Sith Kop 002

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Task 2: Assessments

Section A: Skills Activity

The Skills Activity is designed to be a series of demonstrative tasks that should be
assessed by observation (by the assessor or third party, depending on the
It will demonstrate all of the skills required for this unit of competency – your assessor
will provide further instructions to you, if necessary.

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

The Knowledge Activity is designed to be a verbal questionnaire where the assessor
asks you a series of questions to confirm your competency for all of the required
knowledge in the unit of competency.

Section C: Performance Activity

The Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed either in the
workplace or a simulated environment. You should demonstrate the required practical
tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by the assessor and/or third party, as
applicable to the situation. If the third party is required to observe you, you will need to
make the required arrangements with them.
If necessary for the activities, you should attached completed written answers,
portfolios or any evidence of competency to this workbook.
Section A: Skills Activity

Answer the activity in detail, considering your organisational requirements.

1. Imagine you are planning a new menu for a restaurant of your choice. Create a target
customer profile for that restaurant, note down any food service preferences you
will need to consider and use this as a guide for planning the dishes for the menu.

For our restaurant, we are trying to target customers who have special dietary
restrictions. Dietary restrictions of food can be of several types: vegetarian and
vegan, lactose intolerance(can not digest dairy foods), diabetic (can not have high
fat, high carbohydrate foods) , celiac diseases (wheat, burley, rye and oats free
foods), allergic (egg, shellfish, peanut), kosher (shellfish and pork free food, meat
and dairy not at the same meal) and halal (foods prepared with halal meat only).

Prepare the menu and write product descriptions to explain each dish. Next, you
should calculate the cost of producing the dishes; calculate mark-ups and set selling
prices. Make sure you choose items that have a higher yield and are more profitable
for the business.

Gather feedback from customers, listen and respond to their suggestions and ask
questions to help inform new menu choices. Identify any unprofitable items and
adjust menus to include high yield dishes.

Demonstrate that you have the skills listed above and can use computer and
software programs to cost and produce menus.
Please refer to attached Excel sheet

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

Provide answers to all of the questions below, considering your organisational

requirements for each one.

1. What is the target customer profile for your organisation?

The target customers for the restaurant are the people with dietary restrictions. the
considered dietary restrictions for the customers are:
● lactose intolerance: people with these restrictions are unable to digest any
lactose containing foods like milk, or milk by products.
● celiac disease: people with this disease are unable to digest gluten present in
many carbohydrate-containing compounds. wheat, burley, rye and oats should
be avoided for these people.
● vegetarianism: people who are vegetarian generally avoid animal based foods
like: fish, poultry, meat. They generally rely on plants for their dietary
● veganism: much stricter form of vegetarianism where any animal or animal
based products are avoided. meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and any dairy products
are avoided. People rely only on plant derived components for their diet.
● Koshar: jeweish people follow this diet with the following features: allowed
animals, prohibition of blood, prohibition of mixing dairy and meat.
● diabetes: people with this disease avoid high calorie or high carbohydrate
containing foods.
● halal: people with muslim faith eat meat only processed in certai way.
● allergic: people may have food allergies from nuts, shellfish, eggs, wheat, soy etc.

2. What methods and formulas are used to calculate portion yields?

ans: If the raw weight of material is AP (as purchased), trim weight is subtracted from it
to get EP (edible product) weight.
EP weight/AP weight*100= portion yield percentage

3. What are the desired profit margins in the catering industry?

ans: There are three main profit margin metrics:
gross profit margin (total revenue- cost of goods sold ),
operating profit margin (revenue- cost of goods sold + operating expenses),
net profit margin (revenue -all expenses and tax and interests).

4. List and explain different types of menus that can be used for different food outlets.
ans: a la carte menu: prices for each items are taken separately
cyclic menu: menu or the part of menu have repeated option for a certain space of time
table d'hote menu: choice of appetizers, entree and dessert at a fixed price altogether.

5. Explain the different food preferences that customers may have.

ans: food preferences may be according to taste, according to lifestyle, according to faith
and religion, according to dietary restrictions and others

6. Explain the differing characteristics of customer groups.

ans: the characteristics of the customers can be different based on their demography
(gender, age, income, family size), behavioral (high spending and low spending),
psychological (based on faith or religion)

7. What are seasonal products?

ans: the seasonal products are those items that are not available throughout the year or
there is fluctuation of their quantity available throughout the year which may affect its

8. List some different types of cuisines.

ans: chinese, italian, american, indian, medeterrainian, lebanese, continental.

9. What methods can be used to assess the popularity of menu items?

ans: The methods for accession can be: customer survey, sales data and popularity index.

Section C: Performance Activity

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational


1. Develop a menu for each menu type from the following list, and use the food
preferences created in the skills activity to inform menu planning:

⮚ À la carte
⮚ Buffet
⮚ Cyclical
⮚ Degustation
⮚ Ethnic  Set  Table d’hôte
⮚ Seasonal
Set yourself commercial time constraints and produce each menu during that time.

Use a balanced variety of dishes and ingredients, and use the correct methods to
work out the costs of supply for the ingredients and the portion yields.

Set prices for the menus, considering the desired profit margins and mark-up
procedures to make sure the business can make a profit from the dishes.

Evaluate the success of each menu by producing a customer satisfaction survey.

Work in groups and role play a staff meeting to discuss each menu and ask for any
suggestions for improvements or new menu items. Make sure you take notes from
these meetings to inform menu planning.

Feedback through the customer survey: All the customers reported that the courses are
very much tasty and healthy for a good diet especially to the youngsters and the children.
The light food is also tasty which is very beneficial for the adults.

Task 2 – Marking Checklist

Student Name Student ID

Assessor Name

Assessment Date/s

Did the student
Yes No
Completed project successfully

Performance indicators
Did the student demonstrate
Yes No

Section A:
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the
competency of the learner?
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the student for the
Section B:
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the
competency of the learner?
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the student for the
Section C:
Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the
competency of the learner?
Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the student for the

Comments/Feedback to Students

Outcome: Satisfactory Not yet Satisfactory

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:

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