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Learning Area English Grade Level 10

W6 Quarter 4 Date
I. LESSON TITLE Constructing Error-Free Definitions
Observe correct grammar in making definitions.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Defining Terminologies
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 60 minutes)
“No one should ever have to read a sentence twice because of the way it is put together.” (Follet 1985). We cannot
stress enough the importance of flawless writing especially in research. An error-free paper reflects the researcher’s credibility,
so polish the final draft of your study to make it the best piece of writing that it can be.
In this week’s lesson, your proofreading skills will be put to the test as you comb through sample definitions for errors.
How do we edit definitions for grammatical errors? An understanding of the sentence structures and its elements is

Sentence Structures Review!

Definitions may contain the following:
Object of Preposition- The noun or noun substitute in a prepositional phrase
Phrase- A group of words without a subject and a predicate
Subordinate/Dependent Clause-An arrangement of words with a subject and predicate and relies on an independent
clause to give it meaning
Prepositional Phrase- A group of words which consists of a preposition and its object
Participial Phrase- A verb form that functions as an adjective followed by any modifiers (Consists of a present participle-a
verbal ending in “ing” or past participle- a verbal ending in “en”,”ed”, ”d”,” t”, ”n”, or “ne” plus modifiers)
Relative Pronoun-A pronoun that joins a clause to its antecedent
Modifier- A word or group of words that limits or qualifies the meaning of another word
Misplaced Modifier- It seems to modify the wrong word because it is placed incorrectly in the sentence.
Participle- A verb form which is used as an adjective
Adjective/Relative Clause- A subordinate clause that functions as an adjective
Parallelism- The symmetry of ideas with words or groups of words of equally grammatical rank
Adjective Phrase- A prepositional phrase that functions as an adjective
Sentence Fragment- This is what you will have if you put a period at the end of a phrase or a subordinate clause.
Agreement- The matching of word types to show grammatical relationships


Modifiers, whether single words or groups of words, function as either adjectives or adverbs: as adjectives, to modify
nouns or pronouns as adverbs, to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs
If a modifier is a single word, a prepositional phrase, or a subordinate clause, it should be clearly attached to the word
it modifies by careful placing in the sentence. A “misplaced” modifier may produce ambiguity.
Ambiguous ► A report was submitted about the latest bank heist by the police.
Correct ► A report about the latest bank heist was submitted by the police. (Place the modifier near or next to
the word it modifies)

Phrases and Clauses that Modify Nouns

Phrases ordinarily follow the modified noun; clauses always follow the modified noun.
the book on the table
the book which is on the table

1. Two types of phrases that function as modifiers of nouns are as follows:

a. Phrases composed of a preposition (on, in, of, to, etc.) + noun, pronoun or noun-equivalent.
• the room at the top
• the car with a stereo
b. Phrases composed of a present participle (V-ing) + a noun or pronoun or a past participle + modifiers
• the man giving the lecture
• The books sold at the shop
2. A clause modifying a noun is usually introduced by a relative pronoun: that, which, who, etc.
• the bouquet(which) we made
• the file (that) you sent yesterday
• the mother (who) returned the book
Note: The use of parentheses indicates that the (that), (which), or (who) may be omitted.

Sample Definitions with Phrases or Clauses

Switches are devices that turn electricity on or off. (relative clause/adjective clause)
Insulators are materials used to prevent the wires from becoming too hot when the circuit is overloaded. (participial
phrase-past form)
Oxidation is the process by which a material combines with oxygen. (prepositional phrase)
Ecology is the study of relationships among organisms and their environment. (prepositional phrase)
Loggers are people who cut trees to get wood for building houses. (relative clause/adjective clause))
Pollutants are dirty things spreading out in the air and making the atmosphere dirty. (Participial Phrase-ing form)


+ helping verb + class/category

Take note that

1. The word that is defined is followed by a linking verb and a general term to which the word belongs.
2. A group of words introduced by which/that/who follows the general term.
3. A relative clause/an adjective clause (that/wh- +verb to be (is, are)) may be omitted and reduced into a phrase
introduced by
a. A past participle
b. A present participle
c. A preposition
Example: Salakab is a fish trap that is shaped like a basket. ► Salakab is a fish trap shaped like a basket.
(relative clause reduced into a phrase)

A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence, usually missing either a subject or a verb (or both). When editing your
writing, look closely for fragments and correct them. You don’t want to confuse your reader. Sentence fragments are
corrected by turning them into complete sentences.
Faulty ► Interested in biological science of animals. (Missing Subject, helping verb))
Correct ► A zoologist is a biologist who takes interest in the science of animals.


The matching of word types to show grammatical relationships is called agreement. With what you’ve learned about
nouns, pronouns, and verbs thus far, you will recall some of the basic rules to help you understand the principles of
SVA-Errors in subject-verb are among the most common grammatical mistakes. In order to avoid making mistakes in
subject-verb agreement, you must be able to recognize the difference between singular and plural subjects and verbs. The
subjects of sentences are usually nouns or pronouns. Refer to the rules we studied in week 5.
Faulty ►Banana am an edible fruit- botanically a berry.
Correct► Banana is an edible fruit-botanically a berry.

Parallelism is the symmetry of ideas expressed in equal grammatical rank. Parallelism will enhance the clarity of your
Faulty ► An elephant is a large mammal with a prehensile trunk, long ivory tusks, and having large ears.
(objects of preposition ≠ participial phrase)
Correct► An elephant is a large mammal with a prehensile trunk, long ivory tusks, and large ears.
(all turned into objects of preposition-balanced)
D. Development (Time Frame: 60 minutes)
Activity 1: Types of relative clause
Directions: Read the story and tell what type each relative clause is: identifying, classifying, emphasis, adding, or connective.

If you’re one of those people (►) who might find accidents amusing, then this is the story for you. It happened
somewhere in England,and it’s about a motorist ( ► )who was approaching a level crossing. A level is a barrier (1) that prevents
traffic from driving across the railway line when a train is coming.)As he approached the crossing, the motorist suddenly saw
in front of him a girl on a horse and an old man with a dog. He had to brake quite suddenly. There was a motor-bike behind
the car, and the motor-cyclist, (2) who wasn’t paying attention,crashed into the back of the car.This frightened the horse, (3)
which reared up and threw its rider into a hedge.The old man, (4) who was a helpful sort of a person, decided to come to the
rescue by catching the horse. But first he tied his dog to the level crossing barrier, (5) which was the nearest suitable thing. The
train (6) which everyone had been expecting then passed through the crossing, and the barrier (7) that the dog had been tied
to began to rise. It was this (8) that really made things interesting.The old man rushed back to release the dog, (9) which
promptly bit the motor-cyclist, (10) who was still lying on the ground. This scene, (11) which certainly has its funny side, was
nominated the most bizarre accident of the year by the insurance company (12) which handled the horse rider’s claim.
►….. identifying….
1. …………………………. 5. ………………………… 9. ………………………….
2. …………………………. 6. ………………………… 10 …………………………
3. …………………………. 7. ………………………… 11. ………………………..
4. …………………………. 8. ………………………… 12. ………………………..

Activity 2: Adjective phrases in definitions

Directions: Match the first parts of the definitions on the left with their corresponding distinguishing characteristics on the
right.Write only the letter.
_____1. Shovel is a tool… A. for woodworking
_____2. Shequel is the standard monetary unit… B. in France
_____3. Workbench is a bench… C. of Israel
_____4. A chariot is a two-wheeled vehicle…. D. of antiquity driven by a horse
_____5. A chateau is a castle or a large estate… E. for digging,lifting,and moving bulk materials such as
sand,soil,gravel,snow etc.

Activity 3: Participial phrases in definitions

Directions: Underline examples of participial phrases contained in the definitions below.Then, on the blank space before
each number,tell whether the participle used to introduce the phrase is in the present or past participle form.
Example: past Malagonlon is an old bridge built during the Spanish colonial period .
_____1. Ethylene glycol is a colorless liquid used as coolants for engines.
_____2. Goose is a large web-footed bird related to ducks and swans.
_____3. Humus is a dark brown or black organic matter in the soil formed from partially decomposed leaves,plants,etc.
_____4. Jackboot is a leather military boot extending above the knee.
_____5. Microphotograph is a photograph taken through a miscroscope.

E. Engagement (Time Frame: 50 minutes)

Activity 4
Directions: Complete these definitions either with the full relative clause or the reduced form (a phrase). Choose the relative
clause or the reduced form from the following.
a. having bases on a horizontal axis with center on the class
1. Tabulation is the process…
mark or midpoint classifying data for purposes of
2. Histogram is a graphic organizer…
3. The state is an independent, self-sufficient society…
b. of grouping or classifying data for purposes of interpretation
4. Variable is a characteristic …
c. in the Philippines
5. Anahaw is a native palm…
d. who specializes in the study or treatment of heart diseases
6. A cardiologist is a doctor …
and heart abnormalities
7. An antidote is a substance…
e. made from glutinous rice
8. Kiping is a traditional Filipino leaf-shaped wafer…
f. for counteracting poison
9. Dowry is the money or goods…
g. that a woman brings to her husband or his family in marriage
10. Suman is a famous delicacy…
h. which many take on different values
i. politically organized under a government and directed by an
j. with smooth leaves
A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 30 minutes)
Activity 5: Checking for correct grammar when defining terminologies
Directions: What questions will you ask to complete the checklist?

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 30 minutes)

(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
Activity 6
Directions: Write OKAY if each definition follows the format term +linking verb +class/category+ distinguishing characteristics.
If it does not, rewrite the definition to make it correct. The first one is done for you.
Conductors are used to allow electric current to flow through them.
Conductors are materials used to allow electric current to flow through them.
1. Tsunamis can destroy towns along the shore.
2. Wildlife is one of the natural resources which includes birds, fishes, deer, boars, and other wild animals.
3. Chlorophyll traps light energy from the sun.
4. Carnivores are animals that eat other animals.
5. Kaingeros enter public forests and clear them of trees by cutting and burning them.
6. Loggers are people who cut trees to get wood for building houses.
7. Air is a substance that supports life.
8. Conservation means saving or preserving wildlife.
9. Astronomers study the universe beyond the earth.
10. Oxygen is a gas essential for all life processes.
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes)
• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
- I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson .
- I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesso n.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6

VII. REFERENCES For lesson and activities:

Jungk, D. Applied Writing for Technicians, pp.143-144. McGraw-Hill, 2005.
Rionda, C.& Gabriel, J. Communicate in English, pp.125-126. Phoenix Publishing House, 1998.
Eastwood, J. Oxford Learner’s Grammar Builder, p.231. Oxford University Press, 2005.
For illustrations: www.canva.com
Prepared by: Lucinda A. Jurilla Checked by: Mary Joy B. Talavera
Maria Madel C. Rubia
Luzviminda Cynthia Richelle F. Quintero
Regicelle D. Cabaysa

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