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1. Numbers and number sense
2. Geometry
3. Patterns and algebra
4. Measurement
5. Statistics and probability
What is the purpose of learning these standards in the intermediate levels?
● Acquire the skills needed to be analytic, critical, and a problem solver in real life.

● Prerequisite to higher level

● Develop life-long skills so that students will be ready to interact with the real world.

* Math anxiety is fear, tension, or stress associated with mathematics usually due to repetitive failures.
Vocal saying, “Mathematics is difficult.”

CONTENT STANDARDS - Are broad descriptions of what the students should learn.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS – outline what the students should be able to do once the concepts and skills
are taught.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES – are logically arranged objectives that must be aimed in classroom
*In every math lesson, the teacher must keep three things in mind: (1) What is to be learned, (2) Where the
students are coming from, and (3) Where the students are going with what they will learn?
Constructivism was conceptualized by Jean Piaget. Piaget believed that young children learn by
constructing knowledge from experiences rather than from adults telling them about the world.
One learns new math by building on the math that has been previously learned. Descriptions are as follows:
1. Learning builds on the learner’s prior knowledge and the approach is a constructive process.
2. Learner involves in the processes to ensure self-regulated and self-directed process.
3. Learning is grounded in the context of the learners and fundamentally social process. Interaction and
communication are open and basic elements of learning process.
4.Learning is more than the acquisition of knowledge. It is collaborative, involves interaction and enculturation
with community of practitioners. Collaboration with experts is basic.
5.The learning processes do not only require cognitive but also motivational and emotional domains.
The following are recommendations in teaching mathematics:
- Pose problems that is relevant to the learners;
- Use big concepts than segmented or disjoint topics. It invites the learners to participate irrespective of
learning styles and dispositions;
- Create situations that will reveal the learner’s point of view. The teacher must create opportunities for this to
occur and must be willing to listen to the learner’s reasoning and thinking processes; and
- Use authentic assessments, which includes interaction between the teacher and learner and peer.
1. Identify objectives- What knowledge and/or skills do the students need to learn? You must be guided by
the content standards, performance standards, and the learning competencies that are found in the curriculum

2.Plan instruction- What strategies must be implemented for the students to achieve the objectives targeted
in the previous stage? In planning instruction, it is important that you have mastered the content of the lesson
that you are about to teach. It is also beneficial to be familiar with your students—what they know, how they
learn, etc. You will learn more about instructional planning in the next chapter.
3.Implement plan- This is the stage where you conduct the learning activities that you have prepared during
the planning stage. A word of advice though you have carefully and delicately planned for the lesson, you
must be flexible with the possible changes that you need to accommodate.
4. Check for understanding- During the implementation of the lesson plan, you must every now and then
check whether the students have understood what you have covered so far. Facial reactions and verbal cues
help in assessing whether or not the students can move on to another concept or skill. This stage also makes
use of formative assessments that you will learn more about in Chapter 17.

5. Reflect on teaching- You must evaluate every teaching period that you finished. Were the objectives
achieved? Were the implemented strategies effective?
6. Assess learning and reflect on the results- This stage gives you a concrete measure of what the students
have In math, this is usually through a paper-and-pen examination. However, authentic assessments may also
be implemented as you will learn in the chapters of this book. Take note that this stage does not end in
assessing learning You need to reflect on the results.After assessment and reflection, you will once again
identify the next learning goals and so the cycle continues.

Things to Consider in Planning Instruction in Mathematics in the Intermediate Grades

1. Content- Research the subject matter that you will be teaching. You should consult the curriculum and
teaching guides published by DepEd. Aside from books, you can also visit websites that will give you
information relevant to your subject area. You should master the contents of your lesson before you teach it.
Remember, you cannot give what you do not have. It is easier to learn than to unlearn; it is difficult to take back
wrong contents that have already been taught.

2.Objectives- Before you begin planning, you need to know what specific knowledge skills you want your
students to develop during the lesson or unit.

3.Students- Get to know your students—where they came from, what their interests what they already know,
their learning style, attention span, special needs.These will all help you determine your students' needs.
● Another important consideration that needs serious attention in especially mathematics, is the students'
Fixed mind-set- Many children have come to believe that math is difficult and they can never be good
at it. Students With a fixed mind-set believe that their math skills cannot be improved, which results in
underperformance in the subject. Reasons for a fixed mind-set include influence from adults who dislike
math, previous unpleasant experience in math class, and others.
Growth Mind-set- Students with a mind-set believe that they can be better at math. Many studies
proven that students who have a growth mind-set perform better in school those who have a fixed

4.Learning environment- Aside from the physical environment where the learning takes place' also important
to consider the social and emotional learning environment class. You need to make sure that you promote a
positive environment where students are motivated and are supportive of each other's growth.

5. Availability of resources- Take into consideration the instructional materials that you will be needing before
you write your lesson plan. Is a blackboard available? If not, can you improvise? Are there specific
manipulatives that you need? Where can you get them? Can you make them instead? Do you need technology
resources? Have you checked whether your devices are compatible with what is available in school? These
are some of the questions that you can reflect on.


ADIDAS stands for Activity, Discussion, Input, Deepening, Activity, and Summary.

Activity. The lesson begins with an activity that will later facilitate a meaningful discussion about the topic of
the session. In other words, the activity introduces the topic to the students. This activity must be motivating
and engaging to catch the attention of the students.

Discussion. The lesson proceeds with the processing of the activity. In this part, the students, as facilitated by
the teacher, talk about their experiences during the activity. Here, the questioning skill of the teacher is
important because he/she must be able to direct the discussion toward the targeted lesson.

Input. In a traditional classroom, the Input is where the teacher lectures. However, in a constructivist
classroom, this is the part where the students would share the concepts that they learned based on the activity
and the discussion. Nevertheless, no matter which learning theory is applied in the lesson, this is the part
where the concepts are clearly established.

Deepening. Here, the teacher asks questions that will engage the students critical and creative thinking.
Nonroutine mathematical problems or real-life problems may be given. The purpose is to give the students the
opportunity to their understanding of the concepts that they have just learned.
Activity. In mathematics, this is the part where the students verify what they just learned by solving
mathematical-problems. Depending on the need, the students may be engaged in guided practice and/or
individual practice. Sometimes, the teacher facilitates games in this part of the lesson.

Synthesis. Here, the students are given the opportunity to express what they have learned by verbally giving a
summary of what transpired in class and what they have learned. The students may also be given a short
assessment to give the teacher feedback on what they have learned.


● Problem-solving strategy- involves students being challenged to collaboratively solve real-world math
problems that they have not yet previously encountered. It is student-centered and promotes critical and
creative-thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. The integral part of this
strategy is the time given to the students to struggle with the problem, and its beauty is in the varied
solutions that the students would produce.

*There are three main elements of problem-solving that you should take note Of:
1. the word problem- serves as the starting point of the learning is given at the beginning
Of the lesson. Therefore, many Filipino classrooms, word problems are given at the end of the less and the
students are expected to answer them by applying the concept or skills have just been taught to them.
2. the time given for the students to struggle with the problem- The goal is for the students to
collaborate—share their ideas with each other— to come up with a solution. Encourage the students to use
their previously learned knowledge and skills to solve the problem and to communicate their ideas with their
classmates through words, equations, and/or illustrations.
3. the mathematical discourse- This is the most exciting element of the problem-solving strategy. While
the students are working in small groups to solve the problem, you get to move around and enjoy the
mathematical talk that the students are engaging in. Remember that all the student-generated solutions, as
long as correct, can be directed to the concept or skill that is the objective of the lesson. The challenge is how
you would process those various solutions, make sense of each of them, and use them to generalize or come
up with a solution that makes use of the knowledge/skill thatt is the objective of the lesson. In this phase comes
the importance of the teacher's fluency of the subject matter.

● Inductive learning strategy- sometimes called discovery learning, is based the principle of induction.
Induction means to derive a concept by showing that it is true to some cases, then it is true for all. This is
in contrast to deduction where( concept is established by logically proving that it is true based on generally
knoll facts. The inductive method in teaching is commonly described as 'specific to genera "concrete to
abstract," or "examples to formula." Whereas the vice versa is used describe the deductive method.
*In an inductive learning lesson, the teachers design and facilitate activities that guide the learners in
discovering a rule. Activities may involve comparing and contrasting, grouping and labeling, or
finding patterns. In mathematics classes, tr learners engage in inductive learning when they observe
examples and then, on, generalize a rule or formula based on the examples.

*four processes the students go through when given an inductive learning activity:
1. Observe- Children love looking for patterns. When given many examples, it is natural for them to look
for similarities and assume rules. So, the key is to give them example to observe. These examples must be
well-thought-of so that the students eventually arrive at a complete rule. For instance, if you want your students
to discoverthe rule in multiplying decimal numbers, it is better to use the examples in set B than those in set A
so that the students' observations would focus on the "placement" of the decimal point.
2. Hypothesize- In this stage, encourage the students to share their thoughts. Assure them that there are
no wrong hypotheses. Acknowledge the variety of the students' ideas but also streamline them to, later on, test
only the unique hypotheses.
3. Collect Evidence- the students test their hypothesis by applying their hypothesis to other examples. If
there is more than one hypothesis generated by the class, intentionally give a counterexample for them to test.
4. Generalize- the students would now formalize their hypothesis to a rule. Support the students so that
they would use mathematical terms in stating their rule.

● Concept attainment- this strategy, the concept is not directly taught to the students. Instead, the students
understand and learn concepts by identifying common attributes through comparison and contrast of
examples and non-examples. Since concept attainment is used in understanding meanings, it is often
applied in English vocabulary lessons. However, it is also useful in learning mathematical terminologies.
*There are five simple steps in the concept attainment strategy:
1. Presentation of examples and non-examples. Alternately give examples and non-examples. The
students should be able to guess some common attributes based on the examples alone. Non-examples are
given to confirm their guesses.

2. Listing of common attributes.List down the common attributes given by the students. This may be
done as a whole class or by pairs or triads first. Some listed attributes may be later crossed out as the listing of
examples and non-examples go on.
3. Adding student-given examples. Ask the students to provide their own examples based on the listed
attribute Then confirm whether their suggestion is indeed an example. Based on the student: answers, some of
the attributes may be revised to make them clearer for the student.

4. Defining the mathematical term. Help the students come up with a word or phrase for the concept.
The exact may not come from them, especially when it is too technical (e.g., polyhedron), but the etymology of
the word may be derived from them (e.g., many polygonal faces)

5. Checking of understanding. To verify that the students have understood the concept, give them a list
and ask them whether each item on it is an example or a non-example.

● Mathematical investigation is an open-ended mathematical task that involves not only problem solving,
but equally importantly, problem posing as well. In this strategy, the word "investigation" does not refer to
the process that may occur when solving a close-ended problem but an activity in itself that promotes
independent mathematical thinking.

*There are three main phases of a mathematical investigation lesson: the (1) problem posing, (2)
conjecturing, and (3) justifying conjectures. In the problem-solving phase. the students explore the
given situation and come up with a mathematical problem that they would want to engage in. The
conjecturing phase involves collecting and organizing data, looking for patterns, inferencing, and
generalizing. In the final phase,

● Design thinking- is a progressive teaching strategy that allows the students to look for real-world
problems and finding creative solutions. Students do this by focusing on the needs of others, collaborating
for possible solutions, and prototyping and testing their creations.

*This can be summarized in five stages:

1. Empathize- The goal of design thinking is for the students to respond to a particular need (a real-world
problem) so it is fitting that the first stage is empathy. In this stage' the teacher needs to be explicit in guiding
the students to put themselves in the shoes of others through activities like immersed observation and

2. Define- The next stage is for the students to define the specific problem or issue that they want to
address. First, the students will identify an audience—the future users of the product they will develop. Their
audience can be students, teachers, family members, or just anyone in their community. Then the students will
use the information they gathered from the Empathize stage and focus on one aspect of the problem. It is
important that the students be able to identify a true problem because it is impossible to successfully complete
the design-thinking process without a meaningful problem to solve.

3. Ideate- the generation of ideas to solve the identified problem. This involves brainstorming and
research. The students are to be encouraged to think out of the box and produce radical ideas. What sets this
stage apart from the usual brainstorming is that all ideas must be written or illustrated. Ideas are usually written
or drawn on sticky notes and the students, later on, organize them into a mind map. At this stage that the
students will be able to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills. Aside from being able to operate their
problem-solving skills, they will also be able to apply specific content knowledge like measurement, proportion,
geometry, and statistics.

4-5. Prototype and Test- is anything that a user can interact with in order to, later on, provide feedback about
it. Once a prototype is created, they test it or allow a user to test it, and then make improvements, or possibly
overhaul the design, depending on their observations and the feedback of the user.It can be made of easily
accessible materials like paper, cardboard, sticky tapes, recycled plastics, and so on. In these stages, it is
important to emphasize that it is totally fine to fail at the first attempt of prototyping. The trial-and error aspect of
the design-thinking process is glorified because it is believed that the Students learn many things through their

● Game-based learning- are sometimes used as lesson starters to get the students engaged. In some
lessons, games are used to explore mathematical concepts and processes or cater mathematical
investigation. Games associate mathematics with positive feelings like excitement, victory, and fun

● Use of Manipulatives- are concrete objects like blocks, tiles, and geometric figures the students can
interact with (touch and move) in order to develop a conceptual understanding of mathematics concepts.
The use of manipulatives is not at all new manipulatives have helped people learn mathematics since
ancient times.
● Values Integration- Associating values or standards of behavior with mathematical concepts can serve
as a source of motivation for the students. Values integration will help the students get life lessons through
math. If the students find a learning material engaging and meaningful, then they will ask for more (since
curiosity will start to kick in). Curiosity is the force behind lifelong learning.

*Doctor Benjamin Bloom classified three domains of educational learning: cognitive' affective, and
psychomotor. In the formal classroom set-up, the bulk of the teacher's lesson planning focuses on the
cognitive and psychomotor aspects of the teaching' learning process. The third domain, which is the affective
domain, is often overlooked' The affective domain includes the manner in which we deal with things emotional
such as feelings, values, appreciation, motivations and attitude (Kratwohl, 1964)' particular domain, when
tapped during the learning process, can really make students reflect on the connection between mathematical
concepts and values standards of behavior that will help them deal with the pressures and difficult life.

● Teaching by Asking- The teacher spends a significant amount of time asking scaffolding questions to
help the students understand an idea deeply. The interaction in this method leans on both the teachers'
and the students' equal participation. This type of strategy is different from that of a lecture, In a lecture,
the teacher is the chief source of information.

● Collaborative activities encourage active participation from the learners. Instead of passively accepting
information from teachers, the learners discover new insights by cooperatively working with other learners.

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