The document provides guidance for SCDL learners on conducting project work. It outlines that projects should be relevant to the learner's area of specialization. The research process involves defining the problem/objectives, designing a plan, collecting and analyzing data, and reporting findings. Projects must have a supervisor who is a postgraduate with experience in teaching or management. Learners must prepare a 5-6 page proposal outlining the title, objectives, methodology, and other details. The document also provides formatting guidelines and instructions for preparing the final project report.
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Project Report
The document provides guidance for SCDL learners on conducting project work. It outlines that projects should be relevant to the learner's area of specialization. The research process involves defining the problem/objectives, designing a plan, collecting and analyzing data, and reporting findings. Projects must have a supervisor who is a postgraduate with experience in teaching or management. Learners must prepare a 5-6 page proposal outlining the title, objectives, methodology, and other details. The document also provides formatting guidelines and instructions for preparing the final project report.
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Application of Research Methodology to Project Work
SCDL allows learners to take up any topic of their interest and choice for project work. However, learners should bear in mind that project topic should be relevant in their area of specialization. For example, the learners of PGDBA (Marketing) should carry out their project work only in the functional areas of Marketing or PGDIT learners should select topics from their area of choice. Although an illustrative list of the topics is being given at the end in order to give an idea about project topics or titles of the project, learners are nevertheless advised not to restrict themselves only to the topics specified. SCDL gives liberty to choose any topic relevant to a learner’s specialization. Steps in Research Process Defining the problem and Project Objectives Designing Project Plan Collecting Data Analysis of Data Interpretation and reporting the findings 2 4. Project Supervisor (Guide) Projects can be guided by any Post Graduate degree holder with/without a Doctorate Degree working in an academic institution (preferably teaching MBA /Management course) or a person working in the managerial cadre in any industrial/business /IT organization. Learners must take advice and suggestions from their guides from time to time. 5. Project Proposal Once the learner decides the Project topic, he/she should prepare a proposal as per the format given in the next page. This format should be considered as ANNEXURE 1 of the Project report by the learners. The Proposal should not be more than 5 to 6 pages. In other words, the project proposal need not be sent separately. 6. Format of Proposal Name of the Learner……………………………………......... Registration No. …………………………………………..... Program Name………………………………………………… Address…………………………………………………......... ......………………………………………………….................. Proposal must carry the following information _ Title of the Project _ Objectives _ Need for the topic _ Methodology and Procedure of Work _ Statistical Techniques to be used (If any) _ Chapterisation _ Detailed Information of Guide: Name, Address, Qualification, Designation, Special Field of Work, Experience, Any Other Important Information 7. Technical specifications of the project report _ Paper: A4 size Bond Paper only (11"x 8.5") _ Fonts: Times New Roman, 12 font size, ‘1.5’ spacing _ Margin: Left 35 mm, Right 20mm, Top 35mm, Bottom 20mm _ Binding: Rexin Black Bound or Plastic & spiral bound _ First (preliminary) page should have the following information: i) Top: The Title in BLOCK CAPITALS ii) Centre: Full name of the student in Capital letters and Registration Number iii) Bottom: Name of the Institute (i.e. SCDL), in Block Capitals, and the Academic year 3 8. Instructions for the preparation of hard copy of the project report Learners should note the following important points regarding project work: _ The title of the project-report should not be the same as the objectives, as there can be more than one objective for a particular study. _ Each objective will have at least one or more findings and suggestions. _ Each objective must have relevant questions in the questionnaire and/or interview schedule. _ Learner must ensure adequate coverage of the topic in general and objectives in particular. _ Coloured figures/diagrams/graphs/tables will add value to the presentation of the report. Every table and diagrammatic representation should have a serial number and a caption. _ All Project reports are to be sent by post or delivered personally at the address of SCDL main campus. _ Project Report should be of minimum 65 pages for all two year programs and of 30 pages for all one year programs. 9. No Objection Certificate If the project is carried out in an organization, a certificate of the CEO or any other authorized person of the organization is necessary, mentioning that the organization has no objection in publishing the findings of the project study. The certificate should bear the name of the authority with signature and company stamp. Alternatively, the certificate should be given on the company’s letterhead and signed by the company’s authorized person. 9(a) FOR EMPLOYED LEARNERS SPECIMEN NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE This is to certify that ……….. (Learner’s name) is an employee of this institute/organization for the past ………… We have no objection for him/her to carry out a project work titled “…………………” in our organization and for submitting the same to the Director, SCDL as a part of fulfillment of the……………..Program. We wish him/her all the success. Seal of the company Signature of the competent authority of the Institute / Organization Place: Date: 4 9 (b) FOR NON EMPLOYED LEARNERS SPECIMEN NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE This is to certify that ……….. (Learner’s name) is permitted to use relevant data/information of this organization for his/her project in fulfillment of the ……………..Program. We wish him/her all the success. Seal of the company Signature of the competent authority of the Institute / Organization Place: Date: CERTIFICATE/DECLARATION REGARDING ORIGINALITY This is to be given by the learner and the supervisor (guide) indicating that this project work is original and submitted for the first time. SPECIMEN 9(c) DECLARATION BY THE LEARNER This is to declare that I have carried out this project work myself in part fulfillment of the …………..Program of SCDL. The work is original, has not been copied from anywhere else and has not been submitted to any other University/Institute for an award of any degree/diploma. Date: Signature: Place: Name: SPECIMEN 9(d) CERTIFICATE OF SUPERVISOR (GUIDE) Certified that the work incorporated in this Project Report…………….. (Title) submitted by …………….. (Learner’s name) is his/her original work and completed under my supervision. Material obtained from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the Project Report Date: Signature of Guide: Place: 5 10. Chapterisation i) No Objection Certificate ii) Declaration by the Learner iii) Certificate by the Supervisor Chapters Page Nos. 1. Introduction………………………………………………… 2. Objectives and Scope……………………………………… 3. Limitations …………………………………………………. 4. Theoretical Perspective…………………… 5. Methodology and Procedure of Work ………… 6. Analysis of Data……………………………………………. 7. Findings, Inferences and Recommendations………………… 8. Conclusion…………………………………………………… 9. Summary of the Project Report ANNEXURES I) Proposal II) References III) List of Figures, Charts, Diagrams…………………………… IV) List of Tables ……………………………………………… (Note: The “No Objection” Certificate and the Declaration Certificate of the learner and the supervisor will be a part of the hard bound Project Report.) 11. Scheme of Assessment and Evaluation of Project Sr. No. Item of Assessment 1. Area and topic selected for the project work 2. Need of the project topic and statement of objectives of the project work 3. Methodology and procedure of the project work 4. Tools of data collection 5. Presentation of collected data tabulation, diagrams, graphs a concise form 6. Analysis of data 7. Use of statistical techniques for analyzing of data 8. Findings, inferences, their educational implications and recommendations. 9. Preliminary pages of the project report, typing, binding and get-up of the report 10 Overall impressions about the project work and its presentation in the report form 11 If the project has any relevance to the existing job profile, a learner has to furnish a feedback from his/her immediate superior as to why/how the particular topic has been chosen by the concerned learner and what value it would add in general or in particular. 6 12. Selection of Project Topic The project can be selected in various ways like _ Select a company / organization / institute concerned _ Discuss with concerned persons, your specific requirements and select the subject/topic in their consultation. _ Discuss with your faculty concerned, before making a choice of your subject/topic. _ Consult experts in the field to make a right choice of the subject _ Study various articles / news items etc. appearing in dailies, weekly, monthly magazines to look for a desired topic. _ Discussions with the relevant firm may help select a proper topic. _ A critical eye can help you spot the right topic for your project. 13. Suggested List of Topics for Project Work Human Resource Management 1. Philosophy and Management of Human Resources in select large sized Indian Industries 2. Leadership styles – A comparison of Indian and Foreign Banks in Pune 3. Job satisfaction and Job involvement of employees in select Textile Mills in Gujarat 4. Status of Industrial Relations and Implementation of Labor Welfare 5. Measures in select Oil Mines 6. HR Practices and Organizational Strategies in select IT companies in India 7. 360 degree appraisal in ABC Corporation 8. Potential appraisal in Maruti Udyog 9. Strikes and lockouts in ABC 10. Cross cultural issues in HR 11. Industrial conflict 12. Transfer and Promotional Strategies Marketing Management 1. The brand loyalty of the carbonated drinks 2. The taste and preferences of the hostel food 3. The preferred brand of vodka 4. Emerging trends in retailing 5. Effective brand management 6. Service industry in India 7. Reasons for brand failure 8. Analysis of sales promotion and advertising strategies 9. CRM in India 7 10. Psychology of Indian consumer 11. Survey on Consumer Choices of different brands of two-wheelers in Pune 12. Market Potential for Logistics Business in Pune city 13. Brand Equity in select FMGC products in Mumbai city 14. Service Quality and Consumer satisfaction of Maruti Service Centers 15. A Study on Marketing Strategies of HLL in South India 16. (A Case Study) 17. Impulse Buying Behavior of Customers in Delhi Financial Management 1. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 2. Securities, Markets and Financial Institutions 3. Capital Markets, Financial Intermediation, and Investment Analysis 4. Corporate Financial Problems 5. Field Study in Insurance sector 6. Portfolio Management for Governmental and Non-Profit Organizations in India 7. Debt Management and Capital Financing in ABC 8. Mergers & Acquisitions 9. Investment Feasibility study 10. Future of derivatives in India 11. Study of growth prospects of Mutual Funds in India 12. Banking Sector - PSUs are here to stay