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COS1521 Notes Simplification Implementation


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COS1521 Notes Simplification Implementation


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International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.

El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50

Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions

Hazem M. El-Bakry*, Ahmed Atwan**

* Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science

and Information Systems, Mansoura University, Mansoura, EGYPT
tel: +2 050 2349 340, fax: +2 050 2221 442
e-mail: helbakry20@yahoo.com
** Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer
Science and Information Systems, Mansoura University, Mansoura,
Submitted: 26/12/2009
Accepted: 10/01/2010
Appeared: 16/01/2010

Abstract— In previous work (El-bakry, H. M., Mastorakis N., (2009)), a fast systematic method for
minimization of the Boolean functions was presented. Such method is a simple because there is no need
for any visual representation such as Karnough map or arrangement technique such as Tabulation
method. Furthermore, it is suitable for boolean function with large number of variables (more than 4
variable). Moreover, it is very simple to understand and use. In this paper, the simplified functions are
implemented with minimum amount of components. A powerful solution for realization of more complex
functions is given. This is done by using modular neural nets (MNNs) that divide the input space into
several homogenous regions. Such approach is applied to implement XOR functions, 16 logic function
on one bit level, and 2-bit digital multiplier. Compared to previous non- modular designs, a clear
reduction in the order of computations and hardware requirements is achieved.
Keywords: Boolean Functions, Simplification, Implementation, MNNs
variable operators OR, AND, the operator NOT, parentheses,
and an equal sign. For a given value of these variables, the
The simplification of Boolean functions is mainly used to function can be either 0 or 1. Consider, for example, the
reduce the number of gates in a logic circuit. Less number of following Boolean function (Atwan, A. (2006), Marcovitz, A.
gates means less power consumption, sometimes the circuit B., (2007) & Mano, M. M., Ciletti, M. D., (2003)):
works faster and also when number of gates is reduced, cost F=X+Y'Z , F equal 1, when X=1 or Y=0, while Z=1.
also comes down (Marcovitz, A. B., (2007), Mano, M. M., 1. Rules of Boolean Algebra:
and Ciletti, M. D., (2003) & Mano, M. M., (1984)). There are The standard rules of Boolean algebra which reproduce for
many ways to simplify a logic design, such as algebraic simplicity are introduced in table 1:
simplification, Karnough maps, Tabulation Method and Table 1: Rules of Boolean algebra
Diagrammatic technique using 'Venn-like diagram' some of
X+X=X X .X=X
them are discussed in detail in this introduction (Marcovitz,
A. B., (2005), Arntson, A. E., (2005), Mano, M. M., Ciletti, X+0=X X .1 =X
M. D., (2003), & Mano, M. M., (1984)). X+1=1 X .0 = 0
In this paper, a new fast systematic method for minimization X + X' = 1 X . X' = 0
of the Boolean function is introduced. Such method is a very 2. Canonical and Standard Form (Minterms)
simple because there is no need to any visual representation A binary variable may come into view either in its normal
such as Karnough map or arrangement technique such as form, X, or in its complement form, X'. Now consider two
Tabulation method and very easy for programming. This binary variables X and Y combined with AND operations.
method is very suitable for high variables (more than 4 Since each variable may appear in each form, there are four
variable) boolean function, and very simple for students possible combinations, namely, XY, XY', X'Y, and X'Y'. Each
(Mano, M. M., and Ciletti, M. D., (2003) & Mano, M. M., of these four terms is called a Minterm or a standard product.
(1984)). Furthermore, neural networks are used to implement In a similar way, N variables can be combined to form 2n
Boolean functions because they can recognize patterns even Minterms. The 2n different Minterms may be determined by a
with noise, distortion or deformation in shape. This is very method similar to the one shown in Table 1 which shows the
important especially in communication applications. case of 3 variables (Marcovitz, A. B., (2007), Arntson, A. E.,
(2005), Vahid, F., (2006) & Hayes, J. P. (1993)).
1.1 Boolean Functions
A Boolean function is an expression consisting of binary Table 2. Combination of Minterms for 3 variables

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International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.1)
El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50

Decimal YZ
X Y Z Term Designatio
n 00 01 11 10
0 0 0 0 X'Y'Z' m0
00 1 1
1 0 0 1 X'Y'Z m1
2 0 1 0 X'YZ' m2
3 0 1 1 X'YZ m3 01 1 1

4 1 0 0 XY'Z' m4
5 1 0 1 XY'Z m5 11 1
6 1 1 0 XYZ' m6
7 1 1 1 XYZ m7
10 1
A Boolean function may be expressed algebraically from a
given truth table by forming a minterm for each
combination of the variable which produces a 1 in the Fig. 1. Karnough Map
function and then taking the OR of all those terms. For F = W'Z + WY'Z'
example, the function F1 in Table 2 is determined by
expressing the combination 001, 100, and 111 as X'Y'Z, 2. Tabulation Method (QUINE AND MC CLUSKEY )
XY'Z', and XYZ. Each one of these minterms results in the The Map method of simplification is convenient as long as
expression, so F1 can be expressed as: the number of variable is suitable number. The excessive
F1 = xyz + xyz +xyz = m1+m4+m7 number of squares prevents a reasonable selection of adjacent
It may be more suitable to express the boolean function in the squares .The tabulation methods overcomes this difficulty. It
following short notation: F1 (x,y,z) = ∑ ( 1,4,7 ) is a specific step by step procedure that is guarantied to
produce a simplified standard -form expression for the
Table 3. Representation of F1 function. the tabular method of simplification consists of
X Y Z F1 two parts. The first is to find by an exhaustive search of all
0 0 0 0 the term that are candidates for inclusion in the simplified
0 0 1 1 function. These terms are called Prime-Implicants .The
0 1 0 0 second operation is to choose among the prime-Implicants
0 1 1 0 those that give an expression with the least number of literals
1 0 0 1 (Mano, M. M., (1984), Floyd, T. L., (2006), Hayes, J. P.
1 0 1 0 (1993), Biswas, N. N., (1984) & Dueck, R., (2004)).
Example: Simplify the following Boolean function by using
1 1 0 0
the tabulation methods: F(W,X,Y,Z) =
1 1 1 1
1.2 Traditional Methods for Simplification of Boolean Table 4. The Prime Implicants
Functions a B c
There are many Traditional Methods to simplify a Boolean wxyz wxyz wxyz
Functions, such as Algebraic Simplification, Karnough Maps 0 0000 0,1 000- 0,2,8,10 -0-0
and Tabulation Method. This part discusses the frequently ↑
used method such as Karnough Map and Tabulation Method. 0,2 00-0 0,8,2,10 -0-0

1. Map Method (Karnough Map) 1 0001 0,8 -000
↑ ↑
Karnough Map is a visual representation diagram of all 2 0010 10,11,14,15 1-1-
possible ways a function may be expressed. Map method is ↑
introduced by Veich and slightly modified by Karnough .A 8 1000 2,10 -010 10,14,11,15 1-1-
K-map consists of a grid of squares, each square representing ↑ ↑
one canonical minterm combination of the variables or their 8,10 10-0
inverse. The map is arranged so that squares representing ↑
minterms which differ by only one variable are adjacent both 10 1010
vertically and horizontally. Therefore XY'Z' would be ↑
10,11 101-
adjacent to X'Y'Z' and would also adjacent to XY'Z and XYZ'

(Marcovitz, A. B., (2007), Hayes, J. P. (1993), Arntson, A. 11 1011 10,14 1-10
E., (2005), & Mano, M. M., (1984)). Example : Simplify the ↑ ↑
boolean function: 14 1110
F=W'X'Y'Z + W'X'YZ + W'XY'Z + W'XYZ + WXY'Z'+ ↑
WX'Y'Z' or F(X,Y,Z,W) = ∑ (1,3,5,7,8,12) 11,15 1-11

Solution: 15 1111 14,15 111-
↑ ↑

International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.1)
El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50

2. A NEW METHOD FOR SIMPLIFICATION OF ♦ The minterm 3 is subtracted from the maximum minterm
BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS 7 to result in 4 that could not be divided.
Starting point is offering the main definitions and ♦ The minterm 4 is subtracted from 7 to result 3 that could
terminology to be used throughout this method. be divided into 1 and 2.
• The number of Minterms equals 2n where n is the 1. Each minterm X can be combined with each
number of variables. minterm Y when Y equal X plus the numbers
• The maximum Minterm to be obtained equals 2 n -1. resulted from the pervious division .
- Minterms 3 combined with minterm 7 which
• The 1's complement of any binary number turns 0
to 1 and vise versa , for instance 1's complement f result from 3+4 to form a new term 3,7(4) that
110101 equals 001010 . becomes one variable less than the two
combined minterms .
Definition 1: - The number between brackets is called
The combination of two Minterms is called "double "reference" that determine the position of the
minimization ".The smaller Minterm is called The base omitted variables.
and The other is called The follower. - at the same way; minterm 4 combined with
minterm 5 which result from 4+1 to from the
Definition 2:
term 4,5(1). and minterm 4 also combined with
The combination of four Minterms is called " quadruple
minterm 6 to form the term 4,6(2) .
minimization " in which the smaller two Minterms are called
the base and the other two Minterms are the followers .
2. The probabilities of minimization of the minterms
Theorem 1: included in the function are taken. This will lead to
If X is the number which represent any Minterm of Boolean the probabilities of the double minimization.
function and , Y is the binary number which represent the
maximum Minterm then The 1's complement of X equal Example:
Y – X.
Proof : Determine the probabilities of the double minimization of the
• 1's complement of X = 2 n -1-X where n equal the following function:
number of digits of X which represent the number
of variables . F(X,Y,Z) = ∑(1,2,3,4,5)
• The maximum Minterm Y= 2 n - 1 . Solution:
• From 1 and 2 , the 1,s complement of X is Y- X.
2.1 The Method for generating The Prime Implicants Terms Table 6. The maximum minterm for 3 variable is 23-1=7
Procedure : Minterms (MAX- Initial SET
1. Minterms which are included in the function are put in (Base) Minterm) Value
order from the smaller to bigger in a column way. 1 6 (2)1,3 1'set
2. Every Minterm included in the function is subtracted from
the maximum Minterm whether it (maximum Minterm) is 2 5 (1)2,3 2'set
included in the function or not (For instance the maximum (4)-
Minterm of a function include 3 variables equals 7 which
resulted from 23-1). 3 4 (4)- 3'set
3. The result of step 2 should be segmented into its initial
values of digits but in a decimal form as shown in table 4. 4 3 (1)4,5 4'set
Table 5. Initial values of digits in a decimal form
The maximum minterm(MAX) for 3 variable 5 2 (2)- 5'set
is 23-1=7
Minterms (MAX- Initial SET
(Base) Minterm) Value
0 7 (1) 0'set Notice that the name of set is the name of base.
(4) Table 7. The probabilities of double minimization
1 6 (2) 1'set
(4) TERM X Y Z Name
2 5 (1) 2'set (2)1,3 0 - 1 X'Z
3 4 (4) 3'set (4)1,5 - 0 1 Y'Z
4 3 (1) 4'set
(2) (1)2,3 0 1 - X'Y
5 2 (2) 5'set
6 1 (1) 6'set (1)4,5 1 0 - XY'
7 0 - -

International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.1)
El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50

♦ Quadruple Minimization Minterms (Max- Double Quadruple SET

If (a)k,L is a double minimization term whose its base set is (Base) Minterm) minimization minimization
k and the follower set is L, to get the quadruple minimization 0 7 (1)0,1 (1,2)0,1,2,3 0'set
look at the two sets K, L if there are one term in each set (2)0,2 (1,4)0,1,4,5
equals in reference then its Minterm can be combined with (4)0,4
the two minterm K, L to give quadruple minimization. 1 6 (2)1,3 1'set
Example: (1)0,1 the base set is "0" set and the follower set (4)1,5
is "1"set are observed and compared . If there are terms equal 2 5 (1)2,3 2'set
in the reference included minterms will be taken. (4)-
This means that term (1)1,0 is combined with two minterms 3 4 (4)- 3'set
2&3 because of the equality of the reference (2) in two
terms (2)0,2 &(2)1,3 to result the quadruple term 4 3 (1)4,5 4'set
(1,2)0,1,2,3 at the same way , the term (1)1,0 is combined (2)-
with two minterms 4 and 5 because of the equality of the 5 2 (2)- 5'set
reference (4) in two minterms (4)1,4 & (4)1,5 to result a
quadruple term (1,4)0,1,4,5. Example:
Table 8. F ( X,Y,Z,W ) = (1,2,3,5,7,10,11,15 )
"0" set (1)0,1 Solution:
Table 11. The maximum minterm for 4 variable is 24-1=15
Minterms (Max- Double Quadruple SET
"1"set (2)1,3 (Base) Minterm) minimization minimization
(4)1,5 1 14 (2)1,3 (2,4)1,3,5,7 1'set
"2"set (1)2,3 (4)1,5
(4)2,6 (8)-

2 13 (1)2,3 (1,8)2,3,10, 2'set

But for the quadruple minimization for the term (2) 0,2 in (4)- 11
set "0", The term (1)0,1 neglected because it is before the (8)2,10
term (2)0,2 in the base set "0". the term (2) 0,2 is combined
with the two minterms 6&4 because of the equality of the 3 12 (4)3,7 (4,8)3,7,11, 3'set
reference (4) in the two minterms (4)2,6 &(4)0,4. (8)3,11 15

Table 9. 5 10 (2)5,7 5'set

"0" set (1)0,1
(2)0,2 7 8 (8)7,15
(4)0,4 10 5 (1)10,11
"2"set (1)2,3 (4)-
11 4 (4)11,15
15 0 -

1. The base which contain one term is neglected during the higher 3. IMPLEMENTATION OF BOOLEAN FUNCTION BY
minimization. USING MNNs
2. All the minimization higher than the quadruple minimization for MNNs present a new trend in neural network architecture
instance octal minimization is applied as the quadruple design. Motivated by the highly-modular biological network,
artificial neural net designers aim to build architectures which
3. It is taken in the consideration that the minterms or terms which
are a part of higher minimization are neglected in the final result are more scalable and less subjected to interference than the
(The quadruple minimization for instance is higher than double traditional non-modular neural nets (J, Murre, (1992)).
minimization). There are now a wide variety of MNN designs for
classification. Non-modular classifiers tend to introduce high
Example: internal interference because of the strong coupling among
their hidden layer weights (R. Jacobs, M. Jordan, A. Barto,
F ( X,Y,Z ) = (0,1,2,3,4,5 ) (1991)). As a result of this, slow learning or over fitting can
be done during the learning process. Sometime, the network
could not be learned for complex tasks. Such tasks tend to
Table 10. The maximum minterm for 3 variable is 23-1=7
introduce a wide range of overlap which, in turn, causes a
wide range of deviations from efficient learning in the

International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.1)
El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50

different regions of input space (G. Auda, M. Kamel, H. Table 12. Truth table of XOR function.
Raafat, (November, 1995)). Usually there are regions in the x y O/P
class feature space which show high overlap due to the 0 0 0
resemblance of two or more input patterns (classes). At the 0 1 1
same time, there are other regions which show little or even 1 0 1
no overlap, due to the uniqueness of the classes therein. High 1 1 0
coupling among hidden nodes will then, result in over and
under learning at different regions. Enlarging the network, The second approach was presented by Minsky and Papert
increasing the number and quality of training samples, and (Rumelhart, D. E., Hinton, G. E., and Williams, R. J., (1986))
techniques for avoiding local minina, will not stretch the which was realized using two neurons as shown in Fig. 2.
learning capabilities of the NN classifier beyond a certain The first representing logic AND and the other logic OR. The
limit as long as hidden nodes are tightly coupled, and hence value of +1.5 for the threshold of the hidden neuron insures
cross talking during learning (R. Jacobs, M. Jordan, A. Barto, that it will be turned on only when both input units are on.
(1991)). The value of +0.5 for the output neuron insures that it will
A MNN classifier attempts to reduce the effect of these turn on only when it receives a net positive input greater than
problems via a divide and conquer approach. It, generally, +0.5. The weight of -2 from the hidden neuron to the output
decomposes the large size / high complexity task into several one insures that the output neuron will not come on when
sub-tasks, each one is handled by a simple, fast, and efficient both input neurons are on (31). Using MNNs, we may
module. Then, sub-solutions are integrated via a multi- consider the problem of classifying these four patterns as two
module decision-making strategy. Hence, MNN classifiers, individual problems. This can be done at two steps:
generally, proved to be more efficient than non-modular 1- We deal with each bit alone.
alternatives (El-Bakry, H. M., (2001)). However, MNNs can 2- Consider the second bit Y, Divide the four patterns
not offer a real alternative to non-modular networks unless into two groups.
the MNNs designer balances the simplicity of subtasks and The first group consists of the first two patterns which realize
the efficiency of the multi module decision-making strategy. a buffer, while the second group which contains the other two
In other words, the task decomposition algorithm should patterns represents an inverter as shown in Table 13. The first
produce sub tasks as they can be, but meanwhile modules bit (X) may be used to select the function.
have to be able to give the multi module decision making
Table 13. Results of dividing XOR Patterns.
strategy enough information to take accurate global decision
(G. Auda, M. Kamel, (1997)). X Y O/P New Function
In previous papers (El-Bakry, H. M., (2001), El-Bakry, H. 0 0 0
Buffer (Y)
M., (2002), El-Bakry, H. M., (October 2001) & El-Bakry, H. 0 1 1
M., (2003)), it has been shown that this model can be applied 1 0 1
to realize non-binary data. In this paper, it is proven that Inverter ( Y )
1 1 0
MNNs can solve some problems with a little amount of
requirements than non-MNNs. In section 4, XOR function, So, we may use two neural nets, one to realize the buffer, and
and 16 logic functions on one bit level are simply the other to represent the inverter. Each one of them may be
implemented using MNN. Comparisons with conventional implemented by using only one neuron. When realizing these
MNN are given. In section 5, another strategy for the design two neurons, we implement the weights, and perform only
of MNNs is presented and applied to realize, and 2-bit digital one summing operation. The first input X acts as a detector to
multiplier. select the proper weights as shown in Fig. 3. In a special case,
for XOR function, there is no need to the buffer and the
4. REDUCING HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS BY neural net may be represented by using only one weight
USING MNNs corresponding to the inverter as shown in Fig. 4. As a result
In the following subsections, we investigate the usage of of using cooperative modular neural nets, XOR function is
MNNs in some binary problems. Here, all MNNs are realized by using only one neuron. A comparison between the
feedforward type, and learned by using backpropagation new model and the two previous approaches is given in Table
algorithm. In comparison with non-MNNs, we take into 14. It is clear that the number of computations and the
account the number of neurons and weights in both models as hardware requirements for the new model is less than that of
well as the number of computations during the test phase. the other models.

4.1 A simple implementation of XOR problem Table 14. A comparison between different models used to
There are two topologies to realize XOR function whose truth implement XOR function.
Table is shown in Table 12 using neural nets. The first uses Type of First model Second model New model
fully connected neural nets with three neurons, two of which Comparison (three neurons) (two neurons) (one neuron)
are in the hidden layer, and the other is in the output layer. No. of
O(15) O(12) O(3)
There is no direct connections between the input and output computations
layer as shown in Fig.1. In this case, the neural net is trained 1 neuron,
to classify all of these four patterns at the same time. Hardware 3 neurons, 2 neurons, 2 weights,
requirements 9 weights 7 weights 2 switches,
1 inverter

International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.1)
El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50

4.2 Implementation of logic Function using MNNs treating the problem as mapping 4 bits in input to 4 bits in
Realization of logic functions in one bit level (X,Y) generates output, we may deal with each bit in output alone. Non
16 functions which are (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, MNNs can realize the 2-bits multiplier with a network of
three layers and a total number of 31 weights. The hidden
XNOR, X , Y , X, Y, 0, 1, X Y, X Y , X +Y, X+ Y ). So, in
layer contains 3 neurons, while the output one has 4 neurons.
order to control the selection for each one of these functions,
Using MNN we may simplify the problem as:
we must have another 4 bits at the input, thereby the total
input is 6 bits as shown in Table 15.
W = CA (1)
Table 15. Truth table of Logic function (one bit level) with X = AD ⊗ BC = AD(B + C ) + BC(A + D)
their control selection. (2)
= (AD + BC)(A + B + C + D)
Function C1 C2 C3 C4 X Y O/p
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y = BD(A + C ) = BD(A + B + C + D) (3)
0 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Z = ABCD (4)
0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Equations 1, 2, 3 can be implemented using only one neuron.
The third term in Equation 3 can be implemented using the
output from Bit Z with a negative (inhibitory) weight. This
eliminates the need to use two neurons to represent A and
D . Equation 2 resembles an XOR, but we must first obtain
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 AD and BC. AD can be implemented using only one neuron.
X+ Y 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 Another neuron is used to realize BC and at the same time
1 1 1 1 1 0 1
oring (AD, BC) as well as anding the result with ( ABCD ) as
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
shown in Fig. 6. A comparison between MNN and non-
MNNs used to implement 2bits digital multiplier is listed in
Non-MNNs can classify these 64 patterns using a network of Table 18.
three layers. The hidden layer contains 8 neurons, while the
output needs only one neuron and a total number of 65 Table 17. Truth table of 2-bit digital multiplier.
weights are required. These patterns can be divided into two
Input Patterns Output Patterns
groups. Each group has an input of 5 bits, while the MSB is 0
with the first group and 1 with the second. The first group D C B A Z Y X W
requires 4 neurons and 29 weights in the hidden layer, while 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
the second needs 3 neurons and 22 weights. As a result of 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
this, we may implement only 4 summing operations in the 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
hidden layer (in spite of 8 neurons in case of non-MNNs) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
where as the MSB is used to select which group of weights 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
must be connected to the neurons in the hidden layer. A 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
similar procedure is done between hidden and output layer. 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
Fig. 5 shows the structure of the first neuron in the hidden 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
layer. A comparison between MNN and non-MNNs used to 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
implement logic functions is shown in Table 16. 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
Table 16. A comparison between MNN and non MNNs used 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
to implement 16 logic functions. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Type of Realization Realization using 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
Comparison using non MNNs 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
MNNs 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
No. of
O(121) O(54)
Table 18. A comparison between MNN and non-MNNs used
Hardware 9 neurons, 5 neurons, 51
to implement 2-bits digital multiplier.
requirements 65 weights weights, 10
switches, 1 inverter Type of Realization using Realization using
Comparison non MNNs MNNs
No. of
FUNCTIONS BY USING MNNS Hardware 7 neurons, 5 neurons,
In the previous section, to simplify the problem, we make requirements 31 weights 20 weights
division in input, here is an example for division in output.
According to the truth table shown in Table 6, instead of

International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.1)
El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50


B3 O/P


Fig. 1. Realization of XOR function using three neurons.

2.0 O/P
1.0 0.5

Fig. 2. Realization of XOR function using two neurons.



Σ Activation

W inverter O/P

Fig. 3. Realization of XOR function using modular neural nets.

International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.1)
El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50


Σ Activation

Fig. 4. Implementation of XOR function using only one neuron.

C2 C1


Σ Activation

Y W 5g1

W 5g2

Fig. 5. Realization of logic functions using MNNs (the first neuron in the hidden layer).

International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (Vol.1-2010/Iss.1)
El-Bakry and Atwan / Simplification and Implementation of Boolean Functions / pp. 41-50

A 1.5 2 W

1.5 Y
B 2
1.5 2
1.5 -6
C 2
1.5 1.5
D 5.5
2 Z

Fig. 6. Realization of 2-bits digital multiplier using MNNs.

6. CONCLUSION Mano, C. K., (2003) Logic and Computer Design

A simple systematic method for generating the prime Fundamentals (Third Edition), Hardcover.
Implicants set for minimization of the Boolean functions Mano, M. M., Ciletti, M. D., (2003) Digital Design (4th
has been introduced. Such method is a very simple because Edition), Hardcover.
there is no need to any visual representation such as Mano, M. M., (1984) Digital Design, Hardcover.
Karnough map or arrangement technique such as Mano, M. M., (1992) Computer System Architecture (3rd
Tabulation method. Furthermore, it is very easy for Edition), Hardcover.
programming. In addition, it is suitable for high variables Biswas, N. N., (1984) Computer aided minimization
(more than 4 variables) boolean function. Moreover, a new procedure for boolean functions, Proceedings of the
model for realizing complex function has been presented. 21st conference on Design automation, Albuquerque,
Such model realies on MNNs for classifying patterns that New Mexico, United States, pp. 699 – 702.
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