using tkinter’s Label Widget
• A Spin Element is tkinter’s Spinbox, WxPython’s SpinButton, Qt’s
QSpinBox, Remi’s SpinBox

# 2 - Layout definition
layout = [[sg.Text('My layout')],
[sg.Button('OK'), sg.Button('Cancel')] ]

Creates this window

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Layout Designer
Layouts are designed to be visual representations of your window, reducing
the need for a “Designer”.
The “built-in” designer:
1. Launch the designer

2. Sketch your window

3. Divide into “rows” and label the Elements

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4. Label the elements

5. Write the layout code

layout = [[sg.Text('Enter a Number')],
[sg.OK()] ]

6. Add layout to your program and execute

import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [[sg.Text('Enter a Number')],

[sg.OK()] ]

window = sg.Window('Enter a number example', layout)

event, values =

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• Text
• Single Line Input
• Buttons (multiple “types”)
• ButtonMenu
• Checkboxes
• Radio Buttons
• Listbox
• Slider
• Multi-line Text Input/Output
• Multi-line Text Output (not on tkinter version)
• Scroll-able Output
• Vertical Separator
• Progress Bar
• Option Menu
• Menu
• Graph
• Image
• Table
• Tree
• StatusBar
• Stretch (Qt only)
• Sizer (tkinter only)
• Containers
o Column

o Frame

o Tab, TabGroup

o Pane

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Element Options
Elements are “configured in place” using long list of parameters.
Sometimes you don’t need to name each parameter in PySimpleGUI calls.
Common element parameters
• Size
• Key
• Font
• Pad
• Colors
• Enable Events
• Visibility
• Tooltip
• Metadata
• Right click menu (tkinter)
Use your IDE’s superpowers to get a list of available parameters.
Docstrings are awesome too.

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Call signatures for all elements in docs

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3 – Window Creation
window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)

Like Elements, has a lot of options.

Some parameters are used to configure elements (a window-level setting)

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“Reading” Windows
event,values =
This one line of code summarizes how PySimpleGUI differs from the other
GUI Frameworks.
Calling displays the window on the screen if it’s not
been displayed. “Finalizing” a window also displays it.
The call blocks / pends until an event happens.

As can be seen, 2 items are returned

1. The event that caused the read to return
2. The “values dictionary”
The most common event is a button click.
If events are enabled for an element, that element can generate an event.
An element’s “key” is returned as the event.
Dictionary containing values of all elements in the window.
You do not need to call “get” methods to get the latest values. They are all
in the values variable.
If a simple window and no keys are specified, then will be a List.

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“One Shot” Windows Have
No Event Loop
“Get some information and move on”.
These windows you read one time and then close.
They can be a single line of code by using the read() parameter close=True.
Useful as frontends for converting a command line tool to GUI based.

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4 - Event Loop
Used for “persistent windows”.
In other frameworks the event loop is part of the framework.
In PySimpleGUI your code is the event loop.
A basic event loop:
while True:
event, values =
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
Always check for None so that users can exit the program. Otherwise
program will continue to run in the background forever or will crash after
window is closed with “X”
Inside your event loop:
• Check for events and handle
• Output to window by “updating” elements
• Perform any other I/O or operations you need to do
Must call or window.refresh frequently or Windows
will complain that your application had become “unresponsive”
Lengthy operations need to be broken out into threads, but you cannot call
PySimpleGUI from a thread. There are numerous demos for how to do this.
Can be a simple series of “if statements” checking for events. If the number
of events being handled is large, then a simple dispatcher can be used.
if event == 'Go':
elif event == 'Stop':
print('Unexpected event')

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5 – Close Window

When done with a window, close it

Exiting your program will close windows for some ports
If you don’t close a PySimpleGUIWeb window, your program will not exit

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Changing Window Contents
To change your window’s contents, call update method for the element
A window must first be read or finalized prior to changing any
To change an element, first locate the element. Use the element’s key:
The old format was
Call the update method to change something about the element
window[key].update(‘New value’)
Each element has a different set of things that can be changed/updated
See the documentation/IDE for details on each element
First parameter is almost always the “value” of the element (text, button
text, checked/unchecked, etc.)

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Shortcuts & Code
Elements have one of more shortcuts
• Text, Txt, T
• InputText, Input, In, I
Window.FindElement replaced with Window[]
Two little-known / rarely used shortcuts
• “Calling” a window object same as
• “Calling” an element object same as Element.update
Compressing code is often a multi-pass activity
“User Defined Elements”
• Functions that return Elements
• Use to avoid copying and pasting long element definitions
• Can create entire layouts also

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Button Targets
The “chooser” Buttons have targets that are filled in with your choice.
Chooser buttons include:
• FileBrowse
• FilesBrowse
• FileSaveAs
• FolderBrowse
• ColorChooserButton
• CalendarButton
The default is the element to the Button’s left.

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Window Beautification
Tkinter windows are not “ugly” by default.
“Beautiful” windows don’t just happen. There is a reason companies have
graphic designers.
But, themes can give you a running start at a nice looking GUI.
There are over 40 “themes” available….. use them!

If you don’t like the buttons, make your own.

Experiment with no titlebar, alpha channel, padding, themes, custom
graphics, etc.
Theme names can be guessed until you find one you like (e.g. “Dark Green
Rainmeter style widgets – no titlebar + grab anywhere + alpha channel
Embed your graphics in your source code
• Base64 graphics
• Demo programs available to make it easy (Demo_Base64_...)
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Container Elements
These elements hold other elements, usually in the format of a layout (a list
of lists).
Container elements include:
• Column
• Frame
• Tab, TabGroup
• Pane
Use Columns:
• When horizontal alignment is needed
• To place multiple elements beside a large single element
• As a placeholder for “Invisible” elements
• To align elements center and right
• When you need multiple groups of element (e.g. many graphs)

Usually takes same list of lists as a “layout”

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Building Layouts
Because Windows are defined using lists, it’s easy to make windows
Use list comprehensions to create Layouts.
This is a “Single-Line-Sudoku”

sg.Window('Sudoku',[[sg.Frame('',[[sg.I(random.randint(1,9), justification='r',
size=(3,1),key=(frow*3+row,fcol*3+col)) for col in range(3)] for row in range(3)]) for
fcol in range(3)] for frow in range(3)]+ [[sg.B('Exit')]]).read()

“Add” together lists to create a layout

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Async Windows
If you need to do something periodically, then run your window with a
Example uses:
• Stopwatch / timer
• Scraping web pages
• Polling hardware
• Servicing queues
• Multi-threaded
• Multi-window applications (Round-robin scheduling)
• Animations
• Built-in debugger
To run a window asynchronously, add a timeout to the
Be a good corporate citizen
• Keep timeout values reasonable
• Low timeout values will consume your CPU’s core
• 00 ms is reasonable. 5 ms isn’t.
• 0 can be used, but please make sure it’s required

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System Tray Icon
Run your program in the background and show as icon in the system tray
A System Tray Icon feature is available for Wx and Qt ports
For tkinter port the same SystemTray APIs exist, but instead of system tray,
it creates a “super-icon” on the desktop.
Uses same “read” call and architecture that windows have.
Features include:
• Right click menu
• Single icon click event
• Double icon click event
• Display message in tray
• Message clicked event
• Change icon
• Runs in blocking or async mode (just like windows)

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System Tray (cont)
Qt & Wx – Lives in the tray

Tk – Lives on the “desktop” (actually a floating window)

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PySimpleGUI (tkinter port) has the “Live REPL” (ImWatchingYou package)
Can make explicit calls to show the windows
Or use the Break / Control+Break keys (pop-out, main window)

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It’s possible to “extend” PySimpleGUI’s capabilities by directly accessing the
underlying GUI framework’s widget.
The member variable Element.Widget contains the widget that is used
to implement the element.
If you want to access the widget for element with key ‘-KEY-’:
With tkinter this is usually done to access a configuration setting that’s not
been exposed through PySimpleGUI.
To convert a normal progress bar into an indeterminate one:

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Only provided on GitHub
Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Don’t suffer silently.
Fill out the Issue form
“Help me help you”
Today’s support cost is the same pricing as the introduction pricing of $0
It’s easy to find missing features. Generally speaking logging them isn’t
helpful. Same with “it would be better if it was architected this way”
Enhancement Algorithm & Hurdles
• Is it impossible to do using existing APIs
• Is it an “80% feature”
• Does it fit the PySimpleGUI vision
• Some decisions may not feel right to you
• This is not a typical Open Source project
• There is a vision and a priority order for working on fixes /
enhancements. It’s not possible to fully explain the process on paper
Please don’t submit code
• No pull requests accepted
• If you notice a 5 or 10 line fix, then OK to put in the Issue you file

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Thank you!
A warm “Thank You!” to the users and supports of PySimpleGUI over the
past 2 years. Your support is greatly appreciated. You’ve helped make
PySimpleGUI what it is today. It couldn’t have come this far without your
help and support.

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