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Term 1, A.Y. 2023-2024

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1st Term, A.Y. 2022-2023 Practical Research 1 Page | 1

I. Midterm Assessment Guidelines:
A. Objectives:
In accomplishing the assessment, the students can:
1. Formulate their research title based on an approved research topic
2. Present and defend the contents of the research and RRL matrix.
B. Guidelines:
All Senior High School students taking up the course: Practical Research 1 (SAPRES1) will
work with their research teams in constructing the research matrix and review of related
literature matrix. The output will be evaluated by the subject teacher and panel. The paper
will be evaluated based on the rubric below:
CRITERIA Above Excellent (8 Satisfactory Needs Not
Expectations pts.) (6 pts.) Improvement evident
(10 pts.) (4pts.) (2pts.)
Research Well- Developing Contributed Poorly Ideas were
developed ideas; ideas but developed not fully
Topic topic; stimulates were not ideas which developed.
introduces discussion to developed. do not The topic
new ideas, a certain The topic improve the was
and level. The lacks discussion. superficial
stimulates topic is relevance The topic is and lacks
discussion. somehow and observes irrelevant and depth.
The topic is relevant and some of the does not
relevant to the observes guidelines in observe the
society and most of the choosing a guidelines in
follows the guidelines in topic choosing a
guidelines in choosing a topic
choosing a topic
References The The The The The
references references references references references
are more than are sufficient, are somehow are somehow are
sufficient, accurate, and sufficient, sufficient, insufficient
accurate, relevant. accurate, and accurate, and and
relevant, and relevant. relevant. irrelevant.
provides a It does not
strong provide
foundation for support to
the paper. the paper.

Research Question There were Evidences of There was a There was

Questions demonstrates several critical lack of no
1st Term, A.Y. 2022-2023 Practical Research 1 Page | 2
a deep instances thinking were evidence of evidence
understanding that showed present from critical of critical
of the topic evidences of time to time. thinking. thinking.
and shows critical Question Research Question is
analytical and thinking. demonstrates question is vague and
original Question minimal absent or unrelated
thought. It is demonstrates knowledge or posed as a to the
well good grasp depth of the yes/no research
developed of the topic’s topic. question topic.
and depth and Question
appropriate to complexity. relates to the
the research Question is research
topic fairly focused topic but is
and relates to overly broad
the research or narrow

Data The technique The The The The

Gathering was technique technique technique technique
Technique appropriate was was was not that was wrong
and accurate appropriate appropriate appropriate for the
for the study. and accurate for the study. for the study. study. The
The items for the study. Some of the Most of the items were
were specific, Most items items were items were broad and
focused, and were specific, specific, broad and lacked
easy to focused, and focused, and lacked in focus. The
understand. easy to easy to focus. Most of items were
They are understand. understand. the items difficult to
anchored They are Some were require understand
from the anchored anchored clarification. and not
research from the from the Most were not anchored
questions research research anchored from the
questions. questions. from the research
research questions.
Methodology The research The research The research The research The
(Research design was design was design was design lacked research
Design and accurate and somehow somehow accuracy and design was
Sampling aligned to the accurate and accurate and most were not not
Technique) objectives of aligned to most were aligned to the appropriate
the study. almost all the aligned to the objectives of for the
objectives of objectives of the study. study and
the study. the study were not
aligned to
of the

1st Term, A.Y. 2022-2023 Practical Research 1 Page | 3


II. Major Performance Task: Oral Defense

A. Objectives:
The students taking up Practical Research 1 (SAPRES1) will be using their
communication, presentation, and critical thinking skills in discussing their qualitative
research paper.
B. Guidelines:
1. Each group will present the research matrix of their qualitative research papers
through an onsite oral defense.
2. Each member must be mindful of the following reminders:
a. Each group will be given 10 minutes to present. All decks must be uploaded in the
assignment tab prior the defense.
b. A draft (soft copy or hard copy) of the matrices should be submitted beforehand.
c. The schedule will be disseminated by the SAPRES1 subject teacher to their
respective classes

Rubrics for Oral Defense

Individual Grading
Above Needs
Excellent Satisfactory Not evident
CRITERIA Expectation Improveme
(8 pts.) (6 pts.) (2 pts.)
s (10 pts.) nt (4 pts.)
A bit scattered
somewhat Rather hard
coherent, to follow,
Organizati logical,
Very logical, occasionally significant Was not able
on mostly
coherent, scrambled, omissions to organize
complete some and/or thoughts.
noticeable substitution
omissions but s

1st Term, A.Y. 2022-2023 Practical Research 1 Page | 4

A lot of
Mostly clear, confusion,
good grasp Occasional not in
Clear, of material, confusion or control of
precise, only lack of clarity, facts and
occasional key details,
convincing, occasional gaps in theory Was not able
Presentati very
articulate, stumbles, or important to present
on Rubric nervous
good minor details, effectively.
audience uncertainty and
connection on some nervous
facts or or jittery
at a loss for
Q&A Quickly Occasionally Some Frequently Was not able
Rubric grasped misundersto misunderstan misunderst to respond to
questions, od a ding of ood a the
clear and question, questions, question,
apt responses responses incorrect
responses, usually or ask correctly,
may be vague
good good though or inaccurate, inadequa or effectively.
control of occasionally did not te
both vague, always response
theory and give a full s,
findings generally
response, may lack of
apt grasp of
answer a confidence
different in
and how to
question response,
Interacti Clearly Adequate Weak but Lacked Was not able
on with understood understandi acceptable adequate to maximize
material both ng of understandi understandi the data
Rubric ng of theory,
research research ng of used in the
findings and findings, present theory, research and
underlying generally research research did not show
theory, understood findings but findings not a strong
could aptly underlying not always always grasp of the
contextualiz theory, clear on understood, paper.
e or interpret perhaps a implications, confused or
findings in bit reluctant confused uncertain
light of to attempt to details or about the
theory, extend important implications
when theory or findings of findings,
appropriate explain contradictio
may have contradictor ns, or
suggested y findings confusion
how theory evident in
1st Term, A.Y. 2022-2023 Practical Research 1 Page | 5
might be how
extended material
based on handled.
Materials Used an Medium Medium used Medium Medium
Used by effective, used was was somehow used was used was not
Group appropriate appropriate comprehensiv not comprehensi
(Visual informative, and e but lacked effective in ble, or none
aids, PPT comprehens generally key elements. delivering were used.
presentati ive, and comprehens the data.
on, etc.) accurate ive.

Criteria (Scoring)
Name of Members Materials
(Surname) Organization Presentation Q and A Used by
w/ Materials

1st Term, A.Y. 2022-2023 Practical Research 1 Page | 6

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