IGC 2 - Installation of Automatic Fare Gate System - Submission

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Nippon Signal Co.,Ltd
Chennai Metro Rail Limited - Extension Projects (Underground Station – Two – Elevated
Site location*
Metro Station –Seven ) From Station Thiyagaraja Collage to Station Wimco Nagar depot
Number of workers 12
NSC Project office located in koyembedu Chennai, (Our Head office in Japan)
Our site projects in Chennai metro rail extension projects works for installation of
Automatic fare system entry and exit area, ticket vending machine installation in Ticket
counter office for each metro station Chennai metro rail projects. Our installation and
commissioning team workers involve the general work, working at height, lifting work,
General description of the organisation manual handling work, Hot work (Cutting and Grinding drilling works) and testing and
commissioning works
Site Project office timing :09.00am to 06.00pm on weekdays and is closed weekend days,
this will be applicable to our site projects also the same, In case of emergency work
carried out in project site ,the time will be extend
NSC is a medium size ware house with offices (Including our stores near by our office)
The risk assessment will cover the site project activities like cable laying and pulling work,
Description of the area to be included in the of automatic fare system and lifting work & Height Work, Electrical Work, Installation of
risk assessment Automatic fare gate works ( Separate Risk Assessment for Warehouse and our site
project office)
Any other relevant information The Project Deputy Manager (Who reports directly to the managing director ) has direct

Learner number: 00585136 Learner name: Sivakumar Selvaraj Page 1 of 18

report responsibility for health and safety
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
I started by looking to see, if the ILO Codes of practice relating to Automatic Fare Gate Installation
Work (Which there was not ), The British website had lots of resources for example, Health and
safety of supply of machinery safety regulations 2008 Pdf ,as power gate may installation of entry
gates and exit gates and associated industries’
https://www.hse.gov.uk/work-equipment-machinery/powered-gates - (under Section 6(1) of the
Health & Safety at Work - Act 1974 and / or the General Product Safety Regulations was a good
source of information for our works.

Outline how the risk assessment was

carried out this should include: After looking at source of information, And I am read previous safety plan and safe work
 sources of information consulted; methodology and past accident history after I am discussed with our engineers and job
 who you spoke to; and supervisor. This is helped me to identify the hazards that were present along with any control
measures in place. I had discussed with our sub-contractor supervisor for any difficulties earlier
 how you identified: work place in safety in site.
- the hazards;
- what is already being done; and I also checked last twelve month accident/Incident register file to see what types of incidents
- any additional controls/actions occurred in workplace and whether any of these incidents were recurring. I also checked the for
that may be required. sick absence again to see if there were any recurring themes for ill-health

Site safety inspection records , I am refer back to my notes that I made during the site inspection
and the sources of information that I had already reviewed to help me to decide on any additional
control measures or actions that were needed to workplace needed

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Nippon Signal Co., Ltd

Date of assessment: 10.04.2021
Scope of risk assessment: Automatic fare gate shifting & lifting work, Cable laying and pulling, Installation of AFC Gate &TVM.

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Trips and Slips All Workers and Staffs, any Demarked work access have in www.ilo.org.in
visitors may be injured if the workplace ILO C155-Occupational safety and health
they trip by loosening convention & Recommendations 1981 (No.155
electrical cable, uneven Construction Materials have &164)
surface, or slip on been segregated in the
spillages. designated storage place 1.Proper housekeeping has to maintain One Day Installation
regularly in the access area Manager
Adequate lighting has been
Trailing cables They may also be injured if provided in the workplace 2.Safety Signage has to place in the access Three Days Installation
and other they fall off unguarded area Manager
construction edges or on poorly
waste materials maintained stairs 3.Unwanted materials have to keep in the One Week Installation
obstructed in respected area with safety signage Manager
the walkways
4.Sharp edges have to protected in the One Days Installation
workplace Manager

5.All workers and staffs should use the safety Before entry to Project
shoe and safety helmet all the time in the site Manager

6. First-day safety induction training have to Before entry to Safety

conducted to all site personals by the safety site Manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Working at Workers falling from height Safety harness has been www.ilo.org.in
Height provided to the workers in the
When working on the workplace ILO - Occupational and health convention &
Workers ladder, workers may fall Recommendation,1981 - (C155 & R164)
involved in down from height & visitors Safety Shoe and Safety helmet
cable laying and other workers may be with chin straps provided to the 1.Replace the defective ladder from the One week Project
work using get bodily/ head-injured or workman workplace Manager
Defective A- fatality
Frame ladder in 2.Engaged the trained person for work at height Three Days Installation
the site, Many falls from ladders work in the workplace Manager
Workers while occur due to incorrect use
using the A- of ladders such as 3.Pre-inspection has to carry out by the site Before Work Site Manager
Frame ladder, overreaching, poor supervisor in the workplace Start
the ladder positioning of the ladder &
condition is not not securing the ladder, 4.Working at height safety training has to One Day Safety
stable in the conduct to the workers Manager
workplace This is will result has a
accident occurring in the 5.Job-specific training has to conduct for the Three Days Installation
workplace workers Manager

6.Height work-related safety signage’s has to Three Days Installation

display in the work area (Ex: Three-Point Manager

7.The site supervisor has to fully monitor the Onsite Site Manager
height work area

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Working at Who are involved in A-Frame ladder has been 1.Safety harness with double lanyard has Two week Project
Height working in height work, inspected by the site supervisor to provide the workers Manager
workers fall from height
Workers were and hit by the object. 2.Weekly Safety harness has to inspected
One Week
working in as per the company policy
Site Manager
height work Other workers/Visitors
not wearing may get injured in the 3. Loose materials have to remove from the One Day Site Manager
safety workplace (while workplace
harness. accident occurring near
to the workers or 4.One worker has to hold the ladder to the Onsite Site Manager
roaming persons) prevention of falling ladder & Workers

This is the result in 5.Toolbox training have to conduct for the One Days Safety
bodily injury or head workers Manager
injury and the worst-
6.Work area has to protected with safety One Day Site Manager
case may lead to the
fatality barrication tape and safety signage’s
Onsite Site Manager
7.Unotherized person should not entry in
the work area
Load- All Workers, Staffs and 1.The Mobile crane parked in ILO R175- Safety and health in construction
Handling Public, any visitors visiting the designated area Recommendation,1988 (No.175) Site Manager
Equipment for the workplace become a
2.The Heavy lifting area Safety Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Lifting
barrication tape and safe Regulations 1998 (LOLER) Supervisor
If the mobile crane falling signage’s has been provided to 1.All the lifting must be below the safe Role in the
Mobile crane to the person this can lead the workplace On site workplace
toppling workload, lifting supervisor has to ensure the
to severe injury and fatality lifting work
And the Mobile crane 2.All the lifting gear and lifting appliance have On site Rigger Man
falling into the public place to inspected before prior to use
and property damage will
create a huge impact on

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
the environment. 3.All the lifting related documents with valid One Week Site Manager
dates and inspection has to carry out in the
4. If heavy wind more than 20 knots the lifting Onsite Site Manager
work must be stopped.
5.Safe lifting plan have to discuss with the lifting
crew before work starts Three days Site Manager

Load- All Workers, Staffs and All lifting machine and lifting 1.Safety Material Catching netting has to Onsite Project
Handling Public, any visitors visiting gear has been inspected in the provide for loose materials for lifting works Manager &
Equipment for the workplace workplace Site Manager
2. Unauthorized persons have not allowed Half Day Lifting
All safe limit switch working in
in the lifting zone. Supervisor
These lifting materials proper condition in the
Falling of load workplace
may be falling from 3.Lifting zone have to barrication with Onsite Lifting
When the height, these will lead to safety signage’s Supervisor
lifting property damage and
operation severe bodily injury/lead 4. Rigger man/ Signalman have to properly Onsite Lifting
started loose to fatality secure all loads before lifting Supervisor
materials can
possible to fall 5. The crane operator must be Lift the load
from height. according to the manufacturer's load limit One Day Lifting
chart. Supervisor

6.All the lifting materials have to provide One Day Lifting

two tag line control the load Supervisor

7.Safe operation training have to conduct Before work Safety

to the lifting crews start Manager

8.Lifting work permits have to apply before

One week

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
work starts Lifting

9.All the workers and staffs wear personal Safety

protective equipment like safety shoe, Manager &
safety helmet, hand gloves, reflective Site Manager
jacket and nose mask

Manual Workers and Supervisors Manual shifting of the ILO R164 –Occupational safety and health
Handling materials used by manpower recommendation,1981 No.164
Manual handling causes at the workplace www.hse-gov.uk/msd/manual handling.htm
Workman over a third of all
workplace injuries. These 1.Have to provide a hand pallet truck machine One Month Project
were shifting
include work-related to shifting the materials Manager
manually the musculoskeletal disorders
automatic fare (MSDs) such as pain and 2.Access/egress unwanted object have to Three Days Site Manager
gate in the injuries to arms, legs, and remove from the workplace
workplace joints, and repetitive strain
injuries of various sorts. 3.Manual handling training has to give to the One Days Safety
workers Manager
The term manual handling
covers a wide variety of 4.Job-specific training has to conduct for the Three days Site Manager
activities including pushing, workers
pulling, and carrying. If any
of these tasks are not 5.All the materials have to keep properly and One Days Site Manager
carried out appropriately safely at the designated work area
there is a risk of injury

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Noise All workers and staffs are Earplug has been provided to 1.Drilling machine have to repair by the One Month Installation
visitors to the site the workman and supervisors authorized vendor Manager
Workers were
working in the When drilling works noise 2.Daily power hand tools have to inspect in the One Day Site Manager
drilling works in will be raised, these will be workplace
the workplace affected to the hear
deafness to the workers 3.Noise monitoring has to check a daily basis in Daily Site Manager
and staffs the workplace
The excess
noise from the Workers wear hear plug 4.Unatherized person entry to be restricted in One day Site Manager
drilling machine but that is ineffective the workplace
in the
workplace 5.Every six month once all workers and staffs One month Installation
have to undergo a medical examination Manager

6.Safe operation and usage of power hand One Day Site Manager
tools training have to give for workers

7.Use the British HSE’s noise calculators to find Daily Site Manager
out exposure levels

Vibration Drilling workers Monthly maintenance ILO R156-Working Environment (Air Pollution,
programme for hand held Noise and Vibration) Recommendation,1977
When the Excessive use of using equipment in our workplace (No.156)
drilling activities faulty machine hand held
in the tools such as drilling All the trained workers deployed 1. Faulty machine has to repair and One Month Installation
workplace machine, hand cutting for the use of vibration-related identification marking tag has been placed in Manager
machine could lead to equipment the machine Ex; Safe for use or not safe for
hand-arm-vibration (HAV) use.

Conditions such as 2.Daily power hand tools have to inspect in the Daily Site Manager
vibration white finger workplace

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
3.Have to use safety hand gloves and Safety One week Installation
goggles and full-body clothing Manager

4.Have to provide work interval for the workers Daily Site Manager
while drilling work in the workplace

5.Follow the Manufacture manual safety Daily Site Manager


Hazardous All workers and staffs are Dust mask has been provided to 1. Drilling or grinding machine guarding has to One week Site Manager
Substances visitors to the site the workers provide.

Drilling and Dust particles cause 2.Have to provide restroom for workers One Month Project
grinding respiratory ill-health, these Manager
activities dust are lead to Silicosis, a
accumulate in fibrotic disease and lungs 3. .Have to provide work interval for the workers Daily Site Manager
the work area cancer for human while drilling work in the workplace

They can also irritate eyes, 4.Health risk training has to conduct for the One week Site Manager
throat, and skin. Human workers
health effects of dust relate
mainly to the size of dust 5. Housekeeping have to maintained in the Three Days Site Manager
particles. workplace

6.Have to provide adequate ventilation in the Three days Safety

workplace by site supervisor Manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Fire All workers, staff, and Fire extinguisher provided in the 1.Flammable materials has to remove from the Three Days Site Manager
visitors to the site could workplace workplace
When grinding either suffer burns and/or 2.Fire drill have to conduct every three months Three Month Safety
or cutting work smoke inhalation injuries. Emergency rescue plan once in the workplace Manager
the spark The worst-case scenario is displayed in the workplace One week Safety
exposure the death should anyone be 3.ERP Training has to conducted to the Manager
flammable trapped in the building and workers One week Safety
materials like can’t be rescued Manager
cotton boxes 4.Safety signages have to place in every Three Days Safety
and wooden emergency escape route area Manager
5.All the access must be clear in all time in site One week Site Manager

6.Periodically remove the flammable materials Site Manager

from site

7.Weekly fire extinguisher inspection have to Safety

carry out by respected person in the site Manager

Health, Welfare All workers and staffs are Lighting provided but insufficient https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public
and work visitors to the site in the workplace.
environment https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg38.htm
requirements Poor lighting, particularly
lighting that causes glare, Workplace (Health ,Safety and
Lighting can present visual welfare)Regulation 1992
discomfort which may
Poor Lighting result in headaches, sore I have taken reference from these two
eyes, and aches and pains websites
Insufficient associated with poor body
lighting in the posture. 1.Adequate lighting has to provide in the
workplace workplace One Month Installation
2.Daily illumination inspection has to carry out
in the workplace Daily Site Manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)

3.Faulty lights have to be repaired in the One week Site Manager


4. if Light switched off all of a sudden, Regular Immediately Site Manager

work shall be commenced after the power
problem rectified.

5.Workers should be trained to turn off After completion Workers

the lights, when their workstation is of work
not being in used

6.Emergency lights should be provided to allow One week Installation

safety in the event of main supply failure Manager

Electricity Any workers using these The temporary electrical 1.Replace the electrical distribution box with One Month Project
faulty electrical distribution installation work has been done tripper system in the workplace Manager
Possible box chances to leakage of for the workplace by a
malfunction of: electrical shock, competent person, 2.Have to purchase low voltage hand tools and One Week Project
power tools Manager
Portable These is lead to harm most The Main power board has a
electrical likely to be caused is from built in residual current device 3.Electrical panel board weekly inspection has One Month Electrical
equipment electrocution, shocks, and to carryout Manager
heart fibrillation and fatality
Damaged 4.Insulated hand tools and power tools have to One Month Electrical
electrical use in the workplace Manager
distribution box
found in the 5. Deploy the trained first aider, who can deal
workplace; with minor electric shock victims in the One Week Project
these electrical workplace Manager
boxes was 6.Emergency response plan training has to Safety
using in conducted to all workers and staffs Manager
workers in the

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)

Learner number: 00585136 Learner name: Sivakumar Selvaraj Page 12 of 18

Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial NSC has a moral duty to protect all workers and staffs. Our workers come to work to earn a wage,
arguments not but on risk of falling ill-health, now or in the future, because of the work activities that they carry
out now. Some of the ill-health conditions that could be considered or injuries that could occur, Will
have a major on the lives of the workers and their family/friends. Long team injuries/ill-health and
also likely to have a major impact on our workers mental health. The mental health of other workers
could also be affected if they are witness to any serious injuries to other workers.

Financial impacts could be broken down into three categories. Costs associated with:
1. Occupational ill and injury to workers (Sick pay, replacement workers wages, medical costs, lost
working time etc.)
2. Equipment replacement and damage of goodwill
3. Cost associated with legal action.
When incident occurred NSC could be faced financial issues like claim, hospital expenses, recruit
new employee, if any police case need to spend for lawyer and fine to court.
The NSC might be possible to receive enforcement action for deferred work activity and prohibition
or improvement letter associated with work activities from regulatory of government sector. This
could be impact organization reputation from workers and general public. Moreover, might be
impact the financial also.

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Justification for action 1

Action Purchase the A- Frame Ladder for using in the workplace (Hazard Category 'work at height)

Specific legal arguments The international Labour Organisation (ILO) sets out a recommendation on Occupational Safety
and Health (R164) that supplements Convention C155. Part IV of the Recommendation specially
states that the undertaking (organisation) must :
Provide and maintain workplace, machinery and equipment, and use work methods, which are as
safe and without risk to health as is reasonably practice.
In addition to this a made up country also have been adopted as legislation.at the moment NSS is
in contravention of the ILO Convention and Recommendations as well as the country specific
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The Likelihood of injuries occurring from working in A-frame ladder is very likely. The cable laying
and laying workers, visitor and other workers might be get injury at in the workplace and These
cable laying work only one-week job for us. The workman working in height one day two hours only
When considering the severity, I set 4 categories :
 Minimal : no injury or damage occurred
 Minor : injury requiring first-aid and/or slight damage caused to
 Major : injury requiring hospital treatment/stay and/or significant damage caused to
Catastrophic : death and/or irreparable property damage/Equipment/Building/environment
The severity rating for this hazard being realized has been set at major’ it is very probable that
injuries will require hospital treatment, broken limbs or possible head injuries. Damage to
equipment or property damage is also likely to be significant if it is workers working in height, they
can fall from height.
How effective the action is likely to be in
we shall provide the A-Frame ladder to the workers; they can work safely and comfortably be
controlling the risk. This should include:
working in the workplace.
 the intended impact of the action;

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 justification for the timescale that you I have given a timescale of two weeks for getting from the safety materials supplier to supply the A-
indicated in your risk assessment; Frame to us. It is hoped that this project will be completed well within the two weeks’ timeline.
 whether you think the action will fully This action will fully control the risk as long be used in the workplace, maintained, and inspection as
control the risk. set out in the safe system of work that will be produced following the purchase
If something goes wrong catastrophically wrong, NSC reputation could take a serious hit which
could result in loss of our contracts (Especially the insurance work).

Justification for action 2

Purchase the Material catching nets for the workplace - (Hazard of category – Load Handling
Specific legal arguments The International Labour Organization (ILO) sets out a Recommendation on Occupational Safety
and Health (R164) that supplements Convention C155. Part IV of the Recommendation specifically
states that the undertaking (organisation) must :
Lifting Operations and lifting equipment Regulations 1988(Loler)
A technical guide to the selection and use of fall prevention and arrest equipment
This arrangement protects loose materials prevent falling object from height
Provide and maintain workplace, machinery, and equipment, and use work methods, which are as
safe and without risk to health as is a reasonable practice.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood is loose materials fall from height , if who are the person closely work in the lifting
area and if they wear safety helmet also its might be harmed the workers
Mostly competent workers only engaged for the lifting work and shifting activity. These Lifting and
shifting work weekly in once carry out in the workplace very rarely.
When considering the severity, I set 4 categories :
 Minimal : no injury or damage occurred
 Minor : injury requiring first-aid and/or slight damage caused to

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 Major : injury requiring hospital treatment/stay and/or significant damage caused to
Catastrophic: death and/or irreparable property damage/Equipment/Building/environment
The severity rating for this hazard being realized has been set as Major. It is very probable that
injuries will require hospital treatment, bodily injuries, leg injuries, hand injuries. Damage to property
damage is also likely to be significant if the loose materials fall from height.
How effective the action is likely to be in
The Material catching nets will improve our working practice in the workplace, the workers safely
controlling the risk. This should include:
carryon the work during the lifting & Shifting works
 the intended impact of the action; I have given a timescale of one month for getting the safety materials supplier to deliver the
 justification for the timescale that you Material Catching Nets to our workplace. It hoped that this project will be completed well within one
indicated in your risk assessment; month.
 whether you think the action will fully This action will fully control the risk for lifting and shifting work is used, maintained, and inspected
control the risk. as set out in the safe system of work that will be produced following the purchase

Justification for action 3

Purchase the Electrical distribution box for the workplace (The Electricity)
The International Labour Organization (ILO) sets out a Recommendation on Occupational Safety
Specific legal arguments
and Health (R164) that supplements Convention C155 & www.hse.gov.uk/electricity
Recommendation specifically states that the undertaking (organisation) must

The HSE guidance note HSG107 maintaining portable hand electrical equipment’s has the
information I get from source of website, this is the identified the risk form the electrical currents to
protect from workers,

These is consider the very highly risk in the electricity in the construction industry
Consideration of likelihood AND severity The likelihood of injuries occurring from the working in the workplace, regularly in the usage of
electrical distribution box while connected to the electrical cables at least daily four time connection
work will be carryout in the workplace with safety protective measure like safety shoe and safety
electrical resistance hand gloves, especially electrical workers in the workplace, those electrical

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workers when working in the workplace ,accidents might be happen very rarely in the workplace
When considering the severity, I set 4 categories :
 Minimal : no injury or damage occurred
 Minor : injury requiring first-aid and/or slight damage caused to
 Major : injury requiring hospital treatment/stay and/or significant damage caused to
Catastrophic : death and/or irreparable property damage/Equipment/Building/environment
The severity rating for this hazard being realized has been set as Major. It is very probable that
injuries will require hospital treatment, Damage electrical distribution box leakages of current, these
will be lead to heart attack and bodily injury or the worst case fatality may occur in the workplace.
How effective the action is likely to be in
The Electrical distribution box will improve our working practice in the workplace, these is safe
controlling the risk. This should include:
guard form electricity to workers in the safely in the workplace, we protect our workers in the
 the intended impact of the action; workplace, these will very help to production will more in the workplace, this beneficial to our
 justification for the timescale that you company
indicated in your risk assessment; I have given a timescale of one month for getting the safety materials supplier to deliver the
and Electrical distribution box to our workplace. It hoped that this project will be completed well within
 whether you think the action will fully one month.
control the risk.
This action will fully control the risk for electrical distribution box at our work is used, maintained,
and inspected as set out in the safe system of work that will be produced following the purchase

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Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with Our Company policy is to review risk assessment at least every 12 Months. I therefore set the
reasoning review date to be later than 09 April 2022. However, I will also make sure that this will be reviewed
before this date is there is.

If any new equipment or working procedures brought in,

if they are brought in any new toxic substance in to our company
A change in relevant legislation or other standards (e.g. ILO/OSHA, that will affects to NSC
A significant change to the number of workers or to the shift patterns (Staggered start times) that
are worked
if any serious accident/fatal accidents happened in our company
How the risk assessment findings will be I will arrange a meeting with the Deputy project manager to go through and assign the actions in
communicated AND who you need to tell the risk assessment. I will then provide a summary of the findings and actions for the work station
and ware house stores manager (These message will delivery to through by E-mailed initially with
follow-up when I am conduct the tool box talk where I will also advise the workers on the actions
that are to be taken. A summary of the risk assessment and action to be taken to be posted on the
safety notice board, these action plan and recommendation will be delivery to all our projects and
send to our headquarters.
How you will follow up on the risk I will set up notification remainders in my email for roughly Five days before the action is due to be
assessment to check that the actions completed. I will speak to the responsible person for each of the actions to find out the progress
have been carried out against each action. The action will be as on mention date to be completed, I will find out the
reasons why, what, when, e.g., is it down to finance or other resources issues such as worker time
to complete actions. If any actions look like they are not going to be comply as on time frame,
directly spoken with finance manager to see if additional required additional resources are available
for the action. Actions that are very overdue (i.e., completion is more than three months late) will be
referred to the Project Manager via the finance manager.

Learner number: 00585136 Learner name: Sivakumar Selvaraj Page 18 of 18

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