Disaster and Emergency Planning

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Emergency and disaster planning is one of the most important interrelated function in
a security system. It is important in any organization as physical security, fire protection,
guard forces, security of documents and personnel security. Emergency and disaster
planning refers to the preparation in advance of protective and safety measures for
unforeseen events resulting from natural and human actions.
Disaster plans outline the actions to be taken by those designated for specific job.
This will result in expeditious and orderly execution of relief and assistance to protect
properties and lives. These plans must also be rehearsed so that when the bell ring, there
will be speed and not haste in the execution. Speed is the accurate accomplishment of a
plan as per schedule, while haste is doing a job quickly with errors. Plans therefore must be
made when any or all of the emergencies arise. Those plans, being special in nature, must
be prepared with people whose expertise in their respective field is legion together with the
coordination and help of management, security force, law enforcement agencies, and
selected employees.
Planning is necessary to meet disaster and emergency conditions and it must be
continuing and duly supported by management. On aspect of the plans will be to consider
recovery measures to be undertaken by the organization. Being prepared for the eventuality
gives better chances of protection and eventual recovery than those not prepared. Without
planning, the emergency or disaster can become catastrophic. With a good, suitable plan to
follow, the unusual becomes ordinary, hence, the mental preparedness for easy survival and

Understanding Disaster
A DISASTER is a sudden, unforeseen, extraordinary occurrence. It can be
considered as an EMERGENCY but an emergency may not always be a disaster.
An Emergency Falls into 2 Broad Categories:

 Disaster (Natural Crisis)

o Flood
o Volcano Eruption
o Earthquake
o Crashes
o Flamine
o Avalanche
o Typhoon
o Tsunami
o Disease
o Landslide
 Induced Catastrophe (Man-made Crisis)
o Arson
o Skyjacking
o Bombing
o Assassination
o Kidnapping
o Robbery
o Hostage-Taking
o Ambush
o and other acts of terrorism

Assessing the Risk

 Pro-Crisis Action - “The planning process begins with the understanding of the situation
and recognition that a number of policy decisions can be made before the actual
planning can begin”,
 “Many emergencies can be prevented completely with the adequate thought and action.
Others can be anticipated –often by doing nothing but mere common sense.

Checklist for a Disaster Action Plan

 Identify the type of disaster occurred in the area

 Identify those that could affect your operation in the area
 Determine which scenarios are plausible
 Survey your physical facilities and operating procedures to determine preparedness
 Survey surrounding area to determine if there are operations or facilities near which
might create emergencies.
 Establish a liaison with law enforcement agencies and emergency response groups
 Know where to get help, how to get help, and what help you can expect
 Know who currently has authority to make key decisions within your organization and
who control access to decision makers in an emergency
 Review emergency procedures, its completeness and accuracy
List of Effective Crisis (Disaster) Management Based on the Pyramid

 Good Planning
o Consider all possibilities
o Don’t focus only on immediate problem
o Establish contacts

 Good Personnel
o Look for experience and knowledge
o Train, test and evaluate
o Use people effectively and humanely
o Organize to mitigate stress

 Good Shakedowns
o Test plans and people
o Evaluate and revise plans
o Keep an open mind

 Maintain Control
o Be creative
o Look for the real problem
o Have confidence in your plans
o Keep records

 Get Back to Normal

o Evaluate and document
o Give reward
o Analyze implications

Phases in Emergency/Disaster Planning

 Phase I - Assessment of the Situation

This will be a research in depth by a knowledgeable and specially trained group on
the vulnerabilities as well as the resources available for the disaster plan. Surveys and
Inspection may be conducted

 Phase II - Writing the Plan

The plan will have to be written based on the findings in Phase I. the plan can be
code title, management will just call for the name of the plan.

 Phase III Testing the Plan

 Phase IV Critique the Plan

This involves the analysis of feedbacks. The unworkable procedures should be noted
and finally corrected.
Checklist for Reviewing Policies, Procedures and Plans

 Compile and review your organization’s policies on various contingencies before

establishing your plans
 Ensure that these policies are known throughout the organization and that they are
included in your emergency manuals
 Ensure that your procedures and plans are consistent with your organization’s
established policies and goals
 Identify appropriate outside consultants and other sources of assistance in
developing and implementing your plans and procedures
 Ensure that the appropriate personnel have any security clearances or background
checks which might be required
 Establish a viable record-keeping system and procedures to ensure they are followed

Organizing Disaster Management Team

 Disaster team leadership is vested primary tasks is to ensure that the control is
maintained over the team’s activities, information flow, and the implementation of
decisions and organizational policies.
 For these reason, the team leader should be a person who has demonstrated ability
to function under pressure, must have sufficient authority to make on the spot
decisions with in the framework of overall organization’s policy, access to decision
makers when required, and the ability to recognize which decisions to make
independently an which to refer to upper management.

Disaster Action Team Duties on Pre-event

 Supervise the formulation of policies

 Ensure the development of procedures
 Participate in preparing plans
 Oversee and anticipate in exercise of plans Select crisis management/disaster center
 Participate in personnel training
 Review preparation of materials
 Delegate authority
 Brief personnel
 Ensure the assembly of supplies
 Ensure preparation of rest, food, medical areas

Disaster Action Team Duties During the Event

 Establish shift schedules immediately

 Delegate tasks
 Focus underlying problem
 Maintain control
 Follow organizational policies
 Use prepared procedures Innovate as needed
 Ensure that information is shared with the entire team
 Review all press release and public statements
 Double check or confirm information if possible
 Aid victim and their families
 Try to anticipate future consequences
 Control stress of team members
 Ensure log maintenance

Disaster Action Team Duties Post Event/ After Incident

 Evaluate effectiveness of plans

 Evaluate adequacy of procedures
 Debrief personnel
 Evaluate equipment and training used
 Revise plans and procedures in the light of new experience
 Reward personnel as appropriate
 Document events
 Prepare after-action reports
 Arrange an orderly transition to normal conditions

The Chain of Events During a Disaster is Simplified as Follows:

 Security receives initial report of emergency

 Security notifies Disaster Team Leader
 Team leader decides if immediate action is required
o If action is required, he notifies the other team members to convene at the
crisis management center
 Initial liaison established and actions taken: create log, contact of family, employees
involved, government or law enforcement liaison contacts, prepare contingency press
guidance, others.
 Respond to event

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