Inveron Hazard Management System
Inveron Hazard Management System
Inveron Hazard Management System
Hazard management system
OVERVIEW Inveron – safety at a glance
INTERFACES Flexibility via system independence
The Inveron hazard management system from Minimax displays information Inveron offers a multitude of interfaces through A number of fire protection systems from other
from various systems clearly on a user interface. For spacious and complex manufacturer-independent integration of detection manufacturers can be interfaced: for example
points of a wide variety of fire detection and
production or building structures in particular, responsible persons can quickly
extinguishing systems and other hazard detection CCTV video monitoring as a way
see all relevant data from fire detection and extinguishing systems and other systems. of verifying fire detection
hazard detection systems. They are therefore able to make the correct decisions gas detection control panels from
in stressful situations. A proprietary protocol is used for communication popular manufacturers via Modbus.
between the Minimax fire detection control
panel and Inveron. The protocol provides complete In addition to this, many other systems can be
Inveron offers a high degree of clarity by brin- Internal processes become more efficient and data exchange and permanent coordination bet- connected via interfaces, for example an intrusion
ging together all messages and events automati- safer. ween the two systems. This provides a quicker detection system, perimeter monitoring or gate
cally in a user-friendly interface with clear graphics. and, in turn, a more cost-effective integration of control. Even open standard interfaces (OPC,
The current status of control points can be displayed Monitor globally, operate locally: With Inveron, detection points – programming and system set Modbus, Profibus, BACnet) are possible. This
graphically, textually or as an animation. This several locations belonging to a company can up costs are low. makes Inveron deployable for the long term,
applies both to messages for above and below be incorporated into an overall system, whether even if fire detection manufacturers or systems
threshold values, which are displayed in real on the other side of the street or on another change. Furthermore there is a PLC I/O controller
time. continent. Distances make no difference. for integrating other signals (for example heating,
ventilation or fire doors).
The rapid localization of a problem is crucial in Authorization administration and data supply are
preventing operational downtimes. centrally controlled. Each location only sees the
Inveron helps those responsible to make correct information intended for it.
decisions in case of fire or malfunction. Targeted Authorized operators can access all locations at
action is possible and the highest level of safety any operator station and get a comprehensive
is guaranteed. overview. Operation is the same everywhere. It is
possible to switch messages to another location
The system provides the operator with compre- if a security point is not manned.
hensive continuous information such as reports The information can be received by SMS or E-mail.
on maintenance work and helps with on-screen
messages. Action procedures can be stored and Minimax can assist with service access for
will be dependable guide to the necessary actions. troubleshooting.
DESIGN AND FUNCTION Interactive user interface offers transparency
The Inveron hazard management system includes software and hardware components.
For hardware a PC and/or server, desktop- and large-format screens are required and,
if needed, cameras and PLC I/O controllers.
Integration of monitoring points Forwarding the signals can be configured to the individual customer provides a detailed display of events. The current
Inveron can combine fire detection and extingu- When there is an event the signal is processed (for example in multiple languages) and contains status of control points can be displayed in
ishing systems and other hazard detection sys- immediately and forwarded to both the perma- detailed information on detector, location and graphics, as a text message and an animation.
tems with several thousand monitoring points. nently attended place and other workplaces, ser- type of message.
Since it does not matter where these data points vice employees or on-call service. The message is
are situated, various company locations can be sent by SMS or E-mail. An iOS app enables easy Documentation
monitored from a central position. The functiona- access. Each location and user can have specific Adapting the surface All events such as status changes, messages and
lity and graphic structure of the user interface are rights assigned. The user interface can be individually configured. user inputs are automatically logged. This data
individually determined and then implemented in Irrespective of location, all persons authorized In the open edit version changes can be made can be used to generate reports. There is an
a customized set up; this means each customer in this way will have the message on hand to the operator interface by the user at any time. option to create a PDF report directly from the
receiving action texts specific to them. straight away and can immediately initiate the The integration of vector graphics, for example message handling.
necessary steps. The display of the messages of AutoCAD, pictures or video/camera streams, The graphic display of the data offers a quick
overview of relevant indicators.
Alarm The size of the archive is limited only by the size
Inveron provides both above and below critical of the hard drive.
threshold messages, which are continually shown
in real time.
Threshold violations are immediately shown in
the form of event messages and the process rela-
ted to the event is initiated. Individual technical
drawings of the detectors can be shown for each
event. Action texts show the operator the steps
to be initiated. Up to five (animated) graphics
can be stored; operation is also possible from
the graphics.
The information available from the system allows Inveron can be used in all areas of industry and
the efficient generation of route guides for the is individually adapted to relevant requirements
fire department. The required data is located in and special hazards.
a central database, thus requiring minimal data
maintenance. This enables the route guides to It is the ideal solution when extensive factory- or
be regularly updated (the route guides must not works premises or complex production facilities
be older than two years). with a high number of monitoring points have to
be controlled and hazard detection systems from
In the event of fire the current tickets are auto- various manufacturers are in use.
matically printed; they are available when the
fire department arrives. Depending on the fire It is possible to monitor other locations in real
department's equipment, a job ticket can also be time from a single location. At the same time
transmitted to a tablet in the emergency vehicle. detectors for individual applications or cross-
This is particularly important for unoccupied application detectors for entire sites can be
buildings. integrated.
Location-independent monitoring,
Industriestrasse 10/12
23840 Bad Oldesloe
Phone: +49 4531 803-0
E-Mail: [email protected]
Printed in Germany