Wireless Power Theft Monitoring System

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VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)

ISSN(Online): 2581-7280

VIVA Institute of Technology

9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)


Mukesh Mishra1, Anojkumar Yadav2, Bhavita Patil3
1(Electrical Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)
2(Electrical Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)
3(Electrical Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)

Abstract : Power larceny is the sizably voluminous quandary now days which causes immensely colossal loss
to electricity boards. And to surmount these losses prices are incremented. So if we can obviate this larceny we
can preserve lots of potency. The mundane practice for power larceny is to short input output terminals or to
place magnet on the wheel in case of old meters. In this system a micro controller is interfaced with an energy
metering circuit current sensing circuit, RF communication & a contactor to make or break power line. If current
is drawing & energy pulses are mundane then no puissance is larceny. If current is drawing & energy pulses are
not coming then it designates power larceny. So microcontroller trip the o/p utilizing relay. This information is
sent to substation utilizing wireless communication. Line faults may be caused due to over current or earth fault.
If there transpires to be a connection between two phase lines then over current fault occurs. Earth fault occurs
due to the earthing of phase line through cross arm or any other way
Keywords- power theft, monitoring, earthing, fault.

An electric meter is a device used for measuring the amount of electrical energy supplied to a
commercial or residential building. Due to the increasing cost of electricity, security and tampering in electric
meters has become a major concern for government agencies over the globe. Moreover in populous countries like
China and India, tampering in electric meter and energy theft have become common. Electric meters can be
manipulated, thus causing them to stop, even bypassing the meter. Consumers those who are tamper with
electric meter, effectively and efficiently use power without paying for it. This theft or fraud can be dishonest as
well as dangerous .Electric meter security is made as major issue in many countries today. Wireless Power Theft
Monitoring Unit use remote monitoring method to prevent power theft. It is necessary to present this method to
electricity department. This Unit also use Radio technology to monitor wireless meter reading. If there will be
difference in wireless reading and installed meter reading, then it is easy to detect thief.


According to the Indian atmosphere, it is a great problem to blame any personality against the theft of
power line from the power distribution system. this can only by overcome by an experienced method that the total
load of distributed may be fixed and if any person may create any theft against this load the power may get off of
the whole position which is been distributed so that the whole person living in that locality it is to be located they
may refuse for power theft otherwise the employee cant able to blame any person against power theft. This system
has been experienced in khurshipaar area placed in Chhattisgarh India where plenty of power theft is being
occurred by the personality living in that locality this has been controlled through our control system and it has a
better result on controlling and monitoring the theft against the personality in that area, then by Zigbee based RF
transferring of signal to the substation and at the substation it is being received and monitored that the tripping
function has been performed.

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280

VIVA Institute of Technology

9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)


According to block diagram the whole process is been describe in short block initially. The power sensing
is done by power step down transformer, which convert 220v ac to 12v and a converter is added to convert the ac
to dc. Two relays are operated one for power distribution and other relay to control the zigbee transmitter kit when
the power system gets off the zigbee get start transmitting. Due to the battery backup for zigbee transistor kit is
being provided very neatly. if the load protector is being connected through this process, any person may connect
any extra line the trips the relay and the relay gets off, then zigbee start working at the substation and a receiver
is connected with step down transformer and it is converted ac to dc convertor, then it is been feeded to 2 relays
which operate and indicate the line of from the substation or the line off in particular area. This operation is done
by led conversion. Red light for off indication and green light for on indication.


In the receiver, the receiving capacity of receiver is max 100 Hz and is adjusted and synchronizes with
that of transmitter. The receiver has a tank oscillator which receive frequency from the transmitter. The tank
oscillator is used to synchronize the transmitted frequency with that of oscillator. In the tank oscillator of
receiver a Pf capacitor of 20 Pf receives the signal through variable inductor and variable capacitor 0.1 Pf
capacitor works as a high pass filter and 0.1 microfarad capacitor works as a low pass filter. This is drive
through oscillation between transistor through an RF transistor 2 & 222A. A feedback effect is given at the time
with the help of R6 & C4 in order to get maximum output through the collector. This is then amplified
negatively two times with the help of same RF driving transistor i.e. Q1 Q2. In Q2 the feedback effect is
provided to emit max. Emission through emitter. A zener diode is added between two biasing to prevent the
over voltage and over current. Finally, the limit of the transistor exceeds for further amplification, so a phase
changing amplifier is added to amplify the signal positively. Finally, two times positively amplification is done
by the same no. of transistor and it is converted to voltage through a voltage driving transistor. At last from the
calculation, 6V voltage is produced. This 6V is finally added to the LED indication and to the buzzer. So the
lamp will glow and buzzer will respond.

Digital energy meter (M1) will measure a consumed power by load (L1) over a period. It will send a data
in proportion with consumed power to receiver with the help of wireless digital data transmitter. Receiver on the
pole system will receive a data sent by transmitter in a load side meter. Receiver will send it to microcontroller.
Also energy meter on pole will measure power sent over line1 and provide appropriate data to microcontroller.
Now microcontroller has two readings one is power calculated on pole itself and another is power consumed by
load (L1). Suppose there is tapping done by any unauthorized person on the line to connect his appliance as shown
in figure, over a certain period there will be difference between meter reading (M1) and pole based reading.
Microcontroller will compare these two values and if the measured value on pole is more than value send by meter
(M1) by some tolerance, then power theft is happening on line1. This theft signal generated on pole system can
be transmitted to substation and rectified by power line communication technique or by wireless technique
whichever is suitable an economical. Tolerance should be provided for losses of line. Because over a long period
there will be difference in reading of meter on load side and pole side due to loss of line between pole and load.
Therefore tolerance should be provided through programming of micro-controller.

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280

VIVA Institute of Technology

9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)


This project concludes that after using this system one can simply monitor the load consumption by
every consumer. And one can also control the power theft by this project


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