CHCECE019: Facilitate Compliance in An Education and Care Service

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CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service: Workplace Task

CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an

education and care service

Workplace Assessment Task

Authenticity Requirements
Copying or passing off someone’s work as your own is a form plagiarism and may result in a participant’s
exclusion from a unit or the entire course.
The following activities will be considered plagiarism:
 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own intentionally or unintentionally
 Handing in work copied from another student.
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work.
 Handing in work without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including work taken
totally or in part from the internet.

You must SIGN this page.

Your signature is required to verify authenticity of your work.
If this page is not signed you will be required to resubmit the assessment.

Student Declaration
I understand my responsibility to provide assessment responses with my own materials and thoughts, except
where specifically acknowledged or taken from other sources. The material contained in these tasks is my
own work.
I understand that at any time if it is shown that, in an assessment task, a student has significantly
misrepresented material, any assessment outcome awarded to that student on the basis of this material may
be revoked. This includes any qualification outcomes and/or statement of attainment.

Name: Signature: Date:

Your workplace supervisor must SIGN this page.

By signing below, your workplace supervisor is verifying this task has
been undertaken in a regulated early childhood setting.

Supervisor Declaration
Your workplace supervisor must view your completed workplace tasks and acknowledge the authenticity of
your work prior to submission to the College.
I can confirm this task was completed by the above-named student, in a regulated children’s service. These
tasks were completed in accordance to organisation policy and procedures.

Supervisor: Signature: Date:

Early Childhood Education and Care.
© MyECC ECEC 2018 v3
Assessment Instructions
Students are required to complete a range of assessment tasks throughout the training period to demonstrate
competency in each relevant unit. To facilitate the appropriate learning and practice of developing skills
ALL workplace assessment tasks MUST be completed within a regulated children's service. Workplace
supervisors must authenticate these tasks have been completed, under supervision and to an acceptable
workplace standard for organisation policies and procedures.

Attempting assessment tasks

Students are required to provide appropriate responses to the indicated questions for each task.

Assessment Conditions
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated EC services. Assessment must demonstrate consistent capable

1. Skills assessment can be fully or partially completed in a self-study environment or via word/ pdf
documents BUT must show evidence of practical application/ coordination/ consultation in the
2. The student must complete the required assessment to a Satisfactory level
3. Where students require further evidence to determine competency, the trainer is to identify
the evidence/ additional tasks that are needed to be complete in order to determine

Assessment Outcomes
The Early Childhood Education and Care training packages are vocational qualifications that are competency
based. For each assessment undertaken you will be assessed as Satisfactory, Not Yet Satisfactory, or
Incomplete. Where students are assessed as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ or ‘Incomplete’ the trainer/assessor will
provide the student with feedback and guidance regarding what needs to be completed for resubmission.

Reasonable Adjustment
Students may apply for reasonable adjustment to assessment tasks. If you feel ‘reasonable adjustment’ may
apply to you, please discuss further with ICCC.

Student Appeals
Students have the right to appeal an unfavourable decision or finding during assessment. All student appeals
must be made in writing using the Appeals Form and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in dispute.
Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the decision or finding.

Completing workplace tasks – Print and Sign

To create a printed assessment to complete, click on the word or pdf version link provided and print the
document to a local printer.
To print, complete and submit work for marking students will need to either:

 Access and download either the word or PDF version of this assessment document
 Print to a local printer
 Provide responses to ALL activities
 Once completed, scan all documents and save them to a secure location on your desktop.
 Click on the Upload button on the right-hand side of the web page
 Click on Choose File and select the relevant files to attach.
 Click on Submit for Marking
 Students are also able to post or hand in written assessment tasks directly to the college.

Submitting tasks – Upload or Post

Students are encouraged to submit all completed assessment tasks via upload function. This ensures your work
will NEVER be lost. Where students are unable to upload to the site, students can post directly to the College or
submit in person. If you submit your task/s by post or in person you must complete a Student Declaration to
verify that the responses are authentic.

Accessing Required Readings

Students will need to access the Required Readings throughout the assessment process. These readings
provide important underpinning knowledge and key information to help students provide appropriate responses
to assessment tasks. It is important that each student reads these to build a better understanding of the Early
Childhood requirements and how to effectively contribute to the Education and Care of young children.

Students are able to access these readings online:

 under the Required Readings heading on this document. (see below)

Saving and/ or Printing Required Readings

Students will access the Required Readings via the hyperlinks in this document, either viewing the document
online, saving the file/s to a personal computer or printing. Please be advised that some readings are more than
100 pages and may be costly to print.
CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service

Unit Purpose
The assessment tasks within this unit provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of the required
knowledge and skills required to facilitate legislative, regulatory and National Quality Framework compliance
within an education and care service.

The following elements define the essential outcomes of this unit:

 Element 1 Interpret the National Quality Framework

 Element 2 Facilitate an organisation self-assessment

 Element 3 Facilitate the development of a quality improvement plan

Assessment Requirements
 001: Facilitate Self-Assessment

Rationale: QIP Assessment and Rating

In the context of this assessment task it is neither practical nor possible to require students to undertake a
full QIP. The planned assessment tasks provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their
knowledge of the NQF, including the QIP process.

ACECQA state:

‘there is no expectation that all 18 standards and 58 elements will be addressed in the Quality Improvement

‘It is recommended that services adopt a collaborative approach to self-assessment and the development of
their plan, involving wherever possible children, families, educators, staff members, management and other
interested parties, such as representatives of a community agency that works with the service to support the
inclusion of children with additional needs

Source: ACECQA: Guide to Developing a Quality Improvement Plan (2014:4, 7)

Required Readings
In order to complete this unit of competency you are required to access the following key resources.


 Kearns, K. (2017). The Business of Child Care: Working in Early Childhood Education and
Care Series (4th ed.). Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia.

Core Documents
 Guide to the National Quality Framework . (2017). Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality
Authority. ACT: Commonwealth of Australia

 Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2018). Ministerial Council for Education, Early
Childhood Development and Youth Affairs.

Recommended Websites

Workplace Tasks Summary and Planning Table

This tool provides you with a summary of the Workplace Tasks for this unit. It indicates the
approximate time frame needed to complete each task as well as the preparation required for each

Use this tool with your workplace supervisor to plan the completion of your tasks.

This symbol indicates that the task can be completed off-the-job or in your
allocated workplace study time.

Task Preparation for Task Completion Completed

001 2 weeks Activity 1 This task should be completed gradually over

a 2-week period.

You will need to consult with your workplace

supervisor when completing this task. You may
also need to consult with other team members
and access some workplace documents.

Report writing for this task can be completed

during study time.

4 weeks Activity 2 This is a major task. Before commencing you

must discuss/consult with your workplace
supervisor to formulate an action plan using
the ‘Pre-planning Checklist’ as a guide.

This task should be gradually completed over

a 4-week period.

Report writing for this task can be completed

during study time.

Supervisor notes and/or suggestions:

001 Facilitate Self-Assessment
CHCECE019 Facilitate compliance in an education and care service

Element 1 Interpret the National Quality Framework

Element 2 Facilitate an organisation self-


Element 3 Facilitate the development of a quality improvement plan

Element 4 Coordinate the service for a site visit


Evidence Knowledge


This task provides you with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge required to facilitate legislative,
regulatory and National Quality Framework compliance within an education and care service.

To assist you with this task you may like to refer to the following readings:

 Guide to the National Quality Framework

Before commencing this task you may like to see examples of completed QIPs that have been published by
services around Australia: Type ‘quality improvement plan example’ into your search engine to access these

001 Activity 1: Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

For each QA Standard and Element identified describe the practices currently being undertaken by the service.

Your task is to describe the practice in enough detail so that the reader can form a reasonable understanding of
how the Standard is performed. To assist you with this task, examples of things you might look for are included
with each standard.

To complete this task you will also need to observe practices and talk with workplace colleagues.

Begin this task by completing the Service Details template.

001 Activity 1: Modified QIP – Service
Service name:

Service approval number:

Physical location of service





Approved Provider Name:

Nominated Supervisor Name:

001 Activity 1: Operating hours

For each day of the week this service is open, indicate the times of the day when education and care is
provided. (For centre-based services, this does not include non-contact hours for staff. Please nominate the scheduled
opening and closing times using 24-hour clock (e.g. 07.30 to 18.00). If the service is open for two sessions per day,
please indicate the opening and closing times for both sessions. For family day care services or multi-site services,
please provide the operating hours of the service office.)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Standard 1.1 The education program enhances each child’s learning and development

Element 1.1.3 All aspects of the program, including routines, are organised in ways
that maximise opportunities for each child’s learning.

 Educators use the EYLF to guide curriculum decisions. EXAMPLE

 An individual program to support the learning and development of each child is
planned, implemented and reviewed by educators using a six-week cycle.
 Goals, developed for each child, are used by educators, when planning the program.
 There is a record of each child’s development.

001 Activity 1: Quality Area 1: Educational program and practice

This quality area of the National Quality Standard focuses on ensuring that the educational program and
practice is stimulating and engaging, and enhances children’s learning and development. In school age
care services, the program nurtures the development of life skills and complements children’s
experiences, opportunities and relationships at school, at home and in the community.

Quality Area 1: Standards and elements

The education program enhances each child’s learning and development

Standard 1.1

All aspects of the program, including routines, are organised in ways that maximise
Element 1.1.3
opportunities for each child’s learning.
001 Activity 1: Quality Area 2: Children’s health and safety
This quality area of the National Quality Standard focuses on safeguarding and promoting children’s
health and safety.

Quality Area 2: Standards and elements

Standard 2.1 Each child’s health and physical activity is supported and promoted.
Element 2.1.2 Effective illness and injury management and hygiene practices are
promoted and implemented (What practices are used to help children develop
basic hygiene skills? How are accidents minimised or responded to?)

001 Activity 1: Quality Area 3 – Physical environment

This quality area of the National Quality Standard focuses on the physical environment and ensuring that it

is safe, suitable and provides a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children’s learning
and development.

Quality Area 3: Standards and elements

Standard 3.2 The service environment in inclusive, promotes competence and supports
exploration and play-based learning
Element 3.2.3 The service cares for the environment and supports children to become
environmentally responsible. (Examples of sustainable practices used with children;
examples of sustainable practices service-wide – water conservation; solar panels;
green cleaning products etc.)
001 Activity 1: Quality Area 4 - Staffing arrangements
This quality area of the National Quality Standard focuses on the provision of qualified and experienced
educators, co-ordinators and nominated and experienced supervisors who are able to develop warm,
respectful relationships with children, create safe and predictable environments and encourage children’s
active engagement in the learning program.

Quality Area 4: Standards and elements

Standard 4.1 Staffing arrangements enhance children’s learning and development.

The organisation of educators across the service supports children’s learning and
development. (How are ratios: qualifications determined? How are they
Element 4.1.1
monitored? What happens when an educator is absent? How is non-contact time
provided for
so educators can program and meet with families?)

001 Activity 1: Quality Area 5 - Relationships with children

This quality area of the National Quality Standard focuses on relationships with children being responsive,
respectful and promoting children’s sense of security and belonging. Relationships of this kind free children to
explore the environment and engage in play and learning.

Quality Area 5: Standards and elements

Standard 5.1 Respectful and equitable relationships are maintained with each child.
Responsive and meaningful interactions build trusting relationships which engage
and support each child to feel secure, confident and included. (What do you see?
Element 5.1.1
– how are children greeted; how do educators respond to a child who is
upset/angry/tired/unsettled etc?)
001 Activity 1: Quality Area 6 - Collaborative partnerships with families
and communities
This quality area of the National Quality Standard focuses on collaborative relationships with families that are
fundamental to achieving quality outcomes for children and community partnerships that are based on active
communication, consultation and collaboration.

Quality Area 6: Standards and elements

Respectful relationships with families are developed and maintained and

Standard 6.1
families are supported in their parenting role
Current information is available to families about the service and relevant
Element 6.1.3
community services and resources to support parenting and family wellbeing.

001 Activity 1: Quality Area 7 - Leadership and service management

This quality area of the National Quality Standard focuses on effective leadership and management of the
service that contributes to quality environments for children’s learning and development. Well-documented
policies and procedures, well-maintained records, shared values, clear direction and reflective practices
enable the service to function as a learning community. An ongoing cycle of planning and review, including
engagement with families, creates the climate for continuous improvement.

Quality Area 7: Standards and elements

Standard 7.1 Governance supports the operation of a quality service

Element 7.1.1 A statement of philosophy is guides all aspects of the service’s operations. (How is the
service philosophy reflected in service practices? What opportunities are provided for
educators to reflect on/discuss the service philosophy as it relates to practice?)
Quality Improvement Plan

Summary of Strengths: Select one area of strength and describe how it contributes to quality education
and care.

QA: (insert)
001 Activity 2: QIP - Quality Area 3: Physical Environment
This task provides you with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge to complete a section of the QIP
through consultation with colleagues, families and children.

Your Task

The goal of the QIP is to assist stakeholders to evaluate the service and benchmark against best practice. It is a
collaborative process designed to be completed over a period of time. However, for the purposes of
assessment for this unit of competency, you will be required to undertake the role of evaluator.

Using Standard 3.1 Design and 3.2 Use undertake a review of the outdoor space at your service.

The review process will be undertaken through a series of steps (or activities). Please ensure you follow each
step sequentially. You will notice that some steps require you to write a report of your findings. These reports, in
most instances, should be no more than 300 words. You may use bullet points to summarise key points.

Throughout this task you will need to access, read, interpret and apply documents from the Australian Children’s
Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) some of which are included in your Readings for this unit of
study. The link to ACECQA is:

To assist you with this task a Planning Checklist has been provided.
001 Activity 2: Step 1 - Pre-planning
Arrange a time to meet with your workplace supervisor and/or Director. Ensure your workplace supervisor has a
copy of this task prior to the meeting. Discuss with your supervisor the processes your service currently uses to
complete the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) and, how the service includes the voice of all stakeholders
(employer, employees, families, children, community) as part of the process.

Work with your supervisor to devise an action plan for the completion of all tasks associated with this activity.
Use the Planning Checklist to document your planned actions and timeframes for the completion of activities.

Write a summary of your discussion with your supervisor.

Summary of discussion: Date:

001 Activity 2: Planning Checklist

This checklist has been designed to help you, in consultation with your Workplace Supervisor, plan and complete the
requirements for this task in a timely manner.

Student Name: Date Completed


Step Task

1 Pre-planning

2 Disseminate Information to the Team

3 Exploring the Outdoor Play Area

4 Meeting Regulatory Requirements

5 Review of Quality Indicators

6 The Child’s Perspective

7 The Educator’s Perspective

8a The Parent’s Perspective

8b Report on the Parent’s Perspective

9 Summary of Findings for QIP

10 Share your results

11 Reflection on QIP Processes

001 Activity 2: Step 2 - Disseminate information to team
Disseminate information to all educators advising them that you are required to undertake an assessment of the
outdoor play space against the NQS as part of your studies.

In your communication advise educators that as part of your studies you will be completing a self-assessment
and QIP on Quality Area 3 and that you will be seeking their contribution and ideas as part of this process.

Choose an appropriate method to share this information with your fellow educator’s e.g. via email, written note
to all educators, or a notice on the staff noticeboard, or discuss at a team meeting.

Documentation Required:

a. Communication method used.

b. Copy of the information distributed to educators.

Document your response on the ‘Disseminate information to the team’ template.

001 Activity 2: Step 2 - Disseminate information to team

This information will be disseminated via:

🖵 Email 🖵 Written note 🖵 Noticeboard 🖵 Other:

☐ I have attached a copy of the information given to my fellow educators.

OR: Copy and paste in to this space below.

001 Activity 2: Step 3 - Explore the Outdoor Play Area

In consultation with your workplace supervisor, identify the outdoor play area that you will assess. (For example,
your service may have separate play areas for infants/toddlers and preschool children).

Draw a sketch of this play area on the template provided. Show how the area is accessed from indoors, include
fixtures – sandpit, gardens, trees, storage sheds, gates, shade areas, paving, grassed areas, any fixed

List the range of equipment and resources available within this area.

Please Note: You are not required to list every item of equipment - rather you should list general
items available e.g. sand play equipment, water play equipment, bikes etc.

You should also indicate any indoor equipment/resources that are regularly used outdoors.

Documentation Required:

a. Sketch of outdoor play area.

b. List of equipment/resources used in the outdoor area.

Document your sketch and equipment list on the ‘Exploring the Outdoor Area’ template.
001 Activity 2: Step 3 - Exploring the Outdoor Play Area
Outdoor Play Area Selected:
001 Activity 2: Step 3 - Exploring the Outdoor Play
Equipment and Resources
List general items available
001 Activity 2: Step 4 - Meeting regulatory requirements
For this activity you will need to investigate how the outdoor play area you have selected meets the
requirements of Regulation 113 and 114.

113 Outdoor space—natural environment

The approved provider of a centre-based service must ensure that the outdoor spaces provided at the
education and care service premises allow children to explore and experience the natural environment.

114 Outdoor space—shade

The approved provider of a centre-based service must ensure that outdoor spaces provided at the
education and care service premises include adequate shaded areas to protect children from
overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs. (2011). Education and Care Services National
Regulations, p. 56-57.

Firstly, you will need to provide a description, including examples and photographs, of how the outdoor area
complies with these regulations.

Next you will analyse your findings and write a brief report on your findings. Comment on any challenges the
service may have in meeting these requirements (for example natural elements).

Documentation Required:

a. Description of how the outdoor area meets Regulation 113 and 114 (include examples and
photographs where appropriate).
b. Report on findings.

Document your report on the ‘Meeting Regulatory Requirements’ template.

001 Activity 2: Step 4 - Meeting Regulatory
How does the outdoor play area meet Regulation 113 Outdoor space – natural environment? (Provide
examples/photographs where appropriate).

How does the outdoor play area meet Regulation 114 Outdoor space – shade? (Provide
examples/photographs where appropriate).

Report on findings. Comment on any challenges the service may have in meeting these requirements
(for example, natural elements).
001 Activity 2: Step 5 - Review of Quality Indicators
For this task you are required to assess the outdoor play environment in relation to the National Quality
Standard, specifically:

 Element 3.2.1 Outdoor and indoor spaces are organised and adapted to support every child’s
participation and to engage every child in quality experiences in both built and natural

To do this you will need to complete the Quality Indicator Checklist for your selected outdoor play area (for
example, the preschool play area, toddlers play area etc.). You may add to, or modify, the checklist to suit your
service. As you are completing this checklist think about how the children and educators use the various
elements of the play area and how it supports quality outcomes for the children.

Write a brief report on your findings. The focus of the report is to identify key strengths. You should also
identify any challenges in relation to the outdoor physical environment and recommend any areas for

Document your report on the ‘Quality Indicator Checklist’ template.

001 Activity 2: Step 5 - Review of Quality Indicators

Quality Indicators

 The outdoor area is age-appropriate.

 The outdoor area is accessible to children with physical disabilities.

How the outdoor play area supports these quality indicators:

Quality Indicators

 Comfortable seating is available for children and educators to sit and observe or interact.
 There are spaces for quiet play.
 There is sufficient space for children to play alone, in pairs and in small groups.
 The play area layout and the range of equipment encourages social play.

How the outdoor play area supports these quality indicators:

Quality Indicators

 There is space for active play such as running, kicking/throwing a ball.

 There are pathways for bikes and other ride-on equipment.
 Climbing equipment offers appropriate challenge.
 The equipment can accommodate children with a range of physical skills.
 There are opportunities for a level of age-appropriate risk-taking play.
 There is space for messy and noisy play.
 The sandpit is large enough to accommodate the number of children accessing it.

How the outdoor play area supports these quality indicators:

Quality Indicators

 The equipment is open-ended and can be used in a variety of ways.

 There are loose parts and moveable equipment.
 The play area and equipment promote independence.
 The play area promotes problem-solving, investigation and discovery;
 Defined learning centres, passive and active play spaces
 Equipment free areas, children planning and making equipment selections

How the outdoor play area supports these quality indicators:

Quality Indicators

 The children have access to water and are encouraged to be water wise.
 Children have access to a range of recycled materials.
 The children empty water vessels onto the garden at the end of the play period.
 There are wet/dry river beds.

How the outdoor play area supports these quality indicators:

Quality Indicators

 The play area provides opportunities for children to interact with natural materials – plants,
bark, leaves, grass, soil, water, rocks, boulders, logs, sticks, shells, etc.
 Children are encouraged to care for and respect the environment and natural resources –
collect only leaf litter rather than pulling leaves from tress etc.
 The children are involved in caring for the gardens.

How the outdoor play area supports these quality indicators:

Other – please add any other features of the outdoor play area that contribute to the quality of the play

Key Strengths: (What makes this play space a quality learning environment?)

Challenges: (Describe any of this play space e.g. poor drainage; supervision difficulties; noisy traffic etc).
Recommendations: (What, if any, improvements could you suggest?)

Workplace Supervisor

I confirm that this task was undertaken in the workplace.

Name: Signature: Date:

001 Activity 2: Step 6 - The Child’s Perspective
This step requires you to view the outdoor play space through the eyes of the child. This may be done, for
example, by:

 Observing:
 How children move into and out of the outdoor area.
 Where children tend to congregate.
 What appears to be the most popular play spaces?
 How children use equipment.
 How children use play spaces.
 Discussing (where age-appropriate):
 What the children like or don’t like about the area.
 What, if anything, they would like to add to the play area or change.
 What is their favourite space?

Make sure you get down to the child’s level and observe what the environment looks, feels and sounds like
from their height. Consider whether the environment promotes their sense of safety and security yet at the
same time supports them to take risks and challenges.

You should complete this task over a period of 2-3 days in order to gain different children and groups of
children’s perspectives.

Document your findings on the ‘Report on The Child’s Perspective’ template.

001 Activity 2: Step 6 - The Child’s
Age Group:

How do children move into and out of the outdoor play area? How easily accessible are toilets?

What appears to be the most popular play spaces? Where do children tend to congregate?

How do children use equipment and play spaces?

How does the play space accommodate the children’s sense of safety and security yet at the same time
support them to take risks and challenges?

What are the children’s thoughts about the area? E.g. What do they like/not like? What would they add to
or change about the play area? What is their favourite space etc.?


Workplace Supervisor

I confirm that this task was undertaken in the workplace.

Name: Signature: Date:

001 Activity 2: Step 7 - The Educator’s Perspective
This step requires you to consult with your fellow educators (maximum of four educators) to investigate their
perspectives on the outdoor play space.

a. Develop 3 open ended questions to ask educators that will determine their opinions, ideas and perspectives
on the outdoor play space. For example:
 Ease of access.
 Ease of supervision.
 Ease of access to equipment.
 Effectiveness of specific play spaces.
 What they believe children like about the play spaces.
 What they like/don’t like about the play area.
 What, if anything, they would change or add (if finances were available).

Describe the processes used to plan and evaluate outdoor play experiences.

Document your findings on the ‘Report on the Educator’s Perspective’ template.

Documentation Required:

 Attach four completed templates

 Report on findings
001 Activity 2: Step 7 - The Educator’s
List your three questions.

Summary of findings (use bullet points – do not use educator’s names).

Describe the processes used to plan and evaluate outdoor play experiences.

Workplace Supervisor

I confirm that this task was undertaken in the workplace.

Name: Signature: Date:

001 Activity 2: Step 8a - The Parent’s Perspective
This step requires you seek the perspective of parents. Ask your workplace supervisor to recommend four
parents who may be willing to provide their thoughts about the outdoor space at the service.

 How important is outdoor play to the parent?

 What does the parent like about the outdoor play space?
 What, if anything, would they change or improve?

Document any other relevant information provided by the parent.

Before you begin print four templates and use these to record parent responses.

001 Activity 2: Step 8b - Report on the Parent’s Perspective

Write a brief summary of your findings. Do not use parent’s name.

Documentation Required:

 Attach four completed templates

 Report on findings

Document your findings on the attached ‘Report on the Parent’s Perspective’ template.
001 Activity 2: Step 8a - The Parent’s Perspective


How important is it for you that your child has plenty of opportunity to participate in outdoor play?

What do you like about the outdoor play space?

What, if anything, would you change or improve in the outdoor play space?

Other comments.
001 Activity 2: Step 8b - The Parent’s Perspective – Summary of Findings


Workplace Supervisor Name: Signature: Date:

001 Activity 2: Step 9 - Summary of Findings for QIP
This step requires you to draw together all the information you have collected and write a report on your
findings, in relation to Standard 3.2 The service environment is inclusive, promotes competence and supports
exploration and play-based learning.

Your report should reflect the information you have gathered including the perspectives from children, educators
and parents.

Your report should also include:

 how any relevant policies, procedures and educator practices support this standard (e.g. supervision
policy; interactions with children).
 any recommendations for improvement of the physical environment.

Do not identify any person by name in your report.

An example has been offered below. Your response will reflect your service, the information and feedback

Element Evidence of practices, processes etc.

3.2.1 Outdoor spaces are The outdoor play spaces provide children with a diverse range
designed and organised and of play opportunities – both active and quiet. Trees, shrubs and
adapted to support every vegetable and flower gardens create a natural play space that
child’s participation and to children are able to freely access. Examples of built areas
engage every child in quality include bike paths, seating, sandpit and shaded spaces.
experiences in both built and
Feedback from parents, educators and children confirmed the
natural environments.
learning and enjoyment children gain from the natural and
sensory experiences such as the sandpit and from their ability
to walk within the gardens.
Document your findings on the ‘Summary of Finding for QIP’ template.

001 Activity 2: Step 9 - Summary of Findings for

NQS Area QA3 Physical Environment

Standard 3.2 The service environment is inclusive, promotes competence and supports
exploration and play-based learning.

Related Policies/Procedures:

Element Evidence of practices, processes etc.

3.2.1 Outdoor spaces are designed

and organised and adapted
to support every child’s
participation and to engage
every child in quality
experiences in both built and
natural environments.

3.2.2 Resources, materials and

equipment allow for multiple
uses, are sufficient in number,
and enable very child to engage
in play-based learning.
3.3.2 The service cares for the
environment and supports
children to become
environmentally responsible

Identified Strengths:

Identified Areas for Further Development (if required):

Suggested improvement Reason How this might be achieved

Workplace Supervisor Feedback (understanding of QIP; organisational skills, time management,
communication skills)

Workplace Supervisor Name: Signature:


001 Activity 2: Step 10 - Share your results

This step requires you to share the results of your findings with your workplace colleagues. To do this you will
need to consult with your workplace supervisor.

You may share your findings by:

 presenting your findings at a team meeting

 preparing a poster/display for the staff room

Your workplace supervisor must approve your presentation before it is shared with other team members.

Documentation Required

Submit a copy of your presentation.

Supervisor Comments: (if applicable e.g. suggested changes)

Student Name: Experience Plan Approved:  Yes  No

Supervisor Name: Supervisor Signature: Date:

001 Activity 2: Step 11 - Reflection on the QIP Process
Your final step is to reflect on the processes you have undertaken. You should comment on:

 the skills/knowledge you have developed – for example, time management, understanding of how to
assess quality areas etc.

 any challenges you encountered and how these were overcome.

 questions you may have about the review and assessment process.

Document your findings on the ‘Reflection on QIP Process’ template.

001 Activity 2: Step 11 - Reflection on the QIP


Workplace Supervisor Name: Signature: Date:

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