EDSI 9998 Dissertation Assessment Rubric: Major Criteria Not Evident (1) Emerging (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary

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EDSI 9998 Dissertation Assessment Rubric

Major Criteria Not Evident (1) Emerging (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary (4)
Background Information not provided; Adequate background Background information is Background information is
no basis for judgment. information is provided provided but only minimally provided and organized in such a
but does not build a establishes a context for the way as to establish a context for
context for the study. study. the study.
Rationale No rationale for the study Rationale provided for Clear rationale provided. Rationale is extremely well-
(Statement of is provided and/or study is weak or defined, comprehensive, and
Problem) statement of problem is statement of problem is persuasive.
not specified. not specified.
Research Purpose Purpose is not identified Purpose is unclear or the Purpose is clearly described Purpose statement is
& Plan for School or does not connect to a connection between the and connects to a plan for exceptionally clear and supported
Improvement plan for school study and a plan for school improvement. by a strong connection to a plan
improvement. school improvement is for school improvement.
Research No identifiable statement Research questions are Questions parallel the Specific research questions are
Questions research questions or unclear or have only a purpose. clearly stated, parallel and support
(Hypotheses, as hypothesis, or not related weak connection to a the purpose, and have potential to
appropriate) to a plan for school plan for school contribute to the discipline.
improvement. improvement.

Literature Review
Major Criteria Not Evident (1) Emerging (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary (4)
Critical Review of No convincing evidence Evidence of a Evidence of a sound Evidence of a comprehensive
Literature & of an understanding of the satisfactory knowledge knowledge and critical review knowledge and critical review of
Relevance literature, with a very and limited critical of the literature relevant to the the literature relevant to the study
limited selection of review of the relevant study and plan for school and plan for school improvement.
relevant sources and no literature as it relates to a improvement.
critical comment. No plan for school
connection of literature to improvement, but with
proposed plan for school obvious gaps and
improvement. omissions.
Conceptual / No development of an A conceptual / Developed a clear, Developed a coherent, and fully
Theoretical appropriate conceptual / theoretical framework is appropriate, and justified justified conceptual / theoretical
Framework theoretical framework for not clearly stated, conceptual / theoretical framework to underpin the
the research. complete, or justified. framework for the research. research undertaken.

Research Questions (& Hypotheses)

Major Criteria Not Evident (1) Emerging (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary (4)
Research No basis for judgment. Questions are weak or Questions align to the Research questions are the end
Questions unclear and/or do not purpose, literature review and product of the literature review
(Hypotheses, as connect with the purpose plan for school improvement. and clearly relate to the purpose
appropriate) and plan for school and plan for school improvement.
Scope & Questions are missing or Questions not of Generally, questions have Research questions are clear,
Feasibility no info is provided sufficient scope, or are proper scope, are realistic, concise, feasible, and of proper
regarding the feasibility of not feasible. and feasible. scope, to address the purpose.
the project.

Major Criteria Not Evident (1) Emerging (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary (4)
Research No selection and Research approach and Research approach and Research approach and design are
Approach & justification of research design are in general design are described thoroughly and clearly described.
Design approach and design. appropriate. appropriately.
Data Collection Inappropriate selection Some evidence of data Selection and implementation Selection and implementation of
and implementation (or collection methods are of data collection methods data collection methods are
absence) of data provided. are appropriate and justified. entirely appropriate and fully
collection methods. justified.
Data Analysis Little or no evidence of Some evidence of using Clear evidence of using Clear and extensive evidence of a
appropriate data analysis appropriate data analysis appropriate data analysis high level of appropriate data
techniques techniques. techniques. analysis techniques.
Limitations No description of Some recognition of the Clear recognition of the Fully recognize the limitations of
limitations and their limitations of the limitations of the methods the methods adopted and their
impact on the research. methods adopted and adopted and their impact on impact on the research.
their impact on the the research.

Major Criteria Not Evident (1) Emerging (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary (4)
Research Results reported do not Results reported partially Results reported clearly Results reported clearly and fully
Questions answer the proposed answer the proposed answer the proposed research answer the proposed research
Answered research questions. research questions. questions. questions.
Follows from Results reported do not Results reported Results reported clearly Results reported clearly and fully
Analysis follow the proposed somewhat follow the follow the proposed research follow the proposed research
research analysis proposed research analysis methods. analysis methods.
methods. analysis methods.
Presented in Presentation of findings is Presentation of findings Presentation of findings is Presentation of findings is
Appropriate not inaccurate, is generally accurate, clearly accurate, complete, and completely accurate, complete, and
Format incomplete, or illogical. complete, and logical. logical. logical.

Discussion & Conclusion

Major Criteria Not Evident (1) Emerging (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary (4)
Supported by Conclusions and Conclusions and Conclusions and Conclusions and
Results recommendations are recommendations are not recommendations are clearly recommendations are fully
inaccurate, incomplete, or entirely partially supported by the evidence, or supported by the evidence, or
illogical, and not supported by the based on logical reasoning. based on logical reasoning.
supported by the results. findings, or based on
logical reasoning.
Evaluation of Importance and Importance and Importance and contributions Importance and contributions of
Results contributions of the major contributions of the of the major findings are the major findings are clearly
findings are not discussed major findings are discussed in relation to discussed in relation to literature,
in relation to literature or discussed in relation to literature and clearly and fully supported by the
not supported by the literature, but partially supported by the findings. findings.
findings. supported by the
Theoretical & Theoretical and practical Theoretical and practical Theoretical and practical Theoretical and practical
Practical implications are implications are implications are clearl y implications are clearl y and
Implications inappropriately discussed partiall y discussed and discussed and connected to full y discussed with a strong
and not connected to a somewhat connected to the plan for school connection to the plan for school
plan for school the plan for school improvement. improvement.
improvement. improvement.
Limitations & Limitations and future Limitations and future Limitations and future Limitations and future directions
Future Directions directions are not directions partially directions clearly follow from clearly and fully follow from
discussed. follow from results and results and support the results and strongly support the
are vaguely connected to proposed plan for school proposed plan for school
the plan for school improvement (Appendix A). improvement (Appendix A).
improvement (Appendix

Presentation & Writing

Major Criteria Not Evident (1) Emerging (2) Proficient (3) Exemplary (4)
Writing Structure Does not conform to the Conforms to major Conforms to all the required Conforms to all the required
required specifications specifications and has specifications and has a good specifications and has an excellent
and has generally an acceptable layout in layout in terms of structure layout in terms of structure and
unacceptable layout in terms of structure and and logical argument. logical argument.
terms of structure and logical argument.
logical argument.
Writing Mechanics Generally poor use of Reasonably clear and Clear and correct use of Clear and correct use of English
English characterized correct use of English English characterized by a characterized by a very lucid style
by numerous errors, characterized by clear style of expression, with of expression, with no imprecise
unclear, incorrect and/or generally clear few imprecise and/or and/or incorrect statements.
illogical statements. expression, with incorrect statements.
relatively few imprecise
and/or incorrect
APA Style Does not conform to the Conforms to the major Conforms to all the required Conforms to all the required
required APA style specifications of the specifications of the APA specifications of the APA style
specifications and has APA style and has style and has few errors in the and has no errors in the use of
generally unacceptable relatively few errors in use of headings, in-text headings, in-text citations, and
errors in the use of the use of headings, in- citations, and references. references.
headings, in-text text citations, and
citations, and references. references.

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