Hornbill Property Developers

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The key takeaways from the risk assessment are that the main hazards identified at the construction site include falls from height, struck by objects, electrical hazards, confined spaces and working with machinery. Additional control measures such as fall protection equipment, designated walking paths, lock out procedures, rescue equipment for confined spaces, and regular safety trainings are proposed to reduce the risks.

The main hazards identified in the risk assessment include falls from height due to working at elevations, struck by objects from falling or moving equipment, electrical hazards from exposed or damaged wiring, hazards associated with working in confined spaces such as trenches, and risks from working with heavy machinery.

Additional control measures proposed to reduce the risks include providing fall protection equipment like safety harnesses and nets, demarcating walking paths to separate pedestrians from moving vehicles, implementing lock out procedures for equipment during maintenance, arranging proper rescue equipment for confined space entry, and conducting regular safety trainings.

Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* Hornbill Property Developers
Site location* Hyderabad
Number of workers 350
Hornbill Property Developers involved in construction of Residential apartments, Villas and
commercial buildings. Currently we are constructing “Universal apartments” as their project which
spreads over by 10 acres in Hyderabad. The project site using various types of machineries such as
Excavators, Tower Cranes, Forklifts, MEWP’s, Cement mixers, Dumper trucks, Jack hammers and
other electrical tools. Both the hot and cold work taking place inside the construction area. Currently
General description of the organisation Concreting and the building construction works are undergoing at the project premises. Main
purpose of this inspection is to ensure the workplace and work equipment meets minimum legal
standards such as construction safety by direct visit to workplace and analyse the construction area
and work equipment. Workers working in 2 shift pattern in weekly six days’ basis and shift timing are
9 hours. The work activities take place in both indoor and outdoor areas.

Description of the area to be included in the This risk assessment covers the activities carried out at Main admin building and apartments
risk assessment named Venus and Mercury construction area of universal apartment.
The Project manager of Hornbill Property Developers – “Universal apartments” is overall
Any other relevant information responsible and accountable for Health and Safety at site.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

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You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
I have referred British safety standards https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg150.htm “Health and
Safety in construction “for the resources and standards to complete this risk assessment.
Outline how the risk
assessment was carried out I have discussed with workmen and supervisor at different activity site to know about their competency level to
this should include: execute the construction activity and safety culture and other safety procedure implemented at the project.
 sources of information
consulted; Then I was carried out direct site visit to identify hazards its associated risks and implemented control measures
effectiveness and Cross checked of effective implementation of emergency response procedures as per local
 who you spoke to; and
and international standards. I have analysed OHS statistical data of project safe man-hours worked, Observation
 how you identified: details, first aid and near miss data, Incident investigation details and statutory compliance register.
- the hazards;
- what is already For the recommendation of control measures, I have referred ILO Website, which is having the specific
being done; and requirement and information as a control measures which should be adhered by an employer at the
- any additional construction site. Example Below
controls/actions that
may be required. As per ILO article no 26 of C167 for “Electricity”.

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organization name: Hornbill PropertyDevelopers

Date of assessment: 13 January 2021
Scope of risk assessment: Construction activity at Main admin Building, Venus and Mercury building of “Universal Apartments”

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Manual Workers involving in this  Responsible supervisor  Work activity must be stopped 2 hours Site Engineer
Handling activity may get harmed deputed to supervise and no load beyond the
the job. prescription level shall be
Observed Consequences: allowed to exceed.
workmen are  Proper PPE’s issued
lifting and Lifting the heavy loads and worn by workmen.  Material handling equipment 15 Days Site Engineer
shifting the manually will cause the such as mobile crane and fork
heavy musculoskeletal  Hazard related posters lift shall be arranged to shift the
reinforcement disorders if workmen kept at work place to heavy loads.
steel beyond the continue the same in long alert the workmen.
approved limits. time period. Also it will  Manual handling weight limits 1 week Site
lead to muscle cramp, posters and signage to be Supervisor
joint pain and fall of placed at work area.
material on foot which
cause serious personal  Work specific training must be 1 week
injuries. imparted to all workmen about Safety Officer
the risk and safety work
practices of manual handling.

 Monitoring program for Regular Project

workmen health on Manager
musculoskeletal injuries and
disorders shall be done.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Slip and Trips All workers, employees  Hand rails installed at  Spilled oils and grease shall be 2 hours Site engineer
and working at this area the access staircase. cleaned with proper surface
Observed oil and may have harmed. cleaners.
grease spilled on  Staircase erected by
the steps of the Consequences: competent scaffolding  Oils and grease must be stored 15 Days Project
main access team and approved by only in non-spill containers to Manager
staircase at Spillage of oil and scaffolding inspector. avoid spill at work site. Non spill
Venus Building. grease in walkways containers shall be procured
creates slippery surface and issued for usage.
will lead to workmen step
on it and fall on the floor   No oil and grease bin are
which may results to allowed to stack at the access Immediate and Site engineer
Heal injuries, Broken way and staircase. regular
bones to workmen and
staffs.  Regular cleaning schedule of
access staircase is to be done. 1 week Site Engineer

 Slip and fall hazard related

posters shall be placed on the 1 week Safety officer
access staircase to alert the
workmen and staffs.

Health, Welfare All Employees and who  Housekeeping team is  Damaged wall surface must be 15 Days Project
and Work are all working at admin appointed to maintain repaired to restrict the water Manager
Environment building may get harm. the cleanliness inside seepage.
the admin building.
Observed admin Consequences:  Formed fungus at wall surface 1 week Facility
building walls  Proper ventilation shall be removed with proper manager
developed with Fungus formation can system implemented at disinfectant.
Fungus cause skin irritation like admin building.
formation due itches and bruises when

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
to water personal came to  Repainting of the wall must be 15 days Facility
seepage during contact with it and also  Air fresheners are being done. Manager
monsoon creates bas odour inside sprayed to ensure the
season. the building. Fungus good odour inside the  Plan to ensure the no seepage
formation will disturb the admin building. inside the building to be 15 Days Project
ambient air quality prepared during the monsoon Manager
inside the admin season and implemented.
building and damage
the wall surface.  Schedule of daily
housekeeping shall be 15 Days Facility
prepared and implemented Manager
with the vigilance of supervisor.

Load Handling Workers, Operator and  Full time supervisor  Activity must be stopped. Immediate Site engineer
Equipment supervisors involved in deployed to supervise
the job may harmed the job.
Observed  Riggers and signal man  Mobile crane must have tested 1 Month Mechanical
Mobile crane Consequences: are deployed to secure by certified competent person Engineer
bearing Reg. load line and signalling for its load bearing capacity.
No. AP 03 HZ Using of mobile crane the mobile crane.
2345 is working without valid third party  Mobile crane must be equipped 1 Month Mechanical
at mercury test certificate for lifting with Safe load indicator. Engineer
building area purpose may get
without valid toppled during lifting
third party load along with the load. It  Mobile crane testing & 1 Month Mechanical
test certificates. will cause fall of material maintenance time sheet and Engineer
from height onto people register must be recorded for
and which may result in knowing the recommendation
fatal of workmen and of competent person.
property damage.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
1 Month Site
 All lifting activity must be Supervisor
controlled by lifting work

Work All workers, supervisors  Work activity is being  Work activity must be Immediate Site Engineer
Equipment who involved in this monitored by competent suspended till completion of
activity. supervisor. below compliance.
It was observed
that protective Consequences  All workmen are trained  Robust guard system as per 1 week Electrical
guard in steel to execute the job. manufacturer design Engineer
cutting machine Working without guard recommendation must be fixed
is not available / in steel cutting machine with cutting machine.
fixed at will cause the blow of
reinforcement cutting wheel from  All portable machines must be 15 days Site Engineer
area of “Mercury machinery and contact inspected and certified by the
Building”. of operative workmen electrical engineer.
into cutting machine
may results in cut  Tagging system to identify the 15 days Site
injuries, fatal and healthiness of electrical tools Supervisor
serious injuries. must be implemented.

 Inspection plan of portable 15 days Electrical

electrical tools must be Engineer
planned to ensure the
healthiness of electrical tools.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Working at Workmen and  Scaffolding structures  Robust toe board system must 1 week Site engineer
Height employees passing by erected by trained and be erected in scaffolding
may harm. certified scaffolding platform.
It was found that erector.
toe boards are Consequences:
not installed in  Tagging system of the  Entire scaffolding platform
working platform Working platform scaffolding is done. must be covered by materials 15 days Project
at Mercury without proper toe catching safety nets to arrest manager
building boards will lead to fall of the debris and fallen materials
construction construction materials
area. from height onto below
machineries and  Scaffolding checklist must be 15 days Site Engineer
workmen which result in implemented to check the
serious personal injuries safety requirement of
and fatal, severe scaffolding platform.
property damage to
equipment’s and
machineries.  Work area below the 1 week Site
scaffolding platform must be Supervisor
cordoned off in safe distance to
restrict the trespassing of
workmen and staffs into
hazardous zone.

 Hazard related posters for fall 1 week

of materials hazards must be Safety Officer
placed to alert the workmen
and staffs.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Fire All staff, workmen and  Fire extinguishers kept  All dry grass and bushes must 1 week Site Engineer
visitors involved at next to the Electrical be removed around the main
Observed dry construction activity. distribution unit room. electrical distribution unit room.
grasses and
bushes next to Consequences  Weather shielding  Safe clearance area of two
the main arrangements are done meter shall be maintained 1 Month Site Engineer
Electrical Due to dry grass fire can at main electrical around electrical distribution
distribution unit happen at high distribution panel unit unit by filling metal crushed
room. temperature which may room. sands and 20 mm stones to
cause severe injuries make fire barrier.
and fatal to workmen
and staffs and severe
property damages of  Monthly safety inspection for 1Month Electrical
distribution panels. main electrical distribution unit Engineer
 shall be carried out; Fire safety
inspection shall be focused
during the inspection.

 Fire Fighting training and mock 1 Month Safety officer

drill shall be conducted to
workmen and staffs working in
project shall be imparted to
meet fire emergency.

Working at Workmen, Engineers,  Workmen are equipped  Proper anchoring points must 1 Month Project
Height Supervisors involved in with full body harness be designed and installed in manager
this activity may harm. and instructed to secure safe interval at roof to fix the
Observed the harness while horizontal lifeline to secure the
proper Consequences: - accessing the roof. full body harness.
anchoring points
are not installed 1 Month Site engineer

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
at the Roof Due to non-availability  Only authorised  Standard horizontal lifeline with
structures to of robust anchoring personal are allowed to rope grab fall arrester must be
anchor the points, workmen may access the tower. installed at roof.
lifeline at Main not able to secure his
admin building. full body harness while  All height workmen 1 Month Safety officer
. doing maintenance work undergoing medical  Necessary training on usage of
which lead workmen fall fitness certificates fall arrester and lifeline to be
from height which before engaging into imparted to workmen and staff.
results in Serious work. 1 Month Project
injuries, Paralysis and  Rescue arrangement from roof Manager
fatal due to fall of of fallen or injured person to be
person from height. done.
1 week
 Identified hazard related Safety officer
caution posters must be placed
at roof access area.
Lone working Workmen working at  All workmen are  No lone working policy must be 15 days Project
workplace may have properly inducted before planned and implemented. manager
Observed a harmed. engaging into work.
painting  Personal Motion scout has to 5 days Site Engineer
workmen Consequences:  Work specific PPE’s are be provided which produces an
working in room issued to all workmen. alarm frequency up to 2.6 – 3.0
of 8th floor alone Working alone at kHz
without proper workplace without
permit and proper permit and  Buddy system shall be
information to supervisor by enforced to all works which not 1 week Site Engineer
supervisor. responsible person may required more workmen.
results in personal 
injuries to workmen and
not able to treat him in
quick time. Regular Site Engineer

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
 All work activity must be
controlled by work permit
1 week Site
 Emergency contact number Supervisor
must be placed and available
with all workmen who are all
planned to carryout in lonely
Hazardous Workmen, supervisors  Nose mask and safety  Fog cannon system should be 1 month Project
substance and staffs may have goggles issued to all implemented to reduce the Manager
(Dust) harmed. workforce to safeguard dust at construction area.
themselves from
Observed most Consequences: particulate matters.  Dust suppression chemical 1 month Site Engineer
of the workplace shall be used during water
in the Inhalation of shall lead  Water spraying by trucks sprinkling activity at across
construction to respiratory at access road for access road dust suppression
area found very discomfort, Asthma, suppressing dust is activity.
dusty and cause Irritation and lung being done on regular
air pollution. diseases. basis.  Trucks and trailers which 1 week Site Engineer
transport construction materials
must be covered by protective
sheets to restrict dust

 Water sprinklings by water 1 week Site Engineer

tanker to be done on regular

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Confined All staffs, Workmen and  Ladders placed for  Rescue equipment setup for 1 Month Project
Space involved in this activity access and egress. confined space shall be Manager
may cause harm. arranged as per standard.
Observed no  Proper lighting
rescue Consequences: arrangement ensured.  Multi gas testers shall be used 15 Days Site Engineer
equipment continuously to measures the
available at site Serious injuries and  Work activity is being level of hazardous gas inside
to rescue Fatality to multiple monitored by the confined space.
trapped workmen can be responsible supervisor.
workmen inside resulted due to non-   Work activity shall be 1 week Site Engineer
the confined availability of proper controlled by confined space
space, where rescue equipment to permit with all checklist.
multiple rescue the injured or
workmen trapped person from  Confined space rescue plan 1 week Safety Officer
working inside cable trench. shall be incorporated into
the admin project emergency response
building cable plan.
trench for
welding activity.  Mock drill for confined space 1 month Safety officer
rescue shall be planned and
1 week Safety officer
 All person involved in this
activity shall be trained for safe
working inside confined space.
Health, welfare All employees, workers  Approved waste  All Food waste kept in pantry Immediate Facility
and Work and visitors. management plan is must be closed with covers. Manager
Environment available,
Consequences:  Weekly pantry inspection shall
Found food be planned, 1 week Project
waste bins kept Manager

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
open and Health concern and  Waste disposal by
without closet infection due to hygiene approved third party  User observation/feedback
cover at pantry. of work environment, being complied, system shall be developed for 1 week Facility
and environmental non- pantry observation. Manager
compliance as per state  Canteen inspection
pollution control board being done by fortnight  Regular disinfection and proper
guideline. basis. cleaning activity to be carried Regular Facility
out at waste bin area Manager

Electricity Workmen, Engineers,  Approved site electrical  Electrical goal post to be 1 Month Project
Observed Supervisors involved in layout is available installed wherever vehicles and manager
electrical cables this activity may harm. equipments are passing the
routed through  Only armoured cables overhead lines.
overhead by Consequences: - are used for supply
poles hanging at purpose.  All poles shall be properly 15 days Site engineer
unsafe height. Construction vehicle grounded as per specification
which are all passing by  Licensed electricians
this area may hit the are available at site for
overhead cables which all electrical related  Electrical hazard poster with 15 days Site
may cause electrocution works. power/voltage ratings to be supervisor
to operators and other placed at all prominent places
workmen which results
in serious burn injuries,
property damage and
Vibration Workers involving in this  Responsible supervisor  Proper hand gloves shall be 2 hours Site engineer
Observed activity may get harmed deputed to supervise given to workmen to carry out
workmen Consequences: the job. the job.
working without
wearing the Working with jack  Workmen rest area is
proper hand hammer without hand available.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
gloves while gloves continuously will  Vibration reducing handle bars 15 Days Mechanical
operating the cause the vibration white  Welfare facilities such to be fixed in the jack hammer Engineer
jack hammers at fingers and hand as drinking area and machines.
precast yard. numbness due to heavy toilets provided.
vibration by the jack  Monitoring system to be 1 Month Project
hammer. planned and implemented to manager
reduce the exposure of
workmen with Vibration

 Work specific hazard related 1 week Safety officer

training to be imparted to all
workmen to restrict the unsafe

 Hazard related posters and 1 week Site

signage to b e placed at work supervisor

 Work activity must be controlled Regular Site Engineer

by work permit system.

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral: -
Moral, general legal and financial
Hornbill Properties Developers as an organization has moral responsibility to protect his workers
from hazard, risk & accident while working. As an esteemed organization if we failed to control the
construction activity with robust control measures and if failed to prevent the accidents workers
and employees may encounter with accidents and resulted personal injuries. Worker joining our
organization for the survival of their own and their family in means of financial. If we failed workers
will suffer from various injuries such as fire burn injury, eye injury, skin irritation, lungs irritation,
head injury, multiple bone fracture, neck injury, and spinal injury, fatal. Workers family, relative &
friends will suffer on his loss (fatal), disabilities. If workers suffer on injury or ill health, it will affect
co-worker’s morality in work as they will feel our construction site are not safe for their health and
safety. It reduces the productivity & quality of the project outcome.

Financial: -

If we failed to take above mentioned control measure, employer financially might be affected in
following cost,
In failure of these above categories the workplace will be unsafe and be more risk full will cause the
serious accident and lost such as fatalities, injuries, object lost and damaged property.
In result the employer will be prosecuted in criminal courts by the enforcement authority, the
successful prosecution may in results of fine in criminal courts and imprisonment.
And also the employer will face the serious damages need to be overcome because of various
direct and indirect costs following by the accident such as recruiting the new workers and it costs,
new training programs, and insurance coverage. So the management should focus and consider

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this activity as high prioritized and drawing up immediate control measures.

Around 50 thousand rupees shall be spent to carry out the third party load testing at site by
competent person and approximately 200 thousand to be spent to design and install robust
anchoring point at roof and standard lifelines and rope grab fall arrester and around 250 thousand
rupees shall be spent to raise purchase the confined space rescue equipments. Our company can
complete the control measure implementation work in 500000 INR to avoid huge loss. If company
fails to take additional control measure, company will face huge financial loss. Its cost around
5000000 times in INR. It is 10 times higher than additional control measure cost.

Justification for action 1

Action Mobile crane must have tested by certified competent person for its load bearing capacity
(Category – Load Handling Equipment)
As per ILO recommendation R175 clause no 22 “Lifting appliances and Gears”” National laws or
Specific legal arguments
regulations should prescribe the lifting appliances and items of lifting gear which should be examined
and tested by a competent person-”, (a) before being taken into use for the first time, (b) after erection
on a site, (c) subsequently at intervals prescribed by such national laws or regulations, (d) after any
substantial alteration or repair.

Employers must be having the process to ensure the regular inspection and renewal of third party
inspection certificates of all lifting appliances.

Also employers shall appoint the designated engineer or in charge to carry out and ensure the
maintenance of all lifting equipment.

Using mobile crane without valid load test certificate may have deteriorated lifting gears and
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
malfunctioning load indicators. It will have high likelihood of operator cannot assess the load that is
being lifted and failure of lifting gears during lifting and toppling of mobile crane. The severity caused
by the incident is too high. This may result in serious and fatal injuries to operator and other multiple
workmen nearby because this work is being done at regular basis at the construction site. this will
lead to severe financial losses in means of material damage, insurance claim and other medical
expenses claim to the organisation.

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How effective the action is likely to be in
To avoid mobile crane toppling and failure of lifting gears mobile crane must have tested by certified
controlling the risk. This should include:
competent person for its load bearing capacity. During this time crane’s safe load indicators, Leakage
 the intended impact of the action; in hydraulic parts, outriggers operation, and stability of crane also shall be checked and all findings
 justification for the timescale that you must be recorded in inspection checklist with date and next test due date by competent person. These
indicated in your risk assessment; control measures shall reduce the high level risk into low level. I would give the project team 1 month
and of time to complete this task because the operators and workers are in direct risk. This control
 whether you think the action will fully measures will not eliminate the risk but will reduce the risk level with other engineering and
control the risk. administrative controls safety of workers will be ensured.

Justification for action 2

Proper anchoring points must be designed and installed in safe interval at roof to fix the horizontal
lifeline to secure the full body harness and standard lifeline & rope grab fall arrester to be installed
(Category – Working at Height)
As per ILO convention C167 article 18 “WORK AT HEIGHT INCLUDING ROOF WORKS” point
Specific legal arguments
1” Where necessary to guard against danger, or where the height of a structure or its slope
exceeds that prescribed by national laws or regulations, preventive measures shall be taken
against the fall of workers and tools or other objects or materials”.
Employers must ensure the proper anchoring points are designed by the expert team as per local
and international standards to ensure the rigidity of the anchoring points.
Also proper fall protection and prevention equipments shall be made available for the usage of
workers and staffs at site.
Allowing workers to carryout work in the roof without proper and robust anchoring points and lifeline
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
to hook the safe harness has high likelihood of fall of persons from roof at height. The severity and
result of fall of person from height is extreme because continuous height work activity is being carried
out at many places in this project. It will cause in serious head injuries, back injuries, Paralysis and
mostly fatal to multiple workers. Multiple injuries and fatalities will cost heavy financial loss to
company in terms of medical expenses and insurances claim.

How effective the action is likely to be in To avoid the fall of workers from roof, robust anchoring points to be designed and installed at roof in
controlling the risk. This should include: regular interval to anchor and install the lifeline. Also standard horizontal lifeline system with rope
grabs fall arrester to be installed in the anchoring point to secure the workmen full body harness. Also

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 the intended impact of the action; proper training to height workmen shall be imparted to use the lifelines and fall arresters. All above
 justification for the timescale that you proposed control measure shall reduce the risk. I would give 1 months of time to complete this activity
indicated in your risk assessment; because fall of person will results mostly in fatality.
and This control measures will not remove the high risk totally will reduce the risk level with other
 whether you think the action will fully engineering and administrative controls safety of workers will be ensured.
control the risk.

Justification for action 3

Rescue equipment setup for confined space shall be arranged as per standard. (Category –
Confined Space)
As per Indian Building and other construction workers act 1996 and central rules 1998 rule no 36
Specific legal arguments
“An employer shall ensure at a construction site of a building or other construction work that in case
more than five hundred building workers are employed at such construction site emergency action
plan to handle the emergencies”.
Employers or project manager must be arranging the necessary rescue equipments availability at
Also all involved workers and staffs must be trained for the safe working inside the confined space
area and emergency mock drill shall be conducted on regular basis to meet and respond the
emergency situation effectively.
Working inside the confined space is having high likelihood of workmen affected by dangerous
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
atmosphere and other physical hazards. The severity of working inside confined space without proper
and standby rescue equipment is high. This may cause the time delay or unable to retrieve injured
or affected workmen in time. If we rescue person without proper equipment it will worsen the injury
or health condition of workers. So worker injury may be enlarged or even fatal can happen due to
time delay. This confined space activity will be carried out at main admin building and main control
building areas regularly by 5 to 10 workmen continuously.
How effective the action is likely to be in To avoid delay of rescuing injured or affected workmen from confined space, Rescue equipment
controlling the risk. This should include: setup for confined space shall be arranged as per standard and Multi gas testers shall be used
continuously to measures the level of hazardous gas inside the confined space. If sais measures are
 the intended impact of the action;
implemented confined space atmosphere will be monitored regularly and in case of emergency
 justification for the timescale that you injured person will be retrieved in time. I believe proposed additional control measures bring the high
indicated in your risk assessment; risk to acceptable level. I would give 1 month of time for purchasing of confined space rescue

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 whether you think the action will fully equipment setup as per standards, because delay in recuing process will cause danger to multiple
control the risk. worker’s life.
This control measures will not remove the high risk totally will reduce the risk level with other
engineering controls and continuous training to workers will ensure safety of workers will be ensured.
Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words?
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with  This risk assessment review should be taken on 12.06.2021
reasoning  All approved risk assessment shall be reviewed once in six months as per organization
All risk assessment shall be subjected to be reviewed due to below reasons.
 New management has changed,
 New work procedures and equipment changed,
 Any legal requirement and changes in occupational laws.
 In case any incident happened 

How the risk assessment findings will be After preparation of risk assessment in details safety committee meeting will be arranged along with
communicated AND who you need to tell all committee members and responsible person. Finding of the risk assessment its likelihood,
severity and possible outcomes will be explained to all persons. Then identified and prosed control
measures, responsible person to complete the task and time limit to complete the task will be
communicated. This risk assessment will be circulated to top management through official E-mail to
all concerned persons. Also hard copy of risk assessment will be displayed at notice boards and
critical control measures shall be displayed in posters and signage. Awareness session shall be
conducted to all supervisors, engineers, site manager on this risk assessment to enable the site
execution team. All workers will be informed through regular workplace training and tool box
meeting about the findings and control measures of this risk assessment.
How you will follow up on the risk I set two days in a month to contact each responsible person to know the status of additional
assessment to check that the actions control measure implementation. I try to visit the site to know & check the status of risk assessment
have been carried out If there is any lack in implement process or delay in implementing the risk assessment, I should to
get the reason for the lacking from the responsible or delay of implementation like lack of man

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power to construct, lack of resource (financially), lack of dealer to buy the material such as crane
rope, lifeline. I would assist the purchase manager to get dealer to buy the material in good quality,
I assist operation manager & top management to support financially through tell the importance of
implementation & consequences of accident, financial loss on accident.

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