Jean-Louis ROUBIRA Marie CARDOUAT & Pierô

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Jean-Louis ROUBIRA Marie CARDOUAT & Pierô

Jean-Louis Roubira
Marie Cardouat
Developed by

Translation: Eric Harlaux

Revision: Eric Franklin

Handing the image cards to the storyteller

Box Contents The other players choose from among their 6 image cards the
Scoring with 7 or more players
If all players find the storyteller’s image, or if no player
one they believe best illustrates what the storyteller has said. finds it, the storyteller scores no points and the other
1 scoreboard Each then gives their chosen image to the storyteller, without players each score 2 points.
84 image cards letting the other players see it. The storyteller shuffles the given In any other case, the storyteller scores 3 points as does
12 voting boards image cards with their own, before revealing them randomly on any player who has found the storyteller’s image.
24 voting tokens the image spaces numbered 1 to 12 on the scoreboard. Each player (other than the storyteller) scores one bonus
12 wooden rabbits
point for each vote earned by their image, with a limit of 3
1 rulebook Finding the storyteller’s image: the vote bonus points maximum (even if their image has earned
The goal for the players is to find the storyteller’s image from more than 3 votes).
Setup among those revealed. Each player secretly votes for the image Players who voted for only one image score 1 extra point
if they have found the storyteller’s image.
they believe to be the storyteller’s (the storyteller does not
Assemble the two parts of the scoreboard, then place it at the participate) by using their voting board. For example, if a player
centre of the table. Each player chooses a voting board and then believes that image number 3 is the storyteller’s, that player will End of Turn
places the rabbit of the corresponding colour on the 0 space of place their voting token on space number 3 of their tablet. Once
Each player refills their hand back up to 6 image cards. If there
the scoreboard. The 84 image cards are shuffled and 6 are dealt everyone has voted, each player reveals their voting board, and
aren’t enough image cards in the draw pile for each player to
to each player. The remaining image cards form the draw pile. the storyteller reveals which was their image.
refill their hand, the discarded image cards are shuffled to form a
new draw pile. The new storyteller for the next turn is the player
In a game with 3 to 6 players, each player takes only 1 voting Note: under no circumstances can a player vote for their
to the left of the previous storyteller (and so on, clockwise, for the
token (no matter the colour). own image!
subsequent game turns).
In a game with 7 to 12 players, each player takes 2 voting
tokens (no matter the colour).
Finding the storyteller’s image with 7 or more
players Each player may, if they wish to do so, vote for
End of the Game
Note: the image cards in your hand must not be seen by the
other players. a second image if they want to increase their chance of
success. They will use their second voting token to choose a The game ends at the end of a turn during which a player
second image from among those exposed. reaches or exceeds 30 points. The player with the most points
final version 79x120_Mise en page 1 28/03/2011 15:36 Page 54
wins the game. In case of a tie, the tied players share the victory.
Game Overview
The Storyteller
3 Player Game
If all players find the storyteller’s image, or if no player finds
Each turn, one player will be the storyteller. They examine the
it, the storyteller scores no points and the other players Players should have seven image cards in their hand instead
6 image cards in their hand. Using one of them, they think of
each score 2 points. of six. The players (except for the storyteller) each hand in two
something to say and say it out loud (without revealing their card
In any other case, the storyteller scores 3 points as does image cards (instead of just one). This way, 5 image cards are
to the other players).
any player who has found the storyteller’s image. always revealed, and players must still find the storyteller’s
Each player other than the storyteller scores 1 bonus point image among those.
What they say can take various forms: it can be made up of one or
for each vote earned by their image (to a maximum of 3
several words, or even be nothing more than an onomatopoeia.
bonus points).
It can be invented from scratch or take the form of works already
existing (a line or two from a poem or song, the title of a movie or
The players move their rabbit token on the score track as many
some other work, a proverb, etc.).
spaces as they’ve gained points.
Picking the first storyteller of the game: The first player to think of
something to say should announce to the other players that they
will be the storyteller for the first game turn.
Scoring Handing the image cards to the Storyteller
Dixit Party – for 6 to 12 players
 ach player scores as many points as the number of players
E After having listened to what the storyteller said, his or her
(themselves included) who have voted for the same image as teammate hands the storyteller an image representing as best
Set-Up he or she did, with a limit of 5 points maximum. as possible what was said. The 2 players of each team then
Players who have voted for the image that the storyteller has agree as to which of them will hand an image to the storyteller
Assemble the two parts of the scoreboard, then place it at the
selected with his or her red token will score no points. (the 2 teammates can talk, but always in the presence of the
center of the table. Each player chooses a voting board and then
A player who is the only one to vote for an image will score other players and must never show or the image cards they have
places the rabbit of the corresponding color on the 0 space of
no points. in hand). The storyteller then shuffles the image cards received
the scoreboard. The 84 image cards are shuffled and 5 are dealt
and reveals them randomly in the spaces numbered 1 to 12 on
to each player. The remaining image cards form the draw pile.
the scoreboard.
Example: Tom has voted for image number 3 as have
Each player takes a green voting token. Only one of the players, 5 other players. Tom would normally score 6 points, but
Vote and Scoring
who will be the storyteller for the first game turn, takes a red since the maximum number of points scored is limited to
voting token in addition to his or her green voting token. 5, he’ll only score 5, the maximum, this turn. Chris though, Neither a player who has given the storyteller an image nor the
has voted with Amanda for image number 2. Unfortunately, storyteller can take part in the vote. The vote and the scoring
Game Overview that image was chosen by the storyteller with the red vote follow the basic rules (do not use the voting and scoring rules for
The Storyteller token, so they score no points. Kate has voted for an image 7 or more players).
which got no votes other than her own. She therefore
One of the players is the storyteller for the game turn. Before
scores no points. Note: Neither the storyteller’s teammate nor the storyteller may
even looking at the image cards in his or her hand, the storyteller
take part in the vote.
says something out loud to the other players (see the various
forms of what the storyteller can say in the basic rules). Unlike End of Turn End of Turn
the basic game, what the storyteller says has no meaning in
regards to one of his or her image cards. At the end of the turn, each player refills their hand back up At the end of the turn, each player refills their hand back up to
to 5 image cards, then passes their hand face-down to their 4 image cards. If there aren’t enough image cards in the draw
Picking the first storyteller of the game: The first player to think of left neighbor. Used image cards are discarded. If there aren’t pile for players to refill their hand, the discarded image cards are
something to say announces to the other players that he or she enough image cards in the draw pile for players to refill their shuffled to form a new draw pile. The new storyteller is the player
will be the storyteller for the first game turn. hand, discarded image cards are shuffled to create a new draw to the left of the previous storyteller.
pile. The new storyteller for the turn is the player to the left of the
Handing the image cards to the storyteller previous storyteller. End of the Game
Each player, including the storyteller, chooses an image End of the game The game ends when each player has been storyteller once.
from their hand which they believe best illustrates what the The team with the most points is declared winner. For longer
storyteller has said. Each then pass their chosen image to the The game ends when each player has been storyteller 1 time. games, you can increase the number of times a player must
storyteller who will shuffle them with his or her own, before The player with the most points is the winner. In case of a tie, the befinal
versionduring the game.
79x120_Mise In case
en page of a tie, the15:34
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revealing them randomly in the image spaces numbered 1 to 12 tied teams share the victory. share the victory.
on the scoreboard.
For longer games, you can increase the number of times a
Finding the most popular image: the vote player must be storyteller during the game.
Each player (including the storyteller) will have to vote secretly, final version 79x120_Mise en page 1 28/03/2011 15:34 Page 24
using his or her green vote token, for the image they believe best Team Dixit - 6, 8, 10 or 12 players
represents what the storyteller has said. The more players vote
for the same image, the more points those players will score.
But be careful! The storyteller will also secretly vote for one of Assemble the two parts of the scoreboard, then place it at the
the exposed image cards, but this time with his or her red vote center of the table. Teams of 2 players are then made. The 2
token. None of the votes earned by that image will be taken into teammates should sit so that they are facing each other across
account for scoring purposes. It is up to the storyteller, then, to the table.
think carefully about which image to vote for in order to deny
points to as many opponents as possible... and for the other Each team takes a voting board and then places the rabbit of
players to keep this in mind as they vote! Once everyone has the corresponding color on the 0 space of the scoreboard. The
voted, each player reveals his or her voting board. 84 image cards are shuffled and 4 are dealt to each player. The
remaining image cards form the draw pile.
The turn’s storyteller will thus have used both their green vote
token AND their red vote token. Players are allowed to vote for Game Overview
their own image cards. The Storyteller
See the storyteller’s role on the basic game.
Th e dream goes on with the expansions!

Dreamlike search ORIGINS
for innocence Genesis of DAYDREAMS
JOURNEY fantastic worlds Evocative waking
Mysterious and reveries
enchanting voyage

MEMORIES Unveiling fairy grace Where all these
Dazzling childhood HARMONIES worlds meet
souvenirs Dawn of natural

Each expansion contains an original universe in 84 unique oversized cards.

...and more to come !

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