Visvesvaraya Technological University: Implementation of Ar/Vr For Industrial Use

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the degree


Submitted by
USN: 4BD18ME415

Professor & Head
P.G Program in Machine Design

(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University)


This is to certify that the seminar work entitled “IMPLEMENTATION OF AR/VR FOR
INDUSTRIAL USE” is a bonafide work carried out by KISHAN SOLANKI USN-4BD18ME415
in the partial fulfillment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical
Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgavi, during the academic year 2020-
2021. The seminar report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of the
work prescribed for the award of Bachelor of Engineering Degree.

Professor & Head
P.G Program in Machine Design


Professor and Head Principal

Name of the Examiners: Signature with Date

Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)
Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology
Post Box No: 325, Davanagere – 577 004 Karnataka
(Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University and Approved by AICTE)

Vision and Mission of the Institute


To be a center of excellence recognized nationally and internationally, in distinctive areas of

engineering education and research, based on a culture of innovation and invention.

BIET contributes to the growth and development of its students by imparting a broad based
engineering education and empowering them to be successful in their chosen field by
inculcating in them positive approach, leadership qualities and ethical values.

Vision and Mission of the Department

The department endeavors to be a center of excellence, to provide quality education leading the
students to become professional mechanical engineers with ethics, contributing to the society
through research, innovation, entrepreneurial and leadership qualities.
Key Words: Center of Excellence, Ethics, Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurial and Leadership

M1: To impart quality technical education through effective teaching-learning process leading to
development of professional skills and attitude to excel in Mechanical Engineering.
M2: To interact with institutes of repute, to enhance academic and research activities.
M3: To inculcate creative thinking abilities among students and develop entrepreneurial skills.
M4: To imbibe ethical, environmental friendly and moral values amongst students through broad
based education.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The Mechanical Engineering graduates are able to:

PEO1: Enable to understand mechanical engineering systems those are technically viable,
economically feasible and socially acceptable to enhance quality of life.
PEO2: Apply modern tools and techniques to solve real problems in mechanical and allied
engineering streams.
PEO3: Communicate effectively using innovative tools, to demonstrate leadership and
entrepreneurial skills.
PEO4: Be a professional having ethical attitude with multidisciplinary approach to achieve self
and organizational goals.
PEO5: Utilize the best academic environment to create opportunity to cultivate lifelong learning
skills needed to succeed in profession.

Program Specific Outcomes [PSOs]

The department defines the program specific outcomes as follows:
PSO1: Apply the acquired knowledge in design, thermal, manufacturing and interdisciplinary
areas for solving industry and social relevant problems.
PSO2: To enhance the abilities of students by imparting knowledge in emerging technologies
to make them proficient mechanical engineers.

Course Outcomes
At the end of technical seminar, students will be able to:

CO1. Identify and compare technical and practical issues related to the area of selected topic.
CO2. Demonstrate the ability to describe, interpret and analyze technical issues.
CO3. Prepare a well-organized report employing elements of technical writing and critical thinking.
CO4. Develop competence in presenting. Gain the ability to communicate effectively with oral and
visual means in a technical setting problem.

The sense of contentment and elation that accompanies the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without mentioning the names of people who helped in accomplishment
of the work.

I would like to express our gratitude to my Guide Dr. THIPPESWAMY EKBOTE for
guiding in completing the seminar work and for the continuous encouragement.

I express sincere thanks to Dr. G. MANAVENDRA, Head of the Department, Mechanical

Engineering for providing all the necessary support.

I would like to thank our beloved principal Dr. H.B. ARAVINDA for constant support and

I thankfully acknowledge the help received from the technical project work Co-ordinators
ASHOKA. E and ANAND K. J for guiding in the right way to complete the work according
to the university requirements.

Finally, I would express my sincere thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the
department for providing all the necessary support and Families & friends, who have
extended their co-operation.


USN: 4BD18ME415

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) is a fast emerging technology and it
has been applied in many fields such as gaming, learning, entertainment, medical, military,
sports, etc. In this paper I have covered overview of augmented reality and virtual reality,
researches made in this field and its applications in industry’s. AR and VR are considered in
the top 10 grater strategic technology trends. The main AR and VR applications are in the
gaming and entertainment sectors, but marketing, tourism, sports, and education have
experimented with AR and VR as well and are getting improved day by day. However, AR and
VR technologies are not yet robust and reliable enough to implement with real-life industrial
requirements. Technical limitations are one of the main factors that limit adoption in the
dynamic and rough environments typical in the construction sector. As AR and VR are the part
of industry 4.0 it is necessary for improvement and implement of AR and VR which can
increase the productivity and marketing ability in industries, and it will be easy for new trainees
be understand visually before going to work floor.

List of figures
1.1 Augmented Reality (AR) 1
1.1.1 What is Augmented reality? 2
1.1.2 History of Augmented Reality 2
1.1.3 Types of Augmented Reality 3 Projection-based Augmented Reality 3 Location-based Augmented Reality 3 Recognition-based Augmented Reality 4 Superimposition-based Augmented Reality 5
1.2 Virtual Reality (VR) 6
1.2.1 What is Virtual Reality? 7
1.2.2 History of Virtual Reality 7
1.2.3 Types of Virtual Reality 7 Fully-immersive simulations 7 Semi-immersive simulations 8 Non-immersive simulations 9
3.1 Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology 12
3.1.1 Entertainment 12
3.1.2 Education 13
3.1.3 Healthcare 13
3.1.4 Travel 13
3.1.5 Real Estate 13
3.1.6 Automobile 14
3.2 Implementation of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology 14
3.2.1 Customers attraction towards company 14
3.2.2 Customer education 15
3.2.3 Hub for fresh innovations 15
3.2.4 Teleconferencing 16
3.2.5 Online commerce 16
4.1 Evolution of AR 17
4.2 Evolution of VR 17
5.1 Augmented and Virtual Reality Technology Challenges 19

Fig.1.1 An Augmented Reality Device 2

Fig.1.2 Projection-based Augmented Reality 3
Fig.1.3 Location-based Augmented Reality 4
Fig.1.4 Recognition-based Augmented Reality 4
Fig.1.5 Superimposition-based Augmented Reality 5
Fig.1.6 An Virtual Reality Device 6
Fig.1.7 Fully-immersive simulations example 8
Fig.1.8 Semi-immersive simulations example 8
Fig.1.9 Non-immersive simulations example 9
Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use


Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) bridge the digital and physical
worlds. They allow you to take in information and content visually, in the same way you
take in the world. AR dramatically expands the ways our devices can help with everyday
activities like searching for information, shopping, and expressing yourself. VR lets you
experience what it's like to go anywhere from the front row of a concert to distant planets
in outer space.

1.1 Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is a growing area in virtual reality research. The world
environment around us provides a wealth of information that is difficult to duplicate in a
computer. This is evidenced by the worlds used in virtual environments. Either these worlds
are very simplistic such as the environments created for immersive entertainment and
games, or the system that can create a more realistic environment has a million-dollar price
tag such as flight simulators. An augmented reality system generates a composite view for
the user.

It is a combination of the real scene viewed by the user and a virtual scene generated
by the computer that augments the scene with additional information. In all those
applications the augmented reality presented to the user enhances that person's performance
in and perception of the world. The ultimate goal is to create a system such that the user
cannot tell the difference between the real world and the virtual augmentation of it. It
depicts the merging and correct registration of data from a pre-operative imaging study
onto the patient's head. Providing this view to a surgeon in the operating theater would
enhance their performance and possibly eliminate the need for any other calibration fixtures
during the procedure.

Augmented reality is used to enhance natural environments or situations and offer

perceptually enriched experiences. With the help of advanced AR technologies (e.g. adding
computer vision, incorporating AR cameras into smartphone applications and object
recognition) the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes
interactive and digitally manipulated. Information about the environment and its objects is
overlaid on the real world.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 1

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

Fig.1.1 An Augmented Reality Device

1.1.1 What is Augmented reality?

The process of superimposing digitally rendered images onto our real-world
surroundings, giving a sense of an illusion or virtual reality. Recent developments have
made this technology accessible using a Smartphone.

1.1.2 History of Augmented Reality

In 1901 L. Frank Baum, an author, first mentions the idea of an electronic display
or spectacles that overlays data onto real life (in this case 'people'). It is named a 'character
marker. The first head-mounted AR display was created at Harvard in 1968, but it wasn't
until 2008 that AR saw its first commercial application in the form of a BMW magazine ad
that allowed users to hold a printed page in front of a computer camera to produce an on-
screen image.

In 1997, Azuma published a survey that defined the field, described many problems,
and summarized the developments up to that point. Since then, AR’s growth and progress
have been remarkable.

In the late 1990s, several conferences on AR began, including the international

Workshop and Symposium on Augmented Reality, the International Symposium on Mixed
Reality, and the Designing Augmented Reality Environments workshop. Some well-funded
organizations formed that focused on AR, notably the Mixed Reality Systems Lab in Japan
and the Arvika consortium in Germany.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 2
Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

1.1.3 Types of Augmented Reality

There are several types of augmented Reality. However, there are four main types
of augmented reality, which are commonly used in daily life. Projection-based Augmented Reality

Fig.1.2 Projection-based Augmented Reality

This type of AR is one of the simplest types of augmented Reality. In this type, the
projection of light is focused on a surface. Projection-based AR is interactive and appealing,
where they project the light onto the surface. Furthermore, the interaction with the object
usually done by touching the projected surface with hands.

Projection-based Augmented Reality usually used to project digital keyboards on

your desk’s surface. In some cases, the image produced with projection is non-interactive.
These non-interactive projections can be used to create images of objects that you can see
in-depth. This type of AR can be used for future settings. For example, if you want to check
that your future fridge will fit into that space near the oven, by projecting the non-interactive
projection of fridge. Location-based Augmented Reality

Location-based or Marker-less Augmented Reality is one of the most commonly

implemented applications in the industries. This technology gets its name due to easily
available features in the Smartphones that provide location detection. Location-based
applications usually help travelers. If you are a traveler and want to find new great places,
this application by accessing the device’s GPS location, gives the relevant information
about what you are looking for on your screen. Furthermore, this type of AR technology is

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 3

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

all about adding location information on the screen about the objects that can be seen from
the Smartphone’s camera. Alter reality games are good examples of location-based
augmented reality.

Fig.1.3 Location-based Augmented Reality Recognition-based Augmented Reality

Recognition-based augmented Reality is also known as marker-based AR. This

type of augmented Reality is mainly used to get more information about the object/item
after the recognition of that object. This technology is widely used in departmental stores
and industries too. Furthermore, whenever you use a QR code or scan an image, and it
comes to live, you are actually using marker-based AR.

Fig.1.4 Recognition-based Augmented Reality

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 4

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

Another common use of recognition augmented Reality is the translation of

words. Recognition augmented technology helps to translate the words seen through the
camera of a Smartphone to another language. This type of AR technology is globally used
in every field.

The recognition of QR or other code through the scan, this technology replaces the
marker on-screen with a detailed 3D version of the object. This technology helps the user
to know the object, especially look and specifications in more detail from various angles.
In addition, you can also rotate the image view of the object when you rotate the marker
to different angles. Superimposition-based Augmented Reality

Fig.1.5 Superimposition-based Augmented Reality

As the name shows, Superimposition Based Augmented Reality is the replacement

view of the objects in focus. This process usually occurs with the partial or entire
replacement of the view of an object with an augmented view. Similarly, FPS games are
the best example of Superimposition based Augmented Reality. In these games, your
soldier has advanced military equipment showing night vision, infrared view, and
radioactive view.

Almost any person with a smartphone can get access to augmented reality, making
it more efficient than VR as a branding and gaming tool. AR morphs the mundane, physical
world into a colorful, visual one by projecting virtual pictures and characters through a
phone's camera or video viewer. Augmented reality is merely adding to the user's real-life
experience. Man using VR set - Tulane School of Professional Advancement.

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Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

1.2 Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality appears to offer educational potentials in the following areas: (1) data
gathering and visualization, (2) project planning and design, (3) the design of interactive
training systems, (4) virtual field trips, and (5) the design of experiential learning
environments. Virtual reality also offers many possibilities as a tool for nontraditional
learners, including the physically disabled and those undergoing rehabilitation who must
learn (or relearn) communication and psychomotor skills (Pausch, Vogtle, & Conway,
1991; Pausch, & Williams, 1991; Knapp, & Lusted, 1992; Warner & Jacobson, 1992;
Delaney, 1993; Trimble, 1993; Murphy, 1994; Sklaroff, 1994). Virtual reality offers
professional applications in many disciplines robotics, medicine, scientific visualization,
aviation, business, architectural and interior design, city planning, product design, law
enforcement, entertainment, the visual arts, music, and dance and concomitantly, virtual
reality offers potentials as a training tool linked to these professional applications (Goodlett,
1990; Jacobson, 1992; Hyde & Loftin, 1993; Hughes, 1993; Donelson, 1994; Dunkley,
1994). For example, just as virtual reality is used as a tool by surgeons, it can be used by
medical students training to become surgeons.

Originally designed as a visualization tool to help scientists, virtual reality has been
taken up by artists as well. VR offers great potential as a creative tool and a medium of
expression in the arts. Creative virtual reality applications have been developed for the
audio and visual arts.

Fig.1.6 An Virtual Reality Device

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 6
Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

1.2.1 What is Virtual Reality?

Creates an interactive, completely digital environment that provides a fully
enclosed, synthetic experience incorporating auditory and visual feedback, experienced
often through the use of a head-mounted device (HMD).

1.2.2 History of Virtual Reality

According to the Virtual Reality Society, the technology has thematic roots in the
stereoscopic viewers of the 19th century. Decades of research into immersive (albeit non-
interactive) cinema gave way, in the 1960s, to early experiments in what were then called
"artificial environments," primitive computer-generated worlds users could actually
navigate. Heilig envisioned a theatre experience that would stimulate all his audiences’
senses, drawing them in to the stories more effectively. He built a single user console in
1960 called the Sensorama that included a stereoscopic display, fans, odor emitters, stereo
speakers and a moving chair. He also invented a head mounted television display designed
to let a user watch television in 3-D. Users were passive audiences for the films, but many
of Heilig’s concepts would find their way into the VR field. By the 1990s, virtual reality
was a mainstay of popular culture thanks to movies like The Lawnmower Man (1992) and
early gaming headsets from Sega and Nintendo.

Today, commercially available virtual reality headsets incorporate features such as

haptics, motion and location sensing, and high-res 3D graphical displays that come close
to real-world visual fidelity. Major players like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook are
heavily invested in the technology.

1.2.3 Types of Virtual Reality

There are three main types of virtual reality used today to transform the world
around us, including non-immersive, semi-immersive, and fully-immersive simulations. Fully-immersive simulations

Chances are when you think of VR, you’re picturing a fully-immersive experience
– complete with head-mounted displays, headphones, gloves, and maybe a treadmill or
some kind of suspension apparatus.

This type of VR is commonly used for gaming and other entertainment purposes in
VR arcades or even in your home (empty, non-fragile room advised.)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 7

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

Fully-immersive simulations give users the most realistic experience possible,

complete with sight and sound.

The VR headsets provide high-resolution content with a wide field of view.

Whether you’re flying or fighting the bad guys, you’ll feel like you’re really there (Fig.1.7).

Fig.1.7 Fully-immersive simulations example Semi-immersive simulations

Fig.1.8 Semi-immersive simulations example

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 8

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

Semi-immersive experiences provide users with a partially virtual environment to

interact with. This type of VR is mainly used for educational and training purposes and the
experience is made possible with graphical computing and large projector systems.

In this example (Fig.1.8), the instruments in front of the pilot are real and the
windows are screens displaying virtual content.

It’s important to keep in mind that semi-immersive VR simulations still give users
the perception of being in a different reality. This type of virtual reality is not always
possible to experience wherever. Instead, physical environments are created to supplement
the virtual reality. Non-immersive simulations

Non-immersive simulations are often forgotten as an actual type of VR, honestly

because it’s very common in our everyday lives.

The average video game is technically considered a non-immersive virtual reality

experience. Think about it, you’re sitting in a physical space, interacting with a virtual one.

These types of experiences have become more advanced in recent years with video
games like Wii Sports, where the system actually detects your motion and translates it on

Fig.1.9 Non-immersive simulations example

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 9

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use


A.Y.C. Nee, S.K. Ong et al. 2013 - Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in
Manufacturing. [ 1 ]

This paper reviews some of the academic studies of AR applications in

manufacturing operations. Comparatively, it is lesser addressed due to stringent
requirements of high accuracy, fast response and the desirable alignment with industrial
standards and practices such that the users will not find drastic transition when adopting
this new technology. This paper looks into common manufacturing activities such as
product design, robotics, facilities layout planning, maintenance, CNC machining
simulation and assembly planning. Some of the issues and future trends of AR technology
are also addressed.

Rietzler et al. 2018 - Breaking the Tracking: Enabling Weight Perception using
Perceivable Tracking Offsets. [ 2 ]

In this paper they propose a solely software-based approach of simulating weight

in VR by deliberately using perceivable tracking offsets. These tracking offsets nudge users
to lift their arm higher and result in a visual and haptic perception of weight. They
conducted two user studies showing that participants intuitively associated them with the
sensation of weight and accept them as part of the virtual world. They further show that
compared to no weight simulation, our approach led to significantly higher levels of
presence, immersion and enjoyment. Finally, all report perceptional thresholds and offset
boundaries as design guidelines for practitioners.

Anand Nayyar, Bandana Mahapatra, DacNhuong Le, G. Suseendran et al. 2018 -

Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR) technologies for tourism and hospitality
industry. [ 3 ]

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, these days, is offering many useful
applications that is attracting greater attention from tourism researchers and professionals.
As, AR and VR technologies are evolving, the number of scientific applications is also at
increase. VR and AR are proving their worth especially when planning, marketing,
education, tourist sport preservation coming to light. The aim of this research paper is to
highlight top technologies for Tourism and Hospitality with regard to AR and VR.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 10

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

Juan Manuel Davila Delgadoa, Lukumon Oyedelea, Peter Demianc, Thomas Beach et
al. 2020 - A research agenda for augmented and virtual reality in architecture, engineering
and construction. [ 4 ]

This paper presents a study on the usage landscape of augmented reality (AR) and
virtual reality (VR) in the architecture, engineering and construction sectors, and proposes
a research agenda to address the existing gaps in required capabilities. A series of
exploratory workshops and questionnaires were conducted with the participation of 54
experts from 36 organizations from industry and academia. Based on the data collected
from the workshops, six AR and VR use-cases were defined: stakeholder engagement,
design support, design review, construction support, operations and management support,
and training. Three main research categories for a future research agenda have been
proposed, i.e.: (i) engineering-grade devices, which encompasses research that enables
robust devices that can be used in practice, e.g. the rough and complex conditions of
construction sites; (ii) workflow and data management; to effectively manage data and
processes required by AR and VR technologies; and (iii) new capabilities; which includes
new research required that will add new features that are necessary for the specific
construction industry demands. This study provides essential information for practitioners
to inform adoption decisions. To researchers, it provides a research road map to inform
their future research efforts. This is a foundational study that formalizes and categorizes
the existing usage of AR and VR in the construction industry and provides a roadmap to
guide future research efforts.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 11

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use



3.1 Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

Augmented Reality and Virtual reality both terms and technologies have come up
with a big shake in a market. For the most amazing experience, each techno enthusiastic
would like to implement the best technique by the one or other way. Computer generated
sensory inputs in the form of graphics, video, sound or GPS data generate exclusively
awesome experience to view or interact with the real-world environment. Through the
Tablets, Smartphones and Wearable devices, the actual elements are augmented or
supplemented for producing smart outcomes so that the end users can feel and experience
it more interactively.

Augmented Reality App Development works on the simple fundamental of

integrating internet with the steady products and enhance the experience. When anybody
adopts the Augmented Reality to the business, it surely provides with the enhanced
experience & drastically polishes the style people do it usually. A study reveals that almost
82% people using smartphones utilize it for the online shopping. So, if the online businesses
optimize the latest technology to attract the shoppers, it may leave a powerful impact.
Likewise, for many purposes the unthinkable applications are possible using AR?

Now, it is a time of Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Digital Marketing, Internet

of Things, etc. Mobile App Development can be nicely configured with the Augmented
Reality Technology for the all nice reasons. Plenty of industries has optimized the most
recent technology for beneficiary purposes.

3.1.1 Entertainment

Augmented Reality was opted by this industry for the very first time. Specifically,
for the gaming purpose technologists created the wow applications for which people were
mad and got addicted. Augmented Reality app Pokemon Go was a great success and took
whole world in a storm by its effects. After observing its grand success, Augmented Reality
game apps for Android and iOS got a quick boost and popularity among the users. In the
entertainment sector, still many more doors are open for the Augmented Reality
Technology to wow the users.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 12

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

3.1.2 Education

Research reveals that students learn the things easily with the visuals rather than the
words and theory. Augmented reality can be synchronized with the academic programs to
make students learn and remember the syllabus easily. By certain levels, the educators can
optimize the technology for any of the certified course available. If the teachers and tutors
acquire the Augmented Reality Technology for Classroom coaching then the results, they
are supposed to be observed will be fabulous for sure. Science and Technology, Biology,
Physics, Chemistry any of the subjects can be learned smoothly with the right
implementation of AR and VR technology.

3.1.3 Healthcare

Therapies to cure many diseases are already using awesome AR and VR

technologies. They take the patients on a tour with the lively effects and environments. For
example, patients having phobias for height, crowd, stage fear are provided the visual
environment to win their fear in a very safe way. No need to experiment on patients by
visiting the real places. Easy going treatments are possible for healthcare. The results
depend on how qualified Augmented Reality App developer you hire for the right

3.1.4 Travel

It’s a blessing for the tourists who are supposed to travel the specific place in the
world to experience the amaze through the technology before. Travel businesses have the
chance of creating the wonderful and real experiences for their expected clients and
customers to convince them in a right way. Live effects can be added to the travelers’
experience. The well-known chain of hotels Marriott has already launched the In-room
Virtual Reality Travel Experience by a collaboration with the Samsung Electronics
America. This gives a travel industry all new goals.

3.1.5 Real Estate

Augmented Reality and Virtual reality decreases efforts of real estate businessmen
and the clients as well. Creating the Virtual and Augmented effects for all the running sights
help customers to take a decision whether to visit the building sight by personal or not. The
all 360 degree view of any sight gives a vision to customers with realistic effects. Agents
can promote the homes in 3D to sell the apartments. The specific Augmented Reality apps
can be developed by taking care of all aspects relevant to the real estate business.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 13

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

3.1.6 Automobile

The car designers from Automotive companies make use of Virtual Reality before
making the physical prototype. Well-known company Ford implements this technology and
the designers walk around the car and even sit on it which is generated through the virtual
reality. Focusing on the Augmented Reality and Virtual reality, now the Automobile
industry giants are also taking the help of App development Companies to build the one for

The above discussed industry sectors are just some examples that how the
Augmented Reality Apps can be related for the beneficiary purposes. The business
visionaries may come up with the drastic plans to incorporate the latest technologies for
serving the customers better. By one or other way Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
can assist professionals to uplift business if implemented and executed properly.

3.2 Implementation of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology

Virtual reality has been evolving for quite some time now developing in different
aspects as a mainstream technology. One of the areas where its impact has been felt and is
still anticipating massive developments in the field of business. VR technology has enabled
humans to explore a three-dimensional space established by the computer and even interact
with the objects in it.

That aspect has swayed most marketers into using it to maintain customer loyalty. As
computer gurus are breaking new grounds with VR technology, it is becoming much
cheaper and affordable for a broad range of businesses, taking the marketing platform to a
whole new pedestal.

Therefore, this post is meant to inform you of how VR technology will revolutionize your
business now and in the future. Join the discussion to know why VR is so useful and why
it should be on your next business budget if you do not already have it.

3.2.1 Customers attraction toward company

This piece of technology can help take your clients to a variety of scenes in the
world that they’ve always wanted to visit. For instance, in the tourism business, you can
transport prospective clients to vacation destinations around the globe without actually
going there. That has been proved by the recent collaboration of Marriot and Frame store
VR studio to showcase to their clients the best touring sites in Hawaii and London. Since

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 14

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

virtual reality is a new thing for most customers, it will create an allure to your business
that will keep your current clients hooked as well as attract you new ones as well.

3.2.2 Customer education

The human mind has been found by researchers to process images up to sixty
thousand times faster than text. Virtual Reality technology relies on this information wholly
and has been used to bring out interesting presentations which you can use as a learning aid
to your customers and even employees. Once you have installed it, customers will always
be coming back to you for more of that unique experience while learning a new thing each
time. All you have to do is integrate VR technology in their teaching to involve them fully
making a greater impact in just a short period.

You could offer your customers with a virtual tour of your company production
process, an act which will win their trust and develop their connection to your line of
products deeply. Currently, PowerPoint presentations have been embedded in virtual reality
aimed at establishing a more immersive and practical way for business clientele to consume

3.2.3 Hub for fresh innovations

VR Technology has revolutionized the art of building prototypes, a very core

process in the production of a new commodity. You are now able to visualize your new
inception in a different dimension like never before giving you the opportunity and
capability to make necessary adjustments for the accurate functioning of the product.
According to Ashley Saddul of, businesses will get rid of time wasting as
well as unnecessary fund allocation within the production process. It really works for
getting good business as the VR experiences are immersive and hence the Virtual Reality
App Development Services can give your project a new dimension.

Having a clear view of your prototype will enable decision makers within your
business to assess your product and make the necessary adjustments. This way, at the end
of the process not only will you have saved time and money but your product will also be
close to flawless. You can have a chance to focus on other innovations with the saved time
putting you ahead of the competition. In fields like auto production, safety simulation tests
will be significantly enhanced.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 15

Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

3.2.4 Teleconferencing

The current mode of teleconferencing which involves static or delaying images on

non-intuitive screens is rather unattractive and may not yield the desired fruits. The little
success is attributed to lack of a connection when discussing business issues with the
current teleconferencing pixelated cold faces. With Virtual reality, all that is set to change
soon since the development is underway.

Modern ways of connecting to business affiliates involving more personalized

figures with facial expressions are evolving very fast. Therefore, you need to prepare to
join the revolution for a smooth flow of information within your business. You will be able
to hold conference meetings with your associates from different regions in a virtual
executive panel that appears incredibly realistic and make future policies comfortably,
thanks to virtual reality technology.

3.2.5 Online commerce

Consider a scenario where a customer seeking to buy a product such as upholstery

furniture can view the product in use in their living room. Virtual reality can make that
happen when adopted in online commerce. Once you implement the technology, you will
not need to do much of convincing for the customers to purchase your product. That is
because they will be able to see it in operation and make a choice immediately based on
what they have experienced virtually with the product.

Since the technology involves a 3-dimensional space, customers will be able to get
into the scenario and interact with your goods first hand to feel the functioning of the
product practically through VR. That is one sure way of breaking the ceiling with your
business, making this technology a dire necessity in business. In other cases, such as hotel
booking and vehicle purchase, customers will be able to get into the room or car virtually
and interact with them at a personal level. That way they know what to expect before
booking the room or purchasing the car.

With Virtual Reality in business, the possibilities are infinite as the experts make
even deeper advancement into the technology. Having seen the top five ways in which VR
can and will revolutionize your business, it is imperative to say that it is worth a go. The
technology is both exciting and promising leading to its warm reception by the serial
marketers in the market today. Therefore, make your choice to adopt the VR technology
regarding the facts stated in this post for positive growth.

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Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use



4.1 Evolution of AR
Augmented reality was first invented in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland by developing the
first head-mounted display system known as the SWORD OF DAMOCLES. Although the
term Augmented Reality came into existence in 1990 by Tom Caudell. In 1992, a researcher
introduced the first Virtual Fixtures. It was the first time that there was an interaction
between the physical and digital objects. Augmented reality basically creates or adds to the
existing surroundings. In 1994, AR was first used in a film.

In 2000, AR toolkit was developed which helps other developers to build the
Augmented Reality software program. In 2009, Esquire magazine used augmented reality
in print media to make the pages alive and attract more audience. In 2013, MARTA app for
augmented reality was introduced and in 2014 Google introduced its augmented reality
Google glasses which gives an amazing experience to the users.

Augmented reality was also used in gaming as we can see the example of Pokémon
go. Snapchat is also an example of augmented reality. Augmented reality is Something
which now most of the people are using without knowing it. The scope for AR is incredibly
increasing day by day and one can surely invest in AR as there are fewer people who know
about this field. Also, the scope is too much in this, so augmented reality is rising at a great
pace and has a great future.

4.2 Evolution of VR
Virtual reality came into existence a long time ago. The main purpose of creating
virtual reality in the 90s was to create a false image of a person which makes feels others
that the person is present here but actually he may be present anywhere else.

Evolution of VR started in 1957 by Morton Heilig. He invented the first VR

machine “SENSORAMA” which gives the experience to a person of riding a motorcycle
or car in other cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, America or any other by experiencing the
scenes through the screen while actually they were sitting on an imaginary vehicle at one
place only. Later on, in 1960 he invented a TELESPHERE MASK which introduced the
3d vision by wearing a head-mounted display instrument. Slowly and gradually the concept
of virtual reality kept on growing and advancing. Then, in 1992 a movie was released
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Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

known as LAWNMOWER MAN which was the first movie to use virtual reality. This led
to reaching and evolution of VR to a wide audience.

In 1996, VR was used in gaming and launched the Nintendo virtual boy as 3d game
with 3D display and graphics.

In 2008, it was used for students for providing them with the practical knowledge
and explaining them the real situation by virtual graphics and display. Finally, in 2014
various Virtual reality applications were also launched like the YouTube VR, Google
cardboard, full dive VR etc.

You can experience virtual reality in these apps. These apps allow you to use the
same app like in case of YouTube VR you will operate the same YouTube app but by
installing YouTube VR you will be able to switch to VR mode.

By the time, virtual reality has also been used a lot in gaming. There are various VR
games like PUBG which are trending nowadays. It gives you the amazing 3D graphics and
visualization which is nowadays attracting a wide range of the population.

With the time evolution of VR is rising at a fast pace. VR allows you to see 360-
degree videos and play 3D display games. The future of VR is so bright. The VR headsets
can be connected to the computers without any wires and also the price of the VR headsets
is falling day by day. It has been grown since it was invented and is growing and advancing

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5.1 Augmented and Virtual Reality Technology Challenges

5.1.1 Managing the High Price of Developing New Technologies

Sixty-one percent of survey respondents agree there is a bigger need for technology
innovation before augmented and virtual reality can go fully mainstream. This technology
innovation begins in a manufacturing setting. From a consumer perspective, augmented
and virtual reality is still relatively new technologies – tethered to early adopters, tech
enthusiasts, and game addicts. Part of this trend is due to the high prices of AR/VR
devices. The average consumer currently doesn't see the value to purchase one. While some
high-end devices are floating in price ranges as high as $2,000, even some basic-level VR
headsets are priced higher than the average smartphone accessory such as covers and

Although there are major investments being made into augmented and virtual reality
technologies, the verdict is no surprise: it is expensive to develop new technologies.
Headsets and wearables for AR/VR are also more labor-intensive to build. Augmented and
virtual reality requires the combination of a set of disciplines to create an immersive
experience – typically around optic mechanical designs. But the amount of capital required
to integrate optics with such high precision requires a significant volume of units to recover
the investment. As these technologies advance and become more common, costs will be
recovered easily. It is only a matter of time.

I believe manufacturers that specialize in high-end, custom computational camera

modules and projections systems are poised for leadership in this segment. In addition,
companies working with numerous manufacturers may be losing out on potential cost-
savings compared to ones that can handle all aspects of manufacturing under one roof.

5.1.2 AR/VR Device Challenges Need to be Overcome

There are numerous limitations with AR/VR devices currently on the market.
Perhaps the field of view (FOV) is the biggest. Today, these devices have a FOV of up to
90 degrees, compared to the 190 degrees horizontal and 120 degrees vertical for normal
human vision. For these devices to create the immersive experiences they aim to, they must
capture as much of the FOV as possible.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 19
Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

AR/VR devices must show the projected image in a large FOV for the human eye
to make the experience more immersive, which requires devices like headsets to be bulky.
In their current status, the size makes prolonged usage of these devices unlikely and
uncomfortable. As work continues in this arena, there are many specifications that need to
be achieved to overcome AR/VR device limitations, including work on the weight,
brightness, display quality, FOV, latency and finally the user experience. I believe the
industry will overcome these challenges in the next five to 10 years and produce great
devices at the right price point.

5.1.3 Consumer Electronics Provide a Limited AR/VR Experience

Perhaps most familiar to the masses, consumer electronics can be used to experience
augmented and virtual worlds. With the rise in 360-degree video and AR games like
Pokémon Go, consumers can get a taste of these experiences on their smart phones, tablets
and other devices.

What these devices lack are the depth of understanding and the full potential of
AR/VR experiences. Users can certainly get a "flavor" of AR/VR with their consumer
electronics, but are unlikely to experience it fully.

In addition to FOV issues, many consumer devices on the market today with
AR/VR features are fraught with display and power consumption issues. They are not
designed specifically for augmented and virtual reality experiences but are merely used as
an entry point to introduce the masses to these advances in technology.

One can't overlook the potential impact of AR/VR on consumer devices, though.
The consumer electronics we all love—laptops, smartphones and others—may soon
become obsolete in their current form. In under a decade, you may no longer need a laptop
or phone, because those needs may be met by a different device designed around AR/VR

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Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use


Immersive technology has come a long way in a short time and will continue to
evolve. For organizations, the major brakes on progress will be technological integration,
the inability to identify use cases, talent, and general awareness. As study AR technology
does not have a popular tool to make videogames, but it is very common to find it in several
works about surgery, industry, or education. We also can conclude that AR popularity will
grow in the next years thanks to the evolution of cloud technologies and the possibilities
that they can contribute to AR

Looking at the industrial sectors where AR has been used, it is not yet easy to
identify a particular sector that can gain greater benefit from AR technologies. The majority
of the application papers either focused on the general context of the manufacturing
industry or on the machine tool industry. However, many technical studies were carried out
only in laboratory settings, without implementing the AR system in a real context; as a
consequence, real case impel mentation’s lack for AR solutions targeting specific areas,
e.g., ergonomics. As AR solutions are ultimately expected to be used in real industrial
contexts further research activities should be undertaken for the development of scalable
AR solutions in less explored areas.

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Implementation of AR/VR for Industrial use

1. A.Y.C. Nee, S.K. Ong et al. 2013 - Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in
2. Rietzler et al. 2018 - Breaking the Tracking: Enabling Weight Perception using
Perceivable Tracking Offsets.
3. Anand Nayyar, Bandana Mahapatra, DacNhuong Le, G. Suseendran et al. 2018 -
Virtual Reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR) technologies for tourism and
hospitality industry.
4. Juan Manuel Davila Delgadoa, Lukumon Oyedelea, Peter Demianc, Thomas
Beach et al. 2020 - A research agenda for augmented and virtual reality in architecture,
engineering and construction.
5. Evolution of VR and AR:
6. Augmented and Virtual Reality Technology Challenges:

Department of Mechanical Engineering, BIET Davanagere 22

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