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Develop menus for special dietary requirements

Assessment: - Project

Context and Conditions of Assessment

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance
evidence and knowledge evidence required and conditions are adhered to
demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task.
• Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
• This is an open book assessment and will be conducted at Macallan College.
• Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will
provide feedback / comment.
• You must answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words.
• Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment
• Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for
the assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
• Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will
be deemed C – Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you
do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks you will be deemed
NYC – Not Yet Competent.

Re-Assessment Conditions
• If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to
resubmit the evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and
constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that they can
improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
• Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given
guidance on steps to take to improve your performance and provided the

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opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The assessor
will determine and discuss the reasons for NS – Not satisfactory on any of the
criteria and will assess you through a different method of assessment e.g.
verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises.
• You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of
their result in achieving competency o If a student does not complete the
assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did not complete
the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced.
“This process is detailed more in the “Training and Assessment Policy and
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for
reassessment within 5 working days with no reassessment fee charged.
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be
provided with information identifying the areas in which they failed to
achieve competency. Students will then have the opportunity to repeat
the assessment task within 5 working days of notification with no
reassessment fee charged.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did
not approach the MACALLAN COLLEGE within five working days with
a valid reason for not availing themselves of the reassessment
opportunity, then those students will be given a final chance to re-sit the
assessment and will be charged at $200.00.
o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the
student and the student will be required to repeat the whole unit with full
fee for the unit as per the fees policy of the MACALLAN COLLEGE. The
student will be made aware of the impact of repeating the unit may
have on their student visa.
o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment, a
$200.00 reassessment fee will be charged for reassessing the
assessment within 5 working days.
o If the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after
conclusion of the Intervention meeting with the Course Co-ordinator,

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the matter will be referred to the CEO / Operation Manager which may
result in the suspension or cancellation of their enrolment
o The MACALLAN COLLEGE has intervention strategies, including
student support services available to enable students to complete
qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of not
completing within this time frame are identified as early as possible and
an intervention strategy is put in place.

Macallan College will ensure access to:

• Commercial Kitchen Simulated Environment
• Workplace procedures and instructions relating to safe work practices
• Workplace safety and emergency evacuation procedures
• Hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods information
• Safety materials and equipment relevant to a Commercial Kitchen
• Fire safety equipment First Aid equipment and relevant stock
• Documents for recording workplace safety, accidents and incidents.

Assessment Decision Making Rules

Your assessor will assess the evidence submitted for the following elements,
performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence to confirm that
the student evidence submitted demonstrates validity, sufficiency, authenticity and
confirms current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit of competency.

Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: - §
Identify menu requirements.
§ Identify dietary and cultural or religious menu requirements of different customer
§ Assess contemporary dietary trends and regimes.
§ Liaise with other professionals to identify and confirm customer requirements.
§ Identify health consequences of ignoring special dietary requirements of

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§ Develop menus and meal plans for special diets.
§ Select a variety of suitable foods and meals for specific requirements.
§ Identify appropriate combinations of food to meet macro and micro nutrient
§ Develop menus and meal plans that promote good health and reduce the
incidence of diet related health problems.
§ Prepare cyclic menus and balance nutritional requirements and variety.
§ Incorporate sufficient choice of dishes into the menus.
§ Recommend food preparation and cooking methods to maximise nutritional value
of food.
§ Cost and document special menus and meal plans.
§ Calculate expenditure items to determine production costs of menu items.
§ Calculate portion yields and costs from raw ingredients.
§ Assess cost-effectiveness of proposed dishes against budgetary constraints and
choose products that provide high yield.
§ Use correct terminology in menus and meal plans.
§ Monitor special menu performance.
§ Seek ongoing feedback from customers and others and use to improve menu
§ Analyse the success of special menus against dietary goals and customer
§ Adjust menus based on feedback and success.

Assessment Instructions:
1. Answer to the questions in a new word document.
2. Keep simple formatting with 12pt Arial and single line spacing.
3. Upload file to the drop box provided with a name containing your student ID
and unit code such as MACXXXX_SITHKOP004.


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Your Tasks:
The project for assessment 2 consists of 3 parts, Part A, Part B and Part C.
• Part A requires the planning and calculation of 6 different menus including 1
cyclic menu or meal plan
• Part B requires the evaluation of each menu using at least 2 different
evaluation methods overall.
• Part C requires the amendment of at least 1 menu based on feedback and 1
menu to meet cost factors.
You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below in the
specific task instructions.
The following formulas are relevant for this assessment:

Support Info
Food cost Percentage:
Food Cost: Sales Price x 100 = Food Cost Percentage %
Individual Menu Item (Variable %):
Portion Cost: Priced Menu Item x 100= Food Cost %
Setting the Selling Price:
Portion Cost: Targeted Food Cost Percentage x 100 = Selling Price

Develop and cost 6 menus or meal plans for the selections you make from the list in
the table below as indicated.
Each menu needs to be evaluated. You must choose 2 different evaluation methods
overall from the list in the table below.

Menu to be developed Menu type (all required Evaluation of each menu (use at least 2 methods

Menu 1: • special diets that are part of customer satisfaction

contemporary Australian society: Select 2 discussions customer surveys
from this group
improvements suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura customers
eating regimes: managers
Group, e-coach recipes
SITHKOP004 staff

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Other: exclusions for allergies, supervisors suppliers
contraindications with medicines or
regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions seeking
No. of serves: food intolerance
fat-free staff suggestions for menu items

fluids food Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals

preferences food

Menu 2: restrictions customer satisfaction discussions

gluten-free customer surveys improvements
high suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura carbohydrate high customers
or low energy high
Group, e-coach recipes managers
or low protein high
SITHKOP004 peers staff
fibre lacto ovo low
Other: carbohydrate low
cholesterol low
No. of serves: regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
fat low gluten
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
low kilojoule
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
low sugar
modified sodium or potassium
modified texture nutritional

Menu 3: requirements portion size customer satisfaction discussions

customer surveys improvements
gluten-free flour
suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura yeast-free flour
non-sugar sweeteners
Group, e-coach recipes managers
SITHKOP004 peers staff
type one and two diabetes
main types and culinary characteristics of
No. of serves: regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
cultural or religious diets that are part of
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
contemporary Australian society:
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
Select 2 from this group

halal customer satisfaction discussions

Menu 4:
customer surveys improvements
suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura vegan
Group, e-coach recipes managers

SITHKOP004 peers staff

main types of customer groups that have
Other: special dietary requirements:
Select 2 from this group
No. of serves: regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
1 selection must be for a 1-week cyclic
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals

Menu 5: customer satisfaction discussions


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athletes customer surveys improvements
children suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura defence customers
Group, e-coach recipes forces elderly managers peers
health care

SITHKOP004 ill or injured staff supervisors

infants suppliers
Other: international tourists regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions seeking
No. of serves: nutritional and energy requirements
staff suggestions for menu items
due to physical condition
people in areas affected by disaster or Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
environmental extremes
people from different socioeconomic
Menu 6: customer satisfaction discussions
customer surveys improvements
people in remote areas those
with weight problems: suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura o customers
Group, e-coach recipes underweight o managers

SITHKOP004 peers staff

overweight o
Other: obese
No. of serves: regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals

customer satisfaction discussions

customer surveys improvements
suggested by:
peers staff
regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals

Part A

1. Plan, write and cost each of your menus you have selected in the list above.
Each menu must include a minimum of 3-corses each. The food cost for each

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menu must not exceed $7.99 including all courses. Complete the details for
each menu as outlined below.

2. 1 menu type selected for main types of customer groups that have special
dietary requirements must consist of a 1-week cyclic menu or meal plan
consisting of 7 3 - course menu with a vegetarian option for each day. The
“Menu Price Balance template” for menu 6 below has these provisions. The
food cost for the cyclic menu must not exceed $6.00 for any 3- course menu.

3. Each menu type must provide nutritionally balanced meal options for the
relevant type of dietary requirement.

4. Use the attached Standard Recipe Card Template (or your own choice of
format) and list the ingredients for each menu dish listed in your cycle menu
including sides. Alternatively, you may use the template “Banquet Analysis
Sheet” and cost each menu and all its components attached under resources.

5. The Portion size for each dish must consider that there are 3 courses a menu
and portion size therefore needs to reflect this.

6. Calculate each dish and show the cost per serve. Attach your yield
calculations where necessary (if you use vegetables or meat, then the
calculations must show the net price based on net yields). Under Resources
you will find yield test tools to assist you in these calculations.

Menu 1

Dietary requirement High fiber

1. Course
Starters Quinoa Salad with Mixed Vegetables (Gluten-free)

2. Course
mains La-Mein in Ham

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3. Course Vics sandwich cake
Dessert Healthy overnight oats

Menu 2

Dietary requirement Modified texture

1. Course Ritz pastrami and corn beef sand wich

Starters Salmon and apple rice paper rolls
2. Course Cheese and onion muffin
mains Pot chicken burrito bowls
3. Course Kesar pista roll
Dessert death by chocolate trifle

Menu 5

Dietary requirement Cyclic menu for children

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Spiced Oatmeal Whole Wheat Scrambled Eggs Whole Wheat French Toast
Toast with Nut Pancakes Squares)
Baked Apples Butter Quick Baked
Sweet Potatoes
Slice Mixed Fruit
Tropical Fruit

Roasted Sloppy Joes with Tuna with Lettuce Turkey Roll-Up Oven-Fried
Turkey Slices Ground Beef on a on Whole Wheat Wrap in a Soft Chicken
Whole Wheat Bun Flatbread Corn Tortilla

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Mixed Fruit
Green beans Honeydew Melon Strawberry Slices Carrot Wedges
with shallots,
garlic, &

Mashed Cinnamon Cheddar Vanilla Yogurt Round

Avocadoes Raisin Mini Cheese Strips Crackers with
with a Splash Bagel Nut Butter
of Lime Juice
Grape And Apricot Kiwi Slices
Thin Wheat Unsweetened tomatoes dish crumble
Crackers Applesauce

Menu 3

Dietary requirement vegetarian

1. Course Samosa
Starters Veg Manchurian

2. Course Paneer tikka masala

mains Dal fry
3. Course Gulab jamun
Dessert Vanilla ice cream

Menu 4

Dietary requirement Halal

1. Course Smoky eggplant and cumin soup

Starters Crumble chicken with chickpea and parsley salad
2. Course Arabic lamb and chickpea curry
mains Carrort and chorizo soup

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3. Course Mini rose milk cake
Dessert Pavlova

Menu 5

Dietary requirement vegetarian

1. Course Samosa
Starters Veg Manchurian

2. Course Paneer tikka masala

mains Dal fry
3. Course Gulab jamun
Dessert Vanilla ice cream

Menu 6

Dietary requirement Athletes

1. Course Wild blueberry peanut butter smoothie

Yogurt parfait
2. Course Pesto pasta salad
mains Quinoa & pecan salad
3. Course Peach ice cream
Dessert Pumpkin pie bars

Part B

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1. List the review methods you have used for each method and provide the
feedback you have received for each menu. Provide details for the methods
used to obtain feedback and details for the persons you have consulted with.
You can use the following template.

Menu 1 Method used for Feedback received – Details


Need more space in the restaurant

Dish 1 Alesha
Need add more desert iteams in the menu

Need lights
Dish 2 Karamjit
Need television

Clean the table with paper

Dish 3 Surjit singh
Need more water bottles

2. Identify which factors would suggest that changes need to be made to your
menu items.
1 add more deserts in the menu
2 clean the table
3 need more lights for night
4 buy new television
5 pick up the tables from restaurant
6 buy new water bottles .

Part C

1. Apply the feedback you have received to the relevant menus or dishes and
adjust the costing in a new template or added tab. Clearly mark these as V2
(Version 2) or “revised”.
2. Attach the revised changes to this project for submission.

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Need the lights $19.00
Add deserts in the menu $12.99
Add the curries like butter chicken $2.99
Buy new tv $2.000
Need more tables $5.00
need more water bottles $40.00

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