Media and Information Literacy: Science and Technology Education Center

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Senior High School Department

S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Lecture Note on
Media and Information Literacy
Quarter 2 – Week 1


Learning Competency:
1. The learners will be able to cite an example of an issue showing the power of media and
information to affect change (MIL11/12OCP-IIIh25).


When a photo or video is shared and it became viral, it means that the Internet users have widely and
rapidly share it. Just like this photo.

Of course this photo is FAKE! The story behind this controversial image was made by
an Australian designer called Gezzunder for a photoshop community contest, Design
Crowd, on April 3, 2007. The photoshopped image was designed for a project titled
“Impossible Celebrity Couples 2”.

Another example is this plant, Garlic, that said to prevent infection from the new
coronavirus when eaten. Yet, according to World Health Organization (WHO), “Garlic is a
healthy food that may have some antimicrobial properties. However, THERE IS NO
EVIDENCE from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from the
new coronavirus (2019 nCoV).

That’s why you have to be careful in believing what is posted online. And moreover, you have to be keen
and double-check the informations you got before posting it.

So to proceed, POWER, according to Google, is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of
others or the course of events.

So to say, all of us, who are digitally exposed to internet have this power and its in our capability to change
things.. That’s why there are people who called themselves… influencer.

Just like in the Spiderman movie, Uncle Ben said, “With great Power, comes with great responsibility”.

The Power of Media and Information influence the following aspects:

1. In terms of Economy, this power influences economic development.

a. Businessman can monitor their stocks, personally.
b. Social media (fb and twitter) are the venue of businesses like real estate, providing
technical support, medical transcriptionist, etc.
c. Allow government agencies to better their services. Like online application for NSO certs.
d. With the use of internet, DOT (Department of Tourism) and DA (Department of
Agriculture) can inform the public about their programs, new policies and announcements

2. In terms of Education, the power of media and information does not only influence the teachers, it
also influences the students and the parents as well. Like the:
a. Recent ubiquity of online education, teacher were able to deliver their lesson thru digital
b. Students were able to learn while at home and accomplishing their output at their pace.
c. Parents were able to check their child’s progress thru the schools online MIS.

3. In terms of Society, the power of media and information influences the people a lot!
a. Inflence people’s perception on things like what is IN!; beauty, health, etc.
b. The rising influence of “Plant Tita”, people spreading the how’s in planting

4. In terms of Politics, the power of media and information influence the public to”
a. Access the latest local and national news wherever they are.
b. Local officials use social media to inform their constituents about an upcoming project, etc
c. And if people have problems to appeal, the officials are just one message away.

Anything that goes viral on the Internet becomes an instant trending and popular topic. So, if an individual
tend to just believe without researching the sources or verifying as to where these info came from, though it
makes sense to them , he /she is prone to get fake informations. That’s why an individual need to be
literate in media and information.


1. As a student, what do you consider as the best opportunity and on the other hand the biggest
challenge offered to you by the new media?

Expected answers:

1. Opportunities includes: faster and free communication; easier to research; informations are one-click away, etc.
Challenges includes FAKE NEWS in social media; crimes committed thru online, etc.

Each time we open our phones and log in to the Internet, we are prone to threats and risks online. One of
the bane of the internet – Cybercrime.

Cybercrime refers to any and all illegal activities carried out using technology. It is any type of illegal activity
that takes place via digital means.

Here in the Philippines, a law was signed on the 12 th of September 2012, and it was called Republic Act
10175 - Cybercrime Prevention Act. READ THE Philippine Cybercrime Law.

Please click this link after you have studied this lecture note as well as the law on Cybercrime / RA 10175.

Answer Assessment 1 with 15 items. Coverage is about the Republic Act 10175.


By Pair Activity

1. Create a simple infographic or a poster about an issue that shows the power of media &

2. It will also show, what are the laws related, penalties to incur and your advice to the audience.


Fake photo of St. Paul & Hilton

Magpile, Christine Marie. 2016. Media and Information Literacy Enhancing Education through Effective
Communication. Quezon City. The Inteligente Publishing, Inc.

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