Jean-Louis ROUBIRA Marie Cardouat

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Jean-Louis Roubira
Marie Cardouat
Régis Bonnessée

Finding the storyteller’s image: the vote

Contents The goal of the other players is to find which Image Card on display is the one described
by the storyteller. Each player secretly votes for the card that they believe belongs to the
Built-in scoring track
storyteller (who doesn’t vote) by placing a Voting Token with the desired number face-
84 Image Cards
down in front of them. Once everybody has voted, all the voting tokens are revealed and
36 Voting Tokens in 6 different colours numbered from 1 to 6
placed on their corresponding Image Cards.
6 Wooden Rabbit Meeples (rabbeeples!)
Note: You can’t vote for your own Image Card!
Each player chooses a rabbit and places it on space 0 of the scoring track. Shuffle
If all players have found the storyteller’s image, or if none have found it, then the
the 84 Image Cards and deal 6 to each player. Make a draw pile with the remaining cards.
storyteller doesn’t score any points and everyone else scores 2 points.
In any other case, the storyteller scores 3 points and so do the players who found
4-Player Setup: 4 Voting Tokens per player (value 1 to 4).
their image.
5-Player Setup: 5 Voting Tokens per player (value 1 to 5).
Each player, except the storyteller, scores one point for each vote that was placed
6-Player Setup: 6 Voting Tokens per player (value 1 to 6).
on their image.
Note: Do not show your hand of cards to anyone.
The players move their rabbits along the scoring track one space per point scored.

Game turn End of turn

Each player draws a new card to bring their hand up to 6 once more. The role of the
The storyteller
storyteller moves one player to the left and continues moving clockwise each round.
One player is the storyteller for the round. They look at the 6 Image Cards in their hand
and make up a sentence to describe just one of them, then say the sentence aloud
without showing the card to the other players. Game end
The sentence can take different forms: it can be made of one word or more, it can even The game ends at the end of a turn during which a player reaches or exceeds 30 points.
be a sound. The sentence can be either invented or inspired by an existing work of art The player with the most points wins the game. In case of a tie, the tied players share
(poetry or song, movie title, proverb, etc). the victory.

Who will be the storyteller for the first round? You decide! Is it the person who last read a
story or held a book? Or the person who can come up with their sentence fastest?

Choosing a card for the storyteller

Each other player selects the card from their hand that best matches the storyteller’s
sentence. They pass their card to the storyteller, without showing it to the others.

The storyteller shuffles their card with all the received cards, then randomly places them
face up on the table. The card on the left will be number 1, the one next to it will be
number 2, and so on…
Example of turn Game Tips
If the sentence given by the storyteller describes the image too precisely, all the
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5 players are around the table: Julien, Mathilde, Nicolas, Léa and Tom.
players will easily find it and so they won’t score any points.
Julien is the first player to find a sentence inspired by an image from his hand.
On the other hand, if the sentence has very little to do with the image, it’s quite likely
So, he will start the first turn as the storyteller. The sentence he says
that nobody will vote for their card, and again the storyteller will score no points.
to everyone is: "Where is happiness?" referring to the French movie
"Happiness is in the Field."
So the challenge for the storyteller is to find a sentence that is neither too descriptive,
nor too abstract, so there is a chance that some players find it, but not all of them.
After listening to the sentence, the other players have to choose an image from their hand
that will best match the sentence provided by Julien.
At the beginning, this can be fairly hard to achieve, but you’ll see that inspiration
comes more easily after a few turns.
Léa has those 6 cards in hand:
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3 players: each player has 7 cards, instead of 6. Every player except the storyteller
plays 2 cards per round, instead of one. So we end up with 5 displayed cards to
choose from.

1 2 4 5 6 Scoring: When only one player has found the storyteller’s card, they both score
4 points, instead of 3.
Amongst those 6 images, she chooses the 3rd one which is, for her, the closest to Julien’s Mimes or songs: in this variant, the storyteller can either sing a song or some
sentence " Where is happiness? ". She gives this card to him. Mathilde, Nicolas and Tom music that could be somehow related to the card, or even mime it! The rest of the
also choose one of their cards and give them to Julien, the storyteller for this turn. game stays the same.
Julien shuffles his card with the ones he received from the other players and places them
in the middle of the table. Nothing prevents you from mixing the different variants together or creating
some of your own!
Each player (except the storyteller) is going to vote for the one they think is Julien’s card.
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Jean-Louis Roubira and Régis Bonnessée would like to warmly thank all the people
and organisations that have supported them during this project:
Marie Cardouat, Yolande Albert, Jonas and Noémi Roubira, Christelle and Emmanuelle Chartier,
1 2 3 4 5 Sébastien Félix, Michel and Monique Bonnessée, Arnaud Pichon, Claudine and Hugh Hill-Roubira,
Colette Cortey and Benam Mohammadi, Claude and Carmen Roubira,Jeremy Guetté, Muriel Dhifallah,
Pierre, Florence and Thomas Artur, Yves Renou, CROC, Julie Ser, Valérie Bouchet, the REEL association,
Once everyone has selected their voting token, they reveal them.
David Prieto, Vicente Moreira Rato, Delirium Ludens Sàrl, Wioletta & Marc Przepiorka, Leonardo Greco,
Bastien Lefèvre, Gavin Wynford-Jones.

Translation : Bastien Lefèvre - Gavin Wynford-Jones

Only Léa has found Julien’s card (number 4). So she and Julien score 3 points each.
2 players have voted for Léa’s card (number 1) and so she scores 2 additional points.
Tom scores 1 point as one person has voted for his card (number 3).

At the end of this turn, Léa scores a total of 5 points, Julien 3 points and Tom 1 point;
Mathilde and Nicolas don’t score any points as they couldn’t find Julien’s card, and no-
one has voted for their cards.
For the next turn, Tom will be the storyteller as he’s seated to the left of Julien.
Th e dream goes on with the expansions!

Dreamlike search ORIGINS
for innocence Genesis of DAYDREAMS
JOURNEY fantastic worlds Evocative waking
Mysterious and reveries
enchanting voyage

MEMORIES Unveiling fairy grace Where all these
Dazzling childhood HARMONIES worlds meet
souvenirs Dawn of natural

Each expansion contains an original universe in 84 unique oversized cards.

...and more to come !

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