UoPeople Assignment Presentation

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01 - Week 1


Online Education Strategies (UNIV 1001 - AY2021-T)

4. https://www.openbookpublishers.com/10.11647/OBP.0197.pdf

5. Weissman, D. (2020). Agency: Moral Identity and Free Will. Cambridge, UK: Open

Book Publishers.

6.(Weissman, 2020)

Disussion Question

For this assignment, write at least 250 words - but no more than 500 words - answering the following

What are the benefits of collaborative learning? How does University of the People integrate
community-oriented learning into the classroom? In your response, be sure to share any experience you
have with collaborative learning.

Collaborative learning is an educational method whereby learners and teachers interact with each other
in learning. Different from studying individually, learning is enhanced by articulating and defending our
viewpoints, listening to each other and giving constructive comments to gain a more complete
understanding of a topic or subject.

There are many benefits in this method of learning.

First, studies have been done that showed that learning collaboratively may lead to increased
involvement and better retention of knowledge. The process of it empowers participants to achieve
higher levels of thought and the information is retained much longer than when learned in a non-
collaborative setting. (Zambrano, 2019) This is due to the fact that the learner must organise their
thoughts in a logical manner and lay out a cohesive argument with support to establish the point that
they want to make and be able to defend their viewpoints. Through interaction with peers and the
evaluation of arguments, these helps the individual to reflect more on their position, bringing new light
and perspectives into the subject and reenforce the knowledge being learnt.

Secondly, it encourages learning from other viewpoints. People with different backgrounds brings in
new information. Because of the presence of other group members, we become more creative and
diligent. (Philips,2014). This is because being peer reviewed by others forces us to prepare better and
hence more diligence as individuals anticipate alternative viewpoints. Through more input, we can have
a more holistic picture and also combine knowledge and insights to be more creative through

the process.

Lastly, it promotes listening to criticism and advice. Being able to not only critically but actively listen
and take comments good or bad in to improve one self is a skill. (Understanding Listening, n.d.) It is hard
when others disagree and disapprove of your ideas and arguments. To be able to listen to others and
understand other’s viewpoints of where they are coming from is something to be cultivated. We all
know and have seen of heated arguments whereby people shout and talk past each other. This kind of
approach towards learning trains us to work towards being able to calmly listen and talk through our
ideas, and have a good discussion out of it.

In the University of the People (UoPeople), we are provided with opportunities for collaborative learning
most prominently in the discussion forums. It is during our assignments where students all around the
world answers, discusses and evaluate eachbother’s inputs. This is an advantage of online learning
which could not happen without the internet.

I don’t have much experience with collaborative learning online and also in schools in terms of
academics. I’m still a full time student and usually learn individually. This would be interesting as I
engage more in this learning methodology through the weeks with people of all various backgrounds.


Zambrano,+J., Kirschner,+F., Sweller,+J., & Kirschner,+P.+A. (2019). Effects of group experience and
information distribution on collaborative learning.+Instructional Science,+47(5), 531-

Phillips,+K.+W. (2014, October 1).+How diversity makes us smarter. Scientific American.


Understanding listening | Boundless communications. (n.d.). Lumen Learning – Simple Book Production.
http://courses.lumenlearing.com/boundless scrum ovations/chapter/understandings listening/

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