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Sem 2: Formal Lab – Media Presentation - this 1 test grade.

Objective: Create a visual pH (include pH numbers) scale using household

solutions and a home-made indicator made from red cabbage.
Formulate a hypothesis for a minimum of 5 solutions to be tested (predict whether it is an
acid or a base) and give a reason for your hypothesis.

Students will be graded using the guidelines of the attached rubric.

You should prepare a 3 to 5 minute video that will explain these six sections of the experiment.

There are 6 sections

1. Introduction- Answers Why (May want to script this)

The introduction is a brief section designed to inform the viewer of the relevance of your
research and includes a short history or relevant background that leads to a restatement of the
problem that is being addressed..
Hypothesis would then follow with the explanation to the origination of
your hypothesis and how you intend to test it.
2. Methods- answers “when, where, how, how much?” The
Methods section chronologically describes the process you undertook to complete the research.
Be precise, complete, and concise: include only relevant information—no unnecessary details,
anecdotes, excuses, or confessions.

3. Results - answers “what?” Include tables and/or graphs

4. Discussion - answers “so what?” What's the Discussion?

Interpretation.This section offers your interpretations and conclusions about your findings. How
do your results relate to the goals of the study, as stated in your introduction, and how do they
relate to the results that might have been expected from background information obtained in
lectures, textbooks, or outside reading? This is your chance to demonstrate your ability to
synthesize, analyze, evaluate, interpret, and reason effectively. Interpret your results:
evaluate, analyze, explain the significance and implications of your work--generalizations that
you can draw from your results, principles that you support/disprove, conclusions about
theoretical and/or practical implications.

• Explain key limitations: questions left unanswered, major experimental

constraints, lack of correlation, negative results.
• Discuss agreement or contrast with previously published work; explain the
significance of the corroboration or disjunction.
• Offer possible alternative hypotheses.
• Offer general conclusions, noting your reasoning and main supporting evidence.
• Include a biblical worldview connection to the lab.
• Recommend areas for future study and explain your choices.
5. Works Cited
6 Acknowledgements:. If anyone helped with the experiment
or contributed to its success.

Name: _____________________ Date: ______ Block ____

ASCI RUBRIC Superior Excellent Good Inadequate
Inquiry and Identifies a Identifies a Identifies a Simply follows
Analysis Skills focused and focused and experiment that the instructions
manageable doable while doable is given on the
Experiment that Experiment that too narrowly assignment.
addresses appropriately focused but
potentially addresses leaves out
significant yet relevant aspects relevant aspects
previously less- of the topic of the topic.
explored aspects
of the topic
Creativity and Extends a novel Develops a Considers new Stays strictly
Innovation or unique idea, logical, directions or within the
skills question, format, consistent plan approaches guidelines of the
or product to to solve the without going assignment only.
create new problem. beyond the
knowledge or guidelines of the
knowledge that assignment.
Information and Communicates, Communicates, Communicates Does not
Media Literacy organizes and organizes and and organizes communicate
Skills synthesizes synthesizes information from either source or
information so information but sources. Minimal original material
that intended the information number of clearly
purpose is fully is not yet sources or quotes
achieved and synthesized, so are not used.
clearly the intended
communicated. purpose is not
fully achieved
Contextual Clearly and Discusses 4/5 Briefly discusses Minimal
Learning Skills completely scientific 3/5 of relevant discussion of
discusses pH, concepts relevant scientific 2/5 or fewer
pOH, [H+], [OH-], to the concepts behind scientific
and structure of experiment experiment theory/concepts.
indicator and Not relevant
how the indicator
Communication Communicates Organizational Organizational Organizational
Skills using the pattern is pattern is pattern is not
scientific method observable intermittently observable
and information within the observable within the
is cohesive. presentation but within the presentation.
scientific method presentation.

Conclusions and Conclusion is Conclusion is

related outcomes Conclusion is logically tied to Inconsistently
Critical are logical and logically tied to a information tied to some of
Thinking Skills reflect student’s range of (because the information
informed information information is discussed and
evaluation and related outcomes chosen to fit the oversimplified.
ability to place are identified - desired
evidence and basic equations conclusion)
perspectives in are used such as equations are not
order - equations dissociation used
Biblical Student Student Student states Student does not
Worldview discusses in discusses in both core beliefs consider core
Skills detail and detail/analyzes and the origins of beliefs
analyzes both both core beliefs the core beliefs.
core beliefs and and the origins of
the origins of the the core beliefs
core beliefs and
discussion has
thoughtful depth
and clarity.
Access and Use APA Format with APA Format APA Format of Student does not
Information in text citations In text citation Bibliography, in use information
Ethically and used properly used properly text citation not use strategies.
Legally and sufficiently. but not used-
Completion of All requirements Most of the Some of the Most of the
requirements of the project requirements of requirements of requirements of
and timeliness have been met the project have the project have the project have
fully. been met been met been unmet
The Honors All conditions of pH and pOH Most of the Tabulations do
Component pH and pOH are tabulations meet tabulations are not meet
explained and expectations included expectations.

Notes: _______________________________________________________________________

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