PE DLP First Aid

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Dr. Maria D.

Pastrana National
School: Grade Level: 7
High School (Grades 7 to 12)
Teacher: DANNICA Q. PARALLEON Learning Area: MAPEH (PE)
Teaching Date: March 7, 2019 Quarter: 4TH


The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise
A. CONTENT STANDARDS program design to achieve personal fitness.

B. PERFORMANCE The learner modifies the individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness.
C. LEARNING The learner identifies the different healthy lifestyle habits.
COMPETENCIES/ The learner responds on how they will react to different situation or casualties.
OBJECTIVES The learner performs appropriate exercise to prevent any dance-related injuries.
Write the LC Code for each
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter)



A. References Physical Education and Health (Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s Materials)
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages pp. 253-262
2. Learner's Materials pages

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Preparatory Activities
Good morning class!
1. Drill  Good morning Ma’am!

Is there any absent today?  (The students will answer based on

the present scenario)
2. Review Before we start with lesson today, we
will have a pre-assessment test regarding
to our topic we will be discussing today.
This pre-assessment test will use to get
your prior knowledge or understanding
of the topic.

So, let’s start the test. Are you ready?  Yes Ma’am!

_____1. RICE stands for?

a. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation 1. A

b. Rise, Ice, Contraction, Elevation
c. Rest, Ice, Computation, Elevation 2. B
d. Rest, Incline, Compression, Elevation
3. A
_____2. It is the result of a wrench or
twist of the ligaments of a joint. 4. C

a. Strain 5. A
b. Sprain
c. Stain
d. Cramps

_____3. It is a force tending to pull or

stretch something to an extreme or
damaging degree.

a. Strain
b. Sprain
c. Cramps
d. Bruise

_____4. A painful condition in which an

involuntary contraction of a muscle,
typically caused by fatigue or strain.
a. Strain
b. Bruise
c. Cramps
d. Sprain

_____5. It is an injury appearing as an

area of discolored skin on the body,
caused by a blow or impact rupturing
underlying blood vessels.

a. Bruise
b. Cramps
c. Strain
d. Sprain

Class, why do you think we need to do a

warm-up exercises before we begin to do
an extraneous activity?

Have you been witness a performer gone

to an accident while performing or (The students will share his/her insights.)
dancing? How do you respond with that
3. Introduction

(Will call some of the students to answer)

“Okay Very Good!”

Class we will have a warm-up exercise.

Please all stands and follow the
movements that I will be doing here in
front, with music. (The students will actively participate)

Based on the warm-up exercises that

B. Motivation you’ve done. What can you say to our
activity? (The students will share their insight)

That’s right, very well said!

C. Developmental Activities
Class I will show a video animation of
1. Presentation of the Lesson giving first aid to an accident.
/ Activity (The students are expected to watch
quietly and attentively.)
As what you’ve seen in the video, can
you say something about the video? (The students will share his/her insights)

(The teacher will discuss the topic

2. Discussion / Analysis through powerpoint presentation aided
by a laptop or TV viewing pictures and
videos.) (Students are expected to listen
attentively to the teacher’s discussion and
answer/participate to the teacher
spontaneous question/activity. As well as
can raise there hands if they have a

“Today were going to talk about the

First Aid and Healthy Lifestyle

Class, can you give me the meaning of Rest

RICE? Where or how is this being done? Ice
It is done when giving a first aid to an
injured person.

(The students will answer the question

Okay, very good! and share their thoughts and idea)

Can you tell me what are the Sprains
unintentional injury that a person would Strains
experience while doing or performing

That’s right! (The students will answer the question

and share their thoughts and idea)
So, what do you think is the difference
between sprain and strain?

(The student will answer and share their

Have you ever been experienced these insights)
injuries too? How do you cope with it?

Okay, very good! (The students will answer the question

and share their thoughts and idea)
Class, if someone is having a cramps
what should you/we do?  If the area is very tender, treat as if
for a sprain or strain.
 If the whole muscle is in spasm, try
a slow stretch then massage.
 In hot conditions beware of

That’s all correct!

(The student will answer and share their
Another one, if someone had been into insights)
an heat exhaustion, what should you have
done to make him/her feel better?

So class, what do you think are the  Get the person out of the sun and
procedures on giving first aid on this into a shady or air-conditioned
situation or casualty? location.
 Lay the person down and elevate
the legs and feet slightly.
 Loosen or remove the person’s
 Have the person drink cool water
or other non-alcoholic beverage
without caffeine.
 Cool the person by spraying or
sponging with cool water and
 Monitor the person carefully. Heat
exhaustion can quickly become
 Call emergency medical help if the
person’s condition deteriorates,
especially if fainting, confusion
or seizures occur, or if fever of
104ºF (40ºC) or greater occurs
with other symptoms.
You are all correct!

Every one of us have different healthy Yes, Ma’am!

lifestyle habits. Can someone share their
healthy lifestyle on your day to day
living? (The students will answer the question
and share their idea)
Okay, please raise your hand and tell us
about that.

(Will call some student to answer or

share their ideas and experiences.)

Okay, very good! Thank you!

 Participate in a lifetime physical
To improve our health and to extend our activity program.
lives, here are the twelve (12) lifestyle  Do not smoke cigarettes.
habits.  Eat right.
 Avoid snacking.
 Maintain recommended body weight
through adequate nutrition and
 Sleep 6 to 8 hours every night.
 Lower your stress levels.
 Be wary of alcohol.
 Surround yourself with healthy
 Be informed about the environment.
 Increase education.
 Take personal safety precautions.

Again, why should you engage in to a (The students will answer the question
physical activity? and share their idea)

Very well said!

3. Abstraction/ Based on our discussion, why should one

Generalization need to be physically active?
(The student will share their insights and

Aside from festival dancing, what do you

think are the other activities can you do
to become physically active?
(The student will share their insights and
Excellent! idea.)

Class, we will have an activity. I will

4. Application / Closure divide you into four (4) groups. You
need to make a slogan which is about
promoting a healthy lifestyle habits. You (The students will prepare actively and
only have 15 minutes to prepare and pass participative.)
your activity.
(The result will serve as their evaluation.)
D. Evaluation CRITERIA:

Content - 20
Relevance – 10
Organization - 20
TOTAL= 50 pts.

Before we end our discussion have an

E. Assignment advance reading and research for our
next lesson on Arts: Unit IV.
(Students write notes on their notebooks.)



Prepared by: Checked: Noted:

MAPEH Practice Teacher MAPEH Teacher Principal II

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