Lotus Academy: Functions of The Draw Frame
Lotus Academy: Functions of The Draw Frame
Lotus Academy: Functions of The Draw Frame
(1) To straighten the fibres and to make them parallel to the central axis of the sliver. This is done by
subjecting the sliver in between several pairs of rollers with each subsequent pair of rollers moving faster than the
previous one. The drafting tends to reduce the linear density of the sliver.
(2) To improve the evenness of the sliver. This is achieved by feeding more than one sliver at the draw frame
and drawing it together. The feed of multiple slivers is called as doubling. Most commonly 6 to 8 sliver are fed to
the draw frame and hence a doubling of 6 to 8 is achieved. The doubling reduces the mass variation of the sliver by
averaging out the heavy and light sections of the sliver. The decrease in the linear density of the sliver caused by
drafting is balanced out proportionately by combining a number of card slivers.
(3) The doubling process at the draw frame in addition to improve the evenness of the silver can also be used
to blend different origin of fibres. For example to obtain a 50:50 blend of cotton and polyester fibres equal number
of both cotton and polyester card slivers must be doubled together provided that the count of all card slivers is
(4) To produce a proper weight of sliver required for the following process. Doubling and drafting are the two
main processes employed at the draw frame. Drafting tends to decrease the linear density of the sliver whereas
doubling tends to cancel out the effect of drafting. If drafting and double are of same proportion then the drawn
silver will have same linear density as that of the card sliver. But if the drafting employed is more than the
doubling than the resultant drawn sliver will be finer than the fed card sliver and vice versa. Therefore the degree
of drafting and doubling actually depends upon the required final count of the yarn.
Draft zone
Measuring Break draf t
unit draf t
(for speed
Autolevelling System
The draw frames are built with one or two deliveries. The single delivery draw frame is more efficient and flexible but
the double delivery draw frames have the advantage of having twice the production covering nearly the same floor area
as that of the single delivery draw frame. The double delivery draw frames also have a less initial cost. A standard
draw frame is divided into following sections:
Creel is the portion of the draw frame where the card sliver cans are placed.
The sliver coming out of each can is passed over a guide plate and is fed to the main drafting rollers. The sliver is
either directly pulled by the drafting rollers or in order to avoid unnecessary stretch it is pulled by power driven rollers
placed just above the cans. The creel also sometimes has an automatic stop motion to detect sliver breaks and on
breaking of any sliver, the machine will be stopped.
The drafting of the sliver at the draw frame is carried out by roller drafting method in which the card sliver is passed
through two or more pairs of rollers. In modern draw frames the top roller used are rubber coated and are called as cots
while the bottom rollers are steel rollers having fine flutes on their surfaces. The cots exert pressure on the bottom
rollers and their surface is treated with anti-static material. The back cots exert less pressure as compared to the next
succeeding cot in the drafting system.
The surface speed of each succeeding pair of roller is kept more than the previous one. The slower pair of roller grips
the fibres whereas the next faster pair of rollers draws the fibres forward. This increases the length of the sliver and
reduces its linear density by a factor equal to the ratio of the surface speed of the fast moving roller to the surface
speed of the slow moving roller. This ratio is called as mechanical draft.
The distance between the two pair of rollers is called as drafting zone. The distance between the nip lines of the two
adjacent pair of rollers is called the roller setting. The first pair of rollers (at the feed end) is called as the back rollers
and the last pair of rollers (at the delivery end) is called as the front rollers.
The roller drafting systems used on various draw frames are of many types. However every roller drafting system is
named according to the number of top and bottom rollers it has. Draw frames are available with 4 over 4, 3 over 3, 4
over 3, 5 over 3 and 3 over 4 roller arrangements. All of these arrangements give good results when set appropriately.
A 4 over 4 roller drafting system is shown below:
The over 4 over 4 drafting system has four pair of rollers and hence has three drafting zones namely the back zone,
middle zone and the front zone. The draft given in the back zone is called as the break draft, the draft in the middle
zone is called as the middle draft and the draft given at the front zone is called as the main draft. The break draft is
always smaller than middle draft and the main draft is always kept the greatest.
Break Draft = V2 / V1 Middle Draft = V3 / V2 Main Draft = V4/V3
The total draft is the product of the individual drafts given in all drafting zones.
As the fibres are drafted out at the draw frame, the hooked fibres are also straightened out. This is illustrated in below:
In this example for simplicity three fibres are shown to be caught between two pair of rollers. The roller pair (A) is
moving at a linear speed of 100 m/min whereas the roller pair (B) is moving 5 times faster at 500 m/min. When the
slower hooked fibre (1) held by the nip of roller pair (A) comes in contact with the faster moving fibres (1 & 2) held by
the nip of roller pair (B), the faster fibres (1 & 2) will tend to pull the slower fibre (1) and the hooked end will be
aligned with other fibres moving in the same direction.
The roller setting which is the distance between the nip lines of the two adjacent pair of rollers is mainly governed by
the fibre length. The roller setting is kept widest apart in the back zone while it is narrowest in the front zone. This is
due to the fact that fibres in the back zone will have more hooks and a wider spacing must be given in this zone to
allow the fibres to attenuate and grow. Since fibres reaching the front zone will have many of their hooks removed by
the previous zone so less wide roller spacing is required here.
When adjusting roller settings, the distance between the nips of the two adjacent rollers should be just wide enough to
let the longest fibre grow. If the spacing is too narrow, the longer fibres will break. If the spacing is too wide then too
many fibres will float in between the two draft zones. The floating fibres are the ones which are not held by any pair of
drafting rollers. Floating fibres can bulge at a point to create thick and thin places. The succession of thick and thin
places along the sliver is called as the drafting wave. Drafting wave may also be caused by worn off cots and other
machine imperfections.
The flat fibre web (consisting of several card slivers) exiting the drafting section must be converted back into a web.
The fibre web leaving the front pair of drafting rollers is passed through a converging tube and is guided to a specially
designed condensing funnel called as the trumpet guide as shown below:
The degree of condensing at the trumpet guide is essential for providing a good fibre to fibre cohesion to hold them
better in a sliver. However if too much condensing is done then the drawn sliver develops thick places.
After condensing of fibres at the trumpet guide back into a sliver form, the sliver is passed through a pair of calender
rollers which does a further compressing of the fibre mass and ultimately deposits the drawn sliver into a sliver can.
The drawn sliver coming out of the calendar rollers is passed through a coiler tube fixed on a coiler plate. The coiler
gears fixed on the coiler plate help to rotate the coiler tube so that sliver can be laid in the can in form of special coils.
The can rests on the rotating plate, with the rotation of the plate the can also rotates. The rate of rotation of the can is
kept slower than the rate of rotation of the coiler tube. This helps in proper deposition of drawn sliver in a spiral
It is necessary to keep the sliver deposition rate slightly higher than the sliver delivery so that blockage of the sliver in
the tube may be avoided. However this difference should not be too large where false draft may arise in the sliver.
As the fibres move swiftly over the surface of the drafting rollers, dust and lint may be dislodged into the air. The
purpose of the suction system on the draw frame is to remove these particles so that they might not get deposited on
the surface of the drafting rollers and also to maintain a dust and lint free working environment. The accumulation of
the fibrous mass on the surface of the rollers causes unevenness in drafting and sometimes also causes sliver breakages
causing the machine to stop.
The basic elements of a roller drafting unit is shown in Figure. There are two sets of rollers, the front rollers (top and
bottom) and the back rollers (top and bottom). The front rollers are also known as the delivery rollers while the back
rollers the feed rollers. For drafting to occur, the front roller surface speed V FR is faster than the back roller surface
speed VBR. The bottom rollers are the driving rollers, which drive the top rollers by frictional contacts. The top rollers
are loaded by spring or dead weight to apply pressure to the fibre material running between the two sets of top and
bottom rollers.
Drafting Zone
Assuming all fibres are uniform in length and diameter, and straight and parallel to sliver axis. The position of each
fibre in the sliver will be fully described by position of its fibre leading end and its length. Existing textile processes
can not arrange these fibres in such a perfect manner that a sliver would have the same number of fibres in its cross
sections along its length (we call this sliver a perfect sliver). The best sliver that can be expected under optimum
processing conditions is one in which the fibre leading ends are randomly distributed. A sliver with random fibre
leading ends distribution is called an ideal sliver.
For an ideal sliver to remain ideal after drafting, the random fibre leading ends distribution should be maintained. This
requires that the drafting should increase the distance between fibre leading ends by a factor exactly equal to the draft
used, which can only be achieved through perfect roller drafting.
Each fibre in the drafting zone should travel at the speed of the back roller until its leading end reaches the
front roller nip; the fibre then gets accelerated instantly to the front roller speed.
Achieving perfect roller drafting requires individual control and manipulation of single fibres during the drafting
process, which is not possible with existing technology. Nevertheless, near-perfect roller drafting may be obtainable if
the pressure distribution in the drafting zone is ideal.
The ideal pressure distribution indicated in Figure has the following features:
(a) Back roller pressure is enlarged, in order to keep fibres move at back roller speed.
(b) Front roller pressure is more concentrated or narrow, so that fibres under the influence of the front roller
pressure can change speed near the nip of the front rollers.
(c) Pressure from back rollers decreases gradually, so fibres are not held back while they get accelerated at the
front roller nip.
With an ideal pressure distribution in the drafting zone, near-perfect roller drafting can be achieved.
The pressure distribution provided by a simple roller drafting system is indicated by the broken line in Figure. Such a
pressure distribution does not facilitate a near perfect roller drafting and often some fibre control devices are needed in
the drafting zone. Fibre control during drafting will be discussed later.
In a real roller drafting situation, both the pressure distribution in the drafting zone and the slivers themselves are not
as ideal as the ones mentioned above. Fibres in a real sliver are of different lengths and diameters. They are often not
straight and parallel to sliver axis. Fibre leading ends may not follow a perfect random distribution. There are also
grouping of fibres in the sliver due to fibre entanglements and frictional contacts. Besides, there may be variation in
roller speed and slippage between fibres and rollers etc. All these factors contribute to the fact that perfect roller
drafting is not achieved in real drafting.
Because the ratch of a drafting zone is set according to the length of the longest fibres, many fibres are not gripped by
either the front roller or the back roller nip for some part of their journey through the drafting zone. Figure shows a
simple roller drafting unit with three typical fibres of different lengths in the drafting zone. The three fibres a, b and c
will behave differently during drafting.
b c
Fibre a: The front rollers exsert more pressure on this fibre than the back rollers. It has been accelerated to the front
roller speed and is a 'fast-moving' fibre, travelling at the speed of front rollers.
Fibre b: This fibre is under heavy control of the back rollers. It is a 'slow-moving' fibre.
Fibre c: This fibre is not under direct control of either roller nip. Fibres which are not gripped by either nip are
known as 'floating fibres'. The movement of a floating fibre will depend on its surrounding fibres. If it is
surrounded by some slow moving fibres and some fast moving fibres, it may be accelerated before its
leading end reaches the front roller nip if the sum of the frictional forces between it and the fast moving
fibres is greater than the sum of the frictional forces between it and the slow moving fibres. A floating fibre
like fibre c may also accelerate to immediate velocities depending on the ratio of the frictional forces.
Floating fibres are obviously short fibres. Another feature of this floating fibre is that once it gets
accelerated, it moves faster than other longer ones because there is less restraining force on its short training
The following observations can be made from this simplified description of fibre movements.
decreases. The reduction in withdrawal force causes the sliver to retract, so fibres reach the front roller nip later than
expected, producing a thin place. Again, this process repeats and drafting wave is produced. The wave length of this
drafting wave is also about 2.5 times the mean fibre length.
The main aim of fibre control is to keep the floating fibres at the speed of back rollers until they reach the front roller
nip (i.e. to prevent fibres being accelerated out of turn), while still allowing long fibres to be drafted.
Different yarn manufacture systems, and different process in the same system, often apply different control device in
drafting. Two examples of fibre control in short staple drawing machines (draw frames) are shown in Figure. The
control roller and pressure bar force the fibre assembly (in the drafting zone) to take a curved path, thus increasing the
pressure on fibres at the control roller or pressure bar. The increased pressure helps to control fibre movement during
Examples of fibre control for the Short Staple Draw frames
Pressure bar
Control roller
As mentioned in the beginning, drawing often implies the actions of doubling and drafting. We have already discussed
drafting at length. Doubling simply means combining several slivers together as the input to a drawframe. According
to the law of doubling discussed in the module on yarn evenness, if n slivers are doubled together, the CV of the
doubled material will be reduced by a factor of n , or
CVbefore doubling
CVafter doubling
CV before doubling
Where is the average CV of the individual slivers before doubling.
Fibre control and doubling are necessary in drawing to improve the quality, particularly evenness, of drawn
slivers. As in carding, autolevelling is often used in drawing to further improve the evenness of drawn
materials. The principle of autolevelling has been discussed in the carding section. An example of
autolevelling in drawing is shown in figure 1.18. This is an open-loop or feed forward autolevelling system.
The input material is measured for linear density or thickness by a measuring unit, the signal is processed
and compared with set value by the signal processing unit. If deviation exists, then the servomotor is
instructed to change the speed of the drafting rollers to adjust the draft in other to reduce the irregularity of
the output material.
We already know that most fibres in card slivers are hooked fibres, and one of the key objectives of drawing
is to straighten out these hooked fibres.
Consider a trailing hook (T) and a leading hook (L) in drawing as shown in Figure 1.19. For the trailing
hook, it will travel initially at the speed of the back drafting rollers. Soon its leading end, embedded in ‘fast-
moving’ fibres under the influence of the front drafting rollers, will travel with the ‘fast-moving’ fibres at the
front roller speed. Since the hooked end of the fibre is still embedded in a relatively thick body of ‘slow-
moving’ fibres controlled by the back rollers, the difference in speed between the leading end and trailing
(hooked) end will straighten out the hook. For the fibre with leading hook (L), the hook can get caught easily
by the ‘fast moving’ fibres and travel at the front roller speed, while the unhooked trailing end offers little
resistance to its acceleration. As a result, the leading hook (L) is likely to persist into the output material.
From this brief discussion, it is clear that one passage through a drawframe only effectively removes trailing
Traili ng hook i n the dra fti ng zo ne Leading hook in the dra fti ng zo ne
(straighte ns o ut easily) (does not straig hte n o ut easily)
Higher draft in drawframe will reduce sliver uniformity, but will improve fibre parallelisation.
Most of the improvement in fiber parallelization and reduction in hooks takes
In case of two drawframe passage, first drawframe passage will reduce the periodic variation due to piecing.
Quality of sliver will also be good, because of less and stable feed variation.
Most of the improvement in fiber parallelization and reduction in hooks takes place at first drawframe passage
than at second passage
Better fibre parallelisation generally results in more uniform yarns and a lower end breakage rate in spinning.
More the number of doublings lower the irregularity caused due to random variations. Doublings does not normally
eliminate periodic faults. But it reduces the effects of random pulses. Doubling does not have any effect on Index of
Irregularity also, since both the irregularities are reduced by square root of the number of doublings.
Higher the weight of sliver fed to drawframe, lower the yarn strength, yarn evenness, and it leads to higher
imperfections in the yarn and more end breakages in ring spinning
Wider back roller setting will result in lower yarn strength, improve, improve yarn strength, and increase
Higher back top roller pressure will reduce yarn strength