Methods of Teaching Maths

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To enable all Ghanaian young person’s acquire the mathematical skills, insights,
attitudes and values that they will need to be successful in their chosen careers
and daily lives.

The new syllabus is based on the twin premises that

(i) all pupils can learn mathematics and

(ii) all need to learn mathematics.

The rationale for teaching Mathematics at the Basic School in Ghana includes;

 Acquisition of knowledge and skills that will help pupils develop the foundation
of numeracy
 To enable pupils to read and use numbers competently
 To enable pupils to reason logically
 To enable pupils communicate mathematics ideas effectively
 To help pupils develop interest in mathematics as an essential tool for science,
research and development
 Build on the knowledge and competencies develop at the primary school level
 Expects in pupils at the JHS level to move beyond and see mathematical ideas
in investigating real life situations.
 Imbibes certain strong mathematical competencies in learners which are
necessary requirements of effective study in mathematics, science ,commerce,
industry and a variety of other professions and vocations for pupils terminating
their education at the JHS level as well as for those continuing into tertiary
education and beyond

Mathematics curriculum is sometimes mistaken for the syllabus, which is unfortunate.

The syllabus is usually used to denote a list of mathematics topics to be studied while
CURRICULUM on the other hand includes all the educational experience of the pupils
that is, the curriculum includes not simply what is being taught but also how it is
taught. It also includes all the co-curricular
The importance aspects of the curriculum to be considered are:
 Aims
 Objectives
 Content
 Teaching method
 Teaching plans or forecast
 Monitoring of pupils work
 Assessment
 Materials and resources
 Evaluation

The syllabus is designed to help the pupil to:

1. develop basic ideas of quantity and space.

2. develop the skills of selecting and applying criteria for classification and
3. communicate effectively using mathematical terms, symbols and
explanations through logical reasoning.
4. use mathematics in daily life by recognizing and applying appropriate
mathematical problem-solving strategies.
5. understand the process of measurement and acquire skills in using
appropriate measuring instruments.

6. develop the ability and willingness to perform investigations using various

mathematical ideas and operations.
7. work co-operatively with other students to carry out activities and projects
in mathematics and consequently develop the values of cooperation,
tolerance and diligence.
8. use the calculator and the computer for problem solving and investigation of
real life situations
9. develop interest in studying mathematics to a higher level in preparation for
professions and careers in science, technology, commerce, and a variety of
work areas.

The pupil will:

1. Work co-operatively with other pupils and develop interest in

2. Read and write numbers.
3. Use appropriate strategies to perform number operations.
4. Recognize and use patterns, relationships and sequences and make
5. Recognize and use functions, formulae, equations and inequalities.
6. Identify and use arbitrary and standard units of measure.
7. Make and use graphical representations of equations and inequalities.
8. Use the appropriate unit to estimate and measure various quantities.
9. Relate solids and plane shapes and appreciate them in the environment.
10. Collect, analyze and interpret data and find probability of events.
11. Use the calculator to enhance understanding of numerical computation
and solve real-life problems.
12. Manipulate learning material to enhance understanding of concepts and

This syllabus is based on the notion that an appropriate mathematics

curriculum results from a series of critical decisions about three inseparable
linked components: content, instruction and assessment. Consequently, the
syllabus is designed to put great deal of emphases on the development and use
of basic mathematical knowledge and skills. The major areas of content
covered in all the Junior High classes are as follows:

1. Numbers and Investigation with numbers.

2. Geometry
3. Estimation and Measurement
4. Algebra
5. Statistics and Probability

Numbers covers reading and writing numerals in base ten, two, and five and
the four basic operations on them as well as ratio, proportion, percentages,
fractions, integers and rational numbers. Investigations with numbers provides
opportunity for pupils to discover number patterns and relationships, and to
use the four operations meaningfully. Geometry covers the properties of
solids and planes, shapes as well as the relationship between them. Estimation
and Measurement include practical activities leading to estimating and
measuring length, area, mass, capacity, volume, angles, time and money.
Algebra covers algebraic expressions, relations and functions. These concepts
are developed to bring about the relationship between numbers and real-life
activities. Statistics and probability are important interrelated areas of
mathematics. Statistics and probability involve the pupils in collecting,
organizing, representing and interpreting data gathered from various sources,
as well as understanding the fundamental concepts of probability so that they
can apply them in everyday life.

This syllabus does not include problem solving as a distinct topic. Rather,
nearly all topics in this syllabus include solving word problems as activities. It
is hoped that teachers and textbook developers will incorporate appropriate
problems that will require mathematical thinking rather than mere recall and
use of standard algorithms. Other aspects of the syllabus should provide
opportunity for the pupils to work co-operatively in small groups to carry out
activities and projects which may require out-of-school time. The level of
difficulty of the content of the syllabus is intended to be within the knowledge
and ability range of Junior High School pupils.


The syllabus is structured to cover the three years of Junior High School. Each year's
work has been divided into units. JHS 1 has 15 units; JHS 2 has 16 units, while JHS 3
has 8 units of work. The unit topics for each year have been arranged in the sequence
in which teachers are expected to teach them. No attempt has been made to break each
year’s work into terms. This is desirable because it is quite difficult to predict, with any
degree of certainty, the rate of progress of pupils during those early stages. Moreover,
the syllabus developers wish to discourage teachers from forcing the instructional pace
but would rather advise teachers to ensure that pupils progressively acquire a good
understanding and application of the material specified for each year’s class work. It is
hoped that no topics will be glossed over for lack of time because it is not desirable to
create gaps in pupils’ knowledge. The unit topics for the three years' course are
indicated on the next page.

Objectives of the mathematics curriculum

1. To appreciate and use mathematics as a language for communication of ideas
2. To appreciate the problem solving power of mathematics
3. To develop the confidence to study and solve a variety of investment, including
open-ended situations and simple logical problems

The general aims of the mathematics curriculum are broadly stated as follows:
 To appreciate and use mathematics curriculum as a language for the
communication of ideas
 To appreciate mathematics as a creative aesthetic and intellectual activity
 To develop the ability and desire to pursue mathematics ideas and skills
 To acquire mathematical ideas, skills and knowledge pertinent to other
disciplines, work and leisure
 To develop the ability to interpret mathematical data and symbols in a variety of
 Use the symbols and notation of mathematics to show that it is a language with
rules and vocabulary.
 Communicate orally in an effective manner
 Read mathematical text with understanding

The syllabus
The basic school mathematics syllabus outlines all the topics and units as well as the
sub-topics to be treated in each class. The topics in the syllabus have been treated
successfully under the following headings or items
 General objectives
 Years and units
 Specific objectives
 Content
 Teaching and learning activities
 Evaluation
The summarizing of the explanations of the above heading can be found in the
mathematics syllabus.
Profile dimension:
Profile dimension is a new concept in the syllabus. It describes the underlying
behavioral changes in the pupils during teaching, learning and assessment. In teaching
mathematics in the basic school, we consider the three main dimensions that consist of
knowledge, understanding and application. A combination of knowledge and
understanding constitutes a lower level teaching, learning and assessment, whiles
application constitutes a higher level. The specified dimensions for mathematics for
teaching, learning and assessment are arranged into two as follows:
P1-3 P4-6 JHS1-3
Knowledge and understanding 40% 30% 30%
Application of knowledge 60% 70% 70%
Knowledge and Understanding (KU)
Knowledge the ability to, read, count, identify, define, describe, list, name,
locate, match, state principles, facts and concepts. Knowledge is
simply the ability to remember or recall material already learned
and constitutes the lowest level of learning.

Understanding the ability to explain, distinguish, factorize, calculate, expand,

measure, predict, give examples, generalize, estimate or predict
consequences based upon a trend. Understanding is generally
the ability to grasp the meaning of some material that may be
verbal, pictorial, or symbolic.

Application of Knowledge (AU)

The ability to use knowledge or apply knowledge, as implied in

this syllabus, has a number of learning/behaviour levels. These
levels include application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
These may be considered and taught separately paying attention
to reflect each of them equally in your teaching. The dimension
"Application of Knowledge" is a summary dimension for all four
learning levels.

Details of each of the four sub-levels are as follows:

Application the ability to apply rules, methods, principles, theories, etc. to

concrete situations that are new and unfamiliar. It also involves
the ability to produce, solve, plan, demonstrate, discover, etc.

Analysis the ability to break down material into its component parts; to
differentiate, compare, distinguish, outline, separate, identify
significant points, etc.; ability to recognize unstated assumptions
and logical fallacies; ability to recognize inferences from facts,

Synthesis the ability to put parts together to form a new whole. It involves
the ability to combine, compile, compose, devise, plan, revise,
design, organize, create, generate new ideas and solutions, etc.

Evaluation the ability to appraise, compare features of different things and

make comments or judgments, compare, contrast criticize,
justify, support, discuss, conclude, make recommendations, etc.
Evaluation refers to the ability to judge the worth or value of
some material based on some criteria.

Scheme of work
This is the termly plan prepared by the teacher on a weekly basis for topics that are to
be covered in the term. The essence of the scheme of work primarily, is to help the
teacher to determine whether he or she is lagging behind or making progress in the
teaching and learning programme. It also enables a step-in-teacher to determine where
to begin from or continue from. The main features of the scheme of work are week,
week ending, unit/topic, reference, teaching/learning materials and remarks.



The teaching syllabus cannot be taken as substitute for lesson plan. The mathematics
teacher should know how to draw a lesson plan bringing into play his knowledge of
instructional objectives. This section therefore addresses the competence part of a
lesson plan.

Objectives: you will be able at the end of the section to:

I. Identify the features of a lesson plan for mathematics

II. Be given an opportunity to write or prepare a lesson plan in mathematics.

This section is a written record of a lesson plan to be taught by mathematics teachers. It

is a detailed step by step plan describing what is to be taught, how it is to be taught and
the evaluation process. It is a reference material for the teacher as to when it should be
used. The purpose of a lesson plan is as follows:

 To help prepare the leaner to perform specific task

 To organize complex materials to be abstracted retain and used by the learner’0
 Helps realize the purpose of the teaching syllabus and for that matter the
mathematics curriculum
 Sets out the instructional; objectives to be attained by the learner
 Gives record of what teacher has covered out of the academic aspect of the
mathematics curriculum
 Relates to what should be assessed during evaluation
 It could be used for another experienced teacher when the class teacher is not
 Helps the class teacher to stay focus on the teaching syllabus and not to astray

There are three references material needed for effective lesson plan. They are the

 Teaching syllabus
 Teacher’s handbook
 Pupil’s textbook

There are other relevant materials that can help the mathematics teacher implement
lesson both in content and in methodology. Aside this, the mathematics teacher needs
to be a reflective practitioner and should be able to assess his lesson delivery before,
during and after the lesson. This entails a concentrated planning

Planning the lesson: the teacher should be able to

 Identify what he or she wants the student to attain during the time frame for the
delivery of the lesson. This is expressed in the stated instructional objective.
 Have prerequisite methods that will reach and sustain the interest of the leaners
for the period of lesson delivery.
 Identify the starting point and be very conversant with the different mode of
introducing the lesson.
 Contain most of if not all, learning material that will come the teacher’s way –
this is achievable when the planning is well done.
 Plan assessment for any stage of lesson delivery
 Draw his or her scheme of forecast for the term
 Study closely the topics in the teaching syllabus taking into account the specific
objectives that follow an order of sophistication.
 Write specific instructional objectives
 Make provision for what the students are assumed to know about the topic.
 Select appropriate instructional objectives that should agree with his /her
teaching strategies and philosophies.
 Decide on the mode of assessment at each stage of the lesson’s development

Elements of the lesson plan

The features of a lesson plan are:

 Week ending
 Day/Date/Duration
 Subject/Lesson-topic/Sub-topic
 Objectives
 Relevant / assumed previous knowledge
 Teacher-learner activities
 Teacher/learner materials
 Core points
 Evaluation and remarks

Week ending: the specific date of the last day of the week-in most cases this is on
Friday in Ghana .

This feature will apply in case of practicing student-teachers who prepare daily lesson

Day, Date, Duration

The day of the week, its date and duration must always be stated


The broad topic will be stated, followed by which the part of the broad topic to be
considered (subtopic). For example if the topic is set, then we can state union of set as a

Subject or lesson: The subject in this case is mathematics.

Objectives: this is what the teacher target to be attained by learners. Remember the
three ways of stating/writing instructional objectives.

Reference(s): references are the different sources from which the mathematics teacher
collects pieces of information. The reference may include textbooks, newspapers,
magazines, the teacher’s handbook, the teaching syllabus, the pupil’s text books and
any other relevant materials from which data can be gathered. A reference material
should have titles (underlined or written in block letters); if it is a newspaper or an
article, use the APA format of referencing) Chapter, unit/lesson and page number of the
books or references materials should be stated.

Relevant previous knowledge (RPK) Relevant assumed knowledge (RAK)

This is the assumed knowledge/experiences of the students on which the learner can
build to introduce whatever is to be discussed/ learnt.

Teaching learning materials

These are the terms the teacher uses for his/her lesson delivery. The teacher generates
interactions from the concrete forms through the iconic before the symbolic stage/
phrase is reached.

Teacher/ learner activities

These refer to the activities the teacher and leaners would use to help realize the set
objectives of the lesson. These could be in the form of group work, questions, referring
students to pictures in a textbook, demonstration, small and large interactions,
discussion, role play, or modeling, gaming, field trips and any other relevant activities.

Core points

These are the main ideas of the lesson. These ideas can be reached through the use of
good questioning techniques. The teacher and the students run the summary. Main
points are written on the board for student to write as part of their notes.


Evaluation helps to find out whether learning and teaching has been well effective. This
comes in the form of skill practice, quizzes, project work, sourcing for information
elsewhere, class exercise and the use of oral and written questions and then like.


These are statement that express the strength and weakness of the lesson delivered. It
can also talk whether there were interruption and for that matter, the lesson was not

DAY: Monday TOPIC: The RPK: Pupils can TLMs: Graph sheets, 30cm rulers,
Number draw 2 and pencils
Plane perpendicular axis
DATE: and graduate them.

OBJECTIVES: By Introduction:
SUB-TOPIC: the end of the
DURATION: Pupils draw 2 perpendicular axes
Locating and lesson pupils will on a graph sheet using a pencil
60 Minutes plotting be able to and a ruler and graduate them
points (i) Locate points on such that the x-axes is from −10
the plane. to 10, whiles the y-axes is from
TIME: −12 to 12. i.e. 1cm to 1 unit.
8:15 – 9:15

Answer the following
Pupils are guided to locate points questions in your
Points have two entries
on the plane by first moving from
the origin (0,0) horizontally to the (a, b) a is a horizontal exercise books;
right or left, then upwards or movement on the x-axes
downward vertically e.g. P(1,2) from the origin to right if 1. How do you locate
means move horizontally on the it is positive, and to the the points X (−3, 3),
x-axes from 0 , one unit to the left if it is negative. b is a Y(5,7) and Z(−8, −2)
right and from there move vertical movement from on the line plane?
vertically 3 units upwards. Do a, upwards if it is 2. Plot the points
same for (−2, 3) (−3, −4) positive or downwards if X(−3, 3), Y(5,7) and
it is negative. Z(−8, −2).
(ii) Plot points on 3. What are the names
the number plane 3 given to a and b in the
point (a, b)?

-3,-2 Homework
Three towns A(6, −6)

B(−11, 9) and C(−9,

11) are located in a
plane with origin (0, 0).
Pupils plot points on the number Locate and plot on a
plane using +,× or and name To plot a point on the graph sheet.
them. number plane we use +,
×, at the point of
location and write the
point with an upper case
letter with the entries
called coordinates of the
point e.g. P(a, b).


R(-3, -4)

CLOSURE: Recap main points

guide pupils do corrections and
copy home work.
Write a lesson plan for JHS 2 pupils on Total Surface area of a Cuboid

Subject: Mathematics Reference(s): - JHS Mathematics Syllabus

Class: JHS Form 2 - Mathematics for JHS, Pupils’ Book 2

Week Ending: 6th Week – Ending: 19th February, 2016 -Teacher’s Mathematics Handbook 2




Shape and Cuboids
17/02/2016 Pupils can Let pupils find the areas of some drawn
rectangles with a) L= 7cm, W = 5cm
i) Find the
SUB-TOPIC: areas of rectangles b)
DURATION: ii) Draw the net of a
Total Surface cuboid
70 Minutes Area of a
c) L = 9km, W = 7km
d) L = 6.2cm, W = 5.8cm
8:00 – 9:10

By the end of the ACTIVITY 1

lesson, pupils will be
able to; Pupils are given Cuboids in groups to HOME WORK:
identify the parts as Length, Width and
i) Identify the parts Height. Find the TSAs
of a cuboid from its of;
net. (a) student box
H with length
125cm, width
W 110cm and
ACTIVITY 2 120cm high.

Pupils open up the cuboids, draw the net The outline (b) An open box
and name the various parts. from which a of dimensions
Solid is made
is called the Length = a cm
H L H Net of the
W W W W Width = b cm
L Solid.
H Height = c cm.


Pupils find the areas of the various parts

and sum them to get the total surface area
of the cuboid.

i.e. TSA = A+B+C+D+E+F

Area A = L×H, Area B = H×W

The Total
Area C =L×W, Area D = H×W
Surface Area
ii) Find the formula of a Cuboid
Area E = L×H, Area F = L×W
for the Total Surface with Length
Area of a cuboid. Pupils simplify the formula. L, Width W,
TSA= L×W + L×H + H×W + L×H + and Height H
L×W + H×W TSA=2(LW+
= 2LW + 2LH + 2HW

= 2(LW + LH + HW).


Pupils are guided to use the formula to

find the TSAs of given Cuboids. E.g. (a) L
= 5cm, W = 4cm, H = 3cm

(b) L = 7.2m, W = 5.5cm, H = 6.2cm


Pupils do class exercises, do corrections

and copy Home work

2ND WEEK ENDING: 22/09/2017 (Friday’s date) REFERENCES: 1. GES (2012) Curriculum for basic school Pg ….,
2. Teacher’s Mathematics Handbook page …,
3. Pupils’ Mathematics Textbook page ….

AVERAGE AGE: 6 years

SCHOOL: Jafo Experimental Primary, Damongo
SUBJECT : Mathematics
CLASS : P. 1
Day/Date/ Topic/Sub- Objectives/R.P.K Teaching and Learning Core- Evaluation/ Remarks
Duration Topic Materials/Teacher Learner point/Key
/Time Activities vocabulary
Day Topic Objectives. TLMS: bottle tops, pencils, Q1. Put the following groups of
Monday Addition of By the end of the pebbles, single sticks, objects together and write the
whole lesson, the pupil answer by drawing.
numbers will be able: Introduction a)
Teacher introduces the lesson
Date with a song.
Atukpadekaeleakpata me
18 – 09 – ………...
2017 Group
Sub – I. Put two groups Together
topic of objects i.Teacher guides pupils to put
together. two groups of objects together.
Addition of Many
ii. Teacher guides pupils to
Time whole ii. Put two groups
count and determine how many
numbers of objects together
there are altogether by drawing.
8 :00 – sum up to 9 to determine how b)
iii. Teacher guides pupils to
many they are
8:30am altogether. form a set made up of five (5) Altogether
bottle tops.


Duration Children play with

different objects at
30 home and at
minutes school.
2) Put the two groups of objects
together and count to determine
Count how many they are?

iv. Teacher guides pupils to

form another set made up of
two (2) bottle tops.

Expected answers
v. Teacher guides pupils to put
the groups of objects together
and count to determine how
many there are altogether.


vii. Teacher guides pupil to

practice similar examples on
their own.


2ND WEEK ENDING: 22/09/2017 AVERAGE AGE: 6 years

SCHOOL: St.Annes R/C Primary, Damongo.
REFERENCES: 1. GES (2012) Curriculum for basic school Pg
2. Teacher’s Mathematics Handbook page
3. Pupils’ Mathematics Textbook page ….
SUBJECT : Mathematics
Day/Date Aspect/topic Sub- Objectives Teaching Core points Evaluation/Remarks
/Duration topic and
/Time /R.P.K Learning

Day Topic Objectives TLMS:

Tuesday chairs, bottle (1) Match the
Matching of By the end of tops, pencils, following sets
objects the lesson, the pebbles etc and tell which set
pupil will be is more than, less
able to : Introduction than or as many
Teacher as.
Date introduces the
14 – 02- lesson with Matching is the pairing of
2017 an out-door objects of one set onto
I. Match
activity another set one-to-one
objects of one
set onto
involves Musical chair dance
another set
singing and Which set is more than
one-to-one. the order?
Time Sub – topic dancing in
8:00 – ii. Tell which pairs.
Matching of
8:30am objects (one-to- set is “more
one than, “less
correspondence) than” and “as ACTIVITIE
many as” S (musical
when given chairs)
two sets to I.Teacher
Duration compare. displays four
30 minutes chairs in front
of the class
and calls five
pupils to sing
and dance
round the
chairs. (2) Which set is less
ii. Teacher than the other
asks pupils to
R.P.K sit when the
song ends.
Pupils do play
iii. Pupils
in pairs.
observe that
some of them
could not get Set B is “more than” set A
any sit to sit and set A is “less than” set B.
iv. Teacher
leads pupils
to conclude
that, the
What expression will
pupils are Set A is “as many as” set B
you use to compare the
more than the set above?
chairs and the
chairs are Expected Answers
“less than” (1)set A is more that set
the pupils. B
v. Teacher (2) set B is less than set
repeats the A
procedures (3) set A is as many as
above using set B.
the same
number of
pupils as well
as chairs
vi. In this
activity ,
teacher leads
pupils to
conclude that,
the chairs are
“as many as”
the pupils

The advantages of lesson plan to the teacher or reasons/importance of lesson plan
 It promotes efficiency during instruction
 It enables the teacher to consider several possible approaches in teaching a topic and to select those which offer the greatest
advantages in terms of pupils learning
 It serves as a reference material
 It gives the teacher a feeling of self-confidence
 It encourages future improvement in teaching and learning
 It indicates the extent to which the objectives of the lesson have been realized
 It helps the teacher to guide student to learn systematic manner.
Note: The components or features of a lesson plan are as follows: Week ending, Subject, Class, Reference, Day/Date/Duration,
Topic/Sub-topic, Objectives/RPK, Teaching and learning materials/Teacher-learner activities, Core points, Evaluation and Remarks.
Objectives of a lesson should normally be stated in observable and measurable terms.
For effective teaching and learning to be carried out, the following factors need to be considered by the teacher:
 Understanding the child
 Preparing to teach
 Presenting lessons and the role of the teacher as a facilitator or guided
 Considering post presenting activities


Pre-number activities are series of activities used to help children to do before they can
understand what a number is OR activities we take children through before actual number work.

Reasons/importance of Pre-Number Activities

 It provides children with the basis for building early number concept.
 It serves as the foundation for later skills in mathematics.

NOTE: Pre-number activities includes (a) sorting of objects (b) matching of objects (c)
comparing of objects (d) ordering of objects.

Sorting is grouping/putting objects according to identifiable properties, attributes or
characteristics .or sorting is putting objects into groups according to a certain criteria such as
things of the same size, shape, colour, length, texture, make use, function and quantity.


1. So that the child can identify similarities and difference among objects.
2. To enable the child to know how to count as she can identify the objects to count.
3. To provide the child with the basis for building early number concepts.
4. Serve as a pre-requisite for the formation of set. (To enable the child to learn how to form
Note: We can sort and group objects in terms of the following:
Texture: coin and bread, T roll and spoon (soft/hard)
Made: chair and empty pepsodent box (wood/card)
Use: cup and place (drink/eat)
Weight: a bag of rice and pencil (heavy/light)
Function: touch light and burner.
(Qi) What does a child do when she sorts objects?
(Q ii) Give two reasons why you would engage a child in kindergarten in sorting


-Get a large collection of objects such as bottle tops, cut- out shapes, books, bread, coins, match
boxes, pebbles etc.
-Guide the child to sort and group the objects according to shape, size, colours, thickness etc.

The child sort


The child sort



 Children in a class sort themselves in various ways by (a) putting themselves into
groups (boys/girls)
 Children ask to put their pencils, pen, books, crayons into separate containers

Q. Describe clearly in details two activities you will engage a P1 pupils in it, to understand
sorting of objects.

Is the process of looking at two or more objects and seeks for difference or similarities.
In comparing, we use the idea of longer than, shorter than, bigger than, smaller than, as long as,
heavier than, lighter than. We can compare the length, height of objects like stick, empty tins etc.
NOTE: In comparing length of objects, e.g. Sticks, we must use expression such as longer than,
shorter than, taller than, as long as but for human being we must use shorter than, taller than, as
short as.

Q: A child in p1 compares the lengths of a pencil and a pen. Give three expressions which the
child can use to describe the lengths.

It is the paring or associating members of one set onto members of another set one-to-one.
Important: It enable the child to determines which objects are more or less when or as many as
when given two sets of objects as the child at that level can only recite one, two, three……

More than

Activities involving Matching

 Musical chair dancing e.g. 3 chairs ask 5pupils to sit on it when the music end.
 Matching 8 crayons and 4 pencils by drawing.
Q. Describe how you would guide a child who cannot count to determine which of the two
groups of objects A and B below is bigger?

Ordering is the sequential manner of arranging items. E.g.from the ascending order to
descending order, smallest to biggest, shortest to longest or tallest.
NB. Activities of ordering involve comparing before arranging.
Practical Activity: Askchildren to stand in a line in order of height.

Q. Given three containers E, F and G describe briefly how you would guide an early childhood
pupils to order the containers according to their capacity.


Number – expresses an idea of quantity. It is abstract. To make a number real we use symbol to
represent it.
The symbols which are used to represent numbers are called Numerals.
NB: Number concept is the foundation for the basis of much work in mathematics at the primary

Note the following terms

 Cardinal number: it tells how many objects there are in a set.
 An ordinal number: it gives the position/rank off an object in relation to other object in a
sequential manner.

Activities for Cardinal Number

Assist and guide pupils to count the numbers of bottle tops in each group.
To count objects in a group, the child moves each object in the group away from those not yet
counted to a new position before he/she assign a number-name in the right order. The last
number - name said, gives the number of objects in the new position. So when the child says
“one” he/she has one object put aside.

Activities for Ordinal Number

We explain to the children that one uses ordinal number when we are interested in where an
object or person is found in an orderly arrangement of object or persons usually in row or
column. Children can therefore be asked to mention the number of sibling they have and describe
them as 1st born, 2nd born and 3rd born etc. Children can also be asked to engage in activities
such as racing to determine position.


 Develop through repeated association with numbers and guiding children to practice
through the activities of writing number and drawing number.
 Tracing the numerals using stencils or cut out.
 Passing fingers through the emery card
 Writing in the air
 Writing in sand (sand tray)

Q2009. Briefly describe two activities in which you would engage a child in an early childhood
class to enable him write the numbers 3

Identify Number Names 1 – 5

Form a group containing one object and help the children to say the number name (one) 1 that
After that give an exercise to test that:

Note: A child must learn how to count, read and write number in the following order: 1 – 5,
6 – 9, etc, …,introduce the concept of zero (0), then counting objects in tens up to fifty.


10 , 11, _____ , _____, 14

NB. To be done after they have learn how to read count and write numbers.
It is assigning number names to a given objects in the right order.
NB: Counting of numbers is done in 2 main stages
1. Rote Counting
2. Enumeration counting.
Rote Counting is way children learn how to count numbers orally or recite – done through the
use of rhymes and songs.
Enumeration is the process of writing objects into definite groups.
After that give an exercise to test that:

The Concept of Zero

NB. Children find it difficult to understand the concept of zero (0). It’s because zero is the
number for (empty set).
- We therefore use practical example:
- By asking children to identify groups of pupils with two heads in their classroom or
group of pupils taller than the school block
- Children see that in each case the group has no members
- We then guide the children to realize that the number of members in each group is zero
- Guide children by asking them to identify a group of pupils with two heads in their class
or someone who is taller than school flag pole. (Pupils note that it is impossible (event). It
means ‘no member’and ‘no member’ means ‘nothing’ which means ‘zero’. Or
 To count objects in a group, the child move each objects in the group away from those
not yet counted to a new position before he/she assigns a number name in the right order

 The last number name said gives the number of objects in the new position.
 He/she must be taught the number names conventional order of the number name i.e. one,
two, three…

Q. Describe briefly how you would help a pupil to understand clearly the concept of the number

 Show groups of various objects each containing two objects to the pupil

 In each case call out the number name “two”

 Next ask the pupil to show you two object e.g. two pencil two eye, two books etc.
(a) Why would you teach a child how to count?
 So that the child can determine the number of object in a given group or tell how many
object there are in group
b) What relevant skills should a child have to be able to count object in a group efficiently?
- know the number names in the conventional order
- Able to co-ordinate the number names to the group of object.
-use the last number name to describe the number of objects in a set.
c) Describe in detail the steps you would take a pupil in basic one through to enable him count
the object in a given group correctly?
- Explain that when we count the objects in a group we determine how many object are in the
- pick an object in the given group and place it at a new position and say the number name
corresponding to the number of objects in the conventional order beginning with one ….
That is if the object is at the new place, he / she say “one”
If two object at the new place he/she says “two”
-Continue this activity until all the objects at the original place have been moved to the new
-The child uses the last number name mentioned to describe the number of object in the group
that is the last number name tells how many objects there in the group.
Q. What is counting?
It is assigning number names to a given group of objects in the right order or conventional order.

Materials: bottles tops, pebbles, maize grains, beads etc.
Conservation of numbers is the ability of a child to tell that, the number of objects in a group
remains the same, when the objects in the group are re-arranged.


Arrange Rearrange

Suitable activities to describe conservation of numbers

 Shows some grains/bottle tops in your palm to the pupils. As the pupil looks on, the
teacher pours out these grains on the table or floor so that it is spread out.
 Ask pupil whether the grains on the table or floor are more than, less than or as many as
the quantity of grains which were in your palm, without counting.
 The child is said to have conserved number if he/she says that there are as many grains on
the table or floor as there were in the teachers palm without counting.

(a)What do we mean when we say that a child has conserved number?
(b)Briefly describe how you would determine whether a child has conserved number or not.

Is the ability of a child to tell that, the length of objects in a group remains the same when the
objects in the group are re - arranged.

Activity (Materials, pens, pencils, rulers)

 Teacher shows objects of the same length to the pupils e.g. two rulers place together
having the same length.
 Teacher moves one of the rulers forwards / backwards

Teacher asks the pupils whether ruler A or B, which one is longer or shorter
 The child is said to have conserved length if he/she says that, the two rulers are of the
same length if not, then that child cannot conserved length.


Addition of whole numbers

- We can use basically three ways to introduce the addition operation(specifically addition
of whole numbers sum up to 10)
1. Using groups of objects e.g. bottle tops, pebbles
2. Cuisenaire rods
3. Number line
Example 2 + 3 =
 Using groups of objects. E.g. bottle tops
- in this approach, we can ask children to form two groups of sets of objects one with say two
objects and the other with three objects

2 bottle tops 3 bottle tops

- Guide the pupils to put the two groups of objects together and count to determine how
many there are in the new group formed
5 bottles

 Pupils conclude by saying a group of 5 bottle tops

Therefore two bottle tops together with three bottle tops give five bottle tops
“two plus three equals five” and write 2 + 3 = 5

Using Cuisenaire rod

Carry out activities on the following TLMs and
the concepts they are used for:
1. Cuisenaire rods (proportional)
2. Multibase blocks (proportional)
s 3. Abacus (non proportional)
3 Lg
4. Bundles of Sticks and loose ones
4 (proportional)
5. Geoboard
6. Dominoes
7. Games and Activities

8 b Brown


Note: Each colour represents the value attached to it

The rods have different colours and lengths and represent different numbers from 1 to 10
 To add 2 and 3
- Guide pupils to take a red rod which represents 2 and a light green rod which represent 3
and place them end to end.
Red L.G.

- Guide pupils to find another rod which will match with the total length of two rods
- Pupils discover that a yellow rod which represents 5 matches the total length of the two

B L.G.

- Guide the pupils to draw a number line on the floor and mark on them points with equal
spaces between.
- Guide pupils to assign whole numbers to these points starting with 0 at the left end as
shown below

2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

- Guide pupils to start at 0, jump two spaces to 2 or start at 0, move 2 units to 2, from 2 ask
the pupils to jump 3 spaces and end on 5.
- Pupils realize that 2+3=5.

Subtraction of whole numbers

Subtraction of whole numbers can be considered under the two main approaches.
These are:
1. Take away
2. Comparison
Take away approach:
Lead pupils to identify a smaller group with a larger one and remove it, thus giving the
difference between the two groups.
Example 5 – 2 =
- Guide pupils to form a group of objects containing 5 bottle tops
- Guide pupils to remove or take away two bottle tops from the 5 bottle tops and count to
determine how many bottle tops with three bottle tops as shown in the diagram below:

Therefore 5 – 2 = 3

We lead children to compare groups of objects by matching them one-to-one. They can then
obtain the difference easily.

Example 5 – 2 =
- Guide pupils to form a group of five pebble and a group of two pebble
- Guide pupils to pair the pencils in the first group onto the second group one to one.
- Ask pupils to tell the difference between a group of five pebble and a group of two
- Pupils notice that the difference is that, five minus two equal to three
Note: We may also encourage the children to use the number line.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Using the number line to show 5-2=3

Addition involving two or more digit whole numbers

Note: before we introduce children to addition of whole numbers with two or more digits, they
need to know the basic addition facts thoroughly.
Place value is the value of a digit in a number depending on its place or position in the number.
Example: in the number 56, the ‘5’ is 50 or 5 tens while ‘6’ is 6 ones
In order to add a whole numbers with two three or more digits, we employed the use of the
following base-ten teaching learning materials
1. Bundles of ten and single sticks
2. Dienes base ten blocks
3. The abacus


We describe below how we can use this to find the sum of 37 and 25
Children are guided to represent 37 by taking three bundles of ten sticks and seven single (loose)

- guide the pupil to represent 25 by also

taking two bundles of ten sticks and 5 single sticks
- Guide pupils to put them together to obtain five bundles of sticks and twelve single sticks
- Guide pupils to regroup the twelve single sticks to obtain one bundle of ten sticks and
two single sticks
- We now have altogether six bundles of ten sticks and two single sticks


Explain to the pupil that the six bundles of ten sticks represent 60 and the two single sticks
represent 2 ones altogether giving us 62 the result
Therefore 37+25=62

Using Dienes base ten blocks

Cube /unit represents 1

Long = 10
Flat = 100

Block = 1000

Note: 10 cubes = 1 long

10 longs = 1 flat
10 flats = 1 block
Using the example 42 + 39
- children represent 42 by taking four longs and two units or cubes

- Guide pupils represent 39 by three longs and nine cubes

- Guide pupils to put them together to obtain seven longs and eleven units
- Guide pupils to regroup the eleven units to obtain one long unit’
- We now have altogether eight longs and one unit

- Explain to pupils that the eight long ones represent 8 and one unit represents one which
gives us 81
- Therefore 42 + 39 = 81


We now use the abacus to find the sum 28 + 34
- I will guide the child to draw the abacus and represent the right column as ones and left
column as tens

Tens Ones

- I will guide the child to represent the 28 by putting eight rings at the ones column and two
rings at the tens column

Tens Ones

- Guide the child to represent 34 on the same abacus by putting four rings at the ones
column and three rings at the tens column


Tens Ones
- Explain to the child that, there are more than ten rings at the ones column, therefore there
is the need to remove ten of the rings at that column and replace it by one ring from the
tens column

Tens Ones

- Guide the child to note that, we now have six rings at the tens column and two rings at
the ones column
- Explain to pupils that the six rings at the tens column represent sixty (60) and at the two
rings at the ones column represent two ones altogether making 62 (60+2=62)
- Therefore 34+28=62
Problem: 34 – 18 using concrete material using Dienes’ base ten blocks (materials).
- Guide the pupil to represent 34 by taking three longs and four cubes/units
- Explain to the pupil that we cannot take away 8 cubes from the four cubes, so there is the
need to decompose (breakdown) one of the longs in order to make it possible to take the
8 cubes
- Guide the pupil to note that, after the decomposition we now obtain two longs and
fourteen cubes
- Now guide the pupil to subtract 18 from 34 by taking 8 cubes from the 14 cubes and one
long from the two longs to obtain one long and six cubes at the end

34 =

- Guide the pupil to note that, the one long represent 10 and 6 cubes represent 6 ones
- Therefore 34-18=16

Using abacus (34 - 18)

- Guide the pupil to draw the abacus and indicate the right column as ones and the left
column as tens
- Guide pupils to represent 34 by putting four rings at the ones column and three rings at
the tens column
- Explain to the pupil that we cannot take 8 rings from 4 rings so there is the need to
decompose one of the rings at the tens column in order to make it possible to take 8 rings
from the 4 rings at the ones column
- Guide the pupil to remove one of the rings at the tens column and replace it with ten rings
at the ones column
- Guide the pupils to subtract 18 from 34 by taking 8 rings from the 14 rings at the ones
column and 1 ring from the 2 rings left at the tens column to obtain 6 rings at the ones
column and 1 ring at the tens column.

Tens Ones
Tens Ones Tens Ones

- Guide the pupil to note that the one ring at the tens column represent ten and the six rings
at the ones column represent six ones
- 10 + 6 = 16
- Therefore 34 – 8 = 16

QueHow you guide pupils to add 47 + 28 using concrete elements.

Ans:Using Dienes’ Blocks
 I will guide the pupil to represent 47 by taking 7 cubes and 4 longs
 I will guide the pupils to represent 28 by taking 8 cubes and 2 longs.
 I will guide the pupils to put the two groups together to obtain 6 longs and 15 cubes.
 I will guide the pupils to regroup 10 of the cubes out of the 15 cubes to form 1 long and 5
cubes altogether making 7 longs and 5 cubes
 I will guide the pupils to know that the 7 longs represent 70 and the 5cubes represent 5
ones which implies that 70 + 5=75, therefore 47+28=70

 I will guide the pupils to draw the abacus and represent the right column ones and left
column tens.
 I will guide the pupils to represent 47 by putting /placing 7 rings at the ones rod and 4
rings at the tens rod
 I will guide the pupils to represent 28 on the same abacus by putting 8 ring at ones
rod and 2 rings at the tens rod.
 I will explain to the pupils that, there are more than 10 rings at ones rod therefore,
there is a need to remove 10 of the rings at the rod and replace it with 1 ring at the
tens rod.

 I will guide the pupils to note that we now have 5 at the ones rod which represents 5 ones and
7 rings at tens rod which represents 70 (7 tens).
It implies that 70 + 5= 75
Therefore 47 + 28 = 75

What are generic skills: they are basic skills needed by every pupil as a foundation on which
other skills and knowledge can be built.
Examples are: listening, writing, observing, predicting, investigation, practicing e.t.c
Genetic skills needed to enable a skill in the K.G to write alphabets or numerals are:
 Writing in the air
 By tracing
 Writing in the sand or sand tray

A concept is an idea or mental image about something.
Types of concepts
1. Primary concept
2. Secondary concept
Primary concepts are concepts built from sensory experiences such as seeing, feeling, smelling
and so on.
Secondary concept is combination primary concepts such as colour, number, etc,.

Multiplication and Division of whole numbers

Note: Multiplication was developed to replace certain special cases of addition, namely, equal
Multiplication of whole number is seen as repeated addition
Activity to teach multiplication (skip counting)
2 4 6 oo _ _ _ _ 2
3 6 9 oooo __4
oooooo _ _ _ 6
oooooooo _ _ _ 8
Note: 3 X 4 = 12 the ‘3’ is called multiplicand, ‘4’ multiplier and ‘12’ product.
Example1 2 X3 means 2groups of 3(or 2 thrice)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
Or 2 X 3 as a repeated addition

+ =
3 + 3 = 6
1. 3 X 4 = 4 X 3 (commutative)
3 X 4 means 3 groups of 4(or 3 fours)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 X 4 = 12


4 + 4 + 4 = 12


1. Multiplication is known as commutative. It indicates that when any two whole numbers
are multiplied by each other, the same result is obtained irrespective of the order in which
they are taken.
2. Multiplication of whole numbers is associative. This property tells us that when we
multiply any three (or more) whole numbers, the order of multiplication does not matter.
The same answer is obtained in whatever order the number are taken example, (2 X3) X
4 = 2 × (3 × 4) = (4 × 2) ×3
2 × (3 × 4) = (2 × 3) + (2 – 4) distributive property.

Multiplication by 1

5 X 1 means 5 groups of one 5 ones

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 × 1 = 3 (Indeed multiplication of any number by 1 leaves the number unchanged.
Multiplication by 0 (can be interpreted as a group of nothing example, 5 × 0 means 5 groups of
nothing or 5 zeros is zero, 5 × 0 = 0, 10 × 0 = 0

Multiplication of two or more digit whole numbers

TLM: Dienes’ base ten blocks.

Example, 17 × 3
17 × 3 means 3 groups of 17 or 17 groups of 3
Guide the pupils to take 3 groups of 17 by taking 3longs and 21 cubes

Guide the pupils to put the 3 groups together to obtain 3 logs and 21 cubes.
Guide pupils to re-group or exchange 20 cubes out of the 21 cubes with 2 longs leaving one cube
altogether making 5 longs and one cube, which represent 50 + 1 = 51
Therefore 17 × 3 or 3 ×17 = 51

Try Q. 3 X 136



Activity: First demonstrate it for the children to see e.g. Call 2 or 3 pupils in front and share a
number of object among them (objects to be share include, oranges, pencils, pens, bottle tops etc.

NB. Get the pupils involves to come and pick the objects one after the other and they should pick
one each at a time until the objects get finish. After that guide the children to determine how
many objects do each person have.

Example Teacher places 6 pens on the table and calls 2 pupils to come and pick one after the
other, picking 1 pen at a time until the pens get finished.
 Guide the pupils to count and determine how many pens do each person have at end.
 The pupil note that they have 3 pens each in their palm.
 Conclude that, when 2 people are sharing 6 pens each person will get 3 pens each.
Division is best understood if we consider it as ‘sharing’ example, 2 pupils sharing 4 oranges
which represent 4 ÷ 2

Q. 4 ÷ 2 = (sharing method)

Count 4 bottle tops on a table

 Call two pupils in front to pick the bottle tops one after the other by picking one each at a
time until all the bottle tops get finish
 Ask each of them to count the number of bottle tops. Pupils realized that each person has
2 bottle tops.
 Therefore 4 ÷ 2 = 2

Division also is considered as grouping. Here, separate a group of objects into smaller groups of
equal size Example, 15 ÷ 3 (using grouping method)Count 15 pebbles on a table

 Separate the 15 pebbles into smaller groups of 3

 Count the smaller groups; pupils realized that there are 5 groups.
 Therefore 15 ÷ 3 = 5
Or using number line
It can been seen as repeated “subtraction” of 3 from 15

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
There are 5 groups of 3 in 15. In other words, 5 X 3 = 15 or 15 ÷ 3 = 5

Note: 15 ÷ 3 = 5 or =5 or 3 √ 15

We say 15 is the dividend, 3 the divisor and 5 quotient

Note:Another way of division is to compare two quantities.

Examples Number of A needed to fill B (45 ÷ 3 = 15)

Note 45 ÷ 3 = 15 because 15× 5 = 45


3litres 45litres
This explains why multiplication and division are called inverse operations.
48 ÷ 4 means how many groups of 4 can be obtained from 48. 12 groups of 4 as the answer

Division of two or more whole numbers

378 ÷ 3

TLM:Dienes’ base ten blocks.

 Guide the pupils to get 3 flats, 7 longs and 8 cubes to represent 378

 Share the flats by placing 1 flat in each group

 Share 7 longs by placing 2 longs in each of the 3 groups leaving 1long and 8

 Explain to pupils that it not possible to share 1 long by 3 pupils so there is the
need to break down or decompose or exchange the 1 long for 10 cubes together
with the 8 cubes making 18 cubes.
 Share the 18 cubes by placing 6 cubes in each group to obtain 1 flat, 2 longs and 6
cubes in each group, which represent 100 + 20 + 6 = 126 each in a group.
 Therefore 378 ÷ 3 = 126

 3 flats ÷ 3 = 100 or 1 flat.

 Take 300 out from 378 leaves 78 or 7 longs and 8 cubes
  6 longs = 60 ÷ 3 = 20 or 2 longs left with 18 cubes ÷ 3 = 6 units

Q. Describe briefly how you will help class 2 pupils to determine the value of 5 in 153 using
Dienes’ base ten materials

 Guide pupils to represent 153 using 1 flat, 5 longs and 3 cubes

 Guide pupils to identify the value of 5 as fifty (50) from the representation
 1flat
5 long represent 5 X 10 5=longs
50 because 3 cubes

Place value

Place value is relevant for a full understanding of algorithms. The child needs a great deal of
experience of the actions associated with place value such as:

1. Grouping
2. Re – grouping
3. Exchange

Meaning of place value:It is the position of a digit in any given numeral

Example 27854

Digit Place value

2 Ten thousand (10,000)
7 Thousand (1000)
8 Hundred (100)
5 Tens (10)
4 Unit (1)
Expand (2 X 10,000) + (7 X 1000) + (8 X 100) + (5 X 10) + (4 X 1)

Teaching and learning materials that can be used to teach the concept of place value

1. Bundles of ten sticks and single sticks

2. Dienes’ base ten materials
3. Abacus
4. Place value chart


Square and triangular members

Ques: Describe how you will guide pupils to list the first 5 square numbers and triangular
numbers using concrete materials.
Ans: TLMs = bottle tops, pebbles.
I will guide the pupil to arrange bottle tops to form a square shape and guide them to count the
number of bottle tops in group as shown below.

Therefore, the first 5 square numbers are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25

 I will guide the pupil to arrange the bottle tops to form a triangular shape and guide them
to count the number of the bottle top in each case. As shown below

Sn = n2 - formula for finding square numbers.

Therefore, the first 5 triangular numbers are 1, 3, 6, 10, and 15

A triangular number is given by the formula Tn= , where ‘n’ is the number of term

Ques: Using suitable e.g. Show with explanation how you will help JHS pupil to distinguish
between equal equivalent set.
Ans: I will explain to the pupils that two sets are said to be equal if they have the same
Example; A = { 11, 13, 15, 17 }
B = { 13, 15, 17, 11 }, and
C = { 12, 14, 16, 18}
 Sets A and B are equal sets because they have the same elements.
 Sets A and C are not equal sets because they do not have the same elements or members.
 Two sets are said to be equivalent sets because they have the same number of elements
or members.
 Sets A and C are equivalent sets because they have the same number of

a) Ques: How will you explain to a JHS pupil that, a set of tall boys in a class is not
b) Explain with suitable examples the differences between finite and infinite sets.
c) Explain intersection of sets with examples to JHS pupil.

Ans: a) Because we are clear with which category of pupils in that set since the height of the tall
boys in the class not well defined.
Therefore, we cannot tell the exactly who the tall boys are in that class.

b) Considering set A = {1, 2, 3} we notice that, we can determine all the members of set A.
Therefore, a finite set is a set in which all the members can be determined or counted. On the
other hand, a set of whole numbers has unlimited number of members.
Therefore, infinite set is a set in which we cannot determine all the elements W = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...}

c) Considering P = {2, 3, 4, 5}
Q = {3, 4, 6, 7}
 I will guide the pupil to form a set of members that can be found in P and Q that is = {3, 4}
 I will explain to the pupils, that, the set {3 , 4} is the intersection of set P and Q written as
P∩Q = { 3, 4}

Ques: show and explain clearly how you will guide JHS pupils to determine the number of all
the subset which could be formed from a set containing n members.

Ans: I will guide the child to write down all the subjects of the set containing 1,2,3,4, etc.,
members as shown below:
Set Subset
{} {}
{1} { } {1}
{1, 2} { } {1} {2} {1,2}
{1,2,3} { } {1} {2} {3} {1,2}{1,3} {2,3} {1,2,3}
{1,2,3,4} { }, { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 },{4}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {1,4}, {2,3}, {2,4}, {3,4}, {1,2,3}
{1,2,4}, {1,3,4}, {2,3,4}, {1,2,3,4}

etc etc

 I will guide the child pupils to write the number of members in each set and number of
members in the subset.

Number of members in the set Number of subsets

0 1 = 20
1 2 = 21
2 4 = 22
3 8= 23
4 16 = 24
. .
. .
. .
n 2n

 I will guide the pupils to write the number of subsets in the index form
 I will guide the pupils to observe the exponents; pupils will now realize the exponents are
the same as the number of the elements.
 I will lead the pupil to state in general, if a set has n elements, then its number of subsets
is given by 2n.

PRIME NUMBERS: These are numbers that have only two factors “1” and the number itself.

QUESTION:Describe how you will lead pupils to determine which the following numbers are
prime: 1,2,4,5,6,9,15,19,27,29, and 33.

ANSWER: I will explain to the pupils that prime numbers are numbers with only two factors;
that are “1” and the number themselves.

I will guide the pupils to find the factors of the numbers given and the number of factors for each

Numbers Factors Number of factors

1 1 1

2 1, 2 2

4 1, 2, 4 3

5 1, 5 2

6 1, 2, 3, 6 4

9 1, 3, 9 3

15 1, 3, 5, 15 4

19 1, 19 2

27 1, 3, 9, 27 4

29 1, 29 2

33 1, 3, 11, 33 4

I will guide pupils to identify that numbers with only two factors as prime numbers

Therefore the prime numbers are {2, 5, 19, 29}

Note: Numbers with more than ‘2’ factors are called composite numbers

QUESTION: A pupil thought that (2,3) and (3,2) represent the same point. Show and explain
how will help the pupil to understand that they are not the same.

QUESTION: Describe how you will guide JHS pupils to list prime numbers between I and 20.

Answer: I will guide the pupils to write numbers from 1 to 20.

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516

17 18 19 20

I will guide the pupils to cross out ‘1’ since it is not a prime number.
I will guide the pupils to circle ‘2’ being the 1st prime number and cross out all multiples of ‘2’
I will guide the pupils to circle ‘3’ to cross out all multiples of ‘3’
I will guide the pupils to circle out 5 and cross out multiples of 5.
I will guide the pupils to circle the rest of the numbers as prime number.
Therefore the prime numbers are ( 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19).


QUESTION: Describe how you will guide JHS pupil to identify the even and odd numbers
among the following numbers. 1,2,4,8,11,12,19,20,21,30

ANSWER: I will explain to the pupils that even numbers are numbers that are divisible by 2 and
odd numbers are numbers that are not divisible by 2.

I will guide the pupils to find the factors of the numbers.

QUESTION: Describe how you will lead JHS pupils to determine the prime numbers among the
following numbers. 11,12,14,15,17,19,21,23,27

[Note: Do not use sieve of Eratosthenes]

Numbers Factors

1 1

2 1, 2

4 1, 2, 4

8 1, 2, 4, 8

11 1, 11

12 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12

19 1, 19

20 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20

21 1, 21

30 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
I will explain to the pupils that numbers with ‘2’ among the factors are even numbers and those
without ‘2’ among the factors are odd numbers.
Therefore the even numbers are {2,4,8,12,20,30} and the odd numbers are {1,11,19,21}
QUESTION: Describe how you will guide JHS pupil to list the lot 10 even to odd numbers by
the use of concrete materials.
TLMs, bottle top, pebbles
I will guide the pupils to get a collection of bottle tops.
I will guide the pupils to arrange the bottle tops to form pairs of “twos”

1 2 5 6 10
3 4 7 8 9
I will guide the pupils to count and write the number of bottle tops for each group.
I will guide pupils to identify and select the set that have form pairs of ‘twos’ as even numbers
and those cannot form pairs of ‘twos’ as odd numbers.
Therefore the even numbers are {2,4,6,8,10} and the odd numbers are {1,3,5,7,9}

Highest Common Factor (H.C.F)and Least Common Multiple (L.C.M)


a. Explain the term Highest Common Factor to JHS1 pupils.

b. Describe briefly how you will guide JHS 1 pupils to find the HCF of 12 and 18
ANSWER: HCF is the greatest number that can divide two or more given numbers.
Method 1:I will guide the pupils to list the factors of 12 and 18.
Factors of 12 = {1,2,3,4,6,12}
Factors of 18 = {1,2,3,6,9,18}
I will guide the pupils to list the common factors of and 18. Common factors= {1,2,3,6}
I will guide the pupils to select the highest number of the common factors and it is ‘6’
Therefore the HCF of 12 and 18 is ‘6’

Method 2: (Prime factorization)

I will guide the pupils to find the prime factorization of 12 and 18 using the factor tree.
18 = 2 × 33
12 = 2 × 3

I will guide pupils to find the common factors between two prime factorization and then
find the product of them. That is 2×3 = 6
Therefore the HCF of 12 and 18 is 6.


QUESTION: Show with explanation how you will lead JHS 2 pupils to find the LCM of 6 and
ANSWER: LCM is the smallest number that is divisible by two or more given numbers.
I will guide the pupils to list the multiples of 6 and 8.
Multiples of 6 = {6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48...}
Multiples of 8 = {8,16,24,32,40,48…}
I will guide the pupils to list the common multiples of 6 and 8.
Common multiples = {24,48…}
I will guide the pupils to select the least number among the common multiples as the LCM, and
it is 24.
Therefore the LCM of 6 and 8 is 24
Method 2: (Prime factors)
I will guide the pupils to find the prime factorization of 6 and 8 using the factor tree

6=2×3 8 = 23
I will guide the pupils to find the least common multiple and the factors, and find the
product of them
LCM = 23×3 = 8×3 = 24
Therefore the LCM of 6 and 8 is 24


a.Explain the term LCM to JHS1 pupils.

b. Describe clearly how you will assist JHS pupils to find the LCM of 12 and 15.
12= {12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96,108,120…}
15= {15,30,45,60,75,90,105,120…}
Common multiples = {60,120, 180, ....}
LCM = 60
Therefore the LCM of 12 and 15 is 60.

Factor tree

15 = 3 ×5
12 = 22 × 3
= 22 × 3 × 5
= 4 × 15
= 60
The L.C.M = { 60 }

Magic Square implies a situation where numbers are arranged in a way that, when you add up the
numbers along rows, columns and diagonal you have the same number.
Eg. Given the set of number {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2



Identifying instances of integers in real life situation.

Examples of the use of positive and negative integers in real life situations are:
i. Use of thermometers, for temperature above and below freezing
ii. Below and above sea level
iii. Floor above ground and below ground levels
iv. Land above the sea or below the sea
v. Have money or owe money
vi. Activities of people before Christ was born and after the death of Christ.

Q 1. Explain the term “integer”

Q 2. List two practical examples of integer in real life situation.

Q. Write down three practical ways you would use to distinguish between 3 and -3.
 Three meters high above ground level for 3 and three meters deep (below ground level )
for -3.
 3 steps forward from a marked destination and three steps backwards from the marked
destination (spot).
 Having an amount of GH¢ 3.00 (credit) for 3 and owing GH¢3.00 (debt) for -3
 Temperature 3 degrees above zero and 3 degrees below zero degrees.

Addition of integers
Note : We can use teaching and learning materials like the blue and red coloured counters, vector
arrows and jumps or movement on the number line drawn on the grouped to teach operations of
Using : a Nomograph to do additions of integers
: a charge particle model to do addition of integers Monograph can help us to add
integers. Ask pupils to draw three perpendicular parallel lines that are the same distance apart in
their exercise books. Illustrate that the outer lines are calibrated 1cm to 1 unit which the middle
line is 1cm to 2units. Label the other lines A and B, the middle as C ( A + B = C)
When we take any two addends e.g. -2 + 3.
 Guide pupils to locate the first and second addend with marking (-2) on the A line
Segment and the second addend (+3) on the line segment B, and then using a transparent
straight edge to join the two addends.
 Guide pupils to locate the result on the line segment C, where the straight edge intersects
C as +1 shown below.
Using charged particle model.( -2) + 3
 Guide pupils to model / take negatives charge particles and 3 positives charge particles.

 Guide pupils to pair or combine the negative and positive charge particles to form a
circle, these circles for neutral changes and are considered as zeros.


 Guide pupils to count the uncombined / unpaired charge particles

 Pupils realized that we are left we are left with 1 positive charge particle.
 Therefore( -2) + (+ 3) = + 1

Try a) – 3 + (-6)
b) – 8 + (5 + -4) Using i. Nomograph ii. Charged particle model
Subtraction of integers
Find ( +5) – (+3)

- Guide pupils to take five positive charge – particles

- Guide pupils to remove 3 positive charge – particles away from the group of 5 positive
charge particle.
- Guide pupils to count the number of charge – particles left.
- Pupils realize that we are left with 2 positive charge particles.
- Therefore (+5) – (+3) = 5 – 3 = 2
Try Find (-5) – (-4)

Find ( -3) – (-5)

- Guide pupils to take 3 negative charge particles.

−¿ −¿ −¿
- Explain to pupils that, it is not possible to remove 5 negative charge particles from the 3
negative charge particles, so guide pupils to model 5 neutral charge – particle (remember
these are charges / circles with both + and – halves) and add to the three negative charge
– particles

- −¿ −¿

- Guide pupils to remove 5 negative charge particles from it. After removing 5 negative
charge particles, they are left with 3 negative charge particles and 5 positive charge

- Guide pupils to combine / pair the negative and the positive charge particles left and
count the uncombined / unpaired charges to obtain the result. Note that there are three
neutral particles

+¿ +¿ +¿ +¿ +¿
−¿ −¿
−¿ −¿ −¿

- Pupils notice that they are left with 2 positive charge particles;

- Therefore -3 – (-5) = 2

Try (-5) – (+3) use the above steps.

Note : Multiplication and division of integers is similar to multiplication and division of whole
numbers ( apply the concept of multiplication and division of whole numbers for integers.



Let us consider 0 ÷ 4, this can be written as 4 × { } = 0. This means that 4 × 0 = 0. Therefore 0 ÷


However, consider as second case where a non-zero integer is being divided by zero. But
there is no integer that can satisfy this mathematical sentence. So we conclude that division of
any non-zero integer by zero is not possible or undefined in the set of real numbers.

Q. Show and describe briefly how you would help basic school pupils to find the sum (+3) + (-5)
= -2 using number line.

- Guide pupils to draw a number line and indicate numbers from at least -2 to +3
- Guide pupils to start at 0 and facing towards the right (positive direction) hop or forward three
time to +3
- Guide pupils to face the left (negative direction) hop forward five times to -2 and land on -2

- Then the pupils will conclude that (+3) + (-5) = -2

Q. Describe how you would guide basic school pupils to find (6) – (-3) using a number line

- Guide pupils to draw a number line from -5 to a

- Guide pupils to start from zero on the number line, and since 6 is positive, pupil faces
the right (positive direction) and move 6 steps forward to +6
- Guide pupils to face the negative direction (since 3 is negative)
- Guide pupils to subtract -3 or he / she moves 3 steps backwards from (+6) to (+9)
- Pupils conclude that (+6) – (-3) = +9



Meaning of Rational numbers, Terminating and Non-terminating Decimals

Examples of how rational numbers are used in their everyday lives.

 The nurse recording temperature reading in decimal fractions from the thermometer.
 A driver using decimal fraction when buying petrol/gas oil in litres.
 A baker using common fractions when preparing her baking recipes
Note: Rational number, denoted by Q, is the set of positive and negative integers including

A rational number can be expressed in the form where p and q are integers, and q is not zero.
2 2 6
Eg: , , , etc.
3 1 11

Note: Common fractions may also have several different meanings. They may represent:

 The part – whole model

 A ratio between two subsets
 Division


A fraction can be written as a terminating decimal if it can divide exactly without recurring.
3 7 9
Forexample i¿ = 0.75 ii. = 0.4375 iii. = 0.0140625
4 16 640

Recurring decimal or non-terminating decimal has one digit repeats, or a group of digits repeat
1 6 1
endlessly eg. = 0.3333…, = 0.545454… , = 0.142857
3 11 7

Irrational numbers: They are decimals that neither terminate nor recur (repeat) any digits. They
are numbers that cannot be expressed in the form where p and q are integers, and q is not
zero. For example the values of π, √ 2 and √ 3 cannot be written in the form .

Operations on Rational Numbers

Show to basic school pupils, that the following repeating decimals can be represented as a ratio
of two integers and hence a rational number. a. 0.3̇ b. 0.2̇ 7̇

a. Let n = 3̇……………………………………….. (1)

Multiply equation (1) by 10
10n = (0.3̇) ×(10)
10n = 3.3̇……………………………………… (2)
Equation (2) - equation (1)
10n – n = 3.3̇- (0.3̇)
9n = 3
3 1
n= =
9 3
Therefore 0.3̇ =
b. Let x = 0.2̇ 7̇………………………………… (1)
Multiply equation (1) by 100 to get equation (2)
100x = 127.2̇ 7̇………………………………(2)
Equation (2) - (1)
100x – x = 127.2̇ 7̇ – 1.2̇ 7̇
99x = 126
126 14
X= =
99 11
Therefore0.2̇ 7̇ =

Try 0. 1̇ 2̇

Q. Describe the shaded portion of the diagram below using the following models of a fraction.

a. Part – whole

b. ratio


a. For the part – whole model, the size of the shaded portion is one – third of the size of the
whole diagram. Therefore, the shaded portion can be represented as of the whole.
b. For the ratio model, the shaded portion is half the size of the unshaded portion of the
diagram. Therefore, the ratio of the shaded portion to the unshaded portion is 1 : 2 or
Irrational Numbers

Q. Show and explain clearly how you would help basic school pupils to find the square root of
225 without using table or calculator.

- Help pupils to express 225 as prime factorization as follows: 225 = 5× 45



= 52 ×32

- Explain to pupils that √ 225 = √ 52 × 32 and simplify to obtain 5× 3

- Explain that, this gives the product of 15 as the square root of 225
Q. Show and explain clearly how you would guide basic school pupils to find the square root of
625 without a table or calculator.

- Guide pupils to express 625 as a prime factorization as follows: 625 = 5 ×125


= 52 ×52

- Explain to pupils that, √ 625 as √ 52 × 52 and simplify √ 52 × 52 as √(5 ×5)2 to obtain 5 ×

- Explain that this gives the product 25 as the square root of 625.

Q. Write down and explain the steps through which you will take basic school pupil to enable her
find the square root of 2025, without using a calculator or table.

Q. Briefly explain the term recurring Non – terminating decimal to a basic school pupil using
one example.

FRACTION.Q. Describe briefly how you will use a named concrete material to introduce the
fraction to pupils in primary 3.
- TLM: Strip of paper.

- Guide pupils to take a strip of paper and divide / fold it into equal parts.

- Ask pupils to shade five of the equal parts to represent .

Q. How will you explain to pupils in the basic school class 5 that 0.9 is greater than 0.61?

- Guide pupils to convert 0.9 and 0.61 into fraction.

9 90 61 90
0.9 = = and 0.61 is sixty – one hundredth 0.61 = and this is less that by
10 100 100 100
comparing the numerator. So ninety hundredth is greater than sixty – one hundredth or
0.90 > 0.61

15 15 1
Q. A pupil simplify as follows =
25 25 2

a. What is wrong with this approach to the solution?

b. How will you help the pupil to simplify the fraction correctly?

a. The pupils simply by just crossing out the digits 5 found in both the numerator and
denominator without considering that 5 is a factor of both 15 and 25.
b. To simplify the fraction correctly, guide pupils to express it as
15 3 × 5 3× 1 3
= = = =
25 5 × 5 5× 1 5


7 3
Q. How will you show and explain to an upper primary pupil that is greater than using
8 4
concrete materials.

- TLM: Strips of papers

- Guide pupils to take two identical strips of paper.
- Guide pupils to fold one into 8 equal parts and shade 3 parts to represent
- Guide pupils to fold the other strip into 4 equal parts and shade 3 parts representing
- Guide pupils to compare the shaded parts of both strips by putting the strips side by side.
Pupils note that 7 out of 8 parts is larger than 3 out of the 4 parts.
7 3
- Therefore is greater than
8 4

Describe one way in which you would guide pupils in primary class 4 to determine for
3 6
themselves that and are equivalent fractions, using concrete material
4 8

- Guide pupil to take two identical sheets of paper.

- Guide he or she to fold one into 4 equal parts and shade 3 parts to represent
- Guide pupils to fold the second sheet into eight equal parts and shade 6 parts to represent
- Guide pupils to compare the shaded portion of the two identical sheets by placing them
side by side.
- Pupils notice that the shaded regions are the same.
- Therefore 4 are equal or are equivalent fractions.

Q. Describe briefly how you would help primary class 3 pupils to determine which of the
fractions 3 is bigger without using concrete materials

Q. Describe one way which you would guide pupils in primary 4 to determine for themselves
1 3
that and are equivalent fraction.
2 6
Q. How will you explain to a primary class 5 pupils that 0.6 is greater than 0.39?

Q. A pupil in primary class 3 solved an addition problem as follow:


a. What is wrong with the pupil’s solution?

b. Why do you think the pupil make this error?
c. How would you help the pupils to find the sum correctly using abacus?

a. The pupils added 8 and 5 obtained 13. Since 13 is 1 ten and 3 ones, he or she placed the 3
in ones’ column and the digit 1 in tens’ column.
b. The pupils lacked the concept of place value.
NOTE: In comparing of like fractions, forexample 3 5 4 , we compare the numerators to
, ,
4 4 4
identify the greatest.



Q. How to compare unlike fractions without the use of concrete materials, for example 5 .

Method 1

4 3
- Guide pupils to find the LCM for the fractions and or equivalent fractions for each
5 4
fraction with a common denominator

4 8 12 16
= = =
5 10 15 20
3 6 9 12 15
= = = =
4 8 12 16 20
- The pupils realize that 16 is bigger than 15 by comparing the numerators. Therefore
3 4
4 5
Method 2

4 3
- Guide the pupils to convert and into decimals
5 4
4 0.8 3 0.75
= =
5 5 √ 40 4 4 √30
-40 -28
- 20
- -20 0.75
Guide the pupils to not that 0.8 is greater than
4 3
- Therefore is greater that
5 4

Method 3 using percentage

4 3
- Guide the pupils to convert the given fractions and into percentages
5 4

4 4
= X 100 = 80%
5 5

3 3
= X 100 = 75%
4 4

- Pupils realize that 80% is greater than 75%

4 3
- Therefore is greater than .
5 4


Ratio is a pair of positive numbers that are used to compare two quantities or two sets.
For example 3: 4 (read ‘3’ to ‘4’) or as the fraction

In comparing two quantities, we can ask how much more is one than the other? Or how
many times of one is than other?

Step 1 Steps of follow when teaching ratio.

In teaching ratio, we can compare two quantities or numbers by finding the difference
between the two numbers.

How many more is 15 than 10?

15 is 5 more than 10, because 15 – 10 = 5

Step 2

We can compare two numbers or quantities by finding how many times one is as many as
the other and write this as a ratio

For example, nine(9) is one and a half times as many as 6 because

9 3 1
= =1
6 2 2

9 6
Step 3


For example 9:6 can be simplified to get 3:2.

Try Q. Divide 15 oranges in the ratio of 2:3 or ‘2’ to ‘3’

8 1
Note: The ratio ‘8’ to ‘40’ (8:40) may be simplified as ‘1’ to ‘5’,because =
40 5
An equality of ratios is called Proportion which is useful in problem solving.

Note: We have two types of proportion:

Direct proportion

For example, if 1 pencil costs GH₵ 2.00

2 pencils cost GH₵ 4.00

3 pencils cost GH₵ 6.00

This proportion shows that, if there is increase in the number of pencils, we will have
increase in the total amount of money.

Everyday examples:

1. The more hours a car spend on the road, more distance it cover
2. The more we write with pen, the more ink we use.

Inverse proportion (indirect)

For example,if we have a piece of work and every worker puts in the same amount of
energy, more people will take less time to do the work. A small number of people will take
more time to do the same work.

Everyday examples:

1. The faster a lorry runs, the less time it will take to cover the given distance.
2. The slower the vehicle, the more the time it will take to cover the given distance.

Solving problems on direct proportion

We can employ two methods

1. Unitary methods to solve the problem

2. Use ratio method to solve the problem
Q. 8 pencils cost GH₵ 400.00. Find the cost of 5 pencils if the cost of a pencil is the same for
any number of pencils.

Unitary method 1

 Explain to pupils that for this method, we always find the value of a unit or just one item
after which we then multiply the result by the number of the items that need to be worked
8 pencils cost GH₵ 400.00, therefore 1 pencil cost = = GH₵ 50

Hence, the cost of 5 pencils = 50 × 5 = GH₵ 250.00

Method 2 (Ratio method)

- Use ratio to find the unknown

- Set the problem as two equal ratios with the unknown which we later find
- So here, 8 pencils cost GH₵ 400.0
Let 5 pencils cost = X

In the ratio form, we have 8:5 = 400: X

8 400
5 X

8( X ) = 5 (400)

8 X 5(400)
8 8

X = 5 (50)

X = GH₵ 250.00

- Therefore the cost of 5 pencils = GH₵ 250.00

Q. Using real life examples explain the following terms to JHS pupils.
1. Direct proportion
2. Indirect proportion

1. For direct proportion, as one quantity increases, the other quantity related to it also
- Suppose an eraser sells at 20 pesewas.
- The cost of two will be 40p and 3 will be 60p
- Hence, as the number of erasers increases, the amount of money needed to buy them also
increases and that as the number decreases; the amount of money also decreases.
2. For indirect proportion when one quantity increases, the other decreases and vice – versa.
- For example, if 12 men working at the same rate clear a piece of land in 6 days,
six men working at the same rate will use 12days to clear the same piece of land.
- Hence, as the number of men increase less time will be needed to clear the land,
and as the number of men decreases more time will be needed to clear the same
piece of land.


16 16 1
Q. A pupil simplified as follow: =
64 64 4

a. What is wrong with this approach to the solution?

b. How can you help the pupil to simplify the fraction correctly?

Addition and subtraction of fractions

Addition and subtraction of like fraction

1 3
Q. +  + =
5 5
5 3 2
- = we can also use bars to show this
7 7 7


5 5 3 3
The top bar shows part of the whole standard and the -
7 7 down
7 shows part of the whole shaded.
3 5 2
If we take away from , we are left with
7 7 7

Addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators

TLMS: sheet of paper or Cuisenaire rod.

1 1
Q. Describe how you will guide pupils to solve + using paper folding method.
3 4


 Guide pupils to take a sheet of paper and fold it horizontally into 3 equal parts and shade 1
part to represent .
 Guide pupils to take the same sheet of paper and fold it vertically into 4 equal parts and
shade 1 part to represent
 Guide pupils to count the shaded portions by counting the overlapping boxes as 2points and
record the result.
 Guide pupils to count the total number of boxes in all
 Guide pupils to obtain the results by dividing the number of shaded boxes by the total
number of boxes.

67 5 4 3

number of s h aded boxes 7

= =
total number of boxes 12
1 1 7
 Therefore + = (or use the method of equivalent fraction)
3 4 12
1 1
Using the example + describe step by step how you will use Cuisenaire rods to develop the
3 5
algorithm for the addition of common fraction with primary 4 class

 Guide pupils to identify the whole as 1 blue rod and 1 dark green put end to end.
 Change the whole to 15white rods. To do this, take 1 yellow rod representing of the
whole and 1 light green rod representing
1 1
 Symbolically these give the sum + . Pupils change the yellow rod for 5white rods and
3 5
light green for 3white rods
5 3
 The sum becomes +
15 15
 Join together the 5white rods and the 3whiterods to give 8white rods. The 8 white rods
represent of the whole
1 1 5 3 8
 Therefore + = +
3 5 15 15 15

a. Describe how you would introduce the decimal fraction 0.16 to pupils in primay class 5,
using Dien’s base ten blocks.
1 1
b. Using the example + describe, step by step how you would use Cuisenaire rods to
3 4
develop the algorithm for addition of common for addition of common fractions with
primary class 4 pupils.

 Represent 1 whole by a flat, one-tenth by a long and one – hundredth by a unit or
small cube.
 Explain that 0.1 (one – tenth) is representing 1long and 0.06 (sixth – hundredth) is also
represented by 6 small cubes. Conclude that 1 long and 6 small cubes (units) together
represent 0.16.
 Guide pupils to identify the whole as a brown and purple rods put end to end.
 Change the purple rod for 4 white rods and the light green rod for 3 white rods to give
7 white rods.
1 1 4 3 7
 Therefore + = + =
3 4 12 12 12
3 1
Q. How would you explain to pupils that and do not represent the same decimal fraction,
10 3
and that one is bigger than the other?

 Guide pupils to explain express each of the common fractions as a decimal fraction
3 1
Thus = 0.3 and = 0.3̇
10 3
 Explain to pupils that 0.3 is the same as 0.30 and 0.3̇ is 0.33, to two decimal places
1 3
 It follows, therefore, that is bigger that
3 10
1 2
Q. Describe how to solve + = using Cuisenaire rods to pupils.
3 5


 Guide pupils to select the Cuisenaire rods that can be divided into 3 and 5 equal parts,
that is the combination of orange rod and yellow rod.

Orange Yellow
 Explain to pupils that, the whole yellow and light green rods divide the whole into three
and five respectively and equivalent to 15 cubes.


 Ask pupils to select two of the rods that divide the whole into 5 and that one that divide it
into 3 parts
 Putting the three pieces together and exchanging for white rods, we have five white and 6
whites for the yellow and two light greens rods respectively, giving a total of eleven
whites for the numerator. Our denominator the orange and yellow, which when exchange
1 2 5 6 11
give 15 white. Thus + = + =
3 5 15 15 15
4 1
Q. - =
5 2

- Guide pupils to select a rod that can be divided into 5 equal parts and also 2 equal

Yellow Yellow
Red Red Red Red Red

- Select four of the rods that divided the whole into 5 equal parts and compare side by side
with the one of the rods that divides the whole into 2 equal parts.

Red Red Red Red

- Exchange all into white rods we have for the yellow rod. The difference becomes 3 white


4 1 3
- Therefore - =
5 2 10


= 0.01 = 0.1


Money: The use of money is so important in our lives that pupils should be able to identify the
currency and the various denominations in use.

Recognition of currency: Notes and coins.

 Make available the currency notes and coins in circulation and ask children to examine
and identify them in their denominations.
 Give each person the opportunity to (co-operative learning/group work) take each of the
notes and coins and mention its value.
Note: At the lower primary, initially, coins and notes up to Gh¢1.00 may be given to
them to examine and identify them and ask pupils to mention the value an item it can
buy. For example you can buy bread, kenkey etc. and later they examine the currency
notes of larger denomination.

Buying and selling

 We need to provide children with valuable experience with money.
 Teacher can create play shops in the classroom where the children play the roles of
shopkeepers, shop attendants and customers (Role play).
 Allow pupils to practice buying and selling articles.
 The one buying decides on the combinations of coins and notes to use in paying for their
articles. And customers give out bigger denomination of currency and agree with the
shopkeeper on the amount of change.
Time: It is the period between two events. For examples, periods between the rising and the
setting of the sun, period between when one is born and one dies, etc.
Time may be measured objectively or subjectively.
Objectively; use of devices such as stop-watches, stop clock digital
watch and clock.
Subjectively: It involves one’s own judgment from his experience of
the passing of time. For examples40 minutes waiting for a bus might be
seen longer than 40minutes of playing football.

Awareness of passage of time (idea of time)

How the child will be able to tell the time some events occur in the day.
For children to understand the concept of passage of time, we need to expose them to
experiences in which they become aware of when an event activity takes place.

(1) Activities of breakfast, sunrise, time they go to school, washing your face, pasting their teeth
are for morning.
(2) Activities like time they close from school, lunch, playing football, seeing shadow just under
them are for afternoon
(3) Activities like sunset, sleeping, supper, lighted lamp on the table, are for evening (night)
 Children are given pictures of events or activities.
 Children indicate or tell when given activities are carried out on a particular day-morning,
afternoon or evening.

Note:Eventslike yesterday, today and tomorrow

 Days of week
 4 weeks in a month
 12 months in a year
Q. Using two suitable examples briefly explain the idea of the passage of time to children in an
early childhood class.

Awareness of duration of event

 Guide the child to identify event which takes a short time and those which take a long
 Guide the child to compare two event and determine which one will take a short time or
long time
 clapping ten times, bouncing a ball ten times
 Take breakfast, walking to the staff common room
 Take a book from the office, japing 3 times
 Emptying water from containers with different sizes of holes.

Note: we can use timing devices and use them as an arbitrary unity.
 We fill a funnel with sand. The amount of time the sand to empty becomes an arbitrary
units of time.
 Another timer we can develop is a candle on which several equally spaced marks have
been made. The amount of time for the candle to burn from one mark to another becomes
an arbitrary unit.
 We can also construct a time by making holes in the bottom of a can and fill it with
water. The amount of time for the can to empty the water becomes arbitrary units.

Reading the clock

Note: Although digital clocks are easier to read, they do not allow children to see the position of
the displayed time relative to the next hour or to the times that before or after it.
To simplify the task of learning to tell time, one approach is to begin with only an hour-face
clock. Using only an hour hand allows children to read the time as soon as they are able to
recognize the numerals 1 to 12.
 We introduce the minute hand when children tell the time by the hour.
The child must be able to count by 5 to 60 to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.
 Write down six skills a child need to develop to be able to tell the time from a
regular(analogue) clock.
a. Identifying the hour and the minutes hand.
b. Identifying the divisions of the clock face
c. Telling the time by hour, noting the minute hand is on 12 while the hour is on the
number indicating the hour.
d. Identifying the hour that a time is after or before. E.g. it is after 4 0’clock

11 1
10 2
910 3 13:35
6 5

Measurement of Capacity
Use ECE note (estimation and add this one)
Measurement of Capacity: Comparisons between two containers to determine which of them
hold more quantity.
Direct Comparison: materials: empty milo and milk tins, plastic drinking cups and plastic
containers we can find our environment.
In direct comparison of capacity, first allow the pupils to estimate first (guess which container
can hold more water and sand when given two containers.
 Give a variety of containers to children or sand and pour it into the other to see which
holds more quantity. E.g.
Indirect Comparison
Let pupils estimate the number of feeding bottle that will fill each jar and verify
 Indirect comparison when two containers cannot be compared directly, may be two then
introduce the measurement of capacity using arbitrary units to measure capacities
bottles as arbitrary unit(olonka), small cups, spoons, bottles as arbitrary units to measure
capacities of large containers.
Note: The liter is introduced as the unit of most liquid measure. We introduce ‘L’ for liter and
encourage them to record measurement of capacities using this symbol.

Measurement of Mass

Mass –Comparing Heaviness/Lightness of objects

 Guide the child to compare the weight of objects using the expressions heavy and light
NB: The child at this level cannot use beam balance.
 Guide the child to weigh the objects in his/her palms to determine which one is heavier or
 Guide the child to note that, the palm that is lowered is where the heavier object is and the
palm ta the top is where the lighter objects is.

Weight refers to a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. Mass on the other hand, is
the amount of matter in an object.
Direct Comparison:
 Guide the pupils to discover that small stone is heavier than a big bag full of cotton wool
by weighing in their palms.
Indirect comparison:
Note: Children may also use the see-saw to compare their masses with other members of their
class and order themselves according to their masses. We may guide children to use a simple
balance to determine which of two objects is heavier. The basic unit for the measurement of
mass is kilogram(kg)

Measurement of Length
Use the note in ECE book length direct/indirect longer and this note comparing lengths words
Direct Comparison – the objects to be compare are brought together side by side on the same flat
base surface and compare their lengths/heights with reference to common base to determine
which one is longer than, shorter than or as the other. For example, one may compare the lengths
of a pencil and a ruler on the teacher’s table.


pencil [comparing the lengths of a ruler and a pencil]

The ruler is longer than the pencil and the pencil is shorter than the ruler.

Indirect Comparison: is comparing of lengths of two objects which cannot be brought together
on a common flat surface to compare their lengths, because of that we make use of an arbitrary
units. E.g. Comparing the length of the teachers table and the length of the classroom window.
Arbitrary unit can be use: hand span, pencil, pen.

The meter as a Standard Unit of Measure

Assuming we try to measure the length of the teachers table, two pupils to do it separately with
their hand span. [ one get 13- hand- spans and the other get 14 hand spans, the answer give use
idea of how long the table is]. The problem is which answer is correct? This leads us to the use
of standard unit of length. Therefore, we introduce the metre as a conventional standard unit.
a) Describe how you would introduce primary school pupils to measurement of length up to
include the introduction of the meter as the standard unit for measurement of length.
 First I will introduce pupils to direct comparison of length where pupils bring objects
together on the same flat base and compare their length or height and identify which is
longer or taller.
 After that, I will introduce pupils to indirect comparison and measurement of as follow:
 Guide pupils to identify lengths of objects which cannot be brought together to measure.
 Ask pupils to use different arbitrary units to measure the lengths.
 Pupils notice that they obtain different results for the length using different arbitrary
 This gives rise to the need to use a standard unit of measure.
 Introduce the meter as the conventional standard unit for measurement of length.

b) Explain each of the following terms as used in the measurement of length:

a. i) Direct Comparison
ii) Indirect Comparison
b. Describe an activity in which you would involve primary class 2 pupils in the
measurement of length using each of the following
i. Direct comparison
ii. Indirect comparison

a. i) Direct comparison in the measurement of length is comparing the lengths of objects by

bring them together with their bases on the same flat surface and determine which is the
longer or longest.
ii) indirect comparison in the measurement of length of objects by using some units of
measure (arbitrary units) such as pencils, pens, erasersetc.
the unit of measure is matched with the length to be measured and the number of time that
unit covers the entire length is determined from each of the lengths being compared and
the longer or longest determined.
b. i) I will guide pupils to bring a pen and a ruler together with their bases on the same flat
surface. (teacher table)
Pupils compare the length or heights of the objects to identify which is longer or taller
(longer or longest)

[comparing the lengths of a ruler and a pencil]

The ruler is longer than the pencil and the pencil is shorter than the ruler.

ii) Pupils are guided to identify lengths of objects which cannot be brought together to measure.
For example, one may the length of the teacher’s table and the length of the window in the
 I will guide the pupils to use arbitrary units (hand span, pencil, pen) to measure the lengths to
be measured.
 Guide the pupils to determine the number of arbitrary units which cover each of the lengths
beings measured and determine the longer or longest.
 Pupils realize that the length of the table is 10 hand spans and that of the window is 7 hand
 Therefore, the length of the table is longer than the length of the window.

Measurement of Area
Surfaces of Objects – ask pupils to rub their hand over surfaces like the tops of tables and chairs,
a globe, a rubber ball and so on and determine intuitively or by sight which of the two surfaces is
A measure of the amount of “surface” an objects possesses is called area. Length is a linear
measure and area is a two dimensional measure
Estimating and measuring surfaces with arbitrary units.
Using arbitrary units (objects) to determine the area of surface.
Materials: bottles top, exercise books, playing cards etc.
 Guide the child to arrange objects on a given surface to find the number of objects that
can cover the surface.
Act: Finding the area of the surface of the teacher’s tables.
Materials: exercise books
 First allow the child to guess the number exercise books that can be arrange to covers the
 Guide the child to arrange the exercise books on the surface of the tables.
 Guide the child to verify by counting or finding out the number of exercise books that can
covers the surface of the teacher table to represent the area of the table eg. 10 exercise
books. Therefore the area is 10.
Act: Finding the area of the surface of a note book/ exercise books.
Materials: playing cards
Procedure: the same steps as the steps above
Direct Comparison (Area)
 Guide pupils to place one shape on top of another and tell which of the two surface is
smaller or larger.
Activities: Let pupils cut the tops of various tins for example, empty milo, milk or cerelac
tins and compare their surface by placing one on the other. Or a child may say that the top of
the teachers table is larger than the cover of her exercise book.

Indirect Comparison
Note: Here we may not be able to compare surfaces by moving the objects to place one on top of
the other. For example, one may compare the surface of the chalkboard to the surface of the
classroom floor.
In such cases, arbitrary measurement units such as postage stamps, playing cards, books, empty
match boxes, postcards, cut – out squares, rectangles may be used to compare their areas.
Perimeter of plane Shapes
Perimeter of any plane shape is the total distance or lengths of the shape.
Q1. How will you guide pupils to find the perimeter of a given plane shape?
 I will guide the pupils to measure all the perimeter of a given plane shape.
 After which I will ask pupils to add up or sum all the measurement of sides/taken.
Perimeter of rectangle and circle
Q. How would you guide pupils to find the perimeter of a rectangle.
 Guide the pupils to measure the lengths of all the sides of the rectangle and record the
 Ask pupils to find the sum of the measures, which will give the perimeter of the
rectangle. E.g.

P = 6cm+2cm+6cm+4cm = 16cm

P = 4cm+2cm+2cm+4cm = 12cm

In finding the relation between perimeter and length and width of a rectangle, ask pupils to draw
a rectangle and measure it lengths to obtain Lcm and width as Wcm as shown below

Perimeter, P, of the rectangle

= L + W + L + Wcm
= L + L + W + Wcm
= 2L + 2W cm
= 2(L+W)
Therefore, the perimeter of a rectangle is obtained by finding twice the sum of the measure of its
length and its width.

Perimeter of a Circle(Circumference)
 Guide the pupils to make a collection of circular objects such as empty milo tins, tomato
tins, geisha tins and so on.
 Working in pairs, ask pupils to find the measurement of the circumferences of the objects
in cm with the aid of a string or strip of paper or a tape measure.
 Ask pupils to find the objects between hard card or books or hard pieces of wood and
measure the distance between. This will give the diameter of the circular object being
measured. Again measure in cm.
 Guide pupils to draw a table to record their results.

Circular objects Length of Length of diameter (d) Ratio (c ÷ d)

circumference (c)
Milk tin
Milo tin
Tomato tin
Geisha tin

 Guide pupils to divide the circumference of each circular objects by its diameter. Allow
pupils to examine the results obtain and compare them.
 By considering the average results together, it about 3.14 discover that the ratio is the
same or for all circle; meaning that C is proportional to “d”. the constant of
proportionality then is the irrational number denoted by π.
From the above activity you will realize that the ratio = π or cπd (By multiplying both
side by d)
Now show pupils that in a circle since there is relation 2r = d by substituting this in the
above: we have
C = π × 2r = 2πr.

An angle; It is the amount of turning made about a point.


1. Walking on a straight line and suddenly change direction

2. Opening of a book, window

3. Swinging of the arms
4. The corner of the classroom

Ques: Describe how you will guide a JHS pupil to discover that the sum of interior angles of a
triangle is 1800
Ans: I will guide the pupils to make a cutout shape triangle PQR and label the inferior angles x,
y, and z.

 I will guide the pupils to cut – off the 3 interior angle

 I will guide the pupils to arrange the angles on a straight line (edge)
 I will guide the pupils to note that, since the sum of angles or straight line is 180 0 , it
implies that, the sum of interior angles of a triangle is 1800
 Therefore, x + y + z = 1800

It is a simple closed figure bounded by straight edge
Ques: Describe in detail an activity which you will use to JHS pupils to find out that, the sum of
interior angles of a polygon with n – sides is given by (n-2) ×1800

Ans: I will guide the pupil to make cut – out shape of polygons and split them into triangles by
drawing the diagonals from one of the vertex to all other verities.

Triangle Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon

 I will explain to the pupils that; interior angles of a triangle add up to 1800.
 I will guide the pupils to find the interior angles of the sum of each polygon by counting
the number of triangles and multiply by 1800 as shown in the table below.

Polygon Number of Number of Sum of interior

sides triangles angles
Triangle 3 1 1×1800 = 1800

Quadrilateral 4 2 2× 1800 = 3600

Pentagon 5 3 3×1800 = 5400
hexagon 6 4 4×180 = 7200
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

n n–2 (n-2)×1800

 I will ask the pupils to observe the number of sides and number a triangle for each
polygon and look for a pattern.
 Pupils notice that, if you subtract “2” from the number of sides, you will get the number
of triangles for each polygon.
 Therefore, the sum of interior of angles of a polygon with n sides is (n-2) ×1800.

Line Segments and Angles

Line Segment: tracing out the edge of a book or ruler we have a line segment.
 A line has no end points.
 A ray is a line with one end point named while a line segment is a line which has two
end points named.

A line

Sum rays

A line

a ray from point A through point B

Q. Describe how you would guide primary pupils to find two differences between triangular
prism and a triangular pyramid.
- Guide the pupils to find out that:
i. A triangular prism has uniform cross sections which are triangular, whereas the triangular
pyramid has non-uniform cross- sections which are also triangular.
ii. A triangular prism has five (5) faces while a triangular pyramid has four (4)
iii. The face a triangular prism except those with uniform cross-section arerectangles,
whereas all the faces of the triangular pyramid are triangles.
iv. The faces of a triangular pyramid except the bases meet at a point (an apex); whereas
those of the triangular prism do not.
v. A triangular pyramid has four vertices while a triangular prism has 6 vertices.
vi. A triangular pyramid has 6 edges while a triangular prism has 9.

How to measure an angle using a protractor

Note: The instrument used to measure an angle is called a protractor.
Q. Describe briefly how you would guide pupils in Junior High School Form 1 to measure the
angle ABC drawn below, using a protractor.

- Guide pupils to place the protractor in such a way that, the base line of the protractor(00
– 1800 line) lie on one arm / ray of the angle.
- Also, let the Centre of the protractor (i.e. meeting point of 900line and the base line)
coincide with the vertex B of the angle.
- Guide pupils to read the angle from the base line 00 to the second ray / arm of the
angleand find the angle on the protractor which coincides with the line (extend the ray /
arm where necessary)
- The angle measure 480.
Q. Explain how you will lead upper primary pupils to find out for themselves three differences
between a square and a rectangle.

- Lead pupils to fold the rectangular sheets of paper and square sheet of paper a long
diagonals to find out that the diagonals of the squares are lines of symmetry, but those of
rectangles are note
i. Pupils fold rectangular sheets of paper to determine that the square has 4 lines of
symmetry but the rectangle has 2
ii. Pupils measure the sides of the square and rectangular shapes and note that all the
sides of a square are equal in length, whereas in the rectangle only the pairs of the
opposite sides are equation
iii. Let pupils use the corner of the square to measure the intersection of the diagonals
and determine that the diagonals of the squares bisect each other at 900 whereas the
rectangles do not.

Area of a rectangle

TLM: Using square centimeter cut outs. ( 1cm ×1cm)

- Lead pupils to find the area of the follow rectangles using (1cm × 1cm) square pieces.

i. 6cm ii. 5cm

3cm 2cm

ii. 6cm
- Guide pupils to arrange the pieces of 1cm × 1cm square piece on the various rectangles.
5cm 6cm


Area = 10cm2
Area = 18cm2


Area = 24cm2

- Guide pupils to count the number of square centimetres that occupy each of the
rectangles, We have 18 squares, 10 squares and 24 squares respectively in i) , ii), iii)
- Ask pupils to record what they notice as far as the relationship between the length and
breathe as well as corresponding areas in all the cases.

Rectangle Length (L) Breadth (B) Product of length Area

and breadth (L × B)
Rectangle (i) 6cm 3cm 6 × 3 = 18cm2 18cm2
Rectangle (ii) 5cm 2cm 5 × 2 = 10cm2 10cm2
Rectangle (iii) 6cm 4cm 6 × 4 = 24cm2 24cm2

- Pupils will observe that, column 4 and 5 have the same values. This implies that area of a
rectangle = product of length and breadth
- Therefore Area of rectangle = L × B.

Note: Use a similarly approach to guide pupils to discover that area of a square = L × L = L2

Q. Describe the steps that you would go through with your pupils in primary class 4 to
introduce them to the measurement of area, including the introduction of standard unit “the
square centimeter” (cm2)
- Lead pupils through direct Comparison leading to awareness of differences and the
use of words bigger, smaller and larger to describe these differences
- Guide pupils to use arbitrary unit such as stamp, playing cards, shapes to determine
the space covered.
- Guide pupils to estimate and measure the area of the Teachers table using arbitrary
unit such as stamp, playing cards, exercise books.
- Pupils notice that in each case different results were obtained, for instance 20 stamps,
15 playing cards and 10 exercise books recorded as the number of each arbitrary unit
use for the area of the table.
- Teacher then introduce the need for standard unit of measure (the square centimeter)
due to the difference in the result obtained.

Area of a Circle ( A=π r 2 )

Q. How would you guide JHS pupils to discover that the area of a circle is r 2 .

- Guide pupils to draw a circle, with diameter of at least 20cm, onto a piece of a card or

- Guide pupils to cut this out, fold it into two halve and colour one half.
- Guide pupils to fold again to form quarter and again and again to form eights and then

4 5
2 7
1 8

- Guide pupils to cut along the fold lines to obtain 8 coloured sectors and 8 uncoloured
sectors. Guide pupils to cut one of the uncoloured
- Guide pupils to rearrange the pieces head to tail as show:

L = πr

- Guide pupils to realize that, the shape is approximately a rectangle with length π r and
breath r
- Therefore Area = π r × r = π r 2
- Explain to pupils that since the rectangle was obtained by rearranging the sectors of the
circle, the area of the circle is the same as the area of the rectangle.
- Therefore area of the circle, A= π r 2
Area of a triangle

Q. Describe how you would guide JHS pupils to discover for themselves that, the area of the
triangle PQR is × b × h cm2, where b cm is the length of the base and h cm, the height of the
triangle. P

h cm

b cm

- Guide pupils to make two identical triangular paper cut – outs of the triangle with base
length b cm and height h cm.


h cm h cm

b cm b cm

- Guide pupils to cut up one of the triangular cutouts into two triangles along the altitude
and arrange the three pieces as shown below to obtain a rectangle.


h cm
- Pupils find out that, the area of rectangle QRST = b × h.
- Pupils notice that the rectangle QRST is made up of the two identical triangles.
- Pupils note, therefore, that: the area of one of the triangles is
A= of the area of the rectangle QRST
= bh cm2

Q. A pupil finds it difficult to distinguish between the perimeter and the area of a plane
shape. How would you help her out? Give examples to support your explanation.

- Explain to the pupils that, perimeter is the measure of the total distance around
theplane shape, while area is the measure of the total surface of the plane shape.
For example, for the rectangle ABCD

A Lcm B

W cm W cm


The perimeter is L+W+L+W=2(L+W)cm and the area is Lcm× Wcm = LW cm2

Q. Using at least four examples, describe how you would help to determine whether or not
rectangles having the same area 36cm2 also have the same perimeter.

- Lead pupils through examples of the rectangles having the same area:
Length = 36 cm, width = 1cm
Length = 9 cm, width = 4 cm
Length = 18 cm, width = 2 cm
Length = 12 cm, width = 3cm.
- Guide pupils to record their results in the table below
Length (L) Width (W) Perimeter (P) Area (A)
36cm 1cm 74cm 36cm2
9cm 4cm 26cm 36cm2
12cm 18cm 40cm 36cm2
12cm 3cm 30cm 36cm2
- From the table, guide pupils to conclude that rectangle having the same area do not
have the same perimeter.
Total surface area of solids (cubes and cuboids)

a 1 a
2 3 4 5

and its net gives

a 6

- In finding the total surface are of a cube, ask pupils how many faces can you find in a
- Pupils response b. Explain to pupils that, the shape of each face of a cube is a square.
- Pupils find area of a square as a × a = a2
- Let pupils add up all the area of the squares of a cube to obtain a 2 + a2 + a2 + a2 +
a2 + a2 = 6a2
- Therefore we concluded that, a cube with side ‘a’ has a total surface area of 6a2.


Note: This is found in a similar way to the a cube.
We have:

a L
1 h
2 3 4 5 b

b 6

Note: Repeat the first steps of finding the surface area of a cube.
- Let pupils tell you the formula for area of a rectangle = L × B
- So Area of face 1 = Length × height = Lh
Face 2 = Length × breath = Lb
Face 3 = breath × height = bh
Face 4 = Length × breadth = Lb
Face 5 = breath × height = bh
Face 6 = length × height = Lb
- Guide pupils to sum all the faces as:
= Lh + Lb + bh + Lb + bh + Lb
= 2 Lh + 2 Lb + 2 bh
= 2 (Lh + Lb + bh)
- We conclude that, the total surface area of a cuboid is 2 Lh + 2 Lb + 2 bh, where L, b and
h are length, breadth and height respectively.

Volumes of Cuboids and Cubes

Volume is the amount of space an object of Solid takes up. In other words, it is the measure of
the amount of space a solid shape can occupy. Volume is usually measured in cubic units.
A cuboid has all its six faces being rectangular. Also it has three dimensions namely, length,
breath and height. Volume of a cuboid, can be find by asking pupils to find the product of the
length, breadth and height. V = L × B × H = LBH
Volume of a cube: Is the product of the lengths of the sides that gives. a × a × a = a3


Volume of a Closed Cylinder

This is a cylinder with circular base radius ‘r’ and height ‘h’. To find its volume we first find the
area of the circular base and then multiply it by the height.
The volume of a cylinder = base area × height
= π r2 × h
= π r 2h.

Identifying and Naming Plane Shape or shapes e.g. rectangle, circle, star, kite triangle, semi-
circle (moon)
-Guide the child to identify the plane shape and their name using cut-out shapes or shape draw
on cards
-Guide the child to sort and group objects according to shapes of the same kind. e.g.

 Guide the child to identify and pick and call the name from the collection.
 Guide the child to trace or complete the shapes by drawing

 Guide the child to identify difference in shapes

Describe an activity in which you engage kindergarten pupils to enable them identify the
following rectangle, circle, triangle.

 Show the pupils cut-outs of the given shapes.

 Assist pupils to learn their names

 Give out the cut-out shapes (to groups or individuals) to examine carefully
 Pupils take turns to pick out from a collection a shape and name it.
 Pupils identify or pick a named shape from a collection of shape.
 Pupils identify a named shape from shapes drawing on a card or chalkboard.
 Pupils call out the name of a shape and another pupil draws it or traces it from a cut-
 Pupils identify or point to a named shape in a read object.

Solid Shapes
Note: It is important to allow pupils to use manipulative materials to explore concepts in both
two – and three – dimensional space and discover relationships.
There are two main groups of solid shapes. They are prisms and pyramids.

 Face is the flat side (plane) of a solid

 An edge is the meeting line of two faces.It can be straight or curve.
 Vertex is the point where two or more edges meet.
 Cuboids include cubes, cylinders.

Prisms: they are made up of triangular prisms, pentagonal prisms and even cubes, cuboids
and cylinder.

Pyramids: made up of square pyramids, triangular pyramids, rectangular pyramids,

pentagonal pyramids, and cone.
 Spheres: are solid shapes e.g. a ball.
 Prism is a solid shape with a uniform cross section
 Pyramid is a solid shape without uniform cross section.

Difference between Plane Shapes and Solid Shapes

Plane Shapes Solid Shape

- Two lines meet a point call vertex More than two line meet at a point
- Two dimentional shape Three dimentional shape.

Note: For each solid shape, ask pupils to determine the number of faces, the number of edges
and the number of vertices and record their result in a table as shown below:
Name of Solid Number of faces Number of vertices Number of Edges
Cube 6 8 12
Square pyramid
Triangular pyramid

- Ask pupils to find out if the relationship E = F + V -2 holds for each solid shape: where
- E, F and V are the number of edges, number of faces and number of vertices respectively

Net of Cylinder Net of Cone


Note: In teaching geometric construction, we usually make use of a pair of compasses and a rule.

The locus of a point in a plane is the path traced by the point as it moves in the plane under a
given condition. For example the locus or path traced by a point ‘P’ as it moves at a constant
distance from a fixed point ‘O’ is the circumference of a circle with center O.

Try Q. Explain the idea of “the locus of a point in a plane” to JHS pupils, giving a suitable

Q. Describe the steps through which you would take primary class 5 pupils through to enable
them measure the line segment AB, indicating the length in centimeters.

- Assist pupils to place the mark corresponding to zero on the ruler with centimeter
divisions on the point A. and with the edge of the ruler along the line segments AB,
- Pupils read off the measure corresponding to the division which falls on B.
- Therefore the length of AB is 5 centimeters.

Bisecting an angle

Q. Write down the step you would take pupils through to enable them bisect the angle ABC
shown, using a pair of compasses and ruler only.

- Guide pupils to place the compass point at B and draw an arc to cut AB and BC at P and
Q respectively.


- Guide pupils to place the compass point at P and draw an arc to the right of the first arc or
(inside the arms AB and BC)
- With the same radius place the compass point at Q and draw an arc to cut the first arc and
label the point of intersection ask.


- Guide pupils to draw a line BK with a ruler or a straight edge.




Perpendicular lines

Q. Explain how you would guide pupils in JHS one to draw a line which is perpendicular to
another line from a point outside or not one the line.
- Guide the pupils to draw a line segment say AB and mark a point say P not on the line.
- With the pair of compass point at P, guide the pupils to draw an arc to ‘cut’ the line AB at
two points say X and Y



- With the compass point at X draw an arc below line AB with the compass point at Y and
with the same radius, draw another arc to ‘cut’ the first arc at say T.
- Guide pupils to join T and P with a straight line.



Q. Describe step by step how you would guide pupils in JHS one to construct a line
perpendicular to a given line through a point on the line.

- Draw line PQ with point B as indicated

- With a pair of compasses point at B, draw arcsto cut the line PQ on each side of B, say at
M and N.

- With a pair of compass point at M, draw an arc above the line PQ.
- Guide pupils to place the needle point at N using the same radius, draw another arc to
intersect the first arc at say T.
- Join B and T with a straight line.
TB is perpendicular to line PQ at B.


Q. Explain how you would guide pupils in JHS one to draw a parallel line to a given
(Home work).

Construction Triangles
Hint: For any triangle given, sketch it and describe how to construct it, step by step,
paying attention to the lengths of the side and angles.
Q. How would you guide pupils in JHS 1 draw an equilateral triangle of side 3cm
[explain and demonstrate it in class (Homework)]
Construction of angles
Construction of 900
- Draw a straight line and mark a point P on it.
- With the point of the pair of compasses at P, draw a semicircle above the line to
“cut”. It at say M and N


- With the compass point at M, draw an arc above the semicircle.

- Then with the compass point at N and with the same radius draw another arc to
intersect the first one drawn at say X. Join X to P with straight line.


Construction of 450

- Describe the construction of 900 and follow by description of how to bisect an angle to
obtain 450

Construction of 600

- Draw a line AB and mark a point, say P on it.

- With the pair of compasses at P and a reasonable radius draw an arc above the line AB to
meet line AB in, say T

- With the compasses point at T with the same radius draw another arc to intersect the first
one at say L.
Draw a line from P through L
Therefore angle < P T is 600


Q. Describe how you would guide pupils in JHS to draw to triangle PQR in which < PQR
= <PRQ = 700 they would obtain. How would you guide the pupils to confirm that the
triangle they have drawn is isosceles?
- Pupils are guided to draw line segment QR 6cm long.
/QR/ = 6cm


- Guide pupils to draw the angles measuring 700 at Q and R using the protractor.

700 700


- Let pupils extend the arms P

- Guide pupils to measure QP and RP and note that they are of equal lengths (i.e. 8.8cm)
- Pupils conclude, therefore, the triangle PQR is isosceles.
Try Q. Write down the steps you would take pupils through to enable them bisect the obtuse
angle PQR shown below, using a pair of compasses and a ruler only.

Q a) Describe the steps you would follow in guiding pupils in Junior High School to construct an
angle measuring 750 using a ruler and a pair of compasses only.

b) Describe the steps you will follow in guiding pupils to construct a perpendicular to a given
horizontal line at a point P on the line.



Q a i) First ask pupils to construct 900 at a particular point

ii) Guide pupils to construct 600 from 900

iii) Next, guide pupils to bisect the angle of 300 between 600 and 900 to get 150

iv) Pupils to mark (60 + 150) as 750 as demonstrated below

900 250


Q. Describe how you would guide Junior High School Form 2 pupils to construct triangle ABC
where |AB| = 6cm, <BAC = 600 and <ABC = 450

- Guide pupils to draw a line segment AB 6cm long

A 6cm B

- With compass point at A and a suitable radius pupils draw an arc to cut the line AB at N


- With the compass point at N, and with the same radius pupils draw an arc to intersect the
first arc at M

- Guide pupils to draw a straight line from A through point M.


- With compass point at B and using a suitable radius pupil are guided to draw arcs to cut
AB extended at two places P and Q, one on each side o B.


- With compass point at P and Q and with a suitable radius, pupils draw arc to intersect
each other at R, and draw the line RB

- Guide pupils to bisect <ABR which is 900 to get a 450 angle.

450 M


- Guide pupils to extend the bisector of <ABR to meet line AM at C.


60 45 0

- Pupils identify triangle ABC as the required triangle.



QUESTION: Describe how you will guide JHS 1 pupils to plot the point (2,3) on the number

ANSWER: I will guide the pupils to draw a vertical line and call it y-axis and draw a horizontal
line across it and call it the x-axis

I will explain to the pupils that the point of intersection is called the origin (0)

I will guide the pupils to calibrate both axes.

I will guide the pupils to plot the point (2, 3).

Starting from 0, move two (2) units to the right on the horizontal axis and three (3) units upwards
on vertical axis.

×(2, 3)




Type of activities that can be used to collect data.

 Guide the children to collect data from their immediate environment in concrete and
pictorial form.

ACTIVITIES: Ask them to mention

 The food they like best
 Days on which they were born
 The soft drinks they like best
 The type of fruit they like best
 Their favouritecolours.
 Number of siblings each child has.

Data collection procedure: (Materials: empty milk tins, empty match boxes or bottle tops)
Using the activity:
The type of food pupils likes best eg. Banku, Rice, Fufu.

 Teacher asks those who like Banku to raise their hands up and empty ideal milk tins were
given to each person to hold.
 Teacher also asks those who like Rice to raise their hands up and empty Nunu milk tins
were given to each person to hold.
 Ask those who also like fufu to raise their hands up and empty Carnation milk tins were
given to each person to hold.
 Teacher guides each group to come and place their objects on the three different tables
arrange in front of the class.

Table Table Table

Banku Rice Fufu

How to represent the data:

 Guide the pupils to count the number of pupils for each food and represent the data
collected as shown below
Types of Food Number of Pupils Number of pupils

Banku 6

Rice 2

Fufu 4

 Pictorial representation
 Guide the pupils to represent the data collected in pictorial form (visual form)
 Teacher guide pupils to arrange the objects in columns to form a bar block
 I will guide the pupils to draw a based line and arrange the object vertically on it.

Number of pupils

Title: a pictorial graph showing the type of food pupils like

Ideal best in a class


Ideal Nunu
Banku Rice Fufu
Type of Food

Guide pupils to interpret the data by asking the following question from the pictorial graph
 Which group has the tallest block or has more tins
 Which group has the shortest block or has less tins

Q. Describe clearly an activity you would use to help pupils in basic one (1) to collect and
represent data pictorially or using real object.


A picture graph represents data in the form of pictures, objects or parts of objects. This
representation of pictures or objects may be done by cutting pictures and pasting of real things;
drawing pictures to represent real objects or use some model to stand for the objects in picture

Q. Describe how you ask P1 pupils to collect and represent data pictorially.
Activities: 1.Type of food pupils like best. Example;Fufu, Rice, Banku.
1. Pupils favorite colors .example; Red, Green, Yellow.
2. Days on which pupils were born.
3. Type of soft drink pupils like best.

Collection of data: I will ask pupils who like Fanta to raise their hands and count them, I will
also ask pupils who like Coke to raise their hands and I will also count them. Finally, I will ask
pupils who like Malt to raise their hands and I will count them.
- After this activity, I will then record the information in a tabular form as shown below;
Type of soft drink Number of pupils
Fanta 5
Coke 2
Malt 6

- I will then represent the information in row form of pictorial representation using pictures
of the type of soft drink pupils like and give a title to the pictorial graph.



Fanta =

Coke =

Malt =

Mode of set of numbers (most occurring number)

For the numbers 2,3,4,1,3,4,5 and 4, describe how you will guide JHS.1 pupils to find the mode
of the above numbers.

Ans. I will explain to the pupils that mode is the most frequently occurring number in a given set
of numbers

I will guide the pupils to identify and select the most occurring number in the given data and it is
4. Therefore, the mode is equal to 4. The mode is 4

Median of set of numbers:(middle number)

Describe how you will guide JHS 1 pupils to find the median of the following numbers

(i) 2,1,3,2,4,1,5

(ii) 4,7,8,1,3,9
Ans. (i) I will explain to the pupils that, median is the middle number of a given set of data.

I will guide the pupils to arrange the numbers from the smallest to biggest (ascending order)


I will guide the pupil to identify and select the middle number by counting from both ends.

Pupils note that it falls on 2

Therefore the median is 2

(ii) I will explain to the pupils that median is the middle number of a given set of numbers

I will guide the pupils to arrange the numbers from the smallest to the biggest 1,3,4,7,8,9

I will guide the pupils to count the numbers both ends to identify and select the middle number

I will guide the pupils to note that the middle numbers are 4 and 7. Since it has fallen on (2)

4+ 7 11
values, I will guide the pupils to find the average of these values. That is median = = =
2 2

ː̣ The median is 5.5

Mean of set of numbers (Average)

Describe how you will guide a JHS 1 pupil to find mean of the following numbers
9,2,7,6,5,9,3,2,5 and2

Ans. I will explain to the pupils that mean means arithmetic average.

I will guide the pupils to find the sum of set of numbers and divide the result by the number
items as shown below.

9+2+7+6 +5+9+3+ 2+5+ 2 50

Mean = = =¿ 5
10 10

The ages to the nearest year of forty-eight pupils in a class are as fellows.

13 12 14 12 13 12 11 12 16 14 16 12

15 13 1614 12 12 15 13 13 12 11 12

a. Describe how you will guide JHS 2 pupils to construct a simple frequency table for the data.
b. Describe how you will assist JHS 2 pupils to construct a bar chart to represent the data.

Answer .a

I will guide the pupils to draw a table consisting of three (3) columns with the headings Age,
Tally and frequency.

I will guide the pupils to identify the least and highest age (11-16) and record it at the age

I will guide the pupil to make a tally for each age using strokes at the heading tally.

I will guide the pupils to count the number of tally for each age and record it at the frequency

I will guide the pupils to give title to the table ‘frequency distribution table showing the ages of
pupils in a class.

Frequency distribution table showing the ages of pupils in a class

Age Tally Frequency

11 5

12 11

13 15

14 8

15 5

16 4

Total 48

b. I will guide the pupils to draw two perpendicular axis on a graph sheet

I will guide the pupils to label the horizontal axes ‘ages’ and vertical axis ‘frequency’.

I will guide the pupils to calibrate the axis taking into account the highest frequency.

I will guide the pupils to mark out the width the bar and write out the individual ages, ensuring
equal width of the bars and even spaces between them.

I will guide the pupil to construct rectangular bar on each age with the height corresponding to
its frequency.
Chart Title
11 12 13 14 15 16

tally frequency


QESTION: Show and explain how you will guide JHS 1 pupils to represent the data given
below using stem and leaf plot.
12,23,14, 35,29, 25,34, 31, 18, 16,27,25,16,26, 25, 19, 20, 21

Answer: I will guide the pupils to arrange the numbers in ascending order

12 14 16 16 18 19 2021 23 25 25 25 26 2729 31 34 35

I will explain to the pupils that the tens represent the ‘stem’ and the ones represent the ‘leaves’

I will guide the pupils to draw a vertical line with the tens values on the left of the line as the
stem and the ones on the right of the line as leaves as shown below.

In order for basic school pupils to understand the concept of chance, we need to engage pupils in
an activity of finding all possible outcomes of activities and also record the outcomes.

Finding all possible outcomes of a situation

Tossing a coin, we may agree on head (H) for one side and tail (T) for the other side.

Activities: 1. Let children toss a coin 20 times and record the outcomes.

2. Let children toss a die 20 times and record their outcomes.

i) In tossing a coin the possible outcomes are: {H,T}

similarly, when a die is tossed, we get all the possible outcomes as {1,2,3,4,5,6}

Finding The Chance Of Event

Finding the chance of an even is given by:

Q. Tossing a die once. Find the chance of obtaining an even number.

- Guide the pupils to find all possible outcomes if a die is tossed once. That is {1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6}

- Guide pupils to understand that we are interested about even numbers out of all the
possible outcomes. So that is our event = {2, 4, 6}

- Guide pupils to obtain the result by dividing the number of the event by the total number
of all possible outcomes.

3 1
- Therefore the chance of obtaining even number is =
6 2

Q. How would you explain to primary 6 pupils that the chance of a baby being born on a Friday
- I will explain to pupils that, there are seven days in a week which are {Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}

- I will then explain to pupils that, the chance of a baby being born on a Friday is one of
the seven days which represent one day out of seven days.

- Therefore the chance of a baby being born on Friday is


The use of calculator in teaching mathematics

Calculator can be used to solve complex problems in mathematics.

It makes work easy and convenient in doing mathematics.

It makes work faster when solving mathematical problem.

Question: Describe how you guide a pupil in JHS to solve the following problem using a
calculator 38 + 27.


I will guide the child to press the ON key and zero (0) will display on the screen.

I will guide the child to press 3 key followed by the 8 key and 38 will display on the screen.

I will guide the child to press the plus key followed by the 2 key and the 7 key and 38 + 27 will
display on the screen.

I will guide the child to press the = key and 65 will display on the screen as the answer.

Therefore 38 + 27 = 65

The type of learning in which students construct their own understanding of the world, through
experiencing things and reflecting on these experiences is called constructivism. Also, the type
of learning, in which students cannot construct their own understanding but the teacher feed
them with every information is called behaviorist theory.


1. Sensory motor stage
2. Pre- operational stage
3. Concrete operation stage
4. Formal operational stage

Characteristics of a child at Sensori motor stage

1. The child cannot speak / language
2. The child learns to control objects in their environment.
3. The child cries if he/she wants something

Characteristics of Pre- Operational stage

1. Children at this stage cannot relate to abstract things
2. They are very good in imitating
3. They have difficulties with height and time
Characteristics of concrete operational
1. They are able to perform mental activities
2. They cannot combine a series of operation to solve complex task
Characteristics of Formal Operation
1. The child can abstract things
2. They understand space, height, quantity etc.
3. They can reverse taught processes
Jerome Bruner
The 3 stages of learning are:
1. Enactive stage
2. Iconic stage
3. Symbolic stage
Enactive stage Iconic stage Symbolic stage.
1. Enactive stage is a period of development where children make use of concrete materials
in learning
2. Iconic stage is a period of development when children make use of mental pictures instead
of concrete objects. E.g. pictures of two pencils plus three pencils.
3. Symbolic stage. Children make use of abstract symbols to represent real values.

Enactive stage iconic stage Symbolic stage.

Concrete material semi – concrete abstract learning

ZoltanDienes Theory of Learning

Multiple embodiments’ principle is the use of several models, activities, experiences,
methods to develop a concept.
Note; 10 cubes = 1 long
10 longs= 1 flat
10 flats= 1 block


Q1. Show step by step how you would guide your primary 1 pupil to set out to find the
set of bottle tops which is the difference between two sets of bottle tops without counting.

Q 2. Explain, giving an example, what you understand by ‘‘sorting’’ as a pre-number

activity. Explain its importance for the introduction of number in primary class 1.

Q 3. What is the difference between the terms ‘‘cardinal number’’ and ‘‘ordinal

Q 4 Describe one way in which you would guide pupils in primary 4 to determine for
themselves that 3/4 and 6/8 are equivalent fractions, using concrete materials.

Q 5.Show step by step how you would guide a P5 pupil to find the measure of the angle
marked y in the figure below, using a protractor.

Q 6.Show how you would lead pupils in primary 5 to find two similarities and three
differences between a square and a rectangle.

Q 7. Using your own words state the difference between a ‘’primary’’ concept and a
‘’secondary’’ concept.

Q 8. Draw a diagram to illustrate the conversion of the fraction 2/5 to a percentage.

Q 9. ‘’Exchange games’’ are ideal for introducing children to the concept of place value.
Describe one of such games.

Q 10. Use square paper cut-out the following multiplication: 0.5 x 0.7

(Diagram is required in explaining the step at each stage.

Q 11. i) Use the ‘’scaffolding’’ algorithm to do the following long division.

27 |6308
ii) What are the advantages of this method over the ‘’standard’’ algorithm of division?

Q 11. List five important ideas or concepts in Mathematics which would expect a child to
have understood before being introduced to operations on whole numbers.

Q 12. Briefly describe two different ways in which you would help a primary 2 pupil to
understand the number fact 7 – 3 = 4.(The description should include materials you
would use)

Q 13.Describe situations which shows that a pupil in primary class 2 understood the
conservation of capacity.

Q 14. Show how you would explain to primary class 4 pupil that 5  0 has no unique
solution (undefined).

Q 15. Describe an activity you would use to help primary class 5 pupils to determine the
lines of symmetry of a rectangle.

Q 16 .How would you lead a primary class 6 pupil to measure the volume of a small

Q17. Describe how you would demonstrate to a child the need for a standard unit of
measurement of length.

Q 18. Show and explain how you would use Cuisenaire rods to show pupils in primary
class 2 that ; 2 + 5 = 5 + 2

Q 19. Describe an activity you would use to guide pupils in primary class 4 to find 1/3 +

Q 2O Give two reasons why a mathematics teacher needs to prepare a scheme of work.

Q 21. What is meant by the ‘’Principle of Multiple Embodiment?

Q 22. What do you understand by (i) concrete approach? And (ii) semi-concrete approach
to teaching?

Q 23. Give reasons why a teacher needs to consult the syllabus, teacher’s handbook and
the pupil’s textbook in preparing or preparation to teaching.

Q 24. Give two (2) pre-number activities in which you would involve primary class 1

Q 25. Describe briefly an activity you would use to teach the folding symmetry in
primary class 6.
Q 26. Describe briefly two different ways by which you would or will lead a primary
class 3 pupils to solve the problem 12  4, using concrete materials.

Q 27. Show two ways by which you would guide pupils to find value of 2(3 + 4).

Q 28. Describe how you would lead pupils in primary class 5 to find out for themselves
two properties of an isosceles triangle.

Q 29. Describe how you would determine whether a child has achieved conservation of

Q 30. Pupils in primary class 4 are building a graph using books to show their birth days.
Explain why it is important that the books they use should all be of the same size.

Q 31. What is the implication of Burner’s theory of development for teaching a new
mathematical concept?

Q 32. Give four characteristics of children in the pre-operation stage of

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development.

Q 33. Explain briefly two advantages in using games to teach mathematical concepts.

Q 34. Describe briefly how you would help a primary class 2 pupil to determine the value
of 3 in the number 234 using a named teaching learning material.

Q 35. Describe an activity that you would use to introduce measurements of mass to
pupils in primary class 2 using arbitrary units.

Q 36.Distinguish between instrumental and relational understanding.

Q 37.Identify ONE similarity and ONE difference between a pyramid and a prism.

Q 38. Briefly explain the three pre-number activities.

Q 39. Give three reasons why children learn mathematics in school.

Q 40.Distinguish clearly between a curriculum and syllabus.

Q 41. A primary class four pupils does the following ½ + 1/3 = 2/5

(i) State the child’s mistakes.

(ii) Describe how you would use concrete materials to help the pupil to overcome her
Q 42. Describe in sequence how you would use concrete materials to help upper primary
pupils to develop the following number patterns. 1, 3, 6, - - - , 10.

Q 43. Explain each of the following elements of a lesson plan with an example

(i) Objective (ii) Relevant Previous Knowledge (iii) Evaluation.

Q 44.Explain briefly and clearly Jerome Bruner’s Iconic stage in mathematics learning.

Q 45.What is a generic skill in mathematics learning? Give an example of a generic skill

you will develop in teaching a named topic in primary class 2.

Q 46.Describe briefly how you would use a named concrete material to introduce the
fraction 3/8 to pupils in primary class 3.

Q 47.Give four general aims of the mathematics syllabus for the primary schools in

Q 48. Describe an activity you would plan for primary class 6 pupils to enable them
collect data in their classroom.

Q 49. Using the set of numbers 9, 2, 7, 6, 5, 9, 3, 2, 5, 2, explain clearly each of the

following concepts to primary class 6 pupils. (i) Mode (ii) Median (iii) Mean.

Q 50.Show and explain how you would guide primary 6 pupils to represent the data given
below using stem and leaf plot.

12 23 14 35 29 25

34 31 16 27 25 16

26 19 20 12 18 25

Q 51. Using the topic ‘’fractions’’ write down in order a sequence of learning objectives
which will guide your teaching of the topic.

Q 52. Prepare a 30 minute lesson plan to teach mathematics to topic of your choice in P6
or p1. (Note: your lesson plan should be in a table form)

Q 53. Using a diagram, illustrate how you will teach the following: 3/4 x 4/5

(Note: In your description, explain how you will use coloured chalk in the diagram to
help the pupils understand the fraction multiplication).

Q 54. What is a generic skill? Describe two ways in which you will help primary class 1
pupils develop the generic skill of writing the number 3.
Q 55.Describe briefly one way which you will introduce the concept ‘angle’ to primary 6

Q 56. Write down six skills a child needs to develop to be able to tell the time from a
regular (analogue) clock.

Q 57.The marks obtained by 20 pupils in a class test are as follows:

1 6 2 5 23 3 4 4 5

4 3 2 5 31 5 4 3 6

Describe how you would guide pupils in class to represent the above information in a
simple frequency table, and represent it dramatically in a bar chart.

Q 58. Write briefly what ‘’sorting activities’’ are in the teaching and learning of

Q 59.Describe briefly, using a suitable example, Jerome Bruner’s ‘’iconic stage’’ of

development in the learning of mathematics.

Q 60. What do we mean when we say that a child has ‘’conserved numbers’’? Briefly
describe a conservation test you would carry out to determine whether a primary class 1
pupils has conserved number or not.

Q 61. Describe the ‘’comparison approach’’ in the teaching and learning of subtraction in
the primary school.

Q 62. How would you explain to a primary class 3 pupil that in the number 235, the value
of the digit 2 is greater than that of the digit 5?

Q 63.Describe how you would use concrete materials to show to a primary class 4 pupil
that the fractions 3/4 and 6/8 are equivalent.

Q 64. What is generic skill in mathematics learning? Give an example of a generic skill
and explain how it could be used in teaching and learning mathematics in a lower
primary class.

Q 65.Briefly describe two activities that you would use to introduce measurement of
mass or weight in primary class 2.

Q 66. Show and explain to an upper primary pupil why 13 is an odd number and also a
prime number, whereas 15 is an odd number but not a prime number.

Q67. Describe how you would guide primary class 5 pupils to determine the bigger of the
two fractions 1/3 and 2/5, using concrete materials.
Q 68. a) Write down a story problem for a situation in which subtraction is described as
‘’missing addend’’. Explain how you would help a child solve the problem.

(b) Describe how you would use Dienes’ blocks to help a child solve the problem 36 –
Q 69. a) Using the example 15  5, explain clearly the ‘’grouping’’ meaning of division.

b) Describe clearly how you would help an upper primary pupil to solve the addition
problem 2/5 + 3/10 using Cuisenaire rods. Draw diagrams to illustrate the steps you
would take the pupil through.

Q 70 Write out a detailed lesson plan showing clearly the steps you would follow in
teaching a lesson on the topic ‘’Addition of two-digit whole numbers with renaming’’ in
primary class 3.

Q 71. Explain briefly what is meant by the ‘’Multiple Embodiment principle’’ in the
teaching and learning of Mathematics. Describe briefly how you would use this
approach or principle to teach subtraction of one-digit whole numbers in lower primary

Q 72. Using suitable examples, clearly distinguish between a primary concept and a
secondary concept in mathematics.

Q 73.Show and explain how you would guide primary school pupils to distinguish
between even and odd numbers, using concrete materials.

Q 74. What does a child do when she sorts objects? Give two (2) reasons why you
would involve a child in primary class 1 in sorting activities.

Q 75. Using the example 12  3, clearly explain the ‘’grouping’’ meaning of division.

Q 76. Write a story problem for 3  ¼.

Q 77. Briefly describe an activity you would plan for primary class 6 pupils to enable
them collect data in their classroom.

Q 78.a) Using a suitable example, explain the concept ‘’place value’’ as used in

b) Describe how you would guide primary class 3 pupils to solve the subtraction
problem 112 – 47 using an abacus.

Q 79.a) How would you show and explain to an upper primary school pupil that 7/8 is
greater than 3/4, using a concrete material?
b) Using the example 1/3 + 1/5, describe step by step how you would use Cuisenaire rods
to develop the algorithm for the addition of common fractions with primary class 4
b) Describe how you would introduce primary school pupils to the measurement of
length up to and including the introduction of the metre as the standard unit for
measurement of length.

Q 80. The weights of 20 pupils in a class are as follows:

22 24 25 26 23

25 24 25 23 24

22 21 24 20 26

24 25 23 24 20

Describe how you would guide pupils in primary class 6 to represent the above
information in a simple frequency table and also represent it dramatically as a bar chart.

Q81. Explain briefly what “sorting activities” are in the teaching and learning of
Q82. What is the importance of pre-number work in children’s learning of Mathematics?
Q83. Describe two pre-number activities you will engage children in.
Q84. Explain, giving an example, what you understand by “sorting” as a pre-number
activity. What is its importance for the introduction of number in P. 1 class?
Q85. What does a child do when she sorts objects? Give two (2) reasons why you would
involve Primary 1 child in sorting activities.
Q86 a. Give two reasons why you will introduce children in pre-number work in learning
Q87. b. Describe how you will introduce the following pre-number activities to children
in Primary class 1. (i) Sorting o objects (ii) comparing of objects
Q88. On the teacher’s table are a number of chalks and pencils. How can a basic one
child tell which the two objects is more than the other, without counting?
Q89. What do we mean when we say that a child has “conserved number”?
Briefly describe a conservation test you would carry out to determine whether a primary
class 1 pupil has conserved number or not.
Q90. Describe briefly how you will explain the difference between the terms “cardinal
number” and “ordinal number” to primary class 2 pupils.
Give an example in each case to support your explanation.
Q91. Explain the following concepts clearly:
(i) Cardinal number (ii) ordinal number
Q92. What is a “generic skill” in Mathematics learning? Describe two ways in which
you will help Primary class 1 pupils develop the generic skill of writing the numeral 3.
Q93. Using the sieve of Eratosthenes, how will you guide Primary class 5 pupils to find
the Prime numbers between 1 and 50?
Q94. Explain three factors that contribute to fewer girls than boys showing interest in
doing Mathematics?
Q95. Explain briefly the following terms:
A) Gender b) Gender bias c) Gender stereotype
d) Gender balance
Q95. List and explain three steps/ways in which a teacher can help more girls to develop
interest in Mathematics lessons.
Q96. What is a generic skill in Mathematics learning? Give an example of a generic
skill and explain how it could be used in teaching and learning Mathematics in a lower
primary class.
Q97. What is a “generic skill” in Mathematics learning? Describe two ways in which
you will help primary class 1 pupils develop the generic skill of writing the numeral 3.
Q97. Design three activities that you can use to help a P.1 pupil to develop the following
generic skills (a) speak (b) read (c) write (d) predict (e) listen
Q119. Using concrete materials, describe two different ways in which you would guide a
primary class one pupils to solve 5 – 3.
Q98. Show in sequence, how you would guide primary class 3 pupils to do the following
addition and subtraction using Dienes’ base ten materials. (a) 28 + 37 (b) 53 – 27
Q99. Describe the “comparison approach” in the teaching and learning of subtraction in
the primary school.
Q100. Describe how you would use Dienes’ blocks to help a child solve the problem 36
– 17.
Q101. Describe how you would guide primary class 3 pupils to solve the subtraction
problem 112 – 47 using an abacus
Q102. Using concrete materials, describe two different ways in which you would guide a
primary class one pupils to solve 3 + 5.
Q103. Explain the “grouping” method of division using the example 15 ÷ 3.
Q104. Using the example 12 ÷ 3, explain briefly the grouping meaning of division.
Q105. Draw diagrams to illustrate the multiplication 6 x 8 and 8 x 6. Using the same
interpretation, explain each diagram and the result obtained in each case.
Q106. Write a story problem for 3 ÷ ¼.
Q107. Using the example 8 ÷ 4, explain briefly the method of division.
Q107. In the example 45 ÷ 3 = 15, which value or numeral is the quotient, dividend and
divisor? Briefly explain the terms “quotient” “dividend” and “divisor”.
Q108. Show and explain how you would lead a pupil to distinguish between an odd
number and a prime number, using suitable examples.
Q109. (a) Describe how you would use concrete materials to show pupils that 214 =
(b) Describe how you would help an upper primary pupil to solve the problem

1 1
+ using Cuisenaire rods.
2 3

Q110. Assume that a pupil cannot measure using the conventional units.

(a) Describe how you would help the child to find out which of two objects is longer: a
pen and a pencil on the teacher’s table.

(b) Describe clearly how you would guide the pupil to find out which of the following is
wider: the length of her classroom, and the distance between two pillars on the verandah
of her school block.

Q111. (a) How would you help pupils distinguish between the perimeter and the area of a

(b) Describe how you would guide pupils to find the relationship between the
circumference (C) and the diameter (d) of a circle; that is, C =πd, where π is constant.

Q112 Write out on objective you hope to achieve in a lesson in primary class 1 on the
topic “addition of two 2-digit numbers.

Q113. (a) What is meant by the “Principle of Multiple Embodiment?

(b) Explain three (3) different ways by which a teacher can teach the concept of

Q114. (a) As a teacher you are planning to teach addition of three (3) digit numbers to
P5 pupils. For your lesson, state the following:

(i) Lesson objectives (ii) Relevant Previous knowledge

(iii) Core points for the first two activities.

(b) Give two (2) reasons why a teacher needs to consult the syllabus, teacher’s
handbook and the pupils’ textbook in preparation to teach.

Q115. Briefly describe to difference between a ratio and a proportion.

Give an example of each

Q116. Briefly describe a situation which shows that a pupil has developed the
conservation of (a) volume (b) weight.
Q117. List five elements which should be considered in the preparation of a good lesson
plan and explain what should be considered in each.

Q118. Describe a practical activity which children in a primary school could do to

illustrate the passage of time (Note: Not a clock face).

Q119. Describe a method children could use to measure the volume of any small solid

Q120. Briefly explain the difference between square numbers and triangular numbers.

Q121. Give three general aims of the mathematics syllabus for primary schools in Ghana
Q122. Give three reasons why it is necessary for basic school teacher to prepare lesson
plans for teaching mathematics.
Q123. Explain briefly and clearly, using a suitable example, Jerome Bruner’s iconic stage
in mathematics learning.
Q124. Describe briefly how you will help a primary Class 2 pupil to determine the value
of 5 in 153, using Dienes’ base ten materials.
Q125. Describe briefly how you will use a named concrete material to introduce the
fraction to pupils in primary Class 3.
Q126. How will you explain to a pupil in primary class 5 that 0.9 is greater than 0.61?
Q127. Explain briefly how you will lead upper primary pupils to find out for themselves
three differences between a square and a rectangle.
Q128. Describe briefly two activities through which you will introduce the concept
“angle” to primary class 5 pupils.
Q129. A pupil simplified as follows: as follows:
15 1
25 2
a) What is wrong with this approach to the solution?
b) How will you help the pupil to simplify the fraction correctly?
Q130. Describe how you would present the concept of angles to a primary 4 pupil.

Q131. How would you explain to primary 6 pupils that 139 is not divisible by 3 (without
performing the actual division)?

Q132. Explain, giving an example, what you understand by “sorting” as a pre- number
activity. What is its importance for the introduction of number in primary class one?
Q133. Describe briefly how you will explain the difference between the terms “cardinal
number” and “ordinal number” to primary class two pupils. Give an example in each case
to support your explanation.
Q134. Describe the steps that you would go through with your pupils in primary class 4
to introduce them to the measurement of area, including the introduction of the standard
unit “the square centimeter (cm2)”
Q135. Describe how you would introduce the decimal fraction 0.16 to pupils in primary
class 5, using Dienes’ base ten blocks.
1 1
Q136. Using the example. + , describe, step by step, how you would use Cuisenaire
3 4
rods to develop the algorithm for the addition of common fractions with primary class 4

Q137. The marks obtained by 20 pupils in a class exercise are follows:

1 6 2 5 2 3 3 4 4 5

4 3 2 5 3 1 5 4 3 6

Describe how you would guide pupils in primary class 6 to present the above
information in a simple frequency table, and represent it diagrammatically as a bar

Q138. A primary two class child has been taught that ‘5’ is greater than ‘3’; but he does
not understand why the digit ‘3’ is greater than the digit ‘5’ in the number 35. Explain
briefly how you will help this child to understand.
Q139. Describe the comparison approach in the teaching and learning of subtraction of
whole numbers.
Q140. Using the example , clearly explain division as ‘sharing’.
Q141. Describe one way in which you would guide pupils in primary class 4 to determine
3 6
for themselves that and are equivalent fractions, using concrete materials.
4 8
Q142. a) Explain the following concepts clearly:i)Cardinal number (ii) Ordinal
b) Describe two activities (one for each) which you would carry out with Primary
Class 1 pupils so that they would understand.

i) Cardinal number ;
ii) Ordinal number.
Q143. a) Clearly explain “direct comparison “in the measurement of length
b) Describe how you will guide pupils in a lower primary class to find out
which of the following is wider:
i) The width of their classroom door, and

ii) The width of a window in their classroom.

Assume that the pupils cannot measure in meters nor centimeters.

Q144. a) Using the set of numbers 9, 2, 7, 6, 5, 9, 3, 2, 2; explain clearly each of the

following concepts to primary class 6 pupils:
i) Mode (ii) median.

b) Show and explain how you would guide primary class 6 pupils to represent the data
given below using stem and leaf plot:

12 23 14 35 29 25

34 31 16 27 25 16

26 25 19 20 21 18

Q145.Illustrate how you would teach pupils in primary onethe idea of three.

Q146. How would you assist pupils to distinguish between ‘perimeter’ and ‘area’?

i. What is mathematics curriculum? State 5 aims of the mathematics
ii. Distinguish between a mathematics curriculum and a mathematics
iii. The primary syllabus is based upon behavioral objectives. With examples
explain behavioral objectives. Give two (2) other objectives on
iv. The scheme of work for a school term is known as weekly forecast.
Briefly describe 4 importance of the scheme of work.




5 ×7 and 7× 5
(b) Using the same interpretation, explain each diagram.
(c) Give one other way of interpreting multiplication
THAT 7 × 12 = 84 (USE DIAGRAMS)
Q153. Using beads or other concrete materials, describe how you would demonstrate to
children that 24 ÷ 4 = 6 (i) using sharing (i) using regrouping
(a) 1/3 and 1/5 (b) 4/5 and ¾ (c) 2/5 and 4/5
1 2
OF AND USING (a) A Concrete Approach (b) A Semi – Concrete Approach
2 8


3 12


1 1
8 6
1 1
Describe an activity you will do to help him to discover that is greater than
6 8

1 1 2
Q155. Show how you would help the child overcome his mistake + =
3 4 7


2 3 4 1 1
(a) 4 × (b) × (c) 1 ×1
3 4 5 2 3


1 1 1 1
(a) 4 ÷ (b) ÷4 (c) 4 ½ ÷ 1 ½ (d) ÷
2 2 2 3
4 3
5 4
CLASS TO SOLVE 0.3 × 0.6
3 × 2.14
Q162. The shoes sizes of pupils in class were measured by a pupil as follows:

35 37 37 35 36 36 36 35 38 38 38

39 38 36 36 36 40 40 37 37 27 37

37 41 42 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38

Put this data on a frequency table:

Q163. The masses of forty (40) pupils in a class are as followings;

24 28 26 25 23 27 22 24 28 26

27 23 28 27 30 23 22 24 28 25

29 32 25 25 20 26 29 24 24 24

31 29 25 25 30 27 28 25 25 23

a. Construct a frequency table using the data given above

b. How many pupils weigh 30 kg?

c. What is the difference in weight between the lightest and the heaviest?

Q167. A coin is tossed once. (1) Find probability of obtaining a head.

Q168. Describe a simple experiment to introduce children to the concept of probability

or chance

Q169. Draw a diagram to illustrate the conversion of fraction ¾ to a percentage

Q170. A primary class pupil expresses 3 kgs. 4gs as 3.04 kg in the decimal notation. How
would you lead the pupil to find out whether, she is right or wrong?

Q171. Explain briefly how you will use a centimetre squared paper to guide a primary 4
pupil to find the width of a rectangle whose area is 35 square centimetres and length 7

Q172. Describe an activity in which you will involve children in primary school to enable
them to identify isosceles triangle
Q173. A primary class 4 pupil is given a rectangle of length 4 ½ cm and 3 ½ cm.
Describe how you will guide the pupil to determine the area of the rectangle using
square centimetre units.

1. Benham, N. B. Hosticka, A. and Yeotish, J.D. (1982). Making concepts in science and
mathematics vixible and vaible in the early childhood curriculum.. school science and

2. Blakemore, C. (2001). What makes a developmentally appropriate early childhood

curriculum? RSA Lecture

3. Burton, G.M. (1985). Towards a good beginning: teaching early childhood mathematics.
Menlo Park, carlifornia: Addisson – Wesley.
4. CCE UCC (2005) Methods of teaching primary school mathematics. Cape Coast; UCC

5. Copelan, R.W. (1984). How children learn mathematics: teaching implications of Piagets
research. New York: Macmillan.
6. Cruickshank, Sheffield (1992), Teaching Mathematics to Elementary School Children.

7. Famiyeh – Eshun, J &Sam Tagoe, J (2003). Mathematics connection Vol. 2 Winneba:

mathematics Association of Ghana

8. Institute of Education UCC,(2007-2016): Past questions, Cape Coast; UCC

9. Kwapong, J.O & Duedu, C.B. (2009). Brilliant Numeracy for beginner Pupils
Workbooks 1 and 2. Accra: sleew publications Ghana Limited

10. Kwapong, J.O & Duedu, C.B. (2009). Brilliant Numeracy for beginner Teachers Guide
KG1 and KG2. Accra: sleew publications Ghana Limited

11. Martin, J.L. (1994); Mathematics for Teacher Training in Ghana – Students’ Activities
and Tutors ‘Notes, Accra: Unimax Macmillan Ltd.

12. Primary School Mathematics Textbooks, Teachers Handbooks and Workbook. MOE
(2012) Teaching syllabus for mathematics in primary schools. Accra: CRDD
13. Sovehik, R. J. (1996). Teaching mathematics to children.2nd Edition.New York; Happer
Collins College Publishers.

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