Human Trafficking: Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor's Name Date

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Human trafficking

Student’s name

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Professor’s name


Human trafficking

Sex trafficking is a worldwide issue called modern-day slavery of the 21st century.

According to the studies carried out, over one million people were trafficked globally last year,

where the United States traffics more people because of free markets for human traffickers.

Trafficking of human beings is a pervasive societal phenomenon globally involving force, theft,

or forced labor. Personal smugglers use coercion, bribery, deceit following the protocol of the

UN to discourage, prosecute and suppress the use of force, transfers, transportation, and

receptions. Much of the time, sex trafficking affects vulnerable persons worldwide and is

considered social justice. The national governments and foreign organizations address this issue

extensively and help warn citizens about it. Our rules must be applied in order not to commit this

horrendous offense by the government. The victims of trafficking in human beings can be of sex,

race, or age, and fake work pledges and inadequate schooling lure most victims. Factors such as

increased vulnerability are some of the root causes of development immigration levels driven by

inefficient, weak government policies. Immigrants are more prone to trafficking in human beings

because they are quickly attracted and given decent employment. Traffickers use these tactics to

appeal and compel their victims to work or trade. The American Government has struggled to

deal with the increasing problem of trafficking in human beings despite its reported

commitments. It is, therefore, always the case that the legislation enacted to address this issue

was too lax or was not well applied.

Love146 Program

Love146 is a tool to combat trafficking in human beings and end trafficking in children

and their abuse. Love146 acknowledges justice as providing access to jobs and the services they

need to succeed, i.e., removing unfair practices and social obstacles. Fairness is important. In this

way, we can attract and maintain the best possible talent and encourage teamwork and

performance. We remain committed to ensuring that our mission, corporate culture, framework,

policy, strategic planning, and philosophy of transformation demonstrate diversity, integration,

and equality.

The truth of stopping the trade of children does not remain in line. It would entail the

view from various stakeholders, including our employees, boards, volunteers, and other vital

stakeholders. You thought this was possible only with a bold, wide-ranging vision, which only

one individual, organization, viewpoint, or strategy can accomplish (Potocky, 2010). There has

become a coalition of people who believe that trafficked children should not have a wide range

of partners and advocates who disapprove of specific problems; they share the idea of the end of

trafficking in children. It benefitted from this broad support and diversity, from people's voices.

The Love146 was structured to assist children reported as trafficked, abused, or otherwise

at high risk. Response Service was designed to respond to urgent requests. Thus, Love 146

strived to lay a significant table to cultivate both cooperation and a common will to end the

trafficking of children and to ensure that the victims of sex trafficking become liberated from

their unhealthy circumstances; however, owing to some reasons, they struggled badly. The

binding force behind the termination of the Rapid Reaction Program is these reasons.

The reason behind the failure of the Rapid Response Program

The loss of the Love146 rapid response program was mainly due to financial problems.

The organization's numbers were substantial, and at the same time, they received little budgetary

support from the government, although they contributed to providing an open atmosphere for


The challenge of the clandestine existence of this crime was another problem leading to

the inability of the Rapid Response Program to fight trafficking in human beings. Although

victims have been identified mainly through others who can help the victims, the procedure is

not without difficulties. Providers and police agreed that children's trafficking did not exist in the

streets but was not seen and was encouraged most frequently by Internet traffickers. Who and

where these children are is also difficult to follow. Unfortunately, respondents said they spent

relatively little time and money on the same networks that the dealers used to reach potential


Unfortunately, even because of pressure from political scenes and corruption, the rapid

response program failed. Often the strong and mighty in the political bureaus monitor these

trafficking snares. Simultaneously, the laundering in foreign and regional media will lead to

corruption in a nation. These law enforcement officers are irritated to their downfall by the

officers of the Rapid Response Program.

Replacement Program

It is a Los Angeles-based, nonprofit coalition that works to end contemporary slavery and

trafficking by providing lifesaving survivors with supportive care and a voice to promote

groundbreaking policies and legislation. The Coalition for Abolishing Slavery and Trafficking

(CAST) has helped tens of thousands of survivors at each stage of their visit to free counseling,

legal resources, shelter, preparation, leadership, and mentorship over the past two decades.

CAST has helped patients transcend their painful past through these services and become leading

figures in forming public awareness and policies to end this situation eventually. A core part of

CAST's engagement with survivors of slavery is the pro bono scheme of CAST, which allows

survivors to receive essential law programs. (Potocky, 2010) This bonus scheme is necessary to

ensure that victims of prostitution are well taken care of and are free from harassment to obtain

their legal representation. This mechanism is vital to ensure that the proper procedure is provided

for these claimants and prevent deceptions within the judiciary. Pro bono lawyers work on behalf

of child trafficking survivors to help them take vital action in rebuilding their lives.

CAST offers a range of advantages, including migration, police victims' advocacy, and

proxy for victims. The training aims to encourage more excellent knowledge and relationships

between lawyers and providers of social services. A variety of legal needs can exist for

trafficking survivors in many legal venues. This style will improve social care agencies' contacts

with multiple lawyers. This course offers legal frameworks to assist social care workers and their

customers in understanding complex legal processes and addressing various legal problems in

addition to the unique demands of victim case management.

Considering the successes and the legal basis, CAST is ready to be the perfect substitute

for dealing with trafficking in human beings. The tools of study and its activities are well-

connected with the support and protection for these victims of trafficking. CAST shelters provide

trafficking survivors secure physical and psychiatric covers (‘Human trafficking and

exploitation: A global health concern, 2017’). They aim to provide emergency responses and

then helping clients to gain independence, autonomy, and group development and grow their

supporting networks through several supporting programs. Temporary accommodation is

available for 12+ months and case management. Shelter tenants will have the ability to solve

conflicts, prepare, live independently and manage finances. The shelter also houses an outdoor

sanctuary full of fruit trees and a greenhouse, in which the inhabitants can grow grasses and

spices to prepare and taste home. Acceptance is dependent on security, existing requirements,

and availability.

Trafficking research is also in the early stages of deterrence. Researchers and educators

have to collaborate to create interventions that understand the true complexity and obstacles

facing sex trafficking to make substantive advances. Intervention and assessment designs based

on proof of the complexity of the factors and specifying their specific demographics and desired

results are necessary. Evaluations need to track and record the consequences and aspects in

which these measures work by their expected effect over time and through subpopulations. In

addition, researchers and implementers must give daily room to learn and respond at this early

stage in intervention testing to curriculum-related interventions and avoid unintended effects.

Such complex assessments should be used to guarantee the success of routine human trafficking

prevention systems.


Coalition to abolish slavery and trafficking (CAST). (n.d.). End Slavery Now | Resources to End

Human Trafficking - End Slavery Now.


(n.d.). E-International Relations — the world's leading open-access website for students and

scholars of international politics.

Human trafficking and exploitation: A global health concern. (2017, November 22). PLOS.

Human trafficking and labor exploitation: Toward identifying, implementing, and evaluating

effective responses. (n.d.). PubMed Central (PMC).

Potocky, M. (2010). The travesty of human trafficking: A decade of failed U.S. policy. Social

Work, 55(4), 373-375.

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