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The key takeaways are that the risk assessment is being conducted for a commercial building construction project by Godrej Constructions in Medavakkam, Chennai. The main activities at the site include excavation, concrete pouring, drilling, masonry, carpentry, electrical work, hot work such as welding, and lifting materials. Hazards include work at height, dust, and manual handling.

The main activities carried out at the construction site include excavation, concrete pouring, drilling, masonry, carpentry, electrical cable laying, hot work such as welding, and lifting of construction materials manually and mechanically using equipment. Gas cutting, welding, steel fixing are carried out in the fabrication shop.

Safety measures for workers involved in hot work activities include providing them with personal protective equipment like welding helmets, gloves and protective clothing. Hot work should be conducted in a well ventilated area away from flammable materials. A fire watch should be posted when hot work is conducted in areas with flammable materials nearby.

Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming
that the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further

Important note: You mustrefer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’
while completing all parts of this assessment.Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the
relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* GODREJ CONSTRUCTIONS
Site location* Medavakkam ,Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Number of workers 505
General description of the organisation This particular risk assessment is carried out at the GODREJ CONSTRUCTIONS where I presently as a
safety officer and this construction site located in Medavakkam, Chennai .350 workers are involved in the
construction site, 5 workers are working in the office area and 150 workers are working in the fabrication
shop and the rest are of them are scattered throughout in the construction site for work activities like painting
, drilling , cement mixing , concrete pouring etc.

This project is a commercial building construction project for an IT company, main scope of the project is to
construct a 4 storey building the whole workplace consists of a fabrication shop, office area and building
construction area. Main activities carried out In the workplace are excavation, concrete
pouring,drilling,mason, carpentery,electrical cable laying, hot work( welding), lifting of construction materials
both manually and by Forklift truck and Mobile Crane; work at height activities such as painting, roof
work,using of scaffold etc.are also going on simultaneously in the construction site. Gas cutting,Welding,
casting, steel fixing activities are carried out in the fabrication shop. Workers are required to work 8 hours per
day and 6 days In a week( only one shift basis in a day) if requires then the management might request the
workers to work 2 more hours in a day depending on the work need .This construction has one entry and
separate exit area and also one emergency exit which contains the emergency assembly point.

Godrej properties headquartered in Anna Nagar , Chennai and they have completed many turnkey
residential and commercial projects and this commercial project for an IT company were awarded to carry

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out the construction by Dell on January 10,2021 and they have requested this project to be completed by
July 31, 2022.

The area where I have chosen to carry out risk assessment is fabrication shop and the construction area,
the office area has a separate risk assessment.
Description of the area to be included in the
Fabrication Shop and the construction area
risk assessment
The Project manager, Site Supervisor, Health and safety Manager and safety officers in the workplace has
Any other relevant information direct health and safety responsibility and they are the focal point who report to managing director per the
organisation chart for this particular construction site.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must
be factual.

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk assessment was I have completed this risk assessment by referring the internal sources that are available within the
carried out this should include: organisation such as referring past accident records, medical records, inspection records to identify the
gaps in the health and safety management system. After finishing the internal source I started looking on to
 sources of information consulted; the external sources of information’s like ILO conventions C155 and C167 and recommendations R164
 who you spoke to; and related to construction activities and I also referred the Indian construction standards and acts like BOCW
 how you identified: Act 1996,Factories act 1948 and OSHA requirements for construction .
- the hazards;
After referring the information, I used different hazard identification methods like Task analysis, referring the
- what is already being done; and User manual and SDS ( Safety Data sheetss provided by the manufacturer to identify the hazards and risks
- any additional controls/actions associated with the machineries and hazardous substances used in the workplace and by inspecting the
that may be required. workplace to identify the hazards and risks present in the workplace ,this method also helped me to
examine the effectiveness of existing controls and to identify the additional control measures that needs to
be implemented in the workplace . Also consulted with various personnel including management team but
not limited to workers consisting of Project manager,Site supervisor,Scaffolding Supervisor and
Inspector,Piping and Civil supervisor,Machine operators like Drilling and cutting machine,Chemical
Engineer, Forklift truck operator,Crane Operator, Site medical practitioner and other general construction
workers .This risk assessment also identifies who will be affected by this hazards and how they might be

When assessing the control measures to reduce the risk, I referred the website and read
the handbook published by Indian government safety department and also I applied the hierarchy of
controls for each and every activity by referring the UK and also followed the
hierarchy of control measures which I have studied from RRC book and International Health and Safety at
work book by Phil Hughes. I referred for control of dust ‘Dust in the workplace, General principles of

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protection, Guidance Note EH44 (Fourth edition)’ and also
consulted internally with Fire Inspector,Fire Brigade,Fire watcher,Lifting supervisor,Scaffolding supervisor
and Scaffolding inspector,Drilling machine and wood cutting machine operator,Civil Supervisor,Piping
Supervisor ,Electrical Supervisor,Store Manager,Chemical Engineer and externally LEV installer to consider
their recommendation while identifying the prominent control measures which can bring the risk level to low.

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Godrej Properties

Date of assessment: 13th April 2021
Scope of risk assessment: Construction Site and Fabrication Shop

Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
1.Transport Hazard( Safe Workers, Visitors visiting the High visible jackets are Speed limiter must be fixed in 1 month Site Supervisor
Movement of people and workplace, Forklift truck operators provided for the all Forklift trucks.
Forklift truck) can be harmed. pedestrians moving in
the workplace. Provide designated
Collision between Due to reckless driving by pedestrian walkways with 2 weeks Site supervisor
pedestrians and moving operator Collision could happen Traffic controller were proper barriers and
Forklift truck vehicles in between forklift vehicles and appointed near the signboards.
the workplace. pedestrians can results in severe entrance and other 2 weeks Site supervisor
fatal injury for the pedestrians and congested areas. Zebra crossing points for the
the FLT operator. pedestrians to cross the
Designated reversing vehicle moving areas.
and parking areas are 1 week Site supervisor
available in the Workplace must be well lit to Store manger
workplace. ensure good visibility in the Finance director.

All the blind spots present in 15 days Site supervisor, project

the workplace must be manager,Safety officer.
identified with the help of
Doom mirror. Site supervisor,
Project Manager
10 days

Implements site speed limit

and notify it to the operators Site Supervisor
by fixing adequate sign 2 weeks

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)

Implement zero tolerance Site training supervisor

policy for traffic violations In
the workplace including
reckless driving. 1 week

Conduct training for

pedestrians, vehicle operators
about the safe movement in
the workplace.

2.Working at height Construction Workers, Scaffolds, Scaffold was inspected Edges on the scaffold must be 1 week Scaffolding supervisor
Visitors using scaffold for by competent person protected with guard rail
inspection purpose. before use. system (Top rail.Mid rail and
Toe board)
Fall of men and material Tag is available on the
from the scaffold used in Fall of workers from scaffold can scaffold. SWL must be marked on the Scaffolding inspector
the workplace for civil result in severe head injuries and scaffold tag to avoid 4 days
works falling of materials can hit the Barricade and sign overloading it Civil supervisor
workers who is working board is installed
underneath the scaffold as there around the scaffold to Allow only competent persons Routinely
is no sufficient edge protection prevent unauthorized to work on the scaffold Civil supervisor
like guard rail and toebaord for entry.
the scaffold in the working Conduct Toolbox talk for the Civil supervisor
platform. workers prior to work Civil supervisor

Remove all the materials from Routinely

the scaffold after completion Store manager
of work Civil supervisor

Provide full body harness for 2 days

the workers working on the

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)

3.Fire hazard Workers including gas cutter and Fire blanket is Provide Flashback arrestor at 3 days Store in charge
other construction workers who is available for covering each side of gas cutting set. Piping supervisor
in the vicinity, Visitors, Public the gas cutting activity
Gas cutting staying closer to the workplace. on-going areas. Provide designated storage
activities,storage,Handlin areas for storing the 1 month Store supervisor
g Improper handling of cylinder and Cylinder trolleys are flammable cylinders
&use of gas cylinders at gas cutting activities can leads to used for shifting the
site fire or explosion which can results cylinders In the
in loss of life and severe skin workplace. Secure the cylinder to prevent Routinely Store supervisor
burns, the smoke produced by fire fall of cylinder
can cause asphyxiation. Flammable materials
are removed prior to Appoint a fire watcher for 2 weeks HR manager
hot work. monitoring gas cutting
activities un the workplace
Toolbox talk was
conducted for the Provide fire extinguishers for 15 days Store supervisor
workers. the gas cutting activities and Piping supervisor
in the flammable gas storage

Ensure that the cylinders are Piping supervisor,

always kept in horizontal Routinely Fire watcher.

Piping supervisor
4.Slip, Trip and fall Construction Workers,Visitors and Cleaning activities are Provide hangers to hang the 1 week Store in charge
Cleaning staffs and anyone who carried out with proper cables above one man height.
Cleaning activities is working on that particular barriers and sign

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
,obstructed walkways and pathway incluing gas cutters boards. Use blowers to dry the wet 2 weeks Store in charge
poor cable management ,drillers etc surface quickly. Housekeeping
Even surface were supervisor.
Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, broken provided in the
bones from tripping over the walkways. Provide designates storage 1 month Store incharge
obstructions on the walkways and areas for storing the materials and site supervisor
by slipping on the water spills on Workplace is well lit. in the workplace
the walkways.

Appoint a housekeeping staffs HR manger

to ensure that the materials 20 days Housekeeping supervisor
are stacked properly away
from the walkways.

Motivate the workers to follow

the safe procedures while Health and safety
moving around the workplace Routinely supervisor, site
by conducting awareness supervisor.
5.Electrical Hazard Operators using power tools, and Restricted the use of Implement an inspection 1 week Store manager, Electrical
maintenance team. power tools to trained program for inspecting all the supervisor.
Various power tools used and competent person power tools in the workplace.
in the workplace,like only. Store manager, Electrical
drilling machine, gas Using defective power tools and Power tools and Circuits must 2 weeks. supervisor.
cutting machine and wood damaged insulation or defected in be fixed with RCD to prevent
cutting machine, the panel can leads to electric Power tools training fatal electric shock. Store in charge
presence of DB panels shock which can results in were given for the
and other assembly lines. Ventricular Defibrillation,Unable to workers using power Maintain a separate location 1 week
release grip, Cardiac arrest, direct tools. to store the defective power
skin burns where electric shock, tools in the workplace. Store supervisor
reduced immune system and Earthing was provided
fatality. for all the circuits and Electric cables must be 2 week
electrical equipment’s double insulated. Operator
in the workplace.
Operator must check the Routinely

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
environment and equipment Fire safety department,
before using it. Plant maintenance team.
2 weeks
Provide fire extinguishers
near the DB panels.
6.Transport Hazard Workers moving near the lifting Barriers and sign Arrange third party inspection 1 month Lifting super indent,
area, Lifting crew, Visitors or boards are available for all the crane and lifting Financemanager.
Fall of Load, Overturn of anyone who are in the vicinity of for lifting activities. accessories available in the
Crane, and Crane striking lifting operations. workplace.
nearby structure when Lifting activities are
performing lifting activities Lifting operation performed restricted with PTW Load chart and lifting plan 2 days Lifting supervisor
around the workplace. without signage and banksmen system. must be prepared and
were absent during the lifting available prior to work
operation and crane boom was SWL is visibly marked Lifting supervisor, Rigger
extended too far and outriggers on all the crane Maintain safe distance from Routinely
were not completely extended available In the the overhead power lines and
and this could lead to accident workplace other adjacent structures
like load falling from height, Lifting supervisor, crane
workers would be approaching Monitor the weather condition Routinely operator
the lifting area and toppling of during the lifting activity and
crane and this may lead to fatality prohibit work in case of
when load fall on the worker who adverse weather conditions.
is underneath the lifting operation Plant maintenance team
and crane operator could get Implement internal inspection 2 weeks supervisor
injured when Crane topple over. program for inspecting crane
and lifting accessories present
in the workplace.
Rigger, Lifting supervisor
Use tag lines to hold the load. 1 day and
should be

7.Work environment Construction workers including Provision for pure and Shield the heat sources 2 weeks Site supervisor
Mason, Carpenter, Labourers and cool drinking water is present in the workplace to

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
Exposure to hot concrete mixers . available in the control radiant heat and
environment and extreme workplace. prevent contact burns.
temperature in the Exposure to hot environment by
workplace construction workers can result in Adequate rest breaks Provide cool refugees where 3 weeks Site supervisor, Project
Heat stress, Dehydration, and job rotation were worker can escape the heat. manager.
dizziness, Muscle cramps, Heat provided for the
exhaustion, Heatstroke, Skin workers in the Site supervisor, Project
burns or cancer from exposure to workplace. Provide isotonic drinks. 1 week manager.
sunlight or contact with hot
surface can result in burn injuries. Adequate ventilation is
provided in the
workplace Provide appropriate clothing Store manager, finance
for the workers to use in the 10 days manager
hot work environment.
Conduct awareness program Prior to summer Safety Officer, Site
for the workers about heat and carry it for supervisors, Training
stress and how to identify the one month. Manager.
effect of heat stress (e.g.)
urine chart.

8.Confined space All those who involved in Atmospheric testing Provide shoring around the 2 weeks Civil supervisor,
Construction activity working was conducted before excavation to prevent soil Manager.
Working inside the inside the Excavation. entering in to the collapse.
excavations greater than excavation.
1.6 metre depth. Risk of asphyxiation incase of any Fixed access must be 5 days Civil supervisor
soil collapse workers buried or Adequate confined provided to enter In to the
trapped in soil can asphyxiate in space sign boards excavation.
minutes. were fixed around the 3 weeks HR manager
excavation to warn the Appoint a whole watcher near
Slip, trip and fall due to un safe workers. the excavation access.
access egress which can cause 4 days Civil supervisor
severe head injuries, bone Entry in to the confined Provide confined space entry
fractures. space is restricted with log sheet and advice the
PTW system. entrants to sig it when

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
Workers can be exposed to radon entering and leaving the
gas which sweeps from the soil excavation. 4 days Civil manager
can cause chronic effects like
lung cancer Confined rescue plan must be
developed by competent Routinely Civil supervisor, Civil
person manger.

Emergency arrangements
must be available near the Prior to work Civil supervisor

Conduct toolbox talk for the

workers prior to work.
9.Noise Workers working in and around Diesel generator is Purchase a generator which 1 month Store manager,
diesel generator room, Visitors placed in a separate produce less decibel of noise Financedirector,
Noise generated In Diesel moving around diesel generator area away from the but produce impressive watts Projectmanager.
generator room. room. workplace of power.
Construction manager,
Short term exposure to noise can It is inspected and An acoustic enclosure should 3 weeks Plant maintenance team
cause temporary ringing sound in maintained routinely to be built around the diesel supervisor.
the ear and temporary hearing prevent excessive generator to reduce noise.
loss noise Plant maintenance team
Long term and repeated exposure Ear plug and ear muff Diesel generator must be 2 weeks
to noise can result in Permanent is provided for the fitted with a silencer (muffler)
ringing in the ear( tinnitus and workers working closer on the exhaust to suppress
NIHL-noise induced hearing loss. to the diesel generator noise. Supervisors performing
room. activities near diesel
1 week generator room.
Rubber waffle padding Dosimeter must be provide
was provided between and worn by the workers to
the generator and the calculate their exposure to Site Medical practitioner
surface it is resting on. noise

Health surveillance must be 1 week

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)
conducted for the
workersexposed to high level
of noise
(Audiometry-a medical test
that quantifies the sensitivity
of a person hearing across a
range of frequencies.)
10. Hazardous substance. Carpenters involved in wood Adequate rest breaks Provide enclosed area for 2 months Site supervisor, Project
cutting activity, construction are provided for the carrying out wood cutting manager,Chemical
Exposure to wood dust in workers working nearby wood workers activities in the workplace so Engineer
the wood cutting and cutting activity, Visitors crossing that dust can be contained
wood polishing activities. the wood cutting activities. within the enclosed area.

Exposure to wood dust can cause

dermatitis, allergic respiratory Fix LEV local exhaust 2 months Site supervisor,
effects, mucosal and non allergic ventilation near the projectmanager,Chemical
respiratory effects and long term contaminated area to collect Engineer.
exposure can cause lung cancer and filter the dust generated
and ashtma in the workplace.

Purchase a vacuum pump to

clean the wood dust 1 month
generated in the workplace Store manager.
which reduce the airborne

Implement a health 2 weeks Site Medical practitioner

surveillance program for
workers exposed to wood
dust. Store manager, site
1 month supervisor, project
Provide shower facilities,eye manager.
wash station for the workers
to clean themselves after the

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed and What are you What further Timescalesfor
hazard how? already doing? controls/actions are further Responsible
required? actions to be person’s job title
(within …)

Train the workers about the 5 days Training manager.

personal hygienic procedures
that have to be followed
before,during and after
completion of work.

Provide fresh air hose 2 Weeks Site Supervisor and

breathing apparatus for Project Manager.
workers involved

11. Welfare Daily checklist system NA NA NA

arrangements. is available to ensure it
is inspected and
Drinking water, cleaned regularly.
Restshelter, Dining room Cleaning staff is
appointed In each

Sufficient numbers are

available based on the
number of workers.

Identified clearly with


Safe Access is
available to reach the
welfare facilities.

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral benefit/Arguments:
Moral, general legal and financial As per our Godrej Constructions health and safety policy and ILO C 155, R164 It is a moral duty of an
arguments employer to provide and promote health and safety in the workplace .As per ILO statistics a huge number of
pain and suffering is experienced by the workers who simply go to work to earn a living in the workplace.

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When health and safety is not managed properly people get killed and injured in gruesome ways or suffer
terrible diseases that have a massive impact not only on them, but also their dependents, families, friends
and colleagues. Society as a whole considers these events to be morally unacceptable and injury or ill health
should not be a price that has to be paid in order for the worker to feed their family. Hence by providing the
above arrangements In the workplace employer can avoid accidents In the workplace and ensure that
workers works in a safe and pleasant environment which give confidence for the workers that they are
working in safer environment and they can go home without any injury or illness which helps to improve the
staff morality within the organisation and so as the health and safety culture.

Legal benefits/Arguments :
1. As per ILO C174prevention of major industrial accidents convention,1993(No.174), Tamil Nadu Fire
Service rules,1990, Tamil Nadu Fire service Act 1985 it is a legal duty of an employer to fire safety
precautions are implemented in the workplace
2. As per ILO C155, R164, The Tamil Nadu combined development and building rules, 2019, Section 32
in the Indian factories Act 1948 it is a legal duty of an employer to provide adequate work at height
precautions in the workplace.
3. As per ILO chemicals conventions,1990(No.170) ,Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous
Chemical (Amendment) Rules,1989,1994,2000
It is a legal duty of an employer to store and use hazardous substances safely in the workplace.

Hence by implementing the above actions in the workplace an employer can fulfil the legal requirements and
avoid accidents and legal enforcement action followed by the accident or incident in the workplace. Godrej
organisation can avoid legal actions such as Fines, Penalties; Compensation paid in the civil court and also
avoids prohibition of activities in the workplace like by cancellation of operating license and even
imprisonment of individuals through criminal court.

Financial Benefits/Arguments:

When an accident occurs there will be direct and indirect costs associated with that event some of these
losses can be insured against, but many cannot, Accidents and ill health can significantly affect the
profitability of an organisation and in some cases can put an organisation out of business. By implementing
above actions an employer can avoid various direct and indirect costs such as:
Direct cost- the measurable costs arising directly from the accident such as
Fines In the criminal court, Medical Treatment cost of the victims, Worker sick pay, Repairs to or replacement
of damaged equipment and buildings, Lost or damaged product, Overtime to make up for lost time,etc
Indirect Cost- those which arise indirectly as a consequence of the event, indirect costs are often difficult to
Investigation cost and cost of remedial actions following an investigation, Damage to public image and
business reputation which may results in loss of present and future contracts, Loss of goodwill of customers
following delays in production and fulfilling orders, Cost of recruiting and training new employees.

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Justification for action 1

Provision of Flashback arrestor at each side of gas cutting set and designated storage areas for storing the
Action flammable cylinders in the workplace will reduce the likelihood of fire happening in the workplace.( Hazard
Category- Fire )

Specific legal arguments 1. Occupational Health Safety Administration 1910.101, 1252 253; 1926.350;  State Workmen’s
Compensation Law 440.56(1);  National Fire Protection Association Codes 55 states that All cylinders
shall be kept far enough away or shielded while in the work area in order to prevent contact with sparks,
flame, or radiant heat.

As per ILO C174 prevention of major industrial accidents convention,1993(No.174), Tamil Nadu Fire Service
rules,1990, Tamil Nadu Fire service Act 1985 it is a legal duty of an employer fire safety precautions are
implemented in the workplace.

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From the above, it is evident that the Godrej Constructions is not in compliance with the international
standards and ILO convention and as well the local Tamil Nadu state fire act.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Unsafe storage of flammable gases in the workplace and performing gas cutting without flash back arrester in
the vicinity has a very high chance of fire to occur in that area and that can result in explosion in the
workplace because in case of any contact with the heat source flammable gas can catch fire or explode which
is very difficult to control.

Severity ratings for this risk assessment, I have considered 5 categories based on the hazards present in the
1. Insignificant – No injuries, or first aid, No environmental damage.
2. Minor – Some first aid treatment required and low level environmental and property damage,
3. Moderate- External medical treatment is required, medium level environmental damage.
4. Major- Extensive and multiple injuries, asphyxiation, Asthma high level of property and environmental
5. Catastrophic – Death or major injuries, severe burn injuries, resulting in disability, Lung cancer and
toxic level of environmental damage and highest level of property damage.

The severity of fire risk would be from catastrophic to major level based on the observation, Once the fire
occurs it would be very difficult to control and it can also affect the nearby residents. Injuries range from minor
skin burns to serious burns which can even leading to fatality. Carbon monoxide produced by fire smoke can
leads to asphyxiation and people can asphyxiate in even minutes and it would lead to rapid death. Also this
fire and explosion can lead to property and environmental damage at the major level.

How effective the action is likely to be in Storing flammable gases in designated storage area and keeping it away from the heat source would prevent
controlling the risk. This should include: fire happening in the workplace, Provision of Flashback arrestor at each side of gas cutting set will stop the
flame or reverse flow of gas up into the equipment or supply line and thus it prevent fire or explosion as it will
 the intended impact of the action; not emit any sparks. I have given a timescale of one month to provide designated storage area because safe
 justification for the timescale that you area has to be identified first and the constructed hence required one month to complete the process and for
indicated in your risk assessment; flash back arrestor is available in the store with proper co-ordination they can get it within in one or two days
and hence I have given a timescale of 3 days for the flash arrestor to be installed.
 whether you think the action will fully
I would think implementation of these control measures would maximum eliminate the risk of fire happening in
control the risk. the workplace and when it is applied with other control measures listed for this hazard category would fully
control this risk.

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Justification for action 2

Action Provision of edge protection on the scaffold and implementation of this in particular will reduce the chances of
people and materials falling from height and so as the severity ( Hazard Category- Work At Height- Physical

Specific legal arguments

C167 - Safety and Health in Construction Convention, 1988 (No. 167) Article 13 states that all appropriate
precautions shall be taken to ensure that all workplaces are safe and without risk of injury to the safety and
health of workers; Also Work at Height Regulations 2005 states to prevent death and injury caused by a fall

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from height, employers and those in control of any work at height activity must make sure work is properly
planned, supervised and carried out by competent people , also adequate edge protection must be in place
for the workers to prevent falling from height: Also The regulations set down by UK law in the “Work at
Height Regulations 2005” states that unless the scaffold is prepared to a recognised standard configuration
then it should be designed by bespoke calculation and a competent person to ensure that it's strong to
assemble, stable during use and safe to dismantle.

And also per ILO C155, R164 and The Tamil Nadu combined development and building rules, 2019, Section
32 in the Indian factories Act 1948 states that it is a legal duty of an employer to provide adequate work at
height precautions in the workplace.

Godrej organisation is in breach of international & Country’s central and state regulation for the precautions
when working at height activity carried out.

Working on unsafe scaffold without edge protection can lead to fall of men and material(s), since most of the
Consideration of likelihood AND severity activities performed by the construction team is using scaffold to reach the work area, hence using unsafe
scaffold increases the likelihood of occurrence of fall of men and material in the workplace.

Refer Severity matrix Justification for action 1 :

Severity of injury depends upon the vertical distance between the scaffolding platform and the ground level
and the position of the worker while falling from height. Most common injuries from fall from height were
fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine, fracture of the lower limbs and severe head injuries. For this work
at height using unsafe scaffold the severity rating would be from Catastrophic to Major as the height work is
carried out above 15m, hence the fall of material or worker would lead to death, disable injuries, fracture and
dislocation of bones, Multiple head injuries also causing damage to material when it is falling from such a
distance from height.

How effective the action is likely to be in Protecting edges of the scaffold with top rail, mid rail and toe board at proper height can prevent or reduce the
controlling the risk. This should include: fall of men and material from the scaffold by preventing the workers from getting too close to the falling edge.
Scaffolding materials are available in the workplace hence with proper co-ordination scaffolding supervisor
 the intended impact of the action; can arrange edge protection for the scaffold within 2 or 3 days hence I have given a timescale of 1 week to
 justification for the timescale that you complete it.

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indicated in your risk assessment;
and Implementation of this control measure would definitely eliminate the risk of people or materials falling from
 whether you think the action will fully height in conjunction with other control measures listed in this risk assessment for this work at height hazard
category hence I feel this risk has been adequately controlled.
control the risk.

Justification for action 3

Provision of enclosed area with LEV for wood cutting activities and this will reduce the people exposure to
Action wood dust and therefore they will stay within Permissible limit as per WEL( Workplace Exposure Limit )
requirements. ( Hazard Category- Hazardous Substance)

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As per ILO chemicals conventions,1990(No.170) ,Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical
Specific legal arguments (Amendment) Rules,1989,1994,2000 states that it is a legal duty of an employer to store and use hazardous
substances safely in the workplace; Also The British Control of Substances Hazardous to Health(COSHH)
Regulations (1999) placed a duty on employers to reduce exposure to wood dust to as far as reasonably
practicable below a limit of 5 mg/m3 (Statutory Instruments, 1999).

Hence the Godrej construction is in contravention with the above international regulations for this activity.
Consideration of likelihood AND severity Performing wood cutting activity in the open area increases the chance of workers and visitors inhaling the
wood dust above the permissible limit especially the workers as they are frequently exposing to it .
For Severity determination for this hazard ,please refer Justification for action 1:
Severity for this hazard would be ranging from major to catastrophic as the likelihood of workers getting
asthma and immediate eye irritation is very major because there is no protection to control the airborne
contaminants and the severity for visitors would be minor as they are not frequently exposed to it. Short term
exposure to wood dust can cause asthma and long term with repeated exposure can result in lung cancer as
some of the hard woods which the organisation is using may lead to that.

How effective the action is likely to be in Providing an enclosed area with LEV for wood cutting activities can have a significant effect in controlling the
controlling the risk. This should include: wood dust in the workplace because dusts can be contained within the enclosed area and can be absorbed
and filtered by the LEV system provided in the enclosed area only purified and acceptable level of wood dust
 the intended impact of the action; will be discharged in to the atmosphere through the discharge point. I have given a timescale of two months
 justification for the timescale that you to complete the process because it requires identification of proper area, plan, design of LEV and budget for
indicated in your risk assessment; the action also has to be agreed by the managing director.
 whether you think the action will fully Implementation of this control measure would not totally protect the workers from inhalation of wood dust ,
however use of other control measure like Personal protective equipment fresh air hose breathing apparatus
control the risk. would bring the risk level to acceptable level and will adequately control the risk level for those workers who
were exposed to them.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

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Planned review date/periodwith As per our Godrej HSE policy, all risk assessments must be reviewed every 6 months, hence this particular
reasoning risk assessment must also be reviewed by October 13th 2021. HSE policy also suggests risk assessments
must also to be reviewed whenever there is an accident, near miss events takes place ,changes in equipment
and materials as this will bring in new hazard and risks at the workplace.

How the risk assessment findings will be I will arrange for a meeting with the project manager, Site Supervisor along with responsible person identified
communicatedAND who you need to tell in this risk assessment to go through and agree the actions in the risk assessment. A summary of the report
will shared through e-mail to all the managers and supervisors who are responsible for implementing the
actions mentioned in the risk assessment. A copy of risk assessment will be posted in the notice board where
it is prominently located so that all the people can have a glance at it and be aware of the hazards and risks
present in the workplace and actions to be taken. The findings of the risk assessment will be shared to the
workers through the toolbox talk, will also advise them to participate and co-operate with the management in
implementing the actions. A copy of this risk assessment will also be kept in company’s intranet and share
folder where it will have an access to every department supervisor and managers. Memo will be circulated to
each department and will be advised to discuss along with their team members and acknowledgement copy
will then submitted to office document department, Training department and HR Department for their records.
How you will follow up on the risk I will set reminder in my mobile phone for roughly one week before the action is due to be completed .Will
assessment to check that the actions have verbal and written communication with the responsible person about the actions to be implemented and
have been carried out the progress against each action. I will visit the workplace ad check the progress and identify the reasons for
delay in the progress and will discuss with concerned person to plan for corrective actions that needs to be
taken to implement the actions before the target date. If any action look like they are not going to be
completed on time I will discuss with the project manager to involve and take necessary corrective actions to
implement the specified actions on time. Most Importantly actions that are very overdue will be referred to the
managing director via project manager and Site supervisor.

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